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Written Exam Reference Material
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/01/2003
From: Alan Blamey
To: Conte R
Conte R
Download: ML033570032 (163)


ECG Section ii Pg 1 o f 5 HOPE CREEK EVENT CLASSIFICATION GUIDE Glossary of Acronyms & Abbreviations Section ii AAAG Accident Assessment Advisory Group (Delaware)

AC Alternating Current ADS Automatic Depressurization System ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable APRM Average Power Range Monitor A RI Alternate Rod Insertion ARM Area Radiation Monitor ASAP As Soon As Possible ASM Administrative Support Manager AS Administrative Supervisor ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram BKGD Background BKR Breaker (electrical circuit)

BNE Bureau of Nuclear Engineering (NJDEPE)

CACS Containment Atmosphere Control System CAS Central Alarm Station CCPM Corrected Counts per Minute CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent CDE Committed Dose Equivalent - _ - -*

4 CFR Code of Federal Regulations $

CIS Containment Isolation System r- - -- --- I - ~

CNTMT Containment (Bamer) . . a -

U I CP Control Point - -. I CPM CR Counts Per Minute Control Room I >I . - -

  • e -

CREF Control Rmm Emergency Filter System CRIDS Control Room Integrated Display System CRD Control Rod Drive css Core Spray System DC Direct Current DAPA Drywell Atmosphere Post Accident (Radiation monitor)

CDE Deep Dose Equivalent DEI Dose Equivalent Iodine DEMA Delaware Emergency Management Agency DEP Department of Environmental Protection (NJ)

HCGS Rev. 00

ECG Section ii Pg2of5 DID - Direct Inward Dial (phone system)

DLD - Drywell Leak Detection DOE Department of Energy DOT Department of Transportation DPCC/DCR - Discharge Prevention, Containment, & Countermeasures/

Discharge Cleanup & Removal Plan DPM Disintegrations per Minute DRCF Dose Rate Conversion Factor EACS ESF Equipment Area Cooling System EAL Emergency Action Level EAS Emergency Alert System (Broadcast)

EC Emergency Coordinator ECCS Emergency Core Cooling Systems ECG Emergency Classification Guide EDG Emergency Diesel Generator ED0 Emergency Duty Officer EMRAD Emergency Radio (NJ)

ENC Emergency News Center ENS Emergency Notification System (NRC)

EOC Emergency Operations Center (NJ & DE)

EOF Emergency Operations Facility EOP Emergency Operating Procedure PA Emergency Preparedness Advisor EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC Emergency Preparedness Coordinator EPIP Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPZ Emergency Planning Zone EQPT Equipment ERDS Emergency Response Data System ERM Emergency Response Manager ERO Emergency Response Organization ESF Engineered Safety Feature ESSX Electronic Switch System Exchange (Centrex)

FC Fuel Clad (Barrier)

FFD Fitness For Duty FRVS Filtration, Recirculation, and Ventilation System FTS Federal Telecommunications System (NRC)

GE General Emergency HCLL Heat Capacity Level Limit HCGS Hope Creek Generating Station HCGS Rev. 00

ECG Section ii P g j of5 HCTL - Heat Capacity Temperature Limit HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Absorbers HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection HTV - Hardened Torus Vent HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning HWCI Hydrogen Water Chemical Injection HX Heat Exchanger IAW In Accordance With IC - Initiating Condition ICMF - Initial Contact Message Form IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health IRM Intermediate Range Monitor I/S In Service KI - Potassium Iodide KV Kilovolt LAC Lower Alloways Creek LCO - Limiting Condition for Operation LDE - Lens Dose Equivalent LEL - Lower Explosive Limit LLD - Lowest Level Detectable LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident LOP - Loss of Offsite Power LPCI - Low Pressure Coolant Injection LPZ Low Population Zone MCR - Main Control Room MDA - Minimum Detectable Amount MEA - Minimum Exclusion Area MEES - Major Equipment & Electrical Status (Form)

MET - Meteorological M.O.U. Memorandum of Understanding MRO - Medical Review Officer MSIV - Main Steam Isolation Valve MSIVSS - Main Steam Isolation Valve Sealing System MSL - Main Steam Line NAWAS National Attack Warning Alert System NCO Nuclear Control Operator NDAB Nuclear Department Administration Building (TB2)

NE0 Nuclear Equipment Operator NETS Nuclear Emergency Telecommunications System HCGS Rev. 00

ECG Section ii Pg4of5 NFE - Nuclear Fuels Engineer NFPB Normal Full Power Background NJSP New Jersey State Police NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration NPV North Plant Vent NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NS S - Nuclear Shift Supervisor NSSSS Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System NSTA - Nuclear Shift Technical Advisor NUMARC - Nuclear Management and Resources Council NWS - National Weather Service OBE - Operating Basis Earthquake OCA - Owner Controlled Area ODCM - Offsite Dose Calculation Manual OEM - Office of Emergency Management (NJ)

OHA Overhead Annunciator OPCON - Operating Condition OSB Operational Status Board (Form) osc Operations Support Center PAG - Protective Action Guideline PAR - Protective Action Recommendation PASS Post Accident Sample System PC - Primary Containmen t (Barrier)

PCIG - Primary containment Instrument Gas System PCIS - Primary Containment Isolation System PS IG - Pounds Square Inch Gauge RAD - Radiation RAL - Reportable Action Level RC - Reactor Coolant RCA - Radiologically Controlled Area RCAM - Repair and Corrective Action Mission RCIC - Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RCS - Reactor Coolant System (Bamer)

RHR Residual Heat Removal (Containment Heat Removal)

RM Recovery Manager RMO - Recovery Management Organization RMS - Radiation Monitoring System RPS Radiation Protection Supervisor

' RPS Reactor Protection System RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RRCS Redundant Reactivity Control System HCGS Rev. 00

ECG Section ii Pg5of5 RS M Radiological Support Manager RWCU Reactor Water Cleanup (System)

SACS Safety Auxiliaries Cooling System SAE Site Area Emergency SAM Severe Accident Management SAS Secondary Alarm Station (Security)

SBO Station Blackout SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SCP Security Contingency Procedure SDE Shallow Dose Equivalent SDM Shutdown Margin SLC Standby Liquid Control SJAE Steam Jet Air Ejector SNM Special Nuclear Material SNSS Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor sos Systems Operations Supervisor (Security)

SPDS Safety Parameter Display System SPV South Plant Vent SRM Source Range Monitor SRPT Shift Radiation Protection Technician SRV Safety Relief Valve SSCL Station Status Checklist SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake ssws Station Service Water System SSNM Strategic Special Nuclear Material TAF Top of Active Fuel TDR Technical Document Room TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TIP Traversing Incore Probe TLV Threshold Limit Value T/S Technical Specifications TSC Technical Support Center TSS Technical Support Supervisor TSTL Technical Support Team Leader TSTM Technical Support Team Member UE Unusual Event UFSAR Updated Final Safety .4nalysis Report UHS Ultimate Heat Sink USCG United States Coast Guard VDC Volts Direct Current WB Whole Body HCGS Rev. 00

r. .


  • pl, 3

IiCCiS liCG 1.0 Fuel Clad Challenge R W no I or I 1.1 RCS Activity Initiating Fuel Clad Degradation Condition ............ .... ~ ... . ...._ . .

. I----

OPCON ( 1,2,3,4

) 1,2,3 1

EAL # 1.l.l.a I.l.l .c 1.1.2 I IF IF I . .- . .

E l M I I Reactor Coolant Valid Offgas Pretreatment Valid Main Steam Line E l R I Sample Activity Radiation Monitor Radiation Monitor I > 4 pCi/gm (9RX62 1 / 9RX622) High High Alarm Condition G I Dose Equivalent High Alarm Condition ( 2 3 times Normal Full 1-131 ( 2 2.2E+04 mRem/hr) Power Background)

N I C I .. L .


I A I I . ....... .... -. .

C I T I ANY SRV I AND I is determined 0 1 to be N I I


/r Stuck Open L I I + - -


Refer to Section 3.0, V I Fission Product Barrier Table E t prior to Event Classification L I ~

S _ _ II I

Action Refer to Attachment 1 Refer to Attachment 2 Required UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT

m x s ECO 2.0 RCS Challenge Rev. 00 Pagc I of I 2.1 RCS Leakage Initiating RCS Leakage Condition __ - ..

OPCON ( 1,2, 3 ) ( --Tz-) __ . ._. - .. ..

(' 1, 2, 3 1 EAL ## 2.1 .l.a 2.1 -1.b 2.1 .l.c 2.1.1.d 1 IF IF IF IF I . _- - - -- - - - -...___ - -.. .

E l I Reactor Coolant System M I I Reactor Coolant System Reactor Coolant System Successful Isolation of a Identified Leakage E l Pressure Boundary Leakage Unidentified Leakage Reactor Recirc Pump R I > 25 gpm I > 10 gpm > 10 gpm Dual Seal Failure within averaged over any G I (Using I O minute average) (Using 10 minute average) 10 minutes of recognition 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period I 1.- . .. . . ..-.. .... ..._ . - - __ - - - . -


I I .- ._ .. -.


' I - - - - - __ - - _.

0 1 NOTE:

I N l . __ Refer to Section 3.0, I Fission Product Barrier Table I

L I prior to Event Classification

_ _ _ _ -~ __ .

V I iI ,

i L I S I

- .I Action Refer to Attachment I Required UNUSUAL EVENT



-.i 4 HCGS ECG 4.0 E C Discretion Kcv. 00 Pagc I of 1 4.1---Emergency Coordinator Discretion .

.. r

- _ _ ~ _--.- .- -. ,,--

Other Conditions Exist Wlirch Otlicr Coiiditions Exist Other Conditions Exist Othcr Conditions Exist Which ' \




Wliicli In the Judgiiient ol'tlie Which hi the Judgment oftlie hi the Jtidgment of the Emergency hi the Judgment of the Emergency Ini tiat ing Ihicrgcncy Coordinator Warrant llmcrgeiicy Coordinator Warrant Coordinator Warrant Declaration Warrant Dcxlaration of Condition I )cciiiriitioii ol'ilii IJn\lstial Evcnt . ' Dtclaratioti ol' an Alert a Site Area Eiiicrgency

.. 1


a General Emergency OPCON i. All i All - ..


') (- __ _---Am EAI, # -

4.1.1 4.1.2 -

4.1.3 4.1.4 I


hI I Events are in progress or I

1 Events are in progress or I Events are in progress or I Events are in progress or E I , have occurred which, in the have occurred which, in the have occurred which, in the I

have occurred which, in the R judgment of the Emergency judgment of the judgment of the Emergency I judgment of the Emergency G I Coordinator, indicate a Emergency Coordinator, Coordinator, indicate an I

I Coordinator, indicate E i I'otcnthl Degradation indicate an Actual or imminent I EITt iER one of the N I of I'lii~lt Safety Actual or likely major substantial core I following:

C I failure of plant functions degradation with the Y I Plant safety systems I THEN needed for protection of potential for loss of I

(more than one) are or the public containment A I may be degraded I

C I ANY Plant Vital T I I Structure is degraded or I I THEN THEN potential I y degraded 0 I N




I AND E I Increased monitoring of I

V I Safety Functions E I is warranted I

L i



- ____ .-I

._______ THEN 1

1 Action Req u ired Refer to Attachment 1 UNUSUAL EVENT

-- -- .. __ _.- - - I Refer to Attachment 2 ALERT

.-__ - .. - - - - I -

Rcfer to Altachincnt 3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY

_ _..I Refer to Attachment 4 :


IICGS ECG 5.0 Failure to Scram Rev. 00 Page 1 of 1 5.1 ATWS

/ Failure of the Reactor Protection --  %

,, Failure of the Reactor Protection System (E?) .\,

i i Failure of tlic Reactor Protection Systcm (RPS) System (RPS)to SuccessfullyComplrte to Successliilly Complete a Reactor Scram Initiating Condition i to Successliilly Complete a Reactor Scrim (Automatic or Manual) a Reactor Scram (Automatic and Manual) and Rcactor Power is above -

,. -___._________.- 4%

(Automatic and Manual) and there is indication o l an

\. Estreme Challenee to the Ability to Cool thc Core

- . -- ~ --c

..=.-.-- .... .- ....

OPCON (' I.., 2 \

EAL # 5.1.2.a 5.1.2.b 5.1.3 -5.1.4 I

I IF IF E I I M 1 I An Automatic ANY Manually I i Initiated E I I Reactor Scram R I I

II Condition exists Reactor Scram G


I 1 AND (RPS) from the I I N I I An Automatic Control Room C I Reactor Scram IS NOT I I Y I I (RPS) IS NOT successful I ... _ _ --__ __ ____ .-

! successful 1




r L ... ..... 1 AND 1 ALL Reactor Scram attempts from the Control Room (RPS and ARI) DID NOT T I I REDUCE and MArNTAIN I EITHER one of the following:

0 N


I I THEN Reactor Power to 5 4%

Reactor Water Level CANNOT BE I

I AND MAINTAINED > -190" 1 ..... .- -..... .


The combination of Suppression Pool E I I Temperature and RPV Pressure V I CANNOTBE MAINTAINED E I I belowthe HCTL Curve L I I


...... I 1THEN ............

r-- - ~

Action Refer to Attachment 2 Refer to Attachment 3 Refer to Attachment 4 Required ALERT SITE AREA EMERGENCY GENERAL EMERGENCY

_. - __ ~- -.

6.0 Radiological Releases/Occurrences 6.1 Gaseous Effluent Release

. _ _- . -- --- - ~

~- __ ~ _- - __

Initiating Any Unplanned Rclcase of Gaseous Radioactivity to Any Unplanned Release of Gaseous Radioactivity to Condition Environncnt hat Technical Specifications the hdiological for 60- tiiinutcs or longer i the Environment that Esceeds 2 limes the IOCFR20. Appcndis B limits for 60 minutes or longer

.-. ...... ..... .-__ ........... ~ ...... -

OPCON ( ,411 EAL ## 6.1 .l.a 6.1.1.b 6.1.1 .c 6.1.1 .d Field I Dose IF Measured IF Sample IF Alarm IF I ,ssessment 05%!%!!e_. - --  %

! &s . . . . . . __ ndtcatms E l M I Valid High Alarm received from ANY onc of tlic Dosc Assessment Dosc Rate measured Gaseous effluent release I following Plant Effluent RMS Chiinncls E l ilidiciilcs EITHER at lire Prolccrcd saniplc analysis for ANY onc one of the following of the follo\ving indicates it FUVS Noble Cas (Grid 1/3, 9RX6XO)

H I Area Bound;rry I ;I( tlic MEA or beyond or beyond EXCEEDS concentration o t NPV Nohle Cas (Grid 1/3; 9RX590)

G I ;ISc;ilcul;ilcd on .OS mRem/hr IllC SSCL: FUVS: NPV Iodine (Grid 3, 9RX601) above nornial N I biickground -

> 1.13E-03 pCi/cc Total Noble Cas SPV Noble Gas (Grid 1/3; 9RXSXO)

TEDE -I-D;iy DOSC -> 2.71E-07 pCi/cc 1-131 cY II > 2.OE-01 mUem NPV:

SPV Iodine (Grid 3; 9RX605)

I HTV Nohle Gas (Grid 3,9RX5 16)

Thyroid-CDE Dose -> 2.43E-04 pCilcc Total Nuhle Cas __ - - _

I A I > 6.NE-Ut mRem > 5.81E-08 pCi/cc 1-131

[ AND based on Plant Vent C I cfllucnt SiaIiiPlC analysis SPV: Tolal Plant Vent release rate EXCEEDS T I EITHER ollc or tile roiiowlllgilllllls I and NOT on a default -

> 2.27E-05 pCi/cc Total Noble Cas I Noble Gas IO lodine -

> 5.44 E-09 pCilcc I-13 I 4.80Ei-03@/see Total Noble Cas 0 1 Riitio I

N I - _1.15EHO pCilscc I-I31(NPV- I--- -


I .T-.. ...................... . .J -



1- Dose

- __ Assessment results NOT available I


I __~_ - --

1 AND ..............

.. J L I rRelease

... is ongoing for 2 60 .. minutes]

S I .-

. . .I . __p i G I Act io 11 Required Refer to Attachment I UNUSUAL EVENT

. ... 1

liCGS ECti 6.0 Radiological ReIeasedOccurrences Rev. 00 Page 2 of 4 6.1 Gaseous Effluent Release

- - - - - - I _ - - - - - - - .-.- __ - -

Any Unplanned Release of Gaseous Radioactivity Initiating Condition

( Eiiviroriiiient that Exceeds 200 Times the Radiological Any Unplanned Release of Gaseous Radioactivity to the Environtnent that Evcecds 200 tinies the IOCFRZO, Appendix B limits for 30 minutes or longer Tccliiiical -Spcctficatrons

__ for- -

- - _. intiiutcs 15 __ __ __ or longer, - - __

OPCON ( An ) ( All )

EAL # 6.1.2.a 6.1.2.b 6.1.2.c Field I Dose IF Measured IF Sample IF I lgsessrnent lEe_Rak- - -


. nalysis . -_

M I Dosc Asscssiiient Valid High AIarni rcccived froin ANY oiic of tlic I

Dose Rate measured Gaseous emucnt rclcase E iiidiciilcs EITHER at the Protected samplc analysis for ANY one following Plant ElTluent RMS Chaniwls:

I n I I

OIIC of tlic Tollowing at rlic MEA or bcyond Area Boundary of the rollowiiig indicates a FRVS Noble Cas (Grid 1/3; Y R X G 8 0 )

G or beyond EXCEEDS concentration of NPV Noble Cas (Grid 1/3; YRX590)

I iis c;ilcul;ilcd on I 5 mRem/hr E IllC SSCL: FRVS: NPV Iodine (Grid 3; YRX601)

I N 1 2 l.13E-01 pCi/cc Total Noble Cas I TEDE +Day Dosc > 2.71E-OS pCi/cc 1-131 C I

-> Z.OE+OI niRem Y I NPV:

I Thyroid-CDE Dosc I > 2.13E-02 pCi/cc Total Noble

- Cas A I 2 6.8E+01 mRem 2'5.81E-06 pCi/cc 1-131 I b;iscd on Pl;itit Vcnt C I cflluciit sample analysis SPV:

T I and m T o n a dcEiull I > 2.27E-03 pCi/cc Total Noble Cas I I Noblc Giis IOIodine > 5.11E-07 pCi/cc 1-131 0 I Rirtio I




I I ---

I AND results NOT available V


[- Dose Asscssment E I I

Release is ongoing

__ 7 AND for 2 30 minutes 1 L I - -


_- S.. . 1 Act ion Refer to Attachment 2 Required ALERT

6.0 Radiological Releases/Occurrences ttccis ECG 6.1 Gaseous Effluent Release Hcv. 00 Page 3 o f 4 Initiating Boundary Dose Rcsulting from an Actual or Imminent Release of Gaseous Radioactivity Exceeds 100 mrcm Total Effcctivc Dose Equivalent (TEDE)

Condition or 500 mRcm Thyroid CDE Dose for the actual or projected duration of the release

....-__ .- . - .. .~ ........ ___.. __ .. ..........

OPCON ( AN ) (-'-Gi---) ('---AT>

- -_ -a

( All

. - ./


EAL ## 6.1.3.a 6.1.3.b 6.1.3.c 6.1.3.d Field 1 Dose IF Measured IF Field Survey IF Alarm IF I ,ssessrnen_t ___ PSB R&- -__ 7alYgls_ I dications .

E I M I Dosc Assessment Dosc Ratc nicasured Valid High Alarni rcccivcd from ANY one of [tic I Analysis of ficld E I indicatcs EITHER at thc Protectcd survcy samples at the following Plant Eflucnt RMS Channcls:

I< I onc of tlic following Arca Boundary Protcctcd Arca Boundery I ai ilic MEA or bcyond or bcyond EXCEEDS FRVS Noble Cas (Grid 1/3; 9RX6XO) c I iis calculated on 100 mRein/hr indicatcs EITHER E I onc of the following. NPV Noble Cas (Grid I/B; 9RXS90)

I thc SSCL . _ _ _. - -


' -> J.36E+02 CCPM SPV Noble Cas (Grid 113; 9RX580) c: I Y


> I,(IE+O2 mRcm

' -> 3.85E-07 pCi/cc 1-131 HTV Noble Gas (Grid 3; 9RX.5 16)

I Thyroid-CDE Dose Release is espccted to I continuc for 1 15 minutes .-. . . . . . . . __ .

A L S.OEi-02 mRcm C



I briscd on Plant Vcnt effluciit siilliplc analysis arid NOT 011 I .... -.......

- - ... .- ......... ] AND

~ .~ ..

I a dchult Noblc Gas to Total Plant Vciit rclcasc ralc EXCEEDS I I lodlllc Rilllo 7.6E+07 pCi/sec Total Noble Cas 0 I 1

I N I AND I . -. .

I L Dose Asscssnicnt results availablc I __ .. ... __ __




I Release is ongoing for-2.....15_._

minutes I

I 1


1 I


. . . - .... J Action Refer to Attachment 3 Required SITE AREA EMERGENCY

IICOS ECG 6.0 Radiological ReleasedOccurrences Rev. 00 Page 4 of 4 6.1 Gaseous Effluent Release Initiating Boundary Dose Resulting from an Actual or Imminent Release of Gaseous Radioactivity Exceeds 1000 mrem Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)

Condition or 5000 mRem Thyroid CDE Dose for the actual or projected duration of the release

.- ....... ______ ... .. ----.-._____I.__..._._ .......

OPCON ( All ) r L _ - - j (-Ai; -)

EAL ## 6.1.4.a 6.1.4.b 6.1.4.c 6.1.4.d Field 1 Dose IF Measured IF Field Survey IF Alarm IF I issessrnent .. -- me Rate ___- -

nak?!?? - . - - - -- . idications .-.- .._

E l M I Dosc Asscssincnl Dose Rate measured Analysis of field Valid High Alarm received from ANY otic of tltc I

E l iirdicatcs EITHER at the Protected survey SilIIIples at the following Plmt Effluent RMS Channels:

R I oiie of the following Area Boundary Protected Area Boundaiy I iil tlrc MEA or bcyond or beyond EXCEEDS FRVS Noble Gas (Grid 1/3; YRX6XO)

G I indicates EITHER

ISciIlctilittCd 011 1000 mRem/hr one of tltc following. NPV Noble Gas (Grid 1/3; 9RX590) the SSCL: -

N c





>1.36E+03 CCPM SPV Noble Cas (Grid 1/3; YRXSXO)

Y I 2 t.OE+03 mRem

-> 3.8SE-06 pCi/cc 1-131 HTV Noble Gas (Grid 3; Y R X S 16)

I Release is espcctcd to Thyroid-CDE Dosc .._..- .. ._ -

1 I continue for L IS minutes A i 2 S.OE+03 mRem .. __ ..... .......... I AND based on Plant Vent effluent ...............

C t s;iarplc ;iiialysis and 011

.. .-.I..

T I I ;I dcfili1lI Noble Gi\s IO I lodiirc Ralio 7.6Ei-08 pCi/sec Total Noble Cas 0 1 ..........

I N I I ........ . ...__ ..

I L I [ Dose Assessment results

__ available.

. -_ .... - L A N -D.............

V I I Release is ongoing for 2 15 minutes I L r . ...... __- .-I

.. .J S - 1I

-_ . _ _ _ ~ - L ___ THEN Action Required I Refer to Attachment 4 GENERAL EMERGENCY

6.0 Radiological ReleasedOccurrences 6.2 Liquid Effluent Release

.. .. __ T--

Initiating Any Unplanned Release of Liquid Radioactivity Any Unplanned Release of Liquid Radioactivity Condition to the lhviroiuneiit that Esceeds 2 Tiiiies the Radiological (\ to the Eiiviroiunent that exceeds 200 'limes Radiological TLxhiical Specifications for 60 minutes or longer 'I'wluiical Spcciiicatioiis for 15 minutes or longer OPCON ( ,411 )

EAI, # 6.2.1 6.2.2 1

1 -~......

E 1 M I I Valid Cooling Tower Blowdown Effluent E 1 I

Radiation Monitor High Alarm Condition K

I . - . ..I G I E I I ...

N I c: I I


I A I AND AND c I I - - _- . . . .

'r I I I Sample analysis of liquid effluent indicates j Sample analysis of liquid emuent indicates I I I I

concentration in excess of 2 times I concentration in excess of 200 times 0

N I Tec ti 11ical Spec ilica tion lini i ts i Technical Specification liniits I I L


I .... -. ..........


.I. .


._ I

-]:."D 1

E I -1 I 1 I Release continues for 2 60 minutes Release continues for 2 15 minutes V I E I after the alarm occurs after the alarm occurs L



I 1



... J I - - -- - - --

1 L_-


Action Refer to Attachment 1 Refer to Attachment 2 Required IJNUSUAL EVENT ALERT

. . . . . . . . ___ . ....... .J

HCGS F.CG 6.0 Radiological Releases/Occu rrences Rev. 00 Page 1 of 1 6.3 In-Plant Radiation Occurrences 7% Release of Radioactive Material or increases in Radiationlevels within the Initiating facility that impedes operation of systems required to maintain Condition ( Unplanned Increase in Plant Radiation

.-. -- - __ safe operations or to establish or maintain____ __

Cold Shutdown . . -

OPCON ('A117 EAL # 6.3.1 6.3.2.a 6.3.2.b 1 IF IF IF I ..... ...... - ..

E l M I Unplanned rise in Unplanned Dose Rates Unplanned Dose Rates I

E l radiation levels inside the > 2000 mRem/hr -> 15 mRem/hr K I Protected Area in ANY area of the plant in EITHER one of the following 1

G I > 1000 times normal which requires ACCESS to Main Control Room as indicated by EITHER maintain plant safety N I one of the following: functions (EXCLUDTNG the Security Central Alarm Station (CAS)

C I ' Permanent or portable Main Control Room and CAS)

Y I as indicated by EITHER one of the I Area Radiation Monitors I following:

A I ' General Area Radiological Survey 1 Permanent or portable Area C t - ___ -

Radiation Monitors T I THEN I 0 General Area Radiological Survey

' I - ..........

0 1 I

N l I



.-I I I

r -- --

-- i-"

Action Required I Refer to Attachment 1 UNUSUAL EVENT I.....

Refer to Attachment 2 ALERT

~ _____.____. J

liC0S ECG 6.0 Radiological Releases/Occu r rences Rev. 00 Page I o f 2 6.4 Irradiated Fuel Event Initiating Unplanned Increase in Plant Radiation Condition OPCON (

5 .j EAL # 6.4.1 .a 6.4.1.b 1 IF IF I

M I Uncontrolled water level Uncontrolled water level drop in the drop in the K I Reactor Cavity as Spent Fuel Pool I

G I indicated by EITHER as indicated by E l one of the following: Valid Fuel Pool Low I

N I ' Visual Observation Level Alarm Condition C I .. -


' Reactor Water Level Shutdown Range Level II AND I . 1. ....

A I Indicator 1 BBLI-R605 .I cT I I _. _.- Visual Obsenation I


' 1 0 1 I

i ..... .. .


- I I

Act ion Refer to Attachment I Required UNUSUAL EVENT

6.0 Radiologic,. Releases/Occurrences HCGS ECG Rev. 00 6.4 Irradiated Fuel Event Page 2 of 2

-~ ------,

Initiating Major Damage to Events that have or may result in uncovering Condition ( Irradiated Fuel Irradiated Fuel outside the Reactor Vessel OPCON ( All EAL ## 6.4.2.a 6.4.2.b 6.4.2.c 1

IF IF IF M I Unplanned rise Major Damage to on ANy one of the Visual observation of R I Irradiated Fuel following Irradiated Fuel uncovered I has occurred G I Area Rad Monitors or E

N l

l I


-- __ - __- __ -- by general area rad survey indicates C I 1

Valid High Alarm -

> 2000 mRem/hr:

Y I received from I

ANY one of the ' Spent Fuel Storage Pool I

A I following - Area (9RX707) cT I I RMS channels: - ' New Fuel Criticality

' Refbel Floor Exhaust Storage Channel A

' I 0 1 Channel A (9RX627) (9RX6 12)

' Refbel Floor Exhaust ' New Fuel Criticality N I I Channel B (9RX628) Storage Channel B I (9RX6 13)

L I ' Refhel Floor Exhaust E l I Channel C (9RX629)

" I E l L I I ------I-----

S ' I THEN Action Refer to Attachment 2 Required

- I -

IICGS ECG 7.0 Electrical Power Kcv. 00 Page I Of2 7.1 Loss of AC Power Capabilities 1.0~solAll Offsitc Power AC power capability to Vital Buses reduced to a Single Power'

~. . ,

( Loss of All OlTsite Power and All Onsite AC Initiating ( tu vital 13uses for greater ) ( Source for greater than 15 minutes such that any additional single) Power to 4. I6 KV Vital Buses during either in Cold )

Condition tlian 15 minutes ____

fiailurc would result in a complete

- loss of all 4.16 KV

- Vital Buses '

..A Shutdown or Refueling

- for greater __~___

_ _ than IS niiriute5


OPCON ( All 1 ( 1,2,3)

( 4, 5, Defueled )

EAI, # 7.1.1 7.1-2.a 7.1.2.b 1 IF IF IF E I 1 - .-

' I Unplanned Loss of Loss of 4.16 KV Vital Bus Power Sources 4.16 KV Vital Buses E lI 1 Power from Station (Offsite and Onsite) which results in the are deenergized R I 1 '

I Service Transformers rvailability of ONLY L. _._ __


I I 1AXS01AND1BX501 i

one 4.16 KV Vital Bus Power Source to (Offsite or Onsite)

I I I i 4.16 KV Vital Buses c

I f '


A I > 15 minutes C



have elapsed 1 THEN I AND

> 15 minutes have elapsed

' I 0 1 - - . .


1 I


- . J Action Required I

- - 1 Refer to Attachment 1

-1 Refer to Attachment 2 UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT

I ICOS ISCG 7.0 Electrical Power Rev. 00 Page 2 Of 2 7.1 Loss of AC Power Capabilities Initiating Loss of All Offsitc Powcr and All Onsite AC Pow& to Condition I All Vital AC Buscs during either Power Operation, ) (

Prolonged Loss of All Offsitc and Onsitc AC Powcr to All Vital AC Buscs )

Startup or Hot Shutdown for grcatcr than 15 niinutcs OPCON i 1,2,3 ) '1, 2, 3 t 1,2, 3 1 EAL # -

7.1.3 7.1.4.a 7.1.4.b I


M I ALL 4.16 KV Vital Buses E

I l I are deenergized R I - - - __- _- - - -. - ..



I I I Restoration of Power to I C I Loss of any 2 T I at least one 0 1 I

I > 15 minutes have elapsed

. - .__ - _- -- 1 4.16 KV Vital Bus within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> is NOT likely Fission Product Barriers has occurred or is Imminent THEN I 1 I I N I THEN THEN I

I L I V I L I S I 4 . .-

Action I Refer to Attachment 3 I Refer to Attachment 4 Required I SITE AREA EMERGENCY ~ GENERAL EMERGENCY

7.0 Electrical Power 7.2 Loss of DC Power Capabilities Loss of All Vital 125 VDC Power during either Power Initiating Condition Unplanned Loss of All Vital 125 VDC Power during either

( Cold Shutdown or Reheling Mode for greater than 15 minutes

) iUnplanned

, Operation, Startup or Hot Shutdown for greater than 15 Minutes )

OPCON ( 4, 5, Deheled ) (---, 3 )

EAL # 7.2.1 7.2.3 I IF IF I

E l I I I M I Unplanned degraded voltage condition for Unplanned degraded voltage condition for I

E l Vital 125 VDC Buses, Vital 125 VDC Buses, R


I I i I

such that voltage is < 108 VDC 1 . . . .. .

such that voltage is < 108 VDC

__ -. . .. - .- - .. - . .. .. - I 1






> 15 niinutes have elapsed I I > 15 minutes have elapsed C


I ,

0 1 I

N l I

I L I V I L I Action Required I .

Refer to Attachment 1 UNUSUAL EVENT

tiCtiS ECti 8,O System Malfunctions Rev. 00 Page I of I 8.1 Loss of Heat Removal Capabililty Loss of Reactor Water Level -'

Initiating Inability to Maintain the Plant Complete I.oss of Functions Needed that has or will Uncover Fuel in Cold Shutdown to Achieve Cold Shutdown Conditions Condition ..-- in the.Reactor Vessel


- ~ _ _ - - __ - . -.-' . .... ... ........ .

OPCON (I....4,- 5 ') ...

( 4.-, s 1 1-, 2 , .3 EAL # 8.1.2 7

8.1.3.a 8.1.3.b I IF IF IF I ........... .......... ...... ......................


&I I Unplanned, Complete Loss of Reactor Water Level Loss of Main Condenser capabilities, as evidenced by I

E I Technical Specification required REACHES -161" an inability to remove Decay Heat from the Reactor R I systems available to provide (Top of Active Fuel) ___ __ - __ - . . ._

I c I Decay Heat Removal functions .. . . .

E I .... . . ....... __ - _..

I I.

N c





-1 AND Loss of Torus capabilities as evidenced by EITHER one of the following:

I An I RCS Temperature Entry into an Unsafe region of ANY one of the A I UNCONTROLLED I has risen to following curves:

C temperature T


> 200°F rise

  • Heat Capacity Temperature Limit (HCTL) Curve I I (Excluding a <I5 is RAPIDLY
  • Heat Capacity Level Limit (HCLL) Curve 0


minutes rise approaching

  • Pressure Suppression Pressure (PSP) Curve N 1 >200°F 200°F
  • SRV Tailpipe Level Limit Curve I

with a I (with NO heat I heat removal Insufficient SRV capacity to reduce RPV pressure L I removal function I function restored) __

E restored) - - .. . . -

I . . _____




-1 -- - --

I ............ I - .


...... 1 .... ~-.... - -

Action Refer to Attachment 2 Refer to Attachment 3 Required ALERT SITE AREA EMERGENCY

8.0 System Malfunctions 8.2 Loss of Overhead Annunciators linplanned Ims of Most or All Control Room Initiating Annunciators and a Significant Tramlent i s in Progrcls or Compensatory Inability to Monitor a Sigiiilicant 'lruisiait in Condition IndiLators are UnaVdlldbk Progress

- - __ __- - -- - - .~. . . -.

OPCON ( I, 2,3 j


EAL # 8.2.2.a 8.2.2. b 0.2.3 1 IF E I M I Loss of > 75% of Main Control Room I

E I 1 of Main Control Room Overhead Annunciators c


I Overhead Annunciators 1 AND E I I - - AND A significant transient** is in progress 1 N

<: I I

BOT! I of the 1 AND I A significant following.

Y I 13OTH of the following I t ransieii t*

  • CRIDS CRIDS I is in progress SPDS A I SPDS I are NOT AVAILABLE C are NOT T





Main Control Room indications arc NOT 0 I ii\ailiiblc to nioiiitor ANY onc of ttic I

1 I

I I N I t roiiowing I AND I RCS Status L I 15 minutes have I ..- . Rcaclivity Control E

I THEN elapsed since the loss ECCS V I of OHAs E I Containment Parameters 1


L THEN -. -

s. - 1 I

I .- .______. . .. . .. - . . ... . . .- . __ . .- - f ._._ . .


.1 -

I Action Refer to Attachment I Refer to Attachment 2 Refer to Attachment 3 Required UNUSIJAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA EMERGENCY

. ..- ... .-. ... ..- - -- - .- I . .. .. __ .. . .

    • NOTE: A Significant Transient is based on EC judgment, but includes ias a minimum ANY of the following:


8.0 System Malfunctions 8.3 Loss of Communications Capabililty Initiating llnplanned Loss of All Onsitr or Offsite CommunicationsCapabilities Condition OPCON ('._- ..All -___-

) .

8.3.1 .a 8.3.1.b EAI, ##


E l I

M I Unplanned loss of Unplanned loss of ALL ONSITE ALL OFFSITE E t R I communications conimunications as evidenced by the loss of as evidenced by the loss of

& of the following &of the following E l systems: syslcnls:


  • Direct Inward Dial System Direct Inward Dial Systcni C r (DID) (DID)


" I ' Station Page Systcni Nuclear Enicrgency I Telephone System (NETS)

I (Gaitronics)

A I ' Station Radio System Esss System (Centres)

C I phone I

T I I 1 I

0 1 N I I L I E I "E I I 1 THEN L I S I t 1

Action Refer to Attachment I Required U N U S U A L EVENT

HCGS ECG 8.0 System Malfunctions Rev. 01 Page I of 1 8.4 Control Room Evacuation Initiating M a h Control Room Evacuation Main Control Room Evacuation has been Initiated Condition has been Initiated and Plant Control cannot be established OPCON 0 (.-. All .-_F


EAL # -0.4.2

l IF I

E l M I Main Control Room Evacuation I

E l has been initiated R I G I '



T ___-

I THEN i t 0 8' .

N E t V


1. '

L I  !'

s  !

Action Refer to Attachment 2 Refer to Attachment 3 Rea ra ired ALERT SITE AREA EMFRCFNPY

~~~~ -

IICciS ECCi 8.0 System Malfunctions Rev. 00 Page I of I 8.5 Technical Specifications


Initiating Inability to Reach Required Operational Condition Condition ( -_-

  • within Technical Specification Limits


OPCON (' 1, 2, 3

-j EAL # 7 8.5.1 I IF I . -~ ____ - . . ....... - .-

E l


M I Plant is NOT brought to the REQUIRED I

E l Operational Condition within the R II G

Technical Specification required time limit E  ; 1 . . . . . . ........ -



' I 0 1 I


I L I v i L I s f . . . .

Action Required Refer to Attachment 1 UNUSUAL EVENT I

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal HCGS ECG Rev. 01 Page I of I I 9.1 Security Threats

- - - I _

Initiating Confinned Security Event Security Event Resulting i n Loss of Security Event in a Plant Which Indicates a Potential Degradation in Security Event in a Plant Vital Area Ability to Reach and Maintain Cold Condition the Level of Safetv of the Plant ,

Protected Area

'--_ .. . . ~ . ... . . -'

OI'CON (Ai-]


All- -


EAL # 9.1.I -

9.1.2 -

9.1.3 1 ~ .... .. -

IF . _ _ ..

IF__ . __ _____ IF_ I _ _

I E I Con finned security threat directed toward Confirmed hostile intrusion Confirmed hostile intrusion or Security event resulting in the actual M I the station as evidenced by ANY -one of the or inalicious acts as malicious acts in Plant Vital Areas that loss of physical control of EI'I'I4ER I

E I following: evidenced by - A N Y one of involve actual or likely major failures of one of the following:

It I Credible threat of malicious acts or the following: dant functions needed for the protection Control Room I of the public as evidenced by any one G I destructive device within the Protected Discovery of an Remote Shutdown Panel Area resulting in SCP-5 implementation of the following:

E I intruder(s), armed and I

Credible intrusion or assault threat to the violent, within the Discovery of an intruder(s), armed N I and violent, within the Vital Area THEN Protected Area resulting c I I

Protected Area resulting in SCP-5 implementat ion in SCP-6 implementation resulting in SCP-6 implementation Y I Hostage held on-site in a Destructive device discovered in a I Attempted intrusion or assault to the I Protected Area resulting in SCP-7 or non-vital area resulting Vital Area resulting in SCP-IO A I in SCP-8 implementation implementation I SCP-1 I implementation C I Malicious acts attempted Malicious act(s) attempted or discovered in a Vital Area Malicious acts attempted or discovered T I within the Protected Area resulting in or discovered within a resulting in SCP-10 implementation AND the malicious I

I I SCP-10 implementation Vital Area (which is in the act(s) is of a magnitude that it SPECIFICALLY results 0 I Protected Area) resulting in Damage to ANY one of the following:

I Hostage/Extortion situation that threatens in SCP-IO implementation N TWO OR MORE Trains of a Safety System I normal plant operations resulting in that does not meet criteria I MORE THAN ONE Safety System SCP-8 implementation of 9.1.3 I Any Plant Vital Structure which renders the structure L I Destructive Device discovered within the ___ incapable of performing its Design Function E I Protected Area resulting in SCP-IO AND I THEN V I implementation Damaged Safety System(s) or Plant Vital Structure E I is required for the present Operational Condition I



s I I

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal Page I of I 9.2 Fire Initiating Fire within the Protected Area Boundary Fire Affecting the Operability of Pl;int Safety Systems i Required to Establish or Maintain Safe Shutdown Condition Not Estinguished within 15 minutcs of Dctection OPCON I All ( All 1 ( All )

EAI, # -

9.2.1 -

9.2.1 -

9.2.2 I IF IF IF E




I 1


Valid Fire Alami is rcccived iii tlic Main Control Room 1

li -~--- -

AND Rcport of a fire from personnel at the scciic I 1- 1 Fire within ANY oiic of tlic followiiig Phiit VitA Slructurcs:

Reactor Building Control/Aus Building G I _.-_

E I Fire i s \ t i t h i n ANY onc of tlic following Plant Stnicturcs I (EXCLUDING sni;ill fires Ihiit h a w potclitial to aflect Scrim W;itcr Intake Structurc N I Safct? S?stemsor Prolectcd Arca Pcrliiiinelit Plant Struclurcs) c I I

Scn icc/Riid W;istc Building Y RciicIor Building I

I I j lurbinc Building 1 AND A

c I


Control/Aus Building I The Fire is of a niiignitudc tlial I SPECIFICALLY rcsiilts iii Ilamage to ANY oiic of llic following.

I I Scnicc Waler Iiit;ikc Stnslirrc I TWO OR MORE siibsystciiis of a Safety Sjsteni I I 0 I Scn icc/R;id Wastc Building MORE THAN ONE Safety Systeni I

N I Low Lcvcl Radwastc lntcrini Storage Facility Any Plant Vila1 Structure which renders thc structiirc incapablc c I

I i ]-AND I

performing its Design Function L I ___. - __. 1i __


I I I Fire i s NOT estinguished within 15 minutes of I EITHER one of the following.

I I.


I i i Daiiiagcd Safcty Syslcin(s) or Pl;iiiI Vital Stnicture E I I Receipt of a Valid Fire Alariii I is rcquircd for tlic prcscrit 0pcr;irional Coiidition L



Rcport of a lire from tlic scciir:

ti THEN f

1 THEN 1

Actioii Required 1 Refer to Attachment 1 IJNUSUALEVENT 1 Refer to Attachment 2 ALERT

tKx;s EC(;

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal Rev 00 Page I of I 9.3 Explosion Explosion Affecting the Operability of Plant Initiating Natural and Destructive Phenomena Condition ( Atrecling the Protected Arca i Safcty Systenis Required to Establish or Maintain Safe Shutdown OPCON All EAI, # -

9.3.1 -9.3.2 I IF IF I

E l I  ! I M I Confirmed Explosion Confirmed Explosion within ANY onc of h c I \\ it hin foilo\ving Plant Vital Structures:

E l R I thc Protcctcd Arca I . -

G I 1

I AND N I c: I Rcpon of visiblc daniagc to Plant equipnicnt or Protected Area Y I Pcrniancnt Plant Structurcs I

1 - - ._.- ..


T i

I i



The Explosion i s of a niagnitudc that it SPECIFICALLY rcsults i n Damage lo ANY oiic of tlic following TWO OR MORE subsystcnis of a Safet! Sjstem I '

0 1 I )

I MORE THAN ONE Saftty Sjstem N I i I Any Plant Vital Structurc which renders the structurc I t .

I ,

L I incapable of performing its Design Function I .

1 V I E tI L

s t I


Ac tiori Refer to Attachment I Required UNlJSUAL EVENT

IIC'OS 1:u; 9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal Kev 00 Page I Of 2 9.4 Toxic/Flammable Gases I ni t ;at ing Condition I Release of Toxic or Flammable Gases Deemed Detrimental to Safe Operation of the Plant 1 OPCON (' All \ i ii- ( All )

9.4.1 .a 9.4.1.b 9.4.1 .c IF IF IF I

1 Notification by Local, County, or I State Ofticials for the potential need Uncontrolled Toxic Gas llncontrolled Flammable Giis 1 I

release within the Protected Area release wit hi n the I

to EVACUATE in ANY area which Protected Area i non-essential personnel does not normally require an that RESULTS in due to an atmospheric survey Flammable Gas concentrations OffsiteToxic Gas release or Respiratoty Protection for 1: xc

__ _ _E Ii r) I K G I

I AND entry I

2SY" of the LEL II 1 SNSS deems evacuation I



of non-essential personnel is required 1 AND 1 I Routine Plant Operations are IMPEDED based on EITHER one of the following.

Access restrictions caused by the uncontrolled release Personnel injuries have occurred as a result of the release THEN


Refer to Attachment 1 Action UNUSUAL EVENT Required

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal I I C W ECG Hcv 00 Page 2 o f 2 9.4 ToxidFlammable Cases Initiating Release of Toxic or Flammable Gases Within a Facility Structure Which Jeopardizes Operation of Systems I

C g nci i t i on Required to Maintain Safe Operations or to Establish or Maintain Cold Shutdown Conditions OPCON ( All \

EAI, # 9.4.2.a 9.4.2.b I IF IF I - ___ _-

E l I Uncontrolled Flammable Cas release within ANY one It1 1 Uncontrolled Toxic Cas release within ANY one I of the following Plant Structures of the following Plant Structures E l K I Reactor Building Reactor Building I

(; I Turbine Building Turbine Building 1:. I (ontrol/Aux Building


! ConrroVAux Building I

N l i Service Water Intahe Structure i Service Water Intake Structure c ServicdRad Waste Building


I Service/Rad Waste Building Y I I I



__ -1 AND A I Toxic Gas concentrations result in ANY one of the following. ~latnmableGas concentrations EXCEED C I T I 50% of the LEL I

An IDLt1 atmosphere I  !

Plant personnel report severe adverse health reactions, 0 1 including burning eyes, nose, throat, dizziness i

I N I I 1 The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) being EXCEEDED

____ - I L I I

- -I-E l I ,

I. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

...... ^___ . . . . . . . -. ......


V I Plant personnel are unable to perform actions necessary to complete a Safe Shutdown of the plant without appropriate personnel protection equipment L I 1 .

THEN Action Refer to Attachment 2 Required ALERT

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal IlC(iS ECO K C V . 00 Pagc I of I 9.5 Seismic Event initiating Natural and Destructive Phenomena Natural and Destructive Phenomena Condition Affecting the Protected Area Atfecting the Plant Vital Area 1 OPCON (' All ) ( All )

EAL # 9.5.1 .a 9.5.1.b -

9.5.2 I IF I IF .-

E l I 1 M I j Seismic Event felt Valid Actuation of the I I E l  ! by personnel Seismic Trigger (> 0.01g)

R I within the has occurred as verified by the 1

G I I Protected Area SMA-3 Event Indicator (flag)

E  ; I being WHITE I

N I on Panel IO-C-673 in the c  ; Upper Relay Room Y I .


A c


1 Valid I

i Actuation of the Seismic Switch (> 0.lg) has occurred as veritied by E l l 1 IER one

'1' I I of the following:

I I 0 1 AND I Valid actuation of Main Control Room N I I Overhead Annunciator C6-C4 I

L I AMBER Alarm light on the Seismic Switch Power Supply Drawer is lit on Panel IO-C-673 V I in the Upper Relay Room 1,

S 1

I 1 THEN t t .

Ke1i.r to Attachnient 24 i I Refer to Attachment 2 Act io 11 Required I UNUSUAL EVEN'I (Common Site) I I ALERI

9.0 Hazards - Internal/External 9.6 High Winds Initiating Condition Natural and Destructive Phenomena Natural and Destructive Phenomena i Affecting the Piotected Area 'i ( AtTecting the Plant Vital Area OPC'ON All \ ( Ail I ( All ')

9.6.1.a 9.6.1.b -

9.6.2 IF IF Report of a Sustained wind speeds Tornado > 75 MPH

'l:OUC11ING for 15 minutes, DOWN measured at within the ANY elevation of I'l-otected Area the Met Tower The Wind Speed is of a magnitude that it SPECIFICAL1.Y results in Damage to ANY one of the following:

TWO OR MORE subsystems of a Safety Systeni MORE THAN ONE Safety Systeni Rendering ANY of the following structures incapable of perforniing b

I its Design Function I

I t


  • Reactor Building
  • Control/Aux Building N I 1
  • *
  • Service/RadwasteBuilding I AND I Damaged Safety System(s) or Plant Vital Structure

! is required for the present Operational Condition 4 THEN v

Refer to Attachinent 24 Refer to Attachment 2 Act ion ' IJNUSIJAL, EVENT (Coninion Site) A I .ER'I*


9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal 9.7 Flooding Initiating Internal Flooding in Excess of Sump Handling Capability Internal Flooding Affecting the Operabilityof Plant Safety Condition (

Affecting Safety Related Areas of the Plant ( Systems Required to Establish or Maintain Safe Shutdown i OPCON ( All \

EAL # -

9.7.1 9.7.2 I IF IF I

E l l I I

Visual Observation of Uncontrolled Flooding that confirms Visual Observation of Flooding within ANY one I 1 ,

E l ANY one of the following of the following Plant Vital Structures R Reactor Building iI 1 1 I 1 Reactor Building Floor Levels above the Maximum G

I ' Normal Floor Level ( > I " ) referenced in EOP 103, ControVAux Building E  ;

Secondary Containment Control Service Water Intake Structure N I I Receipt ofa SSWS Pump Room Flooded Alarm

" I

, Greater than 2" of water in ANY area that contains a ServicdRad Waste Building I

~i Siifety System(s), not included above




A I C I 1 '

The Flooding is o f a magnitude that it XCIFICALLY results in Daniage to ANY one of the following

'I' I 1 1I I Ii '--

TWO OR MORE subsystems of a Safety System 1 MORE I H A N ONE Safety System I

Any of the above listed Plant Vital Structures which renders the structure incapable of performing its Design Function i

1 AND Damaged Safety System(s) or Plant Vital Structure is required for I

the present Operational Condition i I

S I t

I I t

THEN Action Refer to Attachment I L i Refer to Attachment 2 Required UN US I1 A L EV EN'I' A LE 14'1.

9.0 Hazards - InternallExternal HC<IS ECG KW. no Page I of I 9.8 Turbine Failure / Vehicle Crash / Missile Impact lnitiating Natural and Destructive Phenomena Natural and Destructive Phenomena Condition j

Affecting Certain Structures Within the Protected Area

( Affecting Certain Structures Within the Plant Vital Area )

OPCON All 1 ( - - Ail ) [ All 'I EAL # 9.8.1 .a 9.8.1.b 9.8.2 I IF IF IF I . . .. ... . - . . __ . . - ._-. - --

E l I 1.- -- I bl I j Catastrophic damage to the Vehicle Crash / Vehicle Crash / Missile Impact with or within I I


G l


I i

j Main Turbine as evidenced by EITHER one of the following:

Missile Impact with or within ANY one of the ANY one of the following Plant Vital Structures Reactor Building Ii

' Main Turbine casing following Plant Structures' Control/Aux Building II E l penetration I Reactor Building Service Water Intake Structure I N I

<-  ; Main I'urbine/Generator 1)arnage potentially releasing Turbine Building ServicdRad Waste Building I Control/Aux Building I Y I I

I I Lube Oil or t iydrogen Gas to the Turbine Building Service Water Intake 1 AND A I I

Structure l h e Vehicle Crash / Missile Impact is of a magnitude I1

<: I Service/Rad Waste Building that it SPECIFICALLY results in Damage to ANY I' I ~

1 I I

one of the following I , i TWO OK MORE subsystems of' a Safety System 0 1


I , . , '

MORE THAN ONE Safety System I N I I

\ I Any of the above Plant Vital Structures which renders I ._-

L E tI V

E 1,


I THEN the structure incapable of performing its Design Function I AND Safety System(s) or Plant Vital Structure for the present Operational Condition Action

. 1 ..

Refer to Attachment I 4THEN Refer to Attachment 2 Required UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT

9.0 Hazards - InternaVExternal 9.9 River Level

- ____ - - ~ .- - --- - -

Initiating Natural and Destructive Phenomena Condition ( ...............

AfYecting the Protected Area OPCON (, All )

EAL # 9.9.1 .b 9.9.1 .a 1



E  :

M I River Level < 80.0' I

E l . I I R I I

G I N I ._


I A I c  :


' 1 0 1 I

N l 1

I L l E 1 I

V I . \

L I 1 - - -- . - -

Refer to Attachment 24 Action UNUSUAL EVENT (Common Site)


I ICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels Ilev. 02 Page I of 2 11.1 Technical Specifications

~. _.. . . . . ..... .- ..................... . . . . . __ ....... .......

/ - - -

Initiating INI'I'IA'I'ION 01; A N Y 1lNl'l SI l1Jl'l)OWN liXCl3il)lN(j ANY 'I'liCI INICAl, ANY IXVIA'I'ION I'KOM T/S OR ItliQUIKlil) IiS '1'1 Ili l'l:Cl INICAI, Sl'liCII~ICh'l'lONS Shl.lI'I'Y I.IMII 1,ICLINSII CONI)I'I'ION I'URSUAN'I '1'0 C'ondi I i on I IOCIzR5U.72(h)(2)(i) ,.' [ IOCFR50.36(c)(l),'I'S6.7.I.aI IOCI.X50.54(x) I IOCFR50.72(h)( I)]

- ... \............ ........

OPC'ON .. ... ..

( 1 ,2 ,-3 , 4_, 5 (as applicable in -


c-All-3 IUL, # 11.1.I.a ll.l.l.b 11.I.l.c I

IF IF IF I - - __ - _ -- ._- __ . _ .... . __........ __

'I I I' I Unit shutdown is Exceeding ANY one Action required because I

1' I INIIIATEII of the following no action consistent with 0 I to comply with Technical Specification Safety Limits: Technical Specifications I

It I 'I'eclinical Speci ticat ions or license can provide adequate I T/S 2.1.1,'I'lIERMAL POWER,

- - or equivalent protection in an I Low Pressure or Low Flow 1 1 THEN emergency N I

(; I

'us THERM THERMAL POWER, tligh Pressure and High Flow (See NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0005 (Q)

I for guidance on deviation I T/S 2.1.3, REACTOR COOLANT from written procedures)




I 1, I E l I


" 1 L l S I Action I Refer to Attachment 14 I I 12 1 i i c q u i i cu I 4 i iuiu iicpuii I I

11.0 Reportable Action Levels 11.1 Technical Specifications i

~ ......... .

Initiating Condi t ion \,.


[JICGS Operating License, Sections 2.FJ

... \ .................


_- 3.4.4,3.7.5]

[TIS, -. .-- -

e i




.......... ../

( All ) All 1I.I.3.a I 1.I.3.b 11.I.3.c I 1.I.3.d IF IF IF IF Violation of ANY one of the Any of the The conductivity, One or more rcq uircnicnt s contni tied in Scc t ion 2 .C T/S I .cos chloride concentration snubbers ottlic ()pcrating I,icensc l~X(l~1l. li)r JiCS or pl1 in the RCS are tound to be

is otlicr\vise proiidcd i n thc ProsSIIre/ is in excess of its INOIIRAI31,I IcchnicalSpccitications Ienipcrature specified limits per and o r Ilti~~irotitiicntal Irotcction Ihn (T/S ) T/S 3.4.4 have been replaced arc exceeded Action Statement C. 1 or restored to an 1 THEN there by requiring an Engineering thereby requiring an Engineering Evaluation 0I ERA I3 LE stiltus, Eva1uat ion. an Engineering Evaluation shall be performed per T/S 4.7.54 THEN 1



I ICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels I k v 01 Page I of I 1 I .2 Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition J l c-- I:VEN'I'/CONI~I~I'ION TIIAI COULD IIAVE I'RISVEN'IED CI'RI'AIN SAFETY FUNCI'IONS

[ 10CI:R50.72 (b)(3)(v)]

All 11.2.1 1I.2.2.b IF IF Any event or condition that at the time of 11s judgcd by tlic OS/KI)O, an cvcnt or discovery could have prevented the condition that rcsults in ANY unc ofthc fulfillment of the safety function of li)llo\ving:

structures or systems that are needed to I tic condition 01' tlic pliirit. iiicluding its pcrform A N Y one of the following:

principal salkty barricrs, being scriously dcgradcd;

4. Shutdown the reactor and maintain it in The plant being in an unanalyzed a safe shutdown condition condition that significantly degrades plant
3. Remove residual heat.


2. Control the release of radioactive material

____.-- D. Mitigate the consequences of an THEN accident THEN

. . . . . 1 ~ .. . . . .

I n I I .... n ..- .... I I

. ,. ,..._. . . d , .

IICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels I k v . 02 Page I o f I 1 1.3 System Actuations

~~ ........... _ _ ... ................ .- .....


VAI I I ) A C I ~ I A ~ I O N O ~ I I S ~ ~ I ~I XCI S Y SP II I ~ M 111i t i at i ng C'ondi tion .. .- - _ _ -- - - (\.- I'K1 PI ANN1 I) [ 1OC.I IlW 72(b)(3)(iv)(A)I OI'CON ( - _-

All - 2 1 (- All - 1 )'

RAL # 11.3.1 11.3.3 I IF IF I __ - ._

It I E= I Any event or condition that results in I Valid ECCS Actuation, Manual or actuation of the reactor protection valid actuation of any system listed in I' I 0 I Automatic, has or should have occurred system (RPS) when the reactor is Technical Basis 1 1.3.3 except when the H

I I I..... __... .. -. , . ...

critical except when the actuation results from and is part of a pre-planned actuation results from and is part of a pre-planned sequence during testing or I

T I I sequence during testing or reactor I I reactor operation.

N I ..... ___ .... AND

- .- .- ~ __



(; I rHEN THEN I ECCS results, or should have resulted, in I

A I discharge to the vessel C



1 I 1 AND I

0 I I

N I I Actuation is NOT part of a I pre-planned sequence during testing or L I E I reactor operation.


I - .. -


S I ---

I 4 tiour Kenort I

11.0 Reportable Action Levels 11.4 Personnel Safety / Overexposure ONSI'IE FAIAl,l'IY OCFK50.72(b)(2)(xi)]

. . ___ ..-. '.__ ............... -2

. _. 1 OI'CON ItAL, ##

c -

- A!!..)

1I.4.1 L-.. -!LJ 1I.4.2.a


II.4.2.b I IF IF IF I _ _ -. __ __ - __--- --. -

I E: I j Any fatality has I 1 I ~ I ~ I ~ S O N OVEREXPOSURE N~~I, or potential PERSONNEL OVEREXPOSURE or potential for occurred within the 1' I for oscrcsposurc as indicated by )verexposure within a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period, as indicated Owner Controlled A N Y one of the folloiving:

--.- by ANY one of the following: Area (OCA)

I ...... .- ....

'l*Kl)K exposure > - 25 Hem TEDE exposure > S Rem THEN I,DE exposure > - 75 Hem 1,DE exposure > 15 Rem SI)K exposure - 250 Item

> SDE exposure > SO Item I

I D I<elcascof radioactive material inside Release of radioactive material inside A I or outside of a Kestricted Area so that or outside of a Restricted Area so that c  ; had an individual been present for had an individual been present for

'r I 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the individual could have 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> the individual could have

' I 0 1 received > 5 times the occupational received > 1 times the occupational I ALI (Annual Limit of Intake) which ALI (Annual Limit of Intake) which N l would usually equate to 25 Rem would usually equate to 5 Rem CEDE.

I I CEDE. This Does N O 1 apply to areas This Does NO'I' apply to areas where L I personnel are normally stationed E l where personnel are NOT normally I stationed during routine operations. during routine operations.

V I E  ; - _ .


A rtinn I<eauired I


I i kiour Kepon I 1


- - - 1 THEN Refer to Attachment 14 4 iiuu: iicpuii I


11.0 Reportable Action Levels 1 1.4 Personnel Safety / Overexposure

~ ~.



[ IOCI.'R26, AI'I'. A, 2.8(e)(S)]

....... - /

OITON 11.4.2.c 11.4.3.a II.4.3.b I IF IF IF I

I< I K I I 'I'ransportation of a radioactively contaminated Any event that is determined to be The occurrence of a false positive error on I

1' I o r potentially contaminated individual rcportablc by the Medical Review a blind lab performance test specimen 0 I t'rotii thc siic to ;in ottsitc nicdical tiicility tiw Ot'ticcr (MKO) or designee IAW under 1 OCFR26 as determined by the I

It 1 trcatriicnt PSEG 1 iiclear's Fitness for Duty Medical Review Officer (MRO) IAW

'I' I I 1 I'rogram NC.NA-AP.ZZ-O042(Q)) I'SEG Nuclear's Fitness for duty I'rogram I I ~ THEN (NC.NA-AP.ZZ-O042(Q)



(; I I


-1 __ ___ __AND- _-__ -

I A I ............ - - .-

c T

I The reportable details of the event The reportable details of the event are made I

T I are made available to the OS by the available to the OS by the MRO I MRO or designee or designee rTHEN I I __ _ _ -__ ____ - -

0 I I




L I S I 1 1

11.0 Reportable Action Levels 11.5 Environmental / State Notifications

(-. _All

--j L.

All 1 11.5.2.a 115 2 . b I 1S.2.c I IF IF IF I __

I1 I

....... - .. __ .-.. __ - - __. ~ _ _

E I EITf IER one of the following events occur:

I Spillldischarge of an industrial chemical or I I petroleum product outside of a plant i s judged by the OSIEDO, - ANY one of Observation of a spill/discharge of an industrial 0 I structure within the Owner Controlled Area he following events has occurred:

I chemical or petroleum product from on-site into Unusually large fish kill li I (OCA) that results in EITHER one of the the Delaware River or into a storm drain I foI lowing : Protected aquatic species impinge on I Circulating or Service Water intake I Spill / discharge that has passed Observation of an oil slick on the Delaware River I I through the engineered fill and into the screens (eg.; sea turtle, sturgeon) as I from any source N ground water as confirmed by reported by Site personnel I - ..

(; I licensing Any occurrence of an unusual or I THEN important event that indicates or could Spill / discharge that CANNOT be I result in significant environmental A I cleaned up within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and no contact with groundwater is suspected impact casually related to plant C I I operation; such as the following:

T I ~

+ Onsite plant or animal disease I outbreaks I I THEN 0 I Mortality or unusual occurrence o I any species protected by the N I Endangered Species Act of 1973 I Note:

This event MAY require IMMEDIATE

+ Increase in nuisance organisms or I

L I ( I 5 minute) notifications. DO - NOT conditions 1--

E I delay implementation of Attachment 16 + Excessive bird impactation I + NJPDES Permit violations V I I Excessive Opacity (smoke)

E I L I - . ..


__ S -._I 4 rtinn Rea uired r--------

I Refer !n .Attachment 16 SDiiiiLiiscnarae KeDoninn I I

I Refer tn .4tt2rhment 16 Sniiilijiscnarrze Keuoninrz I




-. ~

Refer tn ,4tt2rhmPnt I 5 invironnienrai irotection Pian I ITHEN I

I ICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels Ilev. 01 Iilge I of I 1 1.6 After-the-Fact ,

Initiating EMERGENCY CONDITIONS DISCOVERED Condition A FTE R-T t 1E- FACT MODE rAll--7 II.6.1 IF Discovery of events or conditions that had previously occurred (event was NOT ongoing at the time of discovery) which EXCEEDED an Emergency Action Level (EAL) and was NOT declared as an emergency 1 AND More than ONE HOUR has elapsed since the condition occurred I I 1


AND There are currently N O adverse consequences in progress as a result of the event THEN I

I R p f ~ tn r 4 t t d - m m t 1? I I

I I t-iour KeDorr I



RAL # 11.7.1.a 11.7.1.b 11.7.1.c I IF IF IF R f E l Any Non-Emergency safeguards event that is O S E C determines that an event(s) (excluding a scheduled test or preplanned I

P I reportable in accordance with 10CFR73.71 as maintenance activity) has occurred that would impair the ability to deal with an O I determined by Security (SCP-15) accident or emergency as indicated by the Loss of ANY one of the following:

R I T I THEN Nuclear Emergency I I Telecommunications System Use of the TSC for > 8 hrs N I G I (NETS) for > 1 h r SPV, NPV, or FRVS vent radiation I

I ENS for > 1 hr in the Control effluent monitors with no alternate A I Room, TSC, and EOF method of monitoring for > 72 hrs I

C I (NIA if reported by the NRC).

SPDS OR CRlDS for > 8 hrs T I I I More than 17 Offsite Sirens for >

1 hr More than > 75% OHA's O f Use of the EOF for > 8 hrs N I Concurrent multiple accident or I emergency condition indicators I All Meteorological data (Hope L I which in the judgement of the OS Creek AND Salem) for one E

V I l


parameter for > 8 hrs I significantly impairs assessment capabilities E l Site access due to Acts of Nature Refer to Technical Basis I I .7.1.c for ERD!

LS f I (snow, flood, etc.)

Action Refer to Attachment 25 Required 1 H o u r Report ( C o m m o n Site)

I ICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels Rev. 01 I'age I of I 11.8 Public Interest




OI'C'ON ( A n - ) ( All -2 II.8.2.a 11.8.2.b IF IF II OS/III)( 1 judges that iiii cvcnt o r situation has As judged by the OS/EI)O, events which are the occtirrcd IIMI i \ rcliitcd to A N I ' o w of thc l'ollo\~iiig responsibility of PSEG Nuclear which have or may result in EITHER one of the following:

I tic Iicalth atid sal'cty oftlic public I Anticipated unusual movement of equipment or I 'I lie health and safcty of onsitc personnel personnel which may significantly affect 1 Protection of the environnicnt local traffic patterns Onsite events which involve alarms, sirens or other


- 1 . . . . . . . . .

noise which may be heard off-site

. I AND 1

r_ ........ - 1 AND THEN A news release Notifications to a is planned Local, State or Federal I _. -_ __ -. -. agency has been or will be made I - .- _




Il('(iS I . C X i 11.0 Reportable Action Levels llev 02 Page I o f 2 11.9 Accidental Criticality / Special Nuclear Material / Rad Material Shipments - Releases

'IJNI'IANNISI) / AC'CIL)I:N'I'AI, Initiating Condition i



[ IOCI..R70.52(a)]


__ -. _> c-

- _--AT_)

_ _ -~

ItAL # 11.9.1.a 11.9.1.b II.9.1.c I

I IF IF IF It . - - _.___. - .. -............... - ... _........

E Any unplanned or ANY one of the following events occur involving Lost, stolen or missing I' II accidental criticality Special Nuclear Material (SNM) or Spent Fuel: licensed material > 1000 0 I Loss, other than normal operating loss, of SNM times the quantity specified I

It I Actual or attempted theft or unlawful diversion in 10CFR20 Appendix C in T I of SNM such circumstances that an I

I I Shipment of SNM of low strategic exposure could result to N I significance or Spent Fuel that is lost or persons in Unrestricted I

G I unaccounted for after the estimated time of Areas.

I arrival - ____- - -

I A I A lost or unaccounted for shipment of SNM of THEN I low strategic significance or Spent Fuel has C I T I been recovered or accounted for I

0 I I I


N I 1




I - - - - ,.. ... -. . . __. . ... __ __ .....

I ICGS r r c i 11.0 Reportable Action Levels llev 02 I'age 2 of 2 11.9 Accidental Criticality / Special Nuclear Material / Rad Material Shipments - Releases

. . . . . .... . . . . 1 c....

All _

II.9.1.e 1

11.9.2.a c2!!-1


II.9.2.b IF IF IF 4ccidents during the Discovery of a Contaminated Rcceipt survey indicates that ransportation of Area OUTSIDE of the RCA pack agc cont ani i nat iodrad i at ior radioactive material with removable activity due to levels equal or exceeds ANY which are reported to PSE&G licensed material one of the following:

2200 dpm/IOO cm2 200 mWhr on contact as the shipper that involve (or potentially involve)



- I-AND 1 AND damage to the cargo 10 mWhr at 3 feet Location of I ._

Location of

.- .................. . Area is Contaminated THEN Area is such Plant that a Structures contaminated person or

____ material may have left the Size of Protected Contaminated Area Area is 1-LARGE

(>I 00 FT2)


_- ... .~.

I ICGS ECG 11.0 Reportable Action Levels Rev. 01 Page I of I 11.10 Voluntary Notifications Initiating Events/conditions warrant voluntary/courtesy Condition NRC notification [ 10CFR50.72 - Voluntary Report]

i- -Ai-1

\. _-

11.10.2 IF In the judgement of the OS, i notitication to the NKC is warranted I

L AND i 1 1

L ............

NO other I3ALs or RALs appear to be applicable

-........... ...... - . I THEN r

.4^I...,.n nt:n..

D nn..:rnrl


WASHINGTON. D.C. 20555-0001 b



1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission or the NRC) has found that:

A. The application for a license filed by the Public Service Electric &

Gas Company, acting on behalf of itself and Atlantic City Electric Company (the licensees), complies with the standards and requiremencs of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Ccmmission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made ;

E. Cons:ruction of the Hope Creek Generating Station (the facility) has Seen subszantially completed in conformity with Construction Pernit Nc. CTPR-120 and :he application, as amended, the provisions of the A=: acd the regulations of the Commission;

_ . ?e facility will operate in c3nformi:y with the application, as

'V ariended, :he provisicns zf Eke Ac:, and the regulations of the Cim.:sslcr, (excep: as exsrr,szed frcm ccmpliance in Section 2.0. below);

Z. -i

,..ere is reascnable asszrdzze: (i) :ha: the ac:ivities authorized by L - .

zperating license can be czrciucted withou: endangering the health and safety 3 : the public, a?d ( i i l chat s u c h acEivities will be z=r.5zr=eS in .ccmpliancexizh the C3mmission's regulations set forth in

. C C F R Chapter 1 (axcep: as exemp:ed frcm compliance in Sect;=> 2.D.

3-,YI  ;

-- ?255 Ncclear LLf I s tech:zally qxalified r c engage in the activities i


CI by this licezse iz acccrdance with :ne Cmmissioz's

. C reralations set fcr:h ir. - J C t i ? Chapter I; F. Tie iicensee has sa=-sfied :he applicable provisions of 10 CFR Par: I

-...r, 'Financial Protec::tr. ReqGrrements and Indemnity Agreements," cf

. I . .

the Commission's regula:izns; J . The sssuance of this licezse wifl not be inimical to the common 2efense and security o r :c the health and safety of the public; PSE&G L


COPY # c,/a Amendment No. 35?% 13 5

E. After weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and ctner benefits of the facility against environiental m d other coscs an:!

considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License No. NPF-57, subject to the conditions,for protection of the environment set forth in ths Environmental Protection Plar. attached as Appendix B, is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been sazisfied; and I. The'receipt,possession, and. use of source, byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70.

2. Based on the foregoing findings and approval by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at a meeting on July 21, 1986, the License for Fuel Loading an2 Low Power Testing, License No. NPF-50, issued on April il, 1986, is superseded by Facility Operating License NPF-57 hereby issued to PSEG Nuclear LLC (the licensee), zc read as follows: 1 A. This license applies t3 the Hope Creek Generating Station, a boiling water nuclear reactcr, azZ associated equipment (the facility) owned by PSEG Nuclear LLf. The facility is located on the licensee's site cn the east bank of the "uelaware River in Lower Alloways Creek Township, I

Salem County, New jersey. The facility is located approximately eight rriles sou:hwest cf Salerr.. New Jersey and is described in the PSEG Nc-: -,ear LLC Final Safezj; halysis Repor:, as supplemented u.d amended, ar.d i n the Environmertal ?.e-,ort, as supplemented and amended.

(:I TSZG Nl;c;zar 11:. ;srs:ar.t ts Section 1 3 3 of the Act and 10 CFR

?arz 5 5 , T,S p : s r e s s . ise and opera:o the facility at the abave desig?azed l:caz:cr. ir. Zaiem Cou'lzy, New jersey, ir. accordance r-..-

h* mu,-,e~sres

--- .- ,,.L.,Lations

  • * - - - s s t fcrth ir! this licezse;
I PSEG Nuclear LLC. c - r s ~ a r . : E O the Act and 13 CFR Part 7 C , zc receive, p:ssess ar.2 - s e at any time speciai nuclear material as reactor fuel, : z a c = z r 2 a r . z e w:th the limitations for storage and amounts reqxre:! f z r reazfof operation, as described in :he F-na:

Safety iinalysis he?:: as Supplemented and amended; Amendment No. 135 I

L PSEG Nuclear LLC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required; PSEG Nuclear LLC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CF'R Parts 30, 40 and 70, to receive, possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction, to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or components; and PSEG Nuclear LLC, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level PSEG Nuclear LLC is aurhorized to operate the facility at reactor core power levels not in excess of 3 3 3 9 megawatts thermal (100 percent rated power) ir. accordance with the conditions specified I


(2) Technical Specifications and Environmental Projzection Plan The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A , as revised through Amendment No. , and the Environmental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B, are hereby incorporated into the license.

I PSEG Nuclear LLC shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.

(3) Inservice Testinq of Pumps and Valves (Section 3.9.6, SSER No. 4)'

This License Condition was satisfied as documented in the letter from W. R. Butler (N3.C) to C. A . McNeill, Jr. (PSE&G) dated December 7 , 1987. Accordingly, this condition has been deleted.

  • The parenthetical notation following the title of many license conditions denotes the section of the Safety Evaluation Report and/or its supplements wherein the license condition is discussed.

Amendment No. 13 1 I

c-. L, (4) Inservice Inspection (Section 6.6, SER; Sections and 6.6.3, SSER No. 51

a. PSE&G shall submit an inservice inspection program in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(4) for staff review by October 11, 1986.
b. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3) and for the reasons set forth in Sections and 6.6.3 of SSER No. 5 , the relief identified in the PSE&G submittal dated November 18, 1985, as revised by the submittal dated January 2 0 , 1986, requesting relief from certain requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) for the preservice inspection program, is granted.

(5) solid State Loqic Modules PSEG Nuclear LLC shall continue, for the life of the plant, a reliability program to monitor the performance of the Bailey 862 I

SSLMs installed at Hope Creek Generating Station. This program should obtain reliability data, failure characteristics, and root cause of failure of both safety-related and non-safety-related Bailey 862 SSLMs. The results of the reliability program shall be maintained on-site and made available to the NRC upon request.

(6) Fuel Storage and Handlinq (Section 9.1, SSER No. 5 )

a. No more than a total of three ( 3 ) fuel assemblies shall be out of approved shipping containers or fuel assembly storage racks or the reactor at any one time.
b. The above three ( 3 ) fuel assemblies as a group shall maintain a minimum edge-to-edge spacing of twelve (12) inches from the shipping container array an:! the storage rack array.
c. Fresh Fuel assemblies, when stored in their shipping con-tainers, shall be stacked no more than three ( 3 ) containers high ~

(7) Fire Protection (seccion, SSER No. 5; Section 9.5.1, SSER No. 6r PSEG Nuclear LLC -na?l implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire prot.ection program as described in I

the Final Safety Analysis Report for the facility through Amendment No. 15 and as described in its submittal dated May 13, 1986, and as approved in the SER dated October 1984 (and Supplements 1 through 6) subject to the following provision:

PSEG Nuclear LLC may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Commission I

only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.

Amendment NO. 88,129 I

Solid Waste process Control Proqram (Section 11.4.2, SER; Section 11.4, SSER No. 4 1 PSEG Nuclear shall obtain NRC approval of the Class B and C solid waste process control program prior to processing Class B and C I

solid wastes.

Emeruency Planninq (Section 13.3, SSER No. 5 )

In the event that the NRC finds that the lack of progress in completion of the procedures in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's final rule, 44 CFR Part 350, is an indication that a major substantive problem exists in achieving or maintaining an adequate state of emergency preparedness, the provisions of 10 CFR Section 50.54(s) (2) will apply.

(10) Initial Startup Test Proqram (Section 14, SSER No. 5)

Any changes to the Initial Startup Test Program described in Section 14 of the FSAR made in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 shall be reported in accordance with 50.59(b) within one month of such change.

(11) Partial Feedwater Heatinq (Section 15.1, SER; Section 15.1, SSER No. 5; Section 15.1, SSER No. 6)

The facility shall not be operated with reduced feedwater temperature for the purpose of extending the normal fuel cycle.

After the first operating cycle, the facility shall not be operated with a feedwater heating capacity that would result in a rated power feedwater temperature less than 400OF unless analyses supporting such operation are submitted by the licensee and approved by the staff.

(12) Detailed Control R o o m Desiun Review (Section 18.1, SSER No. 5 )

a. PSE&G shall submit for staff review Detailed Control Room Design Review Summary Reports I1 and I11 on a schedule consistent with, and with contents as specified in, its letter of January 9, 1986.
b. Prior to exceeding five perzent power, PSE&G shall provide temporary zone markings on safety-related instruments in the control room.

Amendment No .I29 I

, (13) Safety Parameter DiSDlaY System (Section i8.2, S S E ~NO. 5 )

\.- Prior to the earlier of 9 9 days after restart frcm tne first refueling outage or July 12, 1988, PSE&G snall add the following parameters to the SPDS and have tbam operational:

a. Primary containment radiation
b. Primary containment isolation status
c. Combustible gas concentration ir, primary contaimenz
d. Source range neutron flux Additional Conditions The Additional Conditions contained in Appendix C, as revised through Amendment No. 135, are hereby incorporated into this license. PSEG Nuclear LLC shall operate the facility in I

accordance with the Additional Conditions.

PSE&G to PSEG Nuclear LLC License Transfer Conditions

a. ?SEG Nuclear LLC shall take a l l necessary steps Eo ensure that the decommissioning trust is maintained in accordance with the applicarian, :he requirements of the Order Approving Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment, dated February 16, 2 9 0 0 , and the relatod Safety Evaluation dated February 16, 2 0 0 G .

B. The deccmnissiczicg t r x t agreement shall provide thac:

L i) The u s 1 :f 8ssezs ir! bcrih thi qualified and nan-c p a l i f i e 5 f ~ r . 5shall ~ be linited tc expenses related to deccnsr.;ssi:2:zg zfe:: uni: as define2 by the NRC in its rerdLat::zs and isscancis, and as provided in the units ::zenrs a d any arnendmencs rhereto. Sowever, cpsr, c:r.p:eti:r. t: =ec-m.issi;~ing,as defined abcve, the a s s s t s r a y be x e d f s r any purpose auzhcrized by lax.

_..__.._a __.

Ip*ves-~-- .- -i -..e sezzr::ies 2~ ather sbligaticna sf 2)

PSELS c : aft:::azes chereof, o r their successors c r assigr.s, sr.all be SrohikLted. In additicn, except f-r invesznents ::e2 :3 .mrket indexes cr o:her ncn-nuclear SeC-Cr ...~.-.. - - a. - ,-.-s,

.....-I investments in any entity owning one cr mcre r.;zlear power plants shall be prohibited.

3) No disbursemenzs or payments from the trust shall be

,-de by z2.s ZrLsZee until the trustee has first given

he PURC 3: days sotice of =he payment. In addition, nc disbursemants c r payments from the trust shall be made if :he zrsszee receives pricr written notice of objeccicz f r c n the Director, Office of Nuclear 2eacEor Regulaticc.

Amendment No. < 2 , : 7 , I S 4 , 12:. 135 I

4) The trust agreement shall not be modified in any material respect without prior written notification to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
5) The trustee, investment advisor, or anyone else directing the investments made in the trust 'shall adhere to a "prudent investor" standard, as specified .

in 18 CFR 35.32(3) of the Federal Energy Regulatory.

Commission's regulations.

C. PSEG Nuclear LLC shall not take any action that would cause PSEG Power LLC or its parent companies to void, cancel, or diminish the commitment to fund an extended plant shutdown as represented in the application for approval of the transfer of this license from PSE&G to PSEG Nuclear LLC.

D. The facility requires exemptions from certain requirements of 10 CFR Part 5 0 and 10 CFR Part 70. An exemption from the criticality alarm requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 was granted in Special Nuclear Material License No. 1953, dated August 21, 1985. This exemption is described in Section 9.1 of Supplement No. 5 to the SER. This previously granted exemption is continued in this operating license. An exemption from certain requirements of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, is described in Supplement No. 5 to the SER. This exemption is a schedular exemption to the requirements of General Design Criterion 64, permitting delaying functionality of the Turbine Building Circulating Water System-Radiation Monitoring System until 5 percent power for local indication, and until 120-days after fuel load for control room indication (Appendix R of SSER 5). Exemptions from certain requirements of Appendix J to 10 CFR Part 50, are described in Supplement No. 5 to the SER. These include an exemption from the requirement of Appendix J . exempcing main steam isolation valve leak-rate testing at 1.10 Pa (Section 6.2.6 of SSER 5); an exemption from Appendix J , exempting Type C testing on traversing incore probe system shear valves (Section 6.2.6 of SSER 5); an exemption from Appendix J ,

exempting Type C testing for instrument lines and lines containing excess flow check valves (Section 6.2.6 of SSER 5); and an exemption from Appendix J , exempting Type C testing of thermal relief valves (Section 6.2.6 of SSER 5). These exemptions are authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to ths public health and safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security. These exemptions are hereby granted. The special circumstances regarding each exemption are identified in &he referenced section of the safety evaluation report a n d the supplements thereto. These exemptions are granted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12. With these exemptions, the facility will operate, to the extent authorized herein, in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission.

Amendment NO. W , 129

E. The licensee shall fully implement and maintain in effect ali provisions of the Commission-a-pprsved physical security, gcard training and qualification, and safewaras contingency plans includlkig amendments made pursuant :s provisions of :he Miscellar,ezGs Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CFR 7 3 . 5 5 (51 PR 27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10 CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54@). The plans, which contain Safeguards Infarmation protected under 10 CFR 7 3 . 2 1 , are entitled: "Salem-Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station Security P l a n , " with revisions submitted thrmgh December 1 7 , 2 0 0 1 ; 'Salem-Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Staticn '

Security Training and Qualification Plan,' with revisions submitte,d through December 1 7 , 2001; and "Salem-Hope Creek Nuclear Generatizg Station Security Contingency Plan," with revisions submitted thrzxgk June 2 , 1 9 9 8 . Changes made in accordance with 10 CFR 7 3 . 5 5 shall be implemented in accordance with the schedule set forth therein.

-:. Except as otherwise przvided in the Technical Specificati-ns 3r Ecvironmental Protect:sn Plan, PSEG Nuclear LLC shall report any viclatims of the recpirements contained in Section 2.C cf this license in the follzwing manner: initial notification shall be made-w:t!?in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the hTC Sperations Center via the Ehergency Kscification System w::!? written followup within thirty days in acczrdance with the prccedures described in 10 CFR 50.73(b), (c), ard (e).

G. Tke licensees shall kave an:! maintain financial prcteczion of such


e and in such &T:.-.:S as ::?e Cm-missisn shall requsre LT.

aczsrdance with Set:::: :-:zf the Azomic Energy Act z f L954. as a-nenied, to cover -. pa&

-A' .- -- :iak:lity claims.


- crlginal signed by H.R: Oentcn -

Harsld R. Zenton, Director Zftice of Nuclear Reactor Regulacion

-ars :f Zssuance: July 25, 1 9 a 6 Amendment No. B . 1 3 8


a. 0.38% delta k/k with the highest worth rod analytically determined, or
b. 0.28% delta Wk with the highest worth rod determined by test.



With the SHUTDOWN MARGIN less than specified:

a. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 or 2, reestablish the required SHUTDOWN MARGIN within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
b. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 or 4, immediately verify all insertable control rods t o be inserted and suspend all activities that could reduce the SHUTDOWN MARGIN. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4, establish SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
c. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5, suspend CORE ALTERATIONS and other activities that could reduce the SHUTDOWN MARGIN and insert all insertable control rods within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Establish SECONDARY CONTAIN-MENT INTEGRITY within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1.1 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be determined to be equal to o r greater than specified at any tlme during the fuel cycle:

a. By measurement, p r i o r to or during the first startup after each refuel i ng.


By measurement, within 500 MWD/T prior to the core average exposure at which the predicted SHUTDOWN MARGIN, including uncertainties and calculation biases, i s equal to the specified limit.

c. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after detection of a withdrawn control rod that i s himovable, as a result of excessive friction or mechanical inter-ference, or i s untrippable, except that the above required SHUTDOWN MARGIN shall be verified acceptable with an increased allowance f o r the withdrawn worth of the immovable or untrippable control rod.

HOPE CREEK 314 1-1

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3/4.1.2 REACTIVITY ANOMALIES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.1.2 The reactivity equivalence o f the difference between the actual ROD OENSITY and the predicted ROD DENSITY shall not exceed 1% delta k/k.



With the reactivity equivalence difference exceeding 1% delta k/k:

a. Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> perform an analysis to determine and explain the cause of the reactivity difference; operation may continue i f the difference i s explained and corrected.
b. Otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1.2 The reactivity equivalence of the difference between the actual ROD DENSITY and the predicted ROD DENSITY shall be verified to be less than or equal to 1% delta k/k:

a. During the first startup following CORE ALTERATIONS, and
b. A t least once per 31 effective full power days during POWER OPERATION.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-2




a. With one control rod inoperable due to being h w v a b l e , as a result o f excessfve friction or mechanical interference, or known to be untrfppable:
1. Within one hour:

a) Verify that the inoperable control rod, f f withdrawn, i s separated from all other inoperable control rods by at least two control cells in all dircctfonr.

b) Disarm the associated directional control valves** hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water isolation valves.

Othenise, be in a t least HOT SHUTDMJN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

2. Restore the inoperable control rod, i f withdrawn, to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be i n at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
b. With one or more control rods trippable but inoperable for causes other than addressed in ACTION a, above:
1. If the inoperable control rod(s) f s withdrawn, within one hour:

a) V e r i f y that the inoperable withdrawn control rod(s) is separated f r w ill other inoprrablc withdrawn control rods by at least two control cells in all directions, and b) Demonstrate the insertion capability of the lnoperable withdrawn control rod(s) by i n s e t t i n g the control rod(s) at least one notch by drive water pressure within the noma1 operating range*

Othtnfsc, Insert the inoperable withdraw control rod(s) and disarm the associated directional control valves** tither:

a) Electrfcally, or b) Hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water isolation v a l v e s .

    • May be reamed Intermittently, under administratfve control, t o permit testing associated with restoring the control rod to OPERABLE status.

L HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-3

-.:y (continuad)

2. If +h. & & a b l m controx r0at.j ir within ona hour di8um tho aa8ociat.d direction81 control v8lvorn** e i t h o r x a) E l e c t z f c a l l y , or b) Rydraulicatly by cloaing the dtlcn watar M d Warrrt w a t o r i r o l i t i o n oalvas.

Ofhamism, k in a t laast tfcn s " w i t h i n t h o next 12 burr.

3. Tha provimionm of Spaclflcation 3.0.4 .T. n o t 8pplicrbh.
e. With mora thaa 8 c o n t r o l rod8 inoprrrble, bo i n at l o u t BOT" S w i t h i n 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />..
d. With one rerun di8clurgo roluma rout valve md/or one 8crm d i r c h u g a wlurrv drain valva inopmrablo urd opan, rostorm thm iaoporabla valvo(8) to OPE- s t a t u 8 w i t h i n 24 W m or ba in a t loast BOT SHpTDoWn within th. next 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />..
e. with 8CX.m d b t h u g a r o l w w n t v & l ~ 8 ( # )Bnd/or m y 8 C f m d f ~ c h u p ovoluma d r a i n valva(^) otharuira inoprrabla, tomtom tha inoperabh valve(.) t o OP- r t a t u r w i t h i n 8 bourr or k i n at learnt HOT S " w i t h i n tho aoxt 12 hour.. T b 8Ctm di8charge VO~W d r a i n and t.nt Va1V88 k demonatratad OPERABLZ byt

a. At h a r t onca pmr 24 hour8 rrrifying aach valre t o b. oprn,* and
b. A t 10&8t once p r 31 day8 C p l f B p a&& Val- through but ona cmnplata cycle of f u l l traval. Whin above tha l o w pmr 88tpoint of t h a Rw)(, 8ll withdrawn a o n t r d rod8 not r.qutrad t o hap. +hair dirmctLona1 c o n t r o l valva8 I

d 1 . M

.TheBe vrlvmm amy ba clomad intermittently for tasting undar adminimtrati-control..

  • t h y k raarmad f n t m n n i t t a n t l y , u n d u a b m f n l m t r a t i v a ' c o n t r l , to p d t te8tFng a8rocLated w i t h ramtorfag tha control rod t o OPERABLE r t a t u 8 .

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-4 ~ n105 m a d ~ ~ IPO. t

SURVEILIANCE REQUIREPlENTS (Continued) electrically or hydraulically shall be demonstratrd OPERABLE by moving each control rod a t lsrrt one notch:

a. At least once per 7 a y e , rad
b. within 24 hour8 when any control rod is inmovable ae a result of ucesriva f r i c t i o n or mechanical ia+crfcrcnce. All control to& shall be denmnmtr8tad OPERABLE by performance of Surveillance Requirement8, 4 . 1 . 3 . 4 , 4 . 1 . 3 . 5 , 4 . 1 . 3 . 6 urd 4 . 1 . 3 . 7 . The scram dincharge volurna shall be determined ORERABLB by demonrtratiog:

a. The scram discharge volume drain a d vmat valve. 00- at h i n t once per 18 month., by verifying that the &ria and vtat valves:
1. Close within 30 second. after receipt of a 8ignal for control to& t o scram, and
2. Open when the scram signal io reset.

L' ROPE CREEK 3/4 1-5 Ameadment N0.80 1

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD MAXIMUM SCRAM INSERTION TIMES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The maxjmum scram insertion time o f each control rod from the fully withdrawn position t o notch position 5, based on de-energiration of the scram pilot valve solenoids as time zero, shal? not exceed 7.0 seconds.



a. With the maximum scram insertion time of one or more control rods exceeding 7.0 seconds:
1. Declare the control rod(s) with the slow insertion time inoperable, and
2. Perform the Surveillance Requirements o f Specification at least once per 60 days when operation I s conttnucd with three or more control rods w i t h maximum scram insertion tSmes In excess o f 7.0 seconds.

Otheruire, be i n at least HOT SHUTDOWN within l2 hours.

b. The provisions o f S p e c f f i c a t i o n 3.0.4 are not applicable.

'v SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The maxfmtnn scram insertion time o f the control rods shall be dernon-strated through aeasurement w i t h reactor coolant pressure greater than or equal to 950 psiq and, durjng s i n g l e control rod scram time tests, the control rod d r i v e pumps isolated from the accumulators:

a. For a l l control rods prior to THERMAL POWER exceeding 40% of RATED THERCIAL POWER following CORE ALTERATXONS or after a reactor shutdown that 1 s greater thrn 120 days.
b. For s p d f i c a l l y affected fndividual control rods following maintenance on o r nodificatfon to the control rod or control rod drive rystcn which could affect the scram fnsertion tine o f those tpecffic control rods, and
c. F o r at least 10% o f the control rods, on a r o t a t i n g basis, at least once per 120 days of POWER OPERATION.

HOPE CREEK 3/1 1-6


the fully withdrawn position, based on de-energization o f the scram pilot.,valve solenoids as time zero, shall not exceed any of the following:

Position Inserted From Average Scram Inser-F u l ly Withdrawn tion Time (Seconds1 45 0.43 39 0.86 25 1.93 05 3.49 APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1 and 2.


With the average scram insertion time exceeding any of the above limits, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS All control rods s h a l l be demonstrated OPERABLE by scram time testing from the fully withdrawn position as required by Surveillance Requirement . , .

HOPE CREEK 314 1-7

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS FOUR CONTROL ROD GROUP SCRAM INSERTION TIMES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The average scram insertion time, from the fully withdrawn position, for the three fastest control rods in each group of four control rods arranged i n a two-by-two array, based on deenergization of the scram pilot valve solenoids as time zero, shall not exceed any o f the following:

Position Inserted From Average Scram Inser-F u l ly Withdrawn tion Time (Seconds1 45 0.45 39 0.92 25 2.05 05 3.70 APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1 and 2.


a. With the average scram insertion times o f control rods exceeding the above 1 imi ts:
1. Declare the control rods with the slower than average scram insertion times inoperable until an analysis i s performed to determine that required scram reactiviy remains f o r the slow four control rod group, and
2. Perform the Surveillance Requirements of Specification at least once per 60 days when operation i s continued with an average scram insertion time(s) in excess o f the average scram insertion time l i m i t .

Otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

b. The provisions o f Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS All control rods s h a l l be demonstrated OPERABLE by scram time testing from the fully withdrawn position as required by Surveillance Requirement

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-8




'--- Each C o n t r o l rod scram a c c u m u l a t o r s h a l l b e OPERABLE.



............................. NOTE--------------------------------

S e p a r a t e c o n d i t i o n e n t r y i s allowed f o r each c o n t r o l rod

a. I n OPERATIONAL C O N D I T I O N S 1 o r 2 :
1. With one c o n t r o l rod s c r a m a c c u m u l a t o r i n o p e r a b l e and r e a c t o r p r e s s u r e 2 900 p s i g , w i t h i n 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, I a) R e s t o r e t h e i n o p e r a b l e a c c u m u l a t o r t o OPERABLE s t a t u s ,

OK b) Insert t h e a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l rod, d e c l a r e t h e a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l r o d i n o p e r a b l e and d i s a r m t h e associated control valves e i t h e r electrically o r h y d r a u l i c a l l y by c l o s i n g t h e d r i v e w a t e r and e x h a u s t water i s o l a t i o n valves.

O t h e r w i s e , b e i n a t l e a s t HOT SHUTDOWN w i t h t h e n e x t 1 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

7 L. W i t h two o r more c a n t r o l r o d s c r a m a c c u m u l a t o r s i n o p e r a b l e and r e a c t o r p r e s s u z e 2 9 0 0 p s i g ,

a) W i t h i n 2 0 r r i n u t e s of d i s c o v e r y o f t h i s condition concurrent with charging water pressure < 940 psig, r e s t o r e charging water header p r e s s u r e t o 2 940 p s i g otherwise p l a c e t h e mode s w i t c h i n t h e shutdown p o s i t i o n * * ,

and b) W i t h i n 3r.e h o c r l n s e r t t h e a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l r a d s ,

c e c l a r e :r.e a s s o c i a r e d c o n t r o l r o d s i n o p e r a b l e a z d a ~ s a r :Re  : ~ a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r c l v a l v e s ei:her e l e ,r,-, , z a : l j .

r . e: h y c r a u l i c a l l y by c l o s i n g t h e c r i v e wa:e: a?+= e x k a d s z w a t e r i s o l a t i o n v a l v e s .

g t h e r w i s e , b e :r. a t l e a s t HOT SHUTDOWN w i t h i n :he n e x t 12 h o u r s .


  • i e d s t t z e accunula:cr ass3z:a:ez x i t h e a c h withdrawn c o n t r o l

. .---.  :: d s p l i c a b l e z 3 c g n c r c ' l : ~ i s renoved p e r S p e c i f i c a t i o n 3 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 o r

~ - ..


.'_- a ~ ~ l i c a b il fe a l l i n o p e r a b l e c o n t r o l rod s c r a m a:::.--larsrs are associazed x i t h f 3 s l i y i n s e r t e d c o n t r s l rods.

I 3 / 4 1-9 Amendment h70.98 I


ACTION ( C o n t i n u e d )

3. With one o r more c o n t r o l r o d scram a c c u m u l a t o r s i n o p e r a b l e and r e a c t o r p r e s s u r e < 990 p s i g ,

a) Immediately upon d i s c o v e r y o f c h a r g i n g w a t e r h e a d e r pressure < 940 psig, v e r i f y a l l control rods a s s o c i a t e d with i n o p e r a b l e accumulators are f u l l y i n s e r t e d o t h e r w i s e p l a c e t h e mode s w i t c h i n t h e shutdown p o s i t i o n * * , and b) Within one h o u r i n s e r t t h e a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l r o d ( s ) ,

d e c l a r e t h e a s s o c i a t e d c o n t r o l r o d ( s ) i n o p e r a b l e and disarm t h e associated control valves e i t h e r e l e c t r i c a l l y o r h y d r a u l i c a l l y by c l o s i n g t h e d r i v e water and e x h a u s t water i s o l a t i o n v a l v e s .

O t h e r w i s e , be i n a t l e a s t HOT SHUTDOWN w i t h i n t h e next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


1 A . With one o r more withdrawn c o n t r o l r o d s i n o p e r a b l e , upon d ; SCOI'.: r y i m m e d i a t e l y i n i t i a t e a c t i o n t o f u l l y i n s e r t i n o p e r a b l e withdrawn control rods.

- C. -...e p r o v i s i o n s o f i Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable. Each c o n t r o l rod scram a c c u m u l a t o r s h a l l be d e t e r m i n e d OPERABLE:

a. At leas: 2 n c e p e r 7 d a y s by v e r i f y i n g t h a t t h e i n d i c a t e d p r e s s u r e 1 s g r e a t e r t h a n o r e q s a l t o 940 p s i g u n l e s s t h e c o n t r o l rod i s Lnsercec! and disarmed o r scrammed.
.e a c c a x l a r o r ass3tia:ec 1*;:t!: e a c h withdrawn c o n t r o l

... I __ -- C;;l:zab:e

_ _... t o c o r , t z o i TOSS rer,Dved p e r S p e c i f i c a t i o n 3 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 c z

.. .'-. _ . C .

. . _ . -,,--cable

^__.. i f a l l inDpezaSle cz:r.tzzl rod s c r a m d::-.r412:c:s a r e asscciateci w i t h f u l l y rnserted c o n t r o l rods.

3 / 4 1-10 Amendment No. 98

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTROL ROD D R I V E COUPLING All Control rods shall be Coupled to their drive mechanisms.


a. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 and 2 with one control rod not coupled to its associated drive mechanism, within 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />s:
1. If permitted by the RWM,.insert the control rod to accomplish recoupling and verify recoupling by withdrawing the I

control rod, and:

a) Observing any indicated response of the nuclear instrumentation. and b) Demonstrating that the control rod will not go to the overtravel position.

2. If recoupling is not accomplished on the first attempt or, if not permitted by the RWM. then until permitted by the RWM, declare the control rod inoperable, insert the control rod and disarm the associated directional control valves++ either:

I a) Electrically, or b) Hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water "v

isolation valves.

Otherwise. be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

b. :

n OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5, with a withdrawn control rod not coupled to its associated drive mechanism, within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> either:

1. Insert the control rod to accomplish recoupling and verify recoupling by withdrawing the control rod and demonstrating that the control rod will not go to the overtravel position, or
2. If recoupling is not accomplished, insert the control rod and disarm the associated directional control valves** either:

a) Electrically, or b) Hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water isolation valvem.

c. The prov~sions of Specification 3.0.4 arc not applicable.
  • At least each withdrawn control rod. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or
    • May be rearmed intermittently. under administrative control, to permit testing associated with restoring the control rod to OPERABLE status.

HOPE CfZEEK 3/4 1-11 Amendment NO. 105

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each affected control rod shall be demonstrated to be coupled to its drive mechanism by observing any indicated response o f the nuclear instrumen-tation while withdrawing the control rod t o the fully withdrawn position and then verifying that the control rod drive does not go t o the overtravel p o s it ion:

a. Prior to reactor criticality after completing CORE ALTERATIONS t h a t could have affected the c o n t r o l rod drive coupling integrity,
b. Anytime the control rod is withdrawn t o the "Full out" position i n subsequent operation, and
c. Following maintenance on or modification to the control rod or control rod drive system which could have affected the control r o d drive coupting integrity.

HOPE CREEK 314 1-12


/- '>

CONTROL R OD POSITION INDICATION The control rod poeition indication system shall be OPERABLE.


A. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 or 2 with one or more control rod position .

indicatore inoperable, within 1 hour:

1. Determine the position of the control rod by using an alternate method, or:

a) Moving the control rod, by single notch movement, to a position with an OPERABLE position indicator, b ) Returning the control rod, by single notch movement, to its original position, and c) Verifying no control rod drift alarm at least once per 12 houre, or

2. Hove the control rod to a position with an OPERABLE position indicator, or
3. When T H E W POWER is:

W a ) Within the preset power level of the RW'M, declare the control rod inoperable.

b ) Greater than the preset power level. of the R W , declare the control rod inoperable, insert the control rod and disarm the aeeociated directional control valves** either:

1) Electrically, or
2) Hydraulically by closing the drive water and exhaust water isolation valves.

Otherwise, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

b. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5. with a withdrawn control rod poeition indicator inoperable, move the control rod to a position with an OPERABLE pooition indicator or Insert the control rod.
c. The ptovieions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.
  • At least each withdrawn control rod. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or
    • Hay be rearmed intermittently, under administrative control, to permit testing aeeociated with restoring the control rod to OPERABLE status.

HOPE CREEK 3 / 4 1-13 Amendment NO. 105


--- SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The control rod position indication system shall be determined OPERABLE by veri fying:

a. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> that the position o f each control rod is indicated,
b. That the indicated control rod position changes during the movement o f the control rod drive when performing Surveillance Requirement, and
c. That the control rod position indicator corresponds t o the control rod position indicated by the "Full O u t " position indicator when performing Surveillance Requirement 4 . 1 . 3 . 6 . b .

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-14

I _.

CONTROL ROD DRIVE wuSTMC SUPPORT The control rod d r i v e -housing support shall be f n place.



W t h the c o n t r o l rod d r f v r houtjng S U Q Q O r t not i n place, be fn at least HCT SHUTDOYN w i t h i n 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and i n COLD SHUTDCYN w i t h i n .;no f o l l m f n C 24 h;,t; SURVEILUNCE REQUI RfnEHTS Tho contro1 rod d t f v o hourfng support shall be v o r l f l e d t o be in p l a c e by a v f r u r l fnspectfon erfor to S U t t u O ry ttw It has baon dfrrsr.sbltd o r when u4ntrnanc8 has bran perlomod In f)w control rod d t l u o housing sugDott area.

nOPf CREEK 3/4 1-15

.. . . I


ROD WORTH MINIMIZER The Rod worth minimizer (RWM) ehall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1 and 2*', when THERMAL POWER is less than or equal to 1 0 1 of RATED TRERMAL POWER, m i n i m allowable low power setpoint. I ACTION:

a. With the RWM inoperable after the first 12 control roda are f u l l y withdrawn, operation may continue provided that control rod movement I and compliance with the prescribed control rod pattern are verified by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff who i s present at the reactor control console.
b. With the RWM inoperable before the first twelve (12) control rods are fully withdrawn, one startup per calendar year may be performed provided that the control rod movement and compliance with the prescribed control rod pattern are verified by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff who is present at the reactor control console.
c. Otherwise, control rod movement may be only by actuating the manual scram or placing the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position. The RWM ehall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior to withdrawal of control rods for the purpose of making the reactor critical, and in O P K R A T I O W CONDITION 1 within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior to RWM automatic initiation when reducing THgRMAL POWER, by verifying proper indication of the eclection error of at least one out-of-sequence control rod.

Entry into OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 and withdrawal of selected control rods is permitted for the purpoec of determining the OPERABILITY of the RWM prior to withdrawal of control rode for the purpose of bringing the reactor to criticality.

  1. See Special Test Exception 3.10.2.

ROPB CXZEK 3/4 1-16 Amendment No. 1CFj


b. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior to withdrawal of control rods for the purpose of making the reactor critical, by verifying the rod block function by demonstrating inability to

. withdraw an out-of-sequence control rod.

C. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 within one hour after RWM automatic .

initiation when reducing THERMAL POWER, by verifying the rod block function by demonstrating inability to withdraw an out-of-sequence control rod.

d. By verifying that the control rod patterns and sequence input to the RWM computer are correctly loaded following any loading of the program into the computer.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-16a Amendment No. 105

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS The material originally contained in Section 3 / 4 . 1 . 4 . 2 was deleted with the issuance of Amendment No. . However, to maintain numerical continuity betueen the succeeding sections and existing station procedural references to those Technical Specification eections, 3/ has been intentionally left blank..

HOPS CREEK 3 1 4 1-17 Amendment NO. 105

R E A C T I V I T Y CONTROL SYSTEMS ROD BLOCK MONITOR L I M I T I N G C O N D I T I O N FOR O P E R A T I O N Both rod b l o c k monitor (RBM) channels s h a l l be OPERABLE.

A P P L I C A B I L I T Y : OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, when THERMAL POWER i s g r e a t e r t h a n o r equal t o 30% o f RATED THERMAL POWER.


a. W i t h one RBM channel inoperable:
1. V e r i f y t h a t t h e r e a c t o r i s n o t o p e r a t i n g on a LIMITING CONTROL ROD PATTERN, and
2. Restore t h e inoperable RBM channel t o OPERABLE s t a t u s w i t h i n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Otherwise, p l a c e t h e i n o p e r a b l e r o d b l o c k monitor channel i n t h e t r i p p e d c o n d i t i o n w i t h i n the n e x t hour.

b. With b o t h REM channels inoperable, p l a c e a t l e a s t one inoperable rod b l o c k m o n i t o r channel i n t h e t r i p p e d c o n d i t i o n w i t h i n one hour.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each o f t h e above r e q u i r e d RBM channels s h a l l be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance o f a:

a, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION a t t h e frequencies and f o r the OPERATIONAL CONOITIONS s p e c i f i e d i n Table 4.3.6-1.

b. CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST p r i o r t o c o n t r o l rod withdrawal when the r e a c t o r i s o p e r a t i n g on a LIMITING CONTROL ROO PATTERN.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-18

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3/4.1.S STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.1.5 The standby lfquid control system consists of two redundant Subsystems and shall be OPERABLE.



1. Ufth one system subsystem inoperable, restore the subsystem to O P E W L E status within 7 days or be In at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
2. Yfth both system subsystems inoperable, krtorr at least one subsystea to OPERABLE status within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or be in a t least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
1. With one system subsystem inoperable, restore subsystem to OPERABLE status within 30 days or insert all insertable control rods within the next hour.
2. With both standby liquid control system subsystems inoperable, insert a17 insartable control rods within one hour.

SURVEI L U N C E REQUIREUENTS 4.1.5 The standby lfquid control systam shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once-pr). 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by verify'fng that;
1. The t q r a t u n of the s o d f u pentaborate solution in the storage tank f s greater than or equal to 70°F.
2. Tho avaflrble volune o f s o d i u pentaborate solution is within t h e lfmlts o f figure 3.1.5-1.
3. fh. heat tracing circuit 1s OPERABLE by determining the teaperature o f 'the p suction pipfng to be greater than or equal to 7OOF.

'*with any control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or

HOPE CREEK 3/4 1-19


b. At least once per 31 days by:
1. Verifying the continuity of the explosive charge.
2. Determining that the available weight of sodium pentaborate is greater than or equal to 5,776 lbs and the concentration of boron i n solution is within the limits of figure 3.1.5-1 by I

chemical analysis. *

3. Verifying that each valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position.
c. Demonstrating that, when tested pursuant to Specification 4.0.5, the minimum flow requirement of 41.2 gpm, per pump, at a pressure o f greater than or equal to 1255 psig is met.
d. At least once per 18 months during shutdown by:
1. Initiating one of the standby liquid control system subsystem, including an explosive valve, and verifying that a flow path from the pumps to the reactor pressure vessel i s available by pumping demineralized water into the reactor vessel and verifying thabthe relief valve does not actuate. The replacement charge for the explosive valve shall be from the same manufactured batch as the one fired or from another batch which has been certified by having one of that batch successfully fired. Both injection subsystems shall be tested in 36 months.
2. **Demonstrating that all heat traced piping between the storage tank and the injection pwnps is unblocked and then draining and flushing the piping with demineralized water.
3. Demonstrating that the storage tank heaters are OPERABLE by verifying the expected temperature rise o f the sodium penta-

,borate solution in the storage tank after the heaters are antrgiztd.

"This test shall also be performed anytime water or boron is added to the solution or when the solution temperature drops below 70°F.

    • This test shall also be performed whenever both heat tracing circuits have been found to be inoperable and may be perfomed by any series o f sequential, overlapping or total flow path steps such that the entire flow path is included.

HOPE CREEK 314 1-20 Amendment No. 11 I

c w

b 314 1-21 Arncndmt N0.11 .

3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4,3.1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.1 As a minimum, the reactor protection system instrumentation channels shown in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3.1-1.


a. With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for one trip system, place the inoperable channel(s1 and/or that trip system in the tripped condi-tion* within twelve hours. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.
b. With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip System requirement for both trip systems, place at least one trip system** in the tripped condition within one hour and take the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each reactor protection system instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operations for the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS and at the frequencies shown in Table LOGIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TESTS and simulated automatic operation of all channels shall be performed at least once per 18 months. The REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME of each reactor trip functional unit shall be demonstrated to be within its limit at least once per 18 months. Neutron detectors are exempt from response time testing. For the Reactor Vessel Steam Dome Pressure - High Functional Unit and the Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 Functional Unit, the sensor is eliminated from response time testing for RPS circuits. Each test shall include at least one channel per trip system such that all channels are tested at least once every N times 18 months where N is the total number of redundant channels in a specific reactor trip system. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 or 3 from OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 for the Inter-mediate Range Monitors.

  • An inoperable channel need not be placed in the tripped condition where this would cause the Trip Function to occur. In these cases, the inoperable channel shall be restored to OPERABLE status within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> or the ACTION required by Table 3.3.1-1 for that Trip Function shall be taken.
    • If more channels are inoperable in one trip system than in the other, place the trip system with more inoperable channels in the tripped condition, except when this would cause the Trip Function to occur.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 3-1 Amendment No. 101


1. Intermediate Range Monitors ( b )..
a. Neutron Flux - High 2 3 1 31 4 2 5 (c) 3
b. Inoperative 2 3 1 3, 4 2 2 5 3(d) 3
2. Average Power Range Monitor (e). .
a. Neutron Flux - Upscale, Setdown 2 2 1 3, 4 2 5 (c) 3
b. Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power - Upscale 1 2 4
c. Fixed Neutron Flux - Upscale 1 2 4
d. Inoperative 2 1 2


3. Reactor Vessel Steam Dome Pressure - High 1, 2 ( f ) 2 1
4. Reactor Vessel Water Level - Low, Level 3 1, 2 2 1
5. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve -

Closure 4 4 HOPE CREEK 3/4 3-2 Amendment NO. 39 I

TABLE 3.3.1-1 (Continued)


6. This item intentionally blank
7. Drywell Pressure - High 1, 2 ( h ) 2 1
8. Scram Discharge Volume Water Level - High
a. Float Switch 2 1 2 3
b. Level Transmitter/Trip Unit 2 1 2 3 (k)
9. Turbine Stop Valve - Closure 6
10. Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure, Valve Trip System Oil Pressure - Low 6
11. Reactor Mode Switch Shutdown Position 2 1 2 7 2 3
12. Manual Scram 2 1 2 8 2 9 HOPE CREEK 3/4 3-3 Amendment No. 53

TABLE 3.3.1-1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION ACTION ACTION 1 Be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

ACTION 2 Verify all insertable control rods to be inserted in the core and lock the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position within one hour.

ACTION 3 Suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS* and insert all insertable control rods within one hour.

ACTION 4 Be in at least STARTUP within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

ACTION 5 This ACTION is deleted ACTION 6 Initiate a reduction in THERMAL POWER within 15 minutes and reduce turbine first stage pressure to less than the automatic bypass setpoint within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

ACTION I Verify all insertable control rods to be inserted within one hour.

ACTION 8 Lock the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position within one hour.

ACTION 9 Suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS*,

and insert all insertable control rods and lock the reactor mode switch in the SHUTDOWN position within one hour.

  • Except replacement of LPRM strings provided SRM instrumentation is OPERABLE per Specification 3 . 9 . 2 .

HOPE CREEK 3 / 4 3-4 Amendment No. 53

TABLE 3.3.1-1 (Continued)

REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION TABLE NOTATIONS A channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERABLE channel in the same trip system is monitoring that parameter.

This function shall be automatically bypassed when the reactor mode switch is in the Run position.

Unless adequate shutdown margin has been demonstrated per Specification 3.1.1, the "shorting links" shall be removed from the RPS circuitry prior to and during the time any control rod is withdrawn*.

The non-coincident NMS reactor trip function logic is such that all channels go to both trip systems. Therefore, when the "shorting links" are removed, the Minimum OPERABLE Channels Per the Trip System are 4 APRMS, 6 IRMS and 2 SRMS.

This function is not required to be OPERABLE when the reactor pressure vessel head is removed per Specification 3.10.1.

This function shall be automatically bypassed when the reactor mode switch is not in the Run position.

This function is not required to be OPERABLE when PRIMARY CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY is not required.

With any control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or

This function shall be automatically bypassed when turbine first stage pressure is 5 159.7 psig equivalent to THERMAL POWER less than 30% of RATED THERMAL POWER. To allow for instrument accuracyl calibration, and I

drift, a setpoint of 2135.1 psig is used.

I Also actuates the EOC-RPT system.

. I

  • Not required for control rods removed per Specification or

L HOPE CREEK 3/4 3-5 Amendment No. 35

Q 29

-- ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTION - SHUTDOWN LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, 2 o f the 4 channels, one o f which shall be channel A or channel.8, of the power distribution system shall be energized with:

a. A. C. power distribution: . .
1. Channel A, consisting o f :

a) 4160 volt A.C. switchgear bus 10A401 b) 480 volt A.C. load centers 108410 108450 c) 480 volt A.C. MCCs 108212 10B411 108451 108553 d) 208/120 volt A.C. distribution panels 10Y40l(source:1OB411) 10Y411( source: 108451) 10Y501(source:10B553) e) 120 volt A.C. distribution panels lA3481 1YF401(source:1AJ481) 1AJ482

2. Channel B, consisting o f :

a) 4160 volt A.C. switchgear bus 10A402 b) 480 volt A.C. load centers 108420 108460 c) 480 volt A.C. MCCs 10B222 108421 iOB461 108563 d) 208/120 volt A.C. distribution panels 10Y402(source:10B421) 10Y412(source:10B461) 10Y502( source: 108563) e) 120 volt A.C. distribution panels 185481 lYF402(source:I83481) 185482

3. Channel C, consisting o f :

a) 4160 volt A . C . switchgear bus 10A403 b) 480 volt A.C. load centers 108430 fOB470 c) 480 volt A.C. MCCs 108232 108431 108471 108573 d) 208/120 volt A.C. distribution panels 10Y403(source:10B431) 10Y413( source: 10B471) 10Y503(source:10B573) 1 i

4 HOPE CREEK 3/4 8-21


e) 120 volt A.C. distribution panels 1CJ481 1YF403(source:1CJ481) 1C5482

4. Channel 0, consisting o f :

a) 4160 volt A.C. switchgear bus 10A404 b) 480 volt A.C. load centers 10B440 108480 c) 480 volt A.C. MCCs 108242 10B441 106481 106583 d) 208/120 volt A.C. distribution panels 10Y404( source: 108441) 10Y414(source:108481) 10Y504(source:10B583) e) 120 volt A.C. distribution panels 1DJA?1 1YF404(source:1DJ481) 105482

b. D. C. power distribution:
1. Channel A, consisting o f :

a) 125 volt D.C. switchgear 100410 b) 125 volt D.C. f u s e box 1AD412

'w. c) 125 volt D.C. distribution panel 1AD417

2. Channel 8, consisting o f :

a) 125 volt D.C. switchgear 100420 b) 125 volt D.C. fuse box 160412 c) 125 volt D.C. distribution panel 1BD417

3. Channel C, consisting o f :

a) 125 volt D.C. switchgear 100430 100436 b) 125 volt D.C. fuse boxes 1CD412 1CD448 c) 125 volt D.C. distribution panel 1CD417

4. Channel 0, consisting o f :

a) 125 volt D.C. switchgear 100440 100446 b) 125 volt D.C. fuse box 100412 100448 c) 125 volt D.C. distribution panel 1DD417 HOPE CREEK 3/4 8-22






a. With less than two channels o f the above required A.C. distribution system energized, suspend CORE ALTERATIONS, handling of irradiated fuel i n the secondary containment and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel.
b. With less than two channels of the above required D.C. distribution system energized, suspend CORE ALTERATIONS, handling o f irradiated fuel in the secondary containment and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel.
c. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS At least the above required power distribution system channels shall be determined energized at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker/switch alignment and voltage on the busses/MCCs/panels.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 8-23


3.9 2 A t least 2 source range monitor* (SRM) channels shall be 0PfRAB;E a.n= :nser:ed to the normal operating level with: U

a. Annunciation and continuous visual indication i n the contro1,rogm
b. One o f the required SRH detectors located in the quadrant where CORE ALTERATIONS are being p e r f o m d and the other required SRH d e t e c t s t located in an adjacent quadrant, and
c. Unless adequate shutdown aargin has betn drmonstratra per Soeci f i c a -

tion 3.1.1, the "shorting links" r m v e d from the RPS circuitry prior to and during the time any control rod i s witndrawn.

a. Duriog a SPIRAL UNLOAD, the count rate may drop below 3 cDs when t h e .

nurnbcr o f assemblies remaining i n the core drops to sixteen or l e s s . i

e. During a SPIRAL RELOAD, uD t o four fuel arsemblter nay be loaded i n the four bundle locations imedirtrly surrounding each o f the four S R r s p r i o r t o obtaining 3 cps. U n t i l these issenblies have been lorded, the 3 cps count rate i s not required.

APPLICABILYY: OPERATIONAL CONOITION 5. 1 With the rrQuirements o f t h e above r ~ e c ~ f i c r t f onot n satisfied, lmediatrly susptna all operations involving CORE ALTERATlONS and insert all inscrtmle control roar.


SURk :LANCE REQuI REMEHTS 4.9.2 Each of the above rrquirrd S R n channels shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by:

a. At least onto per U hours:
1. P e r f o m r n c e of 4 CHANNEL CHECK, m e use of rpec?al movable detectors during CORE ALTERATIONS in place o f the norut SRn nuclear o e u c t o r s i s p e m i s s i b l e 8s long 4s t h e r r rpecirl oatrctors

,are connected to tho n o m 1 SRM circuits.

  1. Not requirtd f o r control roar m a v e d por Specfficrtion 3 . 9 . 1 0 . l . r n d

fnrrr SRM channels rhrll be O P E W L E for crltical shutdown u r g j n d n o n s t r a -

tions. An S&I detector may b r ratractad provided a channel Indlcrtion o f at least 100 cgr 4 s uintatnea.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-3 h n a n t NO. 14 [


2. V e r i f y i n g t h e d e t e c t o r s a r e i n s e r t e d t o t h e normal o p e r a t i n g l e v e l , and
3. Ouring C O R E ALTERATIONS, v e r i f y i n g t h a t the d e t e c t o r o f an OPERABLE SRM channel i s l o c a t e d i n t h e c o r e quadrant where CORE ALTERATIONS a r e b e i n g performed and another i s l o c a t e d i n an a d j a c e n t quadrant. . .
b. Performance o f a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST:
1. W i t h i n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> p r i o r t o t h e s t a r t o f CORE ALTERATIONS, and
2. A t l e a s t once per 7 days.
c. V e r i f y i n g t h a t the channel c o u n t r a t e i s a t l e a s t 3 c p s .


1. P r i o r t o contr.:l to& withdrawal,
2. P r i o r t o and a t l e a s t once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> d u r i n g CORE ALTERATIONS***,


3. A t l e a s t once p e r 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s***.
d. Unless adequate shutdown v a r g i n has been demonstrated p e r S p e c i f i c a t i o n 3.1.1, v e r i f y i n g t h a t t h e RPS c i r c u i t r y " s h o r t i n g links" have been removed, w i t h i n 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior t o and a t l e a s t once p e r 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> d u r i n g t h e t i m e any c o n t r o l r o d i s w i t h d r a w . *
  • 4 1 .

"'Not r e q u i r e d for c o n t r o l pods removed p e r S o e c i f i c a t i o n Or 3.9.1: :.

  • ""Except as n o t e d i n S p e c i f i c a t i o n s 3 . 9 . 2 . d and 3 . 9 . 2 . e .

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9 - 4 Amendment No. 3 1 I


\.. 314.9.3 CONTROL ROD POSITION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.3 A l l c o n t r o l rods s h a l l be i n s e r t e d .



With a l l c o n t r o l rods n o t i n s e r t e d , suspend a l l o t h e r CORE ALTERATIONS, except t h a t one c o n t r o l r o d may be withdrawn under c o n t r o l o f t h e r e a c t o r mode s w i t c h Refuel p o s i t i o n one-rod-out i n t e r l o c k .

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.9.3 A l l c o n t r o l r o d s s h a l l be v e r i f i e d t o be i n s e r t e d , except as above specified:

a. W i t h i n 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> p r i o r t o :
1. The s t a r t o f CORE ALTERATIONS.
2. The w i t h d r a w a l o f one c o n t r o l r o d under t h e c o n t r o l o f t h e r e a c t o r mode s w i t c h Refuel p o s i t i o n one-rod-out i n t e r l o c k .
b. A t l e a s t once p e r 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />

' Except c o n t r o l rods removed p e r Speci f i c a t i o n o r

    • See Special T e s t Exception 3.10.3.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-5

- - - ,-,,?:s-

.___  :?s?.z.I:?is r- 3 / 4 . 9 . 5 DELETED 3 / 4 9-7 henciment NC ,137


HOPE CREEK 314 9-9 Amendment No. 31

3 / 4 . 9 . 7 ;ELZ,E3 I


.v 3/4.9.8 WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.8 A t least 22 feet 2 inches of water shall be maintained over the top of the reactor pressure vessel flange.

APPLICABILITY: During handling of fuel assemblies or control rods within the reactor pressure vessel while in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 when the fuel assemblies being handled are irradiated or the fuel assemblies seated within the reactor vessel are irradiated.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, suspend all operations involving handling o f fuel assemblies or control rods within the reactor pressure vessel after placing all fuel assemblies and control rods in a safe condition.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4 . 9 . 8 The reactor vessel water level shall be determined to be at least its minimum required depth within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prior to the start of and at least once p e r 24 h o u r s during handling o f f u e l assemblies o r control rods within the reactor pressure vessel.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-11


3/4.9.9 WATER L E V E L - S P E N T F U E L STORAGE POOL L I M I T I N G C O N D I T I O N FOR O P E R A T I G N 3.9.9 A t least 23 feet of water shall be mainta ned over the top o f irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the spent fuel storage pool racks.

APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assembl es are in the spent fuel storage pool.


With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, suspend all movement of fuel assemblies and crane operations with loads in the spent fuel storage pool area after placing the fuel assemblies and crane load in a safe condition. The provisions of Specification 3 . 0 . 3 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.9.9 The water level in the spent fuel storage pool shall be determined to L

be at least at its minimum required depth at least once per 7 days.

W HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-12

/ -


3/4.9.10 CONTROL ROD REMOVAL SINGLE CONTROL ROO REMOVAL LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION One control rod and/or the associated control rod drive mechanism.

may be removed from the core and/or reactor pressure vessel provided that at least the following requirements are satisfied until a control rod and associ-ated control rod drive mechanism are reinstalled and the control rod i s fully inserted in the core.

a. The reactor mode switch i s OPERABLE and locked i n the Shutdown position or in the Refuel position per Table 1.2 and Specification 3.9.1.
b. The source range monitors (SRM) are OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2.
c. The SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements of Specification 3.1.1 are satisfied, except that the control rod selected to be removed;
1. May be assumed to be the highest worth control rod required to be assumed to be fully withdrawn by the SHUTDOWN MARGIN test, and
2. Need not be assumed t o be immovable or untrippable.
d. A l l other control rods in a five-by-five array centered on the control rod being removed are inserted and electrically or hydraulically disarmed or the four fuel assemblies surrounding the control rod or control rod drive mechanism t o be removed from the core and/or reactor vessel are removed from the core cell.

e All other control rods are inserted.

f . A l l fue.1 loading operations shall be suspended.


With t h e tequirements o f the above specification not satisfied, suspend removal of t h e control rod and/or associated control rod drive mechanism from the core a n d / o r r e a c t o r pressure vessel a n d initiate action to satisfy the above reQui rements.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-13

REFUELING OPERATIONS L-SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prior to the start of removal o f a control rod and/or the associated control rod drive mechanism from the core and/or reactor pressure vessel and at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter until a control rod and associ-ated control rod drive mechanism are reinstalled and the control rod is inserted in the core, verify that:

a. The reactor mode switch is OPERABLE per Surveillance Requirement or, as applicable, and locked in the Shutdown position or in the Refuel Dosition with the "one rod out" Refuel position interlock OPERABLE pe'r Specification 3.9.1.
b. The SRM channels are OPERABLE per Specif cation 3.9.2.
c. The SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements of Spec fication 3.1.1 are satisfied per Specification
d. All other control rods in a five-bv-five array centered on the control rod being removed are inserted and- electrical ly or hydraul ical ly disarmed or the four fuel assemblies surrounding the control rod o r control rod drive mechanism to be removed from the core and/or reactor .. '

vessel are removed from the core cell.

e. A l l other control rods are inserted.
f. All fuel loading operations are suspended.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-14



MULTIPLE CONTROL ROD REMOVAL LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Any number of control rods and/or control rod drive mechanisms may be removed from the core and/or reactor pressure vessel provided that at least the following requirements are satisfied until all control rods and control rod drive mechanisms are reinstalled and all control rods are inserted in the core.

a. The reactor mode switch is OPERABLE and locked in the Shutdown position or in the Refuel position per Specification 3.9.1, except that the Refuel position "one-rod-out" interlock may be bypassed, as required, for those control rods and/or control rod drive mechanisms to be removed, after the fuel assemblies have been removed as specified below.
b. The source range monitors SRM are OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2
c. The SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements o f Specification 3.1.1 are satisfied.
d. All other control rods are either inserted or have the surrounding four fuel assemblies removed from the core cell.
e. The four fuel assemblies surrounding each control rod o r control rod drive mechanism to be removed from the core and/or reactor vessel are removed from the core cell.
f. All fuel loading operations shall be suspended.



With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, suspend removal o f control rods and/or control rod drive mechanisms from the core and/or reactor pressure vessel and initiate action t o satisfy the above requirements.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-15


-.-- SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prior to the start of removal of control rods and/or control roa drive mechanisms from the core and/or reactor pressurw vessel and at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter until all control rods and control rod drive mechanisms are reinstalled and all control rods are inserted in the core, verify that:

a. The reactor mode switch is OPERABLE per Surveillance Requirement or, as applicable, and locked in the Shutdown position or in the Refuel position per Specification 3.9.1.
b. The SRM channels are OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2.
c. The SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements o f Specification 3.1.1 are satisfied.
d. All other control rods are either inserted or have the surrounding four fuel assemblies removed from the core cell.
e. The four fuel assemblies surrounding each control rod and/or control rod drive mechanism to be removed from the core and/or reactor vessel are removed from the core cell.
f. All fuel loading operations are suspended.

Ll' Following replacement o f all control rods and/or control rod drive mechanisms removed in accordance with this specification, perform a functional test of the "one-rod-out" Refuel position interlock, if this function had been bypassed.

HOPE CREEK 3/4 9-16


-LIKITING CONOITION FOR O P E R k T I 3 N -- At least one shutdown cooling mode loop of the residual heat teFova (RHR) systerr! shall be OPERABLE and in operation* with:

a. One OPERABLE RHR pump, and
b. One OPERABLE RYR h e a t exchanger.

APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5, when 1rradiat.d fuel i s in the react: I vessel and the water level is g n i t e r than or equal to 22 f e e t 2 inches abgve the top o f the reactor pressure vessel flange and heat losses to ambient** arc not sufficient to maintain OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5.


a. Yith no RHR shutdown c o o l i n g wde loop OPERABLE, within one hour and at laart once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> themafter, demonstrate tha operability o f a t least one alternatr nethod capable o f decay heat ruroval. Otherwise, suspend all operatlonr involving an increase in the reactor decay heat load and establish SECONDARY CONTAIWENT IMTEGRITY within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
b. Yith no RHR shutdown cooling mode I& in operation, rithjn one hour establish reactor coolant circulation by an alternate method and monitor reactor coolant w e r a t u r e at lerrt once per hour.

S U R V E I L W E REQUIREMENTS - At lrrrt one shutdown cooling mda loop of the nridurl heat removal s y s k . or rlkmrtcl method shall be verfflrd to bo in op8rition and Circulatincl reactor coolant at least once par 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

n The shutdown coollng pupp m y be removed fm operation f o r up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> per 8-hour period.

    • Ambfent losses .lJSt be such t h a t no incnase i n reactor vessel water temper-ature will occur (even though REFUELING conditions are being maintained).

HOPE CREEK 314 9-17

R EFUE L ING 0P ERA T I ON S i- LOU WATER LEVEL LIMITING CONEITInN ----- FOR OPERATION 2.9.lL.Z Two shutdown coo'iing mode l o o p s o f t h e residua': heat r e m o v a l (RHR) system s h a l l be CPERABLE and a t l e a s t one l o o p s h a l l be i n o p e r a t i o n , " w i t h each l o o p c o n s i s t i n g o f :

a. One OPERABLE 2HR pump, and
b. One OPERABLE RHR heat exchanger.

A P P L I C A B I L I T Y : OPERATIONAL CCNDITION 5, when i r r a d i a t e d f u e l i s i n t h e r e a c t o r vessel and t h e water l e v e l is less tnan 22 f e e t 2 inches above t h e t o p o f t h e r e a c t o r pressure vessel f l a n g e and heat losses t o ambient** a r e n o t s u f f i c i e n t t o m a i n t a i n OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5.


a. With less than t h e above r e q u i r e d shutdown c o o l i n g mode loops o f t h e RHR s y s t e m OPERABLE, w i t h i n one hour and a t l e a s t once p e r 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> t h e r e -

a f t e r , demonstrate t h e OPERABILITY of a t l e a s t one a l t e r n a t e method CaDable of decay heat removal f o r each i n o p e r a b l e RHR shutdown c o o l i n g

-- moae loop.

b. With no RHR shutdown c o o l i n g mode l o o p i n o p e r a t i o n , w i t h i n one hour e s t a b l i s h r e a c t o r c o o l a n t c i r c u l a t i o n by an a l t e r n a t e method and m o n i t o r reactor c o o l a n t temperature a t l e a s t once p e r hou'r.

I SURVEiLLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4 . 9 . 1 1 . 2 A t l e a s t one shutdown cooling mode l o o p of t h e r e s i d u a l h e a t reinoval system o r a l t e r n a t e method s h a l l be v e r i f i e d t o be i n o p e r a t i o n and CirCU1ating r e a c t o r c o o l a n t a t l e a s t once p e r 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

"The shutdown c o o l i n g pump may be removed from o p e r a t i o n f o r up t o 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> p e r 8-nour p e r i o d .

    • Ambient losses must be such t h a t no increase i n r e a c t o r vessel water temper-a t u r e will occur (even t h o u g h REFUELING c o n d i t i o n s a r e b e i n g maintained).


HOPE CREEK 3 / 4 9-i8 .. .Amendment No. - 19 .



Biennial Review performed Yes No - NIA -
1. This is a new procedure. This change is in support of revision number 6 to administrathre procedure NC.NA-APmZZ-OO25(Q), Operational Fire Protection Program. (80035483).

NAAP-25 is being revised to focus on high level process concepts, resulting in relocation of some process description detail and the associated forms, tables, and attachments to other lower tier documents.

2. This revision represents a significant editorial incorporation of the NAAP-25 Hot Work Program into a new stand alone procedure. The NAAP-25 sections utilized to create this procedure were primarily:

5.5, Control of Ignition Sources Hot Work 0 5.8, Ignitable Metals

3. The associated NAAP-25 Hot Work forms, tables, and attachments have been relocated to this procedure.
4. Added term seismic joints to step 5.3.2.G to better define penetration in a fire barrier (70012801)
5. Added new section 5.1 1 Aerosol Products that deals with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 30B.



Manager Emergency Services

PRECAUTIONSAGAINST FIRE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 2 2.0 SCOPE .........................................................................................................

2 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................... 2 4.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................ 3 5.0 PROCEDURE................................................................................................. 4 5.I Response to Fire Emergencies............................................................4 5.2 Fire Prevention Requirements..............................................................5 5.3 Fire Protection Impairment Program.................................................... 8 5.4 -

Control of Ignition Sources Hot Work................................................. 8 5.5 Combustible Material Control - General /All Areas ..............................9 5.6 -

CombustibleMaterial Control Safety Related Areas ..........................I O 5.7 Transient Combustibles........................................................................4 1 5.8 Transient Combustible Fire Load Limits................................................11 5.9 Fire Department Transient Combustibles Inspections..........................12 5.10 Control of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases.................13 5.21 Aerosol Products..................................................................................15 6.0 RECORDS................................................................................................... ,.,15 7.0 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 16


17 TABLES TABLE 1 Limited Transient Combustible Areas -Salem Station....................................20 TABLE 2 Common Transient CombustibldEstimatedHeat Content..............................21 FORMS FORM 1 Transient CombustiblePermit........................................................................22 Common Page 1 of 22 Rev 0 .

NC.FP-AP.TZ-0025 (Q) 1.o PURPOSE 1.I This procedure is established to secure a reasonable level of safety to life and property from fire hazards incident to the occupancy and maintenance of PSEG Nuclear structures and facilities.

I.2 This procedure provides MINIMUM fire prevention measures and directs the user to procedures, which govern other fire protection processes in greater detail.

2.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to all PSEG Nuclear buildings and facilities located on the owner controlled property.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 All Directors and Managers Ensure their organizations implement the applicable fire prevention requirements within facilities they maintain and in which they conduct work.

3.2 -

Manager Emergencv Services e Coordinate and implement the Operational Fire Protection Program requirements for protecting plant, systems, components, and materials.

e Ensure General Employee Training (GET) discusses required employee actions in the event of fire.

0 Ensure walk downs are performed to monitor control of transient combustibles.

e Ensure an inspection program is implemented to verify compliance with applicable regulations.

e Ensure Hot Work, Transient Combustible, and Fire Protection Impairment Permits (FPIPs) are properly prepared, authorized, and implemented.

0 Maintain daily communication with the Operations Superintendent andlor Control Room Supervisors on the status of Salem and Hope Creek Station FPIPs. [CD-434E].

e Ensure ignition source control and monitoring for fire prevention.

e Interface with fire insurance inspectors, state and local enforcement agencies e Interface with offsite fire departments.

e Define non-FD responsibility for required testing and inspection of fire protection equipment.

e Ensure timely and effective preventive and corrective maintenance on fire protection systems and components assigned to the FD.

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NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 3.3 -

Job Supervisors Salem and Hope Creek Stations 0 Comply with fire prevention requirements of the Fire Protection Impairment, Hot Work, and Transient Combustible Control processes Ensure work practices support control of ignition sources, flammable liquids and gases, and ignitable metals.

3.4 All Personnel 0 Comply with the requirements af this procedure.

0 Ensure appropriate response to fires and fire alarms for the affected area.

Ensure fire prevention requirements are observed.

4.0 PROCESS 4.1 This procedure identifies elements of the Operational Fire Protection Program categorized as Fire Prevention and Readiness to Detect and Suppress Fires.

4.2 This procedure is implemented in full detail by the following supplemental Fire Department administrative procedures.

SC.FP.AP.Z&0003(Q), Actions for Inoperable Fire Protection Salem-HC.FP-AP.ZZ-OOW(Q), Actions For Inoperable Fire Protection- Hope Creek NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O005(Q), Fire Protection Surveillance / Periodic Test Program 0 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O009Q), Fire Protection Training Program 0 NCFP-AP.ZZ-001O(Q}, Fire Protection Impairment Program NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O012(Q), Safe Hot Work Practices NC.FP-AP.P-O020(Q), Compensatory Measure Fire Watch Program 4.3 Users of this procedure are advised to refer to the above departmental procedures for the full detail and administrative controls which these procedures provide.

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q) 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Response to Fire Emergencies 5.1.1 In the event a fire alarm sounds within an office facility, (e.g. Material Center, Nuclear Operations Services Facility (NOSF), PSEG Nuclear Administration Building (TB-21, Hope Creek Administration Suilding, Processing Center, or "B"Clean Facilities Building) evacuate the building in accordance with the established routes.

A. Accountability should be performed to ensure all personnel are out of the building and at a specified gathering place.

B. Evacuees should not crowd the entrances and should await further instructions from either the control room or FD personnel.

C. NEVER use the elevator to leave the building.

D. Always ensure fire boundary doors are closed.

5.1.2 For fire alarms within the Salem and Hope Creek Stations, listen to the instructions via the page system provided.

5.1.3 Upon discovering a fire, report it using the telephone via 3333, a manual pull box, or page system A. Use page line 1 for Salem U/1, line 2 for Salem U/2 B. Use page line 5 at Hope Creek 5.1.4 When reporting an emergency, callers should provide information such as nature of the emergency, the location, and any equipment involved.

5.1.5 After reporting a fire, employees should fight the fire if its within their training and capabilities.

A. If not within the training and capabilities of the employes(s), to fight the fire, then the employee(s) should alert others in the area, evacuate to a safe distance and standby to direct FD personnel to the scene.

5.1.6 When the Control Room receives a report of a fire they should dispatch appropriate personnel in accordance with the applicable procedures.

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A L L ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.77-0025 (Q) 5.2 Fire Preventlon Requirements 5.2.q General The following conditions are prohibited and should be corrected immediately

, IAW N.J.A.C. 570-2-10(New Jersey State Fire Code). These provisions should be applied in all buildings and facilities:

A. Dangerous conditions which are liable to cause or contribute to the spread of fire.

B. Conditions that would interfere with the use of any fire protection equipment.

C. Obstruction of egress pathways such as stairwells, exit doors and corridors.

D. Accumulation of dust or waste in HVAC systems or grease in kitchen or other exhaust ducts.

E, Accumulations of grease on kitchen cooking equipment, or oil, grease or dirt upon, under or around any mechanical equipment.

F. Accumulation of rubbish, waste, paper, boxes, or other combustible materials (trash) or excessive storage of any mmbustible materials in an area not designed for that purpose.

G. Hazardous conditions arising from defective or improperly used or installed electrical wiring, equipment or appliances.

H. Hazardous conditions arising from defective or improperly installed equipment for handling or use of combustible, explosive or otherwise hazardous materials.

1. Dangerous amounts of combustible, explosive or otherwise hazardous materials.

J. All equipment, materials, processes or operations that are in violation of the provisions and intent of this procedure, the MJ State Fire Code and any procedures for safe plant operation.

K. Fire Protection deficiencies observed should be immediately reported to the FD (Ext. 2800/2803)for evaluation L. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and areas unless specifically posted.

5.2.2 Storage A, AH storage areas should be maintained in a neat and orderly condition.

8. Storage of material should not affect access to or obstruct fire protection systems or fire fighting equipment.

C. Thirty inches (30) of clearance, free of combustible material, shall be maintained around energized electrical panels.

D. Materials should not be placed, stored or kept in any portion of an exit, elevator or at the bottom of a stairway or other means of escape.

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q) 5.2.3 Fire Barriers A, Fire Doors shall be maintained closed at all times (unless provided with an approved hold-open device).

B. Blocking, propping or leaving a fire door open without proper authorization for any time period is 8 violation of our fire protection program and a serious fire safety hazard. [CD474B, CDD753X,CDm764E]

C. It is imperative that ALL PERSONNEL make sure fire doors close behind them. For doors with hold open devices, the door opening and door swing area need to be free of obstructions.

D. All required fire resistance rated assemblies (ceiling tiles, walls, doors, etc.) shall be maintained, repaired, restored or replaced when damaged, altered, or penetrated 5.2.4 Electrlcal A. Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be a substitute for permanent wiring.

B. Extension cords and flexible cords shall be a minimum of 12/3 gauge and not be affixed to structures; extended through walls, ceilings or floors, or under doors or floor coverings; nor shall such cords be subject to environmentaldamage or physical impact.

C. Multi-plug adaptors, such as cube adaptors, unfused plug strips or any other device not complying with NFPA 70, shall be prohibited.

5.2.5 Fire Protection Systems A. Installedfirefighting equipment, with the exception of portable fire extinguishers, may only be utilized for firefighting at the direction of the ,


B. Use of fire protectionwater for non-fire protection purposes (not within the scope of a T-Mod), is prohibited without permissionfrom the OSICRS of the affected station and the NFPS, along with issuance of a permit for tracking.

C. Actuated detection or suppression systems should not be shut off until authorized by the NFPS or affected station OSKRS. The FD should be notified immediately whenever a portable fire extinguisher is discharged.

D. Fire extinguishers mounted in the stations are for emergency use only.

E. Fire extinguisher location changes at Hope Creek are governed by the configuration control program and cannot be made until approved and documented via the design change process. In addition, use of certain type ABC dry chemical extinguishers are prohibited at Hope Creek station.

Contact the FD for specific information. [CR990312177]

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NC.FP-AP.22-OOPS (Q) 5.2.6 Portable Space Heaters A. Any use of portable space heaters, whether in a safety related or non-safety related application, will require a review and approval by Fire Protection. Additionally, the following provislons also apply to the use of portable space heaters.

B. Portable space heaters use in office areas of trailers are prohibited.

C. Portable space heaters used to maintain operability of Safety Related structures, systems, or components (SSCs) are installed in accordance with NC.DE-AP.ZZ-O030(Q), Control of Temporary Modifications.[C10403].

D. In non-safety related areas to support personnel comfort or equipment operation, use of a portable space heaters, will require a review by fire protection with the following restrictions:

1. The department placing the heater is responsible for placing it in the plant, inspecting it to ensure the unit is in serviceable condition and all safety features are operational.
2. The responsible department shall monitor the operation of the heater at all times, E. Portable space heaters should be electrically powered where possible.

F. A clear combustible zone of 10' around the heater should be maintained at all times.

G. Portable heaters should not be placed in high traffic areas or other areas where personnel could come in contact with them.

H. Fuel fired portable heaters should not be used in a building unless all other alternatives are exhausted.

1. Fuel fired portable heaters may not be used without adequate ventilation J. Fuel fired portable heaters may not be used in confined spaces.

K. Fuel fired portable heaters may not be fueled while in operation L. A portable fire extinguisher must be present while a fuel fired portable heater is in operation.

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q) 5.3 Fire Protection Impairment Prowram 5.3.1 The Fire Department is the fire protection impairment authority, responsible for implementing the Fire Protection Impairment Program in accordance with administrative procedure: ND.FP-APZ-001 O(Q),Fire Protection Impairment Program. [CD434E]

5.3.2 Work activities affecting the following fire protection systems, equipment and barriers shall be controlled through the Fire Protection Impairment Program

[CD-I74B, CD438A, CD-531A, CD-643A, CDdb3X, CD=764E,CD-807X, CD-8214:

A. Fire water system (Le. pumps, hydrants, piping, hose stations, deluge and sprinkler systems).

B. Carbon dioxide (CARDOX), Halon, and Foam systems.

C. Smoke and thermal detection systems.

D. Fire alarm and associated circuitry.

E, Manual pull box alarm stations.

F. Fire doors and fire dampers.

G. Penetrations, including seismic joints, in fire barriers. 1700128011.

H. Marinite boards and structural steel fireproofing.

1. Fire Wrap on cable tray, conduits, cables, and vent ducts.

J. Radiant energy shields.

K. Appendix "R" 8-hour battery powered emergency lights.

L. Transient combustibles in non-safety related areaslrooms.

5.3.3 A Fire Protection Impairment Permit (FPIP) is also required when equipment taken out of service affects operability of a fire protection system (Le. tagging a breaker that powers the detection system).

5.4 -

Control of fcrnition Sources Hot Work 5.4.1 The FD authorizes Hot Work Permits in accordance with procedure NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O012(Q), Safe Performance of Hot Work.

5.4.2 Work involving ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering, is considered a fire watch required activity.

5.4.3 -

A Hot Work Permit (HWP) Form Iof this procedure, shall control all these processes. [CD-226C, CB3OOX, CD-317Y, CD-754X, CD-821X]

5.4.4 Work involving wire wheeling! needle gun use, or hot iron soldering is NOT considered hot work and a Hot Work Permit is not required.

A. Precautions identified in this procedure for hot work activities should be applied to ensure a fire safe work area.

B. At the discretion of the NFPS, the use of certain equipment for pre-heating such as Cooper Heat (trade mark) resistance heaters, or similar devices, may be considered Hot Work.

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NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 5.5 -

Combustible Material Control General / All Areas 5.5.1 Commonly encountered transient cornbustibles and their estimated heat content are identified in Table 2.

5.5.2 Flammable or combustible liquids introduced into any arealroom within the stations shall be limited to daily usage. [CD-755a 5.5.3 Use and storage of flammable liquids for decon within the stations shall be limited to five gallons. [CD-799X]

5.5.4 Items incidental to Radiation Protection such as catch-bags, step-off-pads, roping, and stanchions are acceptable in limited quantities as determined by the FD. PC and trash drums are evaluated as transient combustibles.

5.5.5 Accumulations of waste, debris, scrap, rags, and other combustibles resulting from work activities shatl be removed from the work area immediately following job completion or at the end of a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period, whichever comes first.

5.5.6 For work in the RCA, combustibles shall be removed given proper considerationfor ALARA or contained in a sealed container until removed.

[CD-426a 5.5.7 Combustible structures, (including trailers, sheds, etc.) are prohibited from being placed inside of or within 30 feet of permanent buildings, unless a Fire Protection Impairment Permit (FPIP) or TCP as appropriate is issued authorizing placement.

5.5.8 Introductionof combustibles into Combustible Control Zones (CCZ) at Salem is prohibited without a Transient Combustible Permit (TCP), see Form 1, and appropriate compensatory measures. CCZs are used to limit the potential for exposure of sensitive equipment to fire and/or combustion products, to limit the potential for fire propagation through plant equipment hatches, and to reduce overall fire risk. Fixed combustible material may be installed in CCZs with approval from the fire protection designated design authority or the fire department. Transient combustibles are combustible materials that are not part of permanent plant equipment, components or installations. Transient combustibles are intended to pass through or reside in the plant for a brief duration usually associated with, but not limited to, a maintenance or design change work activity (e.g., combustible liquids, wood 8, plastic products, waste materials, scrap, rags, trash bags, electrical extension cords, ctothing hoop rings, or other cornbustible materials resulting from a work activity.)

5.5.9 Equipment or supplies (such as new fuel) shipped in untreated combustible containers can be unpacked (in preparation for immediate use} in safety-related areas if required for valid operating reasons. However, the combustible shipping materials shall be removed from the area immediately after unpacking, unless stored in metal containers with tight-fitting, self-closing metal covers or equivalent. Such material unless stored in the approved containers, shall NOT be left unattended at any time. [CD426X]

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A L L ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 5.5.10 All wood used for maintenance activities, refueling or modification operations, including wood carts and foreign material exclusion (FME)covers, etc. shall be fire retardant (performance rated Exterior Type per National Fire Protection Association Standard 703).

5.5.11 Combustible material for decoration in any building is prohibited, unless the materials have been made flame retardant with an approved flame retardant material or process and are approved by the NFPS prior to the installation, using the planned FPlP process.

5.5.12 Temporary buildings, enclosures, or fixtures within or on buildings should be constructed of noncombustible material. Use of combustible materials may affect compliance with Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) Property Loss Prevention Standards. Permanent items are prohibited unless evaluated and approved in accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0008 (Q) Configuration Control Program.

5.5.13 Storing combustible or flammable material in stairwells is prohibited.

5.514 Combustible or flammable materials in use shall not be stored on or against stations' fire rated barriers, where it will come in contact with such items as:

A. Metal floor hatches, pipes, conduits, cable trays, cable, and HVAC ducts that penetrate fire barriers.

B. Penetration seals installed in barriers or embedded sleeves used to form openings in fire barriers.

5.6 -

Combustible Material Control Safetv Related Areas 5.6.1 Storage of combustibles is permitted in Salem and Hope Creek Station's safety related areashooms except when approved by Engineering.

iCD-31v 5.6.2 When approved, storage of combustibles in safety related areashooms is permitted only in metal containers with tight-fitting, selfclosing metal covers or equivalent.

5.6.3 Storage for Salem's RCA safety related areas is limited to the engineering approved locations andlor the "A"Controlled Facilities Building, while Hope Creek's RCA safety related areas is limited to the engineering approved locations and/or sprinklered areas of the Turbine Building.

5.6.4 Use of non-fire retardant wood (such as large dunnage, wooden carts, or FME) in any safety-related area/room, regardless of the total British Thermal Units (BTU) content, requires an evaluation by engineering.

5.6.5 Daily usage of combustible or flammable materials in safety related areas of Salem and Hope Creek Stations is considered transient combustibles and requires Section 5.7 of this procedure to be completed.

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NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 5.7 Transient Combustibles 5.7.q All work activities requiring the introduction of transient combustible material into SAFETY RELATED AREAS or ROOMS shall be identified and administratively controlled. [CD1226C, CD-300X, CD463Y, CD-807X, CD-8214 5.7.2 Job Supervisors or designees, for work activities introducing combustible items into safety-related areaslroorns, are responsible for performing a calculation of the transient combustibles BTU content.

5.7.3 This calculation should be completed during the walk-down phase of the workweek process.

5.7.4 Use Form 1 Transient Combustible Permit (TCP) for performing the calculation.

5.7.5 The FD will issue an approved TCP for SAFETY RELATED AREAS or ROOMS and specify compensatory measures based on the following:

A. Total transient combustibles being utilized in a fire aredroom.

B. Pre-existing quantities of transient combustibles found during roving patrols or the current TCP logs.

C. Valid hot work activities.

D. Sound Fire Protection Practices.

E. Presence/operability of installed detection or suppressian equipment in aredroom, 5.8 Transient Combustible Fire Load Limits 5.8.1 Transient combustible fire load limits have been established for safety related areaslrooms within the Salem and Hope Creek Stations and are specified in the Fire Hazards Analysis of each station. [CD=300X,CD839F) 5.8.2 If it is determined the use of combustibles WILL EXCEED established limits, an engineering assessment is required to determine threshold limits and any additional controls BEFORE the combustibles are brought into the safety related areaslrooms.

5.8.3 Regardless of whether the transient combustibles do or do not exceed the limits, the FD will issue a TCP and specify compensatory measures.

5.8.4 Departments introducing the transient cornbustibles are responsiblefor the implementation, control and release of the fire watch compensatory measure.

5.8.5 Salem Station Transient Combustible Load Limit A. 400,000 BTU per fire area. t842201 B. Table Icontains the areas in both Salem Stations, which have restrictions to the established limits with regards to transient combustibles.

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NC.F P-AP.22-0025 (Q) 5.8.6 Hope Creek Station Transient Combustible Load Limit A. 4,480,000 BTU per room. [CD-939F]

6. Mope Creek rooms have restrictions with regards to transient combustible load limits: [CD463q 1, Room 4326 (CRDRemoval and Repair Area) and Room 4333 (CRD Storage Area): Transient combustibfes are prohibited with the exception of CRD cleaning and rebuilding equipment.
2. Vestibules 5101 5201 and Electrical Raceways 5216 and 5336:

Transient combustibles are prohibited.

3. Main Control Room and Control Complex Peripheral Rooms:

Transient combustibles are limited to Class "A" materials and small quantities of cleaning supplies incidental to Control Room Complex functions. This area shall not be used for any storage, as storage shall be limited to the peripheral rooms only. This does not include small quantities of items such as a ream of paper or stationary supplies like pens and notepads.

5.9 Fire Department (FD) Transient Combustibles Inspections 59.1 The FD performs a survey of transient combustibles in safety-related areas/rooms as part of their daily housekeeping inspections.

5.9.2 The FD performs a survey of transient combustibles in non-safety-related areadrooms as part of their weekly housekeeping inspections.

5.9.3 Non-compliancesdiscovered will be documented using the notification process. v8106]

5.9.4 For Non-Safety Related Areas Only:

A. No combustible or flammable material should be stored in any non-safety related area of either Salem or Hope Creek Stations, unless the area contains a fire suppression system, due to insurance restrictions (NEIL Property Loss Prevention Standards). Exceptions to this requirement are based on a FD evaluation with implementation of compensatory measures.

B. All wood used for maintenance activities should be fire retardant wood (performance rated Exterior Type per National Fire Protection Association

[NFPA] Standard 703).

C. Introductionof combustibles considered to be excessive will be tracked by a Fire Protection Impairment Permit.

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4 L L ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (a) 5.10 Control of Flammable and Cornbustible Liquids and Gases 5.10.1 Storage or dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA Standard 30, the "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code", unless an authority having jurisdiction (suchas the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or the Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) grants exceptions or variances. All questions regarding compliance with NFPA 30 should be directed to the FD. [CD900X, CD-755)(1 5.10.2 Flammable and combustible liquids shall be handled carefully using the following guidelines: [CD=755X]

A. Kept in Factory Mutual (FM) or Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved safety cans when in use, handled and/or dispensed. The only exception is when liquids remain in their original containers to maintain purity.

B. Flammable and combustible liquids when NOT in use are stored in FM or UL approved flammable liquid storage cabinets regardless of container.

C. Proper electrical grounding and bonding are provided when dispensing.

5.10.3 Portable Fuel Tanks A. Portable fuel tanks, or fuel tanks used for storage, require the following measures:

1, A capacity > 660 gallons requires a permit by the State of N.J.

2. Contained within a dike capable of being drained frequently to remove accumulated rainwater or spills.
3. Located and arranged that access for fire fighting is not restricted.
4. Equipped with a lockable, automatic shutoff nozzle.
5. Portable ABC type fire extinguisher provided.

B. If any of the above fire prevention measures are not met, a fire protection impairment permit is required along with possible compensatory measures.

5.40.4 Engineering is to assess and approve all permanent or temporary placements of flammable liquid storage cabinets and gas cylinders in safety-related areas of either Salem or Hope Creek. [CD-755X, CD-830A A. Requests for permanent placement of a cabinet in a SAFETY RELATED area made via N I Notification for engineering evaluation and approval.

B. Requests for temporary placement of a cabinet in a SAFElY RELATED area are made via the Transient Combustible Permit process through the Fire Department.

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NCFP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 5.1 0.5 Placement of flammable liquid cabinets in non-safety related areas is in accordance with the following:

A. No more than 3 cabinets should be located in any one fire area.

B. In large plant areas (ie Turbine Building) more than 3 cabinets may be installed provided each group of 3 cabinets is separated by at least 100.

C. Ifthe area is fully sprinklered, up to 6 cabinets may be installed in a single area without 100' separation.

5.10.6 Flammable liquid cabinets should be maintained in a neat orderly condition with all latches, hardware and hinges properly functioning.

5.10.7 The maximum atlowable quantity of Class I, It, and IllA liquids should not exceed 120 gallons per cabinet.

5.10.8 NO storage of materials other than Class I, ll and MA liquid is permitted in a Flammable liquid cabinet.

5.10.9 Flammable Gas Cylinders A. Flammable gas cylinders in any safety-related area or room, regardless of the amount, shall NOT be left unattended for > 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. [78111]

B. Flammable gas cylinders in any safety-related area or room, regardless of the amount requires a TCP.

1. An exception for the TCP would be when a Hot Work Permit ( H W ) is issued for the gas cylinders on a daily basis.
2. The requirement to monitor flammable gas cylinders left for longer than one hour in a safety related area or room of the stations remains the same. [CD-830X, TS990325186J 5.10.10 Compressed Gas Cylinders A. Personnel working with compressed gas cylinders shall comply with the precautions as specified in desk guide: NC.PM-DG.77-0001 (Z) Storage and Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders: [CD-;IS4X, CD-830XI B. Compressed Gas Cylinder Control Tags must be affixed to cylinder(s).

These tags should be maintained to match cylinder level (EMPTY, IN-USE, and FULL).

C. Compressed gas cylinders used for hot work with a valid daily hot work permit issued, are considered "in use". Those not in use will be treated as "storage" and shall be left unattended for longer than one hour in safety related areas of the stations. [78111J D. Cylinders should contain a job information tag attached for identifying the owners. ~ S S S O S O SSO]

I E. Cylinders should be kept in an Upright position, secured in specially manufactured holding devices, or to a cart or permanent structure by chain or double wrapped wire (minimum No. 9 gauge), to prevent them from falling or being knocked over.

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q)

F. Open cylinder valves slowly and close valves when work is complete or when personnel leave the area.

G. Keep cylinders capped whenever regulator is removed, while moving a cylinder, or when cylinder is in storage.

H. Promptly return cylinders to the appropriate gas bottle storage areas upon completion of the work.

1. All storage and issuance of compressed gas cylinders in the gas bottle storage areas should be In accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1.

J. Warning signs are required in areas where the possibility of hydrogen leakage exists (Re-combiners, Waste Gas Compressors, Decay Tanks, and Turbine Generators) to prevent open flames or other sources of ignition within 35 feet of the hazard. [CD=173B]

5.1 1 Aerosol Products 5.1 1.1 An aerosol is a product that is dlspensed from an aerosol container by a propellant.

5.1 1.2 The definition of aerosol does not apply to the storage or display of containers whose contents are composed entirely of liquid petroleum (LP) gas products.

A. Examples include MAP (methane, acetylene, propane) gas cylinders, propane gas cylinders, and butane gas cylinders.

B. Uses for these LP-gases might include small hand torches for brazing and soldering.

5.11.3 An aerosol container is a metat can up to a maximum ske of 33.8 fluid ounces (1000 ml) or a glass or plastic bottle up to a maximum size of 4 fluid ounces (118 ml).

5.1 1.4 Storage and display of aerosols shall be In accordance with NFPA standard 308,Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products Code.

5.11.5 Aerosols introduced into any safety related aredroom within the stations shall be limited to daily usage.

5.11.6 Daily usage of aerosols in safety related areas of Salem and Hope Creek Stations is considered transient combustibles and is required to be controlled accordingly.

6.0 Records 6.1 Transient Combustible Permits shall be retained with the work package in accordance with NC.NA-AP.22-0011(Q), Records Management Program (NAP-11). [CD434E]

6.2 The FD, in accordance with NAP-11, shall retain transient combustible permits and logs pertaining to hot work permits and fire protection impairment permits. [CP434EJ Common Page t5 of 22 Rev. 0

NC.FP-AP.22-0025 ( Q )

7.0 DEFlNITIONS 7.1 Aerosol - A product that is dispensed from an aersol container by a propellant,(NFPA 30B).

7.2 Combustible Control Zone (CCZ) - An area of the plant in which transient combustible material@)is prohibited without a Temporary Combustible Permit (TCP) and appropriate compensatory measures.

7.3 -

Combustible Liquid A liquid having a flash point at or above 100" F (37.8' C).

7.4 -

Combustible Material Materiat, which in the form it is used and under the conditions anticipated, WILL ignite, burn, support cornbustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire and heat.

7.5 -

Fines very small particles in a mixture of various sizes.

7.6 -

Fire Barrier Those construction elements (walls, floors, and their supports),

including beams, columns, penetration seals or closures, fire doors and dampers, that are rated by approving laboratories in hours of resistance to fire and used to prevent the spread of fire.

7.7 Fire Retardant Wood - Wood that has been treated with fire retardant chemicals and is performance rated Exterior Type per National Fire Protection Association Standard 703).

7.8 -

Flre Watch An individual who has satisfactorily completed fire watch training and is designated by the FD for compensatory measure, hot work, or both fire watch type duties.

7.9 -

Flammable Liquid A liquid with a flash point below 100"F and a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch absolute at 100" F. (Also known as a Class I liquid.)

7.10 -

Hot Work Work that involves ignition sources.

7.1 I ignition Source - Heat or flame from any source capable of igniting combustible or flammable material.

7.12 -

Impairment Any condition affecting the intended operation of a fire protection system or barrier or posing as a fire hazard within the stations.

7.13 -

Liquified Petroleum G a s (LP-Gas1 Material having a vapor pressure not exceeding that allowed for commercial propane composed predominantly of the following hydrocarbons, either by themselves or as mixtures: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or isobutene), butylenes (NFPA 58).

7.14 -

Noncornbustlble Material Material which, in the form it is used and under the conditions anticipated, will NOT ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire and heat.

7.15 Permanent - A condition with an indefinite period of time.

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A L L ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q) 7.1 6 Safety Related Area - An area that contains systems and components required to shut down the reactor, mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents or maintain the reactor in a safe cold shutdown condition, 7.17 Sealed Container - A metal container sealed by means of a tightly fitting lid or other device so neither liquid nor vapors can escape at room temperature.

7.18 -

Storage The placing of items in a location and leaving them unattended until later use or disposal.

7.19 -

Temporary planned time duration of no more than 60 days.

7.20 -

Temporary Buildinas Any temporary structure or supported protective covering where personnel can move freely in and out of the structure.

7.21 -

Temporary Enclosure Any supported protective covering where personnel cannot move in and out of the structure or where the protection is accomplished by draping the protective cover over the material and/or equipment. This definition also applies to temporary enclosures inside of permanent buildings.

7.22 -

Temporary Fixture Something securely placed or attached as an appendage or as 8 structural part of a building (Le, door, portable steps, storage rack), constructed of a combustible material. This definition does not apply to furniture permanently installed in Station facilities.

7.23 Transient Combustible - Any combustible material introduced into a Safety-Related aredroom which will be used to complete an assigned task or left unattended for any period of time. It does not include items moved through areas in route to the final destination, unless the items are lef?un-monitored during transit.


8.I NC. NA4P.ZZ-0025 (a),Operational Fire Protection Program 8.2 -

N.J.A.C. 570-2-10 New Jersey State Fire Code 8.3 Salem Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Section 9.5, Fire -

Protection System 8.4 -

Salem Fire Protection Report Fire Hazards Analysis 8.5 HCGS Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, (UFSAR) Section 9.5.1, Fire -

Protection Program 8.6 -

HCGS UFSAR, Appendix QA, Appendix R Comparison 8.7 Appendix A to Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1, Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants Docketed Prior to July I, 1976 8.8 Branch Technical Position CMEB 9.5-1, Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants 8,9 NRC Supplemental Guidance, Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance, August 2 977 8.1 0 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Title 29, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.36FR 10466 Common Page 17 of 22 Rev. 0

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) 8.1 1 10CFR50 Appendix R, Fire Prot. Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to Jan. 1, 1979 8.12 NC.DE-PSZZ-0001(Q), Fire Protection Programmatic Standard 8.13 -

IEEE Standard 634 1978 8.14 Hope Creek Station Generic Letter 86-10 Submittal, dated May 13, 1986 8.15 HC.DE-PS.ZZ-0021 (F), Hope Creek Penetration Seal Program 8.16 SC.DE-PS.ZZ-O035(Q), Salem Penetration Seal Program 8.17 National Fire Protection Association Standard 701, Standard Methods for Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films 8.18 Cross References 8.18.1 -

NFPA 30 Flammable Liquids Code, National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) 8.18.2 NFPA 30B - Code for the Manufacturer and Storage of Aerosol Products 8.18.3 -

NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 8.4 8.4 -

NFPA 703 Standard for Fire Retardant Impregnated Wood and Fire Retardant Coatings for Building Materials 8.18.5 Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-I , Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Containers.

8.18.6 -

Property Loss Prevention Standards of Nuclear Generating Stations Nuclear Services Organization (NSO).

8.18.7 NC.NA-AP.Z&0008(Q), Configuration Control Program 8.18.8 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0011 (a),Records Management Program (NAP-I 1) 8,18.9 MC. DE-AP.Z-O030(Q), Control of Temporary Modifications 8.18.10 SC.FP.AP.ZZ-O003(Q), Actions for Inoperable Fire Protection - Salem 8.18.qI HC.FP-AP.Z4004(Q), Actions For Inoperable Fire Protection- Hope Creek 8.18.12 NC. FP-AP.ZZ-O005(Q), Fire Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 8.18.13 NC. Ff-AP.ZZ-0009(Q), Fire Department Training Program 8.18.14 NC. FP-AP.ZZ-OOlO(Q), Fire Protection Impairment Program 8.1 8.15 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O012(Q), Safe Performance of Hot Work 8.18.16 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-Q020(Q), Compensatory Measure Fire Watch Program 8.1 8.1 7 NC.PM-DG.Z-0001 (Z) Storage and Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders 8.19 -

Commitment Documents: Hope Creek 8.19.1 CD-156A (NRC El Circular 80-09) (See FPAP-12) 8.19.2 CD-1736 (INPO SOER 82-09) 8.19.3 CD-174B (SOER 82-1OR02,04,07) 8.19.4 CD-226C (NRC IE Bulletin 75-04A) 8.19.5 CD300X (FSAR 8.19.6 CD317Y (FSAR Q 430.85(B))

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ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 20030210 NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q) 8.1 9.7 CD-426X (FSAR 9.1 .I .3.2) 8.19.8 CD-434E (IR 86-062) (LER 86-062) 8.19.9 CD-438A (INPO SER 055-81) 8.19.10 CD-463Y (FSAR Appendix 9A.6.5) 8.19.11 CD-531A (INPO SER 4682) 8.19.12 CD-643A (INPO O&MR 64) 8.19.13 CD-6524(INPO O&MR 73) {See FPAP-12) 8.19.14 CD482D (INPO SER 01-85) (See FPAP-12) 8.19.15 CD-753X (FSAR 9.5.1. I.IO) 8.19.16 CD-754X {FSAR 8.19.17 CD-755X (FSAR 9.5.1. I.I3) 8.1 9.1 8 CD-764E (NHO IR 86-274) 8.1 9.1 9 CD-791X (FSAR 8.19.20 CD-807X (FSAR Appendix 9A.III.K) 8.19.21 CD-821X (FSAR 8.19.22 CD-830X (BTP CMEB 9.5-1 ,~.8.1) 8.19.23 CD-939F (NRC OPEN 354/88-18-F1) 8.20 Closing Documents - Salem 8.20.1 C0403 (NRC-INFO 89-04) 8.20.2 C0549 (SR 272/92-8) (See FPAP-IO) 8.21 -

Commitment Documents Engineering 8.21.I 78105 (Appendix A to BTP APSCB 9.5-1, Section 8.2) 8,21.2 78111 (Letter from PSE&G to NRC, 07/26/78) 8.21.3 84220 (Memo from Vargas to PSE&G, 03/23/84)

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q)

Reference Drawings: 605810,6O5811,605812,605813,605815,605816,& 605817 Common Page 20 of 22 Rev. 0


TABLE 2 COMMON TRANSIENT COMBUSTIBLES I ESTIMATED HEAT CONTENT Acetylene 20,800 BTUllh MC Size Cyiinder (4" D x 12 H) = 36 Ibs B Size Cylinder (6"Dx 19"H) = 2ibs R Size Cylinder (7"Dx 25"f-f) = 3Ibs Common size acetylene cylinders found on site: S Size Cylinder (IO"D x 30" H) = 15 Ibs M Size Cylinder (12"Dx 36" H) = 18 ibs L Size Cylinder (12"D x 39"H) = 24 Ibs Cable insulation 12,000 BTUllb Cardboard 6,000 BTUllb Charcoal 13,000 BTUllb I6,000 STlJllb Clothlcloih pcs

( I PC = ?4 LB or 8,000 STUs)

Combustible liquid 160,000 BTU/gal Dry ion resins 12,000 BTUAb 32,000BTU/ea Fiberglass ladder (6')

( I foot = 5,333 BTUs)

Flammable liquid 90,000 BTUlgaI 8,000 BTUllb or 453,000 BTUlcu. ft.

Paper (7 case of copier paper = 4 I 6,000 B TUs) 20,000 BTUAb Plastic ( I sheet of herculite - 50'x 50' = 50,000 BTUs) 10,000BTU/lb Rubber (1 - 35 hose, 50' = 50,000BTUs)

Titanium 8,500 BTUlLB 9,000 BTUllb or 414,000 BTU/cu. ft.

Wood -

(f plank 2"x 6 " x IO' = 277,500 BTUs)

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NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q)


DRY ION RESlNS 12,000 BTU/Pound TITANIUM 8,500 BTWPound I ACETYLENE 20,300BTUlPound A OTHER I Contact FIRE DEPT. I Engineering Assessment Needed 0 Yes No Approved Yes No Completed By Date TCP # Total BTUs



! PSEG Internal Use Only Pacre 1 of 1 I PSEG NUCLEAR FIRE DEPARTMENT I

NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0012(4) Revision 0 SAFE PERFORMANCE OF HOT WORK Sponsor Organization: Emergency Services - Fire Department I REVISION


1. This is a new procedure. This change is in support of revision number 6 to administrative procedure NC.NA-AP.ZZ-O025(Q), Operational Fire Protection Program. (80035483).

NAAP-25 is being revised to focus on high level process concepts, resulting in relocationof some process description detait and the associated forms, tables, and attachments to other lower tier documents.

2. This revision represents a significant editorial incorporation of the NAAP-25 Hot Work Program into a new stand alone procedure. The NAAP-25 sections utilized to create this procedure were primarily:

0 -

5.5, Control of Ignition Sources Hot Work 0 5.8, ignitable Metals

3. The associated NAAP-25 Hot Work forms,tables, and attachments have been relocated to this procedure.
4. This revision meets the requirements of the biennial review.

IMPLEMENTING REQUIREMENTS Effective On: I ,/ 2 8 / 03 Manager Emergency Services


I SAFE PERFORMANCE OF HOT WORK SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.Q Purpose 2 2.0 Scope 2 3.0 Responsibilities 2 4.0 Hot Work Process Overview 3 4.1 Hot Work 3 4.2 General 3 4.3 High Risk Hot Work 4 4.4 Ignitable Metals 4 4.5 Electromagnetic I Radio Frequency Interference 5 4.6 Exceptions 5 5.0 Approval Process 5 6.0 Records 7 7.0 References 8 Table I Ignitable Metals - Salem 9 Table 2 lgnitable Metals - Hope Creek 11 Form 1 Hot Work Permit 12 Form 2 Hot Work Authorization Log 14 WCLEAR COMMON Page 1 of 14 Rev. 0

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.FP-AP.22-0012 (a) 1.o PURPOSE Provide a method and instruction for preparing, authorizing, and tracking Hot Work Permits, to control and limit the introduction of potential fire hazards into plant areas. [CD-300)(3 2.0 SCOPE 2.I This procedure applies to the performance of hot work in the Salem 1 and 2 Stations, the Hope Creek Generating Station, and associated out buildings.

2.2 Implementation of this procedure provides a log of the areas where hot work has been authorized including High Risk jobs and hot work in approved fab shops.

2,3 -

This procedure ensures that the Emergency Services Fire Department (FD) duty Nuclear Fire Protection Supervisor (NFPS) is aware of all hot work jobs, possible fire hazards and their effect on station safety.

2.4 This procedure also allows for the tracking of flammable compressed gas cylinders utilized for hot work.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Nuclear Fire Protection Supervisor (NFPS) or designee 3.1.I Compile information on the hot work permit ( H W ) log prior to authorizing a permit.

3.1.2 Authorize Hot Work Permit.

3.1.3 Maintain log of authorized hot work perm its.

3.1.4 Recognize the extent of hot work jobs in progress during his shift.

3.1.5 Inspect and authorize high risk hot work jobs.

3.2 Job Supervisor 3.2. I Ensure their personnel are trained and qualified to perform hot work.

3.2.2 Prepare their jobsite in accordance with the H W .

3.2.3 Inspect their jobsite prior to requesting a HWP number.

3.2.4 Maintain their jobsite in accordance with the HWP.

3.2.5 Ensure precautions are taken regarding work practices that have the potential to generate electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference 3.2.6 Notify the OS/CRS of the affected station prior to welding in the vicinity of a Radiation Monitor System (RMS) component 0 Spiking of the RMS may result, causing unexpected alarms of the RMS.


3.2.7 Assign qualified firewatch to the hot work job site.

0 Additional firewatch may be assigned due to sparks or slag streams affecting adjacent fire areas or elevations.

NUCLEAR COMMON Page 2 of 14 Rev. 0


3.2.8 Terminate work activities properly to ensure that flammable compressed gas cylinders are not left unattended.

3.2.9 Ensure fire watch remains for 30 minutes after hot work is completed.

3.3 Hot Work Fire Watchers:

3.3.1 Present and observant at all times of the work being performed and the surrounding area.

3.3.2 Ensure that the work area is maintained as described on the HWP Inspection at all times while hot work is being performed.

3.3.3 Notify the control room immediately of any fire occurring after ensuring the safety of their co-workers.

3.3.4 Extinguish fires within the capabilities of their training after the fire has been reported.

3.3.5 Remain at their post fur 30 minutes following the last hot work.

4.0 HOT WORK PROCESS OVERVIEW 4.A Hot Work 4.1.I Work involving ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering, is considered Hot Work.

4.1.2 Hot work is a fire watch required activity.

4.1.3 A Hot Work Permit (HWP)shall control work involving ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering. [CD*226C, CD300X, CD-317YsCD-754X, CD-SZlXJ 4.2 General 4.2.1 Daily Hot Work permits are valid for the one calendar day in which they are issued.

4.2.2 Annual hot work permits, with specific numbers, are issued individually for each approved shop facility on site for compliance with the New Jersey State Uniform Fire Code.

4.2.3 Fire watch are not required in shops where wetding and work involving ignition sources are routinely performed or in yard areas where no flammable or combustible materials are located within 35 feet of the hot work.

4.2.4 Separate Hot Work tracking logs should be established for the Hope Creek and Salem stations.

4.2.5 The NFPS should review the logs at the beginning of each operating shift to become familiar with hot work that has been authorized for the shift and what detection zones may be affected.

4.2.6 Hot work requires the fire watch to be maintained for 30 minutes after hot work is completed or suspended, to ensure the work area is safe from fire.

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4LL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0012 (Q) 4.2.7 Fire watch is responsible for monitoring the work area, including levels below floor grating and floor openings.

4.2.8 A portable fire extinguisher, inspected within the previous 30 days, is required for the hot work job.

4.3 Hiqh Risk Hot Work 4.3.I Hot Work activities will b e defined as H1GH RISK if certain criteria are met.

4.3.2 HIGH RISK hot work activities will require additional administrative controls and supervisory oversight, beyond the normal hot work controls.

4.3.3 The following hot work activities are considered HIGH RISK:

Work on tanks, vessels or piping that contained, or had contained combustible or flammable chemicals, solvents, gases, etc.

+ Work in areas identified as having hydrogen as part of equipment or processes.

Use of arc gouging or plasma arc welding which produce copious amounts of heat, with molten slag and sparks.

Work in cable shafts, filter housings, or ventilation ductwork Work in Hope Creek Drywell [CD-682-D].

0 Work on equipment containing combustible (ignitable) metals, which are listed in Table Iand 2 of this procedure 4.4 lgnit ab1e Metals 4.4.1 Ignitable metals utilized at Salem and Hope Creek Stations are identified in Tab!e 1 and Table 2.

4.4.2 The following precautions apply when working on or in proximity of equipment containing ignitable metals:

Metals are considered potentially combustible whenever exposed.

Notify the Fire Department (FD) of work activities involving ignitable metals prior to the exposure of the metal.

Class D fire extinguisher (identified by a yellow star with a D, located on the extinguisher body), is readily available.

Ignition mechanisms consists of oxy-acetylene or carbon-arc welding, band saw friction cutting, abrasive cutting wheels and grinding operations.

Heat sink effect dissipates ignition source heating when in bulk form.

The ignitable metal hazard increases significantly when shavings, chips, dust, etc., are involved.

Metal fines produced from combustible metals, increase the hazard potential because they act like kindling.

Proper cleanup and removal of accumulations of metal fines, produced in such operations as band saw cutting, are essential for fire prevention and safety.

NUCLEAR COMMON Page 4 of 14 Rev. 0

4LL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0012 (Q) 4.5 ElectromagneticI Radio Frequency Interference 4.5.1 Plant areas susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interferenceare listed in NC.NA-AP.ZZ-O005(Q) (NAAP3), Station Operating Practices.

4.5.2 Prior to commencing electric arc welding in plant areas susceptible to EM1 or RFI, the job supervisor should ensure work practice precautions and Main Control Room notifications have been addressed in accordance with NAAP-5.

4.5.3 Hot Work Permit (Form 'I)provides the job supervisor with the direction to inspect the work area against the precautions for EMI and RFI.

4.6 Exceptions 4.6.1 Work involving wire wheeling, needle gun use, or hot iron soldering is N a a fire watch required activity and a HWP is not required. However precautions identified in this procedure for hot work activities should be taken to ensure a fire safe work area.

4.6.2 Equipment for pre-heating such as Cooper Heat (trade mark) resistance heaters, or similar devices, is not ordinarily considered Hot Work.

e At the discretion of the NFPS, formal Hot Work administrative controls may be required.

II The job supervisor is not exempt from enforcing the intent of maintaining any work area in good housekeeping condition.

At the discretion of the job supervisor, formal Hot Work administrative controls may be requested. If any uncertainty exists, regarding the nature of the work activity, the job supervisor should review the activity with the NFPS.

5.0 APPROVAL PROCESS 5.1 Prior to requesting a HWP, the job supervisor should ensure that all of the inspection criteria on the HWP have been satisfied and the job site inspected.

5.2 FD personnel develop and record the following baseline information fields in the Hot Work Authorization (HWA) Log:

e Job location.

Work order number.

a Type of work (including use of flammable compressed gas cylinders).

a Responsible supervisor and telephone extension.

e Affected detection zones.

Time and date of authorization.

NUCLEAR COMMON Page 5 of 14 Rev. 0

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0012 (Q) 5.3 Evaluate For HIGH RlSK 5.3.1 FD personnel evaluate the hot work activity request against the following HIGH RISK criteria, prior to providing the hot work authorization number:

0 Work on tanks, vessels or piping that contained, or had contained combustible or flammable chemicals, solvents, gases, etc.

0 Work in areas identified as having hydrogen as part of equipment or processes.

0 Use of arc gouging or plasma arc welding which produce copious amounts of heat, with molten slag and sparks.

0 Work in cable shafts, filter housings, or ventilation ductwork 0 Work in Hope Creek Drywell [CD-68Z-D].

0 Work on equipment containing combustible metals, which are listed in Table Iand 2 of this procedure.

5.3.2 IF the job is HIGH RISK, THEN no authorization number will be provided until after the job site is inspected by the Fire Protection Supervisor or his designee.

The inspection will determine whether the jobsite complies with the minimum standards set forth on the HWP or whether more stringent requirements need to be implemented.

A FD field inspection is REQUIRED to be performed prior to issue of a HIGH RISK HWP.

5.3.3 The NFPS should notify the Operations Superintendent (OS) of High Risk work being conducted.

5.3.4 FD reviews the Impairment Log for any fire protection components in the work area that are inoperable and identifies additional compensatory measures as necessary.

5.4 Hot Work Authorization 5.4.1 Hot Work may be authorized by FD after completion of the following:

FD completes baseline information fields in the HWA Log (Form 2)

FD completes a HIGH RISK activity criteria evaluation.

e FD completes a work area inspection and signs/dates the field HWP, for activities designated HIGH RISK.

NUCLEAR ~ O M M O N Page 6 of 14 Rev. 0

4LL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0012 (a) 5.4.2 Authorization to perform hot work is indicated by an authorization number.

The authorization number is developed using the following format and associated legend:


o X-YY-MM-DD-ZZ Legend:

o X - Station where work is performed. (S=Salem, M=Hope Creek) o YY - Last 2 digits of current year o MM-Month o DD - Day that work is being performed o ZZ- Sequential number beginning with 01 each day.

5.4.3 FD enters the authorization number for each activity into the HWA Log.

5.4.4 FD initials the HWA Log and records the time the HWP was issued.

5.5 Work Area Hot Work Permit 5.5.1 Upon issuance of a hot work authorization number, the job supervisor should complete the following fields of the HWP:

0 HWPNumber 0 Job Supervisor Name 8 Date 5.5.2 The job supervisor should ensure the HWP is posted in the work area.

5.5.3 The job supervisor should ensure that the work area is maintained in accordance with the HWP Work Area Inspection criteria.

5.5.4 IF hot work is discontinued for longer than 8 hrs, THEN re-inspection of the area in accordance with Part 2 of the HWP (Form I) is required prior to the commencement of work.

5.5.5 The FD will verify HVVP criteriakonditions on a random basis after issuance of hot work permits.

6.0 RECORDS 6.1 Hot work authorization logs should be maintained for a minimum of 30 days.

6.2 Hot Work Permits and Transient Combustible Permits shall be retained with the work package in accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0011(Q),Records Management Program (NAP-11). [CD-434E]

6.3 The FD, in accordance with NAP-1Ishall retain logs pertaining to hot work permits. [CD434E]

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7.1 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0055 (Q) Operational Fire Protection Program 7.2 -

New Jersey Administrative Code NJAC 5:70-2-10 - NJ State Fire Code 7.3 NC. PM-DG.ZZ-0001 (Z) Storage and Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders 7.4 Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-I 7.5 Property Loss Prevention Standards of Nuclear Generating Stations, -

Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL).NFPA 30 Flammable Liquids Code, National Fire Protection Association 7.6 NC.IS-TM.22-0001 (Z) PSEG Nuclear Industrial Health and Safety Manual 7.7 Salem Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Section 9.5, Fire -

Protection System 7.8 -

Salem Fir8 Protection Report Fire Hazards Analysis 7.9 HCGS Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, (UFSAR) Section 9.5.1, - Fire Protection Program 7.10 HCGS UFSAR, Appendix 9A, - Appendix R Comparison 7.1 I Appendix A to Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1, Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants Docketed Prior to July 4 I 1976 7.12 Branch Technical Position CMEB 9.5-1, Guidelines for Fire Protectionfor Nuclear Power Plants 7.13 NRC Supplemental Guidance, Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance, August 1977 7.14 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Title 29, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.36FR 10466 7.15 10CFRSO Appendix R, Fire Prot. Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to Jan. 1, 1979 7.16 -

Commitment Documents: Hope Creek 7.16.1 CD-156A (NRC El Circular 80-09) 7.16.2 CD-226C (NRC IE Bulletin 75-04A) 7.16.3 CD300X (FSAR 7.16.4 CD-317Y (FSAR Q 430.85(8))

7.16.5 CD-434E (IR86-062)(LER 86462) 7.16.6 CD-652A (INPO O&MR 73) 7.16.7 CD-682D (INPO SER 01-85) 7.16.8 CD-754X (FSAR 9.5.1 .I.I 1) 7.16.9 CD-821X (FSAR

NUCLEAR COMMON Page 8 of 14 Rev. 0


TABLE I Ignitable Metals Salem Page 1 of 2 Location System@) Component Ignitable Metal

  • Units I& 2 Turbine Auxiliary Cooling (TAC)

Heat Exchangers Nos. 11,12,21,22 Titanium Tubes Turbine Bldg.

El. 100'

  • Units 1 & 2 Component Cooling Heat Exchangers Nos. 11,21,22 Titanium Tubes Auxiliary Bldg.

El. 84'

  • Unit 1 Component Cooling Heat Exchanger No. 12 Titanium Plates Auxiliary BIdg.

El. 84'

  • Unit I Auxiliary Bldg.

Service Water Diesel Generator Lube Oil Coolers Titanium Tubes & Heads El. 100' & Jacket Water Heat Exchangers

{Nos, IA, I B , I C )

  • Unit 2 Auxiliary Bldg.

Service Water Diesel Generator Lube Oil Coolers Titanium Tubes & Heads El. 100' & Jacket Water Heat Exchangers (Nos. 2A, 2B, 2C)

  • Units 1 8 2 Service Water Chiller Condensers Titanium Plates Nozzles & Flanges Inner Piping Pen Area, El. 100' Water Box Housings Turn Around Heads


TABLE 1 Ignitable Metafs Salem Page 2 of 2 Location System@) Component Ignitable Metal

  • Units 1 4 2 Turbine Bldg.

Turbine Auxiliary Cooling (TAC)

Condensate Pump Titanium Tubes Upper Motor Oil El. 100' Finned Coil Coolers

  • Units I& 2 Auxiliary Bldg.

Service Water Charging Pump Bearing Oil Coolers Titanium Tubes

& Tube Sheets El. 84' Nos. 11,12,21,22

  • Units 1 & 2 Auxiliary Bldg.

Service Water Safety Injection Pump Bearing Oil Titanium Tubes

& Tube Sheets El. 84' Coolers Nos. 11, 12,21,22

Pump Titanium Tubes

& Tube Sheets Auxiliary Wdg.

El. 84' Speed Increaser Gear Lube Oil Cooler Nos. 11 & 12

  • Unit2 Auxiliary 8ldg.

Service Water Chg/Safety Inj.

Pump Titanium Tubes 8, Tube Sheets El. 84' Speed Increaser Gear Lube Oil Cooler Nos. 21 & 22

  • Circulating Water lntake Structure Circ Water Circ. Water Pump Motor Coolers Titanium Tubes NUCLEAR COMMON Page 10 of 14 Rev. 0


TABLE 2 Ignitable Metals Hope Creek Equipment Descrl ption Imitable Metal Locations 1A I E-201 SACS Heat Exchangers Titanium Reactor Bldg., El. 102' 1ME-201 Tubing Room 4309 2 B I E-201 Room 4307 t B2E-201 1A-E-21 7 RACS Heat Exchangers Titanium Reactor Bldg., El. 77' 1 B-E-217 Tubing Room 421 1 1A-E-I 08 Main Condensers Titanium Turb Bldg., El. 54' - 102' 1B-E-I 08 Tubing Rooms 1310 to 1312 1C-E-108 Rx Fuel Channels Zirconium4 Reactor Bldg El. 201' Rx Fuel Spacers Rx Fuel Elements Zirconium-2 Tubing End Plugs Limitorque Actuators Magnesium Dryweil Motor Core Rotor NUCLEAR COMMON Page I 1 of 14 Rev. 0


FORM I HOT WORK PERMIT Page Iof 2 PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION TYPE OF WORK:................................ W 0 C I3 B t3 G El OFS OXY-ACETYLENE RIG TO BE USED:.... YES NO LOCATION:....................................... SGS U l l 0 SGS U/2 0 HCGS 0 YARD LOCATION DESCRIPTION:

ANNUAL PERMIT:.............................. YES NO ORDER NUMBER:



PART 2: WORK AREA INSPECTION Burning, cutting, and welding equipment is in good repair.

Ignitable metals have been considered (is. titanium).

Floor has been swept clean of loose combustibles within 35 feet.

Watl, floor openings, cable trays and readily ignitable combustibles within a 35 foot radius which may be subjected to ignition sources have been covered.

Combustibles have been moved away from opposite sides of walls or ceilings.

Enclosed space/equipment has been cleaned and purged of combustibles.


Fire extinguisher is available {obtain extinguisher from Firehouse/Storeroom).

Fire Watch will be provided during and 30 minutes after work completion to ensure work area is safe from fire danger.

Precautions required for protection of filtrationladsorption ventilation systems have been taken (per NAP-9). [CD-652A]

For electric arc welding, electromagnetic interference (EMI) precautions have been taken. (per NAP-5) [CD-I56A]

Signature on page 2 indicates inspection was satisfactory and hot work actlvlty may proceed following the acquisition of the DAlLY hot work permit number, NUCLEAR COMMON Page 12 of I 4 Rev. 0

NC.FP-AP.22-0012 (Q)

FORM 3 HOT WORK PERMIT Page 2 of 2 PART 3: FINAL CHECKJOB COMPLETION Wark areas and all adjacent areas have been inspected following job completion and no evidence of fire is present. All equipment has been returned to its proper locatian.


Job Supervisor Date/ Time NUCLEAR COMMON Page 13 of 14 Rev. 0


C = Cutting OFS = Open Flame Soldering Hot Work Work Location / Type of Order Job Supv. Hi Det. FD Number Equip Involved work Number Ext Risk Zone Initials/

Time w, c SGY Yes B, OFS,OA X- No w ,c ,G, YeS B,OFS, OA X- NO w YC ,G YeS B, OFS, OA X- No w IC ,G, Yes 6, OFS, OA X- No w ?e,G, YeS B, OFS, OA X- NO w, c ,G, Yes B, OFS, OA X- No WY c ,G, YeS B, OFS, OA X- NO IC ,G, Yes B, OFS, OA X- NO NUCLEAR COMMON Page 14 of 14 Rev. 0



Biennial Review performed Yes X No -.
1. -

This is a full revision to NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0025 (Q) Rev. 5. (80035483).

2. Due to the extensive nature of the revision, change bars have not been used. This revision represents a significant editorial change with regard to content, formatting, process descriptions, and section numbering.
3. This procedure has been revised to focus on high level process concepts, resulting in relocation of process description detail and associated forms, tables, and attachments to other lower tier administrative procedures.
4. These changes are editorial. There is no reduction in program content or control, as a result of this revision.
5. This revision relocates all Commitment Document numbers to the departmental administrative procedures implementing those commitments.
6. Revised titles to reflect the current organizational assignments.
7. Replaced Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) with Nuclear Services Organization (NSO) throughout the procedure.

IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Effective on: I/z8/03 I. Fire Protection Impairment, Hot Work, and Transient Combustible Permits processed by the Fire Department under Revision 5 as of the issue date, do not have io be changed in the field to meet Revision 6 requirements.

2. Nudear Outlook article and PSEG Nuclear L.L.C. lntranet website announcement describing the revision.
3. Provide a global electronic Power Point presentation to all PSEG Nuclear personnel.



8. Revised company name from PSE&G Nuclear Business Unit (NBU) to PSEG Nuclear.
9. Removed detailed information on the Combustible Control Program. Aft detailed information is now found in NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O025(Q).

I O . Removed detailed information and forms for fire protection impairments. This information is now located in NC.FP-APZZ-0025 (GI) and NC FP-AP.ZZ-0010 (a).

1I, Removed detailed infomation and forms for hot work operation and the control of ignition sources, This information is now located in NCFP-APZ-0025 (GI)and NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0O.I2{Q).




TITLE .PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................................... 2 2.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................2 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................... 2 4.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 4 5.0 PROCEDURE ............................................................................................. 4 5.1 Response to Fire Emergencies........................................................ 4 5.2 Fire Prevention Requirements.......................................................... 5 5.3 -

Control of Ignition Sources Hot Work ............................................. 5 5.4 High Risk Hot Work .......................................................................... 6 5.5 Combustible Material Control ...........................................................6 5.6 Control of Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Gases.............6 5.7 Control of Portable Space Heaters...................................................6 5.8 Fire Protection Impairment Pragram.................................................7 5.9 Compensatory Measure Fire Watch Program .................................. 7 5.10 Ignitable Metals ................................................................................ 7 6.0 RECORDS ................................................................................................. -7 7.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................. 8


............................................................................................ 9 8.1 General Documents.......................................................................... 9 8.2 Cross References............................................................................. 9 Common Page 1 of 9 Rev.6 2

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0025(Q) 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure addresses the Operational Fire Protection Program (OFPP) for PSEG Nuclear.


2. I This procedure applies to all organizations and personnel engaged in activities which may affect the Operational Fire Protection Program (OFPP) for PSEG Nuclear.

3.0 RESPONS16IL~l"TIES 3.1 All Personnel Comply with the requirements of this procedure.

3.2 -

Job Supervisors Salem and Hope Creek Stations e Comply with fire prevention requirements of the Fire Protection Impairment, Hot Wotk, and Transient Combustible Control processes Adhere to controls for ignition sources and flammable liquids and gases.

3.3 All Directors and Nlanaaers Ensure their organizations implement the applicable fire prevention requirements within facilities they maintain and in which they conduct work.

3.4 Chemistry Manaaer Ensure the performance of the Hope Creek Diesel Driven Fire Pump Fuel Oil Storage Tank sampling surveillance.

3.5 Oeeratlons Department Manaaer Salem -

Ensure the performance of the Diesel Driven Fire Pump Fuel Oil Storage Tank sampling surveillance Ensure that personnel within their organization, designated as the Operation's liaison to the Fire Department (FD), are available as required, during fire fighting activities.

3.6 -

Operations Department Manauer Hope Creek Ensure that personnel within their organization designated as the Operation's iiaison to the FD, are available as required, during fire fighting activities.

Common Page 2 of 9 Rev. 6

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 3.7 Radiation Protection Marlaaer Provide required radiological monitoring when their personnel respond with FD personnel to fires located within the Radiological Controlled Areas (RGAs).

3.8 -

Work Control Center Personnel Salem and Hope Creek Operations Notify the FD when a fire protection systemlbarrier is being affected and when it is being returned to service.

3.9 -

Manaaer Emernencv Services Ensure General Employee Training (GET) discusses required employee actions in the event of fire.

Ensure a qualified, trained fire department is present on-site in accordance with NC.FP-AP.IZ-O009(Q) Fire Protection Training Program.

Develop and maintain FD surveillance and test procedures.

a Perform walk downs to monitor control of transient combustibles.

a Authorize Hot Work, Transient Combustible, and Fire Protection Impairment Permits (FPIPs) and ensuring the aggregate impad is considered.

Maintain daily communication with the Operations Superintendent and/or Control Room Supervisors on the status of Salem and flope Creek Station FPIPs.

a Ignition source control and monitoring for fire prevention.

e Fire incident reports and investigations.

Interface with fire insurance inspectors, state and local enforcement agencies, and with offsite fire departments.

a Define non-FD responsibility for required testing and inspection of fire protection equipment.

0 Performance of preventive and corrective maintenance on fire protection systems and components assigned to the FD.

Administration and control of the Fire Watch Program.

3.10 -

Vlce President Enaineering 0 Establish programmatic requirements for implementing design related aspects of the Fire Protection and Fire Barrier PenetrationSeal Programs.

0 Development and review of Design Change Packages for controlling configuration of both the Fire Protection and Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Programs.

Ensure a member grade Society of Fir8 Protection Engineer (SFPE) person exists within the organization. [CR96041621I]

Common Page 3 of 9 Rev. 6


vice President Operations 0 Ensure trained maintenance personnel perform preventive or corrective maintenance of Fire Protection systems in a prompt and effective manner.

Ensure performance of preventive maintenance surveillancesfor fire protection components at both the Salem and Hope Creek Stations, as agreed upon with the Manager Emergency Services.

0 Ensure PSEG Nuclear facilities are maintained in compliance with the applicable state fire codes and insurance regulations.


4. I This procedure identifies elements of the Operational Fire Protection Program categorized as Fire Prevention and Readiness to Detect and Suppress Fires.

4.2 This procedure is implemented in full detail by the following Fire Department administrative procedures:

4.2.1 NC.FP.AP.2Z-O025(Q); Precautions Against Fire 4.2.2 SC.FP.AP.ZZ-O003(Q), Actions for Inoperabte Fife Protection - Salem 4.2.3 HC.FP-AP.ZZ-OOM(Q), Actions For Inoperable Fire Protection- Hope Creek 4.2.4 NC.FP-AP.Z2-0005(8), Fire Protection Surveillance / Periodic Test Program 4.2.5 NC.FP-AP.2Z-CIOOQQ),Fire Protection Training Program 4.2.6 NC.FP-AP.22-001O(Q),Fire Protection Impairment Program 4.2.7 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-OOIZ(Q), Safe Hot Work Practices 4.2.8 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-OOZO(Q), Compensatory Measure Fire Watch Program 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Response to Fire Emeraencies 5.1.I Refer to NC.FPdP.ZZ-O025(Q) (FPAP-25) for detailed instructions on response to fire emergencies, Key concepts are reviewed here.

0 In the event a fire alarm sounds within en office facility, evacuate the building in accordance with the established routes. Accountability should be performed.

NEVER use the elevator during a fire emergency building evacuation.

For fire alarms within the Salem and Hope Creek Stations, listen to the instructions via the page system provided.

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5.1.1 (Continued) e Upon discovering a fire, your first duty is to report the fire. The Fire Department wilt respond with personnel and equipment to combat the emergency.

The communication systems vary between the Salem and Hope Creek stations. Know the differences between the plants. Refer to FPAP-25.

After reporting a fire, employees should fight the fire if its within their training and capabilities. If not, they should alert others in the area, evacuate to a safe distance and standby to direct FD personnel to the scene.

5.2 Fire Prevention Reauirements 5.2.1 Refer to NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O025(Q) (FPAP-25) for detailed instructions on fire prevention work practices and requirements.

5.2.2 Some key concepts are briefly reviewed here.

Fire Doors shall be maintained closed,.except for normal passage, unless provided with an approved permit It is imperative that ALL PERSONNEL make sure fife doors close behind them.

Fire Protection deficiencies observed should be immediately reported to the FD (Ext. 2800/2803)for evaluation.

Restrictions apply to combustible materials introduced into any safety-related aredroom.

Restrictions apply to locating combustible materials in the vicinity of permanent buiIdings.

Restrictions apply to use of fire protection water for non-fire protection purposes.

Storage of material should not affect access to, or obstruct, fire protection systems or fire fighting equipment.

Fire extinguishers mounted in the stations are for emergency use only.

Clearance, free of combustible material, shall be maintained around energized electrical paneis.

Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be a substitute for permanent wiring.

5.3 -

Control of lanition Sources Hot Work 5.3.1 Work involving ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering, is considered hot work.

5.3.2 A Hot Work Permit will be required to control these ignition sources.

Rev. 6

ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 5.3.3 Plant work involving ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering is considered a fire watch required activity.

An exception to this requirement is allowed for work performed in shop areas.

0 Hot work permits are required for all hot work activities.

5.4 Hinh Risk Hot Work 5.4.1 High risk hot work is a PSEG Fire Department term applied to work with well defined and special hazard criteria.

This type of hot work is distinguished from non-high risk hot work.

High Risk hot work still involves ignition sources, such as welding, cutting, burning, grinding or open flame soldering.

5.4.2 High risk work involves:

0 Vessels and systems that contain, or had contained, combustible or flammable chemicals, solvents, or gases.

0 Work involving ignitable metals.

Work involving processes that produce copious amounts of heat with molten slag and sparks. For example, current industrial technology may employ equipment such as plasma arc cutting machines. This technology produces copious amounts of energetic slag and sparks.

5.4.3 Special and additional controls apply to high risk hot work These controls are covered under NC.FP-AP.Z7-0012(Q), Safe Hot Work Practices.

5.5 Combustible Material Control 5.5.t -

General Use and Controls All areas:

0 Combustibles Material will be controlled IAW NC.FP-AP.22-0025 (Q).

5.5.2 f o r Safety Related Areas Only Storage of combustibles is NOT permitted in Salem and Hope Creek Stations safety related areas/rooms except when approved by Engineering.

5.6 Control of Flammable and Combustible Licluids and Gases 5.6.1 Detailed guidance on the handling and control of flammable and combustible liquids and gases is provided in NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O025(Q).

5.7 Control of Portable Space Heaters 5.7.1 The use of portable space heaters is prohibited in safety related areas except as indicated IAW NC.DE-AP.774030 Q). Controt of Temporary Modifications.

5.7.2 Space heaters in non- safety related areas are controlled IAW NC.FP-AP.2Z-0025 (Q).

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ALL ACTIVE ON-THE-SPOT CHANGES MUST BE ATTACHED FOR FIELD USE 2003022 1 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0026(Q) 5.8 Fire Protection Impairment Proaram 5.8.1 FD is the fire protection impairment authority.

5.8.2 lmpairments are formal controls that recognize, evaluate, and administratively approve and track either planned actions or emergent conditions that impact the operability of the fire protection system or a fire protection component.

5.8.3 Job supervisors prepare and submit impairment requests for work activities that will place fire protection equipment or system in an inoperable condition.

5.8.4 Nuclear fire protection supervisors (NFPS) evaluate impairment requests and emergent system and equipment issues to identify the full scope, or aggregate impact, of the issue.

0 NFPS identifies the appropriate compensatory measures and generates an impairment, accordingly.

5.8.5 Prior to issuing impairments, the NFPS notifies and reviews the impairment issue with the Operations Superintendent or Control Room Supervisor (OSICRS), of the affected station, and obtains 0SICRS.approval to issue the impairment..

5.9 Compensatorv Measure Fire Watch Proaram 5.9.1 Adequate compensatory measures are required to be implemented to supplement inoperable fire protection systems and equipment 5.4.2 Procedures SC.FP-AP.ZZ-O003(Q) and HC.FP-AP.ZZ-0004(Q) identify those systems and components requiring compensatory actions to be taken when a fire protection system or component is determined to be inoperable.

5.10 lanitable Metals 5.10.1 The metals titanium, zirconium, and magnesium represent a special combustible material hazard class that warrants extra care and control.

5.10.2 These metals are classified as ignitable metals. These are metals that can burn readily, vigorously, and with a significant release of heat.

5.j0.3 Controls relative to working on or in the vicinity of ignitable metals are provided in procedure NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0042(Q),Safe Performance of Hot Work.

6.0 RECORDS 6.1 Hot Work Permits and Transient Combustible Permits shall be retained with the work package in accordance with NC.NA-AP.ZZ-OOl1(a),Records Management Program (NAP-I 1).

6.2 The FD, in accordance with NAP-I 1 shail retain transient combustible permits and logs pertaining to hot work permits and fire protection impairment permits for a minimum of six months.

6.3 FPlRs that were used to create FPlPs should be retained with work packages. The FD maintains a hard copy log of all FPlPs generated from FPIRs.

Common Page 7 of 9 Rev. 6


Combustible Liquid Liquid having a flash point at or above 100 deg-F (37.e4C).

7.2 Combustible Material - Material, which in the form it is used and under the conditions anticipated, WILL ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire and heat.

7.3 -

Fire Barrier Those construction elements (walls, floors, and their supports),

including beams, columns, penetration seals or closures, fire doors and dampers, that are rated by approving laboratories in hours of resistance to fire and used tu prevent the spread of fire.

7.4 -

Flre Watch An individual who has satisfactorily completed fire watch training and is designated by the FD for compensatory measure, hot work, or both fire watch type duties.

7.5 Flammable Liauid - A liquid with a flash point below 100 deg-F and a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch absolute at 100 deg-F.

e Also known as a Class 1 liquid.

7.6 Hot Work - Work that involves ignition sources.

7.7 lnnition Source - Heat or flame from any source capable of igniting combustible or flammable material.

7.0 lmpalrment - Any condition affecting the intended operation of a fire protection system or barrier or posing as a fire hazard within the stations.

7.9 Noncombustible Material - Material which, in the form it is used and under the conditions anticipated, will NOT ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire and heat.

7.10 -

Permanent A condition with an indefinite period of time.

7.1 1 Safetv Related Area - An area that contains systems and components required to shut down the reactor, mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents or maintain the reactor in a safe cold shutdown condition.

7.12 -

Storane The placing of items in a location and leaving them unattended until later use or disposal.

7.13 Temporary - planned time duration of no more than 60 days.

7.14 Transient Combustible - Any combustible material introduced into a Safety-Related arealroom which will be used to complete an assigned task or left unattendedfor any period of time. It does not include items moved through areas in route to the final destination, unless the items are left un-monitored during transit.

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8. I General Documents 8.1.1 Salem Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Section 9.5, - Fire Protection System 8.1.2 Salem Fire Protection Report - Fire Hazards Analysis 8.1.3 -

HCGS Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, (UFSAR) Section 9.5.1, Fire Protection Program 8.1.4 HCGS UFSAR, Appendix 9A, - Appendix R Comparison 8.1.5 Appendix A to Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1 , Guidelines for Fire Protectionfor Nuclear Power Plants Docketed Prior to July 1, 1976

8. I.6 Branch Technical Position CMEB 9.5-1, Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants
8. t .7 NRC Supplemental Guidance, Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controis and Quality Assurance, August 1977 0.1.8 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Title 29, Chapter XVII, Part 191O.36FR 10466 8.1.9 10CFR50 Appendix R,Fire Rot. Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to Jan. I,1979 8.1.10 NC.DE-PSZ-0001 (QII Fire Protection Programmatic Standard 8.1.11 IEEE Standard 634 - 1978 8.1 . I 2 Hope Creek Station Generic Letter 86-10 Submittal, dated May 13, 1986 8.1.13 HCDE-PS.ZZ-0021(F), Hope Creek Penetration Seal Program 8.1.14 SC.DE-PS.ZZ-O035(Q), Salem Penetration Seal Program 8.1 -15 HC.FP-EO.ZZ-0001 (Z), Control Room Fire Response - HCGS 8.1.16 SC.FP-E0.Z-0001 (Z), Control Room Fire Response - Salem 8.2 Cross


8.2.1 NC.NA-AP.Zf-001 I (a), Records Management Program 0.2.2 NC.DE-AP.ZZ-O030(Q), Control of Temporary Modifications 8.2.3 SC.FP.AP.ZZ-0003(Q),Actions for Inoperable Fire Protection - Salem 8.2.4 HC.FP-AP.ZZ-O004(Q), Actions For Inoperable Fire Protection- Hope Creek 8-25 NC. FP-AP.ZZ-0005(Q), Fire Surveillance and Periodic Test Program 8.2.6 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-0009( Q), Fire Department Training Program 8.2.7 NC.FP-APZ-001O(Q), Fire Protection Impairment Program 8.2.8 NC.FP-AP.ZZ-O012(Q), Safe Performance of Hot Work 8.2.9 NC.FP-AP.U-OOZO(Q), Compensatory Measure Fire Watch Program 8.2.10 NC.FP.AP.ZZ-O025(Q); Precautions Against Fire Common Page 9 of 9 Rev. 6