IR 05000259/1993006

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Insp Repts 50-259/93-06,50-260/93-06 & 50-296/93-06 on 930222-26.Non-cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Mgt Support,Physical Barriers,Protected & Vital Areas,Access Control & Security Communications.Partially Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1993
From: Mcguire D, Tillman A
Shared Package
ML20035A180 List:
50-259-93-06, 50-259-93-6, 50-260-93-06, 50-260-93-6, 50-296-93-06, 50-296-93-6, NUDOCS 9303240243
Download: ML20035A186 (2)


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' A' AT LANT A. GEDRGI A 30323 ' ..... I Report Nos.

50-259/93-06, 50-260/93-06, and 50-296/93-06 l l Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority ! 3B Lookout Place

1101 Market Street .l Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801

Docket Nos.

50-259, 50-260 License Nos. DPR-33, DPR-52, and 50-296 and DPR-68 r ' Facility Name: Browns Ferry 1, 2, and 3 Feb'r ary 2f - 26,1993 l Inspection nducted: .i dL T5/14 B/Mkd k Inspecto : N Vill an, Saf4gdards'Inspecpr Date Signed Approved b 7dA 3!M

D. McGuir'e, Chief D' ate Signed ' Safeguards Section Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards ~ SUMMARY Scope: This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of Physical Security Program for Power Reactors, specifically: Management Support; Physical Barriers, Protected and Vital Areas; Access Control, Personnel, Packages and' Vehicles; Compensatory Measures; Security Communications and Safeguards Information Program.

In addition, the status of the licensee's upgr::de cf Physical Security systems and facilities was reviewed.

Results: In the areas inspected, cited violations or deviations were not identified.

Review of licensee-identified and documented events concerning the failure to provide adequate protection of Safeguards Information confirmed that the three events, all of which were thoroughly investigated and documented, but not recorded and reported in the safeguards event log, were violations of regulatory requirements and the licensee procedures.

However, in that the events were similar to inspection findings at the licensee's Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, documented in Inspection Report Nos. 50-327/92-37 and 50-328/92-37, the violations are categorized as licensee-identified non-cited violations.

Corrective actions implemented by the licensee upon discovery of the violations is consistent with the criteria specific in Section VII B. of the NRC Enforcement Policy. Review and observation of routine security m ' 93032402#J 930318 [["j[[,"$78 ADOcK05000gg PDR %,,,,,,,e it, P RDsINFOR - u. e s = = me#i>soeco*rone$ G - - -.f

operational activities confirmed that the licensee was in compliance with regulatory requirements and commitments of the approved Physical Security Plan in the other areas inspected. Attendance at the daily security program upgrade status meeting and discussion with the project manager revealed that work on the upgrade project was on temporary hold pending resolution of

problems associated with documentation of work packages and installation of l conduit around the protected area perimeter.

It was anticipated by the i licensee that the problems would be resolved and work would continue in early March, 1993.

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