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Email: (PA-LR) VY Web References
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Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/19/2007
From: Muir J
To: Emch R
TAC MD2297
Download: ML070530210 (14)


jiRchad Emch- VY Web References Page 1!t From: Jessie Muir To: Richard Emch Date: 01/19/2007 5:47:27 PM


VY Web References Rich, I believe I am finished with the web references Ellen sent us. Scott Werts was a tremendous help! Ellen did a great job labeling and ordering the websites. There is one reference on the list I cant find in the electronic file so I might send Ellen an email.

I've attached the list of web references with their associated ML no (and package number if applicable). It is up on the G: drive G:\ADRO\DLR\REBB\Vermont Yankee\DSEIS Writing Session\Web References from ANL I can forward on to Ellen if you would like.

Thanks, Jessie Jessie M. Muir Environmental Project Manager License Renewal - Environmental Branch B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 301-415-0491 "USNRC Protecting People and the Environment" CC: Scott Werts

cLem\tUnP&W}OOOO1. I MF _Page_l_;l ag Mail Envelope Properties (45B14A7A.BBA: 8 :8300)


VY Web References Creation Date 01/19/2007 5:47:22 PM From: Jessie Muir Created By: JMM7 Recipients OWGWPO02.HQGWDO01 RLE (Richard Emch) TWGWPO04.HQGWDO01 SPW1 CC (Scott Werts)

Post Office Route OWGWPO02.HQGWDO01 TWGWPO04.HQGWDO01 Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1525 01/19/2007 5:47:22 PM Vermont Yankee Website References with ML no.doc 142336 01/19/2007 5:33:36 PM Options Expiration Date: None Priority: Standard ReplyRequested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


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Vermont Yankee Website References CHAPTER 2 ML070170410 American Eel Plan Development Team. 2000. 'Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)' Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Washington, D.C. April 2000. Available URL: FMP.pdf (Accessed July 26, 2006).

ML070170114 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. 1999. "Amendment 1 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Shad & River Herring:' Fishery Management Report No. 35. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Washington, D.C. April 1999.

Available URL: (Accessed April 7, 2006)..

ML070170420 Betzdearborn. 2003. Label for Spectrus NX 1104, Slime control Agent; Industrial, March 28. Available URL:

238&uniqueid=6%2F1 5%2 F2006+1%3A51%3A06+PM#search=%22Spectrus%20NX-1104%20%22 (Accessed October 3, 2006).

ML070170417 Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce. 2006. 'Key Businesses"' Available URL: business.php (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170126 Castro-Santos, T., A. Haro, and T. Sullivan. 2005. "American Shad Passage on the Connecticut River: What We've Done, What We Know, What to Do?' Migratory Fish Restoration Research Forum Abstracts - 2005. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Available URL: fish forum.html (Accessed April 7, 2006).

ML070170388 Connecticut Botanical Society (CBS). 2006. 'Gallery of Connecticut Wildflowers:'

Available URL: (Accessed July 19, 2006).

ML070170528 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CDEP). 2004a. "Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum' Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut. Available URL: (Accessed August 7, 2006).

ML070170233 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CDEP). 2004b. "Dwarf Wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon' Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut. Available URL: (Accessed May 12, 2006).

ML070170573 Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission. 1998. 'Strategic Plan for the Restoration of Atlantic Salmon to the Connecticut River:' Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, Sunderland, Massachusetts. July 1998. Available URL: (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170434 Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission. 2004. 'Management Plan for River Herring in the Connecticut River Basin' Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, Sunderland, Massachusetts. October 2004. Available URL:

http://www.fws.qov/r5crc/herring plan.html (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170204 Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission. Undated. 'Connecticut River Striped Bass,' Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, Sunderland, Massachusetts.

Available URL: bass fact sheet.pdf (Accessed August 23, 2006).

ML070170374 Franklin Regional Council of Governments. 2006. Available URL: http://www.frcoq.orq (Accessed May 9, 2006).

ML070170236 Henry, K., and D. Cragg-Hine. 2003. "Ecology of the Atlantic Salmon' Conserving Natura 2000 Rivers Ecology Series No. 7. English Nature, Peterborough. Available URL: (Accessed August 23, 2006).

Package No.-ML070190704 ML070170622-Vermont Plan ML070190415-Species Profile ML070190416-Appendices ML0701904118-Homepage Kart, J., R. Regan, S.R. Darling, C. Alexander, K. Cox, M. Ferguson, S. Parren, K. Royar, and B. Popp, eds. 2004. 'Vermonfs Wildlife Action Plan' Vermont Fish &

Wildlife Department, Waterbury, Vermont. Available URL: cwcs report.cfm (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170641 Undated. 'Water Temperature and Gulf of Maine Atlantic Salmon' Klamath Resource Information System. Available URL:

html/krisweb/stream/temperature-sheepscot.htm (Accessed July 31, 2006).

ML070170556 MacKenzie, C., L.S. Weiss-Glanz, and J.R. Moring. 1985. 'Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Mid-Atlantic)-American Shad"' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 82 (11.37).

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TR EL-82-4. Available URL:

http://www.nwrc.usgs/gov/wdb/pub/0156.pdf (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170564 Massachusetts of Marine Fisheries. Undated. 'Species Profiles > Striped Bass"'

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Boston, Massachusetts. Available URL: (Accessed October 6, 2006).

ML070170437 Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (MDFW). 1989. 'Massachusetts Rare and Endangered WildlifeAlasmidonta varicosa Brook Floater' Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, Massachusetts. Available URL:

http://www. mass.qov/dfwele/dfw/nhesp/nhf acts/alavar. pdf (Accessed August 23, 2006).

ML070170506 Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services. 2006. 'Public Health Fish Consumption Advisory' Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services, Boston, Massachusetts. Available URL: Results.asp?Action=WATER (Accessed April 7, 2006).

ML070160655 Monadnock Economic Development Corporation. 2006. "About Monadnock Economic Development Corporation' Available URL:

about.html (Accessed May 18, 2006).

ML070160654 Nadeau, E.J., and J. Victoria. 2003. " the Freshwater Mussels of Connecticut' Connecticut Bureau of Natural Resources, Hartford, Connecticut. Available URL: Idlif e/pdf/fwmusl. pdf (Accessed August 23, 2006).

MLxxx Nalco. 2006. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Product H-550, Microbiocide.

Available URL: (request access) (Accessed October 3, 2006).

ML070170597 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). 2006a. 'Vermont Climate Summary.'

U.S. Department of Commerce. Available URL: cag3/vt.html (Accessed September 12, 2006).


National Climate Data Center (NCDC). 2006b. 'Climatological Data Annual Summary, New England, 2004:' Volume 116, Number 13, ISSN 0364-5339. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available URL:

20E3F7BC-4D87-DAD4-A2AC-474579B6F1 6B.pdf (Accessed March 29, 2006).

ML070170569 National Climate Data Center (NCDC). 2006c. 'Storms Events"' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available URL: http://www4.ncdc.noaa.qov/ccqi-win/wwcqi.dll?wwevent-storms (Accessed March 30, 2006).

ML070170263 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 1998. "Final Recovery Plan for the Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum' U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. December 1998. Available URL: sturgeon-shortnose.pdf (Accessed July 20, 2006).

ML070170459 NatureServe. 2006. 'NatureServe Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life' NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available URL: (Accessed July 19, 2006).

Package No.-MLO070190701 ML070170467-Cover Page ML070190409- Plan ML070190408-Appendices ML070190410-Plan B ML070170467 - HomePage New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFGD). 2005. 'New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan' New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Concord, New Hampshire.

Available URL: plan.htm (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170413 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFGD). Undated. "is It Safe to Eat the Fish?' New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Concord, New Hampshire.

Available URL: consumption.html (Accessed April 4, 2006).

ML070170224 New York State Department Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Undated. 'Dwarf Wedge Mussel Fact Sheet' New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York. Available URL:

http://www.dec.state. ny. us/website/dfwmr/wildlif e/endspec/dwmufs. html (Accessed August 7, 2006).

ML070170495 Private School Review. 2006. "Private Schools"' Available URL: (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170514 Public School Review. 2006. "Public Schools" Available URL: (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170430 Shad Studies Subcommittee. 1992. "A Management Plan for American Shad in the Connecticut River Basin' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. February 4. Available URL:

http://www.fws.qov.r5crc/shad plan.html (Accessed April 7, 2006).

ML070170534 Southwest Regional Planning Commission. 2006. Available URL: (Accessed March 13, 2006).

ML070170520 Standard and Poors. 2006. 'SchoolMatters' Available at

(Accessed May, 2006).

ML070170440 Suckling, K. 2006. "Measuring the Success of the Endangered Species Act: Recovery Trends in the Northeastern United States" Center for Biological Diversity, Tucson, Arizona. Available URL: (Accessed April 11, 2006).

ML070170143 Town of Brattleboro. 2006. 'Town of Brattleboro, VT' Available URL: (Accessed July 2006).



Town of Vernon. 2006. 'Vernon Selectboard Meeting.' Available URL: (Accessed May 9, 2006).

ML070170125 U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). 2006a. "American Fact Finder' U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. Available URL: (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170588 U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). 2006b. 'County Business Patterns' U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. Available URL: (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170148 U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). 2006c. 'Census of Governments' U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. Available URL: http// (Accessed May 2006).

ML070160648 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 2006b. 'Census of Agriculture, 2002:' National Agricultural Statistics Service, Washington, D.C. Available URL: pubs. htm (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170429 U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). 2006. 'Local Area Personal Income' Bureau of Economic Analysis. Available URL: http://www.bea.doc.qov/bea/reqional/reis/

(Accessed May 2006).

Package No.-MLO070190699 ML070190403-Cheshire ML070190405-Franklin ML070190406-Windham U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). 2006. "Local Area Unemployment Statistics:' Bureau of Labor Statistics. Available URL: (Accessed May 2006).

ML070170183 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2006a. "Fact Sheet: Complying With the Section 608 Refrigerant Recycling Rule:' March 8. Available URL:

http://www.epa.qov/ozone/title6/608/608fact.html (Accessed on July 6, 2006).

ML070170247 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2006b. 'Endangered Species Protection Program Databases:' Available URL: (Accessed July 19, 2006).

ML070170472 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2006c. 'NPDES Water Permit Program in New England" Available URL: (Accessed October 2, 2006).

ML070170228 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 1993. 'Dwarf Wedge Mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) Recovery Plan:' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 5, Hadley, Massachusetts. Available URL: (Accessed April 11, 2006).

ML07017523 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2001. "Shortnose Sturgeon Habitat Model"'

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Gulf of Maine Coastal Program, Falmouth, Maine. July.

Available URL: sturgeon model.htm (Accessed July 20, 2006).

ML070170584 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2002a. 'The Natural History of the River Herrings (Alosa pseudoharengusand Alosa aestivalis)' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Central New England Fishery Resources Office, Nashua, New Hampshire. Available URL: (Accessed April 7, 2006).

ML070170252 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2002b. "Endangered Species-State and County Listings' Northeast Region Ecological Services, Hadley, Massachusetts. Available URL: (Accessed May 11, 2006).

ML070170650 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2004. '2004 Connecticut River Migratory Fish Counts' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. December. Available URL: (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170121 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2005a. "American Eel Anguilla rostrata' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Northeast Region, Hadley, Massachusetts. April. Available URL: (Accessed April 12, 2006).

ML070170652 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2005b. '2005 Connecticut River Migratory Fish Counts' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. December. Available URL: (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170198 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2005c. 'Connecticut River Migratory Fish Counts, 1967-2005' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. December. Available URL: (Accessed August 8, 2006).

ML070170267 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2006a. 'Fish Passage Schedule' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts.

Available URL: http://www.fws.qov/r5crc/Habitat/fish-passage schedule.htm (Accessed April 6, 2006).

Package No.-ML070190702 ML070190411-Main Page ML070190412-Dwarf Wedge Mussel ML070190413 - Short nosed Sturgeon U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2006b. 'Species Information Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.

Available URL: http://www.fws.qov/endangered/wildlife.html (Accessed August 23, 2006).

ML070170448 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 2006c. 'Natural Resources in the Connecticut River Watershed-Federally Endangered or Threatened Species' Available URL: (Accessed May 22, 2006).

Package No.- ML070190696 ML070170700-Fish Facts Main Page ML070190393 - Shad ML070170705-Eel ML070190395-Sea Lamprey ML070170707-Shad ML070190399 - Sturgeon ML070170710-Salmon ML070190401 - Bass ML070190391 - Herring U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Undated. 'Fish Facts' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Connecticut River Coordinators Office, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Available URL: (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170156 University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. 2006. 'Cheshire County Profile' Available URL: (Accessed March 22, 2006).

ML070160651 Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VDEC). 2006b. '2005 Annual Report on Air Quality State of Vermont' Available URL: 2005Annual Report. htm (Accessed March 29, 2006).

ML070170594 Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VDEC). 2006c. 'Vermont Air Pollution Point Source Database; Facility Emissions by Pollutant for 2004 (in tons):'

Available URL: (Accessed March 29, 2006).

ML070160657 Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VDEC). 2006d. "Air Pollution Control in Vermont; Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles in Vermont"' Pamphlet. Available URL: (Accessed March 29, 2006).

ML070170244 Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (VDFW). 2005a. "Endangered and Threatened Plants of Vermont:' Nongame and Natural Heritage Program. April 23, 2005. Available URL: anddocuments/nongame_

andNaturalHeritage/RareThreatenedandEndangeredSpecies/Endangered%20_a nd_ Threatened_ Plants ofVermont-April_2005.pdf (Accessed on May 22, 2006).

ML070170243 Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (VDFW). 2005b. "Endangered and Threatened Animals of Vermont:' Nongame and Natural Heritage Program. April 23, 2005.

Available URL: and documents/nongame and Natural Heritage/Rare Threatened and Endangered Species/Endangered and Threatened Animals of Vermont-April 2005.pdf (Accessed on May 22, 2006).

ML070170518 Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (VDFW). 2006b. "Roaring Brook Wildlife Management Area"' Available URL: Management%

20Areas/Springfield%2ODistrict/Roaring%2OBrook%20WMA.pdf (Accessed May 11, 2006).

ML070170609 Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (VDFW). 2006c. 'Vermont Has Its First Bald Eagle Nest' Available URL: (Accessed July 19, 2006).

ML070170198 Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife (VDFW). 2006d. 'Conn. River Eagle Nest Fails, but Six Young Eagles Are Growing at Fish & Wildlife's Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area. Available URL: (Accessed July 19, 2006).

ML070170153 Vermont Department of Health (VDH). 1977. 'Chapter 3-Radiological Health"' In Radiological Health Statute and Regulations, Regulation Part5. Available URL: (Accessed on July 20, 2006).

ML070170605 Vermont Department of Health (VDH). 2001. 'Vermont Fish Advisory"' Vermont Department of Health, Burlington, Vermont. January. Available URL: (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170651 Vermont State Climatologist. 2006. 'Weather and Climate in Vermont"' Available URL: vermont.html (Accessed March 27, 2006).


  • note-someof the references in Chapter2 are repeatedin Chapter 4. They are not included in the list below because they were capturedabove.

ML070170215 Boubee, J., and A. Haro. 2003. 'Downstream Migration and Passage Technologies for Diadromous Fishes in the United States and New Zealand: Tales from Two Hemispheres:' Downstream Movement of Fish in the Murray-Darling Basin-Canberra Workshop. June. Available URL: data/page/509/Jacques Boubee & Alex Haro.pdf (Accessed July 26, 2006).

ML070170208 Center for the Environment. 2004. 'Connecticut River" Mount Holyoke College, Center for the Environment, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Available URL: river.shtml (Accessed April 6, 2006).

ML070170426 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2005. 'Legionellosis: Legionnaires' Disease (LD) and Pontiac Fever"' Atlanta, Georgia. Available URL: htm (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070160656 Connecticut River Watershed Council. Undated. "About the River: Connecticut River Watershed Council, Greenfield, Massachusetts. Available URL:

http://www.ctriver.orq/about river/issues.html (Accessed July 31, 2006).

ML070170579 Deacon, J. 2003. 'The Microbial World: Thermophilic Microorganisms:' The University of Edinburgh, Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Available URL: (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170395 Field, J. 2005. "Impact of Channelization along the Northern Connecticut River, Vermont and New Hampshire"' In River and Lake Restoration: Changing Landscapes. 2005 UCOWR Annual Conference, Portland, Maine. Universities Council on Water Resources, Carbondale, Illinois. Available URL: (Accessed July 31, 2006).

Package No.-ML070190707 ML070170131 -Tessellated Darter ML070170133-Main Page Hartel, K.E., D.B. Halliwell, and A.E. Launer. 1996. "An Annotated Working List of the Inland Fishes of Massachusetts:' Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Available URL: fish/ma fam.htm (Accessed July 27, 2006).

ML070170140 Kendall, P. 2006. 'Bacterial Food-Borne Illness"' Fact Sheet No. 9.300. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Available URL: (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170500 Todar, K. 2004. "Pseudomonasaeruginosa' Bacteriology at UW-Madison, Bacteriology 330 Home Page, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Bacteriology, Madison, Wisconsin. Available URL:

http://textbookof bacteriology. net/pseudomonas. html (Accessed August 22, 2006).

ML070170591 U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). 2006. 'G3lossary' Washington, D.C. Available URL: (Accessed March 2006).