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Exam Rept 50-293/85-15 on 850514.Exam Results:All Candidates Passed Exams W/No Generic Deficiencies Noted
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/05/1985
From: Joshua Berry, Keller R, Kister H
Shared Package
ML20127E590 List:
50-293-85-15, NUDOCS 8506240604
Download: ML20127E632 (88)

See also: IR 05000293/1985015





   EXAMINATION REPORT NO.       85-15 (OL)
   FACILITY DOCKET NO.          50-293
   LICENSEE:                    Boston Edison Company M/C Nuclear
                                800 Boylston Street
                                Boston, Massachusetts 02199
   FACILITY:                    Pilgrim
   EXAMINATION DATES:           May 13, 1985
   CHIEF EXAMINER:                                o      .
                          J.   eF , Rea~ct6r ngi er (Examiner)            Date
   REVIEWED BY:                   N)       M/
                          R. M. Keller, Chief, Projects Section IC
                          H." B. KisteNr Chief, Projects Branch No. 1
   Operator licensing examinations were conducted at Region I on May 14, 1985.
   One Reactor Operator candidate and three Senior Reactor Operator candidates
   were administered written examinations. All candidates passed the examinations
   with no generic deficiencies noted.                                            -
         8506240604 850619
                ADOCK 05000293
         G                    PDR
                                            REPORT DETAILS
          TYPE OF EXAMS:   Replacement
          EXAM RESULTS:
                                          l      R0      l     SRO      l
                                          l  Pass / Fail l  Pass / Fail l
                                          l              l              1
                         I                I              I              I
                         l Written Exam l       1/0      l     3/0      l
                         l                1               1             I
                         I                I               I             I
                         l0verall         l     1/0       l    3/0      I
                         I                I               I             i
          1.   CHIEF EXAMINER:      J. Berry
          2.   OTHER EXAMINERS:     F. Crescenzo


  .                                                                                   .


    3. Changes Made to Written Exam During Examination Review:
                                                   R0 Exam
       Question No.                    Change                      Reason
       4.01                       Grader will accept          Question wording may have been
                                  full credit if              confusing to candidate.
                                  candidate does not
                                  mention E0P-8 as a
                                  means of Rx power
       4.03                       Delete " perform rapid      Reference material was incorrect.
                                  survey" from answer
       4.08                       Change answer to "D0        Typographical error on answer key.
                                  NOT place RFP sequential
            _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _                   . _ _ .

l '

                                                                SR0 Exam
                                Question No.         Change                   Reason
                                5.02           Grader will consider      Acceptable alternate answer if
                                               candidates discussion     accompanied by appropriate
                                               of decreasing rod         discussion.
                                               worth for part   "a".
                                5.07           Change answer to          Samarium is a more specific
                                               reflect a buildup of      answer.
                                               samarium vice fission
                                               product poisons for
                                               part  "a".
                                5.10           Grader will accept        Answer key presents only a
                                               answers other than        fraction of correct possible
                                               those listed in key.      answers.
                                6.03           Delete 1 ft/ min.         Scenario given in question would
                                                                         correspond to a level decrease
                                                                         greater than 1 ft/ min.
                                7.06           Grader will accept        Answer key reflects minimum
                                                setpoints greater than   setpoints which may not
                                                those given in answer    necessarily be actual setpoints.
                                7.09           Change answer to "D0      Tyr graphical error on answer key.
                                               NOT place RFP sequential
                                                trip. .."
                                8.03           Grader will accept        Acceptable answer if candidate
                                                prompt notification      assumes ECCS setpoint was
                                                per T/S 6.9.B.1.A.       exceeded.
                                8.06            Delete "at the end of    Answer key incorrect.
                                                the day" from answer
                                                on part  "a".
                           1.   Written Examinations and Answer Keys
   - _ _ - _ - _ . _ - _           .   ..
      ._Z_______-_..__-.                                    __. _           _   _.2        ._.._._.....__ _ _ _ _ _ __                            ._..                    :__._ __m


                                                     U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                           SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION
                                                                    FACILITY:                                          PILGRIM
                                                                    REACTOR TYPE:                                      BNR-GE3
                                                                    DATE ADMINISTERED: 05/05/14
                                                                    EXAMINER:                                          KVAMMEr                J.
                                                                     APPLICANT:                                     h _k_ N k_____________
         __________________________                                                                                                                                                  ,
         Use separate paper for the answers.                                               Write answers on one side only.
         Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets.                                                                             Points for each
         question are indicated in perentheses after the question. The passing
         grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of                                                                                                 at
          least 00%.                    E::a min a ti on papers will be picked up si> (6)                                                        hourr after
         the e::am t ion starts.
                                                                        % OF
   CATEGORY                     % OF        APPLICANT'S           CATEGORY
         VALUE                  TOTAL                 SCORE          VALUE                                                      CATEGORY
   ________ ______                          ___________           ________ _____________________-_______-____-
       'S 0                            00                                                           TilEORY OF NUCLEAR PONEP PLANT
   _i_i_0___ _'5                ~_1__
                                _           ___________           ________ 5.
                                                                                                    OPERATION'r FLUIDS, AND
                                                                                                    TilERM0 DYNAMICS
          5                         5                                                               PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGNr CONTROL,
   _'i__.00_____'i__.00__                   ___________           ________ 6.
                                                                                                    AND INSTRUMENTATION
                                                                                                    FROCEDURES                    - NORMAL, ADNORMAL,
   _'5.00[______              _25.00_____    ___________          ________ 7.
                                                                                                    EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL
    _ _i____ _                        l__    ___________           ________ 8.                       ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURESr
                                                                                                     CONDITIONS. AND LIMITATIONS
    100.00                    100.00                                                     TOTALS
    ________ ______                          ___________           ________
                                           FINAL GRADE _________________%
    All work done on this e >:a m i n a t i o n is my own. I have neither
    given nor received aid,
                                                                                         5EPl!EC5UTIS ~ 55GU5TUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                                                                                                                       ___ ______________         .-


      5.        THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                  PAGE      2
      ----                               --------------------------------------
      DUESTION                 5.01                                 (2.00)
         The plant operating at 90% power shuts off extraction steam to the
         highest pressure feedwater heater. A visitor, observing that turbine
         load increased by 20 MNE after extraction steam was shut eff, con-
         cludes that this action has improved the plant's thermodynamic
         efficiency. Dc you AGREE or DISAGREE? EXPLAIN using relevant plant
         indications to support your position.                                                            (2.0)
      QUESTION                 5.02                                   (2.50)
         One of the factors affecting control rod worth is the condition of
          the plant. In the following cases state whether control rod worth
          INCREASES or DECREASES and JUSTIFY your answer.
                      a. Plant condition- cold to hot 1% power                                           (1.25)
                      b.     Plant condition- hot 1% to 100% power                                       (1.25)
       GUESTION                5.03                                     (2.00)
          Considering Thermal Limits, is it sufficient to limit merely the                                            '
          LHGR's of each individual fuel in any 6' segment of a bundle to
           the 13.4 kw/ft limit? EXPLAIN.
          NOTE: DO NOT consider MCPR in your answer.                                                      (2.0)
       QUESTION                5.04                                       (3.00)
           In each fuel bundle there are various methods of heat transfer. In
           addition, characteristic flow patterns, called flow regimes, exist
           along the length of the bundle. Give the name of THRECE of five flow
           regimes in the order of their occurence, and describe their
           characteristics.                                                                               (3.0)
                                    ( u :rx:x CATEGORY 05 CONTIMUED OM NEXT P AGE :nn*)
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            5.       THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLU 1DSr AND                                                                                                                                        PAGE    .3
            ____                                                                                                      ______________________________________
            QUESTION                                                      5.05                                               (3.25)
               Assume that'the reactor is being started up with th'e bulk coolcnt
               temperature being less than the saturation temperature. Suddenly
               several control rods-malfunction and the reactor bcsins to increase                                                                               '
              ~in power level on a short period.
                    a..Of the Void, Doppler'and Moderator Temperature coefficients
                                     which would coine into ef f ect first, second and third to
                                       lesson the rate of power increase?                                                                                                                                            -(.25)
                    b.-EXPLAIN your choices of part a.
                                                                                                               1.-Assume the operator takes no action.
                                                                                                             2.     Include a discussion of fuel time constants in your
                                                                                                             3.     Assume a scram does not occur.                                                                    (3.0)
            GUESTION                                                     5.06                                                (2.00)
               The attached figure 3.2-11r " Reactor Power VS Core Flow Operating Map"
               illustrates how Core Flow changes with respect to Reactor Power on the
              Natura1' Circulation Line. EXPLAIN WHY incremental increases in pouer
               initially produce very rapid increases in core flow, but eventually
              reach a point where further increases produce no increase in core
               flow.                                                                                                                                                                                                  (2.0)
            GUESTION                                                      5.07                                               (2.25)
              With regard to the attached Figure i r 'l(ef f VS EXPOSURE' r EXPLAIN the
              reason for'each of the areas labeled (a) through (c).                                                                                                                                                 (2.25)
            GUESTION                                                     5.08'                                               (2.00)
              The Reactor has been operating at 95% power for several days. An
             ' operator RAPIDLY reduces' reactor power to 60% by reducing the speed
              of the recirculation pumps. During the next FEW MINUTEB (2-3 minutes)
              the operator. notices that the reactor power slowly incr>aases approximately


               3%. EXPLAIN the cause'of this effect.


:E                                                                                                               (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
 ..____m_.____u                                       - - _ _               ,_ - . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        5.       THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                            PAGE    4
        ____                         _ ______________________________________
        QUESTION                5.09           (2.00)
           The Reactor has just scrammed from extended full power operation.
           Ten (10) hours later cooldown is completer and at that tiine the
           Shutdown Margin is measured to be 1%. DESCRIBE the changes, if any,
           to the Shutdown Marsin in the next 20 hours.
           NOTE: Address in your answer whether a restart is a concern.                                                             (2.0)
        GUESTION                5.10           (2.00)
           a.    Explain how the temperature of the Circulating Water System affects
                 condenser vacuum.                                                                                                  (1.0)
           b.    List three (3) other factors that also affect condenser vacuum.                                                    (1.0)
        QUESTION                5.11          (2.00)
           TRUE OR FALSE:
           For a constant reactor period, it takes the SAME AMOUNT OF TIME to
           change reactor power from 1% to 5% as it does to change it from
           10% to 50%.
           EXPLAIN YOU ANSWER FULLY.                                                                                                (2.0)

l (***** END OF CATEGORY 05 *****) l l


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l 8 I

           6.      PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION                         PAGE    5
           QUESTION       6.01           (3.00)
             a.    IDENTIFY FOUR essential loads from the "A Loop' of the Reactor
                   Building Closed Cooling Water (RSCCW) system.                                 (2.0)
             b.    During a LOCA how are nonessential loadc on the RDCCW system
                   isolated?                                                                      (1.0)
           OUESTION       6.02           (1.00)
             Which of the below statements properly describes the protective inter-
             lock between the turbine and the Nuclear Steam Supply System that is
             actuated by the hydraulic thrust bearing wear detector?                              (1.0)
                  a. It will energize the high vibration circuitry which energizes
                     the turbine trip relayr closing the main stop, intermediate stop,
                     control and intercept valves,
                  b. It will deenergize the turbine electrical lockout relay which
                     will deenergize the trip solenoid on the number 3 vacuum trip.
                     Deeenergizing the number 3 vacuum teip will close the main stopr
                      intermediate stop and control valves.
                  c. It will energize the turbine electrical lockout relay which in
                     turn will energize the trip solenoid on the number 1 vacuum
                      trip. Energizing the number 1 vacuum trip will close the main
                      stop, intermediate stop, control and intercept valves.
                  d.  It will deenergize the ETS master trip solenoid which will close                          '
                      the main stop, control and MSIV's.
                                (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
         ..      .---._-------..--------- -------- ._-.                 :- ---- - -- - - - - ---        _ - - .- - s
                 6.       PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION                       PAGE      6
                 QUESTION        6.03             (3.00)
                   With regard to the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS)*
                        a.  What are FIVE indications other than annunciators to determine
                             if a Safety Relief Valve has lifted following a mair, steam line

] isolation from power? (1.25)

                        b.  The reactor is operating at 100% power when a recire flow
                            detector line breaks inside containment. HPCI ic     l  out of service,
                            RCIC fails to start automatically and manually. All signals are
                             valid for ADS actuation except for the timer not timed out.
                                      1. The operator attempts to reset a valid high dryuell
                                           pressure signal (drywell pressure is 3.0 psis) with
                                           its pushbutton. Will the ADS timer resot? EXPLAIN.          (.75)
                                      2.   RCIC is now started and water level is raised to above
                                           the lou level setpoint. What effect does this have on
                                           ADS initiation if the timer has NOT t i:n e d out? If the
                                           timer has timed out? Briefly EXPLAIN both.                  (1.0)


                  QUESTION        6.04             (3.00)
                   Consider the Source Range and Intermedi:3te Rcnge Monitioring Systems'
                         a. List the rod block (s) that initiate from the Source Range
                             Monitoring System.                                                         (1.0)
                         b.  List the rod block (s) that initiate from the Intermediate
                             Range Monitioring System.                                                  (1.0)
                         c.  What procedural condition (s) are required for the SRM
                             retraction?                                                                (1.0)
                  GUESTION        6.05             (3,00)
                    For the below listed Radiation Monitoring Systems identify the             t' pe
                    of detector that is used.                                                           (3.0)
                         a. Main steam line radiation
                         b. Main stack effluent radiation
                         c. Main condenser air ejector offgas
                         d. RGCCW Loop (liquid)
      '                   e. Standby gas treatment                                   .
    '                                    (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

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l .

       6.        PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGNr CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION                               PAGE     7
       QUESTION               6.06           (3.00)
         Consider the Rod Block Monitor (RBM) Systemt
               a. The average output signal from 'Ehe LPRM detectors is increased by
                      changing the gain of the RBM averaging amplifier such that the
                      local core power will be equal to or greater than the average
                      core power. Give TWO reasons for increasing the gain of the RBM
                      channel.                                                                        (2.0)           -
               b.     List THREE ways to bypass the RBM (manual or auto). Include
                      setpoints if applicable.                                                        (1.0)
       OUESTION               6.07           (3.00)
         The Feedwater Level Control System is being operated in 3-element
         control using reactor level detector channel 'A'. Reactor power is
         at 85%, steady state. For each of the instrument or control signal
          failures listed below, INDICATE HOW REACTOR LEVEL WILL INITIALLY
          RESPOND (increaser decreaser or remain constant) and BRIEFLY FXPLAIN
         WHY in terms of what is happening in the Level Control System
          immediately following the failure.
               NOTE: Your answers should include the effects on Reactor
                            Level, Steam Flow / Feed Flow mismatch, feedwater valve
                            position. Consider each failure seperately,
                    s. "B" Feedwater Line Flow signal FAILS HIGil.                                    (1.0)
                    b. Channel 'A' Reactor Level detector signal FAILS LOW                            (1.0)
                    c.-The electrical signal to the "B" Feedwater Regulating
                          Valve is lost.                                                              (1.0)
        GUESTION               6.08           (3.00)
          The Traversing In-Core Probes (TIPS) are used primarily to calibrate the
          Local Power Range Monitors (LPRMs).
          a.       List and explain at least three (3) operational conditions or times
                   w mn the LPRMs must be calibrated.                                                 (2.0)
          b.       What is the purpose of the Nitrogen Purge System used for the TIPS and
                   their associated drive mechanisms? What adverse condition can exist if
                   this purge were inoperative for extended periods?                                   (1.0)
                                    (*2*** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
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 . . _ . , _             , _ _ - _ , .
               6.         PLANT SvSTEMS DESIGNr CONTROLe AND INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                          PAGE                 8
               00CSTTON                6.09                    (3.00)
                  With regard to Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) mode of the
                 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System;
                        a.     What signals cause the initiation of LPCI?                                                                                                    (1.0)
                        b.     DESCRIBE the interlocks associated with containment upray
                               mode of LPCI/RilR operation.                                                                                                                  (2.0)
                                                                (***** END OF CATEGORY 06 xx***)


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      7.        PROCEDURES - NORMALr ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                 PAGE      9
      ~~~~                            -        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                RAU50L55iCAL C5NTEUL
      GUESTION                7.01          (2.25)
         If durins normal plant power operation, a transient occurs resulting
          in the establishment of a " Limiting Control Rod Pattern", WHAT THREE
          (3) conditions are required to be met by Off-Normal Procedure 2.4.10
         -Limiting Control Rod Patterns?                                                                         (2.25)
      GUESTION                7.02          (2.00)
         During 100% power operations, the Off-Gas High radiation alarm is re-
         ceived followed shortly by the Off-Gas High High radiation alarm.
                     a.       WHAT AUTOMATIC actions, if any, are associated with these
                              alarms?                                                                             (1,0)
                     b.       If the Off-Gas High High alarm CANNOT be cleared, WHAT are
                              TWO (2) of the IMMEDIATE actions that must be taken?                                (1.0)
       QUESTION               7.03          (3.00)
          The station is supplying electrical power with a reactor power of 75%.
          You have the followins symptoms in the control room.
           1)      Loss of power to the ARM's
           2)      Control rod withdrawal block occurs
           3)      CRD flow control valves fail close
           4)      The following instrumentation is without power: CRD Hydraulic,
                   Jet Pumps, RHR, Core Spray, HPCI, and RWCU.
                      a.       WHAT electrical bus has lost power?                                                 (0.5)
                      b.       WHAT will cause the reactor to scram? Include in your
                               answer WHY THAT scram occurs.                                                       (1.0)
                      c.       WHAT actions .are requir ed when the reactor scram does occur?
                               Include in your answer WHY these actions are taken.                                 (1.5)
        GUESTION               7.04          (2.50)
           WHAT are FIVE (5) conditions that require the use of a RWP - Padiation
           Work Permit?                                                                                            (2.5)
                                     (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
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                7.               . PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMALr EMERGENCY AND                                                                                                                                             PAGE   10
               ~~~~                                             ~                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                  RA656EU556AL EUNTRUL


               QUESTION                            7.05                        (3.00)
                    In reference to procedure 2.4.143 - Shutdown From Outside Control Room

b .Due To Inhabitability of Control Room'

                                        a..        WHERE are the Operators -AND Operating Supervisor directed to
                                                   go followins assembly in the 23' 4kv switchgear area?.                                                                                                                      (1.0)
                                       b..         WHAT is the preferred way to scram the reactor AND WHY is

4 it the preferred method? (1.0) l c .- WHEN should the reactor feedwater pumps be tripped? (1,0)

               GUESTION                            7.06'                       (3.00)
                 -In reference to procedure 2.4.36 - Loss of Condenser Vacuum *
,                                      a.          WHAT are FOUR (4) AUTOMATIC actions that will occur on a de-

! creasing condenser. vacuum? Include any applicable setroints.(1.4) L b. WHAT are FOUR (4) of the IMMEDIATE operator actions for a

                                                   loss.of: condenser vacuum? Assume steady state operation.                                                                                                                   (1.6)
               QUESTION                            7.07                        (3.00)
                   The Control Room'0perator is in the process of initiating shutdown
                   cooling when the shutdown cooling mode valves (MO-1001-47 and 50)                                                                                                                                                         ,
                   automatically closet
                                       a.          WHAT are TWO (2) conditions that would cause the shutdown


                                                   cooling valves to close? State any assumptions you make.                                                                                                                    (1.0)
                                       b.          WHAT are THREE (3) of the IMMEDIATE operator actions on a
                                                   Loss of Shutdown Cooling?                                                                                                                                                   (1.5)         ,
                                       c.          If forced c.rculation is lost during cooldown, WHAT should
                                                   be done to prevent temperature stratification in the
                                                   reactor-vessel?                                                                                                                                                             (0.5)


                                                            (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)                                                                                                                                 .


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         7.      PROCEDURES - NORiiALr ADNORMAL, FMERGENCY AND                                                        PAGE       11
         ~~~~RA5iBE55iEEE E5NTRBE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         QUESTION                 7.08      (2.00)
          a.     In accordance with procedure 2.1.1 "Startup From Cold Shutdount"
                 under what conditions shall secondary containment integrity be                                     '
                  maintained?                                                                                                (1.5)
          b.     You are allowed a certain period of time after placing the reactor
                  in the RUN mode before the primary containment atmosphere oxygen
                  is required to be less than 5% by weight. How long is this period? (0.5)
         GUESTION                 7.09      (3.00)
           According to procedure 2.2.96 " Co n ~' .nsa t e and Feedwater Systemr" during
           startup of the feedwater pumps:
           a. What is the required status of the condensate pumps and controls? (1.00)
           b. What precludes startup of the R.F.P. without lubrication?                                                     (1.00)
           c. How is the oil temperature maintained at 110 degrees?                                                          (0.5)
           d. When should the second feed pump be placed in service?                                                         (0,5)
         QUCGTION                  7.10     (1.25)
           During Reactor heatups and cooldowns, THREE temperatures must be
           permanently logged every 15 minutes by PNPS Technical Specifications.
                a.    What are these temperatures?                                                                           (.75)
                b.    When may these logs be discontinued?                                                                     (.5)
                                             (***** END OF CATEGORY 07 *****)
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             8.         ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONSr AND LIMITATIONS                        PAGE        12


             GUESTION                   8.01              (2.50)
               a.       Describe how a Safety Limit and a Limiting Safety System Setting
                        relate to each other.                                                               (1.5)
               b.       What does the term " Limiting Condition for Operation" mean?                        (1.0)
             QUESTION                   8.02             (3.00)
               a.       In what situation (s) would a temporary change to procedure
                        implemented by an SRO NOT be authorized?                                            (1.0)
               b.       A temporary change implemented by SRO may be made provided the
                        change is approved by two members of the plant management staffr
                        at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's license
                        on the unit affected.
                              1. WHO is considered " Plant Management Staff'?                               (1.0)
                              2.       What other requirement (s) is(are) necessary before a
                                       temporary change implemented by SRO is allowed?                      (1.0)
             QUESTION                   0.03             (3.00)
               Given the following Reportable Occurrences and the attached Technical
               Specifications INDICATE which TYPE of REPORT would be applicable. INDICATE                              .
               which TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STEP is applicable.
                        a. A procedural inadequacy which when placing the HPCI system in
                                 a standby status prevents the system from reaching full flow
                                 capacity on an initiation.                                                 (1.0)
                        b.       A surveillance test of the IRM showed that the scram trip
                                 settings were all at 123/125 of scale.(on all channels)                    (1.0)
               c.       An off shore oil spill occurs that results in oil in the Intake.                    (1.0)
                                             (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

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      0.        ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS                                             PAGE   13
      QUESTION             8.04                   (2.00)
        What FIVE documents must the off going shift prepare prior to
        shift change, according to Procedure 1.3.34- " Conduct of Operations"?
      QUESTION             8.05                   (1.25)
        WHEN must a SCRAM REPORT be filled out and WHO is responsible for
        ensuring this is done? BE SPECIFIC                                                                            (1.25)
      OUCCTION             0.06                   (2.50)
        a. What is the purpose and procedure for installation and removal
               of a red tas?                                                                                           (2.0)
        b. When is a Red Tag Los utilized?                                                                              (.5)
      OUESTION             8.07                   (3.00)
        The following data was taken during two days of operation at
        approximately 100% rated thermal power. The unit has been at that
        power for two weeks.
                                                                 Identified leakage         unidentified leakage
        Day 1,               0000-0800                              9907 gal.                           1480 gal.
                             0800-1600                            10,560 gal.                           1008 scl.
                             1600-2400                            10,440 gal.                           1824 gal.
        Day 2,               0000-0800                              9398 gal.                           2198 gal.
                             0800-1600                              9600 sal.                           2198 gal.


                             1600-2400                              9278 gal.                           2496 sal.
               NOTE! All integrators are inop and coolant leakage rates are being
                           done manually.
        STATE the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Coolant Leakage LCO limit (s) applicable
        in this plant condition and IDENTIFY any that were exceeded during these
        two days.
                                   (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
                                                                                                                                              _       _ _ _ _ _ _ .
           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ , .     _ _     _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ _ . . _ _ ~ . _ _ _ - - - - _ _                            - - - -
      O.      ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS                                                                            PAGE                14
      GUESTION               G.08                (1.75)
        On 5/14/85 at 0700 the differential pressure between the drywell
        and the supression chamber goes to 1.0 psid due to HPCI testing
        and can not be restored above that point even after HPCI testing
        is completed. On 5/14/85 at 1000 the quarterly cycling of the scram
        discharge volume drain and vent valves commences. At 1930 it is


        determined that the drain valves is stuck shut and will not reopen.
        Give the DATE AND TIME that the reactor MUST be in cold shutdown.
        JUSTIFY your answer.
              NOTE: The reactor has been operating at rated conditions
      GUESTION                8.09                (3.00)
        What access control requirements exist for the following hi3h radiation
        a. An intensity greater than 100 mrem /hr but less than 1000 mrem /hr                                                                       (1.00)
        b. An intensity greater than 1000 mrem /hr but less than 10000 mrem /hr(1.00)
        c. An intensity greater than 10000 mrem /hr.                                                                                                (1.00)
       QUESTION               0.10                 (3.00)
        a.     When according to Technical Specifications is the RPT/ARI sytem
               required to be in operation?                                                                                                          (1.5)
        b.     What are the trip setpoints?                                                                                                          (1.5)
                                                   (***** END OF CATE90RY 00 *****)
                                       (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************)


                                                                                                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
                                                                                              w . . ,
                                  . . . . .                                                         <
 .                                       .
                                              . . , -.-~ __-.._-
       .-     ,
                                                                 _.__                     _
          .     .
                                        Note: Keff for cold, Xenon free, all rods out,
                                              Gadolinia, equilibrium Samarium
                        1.16 -
                         .15 -
                        1.14 -                                                     c)
                  Ke ff
                        1.1, -
                        1.12 -
                        1.11 -
                        1.10         .      .      .        .         . .     .       . .   .
                               0   1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
                                                          Exposure (MW4/T)
                                                  Figure 1. Keff vs. Exposure



L ___ J u._ . _ - - - - - - _- _ - _ _ . _ - - = -

                                                   TEST CROSS REFERENCE-       PAGE 1
   ________           ______     __________
          05.01             2.00 JCK0000410
          05.02             2.50 JCK0000413
          05.03             2.00 JCK0000,415
          05.04             3.00 JCK0000417
          05.05             3.25 JCK0000418
          05.06             2.00 JCK0000419
          05.07             2.25 JCK0000420
          05.08             2.00 JCK0000442
          05.09             2.00 JCK0000443
          05.10             2.00 JCK0000444
          05.11             2.00 JCK0000445
       -06.01               3.00 JCK0000422
          06.02             1.00 JCK0000423
          06.03             3.00 JCK0000425
          06.04             3.00 JCK0000426
          06.05             3.00 JCK0000428
          06.06             3.00 JCK0000429
          06.07             3.00 JCK0000430
          06.08             3.00 JCK0000446
          06.09             3.00 JCK0000447
          07.01             2.25 JCK0000401
          07.02             2.00 JCK0000403
          07.03             3.00 JCK0000404
          07.04             2.50 JCK0000405
          07.05             3.00 JCK0000406
          07.06             3.00 JCK0000407
          07.07             3.00 JCK0000408
          07.08             2.00 JCK0000448
          07.09             3.00 JCK0000449
          07.10             1.25 JCK0000450
          08.01             2.50 JCK0000432
          08.02             3.00 JCK0000433
          08.03             3.00 JCK0000434
          08.04             2.00 JCK0000436
          08.05             1.25 JCK0000437
          08.06             2.50 JCK0000439
          08.07             3.00 JCK0000440
          08.08             1.75 JCK0000441
          08.09             3.00 JCK0000451
          08.10             3.00 JCK0000452

_ - . . . . _ _ .-.__. _ _ _. l

                                                                           - - - - -                                      ..
    .-      _
                                                    - -
         .. .
     .        .
                -                                                       EQUATION SHEET
                    ! = ma                              v = s/t                               Cycle a#iciency = (.tetwork
                                                                                              cut)/(Energy in)
                    w = ag                              s = V,c * l/2 at
                         = x-                                                                  .
                                                                                       A = U3
                    KE = 1/2 mv                         3 = (Vf - 13 )/t                                       3
                    PE = mgn
                    vf= V, + at                         * = s/t                        x = zn2/tjfg = 0.693/t1/2
                    y,,j                      -
                                                               n0 2
                                                                                          1/2*" " [l* m }(b}}
                                                        A*                                                                      1
                                                                   4                                 C(t1/2) * (*bIl
                     # * 93I '"
                                                        m = V,yAo                              g,ge -D
                     .        .
                    Q = mCpat
                    Q = UAa.T
                                                                                        I * I o* ,,,                             ,
                     P w = M ,.h                                                        I*l o 10-*O.
                                                                                       Til. = 1.3/s
                  -                      sur(t)                                         gyt = .;.533/2
                     P = P,10
                     7 = Po e*/I
                     SUR = 25.06/T                                                      SCR = S/(1 - 4 gf)
                                                                                        CR  x = S/(1 - Keux)
                     SUR = 25s/1' + (s - o)T                                     CR  j (1 - 4,ff3) = G   2 (I ~ e#2
                     T = ( t*/s ) + ((a - o V ia]                                       M = 1/(1 - 4,g) = CR;/C3 3
                     T = 1/(s - a)                                                      M = (? - K ,ffo)/(1 - 4,ff))
                     T = (a .a)/(Ta)                                                    SCM = ( - K,g)/K,g
                     a = (K,g-1)/K,g = r.Kgf                    /K df                    t' = 10 secanos
                                                                                        i = 0.1 seconds-I
                      o = ((&*/(T K,g)] + (a,g/(1 + IT)]
                                                                                         Id j
                                                                                               2 ,2 g#
                      P = (uV)/(3 x 1010)                                                            22      2
                       3 = sti                                                          R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (meters)
                                                                                        R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (feet)               ,
                      Watar par?ceters                                                  Mises11aneous C nve.sions
                       I gal. = 8.345 lem.                                               I curie = 3.7 x 1010:33
                       1 f. = 7.48 gal.
                                                                                         I ap = 2.54 x 10
                      Oensity = 62.4 lbn/ft3                                             1 m = 3.41 x 100 5tu/hr
                       Oensity=1gm/cM                                                    lin = 2.54 cm
                       Heat of vacorization = 970 Stu/lem                                *F = 9/5'C + 32
                       Heat of fusion = 144 Stu/lem                                      'C = 5/9 (*F-32)
                        1 Ata = 14.7 osi = 29.9 in. Hg.                                  1 BTU = 778 ft-lbf
                        I ft. H O        2
                                            = 0.4335 lbf/in.
 .                                                                                -
       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -           - -- -- -               - - - - -       -                                                                                                                         -                   - , . , - -
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                                     ,                 I     e
                                                                                                                   - . .                                                     6e w w
                                                                                                                                     PERCENT RATED THERMAL POWER
                                                                                                         o     5         3        o           a               $                 8              3                    3                   8         8      5                 3
                                                                                                                 1       1         l            ll                l i i                          i                    I                    I       I      I                I
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                                                   - . - .      -
                                                                                                                                                        - - . .                      - - . . . _ , _ , . . - - - - , - - - - - - - - ,                                           . - -      -
                                           _ . _ _                             -           ~ ~ -
                                                                                                         _ _ . . _ .            -           - - ~        . . . . - ----
   ,                  w...........     w...       .i tu:s i-iaR UP ERATION                                        i
        *                                                                                                         i E'.'RVHIL!)W- P.'l';!Ii P 3' ':NT
                     3.3 _Fr).CTIVITY CGNT 0'
                                                                                                         ,        ! 4.3 REALTIVITY CD.';'70L
                                                                                                                  }         Annlicability:
                              Applies to the ope ::ienal status
                              of the control rod systen.                                                       e            Applies to the surveilitnce require-
                             Objective:                                                                        1            cents of the centrol rod systee..
                                                                                                               l,          Chice ive:
                             To assurs the ability of the con'                                                                                                    ,
                             trol rod systen to con:rol reac-                                                              To verify the ability of i.h: control
                                                                                                                           rod systen to :catrol reacci ity.
                                                              t                                                           Specification:
                                      Rescrivitv !.! itatiens                                                             A.
                                                                                                                                 Reactivity Limitations
                                      1.      Resetivity harcin - core
                                              loscing                                                                            1.      Reactivity r_ar-in - cor-
                   : -*                      The core loadin3 shsil be
                                             li=ited to that which can                                       [                          Sufficient control rods shall
                                             be cade subcri:ie:1 in the                                     j                          be withdrawn followin; a re-
                                             cost rea::ive ::niitica                                        '                          fueling outsge wher. core
                                             during the cp-rating cycis                                                                alters:1cns were e .rformed      '
                                            with the strenges: cperable                                                                to deconstrate ith a nar-
     A                                       control red in its full-                                                                 gin of 0.25 percent t.k that
                                            out position and all other                                                    .
                                                                                                                                      the core can be nade sub-
                                            operabic rods fully in-                                        c
                                                                                                                                      crit'ic 1 at sny time in th-
     {])                            -
                                            scrted.                                                       !
                                                                                                                                      subsequent fuci cycle with
                                                                                                                                      the stren;-se oper:bl e con-
                                                                                                                                      trol rod fully wi: drawn
                                                                                                         l                            and all other operable r:ds
                                                                                                         .                            fully inser cd.
                                 2.        R::ctivity c:r-ir - 1:ccer-                                   2
                                           -able c-                                                      3,                    2.
                                                              --!     :* Ls
                                                                                                        ,1                           Reactivi:v carcin - inene -
                                                                                                                                       .             -
                                                                                                                                     able centrol roos
                                           s.        Control rod drives
                                                     which cannot be noved                             i                             Each partially or fully with-
                                                    with centrol rod drive                             3
                                                                                                                                     drawn opernble con: el red
                                                    pressure shall be con-                            N                              shall be exercised one r.otch
                                                    sidered in:perablo. If                                                           at least once cach week.
                                                    c partially or fully                              h                             This test shall be perfor:ed
                                                   withdrawn con:rol red                              l'                            at least once per 2. Scurs in
                                                    drivo cr.nnot bc :oved withJ                                                    the event power operatien in
                                                   drive or sers: pressure                           il                             continuing with three or = ore
                '                                   the reac or shall be                             6
                                                                                                                                    inoperable centrol rods or in
                 $                                 brough: :o a shu:down                             fi
                                                                                                                                    the event power operatica is
                0                                  c:ndition         within 43 hou:s l'                                             continuing with one fully or
                                                   unless        investign:ica                     n
                                                                                                                                   partia1Jy wi:hdrawn red which
                h                                  der:..strates t'.at the                         D                                enr.not be coved and for which
                *                                  cr;ac of the failure is                        .'i                              centrol rod drive techanism
                                                   n:: due :3 a failed con-                       y                                danage has net been ruied out. j              i
     gsM                                     *     :::1 ::d drive                       o                               The surveillance need nar be
                                                 ::lle: housing,                                 h                                completed within 21 hears if thei
                                                                                                                                  nu2ber of incperable rcJs has
                                                                                                 F t
                                         ,                                                       k
                                                                                         .       i                                           Ar.endmunr. I;o. 1 *.          80
                         __                            .
      , _ _ .                                                   - . . . . -      - - - -
                         .. . . . - -
     O                                                                        4'
                                                                                                                                                                                       . = ,

.. _ ,. , . . . ~~

                                                                                                   _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ .                                                 ..
              - .
                              . . . . . . . . . . . ww . . u u . . .;. roA UPI:PArIO.'i
          . .*         .                                                                                          l__ st:3y.11.I.t.rC!i s'!!'e.'!Trr
                              3.3.A F.UA.'TIVITI C%T'1'2f.                                                            4.3     RP *.CTIVITI CC:r P.01.  _
          .g                                                   b.        The c ntrol rod dir:c -                                                                                            '
               i                                                         tional control valves                   I                      been reduced to Ic:s                                -
                                                                         for inopwabla centrol                                           than three and if it                              '
                                                                         red: th.d1 bo disarmed                                         has b:en de cns rat.:d
                                                                         electrienlly at:d the                                           that control rod                                   _
                                                                         control red.a .::h:11 be                                       drive cachanisc colle:                             "
                                                                        in such pc.iltic.u that                                         housinr. failiare i.s not                          ;
                                                                        Specifics:ica J.!,.A.1                                          cause of an.i.- ovable                               -
                                                                        is net.                                                         control rod.
                                                              c.        Control red drivo:                      l
                                                                       which are fully in-
                                                                        t.crted and electrically
                                          .                             disar=ed shall not be
                                                                        considered inoparabis.                             -
                                                              d.. Control rods with scrr.a l
                                                                       times greater than
               *                                 .                   .those permitted by                      l.
                                                                       Specification 3.3.C.3
                         : --
                                                                       are inopersble, but                    l
                                                                                                              i                               .
                                                                       if they can be noved                   I
                                                                       with control rod drite                 {
                                                                       pressure they need not                 i
                                                                       be disarmed electri-                   l
           '                                                           cally.
           . -
                                                                       Di: ring reactor pcver
                                                                      operatica, the nu .ber                 l
                                                                      of incperabic cont:01                 ,
                                                                      rods shall not .: ceed                !
                                                                                                                             U*  E C t"'l P E
                                                                      eight. Specificatica
                                                                      3.3. A.1 cust ba met                 ,                     1.   The coupling in:e rity aned2.
                                                                      at all times.
                                                                                                           7                          be verified fcr 9ach with-
                                                      .                                                    e                          denvn control re:i as fel.::rvs:
                                                                                                           j                                                    .
                                       B.       Control M ds                                                                          a.    When the red i: vithdrsv::
                                                                                                                                             the first time sub:equent
                                                1.- Each control rod chr1.1 bo                                                                           #
                                                            co'.:pl:1 to it* drive or                                                                                          '
                                                            completely in:er*.e i :.nd                                                                            *
                                                            the control rod direc-
                                                            ti.:.01 or control                                                       in: t ritten tat ion. lic rev- r ,
                                                   *:1cetrit:a1Ly.                                                       for ir.itiL rod when
                                                            Thic require:en'. c'9c: no t .
                                                            ap;.ly in the re.^ael co .-                                                     ible, cut:ettent exerci:1:g              .
                                                            ditie when the rer. tor                                                        of t ,,:e
                                                                                                                                                 . . .     o6 .     ..  .er   ,..%..
                                                            la "e.:e1.            "Ns ecutral
                                                            ro:. 2.        ves be tr~cve.   s                                                                      *
                                                           C -        ~.3 f==
                                                                                .a;'eCil'icar.lo                                           inct:wenta .ian rego . e.
                                                           ,'.].A.1         18 ~12 * .
                                                                                                                                 Amendment :o. 14                         al
           M       -


     _                                        . _ _ . . . ._ _._ . .   -                                               --
    ,   .*     .
            CONDITION FOR OPERATION                                  SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
            3.3.B  Control Rods                                          4. 3. B   Control Rods
                      2.    The control rod drive hous-                                 b.      When the rod is fully
                            ing support system shall be                                         withdrawn the first
                            in place during reactor power                                       time subsequent to each
                           operation and when the                                        refueling outage or af-
                            tor coolant system is pres-                                         ter maintenance, observe
                           surized above atomspheric                                            that the drive does not
                           pressure with fuel in the                                            go to the overtravel
                           reactor vessel, unless all                                           position.
                           control rods are fully in-
                           serted and Specification                               2.    The control rod drive housing
                           3.3.A.1 is met.                                              support system shall be in-
                                                                                        spected after reassembly and
                      3.   a.     No control rods shall                                 the results of the inspec-
                                  be moved when the reac-                               tion recorded.
                                   cor is below 20% rated
                                  power, except to shut-                          3.    Prior to control rod with-
                                  down the reactor, unless                             drawal for startup or inser-
                                  the Rod Worth Minimizer                               tion to reduce power below
                                   (RWM) is operable. A                                 20% the operability of the
                                  maximum of two rods may                              Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM)
                                  be moved below 20% de-                               shall be verified by:
                                  sign power when the RWM
                                  is inoperable if all                                 a.     verifying the correct-
                                  other rods except those                                     ness of the control-
                                 which cannot be moved with                                    rod withdrawal sequence
                                                                                               input to the RWM com-
                                  control rod drive pressure
                                 are fully inserted.                                          puter.
                           b.    Control rod patterns and                              b.     performing' the RWM
                                  the sequence of withdrawal                                  computer diagnostic
                                 or insertion shall be as-                                    test.
                                  tablished such that:
                                                                                       c.     verifying the annunci-
                                  1)    when the reactor is                                   ation of the selection
                                        critical and below                                    errors of at least one
                                         20% design power the                                 out-of-sequence control
                                        maxi =um worth of any                                 rod in each distinct
                                        insequence control                                    RWM group
                                        rod which is not elec-
                                        trically disarmed is                           d.     verifying the red block
                                        less than 0.010 delta                                 function of an out-of-
                                        k.                                                    sequence control red
                                                                                              which is withdrawn no
                                 2)     and when the reactor                                  more than three notches,
                                        is above 20" design
                                        power the maximum worth
                                        of any control rod, in-
                                        cluding allowance for
                                        a single operator error,
                                        is less than 0.020 delta
        a)                                                                                                                     l
          Amendment No. 39
                                                                          82                                 ,
    .-                                                              --
                                                                                   _ _ . _
                                                                                                      y                       ,
                                   3.3.5. Control Reds                                                      4.3.8, Control Rods                      '
 .-                                                                                                                                                    !
                                           4.        Control rods shall not be with-                                4.    Prior to control rod with-
                                                    drawn for startup or refueling                                       drawal for startup or
                                                    unless at least two source range
                                                   channels have an observed count                                       during refueling, verify
            h                      -
                                                  rate equal to or greater, than
                                                  three counts per second.
                                                                                                                         that at least two source
                                                                                                                         range channels have an
                                                                                                                         observed count rate of at
                                          5.      During operation with limiting                                         least three counts per
                                                 control rod patterns, as deter-                        i
                                                 mined by the Reactor Engineer.                                    5.
                                                 either:                                                                When a limiting control red
                                                                                                                        pattern exists, an instru-
                                                 a.                     Both RBM channels shall be                      ment functional test of the
                                                                        operable: or                                    RBM shall be perfomed
                                                                                                                        prior to withdrawal of the
                                                 b.                                                                     designated red (s) and
                                                                        Control red withdrawal shall                   daily there,after.
                                                                        be blocked: or
                                                 c. The operating power level
                                                                       shall be limited so that
                                                                       the MCPR will remain above
                                                                       the Safety Limit MPCR
                                                                       assuming a single error
                                                                       that results in complete
                                                                       withdrawal of any single
                                                                       operable control rod.
                                       C.  Scram Insertion Times                                                                                  .
                                                                                                               C.  Scram Insertion Times
            O                              2-     Ta av ras scr== 4"= rtioa
                                              . time, based on the deener-                                         t-   rolio 4as
                                                                                                                                     ch r ru 14as
                                                                                                                        outage, each operable
                                                  gization of the scram pilot
                                                 valve solenoids as time zero,                                          control rod shall be sub-
                                                 of all operable control rods
                                                                                                            ..   -
                                                                                                                        jected to scram time tests
                                                  in the reactor power opera-                                           from the fully withdrawn
                                                                                                                       position.    If testing is
                                                 tion condition shall be no                                            not accomplished with the
                                                 greater than:
                                                                                                                       nuclear system pressure
                                           5 Inserted                                                                  above 950 psig, the
                                                                                    Average Scram
                                          From Fully                                                                . measured scram insertion
                                                                                          Insertion                    time shall be extrapolated
                                          Withdrawn                                    Times (set)
                                                                                                                       to reactor pressures above
                                                                                                                       950 psig using previously
                                                                                              .55                      detemined correlations.


                                                30                                           1.275
                                                                                                                       Testing of all operable
                                                                                             2.00                      control rods shall be com-
                                                90                                           3.50                      pleted prior to exceeding
                                                                                                                       40t rated themal power.
            h.)                                        -
           Wendment No. 75                       68
     - - ~ - - . - - _ _ . .                      -______-_________ -
                                           ._-   - .    -.               .                        .                            =
     _                                                                                                     . . . n w.   .- ,<..         - -
            .*                                                                                                                                ,
  .*                        -                                                                                                                 I
                IJXITIN3 CC'CI?!0N FCR ONTIONS                                   SURVETLIAN E RE:UIPDdCf"
             g .3.c Scree Insertion Tice                                         Is .3. C Sere = Tnsertion Ti=e
                            3.. The average of the scraa                                  3. At 16 week intervals, 5c?
                                    insertion times for the                                     of the control red drives        -
                                    three fastest control rods                             *
                                                                                                shall be tested as in L.3.c.;


                      .             of a u groups of four e=n-                                  so that every 32 weeks a u
                                    trol rods in a two by two
                                    array sha2.1 be no greater                                  of the control rods sha n
                                    than:      -                                                have been tested. Whenever
                                                                                                Sc5 of the control red drives
                                                                                                have been scran tested, an
                                    (Inserted         Avg. Seram                                evaluation sha n be made to
                                    From       Insertion                                 provide reasonable assursnee
                                    Withdrawn         Ti=e See,
                                                                                                that proper control rod
                                                                                                drive perfer=ance is bei=g
                                                             58                                 maintained.
                                          30               1.35
                                          50               3.12                                                  .
                                         Po               5 30
                           3       The - '-- scram inser-
                                   tion time for 90fa inser-                                                     .
                                   tion of any operable con-
                                   trol rod shan not exceed
          O m. co=tro1 =od xe=. . Lata =s                                            .>. Co.t==1 ==4     >=====:a===s

, .

                         At au reactors operating pres-                                   once a shift, check the status
                          sures, a rod accu =ulater any                                   of the pressure a=d level ale.r=.s
                         be inoperable provided that no                                   for each ace ==.tlater.                     7
                          other control rod in'the nine-
                          rod square array aroung this                                                 .
                          rod has a:                                                                 .
                                * 1. Inopershkaaccumulator.                ,       ,                             ,
                                   2. Strestional control valve    *
                                         electrically disarmed
                                        while in a non fully ta-
                                         serted posittoa.
                                   3.   Scraa insertion time                   *
                                        sfester than the nazimus
                                        permissible insertion                                                                         ,
                              ,          time.
                                   If*a control rod with as                                                           *   *
          ,                        inoperable secu:rulater is                                                      ,


                                   inserted " full-in" and les                                *
                                   direerional control valves
          g./                      are electrically disarmed,
                                   it shall not be considered
                                   ce have an inoparable                                                                    34
                                   occumulater.                                                  *
                                ..      . . _ . . . . .       ..
               Amendment No. 65
                        ,     . . , -
           _ . - .
      * ,."
                           E.        Reactivity Anomalies               E.  Reactivity Anomalies


                                    The reactivity equivalent of            During the startup test program
                                     the difference between the             and startups following refuel-
         (,)                        actual critical rod configur-           ing outages, the critical rod
                                    ation and the expected con-             configurations will be compared
                                     figuration during power                to the expected configurations
                                    operation shall not exceed 1"           at selected operating conditions.
                                  4 K.     If this limit is exceed-         These comparisons will be used
                                    ed, the reactor will be shut            as base data for reactivity
                                    down until the cause nas been           monitoring during subsequent
                                    determined and corrective ac-           power operation throughout the
                                    tions have been taken if such           fuel cycle. At specific power
                                    actions are appropriate.                operating conditions, the
                                                                            critical rod configuration will
                                                                            be compared to the. configuration
                           F.        If Specifications 3.3.A                expected based upon appropriately
                                    through D above cannot be met,  ,       corrected past data. This com-
                                    an orderly shutdown shall be            parison will be made at least
                                    initiated and the reactor               every full power month,
                                    shall be in the Cold Shutdown
                                    condition within 24 hours.
                                    Specifications 3.3.A through
                                   D above do not apply when
                                    there is no fuel in the
                                    reactor vessel.
                          G.       Scram Discharge Volume              G.   Scram Discharce Volume
                                    1.   The scram discharge                1.   The scram discharge volume
                                         volume drain & vent                     drain and vent valves shall
                                         valves shall be operable                be verified open at least once
                                         whenever more than one                  per month. Each valve shall
                                         operable control rod is                 be cycled quarterly. These
                                         withdrawn.                              valves may be closed intermit-
                                                                                 tently for testing under
                                   2.    If any of the scram dis-                administrative control
                                         charge volume drain or
                                         vent valves are made or            2.   During each refueling outage
                                       found inoperable an                     verify the scram discharge
                                         orderly shutdown shall be               volume drain and vent valves;
                                         initiated and the reactor
                                         shall be in Cold Shutdown               a) Close within 30 seconds
                                         within 24 hours.                             after   .ceipt of a reactor
                                                                                      sciou signal and
                                                                                 b) Open when the scram is
                       Amendment 65                                                                  85
 __ _
                                                                                       . ... ~ . .                   . . . . - - .
                                               .. .   _ _ _ . _ _
    , .
      _ . _ . , .         ,
                              ,                                                                .
    , .-

.- .

     O                      .
                                                (This Page Intentionally Left Blank)
     O                                                              .
                                    6 GD N S Se Ge          e         g
                                                                         '         *                   e
     g                                                   4-                                                                        . _ .
              - - - .
                              ._.                               .__             .      _ . . _          . . _ _ .                        -
                                                                                                                                            - _ _
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      . _ _ . - --. .-                                  -- .
                                                                                                                                       _ .-
                                           _ _ _ _ . _                        - _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ .
     , ,, . _ , . .


                                          3.3 snd 4.3
                                         ,B ASES :
                                         A.            Reactivity Limitation
                                                       1.      The core reactivity limitation is a restriction
                                                               to be applied principally to the design of new
                                                               fuel which may be loaded in the core or into a
                                                               particular refueling pattern. Satisfaction of
                                                               the limitation can only be demonstrated at the
                                                               time of loading and must be such that it will
                                                               apply to tne entire subsequent fuel cycle. The
                                                               generalized form is that the reactivity of the
                                                               core loading will be limited so the core can be
                                                               made suberitical by at least R + 0.25:Ak at the
                                                               ti=e of the test, with the strongest control rod                    ,
                                                               fully withdrawn and all others fully inserted.
                                                               The value of R in Mk is the amount by which the
                                                               core reactivity, at any time in the operating
                                                               cycle, is calculated to be greater than at the
                                                               time of the check; i.e. , the initial loading. R
                                                               must be a positive quantity or zero. A core
                                                               which contains temporary control or other burn-
                                                               able neutron absorbers may have a reactivity
                                                               characteristic which increases with core life-
                                                                time, goes through a maximum and then decreases
                                                                'Ihe value of R is the dif ference between the cal-
                                                                culated core reactivity at the beginning of the
                                                                operating cycle and the calculated value of core
                                                                reactivity any time later in the cycle where it
                                                                would be greater than at the beginning. The value
                                                                of R shall include the potential shutdown margin loss
                                                                assuming full B4 C settling in all inverted poison
                                                                 tubes present in the core. A new value of R cust
                                                                he determined for each full cycle.
                                                                The 0.25*Ak in the expression R + 0.25%Ak is
                                                                 provided as a finite, demonstrable, suberiticality
                                                                 margin. This margin is demonstrated by full with-
                                                                 .trawal of the strongest rod and partial withdrawal
                                                                 of an adjacent rod to a position calculated to in-
                                                                 aert at least R + 0.25*.ak in reactivity, or by an
                                                                 insequence, xenon-free cold critical measurement
                                                 'I#             to demonstrate at least R + 0.25% A k in reactivity with
                                                                  the most reactive control rod fully withdrawn.
                                                                 Observation of subcriticality in this condition
                                                                  assures subcriticality with not only the strongest rod
                                                                  fully withdrawn but at least an R + 0.25 Ak mar-
                                                                  gin beyond this.
                                                                      .   ...     .
         _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . .                     -

_ . , . _ , _ _

                                                        _                   ._. . _ _ _ . .                                                     .            .
                                                                            _ _ _ . . .                                                    .                      --       --
               .                _
         .       .      3.3 J . 3
                        BASE 3:                                                          ..
                            2.    .Reacti.vity earsin - inensrable centrol rods,
                                  .Spect:ica:1cn 3.3.A.2 recuires :nat a ra:1 be taken out of service
                                  if it cannct be cioved with drive pressurs. If the rod is fully
                                   inserted and then disar=ed electrically *, it is in a safe positica
     "                            of.:sximum con:ribution to shu: dawn rese:ivity. If it is disarmed
                                   ele:trically in a n=n-f'ully inser cd positien, that position shall
                                  bc consist:n: with the shut.ds-a reactivi'.y limitation s::: d in
                                  Specification 3.3.A.1.                    This assures that the core can bc :hutdown
                                   at all ti:es with the rc=sining control rods assuming the stronges:
                                   operable control rad does not insert. An allow:bic pattern for
                                   control reds valved ou of service, which shall meet this Specifica: ion.
                                   will be de:er=ined and made availabic to the operator. H e nur.ber of
                                   rods per=i : d to be ineperabie could be many more than the ei2 h:
                                   allowed by the Specification, particularly 1 :: in the opera:Icn cycle;
                                   however, the occurrenc: of core than eight could be indicctive of a
                                   generic control red drive problem and the recctor will be shut dom.                                                                              s
                                   Also if dams;;c within the centrol red drive mechanism and in particular,
                                   cracks in drive internal housings, cannot be ruled out, then a generic                                                                         .
                                   probics affecting a nt:..ber of drives cannot be ruled out. Circumferential                                                                  .i
                                    cracks resulting frca stress assisted intergranular corrosion have occurred                                                                 i,
                                   in the collet hou. sing ci drives at s:veral S'.i'!s. his type of cracking                                                                   I
                                   could o::ur in a nu .ber of drives and if the cracks propagated until                                                                        E.
                                   severance of the collet housing occurred, scram could be preven:cd in                                                                        s
                                   the affe::cd roc's. 1.initing the period of operation with a potentially                                                                   l ';
                                   severed colle: housin;: and requiring iner:ssed surveillance after d::ceting                                                               g
                                    one stuck rod will assure tha: the reactor vila not be cperated with                                                             Isrge i
                                    number of rods with failed colle: housings.                                                              ,,
                      B.. Con' trol Red Withdravai                             ,
                             1.     Control rod dropout accidents as discussed in th: FSAR can Icad to
                                    significant core da=sge. If coupling integrity is maintained, the
                                    possibility of a rod dropeu ac:iden: is cli inated. n e overtravel
                                    positica feature provides a positive check as only uncoupled drives
                                    may reach this - ositica. Neutren inst:a:entation Icspcase to red
                                    movement pro / ides a verification that the red is folicwing its drive.
                                    Absence of such response to drive move:hnt could indicate an uncoupled
                                    condition.                                                .
                             2.     De con:rol red housing support restricts the outward : ove=ent of a
                                    control rosi to less than 3 inches in the extremely re=ote event of a
                                    housing failure. He a=ount of resetivity which could be added by
                                     this s=sil amount of ::d withdrawal, which is less than a normal
                                    single withdrawal increment, will not contribute to any da= age to
                                     the pricary coolant sysics. % c design
            *To dis'ar= the drive electrically, four a phenol type plus connectors are recoved fro.n
              the drive insert and withd :wal solenoids r:ndering the rod incapabic of withdrawl.
              His procedure is ecut. ale t to valvi: g out of the drivo and is preferred beenuse,
              in this conditten. frive sater ccois c..d minial:cs crud accuculation in the drive.
              Electrical disar=ing ::es not climinate position indication.
                                     .                                                                                                              Ame:rd:cnt No. 14     88
                      . ...       . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . _     .... __               .
                                                                                                                                                                -           --
       ,                                                              .
                                                                                                _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        . . . . _      ._                    _          ._.                                                             _                     . . .        .
                                                                                  ..                      .                               . . _ _ . . . _ _ _
 ,_           _
   l            .
                          3.3 and 4.3             ,
                I         SASES:
         )                       basis is given is subscetion 3.5.2 of the FSAR, and the
                                 safety evaluation is given in subsection 3.5.4                                        This    ,
                                 support is r.ot required if the reactor coolant system                                           ,
                                 is at atmospheric presnure since there would then be no
                                 driving force to rapidly eject s drive housinr.. Addi-
                                 tionally, the support is not required if all control
                                 rods are fu;1y inscrecd and if an adequste shutdown
                                 snrgin with one control rod withdrawn has been demon-
         .                       strated, since the reactor would . main subcritical even
                                 in the event of complete ejectien of the strongest
                                 control rod.
                             3.  In the course of performinn normal st'artup and shutdevn
                                 procedurcs, the reactor operscor follows a pre-specified
                                 sequence for the vitt.drawal or insertion of control
                                 rods. The specificd sequenccs are characteri:cd by
                                 homogeneous, sesttered patterns of control rods selected
                                 for withdrawal or insertion, The maxinum control rod
                                 worths encountered in these patterns are presented in
                                 Figures 3.6-3 of the FSAR. These sequences arc devel-                                                           -
                                 oped prior to initial operation of the unit to linit
                                 the reactivity worths of individual control rods in the
                                 core, together with the integral rod velocity limiters
     ,                           which will limit the velocity during free fall to less
                                 than five feet per cecend, limit the potentini
                                 reactivity insertion such that the conseque.cce of a
      O. *                       control rod drop accident vill not exceed s.pcak cal-
                                 culated enthalpy of 2SO eslocies/ Tram generated in the
                                 fuel. The desir.n li=it of 250 calorics /gran is selected
                                 for limitine, pesk enthalpics in UO                                    3 and is assu=cd to be
                                 the lower threshold at which rapid fuel dispersal and
                                 damaging pressure pulses to the primary system might
                                 In addition, the calculated radiological consequences of
                                 a control red drop accident should be well within the
                                 guideline values of 10 CFR Part 100. The radiolonical
                                 conscquencac of a rod decp accident when the reactor is                                                                           -
                                 in the hot standby condition at :ero rover is the worst
                                 situation for this accident as described in Section
                                 14.6.2 of the FSAR and in Section 4.4 of the Safety
                                 Evalustion Report. For this accident, the coct reac-
                                 tive control rod assc bly is sssumed to drop out of the
                                 core 30 minuteu after shutdown, causing 330 fuel rode to
                                 exceed a calculated energy input of 170 caloricr/gran
                       .         with the maximum UO, enthalpy input of 220 calorics / gram.
                                 The fuel enthalpy input of 170 calories / gram ic the lower
                                 threshold for fuel cisJdinn perforatten. The ACC Staff'u
                                 estirotes of the radiological conos quences, deceribed in
                                 Section 9.4 of the safety r. valuation Report, are well                                       .
                                 within the guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100.
       kj/                                                                                                  .
        O                                                                                                                        *


                                   e                       O
                                                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                     ..                                      -_        - - .
            ..      -             -- . .-                              =: ..       . ..                      ._ _ __. ...
         ,                                                                               _ _ _ _ - . _           _


                           3.3 and 4.3


           h_              BASES:


                                      When THERMAL POWER is greater than 20% of RATED THERMAL POWE'R, .there is
                                      no possible rod worth which, if dropped at the design rate of the velo-


                                      city limiter, could result in a peak enthalpy of 280 cal /gm. Thus re-

" quiring the Rb3 to be OPERABLE when THERMAL POWER is less than or equal

                                      to 20% of RATED THERMAL POWER provides adequate control.
                                     We are therefore requiring as a limiting condition of operation (LCO)

, that the Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) be operable when the reactor is crit-

                                     ical and below 20% of design power in accordance with Specification
                            so that the maximum in-sequence control rod worth will be lim-
                                     ited to 0.010 delta k as given in Specificaton 3.3.B.3b(1) even' assuming
                                     a single failure of the RWM or an operator error. The Rkh assists and
                                     supplements the operator with an effective backup control rod monitoring
                                     routine that enforces adherence to pre-established startup, shutdown,
                                     and low power level control rod procedures. The RbH computer prevents
                                     the operator from establishing control rod patterns that are not consis-
                                     tent with prestored RkM sequences by initiating appropriate rod select
                                    block, rod withdrawal block, and rod insert block - interlock signals
                                    to the reactor manual control systems rod block circuitry. Reference:
                                    FSAR Section       The RkE sequences stored in the computer memory
                                    are based on control rod withdrawal procedures designed to limit the
                                    individual control rod worths to levels given in Specification 3.3.B.3.b.
          O                        Two exceptions to the requirement for RkH operability are permitted.
                                   Control rods may be moved to shutdown the reactor, and up to two control
                                   rods,can be moved provided all other rods, except those which cannot be


                                   moved with contral rod drive pressure, are inserted. The first excep-
                                   tion permits the operator to shutdown the reactor in the event the RbH
                                   should become inoperable while the reactor is critical. In this case,
                                   the operator is moving the rods to reduce the reactivity in the crie.

l Outward movement of any control rod is limited to a short adjustus. t ,

                                   and the general sequence of control rod movement is always covtrd a


                                   safer pattern during shutdown operations. The second exception permits


                                   the control rod drives to be moved when the Rk'M is inoperative provided
                                   that all but two rods are fully inserted except for those control rods
                                  which cannot be moved with control rod drivo pressure.




               .s .
                                 Amendment No. 39
         D                                                    +'
  - . .,              --      .-
   _.    .     _.   .        .: _ . . _   . . _ .
                                                    _ . . _ _ . . . . . . _ .                       . . _ _ . .  ._ ..- .
 .                                                                . . . .       . . - . . .
                                                                                                           .. .-
      .               3 3 and h.3
       h              BASES:
                                  Above 1 @ of desi6n power assuming a single oper'ator
                                  error, it vill not be possible for the maxi =um red '
                                  worth to execed 0.020 delta K in accordance with
                                  Specificatien 3.3.B.3.b(2).
                                  Specification k.3.B.3 require: a sequence of checks
                                  and tests on the RG to verify its operability before
                                  startup and before reducing power to less than 10%
                                  of design power. These checks and tests assure that
                                  the actions of the control operator are always
                                 monitored and blocked when in errer should they lea,d
                                  to a condition which might cause fuel damage during
                                  the control rod drop accident.
                                 Under these specification limits, the maxi =un ener6y
                                 deposition in the fuel and the nu=ber of fuel rods
                                 dacaged resulting from a control red drcp accident,
                                 assuming Technical Specificatica limits en scra=
                                 times (Specification 3.3.c) and red drop velocity (5
                                 feet /second), is established to be below the ecnse-
                                 qucnces calculated by the licensee for the hot stand-
                                 by critical case. Reference: F3AR Secticn 14.6.2 and
                                 Safety Evaluation Section 9.k. Therefore, the as-
      h                          sumptions used by the licensee and the AEC Staff in
                                 estimatin5 the number of failed fuel rods and fuel
                                 dan ge resulting frc= the excursion energy generated
                                 by the red drop accident appear ccnservative within
                                 the LCO.
                                                                          e                   #



l l

      w                                           e
           ,                                        _ . . . - - _
    _ _ _ _ _ _

. ~ . - ..... -._ .- _ . = :. ..

                                                                                                                         . . - -                             . . . . . . . -
                .                           . . _ . _ -             . ..           . _ . .                             _         .
                           3.3 and 4.3
   ;                      BASES:
    O                                                                                                                                .
                                 4.    The Souroe Rance Monitor (SPM) system performs'
                                      no automatic. safety systcc fbnction; i.e., it
                                      has no scram function. It does previde the oper-
                                      ator with a visual indication of neutron level.
                                      The consequence: of reactivity accidents are
                                      functicns of the initial neutron flux. The
                                      requirement of at least 3 counts per second
                                      assures that any tre.nsient, should it occur,
                                      begins at or above the initial value of 10-0 of
                                      rated power used in the analyses of transients '
                                      from cold conditions. One operable SFl.: channel
                                      would be adequate to monitor the approach to
                                      criticality using ho=o6eneous patterns of scat-
                                      tered control red withdrawal. A =ini=m of
                                      two operable SP2t's are provided as an added con-
                                5    The Rod Block Monitor (RE!) is desi6ned to auto-
                                     matically prevent fuel datage in the event of
                                     erroneous red withdraval from locations of high
                                     power density during high peuer level operatien.
                                     Two channels are provided, and one of these may
                                    be bypassed frcm the conscle for naintenance
                                     and/ortesting. Tripping of one of the chcnnels
                                    will block erroneous red withdrawal soon enough                                                                                          -
                                     to prevent fuel da= age. This syste= back.s up
                                     the operator who withdraus con:rcl reds cecording
                                     to written sequences. The specified restric-
                                    tions.with one channel out of serrice conserva-
                                    tively assure that fuel da-"Se will not occur
                                    due to rod withdrawal errors when this conditien
   s                                           -
                                                        . _ , _ . _      , , - _ ,         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . - , .         _       ._ _. _ . - . . , _ ,                   ..
                     -                                                                             2._._--                         .           .                   ____                  _ _
    , , -                                                                                                                                                 __ . - _ _ .                  .
                ,             , , ,
                                                  *,                                                                         -             ,
                  ,,                ..                     ,
                                                                                  -                          -
                                                                                                                    .          .     .;,           ,.                   ,             ,         .,
                             *                                                                                                                                                                *
                                                       *                                                          *
                                                a                                *
                                                                                           ..                     .                        * .                            .
                           ,                      .                                 .                          ,.          ,
              . 3 and 4.3
              BASYS:                                                                                                                                                             .
                                       During reactor operation with certain li=iting
                                       control rod patterns, tae withdrawal of a desig-
                                       naced s1=gla control rod coul .1 result in one or
                                      more fuel rods with .40 R's lass than the Safety                                                                                                                   *
                                       iddt MOR. During use of such patterns, it is
                                      judged that testing of the R3M system prior to
                                      withdrawal of such rods to assure its operability
                                      will assure that improper withdrawal dosa not
                                       occur. It is the responsibility of the Rasetor
                                       Insinear to identify these limiting pactarns                                                                                                 ,
                                       and the designatad rods either when the pactarns
                                       are initially established or as they develop due
                                       to the occurrence of inoperabis control rods in
                                       other than 11=1t1=g patterns.                                                                                                                               ,
             C.           Sera = Inser:1en T1=es
                         The con =ol rod system is designed to bring the reac-
                          ter suberitical at a rate fast enough to prevent fuel
                         da= age; i.e. , to prevent the MCR from less
                           than the Safety Limit M O R. Analysis of the 'd-4 ting                                                                                                 l
                         power transiant shows that the negative reactivity
                         ratas result 1=g from the scram with the average responsa
        h                of all the drives as given in the abova specification,
                         provida the required protectics, and MOR remains
                         greater than the Safety 7'-#t MGR.
                        The scra= ti=es for all control rods will be decar-
                        ni=ed at the ti=a of each refueling outage. A re *
                         presentative sampla of concol rods vill be scram tested
                        dur1=g each cycle as a periodic check against decar1 oration
                         of the con =ol rod perfor=ance.
                  A=end:ent No. 42                                                                                                                    .
                                                                                 ..                                  .
       2*                                                                                                                *

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ . .

     _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                 ~ .           *
                                        * *         h = .- e e: .4+ -em-... ..   %   ==.m.       , , , ,    ,                                               ,,
                                -                                                                               - - . . . . .          . . .           _ _,
                                          3 ?.end k.3
                                          BASES:                                                                                                    .
                                                                                           *                                                     4
                                                                                                          4              g

.I d ! 5 .> ! t '




i l , 3




l 92 . i l i ! > i .

                            - .         ..        .               .


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- . . . . - -  : .: iu=::= n ....:E._ .' * _ . - . - . . . .. -

, , _                                                                       .   ..            ... . _ .
   -        -
                     3.3 and k.3
  %                  BASES:
  C                       In the analytical treatment of the transients, 2o0 millisecond:
                          are alloucd between ,a neutron sensor reaching scram point and the
                          start of ncCative reactivity incertion. This is adequate and
                          conservative when ecmpared to the typical tino delay of about
                          210 milliseconds cetimated frc:: scram test results. Approximately
                   5      120 milli:ecend: later, the control rod motion is e timated to
                          actually becin. However, 200 millicecond: is con =ervatively
                          assumed for this time interval in the transient analyses and this
                          is also included in the allowabic scram insertion time: of
                          Specificatien 3.3.c."
                     D.   control Red Accumulators
                          Requiring no more than one inoperable accumulator in                            ~
                          any nine-rod square array is based on a series of XY
                          PDQ 4 quarter core calculations of a cold, clean core.
                          The worst case in a nine-red withdraval sequence re-
                          sulted in a kerr< 1.0 - other repeating rod sequences
                          with more rod: withdrawn resulted ine k rr>1.0. At
                          reactor pressures in excess of 800 peig, even the:e
                          control red: with inoperable ac:u=ulators will be able
                          to meet required =cras incertien times due to the ac-
                          tion of reactor pre =sure.    In addition, they cay be
    O                     normally incerted using the centrel-red-drive hydraulic
                          system. Procedural control vill assure that centrol
                          rods with incperable accumulator: vill be spaced in a
                          one-in-nine array rather than grouped together.
                     E.   Reactivity Ano=alies
                          During each fuel cycle excess operative reactivity
                          varie: as fbel depletes and as any burnable poison in
                          supplementary control is burned. The cacnitude of this
                          excess reactivity may be inferred from the critical
                          rod configuration. As fuel burnup pregressen, anomalous
                          behavior in the excess reactivity may be detceted by
                          comparicen of the critical rod pattern at selected base
                          states to the predicted red inventory at that state.
                          Pouer operating ba::e conditien: previde the most sensi-
                          tive and directly interpretabic data relative to core
                          reactivity. Furthermore, u ing pever cperating ba:e
                 .        conditien: pernits frequent reactivity ccaparicons.
     . . .                                   ..
  - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                      . ..                                    -_ .       ..- -_ L . - . .                         ..                 . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .   . . . . .: ..uus
                                                .                  .                   .
                                          ,                                                                                                                ,
                                                                                                      3.3 and 4.3                                                                                                                        .*                        -
                                                                                                                                                     *                           .                                                                                                                        *
                                                                                                      _5ASES:                                                           .                                 *
                                    C                       '
                                                                                                *          Requirinr,a reactivity compart:en ac the specified                                                                                                             -
                                                                                                           frequency assures tJist a co:ipari:en will be made
                                                                                                           before the core reactivity chante exceeds 17.4K.                                                                                                                         ,
                                       ,.                                                                  Deviations in core reactivity r,reater than 17.4K are
                                                                                                .          hot er;ccted and require thnrnur.h evaluation. Cnc
                                                                                                           percent reactivity 11;:it is conr.idered safe since
                                                                                                           an inscrtien of ths 'rcactivity inte the core would
                                                        .                                                  not lead to transitnts exceeding desit,n condition: of                                                                                                                                               -
                                                                                                           the reactor syste .                                                                                    .                                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                                                                                              .                                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0 e
                                    (,'                                                                                                                                               .
                                                                                                                                  .                                                              ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                g
                                                                                                                                                                                          O                                                                         O
                                      er                                                                                                                                                        e                                                                                                             "g'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0  t




                                                          *                                                          e'                                                                                             .                            .                .
                                        - - , -         -. ,_ . _ , - . _ . . , , _ _ . _ _ . _                 . . _ . _ _ _ _ .     , - _ . _ _              , _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ __                     _             . , _ _ _ _ - . , _ - _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ . - , . _ _ . -,
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                                                                                                                         --------.-..--------------------------------------                                            --- --
                    ._                                                               _                    . . _   _ ..z..r - ".. ; '           .. _ _ _.       .    __                  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .. _ m


                                                                                                LIMITING CCN0! TION FOR OPERATION                                      SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
i                                                                '
                                                                                                3.6 PRIMARY SYSTEM SOUNOARY                                            4.6 PRIMARY SYSTEM BOUNDARY

! -

                                                                                                Acolicability:                                         ,               Aeolicability:
                                                                                                                                                   .                                                                                  .
                                                                                                Applies to the operating status of the                                 Applies to the periodic esamination and
                                                                                                reactor coolant system.                                                testing requirements for the reactor
                                                                                                                                                                       cooling system.


                                                                                                !b*ective:                                                             Cbiect've:
                                                                                                To assure the Integrity and safe c:er-                                 To determine the c:ncitten Of the rea:::r'
                                                                                                1:*cn cf t e reactor c:claat system.                                   :::la           system and the :: era:':n ;# te
                                                                                                                                                                       .ge,. . g. . 3 7 .,3...                                     . .r i .
                                                                                                3.Y.' ' :       '
                                                                                                                                                                       G.L         . ..;: ' . *


. 3- 41 a-- 2 ,tiari. -
                                                                                                                                                                                .      -
                                                                                                                                                                                                        : ;retsurt:a-                       -
                                                                                                           .g..                                                  I
                                                                                                                                                                              .. -
                                                                                               :.       e i.e ti.   . . , .               .       ... . :               .   :.            ; ea . .:s 1.                                :         .
                                                                                                     tem:4 sture enaage normai                                       following temperatures snail :e

. j heatus or cooldown shall not exceed permanently logged at least every

                                                                                                     ICO'F/hr when averaged over a one-                                     15 minutes untti the difference
                                                                                                     hcur period except when the vessel                                     between any two readings taken over
                                                                                                     temceratures are above 450*F.                                          a 45 minute period is less than 5'F.
                                                                                                     The shell flange to shell tempera-
                                                                                                     ture differential shall not esceed                                    a.         Reactor vessel shell adjacent
                                                                                                     145'F.                                                                           to shell flange
                                                                                                                                                                           b.        Reactor vessel snell flange .
                                                                                                                                                                           c.        Recirculation loops A and 5

i 2. The reactor vessel shall not be 2. Reactor vessel shell temoerature and

pressurtzed for hydrostatic and/or reactor coolant pressure snall be
                                                                                                    leakage tests, and critical core                                       permanently logged at least every
                                                                                                    operation shall not be conducted                                       15 minutes whenever the snell tem-
unless the reactor vessel temperature perature is below 220*F and tne
                                                                                                    is above that defined by the                                           reactor vessel is not vented. .
                                                                                                    Appropriate curves on Figures 3.6.1

, and 3.6.2. In the event this Test specimens of the reactor vessel i requirement is not met, achieve base, weld and heat affected 2cne ' stable reactor conditions with reactor metal subjected to the highest flu-

                                                                                                    vessel temperature above that * defined                                once of greater than i Nov neutrons
                                                                                                    by the appropriate curve and obtain                                    shall be Inttalled in the reactor

j an engineering evaluation to determine vessel adjacent to the vessel wall

                                                                                                    the appropriate course of action                                       at tne core aldolane level. The
to take. specimens and sample program shall  !
conform to the requirements of


                                                                                                                                                                          ASTM E 185-66. Selected

, s

                                                                                            Amendment No. 82                                                       .                                                                               123
                _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _                                                                          _ _ _ _ - _ . . _ _ . _                                         _ _-. _ . _ _ , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . - , - -


  . - - - -                     .
                                                 :    '
                                                         . .: ' . .: . a . .-_. ..
                                                            .                          ._                         . . . . . .      , _ _ ,            n

1 . .

                 LIMITING CON 0! TION FOR OPERATION                                  SURVEILLANCE RECUIREMENTS
                 3.6.A Thermal and Pressurization                                    4.6.A    Thermal and Pressurization
                          Limitations (Cont'd)                                                Limitations (Cont'd)                                      1
                                                                                              neutron flux specimens shall be


                                                                                              removed at the ' frequency recutred


                                                               /                              by Table 4.6.3 and tested to
                                                                                              emperimentally verify adjustments
to Figures 3.6.1,and 3.6.2 for
                                                                                              predicted NOTT trractation shifts.
                    3.   The reac:or issel head tolting                                   3. When the react:r vesse' henc :olt-
st;ds snai*
: :e uncer tersion Ing s:uds are :enstcre: tec : e


                         ur.less :ne ci :arature of tne                                       reactor is in a C:ld C0ccitt-'t.


                         vessel head #1 3*ge tad t*:e head                                    : e reactor vessel 1.'e l l
                          is 4 e,-a- -w s, n't                                                n-- . . g : 2,.
                                                                                                                 ' - e.: 4.g r e r :e p ---
                                                                                                                 ,y           ..    2..    -
              *                    **
                                                                                                  .       :.
!                   ..    * r e . .. . a a a t .: . .         ..     ::c                   :
                                                                                                  :-    --   ';      . . r. ; ; ; 4. . ..: . . -    -
                          'cc: t tail --* :e "ar:ec unless                       l                e 4:        ..   ..'-a       1**a. tM te-

, -, --- , -

                                                                                              :4-     . , :               -
                                                                         .                        :,       :q~      -*
;                        c :o . . .         .;;s A.e = r:0 .U ' T                            s . ail :e ;:s :1 4..:               ..,,...
                         of eacn otner.
                    5.   The reactor recleculation pumos                                  5. Prior to start:ng a recirculation
                         shall not be started unless the                                     pump, the reactor coolant temper-
                         coolant temperatures between the                                    atures in the dcme and in the
                         dome and the bottom head drain                                      bottom head drain shall be
                         are within 145'F.                                                   compared and permanently logged.
                    6.   Thermal-Mydraulle Stability
                         Core thermal power shall not onceed
                         25% of rated thermal power without
                         forced recirculation.
                    8.   Coolant Chemistry                                                8. Coolant Chemistry
                    1.   The reactor coolant system radio-                                1. a.    A reactor coolant sample shall
                         activity concentration in water                                            be taken st least every 96
                         shall not onceed 20 microcurles                                            hours and analyzed for radio-
                         of total lodine per al of water.                                           activity content,
                                                                                             b.     Isotopic analysis of a reactor
                                                                                                    coolant sample shall be made
                                                                                                    at least once per month.
                    2.   The reactor coolant water shall                                  2. During startups and at steaming
                         not onceed the following limits                                     rates less tnan 100,000 pounds per
                         with steaming rates less than                                       hour, a sample of reactor coolant
                         100,000 pounds per hour, encept                                     shall be taken ~every four hours
                         as specified in                                            and analyzed for chlorine content.
                                Conductivity .. 2 paho/cm
                                Chloride ton .. 0.1 ppm
                Amendment No. 82                                                                                                                  124
   , . . . . .
                              - . . .
                   - _ - _ - . .
                                        . . . . . . . . . . . ,
                                          ..            -       . ..
                                                                                         '.-  ..
                                                                                                                        .._       _ . . . _
                                                                            *                                .
                                                                                      7ABLE 2.5.3
                                                                                RE.2C70R VE33E. "A*E4*al
                                                         .:     SURVE:'.LA'.CE 24CG4AM !N042aAt. 5" HEC'.'LE
                                                                     . :'     .
                                                                                .-             ;*.a.   ,             ;..
                                                                                .                .                       ..

j i ,.. ,e ,,

                                 ..                                                                . .                 ..
 i                                                                                                                                   s
 !                               1                                                          *i       .                    .
                                2                                 15                        6.3 4 10                91
                                                                (approx.)                    (appron.)
                                3                               End of Life                 1.4 x 10               136

4 (appron.)






i i * $




, l

                        Amendment No. 82                                                 ,                                  124A
                 . . .         .         .                         -.
                                                                                                                                .        . - -     .       .-

. .

           11pkT:NCCCNOITIONFOROP!KATION                                              Si'RV!!LLANCI RIOCIRIM!s;$
           3.6.3                 Coolant Chemiserv (Cont'd)                           4.6.3             Coolant chemistrv (Cent'd)
           3.           For reactor startups and for the                              3.          a.    k*ith steaming rates of 100.000
                        first 24, hours after placing the                                               pounds per hour or greater, a
                        reac:or in the power operating                                                  reactor coolant sample shall be
                        condition, the following limits                                                 taken at least ever7 96 hours
          -          .shall not be exceeded,                                                            and analyzed for chloride ion
                                 Conductivity..10 u=ho/:s                                   ,
                                                                                                  b.    When all cos:L:.:us :::du::1ri:7
                                 Chloride 1:n...C.1 ppa                                                 =cnitcrs are is::erable. a reac:or
                                                                                                        c:o*2:: sa:714 shall be :akas a:
                                                                                                        leas: faily and analy: d f::
                                     -                                                                  * *- '--* ~ *y a:L 13.:rzi s 1:-
                                                                      - *
                           ...             - :-          .:                     ,
                           ::ve.      . r aa .           ::. .            ..:
                                                    ..;4 f *. * : .. . r        -
                         . .:a *. c : at:ee:                                                                                                       .
                        . i.-    4             e . s :- -             -'
                                 .:                                   . .. ..
                        1. . . .;C ;:       14 , 2 r . .. .                     .
                                 Conductivi:7.. 10 unho/cm
                                 Chloride ion.. 1.0 ppm
          J.           If Specification 3.6.3 cannot be
                       set, an orderly shutdown shall be
                       ini:iated and the reactor shall
                       be in Iot Shutdove within 24 hrs.
                       and Cold Shutdown within the next
                       a hours.                                                              *
          C.           Coolan: Laaksee                                                C.          Coolan tankare                  ,
          1.           Any ti=e irradiated fuel is in the                             1.          Reactor coolant systes leakage shall
                       raae:or vessel and reacter coolant                                         be checked by the sump and air
                       temperature is above 2110T. reactor                                        sampling system a:d ree:rded at
                       coolant leakage into the p:1=ary                                           least once per day.
                       containaast frra unidentified                                                                                   .
                       sources shall not exceed S sys. In
                       addi:Lon. the total raastor coolant
                       systes leakage into the primary
                       containmen: shall not ascoed 25 g;e.
          2.*          Both the sump and air sampling sys-
                       tems shall be operable during reac-
                       ter power operation. Tres and
                       af:er the doce that one of these
                       systess is sede or found to be i=o;-
                       erabia for say ceason. reacter                                                                         -
         Amendment 'lo. 42
           - - .                   -
                                                         - _ . . -            _
                                                                                  ._.       , _ .         -   _-   _-_ - -. .                    _   _-.
                                                                                                                                         . .
                                                    . . . .             .
                                      _                                                                      . ..                                                              .           .                                               m
           .                            .
                     .                                                 .                .
g?.gp CC!fDITTON FOR CptRA*"CW .uv a.t' 2'fer At'l"Jt%IMENT

, . _

                          *                             3. 8.C             Coelant Chemistry (Cass'd)                                             4.6


                                                                  power operatisa is permissible                                                                                                   .
                                                                  esly during the ausseeding saves                                                                         *

i .

                                                                 days.                                       f                                                                                          ."
                                                      3.         If the esaditissa is'1.or 2 above                                                                                                              .
,                                                                 saaset be set, an ordeirly shutdows
                                                              *   ekan be tal:1sted and the roastar                                                       *

, aha n be is a Cs14 Shutiswa Candi- , .

                                                                  tism withia 24 hsars.
                i                                                                                  .                                                              .

, *

!                                              ,      3.,        34feev and Re!!af Talves                                                        3.       Safet, a-d 1telte! 7:!ves
                                                                       . . , . . . . . .                   .;....                                 '                             -
                                                                                                                             ,                    ,,         .                                       " " *. * *                    *
                                                                                                                                                             .                   .
                                                                                                                                                               ..                                  .
                                                                                               , , ,   ,             ...          ..
                                                                                                                                               i                 ..  .       .: -              .e-              -
                                          ,                      3,u, .              .,           : .. , .           ..              .                      .       .        .      .
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ..           4;.ra- ..:s


                                                                 is a. ..t .. *h e                       s- --2-                                                               -                      " 3* 18 * 2
                                                                 ...m..                          6                3, w- -                                      -         -
                                                                                                                                                                                :f             ...


                                                                    .         ,...             ... . . . - .s                  . a- -                          ..sM.*                         d                                    *"        -
                                                                 aza,au.           s


                                                                                                                                                        asau'be as specut.44 sa spesMii.'s


                                                                                                                                                        easiaa 3.3.
                                                      2.         If Specificacian 3.4.D.1 is not met.
i                               *
                                                                 as orderly shutdown shan be is.                                                 3.     As least one of the relief / safety
                                                                 isiated and the reestor seelaat                                                        M ves disasseskled and
                                                                 pressure shall be bolsw 104 pois                                            ,
                                                                                                                                                        188?estad eash refuellas estage.                                                         ,
                                                                 within 24 hours. Note: Technical                                                                                             ,


                                                                 Specifications 3.4.D.2 - 3.6.D.5                                                3.     Whpever the safety relief valves


                                                                 apply only when two Stage Targer-                                                      are required to be operable, the
                                                        ,        Beck SRVs are installed.
                                                                                                         * *               *           ~                dimeharge pipe temperature of
l                 .                                                                                                                                 *
                                                     3.        If the temperature of any safety                                                         ensk safety relief valvg, shall                                           be

i legged daily. *

                                                               relief discharge pipe exceeds 212*F

j -

                                                              during seraal reactor power operation                                              4.
                                                                                                                                                        Instrusestaties shall be calibrated
                                                 ~ ~ ~ " " ~for a period of greater than 24 hours,


                                                              as engineering evaluation shall be                                                        and aheaked as                            indicated          is Table .             -.
                                                                                                                                                        4.2.F.                          -                * * " " ~ ~ ~
                                                              performed , justifying continued opera-


                                                              ties for the corresponding tamp,                                                                                                                                                    ,
                                                              isaresses, and a Report shall be                                                   S.    Notwithstanding the above, as a
                                                              Lasued per T.S. Secties which                                                   minimum safety relief valves that
                  5                                           ahall address the actions that have                                              ,       have been in service shall be
                                                             been taken or a schedule of actions to                                                    tested in the as-found condition
                                                             he taken.


                                                                                                                                                       during both cycle 6 and Cycle 7.                                                          ;
                                                    4.       Any safety relief valve whose dis-                                                                                                                                            *


                                                             eharge pipe temperature saceeds 212'T                                                                                           .


                                                             for 24 hours or more shall be removed
                                                            at the seat cold shutdown of 72 heure
                                                            or more tested is the as-found condi-                                                        *
                                                             ties, and recalibrated as necessayy                                                                                                                                                  i
                                                            prior to reamstallation. power opera-
                                                             tism shall set costiaue beyond 90 days                                                                                                               120
;                                            -
                                                      Amesesent No. 56                                                                                                                                                                          '
  l                    .                      . . , . . . . . .                  .          - *"             *.*-==* =                                                                                             '
  (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,
        , - - - - - - . ~ , . ~ , _ , _                                                                                                                                            _ , , ,                            __,.,cn--n
                                          . . .         :--           . . . -       .                .                                         ..                                           _                                        _
                    .                    un..~.a............ ..n .m.....                                                                   w .. . . . . . .             , . . . . . . . . , ,
                    .                    3.8.D. Safety Relief Valves (Cont'd)                                                              E.       Jet Pumos
                                                        from the initial discovery of dis-                                                          Whenever there is recirculation
                                                        charge pipe temperatures in excess                                                          flow with the reacter irt the start-
                                                        of 212*F for more than 24 hours                                                             up or run modes, jet pume Oper.
                                                        without prior NRC approval of the                                                           ability shall be. checked daily by
                                                        engineering evaluation del,ineated                                                          verifying that the foliewing cen-
                                                        in 3.6.D.3.                              ,
                                                                                                                                                    ditions do not oc:ur simu.ltaneously.
                  .    .
                                                                                        .                       .                                                                    -
                                                5.      The limiting conditions of opera-                                                  1.       The two rectreulatien loc:s have
                                                        tion for the instrumentation that                                                           a ficw imbalance of 15: cr =cre
                                                        monitors tait pipe tamceaature                                                              when the sum:s are c:*raten at
                                                        are given in Table 3.2.F.                                                                   tne same speed.
                                                E.      Jet 8.: es                                                                         2.       The indicated value of c:re f6
                                                                                                                                                    ra ta v a ri es ' .m t e v a * .e
                .                               .
                                                        .               ..,   .. g . . . . s . *.      .w.                                           ; , . . . . e .. .                   .        s...,, . ..,..
                                                                                                                                                                              '*-            *
                                                                                                                                                                                          ..         ..'..
                                                                                      .      !              :;**            .
                                                                     .                  a;   *~
                                                                                                .       :                  I
                                                                                                                                            .       '1  '
                                                                                                                                                            :                     = ::         . .
                                                         .:        *       '
                                                                                           :       *      * 
                                                                                                                                                     :' -      
                                                                                                                                                                                 ' -~~ss re                                .
                                                        :e -                            2 -:
                                                                                                                                                      ' ~
                                                                                                                                                            -       "-                           4*             : va 'es
                                                        ts ir                      .::n?     k'.                                                                *
                                                                                                                                                               .:                      .
                                                        w ; .M r. . . . . . . .                                                                      .. A f;:".a." . 4 ; . . a ;;                                                .lt.
                                                F.      Jet pume riew Mismatc5                                                             F.       Jet Pume Flew wis at:M
                                                1.  *
                                                        Whenever both recirer1'ation pumps                                                          Recirculation pumo speeds shall be
                                                        are in c:eration. zump scoeds shall                                                         checked and logged at least once
                                                        be maintained within 10 of each                                                             per day.
                                                        other when power level is greater                                                         *

i than SO: and within 15 of each !

                                                        other when pcwer level is less ~
                                                        than or equal to 80t.
                                                2.      If Specification 3.6.F.1 is ex '
                                                        caeded intnediate corrective

, action shall be taken. If re- '

                                                        circulaticn pump speed mismatch
                                                        is not corrected within 30 minutes.


                                                        an orderly shutdown shall be in-


                                                        itiated and the reactor shall be
                                                        in the Cold Shutdown condition
                                                        within 24 hours unless the re-
                                                        circulatten pumo speed mismat:M
                                                        is brought within limits sooner.
                                                4.      Structural integrity.                                                              G.        $tructural InteMty
                                                1.      The structural integrity of the                                                             The mondestructive ins:ect :ns                                     d
                                                        primary system boundary shall be                                                             listed in Table 4.6.1 shall te
                                                        maintained at the level required                                                             perfor ed as specified. The
                                                        by the ASME Boiler and Pressure                                                              results obtaine~d fren c:f:11ance
<                                                       Vessel Code. Section II " Rules                                                             with this specification will te

l of Inservice Inspection of Nuclear evaluated after 5 years anc tse

                                                         Power Plant Components", 1974                                                              c:nclusions of this evaluatt:n
                                                                                                                                                    will be reviewed with at".
                                                        Arend. ment No. 71                                                                                                                                             ...
  . _ _ . - - _ _        . - - _ . , _                                                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ .                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ .               . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                             ..                      .
                                   , .                 _ , . .                            _ _ . _ . . . _ . .                                     --
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - - - . -        -
                     , ,                              4 . .s . w             a c nJc Curs ! InCCf* ICV (Cen * c)
                           .-                       ,
                                                                             Edition (AS:E Code, Section XI) . In the interft: until the micicar
                                                                             system pipin; inspection avsluation icyc1 criteris of the Aste
                                                                             Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code . Section XI,1974 Edition,, are
                C,,                                19                        sospleted, the applicabic evsiv . tion Icyc1 provisions of the Astt
                                                                             Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1971 Surreter Addenda
                                                                            shall be used in the Inservice faspection of nucicar pipinC'
                                                                         Components of the primsty systen boundary whose in-service c::amins-
                                                                           tion. reveals thn absenec'of fisw indications not in execes of the
                                                                         allowable indication standards of this code are acecptsbic for
                                                                         continued service. Plant operation with components which have
                .'                                                        in-service exs tination finu indicstion(s) in excess of the
                                                                       allouable indication standards of the Code shall be su*oject te
                                                                       NIC approvs1.
              r}[,                                                             ,
                                                                                  a.       Ccmponents whose in-se:vice e:.::rtination reveals fisu
              ,78 -
                                           *                                               indicatien(s)11                           excess of the si'c;ish;e indicati:n
                                                                                           3 = . - f . ~ .' a    .t              '.pe*= .:g,                 *
                                                                                                                                                                .4..                                                        *                            ..        ..., ,..        r
                                                                                                                                               .   :.                   .                               :                                                  :..
                                                                                                .             .. . : ;..- :.
                ~_                                             ,                               ( :,,           sr. :-            '         '
                                                                                                                                                      ..:s : :                              ;                                                                      :-         C..
                                                  .            i                                            .dic .;r.w, ...... be :,                                                                                                                               e           : --
                                                                                                        d- u r-s *- :%                                         -.                                    :                                                  :. .                  .-
                                                                                                         ,    .'                                            ..                                                  .: : ..: . , : .:                                             .?.
                                                                                                        ev:.12        .1;..           :.. .'. :': *. ' . . :.:s ;.r::eaurs: :::. .:J
                                                                                                        in Appendi:c A. "Evstustion of Fisu Indications,"
                                                                                                        of AS*d!; Code, Section XI.
                                                19            l
                                                                                          (ii) Prior to the resta.ption of servica, the !!3C shs11
                                                                                                        review the analysis aad evaluation and either
                                                                                                        approve rette.pcica of pisnt operation with the
                                                                                                        affected components or require that the cceponent
                                                                                                        be repaired c: rapiscad.                                                                                                                                                 *
                                                 ,                               b.      For co.iponents appreved for continued service in accordance
                                                                                        with paragraph s, above, res::smination cf the aros
                                                                                         the fisu indicstion(s) shall be conducted durin., each scheduled
                                                                                         successive in-se:vice inspection. An analysis and evaluation
                                                             l                           shall be submitted to the GC fellowing esch in-service                                                                                                                                              .
                                                                                         inspection. The analysis and evatustion shs11 follow the
                                                                                        procedures outlir.ed in Appendi:: A, . "l:valuati:n of T1sw
                                                                                        Indications," of AC:2 code, Section XI, and shall reference
                                                                                        prior analyses submitted to the IE to the catent applicabla.
                                                                                        Prior to resurption of service follouing each in-sarvico                                                                                                                                         +
                                                                                        inspection, tha NRC shall reviou the anslysis and evaluation
                                                                                        and either approve resumption of pl. ant operation with the
                                                                                        affected coe;'onants or require that the conycnent be re;stred
                                                                                        or replaced.
                                                                                 c.     Rapsir or replace:sent of ecmponents, includinr, re-exaniastiens,
                                                                                        shall conform with the requirteents of the A31% Cade, Section
                                                                                        XI. In the essa of ropsirs, fisus shs11 he either renoved
                                                                                        or ropsired to the extent neccesary to r.4cet the allouabla
                                                                                        indication sesndards spesificd in A3:                                                                                                  Coda, $cction %I.
                                         (                               .          .             .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Amsndment No.19
                                   ..                                                                                                                                                                            --
                                                                                                                                                                                 . . . . -    . . - . . .
   ..            ,
          *                .
                       ,                                                                                                                             SURVEII.I.ANCE REQUIREMEYrS
                           3.6.H High Energy Pipint (outside                                                                                     4.6.H Hir_h Enerry Ptoine, (outside
                                      containment)                                                                                                       containment,1       ,
                           1.   The high energy line sections                                                                                            The inspections listed in Table
                                identified in Table 4.6.2 shall be                                                                                       4.6.2 shall be perfor:sd as
                       I        maintained free of visually observable                                                                                   specified to verify the structurst
                                through-wall leaks.                                                                                                      integrity of the specified high
                                                                                                                                                         energy line sections. The standare
                           2.   If a lesk is detected by the                                                                                             of Section XI of the AS:2 ! . tler
                                surveillance progran of 4.6.H.                                                                                           and Pressure Vessel C:de, .i74,
                                efforts to identity the source                                                                                          Article IW3 3000 shall be used
             *           *
                                of the lea'5 shall he started.
                                                                                                                                                         in thesa inspecticss.
                                 .     4 ...                                                                                          .
            ,                                                          : ....:
                                                                           .   ,           :i...
            j                          .4.           . . . .t ;      .    an :.           :  .t     -
            g                   :: :stsetten or *: L.*e lacs ..                                                                       !                                                                              .
                                f:2..d to be ! :n a $                            *( in          ?.i
        * '
                                ate.1 n2 L P .- .                                         .
                                . 5.1, t h a . . . .                       ... . ....:..:
                                or tne teactor snail os in a cold
                    ,           shutdawn conditien within 48 hours.
                           4.   When the modifications. described
                                in FSAR Amendr.ent No. 34, to                                                                                                          -
                                provide protection against high                                                                                                                                                    -
                                energy line breaks outsida of the
                                pri.ary containmenc have been
                                completed. Technical Specifications
                                3.6.H and 4.6.H will no 1casar be


                                                                                                                                                                 Amendoent No. 10
                                         _ _ . , . - - - , _ , . . -              - .----             - - - - - - , - - . - . - , - - - - - . - - .              - - -   -         .       . - . . .      - - .
 - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                                                                       ._ ____.___________;____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _
                  J.                                                 *
                                                                                .          _                                             .          .     . . . . . . . -              - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                                         ' t.!Mi*tNG CONCITIONS 'OR OPERATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                   $UR'!Ett,,' U4CE QE:t.i!REw!NTS
                                                                           3.7'CONTatNMENT SYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                                                                        4.7 CONT 4!WENT SYSTEMS
                                                                          Acclies to the operating status of the
                                                                          primary ano seconcary containment systems.                                                                    Acpttes to the crimary ano see:n:ary
                                                                                                                                                                                        containment integrity.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Obiecti ve:
                                                                          *s assure the integrity of the primary
                                                                         ara secondary containment systems,                                                                            to <ertfy the integrity of tne cet arj
                                                                                                                                                                                       ans se: rcary con:stn en:.
                                                                                                                                                                                       5:ee 'i                   i-'-a:
                                                                         A.       2rt 3rv C a!)Ia ea.                                                                                  A,               s**-g*            C: a * 1 ',a.-s a ?
                                                                                   ,.        .     . . .
                                                                                    *                                                                                                                                         .,                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . . ,
                                                                                                      .        .
                                                                                                  .                 ,
                                                                                                                                     ;                        4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,    .:         ;*-            ,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,,;..           -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . ;.
                                                                                  'si          ~e c.                                !J .                      -
                                                                                                                                                                         .;& .       i
                                                                                  : s Orte:ure :.:: e                                      ':n :::t .t!*-                                             :           ** t o             --t
                                                                                  ..;,4                  -
                                                                                                                 9- q g-                              g*'       -                                                                             's'*:'****--
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .' .: -            .               -'
                                                                                  *1           )    .
                                                                                                                                             #:                              *:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3::. ;
                                                                                 4. 6:: 1; . ,. * * e ; ' n 1. ' .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  **:r 104.              fr.      .                 .-
                                                                                                                                                             l 4 *. J
                                                                                 3. 7 A.J.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                "ressicn "Ocl. C"# ::al
                                                                                                                                                                                                                tem:erature shall be ::ntinual!j
                                                                                          Minimum water volume . 84.000 ft                                                  8                                  monitored and also CDserved anQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                               loggeo every 5 minutes un:tl tne
                                                                                b.        Manimum water volume - 94.000 ft'                                                                                    heat addition is terminate:.
                                                                                c.        Pavfrum su::ression cool bulk temc.                                                                      C. Whenever there is inc! cat' n Of
                                                                                          trature curing normal continucus
                                                                                                                                                                                                               relief valve coerarten wt!s tre
                                                                                                                                                                                                               culk temcerature of :ne
                                                                                          cover cceratten shall be <80*F.                                                                                      sucoression cool reacntng 160*r
                                                                                      *   esCent as scoctfled in 3.7.A.I.e.                                                                                   or more and the artmary :cClan
                                                                                c.       Mastmum succression cool bulk temp.                                                                                   system crassure greater :9sn 200
                                                                                          erature curing RCIC. *PCI or ADS                                                                                    psig, an eiternal visual es
                                                                                         oceration snall te 190'F. escent                                                                                     nation :f :ne saccress'enacamt.                                                     :er
                                                                                         as scoctfleo in 3.7.A.I.e.                                                                                           snali ce concuc:ec te' ore
                                                                                                                                                                                                              resuming Ocerat*:n.
                                                                               e.        In order to continue reactor coner
                                                                                         oceratten, the succressten chamcer                                                                     d. Whenever there is 'nalca t:n f
                                                                                         cool culk temperature must ce                                                                                        rettef valve cceraticn wl:n :ne
                                                                                         reduced to 180*F within 24 hours,                                                                                    local temcerature of :ne suo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              crossten ecol T-cuenc9er eacntng
                                                                               f.                                                                                                                             200*F or more, an ev:eenal vissal
                                                                                         If the sumoression cool Dulk tenc-                                                                                  esaminatten of tne s.c: cess':a
                                                                                        erature encoeds the limits of                                                                                        enameer snalt te c:nsue:es :ef:re
                                                                                *       Soectftcation 3.7.A.l.d. RCIC.                                                                                       resuming ocwer c: erat'cn.
                                                                                        HPC or aOS testing shall to
                                                                                        terminated and succresstCA Dool                                                                       e. A disual insceCilCn Of tne
                                                                                        Coollag small be inttlated,                                                                                         su pression cnateer i n ;t e* * :r .
                                                                              1         If tne suceression cool bulk                                                                                        Including natts line '41'261.
                                                                                        temce*ature curing reactor cower                                                                                    shall ce maae at eacn maj:r
                                                                                                                                                                                                           refueling outage.


                                                                                        oceratten eiceeds 110*F. tne


                                                                                        reactor shall De scrammed.
                                                                       Ameneneae No. 83
        -                                                   - _ _ -                              . _ . . - - _                              - - _ .               - _ .-        -___      .-. - _ _ - - _ _ ,                                   . .-                                  - _ . _ _ _

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                                                . . . - .                                  .                       ...                                                                     . . - . . . _.        --
                 .                  .
                           LIMIT!NG CCN0!T!CNS FOR CPERATION                                                       SURVE!LLANCE RECUIREMENTS
                           3.7 C04TatNMENT SYSTEMS (Cont'd)                                                           4.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS (Cont'd)
                            '            h. During reactor isolation                                                                         f. The pressure differential                                                      l
                                                conditions, the reactor                                                                                   between the crywell and
                                                pressure vessel shall be                                                                                  sugeression Chadeer snalt be
                                                decressurtzed to less than                   ,
                                                                                                                                                          recorded at least once each
                                                200 osig at normal cool down                                                                              shift when the differential
                                                rates if the pool bulk                                                                                    pressure is required,
                                                temperature reaches 120*F.
                                                                                                                                            1. Su::ression chamter water                                                       l
                                         l. Offferential pressure betneen                                                                                  level 19all be rec:r:e2 t!
                                                tne drf. ell and sue:ressten                                                                              least cc:a each snt' .aen
                                                cna :er snail be matitained at                                                                            :he 3ffferen:tal ;ress6-e
                                                e:ual to or greater : Nan 1.17                                                                            15 re;atred.
                                                :stc, etcect as 1 ecified 'n
                                         .        .,              4
                                                                           ,    .,
                                                                      *    **
                                                :t si                              .-    .s    .
                                                ; * S l a : .*. .     .  ria'".- in :Pe
                                                e.     ?::e fal*;w'aj a : - * * * .n .                       I
                                                *9 :t s y3-..
                                                  .                           .
                                                *d '60. t3 :.                   *'
                                               psic 24 nours grtor to a
                                                screduled shuta wn.
                                        k. The differential pressure may
                                               ce reduced to less than 1.17
                                               esta for a maximum of four (4)
                                               nours for maintenance
                                               activities on the differential
                                               pressure control system and
                                               during recutred operacility
                                               testing of the HPCI system, the
                                               relief valves, the RCIC system
                                               and the drywell-sucaression                                                                                                                                          ,
                                               enamter vacuum creaners.                                                                                                                                   .
                                        l. If the specifications of
                                               Item I, acove, cannot be met,
                                               and the differential pressure
                                               cannot be restored within the
                                               subsequent (6) hour period,
                                               an orderly shutdown shall be
                                               initiated and tre reactor shall
                                               De in a cold shutdown condition
                                               in twenty-four (24) hours,
                                       m. SuCDression Chamber sater level
                                               sn411 te maintained tetween -6
                                               to -3 Inches on torus level
                                               Instrument whicn corresconds to                                                                                                                                      -
                                               a downcemer suemergence of 3.00
                                               and 3.25 feet respectively.
                        Amencment No. 83                                                                                                                                                                                  1523
                                                                                   -. ~_       _ . _ _ _       .    _ _ . , _ - . . _ . . . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - , . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ . . _ . _ . . _ -

- . _ --- _ ----

                                      ,--__ --------- - ---- ----_--_---_._,--_--------,------_-_-----------------------               - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - -
                . . _ .                ..-     . . . _ .             .     .... ..       . . . . . . . . . . . .        . . _ . _ . ._                                                                                 _
                                                                                                                                                                                                       _ _
                        LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION                                   SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS
                          .   Primary containment integrity                                   2.       Intearated Leak Rate Testina
                              shall be maintained at all times                                                                                         ~
                              when the reactor is critical                                             a.        The primary containment
                              or when the reactor water tear . "                                                 integrity shall be demon-
                              perature is above 212*F and                                                        strated by performing an
                              fuel is in the reactor vessel                                                      Integrated Primary Con-
                              except while performing "open                                                      tainment Leak Test (IPCLT)
                              vessel" physics tests at power                                                     in accordance with either
                              levels not to exceed 5 Mv(t).                                                      Method A or 3. as
                                                                                                                 Ve**.ed A                                                                                           ,
                                                                                                                                                             f s. ,                                        ,,. .
                                                                                                                        L*.     ...      ..~..'                                           . . . .
                                                                                                                  ..s       ?::     --e'-                                                                        4
                                                                                                                                .   ;                                                       . r.e u .r .:
                                                                                                                  ....        ..L,ss), e-
                                                                                                                   .: :1 3
                                                                                                                 Forform leak rate test prior
                                                                                                                 to initial unit operation at
                                                                                                                 the test pressure of 45 psis,
                                                                                                                 Fe (45), and 23 peig, Fe (23),
                                                                                                                 to obtain the seasured leak
                                                                                                                 rates, L. ly.(45)
                                                                                                                 respective                                                            and L. (23),
                        3.    The suppression chamber can be
                              drained if the conditions as
                              specified in Sections 3.5.T.3
                              and 3.5.T.5 of this Technical
                              Specification are adhered to.
                        Amendment No. 39                                                                                                                                                                    !$25
 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .
                                                                _.       ._ .                          ..._..........._..._.;..                                             . _ . _ ,                       .               .                          L
                                             .             .                                                                                                                                                                                              .
                                                                     SURVEIIINICE EOUE7?:T3
                                                                     k.7.A. Primsrv Centsir.-ent scont'd)
                                                                                    Subsequent lesk rate test: shan be perfor=ed without preli=inary                                                                                                           I
                                                                                    leak detection surveys or leak re;nirs i==ediaterly prier to er
                                            .                                       during the test, at an initial pre::ure of approxientely h5 psis
                                                                                    for Method A and 23 psig for Methed B.
                                                                                    Leak repair:, if neces:ary to per=it integrated leak rate tening,
                                                                                     shan be preceded by iceal lesk rate r.escure=ents where ;;: ihlt.
                                                                                    The ic h rest difference, prior to and after repair vhe. cerrte:ed
                                                                                    to the appr:prl: e ter pres: res of k5 p:11; fer Meth:1 A :::. 23
                                                                                    3:ic f r !:sth:d 3 shall be addad te the finsi ir.te;r: 2d its?. rate                                                                                                      j
                                                                                                                   .     .     ..           .         ..                                              ..
                                                                                                                  .    ....:...:..        -
                                                                                                                                                       .                ,.            .:. .: : * :-                                                     .
                                                                                                     ,.          .. :.
                                                                                    The t2:- d=1:1:n :n - na- be la                                                                               .c           :: :.:.:a--s itt. e c . 2 2
                                                                                    rate t;'s: v eran::, 12: :hr.1*. ':1-                                                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                       ..4          .           :i ad              ;or'                f
                                                                                    tir.e : tar.f; , by :ei:                         .c. ; c                               -
                                                                                                                                                                                          :  * -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    : r) .:r .
                                                                                    : the :::rting ;:in- (::                             :her :.:n-i: : f s ;::.'t:13r.:                                                       . ...i*?i 7),
                                                                                    the validity ant. accur:cy cf the lesk rate results.
                                                                         b. Acceptance Criteria for !7C*."'
                                                                                    Methed A                                                                                            -
                                                                                    The maxi =u= anevable leak rate (1 ) shan not exceed :. 0 veight
                                                                                    percent of the cen:ained air at 45 7psig per 24 hcurs.
                                                                                    The aucvable operatienal leak rate, L:e(h5), which shall be est
                                                                                    prior to resu=ption of pever cperatien fon:ving a test (eithsr as
                                                                                    measured or follcuing repairs and retect) shall not e:::eed C.75 *e .
                                                                                   Methed 3
                                                                                    value established as fonovs:
                                                                                                                                                Lg(23) = 1.0 x/.(23)                            I
                                                                                                                                                                                               (le(45)                                                      ,
                                                                                   " ' " *
                                                                                                                                                13 (23) / ((k5) $. 1.C


                                                             .                                                         .
                                                                                                                                                Lg(23) = 1.0(P.(23)                                                        1/2
                                         f-                                         where Pg (23) and F (l45) are mostured units et absoluto pressure.
The allevable operatier.a1 leak rate, Lgo(23), which ths11 he not
                                                                                    prior to reeu ptton of pucr cierstion ro11avin.1 s teet (ei: hor as
                                                                                    aescured er relieving repair: and estant) ct:su not exceed 0.75 L.( '




                                               ,__-- - - -         .  -    . - - , - - , . - _ . _ , - . - . . -               .       .
                                                                                                                                              - - - - - - , - - . - - - . .                            , . - - - - - - . -               - - - - - - -
            . . . .                      . . . .                        .      . . . . . _ _ .                                          .'"   . _ . .      . - . _ .        .    .

l . *

           4.7.A           Primarv Containment (Cont'd)
                c.         Corrective Action for IPCI.T
                           Methods A and 8
                           If leak repairs are necessary to meet the allowable operational Icak
                          rate, the integrated leak rate test need not be repeated provided
                          local leakage measurements are conducted and the leak rate differences
                          prior to and af ter repairs. When corrected to the test pressure a id
                          deducted from the integrated leak rate messuremen:s. yield a leakago
                          rate value not in excess of the allovable operational leak rate.
                d.        Tr et se-e*? f )r !P"'_T                                                       .
                              .                     . .              .
                          A. hr c:.                           it       .     <- : s ta t:. :- C * . '.: u:'                                      s                     tr     . :.        t-        - :
                          leak. :2                               .a .     .1 be Mri:r cd a': a;;r:                                                                     .      q . . . . . . . . . s .. . .
                          h e tw. '-                              t 's .-hu td                       r ":s f:: i*                                  * ice               .. .         . ducted a-
                          tan-             i.            .
                                                             e r t r. s . , * n                        .: t,t o-                                  .r. t 2 ; .
                                                                                                                                                                       . . /.a . 4 e.:-
                           : h a l .' J o i .* r f O r".Q s 4 : 1.*. e ..r.s 0 :                                                            . E sna!*** * * . it e !*/al              ini a.=,
                          coiacide with ene inservice inspection shutdown period.
               e.        Local Leak                    Rate Tests (LLRT)
                         jgg, hods A and 8
                          (1) Pri:rary containment testable penetrations and isolation valves
                                        shall be tested at a pressure t 45 psig, except for the main
                                        eteam line isolation valves which shall be tested at a press are
                                       3,23 pois, each operating cycle. Bolted double-gasketed soais                                                                                                                 3
                                        shall be tested whenever the nest is closed af ter being opened
                                        and at least once each operating cycle.
                         (2) Personnel air lock door semis shall be tested at a pressure
                                       i 10 pois each operating cyclo.                                                                                                                                              3
               f.      Acceptanco Criteria and Corrective Action for LLRT
                      Method A
                       If the total leakago rates listed below are exceeded, repairs and re-
                       tests shall be perfor.ned to correct the conditions.
                       (1) Double-gaskoted seals 10% Lg ,(45)


                       (2) All testable penetrations and isolation valves 60 Lp (45)                                                                                                                                3,17
                      (3) Any one panotration or isolecion valve except main see,,am line
                                       isolation valves 5.*. Lg ,g43)

l C f 1 (

                                                                                                                                                                     .                                                        t

I ! I

                                                                              .%.--.+-.-r-%---, , . - - - - - - , , - . - - - . , - - -                                                 .          ----.*v---7m,--,    --v---
 -       r       --r. ,-    -<-e-.----         -m..     --- -,. - .-                                                                                                                                 i
  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _                                                                                                      _ _ _ _ - _          _ _ _ ______________ _______                                    -_ -____
                      .'           .  _ __..________ _ _L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ._3.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ . . _- _...'
                                          .            ..                   .            .-       -
                                                                                                                                                                                   -.      .      ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                             _ _..         - -
                                        4.7.A Primary Containment (Con'd)
                                                 (4) Any one main steam line isolation valve 11.5 scf/hr e,23 peig.
                                                Method 8                                    .,                                                                                                       .
                                                 If the total leakage rates listed below as adjusted to a test pres-
                                                sure of 23 psig are exceeded, repairs and recasts shall be performed
                                                 to correct the condition.
                                                 (1) Double-gasketed sesis                             -
                                                                                                                10:.1.               (23)
                                                 (2)      (a) Testable penetestions and isolation valves 60" L7 (23)                                                                                                   l2.*7
                                                                                                                                                                               .             . ..a.... .
                                                                          ..             ..          .        ,       ..
                                                          sai As            : :.: . . n.               .;          : '. . . . : . : . -                                      -
                                                                                                                                                                                      3 s::       . ...        .g
                                               Les'<       ::ar : e .* - d             -
                                                                                               - ' e t sh ' !                          . .:!! .." . t : ;.: t-                                         -   -
                                               cf          . s ..; ::: :. : ...          :..
                                               LLRT(23)adj =LLRTseas                     x t m(23)
                                                             .                               La(45)
                                            3  Continuous Leak Rate Monitor
                                               When the primary containment is inerted, the containment shall be
                                               continuously monitored for gross leaks;e by reviev of the inerting
                                               system eakeup requirements. This monitoring system may be taken
                                               out of service for maintenance but shall be returned to service as
                                               soon as practicable.
                                            h. Drvve11 Surfaces


                                               The interior surfsees of the deywell and torus above water line shall
                                               be visually inspected each operating cycle for evidence of deteriora-
                               .                   .



, , 155 l

                 ..        .        _
                                               .             . - _ _ .         . - , . .          . - . . - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - . -                                            _       -                    .          - - - . - .
            . ,       ._                . . . . . .   _ . - . . . . .        ..          . . . .                  . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                  - --


      3.7 . Primary containment                                         4.7 Primary contafment                   .
      3.     Pressure Sucoression Chamber -                             3.      Pressure Sucoression Chamber -
             Reaccer Buildina vacuum Breamers                                   Reaccor Building vacuum Breamers
     a.      Except as specified in 3.7.A.3.b                           a.      The pressure suppression chamber -
             below, two pressure suppression                                    reactor building vacu m breakers
            chaseer - reactor butiding vacum                                    and associated instroentation
   .**      breakers shall be operable 'at all                                  including set point shall be checked
            times when primary contairment in-                                  for proper operation every three
            tegrity as required. The setooint                                  months.
            of the differential pressure instru-                                                 .
           tentation which actuates the pres-
            sure suppression chamber - reactor
            building breakers shall be 0.5 psig.
     b.     Frm and after the date
            ..                          .,-
                                                  that one of                      .
                 .....;.,                                  . .
            :.                                                   ..
            si ':          ' 's . . . :       e u....
            pe m :
                     .           t c.               e
            su:: esc:-   .tvs- :a.1 u.- rs :uch
            va:- - :.2stea *: 3: na- - '
            opera:'s. . :vt:ad t. 4: :.:4 ::.
            procacure caos not vtoia:a pri.t.ary
            contairment integrity.                                                                      .    .
    4.     Drywell-Pressure Suoeression                                4       Drywe11-Pressure Suoeressien
            Ghamoer Vacuum Breaners                                           Chamoer vacuum Greaters
    a.     idhen primary containment is                                a.    Periodic Operability Tests            -
            required, all drywell-pressure
            suppression chameer vacum
            breakers shall be operable                                                            -
            except during testing and as                                   -
                                                                                .-     -
            stated in $pecifications
            3.7.A.4.b. c and d, below.
            Drywell-pressure suppression                                                              .
           chamber vacuum breakers shall
            be considered operable if:
     (1) The valve is demonstrated to                                  (1) Once each month each drywell-pressure
           open with the applied force of                                     suppression chamber vacu m breaker
           the installed test actuator as                                     shall be exercised and the operability
           indicated by the position                                          of the valve and installed position
           switches and remote position                                       indicators and alarms verified.
           Indicating lights.
    (2). The valve shall return by                                    (2) A drywell to suppression chameer dif-
           gravity when released after                                        forential pressure decay rate test                -
           being opened b                                                     shall be conducted at least every 3
           annual means,to     y remote
                                    within 3/32"or                           months.
           of the fully closed position.                                                                *
     (3) Neither of the two position
           alem systens which annunciate
           en Panel C-7 and Panel 905
           when any vacum breaker opening
                                                                                     *                         *
            onceeds 3/32". are in alarm.
      Amendment No. 48
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                       .               ..        .                    . . . .    . . . .                              .             . . . . - .                                                                .      .
                                     e     .
                                                                                    b.        Re: orts of reviews encee:assed by See:icn e. f. 4 ard 9
                                                                                              above, shall be prepared, a: proved, and forwarced to tne Seni:r
                                                                                              Vice President - Nuclear,with a c:oy to the Station Manage *
                                                                                              within 21 days fo11cwing the c:m letion of the review.
                                                                                     c.       Audit re:o.ts enc:m:assed by Section above shall te
                                                       ':  -                                  forwarded to the Senior Vice President - Nuclear and t: wt nin
                                                          *                                   management posittens res:ensible for the areas audite:
                                                          *                                    30 days after c:e;1stion of the audit.
                                                       6.6 RE:*:~13*.! 0:0.RE';*! *:~*0's
                                                                   The foll: wing ac:t:ns srall be taken in tre event of a re::rta:1e :::.r ta:::
                                                                                                                                                                          . ; .. g ..,.. . .               ....,. ....             . . ,.. ..
                                                                           -                      .....
                                                                           : * .t                    ~.              .                   ..            .                ...
                                                                                                                                                    *v ::-                  :-- a                         * - **                      :-                 :
                                                                   3.      ~s:                :: *       - '                      *::.        e- i
                                                                                                                                                                             ., .            ...                                         ..
                                                                           -1v'9-i: :/ ? . ::.; t: s..r*                                                    :2-           .
                                                                           *1 2;n'.
                                                         i.; g::! v ',:-                            : ,:- -
                                                                   The following acticns snail te taken in the event a Safety Limit is e :'s::::
                                                                   A.       The : revisions of 10 CFR 53.36(:) (1) (1) shall De c: : lied ait".
                                                                             The Safe y Li .it Vi:latien small te rocceted ::                                                                           the :--issi:n : e
                                                                             Stati:n Manager, anc :: tne NSRAC Chairman immediately.
                                                                                                                                                                  shall be :recared. The es::*: s s
                                                                     C.      AbeSafety reviewed    Limit by Violatien        ne CRC. Ee::rThis re::rt small descrite (1) a::!f:a:*e
                                                                              ete:ar. stances receding the vic14:icn. (2) e"ects of tse vi:'att:a
                                                                              u::n facility c:e:orents, syste-s or s: ve:Wres, ard (3) c:r- ::'.e
                                                                              action taken :: ;revent recurreace.
                                                                     D.       The $adety Limit Violati:n Re:ce: small be sub-itted :: t e *:--*ss': .
                                                                              the N5RAC Chatr-an, and the Statten *anager wit .in 14 :ays o' : e
                                                                              violation.                                                                                                                                         .
                                                             6.8 8:CCIOL'8t$
                                                                               Written prece ures and acministrative colicies small te esta:'*sse:.
                                                                               imole-ented and eaintained that meet or exceed tne recaire-eats                                                                                                                    sa
                                                                               rec:-mendations                                            of    Se:    tion
                                                                                                     "A" of US*1RC Regulat:ry Guice 1.33. esce:: as prevt:::        5.1      and          5.3   of       AN51                  N13.7      -     **
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   117       an:
                                                                               6.8.8 and 6.8.C teicw.
                                                                                Each pr:cedare of 6.!. A a::ve. and casaces treaet:. shall :e rev'e                                                                                      3:': .a:
                                                                                by the CRC and a::r:ved 3y tne C: Chat ar :r*:r to HP:'e'e*:

l 5.

                                                                                                                                                             i              Ce"io"iCal*/ as set #i fI" * *'
                                                                                These             rice:Wres
                                                                                4:Pinistra:1ve pr:cet.res."ev ewe                       smal'    te
                                                                                                                                                           216 -


                                                          Amendment No. 30, 44, 19 , 74
                                                                                                                                            .                   .
                                               . . .          --                 - . - . -                - . - - - . - , . - - _ , -                    .      . --- -         - . , - .     - - . . -     ,, - , , . - - -               - - - - . - -
                      '               '*- - - ---                                                     . . . . . .         . . _ .         _,
 .               .                                                                                                             ,
                        NOTE: ORC review and ac:reval of procedures for venders / centra::ces. who have
                                    a QA Program accreved by Boston Edison Cemcany, is not re:uired fer
                                    work perfcmed at the vendcr/ contractor facility.
                           C.       Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.A above may be made provided:
                                    1.       The intent of the original procedure is not altered. -
                        *                                                                '
                                                                                      .                                               .
                                    2.       The change is approved by two me-bers of the plant manage ent
                                             staff, at least one of wnom holds a Senior Reactor 0: erat:r's
                                             license on the unit affected.                                                                                                                                                i
                                    3.       Pe change is d::umented, reviewed subst:uently by ne CR", a
                                             a::revec y tne i.RC Chaiman ttnin 7 :ays cf imsle-enta:1cn.                                                                                                                  j
                           C.       'ir'
                                    . tt a a
                                                              :-::edu m.s to i-cle tet4.......,   . .
                                                                                                            t*e "fre pa : :ti:n 3r:g-19 sna11 :e
                                                                 ., ... .......                                                                                                      ,
                         .      . . . . .

. . .. .

                            .      14:d ti:- ::                          .: *:a:*e ** --: ~                            .-           -
                                                                                                                                      ---:                                     *)       . .
                                                                                                                                    - - --
                           4 :n-21 4 : .* a t M s . - e - ' ' **.
                                                                                                                       te                : :                   .
                                                                                                                                                                                     ..- ....                             '
                                                                                                                                      :: ; "                                   ;;-
                           :: t. e :                        .it-
                                                                                                                     C                                                                 1--
                           inf:r:2 an: .C.esa :: .                                         :    :.u.
                           A.        Routine Re:cets
                                     1.       Startt: 8e :-t A sumary re:crt of plant startus and ;cwe*
                                              escalatten testing shall te summitted follcwina (1) recei:t
                                              of an coerating license (2) amenc ent to the Iicense invc1vi99


                                              a plannec increase in c:wer level, (3) installation of fuel :nat
                                              has a different design or has been manufactured my a different
                                              fuel su: slier, and (a) modificattens that may have significantly
                                              altered tne nuclear, ther-al, or hydraulic cerfernance of :ne
                                              plant. The recort shall acdress eacn of the tests icentifie: in

- the F5AR and shall in general include a description of the

                                              measured values of the a:erating conditiens or characteristics
                                              obtained during the test pr: gram and a c:':arison of tnese va'.es
                                              with design predictions and specift:sti ns. Any corrective act' ns
                                               that were recuired to obtain satisfact:ry estrati n small alsa :e                                                                                                        *
                                               described. Any additional scocific detaf15 re:uired in license
                                               conditions based on other ents sna11 he included in nts
                                                Startuo recorts shall be subMited within (1) 90 days (c11: wing
                                                comoletion of the startus test program. (2) 90 days follcwtag
                                                resuration or corrence-ent of c:-: ercial cwer c:erstion, or
                                                 3) 9 months follcwing initial criticality, whicnever is ea lies..
                                                 f the Startuo Re:crt does net c:ver att in-se events (i.e., in-
                                                itial criticality, c:moletion of startue test program, and ess. :-
                                                tien or c:vence ent of co r erical c*er ::eration), su::le e-tary
                                                re: orts sna11 te submitted at least every inree mentns untti all
                                                tnree events have teen c: nieted.            .
                                                                                                  - 2U -
                     Apen&ent No. 29                            M, 46, 74
      . - , . - _ .                       ._      - . _ . . -               . __..- .__.-              _ . _ . _ . -            . -        ,,.. -. ,_ ._. - __ %. - .. ~ . , -                , - . - _ . - . . - - , _
   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                              ..            . , . -             . _ . . - - _                                   .
 l                                                                               .
                                                          ..         ,
                                                                                                2. _M_onthly Operating Report.
                                                                                                                shutdown experience and forced reductions in power shall
                                                                                                                              on a monthly basis to Director, Office of Inspection and
                                                                                                                                       U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                                20$i5, to arrive no later than the 15th of each month' following
                                                                   ...                                          the calendar montti covered by the report.
                                                                                                                                          .                                                                                        i.
                                                                                                                The Monthly Operating Report shall include a narrative sumary of


                                                                                                               operating experience that describes the operation of t
                                                                                                              _0ceventional Excesure Tabu 11 tion. A tabulation of the nianter of
                                                                                                              scation, utility anc other ;ersonnel (including contractors) re-
 ,                                                                                                            ceiving exposures greater than 100 mram/yr and their associatad
                                                                                                              .        esm excesure ic:orcing to weer arf f:b 'unc:1- t, e . s . -* M t -
                                                                                                                     . . . . . . . . , . .                    ,..,,                                          .    .     .
                                                       -                                                                                                                                                                      . . . . ..   .s
                                                                                                                                        .   .         ...t                       .
                                                                                                                                                                                                               - --
                                                                                                              1. ; .. .          .;.1 31 ;.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,    ....! - ::::
                                                                                                                                                               . :.- . :3 :                - -                 s'                      -   *
                                                                                                              3..::: .~,.        2 : s r -:u s e. w : .
                                                                                                                                                                                -        -
                                                                                                                                                                                                '*7 :f L2 ;.R 23. Tila
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .        -
                                                                                                            n.r: : v .- w: c.:y function.,                                           -                                                              .
                                                                                                            cetry.2r , 'D, :P *"m badge.r.4 .                                                         as;;.T.atat cas-1 9 pc
                                                                                                            less taar 205 ' :. e *idivic;al total ::s - etc
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .ent:.       ira 11 e            *arei .;ta**'
                                                                                                             I:n the aggrap :.                                                                                         not            ac::untac
                                                                                                                                            at.'.15: act of :ne :::si wnole becy dose rece vec
                                                                                                            frc:n external sources snall be assigned to specific major mark functions.
                                                                                                                          .                                                                   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .                           .
                                                                                                                          .                               .

. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                   .. .


                                                               --            .-.
                                                                                                . . .                    ..                 .          . . . . . . .                        .
                                                                                                                                                                                                        . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -_ - -
                                                            ._                   __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ .                             - ___ - - _ - .-. - __. -__ - _ _ - ._-.
                    .                                           .


            _             __
                                                                         . _ , _ . . .       . . . _ . .            _._                 _      . . .
      .           .
                        3.   Reportable Occurrences                                              -
                             Repor:able occurrences, including corrective actions and measures
    {                        to prevent reoccurrence, shall be reported to the NRC. Supplemental
                             reports say be required to fully describe finsi resolution of                                                             30
                             occurrence. In case,of corrected or supplemental reports, a licenses
                             event report shall be completed and reference shall be made to the
                             original report date.
                             1.   Precet ?:etifiestion utt5 vrtteen follevue. The types of
                                  events 112 ed bel:V snsil be reper:ec as expedi:1:usit as
                                  possible, bu: vi:hin 21 hours by telessone sai cenitr:sd by
                                  telegrs;n, =sil;rs=, or facsi=ile ::sas=1ssian o the
                                  Director of the sppropris:e Regi nst Office, or his dest ns:e
                                  -, 1 s : c.-  -*-**2 f ir-- .                        ?>.1- - 2 ? ' **-v n: -4 * e i- : . v : .-
                                      ...              . . .        1. .            ...         ;:     . . . . . .          I a..*       :..
                                   :! 1 ...;e                     a .::: ; ..                  .      * .. ::. :-..t
                                                                                                          .                           ;a
                                      a li: n. . a s -            .   *4     :- f:r:                -
                                                                                                                   . *2:* :ss,
                                  as nee:ci. : 4:st:::nsi narrs::.                                       .:. atsi ::            -   "d'    4::
                                  ple:e a::p.: . :::n f ns ::::;=2-                                      :as au:::. 1:                       in .
                                  a.      yailers f :ne resc::: ;r::ac:::n systa= or eener
                                          syste=s subject to lini:ing safety system settings to
                                          initiate the required protective function by the ci=a
                                          a monitored parameter res:hes the setpoin: specified
                                          as the li=iting safe:y systan setting in the technical
                                          specif t:sti:ns or f:11ure to complete the required
                                          protectiva function.
                                  Note: Instrument drift discovered as a result of testing
                                             need not be reported under this ites but say be
                                             reportable under ite=s,, or
                                   b.     Operation of the unit or affected systems when any
                                          parameter or operation subject to a lini:ing condi:1:n
                                          ta less conservative than the least conservative
                                          aspect of the li=1:ing condition for operation established
                                           ta the technical specifications.
                                   Note: If specified action is taken when a systen is found
                                             to be operating between the sont conservative and the
                                             least conservative aspects of a list:ing condi:isn for
                                             operation listed in the technical spe:ifications.
                                             the liatting condition for operation is not consifered
                      .                      to have been vioisted and need not be reported under chts
                                             ites, but ic say be reportable under ites below.
                                                  _ _ _ _ _ .
                                                                             .. .

... ...... _ _ . . . _ _ _

    .          .
                                     c.        Abnor:s1 degradsrien dircovered in fuel cladding, resetor
   ('                                          coolant pressure boundary, or primary contsin= cut.
                                     Notc: Lcnkst.c of valve packing or gaskets withih the limits
                                                   for identified leakage set forth in technical, spec-
                                                   ifiestions need not be reported under this iten.
                                       d.      Reactivity ano=alies, involving disagreecent with                                                                  I
                                               the predicted value of reactivtty balance under
                                                steady state conditiens during pever operation, grester
                                                than or equsi to 11 ik/k; a :alculated reactivity
                                               balance indicating a shutd:un r.argin less conservs:ive
                                                than s ecified in th: techni:al 1:ecif t:sti:ns; sh:rt-
                                                     : :::      . :; --   '-                                   : - r.          -        -~
                                                                                                                                                  :::: :r
                                                                        . ..                                  -...           .        . . .          .      ,
                                                          .     ..
                                                         .;       ; ;..           e                          i. . ::.-     :- ..:.         r.
                                                         : . . . ::n; . : .                               -*
                                                                                                                   :.  :.      c:.t: . ..
                                                                                                                                                 9 S *'.i:h
                                        e.       Fail re er estfunctiun ef :-                                              .T.     ::::
                                                 prev:nts er : l.:: pr:v- :,                                                 .:. :a        ..      -
                                                 of the fun :icn..1 tc                                        J ri s::--( s )       w .. ..
                                                 cope with accidents analyncd in the SAR.
                                        f.       Personnel error or procedursi insdccuscy which prevents
                                                 or could prevent, by itself, the fulfill ant of the
                                                 functional requircrents of cystc=s required to cepc with
   (                               .
                                                 accidents snslyr.ed in the SAR.
                                                                                                                                                          .   .
                                       Note: For items 6.9.B.l.e and 6.9.B.l.f reduced redundancy
                                                   that does not result in a loss of system function
                                                   need not be reported under this sectien but r.ay be
                                                   reportable under ite=s bslow.
                                       8-        Conditions arising from natursl or msn-made events that,
                                                 as a direct result of the event require plant shutdesen,
                                                 operstion of safety systces, er other protective reasures
                                                 required by technical specifications,
                                       h.        Errors discovered in the transient or cecident snalyses
                                                 or in the =cchods used for such analyses ss described
                                                 in the safety analysis report or,in the bases for the
                                                 technical specifications that have or could hsyc                                             ~
                                                 permitted'rcactor operation in s manner less conservative
                                                  than assu=cd in the analyses.
                                        i.        P'crformance of structures, syste=s, or components that
                                                  requires remedial action or corrective measures to
                                                  prevent operstion in a manner 1ers conserrative tnen
                                                  assumed in the accident,anslyscs in the ssiccy snslysis
                               -                  report or t echnical specifications bases; cr div::very
                                                  during plant life of conditions not specifically con-
                                                  sidered in the safety analysis report or techn:eni
                                                  specifications that require rent dial action or corrective
                                                  measures to prevent the ex2u(nce or development of an
                                                   unsafe condicion.
                                      m                               221
                                                                                - - - _ _ - _ _ - _ - -
              . ....        .. . . . . . . . - . . . - . . - - - -                                                           -.           -- - -
 .        .


                                Note: This item is irrtaded to provida for reporting
                                               of potentially Ccncric problene.
                     2.  Thirty Day Written Reports. The reportable occurrences
                         discussed beiuw shall be the subject of written reports
                         to the Director of the appropriate Regions 1 Office within
                         thirty days of occurrence of the event. The written report
                         shall include, as a minimum, a co=pleted copy of a licensee
                         event report form. Information provided on the licensee
                         event report form shall be supple::ented. as needed, by
                         additiens; narrative material to provide complete
                         explanstion of the circumstances surrounding the event.
                                                          .                  .                    .                         :a :..            .t-
                                 :     .c..             ;c: .:                 c      ::                       -
                                                                                                                 .     :         .   .3
                                 s       --
                                                           ta s a . -    '; . . .: . s '                           -
                                                                                                                         :              s,s......-.
                                   .         b;r . cch de .o: - :vc - - . c .; -
                                                                                                                         f.        .. u - f 9 .
                                fi.aett- 11 ::2irce:n:c
                                                                                         : .~ . n : ? : .- n                    a. .
                        b.      Ccaditions ;e: ding en operat:ca in c degraded meda
                                pernitted by a limiting condittoi for operstion or
                            . pisnt r.hutdown required by a limiting condition for
                          ,     operation.
 (                      Note: Routine surveillance testing, instrument calibration,
                                     or preventative maintenance whicn require system
                                     configurations as described in items 6.9.B.2.a and
                                     6.9.B.2.b need not be reported except where test results
                                     themselves reveal a degraded mode as described above,
                        c.      Observed inadequacies in the impler.cntatic.n of admin-
                                istrative or procedural controls :hich threaten to
                                cause reduction of dcarce of reduc.dsney provided in
                                reacter proccction syste.:s or ent,inc-cred caicty featuru
                        d.      Abnorrsi degrsdation of eveters other than those
                                specified in iceu 6.9.B.I.c above designed to contain
                                radioactive material resulting frca the fit sion
                        Note: Scaled sources or enlibration sources are not inciv/:d
            ,                      'under this item. l.cakar.c of velve packinr or gar.kcts
                                    within the limits for identificd leal:sge 'et ferth in
                                     technic al spccifications need cut b.: reported under
                                     thic item.
                        e.     Any changes in corporate or sestion organization as described
   f*                          in Section 6.2.                                                                                                      la
       4 p.
                                                                                         _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                                                                                 ..                 .
                                      '                                       --.          , .
                                                                                                   ,    ...
                                                                                               ,                                                                               -.
 .-              . . . . . .


                                               J. 4
                 -                                    .; -                                                                    .
                                            C.   Unieve Reverti= Reevirements
                                                 1.     Radioactive Effruent Release Resort
                                                        A report shall be submitted to the Com=1ssion within 60 days after
                                                        January,1 and July,1 of each year specifying the quar.'tity of 'ench
         *                                               ef the principal rhdionuclides released to unrestricted areas                                                                 in
                                                         liquid and gessous affluents during the previous 6 months. The
                                                         format and content of the report shall be in accordants with
                                                         Regulatory cuide 1.21 (Revision 1) dated June. 1971..
                                                 2.      Enviren ental freersw Sata                                                                                                                           .
                                                         a.      Annual Repert. A report on the radiological environmen al
                                                                 surveillar.:n program for the previcus 12 :sonths of operation                                                                              -
                                                                 shall be submitted to the Oiratter of the NXC pe:;i:nal Cffi:e
                                                                       :- i -         , " 01 t: t - . ?!!!: ef Fu: lear 't.-::r
                                                                                                                                                                                  .       . . . .
                                                                                                                     ...                                .
                                                             ,         4                                                .
                                                                                                                .. a:.                             :s             .a :.. . - -
                                                                                    tr.              ..
                                                                                                                                                                                  -- -
                                                            .          : :. : .: . r.            . : .t.          h2a                                    e-         .:: :'                  :-
                                                                  .. g: . sa. . na
                                                                                                   .    2.        .;.2 ::                                   -
                                                                                                                                                                    hr   -
                                                                                                     ,st r. . .:- 2             ::..                          : ...c4.       ..a..a.
                                                    .             pert::. i.,s . ;: .:: t
                                                                  eta sti:.zi =ent-                     as ::- s n             n'.  .n                     e. -
                                                                                                                                                                 r.:.        : . ir: . e .:..                *
                                                                                                                    ..:..-                               2.      -
                                                                                                                                                                       ..              :a:ts        .
                                                                  v:: : 31 *. . a::: : ri-              at
                                                                            ;ia.t ::::2:.:n :. :.e as tt:                             ::.                       .): :e:: .
                                                                  of t.
                                                                  also include the results of any land use surveys vnten a!!act
                                                                  the choice of sample locations. If har=ful effects or evidence                                                                               .
     '                                                            of irreversible damage are detected by the sonitoring, the
                                                                  licensee shall provide an analysis of the problem and a preposed
                                                                  sourse of action to alleviate the problem.                                                                                           ,
                                                                  Results of all radiological environmental samples shall be
                                                                   suus:arised and tabulated on an annual basis. In the event that
           .. -.. .                     .-     .. .....            some results are not available within the 90-day period, the
                                                                   report shall be submitted, noting and explaining the reasons
                                                                   for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted
                                                                   as seen as possible in a supplementary report.                                                                               ,
                                                            3.     Thefollowing event shall be the subject of a written report to the
                                                                    Director of the NRC Regional Office (with a copy to the Director,
                                                                    Office of Nuciaar Rasesor Regulation) within 60 days of the occur-
                                                                    rence of the event naasured levels of radioactivity in an environ-
                                                                    sental sampling medi:n dotarnised to exceed the reporting level
                                                                    values of Table 6.9.C-1 whan averaged over any calendar quarter
                                                                    sampling period. When more than one of the radionuclides in Table
                                                                    6.9.C-1 are detected above lower li=1ts of detection (:*3) in the
                                                                    sampling sodium, this report shall be submitted if: *                                                                                       -
                                                                                  co teentration (1)                 * * Concentration (2)                                 + ... g 1.0
                                                                                  Limit Laval (1)                         LLast Level (1)
                                   -       --                       When radionuclides other than those in Table 6.9.C-1 are detected
                                                                    above LLD and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall
                                                                    be submitted if the potential annual does to an individual is
                                                                    equal to or greater than quarterly and/or yearly li=its of Tabla
                                                                    6.9.C-2. This report is not required if the usesured level of
                                                                    radioactivity was not the result of planc effluentI; however. in
                                                                     such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in
                                                                     the Annual Radiological Environmental ?fonitoring Raport.
                             Amendment No. 57
                                                                                                         - 223-
                                                                                                            ._.._          . . . . . . _ . _ _                         .. . ..
             -                   ---_                   . . . . . . .        _.
                                                                                                                                    -- - - - - _ - _ _ _ _
  _ l _ _ .. . . .            -  _                     -
                                                                   -.__l-.-_--_'-.-    .        . _ .   ...5......_..___--     ---
        So         THEORY 0F NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                 PAGE   15
           ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                        ,
                                                                                            -85/05/14-KVAMME, J.                   '
        ANSWER                     5.01                                 (2.00)
          Disagree (.5) Thermodynamic efficiency is a comparison of enersy in                                                        f
          versus energy out. The increase in generator output resulted from
          decreasing that amount of steam flow diverted to the HP FH heater (.5)
          This condition requires additional enersy output from the reactor
          to raise the FW to the same saturation temperature as before.(.5)
          Therefore the thermodynamic efficiency of the plant has decreased.(.5)
Thermodynamic Handout, Section 14
i       ANSWER                     5.02                                (2.50)
          a.      Rod worth increases.(.5) Increasing coolant temperature decreases
                  moderator density which increases the thermal diffusion length.
                  An increased thermal diffusion length increases the probability

, of neutrons interacting with control rods.(.75) (1.25) i- b. Rod worth increases.(.5) As power increases, void fraction

                  increases. This results in a decrease in moderator density
                  which results in neutrons travelins farther to become thermalized.
                  Rod worth is directly proportional to thermal diffusion lensth.(.75)
          Rx Theory, section 31, ps 6-7
       ANSWER                    5.03                                  (2.00)
          No.(5) Even though each individual pin would be protected from
         excessive plastic strain in this case, the decay heat load from
          the collection of pins would tend to elevate mid bundle pins to
         sceater than 2200 F durins LOCA uncovery conditions.(.75) Therefore


          a limit (APLHGR) is also placed on the average of the LHGR's of


          those pins. This limits the decay heat load.(.75).                                                               (2.0)
         Heat Trm,nsfer Hendout, Sections 15, 16


           e , --       -       -- . = , - , , , . - - - - - , . -
                                                                                                      . ..
                          .                                   .
                                                                                                  .                                                                                    ,   .
  ._. ; _                 - _ _ - _ - - - - -                                               _ - -   .
                                                                                                                       _ ...           . . - . . . - . . . . .  .. --- ~ _-_. -_.        -
            5.     THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                                                                    PAGC     16
            ____                          _

, ,

               ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                         ,
                                                                                                                            -85/05/14-KVAMME,           J.

1 , l

           ANSHER               5.04                                                   i3.00)
               1.  SINGLE PHASE FORCED CONVECTION- This pattern is limited to the very                                                                                                       1
                   bottom of the channel and is characterized by the absence of any
                   steam bubbles.
              2.   SUBC00 LED BOILING- Bubbles begin to form as nucleate boiling; bubbles
                   form on the surface but collapse as they enter the bulk coolant stream
                   since the majority of the coolant is still subcooled.
              3.   BUBBLE FLOW- This pattern is characterized by nucleate boiling with


                   the bubbles entering the coolant streami the bubbles do not collapse
:                  and this ' bulk boiling'. The bulk temperature is ~ saturation. The
,                  bubbles are not coalescing and have a low quality,


              4.   SLUG FLOW- The bubbles now besin coalescing or "growins together',
                   The bubbles are formed in nucleate boilinc, but now instead of
                   collapsing in the coolant, the bubbles tend to collect in vapor
              5. ANNULAR FLOW- The vapor forms an almost continuous phase in the
                   coolant channel. The slower moving liquid travels along the fuel
                   element surface and heat transfer takes piace via conduction with
;                  almost no boilin3 taking place. The vapor travels up the center
                   of the channel in a continuous stream.


                                                                                                                                        (Any three required at 1.0 each)


              HT XFER, section 9


    - , -             --
                                       .. - - . _ , , , - . . - - - . , _ . - . . . . - . .                _ . - - - -           --,,-
, _ _ . _ _ . _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .                                                    - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . -                           -. . .....      L.._             ._    ..._..____-._2-    _-.


                  5.                  THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                                                                       PAGE   17

, _---_---_---_-



                                                                                                                                                -05/05/14-KVAMME,                    J.
                  ANSWER                           5.05                                   (3.25)
                       a.             Doppler, Moder;ator Temperature, Void                                                                                                                          (.25)       .
                      b. As the rods are withdrawn, power level increases. But the additional
                                     heat senerated is not immediately transported to the coolant. The                                                                                                   1
                                      fuel time constant of 8 or 9 seconds slows the rate that the heat
                                     generated in the fuel is conducted into the coolant.(.75) It taken
                                     about 3 time constants or 30 seconds for the total increase in heat
senerated to be transported to the coolant. So the fuel temperature
rises first, causing the doppler to be the first effect.(.75) The

l next effect would be the moderator temperature, ac the coolant is i

                                     heated to saturation.(.75) Finally comes the effects of voids,
                                     as the heated senerated in the fuel boils the water flowing
                                      throush the core.(.75)
                      Rx Theory, section 26
                ANSWER                            5.06                                   (2.00)
Core flow increases due to increase voidins/ buoyancy (1.0) but then


                       stabilizes as increased pressure drop cancels out the natural circulation
                      driving head.(1.0)

j Pilgrim Exam Question Bank l l

                ANSWER                            5.07                                   (2.25)
                                                                                                                                                     er     sam wlv e
                      a. Heff decreases due to the buildup of fission product poisons.(.75)
                     b. Keff increases due to the burnout of sadolinia and buildup of
                     c. Reff decreases as fuel burns out.(.75)                                                                                                                                                   l




                     Px Theory, section 19







I i



        .        - . - - . _ , - - _ _ _ _ - .         , . , _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _                    ._. . . . . . _ _ _ _ - - - - , . . -                       - - _ . . - -
  . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ -                                 _________.__..                                                             ~    _ __         ~        . ._... -._-.-.._____.~

i .

                     5.                  THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                                                                           PAGE   18


                         ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                                          ,
                                                                                                                                           -85/05/14-Kl>AMME, J.
                    ANSWER                           5.08             (2.00)
                         The reactor is now producins less steam to so to the turbine. There
                        will be less extraction steam and reheater drain steam soins to the
                         feedwater heater.(1.0) Therefore less feedwater heating will occur
resultins in colder feedwater entering the vessel (.5) which will
                         cause reactor power to increase about 3% from the positive reactivity
                        addition (alpha m).(.5)


                        Reactor Theory Section 26
:                       Recirculation LP
                        Hain Trubine LP
                   ANSWER                            5.09             (2.00)
                        With the reactor shutdown by 1% ac measured at the time of the peak
                        Xenon, the Shutdown Marsin will decrease as Xenon decays. Since peak
                        Xenon reactivity is greater than 1% dk/k, a reactor restart would
                        occur as peak Xenon decays in the next 20 hours.


i                       Reactor Theory Section 33
                   ANSWER                            5 10             (2.00)
                        a.             The condenser acts as a saturation system.Therefore,the lower the temp-                                                                                                             I
                                       erature,the lower the absolute pressure will be or the better the vac-
                                       uum.          ( 1.00 )
                       b.              1. Non-condensable sases                                                  .           ( 0.33 )
                                      2.       Circulatin3 water system * flow rate                                                                  '
                                                                                                                                                       .   ( 0.33 )                                                        '
                                      3. Back pressure in the condenser exhaust system. ( 0.33 )                                                                                                                           ;


l                      Pilgrim Thermodynamics Student Handout

l l >


! '

                                                                                                                                                   f                                                  I
   , - - . - . _ . _ ._. _ . . . _ , _ - . _                           _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _                                _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ ~            . _ _ , _ _ _
   ______ _
  . . _ - . . - . - - . . . - - . . . . . . - . . - - - . . . . . . . ----.. .--- - --. . . . . . - - - - - - . . - - - . - - ~ ~ . - - - - - - - . - - - -
            5.    THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND                                                                      PAGE       19
            ----                                --------------------------------------
               ANSWER 3 -- PILGRIM                                            ,
                                                                                          -85/05/14-KVAMME,         J.
            ANSWER               5.11                  (2.00)
               TRUE (0.5)
               Usins the equation Power = Power (initial) x in time / period and
               solving for time results in the equation:
                                     time =Peried             x in Power / Power (initial)
              From this it can be seen that since 5/1 yields the same value as
               50/10, and since all other factors in the equation are equal, the
               time is equal (1.5)
              Reactor Theory

                                                        .                                                     ..
  .     _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . -                     = _.. .-_.                         _ _ _.__ _-__           . _ . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _      - - - . .


      6.                PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGNr CONTROL,-AND INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                  PAGE     20
           ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                             -85/05/14-KVAHMEr J.                  .
    -ANSWER                          -6.01                               (3.00)
           a.          1.A' RHR HTX
                       2. ' ARC' RHR Pump Mechanical Seal Coolers
                       3.     'ARB' RHR Pump Area Coolin3 Coils
                       4.     'ARD' RCIC Pump Area Cooling Coils
                       5.     'A'               Core Spray Pump Thrust Bearing
                                                                                                                            (4 required G .5-esch)
          b.           Each loop's nonessential loads can be isolated by a single handswitch                                                                                     >
                       for that loop in the main control room.                                                                                                    (1.0)

, pr-CCW LP 130 j ANGHER 6.02 (1.00)

          Procedure 2 2 99
     ANSWER                             6.03                            (3.00)
         a.            1. acoustic monitior indicating lights on panel c-171
                       2.    RV temperature recorder on the back panel would increase
                             water level should be dropping (- l f t/ min )
                       4.    torus level would be oscillcting


                       5.    torus temperature would increase
                       6. drywell pressure would increase                                                                      (5 required R .25 each)
         b.   As lons as there is a valid high drywell pressure signal
                            the hi h               3 drywell pressure contact will not open and the ADS timer
                            not reset.(.5)                                                                                                                       (.75)
                       2. If the timer has not timed out, the timer will deenersine
                             and the ADS will not initiate.(.5) If the timer han timed
                             out, then ADG has initiated and will continue to operate
                             even with level restored.(.5)                                                                                                       (1.0)




     . . . _ . _ . . .           - _ . . _ _ . _ .            . . _ _ , _ ._ . _ _ - _ . .


                                                          .                                                                                    .
    ,_. . .....                        ......e.           --.           . . . - . - . . . . . .                                           . . . .  ~ .  .. . - . . .                           . - - . .       ._                            _-_


                6.                 PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION                                                                                                                    PAGE                     21
                    ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                                                   -85/05/14-KVAMME,         J.


                    ADS LP 423
               ANSWER                        6.04                        (3.00)                                                                                                                                    *


                    a.             SRM upscale >10e5 cps OR

3 '

                                   SRM inop OR
                                   SRM downscale < 3 cps OR

i SRM <'100 CPS, detector not full in (.25 each) (1.0)

                   b. IRM upscale > 100/125 OR
                                   1RM inop OR
                                   IRH downscale < 5/125 OR
,                                  IRM not fully inserted and mode switch not in run                                                                                                (.25 each) (1.0)
                   c.                All IRM ranse switches are on rango 3 or above and the IRM
                                     channels are indicating above the downscale trip or(.5)
                                     SRM channel readings > 100 ces(.5)                                                                                                                                              (1.0)
                   LP 964, 65, 66, 67, 60
           ' ANSWER                         6.05                        (3.00)

-f ~ , a. Ion chamber .

                   b. Scintillation
                   c. Ion chamber
                   d. Scintillation
                   e.              GM tube                                                                                                                                     (.6 each)                            (3.0)                        t
                ' REFERENCE
                   RAD'N MONITORING LP                                    t51,53,57,59,111








                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     _ _ . ,
             . . , , . , , . . , ,
                                            . . . , , _ .     ,. ,--, ,            _._.,.....__,_._.....,...__.___,.,...._._._.-_.y_m, -
                                                                                                                                                               . , _ , . . . _ , . . , _ - ~ .            - . . - . , - , , , , ,

. _ _ _ -

                             ,__-           _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . _ , _ - - _ _ _ _ .
                                                                                                                          _ _ _ _ -    ____-_ _                        - ____
         .. .. _ - ~ ...          .
             6.         PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION                                                                          PAGE        22
                ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                              -85/05/14-KVAMME,                   J.
             ANSWER             6.06          (3.00)
               a.       1. To be conservative the LPRM outputs (local core power) are
                           increased to the averase core power making this output power
                           level closer to the rod block flow biased trip setpoints.                                                                   (1.0)
                       2. Several of the bisher reading LPRM's may be bypassed so gain
                           is increased to compensate for the low average.                                                                             (1.0)                   '
               b.      1. The RBM is automatically bypassed when its reference APRM goes
                           below 30%.
                       2.  The RBM is byposed when an edge control rod is selected.
                      3.   Con bypass one RSM channel manually by use of the bypass
                           switch or " joystick'.
                                                                                                                                     (.33 each)        (1.0)
               IESSON PLAN 166,60
            ANSWER              6.07         (3.00)                                                                                                                           :
               a.      'D'  feedwater line flow signal fails high and causes an increnne
                      in the total feed flow signal, A feed flow / steam flow mismatch is
                      generated which causes feedwater control valves to close. Since
                      steam flow is now greater than actual feed flow, reactor vessel
                      level decreases.                                                                                                                 (1.0)
               b. Channel 'A' reactor level detector signal fails low and causes a                                                                                            l
                      level error signal to be generated. Since indicated level is lower
                      than desired level, the feedwater control valves open to increase                                                                                        !
                      feed flow. This causes a feed flow / steam flow mismatch which tells                                                                                    '
                      the control valves to close down. The system is more level
                      dominant and the initial response is to increase reactor vessel                                                                                          ;
                      level.                                                                                                                           (1.0)                   i
               c. Loss of signal to a feedwater valve causes the valve to receive
                      a lockup trip. The 'A' FRV will continue to control level, there-                                                                                        '
                      fore reactor level will remain tle same.                                                                                         (1,0)
                                                         (.25 for re,ponsor .7S for reccon)                                                                                    !
              REFERENCE                                                                                                                                                        !
              RVLC LPt'02                                                                                                                                                     i
                                                                                                                                                          -- . _ _ _ _

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                   . . _ .                            . . . .. ... ....  . - .. _ - ....._      . ~ .-.._.. _ . .      - _ _ _ . _ - . _ . _ _ . _
                             6.   PLANT SYSTEhD DESIGN, CONTROL, AFD INSTRUMENTATIDH                                               PAGE            23
                              ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                     -85/05/14-KVAMMEr          J.   .
                             ANSWER       6.00         (3.00)
                              a. Three required for full credit. ( 0.66 each )
                                  2. (Every   full power month of operation to recover sensitivity lost due
                                      to detector fuel depletion.
                                  3. When operating mode has changed significantly. iel Losc of FH. heater
                                 4. After refuel activities. Due to refueling the core has been altered
                               ,      significantly causing radial and axial flux profiles to change.LPRM
                                      detectors have been changed out and the electronic circuitry has been
                              b. To maintain the relative humidity in the guide tubes at a constant value
                                 over the length of the detector travel and maintain a dry atmosphere in
                                 the drive mechanism a index enclosure.                       ( 0.50 ) If the porse in-
                                 operative for extended periods,corrision will build up on the helical
                                 wrev around the drive cable,and there will possibly be inculation break-
                                 down resulting in elec. signal loss                     .   ( 0.50 )
                              Procedure 2.2.69, TIP System
                             ANSWER       6.0?        (3.00)
                              a. Hi dnywell pressure 2.5 psis OR (.5)
                                 Lo La Rx water level -49' and less than 400 psis Rx pressure (.3)                                        (1.0)
                              b. With an auto initiation signal present, high drywell pressure and
                                 core coverage greater than 2/3 you can spray the drywell by
                                 operating the manual override c/s and then open the spray valves.(1.0)
                                 With less than 2/3 coverage and high drywell pressure you must
                                 operate the keylocked 2/3 coverage bypass switch prior to the
                                 manual override c/s.(1.0)                                                                               (2.0)
                              LPCI LP     Procedure 2.219
                                                               - - - ,
                                                                                     .           ._
 . - . . .           .              . _ ...-.                 - ..                  -.---- - -_ -..-.... ..-.      . . - - - - - _
         7.    PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                PAGE        24
                                                   ~      ------------------------
         ~~~~R 5U bl65565L 6UUiR5L
            ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                    ,
                                                                                             -85/05/14-KVAMME, J.
         ANSWER            7.01                        (2.25)
            1.    Both RBM channels shall be operable OR                                                                           (.75)
            2.    Control rod withdrawal shall be blocked OR                                                                       (.75)
            3.    The operating power level shall be limited so that MCPR will
                  remain above 1.00 assumins a single error that results in com-
                  plete withdrawal of any single operable contro] tod.                                                             (.75)
            Docton Edison Procedure 2.4.10, Limiting Control Rod Patterns, ps2, Rev.5
         ANSWER            7.02                        (2.00)
            a.   Off-Gac High radiation alarm - No automatic action                                                                (0 5)
                 Off-Gas High High radiation alarm - Initiation of Off-Gas Isota-
                  tion 15 minute timer.                                                                                            (0.5)
            b.   Upon isolation of the Off-Gas line-
                  1. Manually scram the reactor
                 2.       Close the MSIV's
                 3.       Refer to procedure (5.4.1) for Closure of MSIV's on High
                                  (2 required 0 0.5 each)                                                                          (1.0)
            Doston Edison Procedure 2.4.10, Rapid Increase in Off-Gas Activity,
            ps.3, Rev.5


         ANSWER            7.03                        (3.00)
            a.   Instrument Dus Y-1                                                                                                (0.5)
            b.   Low vacuum to.53 as the off sas isolation valves fail closed Co.5](1.0)
            c.   Feedwater and condensate pumps E.253 must be stopped due to
                 no minimum flow C.253 and the reactor vessel isolated C.253 to
                 preserve inventury C.253. Turbine must be tripped E.253 because
                 the turbine trip from the reactor scram will not occur C.253.                                                    (1.5)
                                     _ _ . _ _ . .   -
                                                                     , - _ . . .-      _. _,                  , ,

-- . .

                          , , .   . . ~ . . ~ _...      . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . - - ..  ..._-.....~._-..-_._2.
    7. PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMALr EMERGENCY AND                                                               PAGE     25
                                ~            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~R565UL65555L 66 sir 6L
      ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                    ,
                                                                    -85/05/14-KVAMME,          J.
     Doston Edison Procedure 5.3.7, Loss of Instrument Power Dus Y-1,
     pg.2, Rev.6, and Question Sank
    ANSWER           7.04              (2.50)
      1.     Entry and work in areas having radiation levels equal to or greater
             than 100mr/hr.
     2.     Entry and work in areas having > 22,000 dpm/100 cm.cquared betc
           'samma and/or 200 dpm/100 cm. squared alpha activity
     3.     Handlins of neu or spent _ fuel
     4.     Removal of radioactive or contaminated material from underwater
     5.     Openins any process system through which radioactive liquid or
            sases may escape to the work area
     6.     Anytime airborn radioactive material exceeds 25% of 1 MPC
     7.     At discretion of IIP senior supervisory personnel
     D.     Cotting or scindins of contaminated material > 1000 dpm/100 cm.
            squared smearable and/or 0 1 mc/hr fixed
     9.     For all activities conducted under the Dy product Meterial License
                         (5 required 0 0.5 each)                                                                       (2 5)
     REFERENCE                                                              -         '
     Doston Edison Procedure 6.1-022, Radiation Work Permit, ps.2-3, Rev.15
    ANSWER           7.05             (3.00)
     a.     One operator - 23' 4kv switchsear area                                                                     (.25)
            One operator - 37' 4kv switchsear area                                                                     (.25)
            CR0 to RPS MG set room                                                                                     (.25)
            Operating Supervisor to Inst Rack 2205 or 2206                                                             (.25)
     b.     Open the breaker to the APRM's (at the RPS power panele)                                                   (0 5)
            Preferred because tripping the RPG supply infars a loss of
            power and causes undesirable events such as early closure of
            MGIV's to take place.                                                                                      (0.5)
     c.     Two RFP's tripped when unit trips                                                                          (0.5)
            One RFP tripped when level starts to ineraase                                                              (0.5)
     REFERCNC'E                                                                                              -
     Doston Edison Procedure 2.4.143, Ghutdoun from Outcide Control Roome
     pg.6-0, Rev.3

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

         . _ _ . _ .                ___.                             .  . _ .. . ..      _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _. _. .      . .... . _ _      . _ .. . ..   ..     __        __
                           7.    PROCEDURES - NORMALr ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                           PACE        26
                           ~~~~E565UL65IEEL C6UTRdL'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                             ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                 ,
                                                                                                             -BS/05/14-KVAMME,        J.
                           ANSWER                                  7.06             (3.00)
                             a.     1.                           Low vacuum alarm at 26"
                                   2.                            Reactor scram at 23'
                                   3.                            Turbine trip at 20'
                                   4.                            Bypass valves close at 7"
                                                                  (.25 for action and 0.1 for setpoint)                                                     (1.4)
                            b.      1.                           Check the steam pressure at SJAE supply
                                   2.                            Check off sas flow
                                   3.                            Check the valve line-up to and from SJAE's
                                   4.                            If valves have closed, establish a normal valve lineup for
                                                                 the system
                                   5.                            If steam pressure regulater has failed, operate the bypass to
                                                                 reestablish the proper steam pressure
                                   6.                            Check loop seal on after condenser
                                  7.                             If the problem still e:tists, change over jetu
                                                                 (4 required 0 0.4 each)                                                                   (1.6)
                            Doston Edison Procedure 2.4 36, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, pg.2-3r Rev.5
                           ANSWER                                  7.07             (3.00)
                            a.     1.                            When reactor pressure is greater than 100 psia
                                  2.                             If reactor pressure is less than 100 psig - either high
                                                                 drywell pressure OR low water level. (counts as two)
                                  3.                             Primary containment isolation
                                                                 (2 required at 0.5 each)                                                                  (1.0)
                            b.    1.                             Check reactor vessel temperature
                                  2.                             Check reactor vessel water level normal
                                  3.                             Check power available to 4160 v. buses A-5 and A-6 and that
                                                                 120v. (RPS) power is available to the PCIS logic
                                  4.                             Determine the cause of the isolation and take corrective
                                                                 (3 required 0 0.5 each)                                                                   (1.5)
                            c.    Increase reactor water level to +41' or greater                                                                          (0,5)
                            Doriton Edicon Procedure 2.4.25, Loss of Shutdnun Cooling, pg.2-3                                                        Rev.6
                                                                                                             -            _ - .     _          -                 __
                                                                     .            .
 .     . ... . _ .         . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ - _        _ . - . _ _ . - . . . . . ~ . . . . - . . . - ~ . - - - . . - . .    . . . . . _ . . . _ - - . -


      7.      PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ADNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                                       PAGE           27
                                     ~              ------------------------
     ~~~~ R5656EUU5EAL EUUTR5L

i ____________________

       ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                        ,
                                                                             -85/05/14-l(V AMME , J .
     ANSWER              7.08                  (2.00)
       a.    Whenever the reactor is critical or when the Rx water
       temperature is above 212 degrees and the head vent closed. (1.5)
       b. 24 hours. (0.5)
         Procedure 2 1 1 Rev. 40 pg. 4
     ANSWER              7.09                 (3.00)          g, n.T pla c 3;
       a.    One condensate)punip is required for each feed punip in
       servicer Cud > tne sequential trip selector switch to ON unless all
       condensate and RFP's are in service.(1.00)
       b. The same C/S is used to start the lube oil pump and the R.F.P.
       At the first operation of the C/S, the lube oil pump starts.                                                                   It
       spring returns to neutralt and at the second operation, the RFP
       is started. (1.00)
       c. By throttling the TDCCW oil cooler outlet valve (0.5)
       d. Before the first feedpump reaches 90% pump capacity.(or prior
       to exceeding 30% reactor power) (0.5)
     . REFERENCE: Procedure 2.2.96 Rev. 15 pp. 9,                                         10
     ANSHER              7.10                 (1.25)
       a.    1. Rx vessel shell adjacent to shell flange
             2. Rx vessel shell flanse
             3. Recirculation loops ARB coolant                                                                  (.25 each)                             (.75)
      b. When the difference between any two readings taken over a 45
             minute period is less than 5 F.                                                                                                            '(.5)
      Startup from Shutdown Procedure 2.1.1 pg 2-3
                                                                                                                      ?                                                                                                    ,
   . .                          . . . . . . . . -                       ._                          _ - - - _   - -                                                                                                        '
                                                                                                                        . - - . - - - . . . . - - - - - -                         - - - - .- - -- - ....                     ---


                                                                                                                                                                                                .                                  ,,

. -

,                      ANSWER                        8.01                                            (2 50)
                             a. Safety Limits are limits upon important process variables
                                below which the reasonable maintenance of the cladding and


                                primary systems are assured. LSSS's are settings on instrumentation

l which initiate automatic protective action at a level such that i ,

                                the Safety Limit will not be exceeded.                                                                                                                                               (1 5)
                           b.   The LCO's specify the minimum acceptable levels of system per-
                                formance assure safe startup and operation. Hhen
                                these conditions are met, abnormal situations can be safely

l controlled. (1.0) i i REFERENCE

                            TS Section 1, pg 1
                     ANSWER                         8.02                                            (3.00)


                           a.   Jumpers are not authorized on safety related circuitry through
                                use of SRO procedure changes.                                                                                                                                                        (1.0)

) b. 1. Any Boston Ed. son Management (non-union) person permenantly

                                        assigned to Pilgrim.                                                                                                                                                         (1.0)         t


                                2.       i. The intent of the original procedure is not changed.
                                         ii. The change is documented and reviewed by ORC and approved

j with in 7 days. (1.0)

l                          REFERENCE                                                                                                                                                                                               '

! procedure 1.2.4-9 1 t

ANSWER 8.03 (3.00)
                           a. prompt (.5) T/S 6.9.B.1.F (.5)                                                                                                                                                         (1.0)
                          b. 30 day (.5) T/S 6.9.B.2.A (.5)                                                                                                                                                          (1.0)
c. Prompt (.5) T/S 6.9.B.1.G (.5) (1.0) I

i T/S 6.9 i

                          T/S T.Jble 3.1.1

1 ! 1



                                                                                                        .                                                                                                                          t
                                                                                                     .                                                                                                   .
     . - . - . . . . - - , -              , . . . , , . . . , , . , , , , . , - - . . - _ , . _ _ .
                                                                                                                                    _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - - - . - . . _ . , _ . -                          _ _ _ - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   _             .I
  _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __                                 ._- ___ ___ --_ -_ ___               _         _ ___-____ __ ______ _____________-________ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
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                                 8.        ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE        29
                                 __ _______________________________________________________
                                   ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                                                 -85/05/14-KVAMME, J.
                                  Off Normal Procedure 5.3.9 page.,1
                                 ANSWER                8.04                             (2.00)
                                   1. Emergency Safesvards Equipment Checi. list
                                  2. Watch Engineer /STA Turnover sheet
                                  3. Shift Supervisor Turnover sheet
                                  4. RO Relief Checklist
                                  5. Radweste Turnover Sheet                                                                                                                                                                                           (.4 each)        (2.0)
                                  Procedure ,1.3.34
                                 ANSWER               0.05                              (1.25)


                                  A seram report shall be prepared whenever the conteal rods ore
                                  sserammed in from a situation where fuel is in the RX vessel
i                                 arid more than one rod is wit,hdrawn.(.75) The Watch Engineer on
                                  duty at the time of the scram is responsible.(.5)                                                                                                                                                                                   (1.25)


                                  Admin Procedure 1.3.9-3


                                 ANSWER               8.06                              (2.50)
                                  a.      Red tass are applied to protect personnel from injury and equipment
                                          from damage by forbidding the operation of the devices which could
                                          result in equipment being energized, mechanical movement or fluid
                                          flow.(1.0) Red tass are placed on equipment IAW WRP prior to the
                                          besinning of the work.(.5) The tas must be removed upon completion
                                          of the work, er :t ^Se H'                                           t'                                       - r '- t/- whichever occurs

i ,

                                          first.(.5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (2.0)
                                  b. When t                    are i                     alled w/o an accompanying WRP.                                                                                                                oe           dew                   (.5)

. rep * * by ut. E pser


4 Tassing Procedure 1.4.5 ,

                                    . _ -        _      -_                                              .         _ _ , _ _ _ , , . _                                                                               _ _ _ . - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                        _ _ , _

- _ . _ _ ,

   . . . .     . . . . . . - . . . . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - . ~ . - - - - . . . , . -            .-      . . . . - . - ~ ~ - -              -
           D.     A9MINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS                                                                PAGE             30
           __________________________________________________________                                                                                             f
            ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                           -05/05/14-KVAMME,         J.
           ANSWER              8.07                   (3.00)
            1. Any time irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and reactor
                  coolant is above 212 F,                           reactor coolant leakage into the primary
                  containment from unidentified sources shall not exceed 5 spm.                                                                (.75)
            2.    Total reactor coolant leakage i.ito the prima,ry containment                                                                                    {
                  shall not exceed 25 spm.                                                                                                     (.75)               '
            Limit 1 above exceeded on day 2 1600-2400;                                                 2496 sal.=5.2 gem                       (.75)
            Limit 2 above exceeded on day 1 1600-2400;                                                                                                            4
                                                                    10,440 gal + 1824 sal = 12,264 gal                                                            [
                                                                                                           = 25.55 spm                         (.75)             j
            TECllNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.6.C                                                                                                                       l
           ANSWER             0.00                    (1.75)
            Must be in cold shutdown by 1700 on 5/15/85                                                                                           (.5)
            Section 3.7.A.1 KEL of T/S allows 4 HRS + 6 HRS + 24 HRS to
                  cold shutdown on containment dp.                                                                                           (.625)               ;
            Section 3.3.G T/S allows 24 HRS to cold shutdown on drain valves.                                                                (.625)
            REFERENCE                                                                                                                                             '
            TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 3.3 & 3.7
                                                                                                                        -                                         i
                                                                                                                                                   . - - - - -

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

                                                  , _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
         . _ . _ ,       .    . _ . . . . . _ - _                                _ - . . .                                           ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .  . . . , -
                   8.   ADHINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                               PAGE    31
                     ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                                                                   -85/05/14-KVAMME, J.
                   ANSWER           8.09                                       (3.00)
                    a.  The area shall be baricaded and conspicuosly posted as a High
                        Radiation Area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by issuance
                        of a RWP. (1.00)
                    b. In addition to those requirements stated in part                                                                                                                                                                                       'e", locked doors
                        shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas.
                        The keys shall be under the administrative control of the Chief
                        Radiological Engineer (1.00)
                    c. An additional lock, keys will be maintained with the watch engineer,
                        HP rep. present during entry to monitor dose rates, entr> requireu
                        authori::otion from watch engineer or station manager. (1.00)
                      Procedure 6.1-012 Rev. 12
                   ANSWER          0.10                                     (3.00)
                    a.  Whenever the reactor mode switch in in the "RUN" po.ition.                                                                                                                                                                                              (1 5)
                    b.  1. High reactor dome pressure - 1175 psi 3 +- 15 psig (.75)
                        2.   Lo-Lo reactor water level- (-49")(.75)                                                                                                                                                                                                             (1.5)
                    Tech Specs Sect 3.2.G
                                                                      _ . . , ~                                           - _ - . ,                                                          _, . _ . . . - - . _ , _ - _ -                                                               . ,_
               .     .              .       . . . . . . . . . . . - . .           .           .         ..            . - . . : . _.u
     .       .
                                      U. S. NUCLEAR REGULA10RY COHHISSION
                                      REACTOR OPERATOR LICENCE EXAMINATION                                                 *
                                                             FACILITY:                     PILGRIH
                                                             REACTOR TYPE:                 BWR-GE3
                                                                                         __--_________ ----_______
                                                             DAIE ADMINISTERED: 05/05/14
                                                             EXAMINER:                     CRESCENZO,           F.
                                                             APPLICANT:                  _         _            __ ___ ______
   ___--. __---_-____-____---
   Ilse separate paper for                    the answers. Write answers on one side only.
   Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets.                                                 Points for eacii
   question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing
   3rade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at
    Icest 80%.            E:< amination papers will be picked uP si:< (6) hours arter
   the examination starts.
                                                               % OF


   VALUE            TOTAL             SCORE                  VALUE                              CATEGORY

.. -__-- __-... ----___--__ ---__--_ __---_-_---__---______-______ ..__.

 75.00             100.00

.----___ __.--- ----------- -------- 4. PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ADNORnAL.

                                                                               E'HERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL
 25.00             100.00                                                 (OTALS

. ____.. ___ .. -____-____. _____ ..

                              FINAL GRADE _________________%

All vork done on this c:< a m i n a t i o n is my own. I have neither given nor recetved aid.

                                                                          SEPLfCdUT 5~5555diURF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

_. . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . .. . ........'..~...... . . - . . . ..

                                                                                                       .w'  --
     .                                                                                                         ,
  4.    PROCEDURES - NORHAL, ABNORMAL, EHERGENCY AND                                             PAGE     2
  ~~~~R3656E655CEE~C6N5R6L'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                             i
        ____________________                                                                  .
  OllEC110N          4.01                    (2.00)
    Concernins E0P-2 'RPV CONTROL, POWER *:
    a. What are the entry conditions for E0P-27                                                     (1.00)
    b. What methods, other than insertion of control rods, are availabic to
        reduce reactor power?                                                                       (1.00)
  GUESTION           4 02                    (2 00)                                                            i
    a. According to PNPS Procedure 2.1.9 ' Reactor Recirculation Pump                                           ,
       Operation', what temperature requirements must be met to start an                                       *
        idle recirculation pump?                                                                    (1.00)      l
    b. List two adverse effects of starting a recirculation pump
       without having these requirements met.                                                       (1.00)
  OUESTION           4.03                    (3 00)
    Concerning PNPS Procedurc 2.4.40 ' Rapid Increase In Orfgas Activity'!                                      I
    a. What automatic actions would occur during a high offsas conditions
       and when would those actions be initiated?                                                   (1.00)      '
    b. Assuming these automatic actions occurede what immediato
       operator actions are required in accordance with the proceduro?                              (2.00)
 DUESTION           4.04                     (2.00)                                                            i
    a. According to procedure ' Stuck or Inoperabic Control Rods',                                     :
       what symptoms indicate a stuck or inoperable control rod?                                    (1.00)      i
    b. What inacdiate actions must be taken for a suspected stock or
                                                    *                                                          !
       inoperable control rod?                                                                      (1 00)
 lillFCIION         4 05                     (2.50)                                                            I
    o. Other than alarms, what four symptoms are indicative or a small Icak
       (drywell pressure does not cucced 2 psig.) within primary
       containment?                                                                                (1 00)        t
   b. When would plant shutdoun be initiated for inspection and                                                 i
       corrective action based on leakage detection system indication? (1.50)                                   l

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                 . _ . .                   .. .       . . . . - - - . .       . . - . . . . . .   _ _ . . . . . - . . . . . . _ . ..__ - . . . .       .     . - _ _ .:.,_ w
                           4.    PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                            PAGE       3
                           ~~~~R5656L66265L CUUTRUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                 --------------------                                                                                              -
                           OUESTION            4.06                     ( 2. !io )
                             Ucing the attached ' Heat Capacity Level Limit' curve from E0P-06
                             ' Primary Containment Lovel Control' answer the following!
                            o. What is the minimum water 1cvel for RPV pressure of 406 psis and
                                pool temperature of 160 do3rees F?                                                                                          (0.5)
                            b. What is the maximum RPV pressure with 12 feet or water at 154
                                degrees F?                                                                                                                  (0.5)
                            c.   If suppresion pool water 1cvel COULD NOT be maintained above the heat
                                car            ty lovel limit, what 2 actions must be takon, and why?                                                       (1.5)
                         HurG1 ION             4.07                     (2.00)
                            a.  In accordance with proceduro 2.1.1 'Startup From Cold Shutdown,'
                                under what conditions shall secondary containment integrity be
                                maintained?                                                                                                                 (1.5)
                            b.  You are allowed a cortain period of timo after placing the reactor
                                 in the RUN modo before the primary containment atmosphere nuygen
                                is required to be less than 5% by weight. How long ts this period? (0.5)
                       HHECTION               4.08                      (3.00)
                            According to procedure 2.2.96 ' Condensate and Feewater System,' during
                            startup of the foodwater pumps:
                            a.  What is the required status of the condensato pumps and controls? (1 00)
                            b. What precludes startup of the R.F.P. without lubrication?                                                                   (1 00)
                            c. How is the oil temperature maintained at 110 degrecs?                                                                        (0.5)
                            d. When should the second feed pump be placed in service?                                                                       (0.5)
                      4 HEC 1 ION             4.09                      (3.00)
                            What access control requirements exist for the following high radiation
                            a. An intensity greater than 100 mrem /hr but 1 css than 1000 mrem /hr                                                         (1.00)
                            b. An intensity greater than 1000 mrom/hr but loss than 10000 mrom/hr(1.00)
                            c. An intensity greater than 10000 mrom/hr.                                                                                    (1.00)
                                                                                                            _ _ _ .                     __
 _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , .
                                                                                   - . - -                                        . . . . - .             - -                  . . - . . ..;._ _ __.
            4. PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                                                                         PAGE              4
                                ____________________                                                                                                                 .
            QUESTION                                          4 10                                               (1.00)
                 According to procedure 1.3.4, procedures do not have to be present for
                 frequently ropcated procedural actions. What two types of procedures
                 are except from this and must be present and followed step by stop while
                 teoks are beins performod?                                                                                                                                            (1.00)
            OtlE'G110N                                        4.11                                               (2.00)
                 If both stack dilution fans are lost, the associated Of f -Normal
                proceduto requires that both standby gas treatment units be placed


                 in service. Why is this necessary?                                                                                                                                    (2.00)


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     . .
 O.      PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ADNORMAL, ENERGENCY AND                                                                                      PAGF      5
 ~~~~R 5656L55iEAL
         ____________________                                                                                                       .
    ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                     ,        -85/05/14-CRESCENZO,                     F.
 ANSWER              4.01               (2.00)
    e. A condition exists which requires reactor scram (0 25), AND reactor

i power is abovo 3% (0.25), OR power cannot be determined (0.25), OR

         all control rods are not inserted past postion 04. (0.25)
    b. Trip reactor recire pumps (0.33), Doron injection (0.33),
         Level control E0P-8 (0.33).
    PNPS Procedure No. E0P-02, Rev. O
 ANSWER              4.02               (2.00)
    a. Do not start an idic pump if delta temp. betwoon loops is
         than or equal to 50 dos. F (0.5) or if delta temp botucon the vossol
         dome and the bottom head drain is 3rcater than 145 dos. F. (0.5)
    b. A cold water injection can occur which can cause unusually high
         reactivity and a reactor scram.(0.5) Inadequate core flow and high
         CRD flow can result in cold water stratification in the vessel.
         Starting an idic pump from this condition can cause damase to the
         CRD stub tubos from cold water shock.(0.5)
    PNPS Procedure No.2.1.9 'Roactor Recirculation Pump Operation' Rev. 14
 ANSWER             4.03                (3.00)
    o. Off-Gas High High Radiation Alarm - Initiation of off sas isolation
         timer. If the high activity condition still entsts at conclusion of
         the 15 minute timer, the holdup line outlet valvo (A03751) and the
         holdup lino drain valvo (A03750) will trip closed.                                                                                   (1.00)
    b. Manually scram reactor (0.50), Close the MCIV's(0.50), R e f'e r to
         the procedure for 'Closuro of MSIV's on High Radiation'(0.50),
         Perform rapid survey (0.50).
    PNPD Procedure 2.4.40, Rev. 5
                                                                                                                                  *                            f
                                     .~   _ - - - . _ _ - .
                                                                   _ - _ ,                   - - - _ - - - . . . _ , . _         _    ..       .,

_ . - - - - _ _ - - - - - - _ - . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

               ..                             ...                  . . . _ . .     . . . _ . . _ _ _ - . _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . _ _ . _  .  . . . _ - .  .
            4.           PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABHORMAL, EHERGENCY AND                                                                                      PAGE   6
            ~~~~R565UL55555E~C N5RUL
                         ____________________                                                                                                    .
               ANSWERS -- PILCRIH                                                                ,        -85/05/14-CRESCENZO, F.
           ANSWER                          4.04                             (2.00)
               o. Inability to insert or withdraw a control rod partially or fu11y.(0.33)
                        Slow CRD movement which cannot be adjusted with the CRD module
                        speed control valves.(0.33) Rod blocks which are the result of power
                        failures in the RHCS.(0.33)
              b.        Check power, pressure, and level to assure that the reactor status
                        is within the enpceted limits.(0.33) Check compliance with technical
                        specifications.(0.33) Determine if an emergency action IcVel has
                        been exccoded. (0.33)
              PNPS proceduro 2.4.1 Stuck or Inoperabic Control Rods Rev.4
          ANSWER                           4.05                            (2.50)
              c.        Execssive sump pump operation due to increased leakase to drywell
                       equipment drain sump or drywell floor drain sump.(0.25) Abrupt
                       changes in drywell humidity as indicated on panel C05 recorders.(0.25)
                       High radiation detected on drywell leak detcetion systone panel
                       C19 (0 25) Significant drywell pressures changes indicated on
                       drywell pressure recorders.(0.25)
             b.        When any leakage detcetion system indicatos,within a 24 hour period
                       or loss, an increase in rate of unidentified Icakage in onoss of ?
                       gallons per minute or its equivalent, or when the total unidentified
                       Icakage attains a rate of 5 sallons por minute or its equivalent
                       whichever occurs first.
             REFERENCE                                                         -
             PNPS procedure 2.4 14 Leaks                                                  Inside The Primary Containment Rev. 5
          ANSWER                          4.06                             (2.50)
             o. 11.0 ft. (0 5)
             b. 800 psi 3 (0.5)
             e.        Manually scram reactor,(0.5) depressuri=c RPV using ADS system.(0.5)
                       this is to ensure the suppresion pool could contain energy released
                       during a LOCA (0.5)
             REFERENCE *
             PNPS procedure E0P-06 ' Primary Containment Level Control' Rev. 0

. . . . _ _ . . . . . .. _ . . . ....'. . . . . n 2. . .. . u . ... .  : L

        . -
    4.         PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERCENCY AND                                                                 PAGE      7
    ~~~~ RdDE6EUU56AL"C6HTR6E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
               ____________________                                                                                .
       ANSWERS -- PILGRIM                                                            ,   -85/05/14-CRESCENZO, F.                  '
    ANSWER                   4.07                     (2.00)
       o. Whencvor the reactor is critical or when the Rx water
       tamperature is above 212 do3rees and the head vont closed. (1.5)
       b. 74 hours. (0.5)
           Proceduro 2.1.1 Rev. 40 pg. 4
    ANSWER                   4.08                     (3.00)
       8. One condensato pump is required for cach feed pump in
       cervice, and the sequential trip selector switch to ON unless all
       condensato and RFP's are in service.(1.00)
       b. The same C/S is used to start the lubo oil pump and the R.F.P.
       At the first operation of the C/S, the lobe oil pump starts. It
       sprin3 returns to n-                                        .al, and at the second operation, the RFP
        is started. (1.00)
       c. By throttling the TBCCW oil cooler outlet valve (0.5)
       d. Before the first foodpump reachos 90% pump capacity.(or prior
        1.o execeding 30% reactor power) (0.5)
       RETERENCE! Procedurc 2.2.96 Rev. 15 pp. 9, 10
     ANSWER                   4.09                    (3.00)
        o. The area shall be baricaded and conspicuosly posted as a High
               Radiation Area and entranco thereto shall be controlled by issuance
               or a RWP. (1.00)
        b. In addition to those requirements stated in part 'a', locked doors
               shall be provided to provent unauthoriced entry into such areas.
                The keys shall be under the administrative control of the Chict
               Radiolo31 cal Ensincer (1.00)
       c. An additional lock, keys will be maintained with the watch engineer,
               HP rop. present during ontry to monitor dose rates, entry requires
                authorication from watch onsincer or station manager. (1 00)
           Procedure 6.1-012 Rev. 12
      g                                                                                            o
             -                      _ . . _ _ _        ____. _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___
                                                                                  ., ,
 . . . . .      ,.               -  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .                            ______.._.__...;..=___...,;.._.,;_
           ,1                    -s
     .                           .
       4.      PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND                                                                   PAGE   8
       ~~~~R A5iBL55iEAE 55siE5L
               ____________________                                                                                      .
          ANSWERS -- PILCRIM                                                    ,       -85/05/14-CRESCENZO, F.
       ANSWER                 4.10             (1.00)
          Operations Checklists designated as OPER forms for plant startup,
          chutdowns, and power changes as contained in Volume II, sect. 2 of
          the PNPS Operations Manual. (0.5) Surveillance Test Procedures as
          contained in Vol. VIII of the PNPS Operations Manual and designated
          as either the 8.m or 8 scrics. (0.5)
             Procedure 1.3.4 Rov. 26
       ANSWER                 4.11             (2.00)
          Both standby sas treatment units are placed in service at rated flow
          to provide dilution air to reduce the hydrogen concentration in the
           stack and maintain suitabic exhaust velocitics at the top of the stack.
           Procedurc 2.4.45 Rev. 5,                          Ps. 2


                                                                      .                     .

. . . - . . . . . ~ . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... _ . . . . _ . . . . _ ,;. ....._;._____.._.

                                                      TEST CROSS REFERENCE                                                       PAGE        1


  -------          ------       ----------
    04.01                 2.00  FJC0000001
     04.02                2.00- FJC0000002
    04.03                 3.00  FJC0000003
     04.04                2.00  FJC0000005
     04.05                2.50  FJC0000004
     04.06                2.50  FJC0000007
    04.07                2.00   FJC0000000
     04.08                3.00  FJC000001b
     04.09                3.00  FJC00000tt'
     04.10                1.00  FJC0000012
     04.11-               2.00  FJC0000014
                                                                                - - _ - _ _ _ _ .
