IR 05000155/2005005

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IR 05000155-05-005, on 10/18-20/2005, and 12/9-13/2005, Big Rock Point (DNMS)
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/2006
From: Jamnes Cameron
To: Haas K
Consumers Energy
Download: ML060050581 (8)


ary 5, 2006



Dear Mr. Haas:

On December 13, 2005, the NRC completed inspection activities at the Big Rock Point Restoration Project. The purpose of the inspection was to determine whether decommissioning activities were conducted safely and in accordance with NRC requirements. Specifically, during onsite inspections on October 18 through 20 and December 9 through 13, 2005, the inspector evaluated decommissioning and demolition activities, management oversight of decommissioning activities, radioactive waste management, and radiological safety. At the conclusion of on-site inspections on October 20 and December 13, 2005, the inspector discussed the inspection findings with you and members of your staff.

This inspection consisted of an examination of decommissioning activities at the Big Rock Point Restoration Project as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commissions rules and regulations. Areas examined during the inspection are identified in the enclosed report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures and representative records, observations of activities in progress, and interviews with personnel.

Based on the results of this inspection, the NRC did not identify any violations.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). The NRCs document system is accessible from the NRC Web site at We will gladly discuss any questions you may have regarding this inspection.


/RA by G. McCann Acting for/

Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Decommissioning Branch Docket No.: 050-00155 License No.: DPR-6


Inspection Report 050-00155/05-005(DNMS)


Docket No.: 050-00155 License No.: DPR-6 Report No.: 050-00155/05-005(DNMS)

Licensee: Consumers Energy Company Facility: Big Rock Point Restoration Project Location: 10269 U.S. 31 North Charlevoix, MI 49720 Dates: October 18 through 20, 2005, and December 9 through 13, 2005 Inspector: William G. Snell, Senior Health Physicist Approved by: Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Decommissioning Branch, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consumers Energy Company Big Rock Point Restoration Project NRC Inspection Report 050-00155/05-005(DNMS)

This routine decommissioning inspection involved a review of the Consumers Energy Companys and its contractors performance related to decommissioning and demolition activities, management oversight of decommissioning activities, radioactive waste management, and radiological safety. During this inspection period, major activities included dismantlement of the containment sphere and demolitions to soften the containment interior concrete.

Decommissioning Performance and Status Review

  • The inspector determined that the licensees meetings, pre-job briefs, and post-job debriefs, were properly focused and work was performed in a safe manner. The licensee and its contracted workforce conducted the sphere dismantlement and the controlled detonations safely and in accordance with license requirements, and with good radiological work practices. (Section 1.0)

Solid Radioactive Waste Management

  • The inspector determined that the licensee adequately controlled sections of the containment sphere as it was dismantled. (Section 2.0)

Inspection of Final Surveys

  • The inspector determined that the licensees documentation of final status surveys of the dismantled sections of the containment sphere were complete and consistent with procedural requirements and release criteria. (Section 3.0)

Occupational Radiation Exposure

  • The inspector concluded that the radiological work practices of the licensee and contractor staff were adequate, and that the licensee employed adequate radiological controls associated with the three detonations to soften the containment building concrete. (Section 4.0)

Report Details1 1.0 Decommissioning Performance and Status Review (71801)

1.1 Inspection Scope The inspector attended and observed the conduct of licensee meetings regarding decommissioning activities, including daily management team meetings, a sphere dismantlement pre-job brief, and containment interior concrete demolition pre-job briefs and post-job debriefs. The inspector performed plant tours to evaluate decommissioning activities and verify that the licensee and its contracted workforce conducted work safely and in accordance with license requirements, and that radioactively contaminated material was controlled.

1.2 Observations and Findings The licensees meetings were well attended, addressed pertinent work activities, adequately covered issues and concerns, and ensured that expectations were communicated to the work force. Although the radiological source term at the site has significantly decreased, licensee management continues to stress the need for workers to employ good radiological work practices.

During site tours, licensee staff were observed beginning the dismantlement of the containment sphere and conducting two controlled detonations to soften the containment interior concrete. As part of these activities the licensee established and maintained radiological and safety boundaries, and performed radiological surveys and air sampling. The licensee implemented required work practices and key activities were effectively coordinated with all onsite work groups.

1.3 Conclusion The inspector determined that the licensees meetings, pre-job briefs, and post-job debriefs, were properly focused and work was performed in a safe manner. The licensee and its contracted workforce conducted the sphere dismantlement and the controlled detonations safely and in accordance with license requirements, and with good radiological work practices.

2.0 Solid Radioactive Waste Management (86750)

2.1 Inspection Scope The inspector reviewed the licensees control of sections of the containment sphere as it was dismantled.

A list of acronyms used in the report is included at the end of the Report Details.

2.2 Observations and Findings As the steel containment sphere was torch cut and dismantled, the removed sections were surveyed for radiological contamination, cut into smaller pieces, and segregated based on the level of PCB (polychlorinatedbiphenyl) contamination in the paint on each individual piece. Radiological surveys conducted on each piece verified that the sphere was minimally contaminated. The sections containing PCB in the paint in excess of 50 parts per million will be disposed of at a disposal facility licensed by the State of Michigan to receive waste containing low levels of radioactivity as well as PCB contamination. The rest of the sphere pieces will be transported to the local landfill for disposal.

2.3 Conclusion The inspector determined that the licensee adequately controlled sections of the containment sphere as it was dismantled.

3.0 Inspection of Final Surveys (83801)

3.1 Inspection Scope The inspector evaluated final status survey documentation to verify that the dismantled sections of the containment sphere had been decontaminated to radiological levels consistent with procedural requirements and release criteria. The inspector reviewed the Containment Shell Bulk Monitoring Release (BMR) work package 2005-0069, for Sections 1.1-1.3, 8.1-8.4, 20.1-20.3, 37.1-37.5, 52.1-52.5, and 86.1-86.12.

3.2 Observations and Findings The reviewed work packages were complete, clearly identified the areas being surveyed, documented survey results as required, and contained appropriate sign-offs.

The survey results indicated that all sections reviewed contained radiological contamination below the release criteria of 5,000 disintegrations per minute per 100 square centimeters.

3.3 Conclusion The inspector determined that the licensees documentation of final status surveys of the dismantled sections of the containment sphere were complete and consistent with procedural requirements and release criteria.

4 .0 Occupational Radiation Exposure (83750)

4.1 Inspection Scope The inspector observed the radiological work practices of licensee and contractor staff who conducted decommissioning activities to verify proper radiological work practices were employed. The inspector evaluated the radiological precautions taken by the licensee in regard to the controlled detonations to soften the containment interior concrete.

4.2 Observations and Findings The inspector observed that workers adhered to the radiological work practices and expectations employed at Big Rock Point. Workers leaving radiologically controlled areas used the portable and/or fixed radiation monitoring equipment as required.

Due to the significant amount of scabbling that was done on the concrete surfaces in the containment building, the licensee did not expect a radiological airborne problem to exist as a result of the three concrete softening detonations that were to occur. However, to minimize this risk, the holes that were drilled in the concrete to hold the explosive charges were placed away from areas where imbedded piping existed, even though these pipes were previously cleaned and grouted. In addition, air samples were collected immediately following each detonation to determine whether any airborne radioactivity existed. No airborne radioactivity was detected by any of the air samples collected. Following the detonations, radiation protection workers conducted radiological surveys to determine the radiations levels in the areas where the detonations occurred. No relevant changes in the area dose rates occurred as a result of the detonations.

4.3 Conclusion The inspector concluded that the radiological work practices of the licensee and contractor staff were adequate, and that the licensee employed adequate radiological controls associated with the three detonations to soften the containment building concrete.

5.0 Exit Meeting Summary The inspector presented preliminary inspection findings to members of the licensee management team at the conclusion of onsite inspection activities on October 20 and December 13, 2005. The licensee did not identify any documents or processes reviewed by the inspector as proprietary.


  • Kurt Haas, Site General Manager
  • Ken Pallagi, Radiation Protection & Environmental Services Manager
  • William Trubilowicz, Cost, Scheduling and Purchase Manager
  • Persons present at the exit meetings.

INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 71801 Decommissioning Performance and Status Review IP 83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure IP 83801 Inspection of Final Surveys at Permanently Shutdown Reactors IP 86750 Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive Materials

ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Closed None Discussed None PARTIAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED Licensee documents reviewed and utilized during the course of this inspection are specifically identified in the Report Details above.

LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System BMR Bulk Monitoring Release DNMS Division of Nuclear Materials Safety NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PCB Polychlorinatedbiphenyl 6