IR 05000259/1987013

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Insp Repts 50-259/87-13,50-260/87-13 & 50-296/87-13 on 870310-12.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verification & Compliance W/Generic SER, BWR Scram Discharge Sys Safety Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1987
From: Bernhard R, Jape F
Shared Package
ML20209C459 List:
50-259-87-13, 50-260-87-13, 50-296-87-13, IEB-80-14, IEB-80-17, NUDOCS 8704280690
Download: ML20209C486 (3)



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i Report Nos.: 50-259/87-13, 50-260/87-13, and 50-296/87-13 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N 38A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801

; Docket Nos.: 50-259, 50-260 and 50-296  License Nos.: DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 Facility Name: Browns Ferry 1, 2, and 3 r

' Inspection Co ducted: March 10-1 , 198 Inspector: /# / / M 7

R. H. Befnhard ' Date Signed Accompanying Personnel
E W. Weiss, IE, Headquarters Approved by: 44244 M Frank Jape. Section Chief V "

Date Signed Division of Reactor Safety a SUMMARY Scope: This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas o verification of compliance with Generic Safety Evaluation Report (SER), "BWR Scram Discharge System Safety Evaluation."

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

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8704280690 870409 PDR ADOCK 05000259 G PDR

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* O REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
*R. L. Lewis, Plant Manager
*P. Carter, Manager Compliance
*E. Hartwig, Project Manager J. A. Savage, Compliance
*B. Blair, Compliance
*B. W. Hargis, Instrument Engineer NRC Resident Inspectors
*C Brooks C. Patterson
* Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on March 12, 1987, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments were received from the license IFI 87-13-01, " Review of Section XI Surveillance Procedures to Verify that SDV Vent and Drain Valve Timing Limits are Included."

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection. Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection. Independent Inspection Effort This inspection was perforn;ed to verify actions taken to bring Units 1, 2 and 3 into compliance with the guidelines established by the Generic SER on BWR Scram Discharge Systems. The generic SER addresses the long term fix for the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) and Instrument Volume (IV) problems found as a result of the Browns Ferry incident of June 28, 1980,

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in which control rods partially inserted in response to a scram signal..

. IE Bulletins 80-14 and 80-17 (with supplements) addressed immediate and short term solutions to the problem.

, The inspector performed a review of documentation associated with ,

;'  IEBs 80-14 and 80-17 to obtain background information and a history of the


', An inspection of the actual plant configuration of all six instrument volumes and SDVs was made (two each for three units). Work was still in '


, progress for Unit 2. The hydraulic linkage between the SDV. and IV was i examine Verification of diversity and redundancy of the monitoring

instrumentation was mad Redundant vent and drain valves were confirmed ' to have been installed.

i A walkdown of the control room boards confirmed the existence of operator , i indications for alarms, rod blocks, and half scrams. Vent and drain valve

positions are monitored in the control room. Alarm Response Procedures
(ARP) list actions to be performed for each alarm. A review was performed l of the applicable ARPs and operating procedure for response to the alarms..

j No problems were identified.

I ! A review was performed on documentation associated with Engineering Changes " ! Notice (ECN)-P0392, "SDV Modification Package," and ECN-P0418. " Low Air - i Pressure Scram for Control Rod Drive Air Header." Plart drawings were - j checked to verify the independence of instrumentation on the IV.

j Instru;nentation Surveillance Instructions '(sis) were reviewed to verify  ; j level setpoints and a calibration program was in plac '

i The vent and drain valve surveillance program was reviewed. A monthly j operational surveillance is performed; however, no timing information is i taken. The valves have been included in the draft ASME Section XI Pump

and Valve Testing Program submitted for NRC approval. Under.this program the valves would be tested quarterly. IFI 87-13-01, " Review of Section XI

] Surveillance Procedures to Verify SDV Vent and Drain Valve Timing Limits ! are Included," was written to insure the 30 second closure limit required ! by the generic SER is included in the procedure IFI 86-32-05, " Low Air Pressure Scram", identified possible-response time , inadequacies with the Magnetrol level switches used for.the high IV level ! scram. During scrams at the plant, the Magnetrol switches responded to j high level 20 seconds later than the diverse instruments (RTD type level j sensors) located at the same level. Currently, TVA plans to. keep the low

air pressure scram in place. This will preclude a single failure of one-

of the RTD level sensors in conjunction with a fast fill event from l causing the SDV to have inadequate free volume to handle the' scram. This .

IFI was reviewed, but will remain open until the timing issue on Magnetrol switches is resolve '

l Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.

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