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(PA-LR) Review and Response
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/2007
From: Rowley J
To: Hamer M
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
Download: ML072470529 (6)


Page 1 of I Jonathan Rowley - R & R From: Jonathan Rowley To: Date: 08/20/2007 4:15 PM


R& R For your review and response, I have attached the August 1 call summary.

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R&R Creation Date 08/20/2007 4:15:44 PM From: Jonathan Rowley Created By: JGR( Recipients Action Date & Time Transferred 08/20/2007 4:16:18 PM mhamer (mhamer(aenterg,.com)

Post Office Delivered Route Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 388 08/20/2007 4:15:44 PM TEXT.htm 287 Summary of Telephone Conference - August 1, 2007.wpd 21799 08/20/2007 4:12:30 PM Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes Priority: Standard ReplyRequested: No Return Notification:

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Jonat.han ..Rowley .- S-umm.ary of Telephoine. Confe.r ence.-. August.. 1.,.2.0.07.wp-dP SPage 1,11 LICENSEE: Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,

FACILITY: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station



OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL HELD ON AUGUST 1, 2007, BETWEEN THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC., CONCERNING NEW INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., held a telephone conference call on August 1, 2007, to discuss and clarify newly submitted information concerning the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station license renewal application.

Enclosure 1 provides a listing of the participants and Enclosure 2 contains a summary of the discussion with the applicant.

The applicant had an opportunity to comment on this summary.

Jonathan G. Rowley, Project Manager License Renewal Branch B Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-271


1. List of Participants
2. Summary of Discussion cc w/encls: See next page

DOCUMENT NAME: Conference - August 1, 2007.wpdctempgwprintSummary of Telephone Conference - August 1, 2007.wpd OFFICE LA:DLR PM:RLRB:DLR BC:RLRB:DLR NAME JRowley RAuluck DATE / / I / / I IJonhan Rowley - Summary of Telephone Conference - Augst 1, 2007.wpd Page.3 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AUGUST 1, 2007 PARTICIPANTS AFFILIATIONS Jonathan Rowley NRC Rajender Auluck NRC Kaihwa Hsu NRC Billy Rogers NRC Steve Jones NRC David Mannai Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy)

John Dreyfus Entergy Michael Hamer Entergy Michael Metel Entergy Gary Young Entergy Ted Ivy Entergy Lori Potts Entergy David Lach Entergy Andy Taylor Entergy Michael Stroud Entergy Enclosure 1

[J.onath an Ro wley _Sum mary of Telephone Co nfeen ce A August 1, 2007 wpdPae4 Page-4_11 NEW INFORMATION VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION AUGUST 1, 2007 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) and representatives of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., held a telephone conference call on August 1, 2007, to discuss and clarify newly submitted information concerning the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station (VYNPS) license renewal application (LRA).

Summary of Discussion On July 30, 2007, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy), submitted a letter to the NRC containing information to clarify four Safety Evaluation Report (SER) Confirmatory Items. The information in the letter was sufficient to resolve and close the confirmatory items but the letter also contained information on nonsafety-related components affecting safety-related systems that had not been previously indicated in the original LRA or any subsequent LRA supplement.

The staff's noticed during the preliminary review of the new, additional information that new systems where added to the scope of license renewal, changes to systems related to nonsafety-related system components, and addition of revision to aging management review tables. The letter did not provide sufficient information to allow the staff to complete its review.

During the conference call, Entergy agreed to supplement the July 30 letter with additional information on the systems which were added to the scope of license renewal and the rational for deleting line items from certain tables.

Enclosure 2