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Meeting Handouts of September 7, 2006, Meeting with Omaha Public Power District to Discuss Options for Next Dry Cask Storage Campaign
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun, 07201004  Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/2006
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Sebrosky J, NRC/NMSS 301-415-1132
Shared Package
ML062570158 List:
Download: ML062570479 (16)


Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)

Fort Calhoun Station Dry Cask Storage Meeting with NRC Spent Fuel Project Office September 7, 2006 W/7 OPPO Agenda

" Introduction

" Background

" Options

" Discussion of timeframes for decisions

" Identification of action items

" Public questions

" Closing remarks 9T71 OPPO 2 1

Introductory Comments

  • NRC W7~6OPPO 3



" Loading 10 canisters was the original Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) dry cask campaign scope

" 75-ton capacity auxiliary building crane addressed by use of lighter weight transfer cask

" Use of lighter cask was believed to be allowable without NRC approval under 10 CFR 72.48 01706 PPD 4 2



" NRC challenged use of lighter cask during FCS inspection prior to fuel movement

" OPPD determined that processing of exemption request and approval was best way to allow campaign to continue W710 OPPD


Exemption Basis

" Maintain full core off-load capability after fall 2006 refueling

" Allow receipt and storage of new fuel

" Allow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool mincluding minimizing fuel handling

" Inadequate time to process amendment request wt'm/e OPPI S 3


Exemption Limits/Conditions

" Exemption issued on July 21, 2006

" Limit of 4 canisters loaded using lightweight cask

" Decay heat limited to 11 kW per canister

" Minimum 16.2 years cooling time for fuel

" Dose limits of 170 mR/hr axial and 110 mR/hr radial with supplemental shielding (24 kW)



Need for Loading Additional Canisters

" Next FCS refueling outage is spring 2008

" Loading remaining 6 canisters will:

mallow better management of decay heat loads within spent fuel pool m minimize fuel handling

" Personnel with experience from loading first 4 canisters should be available

" Better efficiency, lower exposure

'WPP S 4

Options Crane Upgrade Discussion

" Background

" Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability

" 100-ton vs. 75-Ton Evaluation

" Dose Impact

" Upgrade Costs

" Schedule Issues

" Conclusions WgIM 0M Crane Upgrade Background

" Original Auxiliary Building crane was 100-ton non-single failure proof

" NUREG-0612 (July 1980) required upgrade to single failure proof design ga/O OPPD 10 5

Crane Upgrade Background (Continued)

" Original seismic analysis did not include loads on the crane hook

" New 75-ton trolley (single failure proof) heavier than 100-ton trolley

" 75-ton fuel cask weight projected W7106 OPPD 11 Evaluation of 100-Ton Capability

" Trolley frame and wheels are adequate a brakes and gearing require modification

" Crane bridge girders are questionable

" Crane runway girders and building structure require modification

" Rail bay floor is adequate 9I7M6 04'PO 12 6

100-ton vs. 75-ton Cask Evaluation

" Three vendors provided 75-ton option

" Evaluation criteria

" Dose impact

  • Crane modifications

" Upgrade

" Remote operation

  • Schedule for crane modification

" Installation

" Reliability

" Licensing wft OPPO 13 Total Dose Impact

" Dose for 75-ton design estimated at

-400 mR

" Dose for 100-ton design estimated at

-200 mR

" Industry doses for 100-ton cask estimated from 200 to 1000 mR

" FCS initial campaign averaged -250 mR per canister w9/( OPPD 14 7

Upgrade Cost

" Auxiliary Building and crane analysis

" Engineering design package preparation

" Materials/equipment

" Bridge support installation

" Building support installation

  • Qualification & licensing

" Industry OE on crane upgrades is $3-10M 9*176 oPPO 15 Schedule Issues

" Long lead time for crane upgrade n Pit Rack

" Negative OE on crane reliability after modifications

" Additional time required for requalification and inspection WAIS On 18 8

Crane Upgrade Conclusions

  • Crane capacity upgrade is not cost-effective

" Structural issues

" Licensing uncertainty

" Long lead times

" Reliability issues

  • Very low dose can be achieved with existing crane and lightweight cask o7ff= OPPO if Options Future Use of Lightweight Cask

" Experience at Fort Calhoun

" NRC Inspection of TN

" TN Amendment to CoC 1004 W/M6 0PPO 1a 9

Experience at Fort Calhoun

" Exemption issued on July 21

" Four canisters loaded between July 24 and August 17

" Average total exposure was approximately 250 mR per canister

  • Dose per canister decreased through campaign WINQ pOM Is Total Doses for Loading Four Canisters Total Dose Expended (tirern) 600 500 "

400 300 200 0

0 1 2 3 4 Canel., Number SOMiV OPPD 20 10

NRC Inspection of TN

" Inspection performed August 28 and 29 in TN's Columbia, MD offices

" Inspection addressed the remaining issues identified during previous NRC pre-load inspection of OPPD, and one new issue

" No safety issues identified

" Inspection still ongoing, with TN and NRC actively working toward a conclusion W7/06 OPPO 21 TN Amendment to CoC 1004

" TN committed to submit a Technical Specification (TS) cleanup amendment before April 2007

" Reformat all TS to Improved TS format

" TS 1.2.1 to be revised to remove any reference to cask or HSM dose rates for fuel qualification (no technical change)

" Basis to be revised to clearly state how the qualification tables are developed BWMfi OPPO 22 11

TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

  • TS 1.2.7 (HSM Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:

" Remove reference to detection of misload

" Dose rate limits specified for each system

" Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis WTM OPPO 23 TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

  • TS 1.2.11 (Transfer Cask Dose Rates) to be removed or clarified:

" Remove reference to detection of misload

" Dose rate limits specified for each system

  • Measurement location and configuration will be specified and tied to specific analysis W7= OPPO 24 12

TN Amendment to CoC 1004 (Continued)

" TS 1.2.17a to be removed:

" Provide change to operations chapter of the UFSAR requiring use of helium as backfill gas

" Demonstrate no time limit is required for vacuum drying

" Issues addressed by amendment request will depend on outcome of NRC inspection W7/M OPFV 25 Other Options

" Re-rack of spent fuel pool is not feasible

" Any other vendor system would have similar limitations VV'O8 OPPD 25 13


Staff Requirements Memo

" Issued August 31, 2006

" FCS exemption is not precedent for similar exemption requests based on insufficient crane capacity

" Generic communications to be issued

" All licensing actions to be processed well in advance of fuel movement

" Inform Commission of insufficient crane capacity WM aPP 27 Summary

  • 4 canisters loaded at FCS s Lightweight cask used mAverage dose consistent with industry performance mALARA met
  • OPPD prefers to load remaining 6 canisters before 2008 outage W7=~ OPPO 26 14

Summary (continued)

" NRC inspection of TN is in progress

" TN will submit an amendment request before April 2007 to resolve NRC inspection issues WINo 2M Suggested Items for Discussion

" Complexity of TN amendment and review process

" Adequacy of industry guidance for implementing 10 CFR 72.48 contained in NEI 96-07

" Rules of Engagement WOPP 3M 15

Discussion of Timeframes for Decisions 9I7M0 OPPO 31 Identification of Action Items WM'06 OPPO 32 16