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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix F, Part 6 of 8
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A907 (17)


I '


  • ,* , I "


Appendix F-Sample Summary Review

Soil Sample Summary QC =Quality Control Sample (FD = Field Duplicate, EB = Equipment Blank, DI = Deionized Water Blank)

Total Total Area Sub-Area Loe Sample ID Type Depth Type Analysis Locations Samples


Bgrd 1 5 13 1 BGA1.1.1 B 0-15 Expanded 1 BGA1.1.2 B 15-30 Standard 1 BGA1.1.3 B 30-60 Standard 1 BGA1.1.4 B 60-100 Expanded QC BGA1.1.5 FD of BGAl.1.1 0-15 Expanded 2 BGA1.2.1 B 0-15 Standard 2 BGA1.2.2 B 15-30 Standard 3 BGA1.3.1 B 0-15 Standard 3 BGA1.3.2 B 15-30 Standard 4 BGA1.4.1 B 0-15 Standard 4 BGA1.4.2 B 15-30 Standard 5 BGA1.5.1 B 0-15 Standard 5 BGA1.5.2 B 15-30 Standard Bgrd 2 5 14 1 BGA2.1.1 B 0-15 Expanded 1 BGA2.1.2 B 15-30 Standard 1 BGA2.1.3 B 30-60 Standard 1 BGA2.1.4 B 60-100 Expanded QC BGA2.1.5 FD of BGA2.1.1 0-15 Expanded QC BGA2.1.6 EB N/A Standard 2 BGA2.2.1 B 0-15 Standard 2 BGA2.2.2 B 15-30 Standard 3 BGA2.3.1 B 0-15 Standard 3 BGA2.3.2 B 15-30 Standard 4 BGA2.4.1 B 0-15 Standard

.4 BGA2.4.2 B 15-30 Standard 5 BGA2.5.1 B 0-15 Standard Locations Samples 5 BGA2.5.2 *B 15-30 Standard Bgrd 10 27 Bgrd Samples Analyzed 27 Western New York Nuclear Service Center WNC N/A 4 17 1 C.1.Cl c 0-5 Standard 1 C.1.C2 c 5-15 1 C.1.C3 c 15-30 QC C.1.CS EB N/A Standard 2 C.2.Cl c 0-5 Standard 2 C.2.C2 c 5-15 2 C.2.C3 c 15-30 2 C.2.C4 c 30-100 Standard QC C.2.C5 FD of C.2.C4 30-100 Expanded 3 C.3.Cl c 0-5 Standard 3 C.3.C2 c 5-15 3 C.3.C3 c 15-30 4 C.4.Cl c 0-5 Standard

-* Soil Sample Summary

  • -Q~ :: QualitV, Con~rol Sanipl~ (FD ;::;*Fie I~ Duplicate, EB =EcjuipmentBlarik; Pl =Deionized Wat~r Blank) "
  • r9~af.:.

Total Area s~b~Area* * ~ocations *  :~~~-~ sa,mpl~ ID' ,Type*,. ' , . '

Depth; T.ype Analysis *

... ". *< ':/:*. ' . * : ' sa~i:il~s: *. ** ,>

'* _,*: .,._ ,"* .,, *,,", ,*"*':* . !~'_*.<{;:.<:.;*<,; '*

4 C.4.C2 c 5-15 4 C.4.C3 c 15-30 QC C.4.C5 FD of C.4.Cl 0-5 Expanded Locations Samples QC C.4.C6 EB N/A Standard

.--.< --.*, ~:WNYNSC 4' -* '17,~-: , ;**;_

.WNYNSC: samples Analyze'd* *-. -. --~r-"_

SNI Background SNI B 10 39 18 SNIB18.1 B 0-15 Standard 18 SNIB18.2 B 15-30 Standard QC SNIB18.5 EB N/A Standard 19 SNIB19.1 B 0-15 Standard 19 SNIB.19.2 B 15-30 19 SNIB19.3 B 30-60 Standard 20 SNIB20.1 B 0-15 Standard 20 SNIB20.2 B 15-30 20 SNIB20.3 B 30-60 QC SNIB20.5 EB N/A Standard 21 SNIB21.1 B 0-15 Expanded 21 SNIB21.2 B 15-30 Expanded 21 SNIB21.3 B 30-60 Standard 21 SNIB21.4 B 60-100 Expanded QC SNIB21.5 FD of SNIB21.1 0-15 Expanded QC SNIB21.6 FD of SNIB21.2 15-30 Expanded 22 SNIB22.1 B 0-15 Standard 22 SNIB22.2 B 15-30 22 SNIB22.3 B 30-60 22 SNIB22.4 B 60-100 23 SNIB23.1 B 0-15 Expanded 23 SNIB23.2 B 15-30 Expanded 23 SNIB23.3 B 30-60 23 SNIB23.4 B 60-100 QC SNIB23.5 FD of SNIB23.1 0-15 Expanded QC SNIB23.6 FD of SNIB23.2 15-30 Expanded 24 SNIB24.1 B 0-15 Standard 24 SNIB24.2 B 15-30 24 SNIB24.3 B 30-60 QC SNIB24.5 EB N/A Standard 25 SNIB25.1 B 0-15 Standard 25 SNIB25.2 B 15-30 25 SNIB25.3 B 30-60 25 SNIB26.1 B 0-15 Standard 26 SNIB26.2 B 15-30 26 SNIB26.3 B 30-60 Standard

  • 27 SNIB27.1 B 0-15 Standard

.* soil' sampl~ summary* *. .....:.. ***.. '!'.*"

': .,<le =Jiualiw Control sample .(FP = FJ~id. Duplicate, EB = Equipment* slarll<, -_b('=. Dt;!ionized wat:er:s'!a.nk)' *:'.

" ',* ""' <.., : *~.,:.  :: . *', t Totat* Total .

. Area*.* *.Sub-Area* Loe :. Sample'ID*. *Depth "' *Type .Analysis ..*.

.'*.. * .tocat,ions. S~m~l~s * "
  • "Type.*. "' *.** '

27 SNIB27.2 B 15-30 Locations Samples 27 SNIB27.3 B 30-60

  • .SNJB* ' io',***, . -~.9 ...

SNIB sample~..A.nalyzed

~*'  ;.*,,

' 2if:

" ~*:

Area 1 1 1.1 1 ,4 1 1.1.Cl c 0-5 Standard 1 l.l.C2 c 5-15 Standard 1 l.l.C3 c 15-30 QC 1.1.R.5 EB N/A Standard 1 1.2 1 3 2 1.2.Cl c 0-5 Standard 2 l.2.C2 c 5-15 Standard 2 l.2.C3 c 15-30 1 1.3 1 5 3 1.3.Cl c 0-5 Standard 2 l.3.C2 c 5-15 Standard 3 1:3.C3 c 15-30 QC l.3.C5 FD of 1.3.Cl 0-5 Expanded Locations Samples QC l.3.C6 FD of l.3.C2 5-15 Expanded I' .. ' , : * : . A.rea, 1* >.* :~*:. ;. *' 12..:,.\ "'*, *,

"' '. Area, 1 '-~ar:nples Ar:icilvie.d * "

.. :*.:.~r . >>.: '

Area 2 2 '2.1 4 13 1 2.1.1.R.1 R 0-5 Standard 1 2.1.1.R.2 R 5-15 1 2.1.1.R.3 R 15-100 QC 2.1.1.R.5 FD cif 2.1.1.R.l 0-5 Expanded 2 2.1.2.R.l R '0-5 Standard 2 2.1.2.R.2 R 5-15 3 2.1.3.R.l R 0-5 Standard 3 2.1.3.R.2 R 5-15 Expanded QC 2.1.3.R.5 FD of 2.1.3.R.2 5-15 Expanded 4 2.1.4.R.1 R 0-5 Standard 4 2.1.4.R.2 R 5-15 Standard QC 2.1.4.R.6 EB N/A Standard QC 2.1.4.R.7 DI Water Blank N/A Standard 2 2.2 4 15 1 2.2.1.R.1 R 0-5 Standard 1 2.2.1.R.2 R 5-15 Standard 1 2.2.1.R.3 R 15-100 QC 2.2.1.R.5 FD of 2.2.1.R.l 0-5 Expanded 2 2.2.2.R.1 R 0-5 Standard 2 2.2.2.R.2 R 5-15 Standard 2 2.2.2.R.3 R 15-100 3 2.2.3.R.1' R 0-5 Standard 3 2.2.3.R.2 R 5-15 Standard 3 2.2.3.R.3 R 15-100 4 2.2.4.R.1 R 0-5 Standard 4 2.2.4.R.2 R 5-15 Standard

>*i .,

~oil Sample summary

  • :QC~ Qualjty .c9.ntrol Sarnpl~ (FD:;:: Fi~ld Duplic<i~e~- E~;:: Equ'ip111ent Blank, [)I ~ peioriiz~d.Wat~r.Blan,k}-: . .*
  • Total .-'Total " "

.. Ar'ea" slib~Area: 1* ,, , .lo( 'sarriple io:* type **:.-Depth ~" .

" .*:rype Analysis

": ***,*' :* *.,:. : ** i:~¢ations : Sample,s.. -  : ,-.; ,*:  : '" ~ ." .".; ' '

4 2.2.4.R.3 R 15-100 Expanded QC 2.2.4.R.5 FD of 2.2.4.R.3 15-100 Expanded Locations Samples QC -2.2.4.R.6 EB N/A Standard

. *A~ea z i

.8 *


" - 28. .... - ,_,.; *'

  • ,s' *1* ;, . Area 2 .. s~mples-Anal'ylz!'!d,
  • . 22, * .'.,-
  • Area 3 3 3.1 24 71 1 3.1.1.E.1 E 0-15 Standard 1 3.1.1.E.2 E 15-30 Standard 1 3.1.1.E.3 E 30-60 Expanded 1 3.1.1.E.4 E 60-100 Standard QC 3.1.1.E.5 FD of 3.1.1.E.1 0-15 Expanded QC 3.1.1.E.6 FD of 3.1.1.E.2 15-30 Expanded QC 3.1.1.E.7 FD of 3.1.1.E.3 30-60 Expanded QC 3.1.1.E8 FD of 3.1.1.E.4 60-100 Expanded 2 3.1.2.E.1 E '0-15 Standard 2 3.1.2.E.2 E 15-30 Standard 2 3.1.2.E.3 E 30-60 3 3.1.2.E.4 E 60-100 Standard 3 3.1.3.E.1 E 0-15
  • Standard 3 3.1.3.E.2 E 15-30 Standard 3 3.1.3.E.3 E 30-60 3 3.1.3.E.4 E 60-100 Standard 4 3.1.4.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 3.1.4.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 3.1.4.R.3 R 30-60 4 3.1.4.R.4 R 60-100 Standard 5 3.1.5.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 3.1.5.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 3.1.5.R.3 R 30-60 5 3.1.5.R.4 R 60-100 QC 3.1.5.R.(5 EB N/A Standard 6 3.1.6.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 3.1.6.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 3.1.6.R.3 R 30-60 6 3.1.6.R.4 R 60-100 7 3.1.7.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 3.1.7.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 3.1.8.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 3.1.8.R.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 3.1.8.R.6 EB N/A Standard 9 3.1.9.E.1 E 0-15 Standard 9 3.1.9.E.2 E 15-30 Standard QC 3.1.9.E.6 EB N/A Standard 10 3.1.10.E.1 E 0-15 Standard

Soil Sample Summciry  ;, "

QC =Quality Control s'ample (FD= Field Duplicate, EB= Equipment,13l~nk1 DI'~ Deio11ized,Water Bfr1nk) , "'

"' 'Total To'tal " ,'

Area_ Sub,;Area Locations sanipfos;-

Loe Sample 1b Type ' ' ' , -~ ~

- '.Depth,,

,, type, Analysis "


10 3.1.10.E.2 E 15-30 Standard -

11 3.1.11.E.1 E 0-15 Standard 11 3.1.11.E.2 E 15-30 Standard 12 3.1.12.E.1 E 0-15 Standard 12 3.1.12.E.2 E 15-30 Standard 13 3.1.13.R.1 R 0-15 *Standard 13 3.1.13.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 14 3.1.14.R.l R 0-15 Standard 14 3.1.14.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 15 3.1.15.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 15 3.1.15.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 16 3.1.16.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 16 3.1.16.R.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 3.1.16.R.6 EB N/A Standard 17 3.1.17.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 17 3.1.17.R.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 3.1.17.R.5 FD of 3.1.17.R.1 0-15 Expanded QC 3.1.17.R.6 FD of 3.1.17.R.2 15-30 Expanded 18 3:1.18.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 18 3.1.18.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 19 3.1.19.R.l R 0-15 Standard 19 3.1.19.R.2 . R 15~30 Standard 20 3.1.20.R.l R 0-15 Standard 20 3.1.20.R.2 R 15-30 21 3.1.21.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 21 3.1.21.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 22 3.l_.22.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 22 3.1.22.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 23 3.1.23.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 23 3.1.23.R.2 R 15-30 Standard 24 3.1.24.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 24 3.1.24.R.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 3.1.24.R.6 EB N/A Standard 3 3.2 4 13 1 3.2.1.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 3.2.1.R.2 R 15-30 QC 3.2.1.R.5 FD of 3.2.1.R.1 0-15 Expanded QC 3.2.1.R.6 EB N/A Standard 2 3.2.2.R.l R 0-15 Standard 2 3.2.2.R.2 R 15-30 3 3.2.3.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 3.2.3.R.2 R 15-30 4 3.2.4.R.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 3.2.4.R.2 R 15-30

. QC =.Quality control sample (FD = FieIp Duplicate, E~ =*Equipment Blan*k, DI*=: Deionized water 'sfank) '. .

. .. . . . Total Total , , ..

  • Area Sub-Area L........ _ . Loe. Sample ID .Type .. Depth Type Anal~sis.
  • . .. *. ocat1,0ns .sa_mp 1es * * . - .*

4 3.2.4.R.3 R 30-60 Standard 4 3.2.4.R.4 R 60-100 Standard Locations Samples QC 3.2.4.R.5 FD of 3.2.4.R.4 60-100 Expanded

- ,28, . 184 . ' Area _3 S~mples Analyzed -72*_: .. -

Area 4 4 4.1A 1 2 1 4.1AR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.1AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.1B 8 25 1 4.1BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.1BR1.2 R .15-30 1 4.1BR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.1BR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.1BR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.1BR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.1BR2.3 R 30-60 Expanded 2 4.1BR2.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 4.1BR2.5 FD of4.1BR2.3 30-60 Expanded QC 4.1BR2.6 FD of 4.1BR2.4 60-100 Expanded QC 4.1BR2.7 EB N/A Standard 3 4.1BR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.1BR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.1BR4.1. R 0-15 Standard 4 4.1BR4.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 4.1BR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.1BR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.1BR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.1BR6.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.2BR6.5 EB N/A. Standard 7 4.1BR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 4.1BR7.2 R 15-30 8 4.1BR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.1BR8.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.1BR8.5 EB N/A Standard 4 4.1C 9 26 1 4.1CR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.1CR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.1CR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.1CR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.1CR2.1 R 0-15 J Standard 2 4.1CR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.1CR2.3 R 30 2 4.1CR2.4 R 60-100 QC 4.1CR2.5 EB N/A Standard 3 4.1CR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.1CR3.2 R 15-30 Expanded

-~oil S<!mple Summary*, .* ' .. *. ,,' '

  • QC= 0.1.1aljty Control'Sampie (FD::; f'.ielcl Duplfoate, EB= Equipi'l:ie!lfBlarik;* DI= Deionized.Wate~.Biank) rota I Total ' ' ". .  :
  • Area sub~Area. ' ...
  • Locations* . Samples Loe Sa'm'ple ID* ~vpe Depth

~ ' " .

. Type Analysis,

,.  :'; ~ ,*

QC 4.1CR3.5 FD of 4.1CR3.2 15-30 Expanded 4 4.1CR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.1CR4.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 4.1CR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.1CR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.1CR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.1CR6.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.1CR6.5 EB N/A Standard 7 4.1CR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 4.1CR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 4.1CR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.1CR8.2 R 15-30 Standard 9 4.1CR9.1 R 0-15 Expanded 9 4.1CR9.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.1CR9.5 FD of 4.1CR9.1 0-15 Expanded 4 4.10 6 18 1 4.1DR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.1DR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.1DR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.1DR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.1DR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.1DR2.2 R 15-30 Expanded 2 4.1DR2.3 R 30-60 Expanded 2 4.1DR2.4 R 60-100 QC 4.1DR2.5 FD of 4.1DR2.3 30-60 Expanded 3 4.1DR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.1DR3.2 R 15-30 4 4.1DR4.1 R 0-15 Expanded 4 4.1DR4.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.1DR4.5 FD of 4.1DR4.1 0-15 Expanded 5 4.1DR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.1DR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.1DR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.1DR6.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.2A 4 14 1 4.2AR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.2AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.2AR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.2AR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.2AR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.2AR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.2AR2.3 R 30-60 2 4.2AR2.4 R 60-100 3 4.2AR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.2AR3.2 R 15-30

__ _J

SoHS~mple Summary', ;,: '"

,, ' ', ; ~. .' . ,

, QC= Quality.Co~trolSainple (FD= Field Duplicate, EB =*Equipment !31ank, m*= Deicmi:z.ed Water Blank) ,'

Total' Total ,.

Area. Sub-Ar.ea Loe . Sample ID type*~ , Depth Type Analysis Lo,i:afions ', Samples , , , '

4 4.2AR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.2AR4.2 R 15-30 4 4.2AR4.5 R 0-15 Expanded QC 4.2AR4.6 FD of 4.2AR4.5 0-15 Expanded 4 4.2B 18 49 1 4.2BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.2BR1.2 R 15-30 1 4.2BR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.lBRl.4 R 60-100 2 4.2BR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.2BR2.2 R 15-30 2 4.2BR2.3 R 30-60 2 4.2BR2.4 R 60-100 3 4.2BR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.2BR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 3 4.2BR3.3 R 30-60 Expanded 3 4.2BR3.4 R 60-lOQ Expanded QC 4.2BR3.5 FD of 4.2BR3.3 30-60 Expanded QC 4.2BR3.6 FD of 4.2BR3.4 60-100 Expanded QC 4.2BR3.7 EB N/A Standard 4 4.2BR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.2BR4.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 4.2BR5.1 R 0-15' Standard 5 4.2BR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.2BR6.l R 0-15 Standard 6 4.2BR6.2 R 15-30 Standard 7 4.2BR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 4.2BR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 4.2BR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.2BR8.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.2BR8.5 EB N/A Standard 9 4.2BR9.1 R 0-15 Standard 9 4.2BR9.2 R 15-30 Standard 10 4.2BR10.1 R 0-15 Standard 10 4.2BR10.2 R 15-30 Standard 11 4.2BR11.1 R 0-15 Standard 11 4.2BR11.2 R 15-30 12 4.2BR12.1 R 0-15 Standard 12 4.2BR12.2 R 15-30 Standard 13 4.2BR13,1 R 0-15 Standard 13 4.2BR13.2 R 15-30 Standard 14 4.2BR14.1 R 0-15 Standard 14 4.2BR14.2 R 15-30 Standard 15 4.2BR15.l R 0-15 Standard

.. , . *,' .: .. "*'"-,.:: .. *:' '. .... i;" ". '*.

soil sample summary. ,.,.> '.

QC= Quality Co_ntro!i.Sam'ple (FD ~Field Dlipliq1te,, ~!3*= Equip'ment ~lank, :0.1 =* Delo!}iied W.ater: Blank)* . *

  • Total * ...

?-***,*( : ""- ' *. '~

Tot<\I* .* "
  • Area. sub;.t\r~a~

~ ':* - ":~ ~- toc_aii<:,~~-: 'sahiples.

.Loe .sampie10*

  • TYP~ . *Dept.h*' " T\fpe A_nalysis *

. :., "; , *'""*** .* " . ' ' *~* ,- '

15 4.2BR15.2 R 15-30 Standard 16 4.2BR16.1 R 0-15 Standa*rd 16 4.2BR16.2 R 15-30 Standard 17 4.2BR17.1 R 0-15 Expanded 17 4.2BR17.2 R 15-30 Expanded QC 4.2BR17.5 EB N/A Standard 18 4.2BR18.1 R 0-15 Standard 18 4.2BR18.2 R 15-30 Expanded QC 4.2BR18.5 FD pf 4.2BR18.l 0-15 Expanded QC 4.2BR18.6 FD of 4.2BR18.2 15-30 Expanded 4 4.2C 2 7 1 4.2CR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.2CR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.2CR1.3 R 30-60

1. 4.2CR1.4; R 60-100 2 4.2CR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.2CR2.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.2CR2.5 EB N/A Standard 4 4.3A 4 15 1 4.3AR.1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.3AR.1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.3AR.1.3 R 30-60 1 4.3AR.1.4 R 60-100 Standard QC 4.3AR.1.5 EB N/A Standard 2 4.3AR.2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.3AR.2.2 R* 15-30 Standard 2* 4.3AR.2.3 R 30-60 2 4.3AR.2.4 R 60-100 Standard 3 4.3AR.3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.3AR.3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.3AR.4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.3AR.4.2 R 15-30 Expanded QC 4.3AR.4.5 FD of 4.2AR.4.1 0-15 Expanded QC 4.3AR.4.6 FD of 4.3AR.4.2 15-30 Expanded 4 4.38 20 56 1 4.3BR.1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.3BR.1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 . 4.3BR.1.3 R 30-60 1 4.3BR.1.4 R 60-100 2 4.3BR.2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.3BR.2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.3BR.2.3 R 30-60 2 4.3BR.2.4 R 60-100 3 4.3BR.3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.3BR.3.2 R 15-30 Standard 3 4.3BR.3.3 R 30-60
  • <. **: ** Soil Sample summa..y: * * ~."'

..., ~

  • . *.oc: =Quality*C:Qntrotsample*(FD .=*Field:ouplicate:; EB*:= EqµiprnenfBlank, 01 =Defor1ized \A/at~r Blai:ikF .


' Total Total " .

"/' . , '\

'sub"Area. ' ,. ' ' .Loe. .Sample' lb . TYPE;'. ,, .. D~pth**: . :Type.An~lysis.

,: *.* ...'""* . Lo.cations.* *samples. .

(**';e,,, , ' * ,  : *.. ., *""""

  • <~ '. ~ ~- *" .,

3 4.3BR.3.4 R 60-100 4 4.3BR.4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.3BR.4.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.3BR.4.3 R 30-60 Expanded 4 4.3BR.4.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 4.3BR.4.5 FD of 4.3BR.4.3 30-60 Expanded QC 4.3BR.4.6 FD of 4.3BR.4.4 60-100 Expanded 5 4.3BR.5.l R 0-15 Standard 5 4.3BR.5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.3BR.6.l R 0-15 Standard 6 4.3BR.6.2 R 15-30 Standard 7 4.3BR.7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 4.3BR.7.2 *R 15-30 Standard QC 4.3BR.7.5 EB N/A . Standard 8 4.3BR.8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.3BR.8.2 R 15-30 Standard 9 4.3BR.9.l R 0-15 Standard 9 4.3BR.9.2 R 15~30 Standard 10 4.3BR.10.1 R 0-15 Standard 10 4.3BR.10.2 R 15-30 Standard 11 4.3BR.ll.1 R 0-15 Standard 11 4.3BR.ll.2 R 15-30 Standard 12 4.3BR.12.1 R 0-15 Standard.

12 4.3BR.12.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.3BR.12.5 EB N/A Standard 13 4.3BR.13.1 R 0-15 Standard 13 4.3BR.13.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.3BR.13.5 EB N/A Standard 14 4.3BR.14.1 R 0-15 Standard 14 4.3BR.14.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.3BR.14.5 EB N/A Standard 15 4.3BR.15.1 R 0-15 Standard 15 4.3BR.15.2 R 15-30 Standard 16 4.3BR.16.l R 0-15 Standard 16 4.3BR.16.2 R 15-30 Standard 17 4.3BR.17.1 R 0-15 Standard 17 4.3BR.17.2 R 15-30 Standard 18 4.3BR.18.1 R 0-15 Standard 18 4.3BR.18.2 R 15-30 Standard 19 4.3BR.19.1 R 0-15 Standard 19 4.3BR.19.2 R 15-30 20 4.3BR.20.1 R 0-15 Standard 20 4.3BR.20.2 R. 15-30 .Expanded

.'.: . Cl~ =:<Q~ality*c(;>~trhl.Sample.(FD =*l:i~ld c>upliq1te~ EB= Equiprp~nt Blank,*DI;:: Deiohized water Blank) ....

.. ** , * ,. 'fotal ' Total ** ... .. * *" * *'. ..

  • Area. Sub~Area .L . .. ,, .. :
  • Loe Sa.mple ID . Type  : * ,
  • Depth ** . *.Type Analysi~:
  • ocat1ons ; 5amp 1es .* .. ,. * * ._, .....' .. ,.... . *. .., , *. *, .** * *
  • QC 4.3BR.20.5 FD of4.3BR.20.1 0-15 Expanded QC R.3BR.20.6 FD of4.3BR.20.2 15-30 Expanded 4.4A 1 2 1 4.4AR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.4AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.4B 1 2 1 4.4BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.4BR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.4C 7 21 1 4.4CR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.4CR1.2 R 15-30 St<1ndard 1 4.4CR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.4CR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.4CR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.4CR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.4CR2.3 R 30-60 Expanded 2 4.4CR2.4 R 60-100 QC 4.4CR2.5 FD of 4.4CR2.3 30-60 Expanded 3 4.4CR3.l R 0-15 Standard 3 4.4CR3.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.4CR3.5 EB N/A Standard 4 4.4CR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.4CR4.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 4.4CR5.l R 0-15 Standard 5 4.4CR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.4CR6.l .R 0-15 Standard 6 4.4CR6.2 R 15-30 Standard 7 4.4CR7.1 R 0-15 Expanded 7 . 4.4CR7.2 R 15-30 Standard

. QC 4.4CR7.5 FD of4.4CR7.1 0-15 Expanded 4 4.4D 6 20 1 4.4DR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.4DRL2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.4DR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.4DR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.4DR2.1 R . 0-15 Standard 2 4.4DR2.2 R 15-30 Expanded 2 4.4DR2:3 R 30-60 2 4.4DR2.4 R 60-100 QC 4.4DR2.5 FD of 4.4DR2.2 15-30 Expanded

3. 4.4DR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.4DR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.4DR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.4DR4.2 R 15-30 5 4.4DR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.4DR5.2 R. 15-30 QC 4.4DR5.5 EB N/A Standard

,., ...,, ..,.,,, ,'** '. *: .. .' ~" ,', *.. .'  : .. '"**' . .

Soil'Sample summary *~ * -.

':. (.,' ~

.. . -:,* *~ .. ..,*

  • .. oc; =Quality Control Sample (Hf"'. Fiel~:o.~plic~te, *EB =Equipment Blan't<, Q! =-D~ioni'zed water Blank)'
  • Total .. Total

'A~fla* Sub-Area Lo~. .sart11Jie1cl "" . *:oe.pth *. '.Typ~'Analysis'.,.


,Type "

-- ' tcications , samples* ." _, ...  ; *, ...  : ,.,, .: *:*'* *;-,_<<*.: .._:,'.

6 4.4DR6.1 R 0-15 Expanded 6 4.4DR6.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.4DR6.5 FD of 4.4DR6.1 0-15 Expanded

  • ~*

QC 4.4DR6.6 EB N/A Standard 4 4.5A 7 20 1 4.5AR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.5AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.5AR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.5AR1.4 R 60-100 2 4.5AR2.1 R 0-15. Standard 2 4.5AR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 4.5AR2.3 R 30-60 Expanded 2 4.5AR2.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 4.5AR2.5 FD of 4.SAR2.3 30-60 Expanded QC 4.5AR2.6 FD of 4.SAR2.4 60-100 Expanded 3 4.5AR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.5AR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.5AR4.l R 0-15 Standard 4 4.5AR4.2 R 15-30 Standard

. - 5 4.5AR5.l R 0-15 Standard 5 4.5AR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.5AR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.5AR6.2 R 15-?0 Standard 7 4.5AR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 4.5AR7.2 15~30 Standard 4 4.58 8 22 1 4.5BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.5BR1.2 R 15-30 1 4.5BR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.5BR1.4 R 60-100*

2 4.5BR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.5BR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 . 4.5BR2.3 R 30-60 2 4.5BR2.4 R 60-100 3 4.5BR3.1 R 0-15 Expanded 3 4.5BR3.2 R 15-30 Expanded QC 4.5BR3.5 FD of 4.SBR3.l 0-15 Expa_nded QC 4.5BR3.6 FD of 4.SBR3.2 15-30 Expanded 4 4.5BR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 4.5BR4.2 R 15-30 ' Standard 5 4.5BR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.5BR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 4.5BR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.5BR6.2 R 15-30 Standard 7 4.5BR7.1 R 0-15 Standard

  • ,soil sam1>1e*surhmarv ',, '. "

!:' QC ~ Qu~lity Co'ilfro' Safupl~ (FD." l'.iel~'Quplic~te1 EB =*Equipment ~lank;* or ='.Deibriiz~d Water 'Blank) '

,, .:fo!al '"

  • Area 'sub~Ar~a . *Total ;

Type An.~lysi~ ,


  • sample*io Type* "

.DE!f)t~ *'

_Locations ~.San:iJ>l~s .:: :: ,;_ ' , ' ' , , . ,,,. . *' ' ',' " ,, . ' ,,:.- ' """ '" /<<'.*'",: ,,,,,

7 4.5BR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 4.5BR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.5BR8.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 4.5C 9 28 1 4.5CR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 4.5CR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 4.5CR1.3 R 30-60 1 4.5CR1.4 R 60-100 QC 4.5CR1.5 EB N/A Standard 2 4.5CR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 4.5CR2.2 R 15-30 2 4.5CR2.3 R 30-60 2 4.5CR2.4 R 60-100 QC 4.5CR2.5 EB N/A Standard 3 4.5CR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 4.5CR3.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.5CR3.5 FD of 4.5CR3.l 0-15 Expanded QC 4.5CR3.6 FD of 4.5CR3.2 15-30 Expanded 4 4.5CR4.1 'R 0-15 Standard 4 4.5CR4.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 4.5CR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 4.5CR5.2 R 15-30 6 4.5CR6.1 R 0-15 Standard 6 4.5CR6.2 R .15-30 Standard 7 4.5CR7.1 *R 0-15 Standard 7 4.5CR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 4.5CR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 4.5CR8.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 4.5CR8.5 EB N/A Standard 9 4.5CR9.1 R 0-15 Standard 9 4.5CR9.2 R 15-30 Standard Locations Samples QC 4.5CR9.5 EB N/A Standard

,_Are.a'4 "' ur.

.:'1,:, ,3~,J:. ,' ~,* ,,,/' ,>**.,: *;,. .*,; '", ."*Ar~c:i 4. sam'plesAn(!lyzed 269 Area 5 5 5.1A 2 10 1 5.1AR1.1 R 0-15 Expanded 1 5.1AR1.2 R 15-30 1 5.1AR1.3 R 30-60 1 5.1AR1.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 5.1AR1.5 FD of 5.lARl.1 0-15 Expanded QC 5.1AR1.6 FD of 5.lARl.4 60-100 Expanded QC 5.1AR1.7 EB N/A Standard 2 5.1AR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 5.1AR2.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 5.1AR2.5 EB N/A Standard

.. , :*, ,'::.;: v :, .. ,*::\" , , ,,  : , " "\ 0 soii sample summary * ,*,. ,'

QC~Qµality Cqritrol Sample(FD~ Fielc{Duplicate/EB = Equipment ~lc1nk; ,DI =*DefpnitedWater'Bla.nk) * "

'Area* 'sub-A~~a;

  • :: Tota.1 *
  • Total.: **
  • O~ptli". > ' . 1vpe An,alysis Loe 2:san1p1e10* *

, ,, ,, ,' : , : ,, :'"* Typ~

.'*"' ;,: " 1r* ...... *.*;:;e . ;..Lo~ations * .Samples: '!* ' ***" *'" , ., ':.' , ,

5 5.18 2 4 1 5.1BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 5.lBRl.2 *R 15-30 Standard 2 5.1BR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 5.1BR2.2 R 15-30 5 5.2A 7 21 1 S.2AR1.1 R 0-15 Standari:I 1 5.2AR1.2 R 15-30 1 5.2AR1.3 R. 30-60 1 5.2AR1.4 R 60-100 2 5.2AR2.1 R 0-15 Expanded 2 5.2AR2.2 R 15-30 " Expanded 2 5.2AR2.3 R 30-60 2 5.2AR2.4 R 60-100 QC 5.2AR2.5 FD of 5.2AR2.1 0-15 Expanded QC- 5.2AR2.6 FD of 5.2AR2.2 15-30 Expanded QC 5.2AR2.7 EB N/A Standard 3 5.2AR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 5.2AR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 5.2AR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 5.2AR4.2 R 15-30 5 5.2AR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 5.2AR5.2 R. 15-30 Standard 6 5.2AR6.1 R 0-15

  • Standard 6 5.2AR6.2 R 15-30 7 5.2AR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 5.2AR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 5 5.28 8 22 1 5.2BR1.1 R 0-15 Standard 1 5.28~1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 5.2BR1.3 R 30-60 Standard 1 5.2BR1.4 R 60-100 2 5.2BR2.1 R 0-15 Expanded 2 5.2BR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 2 5.2BR2.3 R 30-60 Expanded 2 5.2BR2.4 R 60-100 QC 5.2BR2.5 FD of 5.2BR2.1 0-15 Expanded QC 5.2HR2.6 FD of 5.2BR2.3 30-60 Expanded 3 5.2BR3.l R 0~15 Standard 3 5.2BR3.2 R 15-30 4 5.2BR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 5.2BR4.2 R 15-30 5 5.2BR5.1 R 0-15 Standard 5 5.2BR5.2 R 15-30 Standard 6 5.2BR6.l R 0-15 Standard 6 5.2BR6.2 R 15-30 Standard

. ., * ' '*C/'* ' <;, *'.' * .; * *:;*'*** *** .. * * ' *,,' ' ' " .  : *. ****\. .,'.' ./.i* ":.'<"

. .* *. *. ..... * . ** . , Soil Sample summary.. . .. . .. ..

.QC:*:;: ci.ual.ity Control SampJe '(f:[) =Field Dupliq:1t~, E'3 :::'Equipm~nt Blank, 01 = DeionizE!d Water Blank)< *

  • ... * * ** . "::">rotal* * . Tota'!' *.* * "~:* .* * . "* .,. . . 1.*" .. '* /' <:. ** * ,,:*. * *: . -. . * "'.*" . : ._, **
  • .Are'a
  • sub;Area *** * * * *. -. .. ** . .Loe Sample 10 * **** typ~. *Depth * :-
  • Type Analysis

.. .Locations .. Samp 1es . . .. . . ' . . . . .

7 5.2BR7.1 R 0-15 Standard 7 5.2BR7.2 R 15-30 Standard 8 5.2BR8.1 R 0-15 Standard 8 5.2BR8.2 R 15-30 5 5.3A 4 14 1 5.3AR1.1 R 0-15 Expanded 1 5.3AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 5.3AR1.3 R 1 5.3AR1.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 5.3AR1.5 FD of 5.3AR1.1 0-15 Expanded QC 5.3AR1.6 FD of 5.3AR1.4 60-100 Expanded QC 5.3AR1.7 EB N/A Standard 2 5.3AR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 5.3AR2.2 R 15-30 Standard 3 5.3AR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 5.3AR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 5.3AR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 5.3AR4.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 5.3AR4.5 EB N/A Standard 5 5.4A 4 13 1 5.4AR1.1 R 0-15 Expanded 1 5.4AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 5.4AR1.3 R 30-60 1 5.4AR1.4 R 60-lOO Expanded QC 5.4AR1.5 FD of 5.4AR1.1 0-15 Expanded QC 5.4AR1.6 FD of 5.4AR1.4 60-100 Expanded 2 5.4AR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 5.4AR2.2 R 15-30 Standard QC 5.4AR2.~ EB N/A Standard 3 5.4AR3.1 * . R 0-.15 Standard 3 5.4AR3.2 R 15-30 Standard 4 5.4AR4.1 R 0-15 Standard 4 5.4AR4.2 R 15-30 5 5.5A 4 13 1 5.5AR1.1 R 0-15 Expanded 1 5.5AR1.2 R 15-30 Standard 1 5.5AR1.3 R 30-60 1 5.5AR1.4 R 60-100 Expanded QC 5.5AR1.5 FD of 5.SARl.1 0-15 Expanded QC 5.5AR1.6 FD of 5.5AR1.4 60-100 Expanded QC 5.5AR1.7 EB N/A Standard 2 5.SAR2.1 R 0-15 Standard 2 5.5AR2.2

  • R 15-30 Standard 3 5.5AR3.1 R 0-15 Standard 3 5.5AR3.2 R 15-30 Standard r4 5.5AR4.1 R *0-15 Standard


' '~*'.';"*~.~::;~;. ;*;

  • .* *
  • Soil Sample summary.  : ** ..  :

'* :QC i Quality Contrp,I Sample (FD:::: Field Duplicate, E,B =Equipment B!arik, DI= _Deionized .watE!r Blank).

':'  : * .. . Tot~I

  • Total* * * * ** ~ ** '" * '** ~ **= *.: _;**,

}~rea .sub-Area Locations ..samples .Loe . Sample 10 =1ype 'oepth

  • Type Analysis 4 5.SAR4.2 5 5.6A 4 12 1 5.6AR1.1 1 5.6AR1.2 1 5.6AR1.3 1 5.6AR1.4 QC 5.6AR1.5 QC 5.6AR1.6 2 5.6AR2.1 2 5.6AR2.2 3 5.6AR3.1 3 5.6AR3.2 4 5.6AR4.1 Locations Samples 4 5.6AR4.2

)(Jg.*;. '>'./ ** .. ')

  • C',:
      • . :, ; Total ..
  • 209 * .. 6~3 ": .. *' ..