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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 24 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A887 (14)


Appendix E-Calibration Certificates


Certificates of Calibration

  • c~rtific~te <>f Calibration 2015~5999.,.1 243RQotstre~t$!Jite100 .. ,._

Olean, NY 14760 C~stomer Name: MJWporporation *.l\ilanµfacturer: Blcron Address:* 15.H;iz~two~i;f Drive Mqdel: Micro Rem $N: ~693G

.Suite H2 Arryher~t *. N~ 1472_a Detector Manufacturer: .sfcron

\fllor~ Qrger; 2q.1 ~-59~9 D~t. MOdel: ln~ernal Scintillator *SN:* n/a Cf1lioration Method:

Instrument Received:

Elec~onic'6 a~cisource*

EJWithin toieraric;e P.(qce~µre:

q Repairs. RequitE1d MCP-01 I!


J~l Met~r~Zero ~Mech .. Ck - *~Battery check

  • 0Reset Q.Audio {jwi~dqwStc1tus []Fs Respof'lse [~]LinE(arity Ir "'*.  :** . . . . *:-;*:*-c"*

. ". . :,,, >.. -::<  ::'."*.* '!. ':_ /'.,._, .. -.***.'."_;

,.-;*.,:.:* .-. :}.~/.'.:

cailhi<1.!kin *


  • >.'**~* ,-~ .!ii.slruii~~~t.c;aJ~Jl'rati9~~t-*"**
  • ~hs_tl'.1,lment Response

.* , * ". l

  • calibration' Altitude:* 14q0 ft

/' ,*~:* :,.::;*.:: >;c*-;,

.:.,; ~\- :.~.-

  • 1r:istnim~:nt.Respon~e I
  • Multiplier/Ran~e Point As Found AH~ft TO!erance: Mul!ipli~r/Raiige Point As Fou11d As Left
  • Toterante
ieo1* 4 tiRihi-40 uRlhi 3.9uRlfi"r° 40*uRll1i

.40 uRllii 3,4-4.6

.34.~6 -)(1

  • -X o*.1*


'4ooi.JR!lii' 4oOuR/l:ir 400 ul'Uhi 3404\;'o x 10 1

'*fooc>'uRihr 4oo6uRifit .4000 uRJfir 346iMtloO *x 100 X. iK 49:00o uR!hr 40ooo uRifu *4oooo:uRlhr ~QOIHsboo X,11< 1600!JO.uR/i:tr 162000 u~r 162~ uRihr f44o!io,176Q.)o j Xi'

  • ~OOepm;

" 41i9'iii" a:9uR!hr 1o~!Vhf

'Mi uR/lii 4o uRltii Forfl~lli\e~

For Referente>> ii.\'


  • f6kcpm:;. 160uRJtir 160uRltir ForRer~r~-0.1 I

Pulser: 500-2 sf)# 220106 :

. -~ .


'* - ,_. Response- .EffiCiem;y CF Dist2111cc

'Csl37 '7773CM Cell ! Gnirima Irradfatcfr 1.581 Ci MJWTechnical"ServiCes; Inc.certifies tliat'the aboiie instrument has'beeii'calibratild by standards traceable to the National institute of Standards and Tectinology or to the calibrator fa_dliti~s: pf other' ln_~em:a:tonal ~lim~ard~ -oroariizatiqri niemoers, .or have t>eiin derived .rr'om aceeptild values of natural physical constants or have been .derived by the _.ration fype er C<!li!Jratlsll) techf!!flu5Js; J"heJ:a!i!?rliti()ry,.~~tefti ,eonforms l() the_ requirements tSO/IEC 17025 and 1\NSI .N323~ The lnstrume.~t' llste~ abo11e was insp!JCled. P,f,!Or to st\ipljient ~nd It met all the inanulacturei:'s publislie_d operating s~fleations, (MJW Technical Serl{ices is not responsible for damage incur'recfduriflg shipment or use'of tt:iis Instrument):

Calibration Technician; . * . / ' / ' / ' .. QA Technici11n: Date: .S-:-c;. -TS (AL) ~~--

Calibration Date: 05/05/2015 *Calibration Due: 051os1201e Page: 1/1

C~rtific.~t~ of Calibration 2015-6089_*2 243 Root street s1.1ite 100 Olean, ~V 1476_0

f '~ .- ::

. ' "*"' . -~; ..; '* ", .'*

11Aaiitifach.irEir: .E3icrori Address: 243 Root Street M()tj~I: Micro Re~ SN: 1.487

'.Suite toil 61ean,-NY14160 Detector 11Aanufact1,1ret 8Jcr6n

  • custorner .PO# - Work Order: 201 S.6089 [)et.'Mode1; Internal.Scintillator* $N: n/a C.alibfati_on fyl_etho(j: Electronic(") and Sour~ Procedure: MCP-01 lnstrlimeni Received: q Within Tolerance ~butofToterance QRepaifs R~uired [Jot~er (S~eComme6ts)

@deotropiSrri @Meter Zero -~Mech.*c1c: ~fi-l'i_ Readol!t _ -9


1 eatte ry- Cliecl:

Temperature:** 11.2:r= Humidify: 57% Pr~sure:. 28.5 in Hg -Al~it\lcje: 1450 ft

, .Calibration - .lilstrume!lt i:t~sJ)onse caiibration Multiplier/Rang~ Point 1--A;..;.s...,.F.""'o-u-n""d_,.,.....;.-"A-s""'L""'e"'ft""'---T""'o""'le...:.ra-n--

. ce__,_, Mullipi!er/Range . P9int* *(IS'Fo_und As ~e_tf Tol_er'ance 4 uRJhr

  • x1*

X10 400uRihr '_lqOuRJhr X1K 40000uR/h; *34oQo uR!hr xo.1* For B.efereriC& xo._1*

. x 1*

Pulser: 500,.2 sn# 220()99 Isotope Serial# Efficie*

~ ___ ,~ -** CF - Distance

.777:3CM Cell 1 Gamnia liradiaior

  • 1.511 Ci

, ,, " * , :.,:~ * * $iate'men.ti:)i'.~,eriificatio'n._/L.  :.: .-.,,, ,,-, >, .:<<

MJW Technical Services, rnc certifies that the above instrument fofa been calibrated by standards traceab1e*to 'the National institute of. Standards and TechnolOQY or to the calibrator-raqil!ties of other International standaids 'orQ3niiati6n :members, or haw been derived trom accepted values of natural_phy$jca1 constants.or have been _deiilfed tiY thEt ration cype of ealibiation ti!chnlqueii. The calibration system eorifOrms to the requirements ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI NJ23: The Instrument llsied above"ilas inspected p'rtortO shipmelifaiid ii met all is tt)e manufaCturei's published operating SpecificiiUons. (MJW technical Services .not responsible for damage inCiirred during sliiprrient or use of ~is instrUrr\ent( -

Calibration Technician: QA Technician:*


Calibr(!tion Date: 06/18/2015 Calibration Due: 06/18/2016 Page: 1/1

. TS.

\ *""' '" ': .. ~.'

' Certificat~* of Calibration 2Q1~-6178-4 243 Root s~eet Suit~ 100 Olean, NY 14760 CuSi~,Per.Name: MJW ~orporatfon _ Manufacturer. Bicron AdCfress'.

  • 15 H~ze~i?o,CI oniie Model: Micro Rem SN: A224JJ Suite 1f2
  • Arriti~rsJ, NY; 14.?28 Cusfomer PO# Work Or(ler; .2015-6178 Det. Model: . Internal sciiltiU~tcir ~N: nla Calibr~ti~n Method: Etec~n:>nib(').~nd Source

!nstl}imeiltRece!i/ed: ~Within Toler~nee 0Repairs Required Qofiwr (See C,ommeptS)

~ Gecitropism ~Mech.;Ck @riv Readout - OReset-

.OAudio. 0Window Status 0 FS Re_s~onse ~Linearity Temperature: 72 F H\li'):lidity: 5()o/,o Pressure: _28'4 in; Hg Al!ililge': 145Cfff

  • '..:. *"* _,_ ., -*~- :.:~.-,:r:;::,,;~-*:: *' . *. *_s:.*::*, ,* :; :'~ *:._:;:;*

~ ~

'"?)A~t:~~m.~rt't;onti1>H-1iin-'*'"* _:~.'.<'/~,,:~ *" ;: _  ;: ;:~J *"\' =;;<:r::_'.\ ... * .:.*'.:.:.*:-~'.lY . :.'~*:2>.

Catib'ratlcin .lrisirument R~spons~ oCalibration ln~tt:Umenf~es-po~se Multipliel'lf'ifu9i:l Point As Faun~ As Left Tolerance- Multiplier/Range . *.f'alni . f"~ Found As ).ell Tolerance

. X0:1* 4ti~ 3.9 uRJhr 3.9'ur~ 3:4~:?; *x o.1' 16 uR/hr x1* 40uB!hf 40~!iJlii 40 UR/hr 3446  :"\1 x 10 :4oo:uRlhr r*- . 40/iii~r ,4oouRlhr 34<800: xfo *1600.uR/hr: .1600u.Rlhr 1pOouR!iir wi1fliso.1 x100* 49o<J4~~ .iooiluR!fu *.iooo uRJlir 340.~iloO' x1oo XiK !J~UR/hr '4!J69ou~ 4opOouRlhi- 349aQ.4_so00 .Xl~

(0.1." ~Ooq>ll)~ S's uF<.lfu _3,9uR/hr .F~~rer~ xo.1*

.~*kq;m = ~a uRl.hf 4b'utiliii F_or-Refenif)i:~: x1*

Pulser;-500_~2 sn# 220106 MJW Technical Services, 1n*c certifies that the' abov'e ihsfrumen( has been catibrated*by standards traceable to the Natioi\al'instlll)te .of Standards and Technology or toJho calibrator,


1aci1i\ies olii~r 'tnierii_atioriill Sl~fldarils or~anizatio11 rneinbers. or ha_v'~ been derived ltom acceplEld ~lui,is of PhYs~<;al c0nstants or have ~-" ~erivep ~)I trie ~yofjype_ of

<;alibration techniques. The. calibration system conforms. to the ,requirements. ISOllEC 17025.and ANSI N323. The lr)strUm~nf listed above was inspect"\d pno~ to _shipment ancl It.met all the marn.ifacturer's published operatjng s?eciflcation~. (MJiN Technical Services Is not responsible. tor damage Incurred during shipment or use ofthis'instn:Jment). , . '. . * * .

Calibration.Technician: . .~.../ ~ Oafo:

..(AL) . ~(""--.

Calibration. pate: 0§/04/2015 Calibration Due: 0810412016 Page: 111

  • TS l i

243 Roqt Street*$_ulte 1QO

. I Ji I

Olean, NY 1476()


'<<,'i'<, J

'.'J*:*~;~ -~*J ::" *.. '; :1 Manufacturer,


Address: 15Haze!wood Drive Model: 2241-2 $N: 206098 suii~ 112 Amh.erst, NY 14228 Detector Manufaeturer: L.udlum M_easur~men~

Customer PO# Work Order: 20f5*6241 Det. Model> 44-10 Calibfatlon MethOd: Electronic(~) -Ptocedure: SQP-06 lristri.irn~ntRece.ived: ~\/Vithiri To.leranc;e 0 Oyt of Tolerance O'Repairs Requi'reo Oother {See Comments) 0Geotropism

  • o:rvfoter iero ~Mecti.d *OHv Reaaolit *~rsattery check ~Reset LJIJ\linoo'N Stat1Js ~ FS Resporise @pnearity Temperature: 7'1F Humidity: 52%
  • Pressure: 2a~*.s in Hg Altitude: 1450 ~ I

., I1*

Ca!ibrallon lt~~tru ni~ritRespqnse canbralion

. M_ultipli~r/R.a.noe Point 1----------------1 As Found As'Left *Tol_erance ~_i.Jlliplier/Range Point *As Found* *Tolerance*

I Ratomalet 1.10<la' Ralemeter Mooe* HcPrri I .3.99kc;im .3.99kcpm *3J.l44.*1 400 J<Ci>m .399 kcpm

  • 399 k~ 36Q.440. Sca!E!f Mo' 40 cpm 40 cpl1\ ~Q cpm_

Isotope Activity ilcspnilse *t<:fficiericy CF Disla nee

.Am241 tJB992 2344511:523 tJpm *159080 6.8 % 14.71 *o inch ts1j1 UB994 :Hsitil3.672 apm . 220200 :9.2 % 10..87 0 inch I

. r ,., -: J *~: *

' . ~~ ' *'

. *. r:L=' ,,-.

,".\. ',.

Disc/Sens: 10 *mv J.*','.

Rate Alarm: 200 kcpm *Rate Alert.: 100 kcpm Seal Alarm: 915 kcts Detector* & voltage are ide1it;ical for s.wHch p9sition 1 .,,. 2.

Response to .Thorium w.elding rod check source #114 on contact = 13.. '7 kcpm +/-20% ( l&. 4 kcpm - 11. O kcpm)

MJW Teclmic;al Services. lnc*certifies that t.he abOve instrument tias been .calibrated b'/ standafds traceable to the National institute of,Standarcs and Technology oi to the cafibrator facilities or.otl)er International Standards organization 'memlier5, or have *been *derived from.accepted values of natural pfiysfcal c:Onstarits' or have been derivea by the raiion. tyµ;l of cal.lbration .te<:hnlq!Je~ ..The ca)ibratio(l syster(i conforms to .the *requireil)ents ISOllEC 17025 ano ANSI N323. The to Instrument listed abovifwas lnsiieeted prfri snipmerii and it met all

. the manufacturers published operating specifications; (l'JIJIN Jechnical Services Is not respbnslble for damage.lnCl,lrred duririg shipment or use ortniS*1nstri.iment).

  • Calibration TeChnician: -~--::?"' / QA Technician: Date:

(AL) /'7?.....'1""".:<:.. ,,..,_,..

Calibration Date: 09/01/2015 Calibration Due: 09/01/2016 Page: 1/2

Certificate of Calibration 2015-6241 -1 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Cu tomer Instrument Customer Name MJW Corporation Manufacturer* Ludlum Measurements Address 15 HazelWood Drive Model 2241 *2 SN 206098 Suite 112 Amherst, NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Customer PO# Wor1< Order* 2015-6241 Del Model- 4-4-10 SN PR 1126-42 1-Red Calibration Method: Electronic(") Procedure SOP-06 Instrument Received ~Within Tolerance O out of Tolerance 0 Repairs Required 0 0ther (See Comments) 0 Geotropism 0 MeterZero ~ Mech. Ck 0 HVReadout ~ Battery Check ~Reset

~ Audio 0 Window Status ~FS Response ~Lineanty ~AlannSet Temperature: 71 F Humidity: 52% Pressure 28.5 in Hg Altitude. 1450 fl

  • source Voltage Plateaus Fi~ 1: U89921 200000  !:* Background 180000 160000 140000 .

120000 100000 80000.

60000 40000 20000 0

500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 tatemenl or c rtification MJW Technical Servloes tnc certifies that the abOve Instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the National Institute ol Standards and Technology or to 11\e cahbrator faohlles of other lntemabonal Standards 019anization members, or have been derived from accepted values of natural physlCill constants or have been denved by the ration type of calibration techniques The cahbration system conforms to the requirements ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument bsted abOYe was inspected pnor to shipment and 1t met all the manufacturer's published operating specifications (MJW Tecnnical Services is not responsible fof damage incurred dunng shipment or use of this instrument)

Calibratt0n Technician __,,,.,,.---- QA Technician Date (AL) ~~-

Calibration Date. 09/0112015 Calibrallon Due 09101/2016 Page: 212

rtifi ate of aJibration 2015--6243-1 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name* MJW Corporation Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Address* 15 Hazelwood Drive Model 224 1-2 s 262737 Suite 112 Amhers NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Customer PO# Wori!. Order: 2015-6243 Del Model 44- 10 SN PR111127 1-Red Calibration Method: Electronic(") Procedure SOP-06 Instrument Received. 0 W 1th1n Tolerance O out ofTolerance 0 Repa irs Required 0 0ther (See Comments) 0 Geotropism 0 Meter Zero 0 Mech Ck 0 HVReadout 0 Battery Check 0Reset 0 Audio O w1ndow Status 0 FS Response 0 Uneanty 0 Alarm Set Temperature 71 6 F Humidity: 50% Pressure 28 5 m Hg Altitude 1450 ft Instrument Calibration Calibration Instrument Response Calibrabon Instrument Response Multiplier/Range Poinl As Found As Left Tolerance Multiplier/Range Point As Found Aslefl Tolerance R<lterneuw Mode' 400cpm 400 cpm <<X>cpm 360.440 R<ll-* Mode' Ocpm 399kq>m 3 99 11.cpm 3~4

~Moele ' 40 i\cpm 38 g lu:pn 399kqim 36.-44 Ralemeter Mode. 400~ 399 cpm 39911.cpm 360-440


  • 400cpm 400cpm <<X>cpn ~ ScaWModll ' 4 l<cpm 3 991 ki:prn 3991 l<c:prn 3M~ I Sc:alerMode' 40""""1 399'42l<cpm 39 IM2l<cpm ~ Scaltl< Mode. 400kcpn 399 824 i<qlnl 399 824 l<cpm ~1 Electronic Instruments Pulser 500-2 sn# 220106 Sources Type cthit Rtsponse CF Dista n e y 134 17 7 ** 17 54 0 y 2 dpm 214047 90 ~. 11.11 Om h Instrument Status Disc/Sens: 10 v Alann Status Ra~e Alarm: 300 kcpm Rate Alert: 200 kcpm Seal Alarm: 300 kcts Detector Status CC: 100 -2 OT : O usec Oper. V: 1000 v Nwn: 1 Comments P sponse o Thorium welding rod check source #116 on ~ontact
  • 16.B kcp 20 13.44 ~cpm - 20.16 kcpml MJW Tec11n1cal Sentices, Inc cel1ifies that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the NatJonal institute of Standards and Technology or to 1118 cal1bratOI' faohues of other lntemabonal Standards Ol'ganizauoo members, or have been denved from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been denved by the ration type of calibratJon techniques The cahbrabOo system conforms to the requirements ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed abOve was inspected poor to slupment and 11 met all the manufacture~s published operating speaficatlons (MJW Technical Services Is not responsible ror damage incurred dunng shipment OI' use of thtS instrument).

Calibration Technician (Al} ~fi-




QA Technician Date ,f" J -/S Calibra tion Date 0910212015 Ca libration Due 09/021201 6 Page: Ill

ertificate of alibration 2015-6243-2 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name MJW Corporation Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Address* 15 Hazelwood Drive MOdel 2241 -2 SN 262737 Suite 112 Amherst, NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Customer PO# Work Order 201 !H>243 Del Model 43-90 SN PR2n929 2-Yellow Calibration Method: Electronic(*) Procedure SOP-06 Instrument Received * ~Within Tolerance O out of Tolerance 0 Repalrs Required 0 Other (See Comments) 0 GeotroplSITI Q MeterZero ~ Mech Ck O HV Readout ~ Battery Check ~Reset 0 Audio Q w indow Status ~ FS Response ~ Ltneanty ~ Alarm Set Temperature* 71 6 F Humidity" 50% Pressure* 28 5 in Hg Altitude. 1450 ft Instrument Calibration Calibration Instrument Response Calibration lnstrumenl Response Mul~pller/Range Point As Found As left Tolerance Mulllplier/Range Point As Found As Left Tolerance R a t - Mode* 400cpm 400cpm 400 cpm ~40 Ra emeter 4 lu:pm 399 kcpm 399 kcpm 3iµ 4 R a - Mode* 40kcpm 3119 kcpm 399 cpm ~ Ra1eme1e<t.100e* 400 kcpm 399kcpm 399 q)l'n 360-440 Sc.ert.4ode* 400 ~ 400cpm 400cpm 36()..140 Scaler Moc>>* 4 lu:pm 31i191 kcpm 3991 kcom 31>-4. I Seal<< Moc19* 40 O<Cprn 39 9"12kcpm 39942 cpm J6.4t Scalet Mode" 400oqim 399 824 399 824 kcpm I

Electronic Instruments Pulser 500-2 sn# 220106 Sources T pe Effi i~nc

  • F Di tenet a4pi 19 I ~. 5 24 0 inch Instrument Status Disc/Sens : 10 mV Alarm Status Rate Alarm: 300 kcpm Ra e Aler 200 kcpm Sc<ll Alarm: 300 k:cts Detector Status CC : lOOe-2 DT : 0 usec Ope r. V : 700 V Num: 2 Comments Response o Thorill!ll welding rod check source Mll on c~n act = 80 c +/-20 (64 cpm - 96 cprnl MJW Technical Services Inc certifies that the abOve Ulstrument has been cahbraled by standards trace ble to the National 1nsutute of Standatds and Technology or to the calJ brator facilltles of other International Standards organization members. or have been denved from accepted values of natural pllyslcal constants or llave been derived by the rauon type of cahbrauon techniques The calibration system conforms to the requirements ISOllEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument hsted abOve was Inspected prior to shipment and 11 met all Ille manufacturer's published operating specifications (MJW Techmcal Services is not responslble for damage incurred during shipment or use of this rnstnJment)

Calibration Technician ~~ ~ QA Technician Date (Al) ~ r- --

Calibration Date 09102/2015 Calibration Due 09/02/20 16 Page: I/ I

Certificate of Calibration 2015-6326-4 243 Root Street Sui te 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name:


MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive I Manufacturer.

Model: 2241 Ludlum Measurements SN: 196664 Suite 112 Detector Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Amherst, NY 14228 Customer PO# Work Order: 2015-6326 Det. Model: 44-10 SN: PR256142 Calibration Method: Electronic(*) Procedure: SOP-06 Instrument Received: ~ Within Tolerance O o ut ofTolerance 0 Repairs Required 0 Other (See Comments) 0 Geotropism ~ Meter Zero ~ Mech. Ck 0 HV Readout ~ Battery Check ~ Reset

~ Audio 0 W indow Status ~ FS Response @Linearity ~ Alarm Set Temperature: 70.2 F Humidity. 45% Pressure: 28.3 in Hg Altitude* 1450 ft Instrument Calibration Calibration Instrument Response Calibration Instrument Response MultiplierlRange Point As Found As Left Tolerance Multiplier/Range Point As Found As left Tolerance Ratemeler Mode* 40cpm 40cpm 40cpm 36-44 Ratemeter Mode" 400cpm 400cpm 400cpm 360-440 Ratemeter Mode* 4kcpm 3 99kcpm 399kcpm 36-4 4 Ratemeter Mode* 40kcpm 399kcpm 399kcpm 36-44 I Ratemete<Mode' 400kcpm 399kcpm 399kc:pm 360-440 Scaler Mode" 40cpm 40cpm' 40cpm 36-44 I Scaler Mod&" 400cpm 400cpm 400cpm 360-<!40 Scale< Mode" 4kcpm 3992 kcpm 3992 kcpm 36-441 Scaler Mode' 40kq>m 39.907 kcpm 39907 kcpm 36-44 Scale< Mode' 400 kcpm 398 967 kcpm 398967 kq>m 360-440 I Electronic Instruments Pulser: 500-2 sn# 220106 Scaler: 2200 sn# 287163 Sources erialll Type ctivity Respons' fficiency CF Distance m24 1 UB992 y 2344079.688 dpm 13 1062 5.6 % 17.86 0 inch Cs l 37 UB994 y 2374408. !07 dpm 235 18 1 9.9 % 10. 10 Oincb Instrument Status Vo ltage: 1400 v Disc/ Sens : 10 mV Alarm Status Rat e Alarm: 300 kcpm Ra t e Al ert : 200 kcpm Sea l Alarm : 300 kcts Detector Status CC : lOO E-2 DT : 0 use c Oper. V: 14 00 V Comments Set for Gross Counting onl y with 96" cab l e.

Model 44- 10 energy res olution = 11%, acceptable detector energy resolulion is <13 %

Statement of Certification MJW Technical Services, Inc certiries that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the National institute or Standards and Technology or to the calibrator taciUlies ol other International Standards organization members, or have been derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been derived by the ration type of callbratlon techniques. The calibration system conforms to the requirements ISOllEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed above was inspected prior to Shipment and it met all the manufacturer's published operating specifications (MJW Technical Services is not responsible for damage incurred during shipment or use of this instrument).

Calibration Technician: ~~ QA Technician: / ~ ~ Date: / ~-  ?' <

(AL) /~""'1 * ~~~ 0

~ ...-J Calibration Date: 10/1 5/2015 Calibration Due 101151201 6 Page: 1/2

T.S Certificate of Calibration 2015-6326-4 243 Root Street S uite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name: MJW Corporation Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Model: 2241 SN: 196664 Suite 112 Amherst, NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Customer PO#- Work Order 2015-6326 Del Model: 44-10 SN: PR256142 Calibration Method: Electronic(/ Procedure. SOP-06 Instrument Received : ~Within Tolerance O out of Tolerance 0 Repairs Requ ired D Other (See Comments) 0 Geotropism ~Meter Zero ~Mech . Ck 0 HVReadout ~Battery Check ~Reset

~Audio 0 Window Status ~ FS Response ~linearity ~Alarm Set Temperature: 70.2 F Humidity: 45% Pressure: 28.3 in Hg Altitude: 1450 ft Source Voltage Plateaus 1~ 1 Source 1: UB992 *


140000 il 120000 l 1

100000 ~

i 80000 I 60000 j

_. j 20000 I 0

1 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Sta te ment of Certification MJW Tectmical Services, Inc certifies that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traceable to the National instiMe or Standards and Technology or to the calibrator lacillties or other International Standards organlzabon members. or have been derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been denved by the ration type of calibration techniques The calibration system conforms to the requirements ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed above was inspected prior to shipment and rt met all the manufacture~s published operating specificabons (MJW Technical Services is not responsible for damage incurred during shipment or use of this instrument)

Cahbryition Techn icia~

(Al) ~* ~I QATechn ic1an ~ Date c""'V--/C ef Calibration Date: 10/1512015 Calibration Due 10/15/2016 I Page: 212

TS Certificate of Calibration 2015-6361-1 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name: MJW Corporation Manufacturer. Ludlum Measurements Address 15 Hazelwood Dnve Model: 2241-2 SN 262641

. Suite 112 Detector Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Amherst, NY 14228 Customer PO# Wo~ Order 2015-6361 Det. Model: 43-90 SN* PR2n930 2-Yellow Calibration Method: Electronic(i Procedure. SOP-06 Instrument Received: ~Within Tolerance O out ofTolerance 0 Repairs Required n ether (See Comments)

C Geotroplsm C MeterZero ~Mech. Ck 0 HVReadout ~Battery Check ~Reset 3Audio O w1ndow Status ~ FS Response Ounearity ~Alarm Set Temperature* 69.1 F Humidity: 41 % Pressure 28.6 in Hg Altilude. 1450 ft Instrument Calibration calibration Instrument Response Calibration lnslrument Response Mult!plier/Range Point As Found As Left Tolerance Multiplier/Range Point As Found As Left Tolerance RatwnelerMod9° 40cpm 393 cpm 393cpn 36-44 Ratemeltl< MoOo* 400 c:pm 400 cpm 400cpm ~

RMemeler Mode* 4 cpm 3 96 kcpm 3 96kc:pm 3 6--4 4 ~Mocla* 40kcpm 3116 kc:pm 3961m 36-44 I Rac-.McJOe* 400 cpm kc:pm 396kc:pm 36()..440 Scaler -

  • 40cpm 40cpm 40cpm 3fM4 I Sc:elw Mod9* 400c:pm 396cpm 396cpm 360-440 Hc:pm 31168 kcpm 3968kc:pm 36-441 Scaler - -

$c8ler MQ<Je* 40~cpm 39sn1<Cpr11 396n 1tc:pm J6.'4 Scaler-* 40011.cpm 396678kcpm 396678kq>m 360440 I Electronic lmstruments Pulser. 500-2 sn# 220099 Scaler 2200 sn# 304428 Sources erW# Type divity Response Efficie c:y C7-660 a4p1 110229 264 dpm 25 00 23.0 % 4 35 0 tnch C?-635 a 4p1 111427 358 dpm 26250 23 6 'le 424 Omch 111230 C7-643 a4p1 993 I 0.90'J dpm 22370 22 5 o/o 444 Omch Instrument Status Disc/Sens: 10 mv Alarm Status Rate Alarm: 800 kcpm Rate Aler : 500 kcpm Seal Alarm: 990 kcpm Detector Status CC: 100 -2 OT: 0 usec Opet. V: 900 v Uum: 2 tatement of Certification MJW Technical Services, Inc certifies that the above instrument has been calibrated by standards traoeable to the National msbtute of Standards and Technology or to the calibrator facihtles of other lntemallonal Standards organization members, or have been denved from accepted values of natural physJcal constants or have been derived by the ration type of cahbratlon techniques The calibration system conforms to the requirements ISOllEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed a.bOve was inspected plior to shipment and h met au the manufacturer's published operating specifications. (MJW Technical Services is not responsible tor damage incurred during sh pment or use of this instrument)

Calibration Technician:


QA Technician Date. fl /3 15 Cahbrahon Date 11/0312015 Calibration Due 11/0312016 Page: I/I


ertificate of Calibration 2015-6361-2 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name: MJW Corporation Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Address* 15 Hazelwood Drive Model: 2241 -2 SN* 262641 Su e 112 Amherst, NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer: Ludlum Measurements Customer PO# Work Order: 2015-6361 Del Model* 44-10 SN: PR288429 1-Red Calibration Method: Electronic(*) Procedure. SOP-06 Instrument Received : ~ Within Tolerance O out of Tolerance 0 Repairs Required O other (See Comments)

[ ] Geotropism 0 Me er Zero ~ Mech. Ck 0 HVReadou1 ~ Battery Check ~ Reset 0 Audio C W indow Status ~ FS Response O unearity ~ Alarm Set Temperature. 69 1 F Humidity: 41% Pressure* 28.6 in Hg Altitude: 1450 fl Instrument Calibration Calibration Instrument Response Calibration Instrument Response Point Tolerance Multiplier/Range Point As Found Aslefl Tolerance Multiplier/Range As Found Aslefl Rlltamettt Mode' 40 cpm 39 3cpm 39 3 cpm ~ Ra-

  • Mode* *OOcpm 400 cpm 400cpm 360-4-40 Ra- Mode' "4 kcpm 3 96 kcpm 3 96 kcpm 3 ~4 Rat- Mode* 40kcpm 3961<cpn 39.6 kcpm ~1 Rlit.,.,., - *

<IQ() kqlrn kcpm 396 kq)nl 36G4<<l 40 cpm 40cpm 40 cpm 36-<< I Sailer Mode' 400cpm 3 cpm 396cpm 360-4o4()

Scaler -

ScawMode' 4 cpm 3 kqlrn 3 968 kc:pfn 3S..* I

~ ~1


40 kcpm 39&nkepm 39 6 n11cpm Stalw Mode' 400 kcpm 678kcpm 396 678 kq)ln Electronic Instruments I Pulser 50()..2 sn# 220099 Scaler: 2200 sn# 304428 Sources t ri. J# T pt cth'ity Rtsponst Effitj nc CF o* tuct Am241 UB992 y 2343863 800 dpm 176266 7 5 *;. 13 33 Omcb Csl37 UB994 v 237 1561 372 dpm 268517 11 .3 % 8 5 Omcb Instrument Status Disc/Sens: 10 mV Alann Status Ra e Alarm: 500 kcp m Ra e Al e rt: 300 kcpm Seal Alarm: 900 kcpm Detector Status CC : lOOe-2 OT: O usec Oper. V: 1000 V Num: l Comments Mo el 44-10 nergy resolution 8.9 , accep able de ector energy res o lu ion is <13 tatement or Certification MJW Technical Services, Inc certifies that the above Instrument has been cahbrated by standards tTaceable to the National institu1e of Standards and Technology or to the catibrator facilities of other International Standards organization members, or have been derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or have been derived by the ration type of calibration techniques. The calibration system conforms to the requirements 150/lEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed above was Inspected prior to shipment and tt met all the manufactu~s published operating specifications (MJW Technical Services Is not responsible for damage incurred during Shipment or use of this Instrument)

Ca hbration Techniclan. QA Technician (GH)

Calibration Date 11/0312015 Calibration Due 11 /0312016 Page* 1/2

. -.~J Certificate of Calibration 2015~361-2 243 Root Street Suite 100 Olean, NY 14760 Customer Instrument Customer Name: M.JW Corporation I Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements Address 15 Hazelwood Drive Model* 2241 -2 s 262641 '

\ ....

Suite 112 Amherst, NY 14228 Detector Manufacturer Ludlum Measurements \

Customer PO# Worl< Order: 2015-6361 Det Model* 44-10 SN* PR288429 1-Red Calibration Method: Electronic(*) Procedure SOP-06 Instrument Received: ~ Within Tolerance O out ofTolerance D Repairs Required n Other (See Comments) 0 Geotropism O MeterZero ~Mech Ck 0 HVReadou1 ~ Battery Check ~Reset

~ Audio 0 Wmdow Status ~ FS Response O unearity ~ Alarm Set Temperature 69.1 F Humidity: 41% Pressure 286 in Hg Altitude. 1450 ft Source Voltage Plateaus

  • F- Source l~ UB992 300000 j* Background 270000 J

I 2'10000 1

210000 180000 150000 120000 90000 ~

1 60000 *I 30000 0

'IOO 600 800 1000 1200 1'100 1600 Statement of Certification MJW Technical SeNk:es. Inc certifies that the above Instrument has been caltbrated by standaros traceable to the NatJonal lnsbtute of Standards and Technology or to the cahDrator faClh\Jes of other International Standards oiganwition members, or have been denved from accepted values or natural physical constants or have been derived by the rabon type ot calibration techniques. The calibration system conforms to the requirements ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI N323 The Instrument listed above was inspected pnor to S111pment and 1t met all the manufacturer's pubHshed operaUng specifications. (MJW Technical Services is not responsible for damage Incurred during shipment or use of this instrument).

Calibration Technician*

-r*~ , A I OATechnician~C'-,....

~ Date* / ( /!,/15 (GH)

Calibrahon Date 11/0312015- I Calibration Due 1110312016 Page: 2/2