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Informs of Commitment & Plan to Conduct Formal Review of Current USAR by 980430
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1997
From: Muench R
ET-97-0010, ET-97-10, NUDOCS 9702130014
Download: ML20134J922 (2)


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Rchard A. Mue'ich 1 Vice President Engineering 1 February 7, 1997 ET 97-0010 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555


1) Letter WO 95-0181, dated December 13, 1995, from O. L. Maynard, WCNOC, to USNRC
2) Letter WM 96-0081, dated July 31, 1996 from N. S. Carns, WCNOC, to USNRC
3) Letter WO 96-0101, dated July 3, 1996, from O. L. Maynard, WCNOC, to USNRC
4) Letter WO 96-0118, dated August 22, 1996, from C. C. Warren, WCNOC, to USNRC
5) Letter WO 96-0068, dated April 18, 1996, from O. L. Maynard, WCNOC, to USNRC
6) Letter WM 97-0009, dated February 7, 1997, from O. L. Maynard, WCNOC, to USNRC


Docket No. 50-482: Updated Safety Analysis Report l

(USAR) Review Commitment i i

i Gentlemen:

WCNOC remains committed to maintaining Wolf Creek's Design Bases (DB) as defined in 10 CFR 50.2 and Licensing Bases (LB). This letter provides WCNOC's commitment and currently envisioned plan to conduct a formal review of the ,

current USAR by April 30, 1998. As our review progresses, we may make adjustments to the review scope and schedule. Adjustments if any, to our \0 scheduled commitment to complete the review by April 30, 1998 will be formally communicated to you.

The objectives of the Wolf Creek USAR Review are to: l l

Provide reasonable assurance that any previously unknown USAR-related safety or regulatory significant concern which could affect on-going operations are identified (i.e., potential unreviewed safety questions, or conflicts l involving the Technical Specifications); and l 9702130014 970207 PDR P ADOCK 05000482 ppg PO. Box 411/ Burhngton, KS (4839 i Phone. (316) 364-8831 120085 ~ i w eme - r cvn

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+ 'ET 97-0010  ;

P, age 2 of 2 provide reasonable assurance that the USAR is accurate and complete (i.e., .;

consistent with the as-built, as-operated and as-licensed plant).


The currently envisioned USAR Review scope employs a sampling approach -.!

designed. to achieve the above objectives for both Design Bases and. ,

Administrative Control related USAR sections. The USAR Review combines both  !

informal day-to-day, reviews based on management-emphasis on USAR fidelity and.

  • more formal programs. References 1-6 provide other formal program elements of ,

WCNOC's DB/LB commitments involving or impacting the USAR. These commitments  ;

include the performance of four system functional assessments and the ,'}

conversion to Improved Standard Technical Specifications. Non-conformances  ;

identified through these reviews will be dispositioned through the corrective l action program.

1 In response to recent industry events and our own self-assessments, we are in (

the process of realigning several of our on-going DB (i . e . , System Funct'ional f Assessments) =and LB (Improved Standard Technical Specification Conversion) {

programs. ,Our, goal is to create one DB/LB station-wide program. A I

, description of this station-wide program will be made available on-site.

-Revisions to our prior regulatory commitments resulting from tnis program will be provided to you as appropriate.

i If you have any questions concerning this commitment, please contact me at t (316) 364-8831, extension 4034, or Mr Richard D. Flannigan at extension 4500. l very truly yours, j Richar A. Muench 1  :

e  !

l RAM /jad ,

cc L. J. Callan (NRC) l W. D. Johnson (NRC) i

! J. F. Ringwald (NRC) +

l J. C. Stone (NRC)  ;

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