BECO-92-109, Responds to Suppl 1 to GL 87-02 Re SQUG Resolution of USI A-46,consisting of Description of Floor Response Spectra for Use in Resolving USI A-46 & Spec C-114-ER-Q-EO, Pilgrim Unit 1 Spec for Seismic Response Spectra

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Responds to Suppl 1 to GL 87-02 Re SQUG Resolution of USI A-46,consisting of Description of Floor Response Spectra for Use in Resolving USI A-46 & Spec C-114-ER-Q-EO, Pilgrim Unit 1 Spec for Seismic Response Spectra
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 09/21/1992
From: Richard Anderson
Shared Package
ML20106A635 List:
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR BECO-92-109, GL-87-09, GL-87-9, NUDOCS 9209290234
Download: ML20106A632 (5)


{{#Wiki_filter:s, .A.,-- mir.A as m; _,,---.a. J-- , -h* -+1 -F ,---.M,* 5$ BOSTON E0lSON rapn Nuoear Power t,tanon Hp( h y M (103] PI,rnouth. fAaum hutt th 02%o Roy A. Anderson BECo 92-109 sen.o< vite eres,oen, . Nucrea, U. S. Nuclear Pegulatoi./ Commission september 21, 1992 Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 License DPR-35 Docket 50-293 Response to Supplement I to {igneric letter 87-02 on SOUG Resolution of USI A-46 l This letter provides our response to NRC Generic letter 87-02, Supplement 1, issued to all Unresolved Safety issue (USI) A-46 Licensees who are members of the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG). As a member of the SQUG, we plan to implement the seismic verification program at Pilgrim Station through the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP), I Revision 2, developed by SQUG. Specifically, we commit to the SQUG commitments set forth in the GIP in their entirety, including the i clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions identified in the May 22, 1992, NRC Supplemental Safety tvaluation Report Number 2 (SSER-2) on the GIP, as subsequently clarified by the August 21, 1992, SQUG letter to James G. Partlow, NRC. Our schedule for implementation of the GlP and submission of a summary report is being developed in conjunction with our Long Term Program (LTP) integrated work management process and will be reported 5 the February 1993 semi-annual LTP update. A description of the procedures and criteria used to generate the in-structure response spectra is attached. We understand that if the NRC does not respond by accepting, questioning, or rejecting the spectra within sixty (60) days, it is considered acceptable and implementation may proceed, s 9, . . .

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f ,ngers,h . -rue C'bmmdnwealth of Massachusetts) [ @8',1. oo ,4ou_nty of] Plymouth)

 ;' $8           Thei.%  personally appeared before me, Roy A. Anderson, who being duly sworn, did
    .e x     " state that he is Senior Vice President - Nuclear of Boston Edison Company and gg        .. that he is duly authorized to execute and file the submittal contained herein                                                          /   ,

o ci in the name and on behalf of Boston Edison Company and that the statements in ' 7 said submittal are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.  %; kg b ' g

   ""            My commission expires:             A?               /Wf                           gg/L                               g-j

BOSTON EDISON COMPANY i j U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Company Page 2 l - - - JDK/clc/regl8702 Attachments i

1) Floor Response Spectra Description
2) Specification No. C-Il4-ER-Q-E0 l cc: Mr. R. Eaton, Project Manager i Division of Reactor Projects 1/11 l

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mail Stop: 1401 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . 1 White flint North j 11555 Rockville Pike i Rockville, MD 20852  ; l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Region I . 475 Allendale Road i King of Prussia, PA 19406 Senior NRC Resident inspector Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station l i

A11ACHMENT 1 10 BEco LETTER 92-109 IleErjption of f1cor Reanonte_Spect ra for Ute_la_ksolving -.VSLA-40 The procedures and criteria used to generate the pilgrim design basis floor response spectra for initial desig1 and plant modifications, and which will be used to resolve USl A-46, arc described below: 1he pHPS floor Response Spectra (FRS) generated for design use are contained in BEco Specification C-Il4-ER-0-E0. A copy of this document is attached as part of - this submittal. This specification contains FRS for Class I structures, and for Class 11 structures housing Class I equipment. These spectra were originally generated by Bechtel, GE and Cygna utilizing lumped mass stick models with springs to account for interaction with the soil. Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) as described in the Standard Review Plan (SRP) was not used in the generation of the FRS in Specification C-114. The Bechtel and GE spectral analyses were performed in 1969. The Cygna analysis for the intake Structure and Diesel Generator Building was performed in 1981 using similar techniques. The input motions for the pilgrim design basis floor response spectra generated by Bechtel were based on a modified 1952 Taft earthquake time history with a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.15 g. Figure 1 provides a plot of an approximation of the response spectra for the Taft time history relative to the licensing basis Housner spectral shape anchored at 0.15 g. The Taft time history creates a response spectra that conservatively envelopes the Housner shape licensing basis. lhe analysis using lumped mass stick models and soil springs resulted in the calculation of building resonant frequencies. A listing of the first four modal frequencies for the Class I buildings is provided below for your information: Blda. D ir. Jodp)) tio.de_#L_jode #3 ModH4 Reactor E-W 4.6Hz 12.4 Hz 17.0 Hz 22.9 H7 N-S 4.5 11.7 15.4 21.1 Turbine E-W 3.4 5.9 14.5 22.3 N-S 4.5 7.0 13.0 23.2 Radwaste E-W 9.6 22.2 33.2 42.5 N-S 11.3 23.1 32.8 43.6 Diesel Horiz. 2.3 - - - intake Horiz. 7.3 - - - NOTE: Building _model development was 2-Dimensional with rigid vertical response-assumed. Modal frequencies are approxiutate values taken from Bechtel analysis for reactor, turbine, and radwaste buildings. The detailed data for modal frequencies of the intake and diesel structures are not available from the original Bechtel analysis. The first mode frequency for the intake and diesel structures has been estimated based on a review of the response spectra curves in Specification C-114. Page 1 of 3 _ ___9

e Appendix H of DECO Specification C-Il4-ER-Q-E0 co .ains a plot of the horizontal Ground Response Spectra (G s) for the Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) load condition, and a digitized list of the OBE and SSE values. An approximate comparison of the spectral acceleration at the 1st mode peak of the IRS, to the corresponding value of the GRS for the SSE at 5% shows the following: Ellia . Elevatton (ft.) fRS/GRS Reactor -17.5 2.0 23.0 4.2 51.0 7.7 91.25 9.6 117.0 12.1 Turbine 23.0 6.9 " 37.0 9.8 51.0 13.7 105.5 35.1 Radwaste 37.0 4.5 51.0 6.I 64.0 7.3 81.0 8.8 Diesel 23.0 - 2.1 34.5 2.2 Intake 21.5 - 6.8 38.0 10.3 Additional background information on how the FRS were generated can be found in ' paragraphs 4.0 and 5.0 of Specification C-Il4-ER-Q-EO. Figures showing the lumped mass stick models used can also be found in the specification for the reactor, turbine, and radwaste buildings. A review of these design basis spectra identified no concerns with respect to their appropriateness for use to resolve USl A-46. Building frequencies and floor amplifications are reasonable, and the models account for the influence of soil foundation conditions. jcp/JGD2 Page 2 of 3

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