ML18346A527 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 07201004 |
Issue date: | 12/20/2018 |
From: | Donald Chung Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
To: | Haile Lindsay NRC/NMSS/DSFM/IOB |
Lindsay H | |
Shared Package | |
ML18338A059 | List:
References | |
Download: ML18346A527 (11) | |
Donald Chung, PhD.
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards DSFM REG Con 2018 Rockville, Maryland Status for Risk-Informed Graded-Approach (RIRP-I-16-01)
Purpose of RIRP-I-16-01 Improve regulatory efficiency and building greater consistency between the required level of regulatory review and risk to workers and the public.
Key Actions to Date NEI submitted the RIRP (RIRP-I-16-01) - May 12, 2017 Orano (TN Americas LLC) submitted pilot amendment - 6/30/2017 Public meetings 3
Prior Amendments NUHOMS Storage System Docket No. 72-1004 4
Amendment No.
Effective Date ADAMS Accession No.
Initial Certificate (Amendment 0)
January 23, 1995 ML033020053 Amendment 1 April 27, 2000 ML003704754 Amendment 2 September 5, 2000 ML003730072 Amendment 3 September 12, 2001 ML012620111 Amendment 4 February 12, 2002 ML020640202 Amendment 5 January 7, 2004 ML040150834 Amendment 6 December 22, 2003 ML040120831 Amendment 7 March 2, 2004 ML040640919 Amendment 8 December 5, 2005 ML053390278 Amendment 9 April 17, 2007 ML071070570 Amendment 10 August 24, 2009 ML092290186 Amendment 11 January 7, 2014 ML14010A484 Amendment 12*
N/A N/A Amendment 13 May 24, 2014 ML14153A573 Amendment 14 December 11, 2017 ML17338A119 Amendment 15 Currently under review
- Amendment application was withdrawn.
Review Summary
- 99 Evaluation forms reviewed
- One outstanding issue related to removal of fuel qualification table 5
Path Forward
- Finalize position on remaining issue
- Complete Safety Evaluation Report (SER)
- Document lessons learned and hold public meeting on SER
- Plan for RIRP closure
- Work with industry to develop guidance based upon lesson learned and incorporate into guidance (i.e., NUREG-1745)
- Incorporate in a Risk Action Plan 6
DSFM REG Con 2018 Rockville, Maryland Status of Storage and Transport SRPs
Storage SRP Status
- Final NUREG-2215, Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems and Facilities
- Incorporated feedback on draft from internal and external stakeholders
- Currently in final concurrence
- Final publication of NUREG-2215 expected spring 2019
- Final publication to include comment/resolution table 8
Transportation SRP Status
- Draft NUREG-2216, Standard Review Plan for Transportation Package Approval
- Expect to publish for public comment in 1st calendar quarter 2019
- ACRS briefing in April 2019
- Final publication of NUREG-2216 expected fall 2019 9
Path Forward
- Consolidated guidance provided in NUREG-2215 and NUREG-2216
- Future updates to SRP as needed
- Graded approach lessons learned
- 72.48 guidance
- Risk insights initiatives
- Harmonize Regulatory Guides with the SRP changes 10