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GALL AMP: Plant-Specific (Audit Worksheet - GALL Report AMP)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/2006
From: Morgan M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
morgan M NRR/NRC/DLR/RLRC, 415-2232
Shared Package
ML060950189 List: ... further results
%dam200611, TAC MC9668
Download: ML060950195 (8)


AUDIT WORKSHEET GALL REPORT AMP PLANT: ______________________________

LRA AMP: __________________________ REVIEWER: ______________________

GALL AMP: Plant-Specific Program DATE: __________________________

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element Program Description

1. Scope of A. The specific program necessary for license renewal should Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Program be identified. The scope of the program should include the Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

specific structures and components of which the program manages the aging.


2. Preventive A. The activities for prevention and mitigation programs should Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Actions be described. These actions should mitigate or prevent aging Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:



B. For condition or performance monitoring programs, they do Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No not rely on preventive actions and thus, this information need Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

not be provided. More than one type of aging management program may be implemented to ensure that aging effects are managed.

Comment Plant-Specific Program 1

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element

3. Parameters A. The parameters to be monitored or inspected should be Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Monitored/ identified and linked to the degradation of the particular Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Inspected structure and component intended function(s).


B. For a condition monitoring program, the parameter monitored Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No or inspected should detect the presence and extent of aging Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

effects. Some examples are measurements of wall thickness and detection and sizing of cracks.

Comment C. For a performance monitoring program, a link should be Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No established between the degradation of the particular structure Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

or component intended function(s) and the parameter(s) being monitored. A performance monitoring program may not ensure the structure and component intended function(s) without linking the degradation of passive intended functions with the Comment performance being monitored.

D. For prevention and mitigation programs, the parameters Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No monitored should be the specific parameters being controlled to Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

achieve prevention or mitigation of aging effects.


4. Detection of A. The parameters to be monitored or inspected should be Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Aging Effects appropriate to ensure that the structure and component Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

intended function(s) will be adequately maintained for license renewal under all CLB design conditions.


Plant-Specific Program 2

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element B. Provide information that links the parameters to be monitored Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No or inspected to the aging effects being managed. Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:


C. Thus, the effects of aging on a structure or component Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No should be managed to ensure its availability to perform its Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

intended function(s) as designed when called upon.

Comment D. A program based solely on detecting structure and Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No component failure should not be considered as an effective Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

aging management program for license renewal.

Comment E. This program element describes when, where, and how Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No program data are collected (i.e., all aspects of activities to Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

collect data as part of the program).

Comment F. Provide justification, including codes and standards Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No referenced, that the technique and frequency are adequate to Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

detect the aging effects before a loss of SC intended function. A program based solely on detecting SC failures is not considered an effective aging management program.

Comment Plant-Specific Program 3

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element G. When sampling is used to inspect a group of SCs, provide Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No the basis for the inspection population and sample size. The Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

inspection population should be based on such aspects of the SCs as a similarity of materials of construction, fabrication, procurement, design, installation, operating environment, or aging effects. The sample size should be based on such Comment aspects of the SCs as the specific aging effect, location, existing technical information, system and structure design, materials of construction, service environment, or previous failure history.

H. The samples should be biased toward concern in the period Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No of extended operation. Provisions should also be included on Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

expanding the sample size when degradation is detected in the initial sample.


5. Monitoring A. Monitoring and trending activities should be described, and Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No and Trending they should provide predictability of the extent of degradation Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

and thus effect timely corrective or mitigative actions. Plant-specific and/or industry-wide operating experience may be considered in evaluating the appropriateness of the technique and frequency. Comment:

B. This program element describes how the data collected are Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No evaluated and may also include trending for a forward look. This Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

includes an evaluation of the results against the acceptance criteria and a prediction regarding the rate of degradation in order to confirm that timing of the next scheduled inspection will occur before a loss of SC intended function. Comment:

C. The parameter or indicator trended should be described. Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Comment Plant-Specific Program 4

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element D. The methodology for analyzing the inspection or test results Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No against the acceptance criteria should be described. Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Comment E. Trending is a comparison of the current monitoring results Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No with previous monitoring results in order to make predictions for Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

the future.


6. Acceptance A. The acceptance criteria of the program and its basis should Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Criteria be described. Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:


B. The acceptance criteria, against which the need for corrective Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No actions will be evaluated, should ensure that the structure and Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

component intended function(s) are maintained under all CLB design conditions during the period of extended operation.

Comment C. The program should include a methodology for analyzing the Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No results against applicable acceptance criteria. Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Comment Plant-Specific Program 5

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element D. Corrective action is taken, such as piping replacement, Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No before reaching this acceptance criterion. Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Comment E. Acceptance criteria could be specific numerical values, or Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No could consist of a discussion of the process for calculating Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

specific numerical values of conditional acceptance criteria to ensure that the structure and component intended function(s) will be maintained under all CLB design conditions. Information from available references may be cited. Comment F. It is not necessary to justify any acceptance criteria taken Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No directly from the design basis information that is included in the Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

FSAR because that is a part of the CLB. Also, it is not necessary to discuss CLB design loads if the acceptance criteria do not permit degradation because a structure and component without degradation should continue to function as Comment originally designed.

G. Acceptance criteria, which do permit degradation, are based Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No on maintaining the intended function under all CLB design Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:


Comment H. Qualitative inspections should be performed to same Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No predetermined criteria as quantitative inspections by personnel Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

in accordance with ASME Code and through approved site specific programs.

Comment Plant-Specific Program 6

Program Auditable GALL Criteria Documentation of Audit Finding Element

7. Corrective Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Actions Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:


8. Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Confirmation Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Process Comment

9. Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Administrative Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

Controls Comment

10. Operating A. Operating experience with existing programs should be Consistent with GALL AMP: Yes No Experience discussed. The operating experience of aging management Document(s) used to confirm Criteria:

programs, including past corrective actions resulting in program enhancements or additional programs, should be considered. A past failure would not necessarily invalidate an aging management program because the feedback from operating Comment:

experience should have resulted in appropriate program enhancements or new programs. This information can show where an existing program has succeeded and where it has failed (if at all) in intercepting aging degradation in a timely manner. This information should provide objective evidence to support the conclusion that the effects of aging will be managed adequately so that the structure and component intended function(s) will be maintained during the period of extended operation.

Plant-Specific Program 7

EXCEPTIONS Item Program Elements LRA Exception Description Basis for Accepting Exception Documents Reviewed Number (Identifier, Para.# and/or Page #)



ENHANCEMENTS Item Program Elements LRA Enhancement Description Basis for Accepting Enhancement Documents Reviewed Number (Identifier, Para.# and/or Page #)



DOCUMENT REVIEWED DURING AUDIT Document Number Identifier (number) Title Revision and/or Date 1.




Plant-Specific Program 8