IR 05000916/2010031

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Notice of Violation from Insp on 850916-1031
Person / Time
Site: River Bend, 05000916 Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1985
Shared Package
ML20137T286 List:
50-458-85-69, NUDOCS 8512060425
Download: ML20137T287 (2)



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t Gulf States Utilities Docket: 50-458/85-69 River Bend Station License: NPF-40 During an NRC uspection conducted during the period of September 16 through


October 31, 1985, two violations of NRC requirements were identifled. The

violations involved the failure to follow an administrative procedure for control and use of procedures. In accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C j (1985),theviolationsarelistedbelow:

1 Failure'of Document Control Program i.

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, and the licensee's approved j quality assurance program, require that activities affecting the quality

of safety-related systems and components be conducted in ~accordance with approved instructions, procedures, and drawing Prccedure NPE-3-006, " River Bend Station Design and Modification Request

> Control Plan," Revision 1, states that "the design documents affected by a j modification will normally be updated by the holder of the design data



base as managed by NUPE."-


Procedure NUPE-AA-59, " Updating and Distributing Design Documents,"

Revision 0, states that " updating and distributing of the~ Design Document handled by the Holder of the Design Data Base in accordance with GSU approved procedures."

Contrary to the above, on October 18,1985, it was discovered that approved modification request (MR) design packages and approved field change ~ notices ~(FCN) had not been posted against affected design documents and they had'not been distributed to document control stations. For example, FCN 85-0397-19 was not posted against drawing 12210-FSK-5 ENS 06 and it was.not available at the document control stations. Several other


' examples of the failure to post and distribute ItRs and FCNs were note This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I.D.)(458/8569-01).

' Improper Use of a Field Change Notice-(FCN)'

b S 10 CFR Part 50, Appendi_x B; Criterion V, and the. licensees' approved . ,

quality assurance program require that activities affecting -the quality of safety-related systems -and components be'condu_cted in accordance with -

; approved instructions, procedures, and drawings.

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8512060425 851119 ,


", PDR ADOCK 05000458 '



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a Procedure NPE-3-006, " River Bend Station Design and Modification Request Control Plan,".. Revision 1, states that a FCN is "a written instrument used i to effect a change to design that does not' alter the concept, function or scope of the original modification, but is needed to document errors, i material availability, installation problems, etc."


' Contrary to the above, on October 18, 1985, it was discovered that


FCN 85-0397-19,was approve'd and implemented to modify the function / control


< ~ . logic of the ' diesel generator output breaker to allow remote shutdown -

^.cperation from the diesel; generator panel'in either the normal o . ; emergency mod ,

"This is a Sevefity Level .IV violation-(Supplement I.D.)(458/8569-02).

Pursuant to th'e provi$ ions of 10 CFR 2.201, Gulf States Utilities is hereby required to submit tothe Office witnin 30. days of the date of the letter
  • *

transmitting this- Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each violation: (1) the reason for the violations if admitted, 2) the corrective steps which have been taken and .the results achieved,


' 3)"the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations, and

, 4) the date when full compliance will:be achieved.- Where good cause is shown,

.c nc sideration given to extending the response tim '


7 Dated at Arlington,' Texas,

, 198 this'/%dayof g ,



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