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E-mail Dated 1/30/04 RAI from Environmental Section on Waterford Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2004
From: Kalyanam N
To: Barry Miller
- No Known Affiliation
Kalyanam N, NRR/DLPM, 415-1480
Shared Package
ML042640118 List:
TAC MC1355
Download: ML042520164 (3)


 N. KaIv Kalvanam - RAI from Environmental Section Pa0e 1 q N. Ka Ka-ra

-RtfomEvrnena etinPa From:

N. Kaly Kalyanam To:

Bryan Miller Date:

1/30/04 3:54PM


RAI from Environmnental Section Bryan:

I am attaching the draft RAI from the Environmental Section. Please review it and let me know when you will be able to provide the response.

We can arrange for a conference call with the reviewer, if needed.

Kaly C-- I3S~

IN.Kal~alana C135-AI lon frm EA -Leslie Fieids.WPD P_--__

age M N. Kaly Kalyanam-MC1 355-RAI alone from EA - Leslie Fields.WPD Page 11 Waterford 3 Extended Power Uprate Environmental Section (RLEP)

Review of the Power Uprate Licensing Amendment Request RAI for Section 5.0 Environmental Considerations


Provide the analysis that supports the conclusion made in Section 5.1 that the Extended Power Uprate (EPU) does not require any change to the state requirements under the Clean Water Act. Provide a copy of the Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) permit.


Will the operational characteristics of the cooling towers change in anyway as a result of the EPU? Will any changes result in increased noise levels?


Because the EPU will result in a 10% increase in cooling water flow through the plant, provide an analysis that supports the conclusion made in Section 5.2.6 that the effect of the EPU on the impingement and entrainment of organisms is unchanged and, therefore, remains insignificant. Provide a copy of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Fact Sheet and Rationale listed in which states that temperature increases are within the water quality standard limits.


Section 5.2.4, states that there will be a modification to the air permit. Are there any changes to the Clean Air Act requirements? Provide a copy of the current air permit and the expected values associated with the modification.


What is the annual increase in on-site occupational dose as a result of the EPU?


Is there any designated critical habitat for threatened endangered species in the vicinity of the river discharge? Provide a basis for the statement in Section 5.2.5 which states that there are no known Federally-protected species in the vicinity of the site. How was this determination made?


Describe any changes in the number of personnel required in both normal operations and for outages to implement the proposed EPU.


As a result of the EPU, there will be an increase in the amount of current carried in the transmission lines. Discuss the electric shock hazards associated with the increased current. Were the transmission lines designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable shock prevention provisions of the National Electric Safety Code? If not, provide an assessment of the impact of the proposed action on the potential shock hazard from the transmission lines.


Describe any changes in chemical usage resulting from the proposed EPU. What effects will this have on the discharge through the NPDES-permitted outfalls to the Mississippi River?


Describe any changes to the secondary system as a result of the proposed EPU. What effects will this leave on water use and generation of solid waste?


Describe the change in the amount of liquid waste generated.

N. Kaly Kalyanam - MC1355 - RAI alone from EA - Leslie Fields.WPD P aae 2 i al I


Describe the fuel cycle impacts. What effect does the EPU have on the refueling cycle length.


Describe the environmental impacts associated with the design basis accidents discussed in the latest version of NUREG-0800, 'Standard Review Plan". What is the most limiting accident ? How will the EPU affect the accident analyses.