IR 05000259/1987018

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Insp Repts 50-259/87-18,50-260/87-18 & 50-296/87-18 on 870421-24.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review & Evaluation of Licensee Emergency Preparedness Program
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1987
From: Decker T, Kreh J
Shared Package
ML20214K273 List:
50-259-87-18, 50-260-87-18, 50-296-87-18, IEB-79-18, NUDOCS 8705280396
Download: ML20214K289 (6)










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Report Nos: 50-259/87-18,50-260/87-18,50-296/87-18 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street


I Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Docket Nos.: 50-259, 50-260, 50-296 License Nos.: DPR-33, DPR-52,


DPR-68 Facility Name: Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Inspection Cond cted: April 21-24, 1987 M&






L. Kreh Date Signed Accompanying Person


c-0. Testa-i Approved by: -




T. R. Decker,A16f Date Signed j

q Emergency Prfparedness Section Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, announced inspection involved review and evaluation of the licensee's emergency preparedness program.

Resul ts: No violations or deviations were identified.




8705280396 870513 i

PDR ADOCK 05000259 G



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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • R. L. Lewis, Plant Manager
  • P. Carier, Manager, Compliance
  • J. L. Ingwersen, Manager, Site Services
  • G. G. Turner, Manager, Quality Assurance
  • B. C. Morris, Senior Licensing Engineer
  • A. W. Sorrell, Site Radcon Supervisor
  • J. A. Savage, Compliance Licensing Engineer
  • S. G. Bugg, Assistant to Site Services Manager
  • D. A. Pullen, Site Representative, Office of Nuclear Power
  • W. E. Webb, Corporate QA Specialist
  • W. A. Drown, Corporate QA Specialist
  • L. W. Ivey, Licensing Engineer

P. J. Moll, Site Program Manager, Nuclear Training Services


Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, technicians, and l

office personnel.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • G. G. Zech, Assistant Director, Inspection Program, Office of Special Programs
  • A. J. Ignatonis, Section Chief, TVA Projects
  • G. L. Paulk, Senior Resident Inspector C. A. Patterson, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were suninarized on April 24, 1987, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings.

Licensee management agreed to implement and periodically test an administrative system to assure that offshift personnel would be available to augment the onsite emergency organization in a timely manner (see Paragraph 6 below).

Licensee representatives took exception to a finding regarding timeliness of the schedule for completion of corrective actions to address the generic problem identified in IE Bulletin No. 79-18 (see Paragraph 8.a below).

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio.




Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.


Notification and Communication (82203)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(5) and (6); 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV.D; and Section 5 of the licensee's Radiological Emergency Plan (REP), this area was inspected to determine whether the licensee was maintaining a capability for notifying and comunicating (in the event of an emergency) among its own personnel, offsite supporting agencies and authorities, and the population within the EPZ.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's notification procedures.

The procedures were consistent with the emergency classification and emergency action level (EAL) scheme used by the licensee. The inspector determined that the procedures made provisions for message verification.

The inspector determined by review of applicable procedures and by discussion with licensee representatives that adequate procedural means existed for alerting, notifying, and activating emergency response personnel.

The procedures specified when to notify and activate the onsite emergency organization, corporate support organization, and offsite agencies.

Selected telephone numbers listed in the licensee's procedures for emergency response personnel were checked in order to determine whether the listed numbers were current and correct.

No problems were noted.

The inspector conducted operability checks on selected communications equipment in the Technical Support Center.

No problems were observed.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Changes to the Emergency Preparedness Program (82204)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(16); 10 CFR 50.54(q); and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Sections IV and V, this area was reviewed to determine whether changes were made to the program since the last routine inspection (January 1986) cnd to note how these changes affected the overall state of emergency preparco.ess.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's system (as delineated in REP Section 16) for review and approval of changes to the plan and procedures.

The inspector verified that changes to the plan and procedures were reviewed and approved by management.

It was also noted that all such changes were submitted to NRC within 30 days of the effective date, as required.

Discussions wf th licensee representatives indicated that no significant modifications to facilities, equipment, or instrumentation were completed since the last inspection.

One minor but laudable change was the





conversion of the TSC to a dedicated facility with the discontinuation of its use for routine office space.

The organization and management of the emergency preparedness program were reviewed.

As of April 21, 1987, a new REP Manager for the Browns Ferry site assumed his duties.

A new position of assistant to the REP Manager was added.

The position was filled during March 1987.

A full-time REP technician position was also assigned and staffed. Field monitoring team training was being conducted by the site training department rather than the corporate Emergency Preparedness Branch.

The inspector's discussion with licensee representatives disclosed that there were no significant changes in the organization and staffing of the offsite support agencies since the last inspection.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Shift Staffing and Augmentation (82205)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Sections IV.A and IV.C. this area was inspected to determine whether shift staffing for emergencies was adequate both in numbers and in functional capability, and whether administrative and physical means were available and maintained to augment the emergency organization in a timely manner.

Shift staffing levels and functional capabilities of all shifts were reviewed and found to be consistent with the guidance of Table B-1 of NUREG-0654.

The licensee had in place an "on-call" system known as the Weekend and Holiday Duty List (Form BF-155) for plant operational activities.

However, the system was not designed to implement the REP in terms of augmentation of the emergency organization. The inspector determined that the availability of augmentation personnel for the onsite emergency organization, as specified in Section 3 of the REP, was uncertain because such availability was neither tested by drills nor assured through use of a REP duty roster.

The inspector discussed with licensee representatives the desirability of including key emergency response personnel in an

"on-call" list tied to the emergency response call-out lists of Procedures IP-6 and IP-7, and periodically verifying their timely availability.

During the exit meeting, licensee management committed to taking corrective action on this matter.

Inspector Follow-up Item (50-259, 50-260, 50-296/87-18-01):

Inclusion of key emergency response personnel in an "on-call" list and periodic verification of their timely availability by unannounced drills.

No violations or deviations were identified.





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i Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14) and (16) and 10 CFR 50.54(t), this area was inspected to determine whether the - licensee had

independent review or audit of the emergency preparedness program.


Records of audits of the program were reviewed.

The records showed that an independent audit of the program was conducted by' the TVA Division of


Nuclear Quality Assurance from June 2 to July 25, 1986, and was documented


in Audit Report No.. QSS-A-86-0015, dated August-22,1986.

This audit fulfilled the 12-month frequency requirement for such audits.

The audit


records showed that the State and local government interfaces were evaluated. Audit findings and recommendations were presented to plant and


corporate management.

A review of past audit reports indicated that the


licensee complied with the five-year retention requirement for such i


Licensee emergency plans and procedures required critiques. following



exercises and drills.

The inspector reviewed documentation of the l

licensee's critique of the Ser amber 1986 exercise.

The records showed l

that deficiencies were discussed in the critique, and recomendations for i

corrective action were made.



The licensee's program for follow-up action on audit, drill, and exercise i

findings was reviewed.

Licensee procedures required follow-up on

deficient areas identified during audits, drills, and exercises.



licensee was in the process of verifying and validating a tracking system l

for internal use by the REP Program Manager in following up on actions


taken in deficient areas.

l No violations or deviations were identified.



f a.

(0 pen) Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 259,. 260, 296/85-52-06:

Failure to adequately provide for protective response of onsite personnel via an effective PA system and informative announcements.

The status of the licensee's response to IE Bulletin No. 79-18, entitled " Audibility Problems encountered on Evacuation of Personnel


From High-Noise Areas", was discussed. The response was presented in


Section 8.1 of the-Browns Ferry Nuclear Performance Plan, dated


August 1986.

The inspector reviewed and discussed the revised j

Nuclear Performance Plan (in draft at the time of the inspection) and noted that permanent' corrective actions to address the requirements


of IE Bulletin No. 79-18 were not scheduled for completion prior to


the planned restart of the first reactor (Unit 2).

Licensee i

representatives were informed during the exit interview that this


schedule was inappropriate because of the health and safety J

significance of this issue for plant personnel and the extended prior l

period of licensee inaction on this matter. This item remains open.

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(0 pen) IFI 259, 260, 296/85-52-07:

Determine adequacy of cross-referencing of rewritten Emergency Operating Instructions. The licensee indicated that the revised Emergency Operating Instructions were expected to be submitted during the summer of 1987.


(0 pen) IFI 259, 260, 296/85-52-08:

Review FEMA 43 documentation when available along with licensee's records to determine adequacy of prompt notification system (PNS) testing and evaluation schedule.

According to licensee representatives, FEMA will conduct a test of the system upon completion of PNS modifications currently in progress, d.

(Closed) IFI 259/86-01-01:

Ensure tracking of all discrepancies identified in drills.

The inspector reviewed the tracking system currently in use at the plant. Although still under development, it appeared to have the potential of maintaining the necessary tracking information.


(Closed) IFI 259/86-01-02:

Ensure alarm detection in high-noise areas.

This item essentially duplicates IFI 259, 260, 296/85-52-06 (see Paragraph 8.a above).


(Closed) IFI 259/86-33-03:

Exercise weakness:

all but Shift Engineer in Control Room had not been trained on the revised Emergency Operating Instructions.

Selected lesson plans, course attendance sheets, and examinations were reviewed to verify the

existence of a revised Emergency Operating Instruction training program.

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