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Second 10-Year Interval, Eleventh Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection Summary
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/2004
From: Bauer S
Arizona Public Service Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
-RFPFR, 102-05136-SAB/TNW/RJR
Download: ML042290494 (192)


L Scott A. Bauer Department Leader 10CFR 50.55a Regulatory Affairs Tel: 623/393-5978 Mail Station 7636 Palo Verde Nuclear Fax: 6231393-5442 P.O. Box 52034 Generating Station e-mail: Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 102-05136-SAB/TNW/RJR August 6, 2004 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-37 Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Sirs:


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)

Unit 1, Docket No. STN 50-528 Unit 1 Second 10-Year Interval - Eleventh Refueling Outage Inservice Inspection Summary Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a and IWA-6230 of Section Xl of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, Arizona Public Service Company (APS) hereby submits the PVNGS Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Report for the eleventh refueling outage, provided in Enclosure 1.

APS completed Unit 1's Refueling Outage on May 10, 2004.

This letter does not make any commitments to the NRC. Please contact Thomas N.

Weber at (623) 393-5764 if you have any questions or require additional information.

Sincerely, CDM/SAB/RJR/

Enclosure cc: B. S. Mallett M. B. Fields N. L. Salgado






&I1 fs DATE: /7 o COMMERCIAL SERVICE DATE: 01/28/86 REPORT DATE: 07/14/2004

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Examination Summary 3 3.0 Examination Techniques 3 4.0 Accessibility 4 5.0 Personnel 4 6.0 Equipment and Materials 4 7.0 Repairs and Replacements 4 APPENDICES APPENDIX PAGE APPENDIX A - Inservice Inspection Summary Report 5 APPENDIX B - Inservice Inspection Code Limitations 36 APPENDIX C - Form NIS-1 38 APPENDIX D - Forms NIS-2 41 Page 2 of 41

UNIT 1 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 1.0 Introduction This report is a summary of the examinations performed during the eleventh refueling outage at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) Unit 1. This report also includes all applicable examinations conducted since the last refueling outage. This was the second refueling for Interval 2, Period 2 which was conducted from April 4, 2004 through May 10, 2004. Palo Verde Unit I began commercial operation on January 28, 1986.

This report identifies the components examined, the examination methods used, the examination report numbers, and summarize the examination results for each of the following categories:

1. ASME Section XI, Class I and 2 pressure retaining components and their supports.
2. Augmented High Energy Piping systems in accordance with PVNGS UFSAR Section 6.6.8.

This report is a summary of the ISI examinations performed during the Second Interval. This report is a summary of the Period I and 2 examinations performed through the eleventh refueling outage. All of the examination report numbers listed in Appendix A for the eleventh refueling and examinations performed since the last Summary Report are in bold type.

2.0 Examination Summary The evaluation of the results from the ISI examinations indicated the integrity of the systems has been maintained.

All discrepancies were corrected or determined "use-as-is" in accordance with PVNGS work control practices and ASME Section XI.

Various non-rejectable indications were detected during the performance of examinations. These indications were recorded and are maintained on file.

3.0 Examination Techniques 3.1 The three types of examinations utilized to perform the Inservice Examinations, along with the actual nondestructive examination techniques, are identified in the legend below:

VT - Visual VT-I General Condition VT-2 Leakage VT-3 Structural Condition / Operability S - Surface PT Liquid Penetrant MT Magnetic Particle VOL - Volumetric UT Ultrasonic RT Radiographic ECT Eddy Current 3.2 All of the nondestructive examinations were performed using specific techniques and procedures that are indicated in ASME Section XI, or alternative examinations that are demonstrated to be equivalent or superior to those identified.

Page 3 of 41

4.0 Accessibility 4.1 All items were examined to the extent practical. Code limitations encountered during the examination that exceed the criteria of code case N490 are documented in Appendix B.

5.0 Personnel 5.1 All nondestructive examinations were performed by Arizona Public Service Co. (APS), Lambert, MacGill, Thomas, Inc. (LMT), or MQS. All personnel were certified in accordance with programs written to comply with the applicable requirements of ASME Section XI. Copies of all certifications are maintained on file.

Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut provided the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII).

6.0 Equipment and Materials 6.1 The equipment and materials utilized were certified to the requirements of ASME Section XI. Copies of all certifications are maintained on file.

7.0 Repairs and Replacements No repairs or replacement were performed as a result of ISI examinations performed during ULRI 1. The applicable records and reports for the specific maintenance repair or replacements performed after the last summary report are maintained on file at Palo Verde. The applicable NIS-2 forms are an attachment to Appendix D and are submitted for review with this report.

Page 4 of 41



REPORT Page 5 of 41

APPENDIX A Definition of Terms The column headings for the tables on the following pages are defined below:

ASME Item No - The ASME Section XI Category/Item Numbers are listed in the Code, Subsections IWB and IWC. The item number prefixes are defined below:

AHE - Augmented high energy systems piping B- ASME Class 1 systems BFLYWH - Reactor coolant pump flywheels BIWF - ASME Class 1 supports C- ASME Class 2 systems CIWF - ASME Class 2 supports FR - 10 CFR 50 augmented examinations Zone No - Area designation per PVNGS design Comp/Sys - Component or system description Insp Per - Inspection period Amt Reqd - Number of items requiredto be completed in the period Amt Comp - Number of requireditems completed Item ID - Item identification per ISI program/zone drawings Reports (VOL) - Volumetric exam report number (SURF) - Surface exam report number (VIS) - Visual exam report number Remarks - Re-exam or replacement remarks indicate acceptable examination results Page 6 of 41

Definition of terms continued Acc - Accessible ADV - Atmospheric Dump Valve Aux - Auxiliary Atmos - Atmospheric CEDM - Control Element Drive Mechanism Circ - Circumferential Cont - Containment Cs - Containment Spray CSP - Containment Spray Pump FW - Feedwater HPSI - High Pressure Safety Injection HTRS - Heaters ICI - In Core Instrumentation IEB - Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin Letdown HT Exch - Letdown Heat Exchanger LPSI - Low Pressure Safety Injection MS - Main Steam MT - Magnetic Particle Test Press Bound - Pressure Boundary PSE - Preservice Examination PSV - Pressurizer Safety Valve PZR - Pressurizer RCP - Reactor Coolant Pump RCS - Reactor Coolant System Reg HT Exch - Regenerative Heat Exchanger SD - Shutdown SG - Steam Generator Snub - Snubber Reduction Program Surf - Surface UT - Ultrasonic Testing Vis - Visual Vol - Volumetric Page 7 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp ASME Class 2 Augmented High Enerev Piping AHE 5.51 47 MS SGI One 13 13 47-1 99-1361 99-1280

& 5.52 47-2 99-1360 99-1280 47-4 99-1305 99-1281 47-8 99-1306 99-1281 47-12 99-1307 99-1281 47-14A 99-1356 99-1280 47-16 99-1308 99-1281 47-20 99-1309 99-1281 47-24 99-1352 99-1280 47-25 99-1350 99-1280 47-28 99-1348 99-1282 47-29 99-1349 99-1282 47-30 99-1351 99-1280 48 NIS SG1 East Two 12 12 48-01 UT-04-006 MIT-04-009 48-02 UT-04-007 AIT-04-010 48-04 UT-04-009 NIT-04-012 48-08 UT-04-011 NIT-04-014 48-12 UT-04-013 MIT-04-016 48-14A UT-04-014 NIT-04-017 48-16 UT-04-016 NIT-04-019 48-20 UT-04-018 NIT-04-021 48-24 UT-04-020 NIT-04-023 No credit 48-25 UT-04-021 NIT-04-024 48-28 UT-04-023 NrT-04-026 48-29 UT-04-024 MT-04-027 48-30 UT-04-025 NIT-04-028 51 Atmos Dump SG1 One 13 13 51-1 99-1345 99-1287 51-2 99-1362 99-1287 51-3 99-1363 99-1287 51-4 99-1364 99-1287 51-5 99-1365 99-1287 51-6 99-1366 99-1287 51-7 99-1367 99-1288 51-8A 99-1368 99-1288 51-8B 99-1369 99-1287 51-9 99-1370 99-1287 51-51 99-1371 99-1287 51-84 99-1346 99-1287 51-85 99-1347 99-1287 Two 14 14 51-26 UT-04-028 NIT-04-031 51-27 UT-04-029 NIT-04-032 51-28 UT-04-030 MIT-04-033 51-29 UT-04-031 MIT-04-034 51-30 UT-04-032 MIT-04-035 51-31 UT-04-033 MIT-04-036 51-32 UT-04-034 MIT-04-037 51-33 UT-04-035 MIT-04-038 51-34 UT-04-036 NIT-04-039 51-37 UT-04-037 MIT-04-040 51-49 Ur-04-038 NIT-04-041 51-86 UT-04-039 MIT-04-042 51-87 UT-04-040 MIT-04-043 51-88 UT-04-041 IT-04-044 53 Steam to Aux FW One 10 10 53-11 99-1538 99-1506 53-12 99-1539 99-1506 53.13 99-1540 99-1506 PSE 53-14 99-1541 99-1506 53-15 99-1542 99-1506 53-21 99-1543 99-1506 53-22 99-1544 99-1506 53-23 99-1545 99-1506 53-24 99-1546 99-1506 PSE 53-25 99-1547 99-1506 Two 9 9 53-1 UT-02-262 MT-02-187 UT-02-278 53-2 UT-02-263 MT-02-175 53-4 UT-02-264 MT-02-188 Page 8 of4l



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 53-5 UT-02-265 MT-02-1 89 53-6 UT-02-267 MT-02-190 53-7 UT-02-268 MT-02-191 53-8 UT-02-269 MT-02-192 53-9 UT-02-270 MT-02-193 53-10 UT-02-271 MT-02-194 56 FeedwaterSGI One 7 7 56-1 01-1411 01-1328 56-3 01-1412 01-1328 564 01-1429 01-1328 56-6 01-1413 01-1328 56-7 01-1414 01-1328 56-9 01-1415 01-1328 56-11 01-1416 01-1328 60 Downcomer SGI One 9 9 60-7 99-1708 99-1646 60-8 01-1221 01-1230 60-9 01-1222 01-1230 60-11 01-1223 01-1230 60-12 01-1224 01-1230 60-14 99-1625 99-1646 60-15 99-1658 99-1646 60-16 99-1666 99-1646 60-17 99-1667 99-1646 Two 5 5 60-02 UTJ-04-67 MIT-04-066 60-03 UT-04-068 IT-04-067 60-04 UT404-069 IT.04-068 60-05 UT-04-070 IT-04-069 60-06 UT-04-071 IT-04-070 61 DowncomerSGI Two 5 5 61-02 UT-04-072 IT-04-071 61-03 UT-04-073 MIT-04.072 61-04 UT-04-074 IT-04-073 61-05 UT-04-075 MIT-04.074 61-06 UT-04-076 5T-04-075 66 Blowdown SGI One 9 9 66-1 99-1469 99-1416 66-2 99-1470 99-1416 66-3 99-1471 99-1416 66-5 99-1472 99-1416 66-6 99-1473 99-1416 66-7 99-1474 99-1416 66-8 99-1475 99-1416 66-9 99-1476 99-1416 66-26 99-1477 99-1416 Two 6 6 66-10 UT-04-080 IT-04-080 66-11 UT-04-081 MT-04-081 66-12 UT-04-082 5T-04-082 66-13 UT-04-083 5IT-04-083 66-14 UT404-084 hT-04-084 66-15 UT-04-085 5T-04-085 AIIE 5.61 51 ADVI Bypass UVI8O Two 21 21 51-101 Ur-04-042 IT-04-045

& 5.62 51-102 UT-04-043 IT-04-046 51-103 Ur-04-044 IT-04-047 51-104 UT-04-045 IT-04-048 51-105 UT-04-046 IT-04-049 51-106 Ur-04-047 hIT-04-050 51-107 UT-04-048 IT-04-051 51-108 UT-04-049 IT.04.052 51-109 UT-04-050 IT-04.053 51-1 10 UT-04-051 NIT-04.054 51-111 UT-04-052 IT-04.055 51-112 UT-04-053 IT-04-056 51-113 UT-04-054 MIT-04.057 51-114 UT-04-055 5IT04-058 51-115 UT-04-056 IT-044059 51-116 UT-04-057 IT-04-060 51-117 UT-044058 5IT-04-061 51-118 UT-04-059 IT-04-062 51-119 UT-04-060 MIT-04.063 51-120 UT-04-061 hIT-04-064 51-121 UT-04-062 5IT-04-65 AIIE 5.81 47 NIS SGI Wcst One 7 6 47-3 99-1359 99-1280

& 5.82 47-7 99-1358 99-1280 Page 9 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req CoWp 47-11 99-1357 99-1280 47-15 99-1355 99-1280 47-19 99.1354 99-1280 47-23 99-1353 99-1280 47-27 99-1280 Two 0 1 47-27 UT-04-005 NIT-04-008 48 MIS SG1 East Two 8(1) 8(1) 48-03 UT-04-008 MT-04-01 1 48-07 UT-04-010 MT-04-013 48-11 UT-04-012 NIT-04-015 48-15 UT-04-015 MT-04-018 48-19 UT-04-017 NIT-04-020 48-23 UT-04-019 NIT-04-022 48-27 UT-04-022 NIT-04-025 48-34 UT-04-026 NIT-04-029 48-35 UT-04-027 MT-04-030 Aug, Limited UT exam ASNIE Class 1 B 1.22 02 Closure Head One 33% 33% 2-4 99-1466 99-1458 Accessible Areas 99-1479 RR# 14 99-1481 99-1483 B 1.30 01 Reactor Vessel One 50°/e 50 0/h 1-14 Examined 0°-180° B 1.40 02 Closure Head One 33% 33% 2-1 99-1465 99-1458 Examined 0°-120° 99-1478 Separate Report by Wcsdyne. Exam 99-1480 completed in IR8 99-1482 B 1A0 02 Closure Head Two 33% 33% 2-1 UT-04-107 MT-04-001 Examined 120-240° B 2.11 & 5 Pressurizer One 66% 66% 5-2 99-1448 Examined 0°-240° 2.12 99-1450 99-1452 99-1454 5-3 99-1449 1'long seam for 5-2 99-1451 99-1453 99-1455 Two 66% 66% 5-6 UT-02-243 1'long seam for 5-8 UT-02-244 UT-02-245 UT-02-246 5-8 UT-02-238 Examined 0°-240° UT-02-240 UT-02-241 UT-02-242 B 2.31 03 Steam Generator I One 33% 33% 3-5 01-1200 Examined 0°-120° 01-1211 01-1214 01-1234 Two 33% 33% 3-5 UT-02-139 Examined 120°-240° UT-02-140 UT-02-147 UT-02-149 B 2.32 03 Steam Generator I One 33% 33% 3-3 01-1199 01-1212 01-1213 01-1233 3-10 01-1203 01-1208 01-1218 01-1237 3-11 01-1200 01-1201 01-1210 01-1211 01-1214 01-1215 01-1234 01-1235 Page IO of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 3-12 01-1201 01-1210 01-1215 01-1235 B2.40 03 Steam Generator I One 50% 50°/h 3-6 01-1201 Examined 0°-180° 01-1210 01-1215 01-1235 04 Steam Generator 2 Two 50% 500/h 4-6 UT-02-260 Examined 1800-3600 UT-02-280 UT-02-281 UT-02-282 B 3.90 01 Reactor Vessel One 2 2 1-15 Separate Report 1-18

  • by Wesdyne. Exam B 3.100 01 Reactor Vessel One 2 2 1-15 completed in IR8 1-18
  • B 3.1 10 05 Pressurizer One 2 2 5-9 01-1283 01-1284 01-1286 01-1287 5-11 01-1267 01-1268 01-1269 01-1270 Two 2 2 5-10 UT-02-252 UT-02-253 UT-02-254 UT-02-255 5-13 UT-02-247 UT-02-248 UT-02-250 UT-02-251 B 3.120 05 Pressurizer One 2 2 5-9 01-1285 01-1406 5-11 01-1365 01-1366 Two 2 2 5-10 UT-02-266 5-13 UT-02-272 B 3.130 03 Steam Generator I One I 1 3-9 01-1202 01-1209 01-1217 01-1236 Two I 1 3-7 UT-02-134 UT-02-143 UT-02-145 UT-02-146 04 Steam Generator 2 One I 1 4-9 01-1376 01-1377 01-1378 01-1379 Two I 1 4-7 UT-02-138 UT-02-142 UT-02-144 UT-02-148 B 3.140 03 Steam Generator I One I 1 3-9 01-1367 01-1368 Two I 1 3-7 UT-02-132 04 Steam Generator 2 One I 1 4-9 01-1369 01-1370 Two I 1 4-7 UT-02-135 B4.11 01 Reactor Vessel Two 0 0 RPV Vent ECT-* 04-235 *Rpt NNVDI-PJK-1302615-FSR-001,04-236 All (EA-03-009)

B 4.12 02 Closure Head One 8 8 CEDM Noz 01-1627 Two 8 8 CEDM Noz UT-* ECT-* VT-02-700 04-235 All (EA-03-009)04-236 B4.13 01 Reactor Vessel One S 5 Inst. Noz. 01-1627 Two 5 5 Inst. Noz VT-02-705 Reject - eval by CRDR 2312850 VTI4431 All (EA-03-009)

B 4.20 05 Pressurizer One 12 12 Heater 01-1627 CEIB 89-06 Page 11 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComPISys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req ComP Two 12 12 Heater VT-02-699 CEIB 89-06 VT-04433 B 5.40 20 PZR Surge One I 1 5-34 01-1288 01-1232 01-1290 31 PZR Safeties One I 1 5-29 01-1238 01-1010 01-1239 01-1240 01-1278 20 PZR Surge Two 0 0 5-34 VT-04-386 Aug. VT 29 PZR Spray Two I 1 5-33 RT-02-003 PT-02-147 VT-04-387 Aug. VT 31 PZR Safeties Two I 1 5-31 UT-02-257 PT-02-155 VT-04-390 Aug. VT 5-29 7T-04-388 Aug. VT 5-30 VT-04-389 Aug. VT 5-32 VT-04-391 Aug. VT B 6.10 02 Closure Head One 18 18 I thru 18 99-1510 99-1589 Two 18 18 19 thru 36 MT-02-167 VT.02-592 B 6.30 02 Closure Head One 18 18 I thru 18 99-1511 99-1509 Two 18 18 19thru36 UT-02-211 MT-02-166 Two 0 0 45 92-725 92-724 PSE In W'arehouse B 6.50 02 Closure Head One 18 18 I thru I8 99-1613 Two 18 18 19thru36 VT-02-593 B 6.180 16 RCP 1A One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1705 99-1601 01-1654 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-626 UT-04-116 VT-04430 IEIN 80-227All 17 RCP IB One 5 5 1thru 5 99-1706 99-1603 01-1654 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-630 UT-04-117 VT-04-429 IEIN80-227All 18 RCP 2A One 5 5 1 thru 5 99-1487 99-1500 99-1464 PSE 01-1654 Two 5 5 6thru 10 VT-02-634 UT-04-118 N'T-04427 IEIN 80-27 All 19 RCP 2B One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1707 99-1602 01-1654 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-638 UT-04-119 'VT04-428 IEIN 80-27 All B 6.190 18 RCP 2A One When Flange 99-1488 Disassembled B 6.200 16 RCP IA One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1601 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-625 17 RCP IB One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1603 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-629 18 RCP 2A One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1197 Rejected 6 nuts, 99-1500 PSE 6 nuts/clamp ring Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-633 19 RCP2B One 5 5 I thru5 99-1602 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-637 B720 05 Pressurizer One 20 20 20 studs/nuts 99-1498 IEB 82-02 01-1272 Removed Two 20 20 20 studs/nuts MT-02-172 VT-02-596 IEB 82-02 VT-04-394 B 730 03 Steam Generatorl One 40 40 40 studs/nuts 99-1492 IEB 82-02 01-1271 Removed Two 40 40 40 studs/nuts MT-02-173 VT-02-594 IEB 82-02 VT-04405 04 Steam Generator2 One 40 40 40 studs/nuts 99-1493 IEB 82-02 01-1294 Removed Two 40 40 40 studs/nuts MT-02-174 VT-02-595 IEB 82-02 T-04-406 B 7S0 31 PZR Safeties One I I PSV200 99-1499 IEB 82-02 01-1431 Removed PSV201 99-1499 IEB 82-02 01-1431 Removed PSV202 99-1499 IEB 82-02 01-1431 Removed PSV203 99-1499 IEB 82-02 01-1431 Removed Page 12 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req COmp Two I I PSV200 MT-02-168 VT-02-597 IEB 82-02 VT-04-395 Removed PSV201 MT-02-169 VT-02-598 IEB 82-02 VT-04-396 Removed PSV202 MT-02-170 VT-02-599 IEB 82-02 VT-04-397 Removed PSV203 MT-02-171 VT-02-600 IEB 82-02 VT04-398 Removed 37 Charging One I I V435 99-1263 B 7.60 16 RCP IA One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1490 I thru 16 01-1476 Disassembled Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-627 VT-02-628 17 RCP IB One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1491 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-631 VT-02-632 18 RCP 2A One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1489 I thru 16 01-1475 Disassembled {2 rejects 2 01-1501 PSE Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-635 VT-02-636 19 RCP2B One 5 5 I thru 5 99-1602 Two 5 5 6 thru 10 VT-02-639 VT-02-641 B 7.70 21 SD Cooling I One I I UV653 99-1224 22 SD Cooling 2 One I I UV654 01-1533 Two I I UV652 VT-02-514 23 SIIA One I I V237 01-1004 Two 2 2 V235 VT-02-516 UV634 VT-02-517 24 SIIB One I I V543 99-1228 Two 2 2 V245 VT-02-478 UV644 VT-02-506 25 SI 2A One I I V540 99-1219 Two I I V217 VT-02-515 26 SI 2B One I I V225 99-1614 Two 2 2 V541 VT-02-553 PSE UV624 VT.02-5 18 27 PZR Spray IA Two I I VIOOE VT-02-614 28 PZR Spray IB One 2 2 V241 99-1283 Reject 99-1665 Re-cxam 01-1024 Re-Exam V242 99-1283 Two I I VIOOF VT-02-615 31 PZR Safeties One I I PSV200 99-1713 Two I I PSV202 VT-02-601 32 Drain Line IA One 2 2 V234 99-1588 V334 99-1587 33 Drain Une IB Two 2 2 V'235 VT-04-313 N'335 VT-04-314 34 Drain Line 2A Two 2 2 V233 VT-02-539 V333 VT-02-540 37 Charging One I I PDV240 99-1263 38 Drain Line Loop 1 One I I V215 01-1042 39 HPSI Long Term I One I I V523 01-1040 Two 2 2 V522 VT-02-421 V957 VT-02-578 40 HPSI Long Term 2 Two I I V532 VT-02-579 B 7.80 02 RVLMS One I I 2-21 01-1600 CEDM 92 &96 B 8.20 5 Pressurizer One 66% 66% 5-1 99-1445 01-1006 Examined 0°-240° 99-1446 99-1447 99-1486 B 830 03 Steam Generator I One 33% 33% 3-1 01-1304 01-1292 Examined 0°-120° 01-1330 01-1331 01-1332 Page 13 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 4 Steam Generator2 Two 33% 33% UT-02-130 MT-02-165 Examined 120°-240°, MT on OD UT-02-136 only.

UT-02-137 UT-02-141 B 9.11 06 RCS Piping One 7 7 1-31

  • 01-1599 *Separate report by

& 9.12 1-34 *I 01-1599 Wcsdyne. Exams 6-7

  • 01-1599 completed in UIR8 3-30 01-1356 01-1299 01-1359 4-30 01-1357 01-1291 01-1360 7-7
  • 01-1599 17-2 01-1361 01-1291 01-1362 Two 0 0 16-1 MT-02-179 17-1 MT-02-181 18-1 MT-02-178 19-1 MT-02-180 20 PZR Surge One I 1 20-1 01-1289 01-1232 21 SD Cooling 1 One 3 3 6-11 01-1380 01-1275 01-1383 21-18 01-1381 01-1275 21-20 01-1382 01-1275 Two 2 2 21-14 UT-02-190 PT-02-119 21-15 UT-02-191 PT-02-120 21-1 PT-04-063 Aug.

21-3 PT-04-050 Aug.

214 UT-04-127 PT-04-053 Aug.

21-5 UT-04-128 PT-04-054 Aug.

21-6 PT-04-048 Aug.

6-11 PT-04-059 Aug.

21-7 UT-04-129 PT-04-057 Aug.

21-8 UT-04-130 PT-04-058 Aug.

21-9 UT-04-131 PT-04-049 Aug.

21-10 UT-04-132 PT-04-051 Aug.

21.11 PT-04-055 Aug.

21.1IA PT-04-060 Aug.

21-12 UT-04-126 PT-04-052 Aug. Limited UT exam 21-12A PT-04-042 Aug.

21-13 PT-04-043 Aug.21-13A PT-04-066 Aug.

21-14 UT-04-120 PT-04-056 Aug.

21-15 UT-04-122 PT-04-064 Aug.

21-16 UT-04-121 PT-04-062 Aug.

21-17 UT-04-123 PT-04-067 Aug.

21-18 UT-04-124 PT-04-045 Aug.

21-19 UT-04-125 PT-04-046 Aug.

21-20 PT-04-047 Aug.

22 SD Cooling 2 One I 1 22-11 99-1600 99-1590 22-14 99-1599 99-1590 22-23 01-1510 01-1327 Needs PDI re-exam 01-1511 Two 0 0 22-1 PT-02-103 7-9 PT-02-105 22-18 PT-02-112 23 SI IA One 3 3 9-10 01-1541 01-1007 01-1542 23-1 01-1543 01-1007 23-2 01-1544 01-1007 23-4 01-1545 01-1007 Needs PDI re-exam 01-1546 Two I 1 23-6 UT-02-287 PT-02-172 Aug. Limited UT exam UT-02-289 234 UT-04-001 PDI re-exam, Limited UT exam 24 SI1B Two 3 3 24-6 UT-02-179 PT-02-116 Limited Aug. UT exam UT-02-182 24-14 UT-02-185 PT-02-098 Limited UT exam UT-02-1 89 24-16 UT-02-177 PT-02-101 Limited UT exam UT-02-188 Page 14 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 24-19 UT-02-176 PT-02-099 Limited UT exam UT-02-178 25 Si2A One 2 2 25-26 99-1512 99-1503 25-27 99-1617 99-1606 25-29 99-1618 Two 4 4 25-1 UT-02-227 PT-02-145 254 UT-02-224 PT-02-146 Limited UT exam UT-02-226 25-6 UT-02-221 PT-02-173 Limited UT exam UT-02-222 13-10 UT-02-228 PT-02-174 26 Si2B One 2 2 26-9 99-1615 99-1586 26-11 99-1616 99-1586 Two I 1 26-6 UT-02-181 PT-02-114 Limited Aug. UT exam UT-02-184 26-17 UT-02-180 PT 13 Limited UT exam UT-02-183 29 PZR Spray One 2 2 29-10 99-1467 99-1436 29-11 99-1468 99-1436 Two I 1 29-1 UT-02-233 PT-02-149 PSE, Need PDI re-exam UT-02-234 UT-04-002 Re-exam 29-2 UT-02-235 PT-02-150 PSE, Limited UT exam, Need PDI re-UT-02-236 exam UT-04-003 Re-exam, Limited UT exam 29-9 UT-02-237 PT-02-148 PSE, Need PDI re-exam UT-02-239 UT-04-004 Re-exam 31 PZR Safeties One I 1 31-1 01-1220 01-1010 Two 2 2 31-9 UT-02-249 PT-02-156 31-10 UT-02-256 PT-02-157 36 Letdown Line Two I 1 36-75 UT-02-223 PT-02-144 B 9.21 27 PZR Spray IA One 4 4 9-11 01-1044

& 9.22 2742 01-1044 2743 01-1044 2744 01-1044 28 PZR Spray IA One 4 4 28-31 99-1459 28-32 99-1459 28-39 99-1437 2840 99-1437 Two 4 4 28-9 PT-02-167 28-11 PT-02-168 11-11 PT-02-115 28-20 PT-02-169 30 AuxPZR Spray One 2(2) 2(2) 30-7 99-1233 Oldentifies augment 30-13 99-1233 30-1 01-1621 01-1640 88-08 01-1623 88-08 30-2 01-1622 01-1640 88-08 01-1624 88-08 Two 2 2(2) 30-5 PT-02-153 30-6 PT-02-154 30-1 UT-02-229 PT-02-151 PSE, IEB 88-08, UT-02-230 Limited UT exam 30-2 UT-02-231 PT-02-152 PSE, IEB 88-08, UT-02-232 Limited UT exam 32 Drain IA One 3 3 8-18 99-1504 32-1 99-1504 32-2 99-1504 33 Drain Line IB Two 3 3 33-1 PT-02-106 33-5 PT-02-107 10-18 PT-02-104 36 Letdown Line One 2 2 36-8 01-1186 36-9 01-1186 Two 8 8 36-25 PT-02-138 36-26 PT-02-139 36-28 PT-02-141 36-35 PT-02-142 3643 PT-02-085 3644 PT-02-086 Page 1S of41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 36-45 PT-02-087 36-80 PT-02-088 37 Charging One 5 5 37-41 99-1301 37-42 99-1301 37-43 99-1301 37-45 01-1045 37-46 01-1045 37-47 01-1045 Two 7 7 13-11 PT-02-128 37-28 PT-02-122 37-29 PT-02-123 37-30 PT-02-124 37-32 PT-02-125 37.33 PT-02-126 37-34 PT-02-127 38 Drain Line I Two I 1 38-1 PT-02-170 39 HPSI A One 2 2 39-1 99-1234 39-5 99-1234 Two 3 3 39-12 UT-02-290 PT-02-131 39-13 UT-02-292 PT-02-175 39-24 UT-02-302 PT-02-162 Limited UT exam UT-02-303 40 HPSI B One 3 3 40-1 01-1043 40-2 01-1043 40-3 01-1043 Two 2 2 40-6 UT-02-285 PT-02-163 40-7 UT-02-288 PT-02-164 B 9.31 06 RCS Piping One I 1 9-8 01-1355 01-1291 01-1358 Two 0 0 13-8 UT-02-212 MT-02-176 Limited UT exam, B 9.32 06 RCS Piping One I 1 8-17 99-1505 Two I 1 13-9 MT-02-177 21 SD Cooling I Two 0 0 21-IA PT-04-065 Aug 21-13B PT-04-044 Aug 22 SD Cooling One I I 22-7A 99-1607 36 Letdown Two 2 2 36-41 PT-02-084 36-76 PT-02-143 B 9.40 32 Drain IA One I 1 32-6 99-1504 32-8 99-1504 33 Drain Line IB Two I 1 33-6 PT-02-108 34 Drain Line 2A Two I 1 34-6 PT-02-171 38 Drain I One I 1 38-5 01-1041 Removed 38-12 01-1500 PSE B 10.10 36 Letdown One I I RC-91H5 99-1591 RC-91H6 99-1591 Two I I RC-91H6 PT-02-089 91%CCN460 B 12.20 18 RCP2A One When Bowl Interior 99-1497 Disassembled B12.50 21 SD Cooling I Two When V653 IT-04-286 Internal surfaces Disassembled 24 SI IB Two When V543 VT-02-523 Intemal surfaces Disassembled 25 SI 2A Two When V215 'T-04-297 Internal surfaces Disassembled B 13.10 01 Reactor Vessel One 33% 33% Interior 01-1534 accessible areas Two 33% 33% Interior VT-04-317 accessible areas B 14.10 02 Closure Head One 2 2 2-9 01-1519 01-1655 CEDM 84 2-9 01-1519 01-1655 CEDM 88 2 2 2-10 01-1518 01-1655 CEDM 84 2-10 01-1518 01-1655 CEDM 88 Two 2 2 2-9 UT-02-206 PT-02-136 CEDM 83 2-9 UT-02-207 PT-02-137 CEDM 91 2 2 2-10 UT-02-203 PT-02-134 CEDM 83 2-10 UT-02-204 PT-02-135 CEDM 91 B 15.10 02 Closure Head Two ALL ALL Head 04-235 Aug BNI, NRC Order EA-03-009 04-236 Page 16 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp B 15.10, RCS Piping One ALL ALL Press Bound 99-1585 RR#II & 12 20,30, 99-1647 SIBPSVI69 disassy 40, 50, 60 99-1711

& 70 01-1012 01-1013 01-1557 01-1627 reject 01-1628 01-1012 01-1013 01-1557 01-1627 01-1628 01-1629 01-1630 01-1646 01-1647 Two ALL ALL Press VT-02-698* 100% RCS ca. Outage 1*

Boundary *'T-04414 VT-04432 VT.04436 VT-04.438 VN44-447 VT-04466*

B 16 RCP IA One I I Flywheel 01-1273 Flywheel Two I I Flywheel UT-02-201 17 RCP IB One I I Flywheel 01-1363 Two I I Flywheel UT-02-202 18 RCP 2A One I I Flywheel 01-1364 Two I I Flywheel UT.02-208 19 RCP2B One I I Flywheel 01-1434 Two I I Flywheel UT-02-205 F 1.10 20 PZR Surge One 2 2 RC-28-H I 99-1284 RC-28-1-12 99-1218 Two 2 2 RC-28-11842 VT-04-01 RR#4 RC-28-11844 V1-04-002 RR#4 21 SDCooling I One 7 7 SI-240-H10 99-1227 SI-240-H1 I 99-1226 SI240-H113 99-1225 RC-5 11-HI 01-1182 Support Dceleted RC-51-H2 01-1181 RC-5 1--H3 01-1180 RC-51 H821 01-1433 Two 7 7 RC-51.112 VT-02-640 Expansion VT-04-324 RC-51-113 VT-02-429 Expansion VT-04-325 RC-51-H4 VT-02-422 Support Dcleted RC-51-115 VT02-423 VT-04-326 RC-5 1--16 VT-02-703 Support Deleted RC-5 I-H822 VT.02-474 Sl-240-HI VT-02-430 Support Deeleted S1-240-112 VT.02-425 VT-04-323 Sl-240-113 VT-02-431 Reject VT-02-605 Re-exam VT-04-315 SI-240-114 VT-02-433 Expansion VT-04-327 SI-240-115 VT-02-432 Rcject VT.02-607 Re-exam VT-04-316 SI-240-H6 VT-02-434 Support De leted SI-240-117 VT-02-435 Expansion VT-04-328 S1-240-118 VT104-329 SI-240-119 VT-02-659 Expansion VT-04-330 Page 17 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Arnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SI-240-1110 VT-02-661 Expansion VT-04-331 SI-240-1111 VT-02-662 Expansion VT-04-332 Sl-240-H12 VT-02-424 Support Deleted SI-240-1113 VT-04-333 SI-240-H823 VT.02-427 SI-240-H824 VT-02-428 22 SD Cooling B One 4 4 RC-68-H5 01-1177 RC-68-116 01-1176 Support Deleted SI-193-H17 01-1178 SI-193-H19 01-1179 Support Deleted Two 4 4 RC-68-113 VT-02-663 Expansion SI-193-118 VT-02-496 Rej VT-02-652 Re-exam SI-193-H9 V;T-02-497 RR #4 Sl-193-H17 VT-02-664 Expansion SI-193-H20 VT-02-508 SI-193-1123 VT-02-665 Expansion Sl-193-1125 VT-02-498 Support Deleted 23 SI IA One I I SI-207-H5 01-1005 Support Deleted Two 2 2 SI-207-H3 VT-02-666 Expansion Sl-207-H7 VT-02-509 SI-207-HI I VT-02-5 10 24 SI IB One 2 2 SI-223-113 99-1230 SI-223-H4 99-1229 Support Deleted Two 2 2 Sl-223-HI VT-02-475 SI-223-H2 VT-02-477 Support Deleted 25 SI 2A One 2 2 S1-156-H7 99-1221 Support Deleted SI-156-H9 99-1220 Two I I S1-156-119 VT-02-667 Expansion SI- 60-HI VT-02-511 26 SI 2B One 2 2 SI-179-H9 99-1223 Support Deleted Sl-179-HI I 99-1222 Two 3 3 Sl-175-121 VT-02-507 Rej VT-02-655 Re-exam SI-175-H22 VT-02-512 Support Deleted Sl-175-1123 VT-02-513 SI-179-HI I VT-02-669 Expansion 27 PZR Spray IA One 9 9 RC-62-1126 99-1209 RC-62-1127 99-1208 RC-62-1128 99-1207 RC-62-H29 99-1206 Support Deleted RC-62-H30 99-1205 RC-62-H31- 99-1204 Support Deleted RC-62-H32 99-1203 RC-62-H33 99-1202 RC-62-H34 99-1262 Support Deleted Two 8 8 RC-16-H5 V1 02-537 RC-16-H6 VT.02-608 RC-16-117 VT-02-609 RC-16-H15 VT-02-536 Support Deleted RC-62-H35 VT-02-610 RC-62-H36 VT-02-611 Support Deleted RC-62-H37 VT-02-612 RC-62-1-138 VT-02-613 28 PZR Spray IB One 9 9 RC-17-H24 99-1217 RC-17-H34 99-1216 RC-17-H35 01-1172 RC-17-H36 99-1215 RC-17-H38 99-1214 RC-17-H39 99-1213 Support Deleted RC-17-H40 99-1212 RC-17-H41 99-1211 Support Deleted RC-17-H42 99-1210 Two 8 8 RC-17-H43 VT-02-616 RC-17-H1144 VT-02-617 Support Deleted RC-17-H1145 VT-02-618 RC-17-H46 VT-02-619 RC-18-H9 VT.02-620 Page 18 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Arnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp RC-18-H10 VT-02-534 Support Deleted RC-18-HI I VT-02-621 Support Deleted RC-18-H112 VT-02-535 29 PZR Spray One 2 2 RC-18-H16 99-1439 RC-18-HI8 99-1440 Two I I RC-18-1117 VT-04-003 RR#4 32 Drain IA One 2 2 RC-60-HA 99-1326 Support Deleted RC-60-HB 99-1327 Support Deleted 33 Drain Line IB Two 2 2 RC-58-HA VT-02-493 RC-58-HB VT-02-494 Support Deleted 34 Drain Line 2A Two 2 2 RC-96-HA VT-02-532 RC-96-HB Vr-02-533 Support Deleted 36 Letdown One 9 9 RC-91-HI 99-1592 RC-91-H5 99-1593 RC-91-H6 99-1594 RC-91-HB 99-1325 Support Deleted RC-91-HD 99-1323 RC-91-HE 99-1319 Support Deleted RC-91-HY 99-1321 RC-9 1-HZ 99-1324 RC-91 -HAA 99-1322 RC-91-HAK 99-1320 Two 10 10 RC-91-H6 VT-02-415 RC-91-HAJ VT-02-416 RC-91-HP VT-02-417 RC-91-112 VT4-004 RR#4 RC-91-IIAP VT-04-005 RR#4 RC-91-}IAQ VT-04-006 RR#4 RC-91-.IQ *T04J-007 RR#4 RC-91-IIR NT-04-008 RR#4 RC-91-IIS VT-04-009 RR#4 RC-91-IIT *'T-04-010 RR#4 37 Charging One 14 14 CH-5-H2 99-1265 Support Deleted CH-5-H3 99-1266 CH-5-H25 99-1267 CH-5-H26 99-1268 Support Deleted CH-5-H27 99-1269 CH-5-H28 99-1270 CH-5-H30 99-1271 CH-5-H34 99-1272 CH-5-H35 99-1273 CH-5-H36 99-1274 CH-5-H42 99-1275 CH-5-H43 99-1276 Support Deleted CH-5-H44 99-1277 CH-5-HAA 99-1264 Support Deleted Two 9 9 CH-5-H13 VT-02-580 CH-5-HI7 VT-02-581 CH-5-H18 VT-02-582 CH-5-1H19 VT-02-583 CH-5-H20 VT-02-584 CH-5-H21 VT-02-585 CH-5-H22 VT-02-586 CH-5-H32 VT-02-587 CH-5-H37 VT-02-588 39 HPSI 1 One 4 4 SI-248-H26 99-1238 Support Deleted SI-248-H27 99-1237 SI-248-H28 99-1236 Sl-248-H30 99-1235 Support Deleted Sl-248-H25 99-1239 Two 5 5 SI-248-1117 VT-02-418 VT-04-334 SI-248-H18 VT-02-419 Support Deleted SI-248-H19 VT-02-572 S1-248-H20 VT-02-573 SI-248-H29 VT-02-420 40 HPSI 2 One 3 3 S1-199-H113 01-1016 Sl-199-114 01-1017 Sl-199-H21 01-1015 Support Deleted Two 4 4 S-199-HIS VT-02-574 Page 19 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SI-199-H16 VT-02-575 SI-199-H17 VT-02-576 SI-199-H18 VT-02-577 F 1.40 3 Steam Generator 1 One I 1 340 01-1329 4 Steam Generator 2 Two I 1 4-40 VT-02-623 5 Pressurizer One 0 0 5-40 99-1712 16 RCP IA One 2 2 16-20 99-1259 16-21 99-1259 Two 4 4 16-12 VT-02-524 16-13 VT-02-525 16-14 VT-02-526 16-15 VT-02-527 17 RCP IB One 2 2 17-20 99-1260 17-21 99-1260 Two 4 4 17-12 VT-02-528 17-13 VT-02-529 17-14 VT-02-530 17-15 VT-02-531 18 RCP 2A One 4 4 18-12 99-1663 18-13 99-1663 18-14 99-1663 18-15 99-1663 Two 2 2 18-20 VT-02-643 18-21 VT-02-645 19 RCP2B One 4 4 19-12 99-1664 19-13 99-1664 19-14 99-1664 19-15 99-1664 Two 2 2 19-20 VT-02-646 19-21 VT-02-647 ASMtE Class 2 C 1.10 41 Steam Generator I One 2 2 41-3 01-1384 Examined 0°-180° 01-1387 01-1390 01-1408 41-4 01-1385 Examined 0-.180° 01-1388 01-1391 01-1407 68 Rcgen HTEXCH TWO 3 3 68-3 UT-02-194 68-5 UT-02-196 68-7 UT-02-198 69 Letdown HTEXCH One I 1 69-1 99-1485 Examined 0°-180° 84 SD Cooling A Two 50% 50% 74-123 UT-04-111 Examined 00-1800 C 1.20 41 Steam Generator I One I 1 41-5 01-1386 Examined 0°-1 80° 01-1389 01-1392 01-1393 01-1394 01-1395 01-1409 01-1410 68 Regen HTEXCH Two 2 2 68-4 UT-02-195 68-6 UT-02-197 C 1.30 41 Steam Generator I One I 1 41-1 01-1206 Examined 0°-180° 01-1207 01-1219 01-1241 42 Steam Generator 2 Two I 1 42-1 Ur-02-261 Examined 0°-1800 UT-02-258 UT-02-259 UT-02-275 68 Regen HTEXCH Two 4 4 68-1 UT-02-192 68-2 UT-02-193 68-8 UT-02-199 68-9 UT-02-200 69 Letdown HTEXCH One I 1 69-2 99-1484 Examined 0°-180° Page 20 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 84 SD Cooling A Two 50% 50% 74-124 UT-04-112 Examined 00°-1800 C 2.21 41 Steam Generator I One I I 41.34 01-1279 01-1008 01-1280 Two 2 2 41-9 UT-04-108 MT-04.006 41-10 UT-04-109 MT-04-007 42 Steam Generator 2 One I 42-35 01-1281 01-1009 01-1282 84 SD Cooling A Two I 2 74-122 UT-04-110 IT-04-088 C 2.22 41 Steam Generator 1 Two 2 2 41-9 UT-04-113 Inner Radius (ID) RR8 41.10 UT-04-114 Inner Radius (ID) RR8 84 SD Cooling A Two I 1 74.122 UT-04-115 Inner Radius (ID) RR8 C 3.10 41 Stearn Generator 1 One I 41-42 01-1447 I

42 Steam Generator 2 Two I 42-43 MT-04-090 68 Regen HTEXCH Two 2 2 68-10 PT-02-132 96% CC N460 68-11 PT-02-133 96% CCN460 C 3.20 44 MS SGI 270 Two I I SG-33H16 MT-02-1 84 45 MS SG2 270 One I I SG-42H14 99-1430 Two 2 2 SG-42H15 MT-02-1 85 SG-42H16 MT-02-1 86 55 Fcedwater SG 2 One I I SG-5H9 01-1184 01-1185 62 Aux FW'VSGI Two I 1 AF-18-11 PT.04-040 64 Blowdown SG I One 3 3 SG-39H15 01-1298 01-1302 SG-391-117 01-1303 Support Deleted SG-53HI 01-1002 Support Deleted Two 2 2 SG-39HI MT-02-203 SG-53H5 MT-02-200 PT-02-176 65 Blowdown SG 2 One 2 2 SG-48H20 01-1295 Support Deleted SG-52HI 01-1003 Support Deleted Two 3 3 SG-48-1114 IT-04-077 SG-48-1116 IIT-04-078 SG-48-1126 IT-04-079 71 LPSI Discharge One I I Sl-87HI I 99-1435 76 CS Suction One I I SI-9H4 99-1373 83 SD Cooling 1 Two 2 2 Sl-87-114 PT-04-061 Sl-90-}11 PT-04-041 88 East Wrap One I I Sl-72H13 99-1516 89 East Wrap One I I Sl-194H14 99-1619 91 West Wrap One 4 4 Sl-70H9 99-1374 Sl-7011 1 99-1256 Sl-70H12 99-1456 SI-70H16 99-1256 92 West Wrap One I I Sl-241H21 99-1605 Two 2 2 SI-239-111 PT-04-017 SI-24-1116 PT-04-018 93 CS Discharge 1 Two 1 1 SI-89-1113 PT-04-020 94 LPSI A Two 2 2 SI-070H5 PT-02-121 Sl-070-118 PT-02-130 99 LPSI to Loop 2B Two I I SI-174H13 PT-02-129 100 LPSI Suction A One I I S1-369HI 99-1457 Two I 1 84-5 PT-02-178 102 SI Suction A One 3 3 SI-3071-12 01-1446 SI-307H3 01-1446 Sl-307H15 01-1446 103 Refuel. Suction A Two 2 2 CH424H6 PT-02-1 18 C}11421120 PT-04-069 104 S1 Suction B Two I I Sl-308H3 PT-02-1 59 113 HPSI Discharge One I I SI-107H22 01-1 198 Limited exam C 3.30 72 LPSI Pump A One 3 3 72-3A 01-1471 72-3B 01-1471 72-3C 01-1471 75 LPSI A Two 3 3 73-3A PT-04-004 73-3B PT-04-005 73-3C PT-04-006 78 CSA Two 3 3 80-3A PT-04-007 80-3B PT-04-008 80-3C PT-04-009 Page 21 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 116 HPSI Pump A One 4 4 116-IA 01-1473 Limited exam 116-lB 01-1473 116-IC 01-1473 116-ID 01-1473 Limited exam 117 1IPSIPumpB Two 4 4 117-IA PT-04-034 117-lB PT-04-035 117-IC PT-04-036 117-ID PT-04-037 C 4.40 47 Main Steam SG I One 20 20 UVI70 01-1372 48 Main Steam SG I One 20 20 UVISO 01-1373 56 Feedwater SG I Two 40 40 V132 UT-02-209 20 Studs V174 UT-02-210 20 Studs C 5.11 & 58 Aux FeedSG I Two 0(1) 0(1) 58-1 RT-04-001 PT-04-001 IEB 79-13 5.12 59 Aux Feed SG 2 Two 2(4) 2(4) 59-1 UT-02-219 PT-02-140 PSE UT-02-220 UT-02-225 59-12 UT-04-134 PT-04-068 PSE 59-16 UT-02-159 PT-02-097 PSE, AUG (IEB 79-13)

UT-02-1 60 UT-02-1 61 59-16A UT-02-273 PT-02-160 PSE, AUG (IEB 79-13)59-16C UT-02-274 PT-02-161 PSE 59-34 UT-02-283 PT-02-091 UT-02-284 62 Aux Feed SG I Two I 1 62-6 UT-04-077 PT-04-002 63 Aux Feed SG 2 One 0 0 63-4 01-1525 01-1188 Needs PDI re-exam 01-1526 Two 1(1) 1(1) 634 UT-04-078 Aug, PDI re-exam 63-23 UT-04-079 PT-04-003 70 & 73 LPSI Suction A & B One I I 70-58 99-1258 99-1257 Two 1 1 70-56 UT-02-174 PT-02-111 UT-02-175 82&85 SD Cooling HX A & B One 2 2 72-50 99-1372 99-1316 73-49 01-1428 01-1189 83 & 86 SD Cooling HX A & B One 4 4 74-19 99-1381 99-1315 74-21 99-1383 99-1317 74-22 99-1384 99-1317 74-105 99-1382 99-1314 88 & 91 East & West Wrap One 6 6 78-16 99-1604 99-1515 74-44 99-1311 99-1279 76-2 99-1310 99-1279 76-21 01-1535 01-1 190 01-1547 77-7 01-1521 01-1371 Limited exam 01-1540 77-14 01-1522 01-1371 Limited exam 01-1523 01-1524 Two 7 7 76-7 UT-04-089 PT-04-013 Limited UT Exam 76-8 UT-04-090 PT-04-014 77-8 UT-04-091 PT-04-015 77-16 UT-04-092 PT-04-016 Limited UT Exam 78-9J UT-04-086 PT-04-010 78-11 UT-04-087 PT-04-011 79-14 UT-04-088 PT-04-012 Limited UT Exam 90 & 93 Si East & West Wrap Two 0(1) 0(1) 84-9 UT-04-093 PT-04-019 Aug, Limited UT exam 94&95 SIA&B One I 1 74-40 01-1427 01-1430 Two 2 2 74-37 UT-02-172 PT-02-109 UT-02-1 73 74-38 UT-02-170 PT-02-110 UT-02-171 96,97,98& LPSI Loop IA, 113, One 3 3 78-45 99-1513 99-1502 99 2A, 2B 78-47 99-1514 99-1502 79-23 01-1276 01-1293 01-1277 Page 22 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req COmp Two 2 2 77-22 UT.02-162 PT-02-095 77-27 UT-02-163 PT-02-096 Limited UT exam UT-02-164 100 LPSI Suction A Two 2 2 70-121 UT-02-165 PT-02-093 Limited UT exam UT-02-166 84-3 UTr02-291 PT-02-177 Limited UT exam UT-02-293 102 SI Suction A One 0 0 84-12 01-1487 01-1191 01-1488 Two 1(1) 1(1) 84-26 UT-02-150 PT-02-090 Limited UT exam UT-02-169 UT-04-095 PT-04-022 Limited UT exam 84-12 UT-04-094 PT-04-021 Aug, Limited UT exam 103 Refuel. Suction A One I I 86-57 01-1305 01-1300 Two I I 86-1 UT-02-186 PT-02-117 Limited UT exam UT-02-187 104 SI Suction B One I I 85-46 01-1307 01-1301 Limited exam 01-1308 01-1309 Two I I 85-31 UT-02-276 PT-02-158 105 Refuel. Suction B One 1 1 87-23 01-1306 01-1192 Two I 1 87-37 UT-02-277 PT-02-165 UT-02-279 C5.21 106& IIPSI Discharge A & One 4 4 106-1 01-1244 01-1193 Limited exam 107 B 01-1248 01-1252 106-21 01-1254 01-1193 Limited exam 01-1257 01-1260 107-11 01-1245 01-1194 Limited exam 01-1249 01-1253 10742 01-1225 01-1194 Limited exam 01-1226 01-1227 Two 4 4 106-64 UT-04-096 PT-04-024 Limited UT exam 106-68 UT-04-097 PT-04-025 107-1 UT-04-098 PT-04-026 Limited UT exam 107-22 UT-04-099 PT-04-027 108 & IIPSI Discharge One 2 2 109-4 01-1246 01-1195 Limited exam 109 01-1250 109-21 01-1489 01-1502 Two 3 3 108-1 UT-04-100 PT-04-028 1084 UT-04-101 PT-04-029 108-25 UT-04-102 PT-04-030 110 & HPSI Discharge One 2 2 110-6 01-1247 01-1229 Limited exam Ill 01-1251 110-39 01-1261 01-1196 Limited exam 01-1263 01-1265 112 & IIPSI Discharge A & One 3 3 112-1 01-1255 01-1197 Limited exam 113 B 01-1258 112-33 01-1197 112-34 01-1259 01-1183 Limited exam 01-1256 01-1374 112-45 01-1262 01-1197 Limited exam 01-1264 01-1266 Two 2 2 113-21 UT-04-103 PT-04-031 Limited UT exam 113-28 UT-04-104 PT-04-032 Limited UT exam 114 HPSIIAIB,2A&2B One I 1 115-13 01-1310 01-1274 Limited exam

& 15 01-1311 Two I 1 115-20 UT-02-298 PT-02-102 Limited UT exam UT-02-299 118& IIPSI LongTerm Two 4 4 118-49 UT-02-167 PT-02-094 Limited UT exam 119 UT-02-168 119-52 UT-02-300 PT-02-166 Limited UT exam UT-02-301 Page 23 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 119-26 UT-04-105 PT-04-038 119-53 UT-04-106 PT-04-039 Limited UT exam C 530 106&107 }IPSI Discharge A&B One I 1 107-53 01-1194 Two 1 1 106-61 PT-04-023 C 5.41 & 82 & 85 SD Cooling HX A & B One I I 7249A 99-1316 5.42 88 & 91 East & West Wrap One I 1 74-102 99-1279 96 LPSI to Loop IA Two I 1 76-78 PT-02-100 C 5.51 & 43 MS SGI 90 One I 1 43-2 99-1443 99-1432 5.52 44 MS SGI 270 One I 1 44-1 99-1442 99-1431 Two 2 2 44-5 UT-02-217 MT-02-182 44-30 UT-02-218 MT-02-183 46 MS SG2 90 One I 1 46-25 99-1444 99-1433 54 Feedwater SG I One I 1 54.41 01-1520 01-1296 54-10 01-1616 01-1610 PSE (Vol is RT) 54-llA 01-1613 01-1610 PSE 54-24 01-1617 01-1610 PSE (Vol is RT)54-25A 01-1614 01-1610 PSE Two 2 2 54-1 UT-02-296 MT-02-201 PSE 54-1 IA UT-02-295 MT-02-202 55 Fcedwater SG 2 One 2 2 55-1 01-1204 01-1001 55-15 01-1205 01.1001 55-10 01-1620 01-1532 PSE (Vol is RT) 55-11 01-1618 01-1532 PSE (Vol is RT) 01-1619 Two I 1 55-26 UT-02-294 MT-02-196 PSE 58 Aux&DwncmrSGI One 1(5) 1(5) 41-39 99-1495 99-1508 Oldentifies augment 58-1 99-1494 99-1501 EXAM (IEB 79-13 58-12 99-1286 99-1231 & SER 83-07) 58-13 99-1289 99-1231 58.16 01-1529 99-1285 01-1297 58-16A 01-1528 99-1285 01-1297 58-6 01-1559 01-1530 PSE (Vol is RT) 01-1560 01-1561 58-35 01-1562 01-1530 PSE (Vol is RT) 58-36 01-1563 01-1530 PSE (Vol is RT)

Two 0(4) 0(4) 58-12 UT-02-157 MT-02-161 AUG (IEB 79-13) 58-13 UT-02-158 MT-02-162 AUG (IEB 79-13) 58-16 UT-02-156 MT-02-163 AUG (IEB 79-13)58-16A UT-02-155 MT-02-164 AUG (IEB 79-13) 59 Aux & Dwncmr SG2 One 0(5) 0(5) 59-1 99-1496 99-1507 59-2 01-1641 01-1531 PSE (Vol is RT')

59-12 99-1292 99-1232 59-13 99-1293 99-1232 59-16 99-1290 99-1198 01-1512 01-1231 PSE 01-1514 01-1516 59-16A 99-1291 99-1198 01-1513 01-1231 PSE 01-1515 01-1517 59-6 01-1417 01-1375 PSE 01-1419 01-1421 01-1424 59-35 01-1418 01-1375 PSE 01-1420 01-1422 01-1425 59-36 01-1423 01-1375 PSE 01-1426 01-1527 Two 1(1) 1(1) 59-12 MT-02-197 NowC5.11 59-13 UT-04-066 MT-02-198 AUG (IEB 79-13) 59-25 UT-02-151 MT-02-160 UT-02-152 Page 24 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 64 Blowdown SG 1 One I 1 64-1 01-1242 01-1002 65 Blowdovn SG 2 One I 1 65-28 01-1243 01-1003 Two I 1 65-52 LIT-02-153 MT-02-159 UT-02-154 C6.10 116 HPSI Pump A by end of 116-2 01-1473 interval 117 IIPS1 PumppA by end of 117-1 PT-04-033 Interval C 7.10 N/A Pressure Vessels One All All Press Bound 01-1011 C 730 N/A Piping 01-1012 C 7.50 N/A Pumps 01-1013 C 7.70 N/A Valves 01-1014 01-1312 01-1317 01-1318 01.1319 01-1320 01-1321 01-1323 01-1324 01-1325 01-1326 01-1432 01-1436 01-1437 01-1440 01-1441 01-1443 01-1444 01-1445 01-1485 01-1486 01-1496 01-1504 01-1507 01-1508 01-1509 01-1536 01-1537 01-1538 01-1539 01-1557 01-1597 01-1615 01-1625 01-1626 01-1627 01-1629 01-1630 01-1631 01-1632 01-1633 01-1634 01-1635 01-1636 01-1638 01-1642 01-1644 01-1645 01-1646 01-1647 01-1648 01-1649 01-1650 01-1653 VT-03-001 VT-03-002 VT-03-003 VT-03-005 Page 25 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp Two ALL ALL Press Vr-03-004 Boundary VT-03.006 VT-03-007 VT-03-008 VT-03-009 VT-03-017 VT-03-011 VT-03-012 VT-03-013 VT-03-015 VT-03-016 VT-03-018 VT-03-019 VT-03-020 VT-03-0213 VT-03-021 VT-03-022 VT-03-023 VT-03-024 Vr-03-025 VT-03-026 VT-03-027 vr-03-028 VT-03-029 VT-03-030 VT-03-03 1 VT-034.32 VT-03-033 VT-03-034 VT-03-035 VT-04-33S VT-04-336 VT-04-337 VT-04-343 VT-04-345 VT-04-346 VT-04-348 VT-04-349 VT-04-350 ST-04-351 VT-04-352 VT-04-353 VT-04-354 VT-04-365 VT.04-356 VT-04-357 VT-04-358 VT-04-359 VT-04-362 VT-04-364 VT-04-365 VT-04-366 VT-04-368 VT.04-369 VT-04-370 VT-04-371 VT-04-374 VT-044375 VT04-377 Vl-04-382 VT-04-383 Vl-04-384 Vl-04I-385 VT-W4-392 Vl-04-409 VT-04411 VT-04-412 VT-04-419 VT-04-420 Page 26 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp VT-04421 VF-04422 VT-04432 VT-04434 VT-04436 VF-04437 VT-04438 VT-04439 VF-04440 VT-04441 VT-04442 VT-04443 VT-04444 VT-04446 VT-04447 VT-04451 F 1.20 43 MS SG 190 One 2 2 SG-36-H17 99-1240 SG-36-H884 99-1242 SG-36-H885 99-1241 Two I I SG-36-HII VT-02-622 RR #4 44 MS SGI 270 One 2 2 SG-33-H17 99-1278 SG-33-H18 99-1243 Support Deleted Two 3 3 SG-33-H16 VT-02-694 RR #4 SG-33-H881 VT-02-693 RR #4 SG-33-H882 VT-02-695 RR #4 45 MISSG 2 270 One I I SG-42-H14 99-1244 Two 3 3 SG-42-HII VT-02-690 RR #4 SG42-1115 VT-04-014 RR#4, Removed SG42-1116 VT-04-015 RR#4 46 MSSG290 One 2 2 SG-45-H17 99-1441 SG-45-H18 99-1463 Support Deleted Two 3 3 SG45-HII VT-02-691 RR #4 SG45-H887 VT-02-689 RR #4 SG-45-H888 VT-02-692 RR #4 47 MS SGI 270 One I I SG-206-HI 99-1318 48 NIS SGI 270 Two I 1 SG-207-111 VT-04-016 51 AtmDumpSGI One I I SG-59-H6 99-1575 Two I 1 SG-70116 VT-04-017 52 Atm Dump SG2 One 0 I SG-103-116 01-1566 PSE 53 Steam to Aux FW One 4 4 SG-81-HI 99-1679 SG-81-H2 99-1680 SG-83-HI 99-1681 SG-83-H2 99-1682 Two 2 2 SG-81 -H4 VT-02-602 Support Deleted SG-83-H4 VT-02-603 Support Deleted 54 Feedwater SG I One 7 7 SG-2-H2 01-1602 Expansion SG-2-H4 01-1022 SG-2-H5 01-1021 SG-2-H12 01-1062 Reject 01-1603 Re-exam SG-2-H13 01-1020 SG-2-H14 01-1019 SG-2-H15 01-1018 SG-2-1-1803 01-1025 SG-13-HI 01-1612 Expansion Two 7 7 SG-02-1109 VT-04-018 RR#4 SG-02-1110 VT-04-019 RR#4 SG-02-1111 VT-04-020 RR#4 SG-02-11806 VT-04-021 SG-02-11811 VT-04-022 RR#4 SG-13-111 VT-04-023 RR#4 SG-13-11802 VT-04-024 RR#4 55 Feedwater SG 2 One 9 9 SG-5-H9 01-1173 SG-5-H10 01-1174 SG-5-HII 01-1175 SG-5-H12 01-1036 SG-5-H14 01-1477 PSE SG-5-H805 01-1037 SG-5-H809 01-1038 SG-5-1812 01-1039 Page 27 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SG-14-HI 01-1034 SG-14-H804 01-1035 Two 7 7 SG-5-H4 VT-02-559 SG-5-H5 VT-02-560 Reject VT-02-656 Re-exam SG-5-H6 VT-02-561 RR #4 SG-5-117 VT-02-562 SG-5-118 VT-02-564 RR #4 SG-5-H13 VT-02-563 Reject VT-02-657 Re-exam SG-5-H14 VT-02-565 56 FVSGI Two I I SG-202-111 'T-04-025 58 Aux& Dwncmr SGI One 7 7 SG-8-H2 01-1604 SG-8-H3 01-1606 SG-8-H4 01-1608 SG-8-H5 01-1607 SG-8-H20 01-1609 SG-8-H901 01-1448 SG-8-H903 01-1605 7 7 SG-8-H6 VT-02-520 RR #4 SG-8-H7 VT-02-449 RR #4 SG-8-H8 VT-02-451 Reject VT-02-649 Re-exam SG-8-H9 VT-02452 SG-8-H10 VT-02-453 SG-8-HI I VT-02-454 SG-8-H17 VT-02-519 RR#4 59 Aux&DwncmrSG2 One 6 6 AF-6-HI 99-1261 SG-1 1-118 99-1201 SG-1-1H9 99-1246 SG-II-HI1 99-1245 SG- 1-HII 99-1200 SG-11-H12 99-1199 99-1332 6 6 SG-II-H3 VT-02-702 PSE SGO-I 1-13 VT-02-566 SG-11-H14 VT-02-567 SG-I 1-HI5 VT-02-568 SG-11-1116 VT-04-026 SG-11-1117 VT-04-408 RR#4, PSE SG-I I-HI8 VT-02-455 SG-I I-HI9 VT-02-570 60 D1wncmrFWSGI I I SG-200H9 99-1668 SG-200-H 13 99-1669 PSE SG-200-H14 99-1670 PSE 61 Dwncmr FWV SG2 0 0 SG-203-H13 99-1671 PSE SG-203-H14 99-1672 PSE 2 2 SG-203-1113 VT-04-027 SG-203-1114 VT-04-028 62 Aux FWV SGI I I AF-4-H3 99-1461 I I AF-18-111 VT-04-042 63 Aux F'V SG2 2 2 AF-6-H2 99-1462 AF-16-HI 99-1460 2 2 AF-6-113 VT-04-043 RR#4 AF-6-115 VT-04-044 RR#4 64 Blowdown SG I 12 12 SG-39-H10 01-1449 SG-39-H 11 01-1450 Support Delclted SG-39-H12 01-1451 SG-39-H13 01-1452 Support Delclted SG-39-H14 01-1453 Support Delclted SG-39-H-15 01-1454 SG-39-1116 01-1455 SG-39-H17 01-1456 Support Del(lted SG-39-H26 01-1457 SG-53-HI 01-1031 Support Delclted SG-53-112 01-1032 Support Delclted SG-53-H924 01-1033 13 13 SG-39-HI VT-02-480 Support Delclted SG-39-H2 VT-02-481 Support Delelted SG-39-H3 VT-02-482 Support Delclted Page 28 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SG-39-H4 VT-02-483 SG-39-H5 VT-02-484 SG-39-H6 VT-02-485 Supp ort Deleted SG-39-H27 VT-02-486 Supp ort Deleted SG-53-113 VT-02-488 Supp ort Deleted SG-53-114 VT-02-489 SG-53-H5 VT-02-490 SG-53-H6 VT-02-491 Supp ort Deleted SG-53-H7 VT-02-492 Supp ont Deleted SG-39-11922 VT-04-029 RRM 65 Blowdown SG 2 One 12 12 SG-48-H2 01-1030 Supp poctDeleted SG-48-H3 01-1478 Supp poctDeleted SG-48-H4 01-1479 SG-48-H19 01-1480 Supp poctDeleted SG-48-H20 01-1481 Supp poctDeleted SG-48-H21- 01-1482 SG-48-H925 01-1029 SG-52-HI 01-1026 Supp poctDeleted SG-52-H2 01-1027 Supp pont Deleted SG-52-H3 01-1483 Supp pont Deleted SG-52-H4 01-1484 SG-52-H923 01-1028 Two 11 11 SG-48-1113 VT-02-456 Supp oon Deleted SG-48-H14 VT-02-457 RR# 4 SG-48-H-15 VT-02-458 Supp oon Deleted SG48-H16 VT-02459 RR# or4 SG-48-H17 VT-02-460 Supp oon Deleted SG-48-H-18 VT-02-461 RR# 4 SG-48-H22 VT-02-462 Supp oct Deleted SG-48-H23 VT-02-463 RR #

SG-48-H24 VT-02-464 RR#

SG-48-H25 VT-02-465 Supp ont Deleted SG-48-H26 VT-02-466 Supp ont Deleted 68 Regen Htexch Two 2 2 68-10 VT-02-590 68-11 VT-02-591 70 LPSI Suction A One I I SI-67-H4 99-1248 SI-307-H116 99-1428 PSE 71 LPSI Discharge A One I I SI-87-HII 99-1247 99-1375 Two 5 5 Sl-78-HI VT-02-541 Sl-78-H2 VT-02-542 SI-87-HI VT-02-543 S1-87-112 VT-02-544 SI-87-H3 VT-02-545 73 LPSI Suction B Two I I Sl-308-H14 VT-02-546 76 CS Suction A One I I SI-9-H4 99-1376 99-1438 Sl-67-HI 99-1427 PSE SI-67-H3 99-1426 PSE 77 CS Discharge A One 4 4 SI-79-HI 99-1377 Sl-79-112 99-1378 Sl-79-H3 99-1379 Sl-79-H4 99-1380 Two 3 3 SI-79-115 VT-04-033 RR# 4 Sl-79-116 Vr-04-034 RR# 4 SI-82-112 VT-04-035 RR#, 4 79 CS Suction B One 3 3 Sl-79-H4 99-1517 Sl-34-H2 99-1518 Sl-34-H3 99-1519 Two I 1 SI-33-114 VT-04-039 80 CS Discharge B One 3 3 Sl-119-H7 99-1527 S11 19-H8 99-1528 S-1 19-H9 99-1529 Two 4 4 SI-119-111 VT-04-040 MP# I SI-119-112 VT-04-041 RR#'t SI-119-113 VT44-045 RR# I SI-I19-114 VT-04-046 RR# I 82 SD Cooling HX A One 2 2 SI-78-H4 99-1296 SI-78-H5 99-1595 01-1564 PSE Page 29 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SI-79-HIO 99-1297 01-1458 83 SD Cooling IIX A One 4 4 S1-87-119 99-1312 Sl-89-HI 99-1300 S1-89-112 99-1299 S1-89-1-13 99-1298 Two 3 3 SI-87-114 v'T-04-047 SI-90-111 'T-04-320 SI-90112 *T-04-321 RR#4 85 SD Cooling IIXB One 3 3 SI-119-H10 99-1530 Sl-123-H6 99-1531 SI-123-H7 99-1532 Two 6 6 Sl-119-1111 VT-04-050 RR#4 SI-119-1113 VT-04-051 RR#4 SI-119-1114 VT-04-052 RR#4 SI-123-112 VT-04-053 RR#4 SI-123-115 VT-04-054 RR#4 Sl-123-118 VT-04-455 RR#4 86 SD Cooling IIXB One 3 3 S1-129-H10 99.1406 SI-129-HI I 99-1405 SI-129-H12 99-1407 Two 7 7 S1-072-115 VT-04-056 Sl-072-116 *'T-04-057 RR#4 SI-129-117 YT-04-058 RR#4 SI-129-118 VT-04-059 RR#4 S1-129-119 VT-02-672 Expanrsion, RR #4 Sl-135 -H1I VT-02-675 Expan sion, RR #4 SI-135-112 VT-04-060 RR#4 SI-135-113 VT-04-061 88 East Wrap One 8 8 S1-72-HII 99-1533 SI-72-H13 99-1534 SI-72-H114 99-1535 S1-72-H21 01-1333 Sl-72-H22 01-1334 Sl-73-HI 01-1459 SI-73-H2 01-1460 Sl-73-H3 01-1461 Two 0 0 S1-72-Hl I VT-02-685 Expan!sion, RR #4 Sl-72-H13 V1T-02-686 Expanssion, RR #4 Sl-72-H14 VT-02-687 Expanssion, RR #4 Sl-73-H2 VT-02-688 Expanssion, RR #4 89 East Wrap One 4 4 S1-194-H12 99-1536 SI-194-H13 99-1537 S1-194-H14 99-1640 Sl-194-H23 99-1641 Two 0 0 S1-194-1113 VT-02-668 Expans sion, RR #4 90 East Wrap Two 2 2 SI-134-1109 VT-04-062 SI-134-1110 VT-04-063 91 West Wrap One 7 7 Sl-70H9 99-1255 S-70-H10 99-1254 Sl-70-HI I 99-1253 Sl-70-H112 99-1252 S1-70-1 13 99-1249 Sl-70-H15 99-1251 S1-70-1-116 99-1250 Two 2 2 Sl-71-112 VT-04-064 SI-71-113 VT-04-065 92 West Wrap One 5 5 SI-239-HI 99-1673 Expans;ion Sl-239-H2 99-1674 Expans;ion Sl-239-H3 99-1598 01-1565 PSE Sl-241-H9 99-1418 PSE SI-241-1-H12 99-1417 PSE Sl-241-H14 99-1419 PSE S1-241-H115 99-1597 SI-24 1-H21 99-1596 Two 5 5 SI-241-119 VT-02-653 Expans sion, RR #4 Sl-241-H12 VT-02-654 Expans;ion, RR #4 Sl-241-1 14 VT-02-658 Expans aion,RR #4 SI-241-1121 VT-02-660 Expam ;ion, RR #4 Page 30 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComptSys Insp Amt Amnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SI-239-111 VT-04-066 SI-239-112 VT-04-067 Sl-241-1111 VT-04-068 RR#4 SI-241-1116 VT-0J-069 93 West Wrap Two 2 2 SI-89-1110 VT-04-070 RR#4 SI-89-1113 Vlr-04-071 94 LPSI A One 3 3 Sl-89-H7 99-1398 SI-89-H8 99-1399 SI-89-H9 99-1400 SI-24 1-HS 99-1302 PSE S1-241 -H7 99-1423 PSE S1-24 1-H8 99-1421 PSE Two 7 7 SI-070-H4 VT-02-589 SI-070-HS VT-02-697 SI-070-H8 VT-02-495 SI-241-H6 VT-02-624 RR #4 Sl-241-H7 VT-02-642 RR #4 Sl-241-1108 VT-04-072 RR#4 SI-241-1117 VT-04-073 RR#4 95 LPSI B One 6 6 SI-72-H8 99-1401 SI-72-H10 99-1402 SI-134-HI I 99-1403 Sl-134-H12 99-1404 SI-194-H3 99-1414 SI-194-H5 99-1415 Two 10 10 SI-72-H10 VT-02-644 Expansion, RR #4 SI-194-H5 VT-02-650 Expansion, RR #4 SI-072-117 IT-04-074 RR#4 S1-072-119 VT-04-075 RR#4 SI-194-114 VT-04-076 RR#4 Sl-194-117 VT-04-077 RR#4 SI-194-118 VT-04-078 RR#4 SI-194-119 'V7-04-079 RR#4 Sl-194-1110 VT-04-080 RR#4 Sl-194-1111 VT-04-081 RR#4 Sl-194-1115 VT-04-082 RR#4 Sl-194-1121 VT-04-083 RR#4 96 LPSI to Loop IA One 3 3 SI-202-H7 99-1342 Sl-202-H8 99-1343 Support DcIcted SI-202-H9 99-1344 Support Dcleted Two 8 8 SI-202-HI VT-02-670 Expansion Sl-202-112 VT-02-467 RR #4 Sl-202-113 VT-02-468 RR #4 SI-202-H4 VT-02-469 Reject VT-02-651 Re-exam Sl-202-H6 VT-02-470 RR #4 SI-202-H7 VP-02-671 Expansion SI-202-H10 VT-02-471 Support Deeleted Sl-202-H II VT-02472 Support De leted SI-202-H12 VT-02-673 Expansion S1-202-H15 VT-02473 RR #4 Sl-202-H16 VT-02-674 Expansion Sl-202-H18 VT-02-676 Expansion Sl-202-115 VT-04-084 Snubber deleted 97 LPSI to Loop IB One 10 10 S1-220H8 01-1468 Sl-220H9 99-1333 SI-220-H10 99-1334 SI-220-HI I 99-1335 Support Deleted SI-220-H 12 99-1336 SI-220-H13 99-1337 SI-220-H14 99-1338 Support Deleted S1-220-H15 99-1339 Sl-220-H19 99-1340 Sl-220H22 99-1341 Support Deleted Two 7 7 Sl-220-HI VT-02444 Sl-220H5 VT-02-677 Expansion Sl-220-1116 Vl-02446 RR #4 S1.220-HI7 VT-02-447 Sl-220-H I8 VT-02-448 Page 31 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone Comp/Sys Insp Amt Arnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp SI-220H20 VT-02-443 Reject RR I VT-02-648 Re-exam SI-220H21 VT-02-445 Support De leted S 1220H27 VT-02-678 Expansion SI-220H28 VT-02-450 Support De eleted 98 LPSI to Loop 2A One 2 2 SI-155-H5 99-1329 SI-155-H6 99-1328 Two 5 5 Sl-155-H6 VT-02-679 Expansion SI-155-111 Vr-04-085 SI-155-112 VT-04-086 Snubber de leted SI-155-113 VT-04-087 Snubber de leted SI-155-114 VT-04-088 Snubber de leted SI-155-117 VT-04-089 99 LPSI to Loop 2B Two 5 5 SI-174-1-14 VT-02-680 Expansion SI-174-H7 VT-02-554 Support De leted SI-174-H8 VT-02-555 Sl-174-H9 VT-02-556 Support De leted Sl-174-HII VT-02-681 Expansion SI-174-H12 VT-02-682 Expansion SI-174-H13 VT-02-558 SI-174-1110 IT-04-090 RR#4 100 LPSI Suction A One 2 2 SI-241-H19 99-1330 Reject 99-1642 Re-exam 01-1469 Re-exam SI-369-HI 99-1331 Two I 1 84-5 VT-02-696 101 Cont LPSI Train B Two 0 0 SI-194-1116 VT-02-683 Expansion Suction Sl-194-1122 VT-02-684 Expansion 102 Sl Suction A One 6 6 SI-8-H4 99-1303 PSE SI-9-HI 99-1429 PSE SI-307-H2 99-1422 PSE SI-307-H5 99-1304 PSE SI-307-H6 99-1425 PSE SI-307-H7 99-1424 PSE SI-307-H-12 01-1462 Sl-307-113 01-1463 SI-307-H4 01-1464 Support Deleted Sl-307-H5 01-1465 SI-307-H8 01-1466 Sl-307-HIS 01-1467 Two 7 7 Sl-8-HI1 VT-02-436 RR #4 SI-8-H2 VT-02-437 Support Deleted SI-8-H3 VT-02-438 RR #4 SI-8-H4 VT-02439 RR #4 SI-307-H6 VT-02-440 RR #4 SI-307-H7 VT-02-441 RR #4 Sl-307-1114 VT-02-442 Support Deleted 103 Refuel Suction A One 6 6 CH-142-H3 99-1420 PSE CH-142-H13 99-1408 CH-142-H14 99-1409 CH-142-H15 99-1410 CH-142-H19 99-1412 CH-142-H22 99-1411 CH-424-HI 99-1413 CH-424-H2 99-1386 PSE CH-424-H3 99-1385 PSE Two 6 6 CH-142-118 VT-02-504 CH-142-1120 VT-02-522 CH-142-H21 VT-02-505 CH-424-H2 VT-02-499 CH424-H3 VT-02-500 RR #4 CH-424-H6 VT-02-521 104 SI Suction B One 7 7 SI-33-HI 99-1520 Support Deleted SI-33-112 99-1521 SI-33-113 99-1522 SI-308-H5 99-1523 SI-308-H8 99-1524 SI-308-HIO 99-1525 Sl-308-HI I 99-1526 Page 32 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Arnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp Two 7 7 Sl-308-HI VT-02-547 Sl-308-1-12 VT-02-548 Sl-308-H3 VT-02-549 SI-308-H4 VT-02-550 SI-308-H6 VT-02-571 Support Deleted S1-308-1-17 VT-02-551 Support Deleted SI-308-1115 VT-04-091 105 Refuel. Suction B One 7 7 CH-149-H9 01-1396 CH-149-HIO 01-1397 CH-149-H12 01-1398 CH-149-H13 01-1399 CH-149-H14 01-1400 CH-149-H21 01-1401 CH-149-H28 01-1402 Two 7 7 CII-149-114 VT-04-092 CI-149-115 VT-04-093 C1-149-116 VT-04-094 C11-149-117 VT-04-095 C11-1491125 VT-04-096 CII-1491126 VT-04-097 C11-1491127 VT-0--098 106 IIPSI Discharge A One 8 8 SI-99-HI 01-1046 Sl-99-H2 01-1047 SI-100-HI 01-1048 SI-100H2 01-1049 Sl-10OH3 01-1050 SI-IOOH5 01-1051 SI-10OH34 01-1052 SI-106-HI 01-1053 Two 7 7 SI-100-119 VT-04-099 SI-100-1110 VT-04-100 SI-100-1111 VT-04-101 SI-105-IIB *'T-04-102 RR#4 SI-105-llC VT-04-103 RR#4 S1.105-llD VT-04-104 RR#4 SI-105-llE VT-04-105 RR#4 107 IIPSI Discharge B One 6 6 SI-107-H3 01-1057 S1-107-HII 01-1056 SI-107-H12 01-1059 SI-1 12-HC 01-1055 SI-112-HG 01-1054 SI-1 12-HH 01-1058 Two 6 6 SI-107-115 Vr-04-106 RR#4 Sl-107-116 VT-W-107 Sl-107-117 VT-04-108 SI107-118 VT-04-109 SI-107-119 VT-04-1 10 SI-107-1110 VT-04-111 108 IIPSI Discharge One 11 II SI-10OH22 99-1388 SI-10OH23 99-1387 SI-I0OH24 99-1389 SI-10OH25 99-1390 SI-10OH26 99-1391 SI-10OH27 99-1392 SI-I0OH28 99-1393 SI-I0OH29 99-1394 SI-10OH31 99-1395 SI-10OH32 99-1396 Sl-IOOH35 99-1397 Two 11 11 SI-100-1112 VT-04-112 RR#4 SI-100-1113 VT-04-113 RR#4 SI-100-1118 VT-04-114 RR#4 SI-100-1119 VT-04-115 RR#4 S1-100-1120 VT-04-116 RR#4 Sl-100-1121 VT-04-117 RR#4 SI-118-HlA VT-04-118 RR#4 Sl-118-llB VT-04-119 RR#4 SI-118-1lD V7-04-120 RR#4 SI-118-HlR VT-04-121 RR#4 Sl-118-llS V-04-122 RR#4 Page 33 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amnt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req COmp 109 lIPSI Discharge One 7 7 S1-107-H13 01-1335 S1-107-H14 01-1336 SI-107-H15 01-1337 Sl-107-H116 01-1338 Sl-107-H21 01-1339 SI-107-H47 01-1340 S1-107-H50 01-1341 Two 7 7 SI-1071119 VT-04-123 RR#4 SI-107-1120 VT-04-124 RR#4 S1-107-1125 VT-04-125 RR#4 Sl-107-1126 VT-04-126 RR#4 S1-107-1127 VT-04-127 RR#4 SI-107-1128 VT-04-128 RR#4 S-107-1129 VT-04-129 RRB4 110 IIPSI Discharge One 7 7 SI-103-HB 01-1403 SI-103-HD 01-1404 S1-103-HE 01-1405 SI-218-HI 01-1342 Sl-218-H2 01-1343 Sl-218-413 01-1344 SI-2181H4 01-1345 Two 7 7 SI-107-1139 VT-04-130 RR#4 Sl-107-1141 VT-04-131 SI-107-1142 VT-04-132 S1-107-1143 VT-04-133 Sl-107-1144 VT-04-134 RR#4 Sl-107-1145 VT-04-135 RR#4 Sl-107-1149 VT-04-136 RR#4 111 IIPSI Discharge One 3 3 Sl-I-0H37 01-1348 SI-100HA 01-1346 SI-IOOHB 01-1347 Two 4 4 SI-236-111 VT-04-137 Sl-236-112 VT-04-138 RR#4 SI-236-113 VT-04-139 RRJ14 SI-236-114 VT-04-140 112 IIPSI Discharge One 3 3 SI-176-HI 01-1349 Sl-176-H2 01-1350 Sl-176-H3 01-1351 Two 3 3 SI-100-1117 VT-04-141 Sl-102-llA VT-04-142 Sl-102-JIB VT-04-143 113 IIPSI Discharge One 5 5 SI-107-H22 01-1061 Sl-107-4124 01-1060 SI-157-H2 01-1352 Sl-157-H3 01-1353 Sl-157-H4 01-1354 Two 4 4 SI-106-IlA VT-04.144 SI-109-IIA VT-04-145 Sl-157-IIA VT-04-146 SI-176-IIA VT-04-147 115 HPSI 2A & 2B Two 3 3 Sl-157-H1O VT-02-502 Support Deleted Sl-157-HI I VT-02-503 RR #4 Sl-176-H4 VT-02-501 RR #4 F 1.40 41 Steam Generator I One 2 2 41.42 01-1498 41-43 01-1499 42 Steam Generator 1 Two 2 2 4242 VT-04-011 42.43 VT-04-013 72 LPSI Pump A One 3 3 72-3A 01-1472 72-3B 01-1472 72-3C 01-1472 75 LPSI Pump B Two 3 3 73-3A VT-04-030 73-3B VT-04-031 73-3C VT-04-032 78 CS Pump A Two 3 3 80-3A VT-04-036 80-3B VT-04-037 80-3C VT-04-038 116 HPSI Pump A One 4 4 116-lA 01-1474 116-lB 01-1474 116-IC 01-1474 116-ID 01-1474 Page 34 of 41



REPORT Reports ASME Zone ComplSys Insp Amt Amt Item ID Vol Surf Visual Remarks Item no Per Req Comp 117 1IPSI Pump B Two 4 4 117-1A VT-04-148 117-IB VT-04-149 117-1C VT-04-150 117-ID VI-04-151 Page 35 of 41



B 9.11 23 SI IA 23-4 UT-04-001 B 9.11 29 PZR Spray 29-2 UT-04-003 C 5.11 88 SI East Wrap 76-7 UT-04-089 C 5.11 88 SI East Wrap 77-16 UT-04-092 C 5.11 88 SI East Wrap 79-14 UT-04-088 C 5.11 102 SI Suction A 84-26 UT-04-095 C 5.21 106 HPSI Discharge A 106-64 UT-04-096 C 5.21 107 HPSI Discharge B 107-1 UT-04-098 C 5.21 113 HPSI Discharge B 113-21 UT-04-103 C 5.21 113 HPSI Discharge B 113-28 UT-04-104 C 5.21 119 HPSI Long Term 119-53 UT-04-106 Limitation Single-sided Austenitic weld examinations less than 90% coverage based on the Section XI Appendix VIII PDI demonstration.

Page 37 of 41

APPENDIX C FORM NIS-1 Page 38 of 41



COMPONENT OR MANUFACTURER SERIAL STATE OR NATIONAL APPURTENANCE OR INSTALLER NUMBER PROVINCE BOARD NO This report is a summary of the second interval second period examinations performed to date for Unit 1. The items examined, along with the examination report numbers, are listed in Appendix A.



7. EXAM DATES 4-4-2004 TO 5-10-2004
8. INSPECTION INTERVAL FROM 7-18-1998 TO 7-17-2008

The items examined, along with the examination report numbers, are listed in Appendix A. The examinations are listed by ASME Catagory and Item Numbers with the corresponding examination report numbers.

10. ABSTRACT OF CONDITIONS NOTED The evaluation of the results form the ISI examinations indicate the integrity of the systems have been maintained. There were no rejectable indications found during this ISI inspection activity.
11. ABSTRACT OF CORRECTIVE MEASURES RECOMMENDED AND TAKEN There were no rejectectable indications found during this ISI inspection activity.

Several repairs and replacements have been performed since the last summary report due to routine or corrective maintenance.

The work was performed in accordance with ASME Section Xl and APS Work Control procedures. Applicable NIS-2 forms are included in Appendix D and a copy maintained on file at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station by Arizona Public Service Company.




APPENDIX D FORMS NIS-2 Page 41 of 41


1. Component ID IJCHEPSVO345 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2
3. Item


Pressure Safety Valve Nozzle and Disc Insert

4. N-5 Data Package Number: ICH13-1 5. W.O. Number: 2561273
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1971 Edition. Winter 1973 Addenda
8. Work


Rework valve as required to address set point verification failure.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number.

10. Evaluation ofthe suitabilityofthis work as perthe requirements of IWA -4150:

L X, d. No~g1 X(d .74it 1 I4 .s;

13. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. IlI Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda*
15. Preservice Inspection Required: 0 YES 0 NO Initial _ Date .L A 2 If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: D YES 0 NO Initial B y Date ,& _ If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

/ o 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial &j4= Date component.

X# 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial sadL . Date e4/526/-7 replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. M1RPOIWO No.

PSV Nozzle APN 45070039 <M03,40-0015 _ MR 694856 PSVDisclnsert APN 45630021 D.omJO X_______MR 694856 19.Planner Printed Name: David W. Shaffer Signature /Date J

20. ISI C /0/1 I/oL Printed Name: A '

Signature Date

21. ANII 0a.

Z-O2-o Printed Name: _ _ _ _ _ _

Signere Date

. ... vet rveol ._. I. .w.,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company et. al. Date: 10/31/2002 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work OrderNumber 2561273
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: (CH) CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda,_ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or Nozzle Crosby N92031.40-0015 N/A UTC #355525 1978 Replacement NO Disc Insert Crosby N92032-34-0010 N/A UTC #355525 1978 Replacement NO Valve Crosby N61 180-00-0008 N/A UTC #355525 1978 Repaired YES 7.Dsrpino or:Dssmldrmoe av o npcto n rulhotn ocretieniidd=cece
7. Description of Work: Disasembled removed valve for inspection and troubishooting to correct identified deficiencies causing set point verification failure. Inspection determined the replacement of the Nozzel and Disc Insert was required.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [] Pneumatic D] Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 N-416-1 0 Other a Pressure psi TestTemperature IF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Work Order #2561273:

A spare Crosby Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) was repaired under this work order. Aunique record in the Site Work Management System (SWMS) for this valve is known as a "Physical Item" and is identified by a Unit Tracking Code (UTC).

This UTC number is entered as the "Other Identification" on the front of this form.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 4 ~-i Date: /0/13/1102 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _-_ _ _-_:z to Jo-.3 1-02 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

, -e -Z=, Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements fpectors Signature Date: io-.51-02 I-73DP-9ZZ17 Pv-E0092 Ver.

PV-E0092 Back Vet. 77 Back 73DP-9ZZ17


_ 1. ComponentID IJSGEUVOI83 2. CodeClass ASMESectionIIIClass2 Item



4. N-5 Data Package Number: ISG02-1 5. W.O. Number: 2564303
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replace valve bonnet due to steam cutting from bonnet seal leak.

I 9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure in the ASME Sec. III boundary. hex e _ts Ize he eto) Ls -.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: .1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: I] YES 0 NO Initial a Date ________ If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES C NO itial Date .!7 If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

a De 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasir ng the Initial Iffy<; Date _______ _ component.

~7. .Pp

18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial _ Date replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

Bonnet APN 45060267 3 A180 MR 734246

19. Planner Printed Name: DavidGoodlet Signature Date
20. ISI Signature J 3/TIt-SDate Printed Name: K'4 t 7) f

.ANI Signatu.

a3-2s -o3 Date Printed Name: (e. t PV.EOU93 V,,. 7 7!DP w 211

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS IU As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 3/28/03 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: i 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2564303
3. Vfrk Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: SG: Main Steam
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
  • 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Narne of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Bonnet Anchor/Darling 3 n/a 1JSGEUV183 l Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: Replace bonnet to correct steam cut caused from pressure seal leak.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure . Exempt N-416-1 El Other Cl Pressure Ai25psi Test Temperature 3a0 OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 l/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Remarks: WO# 2564303 for valve IJSGEUVOI83. The valve bonnet was replaced due to steam cuts caused from pressure seal Qasket leakage.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 7TAL &'AN, /E}, */O- Date: 3/13116>3 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _-__ _-__

to 1 -6t- CL , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

_ 6Commissions:

_ _ __ NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements 1Iectors Signature Date:- Z-at -0.3 a-73DP-9l7 J92 Ver.

P N . J92 Back Ver. 77 Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IMRCEEOIB 2.. ItemDescription: SteamGenerator-#2
3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC01-4 4. W.O. Number: 2564536
5. Original Construction Code Edition: i971 Edition. Winter 1973 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Install Westinghouse plugs in IMRCEEOIB Cold Leo tubes per DFWO 2564535

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection: Eddy Current Report Number: IRI I Eddy Current Exam Report
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Per DFWO 2564535

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1971 Edition 1973 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III ClT. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: l] YES 0 NO Initialvlz Date 4ll 32/- o If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: F] YES 0 NO Initial Date / y If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Date J / X 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial ri7 Date component.

Initial Initial l o /Date ./10V Date _ //9replacement

17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MRIPO/WO No.

Tube Plugs See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List i8. Planner 6 1,d i/-c' " // Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Dat

19. ISI Signature

,/3'o/; ui<7 Date Printed Name: 7F f - .til ?DAP

20. ANTI '

4Signlire my to'4 Date Printed Name: Q6. locks. ae PY1LU9 V- 7 73DLw9ZZ17 I &t

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 1/21/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopab. Arizona 85354-7529 WVork Order Number 2564536
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service/Westinghouse Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Reactor Coolant
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name or Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO )

Steam Generator CE 78273-2 22500 lMRCEEOlB 1978 Repaired YES Tube Plugs Westinghouse N/A ° 2 Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: SG12 Cold Leg plugging and repair per DFWO 2564535.
  • See attached list.

S. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D Pneumatic 5 Nominal Operating Pressure EJ Exempt Z N-416-1 0 Other E] Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X I 1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: See DFWO 2564535 for tubes plugged. (Plugging list attached)

J.o. a Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: EF, C-60sq(4&19 tf:M0LWC)r&1c Cf rA Date: £5 - 3,-0 f-i Owner or Owner's Designee, Title t-'

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ -__-_ _ _ _

to S-3 -o' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermnore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements 4pectors Signature Date: g5-3^c04 I-73DP-9l7 Rev S

v. 7 Back PV-E0092 Ver.

PV'-EO092 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8



1MRCEE01B 17 4 1971E18 1M889 NX3171HK 850392 FORM NS-1 OWNR'S REORT FOR REPA!RS OR RLEPLACtESf 1MRCEE01B 46 5 0307-1601 40013388-92 NX3171HK 733382 "Wd AsR bydrbi..ofd. AWECC.S XI 1MRCEE01B 5 6 0307-1601 40013388-95 NX3171HK 733382 I. o0 & !Ssyv- 5 I 1MRCEE01B 27 6 1971E18 1P046 NX3188HK 850392 v.* Id 1 1MRCEE01B 33 6 1971E18 1M888 NX3171 HK 850392 , n- tbV> Iir'iu 1MRCEE01B 47 6 0307-1601 40013388-96 NX3171 HK 733382 ,w wt - 17 1MRCEE01B 49 6 0307-1601 40013388-94 NX3171HK 733382 , ,# d5_ -.

1MRCEE01B 24 7 1971E18 1P047 NX3188HK 850392 AiiM. Mt,%

1MRCEE01B 21 8 1971E18 1P039 NX3188HK 850392 , 0en- H 1MRCEE01B 58 9 1971E18 1M985 NX3171 HK 850392 1 d 1MRCEE01B 23 10 1971E18 1P049 NX3188HK 850392 i *.ffAimAMW~.RFt.

1MRCEE01 B 33 10 1971E18 1 P051 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 16 11 1971E18 1P044 NX3188HK 850392 - . c " ,

1MRCEE01 B 58 11 1971E18 1M984 NX3171 HK 850392 ' -u s'-I s .. _ l p6" C 1MRCEEOIB 19 12 1971E18 1P043 NX3188HK 850392 i 5 1MRCEE01B 21 12 1971E18 1P040 NX3188HK 850392 jCM2 CT 22io mmMil i'l I- M I1MRCEE01B 49 12 1971E18 1M882 NX3171HK 850392 w .O

  • 1 RAf-Fcr4 VlAC=

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r, I 1 ,,

4 4071 1U

-1 C410. 4I no


YVR1a aaLnih I.1

-^ -- o;Juo 74 1MRCEE01B 55 12 1971E18 1P095 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 48 13 1971E18 1M890 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 45 14 1971E18 1P082 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 15 1971E18 1M982 NX3171HK 850392 IMRCEE01B 45 16 1971E18 1P094 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 47 16 1971E18 1P083 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 61 16 0307-1601 40013388-82 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 58 17 1971E18 1M994 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 43 18 1971E18 1P092 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 59 18 1971E18 1M885 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 48 19 1971E18 1P097 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 21 1971E18 1M986 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 53 22 1971E18 1M881 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 48 23 1971E18 1P079 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 90 23 1971E18 1M983 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 43 24 1971E18 1M883 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 55 24 1971E18 1M886 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 79 24 1971E18 1M981 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 60 25 1971E18 1M980 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 17 26 1971E18 1P088 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 33 26 1971E18 1P089 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 45 26 1971E18 1P086 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 36 27 0307-1601 40013388-86 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 58 27 1971E18. 1M989 NX3171HK 850392 Page 1 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEEOI B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01Bl69 l 28 l 1971E18 I 1M880 l NX3171HK [ 850392 1MRCEE01B 112 31 1971E18 1M884 NX3171HK 850392 1 1MRCEE01B 48 31 1971E18 1P085 NX3188HK 850392 FOR-t NI1S-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RFPLACM.MS 1MRCEE01B 47 32 1971E18 1P090 NX3188HK 850392 _ b P _ A_ _

1MRCEE01B 108 33 1971E18 1M996 NX3171HK 850392 L - t D..

1MRCEEO1B 114 33 1971E18 1N124 NX3171HK 850392 s s 1MRCEEO1B 6 35 1971E18 1P093 NX3188HK 850392 t n- =wt I 1MRCEEO1B 57 36 1971E18 1M990 NX3171HK 850392 4..11- W4& 1f4 1MRCEE01B 119 36 1971E18 1N122 NX3171HK 850392 67n4 1MRCEE01B 60 37 1971E18 1M896 NX3171HK 850392 ft 1MRCEE01B 116 37 1971E18 1N123 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 120 37 1971E18 1N121 NX3171HK 850392 1 1MRCEE01B 27 - 38 1971E18 .1P087 NX3188HK 850392 1 =

WI?, .d(e 1MRCEE01B 49 38 1971E18 1M987 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 53 38 1971E18 1M977 NX3171HK 850392 _

1MRCEE01B 87 38 1971E18 1M978 NX3171HK 850392 j  ;' ZS Y.

1MRCEE01B 109 38 1971E18 1N127 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 104 39 1971E18 1N129 NX3171 HK 850392 j s 7I27- m5 1mlUaall WIMPWAd 1MRCEE01B 71 40 0307-1601 40013388-83 NX3171HK 733382 1..i. W .

  • WA
  • 4 .AlrACn413 7fl Ar 4 74Q4O 4 Anon I" 71. 1 I .

I IVIIEDIU I u I1 7 *t'J 17t ICI10 I MYYO IA3I t If ol ocUV4Y 1MRCEE01B 91 40 1971E18 1M829 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 60 41 0307-1601 40013388-91 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 80 41 1971E18 1M979 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 112 41 1971E18 1M825 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 41 42 1971E18 1P080 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 115 42 1971E18 1N126 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 16 43 1971E18 1M817 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 106 43 1971E18 1N128 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 101 44 1971E18 1M828 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 121 44 1971E18 1N120 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEOIB 60 45 1971E18 1N146 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 45 1971E18 1M826 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 90 45 1971E18 1N154 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 132 45 1971E18 1N118 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 134 45 0307-1601 40013388-76 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 97 46 0307-1601 40013388-89 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEEOIB 115 46 1971E18 1N125 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 24 47 1971E18 1M820 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 53 48 1971E18 1M992 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 95 48 1971E18 1N143 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 32 49 1971E18 1M824 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 54 49 1971E18 1M991 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 138 49 0307-1601 40013388-88 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 51 50 1971E18 1M988 NX3171HK 850392 Page 2 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01BI137I 50 1971E18 1N137 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 8 51 1971E18 1M833 NX3171 HK 850392 1 1MRCEE01 B 90 51 1971 E18 1N155 NX3171 HK 850392 FORM NIS-2 ONER'S RFPORT FOR RPrAIRS OR REPLACEME5NTS 1MRCEE01B 98 51 1971E18 1N157 NX3171HK 850392 "bd byths -isfts of ASM A. _ rWC________a 1MRCEE01B 122 .51 0307-1601 40013388-90 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 39 52 1971E18 1M836 NX3171HK 850392 D 9 D a dI 1MRCEE01B 43 52 1971E18 1N177 NX3171HK 850392 bkrbNj"'œ" Mt L 1MRCEE01B 45 52 1971E18 1M835 NX3171HK 850392 IWIY 1MRCEEOIB 53 52 1971E18 1M995 NX3171 HK 850392 , -/A, bt OWN 1MRCEE01B 58 53 0307-1601 40013388-97 . NX3171 HK 733382 M, 1MRCEE01B 60 53 1971E18 1N149 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 98 53 1971E18 1N145 NX3171HK 850392 4. A 1MRCEE01B 110 53 1971E18 1M832 NX3171 HK 850392 .h) -

1MRCEE01B 124 53 1971E18 1M831 NX3171HK 850392 -

1MRCEE01B 140 53 1971E18 1N134 NX3171HK 850392 s " iM_

1MRCEE01B 33 54 1971E18 1N163 NX3171 HK 850392 .W- I ..

N ," S A 1MRCEE01B 39 54 1971E18 1M827 NX3171 HK 850392 ITI 1MRCEE01B 137 54 1971 E18 1N133 NX3171 HK 850392 CT 75173 2 aUMt13 R Ra m 1MRCEE01B 90 55 1971E18 1M823 NX3171 HK 850392 l,

., ....................... - - - - ,n-b -

  • Wv No 1MRCEE01B A

I98 u 55 1971I18 1N141 NA31 t1HK 85:U3YlZ 1MRCEE01B 102 55 1971E18 1M834 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 104 55 1971E18 1M830 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 120 55 1971E18 1N148 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 136 55 1971E18 1N130 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 138 55 1971E18 1N131 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 140 55 1971E18 1N132 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 105 56 1971E18 IN151 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 121 56 1971E18 1N119 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 135 56 1971E18 1N136 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 137 56 1971E18 1N135 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 132 57 0307-1601 40013388-98 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEEO1B 47 58 1971E18 1N171 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 53 58 1971E18 1N168 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 57 58 1971E18 1N144 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 81 58 1971E18 1N147 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 107 58 1971E18 1N140 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 58 1971E18 1N152 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 30 59 1971E18 1M818 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 92 59 1971E18 1M819 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 112 59 1971E18 1M822 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 124 59 1971E18 1N190 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 132 59 1971E18 1N182 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1 B 67 60 1971E18 1N156 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 123 60 1971E18 1N196 NX3171HK 850392 Page 3of8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01B[129 l 60 l 1971E18 I 1N197 I NX3171 HK l 850392 11MRCFF01B 1133 60 1971E18 1N179 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 24 61 1971;E8 1M879 NX3171 HK 850392 FORMt IS-2 OWER'S REPORT FOR RYPAIRS OR REPLACESMMS 1MRCEEO1B 52 61 1971E18 1M895 NX3171HK 850392 A. Puqb by ft PbUh 1dAS11M

, C. S311 2 1MRCEE01B 130 61 1971E18 1M821 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 97 62 1971E18 1N153 NX3171HK 850392 rwniae-w-'m l S Id 1MRCEE01B 115 62 1971E18 1M891 NX3171HK 850392 tr-5 tut I 71 1 MRCEE01 B 129 62 1971E18 1N184 NX3171 HK 850392 '-' 4. th4i1tb koL' ,gj MOa, M

1MRCEEO1B 133 62 1971E18 1N185 NX3171HK 850392 3. W-6 F."

1-1MRCEE01B 137 62 1971E18 1N194 NX3171HK 850392 W&

1MRCEE01B 141 62 1971E18 1N193 NX3171HK 850392 !M&

1MRCEE01B 94 63 1971E18 1N879 NX3188HK 850392 U. 1 kTCAI 4W 1MRCEE01B 118 63 1971E18 1N192 NX3171HK 850392 ,.* An1,bfln_ nr.s a h -

1MRCEEO1B 124 63 1971E18 1N180 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 71 64 1971E18 1N150 NX3171 HK 850392 , C ._  %"tM , -V 1MRCEE01B 113 64 1971E18 1N169 NX3171HK 850392 Nd Mf N WOh IY Vtp.-m Allit 1MRCEEO1B 115 64 1971E18 1N164 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 95 66 1971E18 1N142 NX3171 HK 850392 j- .G _ 787-! 277WRCMTJ 107 19717 n7p 4 1MRCEE01B 74 67 1971E18 1N874 NX3188HK 850392 .- W.A . 1w- N

-. - aIr -. . en-. ,.-s-, t u- L.

1 MmUtU lIti IlZZ OI lI 1tlo 1NY IM NA.OlI It ri 00hU.3til 1MRCEE01B 132 67 0307-1601 40013388-93 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEEO1B 138 67 1971E18 1N187 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 68 1971E18 1N170 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 123 68 1971E18 1N181 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 139 68 0307-1601 40013388-84 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 92 69 1971E18 1N882 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 70 1971E18 1M893 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 71 1971E18 1M892. NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 112 71 1971E18 1N165 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 128 71 0307-1601 40013388-85 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEEO1B 142 71 1971E18 1P050 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 144 71 1971E18 1P042 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEOIB 17 72 1971E18 1M878 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 40 73 1971E18 1M887 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 64 73 1971E18 1M894 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 73 1971E18 1N886 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 96 73 1971E18 1N138 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 116 73 1971E18 1N173 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 73 1971E18 1P048 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 39 74 1971E18 1M877 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 111 74 1971E18 1N887 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 129 74 1971E18 1N191 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 30 75 1971E18 1N176 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 90 75 1971E18 1N139 NX3171HK 850392 Page 4 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01 B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01B[102 l 75 l 1971E18 I 1N894 I NX3188HK l 850392 1MRCEEO1B 1104 75 1971E18 1N891 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 128 75 1971 E18 1N178 NX3171 HK 850392 F'OP NIS-2 OWNER'SREPORTFORREPAIRSOR REPIACENCUNTS 1MRCEE01B 144 75 1971E18 1P041 NX3188HK 850392 Atqd by lrmbW ASME C.& Sskl )a 1MRCEE01B 91 76 1971E18 1N892 NX3188HK 850392 vo.u't.RdIQYW 13A 1MRCEE01B 138 77 1971E18 1N189 NX3171HK 850392 'e-'

-hn"- 9M u d 1MRCEE01B 117 78 1971E18 1N883 NX3188HK 850392 LIU.r "It I 1MRCEE01B 137 78 1971E18 1N183 NX3171 HK 850392 5 ?dA.m¶ Tff 1-M 1MRCEE01B 50 79 1971E18 1N889 NX3188HK 850392 3*Wik rl.-A 6,K T,"dr.4.5- 6F 1MRCEE01B 52 79 1971E18 1N885 NX3188HK 850392 l A 1MRCEE01B 70 79 1971E18 1N166 NX3171HK 850392  ;

1MRCEE01B 156 79 0307-1601 40013388-77 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 93 80 1971E18 1N888 NX3188HK 850392 i5 1MRCEE01B 94 81 1971E18 1N881 NX3188HK 850392 r 1"2AJ&s 1MRCEE01B 98 81 1971E18 1N884 NX3188HK 850392 1.u. Kcy_ _

1MRCEE01B 104 81 1971E18 1N878 NX3188HK 850392Z' o ~ s 1MRCEE01B 110 81 1971E18 1N890 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 130 81 1971E18 1N188 NX3171HK 850392 CZ Cf .'Um t#7t WF 1MRCEE01B 146 81 1971E18 1N959 NX3188HK 850392 iTW.W-A 1MKCu;U1 i51 ?iI UJU'-ltUl 4UUl Jidl-(l NXJ3 t1 (rI I J33dZ 1MRCEE01B 69 82 1971E18 1N873 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 71 82 1971E18 1N870 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 85 82 1971E18 1N863 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 103 82 1971E18 1N172 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 131 82 1971E18 1N186 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 143 84 1971E18 1N973 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 85 1971E18 1N896 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 85 1971E18 1N859 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 142 85 1971E18 1N969 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 95 86 1971E18 1N175 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 52 87 1971E18 1N897 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 68 87 1971E18 1N875 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 78 _ 87 1971E18 1N865 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 98 87 1971E18 1N162 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 87 1971E18 1N880 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 138 87 1971E18 1N975 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 59 88 1971E18 1N868 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 65 88 1971E18 IN871 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 87 88 1971E18 1N159 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 135 88 0307-1601 40013388-101 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 143 88 1971E18 1N962 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 102 89 0307-1601 40013388-102 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 104 89 1971E18 1N893 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 148 89 1971E18 1N977 NX3188HK 850392 Page 5 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01B 133 I 90 I 1971E18 I 1N028 I NX3171HK T 850392 1MRCEE01Bl140 l 91 l 1971E18 I 1N958 I NX3188HK l 850392 1MRCEEO1B 1146 91 1971E18 1N976 NX3188HK 850392 YORNINIS.2 OVNFRS RPrORT FOR RErAMIR ORl REPACRME I RIAm: n 176 93' Q71971R IN17A NYX171HK 8F503Q92 A. Re4Abtdby 11 h ol d ASME Co. S-Inm XI 1MRCEE01B 98 93 1971E18 1N895 NX3188HK 850392 o _

1MRCEE01B 40 95 1971E18 1P053 NX3188HK 850392 F 5 In.s 1MRCEE01B 88 95 1971E18 1N161 NX3171 HK 850392 - V I-1MRCEEO1B 104 95 1971E18 1N158 NX3171HK 850392 V..&7&ffk f 1MRCEE01B 124 95 1971E18 1N970 NX3188HK 850392  ;* Wkr.wbh So,, Ti,No 1MRCEEO1B 91 96 1971E18 1N167 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 116 97 1971E18 1N966 NX3188HK 850392 , Na 1MRCEE01B 95 98 1971E18 _ N160 NX3171HK 850392 1 1MRCEEO1B 144 101 1971E18 1N972 NX3188HK 850392 .,

1MRCEEO1B 131 102 1971E18 1N963 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 103 1971E18 1N952 NX3188HK 850392 I Io 6 U C ASME 1MRCEE01B 120 103 1971E18 1N965 NX3188HK 850392

  • W; l'v- _


1MRCEE01B 146 103 1971E18 1N968 NX3188HK 850392 I IYI 1MRCEE01B 148 103 1971E18 1N971 NX3188HK 850392 J 0.0 CT nn 21:

2t0 ImWID t tqm.iM Yu 1MRCEEO1B 35 104 0307-1601 40013388-103 NX3171 HK 733382 J b.Ph W._ WA = #d 1MRCEFO1 B 105 1971E18 1N877 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 101 106 1971E18 iN945 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 32 107 0307-1601 40013388-100 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 74 107 1971E18 1N869 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 85 108 1971E18 1P084 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 109 1971E18 1N956 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1 B 128 109 1971E18 1N974 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 111 110 1971E18 1N946 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 117 110 1971E18 1N944 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEEOIB 125 110 1971E18 1N964 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 56 111 1971E18 1N860 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 62 111 1971E18 1P081 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 ill 1971E18 1N037 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 104 111 1971E18 1N950 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 111 1971E18 1N960 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 148 111 1971E18 1N967 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 65 112 1971E18 1N876 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 98 113 1971E18 1N938 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 118 113 1971E18 1N947 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO IB 140 113 1971E18 1N942 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 56 115 1971E18 1N858 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 47 116 1971E18 1N861 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 117 116 1971E18 1N957 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 117 1971E18 1N954 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 17 118 1971E18 1N043 NX3171HK 850392 Page 6 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01 B 8 1 119 1971E18 I 1N867 E NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 7 120 1971E18 1P012 NX3188HK 850392 1 1MRCEE01 B 39 120 1971 E18 1N872 NX3188HK 850392 FORt N1S52OVNTFR'S RFIORT FOR MSiAIRS OR REPtACFMS 1MRCEE01B 47 120 1971E18 1N862 NX3188HK 850392 Alr*Ay Ri.m l f SE C.i7J 1MRCEEO1B 71 120 197iE18 1N023 NX3171 HK 850392 LrOY 2UA m.

1MRCEEO1B 106 121 1971E18 1N021 NX3171 HK 850392 r S 10d IMRCEE01B 108 121 1971E18 1N961 NX3188HK 850392 " .n_ Imtm+/-

1MRCEE01B 7 122 1971E18 1P008 NX3188HK 850392 mI1. A Wi0n"*.Aft 21"!1S 1MRCEE01.B 47 122 1971E18 1N864 NX3188HK 850392 w-* 5r AdjlZ -tlm T r " tts 1MRCEE01B 97 122 1971E18 1N031 NX3171HK 850392 AiiWi-U H 1MRCEEO1B 105 122 1971E18 1N033 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 22 123 1971E18 1N022 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 132 123 197E1E8 1N948 NX3188HK 850392 , .

1MRCEE01B 138 123 1971E18 1N941 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 148 123 0307-1601 40013388-87 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 49 124 1971E18 1N866 NX3188HK 850392 5 0we, v..N Uk OWN c ai 1MRCEE01B 71 124 1971E18 1P096 NX3188HK 850392 1IMRCEEO1B 114 125 1971E18 1N999 NX3188HK 850392 CZ lQtm I IUimBf R,.i arY 1MRCEE01B 138 125 1971E18 1N955 NX3188HK 850392 IWV_# . WA * = h m i RAr'rfrn7A Qn 4Afl *alC n,4 nIne-

"v,"IcCU ID liU I 4;j lt 11:10 INVUa NA.3 I00nN ODUaUZ 1MRCEE_1B 101 126 1971E18 1.N943 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 117 126 1971E18 1N940 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 127 197i1E18 1N951 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 136 127 1971E18 1N939 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 57 128 1971E18 1N029 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 63 128 1971E18 1N035 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 115 128 1971E18 1P014 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 56 129 1971E18 1N019 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 25 130 1971E18 1N026 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 115 130 1971E18 1P013 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 131 1971E18 1N025 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 78 131 1971E18 1N032 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 102 133 1971E18 1N949 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 551 134 1971E18 1N027 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 69 134 1971E18 1N020 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 135 1971E18 1P091 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEOIB 92 137 1971E18 IP091 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 94 137 1971E18 1N038 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 122 137 1971E18 1N046 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 33 138 1971E18 1N041 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 55 138 1971E18 1N052 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 30 139 1971E18 1N051 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 132 139 1971E18 1P009 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 38 141 1971E18 1N018 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 7 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564535 "COLD LEG" WORK ORDER 2564536 1MRCEE01B 160 141 1971E18 1N053 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 186 141 1971E18 1P015 XNX31z88HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 122 141 1971E18 iP010 NX3188HK 850392 FORMNIs .2 OWR'S REPoRT FOR RLrPAIRS OR RF.PLACEWITS 1MRCEEO1B 53 142 1971E18 1N049 NX3171HK 850392 A, by__ ft

.tRr_________of O__AS 3-i-)a


1MRCEE01B 69 142 1971E18 1N057 NX3171HK 850392 ° M 21CM4 IMRCEE01B 34 143 1971E18 1N036 NX3171HK 850392 l v

'hAn 'I 1MRCEEO1B 105 144 1971E18 1P003 NX3188HK 850392 l.- shH, v-5 1MRCEE01B 98 145 1971E18 1P018 NX3188HK 850392 W.QW4ti iiY.m 1MRCEEO1B 106 145 1971E18 1P007 NX3188HK 850392 3 W f br Admj tW - T kP",

1MRCEE01B 63 146 1971E18 1N045 NX3171HK 850392 M 1MRCEE01B 132 147 0307-1601 40013388-80 NX3171HK 733382 l "'h 1MRCEE01B 102 149 1971E18 1P006 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 110 149 1971E18 1P004 NX3188HK 850392 1 F b 1MRCEE01B 55 150 1971E18 1N050 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 95 150 1971E18 1 P005 NX3188HK 850392 ' ' ""_

1MRCEE01B 42 151 1971E18 1N024 NX3171 HK 850392 Z I 0 ASn 1MRCEE01B 82 151 1971E18 1P016 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 84 151 1971E18 1N998 NX3188HK 850392 CT V" t 'm Immill I"vs i T 1MRCEEO1 B 66 153 1971E18 1N042 NX3171 HK 850392 T*.rtp W

  • IA  ; NO lMRCEE=lB 186 141 197 Lpl. N 88HKI 8502- .

I IVMICCU IDU lDC) I~ ltIC oi 1NU.3U NVAJ13 IIK1r c;3UJY~Z 1MRCEE01B 84 155 1971E18 1N056 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 30 157 1971E18 1N034 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 84 157 1971E18 1P017 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 60 163 1971E18 1N047 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 92 163 1971E18 1POll NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 59 164 1971E18 1N039 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 83 168 1971E18 1P002 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 171 1971E18 1N054 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 61 172 1971E18 1N040 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 61 174 1971E18 1N055 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 175 1971E18 1N048 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 8 177 1971E18 1P045 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 53 182 1971E18 1N044 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 35 186 0307-1601 40013388-99 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 21 188 0307-1601 40013388-81 NX3171HK 733382 Page 8 of 8


1. Component ID IMRCEEOlB 2.. ItemDescription: SteamGenerator#2
3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC01-4 4. W.O. Number: 2564537
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1971 Edition. Winter 1973 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Install Westinghouse plugs in IMRCEEOIB Hot Leg tubes per DFWO 2564534

8. 3 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection: Eddy Current Report Number: IRI I Eddy Current Exam Report
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Per DFWO 2564534

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1971 Edition 1973 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. I'1 Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES 3 NO Initial -A 1 Date / / Vza/oIf required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES 3 NO Initial
  • II/ Date //"./o j If required, include a step in the W O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial i. ..

Date Date

'/ I/ 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

. //. ,, X 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial -1W Date /Lo IyiO replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

Tube Plugs See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List

18. Planner e Vx:124L J 4 '1/<c/O 5 Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signat ure Date
19. 15111 Signature 0/

Date Printed Name: R P? T h12)AP

20. ANII q Printed Name: ___________

Sigture Date Vff. 7 PV.LWKW3 730MMS 7 P 3

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 1/21/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2564537
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service/Westinghouse Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Reactor Coolant
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO)

Steam Generator CE 78273-2 22500 1MRCEE0lB 1978 Repaired YES Tube Plugs Westinghouse

  • N/A *DC 14- Replacement NO
7. Description of Work: SG12 Hot Leg plugging and repair per DFWO 2564534.
  • See attached list.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 N-416-1 a Other a Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 '/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: See DFWO 2564534 for tubes plugged. (Plugginge list attached) 0,0. ai,<3 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiratii ion Date: N/A Signed: Cc 1 .(( h-n 13 c7*d gn e cAd n Date: 5 -3 0 Lf Ownero Owner's Designce, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of ________

to s-.3-o , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

___ _ i _ _ __ Commissions: NB 9685 "N" AI" AZ264 National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements nspectors Signatur Date: &.S-04 73DP-9t7 Rev S Pv-E0092 Vcr. 7 pV-E0092 ver. 7 Back Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1MRCEE01B 17 4 1971E18 1M963 NX3171 HK 850392 FORNI NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPrLAtEENiT 1MRCEE01B 46 5 1971E18 1M931 NX3171HK 850392 Assd 7 brfrim ASMSCo5eaoX 1MRCEE01B 5 6 1971E18 1M968 NX3171HK 850392 ,. L-uI ,' te/

1MRCEE01B 27 6 1971E18 1M918 NX3171 HK 850392 AAtSO722 ShF Idi 1MRCEE01B 33 6 1971E18 1M927 NX3171 HK 850392 r

" Ud, 1MRCEE01B 47 6 1971E18 1M925 NX3171HK 850392 STY W d4N& Zq4fl 1MRCEE01B 49 6 1971E18 1M933 NX3171 HK 850392 W.&q FCU.W l 1MRCEE01B 24 7 1971E18 1M928 NX3171 HK 850392 VA 1MRCEEO1B 21 8 1971E18 1M922 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 9 1971 E1 8 1M919 NX3171 HK 850392i. V~t&,t>fY 1MRCEE01B 23 10 1971E18 IM966 NX3171HK 850392 r r 1MRCEE01B 33 10 1971E18 1M923 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 16 11 1971E18 1M967 NX3171 HK 850392 ,~, I M , _ A 1MRCEE01B 58 11 1971E18 1M924 NX3171 HK 850392 *-p5 d S...3..'

. ,, ft 1MRCEE01B 19 12 1971E18 1M958 NX3171 HK 850392 _ I 1MRCEEO1B 21 12 1971E18 1M969 NX3171 HK 850392

  • CZ 21 l u nInumi4 s Iin MP" 1MRCEE01B 49 12 034-01 ECEW-67 J-9161-5 533616 T"' .

Wl dd, -MA 1MRCEE01 51 12 1971E18 1M917 NX31(1 HK 185U392 1MRCEE01B 55 12 1971E18 1M932 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 48 13 1971E18 1M936 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 45 14 1971E18 1M921 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 15 1971E18 1M929 NX3171HK 850392 IMRCEE01B 45 16 1971E18 iM930 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 47 16 1971E18 1M934 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 61 16 1971E18 1N259 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 17 1971E18 1M935 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 43 18 1971E18 1M920 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 59 18 1971E18 1N265 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 48 19 1971E18 1N254 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 58 21 1971E18 1M926 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 53 22 1971E18 1N274 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 48 23 1971E18 1N253 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 90 23 1971E18 1N273 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 43 24 1971E18 1N250 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01BB 55 24 1971 E18 1N270 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 79 24 1971E18 1N266 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 60 25 1971E18 1N275 NX3171 HK 850392 I1MRCEE01B 17 26 1971E18 1M964 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 33 26 1971E18 1N242 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 45 26 1971E18 1N248 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 36 27 1971 E18 1N256 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 58 27 1971E18 1N261 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 1 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01Bl 69 l 28 1971E18 1N272 NX3171HK [ 850392 1MRCEEO1Bl 12 l 31 1 1971E18 1N246 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEFl1RI 48

.. 1 31



_--___ 4. .... 1N252 NX3171 HK _ 850392

-- FORU NIS2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEUENTS 1MpCrFnlnI 47 I 32 1971E1R 1N257 NX3171HK 850fl392 A. R"..d byIh Pft'vinwd0(th. A5MECodcSftfio XI 1MRCEE01B 108 33 1971E18 1P060 NX3188HK 850392 ,.o i~ hr~lr saL s

1MRCEE01B 114 33 1971E18 1N222 NX3171HK 850392 r ___fi w s l 1MRCEE01B 6 35 1971E18 1N239 NX3171 HK 850392 We 1MRCEE01B 57 36 1971E18 1N298 NX3171 HK 850392 WAWt.,&." 2:'4:Z 1MRCEEO1B 119 36 1971E18 I N223 NX3171 HK 850392 3.W "-- A

'r *"V *c M 1MRCEE01B 60 37 1971E18 1N263 NX3171 HK 850392 M&

1MRCEE01B 116 37 1971E18 1N225 NX3171 HK 850392 r_

1MRCEE01B 120 37 1971E18 1N224 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 27 38 1971E18 1N245 NX3171 HK 850392 . A1...EkmlM tAdsr..

1MRCEE01B 49 38 0307-1601 40013388-131 NX3171HK 733382 A l _

1MRCEE01B 53 38 1971E18 1N310 NX3171 HK 850392 ft.% d. . 1YI. ASMZ 1MRCEE01B 87 38 1971E18 1N267 NX3171 HK 850392 5 1ap lm rt sOA" s ..

1MRCEE01B 109 38 1971E18 1P072 NX3188HK 850392 t r 1MRCEE01B 104 39 1971E18 1P066 NX3188HK 850392 I' 7sS fW o IURcI 171 nYrt .

1MRCEE01B 71 40 1971E18 1N277 NX3171HK 850392 r"".Xn W_.dM WA .Op NSo 1MRCEEO1BI 79 I 40 1971E18 1N260 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 91 40 1971E18 1N276 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 60 41 1971E18 1N317 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 41 1971E18 1N271 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 112 41 1971E18 1P071 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 41 42 1971E18 1N299 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 115 42 1971E18 1P070 .NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 16 43 1971E18 1N240 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 106 43 1971E18 1P065 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 101 44 1971E18 1P067 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 121 44 1971E18 1P064 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 60 45 1971E18 1N302 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 45 1971E18 1N258 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 90 45 1971E18 1N262 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 132 45 1971E18 1N219 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 134 45 1971E18 1N218 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 97 46 1971E18 1P068 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 115 46 1971E18 1P063 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 24 47 1971E18 1N244 NX3171 HK 850392 IMRCEE01B 53 48 1971E18 1N308 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 95 48 1971E18 1P078 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 32 49 1971E18 1N316 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 54 49 1971E18 1N307 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 49 1971E18 1N220 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 51 50 1971E18 1N303 NX3171HK 850392 Page 2 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01 B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01BI 137 1 50 197E18 l I 1N221 I NX3171HK l 850392 1MRCEEO1BI 78 l 51 1971E18 1N269 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 90 51 1971 E18 1P077 NX3188HK 850392 FORaMNIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REMACE.NIENTS 1MRCEEO1B 98 51 1971E18 1P076 NX3188HK 850392 AsRmoid ?by*,PWrd.dlle ASMECOdSeCIIXl 1MRCEE01B 122 51 1971E18 1M859 NX3171HK 850392 , o.z 1MRCEE01B 39 52 1971E18 1N309 NX3171 HK 850392 t P 1J1 1MRCEE01B 43 52 1971E18 1N301 NX3171 HK 850392 2, . Udr 1MRCEE01B 45 52 1971E18 1N306 NX3171 HK 850392 W.5§N... IMAM2X 1MRCEE01B 53 52 1971E18 1N313 NX3171HK 850392 rn..fc.&" mm 1MRCEE01B 58 53 1971E18 1N300 NX3171 HK 850392 AlN.W 1MRCEE01B 60 53 1971E18 1N312 NX3171HK 850392 ,", W 1MRCEE01B 98 53 1971E18 1P075 NX3188HK 850392 " 5 1MRCEE01B 110 53 1971E18 1M874 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 124 53 1971E18 1N806 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 140 53 1971E18 1N736 NX3188HK 850392 . , N.-.( .. d. XAl_ ( Y. bW.4.l "Sme 1MRCEE01B 33 54 1971E18 1N314 NX3171HK 850392 I.. ptS $w P.s M" k 5 f 1MRCEE01B 39 54 1971E18 1N315 NX3171 HK 850392 I__ w 1MRCEE01B 137 54 1971E18 1N726 NX3188HK 850392 5-h- M 7"2fl2 211W I>1CT713 11 h.Wd M 1MRCEE01BB 90 55 1971E18 1..A NX31716HK 850392 Wr . NM . = p"'

1 NO 1MRCEE01BI 98 I 5 1971E18 1N799 NX31 88HK 85U39Z 1MRCEE013 102 55 1971E18 j 1M864 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 104 55 1971E18 1M862 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 120 55 1971E18 1P073 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 136 55 1971E18 1N718 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 55 1971E18 1N731 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 140 55 1971E18 1N733 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 105 56 1971E18 1N804 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 121 56 1971E18 1P074 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 135 56 1971E18 1N722 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 137 56 1971E18 1N719 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 132 57 1971E18 1N233 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 47 58 1971E18 1N311 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 153 58 1971E18 1N304 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 57 58 1971E18 1N305 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 81 58 1971E18 1N268 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 107 58 1971E18 1N807 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 58 1971E18 1N802 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 30 59 1971E18 1N251 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 92 59 1971E18 1M858 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 112 59 1971E18 1M865 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 124 59 1971E18 1N728 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 132 59 1971E18 1N729 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 67 60 1971E18 1M960 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 123 60 1971E18 1N724 NX3188HK 850392 Page 3 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01 B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01B 129 60 l 1971E18 I 1N730 NX3188HK l 850392 1MRCEE01B 133 60 1971E18 I 1N737 l NX3188HK l 850392 1MRCEE01B 24 61 i 1971E18 I lN249 NX3171HK 850392 FORM NIS2 OW'NER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS 1MRCEE01 B 52 61 1971E18 N247 NX3171HK 850392 As RtqTud by CM?roiam of tbeASMEC.doSuof XI 1MRCEE01B 130 61 1971E18 IN809 NX3188HK 850392 8 1MRCEE01B 97 62 1971E18 1N803 NX3188HK 850392 Lffl£223S S1 1 1 1MRCEE01B 115 62 1971E18 1M857 NX3171 HK 850392 nrd.,j 1MRCEE01B 129 62 1971E18 1N721 NX3188HK 850392 =5mki1524 v*E.N S~ l 1MRCEE01B 133 62 1971E18 1N725 NX3188HK 850392 S.W.& od_ Tsr 1MRCEE01B 137 62 1971E18 1N720 NX3188HK 850392 ANW -. P 1MRCEE01B 141 62 1971E18 1N732 NX3188HK 850392 A, 1MRCEE01B 94 63 1971E18 1M873 NX3171HK 850392 850392 BLAed 1MRCEE01B 118 63 1971E18 1N801 NX3188HK 850392 1.) A SX-CtL=Mn Jl7IMJ r-1173"afCM 1MRCEE01B 124 63 1971E18 1N723 NX3188HK 850392 J MURCIA 1MRCEE01B 71 64 1971E18 1P059 NX3188HK 850392 t _ Y AS~4S 1MRCEE01B 113 64 1971E18 1N812 NX3188HK 850392 s t_ U s V w

  • ql.

1MRCEE01B 115 64 1971E18 1N815 NX3188HK 850392 I__

1MRCEE01B 95 66 1971E18 1P069 NX3188HK 850392 ______ CM m2 :_io I~rrl, 147 A ts 1MRCEE01B 74 67 1971E18 1M959 NX3171HK 850392 . WA . = R_ NO 4 RArfR1n4rnR 41n n7 C14 4kr1',A Kflt't OOL0t ffnnq I- I - - I- I I 01I I -1 I- - I Nl.54 -. 15Iv1511N nnu. 1-1MRCEE01B 132 67 1971E18 1N234 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 67 1971E18 .1N735 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 68 1971E18 1N808 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 123 68 1971E18 1N727 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 139 68 1971E18 1N237 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 92 69 1971E18 1M869 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 113 70 1971E18 1M870 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 71 1971 E18 1M876 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 112 71 1971E18 1N800 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 128 71 1971E18 1N235 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 142 71 1971E18 1N232 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 144 71 1971E18 1N230 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 17 72 1971E18 1N241 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 40 73 1971 E18 1N255 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 64 73 1971E18 1M974 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 73 1971E18 1M971 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 73 1971E18 1P062 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 116 73 1971E18 1N810 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01B 138 73 1971E18 1N228 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 39 74 1971E18 1N243 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 111 74 1971E18. 1M860 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 129 74 1971E18 1N236 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 30 75 1971E18 1N238 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 90 75 1971E18 1P061 NX3188HK 850392 Page 4of8 .

STEAM GENERATOR. I MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01B 102 75 1971 E18 1M866 ' NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 104 75 1971E18 1M871 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 128 75 1971E18I 1N285 NX3171 HK 850392 FOPM NIS-2 OWNF.R'S RF.PORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACMENTS 1MRCEE01 B 144 75 1971E18 1N229 NX3171HK 850392 As F..,.d byIF Pmflime ot dte ASNMCodeS Iho XI 1MRCEE01B 91 76 1971E18 1M861 NX3171HK 850392 z o Ar 1MRCEE01B 138 77 1971E18 1N227 NX3171HK 850392 5 S'-l 1MRCEE01B 117 78 1971E18 1N816 NX3188HK 850392 , .

  • hdcj 1MRCEE01B 137 78 1971E18 1N226 NX3171 HK 850392 IN 75W I NK IN 45fL 1MRCEE01B 50 79 1971E18 1N664 NX3171HK 850392 , W- '_es T kM 1MRCEE01B 52 79 1971E18 1M965 NX3171 HK 850392 l Art &

1MRCEE01B 70 79 1971E18 1M973 NX3171HK .850392 t Tbh 1MRCEE01B 156 79 0307-1601 40013388-129 NX3171HK 733382 A.

1MRCEEO1B 93 80 1971E18 1M863 NX3171 HK 850392 , '4 , i"'

1MRCEE01B 94 81 1971E18 1M872 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 98 81 1971E18 1M875 NX3171HK 850392 ?F.-.I MY Ass 1MRCEE01B 104 81 1971E18 1M868 NX3171 HK 850392 '- I.l. Kdtn ICe.. cr.

1MRCEE01B 110 81 1971E18 1M867 NX3171 HK 850392 _I_

1MRCEE0IB 130 81 1971E18 1N284 NX3171HK .- 850392 -' r . 2L 245 2 Imserots 74n lt' 2 TM 1MRCEE01B 4A.Ifr4Mn R 146 1:

c4 81 1971E18 1N231 NX3171HK 850392 T .6 , ,- W fA = Wt_

^ 4f r 4- fl-l

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i[F%%..=I:V ID u I 04 ltitl cO lNOtt NA3II Il IV OIDUJY;L 1MRCEE_1B 69 82 1971E18 _ M975 NX3171_HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 71 82 1971E18 1M962 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 85 82 1971E18 1N817 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 103 82 1971E18 1N673 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 131 82 1971E18 1N293 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 143 84 1971E18 1N292 . NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 58 85 1971E18 1NN668, NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 80 85 1971E18 1N814 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 142 85 1971E18 1N282 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 95 86 1971E18 1M972 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 52 87 1971E18 1N669 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 68 87 1971E18 1M970 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 78 87 034-01 ECEW-64 J-9161-5 533616 1MRCEE01B 98 87 1971E18 1M961 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 110 87 1971E18 1N646 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 87 1971E18 1N290 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 59 88 1971E18 1N671 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 65 88 1971E18 1M976 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 87 88 1971E18 1M957 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 135 88 1971E18 1N283 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 143 88 1971E18 1N288 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 102 89 1971E18 1N798 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 104 89 1971E18 1N811 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 148 89 1971E18 1N280 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 5of8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01B 1331 90 1971E18 I 1N296 I NX3171 HK l 850392 1MRCEE01BI 140 1 91 1971El8 1N278 NX3171 HK 85,0392 1MRCEEO1B 146 91 1971E18 1N279 NX3171 HK 850392 FORNM NSS 2 OWNEKS RTPORT MR REPAIRS OR RP=LACEMENS 1MRCEE01B 52 93 0307-2801 FRI01 J-9161-5 533616 A RM*Wd by P S) Cofd CSCo&7imXI 1MRCEE01B 76 93 1971E18 1N676 NX3171HK 850392 1.o. rLA 1MRCEE01B 98 93 1971E18 1N805 NX3188HK- 850392 r11 2di 1MRCEE01B 40 95 1971E18 1N665 NX3171 HK 850392 n.vI. vr Th-1MRCEE01B 88 95 1971E18 1N660 NX3171 HK 850392 i I A S*7S2 V194..& 9Vf 1MRCEE01B 104 95 1971E18 1P052 NX3188HK 850392 ., Nve.

1MRCEE01B 124 95 1971E18 1N291 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 91 96 1971E18 1N659 NX3171HK 850392 n MIA 1MRCEE01B 116 97 1971E18 1N289 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 95 98 1971E18 1N674 NX3171HK 850392 s J,,A 7AM I 1MRCEE01B 144 101 1971E18 1N295 NX3171 HK 850392 A(toirAdS.XI 1 1 1MRCEE01B 131 102 1971E18 1N651 NX3171 HK 850392 N._ t . N._tO ld t v.., d, AS4 1MRCEE01B 110 103 1971E18 1P056 NX3188HK 850392 '- 'ur s. _ d IWU 3pI. 5 1MRCEEOIB 120 103 1971E18 1N645 NX3171 HK 850392 _r_ _ WA_

1MRCEE01B 146 103 1971E18 1N281 NX3171HK 850392 5.

- c2m 7M.2319'S l ;dd Rn W 1MRCEE01B 148 103 1971E18 1N287 NX3171 HK 850392 . w

  • IA . KqlN 1MmL4ttUIl5I .1f I 1U4 W U uiu(-lbu 4uU1J3388-13.4 NX371 (IHK 733382 iMRCEEOIB 80 105 1971E18 I N623 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 101 106 1971E18 1PO55 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 32 107 0307-1601 40013388-130 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01B 74 107 1971E18 1N620 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 85 108 1971E18 1N628 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 109 1971E18 1N636 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 128 109 1971E18 1N638 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 111 110 1971E18 1P054 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 117 110 1971E18 1N624 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 125 110 1971E18 1N637 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 56 1il 1971E18 1N658 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEOIB 62 111 1971E18 I N666 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 111 1971E18 1N634 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 104 111 1971E18 1P057 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 138 111 1971E18 1N286 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 148 111 1971E18 1N297 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 65 112 1971E18 1N667 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 98 113 1971E18 1N621 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 118 113 1971E18 1N657 NX3171 HK 850392 IMRCEE018 140 113 1971E18 1N294 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 56 115 1971E18 1N672 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 47 116 1971E18 1N670 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 117 116 1971E18 1N656 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 96 117 1971E18 1N625 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 6of8

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEEOIB WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE0B 17 118 1971EI8 11132 NX2227HK B 856414 IMRGEE01B 58 1 119 1 1971E18 1N661 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01 B 27 120 1971 E 18 11134 NX2227HK 856414 FORMNI N!S-2 OWNER'S RErORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS 1MRCEE01B 39 120 1971E18 11129 NX2227HK 856414 Astdby Me ft ASMEC. StimXl desio 1MRCEE01B 47 120 1971E18 1N675 NX3171HK 850392 5.o ' a4 1MRCEEO1B 71 120 1971E18 1N652 NX3171HK 850392 tI d 2 1MRCEE01B 106 121 1971E18 1 N631 NX3171HK 850392 2. l 1MRCEE01B 108 121 1971E18 1N635 NX3171 HK 850392 W- (W. SZIw 1MRCEE01B 7 122 1971E18 11123 NX2227HK 856414

  • ca_

Tyt-cms-1MRCEEO1B 47 122 1971E18 1 N662 NX3171 HK 850392 A N. NA 1MRCEE01B 97 122 1971E18 1N626 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 105 122 1971E18 1 N629 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 22 123 1971E18 11135 NX2227HK 856414 ] A"8

1MRCEE01B 132 123 1971E18 11113 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 138 123 1971E18 1N648 NX3171HK 850392 N.d N.-.( M-4d..- Nhh M., Y. "I.k. AMZ 1MRCEE01B 148 123 1971E18 11114 NX2227HK 856414 ";_

lt NA Y a, "0

1MRCEE01B 49 124 1971E18 1N663 NX3171HK 850392 ..

1MRCEE01B 71 124 1971E18 1N644 NX3171 HK 850392 . Cs "2n 2 2510 MXCVFOIm 1'71 I!d 7 1MRCEE01B 114 125 1971E18 1N649 NX3171 HK 850392 rk 1VA *. = b IIMIr-UtIDI 110 I 1ZD I Itit 1d I Nb4 I NA6 I I I Mr. I8nUJYz 1MRCEE.1B 140 125 1971218 1N647 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 101 126 1971E18 1N633 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 117 126 1971E18 1N653 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 96 127 1971E18 1N630 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 136 127 1971E18 1N639 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 571 128 1971E18 11109 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 63 128 1971E18 11119 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 115 128 1971E18 1N642 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 56 129 1971E18 11110 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 25 130 1971E18 11131 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 115 130 1971E18 1N654 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 10 131 1971E18 11124 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 78 131 1971E18 11104 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 102 133 1971E18 11102 NX2227HK 856414 IMRCEEO1B 55 134 1971E18 1N655 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 69 134 1971E18 11105 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 58 135 1971E18 1N650 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01B 92 137 1971E18 11101 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEEO1B 94 137 1971E18 11100 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEEO1B 122 137 1971E18 11116 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 33 138 1971E18 11125 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 55 138 1971E18 1N643 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1B 30 139 1971E18 11138 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 132 139 1971E18 11117 NX2227HK 856414 Page 7 of 8

STEAM GENERATOR IMRCEEO1B WORK ORDER 2564534 "HOT LEG" WORK ORDER 2564537 1MRCEE01B 38 141 1971E18 l 11120 NX2227HK I 856414 1MRCEE01B 160 141 1971E18 11108 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEEO1B 86 141 1971E18 11103 NX2227HK 856414 FORML NS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RMACLMENTS 1MRCEE01Bi 122 141 1971E18 11115 NX2227HK 856414 Asftwqodby t. Pmo.idbotheAtIMiC6 S-ctibXI 1MRCEE01B 53 142 1971E18 1N640 NX3171HK 850392 1.0.

1MRCEE01B 69 142 1971E18 11106 NX2227HK 856414 'e LW:

1MRCEEO1B 34 143 1971E18 11137 NX2227HK 856414 . _ U.Il 1MRCEE01B 105 144 1971E18 11099 NX2227HK 856414 51 r ..kA, .1 n2 v 25y4m 1MRCEEOIB 98 145 1971E18 11153 NX2227HK 856414 r , -n^ , ",*

1MRCEEO1B 106 145 1971E18 11118 NX2227HK 856414 . . WJA 1MRCEE01B 63 146 1971E18 11107 NX2227HK 856414 r,,hp. MA 1MRCEE01B 132 147 1971E18 11146 NX2227HK 856414 . IiL3_

1MRCEE01B 102 149 1971E18 11151 NX2227HK 856414 - V.

1MRCEE01B 110 149 1971E18 11152 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 55 150 1971E18 11112 NX2227HK 856414 u M- I^..,.I.,- K.". I *6. i... 4 AS' t 1MRCEE01B 95 150 1971E18 11150 NX2227HK 856414 Is M..-t sw. s . UFu 1MRCEE01B 42 151 1971E18 11121 NX2227HK 856414 _

IMRCEEOIB 82 151 1971E18 11128 NX2227HK 856414 s z

'_r T1OM12 moo FUWMIl itM _.Wd Y 1MRCEE01B 84 151 1971E18 11130 NX2227HK 856414 '" PW` w.. * *

.WA 1MRCFF1Rl fi6 I6 1071 IR 1i1'6 MYV2'7Wt 2R2A1A IMRCEE01B 28 155 1971218 11122 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 84 155 1971E18 11126 NX2227HK 856414 IMRCEEO1B 30 157 1971E18 11119 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 84 157 1971E18 11127 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 60 163 1971E18 11154 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 92 163 1971E18 11149 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 59 164 1971E18 11156 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEEO1B 83 168 1971E18 11148 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 58 171 1971E18 11142 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 61 172 1971E18 11141 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 61 174 1971E18 11140 NX2227HK 856414 IMRCEE01B 68 175 1971E18 11139 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01 8 177 1971E18 11147 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01 53 182 1971E18 11143 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01E 35 186 1971E18 11144 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01B 21 188 1971E18 11145 NX2227HK 856414 F _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _

I I I 4 Page 8 of 8


1. Component ID 1MRCEEOIA 2.. Item


Steam Generator #1

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRCO1-4 4. W.O. Number: 2564541
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1971 Edition. Winter 1973 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Install Westinghouse plugs in IMRCEE01A Cold Leg tubes per DFWO 2564533

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection: Eddy Current Report Number: IR1 Eddy Current Exam Report
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Per DFVO 2564533

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1971 Edition 1973 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES Z NO Initial Date I// - / If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: a YES 0 NO Initialj:iZ/ Date //a A/C If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial 1. Date XA4 /l

-L 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

, // og

/ 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial I J Date LO replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

Tube Plugs j See Atteched List j See Atteched List See Atteched List j See Atteched List

4. 4. 4. 4.
4. 4. 4. 4.

I. 4. 1

1. Plnnr *z= . a Via
18. Planner1 / G / Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature . Date
19. ISI <I /3/ V/0Lj Printed Name: Rt- Pf Signature I Date
20. ANII_____-_a-__ Printed Name: A toc.ssjz*t I.

Signalrc Date P.....3 V. 7X 1L .!iIs K......IA...a FV.- DWJVW-. 73DP 9ZZ7I Rev a

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 1/21/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2564541
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service/Westinghouse Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Reactor Coolant
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O )

Steam Generator CE 78273-1 22499 1MRCEE01A 1978 Repaired YES Tube Plugs Westinghouse N/A 200 4 Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: SGI1 Cold Leg plugging and repair per DFWO 2564533.
  • See attached list.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure Ea Exempt N N-416-1 E0 Other M Pressure _ psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 1 1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: See DFWO 2564533 for tubes plugged. (Pluc-ing list attached)

W. C) gE,( ak Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signe eC , GhSL I k9_1'4. 5_3

_r __ate:

d Owner or Owner's Designee, Title'a-CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of I_-_-_A_______

to S__-__ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

,;d7 Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements

( Inspectors Signaturc Date: -.3-°*

I-73DP-97Z17 Rev S

  • PV-E0092 Vcr. 77 Back PV-E0092 Ver. 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


IMRCEE01A 7 2 4 0307-1601 40013388-105 4 NX31711HK 733382 FORMNIS I OWNTRFS RIPORTFOR REPAtRS ORRtErLACMEMTS 1 MRCEE01A 9 6 1971E18 1N980 NX3188HK 850392 Al Acpud hi ft 11.IIkd d. AtStt M.- XI 1MRCEE01A 12 9 1971E18 1N979 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 12 0307-1601 40013388-120 NX3171HK 733382 Los 1MRCEE01A 43 16 1971E18 1N933 NX3188HK 850392 M 1 -h - *-4 r A tL&t5H LUAM 1MRCEE01A 38 17 1971E18 1N928 NX318BHK 850392 , , .h 1MRCEE01A 44 17 1971E18 1N935 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 59 20 1971 E18 1N918 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 67 20 1971E18 1N934 NX3188HK 850392 ,.

1MRCEE01A 10 21 1971 E18 1N990 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 63 22 1971 El8 1N927 NX3188HK 850392 . _._I 1MRCEE01A 100 23 0307-1601 40013388-110 NX3171 HK 733382 , '* I.T . ._..

1MRCEE01A 38 25 1971E18 1N923 NX3188HK 850392 _ .. - ... r 1MRCEE01A 80 25 1971E18 1N911 NX3188HK 850392 . .

  • _

1MKt~ttU1A I O odo IrUI t t IN'J37 NAX1tWHK 850392 1MRCEE01A 75 26 1971E18 1N909 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 39 28 1971E18 1N106 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 78 29 1971 E18 1N929 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 99 32 1971 E18 1N900 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 20 33 1971 E18 1N921 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 90 33 1971E18. 1N898 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 98 33 1971 E18 1N907 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 22 35 1971E18 1N829 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 51 36 1971 E18 1N926 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 22 37 1971E18 1N825 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 70 37 1971E18 1N922 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 82 37 1971E18 1N904 NX3188HK 850392 11MRCEE01A 96 37 1971E18 1N920 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 124 37 0307-1601 40013388-115 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 91 38 1971E18 1N913 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 52 39 1971E18 1N107 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 127 40 0307-1601 40013388-117 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 18 41 1971E18 1N834 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 108 41 1971 E18 1N936 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 41 1971E18 1N924 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEOIA 87 42 1971 E18 1N931 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 103 42 1971E18 1N901 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 16 43 1971 E18 IN818 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 22 43 1971E18 1N104 NX3171HK 850392 Page 1 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564533 "COLD LEG" DIWO 2564541 1MRCEE01A 16 45 l 1971E18 1N836 I NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 20 45 1971E18 1N115 I NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 63 46 4 1971E18 4 1N932 4 NX3188HK 850392 FORM NIS.? OWN0R'S RMORT FORREPAIRA OR RELAMDIENT3 1MRCEE01A 87 46 1971E18 1N916 NX31988HK 850l3n79 AS xr by* Jd .- ,k-AS)4Llmd.S.Vlxi 1MRCEE01A 95 46 1971E18 1N914 NX3188HK 850392 .

itez-WI I 1MRCEE01A 135 46 0307-1601 40013388-113 NX3171HK 733382 ,, V- I 1MRCEE01A 10 47 1971E18 1N823 NX3188HK 850392 St-,i, 1MRCEE01A 20 47 1971E18 1N835 NX3188HK 850392 l P, 1MRCEE01A 90 47 1971 E18 1N903 NX3188HK 850392 PM 1MRCEE01A 4 49 1971E18 1N831 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 14 49 1971E18 1N837 NX3188HK 850392 f HIM RA _

1MRCEE01A 137 50 1971E18 1N925 NX3188HK 850392 _ I ..

1MRCEE01A 139 50 0307-1601 40013388-108 NX31711HK 733382

  • 1MRCEE01A 14 51 1971E18 1N828 NX3188HK 850392 _ _ I 1MRCEE01A 54 51 1971 E18 1N906 NX3188HK 850392 _.. . .

1MRCEEO1A 96 51 1971 E18 1N899 NX3188HK 850392 . . . _ _ __

lMKt'stU1A vZ 0 -v lutititi lN919 NX3188bHK 850392 1MRCEE 59

_1A 54 1971_E8 lN910 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 65 54 1971E18 1N912 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 75 54 1971E18 1N917 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 105 56 1971Ei8 1N985 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 2 59 1971E18 1N930 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 59 1971E18 1N902 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 80 61 1971E18 1N905 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 46 63 1971E18 1N826 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 63 1971E18 1N877 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 37 64 1971E18 1N822 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 109 66 1971E18 1N997 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 127 66 1971E18 1N90B NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 2 67 0307-1601 40013388-116 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 30 67 1971E18 1N830 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 38 67 1971E18 1N819 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 68 0307-1601 40013388-114 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 3 68 0307-1601 40013388-109 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 5 68 0307-1601 40013388-104 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 129 68 1971 E18 1N069 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 106 69 1971 E18 1M850 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 69 1971E18 1N915 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 142 69 1971 E18 1N067 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 150 69 1971E18 1N059 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 70 0307-1401 SCEW-09 J-9161 -1 533616 Page 2 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEEOIA DFWO 2564533 "COLD LEG" DIWO 2564541 1MRCEE01 A 93 70 1971E18 1N992 NX3188HK 850392 I - _- . A - I ...______

1MRCEE01A 16 71 1971 El1 1N827 NX3188HK 850392g 1MRCEE01A 42 71 1971 El 8 1N821 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 148 71 1971 E18 1N071 NX3171 HK 850392 ro bl*ls nE b RF-d *rrlE< OR R XI 1MRCEEO1A 150 71 1971E18 1N073 NX3171HK 850392 , ,,,

1MRCEE01A 67 72 1971E18 1N833 NX3188HK 850392 'o' 1MRCEE01A 133 72 1971E18 1N062 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 149 72 1971E18 1N986 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 65 74 1971E18 1N820 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 148 75 1971E18 1N058 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 150 75 1971E18 1N068 NX3171 HK 850392 r _-_

1MRCEE01A 90 77 1971E18 1N987 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 77 1971 E18 1N978 NX3188HK 850392 I 1MRCEE01A 42 79 1971E18 1N832 NX3188HK 850392 , I, I I I 1MRCEE01A 149 80 1971E18 1N066 NX3171HK 850392 ,. _ ..

1MRCEE01A 129 82 1971 E1 8 1M848 NX3171 HK 850392 . *-.'-- -' --

1 fA rAfnlA - ne n Q I -k l -l - -- -

I IVMKIEttU I 101 Oz IntI It- 1 I N 0z ivvtstiA

[NSIA v5U 3I IYZA.4 1MRCEEo1A 62 83 1971E18 1N824 NX3i88HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 144 83 1971E18 1N065 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 103 84 1971E18 1M851 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 84 1971 E18 1N075 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 147 84 1971E18 1M844 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 85 1971 E18 1M841 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 86 1971 E18 1M842 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 149 86 1971E18 1M843 NX31711HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 87 1971E18 1N981 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 87 1971 E18 1M849 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 148 87 1971E18 1N213 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 39 88 1971E18 1N989 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 121 88 1971E18 1M845 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 88 1971E18 1N076 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 88 1971 E18 1N074 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 122 89 1971 E18 1M846 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 89 1971 E18 1M840 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 74 91 1971 E18 1M914 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 84 91 1971 E18 1N108 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 124 91 1971 E18 1M847 NX3171 HK 850392 IMRCEEO1A 97 92 1971E18 1M853 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 40 93 1971E18 1N996 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 106 93 1971E18 1M852 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 150 93 1971 E18 1N776 NX3188HK 850392 Page 3 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564533 "COLD LEG" DIWO 2564541 1MRCEEO1A 1 152 1 93 l 1971E18 I 1N763 I NX3188HK l 850392 1MRCEE01A 127 94 1971E18 1N060 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 95 1971 E18 1N064 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRC EEO01A 91 96 1971E18 1N116 NX31711HK 850392 __ _ 15.2 t_____byRFPO

__ F ASEO. R 1MRCEE01A 129 96 197.1E18 1M856 NX3171HK 850392 L Uum 1MRCEE01A 157 96 1971E18 1N983 NX3188HK 850392 ,.1 1MRCEE01A 88 97 1971E18 1N098 NX3171HK 850392 i .4mr __M.

IMRCEE01A 143 98 1971 E1 8 1N764 NX3188HK 850392 , ^ W . * &M 1MRCEE01A 99 100 1971E18 1M854 NX3171HK 850392 WA 1MRCEE01A 125 100 1971E18 1M837 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 100 1971 E18 1M839 NX3171HK 850392 . NMUn.S-2rn~lfec 1MRCEE01A 139 100 1971 E18 1N063 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 101 1971E18 1M838 NX3171HK 850392 _I 1MRCEE01A 51 102 1971 E18 1N079 NX3171HK 850392 . I I 1MRCEE01A 61 102 1971E18 1N097 NX3171HK 850392 l - I I I 1MRCEEO1A 101 102 1971E18 1M855 NX3171HK 850392 . e ._-l .

. . flt'C C n4 A 4 - : 4 4 fl74 IA fi 4 - L - - - -.- - -I-1 MIr-r-1. IA IOL IUJ I IClO I N II z N14A.31 oun ri ts:u;1HZ 1MRCEE01A 146 103 1971E18 1N770 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 154 103 1971E18 1N758 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 121 104 1971 E18 1N061 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 149 104 1971 E18 1N769 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 148 105 1971E18 1N771 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 107 1971E18 1M911 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEOIA 128 107 1971 E18 1N070 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 153 108 1971E18 1N777 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 32 109 0307-1601 40013388-128 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 42 109 1971E18 1N089 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 131 110 1971 E18 1N072 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 76 111 1971E18 1M910 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 111 1971E18 1M901 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 49 112 1971E18 1N087 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 125 112 1971E18 1M905 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 28 113 1971E18 1N113 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 83 114 1971E18 1M195 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 95 114 1971 E18 1M908 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 153 114 1971E18 1N995 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 32 115 1971E18 IN101 NX3171HHK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 115 1971 E18 1M900 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 115 1971 E18 1M909 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 146 115 1971E18 1N760 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 152 115 1971 E18 1N984 NX3188HK 850392 Page 4 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564533 "COLD LEG" DIWO 2564541 1MRCEE01A 154 115 1971E18 1N994 NX3188HK J 850392 1MRCEE01A 25 116 1971E18 1N100 NX3171 HK 1 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 116 1971E18 1N774 _NX3188HK 1 850392 FORMNllS- OWNER'S REPORT FORREPAIRSOR ILEPIACFMENI-1MRCEE01A 52 'is 1971E18 1N085 NX3171HK 850392 A- 2R"b7 by 0- P--ID Am7I C._

g1b, AAx 1MRCEE01A 17 120 1971E18 1N109 NX3171 HK 850392 Iim 1MRCEE01A 46 121 1971E18 1N112 NX3171HHK 850392 - _

1MRCEE01A 96 121 1971E18 1M902 NX3171HK 850392 * ,._.N.... B, 1MRCEE01A 59 122 1971E18 1N090 NX3171 HK 850392 -

1MRCEE01A 14 123 1971 E18 1N103 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 64 127 1971E18 1M913 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 127 1971E18 1N768 NX3188HK 850392

  • nn"Bc*-

1MRCEE01A 12 129 1971E18 1 N105 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 124 129 1971E18 1N765 NX3188HK 850392 .

1MRCEE01A 128 129 1971E18 1N775 NX3188HK 850392 . . I I I I 1MRCEE01A 130 129 1971E18 1N773 NX3188HK 850392 _ .,, . ,

1MRCEE01A 146 129 1971E18 1N762 NX3188HK 850392 . _ _ w i 1 MKUttU1A I iJ 1JU lutitlO IN76b NX3188tHK 8bU392 1MRCEE01A 12 131 1971E18 1N102 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 8 133 1971E18 1N099 NX31711HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 134 1971 E18 1N761 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 42 135 1971E18 1N1ll NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 140 135 1971E18 1N759 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 84 137 1971E18 1M916 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 137 1971E18 1N991 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 136 137 1971 E18 1N993 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 71 138 1971E18 1M912 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEOIA 135 138 1971E18 1N767 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 76 139 1971 E18 1M899 NX3171HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 106 139 1971E18 1M903 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 93 140 1971E18 1M898 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 142 0307-1601 40013388-124 NX31711HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 25 142 1971E18- 1N110 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 111 142 1971E18 1M907 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 14 143 1971E18 1N98B NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 105 144 1971E18 1M904 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 48 145 1971 E18 1N117 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 39 146 1971 E18 1N114 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 93 148 1971 E18 1M897 NX3171 HK 850392 IMRCEEO1A 65 150 1971E18 1N093 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 65 154 1971E18 1N080 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 157 1971E18 1M906 NX3171HK 850392 Page 5 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564533 "COLD LEG" DIWO 2564541 1MRCEE01AT 33 ] 158 1971E18 1N078 NX3171HK l 850392 1MRCEE01A 14 159 1971E18 1N082 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 39 162 1971E18 1N083 NX3171HK 850392 NtS.2 OWS PrPRT rOR IFPAIRS ORREPLAMS 1MRCSEEO1A 44 165 1971E18 1N094 NX3171HK 850392 NtS__mOW

__ by _ h___ _ FOR 011 Rxi 1MRCEE01A 56 165 1971E18 1N086 NX3171HK 850392 L r_.-

IMRCEE01A 102 167 0307-1601 40013388-111 NX3171HK 733382 U.I, 1MRCEE01A 23 168 1971E18 1NO81 NX3171 HK 8539 850392 .. Adw&WHM ,. mrr 1MRCEE01A 80 169 1971E18 1N088 NX3171HK 850392 Tt4r$_ m 1MRCEE01A 14 171 1971E18 1NO95 NX3171 HK 850392 MA 1MRCEEO1A 31 174 1971E18 1N092 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 40 179 1971E18 1N091 NX3171 HK 850392 m sru" ffnn n =tl&

1MRCEE01A 32 181 1971 E18 1N084 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 43 182 1971E18 1N096 NX3171HK 850392 r "us 1MRC EE01 A 11 186 0307-1601 40013388-112 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 13 186 0307-1601 40013388-107 NX3171HK 733382

  • _ I 1MRCEE01A MRCEO 1A< 3939 186 186 0307-1601 0307-10 40013388-118 40138811 NX3171HK NX3171HK 2.. A-2-- 733382 7338 .

1 MK(;ttUlA lZ 10 I UJ /-1tUW _4UU13388 0-1 I U NX3171IHK 7;33:382 1MRCEE01AI 11 188 I 0307-1601 I 40013388-106 NX3171HK 733382 Page 6 of 6


1. ComponentID lMRCEEOIA 2.. ItemDescription: SteamrGenerator#1 3.N-5DataPackageNumber: IRC01-4 4. W.O.Number: 2564544
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Install Westinghouse plugs in IMRCEEOIA Hot Lee tubes per DFWO 2564532

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection: Eddy Current Report Number: IRI1 Eddy Current Exam Report
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Per DFWO 2564532

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1971 Edition 1973 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: I] YES 0 NO Initial t4I4 Date /A a/o y If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES E NO Initial / Date //?g/C So If required, include a step. in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Date //k a Z47/ 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Inital Dae ~component.


17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date / / replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/IPO/W'O No.

Tube Plugs See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List See Atteched List

18. Plan ned Signature Z-IM P: o//)D te ' s Printed Name: Barbara Vidal
19. IS' (/

Signature i 7- t1/

I 6 ate Printed Name: 4N> P - CD A?

20. ANII3O Printed Name: R.. do.rtoœ Si~ature Date PV EODW3Va 7 73DP.9ZZ17 Ret3

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 1121/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopab, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2564544
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service/Westinghouse Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Reactor Coolant
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, N/A Code Case

- (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O)

Steam Generator CE 78273-1 22499 IMRCEEO1A 1978 Repaired YES Tube Plugs Westinghouse N/A * -20o Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: SG I I Hot Leg plugging and repair per DFWO 2564532.
  • See attached list.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt N-416-1 Other El Pressure - psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: See DFWO 2564532 for tubes plugged. (Plugging list attached) 0.0 .

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Oe Ocer)skIfgn ChTbDate:

!e(4271 5 15 J Owner or Ow/ner's I5esignce, Title t- -1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of I- 30-O~-

to _ -_______ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N"I" AZ264 National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements lupectors Signture Date: -Z -o'(


'i rB73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8



1MRCEE01A 7 2 1971E18 1N697 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 9 6 1971E18 1N692 NX3171 HK 850392 FORM NIS-2 O NER'S REPORT FOR RFPAIRS OR REPIACRMF.

A. ftq.mdty9t. F'.i.iOf tASM CodeX Sfe 5 XI 1MRCEE01A 12 9 1971E18 1N695 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 12 0307-1601 40013388-121 NX3171HK 733382 W I Or 1MRCEE01A 43 16 1971E18 1N855 NX3188HK 850392 WY.w1Z 1MRCEE01A 38 17 1971E18 1N694 NX3171 HK 850392 fla 5nft Wub

.& t..2! br 1MRCEE01A 44 17 1971E18 1N849 - NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 59 20 1971 E18 1N752 NX3188HK 850392 A.*4"- &A 1MRCEE01A 67 20 1971E18 1N742 NX3188HK 850392 w0. D. WA 4.(N klAfd.M ( Xy S 1MRCEE01A 10 21 1971E18 1N845 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 63 22 1971E18 1N854 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 100 23 1971 E18 1NO10 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 38 25 034-01 ECEW-61 J-9161-5 533616 1MRCEE01A 80 25 1971 E18 1N853 NX3188HK 850392 (V.. -

1MRCEE01A 57 26 1971 E18 1N750 NX3188HK 850392 1 0_ C 72mi 2149" I)N A 1971 pwm Yu 4tflr -rfl1A *C 7r* Ain 4n- n nr.t~nn ro~s~ou

. , nr~nonn VI ICCU I1A Du Z 1) lY/ I C10 I POODO DJAJ IO3MN 3DU.3Z Tr_ Yw I. IWA . I I md_ I No

. AA A ; A" A  ;; . AA. _ --- i i . i I MRLEEU1A 39 28 1971 El B 1N848 NX318BHK 850392 1MRCEE01A 78 29 1971E18 1N014 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 99 32 1971E18 1N756 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 20 33 1971E18 1N838 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEOIA 90 33 1971 E18 1N748 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 98 33 1971E18 1N755 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 22 35 1971E18 1N846 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 51 36 1971 E18 1N754 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 22 37 1971E18 1N847 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 70 37 1971 E18 1N739 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 82 37 1971E18 1N740 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 37 1971 E18 1N741 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 124 37 1971E18 1M998 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 91 38 1971 E18 1N744 . NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 52 39 1971E18 1N746 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 127 40 1971 E18 1N207 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 18 41 1971E18 1N839 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 108 41 1971E18 1N745 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 41 1971E18 1N212 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 87 42 1971 E18 1N743 NX318BHK 850392 1MRCEE01A 103 42 1971E18 1N757 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 16 43 1971E18 1N851 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 22 43 1971 E18 1N840 NX3188HK 850392 Page 1 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564532 "HOT LEG" DIWO 2564544 1MRCEE01A 16 45 1971E18 1N843 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 20 45 1971E18 1N852 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 63 46 1971 E18 I_1 P029 NX3188HK 850392 FORM NtS-2 OWNE.RS Rr.PORT FOR RErAIRS OR REPLAUCEMENTS P.ADftCpln4 A 07 R AC 4 n741c 4 K I713 IVI411 OORILf oramn., A. RftIad by aMPi.ofd tabeASPM Ct S.w1 XI Ml~lIN'....LU I of 4u 101 ILZIV __ 1.U _._ I_ '-4 _lOUuri. I.uo ._ _- -.

MRCEE01A 95 46 1971 E18 1N753 NX3188HK 850392 1. r*

I,, Ar*r~eSrbrs D:* 1.51' r2QJvsAOk tI!QZ1UAr I 1 I 1MRCEE01A 135 46 1971 E18 1N217 NX3171 HK 850392 it.* I 1MRCEE01A 10 47 1971 E18 1N842 NX3188HK 850392 W.~O.m.q 21Wq 1MRCEE01A 20 47 1971E18 1N850 NX3188HK 850392 I rt --. A~-P0 tm.-o.D.

JwK NWA 1MRCEE01A 90 47 1971E18 1N747 NX3188HK 850392 r"4..v W 1MRCEE01A 4 49 1971E18 1N857 NX3188HK 850392

. W s_ _ mI*.0-itl Mt-S 1MRCEE01A 14 49 1971E18 1N844 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 50 1971E18 1NO16 NX3171 HK 850392 (b) A.MMSMin.lo,..d t bI h l tMW 1MRCEE01A 139 50 1971E18 1N012 NX3171 HK 850392 s. nr ll t 1MRCEE01A 14 51 1971E18 1N841 NX3188HK 850392 N.. I NS I_ .M _

MbnrI 3.

R N.

I I ..U.h oillt I


I -


1MRCEE01A 54 51 1971E18 1P116 NX3188HK 850392 I I I _ I N--

1MRCEE01A 96 51 1971 E18 1N749 NX3188HK 850392 rr. 7 I S .n.- I!OA I 1515 I 1MRCEE01A 62 53 1 1971E18 1PI05 NX318BHK 850392 T 1Yf__ IN/AA . I It.'OI t 10 A - _ ._ _ . _ __ i 1 MRCEE01A 59 54 1971E18 IPil0 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 65 54 1971 El 8 1P117 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 75 54 1971E18 1P107 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 105 56 1971 E18 1N751 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 2 59 1971E18 1N700 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 59 1971E18 1M950 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 80 61 1971E18 1P109 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 46 63 1971E18 1P033 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 63 1971E18 1M952 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 37 64 1971E18 1P038 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 109 66 1971E18 1P024 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 127 66 1971E18 1P019 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 2 67 0307-1401 SCEWl0 J-9161-1 533616 IMRCEE01A 30 67 1971 E18 1P027 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 38 67 1971 E18 1P023 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 68 0307-1401 SCEW08 J-9161-1 533616 1MRCEE01A 3 68 1971E18 1N698 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 5 68 1971 E18 1N699 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 129 68 1971 E18 1M946 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 106 69 1971 E18 1P100 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 69 1971E18 1M954 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 142 69 1971E18 1M955 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 150 69 1971E18 1M937 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 70 0307-1401 SCEW07 J-9161 -1 533616 Page 2 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR IMRCEE01A DFWO 2564532 "HOT LEG" DIWO 2564544 1MRCEE01A 93 70 1971E18 1N017 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 16 71 1971E18 1P028 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 42 71 1971E18 1P036 NX3188HK 850392 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S RrORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACFfFNTS A. ReqSed by 0% PmAd1-8 of ft ASMECo. 3ftnim XI 1MRCEEOIA 148 71 1971E18 1M942 NX3171HK 850392

1. o: A=t =M A 1MRCEE01A 150 71 1971E18 1M949 NX3171HK 850392 r.! Box519" mjemn2 0b- I -

1MRCEE01A 67 72 1971E18 1P102 NX3188HK 850392 i rt. -jo i o k a g 00i I i I N. I 1MRCEE01A 133 72 1971E18 1M947 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 149 72 1971 E18 1M938 NX3171 HK 850392 1. W.. ?o.d. b0 AIu m P**W o dird Ty" *okl w MM 1MRCEE01A 65 74 1971 E18 1P118 NX3188HK 850392 A4 tfL&


1MRCEE01A 148 75 1971 E18 1M943 NX3171HK 850392 A. 4 0O I002Z Z kv edfd 1MRCEE01A 150 75 1971E18 1M940 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 90 77 1971 E18 1P103 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A I.. 96 77 1971EIB 1P115 NX3188HK 850392 rMId&~ . J O. igin~~l~tI~l 0 0 0 . k. I I ddedoW o ~r 1MRCEE01A 42. 79 1971E18 1P030 NX3188HK 850392 u-" _.S 14_ fd. v Y_ M_1 4A. 13 1MRCEE01A 149 80 1971 E18 1M945 NX3171 HK 850392 4V_

1MRCEE01A 129 82 1971 E18 1N206 NX3171 HK 850392 _ ." 0 R0i4.d IRA 'Y1 1MRCEE01A 131 82 . 1971 E18 1N200 NX3171HK 850392 rb.n.,. w, A .

IMRCEE01A 62 83 1971E18 1p1il NX3188HK 850392.

iMRCEEO1A 144 83 1971E18 1M948 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 103 84 1971 E18 1P099 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 84 1971E18 1N202 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 147 84 1971E18 1M951 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 85 1971E18 1N216 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 86 1971 E18 1M953 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 149 86 1971 E18 1M939 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 87 1971 E18 1P112 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 87 1971E18 1M944 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 148 87 1971E18 1N688 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 39 88 1971E18 1P035 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 121 88 1971E18 1N208 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 133 88 1971E18 1M941 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 88 1971E18 1M956 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 122 89 1971 E18 1N203 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 89 1971E18 1N210 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 74 91 1971 E18 1P104 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 84 91 1971E18 1P114 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 124 91 1971E18 1N198 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEEo1A 97 92 1971E18 1P106 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 40 93 1971E18 1P026 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 106 93 1971E18 IPlO1 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 150 93 1971E18 1N678 NX3171HK 850392 Page 3 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564532 "HOT LEG" DIWO 2564544 1MRCEEO1A 152 93 1971E18 1N687 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 127 94 1971E18 1N204 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 138 95 1971E18 1N205 NX3171HK 850392 FORM N1S-1OWNVER'S RrToRT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACMIENTS A. by . Pv-n ol oe ft ASMSCod.Sinfl Xi 1MRCEE01A 91 96 1971E18 1P113 NX3188HK 850392 n.fctl*Qm 1MRCEE01A 129 96 1971E18 1N201 NX3171 HK 850392 1, o- A,,.M PNWk  !.% gjmyLA 1MRCEE01A 157 96 0307-1601 40013388-122 NX3171 HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 88 97 1971E18 1P108 NX3188HK 850392 P. Q.Pm W.NZL.b W.&nOft9mb 21IiN,4 1MRCEEO1A 143 98 1971E18 1N209 NX31711HK 850392 3. W.* f br t. 7 F dC*p 0 ml 1MRCEE01A 99 100 1971 E18 1NO05 NX31711HK 850392 A.4.- WA N.

1MRCEE01A 125 100 1971E18 1N199 NX3171HK 850392

4. _ .1 1 1MRCEE01A 133 100 1971E18 1N211 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 139 100 1971E18 1N215 NX3171HK 850392 Ob) I"2YWDL5rmAdind 1.MRCEE01A _ 128 _ __

101 I __

1971E18_ _

1N214 NX3171 HK 850392 4. + .l _5 r 1MRCEE01A 51 102 1971E18 1P032 NX3188HK 850392 ". .(

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t .r P.

_ Il.d t -

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ON 1

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(7XII5~1 1MRCEE01A 61 102 1971E18 1P034 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 101 102 1971E18 1N004 NX3171HK 850392 501 M 17CM-1In2 3W2t7WtA 1h bld EI 1MRCEE01A 136 103 1971E18 1NO15 NX3171 HK 850392 Tlb.I'h WA44gb-
  • WA I I NO 1MRCEE01A 146 103 1971E18 1N693 NX3171IHK 850392 1MRCEE01A 154 103 1971E18 1N681 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 121 104 1971E18 1N007 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 149 104 1971E18 1N679 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 148 105 1971E18 1N682 NX31711HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 107 1971 E18 1N001 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 128 107 1971 E18 1N013 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 153 108 1971E18 1N685 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 32 109 1971E18 1N796 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 42 109 1971E18 1P021 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 131 110 1971 E18 1N781 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 76 111 1971E18 1M997 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 111 1971 E18 1N002 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 49 112 1971E18 1P025 NX318BHK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 125 112 1971E18 1N011 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 28 113 1971 E18 1N787 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 83 114 1971E18 1N003 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 95 114 1971E18 1M999 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 153 114 0307-1601 40013388-127 NX3171HK 733382.

1MRCEE01A 32 115 1971E18 1N778 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 115 1971E18 1N009 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 130 115 1971E18 1N008 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 146 115 1971 E18 1N788 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 152 115 1971 E18 1N703 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 4 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564532 "HOT LEG" DIWO 2564544 1MRCEE01A 154 115 0307-1601 40013388-123 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 25 116 1971E18 1N711 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 137 116 1971E18 tN792 NX3188HK 850392 FORM NtS42 OWNIR'S RtpoRnr FOR REPAIRS OR REtLACEMENTS A. Rtqubsd by O. P.A.W.o4lf"d Ad nbm C. S. XI 1MRCEE01A 52 119 1971 E18 1P037 NX3188HK 850392 I. O--Aa:0 r _ L=d)T~~ b.D IatItl4 1MRCEE01A 17 120 1971E18 1N712 NX3171 HK 850392 5'- I of 1MRCEE01A 46 121 1971 E18 1P022 NX3188HK 850392 I 11- Et3-u.a two I e 1MRCEE01A 96 121 1971E18 1N006 NX3171HK 850392 5- b Vi-o% wJ TWB Ad.-m c7429 W.%O5'd.vh~d. 22d-.l 1MRCEE01A 59 122 1971E18 1P031 NX3188HK 850392 I Wbr p.9N.-Wf.

1MRCEE01A 14 123 1971E18 1N704 NX3171HK 850392 T .c,,S.bLA 1MRCEE01A 64 127 1971E18 1P020 NX3188HK 850392 P:.9w99D 1!!A

<. K-rdaq^c1 1MRCEE01A 128 127 1971E18 1N795 NX3188HK 850392 f*.) W.C..W C..Afta1MMN5 M ml l tO _ Addd YACC_

1MRCEE01A 12 129 1971E18 1N717 NX3171HK 850392 (b) A99&.N.PW041. 45 IlMo U0ot ft.p. . R"M ly2~hk8X..A1Idh S. de'4 xN l~ ll:

1MRCEE01A 124 129 1971E18 1N791 NX3188HK 850392

^;- I i - I .  ; _- _I  ;;;_AA 1 MRUEE01A 128 129 1971 E18 1N780 NX318BHK 850392 N-.d M...of M.N..o Ndm O4,% . . 0n5Z A

40 M.d..I 4 S."4 M..4.Eo otON 04 So" o. C-d.

iMRCEEO1A 130 129 1971E18 lN784 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 146 129 1971E18 1N709 NX3171HK 850392

  • _01 tt 7(379t- 1209 MWMIA RM lM 1MRCEE01A 133 130 1971E18 1N793 NX3188HK 850392 r *-Wa9- *- NIA - NO m

1MRCEE01A 12 131 1971E18 1N714 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 8 133 1971E18 1N713 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 137 134 1971E18 1N786 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEOIA 42 135 1971E18 11065 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01A 140 135 1971E18 1N705 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 84 137 1971 E18 1N797 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 112 137 1971E18 1N790 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 136 137 1971E18 1N716 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 71 138 1971E18 1N785 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 135 138 1971 E18 1N710 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 76 139 1971 E18 1N782 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 106 139 1971E18 1N783 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 93 140 1971E18 1N779 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 1 142 0307-1601 40013388-126 NX3171HK 733382 1MRCEE01A 25 142 1971 E18 1N706 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 111 142 1971 E18 1N794 NX3188HK 850392 IMRCEE01A 14 143 1971E18 1N707 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 105 144 1971E18 1N789 NX3188HK 850392 1MRCEEO1A 48 145 1971E18 11062 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01A 39 146 1971E18 11066 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01A 93 148 1971E18 1N715 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 65 150 1971E18 1N701 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 65 154 1971E18 1N708 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 96 157 1971E18 1N702 NX3171 HK 850392 Page 5 of 6

STEAM GENERATOR 1MRCEE01A DFWO 2564532 "HOT LEG" DIWO 2564544 1MRCEE01A. 33 158 1971E18 1N680 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 14 159 1971E18 1N686 NX3171HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 39 162 1971E18 1N689 NX3171HK 850392 FORMSN15-2 OWNRR'S R1PORT 1 FOR RErAIRS OR REPIACFI.fENTs A. Rtqisi by 13W925 0W ,ltM AS).!ECS& SWIO XI 1MRCEE01A 44 165 1971 E18 1N684 NX3171 HK 850392

1. 0.-. ALL Dt. latft 1MRCEE01A 56 165 1971 E18 1N683 NX3171 HK 850392 1MRCEE01A 102 167 1971E18 11063 NX2227HK 856414 P.. U. DM 1MRCEE01A 23 168 1971E18 1N696 NX3171 HK 850392 !2L~)3jY1~Oe-9. MWA1S Wt 0 t_ A 1MRCEE01A 80 169 1971E18 11068 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01A 14 171 1971E18 1N691 NX3171HK 850392 X, tztoiwrrmvt FIA 1MRCEE01A 31 174 1971E18 1N690 NX3171 HK 850392
4. IA d dSy hnS("&

1MRCEE01A 40 179 1971 E18 11067 NX2227HK 856414 I)AppAI.C..* C .A221)'i $WA!I34Z.L nnijihwJYo0fliAUJ)I.AC4.&0 1MRCEE01A 32 181 1971E18 11060 NX2227HK 856414 A) A^p~Ob~. dAXJS b 0 M11di*J114AUd, 1MRCEE01A 43 182 1971E18 11097 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEEO1A 11 186 1971E18 11096 NX2227HK 856414 tlt 22W W .dI Int ftt W 1MRCEEO1A 13 186 1971E18 11061 NX2227HK 856414 _-

C. 7 _M riv UM AMiM _ (Y__

1MRCEE01A 39 186 1971E18 11098 NX2227HK 856414 1MRCEE01A 12 187 1971 El8 11095 NX2227HK 856414 nbren_ I-i"_ 1. IWA I., I Ia- s- I W

- - - - -- - - - . - - - . - -- - - I . -- -- - - -- -- - . - -- -

1MRCEE01A 11 88 1971E18 11064 NX2227HK 856414 Page 6 of 6


1. ComponentID 1PSIAL510 2. Cod--Class ASMESec: ion III Class I
3. Item


Inlet Pipinn to IJSIAPSV754

4. N-5 Data Package Number: N/A 5. W.O. Number: 2566554
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replace Iniet Piping to IJSIAPSV754 per WO 2566554

9. El ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Piping modified to reduce pipe stress at the inlet of the PSV. No failure of the ASME code boundry.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. II Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES .1" NO Initial .2/A- Date. wI A If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES ED NO Initial I'A Date 5' / AIf required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

( Da * /17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial/M Date 'I f /r.8t/ ccomponent.

InitiayA___ InitaH Date Dte z / r/bZ l/6> replacement step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or

18. Include aitems.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MIR/POI'O No.

3/4" Pipe APN 43510518 . 437 Y72 MR 698404 3/4" Reducing Coupling APN 43561403 MT_____11 6,983L54 1/2" Flange, SORF APN 43581508 _3o__X_ ___ PI ( (Q7

19. Planners a /' PrintedName: 6 C/a.

Signature Dae

20. ISI 7 /' Printed Name: 'P.4-N D 2ZAP Signature 2 Date
21. ANII A "Ae-e Date Printed Name: K z. s Signatur~\

PV-.BN3 V".7 I3P'Z1

FORIM INIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLA CEMENTS As Requtired. by the Provisions of.L the ASECode Section X-1

1. owner: Arizona Public Service Company: et. al. Date: 11/08/2002 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generatina Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work, Order Number 2566554
3. )York Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: SI. (Safety Iniection) ASME Section II Class 1
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, _Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identirication Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _N O )

3/4" Pipe N/A N/A N/A IPSIAL510 2002 Replacement NO 3/4" Reducing N/A N/A N/A IPSIAL510 2002 Replacement NO Coupling 1/2" Flange N/A N/A N/A IPSIAL510 2002 Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: Replace inlet piping and Flange to IJSIAPSV754.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 N-416-1 El Other E] Pressure psi Test Temperature 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 l/2 X I11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FF 0R NTTS-2 (Back)I

9. Remarks: Repiace Pioinz and Inlet Flanoe to IJSIAPSV754. Reference EDC#4 2002-00481. Work Order 2566554.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: g 7 CFe, fIMZVe Date: //-//- 0 I Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by IISB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of "t- %- e2 to '-tv-o2 .and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" 'T' AZ264 National Boanl, State, Province, and Endorsements ectors Signature Date: tit-at I,-

73DP-9ZZ17 Ver. 77 Back PV-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17

i Am ;p.P.tŽ4 X;. - X / .rrrin ir, .r

  • C1 ___e _u__
1. Component ID iMDGBE04 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 3
3. Item


Diesel Lube Oil Cooler

4. N-5 Data Package Number: Not Available 5. W.O. Number: 2577145
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Weld build up of corroded area on the Lube Oil cooler cooling water plenum

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

104 Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Weld build up required due to through wall leak due to corrosion caused by failure of coatings. repair area to be coated with Belzona which has been proven to protect the surfaces of the coolers.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Pieserv e spection Required: El YES E NO Initial h Date 01/08/2003 If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 3 YES a NO Initial Ap Date 01/08/2003 If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial Date 01/08/2003 component.
18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial >I Date 01/08/2003 replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MIRIPO/WO No.

Channel Assembly 4-321-19-815-008 9-20016-02-4

19. Planneer _ I/1/c, o Printed Nam eiAii7 /:

Symture Date

20. ISI 1//a°3 Printed Name: Fi? Hi)

S nature 'D/ate 21.

Signatare ,4 P Z2 A

73S i _q..3 9 Z- :1 7 Date PrintedName: ~ ,'s rv4S00s3 Vet 7 73DP.9ZZ17

=~R NS2OWE' P'CRPARSORELA MNT As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Coimpany, et. al. Date: 01/08/2003 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1.

5801 South Wintersburn Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2577145

3. aWork Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Diesel Generator (DG)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section m ND. Class 3 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O)

DG Lube Oil Cooler America-Standard 9-20016-02-4 IMDGBE04 Repaired YES

7. Description of Work: Weld repair of leaking area on Channel Assembly
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt E1 N-416-1 Z 0F Other El Pressure V2- psi TestTemperature *2Z.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

. --.. . . . . . '. . . . ft.A-FORIMi NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: W.O. 2577145 is to repair leaking Channel Head Assembly and recoat with Belzona.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: NIA Signed: - __ Date: Alz/D  %

Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of J ,.3 R , 2co.

to J ', 2.2 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

4 Commissions: NB 9685 "N"aI"AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date:_______

73DP-9ZZ17 PV-E0092 Ver. Ver. 7 Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IPSGEL011 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2
3. Item Description Pipe Spool
4. N-5 Package Number ISG02-1 5. W.O. Number 2581743
6. Original Construction Code Edition 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work Description Ieplhnernet nf Pipe. cponl fine tn nlow Arrelefrntet- PFrnqion (oi-riviion nT)TTM 9O5R 174? TM-174
9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection Report Number
10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IAW-4150.

Re-plncnetme-nt nf PFrnded pping with Mtnin1ec Rte-e.1 sc nTh'evihe~r in T)MM 95R1749 FTC# ?Af)-ffl1 14 There.

wng ,n fniqlilrf nf the C'odle Pressure RBnindr3

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization, APS
12. Replacement Item Construction or reconciled Code/Edition Sec.fl C12/74 Edition 75 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition SecMl CI.2/74 Edition '75 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required. [El YES E NO r 9/zhv0/2.o> If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection.

Initial Date

16. ASME Section Xl Pressure Test Required Ed YES E NO TV__ __/____ Spa If required, Include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Date

&yr$ B , 17. Include a step In the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

Initial D te k5 Wo!A.3.18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date replacement items. a \A ITEM I.D. PART NO. SERIAL NO HEAT NO. MRIROS NO.

8" Pipe APN 00061187 -O 3:50 YO MR#753958 8" Elbow 9O Deg. APN 00067691 _-_- M1914 I M# 753958 8" Elbow 45 Deg. APN 00075952 _-I ._ _ ______ MR# 753958 to iIp~jE AidNOOOUI l . 5 D_ 3£ V^ :a- A? ovo(o73I . C ' S ,! if I 76'f7t7

19. Planner 0AA19-4m.. Print Name Karl V. Savage signature Date

.0. ISI Engineer q/ ql/3 Print Name Rarnakant P. Indap Signature \ Daie

21. ANII 7 90%: /00 ° Reviewed Previous Data: * /1/4 Examiner Level Signature Date Reviewer Signature Date

_YT / r0- *A;/o fl/A Examiner Level Signature Date Site Review Signature Date Othe F. 1794=Fx 46 wo3 Olher Level Signature Date ANII Review ign t 'Date r! yX:C_ C-22,07


1. Component ID lMRCEX01 2.. Item


Reactor Vessel

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC01-4 4. W.O. Number: 2609564
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replacement of RV stud as part of routine maintenance.

8. E ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of the ASME III pressure boundry. Stud is being replaced as part of routine maintenance. J)K ccau v(w7 resease~~~/ <mx4-Z s/Sa

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1971 Edition 1973 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: Z YES [E NO Init ial Date 4;// i Ar If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES 0 NO Initiarl- Date q// A/° If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial /

Date at


//5/ A

/s 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasin. g the comnonent.

Initih Init ~

.Date Dat 4v 1 9 /


17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item IDI Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POIWONo.

Reactor Vessel Stud APN 43160052 42 M-7821-4 MR 853874

18. PlanA1g l&

Signature 1 S  ;

Dat Printed Name: Barbara Vidal

19. IS] 4er//f/ Printed Name: O 4NLZ7At Signature Date
20. ANII sig44;i e-t1-0 Printed Name: 2&. 4Sr h l SidiJr Date P-VEtO9 Va. 7 73DPSZZ17 RevI

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 4119/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersbur2 Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609564
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I Y Y I . I Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

RVStud CE 42 N/A NIA 2004 Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: Stud is being replaced as a precautionarM measure for ease of installation.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic a3 Nominal Operating Pressure a Exempt 0 N-416-1 0F Other El Pressure - psi Test Temperature NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 /2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items I thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

[ FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2609564. No failure of the ASME mH pressure boundrv. Stud is being replaced as a precautionary measure for ease of installation.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed gW+7A&i-5, 1E NtZ Date:/o CR or uxne uwner or I -we --es gnee -WzeeI uwners Designee,I t I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ ______

to __ __0_ _ , and state that to the best of my knowledge 'and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

.'Aem41-- Commissions: NB 9685 '"N "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements nspectors Signature Date-,


73DP-9Z217 RevS Ver. 7 Back rV-E0092 Ver.

rV-E0092 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID 1JRCEPSVO200 2.. Item


Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 4. W.O. Number: 2609574
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace the Pressurizer safety relief valve with a reconditioned spare.

8. 0 IS Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME HII pressure boundary. Valve is being rotated to support vendor testing. Replacement valve is SN BS-08614.

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec.M Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Summer Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: a YES 0 NO Initial /L / Date Cf/I /0 t/ If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure est Required: 0 YES El NO Initial J I/ Date / lo9C If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANU Inspection.

Initial D te 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Inital Date

............ f ' component.

/i/ D te , / 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date /replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lMR/PO/WO No.

1JRCEPSVO200 N/A BS-08614 N/A

18. Planner G 7/ t Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Date
19. ISI 5R Signature Date Printed Name: i Pi'i @;tt
20. ANIIJ- 6'C ' r ' Printed Name: a 6- (

Signatve Date PV.EVS9 V=r. 7 73DP4=17 K"S

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/01/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609574
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda,_ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N O )

PSV Dresser BS-08614 N/A IJRCEPSVO200 1978 Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Valve being replaced as part of routine maintenance.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic ED Pneumatic [l Nominal Operating Pre ssure I Exempt El N-416-1 E Other [D Pressure psi Test Temperature 0F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 V2 X 11 I inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.


FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Remarks: WO# 2609574. PSV being replaced as part of routine maintenance. SN BS-08614.


e. q1/3DC/fy

-ft Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: NIA Signed: Date: 5 /7/° (

Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of A-'-'

to 5 k , and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XL By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

'5A tr Commissions: NB 9685 'IN" T' AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements kilispectors Signature Date: S-7-oA U-73DP-9Z217 Rev 8 ver. 77 Back r'V.E0092 Ver.

eV-E0092 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rcv 8


1. Component ID IJRCEPSVO201 2.. Item


Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 4. W.O. Number: 2609575
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace the Pressurizer safety relief valve with a reconditioned spare.

8.E] ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME III pressure boundary. Valve is being rotated to support vendor testing. Replacement valve is SN BS-08565.

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec.1T1 Cl I. 1974 Edition 1975 Summer Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: E YES O NO Initial LIlo. Dae Date / If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES [a NO Initial L [ Date (/I/ rLo If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial L Date


/l /a 7 /,/ /.

16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date__________ replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MRIPO/WO No.


18. an. ~ l_~ ~ L

. 18. PlanneAO A 'ri ,t / Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Dt

19. ISI Signature f4/ I Date Printed Name: F P.
20. ANII "4 Sig"a#

. t ° Date Printed Name: R . '4 ,CRor

-j - I 73DP %,G9717 VWtI

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/01/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609575
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB, Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO )

PSV Dresser BS-08565 NIA IJRCEPSVO201 1978 Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Valve being replaced as part of routine maintenance.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic 5 Nominal Operating Pressure s Exempt 5 N-416-1 0 Other E] Pressure _ psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2609575. PSV being replaced as part of routine maintenance. SN BS-08565.

-~ 7~A94 Y/ 3FL7, ft - - - - -

Certificate or Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 6 . -

-~51 '1- Ie Date: S/1/I Owner or Owner's Designe, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _ _ _ _

to G on , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owners reporL Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "NIIT' AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements

\ Inspectors Signature Date: S--I°K(


73DP-9Z217 Rev 8

?V-E0092 Ver. 77 Back tV.E0092 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID IJRCEPSVO202 2.. Item


Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 4. W.O. Number: 2609576
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace the Pressurizer safety relief valve with a reconditioned spare.

8. E1 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. &valuation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME III pressure boundary. Valve is being rotated to support vendor testing. Replacement valve is SN BS-08616.

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec.1II Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Summer Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. HII Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: [ YES 0 NO Initial /t I Date ' /!/° cf If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES 5 NO Initial /M/ Date If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANI Inspection.

Initial k A/

Date I

/ /


/o 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the L/ component I Initial Date i /


I/ ID,D ( yr 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.


18. Planner n n r S I/OF Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Date
19. ISI d?4 t& Printed Name: I £ I Signature l/Date
20. ANII aq1 0'{ Printed Name: &.lSr ROK Signatuld Date rv~wfl Va.v F-v.%~ffl Ie, 13UP.9ZJU7 Rv3a

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/01/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609576
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section In NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or


PSV Dresser BS-08616 N/A 1JRCEPSVO202 1978 Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Valve being replaced as part of routine maintenance.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic aCl Nominal Operating Pressure 3 Exempt N-416-1 a Other 5 Pressure _ psi Test Temperature _ F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 'A X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

I. Remarks: WO# 2609576. PSV being replaced as part of routine maintenance. SN BS-08616.

-~-!-p KCAQW,6..

141S,10 1-7%

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: _/ N/A Signed: Si gn e:Date: ;5/71-oY Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of __-_______Om to _______, and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section X.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 ""' IT'AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements ipectors Signature Date:


73DP-9Z217 Rev S

- -E0092

- J-E0092 Ver. Bark Va. 7 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rey 8


1. Component ID IJRCEPSVO203 2.. Item


Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 4. W.O. Number: 2609577
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace the Pressurizer safety relief valve with a reconditioned spare.

8. E0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME m pressure boundary. Valve is being rotated to support vendor testing. Replacement valve is SN

  • BS-08567.
10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec.TII Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Summer Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: 5 YES 0 NO Initial LII/ Date _Y /, ID Y If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: ED YES El NO Initial /31/ Date q/, A y If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.
16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial a Date 4 /A / component.

Initial .Date Inital D / It,d/

17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. l MRPO1WO No.


18. Planne'r4d Ll/ f T// /OPrinied Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Date
19. ISI1 Sig ature 4-//1;V4f Date Printed Name: )>- At TrzAt
20. ANH_ Printed Name: R4. do6STob L.Signalde Date 73DP.91E17 RovI

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required b' the Provisions of the ASME bode Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/01/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609577
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section m NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components

' Name of Nameof Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ _ _N O)

PSV Dresser BS-08567 NIA IJRCEPSV2O3 1978o Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Valve being replaced as part of routine maintenance.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [Z Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure 3 Exempt El N-416-1 Other D Pressure psi TestTemperature _ F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 X 11 '/2 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this foirn.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

). Remarks: WO# 2609577. PSV being replaced as part of routine maintenance. SN BS-08567.


& Y r\& y 2J Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 0 O-#-ce Z1r Date: SL7zL5 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by.HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ __ ___

to - S-o 5 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 'N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Provincc, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: s-n_

Back 73DP-917 Rev S

  • PV-E0092 Ver. 77 Back PV-E0092 Ver. 73DP-9ZZ17 Rcv8

X .

1. Component ID IMDGAE05 2. Code Class ASME Secton III Class 3
3. Item



4. N-5 Data Package Number: I DG02-8 5. W.O. Number: 2609600
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work



9. Q ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:



11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. IITCl 3. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addend
15. Preservice Inspection Required: -E -YESS 1 9,, NO Initial < Date 9(-(7-0 Y If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES 0 NO Initial < Date e(-/7o ( If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Date 917- °It 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the J~t.L~--.component.

Initial £ Initia Date r ?


</ 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR[POIWO No.

IMDGAE05 REV COVER 4-500-19-515-001 9-20016-01-1 .

IMDGAE05 INLET 4-305-19-215-018 9-20016-01-1 SPO OL._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IMDGAE05 REV. SPOOL 4-321-19-815-007 9-20016-01-1 IMDGI E5 INLET 4-500-19-515-001 9-20016-01-1 COVER__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

19. Planner 6 4

./,Aiy - Printed Name: Martin J. Sullivan

- Signature Date

0. ISI - L2/

4L/ d7'.* PrintcdName: /'?,L- Z c9/,J L I-"Signature Date

21. ANII g -Q Printed Name: (Z.6.

Signthre Date .

rV-tOW3 Vas.I 7Jur-." u

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 04/17/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609600
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: IMDGAE05 12.195#
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section 111iX.5Class 3 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I Y .v-y T I Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

DG "A"jacket American 9-20016-01-1 31978 IMDGAE05 1978 Repaired YES water cooler Standard

7. Description of Work: Weld build up of corroded wall of the cooler, and covers.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure ' Exempt El N-416-1 El Other E Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is:uumbered' and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form. .:
VI FORM NIS-2 (Back)

.. Remarks: WELD REPAIR OF BASE METAL W.O. # 2609600 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: A m i , &USE , w/! Date: !4/?V/zeS Owner or Owner's Designee, Title e CERTIFICATE OF 1NSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of ________

to ___-___ - __ __ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By sign-ing this cerfificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

J .7, Commissions
NB 9685 'IN""I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: "4- n7-ofl 73DP-9ZZ17 PV.F.0092 Ver. 7 Back PV-E0092 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID I MDGBE05 2. Code Class ASME Secton III Class 3
3. Item



4. N-S Data Package Number: IDG02-8 5. W.O. Number: 2609601
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition:* 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work



9. a ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA -4150:



11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. IIH Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. IH Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: -N 'YFS NO'RA-" 90 L D Dnitia ate Of &SoY If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES El NO Initial z Date 4 If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial /gh

'.41/zZ Date Arn.,Ad 7

17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component fly/ > ~ 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial ,L. Date /v replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MIR/PO/WO No.

IMDGBE05 REV. COVER 4-500-19-215-001 9-20016-01-3 IMDGBE05 INLET 4-500-19-515-001 9-20016-01-3 COVER IMDGBE05 REV SPOOL 4-321-19-815-007 9-20016-01-3

19. Planner g Printed Name: Martin J. Sullivan to re Datc
20. ISI 4 X aPrinted Name: /_Z Z-Signature Date 219. ANII a ,

x o PrintedVNa.e: 73D

.intt)Dt PV.EWY93V.. 7 73DP-VZ 17

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/08/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609601
3. work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: IMDGBE05 /ZIP-Ov.
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III< Class 3 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Y Y. I I -

Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

DG "B" J.W. American 9-01-0-14-~

9-20016-01-3 " MDGBE05 Repaire paired cooler Standard

7. Description of Work: Weld build up of corroded wall of the cooler, and covers.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure* 0 Exempt E N-416-1 El Other E Pressure psi Test Temperature 0F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 /2 X I inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.n,

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

). Remarks: WELD REPAIR OF BASE METAL W.O. # 2609601 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. _ N/A_ Expiration Date: N/

N/A Signed: i44 . .,,

12,1- . . . Q fplz A_ l_ v s

  • He ed _ - of. ,

Date: Y-Aglow Owner or Owwncs'gn ee7 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of 4-t-ao4 to I-%--oA , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsernents

\ Inspectors Signature

'(_ -ot4A Date:

a-73DP-9ZZ17 PV-E0092 Ver. 77 Back PV-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17

ASME SECTION XI- REPAIR / REPLACEMENT Page l of I I 1. Component ID IMDGAE04 2. Code Class ASME Seci :on III Class 3

3. Item



4. N-5 Data Package Number: IDG02-8 5. W.O. Number: 2609604
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work



9. l ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:



11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. PreserviceInspection Required: YES NO Initial Date £f /7 ° If required, includestep in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: ED YES [] NO

-initial4.. . Date r 7 0 y( If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

InitialDate C,

, 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial Datcomponent.

18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Ad 1o .. Date _______'a___ replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POIWO No.

IMDGAE04 REV COVER 4-500-19-515-002 9:20016-02-1 IMDGAE04 INLET 4-305-19-215-019 9-20016-02-1 SPOOL.

IMDGAE04 REV. SPOOL 4-321-19-815-008 9-20016-02-1 IMDGAE04 INLET 4-500-19-215-001 9-20016-02-1 COVER

19. Planner PrintedName: Martin J. Sullivan Signatutf Date

. ISI ?Z $ Y-/)1 PrintedName: /2L? ,', Ge _W A

£"Signa yre Dat=

21. ANII .qid -O'( Printed Name:  ?.6. 4jWRoa Signtrc Date L..J rv-timi rvtIIL U. 7..

Vet _ . .. _

13DP Y177

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 04/17/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7 '529 Work Order Number 2609604
3. Wrk Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: IMDGAE04 V6-k
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III VKI1CIlass 3 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, N/A Code Case


(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

DG "A"L.O. American 9-200164f- 31980 IMDGAE04 1978 Repaired YES cooler Standard

7. Description of Work: Weld build up of corroded wall of the cooler, and covers.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic al Nominal Operating Pressure ' Exempt El N416-1 E]

Other E Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 V/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

... Remarks: WELD REPAIR OF BASE METAL W.O. # 2609604 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: r-Owner or Owner's Designee, Title i-t~ee Date: '/z7/csf CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _ _ __ _

to e-a' -on . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspec tors Signature Date: ei-zero-3-


v. 77 Back PV-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IMDGBE04 2. Code Class ASME Secton III Class 3
3. Item



4. N-5 Data Package Number: I DG02-8 5. W.O. Number: 2609605
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work



9. 5 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:



11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservi pe/nspection Required: --E-YES ,XNO Initiall Date 'f 'k If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: s YES 5 NO Initial Date 'Y °o C/ If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Date Date

,9q y' 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component Initial Date 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Intal - Dt_____ replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/P0/W0 No.

IMDGBE04 REV. COVER 4-500-19-215-001 9-20016-02-4

19. Planner  ; Printed Name: Martin J. Sullivan wj~1 ~urc ) Date
20. ISI (,K /t/ Printed Name: i2 L - /Ag Signature z1. ANII_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Printed Name: f SL. r Signatur . Date rv. DY aVe. .tI 7_3dP4__.ZI_

PV-Lr73 73DP SZZ17

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/08/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609605
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: IMDGBE04 yr oygH
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section 11 . Class 3 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b). Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I Y Y Y Y I Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or f NO)

DG "B"lube oil American 9-20016-024 4_7 Repaired YES

IMDGBE04 cooler Standard 3MD BEO R pie
7. Description of Work: Weld build up of corroded base metal of the cooler reversing cover.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 5 Pneumatic 5] NominalOperatingPressure § Exempt E3 N416-1 El Other E] Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 V/2X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

,'. Remarks: WELD REPAIR OF BASE METAL ON THE REVERSING COVER W.O. # 2609605 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. , N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: jIL 12 --22 M ,,U IlAt/ /4/ 4iJ1, Date:

Owner or Owner's Vesignec, tite CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _-__-_ _

to _ _-t__-__ _ ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section M.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements "spectors Signature Date:

w -

73DP-9ZZ17 Ver. 7 Back PV-E0092 Ver. 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IJSGEPSVO574 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2
3. Item


Main Stean Safety Valve: Dresser 6" 3707RAX-RT-25: 1315 psiz

4. N-5 Data Package Number: ISG01-6 5. W.O. Number: 2609622
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replacement of main steam safety valve with reconditioned and tested spare.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a failure in the ASME III pressure boundary. Spare valve is a like-for-like replacement and is being replaced based upon pressure testing.

11. ,Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES S NO Initial .. Date ________ If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 3 YES 0 NO Initial .. .. Date 3 -. 2PiX If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial L6 J. Date - P Y component.
18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial .. . Date X Jo? P replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MRIPO/NIO No.

IJSGEPSVO574 APN 45003638 BT-01680 N/A MR 7P53

19. Planner Q ,'dJt2Y Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. f Signature 3SI Date Printed Name: R 'P IW7o7Ap
21. ANII 14 ' Printed Name: ______________

Signa(ire* Date

?V.tEN3 V=, 7 7juP qazzl


1. Component ID IJSGEPSV0561 2. Code Class ASME Section I1 Class 2
3. Item


Main Stean Safety Valve: Dresser 6" 3707RAX-RT-25: 1250 osig

4. N-5 Data Package Number: ISG02-6 5. W.O. Number: 2609622
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replacement of main steam safety valve with reconditioned and tested spare.

9.0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

F Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of TWA - 4150:

Not a failure in the ASME III pressure boundary. Spare valve is a like-for-like replacement and is beinc replaced based upon thermography testing.

11. -Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. ITT Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: a YES s NO Initial H Date ./- .. 2. If required. include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: Z YES M NO Initial Date J- /- 9 If required, include a step in the WV.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Intal_ z ~Date D17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial $ft .Date 4-) -C>/ replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lMR1;V'POJW/NO No.

IJSGEPSVO561 APN 45003640 BS-08620 NIA iR i 53 9')

19. Planner 4.4 f9St alf Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI Z7//I/O'f Printed Name: A4 t Signature Date
21. ANII *A-°0 i4 A4 Printed Name:  ? *-

Signalie Date PV EL )3 V. 7


I. ComponentID IJSGEPSVO691 2. Code Class ASMESectionlllClass2

3. Item


MainSteanSafetyValve:Dresser 6" 3707RAX-RT-2-5: 1315psitz 4.N-SDataPackageNumber: ISG01-6 5. W.O.Number: 2609622

6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replacement of main steam safety valve with reconditioned and tested spare.

9. a ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a failure in the ASME III pressure boundary. Spare valve is a like-for-like replacement and is being replaced based upon thermographv testing.

11.. Repair/Replacement Ivork Organization: Arizona Public Service

12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. liI Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. IlIl Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 \\'inter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES 3 NO Initial .& .. Date f-}y- b If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: Z YES LI NO Initial , Date 9-J 1

. If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial ~ Date -a, 17. Include a step in the WV.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Iniia component.

Initial IZ; Date LI.NV 18r Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lIRJPOIWO No.

IJSGEPSVO691 APN 45003638 BS-OS583 N/A MR 8

19. Planner H t o -

51'lL zc Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date

20. ISI D Zt C ' Y//Y/iOY Printed Name: H

/4Z%. e'd Signature Date

21. ANII- tSignatur41 Date PrintedName: RG 4 o6SC-'1

. ...- .. E V.r.

. ..PV-Ut)9 V. 7 . . . .L 13)DP9Z;Ce I


1. Component ID IJSGEPSVO573 2. Code Class ASMF Section 111 Class 2 3.- Item


Main Stean Safety Valve: Dresser 6" 3707RAX-RT-25: 1290 psig

4. N-5 Data Package Number: ISG01-6 5. W.O. Number: 2609622
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. WVork


Replacement of main steam safety valve with reconditioned and tested spare.

9. a ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

I Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a failure in the ASME III pressure boundary. Spare valve is a like-for-like replacement and is being replaced based upon thermography testing.

11.. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service

12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2, 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: [E YES 0 NO Initial 7 Date d. /9Y-C'V If required, include a step in the WV.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: ER YES E NO Initial Z Date Q-JYiJ If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial ,D Date i -) 9 -aY 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial , Date A. 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or i Vreplacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MIR/PO/WNO No.

IJSGEPSVO573 APN 45003639 BT-01683 N/A MR* 5 3 9 90

19. Planner :Y-6./ Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. IS! .. eei- ^47t ~ '//Y"0' Printed Name: 414&to 4oc/

Signature Date

21. ANI H 4 'a Printed Name: '

Signage Date.


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 04/14/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2609622 P
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: SG - Main Steam
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Codc Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO )

Safety Valve Dresser BT-01680 n/a IJSGEPSV574 1979 Replacement YES Safety Valve Dresser BS-08620 n/a IJSGEPSV561 1981 Replacement YES Safety Valve Dresser BS-08583 n/a IJSGE}'SV691 1978 Repla'cement YES Safety Valve Dresser BT-01683 n/a IJSGEPSV573 1979 Replacement YES

1. .L __________ I I _____ .L _________ L
7. Description of Work: Replace four (4) Main Steam Safety Valves with reconditioned & tested spares.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure 3 Exempt a N-416-1 0 Other f Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (I) size is S 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items I thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet. and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2609622 will be used to replaced four (4) main steam safety valves IJSGEPSVO574. 561. 691 & 573.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Go d Date: 5L7/L7 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSIS CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of `A-t-oc to _ S_-_-

____ _, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied.

concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: -S-7-o-k 73DP-9ZZI 7 PV-E0092 Vcr. 7 Back PV.E0092 Vet. Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IJRCEPVOIOOF 2.. Item


Pressurizer Sprav Control Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRCOI-19 4. W.O. Number: 2615478
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
6. Original Installation CodeEdition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


8. E] ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9..Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME III pressure boundry. The stem needs to be replaced. Replacing the plug/stem assembly is an ALARA effort.

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service B ,
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975-Wint~enda 5 7,6
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. IlII Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES 0 NO Initial v Date/,ZAL/3/.%3 If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: Ea YES 0 NO If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial -6 / Date /;L/3/03

16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial 16 / Date / /3/3 component.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial it . Date Dat I replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POIWO No.

Plug/stem assy AORV- I 1 ?a 7Z20L /4q85 o

18. Plan9n1 - V/1 3 3Printed Name: Barbara Vidal Signature Date
19. ISI Signature .

P PEA 1k/3 /t'3 Date Printed Name: R

20. ANII <G Sig 42-a-03 u Date Printed Name: 4 4 X z F-3 -. I -7JLDP-YZZ17 Pi

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 12/03/2003 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2615478
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A*

Expiration Date NIA

4. Identification of System: RC - Reactor Coolant System
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section lII NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, - Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components.

Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board Identification Built Replacement Code No. Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N O )

Plug/stem assy Fisher AC8402-1 N/A 11RCEPV0100F 2003 Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Replace plug/stem assembly
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic Ea Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 N-416-1 El Other E Pressure _ psi TestTemperature _ IF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2/X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the'number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2615478 No failure of ASME III pressure boundry. The stem needs to be replaced. Replacing the plus/stem assembly is an ALARA effort.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: EEk , CctFk\t 9 rvCe- Date: 5 3/ ef 4 J Owner or Owner's Designee, Title 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _-__-__

to . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Vlaspectors Signature Date: S-A( .ok U-Back Ver. 77 Back PV.E0092 Ver. 73DP-97Z17 Rev 8 PV-E0092 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID 1PRCEV240 2.. Item


RCE-PV100E Inlet Isolation Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC01-1 4. W.O. Number: 2626507
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace Bonnet Retainer as part of maintenance.

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9 Evaluiation of the suitabilitv of this work a ier the renuirements of rWA -4150:

No failure of ASME IET pressure boundry. The bonnet retainer needs to be replacedas tK 4 c

_F +(6 10 Y

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service .
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III C1 1 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES 0 NO Initial / Date s.h/ k )/2 7 If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Insp,ection
15. ASME Sectiyn XI Pressure Test Required: 0 YES a NO Initial / Date I// Y' If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial IDat '/zID DateJ1L... < 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to r component.

eleasing the

17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date i6/LfdP-~* replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MRIPO/WO No.

Bonnet Retainer APN 45151392 b/f 3 ___________

1 S/Printed Name: Barbara Vidal

18. Planner Signt~UrC at
19. ISI ____ _/__/___1____ Printed Name: '<  ?'

Signature Date

20. ANII < -'fC-tL.-O

° -6 Printed Name: -

Signakk Date avow -e I -JWeS

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 4/16/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2626507
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O)

Bonnet Retainer Borg Warner X T N 0.34Ft 4 N/A IPRCEV240 2004 Replacement NO I

7. Description of Work: Replacement of bonnet retainer as part of maintenance.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El N-416-1 0 Other a Pressure psi Test Temperature TF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.


[ FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2626507. Replacement of bonnet retainer as part of routine maintenance.


Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Date: _5/7_ _ _

Owner or Owner's Designem Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of __'_-_k__ _

to ____-_-_ _ _ _ , and state that to the best of my knowledge- and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.



-, Commissions: NB 9685 "Ny "I"AZ264 National Board. State, Province. and Endorsements Inspectors Signature TDate £S-1-oq U. -

73DP-917 Rev 8 Ver. 7 Back

  • /-E0092

, /-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID 1MCHAX07 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2
3. Item


Charging nump pulsation dampner 4.N-5DataPackageNumber: ICH04-1 5. W.O. Number: 2656261

6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1977 Edition, Winter 1977 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Weld build-up of scratches or prooves in the bore of the flange block caused during previous disassembly.

9.0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number.

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a failure of the code pressure boundary.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1977 Edition. 1977 Winter Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition, 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: 5 YES 0 NO Initial ^ Date .A7-120L. If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: a YES 0D NO Initial . L . Date /b If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Date 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial acomponent.


InitialDate 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MRIPO/WO No.


19. Planner /;./O -2b3 Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI CELL_ -&r 1/11/03 Printed Name: A s J Signature Date
21. ANII i i4 .

Sigl~ture a2-ag-o3 Date Printed Name: Z4c~ r 6c.

"V.EaN Vet I 73DP 9ZZI7

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. 12/10/2003 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: 1 of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2656261
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: CH: Charging and volumn control system
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section In NC. Class 2 1977 Edition, Winter 1977 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

__ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO )

Flange Block Greer Hydraulics 6125 N/A IMCHAX07 1980 Repaired YES

7. Description of Work: Weld build-up of scratches or grooves in the bore of the flanpe block caused during previous disassembly.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 5 Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure a Exempt Z N-416-1 0 Other 5 Pressure psi Test Temperature OF I NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 12 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2656261 for pulsation dampener. Weld repair to sciatches or grooves in flange block caused during previous disassembly.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Certificite of Authorization No. N/A Expirati on Date: N/A D2 aEsL Signed: AL 1,r- / S I s- As, Date: 9- z)

Owner or Owner's Designee. Titcle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ __-__-__

to I- - ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "'N "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: Z c> A I-Back Ver. 77 Back 73DP-9fl17 PV-E0092 Ver.

PV-E0092 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID SIN: BT-01680 2. Code Class ASME Section HI Class 2
3. Item


Main Steam Safety Valve: Dresser - 6" 3707RAX-RT-25 1315 psig

4. N-5 Data Package Number: n/a .5. W.O. Number: 2660178
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Maintenance overhaul & testing of spare valve. Code part replacement from other spare valves or from approved purchased spare parts based upon inspection results.

9. [] ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10.5Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure in the ASME Section III boundary. The disc will be replaced with preoxidized ASME SB637 OR ASTM B637 INCONEL X-750 material to enhance performance.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: NWS Technologies
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. HI Cl 2, 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: [:]-.YES 0 NO Initial 99:;Z.i.. Date / 5 1V If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: Q YES 0 NO Initial J Date / .5 - D If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Ii 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial , Date cormponent.

18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial _ Date 1- 54Y replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POIWO No.

DISC Apn# 00064290 . P C N/A PO# 500238999

19. Planner -5ZOO Y PrintedName: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI Signature J IP2Ot4 Date PrintedNarne: <  ?
21. ANI r i&. Printed Name: a_ _ _ _

Signature Date rev en I

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 01/05/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2660178
3. Work Performed by: NWS Technologies Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: SG - Main Steam
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section IIn NC, Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O )

Disc Dresser ADG42 N/A IJSGEPSV574 2004 Replaced NO

7. Description of Work: Overhaul & testing of spare Main Steam Safety Valve S/N BT-0 1680
8. TestConducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt 0 N-416-1 El Other Pressure _ psi Test Temperature 0F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items I thrU 6 on this report is included on each sheet. and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: Work Order# 2660178 for off-site disassembly, inspection. reconditioning and testing of spare Main Steam Safety Valve: s/n# BT-01680. A new design Disc will be installed to enhance performance.

- Certificate of Compliance We'certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: < TEn64.1 _ft ~-1C M dAeLte:

0-1V5-Al-k tW Tf1AI 3 /3 t / If dwner or Owner's Designeeftile 7 I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned,'holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by IISB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ -_-_O__

to ik- '- o' ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied.

concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

-::?A4 & Commissions: NB 9685 "'N "I" AZ264 National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: A- °o I-73DP-97217 Ver. 7 Back V-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID IJRCEPSVO200 2.. Item


Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 4. W.O. Number: 2660182
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Valve rotation to perform offsite testing and rework per WO 2660182

8. 1EISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure of ASME pressure boundary. Valve is being rotated to perform testing. Replacement valve is SN BS08614 LwhV3) gf cc.

a% b q G4-d v~-

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. m Cl 1. 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: E YES 0 NO Initial 6 I v Date 3/A q/v Y If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: i /- I NO 4 E/sY Initial Initial
  • Date t 4 )z Datesk)--y&9

/ /

If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANx Inspection.

16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

Initial _Date DaeY 3I;/>

anta /

' 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

IJRCEPSVO200 N/A BS-08614 N/A N/A Spring Assembly APN 00066798 96565-3 N/A MR 735255

18. Plankel rinted Name: Barbara Vidal
19. ISI __ __ __ __ __ __ __ PrintedName: e Af Sigature J Date
20. ANI 25-o9 PrintedName: i.' 5 Signa ie Date V E0W3) V-, 7 73D-YZZ11 K"S

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XM

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 03/25/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of I
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2660182
3. Work Performed by: NWS Technologies Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Y I I *1 -

Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Spring Dresser 96565-3 N/A IJRCEPSVO200 2004 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Valve rotation to perform offsitetesting and reworkperW.O. 2660182
8. TestConducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure Q Exempt ED N416-1 El Other E Pressure psi Test Temperature _ F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items I thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. RemarksW.O. 2660182. Valve rotation to perform offsite testing and rework as part of routine maintenance.

Valve s/n BS08614.

I.Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signe d: qW , 6&-t, ,I t MW f:

N9 l e#11)ate: 3 9&5 1) 4 Oner or Owner's Dcsignee, Tide /

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ S-2S-__

to a-zs-. . and state thatto the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section X.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

-5714--.,j 4-1 Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements

% Inspectors Signature Date: 3 2S-oq U-73DP-9ZZ17 Rev8

-V-E0092 Ver.

V-E0092 Back Vcr. 77 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. ComponentID IJSIBUVO616 2.. Item



3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC01-5 4. W.O. Number: 2663388
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work



8. [ ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number.

9. EvIaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:


10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: [] YES 0 NO Initial./A (n _ Date f1?3/0!4Z. If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section Xl Pressure Test Required: El YES 0 NO Initial ,Q. Date If required, include a step in the W.O. for 1SI & ANII Inspection.

X1at e 3 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initialace . Date 3component.

6'i / 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial _Date replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lMR/PO/WO No.

18. Planner _ WE, / D Printed Name: C' . OS hA hepSO JiS

' Signantre e

19. ISI 7 Signature

$ UDate Printed Name: 9 P- 4 g

20. ANII .3 GlzZ -2'i Printed Namne:Q& 6.

lSi Date A ant . U_

_ I1 K _

rVv-LQ3 v=..; "LW-YsZ1by-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 03/24/04 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2663388
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: ST
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or




8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 3 N-416-1 El Other El Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 12X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

). Remarks: wo 2663388 . disassembled valve . lapped and polished seating surfaces.(no parts replaced) reperformed l bodv to bonnet seal weld.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section X.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/AN Expiration Date: N/A Signed:_ ,, ^ , . _

Date: ,

Owner Dwncr's Decifm Mtle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _______

to A-2A-0-, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorserents Inspectors Signature Date:

U-73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8 Ver. 77 Back rV.E0092 Ver.

riV-E0092 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev S


1. Component ID IPSIAV056
3. Item


"A" Train HPSI Header Drain Valve

4. N-5 Data Package Number: 1RC01-IC 5. W.O. Number: 2669420
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Replace the valve and piping.

9.- l ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

. -. . . -.. Repoctlumr.

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

ft ~ I c_ 1kce)eh5vt-raAv-lVisa 4.w-roe l'c 1oc4,--7zC,4 LAeutr~ ByW z-4 ckpot/ -,,I/b r'ei a wae\

hY1Kc?1.W ~ ~ tw 4J.'~9~-

awl' 'q

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: a YES 3 NO Initial LLL.

J 7 Date  ; If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection

16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES 2 NO Initial. %. L.o . Date - St If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Date * ,- y 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the' Initial _ Ad. Date component.

nD/ C(X 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initia]-y2 Date -.) - ^' - replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POIWO No.

Valve APN 45000244 E489R-1-3 . N/A MR 8292SQ_

Pipe APN 43510515 N/A 449272 . MR 829200 Flange APN 43580811 N/A 187WNE -MR 829200

19. Planner - %7Printed Name: James I. Davis gn at Date
20. ISI 4/o Printed Name: A ?- s . 'F' Signature Date 2 1. ANI l--o Printed Name :

Sigqture Date PV.E1"03 Vat. 7 73DP.9Z7 17

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 02/06/04 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 Road... Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2669420

.... . ~~South Wintersbura

3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Co. Type of Code Stamp None 5801 S. Wintersburg Rd., Tonopah. Az 85354-7529 Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Safety Injection
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _N O)

Valve Flowserve E489R-1-3 N/A lPSIAV056 2001 Replacement Yeses Pipe N/A N/A N/A IPSIAL248 2004 Replacement No Flange N/A NIA N/A IPSIAL248 2004 Replacemernt No

7. Description of Work: Replace the valve and piping, and modified existing socket welds on this drain line to give 2 to I taper.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure N E Exempt 0 N-416-1 0 Other E] Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO 2669420 replaced valve IPSIAV056 and the associated piping due to a leak the valve inlet .

ft Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp MNA Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: , l f) a il , 7J'£lh .. Date:

. 2-G - 04.

'J Owner or Owner's Dmtgnee, Title L--

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of ' 4 to .2- -c , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "'N "I" AZ264 National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date: Z- -° Ad M

Back 7.,DP-9l7 Vcr. 7 PV-E0092 Ver. 7 Back 73DP-9ZZ17


1. Component ID lPSIEV247 2. Code Class 1
3. Item Description SIT 1B Discharge Check Valve to RC Loop 1B
4. N-5 Package Number IRC01-IC 5. W.O. Number 2685285
6. Original Construction Code Edition 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work Description Replace valve parts as needed to correct seat leakage and binding.
9. C0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection N/A Report Number N/A
10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA-4150.

No structural failure within the ASME boundary. Replacement is to correct seat leakage and binding.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization Arizona Public Service Co.
12. Replacement Item Construction or reconciled Code/Edition 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
14. ASME Section Xl Code/Edition 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required. 0 YES Ei NO j>4 .$ ^.Wo'( If required, Include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection.

Initial Date

16. ASME Section Xl Pressure Test Required El YES ID NO

-: 3-.S/O Y If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial Date

.T . 3 -0Y117. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.

Initial Date

.. g. .o~ 3 V-6 St 18. Include a step In the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for replacement Items.

Inital Date ITEM I.D. PART NO. SERIAL NO. HEAT NO. M RO NO sts l 5 13 1 0 7 -I 34 2 0I317 VI

19. Planner .- -' . 3 C)-i) Print Name James I. Davis Slgna Date
20. ISI Engineer . 5'(

Signatu e 3 Date 0 Print Name Ra makant P. Indap

21. ANII 'ikG d

.r.. Print Name Robert G. Hogstrom

\ Si Date 7gnature PV E0093 Vrer. 7 730P49Z17

I-FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/21/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2685285
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Safety Iniection (SI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Sta mped (Yes or

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O )

Valve Borg Warner 26222 N/A IPSIEV247 1977 Repaired YES Disc Assy Borg Warner 211972-1 N/A IPSIEV247 2004 Replacement NO

7. Description of Work: Replace the Disc assembly to to correct leakage and binding.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic E Nominal dperating Pressure E Exempt s N416-1 E Other El Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X I I inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

--^ 1v.t -1 %

e fl- .t Dn, o

n. r 1.

I. - _1,

--- - _^ -_

-slllh>-rev .


  • r-o I ---


---. tilt 1-~us

--- AP_


  • u-IW .aw-ll ii J

-uzo 1-1

--t ~a~

1-1. I2

_-uu~u . -Y- -. aI -4s I ft Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: _Bok GROWn o'er - ~i/ w / Date:

Owner wner's Designee.Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ ______

to _5-8-o , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "NM "I" AZ264 National Board, State. Province. and Endorsements Inspetors Signature Date: S-8-oi 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev S V.E0092 Ver.

V-E0092 v. 77 Back Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID IJRCBHV-109 2.. Item



3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03 -2 4. W.O. Number: 2686607
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1977 Edition. Winter 1978 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Replace internal parts to correct seat leakage.

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection Report Number:
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

ALL PPCsvse SS nV oy g ur,- 4tors Lk K kwr~ etple g>0 6t

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl. 1, 1989 Edition No Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. m CI 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: l YES O NO Initial jZ'-r) Date %42 /6 < If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section X Pressure Test Required: El YES 0 NO Initial Date Y15110'y If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

I a De 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the lnitial.,r4d ( Date qlflln IV component.

17. Include a step in the W.O. to record beloNv all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial , Date Tn Z,/. replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lNM O/WO No.

Main Disc APN 00055319 T

  • V3 N/A
18. Planner ' Printed Name: 0S t-) tU J 6DS Ox Se A Dat
19. ISI _/__ _ _ ___ Printed Name: z - LF Signature iate
20. ANII 'id4 t'Z5 Printed Name: .G Signature Date P....3 V. 731- .I.

EPV-esO9 V.. -J Mr1-WZ4

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al.

P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Date: 04/21/2004 Sheet: I of 2

2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2686607
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC ASME Section III Class I
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I I Y -' Y Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Main Disc Target Rock 203 N/A IJRCBHV109 2002 Replacement YES

7. Description of Work: Replace valve internals to correct seat leakage.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [ Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt Z N-416-1 0 Other 5 Pressure _ psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Remarks: Replacement of main disc. WO# 2686607.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N. [/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed:

_ In _.

(/?>/- rl-90,D93411-Y/ /s 5/< D; Date: ,

-eW .

Oener or Owner's Designee Tide CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of <-a,-_o.

to e- and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 '"N "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspecirs signature Date:


-E0092 Ver. 77 Back

-E0092 Ver. 73DP-9ZZ17


1. ComponentID IMEWBE01 2.. Item



3. N-5 Data Package Number: IEW02-1 4. W.O. Number: 2687856
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Perform base material weld repairs on the Channel Heads and Channel Head Covers of the Essential Cooling, Water (EW) Heat exchanger, as identified bv Engineering.

8. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:


10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. Hi Cl 3. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: a YES 0 NO Initial Date 4X /6A If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. AS Section XI Pressure Test Required: 0D YES Dl NO Initial 7 Date If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

'IA L /16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial Date component.



/ Date JLL , ,A H

17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. . Heat No. MR/POIWO No.


18. Planner Z Printed Name: Herbert Green
19. ISI /- /_// Printed Name: Robert Browning Signature Date I420. ANII 4-ot, Printed Name: _Robert Hogstrom Signrqe Date

-, =. I ljur-"7 ~


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al.
  • Date: 04/09/2004 P. 0. Box'53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: 1 of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
  • Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2687856
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Essential Cooling Water (EW)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III ND. Class 3 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda, _ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N O)

EW Heat Struther Wells 17606329132 14441 JMEWBEOI 1978 Repaired YES Exchanger Corporation

7. Description of Work: Perform base material weld repairs on the Channel Heads and Channel Head Covers of the Essential Cooling Water (EW) Heat exchanger, as identified bv Engineering.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic ED Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El NA416-1 0l Other Ea Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X I 1 I inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks:

I Q .0A- -I-%E&5 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signene Date: {-/6-oy Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of ________

to -L-tC -ox . and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 'IN""I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date:

I-Back ver. 77 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev S

.'V-E0092 Ver.

.'V-E0092 73DP-9ZZ17 Rey 8


1. Component ID IJRCEPSVO203 2.. Item


Pressurizer Relief Valves

3. N-5 Data Package Number: IRC03-2 & 3RC03-3 4. W.O. Number: 2689459
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition:
  • 1971 EdiLtion. WXiter 1973 Addznda .Z1tO-'t . EJ t'.4%. Jvt v vs LA
7. Work


Cut off Capped PSV Leak Off Line and Weld New Cap on the Shortened Line

8. Ea ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection: N/A Report Number: N/A
9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No Failure of the ASME Sec III Code Boundrv

10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service I 1. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec.111 Cl I. 1974 Edition 1975 Summer Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: E] YES 0 NO Initial 5 Date ' (Zb 1 If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES 0 NO Initial Ii$ Date t/z01oY If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

i D16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial ki t, Date 4VzaoY component.

i D17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial WS Date Y/replacement items. .

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. lMR/PO/WO No.

IJRCEPSVO203 N/A BS08567 N/A N/A 1/2" Pipe Cap APN 43550865 .VIA __l _Adz/ ___MR 850639

18. Planner AQ Printed Name: Karl V. Savage

- Date

, A, _ .

Siga9.1 /Date a

19. ISI Signature t 4

,V-12TIC74 IA2 oDG 6-rt Printed Name: ADOS)MD I 20. AN II 11 H4 Sighjrc


&-Date tz-o aroo5~l-ads~

Printed Name: R .& 4 4STg.o'K4 73DP.ZLfl

?V.AXrI3 Va.

PV-EAM Vif. 7 2 73DP-ZY'17 Pwvg

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04126/2004 V

P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2

2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2689459
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: RC Reactor Coolant
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section 11,Div I Classl 1974 Edition, S'75 Addenda, 1711 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or IJRCEPSVO203 Dresser fBS08567 N/A 1 11978 1 Repaired NO)


7. Description of Work: Cut Off Capped Leak Off Line and Installed New Cap on the shortened Leak Off Line.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure a Exempt Z N-416-1 0 Other a Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X I I inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

. Remarks: Work Order 2689459: Cut Off Capped Leak Off Line and Installed New Cap on the Shortened Leak Off Line.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed:qa6~?9",Co-nsdkV(-~s) trqII ] %sL'e~c Date: 4/;7/04 I Owner or Owner's Designee, Tztle - J J CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have.

inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of t-t2- c-to _ ____ -- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XM By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

< ztSg p Commissions: NB 9685 '"N""I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date:

73DP-9ZZ17 RevS

. %,-E0092Ver. Back Ver. 77 Back r i.EOO92 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


1. Component ID IS1248H00A
3. Item


Pipe support for "A" Train HPSI Header lDrain Valve IPSIAV056

4. N-S Data Package Number: IRC01-IC 5. W.O. Number: 2691334
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1971 Edition. Winter 1973 Addenda
8. Work


Repair the hanner per DFVO 2691331.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

O,,Eyata1utinn of the his oka q uirements of TWA - 4150:

The broken portion of the hanger was removed per DFWO 2691331. Replacement or reinstallation. if required. will be performed after Engineering Root Cause Analysis.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. Ill NF Cl 1, 1974 Edition Winter 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III NF Cl 1. 1974 Edition Winter 1974 Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. PreserviceInspection Required: El YES 0 NO Initial -- Date 3?/Yo ( If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: E YES 0 NO Initial I. J Date g- /9f L/ If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Iniia 17. Include a step in the WV.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial ! .r...... Date component.

, 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial -I-, /. Date  ?-/9-6 replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

19. Planner Printed Name: James 1. Davis Signature Date
20. ISI Sintr ae PrintedName: Ad, /XJ,6jif/ v e Etr
  1. 21. ANI __ PrintedName: 2,f/065tO20'i Et' ° 0 3 Signature Date IvJve 73DP~~c I1

I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 03/19/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: 1 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2691334

._V.Wark-Pcrto zued by; ATiza rIuitcService ____

-ype ot code Stamp None I Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System: Safety Injection
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NF. Class 1 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components 1

Name of Item Name of Manufacture Manufacturer Serial No.

National Board No.

Other Identification Year Built Repaired or Replacement ASME Code Stamped (Yes or l_ _ _ _ ;NO)

Pipe Hanger N/A N/A N/A 1S1248H100A ,J. Repaired NO

7. Description of Work: Repair the hanger per DFWO 2691331 .
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D Pneumatic !Z Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt 3 N-416-1 0 Other D Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/22 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back).

9. Remarks: WO 2691334 removed the ciamp portions of the hanger per DFWO 2691331.

.I 1 Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Gk 4 , xS 'At RLe Orvncr or Owner's Desigti4.Title -

Late: i L-/

-3 L,0°4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _ _ __ _

to _ -24_4_ , and state that to the best of my knowledge.and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 '"I "I" AZ264 National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Inspectors Signature Date:

73DP-9ZZ17 V-E0092 Ver. 77 Back E0092 ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17


. Page . .of

1. Component ID IJCHNPSVO345 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2
3. Item


Crosby relief valve 4.N-SDataPackageNumber: ICH13-1 5. W.O. Number: 2694617

6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Remove valve and install spare. existing valve lifted mulitiple times during plant shutdown.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a pressure boundary failure. Valve is being replaced due to muliple actuations during plant shutdown..

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: a YES Z NO Initial 1bM Date V-4 'Z iffrequired, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection

.16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required:  : YES l NO Xinitial 7 Date Y Y= Iffrequired, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

I17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial t Date 8LLOX component.

Initial D 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial Date -L Y replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/POJWO No.

IJCHNPSVO345 APN 45000476 NPiie--i-" nla WO ;

19. Planner Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI V 4'/C Y Printed Name: A/Ao- t.Se ou, Signature Date
1. ANII _44O'4 Printed Name: R.6c - lOTo lSignatq Date rea-l vr

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/06/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2694617
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: CH: Chemical and Volumn Control System
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section HIINC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Y .Y .T Y T -1 Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Valve Crosby N61180.00- n/a IJCHNPSV- 1984 Replacement YES 0005 0345

7. Description of Work: Installed spare valve due to existing valve lifting multiple times during plant shutdown.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic Q Nominal Operating Pressure , Exempt f N-416-1 0 Other El Pressure psi Test Temperature cF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 t/2 X 11 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

II FORM NIS-2 (Back)

.". Remarks: Valve lJCHNPSVO345 was replaced with spare iinder.wo# 2694617 due to existing valve lifting multiple times during plant shutdown.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Date: 5/14/ '1 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title e CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut. have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ -_-_ _ _

to ______ -_ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrantyiexpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

-- SL Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province. and Endorsements

- .vectors Signature Date: s-t-ok PV.E0092 Ver. 7 Back 73.Vn97. 1'7.


I 1. Component ID SIN: BS-08583 2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2

3. Item


Main Steam Safety Valve: Dresser - 6" 3707RAX-RT-25 1315 psie

4. N-S Data Package Number: n/a 5. W.O. Number: 2694975
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Maintenance overhaul & testing of spare valve. Code part replacement from other spare valves or from approved purchased spare parts based upon inspection results.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the'suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure in the ASME Section m boundary. The disc will be replaced with preoxidized ASME SB637 OR ASTM B637 INCONEL X-750 material to enhance performance.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: NWS Technologies
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction CodeiEdition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES 0 NO Initial 4 Date /-/Y D, If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
  • .16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: C YES 0 NO Initial , Date y, - 1 required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

If Initial B Date 5 17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the

18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial 7 Date __ __ __ _

replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. - Heat No. MRIPO/WO No.

DISC Apn# 00064290 ADG-48 N/A PO# 500238999

19. Planner :Y-J Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date 20 727B 7 L.2u/ Printed Name: '

ignatureDae Printed Name: .

l21. ANI 4-2o-oa:

LSigoure Date PrndNae PV.UXQ91Vo. I 7.19>V9ZZ1-7

ASME SECTION XI - REPAIR / REPLACEMENT Page of I 1. Component ID SIN: BS-08620 -2. Code Class ASME Section III Class 2

3. Item


Main Steam Safety Valve: Dresser- 6" .3707RAX-RT-25 1250 psig

4. N-5 Data Package Number: n/a 5. W.O. Number: 2694975
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Maintenance overhaul & testing of spare valve. Code part replacement from other spare valves or from approved purchased spare parts based upon inspection results.

9. E ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure in the ASME Section III boundary. The disc will be replaced with preoxidized ASME SB637 OR ASTM B637 INCONEL X-750 material to enhance performance.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: NWS Technologies
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES 0 NO Initial 7 Date 9s) 7 fig If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: 5 YES 0 NO Initial . 7.LZ Date a LJ./2. If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

Initial s. . Date Date jb.2

17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the component.
18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial I Date 'Z,/ 5-by replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. l Heat No. MR1POJWO No.

DISC Apn#00064290 ADG-45 N/A PO# 500238999

19. Planner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI (049 l1/fr Printed Name: R { 3NctA Signature I Date
21. ANII t 'b*2Ad Printed Name: R&* LsIoi Signa e Date PV-EUMJ VWr.7 73DP iZZI 7


1. Component ID SIN: BT-01683 2. Code Class ASME Section Ill Class 2
3. Item


Main Steam Safetv Valve: Dresser- 6" 3707RAX-RT-25 1290 psig

4. N-S Data Package Number: n/a 5. W.O. Number: 2694975
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Maintenance overhaul & testing of spare valve. Code part replacement from other spare valves or from approved purchased spare parts based upon inspection results.

9. 0 ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

No failure in the ASME Section III boundary. The disc will be replaced with preoxidized ASME SB637 OR ASTM B637 INCONEL X-750 material to enhance performance. The spindle was replaced due to walling.

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: NWS Technologies
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition Summer 1975 Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. IIn Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: 5 YES 0 NO Initial P Date V-19"Y If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Requirei 1: E YES Z NO Initial . DaeH Date,-b If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial .J Date Y-J5-kY component.
18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial ^ L Date __-/____

replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. l MRPO/WO No.

DISC Apn# 00064290 ADG-46 N/A PO# 500238999 Spindle Apn# 45560003 A19374 PO# 33207018

19. Planner VW:!g 5 Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI ___ Signature _ _ __ _ _ _41_

Date Printed Name: *i )?.

l 21. ANII Q h aoz Printed Name: Q? 6i6WS Signawuic Date

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: 04/19/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2694975
3. Work Performed by: NWS Technologies Type of Code Stamp None

. Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System: SG - Main Steam
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition. Summer 1975 Addenda. Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Disc Dresser ADG-48 N/A BS-08583 2004 Replaced NO Disc Dresser ADG45 N/A BS-08620 2004 Replaced NO Disc Dresser ADG46 N/A BT-01683 2004 Replaced NO Spindle Dresser N/A BT-01683 2004 Replaced NO

7. Description of Work: Overhaul & testing of spare Main Steam Safety Valves
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic a Pneumatic 5 Nominal Operating Pressure 5 Exempt 0 N-416-1 D Other a Pressure psi Test Temperature 'F

.SOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

I FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Remarks: Work Order# 2694975 for off-site disassembly. inspection, reconditioning and testing of spare Main Steam Safety Valves: s/n# BT-01683, BS-08620 & BS-08583. A new design Disc will be installed to enhance performance. A spindle was replaced due to galling.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. NIA Expiration Date: N/A Signed.4h71eZ&, GnltJfyl!S r tqt CDate: .14v8/D owner or uwners DeCSignCC, I LUe J

0 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ _ _20-__\

to q-23-0 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

, %5 ii,4, Q Inspectors Signature Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date: ,A- A5-0-1 73DP-9ZZ17

.. iM02

.iOO92Vcr.7 Back Ver. 7 Back 73DP-9ZZ1 7


- Page " of I

1. Component ID IPSIAV056/IPSIAL248 2.. Item


"A" Train HPSI Header Drain Valve 3.N-5DataPackageNumber: IRCOI-IC 4. W.O.Number: 2695338

5. Original Construction Code Edition: Section HIICII, 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: Section III Cl,1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


See Item 9 for Work Description.

8. El ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number.

9. evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:
1. 2:1 Taper being added to existinn welds per EDC# 2004-00324.2. Line with drain valve IPSIAV056 is being shortened pertheEDC. 3.Rentying Sabbe, iST245H00L. em 3 EVALUATION - These changes being made in response to the fatigue failure of the upstream weld on IPSIAVO56. More details per Eng-DM 2692447, EDC# 2004-00324..
10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec III CL, 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES ' NO Initial )5 Date 4 Y /l.b/° If required; include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: D YES 0 NO Initial Date If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.

/J / 16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial t..r. Date 't(b c component.

Initial tbx) Date ttlep Go Y 17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MIR/PO/WO No.

18. Planner Q Signature C4 S- .- q4 1(eZ Date Printed Name: Karl V. Savage
19. Is1 Signature V Date Printed Name: i>' $ 42A
20. ANII _

4 atu e u.

D e

Printed Name: iE 6c 4o e

.a D.S MEANxis Vff. 7 73D?-9Z'17 lFvS

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

'1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 04/30/2004 P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: 1 of 2

2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah, Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2695338
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: SI: Safety Iniection
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda. n/a Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

_ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O )

IPSIAL2401-" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Repaired NO IPSIAL248-l" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Repaired NO

7. Description of Work: Changes to piping and supports adiacent to 1JSIAUV65 1 in response to Weld failure.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure Q Exempt Z N-416-1 0l Other Ea Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 'A X 11 inches, (2) information in items I thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Remarks: Work Order# 2695338. 1. Drain line containing IPSIAV056 shortened to mitigate the affects of vibration.

k 2. 2:1 taper added to existing welds on lines IPSIAL240 and IPSIAL248 per EDC# 2004-00324 and DMWOI#


ft Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: NIA Signed:131 '7 r orOrs enee.) N Date: /at J /wner or Owner's Designee, Title I I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of _ -t__-O_

to fi- I-o* , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Ferthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements

' Inspectors Signature Date: 5-'- °k I-73DP-9I7 RevS

  • E0092 Ver.

-E0092 Back ver. 77 Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8


I 1. Component ID IPSIAV997 L.. Item


Press lock prevention check valve

3. N-5 Data Package Number: None available 4. W.O. Number: 2703909
5. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
6. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Winter 1975 Addenda
7. Work


Seal weld Body / Cover mint after seat repair.

8. E ISI Flaw I NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number-

9. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:
10. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
11. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: -4ff t4t-i S.""
12. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 1. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
13. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
14. Preservice Inspection Required: El YES NO Initial _DWS_ Date _04/25/2004_ If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
15. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Requiresd: E YES C NO If required. include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspecti0on.

initial ___N/A _ Date

16. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial - DWS_ Date 04/25/2004 component.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaircd or Initial ___DWS_ Date -.04t25/2004- replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WO No.

IPSIAV997 APN 45004448 96SN0403 N/A WO 1008658

18. Planner 1661 A dYsow Printed Name: David Shatfer Signature Da
19. IS1 /41F&Cz Printed Name: h/J-A ,4iI1o'z Signature Date
20. ANII__ __ __ __ __ Printed Name:

SignatWi Date MvUMw}va. I '40PV~l R.. ,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company. et. al. Date: ,-oc P. 0. Box 53999, Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburm Road.. Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2703909
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type olf Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: Safety Iniection (SI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NB. Class 1 1974 Edition, S -1( Addenda. _ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Item Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or NO)

Check Valve Kerotest 96SN0403 N/A IPSIAV997 Kl/6 Repaired YES

7. Description of Work: Seal weld body /cover ioint after seat repair to correct identified leakage.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt 3 N-4 16-I El Other a Pressure psi . Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 1/2 X I1 inches, (2) information in items I thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this form.

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

Q. Remarks: WO 2703909. Seal weld body/cover ioint after repair sealing surfaces.

-t Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 9 RL-t5/ZeV-VL /S / £7A)(- Date: i /3 Loic Owif or Owner's Designkyitle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by IISB CT of Hartford, Connecticut. have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during tfie period of A-z s-o".

to ________, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied.

concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 National Board. State, Province. and Endorsemnents Inspectors Signature Date:-


-E0092 Ver. 73DP-9ZZ17 Rcv 8


1. Component ID S/N N6118av-go (7o7 4Aq 2. Code Class ASME Section IIT Class 2
3. Item


Crosby relief valve r an,

4. N-5 Data Package Number: ICH13-1 5. W.O. Number: 2704509
6. Original Construction Code Edition: 1974 Edition. Summer 1976 Addenda
7. Original Installation Code Edition: 1974 Edition, Winter 1975 Addenda
8. Work


Disassemble and rework spare valve, replace parts as necessary and then test iaw 73ST-9ZZ20.

9. 0l ISI Flaw NDE Method of Flaw Detection:

Report Number:

10. Evaluation of the suitability of this work as per the requirements of IWA - 4150:

Not a pressure boundary failure. Parts are being replaced to correct seat leakage identified during testing..

11. Repair/Replacement Work Organization: Arizona Public Service
12. Replacement Items Construction or reconciled Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1976 Summer Addenda
13. Repair/Replacement Activity Construction Code/Edition: Sec. III Cl 2. 1974 Edition 1975 Winter Addenda
14. ASME Section XI Code/Edition: 1992 Edition and 1992 Addenda
15. Preservice Inspection Required: D YES ED NO Initial , Date S33 2(e2L. If required, include a step in the W.O. to perform Preservice Inspection
16. ASME Section XI Pressure Test Required: El YES 0 NO Initial $ Date q- a5/ If required, include a step in the W.O. for ISI & ANII Inspection.
17. Include a step in the W.O. to complete NIS-2 Form prior to releasing the Initial Date component.

AL zO 18. Include a step in the W.O. to record below all applicable numbers for repaired or Initial JŽ2.i Date replacement items.

Item ID Part No. Serial No. Heat No. MR/PO/WVO No.

Nozzle APN 45070039 A/ 7a P7 I- Wo-mb * */4 MR 859407 Disc Insert APN 45630021 49  ;;2 - J * /MR 859407

19. Planner B 5 Printed Name: David Goodlet Signature Date
20. ISI5 Signature Date Printed Name: 9- p.
21. ANII _____; ____ _ ___ Printed Name: -& ¶btix°o Sigl ure Date PV.~109 Vera V 7 -1 7310D77.7 FV.L003 1 73DP.9'Z17

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Arizona Public Service Company, et. al. Date: 05/03/2004 P. 0. Box 53999. Phoenix Arizona 85072-2034 Sheet: I of 2
2. Plant: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit: I 5801 South Wintersburg Road., Tonopah. Arizona 85354-7529 Work Order Number 2704509
3. Work Performed by: Arizona Public Service Type of Code Stamp None Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System: CH: Chemical and Volumn Control System
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III NC. Class 2 1974 Edition, Summer 1976 Addenda, Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements: 1992 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Manufacturer National Other Year Repaired or ASME Itiii Manufacture Serial No. Board No. Identification Built Replacement Code Stamped (Yes or

__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N O)

Nozzle Tyco Valves N92031 NO CH-PSV0345 2004 Replacement NO 0020 Disc Insert Tyco valves N92032 NO CH-PSV0345 2004 Replacement NO 0016

7. Description of Work: Rework spare valve. s/n# N61180-01-0009. to correct seat leakage. Replace parts as necessary.
8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic D Pneumatic a Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt E NA416-1 0 Other Cl Pressure psi Test Temperature OF NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used provided (1) size is 8 /2 X 1I1 inches, (2) information in items 1 thru 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the to of this rm.--

FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks: WO# 2704509 for overhaul of spare valve. sfn# N61180-01-0009. Valve was removed from IJCHNPSV0345 location durine IRI I and will be stored as "SPARE" for future use. Nozzle and disc insert is being replaced to correct seat leakage identified during testing.

Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: G Co 'vZ - Date: _______

Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Arizona and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut, have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during the period of >-A-ak to S-t%-oc , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

,-I Commissions: NB 9685 "N" "I" AZ264 Q Inspectors Signature National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date: 5 -and 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8 PV-E0092 Ver. 77 Back FV-E0092 Ver. Back 73DP-9ZZ17 Rev 8