ML17319B255 | |
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Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 12/31/1981 |
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ML17319B254 | List: |
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NUDOCS 8204020390 | |
Download: ML17319B255 (64) | |
, Donald C. Cook, Nuclear Plant RADIOLOGICAL'NVIRONMENTALMONITORING Annual Report 1981'ubmitted by EBERLINE INSTRUMENT CORPORATION Midwest Faciiity West Chicago, Illinois 8204020390 820323 2G' PDR ADOCK R
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SECTION 1 - Preface SECTION 2 - Sampling Program SECTION 3 - Analysis Program 15 SECTION 4 Results and Discussion 24 SECTION 5 Data Tables 35 SECTION 6 Quality Assurance Data 50
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ABSTRACT This report presents the data obtained from the analyses of environmental samples collected for the American Electric Power Service Corporation Donald C. Cook Nuclear Station Environmental Radiological Surveillance Program for the period 01 January 198 1 through 31 December 1981.
The activity present above the detection limits in the routinely collected sample media was observed to be of natural and atmospheric origin. The results show that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed the technical specifications of 1X of the 10 CFR 20 limit during 1981.
INTRODUCTION The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Station of American Electric Power Service Corporation consists of two Westinghouse PWR units (Unit 1 and Unit 2). Each unit consists of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) which generates about 3250 megawatts (MW) of heat to generate about 1100 MM of electricity. The station is located in Benton Harbor, Mich-igan.
The D.C. Cook Plant utilizes a pressurized water reactor with a radwaste hold-up and treatment system that has been designed to keep cd radioactive releases to as low as is pract ble levels. However, small quantities of noble gases and radioiodine may be released to Lake Mich-igan. The quantities of radionuclides released to the environment are expected to be miniscule and insignificant as a source of potential exposure to flora and fauna in the area. However, direct radiation ex-posure to man and radionuclide accumulations in various components of food chains to man will be carefully monitored.
The environmental radiologicaLmanitoring program is intended to serve the following purposes:
a) To yield 'average values of radiation levels and concentrations of radioactive material in various media of the environment.
b) To identify sample locations and/or types of samples that deviate from the averages.
c) To document seasonal variations that could be erroneously interpreted when the power station is operating.
d) To indicate the range of values that should be considered "background" for various types of samples.
The basic approach for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant is to con-trol the release of radioactive material at level's far below that which would be expected to cause detrimental impact on the environment. The environmental radioactivity surveillance program will be closely coord-inated with conditions of plant operation and subject to periodic review.
Levels of environmental radioactivity are subject to change for reasons in no way related to the operation of the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Therefore, the radioactivity surveillance program has been de-signed to include reference or "background" stations as well as "indicator" stations. The program is sunznarired in Table I.
This report contains a compilation of the results of analyses of various types of samples collected during the period January 1981 through December 1981.
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Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed Tehcnical Specifications of 1X of the 10CFR20 limit during during 1981. The activity present above the detection limits in the routinely collected sample media was observed to be of natural and atmospheric fallout origin.
Table 3 summarizes the range and average concentrations for measurements at the indicator and control locations, and the location with the highest annual mean. Complete information is given in the Sample Data Tables (Section 5).
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All samples'are collected by Eberline personnel and shipped to the Eberline laboratory in West Chicago, Illinois. The sample collection procedures remained the same as those detailed in the semi-annual report for the period 01 January through 30 June 1973.
Upon receipt of the samples, the laboratory staff enters the samples in a log book identifying them as to sample type, collection date, and sample code number of location, then verifies the specific analyses to be performed on each sample. The samples are then stored, awaiting analysis, on shelves expressly for this purpose to assure accountability through the laboratory processes.
Table 1 lists the sampling locations and frequencies. Figures I, II, and III show the locations of the various sampling environs.
I ea t~w Table 1 lists the sample analysis program sample type, frequency, and the type of analysis required.
Table 2 lists the LLD's (Lower Limits of Detection) for the analytical program. These LLD's are based on the Regulatory Guide 4.8.
For analyses not listed in Regulatory Guide 4.8, Federal EPA, former requirements for similar programs or other appropriate guides are used. The LLD's are calculated at the 3o (99/ confidence) level.
The Guide specifically states that the LDL'are a priori, not a fosterlori (after'he fact) limit for a particular measurement When however, RG 4.8 or other LLD's have not been achieved, a footnote giving a brief explanation has been inserted.
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TABLE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM LC DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Sample No. Station. Collection Analysis Type T e Ind. Bk . Fre uenc Fre uenc Anal sis Remarks p ~
Air Particulate 6 4 Weekly Weekly Gross Beta Monthly Gamma Isotopic By indicator and Composite, 2 background samples.
Samples Quarterly Sr-89, Sr-90 Airborne I-131 Weekly Weekly Gamma Isotopic Precipitation Monthly Monthly Gaama Isotopic By indicator and Composite, 2 background samples.
Samples C
'C Semi-annual Sr-89, Sr-90 By indicator and p
Composite, 2 background samples.
p Samples Lake Water Monthly Monthly Gamma Isotopic By indicator and Composite, 2 background samples.
I Samples Quarterly Tritium By indicator and Composite, 2 background samples.
Samples jP Well Water Every 18 wks. Every 18 wks. Ganma Isotopic P.L Tritium QP Fish 2 per year 2 per year Gamma Isotopic Edible portion only.
J Sr-89, Sr-90 j r
TABLE l (Cont'd)
T e Anal sis Remarks Aquatic Organisms 2 2 2 per year 2 per year Gamma Isotopic When available Sr-89, Sr-90 Milk 3 2 Mon thly Monthly Gamma Isotopic Sr-89, Sr-90 I-131 Sediment 2 2 2x per year 2x per year Gamma Isotopic '4Ã Sr-89, Sr-90 TLD 9 14 Quarterly Quarterly Total Dose f".",. 'c'5-Food Crops l I Annually Annually Gamma Isotopic g-
.'c'~'46 ljg g f;g(7j 4
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LED Samole Class Anal sis Units Air Particulates Gross B'eta 0.01 pci/ms Gamma Isotopic 0.01 pCi/ms Sr-89 0.002 pCi/ms Sr-90 0.001 pCi/ms Airborne Iodine I-131 0.01 pci/ms Milk I-131 0.05 pCi/l Gamma Isotopic 10 pCi/l Sr-89 5 pCi/1 Sr-90 1 pC1/1 Well Water LS Tritium 1000 pCi/1 .
Gamma Isotopic 10 pCi/1 Precipitation Gamma Isotopic 10 pCi/1 Sr-89 2 pCi/l Sr-90 1 pCi/1 Lake Water Gamma Isotopic 10 pCi/l Enriched Tritium 0.2 pCi/ml Aquatic Organisms Gamma Isotopic 1 pCi/g wet Sr-89 0. 05 pCi/g wet Sr-90 0. 005 pCi/g wet Sediment Gamma Isotopic 1 pCi/g dry Sr-89 0. 05 pCi/g dry Sr-90 0.005 pCi/g dry j Fish Gamma Isotopic 1 pCi/g wet Sr-89 0. 05 pCi/g wet Sr-90 0. 005 pci/g wet Food Crops Gamma Isotopic pCi/g wet Background Gamma Dose mR/week Radiation (TLD)
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A - AIr, Preclpitatlon, TLD Stations L - Lake Mater Sample Stations H NIlk Sanyle Stations 2D MILES ~ 1196 Mate I94 BEHTOH HARBOR L ST~ JOSEPH M51 Stevensvk I ~
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CULVO 831'il Red Arrow Highway and vicinity 'of I-94 overpass.
- 2. Stevensville Sub Station.
- 3. Washington Avenue midway between Brentwood Drive and Kingman Drive.
Washington Avenue and Linco Road. FIGURE III
- 5. Cleveland Avenue. and Shawnee Road. TLD MONITOR LOCATIONS 6; Holden'Road and Snow Road. LOCATED ON THE FIVE MILE RADIUS FROM THE PLANT
- 7. Bridgman Sub Station.
'8. California Road between Browntown and Snow Roads.
- 9. Ruggles Road between Hinchman and Lemon Creek Roads.
- 10. At intersection of Hildebrant Road and Red Arrow .Highway.
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ANALYTICALPROCEDURES i j C Samples received at the laboratory are analyzed for the various radio-active components by standard radiochemical methods. These methods are equal to, and in most cases, identical with, those of the U.S.D.O.E. or
those of the Federal E.P.A.
Brief descriptions of analytical procedures are available in the Lab-oratory Procedures Manual available at the Cook Nuclear Plant and the
& radioanalytical contractor's laboratory.
AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS Gross Beta Exposed air particulate filters are counted 'in low back-ground Geiger or proportional flow beta counters using anti-coincidence e'jj fl 1 background suppression after the short-lived naturally occurring radon tg and thoron daughters have decayed. Filters are counted long enough to
'nsure Gamma that the required sensitivity Isoto ic indicator Monthly composites stations into (LLD) is met.
of air particulate filters grouped by and background two samples are counted in high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometers for periods of time long enough to ensure that the required program sensitivity (LLD) is met.
if Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 After carrier strontium is added to 1
~ semiannual composite samples of air particulate filters, the strontium "l is then separated and purified by either ion exchange chromatography
\ (EPA method) or straight wet chemistry (HASL method). The chemical il I~ 1HASL Procedures Manual, edited by John H. Harley, Health and Safety Laboratory, US Atomic Energy Commission, 1972 edition, revised annually.
2National Environmental Research Center, Environmental Protection "5
'5 Agency; Handbook of Radiochemical Analytical Methods. Program Element 1HA 325. Office of Research and Development, Las Vegas, Nevada 89114.
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w yield for strontium is determined. by'atomic, absorbtfan'pectrometry or gravimetric methods. After a suitable period (usually 14 days) to allow for ingrowth of Y-90, the sample i's counted in a low background beta counter (equilibrium or total Sr count). The strontium is next put into solution, carrier yttrium added, and the strontium and yttrium fractions separated. The yttrium is counted and from the Y-,90 (Sr-90 daughter) count, the Sr-90 concentration can be determined.
The difference between the total strontium concentration as determined by the equilibrium count and the Sr-90 concentration as determined from the Y-90 count is the Sr-89 concentration. Equations are avail-able to permit calculation of Sr-89 and Sr-90 by counting the purified strontium fraction at two points during ingrowth of the Sr-90 daughter Y-90. While either method is acceptable, we find the former method provides more consistent results.
WATER SAMPLES (Includes Lake, Well, Precipitation)
Gamma Isoto ic A measured aliquot of the sample is evaporated to a small controlled volume and counted in a standard geometry in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer long enough to ensure meeting the sensitivity requirements of the program. See also the Intro-duction to Data Tables.
Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 - Stable strontium carrier is added to a measured aliquot of sample. The strontium is then treated from this point on in the same manner as are air particulate samples.
Tritium Tri.tium as tritiated water is analyzed by liquid scintil-lation counting after distillation. If high sensitivity is not required (ie. LLD -500 pCi/1) the sample is distilled, mixed with the appropriate counting phosphors and counted with no further 17
treatment. If higher sensitivity is required (ie. <-300 pCi/1) the sample is isotopically enriched in tritium concentration prior to liquid scintillation counting. Isotopic enrichment is done by the classical method of Ostlund which involves alkaline electrolysis of a purified aliquot of sample under controlled conditions of temper-ature and electrode current density.
MILX SAMPLES I-131 - Measured amounts of carrier iodide are added to a known volume of milk and the iodine extracted on anion exchange resin. The iodine is recovered and purified by classical iodine chemistry methods which are similar to those given in former Regulatory Guide 4.3. The yield or recovery of iodine is measured gravimetrically and the precipitated sample is mounted and counted in a low level beta detector for a long enough period to ensure that the required LLD is met.
Gamma Isoto ic - A measured aliquot of sample is evaporated and oven-dried to a standard volume and counted in a fixed geometry in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a long enough period to ensure that the required LLDs are reached (see also Introduction to Data Tables) .
Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 - Stable strontium carrier is added to an aliquot of the sample which is then dried and ashed at high tem-perature ()700 0 c). The ash is dissolved and the solution treated from this point on in the same manner as are air particulate samples.
ORGANIC SPZPLES (Aquatic Organisms, Food Crops, Fish) as appropriate, placed in a controlled geometry and counted in a high 18
resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a. period long- enough- to en-sure that the LLDs of the program will be set (see also Introduction to Data Tables).
Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 Stable strontium carrier is added to a weighed aliquot of the sample and the sample is ashed at high tem-perature (>700 0 c). The ashed sample is then dissolved and processed in the same manner as are air particulate samples.
SEDIMENT SAtiPLES then sieved to remove pieces of stone and/or other large pieces of material. An appropriate sized, weighed aliquot of the sample is then transferred into a standard geometry container and counted for a period long enough to ensure that the LLDs of the program will be
. met. (See also Introduction to Data Tables.)
Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 A sample is ashed until free of carbon. The ash, with carriers added, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, then processed in the same'anner as are air particulate samples.
THERMOLUMINISCENT DOSIMETERS Environmental radiation doses are measured using badges comprizing five chips sealed in plastic protective holders having a density of 50 mg/cm . The TLD chips are 1/8" x 1/8" x 1/32 LiE (thallium activated) known commercially as Harshaw-100. The chips are all selected to pro-vide uniform response to within, five percent of the mean for the batch.
Prior to installation, the chips are annealed by a standard cycle of 0
60 minutes at 400 c and immediate cooling to ambient temperature by plac-j ing the tray containing the annealed chips on an aluminum block 19 st t
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12" x 12" x 1".
After exposure the chips are read on an Eberline instrument Corporation Model TLR-6 reader. The system employs a preheat cycle which removes low temperature peaks and integrates and digitizes only the light output in a selected temperature range.
The dose is calculated from the average light output for the five chips and the statistical uncertainty is the standard deviation of the five readings. Control badges are used to detect any unusual exposure to the badge which might occur during shipment.
QUAL'ITY ASSURANCE'ROGRAM A. Design of Plan Quality of product or service has always been a primary key to in-crease is sales, customer satisfaction, and profit. The management of Eberline Instrument Corporation recognizes the ever increasing demand for higher quality and reliability for services related to protection of workers and the environment. It is our firm belief that in order to judge the worth of a support service, one must know the philosophy behind it. Eber-line will provide only those services for which it is qualified and these will be provided in a manner that is reliable, with a quality assurance program that maintains a high degree of client confidence. This quality assurance program has been prepared consistent with the following specifications, per the Technical and Quality Assurance Requirements for Special Purposes.
ANSI-N4S.2, American National Standards Institute NRC Branch Technical Position of November 1979 NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1 of February 1979.
B. Intercomparison Program Results of Eberline's Midwestern Facility participation in the USEPA's Crosscheck Program will be included in the monthly reports provided to the client. Other intercomparisons in which we routinely participate include:
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Measurement Lab DOE Quality Assessment Program Battelle Northwest Laboratories IAEA Analytical Quality Control Service US National Bureau of Standards Eberline's Albuquerque Laboratory.
Each of the laboratory managers is responsible for preparing spikes and blanks to be run routinely. Every tenth sample is a spike, a blank, or a split sample.
Regular QC reports are prepared by the laborary manager on a monthly 21
schedule and forwarded to each client. Each report'outinely includes:
results from EIC interlaboratory comparison, results from EPA Crosscheck program, and results from other intercomparison programs.
Results are reviewed by the laboratory manager. If a problem is in-dicated by the data, the nature of the problem is investigated and corrective steps taken immediately. A copy of each report is also provided to the Quality Assurance Manager of the Nuclear Services Division.
C. Quality Assurance Plan The Quality Assurance Program follows the requirments of Company and Division Manuals. The discussion belo~ outlines Quality Assurance Programs as conducted in the laboratory and as required in our QA Manual.
Procedure A royal Each procedure goes through a vigorous evaluation and review process before it is incorporated into the EIC Procedures Manual. Established pro-cedures of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Environmental Measurements Laboratory of the US Department of Energy (EML) are used unless thorough testing has demonstrated that an alternate procedure is equal to or better than the EPA or EHL procedure. Uniform procedures are used at both laboratories to the fullest extent possible, except when deviations are necessary to meet the specific requirements of the client. The manager of each laboratory and the quality assurance manager review and approve signif-icant procedural changes before they are implemented.
E ui ment Calibration and Maintenance Equipment used for quhlitative or quantitative measurements is care-fully calibrated and maintained with records of each calibration or main-tenance action kept in appropriate logbooks. To the extent possible, certified standards are used for all primary calibrations. The following standards are used for the application indicated:
Measurement Calibration Standard 137 Gross Beta Solution of Standard Cs certified by NBS or Amersham Searle 3
Tritium Solution standard of H certified by NBS Gamma Solution standards of various gamma emitters Spectrometry certified by NBS or Amersham Searle. Standards are used to calibrate each counting geometry used.
90 Strontium-89 Solution standards of Sr certified by Amersham and 90 Searle or NBS 239 Gross Alpha Solution standards of Pu certified by NBS or Amersham Searle.
137 Radiation Dose Cs gamma source cross-referenced with NBS using R-meters. Ra is used for some special application.
When suitable standards are not available for a specific gamma emitter, quantitative gamma isotopic analysis is based on an energy calibration of the gamma spectrometer and the gamma energy and abundance information provided in Table of Zsotopes, Sixth Edition by Leds'er, Hollander, and Perlman.
The results of the Quality Control Programs are summarized in Section 6.
444IAM ii E ~ i ~ iJ Nm I 4<iliii&hCSS Ta 3 Page 1 of 3 Environmental Radiolo ical Monitorin Pro ram Name of Facility: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Station Docket Number: 50-315 and 50-316 Location of Facility: Berrien Michigan Reporting Period: January December 1981 County State Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Control Number of Sampled Total Number of Locations Hi hest Mean Locations Non-routine (Unit of of Analyses Detection Meanl Mean Meanl Reported Measurement) Performed (LLD) (Ran e) Name (Ran e) (Ran e) Measurements Air Particulates Gross 8 509 0. 01 0.12 (291/301) On-Site 6 0.16 (52/52) 0. 11 (205/208) 0 (pCi/m3) 0.01-0.96 0.02-0.96 Oi01-0.49 C8-144 24 0.01 0. 06 (9/12) Not Applicable 0. 06 (8/12)
- 0. 01-0. 12 0.01-0.11 Zr-95 24 0.01 0.03 (7/12) Not Applicable 0.02 (6/12) 0 0.01-0.06 0.01-0.04 Nb-95 24 0.01 0.04 (7/12) Not Applicable 0.03 (8/12) 0 0.01-0.13 0.01-0.11 Ce-141 24 0. 01 0. 02 (4/12) Not Applicable 0.03 (3/12) 0 0.01-0.03 0.02-0i04 RU-103 24 0. Ol 0. 02 (5/12) Not Applicable 0.02 (3/12) 0 0.01-0.02 0.01-0.03 Other y 24 0.01 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Sr-89 8 0.002 0.002 (1/4) Not Applicable All LLD 0 0.002 Sr-90 0.001 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 Airborne Iodine I-131 508 0 01 F All LLD Not Applicable All LLD
( Ci/m')
Well Water Tritium 21 1000 1120 (9/12) On-Site 5 1300 (3/3) 933 (3/9) 0 (pCi/1) 600-1500 1200-1500 800-1200 y Spec. 21 10 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Frac 'ons indicated in parentheses.
1 Table 3 (continued) Page 2 of 3 6 Facility: Dn aI 0 Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Control Number of Sampled Total Number of Locations Hi hest Mean Locations Non-routine (Unit of of Analyses Detection Meanl Mean Meanl Reported Measurement Performed LLD Ran e) Name Ran e (Ran e Measurements Milk I-131 57 0. 05 All LLD Not Applicable L
All LLD 0 (pCi/l)
Sr-89 57 All LLD Not Applicable All LID 0 Sr-90 57 3. 1 (34/35) Galien 3. 3 (11/11) 5.2 (22/22) 0 1.0-8.0 1. 0-7. 0 2.0-14.0 y Spec. 57 10 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD P
Precipitation y Spec. 24 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 jg (pCi/l)
Sr-89 4 10'0 All LLD Not Apolicable All LLD Sr-90 4 All LLD Not Applicable 4 (1/2) 0 4
Lake Water y Spec. 20 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/l)
Tritium 8 200 367 (3/4) Not Applicable 273 (3/4) 0 200-500 200-320 Aquatic Organisms Ce-144 8 1 (1/4) South 1 (1/2) 2 (1/4) 0 (pCi/g wet) 1 On-Site 1 2 Qg)
Nb-95 8 1 (1/4) South 1 (1/2) 2 (1/4) 0 1 On-Site 1 2 Zr-95 8 (1/4) South 1 (1/2) 1.5 (2/4) 0 1 On-Site 1 1.0-2.0 Cr-51 8 2 (1/4) South 2 (1/4) All LLD 0 2 On-Site 2 Ce-141 8 All LLD Not Applicable (1/4) 0 1
Other y 8 All LLD Not Applicable All I.I.D 0 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
Table 3 (continued) Page 3 of 3 Facility: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Station Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Control Number of Sampled Total Number of Locations Hi hest Mean Locations Non-routine (Unit of of Analyses Detection Meanl Mean Meanl Reported Measurement Performed LLD) Ran e Name (Ran e) (Ran e) Measurements Aquatic Organisms Sr-89 8 0.05 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/g wet)
Sr-90 8 0.005 0 '23 (2.4) North 0.033 (1/2) 0.021 (2/4) 0.013-0.033 On-Site 0.033 0.017-0.024 7r Sediment y Spec. 8 1 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/g dry)
Sr-89 8 0.05 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 Sr-90 8 0.005 0.013 (1/4) South 0.013 (1/2) 0.048 (1/4) 0 0.013 On-Site 0.013 0.048 Food Crops y Spec. 4 1 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0
( Ci/ wet)
Fish y Spec 8 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/g wet)
Sr-89 8 0.05 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Sr-90 8 0.005 0.031 (4/4) North 0.037 (2/2) 0.045 (4/4) 0 0.018-0.043 On-Site 0.031-0.043 0.030-0.053 Background y Dose 82 l. 1 (35/35) On-Site 7 1.2 (4/4) 1.1 (47/47) 0 Radiation (TLD) 0. 7-1. 8 0.9-1.8 0.7-1.9 (mR/week) 7 l JW 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fra tions indicated in parentheses.
'>>,J Results of all the analyses for January through December 1981 are t
presented in full in Section 5, Data Tables pages 38 through 49.
Table 3 summarizes the range and average concentrations for meas-urements at the indicator and control locations with the highest annual mean. Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose
to a member of the general population did not exceed Technical Specifi-r cations of 1 percent of the 10CFR20 limit during 1981.
Specific finding for the various environmental media are discussed below:
AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES Atmospheric particulate matter at a field location is accumulated
!>> for a one-week on a glass fiber filter using a low-volume air sampler at a collection rate of one cubic foot per minute. This particulate matter contained on the filter is counted for beta activity in a low background counting system after the short-lived naturally-occurring radon and thoron daughters have decayed.
The gross beta particulate data obtained during the first six-month period of 1981 are higher than the data obtained during the latter half.
According to P. K. Kuroda et al1, concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in rain and snow at Payetteville, Arkansas, showed a spectacular increase during the spring months of 1981 due to the 25th Chinese nuclear test explosion of October 1980. It is therefore suggested that these higher 1
>>A P. K. Kuroda, "Recent Atmospheric ln)ections of Nuclear Debris: Pallout from the 16 October 1980 Nuclear Explosion", unpublished manuscript, 1981.
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levels are attributable to the stratospheric fallout from this test.
The average gross beta concentration for the year for all indicator stations was 0.12 pCi/m , and was 0.11 pCi/m for the background stations.
Data for analyses of individual filters are given on pages 38 through 41 in. Section 5.
The following table summarizes the average gross beta concentrations for both indicator and background stations for each year from 1973 through 1981. The preoperational data were collected in 1973 and 1974; operational data were collected from 1975 through the present.
Indicator ~Back round Ci/m3 +2cr Preoperational 1973 0.04+0.04 0.04+0.04 1974 0.16+0.24 0.16+0.29 Operational 1975 0.08+0.18 0.09+0.17 1976 0.09+0.22 0.08+0.19 1977 0.22+0.63 0.22+0.53 1978 0.12+0.40 0.11+0.30 1979 0.04+0.16 0.04+0.16 1980 0.04+0.16 0.04+0.16 1981 0.12+0.40 0.11+0.30 The elevated levels of gross beta activity at both indicator and background locations during preoperational and operational phases from 1974 through 1981 were mainly the result of nuclear test explosions in the atmosphere by the People's Republic of China. Such tests took place on 27 June 1973, 17 June 1974, 23 January 1976, 26 September 1976, 17 November 1976, 17 September 1977, 13 March 1978, 14 December 1978, and See Annual Environmental..Monitoring Reports for, D.. C. Cook Plant from previous years for details.
October 1980.
The data indicate that there is, significantly no difference between the levels of gross beta activity measured at the indicator and back-ground locations for the operational and preoperational phases of the program. The activity detected are not attributable to the operation of the Cook plant.
Airborne I-131 concentration was less than 0.1 pCi/m for all samples received.
The gamma spectrometry data for monthly composites of air particulate files begins on page 42. Traces of Ce-144, Zr-95, Cs-137, Ru-103, Ru-106, Nb-95, and Ce-141 were detected at both indicator and background stations during the first six-month period of 1981 and are attributable to the stratospheric fallout from the 25th Chinese nuclear test. Be-7, a natu-rally occurring nuclide formed by the cosmic ray interaction with nuclei in the upper atmosphere, was also detected in the composites. These were generally in the range to be expected from measurement of this nuclide in this medium.
Quarterly composites of air particulate filters were analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90. Sr-89 concentrations were at or below the detection limit of 0.002 pCi/m, and Sr-90 were also at or below the detection limit of 0.001 pCi/m for both indicator and background locations. These were generally in the range to be expected from measurements of these nuclides in this medium.
MILK SAMPLES Milk samples were collected monthly and were analyzed for I-131, Sr-89, Sr-90, and gamma emitters.
Sr-89 concentrations measured below the detection limit of 5 pCi/l 30
+qr,. 7 ~1 ~ /4etit; ':er' g i~' ~P; h<<7,5r ".Sar.,,,re ..Cs< EC Pf ..7 .0 >:V, 5 .9' " J~ .'V e *0 ~ ' . W ' ~
in all samples collected during"the year.: Si-90.:concentrations continued to display considerable variation, which is typical for this type of sam-pie. This nuclide is attributable to worldwide fallout from both recent and older nuclear test programs. Data are given on page 43.
I-131 concentrations were below the detection limits of, the program.
Date. are presented on page 43.
Gamma emitters other than those which occur in nature were not de-tected in most samples at a measurement sensitivity of 10 pCi/1. Trace Cs-137 was detected in one sample from Dowagiac and was due to worldwide fallout from recent nuclear tests. Data are given on page 44.
PRECIPITATION SAMPLES Gamma isotopic analyses of monthly precipitation samples from indica-tor and background locations indicate the presence of no gamma emitters in concentrations exceeding 10 pCi/1 (<3000 pCi/m2),. Sr-89 concentrations were less than the detection limit of 2 pCi/l. Traces of Sr-90 were de-tected in one background sample and are attributable to the recent Chinese bomb test. Data are presented on page 45.
WELL WATER SAMPLES Mell water is collected from seven locations at 18-week intervals during the year and.analyzed for. tr5.tium.and.-gamma emitters.. Low-concen-trations of tritium were detected in samples from both indicator stations and background stations throughout 1981. It is possible that the tritium found is these samples is a result of plant operations. Gamma emitters were below the detection limit in all samples analyzed. Data are present-4 ed on page 46.
Samples of water from Lake Michigan are composited by indicator and background locations and analyzed for gamma emitters on a monthly basis.
Quarterly composites of the monthly composites are analyzed for tritium.
The gamma emitters in the monthly composites were measured to be less than the detection limit of 10 pCi/1 per nuclide for all samples.
The tritium concentrations in the quarterly composites were in the range of 200 to 500 pCi/l for in indicator locations and 200 to 320 pCi/l for the background locations. These concentrations are in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium.
A VATIC ORGANISM S~LES Aquatic organisms were collected twice during the year from areas north and south of the plant, at on-site and off-site locations. The samples were analyzed for gamma emitters, Sr-89, and Sr-90.
Traces of Ce-144, Nb-95, Ce-141, and Zr-95 were present in several samples. Long and short term worldwide fallout deposits are probably the reason for these activities.
Sr-89 was not detected in any of the samples; the detection limit of 0.05 pCi/g (wet) was achieved. Sr-90 were detected at trace level (0.03 pCi/g wet) in four samples and were attributable to recent fallout.
Data are presented on page 47.
SEDIMENT SAMPLES Sediment samples were collected twice during the year from areas north and south of the plant, at on-site and off-site locations. The samples were analyzed for gamma emitters, Sr-89, and Sr-90.
The gamma emitters were below the detection limit of 1 pCi/g (dry) 32
a11 the samples;, Sr.-89 wasialso below. the detection. lirait-, 0;.05-pCi/g (dry). Trace Sr-90 was evident in two samples and is due to recent stratospheric fallout. Date are given on page 48, FISH SAMPLES Fish samples collected from areas north and south of the plant, both on-site and off-site locations, were analyzed for gamma emitters, Sr-89, and Sr-.90.
For all samples, gamma emitters were below the detection limit of 1
1 pCi/g (wet), and Sr-89 was below the detection limit of 0.05 pCi/g (wet).
Sr-90 ranged in concentration from 0.018 to 0.053 pCi/g (wet). The concentrations observed were attributable to worldwide fallout and were generally in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium. Data are given on page 48.
FOOD CROP SAMPLES Grapes and grape leaves were collected during the fall harvest period from on-site and off-site locations and were analyzed for gamma emitters.
They were found to be below the detection limit of 1 pCi/g (wet) at both on- and off-site locations. Data are given on page 48.
G~fA -
DOSE Gamma radiation dose was measured with Thermoluminiscent Dosimeters (TLDs) on a quarterly schedule. A total of 20 field locations (9 indicator and 11 background) were monitored during the first, second, and third quarters of the year. Three additional background locations were added in the fourth quarter.
Throughout the year, there was no statistically significant dif-33
ference in dose rates between indicator and background locations, nor do .they differ significantly from dose rates measured in previous years.
Data are presented on page 49.
INTRODUCTION TO THE DATA TABLES The following information will be helpful in understanding the presentation of the data in the tables in this section.
Wet Weight a reporting unit used with organic tissue samples such as vegetation and animal samples in which the amount of sample is taken to be the weight as received from the field with no moisture removed.
Dry Weight a reporting unit used for soil and sediment in which the amount of sample is taken to be the weight of the sample after removal of moisture by drying in an oven at about 110 for about 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br />.
pCi/ms a reporting unit used with air particulate and radioiodine data which refers to the radioactivity .content expressed in picocuries of the volume of air expressed in cubic meters passed through the filter and/or the charcoal trap. Note that the volumes are not corrected to standard conditions.
Gamma Emitters samples were analyzed by high resolution (GeLi) gamma or spectrometry. The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a Gamma Isotopic computer program which scans from about 50 to 2000 kev and lists the energy peak of any nuclides present in concentra-tions exceeding the sensitivity limits set for that particular experiment.
NA, NS, NR used in place of a concentration when a sample was not available (NS), or when a sample was not analyzed for some specific measurement (NA), or when an analysis is not required (NR).
Error Terms figures following "i" are error terms based on counting uncertainties at the 2a (95Z confidence) level. Values pre-ceded by the "<" symbol were. below the stated concentration at the 3a (99Z confidence) level.
Exponents Exponents necessary to prevent data tables from being cumbersome are handled in the conventional manner of including them in the column headings.
Sensitivity In general, all analyses meet the sensitivity requirements of the program as given in Table 3. For the few samples that do not (because of inadequate sample quantities, analytical interferences, etc.) the sensitivity actually obtained in the analysis is given.
Commen t when all analyses of a particular type during the period resulted in concentrations below the sensitivity limits, a statement is made on the appropriate table rather than presenting a whole page of "<" data. If all but one or two data points are below the sensitivity limits, the previously mentioned convention is followed and the finite data are given as footnotes.
L'ISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES 1981 Expected Collection Sam le ne Location Da te Reason Lake Water All January Lake frozen at all points.
February Air Particulates ONS 2 01/05-27 Exposed part of filter missing due to apparent vandalism.
Milk Galien January No milk left.
Air Particulates ONS 4 02/10 Road closed due to snow.
Air Particulates ONS 4 05/19 Area flooded.
06/19-30 07/07 Milk SBN 09/12 No milk available.
10/10 Iodine Cartridge COL 09/26 Lost in processing.
Air Particulates ONS 2 12/14 No power to unit.
Gross B~ta 10 a Ci/m"-
ON-SITE 1 ON-SITE 2 ON-SITE 3 ON-SITE 4 ON"SITE 5 Collection Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume j
Date ~ra~ ~Gross ~ms Gross B ~m> Gross tt Gross Gross 8 01/05/81 355 5+1 395 (a) 425 10+1 335 8+1 465 9+1 01/12/81 360 3+1 390 2+1 435 ll+1 335 14+1 460 12+1 01/19/81 350 8+1 395 400 14+1 330 16+2 460 14+1 01/27/81 395 7+1 365 (a) 470 18+2 360 46+5 380 20+2 02/03/81 375 3+1 420 8+1 460 12+1 390 37-+3 355 13+1 02/10/81 355 2+1 370 3+1 450 12+1 (a) 330 ll+1 02/17/81 345 6+1 365 6+1 450 16+2 710 15+2 335 18+2 02/24/81 355 3+1 355 1+1 435 9+1 375 10+1 365 10+1 03/03/81 355 3+1 190 5il 410 ll+1 380 10+1 275 ll+1
~ 03/10/81 355 6+1 280 6+1 400 13+1 380 13+1 330 12+1 03/17/Sl 360 4+1 95(b) 16+3 415 30+3 385 29+3 325 26+3 03/24/81 350 5+1 190 4+1 410 19+2 385 15+2 325 17+2 03/31/81 320 8+1 405 11+1 410 37+4 395 40+4 315 43+1 04/07/81 345 13+1 335 16+2 395 42+4 355 37+4 110(c) 66+7 g>-~~g+
04/14/81 335 6+1 330 10+1 . 405 12+1 340 22+1 60(d) 18+1 04/21/81 330 10+1 355 10+1 395 29+3 355 28+3 320 26+3 04/28/81 290 5+1 350 16+2 60(e) 23+2 380 37+2 320 34+2 05/05/81 350 1+1 360 12+1 245 29+2 375 23+1 355 31+2 05/12/81 485 ll+1 350 7+1 285 21+2 510 21+2 345 23+2 05/19/81 295 15+2 345 26+3 350 38+4 350 41+4 05/26/81 340 12+1 235 22i2 360 37+4 lnoo 33+3 300 34+3 16+2 420 ll+1 315 17+2 06/02/81 06/09/81 380 335 6+1 12+1 280 265 8+1 42+4 385 415 19+2 (a) 295 35+3 ~,A $ -.
06/16/81 355 2+1 270 6+1 390 16+2 (a) 280 18+2 06/23/81 340 3+1 250 8+1 360 19+2 (a) 320 18+2 06/30/81 365 4+1 250 16+2 395 20+2 (a) 315 21+2 w, gP
- Iodine cartidges are sampled weekly. Concentrations are <OslO pCi/m unless otherwise noted.
(a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. (b) Low volume due to broken meter. '(c) No powor-(d) Low volume due to power offage. (e) Low volume: calculation based on average volume.
)<<4~~ ) m<<
s mm)seedwmauwwme 'ssmo, e
(Weekly Collections) S,=
Gross Beta 10 Ci/m ON-SITE 1 ON-SITE 2 ON-SITE 3 ON-SITE 4 ON-SITE 5 Collection Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Date ~ms ~Gross ~ms Gross 0 ~ms Gross ~ms Gross 8 Gross 8 l )e 07/07/Sl 325 5+1 265 4+1 355 17+2 (a) 325 16+2 07/14/81 305 . 4+1 255 6+1 410 16+2 1140 13+1 16+2 315 07/21/81 360 3+1 300 4+1 430 ll+1 305 10+1 320 12+1 07/28/81 335 10+1 320 3+1 465 10+1 210 14+1 340 10+1 08/04/81 265 2+1 290 6+1 365 10+1 265 ll+1 305 12+1 08/10/81 330 <1 305 6+1 370 6+1 270 6+1 320 6+1 e e",.
08/17/81 235 1+1 350 2+1 415 7+1 305 6+1 340 8+1 08/24/81 380 1+1 390 4+1 390 8+1 335 8+1 365 10+1 08/31/81 365 2+1 400 5+1 445 7+1 385 6+1 390 7+1 09(07/81 425 <1 350 1+1 400 4+1 320 3+1 290 3+1 09/14/81 375 1+1 350 3+1 340 7+1 300 6+1 285 7+1 09/21/81 375 <1 340 1+1 340 3+1 295 2+1 350 3+1 09/28/81 375 <1 320 <1 345 4+1 305 3+1 355 4+1 10/05/81 405 1+1 425 3+1 335 3+1 300 6+1 370 3+1 10/12/81 415 <1 430 <1 355 1+1 290 2+1 370 2+1 10/19/81 415 <1 445 2+1 365 5+1 285 4+1 375 6+1 "
10/26/81 385 1+1 365 1+1 360 3+1 320 3+1 365 3+1 11/02/81 250 1+1 195 2+1 360 8+1 325 7+1 360 8+1 11/09/81 430 1+1 375 1+1 370 5+1 350 5+1 405 2+1 11/16/81 435 1+1 420 2+1 365 6+1 420 5+1 385 7+1 11/23/81 330 1+1 395 1+1 380 5+1 450 <1 400 5+1 ll/30/81 350 1+1 390 1+1 380 4+1 410 5+1 430 5+1 12/07/81 340 1+1 330 1+1 395 6+1 430 5+1 360 6+1 12/14/81 215 5+1 (a) 360 3+1 405 4+1 380 7+1 12/21/81 215 1+1 225 1+1 350 5+1 355 4+1 355 6+1 12/28/81 345 1+1 290 <1 350 7+1 360 6+1 365 8+1
- Iodine cartidges are sampled weekly. Concentrations are <0.10 pCi/ms unless otherwise noted.
(a) See Listing of Missing Samples page.
er mm m q~ im'sl>w ~ ~~ Ia <~ w m ~ .
(Weekly Collections)
Collection Volume Gross Collection Volume Gross Volume Gross Volume Gross Volume Gross
~ ~
Date (m3) Beta Date (m~) Beta (m3) Beta (m3) Beta (m') Beta
'Ol/05/81 355 12+1 01/03/&1 385 7+1 370 6+1 415 12+1 430 5+1 01/12/81 370 9+1 01/10/81 360 15+1 425 ll+1 415 13+1 435 2+1 01/19/81 355 17+2 01/17/81 405 10+1 400 8+1 405 8+1 390 8+1 01/27/81 410 24+2 Ol/24/81 415 18+2 440 2+1 395 19+2 405 ll+1 02/03/81 445 8+1 01/31/81 440 5+1 375 13+1 415 14+1 400 ll+1 02/10/81 400 15+2 02/07/81 440 7+1 . 400 1+1 415 12+1 395 12+1 02/17/81 420 21+2 02/14/81 420 10+1 415 (1 435 10+1 415 4+1 02/24/81 470 6+1 02/21/81 430 18+2 415 13+1 420 13+1 390 18+2 03/03/81 425 12+1 02/28/81 435 1+1 395 8+1 445 5+1 380 7+1 03/10/81 410 25+3 03/07/81 425 14+1 400 5+1 375 14+1 375 4+1 03/17/81 430 2&i3 03/14/81 405 18+2 425 30+3 375 19+2 375 18+2 03/24/81 430 17+2 03/21/81 410 19+2 460 5+1 365 18+2 365 - 17+2 03/31/81 465 42+4 03/28/81 405 17+2 415 20+2 405 23+2 410 9+1 04/07/81 155(a) . 96+10 04/04/81 405 45+5 350 42+4 380 49+5 350 22+2 04/14/81 85 (b) 22+1 04/11/81 405 24+1 330 2&+2 375 25+1 355 14+1 04/21/81 485 28+3 04/18/81 395 27+3 325 27+3 380 24+2 355 9+1 04/28/81 510 39+1 04/25/81 395 22+1 350 7+1 375 7+1 355 14+1 05/05/81 460 33+1 05/02/81 375 30+2 340 8+1 365 35+2 370 9+1 05/12/81 470 25+3 05/09/81 395 23+2 350 ll+1 355 26~3 355 6+1 05/19/81 485 43+4 05/16/81 365 32+3 305 ll+1 310 33+3 310 21+2 05/26/81 520 33+3 05/23/81 345 33+3 300 7+1 310 40+4 300 33+3 06/02/81 515 13+1 05/30/81 qC V
06/09/81 06/16/81 380 395 19+2 16+2 06/06/Sl'2+1 06/13/81 350 395 425 24+2 24+2 270 270 265 8+1 29+2 8+1 310 320 345 23+2 14+1 14+1 305 305 340 17+2 6+1 12+1 06/23/81 360 17+2 06/20/81 435 10+1 310 7+1 330 14+1 325 12+1 06/30/81 375 19+2 06/27/81 445 15+1 315 9+1 330 12+1 310 12+1 t~
,'I gm (a) No power. (b) Low volume due to power offage.
" Iodine cartridges are sampled weekly; Concentrations are <Om10 pCi/m 3 unless otherwise noted.
m I
~ ~
.~ eP te e 'rett e e ah~a DONALD C. COOK
~ ~ ),
Gross Beta lO 2 Ci/m~
ON-SITE 6 NEW BUFFALO SOUTH BEND DOWAGIAC COLOMA Collection Volume Gross Collection Volume Gross Volume Gross Volume Gross Volume Gross Date (m~) Beta Date (me) Beta (m~) Beta (n?~) Beta (me) Beta 07/07/81 350 15+2 07/04/&l 475 17+2 355 8+1, 330 21+2 325 19+2 07/14/81 340 16+2 07/11/81 425 15+2 270 4+1 360 11+1 335 ll+1 07/21/81 365 11+1 07/18/81 360 13+1 315 3+1 350 11+1 325 5+1 e 'I 07/28/81 385 11+1 07/25/81 400 13+1 380 8+1 425 12+1 350 13+1 08/04/81 320 12+1 08/01/81 345 7+1 330 5+1 350 7+1 305 4~1
.";I 08/10/81 325 6+1 08/08/81 350 7+1 315 2+1 425 7+1 340 7+1
~ \ 08/17/81 355 7+1 08/15/81 395 8+1 350 6+1 425 8+1 370 1+1 08/24/81 340 10+1 0&/22/81 410 8+1 370'20 1+1 415 , 6+1 430 6+1 4 e 08/31/81 365 7+1 08/29/81 320 7+1 5+1 325 7+1 400 7+1 09/07/81 315 4+1 09/05/81 290 5+1 305 2+1 285 5+1 430 4+1 09/14/81 295 7+1 09/12/81 305 6+1 335 1+1 300 4+1 425 4+1 09/21/81 285 4+1 09/19/81 335 3+1 320 <1 295 4+1 390 3+1
~ )
09/28/81 290 4+1 09/26/81 315 4+1 370 2+1 280 4+1 320(a) 4+1 10/05/&1 300 6+1 10/03/81 335 4+1 375 3+1 395 3+1 275 4+1 10/12/81 295 2+1 10/10/81 325 3+1 345 <1 310 3+1 295 2+1 10/19/81 290 5+1 10/17/81 340 4+1 325 2+1 310 4+1 305 5+1 10/26/81 320 4+1 10/24/81 365 3+1 320 3+1 325 5+1 295 2+1 11/02/81 325 7+1 10/31/81 340 8+1 355 1+1 335 8+1 295 6+1 ~
11/09/81 315 7+1 11/07/81 340 5+1'+1 365 3+1 325 5+1 290 4+1 11/16/81 320 7+1 11/14/81 360 380 4+1 335 6+1 295 2+1 11/23/81 300 8+1 11/21/81 385 2+1 380 4+1 330 5+1 285 5+1 11/30/81 320 6+1 11/28/81 360 4+1 365 2+1 320 4+1 305 6+1 '"'1 12/07/81 310 5+1 12/05/81 355 5+1 355 4+1 355 5+1 330 4+1 12/14/81 375 5+1 12/12/81 370 5+1 340 4+1 360 4+1 330 4~1 12/21/81 355 5+1 12/19/81 375 4+1 350 3+1 370 3+1 325 4+1 12/28/81 355 7+1 12/26/81 365 4+1 330 3+1 350 4+1 335 3 1 (a) See Listing of Hissed Sainples page.
" Iodine cartridges are sainpled sleekly. Concentrations are <Oe10 pCi/m unless otherwise noted.
e t f O r f e h t R R DONALD C. COOK" GAMP% ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS of MONTHLY AIR PARTICULATE COMPOSITES or r oCi. m Month Ce-144 Zr-95 Ce- Re- 0 ~Other January <0.01 0.01+0.01 0.03~0.01 0.01 0.01 0. 01+0. 01 <O. 01 <0.01 February 0.03~0.01 0.0l+0.01 0.01+0.01 0.01~0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
~Rfarch 0.05+0.02 0.07+0.01 0.03+0 01 F 0 '4+0.01 0.03+0.01 0.02+0.01 <0.01 April 0.04+0.02 0.10+0.01 0.06+0.01 0.06 0.01 0.02+0.01 0.02+0.01 <0.01(a)
May 0.11+0.01 0.12+0.01 0.04+0.01 0.13+0.01 0.03+0.01 0.02+0.01 <0.01 June 0. 05+0. 01 0.07+0.01 0.01+0.01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.01+0.01 <0.01 July 0.10+0.02 0.06 0.01 0.01+0.01 0.02+0.01 <0.01 0.01+0.01 <0. Ol August 0.10+0.01 0.05+0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0, 01 <0.01 September 0.06+0.01 0.05+0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 October 0.07+0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 November 0.06+0.01 <0,01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 December 0.09+0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 Back round Stations Ci/ms 3
Month Be-7 Ce-144 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ce-141 RU-103 Other Y January 0.06+0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 February 0.02 0.01 0.01+0.01 0.01+0.01 0.01+0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Jt March 0.04+0.02 0.02+0.01 0.02+0.01 0.02+0.01 0.04~0.01 0.02+0.01 <0.01 t4 April 0.14+0.02 0.11+0.02 0.04+0.01 0.07+0.01 0.04 0,01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 May 0.12+0.03 0.11+0.02 0.04+0.01 0.11+0 01 0.02+0.01 0.03+0.01 <0.01 June 0.08+0.01 0.05+0.01 0.01+0.01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 (b)
July 0.08+0.02 0.09+0.01 0.02+0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 August 0.09+0.01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 September O.ll+0.02 0.04+0.02 <0.01 0.01+0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 October 0.08+0.01 <0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 November 0.13+0.02 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 December 0.06+0.01 <0.01 <0. 01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 STRONTIUM-89/90 hNALYSIS of QUhRTERLY hIR PARTICULATE COMPOSITES Indicator Stations Back round Stations Collection Ci/ms oCi/ms Period Sr-89 Sr<<90 Sr-89 Sr-90 1st quarter <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.001 2nd quarter 0.002+0.001 0.001+0.001 <0.002 <0.001 3rd quarter <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0. 001 4th quarter <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0. 001
~ ~
(a) Cs-137. 0.01+0.01 (b). Ru-106 ~ 0.01+0.01 42
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
e ~
ilC 'FF h>PV+PP ataiiFFF
RADIONUCLIDES in MILK SAMPLES (Monthly Collections) tF .,
~~ (<,+5-i:F Indicator Stations Back round Stations hh.
Collection'Site: Brid man K2 Stevensville K1 Galien DoMa iac Kl South Bend Kl 5,,/
Collection Date Cs-137 Ci/l 'ei%
Ol/10/81 <10 <10 (.) <10 <10 5 02/07/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 FFF
03/07/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 04/04/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Q~k.P 05/02/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 ii 06/06/81 <10 <10 07/04/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 08/01/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 09/12/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 (a) YF 10/10/81 <10 <10 <10 10+3 (a)
<10 <10 <10 <10 ll/07/81 <10
<10 12/05/81 <10 <10 <10 <10 Other Gamma Emitters Ci l
<10 <10 (a) <10 <10
<10 <lo <10 <10 <10
<10 <lo <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <lO
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 (a)
<10 <10 <10 <10 (a)
<10 <10 <10 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <ln (a) See Listing oE Missing Samples. page.
Q<'k 5+
Collection Sites: Indicator Back round Collection Period ~Ci/1 r0 1/m* rCi/1. rCS/r*
January <10 <0.4 <10 <0.4 February <10 <0. 2 <10 <0. 2(a)
March <10 <0. 3 <10 <0.3 April <10 <0.4 <10 <0.3 May. <10 <0.4 <10 <0. 3
June <10 <0. 3 <10 <0. 2 July <10 <0. 3 <10 <0. 2 August <10 <0. 4 <10 <0. 3 September <10 <0. 5 <10 <0.3 October <10 <0. 5 <10 <0.3 November <10 <0.3 <10 <0.5 December <10 <0. 2 <10 <0.2 RADIOSTRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN PRECIPITATION SAMPLES (Semiannual Analysis on Composites of Monthlys)
Indicator Back round Ci/1 Ci/l Collection Period Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-89 Sr-90 January-June <2 <1 <2 4+2 July-December <2 <1 <2 <1 (a) Ru-103 = 0.4+0.1 nCi/ma.
Back round Stations Indicator Stations Collection Site: ONS 1 ONS 2 ONS 3 ONS 4 ONS 5 ONS 6 ONS 7 Collection Date Tritium Ci/ml peg 01/23/81 <1 <1 l. 2+0. 4 1.5+0.4 1.1+0.4 <1
'.1+0.4 05/06/81 0.8+0.4 <1 <1 1.0+0.4 1.2+0.4 <1 0 '+0.4 09/11/81 0 8+0.4 <1 <1 1.4+0.4 1.2+0.4 1.2+0.4 0.6+0.4 ee
~e ~
>,i.e eel V,vs(j Gamma Emitters Ci/1 ej
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 I <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 I
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
1 Cg ej f~ffe-iAA
') ~
Ic i)
[4 ,'
DONALD C. COOK GAMMA EMITTERS IN LAKE WATER SAMPLES (Monthly Composites of Indicator and Background Stations)
Gamma Emitters Ci/1/nuclide Month Indicator Com osite Back round Com osite January (a) (a)
February (a) (a)
March <10 <10 April <10 <10
? fay <10 <10 June <10 <10 July '<10 <10 August <10 <10 September <10 <10 October <10 <10 November <10 <10 December <10 <10 TRITIUM IN LAKE WATER SAMPLES (Quarterly Composites of Monthly Samples) i4 I
uarter 1st Indicator Stations 200+100 Tritium Ci/1 Back round Stations 200+100'20+200 2nd 400+110 3rd <200 <200 4th 500+100 300+200 RADIONUCLIDES IN AQUATIC ORGANISMS (Semiannual Collections when Available)
Collection Ci/ wet')
Location Date Sr-89 Sr-90 Zr-95 Other y ONS S 07/23/81 <0. 05 0.013+0.005 1+1 <1 (b)
ONS N 07/23/81 <0.05 0.033+0.028 <1 <1 OFS S 07/23/81 <0.05 0.024+0.019 1+1 <1 OFS N 07/23/81 <0.05 0.017+0.013 2il <1 (c)
ONS S 09/15/81 <0.05 <0.005 <1 <1 ONS N 09/15/81 <0.05 <0.005 <1 <1 OFS S 09/15/81 <0.05 <0.005 <1 <1 OFS N 09/15/81 <0.05 <0,005 <1 <1 (a) See Listing of Hissing Samples page.
(b) Ce-144, Nb-95 = lil; Cr-51 2~1.
(c) Ce-144, Nb-95 2+1; Ce-141 1+1.
47 l 'il
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Collection Collection Ci/ dr )
Site Date Gamma Emitters Sr-89 S>>-90 ONS N 05/19/81 <l <0.05 <0. 005 ONS S 05/19/81 <1 <0.05 0.013+0.004 OFS Vi 05/19/81 <l <0.05 <0.005 OFS S 05/19/81 <l <0.05 0.048+0.009 ONS Vi 09/21/81 <1 <0. 05 <0.006(a) f"- ONS S 09/21/81 <1 <0.05 <0.005
OFS N 09/21/81 <1 <0.05 <0.005
OFS S 09/21/81 <1 <0.05 <0.005 RADIONUCLIDES IN FISH SAMPLES r (Semiannual Collections)
Collection Collection Ci/ wet)
Site Date Gamma Emitters Se-89 Se-90 ONS iV 05/12/81 <1 <0, 05 0.031+0.005 ONS S OS/l2/8l <l <0.05 0.032+0.008 OFS N 05/12/81 <l <0.05 0.053+0,012 OFS S 05/12/81 <l <0.05 0.045+0.007 ONS N 09/23/81 <1 <0. 05 0. 043+0. 008 ONS S 09/23/81 <1 <0. 05 0.018+0.009 OFS N 09/23/81 <1 < 0.030+0.015 OFS S 09/23/81 <1 <0 05
~ 0.051~0.017 RADIONUCLIDES IN FOOD CROPS (Annual Fall Harvest Collection)
Collection Site: ON Site OFF Site Collection Date ~eSample Ci/
Gamma (wet)
Emitters 09/30/81 Grapes 09/30/81 Leaves (a) Lower sensitivity due to low chemical yield.
4 48
DONALD C. COOK GANfA RADIATION (Quarterly3 (Measured Using Thermoluminiscent Dosimeters3 Date Annealed: 12116/80 03/18/81 06/18/81 09/17/81 Date Read: 04/07/81 07/08/81 10/06/81 12/30/81 1st 0tr. 2nd Otr. 3rd Otr. 4th Otr.
)iain 'ackup Main Backup Hain Backup Main Backup TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD TLD
' Location Measured mR/week Indicator Stations I
,'l On-Site l 0.9+0.2 0.7+0.1 0.7+O.l 0.9+O.l 1.3+0.2 1.2+0.1 1..5+0.2 1.5+0.6 On-Site 2 missing missing 0.8+O.l 0.9+0.1 1.4+0.1 1.0+0.1 1.6+0.2 1.7+0.1
On-Site 3 0.8+0.1 0.8+0.2 0.7+0.1 0.8+0.2 1.2+O.l 1.2+0.1 1.5+0.4 1.6+0.3 On-Site 4 0.9+O.l 0.8+O.l 0.9+0.1 0.9+O.l 1.0+0.l missing 1.4+0.4 1.4+0.4 On-Site 5 0.8+0.2 0.7+0.1 1.0+0.2 0.9+O.l 1.2+O.l 1.3+0.2 1.8+0.5'.6+0.1 1.8+0.8 On-Site 6 0.7+0.1 0.7+0.1 missing 1.0+0.1 1.2+0.1 1.2+0.1 1.5+0.5 On-Site 7 0.9+O.l 0.7+O.l 0.9+O.l 0.8+0.1 1.3+0.1 1.2+0.2 1.8+0.4 2.1+1.5 On-Site 8 0.8+0.2 0.9+0.1 0.8+0.1 0.7+0 2
~ 1.3+0.1 1.1+0.1 1.5+0.2 1.6+O.E)
On-Site 9 0.8+O.l 0.7+0.1 0.8+O.l 1.0+O.l 1.2 0.2 1.1+O.l 1.5+0.2 2.0+0.3 Background Stations New 0.9+0.2 0.8+O.l 0.8+0.1 0.9+O.l 1.1+0.1 1.2+0.1 1.5+0. 1 1.6+O.l South Bend 1.0+O.l 0.9+0.2 0.7+0.2 1.0+O.l 1.0+O.l 1-3+0.1 l. 7+0. 4 1.7+0.3 Dowagiac 0.7+0.1 0.8+O.l 0.8+O.l 0.9+0.2 1.0+0.1 0.9+0.1 1. 5+0. 3 1.7+0.4 Coloma 0.7+0.1 0.8+0.2 0.7+O.l 0.9+O.l 1.0+O.l 0.9+0.1 1.5+0.2 1.8+0.6 Off-Site-1 0.8+O.l 0.8+O.l 0.9+0.2 0.9+0.1 1.1+0.1 l. 0+0. 1 1. 5+0. 2 1.5+0.4 1.5+0.5 Off-Site-2 0.8+O.l 0.7+O.l 0.8+0.2 0.9+0.1 1.0+0.1 1.0+O.l 1.4+0.1 Off-Site-3 0.8+0.1 0.7+O.l 0.7+0.1 0.8+0.1 1.8+O.l 1.1+0.2 1.6+0.5 1.8+0.7 Off-Site-4 0.9+0.2 0.9+O.l 0.8+0.1 0.9+0:1 1.3+0.1 1.0+0.1 1.5~0.2 1.8+0.7 Off-Site-5 0.9+O.l 0.9+0.2 0.9+0.2 0.9+O.l 1.1+0.1 0 '+0.2 1.7+0.4 1.8+0.4 Off-Site-6 0.9+O.l 0.8+O.l 1.0+0.2 0.8+O.l 1.1+O.l 0.9+0.1 1.9+0.3 2.1~1.2 Off-Site-7 0.7+O.l 0.8+0.1 1.0+0.2 1.0+O.l 1.5+0.4 1.6+0.6 0.8+0.3, 0.9+O.l Off-Site-8 Effective 1.5+0.3 1.5+0,4 Off-Site 9 4th 1.7~0.3 1.7+0.2 Off-Site-10 Quarter 1.4+0.1 1.5+0.4
'Ihe tables below summarize results of samples run for process quality control purposes during thc subject month. These listings are in add-ition to such m<<asuremcnts ns dutcctor backgrounds, check source values, radiometric-gravimetric comparisons, system calibrations, etc. Detailed listings of each measurement are maintained at the laboratory and are available for inspection if required.
Nuclide Numbursof. Numbur of analyses exceeding Anal zed Determinations the LLD for that anal sis Gross beta 46 1*
Gross alpha 47 0 Strontium-89 95 0 Strontium-90 95 0 Tritium 61 ]*
Gamma emitter 64 0 Iodine-131 191 0 Calcium-45 3 0 SPLIT SAMPLES Nuclide Number of No. agreeing No. agreeing No. differing Annlvz<<.d Det'ns with'I.n 2a within 3a bv > 3a Gross beta 142 138 4 0 Gross alpha 39 38 1 0 Gamma emitters 126 122 4 0 Iodine-131 -
146 146 0 0 Strontium-89 38 38 0 0 Strontium-90 44 42 2 0 Tritium 89 89 0 0 Calcium-45 8 8 0 0 Uranium 71 71 0 0 SPIKED SAMPLES Nuclide No. of Within 2a Within 3a differing from Anal Des'es of'nown of known known b > 3a zed'ross beta 55 53 1 1*
Gamma emitters 44 43 1 0 Iodine-131 Strontium-89 ll 11 0 0 18 18 0 0 Strontium-90 94 93 1 0 Tritium 45 44 1 0
- Corrective actions were taken to eliminate the problem.
uI11 i
1981 Control MWF Sample Agency Limits Measured 3'onth/Yea r T e Anal sis Va luu Q3n n 3) x2o error* Unics December 1980 1 ater Iodine-131 22 6 17+2 pCi/liter D<<cember 1980 Water TH. tium 2240 604 2600+300 pCi/liter December 1980 Air Filter Gross Alpha 21 9;1 21 2 pCi/filter December 1980 Aiz Filter Gross Beta 19 8.7 28~3 pCi/filter Decembex'980 Air Filter Strontium-90 0 0 LT 1 pCi/filter D<<cumber 1980 Air F11 c<<t C<<siuu<-137 19 8.7 19+ 2 oCi/Cilc<<r
,1anuary 1981 Water Gross Alpha 9 8.7 10~1 pCi/litez January 1981 Water Gross Beta 44 8.7 43+4 pCi/liter January 1981 Hater Strontium-89 16 8.7 LT 5 pCi/liter January 1981 Water Strontium-90 34 2.9 35+4 pCi/liter January 1981 Milk Strontium-89 0 0 LT 2 pCi/liter January 1981 Milk Strontium-90 20. 2 2.6 14+1 pCi/liter January 1981 Milk Iodine-131 25.8 10.4 29+3 pCi/liter January 1981 Milk Cesium-137 alt<<60 43.5 8.7 47~5 pCi/liter January 1981 Milk Barium-140 0 0 LT 25 pCi/liter January 1981 Potassium 1551 134 1350+140 pCi/liter 1'<<b run ry 1981 Water Tritium 1760 590 1680 170 pCi/liter F<<bruary 1981 Water Chromium-51 0 0 LT 100 pCi/liter Februax'y 1981 Water Cob 25 8.7 29+5 pCi/liter February 1981 Wa tez Zinc-65 85 8.7 92+9 pCi/liter 1:obruary 1981 Wacer Ruthenium-106 0 0 LT 100 pCi/liter February 1981 Water Cesium-134 36 8.7 29+5 pCi/liter February 1981 Water Cesium-137 4 8.7 9 3 pCi/liter Mare h 1981 Hater Gross Beta 25 8.7 27+3 'Ci/liter M;i x'c1< 1981 Water Gross Alpha 25 10. 4 20+2 pCi/lit<<r March 1981 Air Filter Gross Alpha 30 13 30+3 pCi/filter March 1981 Air Filter Gross Seta 50 8.7 66+7 pCi/filter
'larch 1981 Air Filter Strontium-90 18 2.6 17+4 pCi/filtex March 1981 Air Filter Cesium-137 14 8.7 15+2 pCi/filter April 1981 Water Tritium 2710 615 3000+300 pCi/liter April 1981 Water Cesium-134 10 8.7 7+2 pCi/liter April 1981 Water Cesium-137 15 8.7 13 1 pCi/liter April 1981 Water S tr ontium-89 38 8.7 35+7 pCi/liter April 1981 Water Strontium-90 28 2.6 24 3 pCi/liter April 1981 Water Radium-226 15.0 4.0 13.2~1. 3 pCi/liter April 1981 Water Radium-228 12.0 3.1 10+2 pCi/liter Apx'il 1981 Water Uranium 12 10 6+2 pCi/liter Hay 1981 Water Strontium-89 36 8.7 29+3 pCi/liter May 1981 Water Strontium-90 22 2.6 26+3 pCi/liter May 1981 Water Strontium-89 Yiay 198 l Water Strontium-90 May 1981 Water Iodine-131 i~1Q y 1981 'Hater Cesium-137
- When analyses of a particular type result in concentrations below the detection limits, the term "LT" is used to indicate "Less Than" values for that measurement. based on 3a (99.5%) confidence level.
~ ~ ~ ~ " i e iq qp
EPA INTERCOMPARXSON RESULTS Page 2" of 3 1981 Control MWF Sample Agency Limits Measured Month/Year T e Anal sis Value ~3eu ) ~ 7o error Units May 1981 Mater Barium-140 0 0 LT 20 pCi/liter aMay 1981 Water Potassium 1559 135 )400+140 mg/liter June 1981 Water Chromium-51 0 0 LT 20 pCi/liter June 1981 Mater Cobalt-60 17 8.7 16+2 pCi/liter June 1981 Water Zinc-65 0 0 LT 20 ~
pCi/liter June 1981 Water Ruthenium-106 15 8.7 13+4 . pCi/liter June 198.1 Water Cesium-134 21 8.7 13+2 pCi/liter June 1981 'ater Cesium-137 31 8.7 25+3 pCi/liter June 1981 Water Tritium 1950 596 2300+200 pCi/liter June 1981 Water Radium-226 6.7 1.7 5.9~0.4 pCi/liter June 1981 Mater Radium-228 8.0 2.1 10.6i).6 pCi/liter
.5 June 1981 Air filter Gross alpha 28 12 31 6 pCi/filter June 1981 Air filter Gross beta 54 8.7 74+8 pCi/filter June 1981 Air filter Strontium-90 19 2.6 21+5 pCi/filter June 1981 Air filter Cesium-137 16 8.'7 15+2 pCi/filter July 1981 Food Strontium-89 44 8.7 38+4 pCi/kilogram July 1981 Food Strontium'-90 31 2.8 28+3 pCi/kilogram July 1981 Food Iodine-131 82 14 75+8 pCi/kilogram July 1981 Food Cesium-137 45 8.7 40~4 pCi/kilogra~
July 1981 Food Barium-140 0 0 <25 p Ci/kilogram ly 1981 Pood Potassium 2640 229 2267i227 mg/kilogram ly 1981 Milk Strontium-89 25 8.7 13+3 p Ci/li.ter uly 1981 Milk Strontium-90 17 2.6 16+3 pCi/liter July 1981 Milk Iodine-131 0 0 <5 p Ci/liter July 1981 Milk Cesium-137 31 8.7 35+12 pCi/liter July 1981 Milk Barium-140 0 0 <16 pCi/liter July 1981 Milk Potassium 1600 139 1463+305 mg/liter August 1981 Water Iodine-131 23 13 53+11 pCi/liter hu>> ust 1981 Water Tritium 2630 613 2973 878 pCi/liter Augus t 1981 Water Uranium 23 10 14+2 pCi/liter September 1981 Mater Strontium-89 23 8.7 18+5 pCi/liter September ~ 1981 Water Strontium-90 ll 2.6 14+2 pCi/liter September 1981 Urine Tritium 2050 599 2166+624 pCi/liter September 1981 Mater Radium-226 8.3 2.2 8.4+0.8 pCi/liter September 1981 Water. Radium-228 11.7 3.0 4..6+3a7 pCi/~ter 1981 Water Gross alpha 33 4 32+14 pCi/liter September'eptember 1981 Water Gross beta 28 8.7 30+6 pCi/liter September 1981 Air filter Gross alpha 25 11 25+6 pCi/filter September 1981 Air filter Gross beta 52 8.7 71+7 PCi/filter September 1981 Air filter Strontium-90 16 2.6 18+2 PCi/filter September 1981 Air filter Cesium-137 19 8.7 20+2 pCi/filter
- 53 ps ~ ~ ~~g < e<< ~ v <<,was>> q, .-r>>a <>>e<aaea>> '<<a e< .<<<<We<et <'ee' <<e<V .e
EPA INTERCOMPAPiXSON RESULTS 198 1 Control MWF Sample Agency Limits Measured Month/Year T e Anal sis Value ~3eu ) + 7o error Units October 1981 Water Gross alpha 80 35 91+26 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Gross beta. 96 8.7 112 11 pCi/li,ter October 1981 Water Cobalt-60 0 0 LT 5 pCi/liter October 1931 Water Strontium-89 21 8.7 13+6 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Strontium-90 14.4 2.6 14.6+2.0 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Cesium-134 12 2.6 14+2 pCi/liter October 1931 'Water Cesium-137 15 8.7 20+14 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Radium-226 12. 7 3.3 11.8~3.5 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Radium-228 9.2 2.4 8.3+5.1 pCi/liter October 1981 Water Cross Uranium 15 10 9+2 pCi/liter October 1981 liilk Strontium-89 23 8.7 24+8 p Ci/liter October 1981 Milk Strontium-90 18 2.6 14+5 oCi/liter October October 1981 Milk Hi,lk Iodine-131 52 10 58 ll pCi/liter 1981 Cesium-137 25 8.7 . 29+9 pCi/liter October 1981 Milk Barium-140 0 0 LT 16 pCi/liter October ,1981 Milk Potassium 1530 133 1700+240 mg/liter November 1981 Food Strontium-89 38 8.7 41+6 pCi/kilogram November 1981 Food Strontium-90 23 2.6 21+5 pCi/kilogram November 1981 Food Cobalt-60 30 8.7 35+8 pCi/kilogram November 1981 Food Cesium-137 33 8.7 32+8 pCi/kilogram November 1981 Food Barium-140 0 0 LT 31 pCi/kilogram November 1981 Pood Potassium 2730 236 2700+270 mg/kilogram December 1981 Water Tritium 2700 615 2950+127 pCi/liter 54
p$ < X
<j 1981 EPA INTZRCOMPARLSON RESULTS (Lab Performance Evaluation Study-EHSL-LV)
Control MMP Sample Agency Limits Measured
~(3a n ] 2e error Units Water Gross alpha 39 10 39+4 pCi/liter g ~
Water Gross beta 60 70+7 pCi/liter Water Cobalt-60 12 LT20 ., pCi/liter Water Cesium-134 12 11+2 pCi/liter Water Cesium-137 20 20+2 pCi/liter Water, Ruthenium-106 0 LT100 pCi/liter Water Zinc-65 0 LT20 pCi/liter Mater Strontium-89 6 pCi/liter Water Strontium-90 0 LT 1 pCi/liter Water Radium-226 12. 8 1.8 12. 6+1. 3 pCi/1'[ter
- Water Uranium 5 4+2 pCi/liter 55
~ r.r
~ USDOE UALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM 1981 Sample Measured T e Nuclide Known ~2a error Uni ts "l
- r. ~ ,Air (81-04) Be-7 0.244 E+04 0.247 0.015 E+04 pCi/filter Air (81-04) Mn-54 0.117 E+03 0.093 0.006 E+03 pci/filter Air (81-04) Sr-89 0.450 E+02 0.515 0:087 E+02 pCi/filter Air (81-04) Sr.-90 0.630 E+01 (0.100 E+02 pCi/filter I, I Air (81-04) Zr-95 0.122 E+03 0. 828 0. 048 .E+02 pCi/filt'er pCi/filter Air (81-04) Sb-125 0.139 E+04 0. 133 0. 006 E+04 Air (81-04) Cs-134 0.190 E+04 0.133+0. 007 EM4 pci/filter
Air (81-04) U 0.223 E+Ol 0.750+0.053 E+01 pCi/filter Soil (81-04) K-40 0. 213 E+02 0,290+0,017 K+02 pci/g Soil (81-04) Cs<<137 0.200 E+00 0.250+0.070 E+00 pci/g P; Soil (81-04) Ra-226 0.770 E+00 0.668+0.057 E+00 pCi/g Tissue (81-04) K-40 0.158 E+01 0.433+0.058 E+Ol pci/g
'tr 'I Tissue (81-04) Sr-90 0.240 E+Ol 0.188+0.016 E+01 pci/g Tissue (81-04) Ra-226 0.450 E+00 0.433+0.058 E+00 pCi/g Tissue (81-04) U 0.290 E-OL 0.850+0.333 E-01 pCi/g Vegetation (81-04) K-40 0,224 E+03 0.277+0.018 E+03 pci/g Vegetation (81-04) Sr-90 0.560 E+01 0.258+0.016 E+Ol pci/g Vegetation (81-04) Cs-137 0.230 E+00 0.200+0.058 E+00 PCi/g Vegetation (81-04) U 0.310 E+00 0.133+0.058 E+00 pCi/g Water (81-04) H-3 0.246 E+02 0.197+0,012 E+02 pCi/ml Water (81-04) Co-57 0.118 E+01 0.243+0.018 E+Ol pCi/ml
~ 'I Water (81-04) Co-60 0.129 E+01 0.133+0.006 E+01 pCi/ml Water (81-04) Sr-90 0.440 E-01 0.405i0.063 E-01 pci/ml
~i Water (81-04) Cs-137 0.137 E+01 0.150+0.012 E+01 pCi/ml I
Water (81-04) Ce-141 0.527 E+01 0.193~0.012 E+01 pCi/ml Water (81-04) U 0.145 E-01 0.200+0.026 E-Ol ug/ml Water (81-04) U 0.102 E-01 0.?50+0.140 E-02 pCi/ml
TLD Intezcomparison Badges Irradi.ated by Battelle Northwest'. Labs Total mR less trans ortation control 1st tr 2nd tr 3rd tr 4th tr Measured IH.O 18.5 4.1 18.0 17.8 5aO 20.0 25.5 4.8 90.0 86.2-15.5
- 26. 0 29.1+2 ' 24.0 24.5+5.5 28.0 31.4~2.5 51.0 53.6 5.3 2<).I+6.I 38.0 34.1+9.0 16.0 17.9+2.7 100.0 93.4~10.1 47.0 46.8 5 ' 44.0 43.2+6.0 32.0 36.5+3.5 42.0 41.9~19.7 57.0 42.1 6.0 59. 0 61. 4i6. 5 40.0 41.2 4.0 18.0 20.1+3.4
- 69. 0 77.6 12.5 69.0 71.2 19.0 53.0 55.4~15.2 29.0 32.0-3.0 76.0 65.6 6.6 73.0 74.1~21.6 69.0 75.1~13.2 34.0 32.0~3.0 88.0 88.6+12.6 79.0 80,8+17.3 82,0 80.4+10.7 82.0 79.0+8.0 I 00. 0 I 02+I 0 79.0 79.9+18.2 93.0 86. 1+15. 5 34. 0 38. 7~9. 3 I 00. 0 99+10 99.0 100.2i25.4 100. 0 100. 4~15. 3 74. 0 69. 2~8. 8 57
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