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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures O.P. 3500 Re Unusual Event, O.P. 3501 Re Alert & O.P. 3502 Re Site Area Emergency. Instruction Sheet & Revised Table of Contents Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1982
Shared Package
ML20041C003 List:
PROC-820202-01, NUDOCS 8202260014
Download: ML20041C008 (200)


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.j Implementing Procedures (VY Emergency Plan) February 2,1982 l-l Change #7 4

! - Instructions -


l. Under the tab " Table of Contents" remove the table of contents and insert the attached table of contents dated February 2,1982.

J. L

.i L 2. Under the tab " Contact List" remove the list dated October 1981 and


) '

insert the attached list dated January -1982. (Remove only if applicable) 1 3. Under the tab " Unusual Event" remove the procedure numbered 0.P. 3500,

l Rev. O and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3500, Rev. 1. <


! 4. Under the tab " Alert" remove the procedure numbered 0.P. 3501, Rev.1 d= and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3501, Rev. 2.


f iF 5. Under the tab " Site Area Emergency" remove the procedure numbered i5 0.P. 3502, Rev. 13 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3502, Rev. 14.

i? 6. Under the tab " General Emergency" remove the procedure numbered j4 0.P. 3503, Rev.14 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3503, Rev.15.

7. Under the tab " Evaluation of Radiological Data" remove the procedure 1: ntanbered 0.P. 3513, Rev. 4 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3513.

Rev. 5.

Ii 8. Under the tab "Off-Site Monitoring" remove the procedure numbered

0.P. _3510, Rev. 8 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3510, Rev. 9.


, 9. Under the tab " Emergency Exposure Control" remove the procedure numbered .

] .' O.P. 3507, Rev. 11 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3507. Rev. 12.

l 10. Under the tab "On-Site Medical Emergency" remove the procedure numbered

, 0.P.'3508, Rev. 9 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3508, Rev. 10.


11. Under'the tab " Security Force Actions" remove the procedure numbered
0.P. 3524, Rev.1 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3524, Rev. 2.
12. Under the tab " Radiological Coordination" remove the procedure numbered O.P. 3525, Rev. O and insert the procedure numbered 0 P. 3525, Rev.1.


- 13.. Under the tab " Environmental Sample Collection" remove the procedure w numbered 0.P. 3509. Rev. 6 and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3509, NNb Rev. 7.

. NNa.


' -Q '14. Under the. tab " Emergency Exercises / Drills" remove the procedure numoered 0.P. 3505, Rev. 8 and. insert the procedure numbered 0.P 3505, Rev. 9.

tg I-

.h 15. Under the tab " Emergency Equipment Check" remove the procedure numbered 0.P. 3506, Rev.13 'and insert the procedure numbered 0.P. 3506, Rev.14.

l ng 16.- Under the - tab " Coordination-and Communications" remove the procedure

! .g . numbered 0.P.~3504, Rev. 13 and the<two DI's and insert the procedure t NE -numbered 0.P.' 3504,'Rev. 14.

I m a.k.





i Contact List January 1982 Implementing Procedures:

]i j Emergency Plan Classification and A.P. 3125 Rev. 26 l Action Level Scheme 1

j Unusual Event 0.P. 3500 Rev. 1 l Alert O.P. 3501 Rev. 2 4 Site Area E=ergency 0.P. 3502 Rev.14 i General E=ergency O.P. 3503 Rev. 15, i Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological 0.P. 3513 Rev. 5 Conditions Off-Site and Site Boundary 0.P. 3510 Rev. 9 Monitoring Emergency Radiation Exposure 0.P. 3507 Rev.12

, Control On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure 0 P. 3508 Rev .10 Emergency Actions by Plant Security 0.P. 3524 Rev. 2 Personnel Release of Public Infor=ation A.P. 0835 Rev. 3 Radiological Coordination 0.P. 3525 Rev; 1 Environ = ental Sample Collection 0.P. 3509 Rev. 7 During an Emergency Supplemental Procedures:


Emergenc*/ Plan Training O. P. 3712 Rev. 5 Emergency Preparedness Exercises 0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 and Drills E=ergency Equipment Readiness Check O.P. 3506 Rev. 14-Emergency Co==unications O.P. 3504 Rev. 14 4

.,y , _ _ _ - ___- _ - m .___ __

%,' Dzpt. Supv. w . Proc. No. 0.P. 3500 i - PORC fp@# W _ Rev. No.

1 ,

Plant Mgr. ' /7)$PK 4t.ndm Issue Date 1/28/82 Mgr. of Ops. #Aff.,, W Review Date 1/28/84 y-8 UNUSUAL EVENT j


To outline the actions required of plant personnel, visitors, and contractors when an Unusual Event is declared.

I Discussion:


  • i
An Unusual Event is defined as any plant-related event which indicates a potential degradation of plant safety margins which is i

not likely to affect personnel on-site or the public off-site or i result in radioactive releases requiring off-site monitoring.

Unusual Event conditions will not have caused serious damage to the plant and may not require a change in operation status. 4 The basic shift complement is able to deal with Unusual Event conditions. Additional plant personnel will be notified and will li respond at the discretion of the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director.

The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director, who, in turn,  !

instructs Control Room personnel to activate the notification j system. On-duty personnel are assigned to functions as required. r Notification is made to off-site authorities as delineated. -Addition-  !

al members of the plant organization including top management, are notified and augment on-duty personnel as necessary. Public infor-mation via established mechanisms and closecut or escalation to a more severs classification will occur as appropriate.


A. Tech Specs.

1. None B. Admin. Limits
1. None f C. Other I .:


1. Vermont Yankee Emergency Plan PrerequisitTs: .

i i

1. None j o

4 hei

_._4 ._ -

e 0.P. 3500

. Rev. 1 Procedure:

, l. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following:

Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Shift Supervisor

-* Appendix IV Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned

-.!- by the responsible individual to other personnel

,j as appropriate. The designated individual, however, a has the overall responsibility for the execution of his checksheet.

2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time end initials as required.


!j Final Conditions:


1. As specified in the appropriate appendices.

I! SPS/emr

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1 5 '

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O.P. 3500

' Rev. 1 I APPENDIX I l


l 1 Immediate Actions

Time / Initials .

1. -Conditions have been assessed and the applicable ,

Emergency Operating Procedure is utilized.

.x 1

>J' 2. The type of emergency (Unusual Event) has been

, determined from 0.P. 3125, Classification .

of Emergencies. /
3. Determine immediate personnel response to be taken.

4 Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to the

" Alert" position, turn the Alarm Switch to the "0N"  ;

position for ten seconds, and then announce the i following over the Plant Paging System:

'+- t t

j a. " Unusual Event, Unusual Event, Unusual Event"  !



b. There is (what) in/at (where) r I c. The following personnel (as determined in Step 3) report to (where) . All other personnel stay a


clear of the area" / .

5. Request the Shif t Technical Advisor to report to the  :

Control Room and provide assistance. / r


  • 6. Notify the NRC on the NRC Emergency Notification System red phone. Maintain an open, continuous communications channel on this line. /

'l 7. a. ~ Notify the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont

  • State Police Agencies by depressing number 111 on the
  • Nuclear Alert System orange phone (or utilizing g
  • telephone backup) and making the . ,llowing announcement

{ upon establishing communications:

"This is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon,

, Vermont. We have an Unusual Event. I repeat, this is '

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, p Vermont. We have an Unusual Event. Please ac- J u knowledge with your name, your state, and a repeti-tion of the message." '

) Vermont b Name of Dispatcher I L

N.H. h Name of Dispatcher s

t Mass.

!- .Name of Dispatcher Page 1 of 2 *

. ~ . . . . . .- - a ._ _ s .a .. . _ _ . ._- _ . _ . = _ . . . . _ _ . _ _ .

0.P. 3500

, l Rev. 1 APPENDIX I (Continuad)

Time / Initials

  • b. Expect calls from State Health and/or C.D.
  • Officials concerning plant conditions.
8. Notify the Security Shift Supervisor to activate 4

the telephone ~ paging system. Advise him, at this time, of the paged individuals required to report to the plant site. /


  • 9. When contacted by the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator, advise him of classification and event i 3 conditions. /

f 10. Direct activities of emergency response personnel 4

until overall responsibility is assumed by the

11. Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforcement, or medical rescue personnel and related

, equipment) as needed to deal with the event.

, a. Fire /

b. Medical /
c. Law Enforcement (in conjunction with the Security Shif t Supervisor) /

Subsequent Accions:

I 1. Changing conditions may require escalation of emergency classification to a more severe condition.

Assess conditions periodically and be prepared to initiate this escalation.
  • S

, , 2. In concert with the T.S.C. Coordinator, provide information to assist with the final closecut of the -

, emergency Unusual Event condition.



Final Conditions: l

1. When the Unusual Event conditions no longer exist, announce on the plant page system that the Unusual Event is ended. / j
2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shift Supervisor's log.

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0.P. 3500



1. When requested by the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director, notify the plant personnel listed below using the automatic telephone paging system. Dial one of the following numbers; M 6, or M State name and location, request the baitiation of a group page for VT pagers, and give the following message, "All personnel please call the plant immediately. "

(In the event this system is out of order, notification ,

must be made by manual dialing of the appropriate numbers in the plant phone list.)



  • V.Y. President V.Y. Manager of Operations Plant Manager ._

Asst. Plant Manager 1

Operations Support Manager Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent Director of Communications Engineering Support Supervisor l r

Reactor and Computer Supervisor Chem. and H.P. Supervisor I&C Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Operations Supervisor Asst. Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor

2. Advise individuals listed below of emergency classification as they call into plant security gate. Advise individuals required on site r by the SS/ PED to report to the site. I 4 V.Y. President


V.Y. Mana, sr of Operations __

Plant Manager Assistant Plant Manager i Operations Support Manager Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent Page 1 of 2 n

_ . ;. ~ . _; .. _ n

,s ....e _ _._ _ ._2_._m.  ;

. O.P. 3500  :

Rtv. 1 ~!

APPENDIX II (Continued)

  • I- i Time Initials l -

Director of Communications  !

j' -

Engineering Support Supervisor  ;

t 3

j-Operations Supervisor I t Reactor & Computer Supervisor i

$. Che . try & Health Physics Supervisor l Instrument & Control Supervisor-t Maintenance Supervisor f

! Asst. Operations Supervisor ,

1 e Training Supervisor (


Manual dialing and notification of any individuals f i listed in Step 2. who have not contacted the plant security gate should be initiated 15 minutes af ter ,;

4 initial notification in Step 1. l

4. Request outside Law Enforcement as necessary jj or as requested by the Operations Shif t Super- -t l 1.. visor / Plant Emergency Director.

I b

Subsequent Actions


l. Advise other individuals, as they call in, of ((

the emergency classification.  :( r i Name of caller t

L i t


~2. Route phone calls from State Health and C.D. Officials  !

to the appropriate C.R. personnel when received.

  • r Name of Caller Title

!i 16 0 >

it i

i 4 'Page 2 of 2 [

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1 .

); ./ 0.P. 3500

. Rev. 1 i




t Immediate and Subsequent Actions:

r b

IL_ 1. Contact SS/ PED to obtain specific information "

! concerning the event.

I If

,. 2. Assume the overall responsibility for direction of .;

!l activities of the emergency response personnel from  ;

! the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director in a '


timely manner. /


i' Final Conditions:

4 f


  • 1. Upon termination of the Unusual Event, closeout the event  ;

ll with verbal summary to off-site authorities and agencies.  !

1 4

.e jj a. Nuclear Regulatory Commission /  ;;


} b. State of Vermont /  :!

-l: c. State of Massachusetts / [

! d. State of New Hampshire / .


't  !;

!! OR I

- * - t j, . , 2. Escalate the emergency classification as conditions ,

y , warrant.


i +

ft- ,



o l;


L ll i j P i!

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- . y-O.P. 3500 g

. Rev. 1 i.


1. Contact Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director to obtain specific information concerning the event.

. 2. Augment plant resources as requested by the T.S.C.

, Coordinator and the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. ,

1 Final Condition:

1. Direct the appropriate personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state. /

l-i r

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19. -
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I Dxpt. Supv h Proc. No. 0.P. 3501

, PORC ,.5M'Wi$l_ -- - Rev . . No .

, 2 Plant Mgr. G5/LMppyt Issue Date _1/28/82 .

Mgr. of Ops. A G . % ) Review Date 1/28/84 i V~




To outline the actions required of plant personnel, visitors, l contractors, and other affected personnel when an Alert is declared.


i An Alert event is defined as an indication of a substantial degre-

, dation of plant safety margins which could affect on-site personnel i safety, could require off-site impact assessment, but is not likely to

- require off-site public protective action.

  • An Alert event requires action beyond the normal capability of the 4 basic shift complement. Plant response and off-site notification
associated with this event classification will assure that sufficient

, emergency response personnel are mobilized to activate the Technical j Support Center and the Operations Support Center. The Emergency 1

  • Operations Facility will be activated with the EOF Coordinator and other EOF staff members. Sufficient emergency assistance

, personnel to assess off-site radiological impact will be assigned

  • if the Alert event is producing releases off site.

The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. Plant response and off-site notification associated with this event classification assure


that sufficient emergency response personnel, both on and off site,

are mobilized and respond to event conditions. Actual releases of

! radioactivity which substantially exceed Technical Specification '

limits may be involved, and thus radiation monitoring and dose pro-jection may be an integral pertion of the emergency response required.

Prompt notification is made to State officials and follow-up informa- {

tion is provided as needed to off-site emergency organizations. ,


A. Tech. Specs.

1. None B. Admin. Limits
1. None C. Other.
1. Vermont Yankee Emergency Plan S

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I L 0.P. 3501 l .. '

Rev. 2 i


i .,

j 1. None- i-l Procedure:

1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following:

' Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Shift Supervisor

, Appendix III Technical Support Center Coordinator

, Appendix IV Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator Appendix V Emergency Tag Board Assignments Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment Appendix VII Operations Support Center Coordinacor

Actions required in each appendix may be assigned ,

by the responsible individual to other personnel as

) appropriate. The designated individual; however, has the overall responsibility for the execution of his checksheet. ,

2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required.

Final Conditions:  !

1. As specified in the appropriate appendices.

SPS/emr j t

i i


0.P. 3501 APPENDIX I (Continued) Rev. 2 Time Initial i


l N.H.

Name of Dispatcher hass.

Name of Dispatcher

b. Expect calls from State Health and/or C.D.

Officials concerning plant conditions. ,

  • 8. Notify the Security Shif t Supervisor to activate the telephone paging system for plant personnel and , j Yankee NSD personnel.
  • 9. When contacted by the Emergency Operations Facility )
  • Coordinator advise him of the classification and  !

event conditions. ,

10. Direct the activities of the emergency response I personnel until overall responsibility is assumed '

11 Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforcement, or medical rescue personnel and related equipment) as needed to deal with the alert event.


a. Fire  !'
b. Medical
c. Law Enforcement (in conjunction with the Security Shif t Supervisor)

Subsequent Actions:

1. Cianging conditions may require escalation of emergency classification to a more severe condition.

Assess conditions periodically and be prepared to ,

initiate this escalation ;in concert with the l

  • T.S.C. Coordinator  ;.

I i

  • 2. In concert with the T.S.C. Coordinator, provide information to assist with the final closecut of the emergency Alert condition.

Final Conditions:


1. When the Alert conditions no longer exist, announce on '

the g lant page system that the ' Alert is ended.  ;

2. Summarize all actions and resultant conditions in the Shif t Supe'r visor's Log.

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I Time Initials Immediate' Actions:

1. Conditions have been assessed and the applicable Emergency Operating Procedure is utilized.
2. The type of emergency (Alert) has been determined from A.P. 3125, Classification of Emergencies.
3. Determine the immediate personnel response to be

, taken.

4. Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to the " Alert" position, turn the Alarm Switch to ';

the "0N" position for ten seconds, and then announce the following over the plant paging system: l l

a. " Alert, Alert, Alert" i
b. "There is (what) in/at (where)."
c. " Emergency personnel report to the Technical Support Center, the Operations Support Center, and the Emergency Operations Facility as required. .

All other personnel and contractors return to your department area and await further instructions. All visitors return to Governor Hunt House Information Center. All persor.nel stay clear of the affected area."

5. Request that the Shift Technical Advisor report to the Control Room and provide assistance.
  • 6. Notify the NRC on the NRC Emergency Notification l System red phone. Maintain an open, continuous  :

communications channel on the line. I

7. a. Notify the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont
  • State Police Agencies by depressing number 111 on
  • the Nuclear Alert System orange phone (or utilizing q
  • telephone backup) and making the following announcement upon establishing communications:

"This is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. We have an Alert. I repeat, this is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon,

  • Vermont. We have an Alert. Please acknowledge
  • with your name, your state, and a repetition of i
  • the message."

.., . t' Page 1 of 2 Y

0.P. 3501

$ APPENDIX II Rev. 2 ALERT - SECURITY SHIFT SUPERVISOR Time Initials Immediate Actions:

1. Upon hearing the announcement of the Alert, notify the plant personnel listed below using the auto-matic telephone paging system. Dial one of the following numbers; M , M or 6 State name and location, request the initiation of a group page for VY pagers, and give the following message, "All personnel please call the plant immediately." _

(In the event this system is out of order, notification must be made by manual dialing of the appropriate numbers in the plant phone list.) '-

V.Y. President  :

' I V.Y. Manager of Operations l' Plant Manager Asst. Plant Manager Operations Support Manager t, Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent Director of Communications Engineering Support Supervisor

[ Reactor and Computer Supervisor i Chem. aad H.P. Supervisor I&C Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Operations Supervisor  !

Asst. Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor

2. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division Security (Microwave or phone 6 ,

extension ) and give the following message: j "This is Vermont Yankee. We have an Alert.

Standby for Yankee Staff calls." (Repeat this message and request acknowledgement) i

3. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division personnel:
a. Dial the following number:

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O.P. 3501 Rev. 2 APPENDIX II (Continued) g Time Initials

b. The ZIP-CALL operator will answer.
c. Ask for pager M o be t activated.

. d. Repeat Steps a, b, and c approximately 15 minutes after the initial call to assure that all YNSD personnel have been reached.

4. Advise individuals listed below of emergency classification as they call into plant security gate:

" V.Y. President


] Vermont Yankae Manager of Operations Plant Manager Assistant Plant Manager 4

Operations Support Manager Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent a Director of Com=unications Engineering Support Supervisor Operations Supervisor i

Reactor & Computer Supervisor ,

Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor

. Instrument & Control Supervisor f Maintenance Supervisor __

l Asst. Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor

5. Manual dialing and notification of any individuals
  • listed in Step 4, who have not contacted the plant security gate should be initiated 15 minutes after I initial notification in Step 1.
6. Request outside Law Enforcement as necessary  ;

or as requested by the Operations Shif t Super-visor / Plant Emergency Director.

7. Request a habitability check of the Security Gate II as soon as personnel become available according to Appendix VI of this procedure.

Subsequent Actians: '

1. Advise other individuals, as they call in, of the '

emergency classification.  ;

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,, _ O.P. 3501  ;

APPENDIX II (Contu.ued)

Time Initials-2 i

l7 ~Name of Caller l Ii f



i t


l .f,- t

] 6

j -


u 2. Route phone calls from State Health and L.D.  !

., Officials to the appropriate C.R. personnel  ;-

when received.  ;


!!- Name o f - Caller Title 7 .,i .


.. a f


,n r

a 4i n.


4, 4


.e ei I

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i: i.

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0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 APPENDIX III

1. Contact the SS/ PED to obtain specific information concerning the event.
2. Assume the overall responsibility for directing the activities of the emergency response personnel from
the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director in a j timely manner.
3. Assure that the Technical Support Center Staff is in place: 4

!f -

Instrument and Control Supervisor 1

Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor (or alternate)

Reactor and Computer Supervisor Operations Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Support Supervisor G.E. Resident Engineer (as necessary)

Other staff as required to fulfill the functions of the Tech. Support Center

, 4. Periodically, ensure that radiological assessment is performed according to Appendix VI for the Tech.

Support Center and the Control Room.

5. Assign the Operations Support Center Coordinator.

Subsequent Actions

, 1. a. Notify INPO (by dialing of emergency classification, plant, name of caller, and nature of j I

emergency. i a b. Notify American Nuclear Insurer's (by dialing 6 of the emergency. l NOTE:

l During normal office hours, the call will be ,

answered directly. During other time periods, an answering service will require name, affiliation, and phone number of the caller a so that an ANI staff member may return the call. j i

Final Conditions  !


1. Upon termination of the emergency, prepare verbal and later written closecut summaries to off-site authorities.

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O.P. 3501-Rev. 2.

t : .

APPENDIX III (Continued)


" a. State of Vermont
b. State of New Hampshire
c. State of Massachusetts i

a d. Nuclear Regulatory Commmission

2. Escalate or deescalate the emergency classification as conditions warrant.

1 4 ..


. a.


. i i

t i

i t

4 i


,t i.i ;

4 I'



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O.P. 3501 Rev. 2 APPENDIX IV



  • Immediate Actions:
1. Contact the Shif t Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director and obtain specific information concerning the event.
2. Activate the Emergency Operations Facility.

' ,! 3. Assign personnel as required to the various functions in the Eme,rgency Operations Facility (Refer to Appendix V).

4. Assure that the Emergency Operations Facility / Recovery Center Staff is in place. .

Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor (or alternate) i -

Training Supervisor l,l j -

Administrative Supervisor Public Information Liaison Other personnel as required to perform functions described in Appendix V.

NOTE: The Administrative Supervisor is not equipped-  !

with a pager and will have to be notified by l land line to respond to the EOF.

5. Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is performed according to Appendix VI for the Emergency Operations Facility.

Subsequent Actions

1. Provide protective actions / recommendations to various state agencies in the event of release or expected l releases.

Final Conditions

1. Direct the responsible personnel to restore all emergency  ;

equipment to its normal readiness state.


2. Review and initial all Emergency Operations Facility logs to assure completeness and accuracy.

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'f O.P. 3501 j . APPENDIX V Rev. 2 i


Tag No.

(1) EOF Coordinator's Assistant

1. Break out EOF Coordinator's kit from the equipment closet, install plant phone extension and contact Control Room. Inform i the Tech. Support Coordinator, or in the absence of personnel in the Tech. Support Center, inform Plant Emergency Director of your presence and request the following:


a. Summary evaluation of plant conditions.

(Take notes)


  • b. Type of release (and e propriate meteorological data):

(one of the following) i i 1) Elevated (stack only) release - ,;

" Upper" delta t (At)

Wind speed i Wind direction ,

2) Ground (including combination stack and other release
paths) release -

" Lower" delta t (At) ,

Wind speed Wind direction  ;

. c. Directional stability of the wind (i.e. , any indication '


  • of trending toward new direction?).
d. Whether or not the Plant Emergency Director needs assistance in notifying plant management personnel, or other on-site assistance.
2. Determine habitability of the EOF using Appendix VI. If 2,
  • this facility is not habitable (criteria in 0.P. 3507, Table II),


a. Announce relocation to Alternate Emergency Operations

, Facility at Vernon Town Hall. (South door to basement.)

. b. Write a message to this effect on blackboard and request assistance in transporting any remaining emergency

c. Proceed with the Coordinator's kit to the Vernon Town Hall.
d. Conf' ' that the Town Hall is in the better location #

by . f the portable survey instruments.


e. Log the results of both surveys.
3. Take charge of the Emergsucy Operations Facility until arrival

'of the EOF Coordinator.- tonnect addtional phones, check radio F and gai-tronics, etc.

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O.P. 3501

, , Rev. 2 Tcg No.

  • (1) Cont. 4. Initiate EOF Coordinator's ! heck List 0.P. 3501, Alert
  • Appendix IV on EOF Coordinator's clipboard.
5. Organize equipment, set up tables, status and mapboards, -
  • select the appropriate plume stability angle in accordance with reported mateorological conditions.
  • 6. Upon arrival of EOF Coordinator, advise him of the sit:2ation and its status (per the check list) and act as his assistant by keeping a log of significant events on VYOPF 3504.01, and other duties as he may request.

. 7. Be alert for a possible shif t in wind direction. Period-1 ically, contact the TSC for a current wind direction and speed. ,

  • 8. Direct the placement of EOF area signs as time and personnel i
  • availability permit.

3 (2)(3) Site Boundary Survey Team

1. Open Site Coundary Kit, obtain clipboard and follow instru:tions of 0.P. 3510.

(4)(5) Personnel and Equipment Monitoring Team

1. Obtain two count rate meters (PRM-4A and/or RM-14's) from the charging shelf in emergency equipment storage closet and the " Personnel Monitoring" clipboard from the EOF Coordinator's kit. .
2. Monitor yourself first then all personnel on duty at the EOF. Segregate for decontamination all individuals exceeding 2X background for 2000 net c/m. '
3. As soon as practicable, establish a control point to  :

monitor all personnel arriving from the plant area.

(e.g. , front poren (good weather), or lobby area.)

4. Check off name of each person monitored on the clipboard gate list. If name is not on list, write name on blank log sheets.
5. Immediately segregate all personnel arriving in P.C.

clothing and identify their vehicles, if applicable.

  • One member of the team will survey P.C.-attired personnel and thei: vehicles with priority. Note on gate list log or log sheets the name(s) and vehicle (s) exceeding 2X ' background ,

or 2000 net c/m. Hold for decontamination and release. .

6. When appropriate (i.e., gross contamination or inhalation) take nasal smears, or tissue " blow" samples.


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.( e i

l O.P. 3501

, Rev. 2

[ Tag No.

i (4) (5) 7. The second member of team will, with priority, survey the Cont. exterior (including tires) of any emergency vehicle leaving i the site. Log the results.


  • 8. Report all significant or positive results to the EOF Coordinator or the Radiological Assistant.

4 1 (6) Communications Assistant

l. Insure phones are installed in I' ne jacks.


.; NOTE: a. RED phone is the NRC Emergency Notification j System phone and mates with the labelled NRC ,

p jack on west wall of stage.

b. BLACK phones are the Emergency Coordinator's private unlisted line and mates with labelled jacks on west wall of stage. j l'
  • c. GREEN phone is for use by the various state health departments and mates with phone jack on west wall of exhibit area.

u d. The BLUE phone is the NRC Health Physics Network [

phone and mates with the labelled jack on the j u west wall of the stage.

2. Obtain box of Message Forms (0.P. 3504, Figure 2) from the Emergency Coordinator's kit.
3. Assign someone to man the kitchen and state phones and provide them with a supply of blank forms.
4. Establish radio communications with all on-site and off-site teams prior to their departure from the outer gatehouse if

., practicable. i.

NOTE: Utilize radio procedures contained in 0.P. 3504.


Record the parties involved, date and time of each incoming or outgoing message by telephone, Gai-tronics or radio on a Message Form.


  • 6. On incoming calls, forward copies 1 and 3 to the EOF Coordinator or his appropriate assistant.

NOTE: Retain copy 2 (yellow) as a " tickler" for those m'essages requiring a reply. i

7. When copy 1 is returned for dispatching a reply, discard .

copy 2 and note date and time the reply message was dispatched.

8. Retain completed. copy 1 as a log record of all communications.

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~ _ _ _ . . _ _ m . _. .,

i 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 Tag No.

f- (7)(8) On-site Assistance / Rescue Team

- (9)(10) p 1. Dress in full protective clothing immediately.


2. Respiratory protection apparatus. '
a. Respiratory Protection apparatus
b. High-range dosimeter
c. PIC-6 survey meter (1 per team)
3. Check operability of survey instrument.


4. Proceed immediately to outer gatehouse and obtain assigned l TLD badges and a portable radio, a
5. Check operability of radio by calling Technical Support 4 Center and announcing your readiness to provide assistance, if needed.
  • 6. Standby for instructions from the T.S.C. Coordinator

, at the outer gatehouse, or if conditions permit, proceed to the inner gatehouse and await instructions.

7. When requested, provide assistance within guidelines specified in 0.P. 3507, Exposure Control During an Emergency.
8. If injured personnel are involved:


a. Request ambulance and H.P. representative from the ,
  • T.S.C. Coordinator. '
b. Provide first-aid treatment at the scene, as appro-priate. (Note excessively high dose rate levels)
c. When practicable, move victim to H.P. Control Point or other low radiation area. -
d. Survey victim's clothing, and depending upon good first-aid procedures, remove as much grossly contaminated clothing as possible,
e. Wrap the victim and stretcher with a blanket or other suitable material available.
f. Transfer the victim into the ambulance, avoiding direct personal contact with the ambulance. '


g. Notify the EOF Coordinator the on its way out and request that a survey of the ambulance tires i be made at the outer gate.

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0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 Tag No.


(7)(8) 9. On-site assistance teams will keep the T.S.C. Coordinator (9)(10) advised as significant information is developed and take other

Cont. actions as directed by him.
  • 10. Upon completion of assigned duties, contact the EOF Coordinator to determine if additional instruments or supplies are needed at the EOF.


'? 11. Return to the EOF, request monitoring prior to entry, and

  • report any pertinent information to the EOF Coordinator

'I or his Assistant for the log.

.f (11) Radiological Assistant (Chem. & H.P. Supervisor or alternate)

't 1. Make dose projections'as per the procedure outlined in j 0.P. 3513, Evaluation of Off-site Radiological Conditions.


2. Assemble all available information relating to the radiological situation both on and of f-site.

l 3. Organize the information and concisely state the latest radiological conditions on the status and mapboards with a wax crayon.

4. As new or additional information becomes available, update the boards.
5. Goordinate and direct the activities of the monitoring teams
  • as the EOF Coordinator may request.

f NOTE: If conditions warrant, a third off-site team may be activated by utilizing the spare off-site monitoring kit at the Vernon Town Hall.

  • 6. Keep the EOF Coordinator informed, as appropriate.
  • 7. Assist the EOF Coordinator as he may request. l (12) Manpower and Planning Assistant
1. Determine the nature of the. emergency and approximate the '

extent of damage to the plant and equipment.

2. Mobilize available manpower by listing plant personnel present and not otherwise assigned to emergency duties in the following specialty groups. (Emergency Assistance Personnel List)

NOTE: A person may be listed in more than one category.


a. Medical Backup Team and those trained in First-Aid i
b. Chemistry and Health Physics' .
c. Fire Brigade
d. Welders
e. Electricians Page 5 of 6

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  • I 0.P. 3501

-l . Rev. 2 J


l Tag No.

(12) Cont, f. Mechanics

.1 g. Instrument & Control i h. Stores j i. Reactor and Computer

j. Engineering Support

,i k. Secretarial ,

"j 3. Keep the above list current as personnel continue to arrive

-j at the Emergency Operations Facility.

1 l

4. As soon as practicable, reassign tag board duties to make i available those specialties needed to best cope with the i emergency situation. ,


l 5. Prepare to assign specialized assistant teams as requested .
  • by the T.S.C. Coordinator. 4 s


  • 6. Assist the EOF Coordinator by attempting to anticipate
  • and provide for future manpower and logistics needs.

] 7. Depending upon the anticipated duration of the emergency, i prepare relief schedules and excuse those personnel not presently needed. '

j (13) (14) Offsite Team #1

1. Obtain one Off-site Monitoring Kit, one RM-14, one PIC-6A,
and one air sampler.  !
2. Open kit and remove 0.P. 3510, "Off-site and Site Boundary j Monitoring." (on clipboard) i
3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0.P. 3510.

(15)(16) Offsite Team #2

1. Obtain one Off-site Monitoring Kit, One RM-14, one PIC-6A, i and one air sampler. ,


2. Open kit and remove 0.P. 3510. "Off-site and Site Boundary Monitoring." (on clipboard) l
3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0.P. 3510. i 1




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I 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2



j 1. Obtain a copy of 0.P. 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control.

] 2. Obtain a RM-14, a PIC-6A, ard a low volume charcoal air sample.

Perform the necessary function checks on the instrumentation.

1 3. Monitor conditions in the area (s) assigned:

Technical Support Center ,

Operations Support Center  !

Er.ergency Operations Facility Other areas as requested by the Plant Emergency Director or the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor or his y p alternate. l i 6

4. Using Table II in 0.P. 3507, assess personnel actions with respect to l radiological conditions encountered.

riJ 5. Report findings and recommendations on VYOPF 3501.01 and submit to the appropriate center coordinator.

NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side of VYOPF 3501.01. ,

I i

l' f


t i

t t


, t 4

-i 1.


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- m . . u. z __- . .__.;,. _ __ ,

i' 0.P. 3501 Rev. 2 APPENDIX VII e


) 1. Provide system valve alignment and equipment operations support

. to auxiliary operators.

l 2. Assist in coordination'of operations relief planning.


.) 3. Assure that Operations Support Center Staff is in place:

i j - Chemistry & Health Physics Assistant (s)

j. -

Spare Operations Staff

- Other personnel as required.


_4 Assist in the coordination of recovery efforts requiring the plant j


3 operations staff.


!l' 5. Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is performed q according to Appendix VI for the Operations Support Center.


6. Report findings to and receive instruction from the Shif t Supervisor /

Plant Emergency Director and/or the T.S.C. Coordinator.

e 4




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Date Time ~

Location of Sampling DATA Maximum Dose Rate (W.B.)

Average Dose Rate (W.B.)

Air Sample Results a

4 8 f l Recommended Action (From sampling information and specifications in Table I, O.P. 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) l Comments NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on i the reverse ' side of this form.

/ '

Surveyor Date l

l WOPF 3501.01 i Rev. 2

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Dept. Supv( l'hrsk-s%Eroc. No. 0.P. 3502 [

PORC #P'4--c-- -Rev. No. 14

!} Plant Mgr. .f)# % h m nIssue Date 1/28/8 2 f

.: Mgr. of Ops. <fM'/ZI A -z) Review Date 1/28/84 _ .!

V d.



!r >

.: To outline the actions required of plant personnel, visitors, j contractors and other affected personnel in the event of a Site Area g Emergency.

3 1 p

{ Discussion

d A Site Area Emergency indicates an event which involves likely or [

actual major failures of plant functions needed for the protection 1 of the public. Possibilities exist for amounts of contamination to j ji be released and this procedure emphasizes the ability to monitor  ;

' these releases and to provide protective action information to .

C state officials and follow-up information as needed to off-site j emergency organizations.

g . ,i Plant resources are anticipated to be eufficient to cope with a l Site Area Emergency. Outside resources, however, are mobilized and  ;

selected members are dispatched to the site. All emergency centers l g are activated following the declaration of a Site Area Emergency. All  ;

non-essential personnel are evacuated from the site. .'


, The decision to make an immediate initial declaration rests with  ;

the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director. Prompt notification 7 is made to the off-site governmental authorities to assure that sufficient t

. emergency response personnel are mobilized and respond to the event in i accordance with their respective emergency plan arrangements. ,'

Representatives from the adjoining states will be dispatched to i- ,

the Emergency Operations Facility. Assessment of off-site radiological ,'

! parameters will determine the type of protective measures necessary l

. .for protection of the public sector. The public will be notified of l
the event by local media facilities and periodic updates of information L

will be released to assure uniform, adequate response to real conditions.

Plant representatives will closeout, escalate, or reduce the f

emergency classification as conditions warrant. ' Written summaries of  ;

the event will be provided to off-site authorities.



A. Tech.-Specs.

1 None

.B. Admin.- Limits

1. None C. Other
1. Vermont Yankee Erergency Plan 4

- -- n

.g e .. _ -


0.P. 3502 l

Rev. 14

l. None f

1, Procedure:

'I 1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following:

Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director Appendix II Security Shift Supervisor


  • l Appendix III Technical. Support Center Coordinator  ;
  • Appendix IV Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator

.i Appendix V Emergency Tag Board Assignments j Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment Appendix VII Operations Support Center Coordinator I

Appendix VIII Site Recovery Manager 1

' )

NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned l

, by the responsible individual to other personnel as i , appropriate. The designated individual, however, t

has the overall responsibility for the execution i of his checksheet.

2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required.


-Final Conditions: i

1. As specified in the appropriate' appendices, j SPS/emr 4

6 k

.I .

f' l

I e


L. - + .. -- . - - . - . - -

0.P. 3502 i .




i Time Initials

  • Immediate Actions:

[ 1. Conditions have been assessed and the applicable Emergency Operating Procedures are utilized.


'! If a release is in progress, refer to 0.P. 3513, i * " Evaluation of Radiological Conditions."

2. The type of emergency (Site Area) has been determined from A.P. 3125, Classification of Emergencies.

i j 3. Determine the immediate personnel response to be taken.

4. Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to the

" Evacuation" position, turn the Alarm Switch to the "0N" position for fifteen seconds, and then announce the following over the Plant Paging System:

a. " Site Area Emergency, Site Area Emergency, Site Area Emergency"
b. "There is (what) in/at (where)."
c. " Emergency response personnel report to the Technical Support Center, the Operations Support Center, and the Emergency Operations Facility as required. All other personnel, visitors, and contractors report to the Govenor Hunt House Information Center"
5. Notify the Shif t Technical Advisor to report to ,

the Control Room and provide assistance.

  • 6. Notify the NRC on the NRC Emergency Notification System  ;

red phone. Maintain an open, continuous communications channel on this line.

7. a. Notify the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont
  • State Police Agencies by depressing number ill on
  • the Nuclear Alert System orange phone (or utilizing
  • telephone backup) and making the following announcement upon establishing communications:

"This is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. We have a Site Area Emergency. .

I repeat, this is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. We have a Site Area

  • Emergency, please acknowledge with your name,
  • . your state, and a repetition of the message."

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  • l .

0.P. 3502  ;

s APPENDIX I (Continued) Rev. 14 Time ~ Initials i  ?

r :t Vermont t

Name of Dispatcher

_ .'. N.H. [


{ Name of Dispatcher i 1.!-

!j- Mass.

lF Name of Dispatcher j( b. Expect calls from State Health and/or C.D.

jj Officials concerning plant conditions.


]j 1 8. Notify the Security Shif t Supervisor to activate

. the telephone paging system for plant personnel and l ,I Yankee NSD personnel.
  • 9. When contacted by the Emergency Operations Facility .
  • Coordinator, advise him of the classification and i, emergency conditions.
10. Direct the activities of the emergency response personnel

, until overall responsibility is assumed by the


11. Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law enforcement, or medical rescue personnel and related
  • equipment) as needed to deal with the Site Area Emergency.


4. Medical Law Enforcement (in conjunction with the Security Shif t Supervisor)

, Subsequent Actions:

't i

1. Changing conditions may require escalation of  ;

emergency classification to a more' severe condition.

j Assess conditions periodically and be prepared to '

initiate this condition in concert with the T.S.C.

  • Coordinator.


  • 5' In concert with the T.S.C. Coordinator, provide information to assist with the final closeout of

( s the Site Area Emergency condition.

. Final [ Conditions:

b 1. When the Site Area Emergency conditions no longer  ;

y exist, announce on the plant page system that the

- & Site Area Emergency is ended.

e f *

2. Summarize all' actions and resultant conditions N I in the Shif t Supervisor's Log.

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0.P. 3502


1. Upon hearing the announcement of the Site Area Emergency, notify the plant personnel listed below using the automatic telephone paging system. Dial one of the following numbers: M , M or N State name and location, request the initiation of a group page for VY pagers, and give the following message, "All personnel please call the plant im=ed ia t ely . "

, (In the event this sytem is out of order, notifica-tion must be made by manual dialing of the appropriato numbers in the plant phone list.)

i l + V.Y. President V.Y. Manager of Operations a

Plant ibnager Asst. Plant Manager Operations Support Manager Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent e

Director of Com=unications Engineering Support Supervisor Reactor and Computer Supervisor Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor I & C Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Operations Supervisor Asst. Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor

2. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division Security 5 (Microwate M or phone 6 extention 6 and give the following message:

"This is Vermont Yankee. We have a Site Area Emergency. Standby for Yankee Staff calls."

(Repeat this message and request acknowledgement)

3. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division personnel:
a. Dial the following number: i
b. The ZIP-CALL operator will answer. t
c. Ask for pagerJEEEEEEEEB to be activated.
d. Repeat Steps a, b, and c approximately 15 minutes after the initial call to assure that all YNSD personnel have been reached.

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O.P. 3502 APPENDIX II (Continued)

Time Initials


4. Advise individuals listed below of emergency classification as they call in to plant security gate:
  • u V.Y. President V.Y. Manager of Operations Plant Manager

, Assistant Plant Manager 1

Operations Support Manager '

i Operations Superintendent i

Technical Services Superintendent s Director of Communications Engineering Support Supervisor Operations Supervisor Reactor & Computer Supervisor l Chemistry & Health Physics Superviaor

, Instrument & Control Supervisor l

. i Maintenance Supervisor Asst. Operations Supervisor


Training Supervisor i ,

5. Manual dialing and notification of any individuals .!'
  • listed in Step 4 who have not contacted the plant security gate should be initiated 15 minutes after i initial notification in Step 1.
6. Request outside law enforcement as necessary or as requested by the Operations Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director.
7. Ensure that an accountability has been completed as per D.P. 0906, Emergency Procedures.

Subsequent Actions:

1. Advise other Ladividuals, as they call in, of the emergency classification. '

Name of Caller f

1 i

I' Page 2 of 3

J O.P. 3502

. Rev. 14 APPENDIX II (Continued)

Time Initials 1

  • 2. Route phone callr from State Health and C.D. Officials to the appropriate C.R. personnel when received.

Name of Caller Title t


l i





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i '

  • O.P. 3502


Immediate and Subsequent Actions

l. Contact the SS/ PED to obtain specific information concerning the event. _
2. Assume the overall responsibility for directing the activities of the emergency response personnel from the Shif t Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director in a timely manner.


3. Assure that the Technical Support Center Staff is in place:

Instrument & Control Supervisor Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor (or alternate)

Reactor & Computer Supervisor Operations Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Support Supervisor G.E. Resident Engineer (as necessary)

Other staff as required to fulfill the functions of the Tech. Support Center

4. Assign the Operations Support Center Coordinator.
5. Inform the Site Recovery Manager of emergency response actions on a periodic basis or with changes in  ;

c* acus.

6. a. Notify INPO (by dialing M of emergency classification, plant, name of caller, and nature of emergency,
b. Notify American Nuclear Insurer's (by dialing of the emergency.

NOTE: During normal office hours the call will be answered directly. During other time periods an answering service will require name, affiliation and phone t number of the caller so that an ANI staff ,

' member may return the call.

7. Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is performed according to Appendix VI for the Technical Support Center and the Control Room.

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0.P. 3502  !

jl .

.Rev. 14

1 APPENDIX III (Continued)

Time Initials

l j NCC: . Ensure the placement of two (2) SR I
j dosimeters in a representative location
j for the assessment.of total exposure j rI.

for the center.

  • t Final Conditions '


  • -1. Upon termination of the emergency, assist the Recovery

't .

Manager in closeout summaries to the States of Vermont, -:


j New Hampshire, Massachusetts, the NRC, INPO, and other [

affected agencies, l l1: i

a. State of Vermont i b. State of New Hampshire l
c. State of Massachusetts "
d. NRC i

$ e. INPO

'! f. FEMA m

t k

!} 2. Escalate or de-escalate the emergency class-  !

.q 14 -

ification as conditions warrant. >


.y i >





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i 4

ii s

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-f 0.P. 3502 g Rev. 14 i



I' i

Time Initials  !


  • Immediate Actions:

-; 1. Contact the Shift Supervicer/ Plant Emergency Director j and obtain specific information the event.

L 2. Activate the Emergency Operations Facility.  :

) "

r - Direct the assessment of EOF habitability

.j on a frequent basis.



- Assess on-site and off-site radiological conditions ,

  • associated with any accidental releases. (Reference 6 0.P. 3509, 3510, 3513)

- Coordinate information on radiological assessments.

') - Act as a liason with off-site authorities. ,

l'; - Document and Coordinate emergency team activities.


- Prepare facilities for the arrival of off-site authori-ties and other support personnel.

- Assure that the Emergency Operations Facility / Recovery Center Staff is in place: i

- Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor (or alternate) l~

- Training Supervisor e i

} - Administrative Supervisor P-i
j - Public Information Liaison t

- Other personnel as required to perform functions described in Appendix V.

NOTE: The Administrative Supervisor is not equipped with a pager and will have to be notified by

  • land line to respond to the EOF.

- Assign personnel as required to the various functions in the Emergency Operations Facility (refer to Appendix V)

3. Direct the call-in of off-duty personnel as required. Personnel are requested and assigned as per Appendix V. -
4. Receive advice and direction from the Site Re'.overy Manager.

m g t

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O.P. 3502 Rev. 14


APPENDIX IV (Continued) ,

, Time Initials e


5. Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is performed according to Appendix VI for the .

! Emergency Operations Facility. -

NOTE: Ensure the placement of two (2) SR dosimeters in a representative location for the assessment of

, total exposure for the cer.ter.

6. Assign the Radiological Coordinator and direct him to perform the procedure outlined in 0.P. 3525, Radiological Coordination.

] Subsequent Actions

1. Provide protective actions / recommendations to various state agencies in the event of release or expected releases.

, Final Conditions i 1. Direct the responsible personnel to restore-all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state.

2. Review and initial all Emergency Operations Facility logs to assure completeness and accuracy. '

.t 4-f t

B Page.2 of 2,

t 0.P. 3502.  ;

j .


  • (1) EOF Coordinator's Assistant 4'
  • 1. Break out EOF Coordinator's kit from the equipment closet, install plant phone extension and contact Control Room. Inform the Tech. Support Coordinator, or in the absence of personnel in the Tech. Support Center, inform Plant Emergency Director of your presence and request the following:
a. Summary evaluation of plant conditions. (Take notes) 1 b. Type of release (and appropriate meteorological data):

(one of the following)

1) Elevated (stack only) release -

" Upper" delta t (At) a  !

Wind speed Wind direction .

2) Ground (including combination stack and other relese paths) release -

" Lower" delta t (At)

Wind speed i Wind direction i;

c. Directional stability of the wind (i.e., any indication of trending toward new direction?).
d. Whether or not the plant Emergency Director needs ,

, assistance in notifying plant management personnel, ,,

or other onsite assistance.

2. Determine habatability of the EOF using Appendix VI. If
  • this facility is not habitable (criteria in 0.P. 3507, Table II), then. .


  • a. Announce relocation to Alternate Emergency Operations  ;

Facility at Vernon Town Hall. (South door to basement.)

b. Write a message to this effect on blackboard and request ,,

assistance in transporting any remaining emergency ';;


c. Proceed with the Coordinator's kit to the Vernon Town Hall. ';
d. Confirm that the Town Hall is in the better location by use of the portable survey instruments.
e. Log the results of both surveys. l
  • 3. Take charge of the Emergency Operations Facility until arrival

of the EOF Coordinator. Connect additional phones, check radio and gaitronics, etc. i s

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O.P. 3502

j. . Rev. 14



. Tag No.


2 *' (1) Cont. 4. Initiate EOF Coordinator's Check List 0.P. 3502

  • Site Area Emergency Appendix IV on EOF Coordinator's j ,


5. Organize equipment, set up tablea, status and mapboards,

'* select th2 appropriate plume stability angle in accor-dance with reported meteorological conditions.

  • 6. Upon arrival of EOF Coordinator, advise him of the situation and its status (per the check list) and act as his assistant by keeping a leg of significant events on VYOPF 3504.01, and other duties as he may request.
7. Be alert for a possible shift in' wind direction. Period-i ically, contact the T.S.C. for a current wind direction and speed.
  • 8. Direct the placement of EOF area signs as time and personnel


  • availability permit.

(2)(3) Site Boundary Survey Team

1. Open Site Boundary Kit, obtain clipboard and follow instructions of 0.P. 3510. j i

(4)(5) Personnel and Equipment Monitoring Team

1. Obtain two ' count rate meters (PRM-4A and/or RM-14's) from the charging shelf in emergency equipment storage closet and the " Personnel Monitoring" clipboard from the EOF Coordinator's kit, a
2. Monitor yourself first then all personnel on duty at the Emergency Operations Facility. Segregate for decontamination all individuals exceeding 2X background for 2000 net c/m.


3. As soon as practicable, establish a control point to monitor all personnel arriving-from the plant area.

(e.g., front porch (good weather), or lobby area.) ,

4. Check off name'of each person monitored on the clipboard l gate list. ..If name is not on list, write name on blank log sheets. I
5. Immediately segregate all personnel arriving in P.C.

clothing and identify their vehicles, if applicable.

  • One member of *.he team will survey P.C.-attired personnel l and their-vehicles with priority. Note on gate list log or- .I log sheets the name(s) and vehicle (s) exceeding 2X background  !

or 2000 net c/m. Hold for decontamination and release. 3

6. When appropriate (i.e., gross contaminaticn or inhalation) take nasal smears, or tissue " blow" samples. , , , p Page 2 of 6 AY _


itu. 3 , .a _s . __

O.P. 3502

. Rev. 14 Tag No.

(4)(5) 7. The second member of team will, with priority, survey the Cont. exterior (including tires) of any emergency vehicle leaving the site. Log the cesults.

  • 8. Report all significant or positive results to the EOF Coordinator or the Radiological Assistant.

(6) Communications Assistant l

1. Insure phone, are installed in phone jacks.
  • NOTE: a. RED phone is the NRC Emergency Notifications  !

System phone and mates with the labelled NRC jack on west wall of stage. l

b. BLACK phones are the Emcigency Coordinator's

private unlisted line and mates with labelled  ;

jacks on west wall of stage. t

  • c. GREEN phone is for use by the various state '

health departments and mates with phone jack  !

on west wall of exhibit area.

4 u d. BLUE phone is the NRC Health Physics Network phone and mates with the labelled jack on a the west wall of the stage.

2. Obtain box of Message Forms (0.P. 3504, Figure 2) from
  • the EOF Coordinator's kit.
3. Assign someone to man the kitchen and state phones and ,

provide them with a supply of blank forms.

4. Establish radio communications with all onsite and offsite -

teams prior to their departure from the outer gatehouse, if practicable.

NOTE: Utilize radio procedures contained in 0.P. 3504. +

5. Record the parties insolved, date and time of each incoming or outgoing message by telephone, Gaitronics or radio on a Message Form.
  • . 6. On incoming calls, forward copies 1 and 3 to the EOF  ;

Coordinator or his appropriate assistant.

NOTE: Retain copy 2 (yellow) as a " tickler" for those messages requiring a reply.

7. When copy 1 is returned for dispatching a reply, discard copy 2 and note date and time the reply message was dispatched. r
8. Retain completed copy 1 as a log record of all communications.

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. O.P. 3502 I Rev. 14 Tag No.

(7)(8) Onsite Assistance / Rescue Team l (9)(10)
1. Dress in full protective clothing immediately.

. 2. Respiratory protection apparatus.


a. Respiratory Protection apparatus
b. High-range dosimeter
c. PIC-6 survey meter (1 per team) i
3. Check operability of survey instrument. t I

l 4 Proceed immediately to outer gatehouse and obtain assigned

TLD badges and a portable radio. j i l
5. Check operability of radio by calling Technical Support .i Center and announcing your readiness to provide assistance,  !

if needed.


  • 6. Standby for instructions from the T.S.C. Coordinator ,

at the outer gatehouse, or if conditions permit, proceed to the inner gatehouse and await instructions.

7. When requested, provide assistance within guidelines  ;

specified in 0.P. 3507, Exposure Control During an i Emergency.

8. If injured personnel are involved:  !
a. Request ambulance and H.P. representative from the


  • T.S.C. Coordinator.


b. Provide first-aid treatment at the scene, as appro-priate. (Note excessively high dose rate levels)
c. When practicable, move victim to H.P. Control Point or other low radiation area.
d. Survey victim's clothing, and depending upon good first-aid procedures, remove as much grossly contaminated g clothing as possible. ,


e. Wrap the victim and stretcher with a blanket or other l suitable material available. ,


f. Transfer the victim into the ambulance, avoiding direct personal contact with the ambulance.
  • g. Notify the EOF Coordinator the ambulance is on its way out and request that a survey of the ambulance tires i be made at the outer gate.

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O.P. 3502 e . Rev. 14 t

Tag No.


{ * (7)(8) 9. On-site assistance teams will keep the T.S.C. Coordinator

{ (9) (10) advised as significant information is developed and take other l; Cont. actions as directed by him.

.* 10. Upon completion of assigned duties, contact the EOF Coordinator to determine if additional instruments or supplies

  • are needed at the Emergency Operation Facility.

f 11. Return to the Emergency Operations Facility, request monitoring i prior to entry, and report any pertinent information to the

  • EOF Coordinator or his Assistant for the log.
  • (11) Radiological Assistant (Chem. & H.P. Supervisor or alternate) f i 1. Make dose projections as required and outlined in 0.P.

! 3513, Evaluation of Offsite Radiological Conditions.

'i .

I 2. Assemble all available information relating to the radiological situation both on and offsite.

l 3. Organize the information and concisely state the latest'


radiological conditions on the status and mapboards with a

_ wax crayon.
4. As new or additional information becomes available, update the boards. .
5. Coordinate and direct the activities of the monitoring teams
  • as the EOF Coordinator may request.

NOTE: If conditions warrant, a third offsite team may be activated by utilizing the spare offsite monitoring kit at the Vernon Town Hall.

  • 6. Keep the EOF Coordinator informed, as appropriate.
  • 7. Assist the EOF Coordinator as he may request. j i

(12) Manpower and Planning Assistant l

1. Determine the nature of the emergency and approximate the  !

, extent of damage to the plant and equipment.  !


2. Mobilize available ma'hpower by listing plant personnel present <

and not otherwise assigned to emergency duties in the following  ;

specialty groups (Emergency Assistance Personnel List):

NOTE: A person may be listed in more than one category.  ;

e I

a. Medical Backup Team and those trained in First-Aid '
b. Chemistry and Health Physics i
c. Fire Brigade
d. Welders
e. . Electricians
f. -Mechanics i Page 5 of 6

,,g --

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_ _' ___l O.P. 3502

, Rev. 14

. Tag No.

c i  ;

} l(12) Cont, g. Instrument & Control j

,. h. Stores. r

1. Reactor and Computer ,
j. Engineering Support [
. k. Secretarial i

! !. i

i 3. Keep the above list current as personnel continue to arrive i

$j at the Emergency Operations Facility. [


4. As soon as practicable, reassign tag board duties to make [

available those specialties needed to best cope with the {

esergency situation.


I d 5. Prepare to assign specialized assis' tant teams as requested d

  • by the T.S.C. Coordinator.  :

U .

I d

  • 6. Assist the EOF Coordinator by attempting to anticipate 4  !

and provide for future manpower and logistics needs.

i;1 7. Depending upon the anticipated duration of the emergency, i-y prepare relief schedules and excuse those personnel not- [

presently needed.  !

4 (13)(14) Of fsitie Team #1 ft
1. Obtain one offsite Monitoring Kit, one RM-14, one PIC-6A, and one air sampler. 1 h .

I ll' 2. Open kit and remove 0.P. 3510, "Offsite and Site Boundary jj Monitoring." (on clipboard)

L 3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0 P. 3510. ;I i


h . (15) (16) Offsite Team #2 6 is l?


,- 1. Obtain one Offsite Monitoring Kit, One RM-14, one PIC-6A, 26 l and one air sampler.

H -

0 2. Open kit and remove 0.P.'3510, "Offsite and Site Boundary Monitoring." (on clipboard) ,

O 3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0.P. 3510.

j-o h

! t

>  ?


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0.P. 3502




_1. Obtain a copy of 0.P. 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control.

2. Obtain an RM-14~a PIC-6A and a low volume charcoal air sample.

Perform the necessary function checks on the instrumentation.

3. Monitor conditions in the areas assigned:

Technical Support Center Operations Support Center Emergency Operations Facility i Other areas as requested by the Plant Emergency Director or the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor or his alternate.

4. Using Table II in 0.P. 3507, assess personnel actions with respect to 4

l radiological conditions encountered.

5. Report findings and recommendations on VYOPF 3502.01 and submit to the appropriate center coordinator.

NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side of VYOPF 3502.01.

I 1


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0.P. 3502 Rev. 14 APPENDIX VII

1. Provide system valve alignment and equipment operations support to auxiliary operators.
2. Assist in coordination of operations relief planning.
3. Assure that Operations Support Center Staff is in place:

j -

Chemistry & Health Physics Assistant (s) 2 -

Spare Operations Staff Other personnel as required e

4. Assist in the coordination of recovery efforts requiring the plant operations staff.
5. Periodically determine the habitability of the center by using t the procedure outlined in Appendix VI.


NOTE: Ene ee the placement of two -(2) SR dosimeters in a re- .

presentative location for the assessment of total exposure for the center.

, 6. Report findings to and receive instruction from the Shift Supervisor / .

  • Plant Emergency Director and/or the T.S.C. Coordinator. .

I i

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. Rev. 14 1-




.; Time Initials


$ 1. Assume the overall responsibility for the emergency response organization and all response efforts.

2. Act as the principle plant emergency response organization spokesman in all interfacing with off-site authorities. ,

j 3. Assess plant conditions as reported by the response organi-zation and direct that all needed response efforts are addressed.  !

i 4 Insure that manpower planning is being conducted to provide i for response efforts over an extended period. <j

5. ' Review and approve periodic news releases prepared by the .


  • Director of Communications or his designee prior to release.  ;

j 6. Devise a recovery plan applicable to the plant condition (s) ,!

following the termination of the emergency phase.

7. Reach agreement with off-site authorities on the official termination of the emergency.
8. Close- out the event by verbal summary to the off-site authorities and provide a written summary of the event to the off-site authorities indicated below:
a. NRC
c. State of Vermont
d. State of Massachusetts l
4 e. State of New Hampshire
  • SR Escalate or de-escalate the emergency classification based on ;f changing plant conditions. ..

4, i

E t 1,

., 4-

. \

.,,- .i,-. .


.m .

j 1

I .


4 i

(1 Date 1

Time Location of Sampling DATA i Maximum Dose Rate (W.B.)

Average Dose. Rate (W.B.)

Air Sample Results 4

Recommended Action (From sampling information and specifications in Table I, O.P. 3507, j Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) e i

. Comments j

.. NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, sl.ould be recorded on the ,'

reverse side of this form.  !-



Surveyor Date

.VYOPF 3502.01-Rev. 14

  • Q h

a u _. . . a.___ _ _ _ _ .. .

_- . - m. -

'l Il D Sn \ '

' ' Dept. Supv.' M % Q roc. No. 0.P. 3503 7 PORC g.*/d Rev. No. 15

  • Plant Mgr. '/X%drp/77 Issue Date 1/28/82 Mgr. of Ops. # h Review Date 1/28/84 V



To outline the actions cequired of plant personnel, visitors

nd centractors in the event that a General Emergency is declared.

Discussion:  !

u 7' A leneral Energency is declared when substantial core degreda-

ica or neiting has occurred, with a potential for loss of containment '

in:e;rity. Possibilities e::ist for amounts of contamination to be released and this precedure emphasi:es the ability to monitor these releases and to provide protective action information to State ,

Authorities and the general public. Prompt notification of the popula-tion at risk will also be made in a General Emergency by appropriate State Authorities. Off-site authorities will take appropriate protective nessures based on meteorlogical information, radiological dose projections and effected populations.

2cntracted service organizations, sponsor utilities and other industry resources will be alerted and requested to render assistance ,

as appropriate. In addition, Federal resources will be called upon I for assistance. All emergency centers are activated following the '

declaration of a General Emergency. All nonessential personn 1 are evacuated from the site. Representatives from the adjoining States will be dispatched to the Emergency Operations Facility. Assessment of off-site radiological parameters will determine the type of pro-tective measures necessary for the protection of the public sector.

The public will be notified of the event by local media facilities  ;

and periodic updates of information will be released to assure uniform, '

adequate response to real conditions.

Plant representatives will closeout or reduce the emergency classification as conditions warrant. Written summaries will be provided to off-site authorities and other affected agencies.


A. Tech. Specs.

1. None ,

I B. Admin. Limits


1. None C. Other l-j l'
1. Vermont Yankee Emergency Plan

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0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 t


[- Prerequisites:


! 3. None 1

'f Procedure:


). 1. Select the appropriate appendix checklist from the following:

.i Appendix I Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director

.; Appendix II Security Shift Supervisor

  • Appendix IV Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator
l Appendix V Emergency Tag Board Assignments
j Appendix VI Radiological Habitability Assessment

Appendix VII Operations Support Center Coordinator Appendix VIII Site Re'avery Manager


NOTE: Actions required in each appendix may be assigned by .

  • the responsible individual to other personnel as appropriate. The designated individual; however, ,

has the overall responsibility for the execution of l 4 his checksheet.

2. Proceed with the implementation of the appropriate appendix and record time and initials as required. ,

l Final Conditions:

1. As specified in the appropriate appendices. .

SPS/emr  ;

II a

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t I

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I O.P. 3503 APPENDIX I Rev. 15

  • I= mediate Actions:
1. Conditions have been assessed and the applicable j Emergency Operating Procedures are utilized.

If a release is La progress, ref er to 0.P. 3513,

  • " Evaluation of Radiological Conditions."

j 2. The type of emargency (General) has been determined from A.P. 3125, Classification of Emergencies.

3. Determine the i= mediate personnel response to be 4


4 Turn the Page Systen Volume Increase Switch to e the " Evacuation" position, turn the Alarm Switch to the "0N" position for fif teen seconds, and then announce the following over the Plant Paging System:

a. " General E=ergency, General Emergency, General Emergency"
b. "There is (what) in/at (where) . "
c. " Emergency response personnel report to the Technical Support Center, the Operations Support Center, and the Emergency Operations Facility as required. All other personnel, visitors, and contractors report to the j Govenor Hunt House Information Center" l
5. Notify tha Shif t Technical Advisor to report to the Control Room and provide assistance.
  • 6. Notify the NRC on the NRC Emergency Notifica-
  • tion Systen red phone. Maintain an open, continuous communications channel on this line.
7. a. Notify the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont
  • State Police Agencies by depressing number 111 on the
  • Nuclear Alert System orange phone (or utilizing telephone
  • backup) and making the following announcement upon establishing communications:

"This is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in ,

Vernon, Vermont. We have a General Emergency.  ;


  • We recommend that the general public be advised .
  • to seek shelter.

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!I O.P. 3503 APPENDIX I (Continued) Rev. 15 Time Initials q


- I repeat, this is Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in Vernon, Vermont. We have a General e Emergency, please acknowledge with your name,

! your state and a repetition of the message."

. i Ver=ont Name of Dispatcher j N.H.

Name of Dispatcher Mass.

Name of Dispatcher

b. Expect calls from State Health and/or C.D.

e Officials concerning plant conditions.

u 8. Notify the Security Shif t Supervisor to activate 4

the telephone paging system for plant personnel r

,  ; and Yankee NSD personnel.

  • 9. When contacted by the EOF Coordinator, advise '

him of the classification and emergency conditions.-

10. Direct the activities'of the emergency response personnel until overall responsibility is assumed .

1.1. . Request assistance of outside agencies (fire, law -

enforcement, or medical rescue personael and related }

  • equipment) as needed to deal with the General Emergency, g Fire Medical Law Enforcement (in conjunction with the Security Shift Supervisor) i Subsequent Actions:
  • 1. In concert with the T.S.C. Coordinator, provide ..

information to assist with the final closecut of  !

the General Emergency condition.  !

Final Conditions:

1. When the General Emergency conditions no longer exist, announce on the plant page system that the General Emergency is ended. ,
2. Summarize all actions and resultant condiciens ,:

-- . in the Shif t Supervisor's Log.

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, O.P. 3503 APPENDIX II s


l Time Initials Immediate Actions

1. Upon hearing the announcement of a General Emergency, notify the plant personnel listed below using the automatic telephone paging system. Dial one of the following numbers; M 6 or 6 State name and location, request the initiation of a group page for VY pagers, and give the following message, "All personnel please call the plant Ls=ediat ely . "

(In the event this system is out of order, notification must be made by manual dialing of the appropriate numbers in the plant phone list.) '

a V.Y. President V.Y. Manager of Operations

> Plant Manager Asst. Plant Manager Operations Support Manager Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent a Director of Communications g

Engineering Support Supervisor '

Reactor and Computer Supervisor  !

Chem. and H.P. Supervisor I&C Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Operations Supervisor l

Asst. Operations Supervisor .

Training Supervisor i

2. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division Security ) I (Microwave M or phone - )

extensionM and give the following message:

"This is Ver=ont Yankee. We have a General Emergency.

Standby for Yankee Staff calls." (Repeat .

this message and request acknowledgement)  !

3. Notify Yankee Nuclear Services Division personnel: '

'a. Dial the following number: M

b. The ZIP-CALL operator will answer.

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O.P. 3503 j APPENDIX II (Continued) Rev. 15 Time Initials

c. Ask for pager 6 to be activated.


d. Repeat Steps a. b, and c approximately 15 minutes after the initial call to assure that all YNSD

. personnel have been reached.

j 4. Advise individuals listed below of emergency classification ss they 1

call into plant security gate:


  • 7.Y. Fresident i

l V.Y. Manager of Operations f

i Plant Manager __

! Assistant Plant Manager Operations Support Supervisor

, Operations Superintendent Technical Services Superintendent j t Director of Co=munications Engineering Support Supervisor Operations Supervisor Reactor & Computer Supervisor Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor Instrument & Control Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Asst. Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor

5. Manual dialing and notification of any individuals l listed in Step 4. who have not contacted the plant security gate should be initiated 15 minutes af ter initial notification in Step 1.
6. Request outside Law Enforcement as necessary or as requested by the Operations Shif t Super-visor / Plant Emergency Director.
7. Ensure that an accountability of perse.inel has been completed as per D.P. 0906, Emergency Procedures.

Subsequent Actions:

1. Advise other individuals, as they call in, of the emergency classification.

Namejlf Caller Page 2 of 3

o .2 A.:  :. ~ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ,

1 i

APPENDIX II (Continued)

Time Initials

" 2. Route phene calls from State Health and C.D. Officials to the appropriate C.R.

I personnel when received.

Name of Caller Title i

1 1

i i

'. l

.i o

! *t i


f i

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f 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 P



- Time Initials I= mediate and Subsequent Actions

1. Contact the SS/ PED to obtain specific information concerning the event.

l 2. Assume the overall responsibility for directing the i activities of the emergency response personnel from i the Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director in a e' timely manner.

3. Assure that the Tachnical Support Center Staff e is in place:

Instrument & Control Supervisor Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor (or alternate) ,

Reactor & Computer Supervisor Operations Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Support Supervisor G.E. Resident Engineer (as necessary)

Other staff as required to fulfill the functions of the Technical Support Center.

4. Assign the Operations Center Coordinator.
5. Inform the Site Recovery Manager of emergency response actions on a periodic basis or with changes in 1 status, i I:' I
6. a. Notify INPO (by dialing 6 of emergency classification, plant, name of caller, and nature of emergency, v b. Notify American Nuclear Insurer's (by dialing '

of the emergency.

NOTE: During normal office hours the call will be answered directly. During other ,

time periods an answering service will i require name, affiliation, and phone number of the caller so that an ANI a staff member may return the call.

7. Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is '

performed according to Appendix VI for the Technical Support Center and the Control Room.

NOTE: Ensure the placement of two (2) 5R dosimeters in a representative location for the assessment of total exposure for the center.

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. 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15~

'i APPENDIX III (Continued)

I 3 Time Initials Final Conditions:

q j--

  • 1. Upon. termination of the emergency, assist the Site Recovery Manager

. .; in closecut summaries to the States of Vermont, New Hampshire,

.'; Massachusetts, the NRC, INPO, and other affected agencies.


.! State of Vermont

-) " "

New Hampshire h' Massachusetts


] NRC I .




' OR
  • i l i-j
  • 2. De-escalate the emergency classification as
  • jJ ,

{ conditions warrant.


l l


, t.

'l i

e l'


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0.P. 3503

l. Rev. 15 i



_ Time Initials i

'* Immediate Actions:

.:1 i 1. Contact the Shif t Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director

and obtain specific information concerning the event.
2. Activate the Emergency Operations Facility.

- Direct the assessment of EOF habitability

] on a frequent basis.

- Assess on-site and off-site radiological conditions

  • associated with any accidental releases. (Reference 4 0.P. 3509, 3510, 3513) l L; - Coordinate information on radiological assessments.


- Act as a liason with off-site authorities.

- Document and Coordinate emergency team activities.

- Prepare facilities for the arrival of off-site authori-ties and other support personnel.

_ Assure that the Emergency Operations Facility / Recovery Center Staff is in place:

Chem. & H. P. Supervisor (or alternate) g Training Supervisor Administrative Supervisor 1

Public Information Liaison Other personnel as required to perform functions described in Appendix V.

NOTE: The Administrative Supervisor is not equipped with a pager and will have to be notified by land line to respond to the EOF.

- Assign personnel as required to the various functions in the Emergency Operations Facility (refer to Appendix V)

3. Direct the call-in of off-duty personnel as required. Personnel are requested and assigned as per Appendix V. l
4. Receive advice and direction from the Site Recovery Manager.

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i 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 APPENDIX IV (Continued) t Time Initials 1



Periodically ensure that radiological assessment is performed according to Appendix VI for the j Emergency Operations Facility.

, NOTE: Ensure the placement of two (2) 3R dosimeters li in a representative location for the assessment of 11 total exposure for the center.

.4 ,

lj 6. Assign the Radiological Coordinator and direct him to perform the procedure outlined in 0.P. 3525, Radiological Coordination.



Subsequent Actions
1. Provide protective actions / recommendations to various state ,

agencies in the event of release or expected releases, i '

- i

};' Final Conditions '

l. Direct the responsible personnel to restore all emergency equipment to its normal readiness state.
2. Review and initial all Emergency Operations Facility. .,

. logs'to. assure completeness and accuracy. ,

j i

$ l i

i J



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0.P. 3503 i APPENDIX V Rev. 15 l.


Tag No.


f * (1) EOF Coordinator's Assistant mi d

  • 1. 3reak out EOF Coordinator's kit from the equipment closet,

, install plant phone extension and contact Control Room. Inform the Tech. Support Coordinator, or in the absence of personnel

' in the Tech. Support Center, inform Plant Emergency Director j of your presence and request the following:

a. Summary evaluation of plant conditions. (Take notes)
b. Type of release (and appropriate meteorological data):
(one of the following)
1) Elevated (stack only) release -

l r- " Upper" delta t (At)

. Wind speed Wind direction

2) Ground (including combination stack and other release paths) release -

" Lower" delta t (At)

Wind speed .

Wind direction i
c. Directional stability of the wind (i.e. , any indication I of trending toward new direction?).
d. Whether or not the plant Emergency Director needs assistance in notifying plant management personnel, or other on-site assistance.
2. Determine habatability of the EOF using Appendix VI. If
  • this facility is not habitable (criteria in 0.P. 3507, Table
  • II), then:
  • a. Announce relocation to Alternate Emergency Operations Facility at Vernon Town Hall. (South door to basement.)
b. Write a message to this effect on blackboard and request assistance in transporting any remaining emergency ,

equipment. I

c. Proceed with the Coordinator's kit to the Vernon Town

) kn.


d. Confirm that the Town Hall is in the better location by use of the portable survey instruments. l
e. Log the results of both surveys, i
3. Take charge of the Emergency Operations Facility until arrival i.
  • of the EOF Coordinator. Connect additional phones, check radio  !

and gaitronics, etc. .

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0.P. 3503

_ Rev. 15 Tag No.

l * (1) Cont. 4 -Initiate EOF Coordinator's Check List 0.P. 3503,' General

  • E=ergency Appendix IV on EOF Coordinator's clipboard.
5. Organize equipment, set up tables, status and mapboards,


  • select the appropriate plume stability angle in accor-dance with reported meteorological conditions.
  • 6. Upon arrival of EOF Coordinator, advise him of the

-f situation and its status (per the check list) and act as

? his assfitant by keeping a log of significant events on

! '. VYOPF 3504.01, and other duties as he =ay request.

7. Se alert for a possible shif t -in wind direction. Period-ically, contact the T.S.C. for a current wind direction and speed. ,
  • 8. Direct the placement of EOF area signs as time and personnel
  • availability permit, r,

(2)(3) Site Boundary Survey Team

1. Open Site Soundary Kit, obtain clipboard and follow instructions of 0.P. 3310.

(4)(3) personnel and Ecuipment Monitorine Team

1. Obtain two count rate meters (PRM-4A and/cr RM-14's) from the charging shelf in emergency equipment storage closet and the " Personnel Monitoring" clipboard from the EOF Coordinator's kit. '


2. Monitor yourself first then all personnel on duty at the 'l Emergency Operations Facility. Segregate for decontamination all individuals exceeding 2X background for 2000 net c/m.

m 3. As soon as practicable, establish a control point to monitor all personnel arriving from the plant area.

(e.g., front porch (good weather), or lobby area.)

4. Check off name of each person monitored on the clipboard

, gate list. If name is not on list, write name on blank log sheets.

5. Immediately segregate all personnel arriving in F.C.

clothing and identify their vehicles, if applicable.

  • One member of the team will survey P.C.-attired personnel and their vehicles with priority. Note on gate list log or log sheets the name(s) and vehicle (s) exceeding 2X background or 2000 net c/m. Hold for decontamination and release.
6. When appropriate (i.e., gross contamination or inhalation) take nasal smears, or tissue " blow" samples.

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?  !

\ t O.P. 3503 Rev. 15 Tae No.

(1) (3) . Tae se:en: 2=her of tean will. with priority, survey the Cont. entarior.c.includin; tires) of any emerzency vehicle leaving the site. Log the results.

  • '5 . R+ port al' significant or positi.e results to the EOF C0erdinator or th: Radiological Assistant.

'j i -e:munications Assistant i

.. Insar: ;.. nce are installed in phone jacks.

,; << ZE: a. RED phone is the NRC E=ergency Notification l System phone and = aces with the labelled NRC jack an west wall of stage.

2. JLACK phones are the E=ergency Coordinator's private unlisted line and mates with labelled jacks on west wall of stage. ,

l c. GREEN phone is for use by the various stage health departments and mates with phone jack q on west wall of exhibit area.

  • phone and mates with the labelled jack on the
  • west wall of the stage.
2. Obtain box of Message Forms (0.P. 3504, Figure 2) from .
  • the EOF Coordinator's kit.  !!

1 t,

, 3. Assign someone to man the kitchen and state phones and provide them with a supply of blank forms.  !

4. Establish radio communications with all onsite and offsite teams prior to their departure from the outer gatehouse, if practicable. l 1

NOTE: Utilize radio procedures contained in 0.P. 3504. i i


5. Record the parties involved, date and time of each incoming .

or outgoing message by telephone, Gaitronics or radio on a I Message Form. i

  • - 6. On incoming calls, forward copies 1 and 3 to the EOF '

Coordinator or his appropriate assistant.

NOTE: Retain copy 2 (ye31ow) as a " tickler" for those i messages requiring a reply. i

7. When copy 1 is returned for dispatching a reply, discard 4 copy 2 and note date and time the reply message was dispatched.

.8. Retain completed copy 1 as a log record ~ of all communicatf ons.

Page 3 of 6

, . _ . , _ . .2___._.. '__.._.. . .m. . . f ._. . _ . _ . . _, _- _ _ . . .

I I -

. i 0.P. 3503 '

I Rev. 15 1

Tag No.

(7)(8) Onsite Assistance / Rescue Team ,

i (9) (10)

1. Dress in full protective clothing immediately.
2. Respiratory protection apparatus. ,

< r

a. Respiratory Protection apparatus
b. Righ-range dosimeter
c. PIC-6 survey meter (1 per team)
3. Check operability of survey instrument.
4. Proceed immediately to outer gatehouse and obtain assigned TLD badges and a portable radio.
5. Check operability of radio by calling Technical Support ' i, Center and announcing your readiness to provide assistance, if needed. [
s l


  • 6. Standby for instructions from the T.S.C. Coordinator at h the outer gatehouse, or if conditions permit, proceed to

' ['

the inner gatehouse and await instructions.


7. When requested, provide assistance within guidelines I specified in 0.P. 3507, Exposure Control During an


3. If injured personnel are involved:


a. Request ambulance and H.P. representative from the T.S.C. Coordinator.


b. Provide first-aid treatment at the scene, as appro-priate. (Note excessively high dose rate levels)


, c. When practicable, move victim to H.P. Control Point


or other low radiation area.

p i

d. Survey victim's clothing, and depending upon good first- ,;

aid procedures, remove as much grossly contaminated h clothing as possible.  !;


e. Wrap the victim and stretcher with a blanket or other I suitable material available.
f. Transfer the victim into the ambulance, avoiding direct personal contact with the ambulance.
  • g. Notify the EOF Coordinator the ambulance is on its i' way out and request that a survey of the ambulance tires i be made at the outer gate.

t Page 4 of 6

, f

,.,. .-..-. . - - . .- x.. ._ _ . ,

.j. ,

1: 0.P. 3503  !

Rev. 15 .

T Tag No.

J On-site assistance teams will keep the T.S.C. Coordinator

* - (7) (8) 9.
i (9)(10) advised as significant information is developed and take other Cont. actions as directed by him.
  • 10. Upon coupletion of assigned duties, contact the EOF Coordinator to determine if additional instruments or supplies
  • are needed at the Emergency Operations Facility.
11. Return to the Emergency Operations Facility, request monitoring prior to entry, and report any pertinent information to the

~0F Coordinator or his Assistant for the log.

1 i (11) -Radiological Assistant

1. Shtke dose projections as required and outlined in 0.P.

3513, Evaluation of Offsite Radiological Conditions. .

2. Asse=ble all available information relating to the

+ radiological situation.both on and offsite. j i .3. Organize the information and concisely state the latest radiological conditions on the status and mapboards with a

' wax crayon.

4 As new or additional information becomes available, update the boards.

5. Coordinate and direct the activities of the monitoring teams t
  • as'the EOF Coordinator may request.

NOTE: If conditions warrant, a third offsite team may be  ;

activated by utilizing the spare offsite monitoring i i kit at the Vernon Town Hall. (- ,

  • 6. Keep the EOF Coordinator informed, as appropriate.
  • 7. Assist the EOF Coordinator as he may request.

(12) Manpower and Planning Assistant

1. Determine the nature of the emergency and atproximate the extent of damage to the plant and equipment. j
2. Mobilize available manpower by listing plant personnel present and not otherwise assigned to emergency duties in the following specialty groups (Emergency Assistance Personnel List):

NOTE: A person may be listed in more than one category.'

a. Medical Backup Team and those trained in First-Aid
b. Chemistry and Health Physics
c. Fire Brigade ay d. Welders
    • ' 'P e. Electricians
f. Mechanics Page 5 of 6

___ _ __ _ - i

l .. . ..Ln- ,

- -- = .-.a.- . .

... - - e.:- -.. - .

'l. . .

[ 0.P. 3503

f. -

Rev. 15 q.


'$ Tag No. t 1

l (12) Cont. g. Instrument & Control i h. Stores

't 1. Reactor and Computer

1. _ j. Engineering Support j: k. Secretarial I
3. Keep the above list currect as personnel continue to arrive j at the Emergency Operations Facility.


4. As soon as practicable, reassign tag board duties to make

! available those specialties needed to best cope with the emergency situation.


5. Prepare to assign specialized assistant teams as requested

' lt

  • by the T.S.C. Coordinator.


  • 6. Assist the EOF Coordinator by attempting to anticipate and provide for future manpower and logistics needs.


'! 7. Depending upon the anticipated duration of the emergency, prepare relief schedules and excuse those personnel not presently needed.

(13)(14) Offsite Team #1 "

1. Obtain one offsite Monitoring Kit, one RM-14, one PIC-6A, and one air sampler.
2. Open kit and remove 0.P. 3510, "Offsite and Site Boundary i Monitoring." (on clipboard) . (


3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0.P. 3510.

'i (15)(16) Offsite Team #2 l


1. Obtain one Offsite Monitoring Kit, One RM-14, one PIC-6A, i, and one air sampler. l-
2. Open kit and remove 0.P. 3510, "Offsite and Site Boundary Monitoring." (on clipboard) .


3. Complete checklist instructions as indicated in 0.P. 3510. ,

a f

t Page 6 of 6 h


^ ~ -- ~

,,j ,

,. 4.: _ w. . _ 2 __. . _ , _ _ . . . _ . . _ . _ _.-. ___ _ _ , _ _ _ .

1 l

... l i: 0.P. 3503 Rev. 15 APPENDLX VI J

1. .Obtain a copy of 0.P. 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control.
2. Obtain an RM-14, a PIC-6A, and a low volume charcoal air sample.

Perform the necessary function checks on the instrumentation.


'! 3. Monitor conditions in the ares (s) assigned -

, Operations Support Center .j Emergency Operations Facility l-Other areas as requested by the Plant Emergency Director or the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor or his alternate. $


4. Using Table II in 0.P. 3507, assess personnel actions with respect i

.j ' to radiological conditions encountered. l

) h

5. Report findings and recommendations on 0.P. 3503.01 and submit to the appropriate center coordinator.

! o NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side of VYOPF 3503.01.

t i



I a


. 'l i

i i

i I

Page 1 of 1


.. ,- - w .. . . . _

? *

.i .

0.P. 3503

.Rev. 15 l.






. 1. Provide system valve alignment and equipment operations support

to auxiliary operators.
2. Assist in coordination of operations relief planning.


3. Assure that Operations Support Center Staff is in place:

j -

Chemistry & Health Physics Assistant (s)

Spare Operations Staff j - Other personnel as required


4. Assist in the coordination of recovery efforts requiring the plant operations staff.

4 5. Periodically determine the habitability of the center by using the procedure outlined in Appendix VI.

.p l NOTE: Ensure the placement of two (2) 3R dosimeters in a re-


presentative location for the assessment of total exposure for the center.


6. Report findings to and receive instruction from the Shift Supervisor /- 9
  • Plant Emergency Director and/or the T.S.C. Coordinator.

l t

'l, t

.I 4


.Page 1 of 1-

g- e  ;--, -

1 1

i -. j

,- O.P. 3503

. Rev. 13


1. Assume the overall responsibility for the emergency response organization and all response efforts.
2. Act as the principle plant emergency response organi:ation spokesman in all interfacing with of f-site authorities.
3. Assess plant conditions as reported Se the :2sponse 'r;ani-zation and direct that all neeced response af for:s ara

+ 4 Insure that aanpower planning is being conducted to :rovide 4 '

for response efforts over an en: ended period.

3. Review and approve periodic news releases prepared by the
  • Director of Communications or his designee prior to release.
6. Devise a recovery plan applicable to the olant condition (s) g following the termination of the emergency phase.
7. Reach agreement with off-site authorities on the official termination of the emergency.
8. Close cut the event by verbal summary to the off-site authorities and provide a writcen summary of the event to the off-site authorities indicated below:
a. NRC
b. FD!A l c. State of Vermont
d. State of Massachusetts
e. State of New Hampshire i


  • De-escalate the emergency classification based on changing plant
  • . conditions.

i l

s Page 1 of 1 m

.~ -- - - , - -- _.._ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ __ .



, Date I

.i Time

r Location of Sampling P

. J-a DATA t-Maxi =um Dose Rate (W.B.)

Average Dose Rate (W.3.)

}l Air Sample Results a

Reco== ended Action (From sa=pling information and specifications in Table I, O.P. 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control) .

t li 4

Comments  ;,

NOTE: Additional information, such as area surveys, should be recorded on the reverse side of this form.

f i

i  ! l

/ r Surveyor Date i VYOPF 3503.01 Rev. 15

> l 1


- - ,. = :- - ..

.. ..  : . .. .. a -

,' ' Dept. Supv. .

% roc. P No. 0.P. 3513 PORC

-b - - Rev. No. 5

, Plant Mgr. x ;'4 C ,,i _ Issue Date 1/20/0Z Mgr. of Ops. E M M ! 4 Review Date 1/Zd/04 9/ >



To specify the method used to evaluate the stack release rate and projected off-site whole body dose rate, and to determine estimated and cetual downwind whole body and thyroid doses,' based on field measure =ents and current matcorology.

Discussion: 4 In an emergency declared on the basis of an actual stack or  ;

  • - ground release, the Plant Emergency Director / Shift Supervisor cetermines the initial proj ected of f-site whole body dose rate. In an eter;cacy '!

declared on the basis of a potential high level release 4L.e.. :agh

,, level activity in containment, but no actual release), tne Technical

  • Support Center Coordinator, or E=ergency Operations Facility Coordinator, will determine and report the initial whole body off-site dose rate to State Officials should an actual release occur. An Off-Site Dose Non- ,

ogram (See Figure 1 and Appendin i) is used for this initial determinativa. [

Following the initial evaluation, a subsequent method to further i evaluate and refine the downwind off-sl e radiolazical ecn irions basec '

on actual field measurements and current meteoroloz: .w cen developed.

  • l The results of this evaluation are rcperted to the varicus ftate Health Officials as they call into the Emergency Operations facility (EOF) for more detailed and refined information.

The_ method described in Appendix B utilizes two sets of diffusion ,

factor (uX/Q) values: one set for ground level releases which are indepen-- '

dent of wind direction, and the other set for elevated stack releases i which are dependent on wind direction because of our valley _ location.  ;

'Both sets of diffusion factors are presented as a function of atmo-spheric stability class and distance from the plant out to 10 miles.

In order to help qualitatively define plume width, a transparent overlay has been prepared for the area base map. This transparency  !

consists of three colored angles as follows: ,

7 Blue . For all unstable meteorological classes

, Red -

For neutral meteorology Orange - For all stable meteorological classes Included within each angle are areas lateral to the plume centerline having radionuclide concentrations of at least 5% of the plume center-line value. Centering the stability-dependent angles over the appro-priate downwind direction on the area base map will help qualitatively ,

define the' plume width. -Using the sector / zone designation appropriate ,

to!the plume ' width, Vermont Yankee can provide State officials with '


c . _ . ~ .. . . . - ,

_ . ~ . . -

., ~,.___..

. m_._ .. _ ' . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ ... _ _ _ _ _ .

0.?. 3513

. Rev. 3 l

the affected area and corresponding projaetec ae bs Sc.d:- dose i rates, or airborne concentrations of I-131. out to ten miles.

To facilitate and e:tpedite the neces: cr- :iassi: cac u n of 3:

, meteorological conditions, the selection . - g :::: 2:2 liffusta-factor table and subsequent calculations, two programs for tha revaw Instrument programmable (TI-59) calculator-pinter have been de<elured.

The first, MET DATA, e::peditiously calculate 9 the folleving:

1. Actual time of arrival of the plu : 2 wnrind # r any given dist:n:2,
2. The 3 v T. inc ;irection c3rresv .. _ . ; I'  :: ""ind 3 ram" 61rcG w i . ' . . . . w _ t e d '; } thw Ow L . J + i J . ~. . c f .
3. The et _orolog i cal stability clas.s i.: 12atien for an?

2iven it. anc.

= -

n-b ~ - c i e. a 6

7er - . ::. n; . to na-The second, RADOSE II, enen calculates tue ....calag:

1. The projected whole body sector average dose ratr at any assuned distance from any field 21r: red =9eter de= ? rate at a knern distance,
2. The projected I-131 centerline concentration at any assume ! distance from any field reasured centarline I-111 concentration at a known distance, and,
3. The 3; -131 concentration value at the angle Teundary.

This procedure utilizes the above programs. In the event the calcu-lator should become inoperable, hand calculations will be made as indicated in Appendix B.

4 Responsibility for completion of.Section A of this procedure rests

  • primarily with the Plant Emergency Director / Shift Supervisor, however, during off-shift hours he also has a collateral responsibility to initiate.Section 3 of this procedure to the extent that such action does not impair his ability to bring the plant to a safe condition.

e Upon activiation of the EOF, the EOF Coordinator " takes over" and i completes this procedure. A mapboard, angle overlay and. calculator-printer are provided in the Control Room emergency kit.

The following table, forms, figures and appendices are attached:

1 Table I Air Sample Codes VYOPF 3513.01 Meteorological Data Sheet VYOPF 3513.02 Doses at Selected Locations Figure 1 VY Emergency Off-Site Dose Nomogram Figure 2 Field' Sample. Thyroid Dose Nomogram Appendix A VY Emergency Off-Site Dose Rate Nomogram, Description and Use

. Appendix B Diffusion Factors Appendix C TI-59 Calculator-Printer Instructions a

_a - -- . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . - ._. . . . ~ _ _ . . - .. . _ .

0.P. 3513 Rev. 5


i A. Tech. Specs.


1. None B. Admin. Limits
1. None C. Other i

!! 1. 10 CFR 50, Appendix E j 2. VY Meteorology System Manual

t 3. 0.P. 3510, Off-Site Monitoring ,

t Precautions: .

i 1. Actual location of reported eff-site monitoring team data relative j to plant should be verified prior to using the data in calculations.

2. Periodically check on the quarter hour for significantly changed meteorological conditions.


  • A. Immediate action by the Plant Emergency Director / Shift Supervisor, or his designated assistant, in the event a high level stock release is ccurring at the time of the emergency declaration.

NOTE: In the event an emergency is declared on the basis of ,

a potential release (i.e., activity confined in contain-

  • ment), the Technical Support Center Coordinator, or his designated assistant, will complete this section should a subsequent release occur.

Initials ,

1. Determine the elapsed time in hours following reactor shutdown. .I (hrs)
2. Obtain current windspeed (mph) r i
3. Obtain high range stack gas monitor 3 reading. (mR/hr)  !
4. Obtain the stack flow. (ft/ min)

" NOTE: Data Point C062 may be accessed .

on the Plant Computer to obtain stack flow rate.

0 2 value n 7


Stack Flow (ft/ min)

5. Go to Figure 1 and determine the off-site dose rate at .35 miles (mR/hr)

. . . - . . . .. . _ _ - - - . . - - - - . ..= .~ . - . .

0.P. 3513 Rev. 5

  • B. Action initiated by the Plant Emergency Director or his designated

, assistant pending activation of the Emergency Operations Facility,

  • or by the EOF Coordinator upon activation of the EOF.
1. Obtain data called for in item 1 of Meteorological Data Sheet (VYOPF 3513.01).

NOTE: 1. In the event the meteorological computer and printer are not operating properly, this data may be obtained froc strip charts in the Relay House.

  • 2. In the event that the primary meteorological
, tower instrumentation is not functioning, instrumentation on the secondary tower provides a read-out of wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature and one value for delta t (St).

h- n CRP 9-48 contains all of this information.

l lt,

3. In the event all instrumented meteorological parameters are unavailable, a generalized determination of atmospheric stability may be made by observing the cloud cover as follows:
a. Heavy overcast day or night = D-neutral
b. Any clear sky in daytime = B-mod. unstable
c. Any clear sky at night -' F-mod stable
4. The Albany National Weather Service (NWS)

Station (tel. M and ask for "Public Forcaster") may be consulted regarding meteorological observations and forecasts.

2. Af ter obtaining the TI-59 calculator-printer and program cards, press 4, 2nd, 917 (display should show 639.39), then CLR, and
  • load the four sides of MET DATA program. (After each side is
  • loaded and a steady number is seen on display, press CLR.)

Initials NOTE: 1. See appendix C for basic calculator instructions.

2. In the event the calculator is in-operable, complete the Meteorological Data Sheet (VYOPF 3513.01) by hand.
a. Enter time of day the release commenced in HH.MM format. (e.g. , 9:15 AM = 9.15, 2:37 PF

= 2.37 PM or 14:37 = 14.37)

1) If in AM, or 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> " Navy" time - Press A ,
2) If in PM clock time - Press 2nd A i i

e=, P i



.j . . , _ . . _ . . . _. _ , , .. _ _ _ _ . _ _ .. ,. . _ _ _ _ _

  • 0.P. 3513 Rev 5 Initials
b. Enter wind speed (u mph) - Press B i ,
c. . Calculate estimated time of arrival of plume (in

, -z actual 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time), in one mile increments out to five miles, and the 10 mile arrival time.

Calculated Enter 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time 1 Press B 2


" " i Ti' 4 5

n n to ,
d. Post arrival times at mile markers on mapboard . I with wax crayon. i l' e. Enter " WIND FROM" as indicated by meteor-


ology typer and press C.

Enter Calculated Wind Frem Wind Toward 1

3 f. ' trar ippropriate iT.

,) _ -; t:tc.; c ?.eus e, un:ct upper aT - Press 2nd D

2) If ;round. or conbination, enter lower AT -

Press D Enter S

.' Upper AT Calculated j[

or Met Class No. p Lower AT Angle T

g. In the event the wind speed changes significantly (per MET system typer) enter ,

actual time of new average (from MET typer) in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time (HH.MM) and press E.

Enter ,

Change time Calculated plume distance ___

.1) Enter new data as in Step B.2.b, above.

NOTE: 1. A new " wind from" or "AT" may be entered Steps B.2.e and f above at any time (i.e., Do NOT press E).

> 4 -


  • r -,w - e

.. .~. _. . -


. 0.P. 3513

. Rev. 5 Initials

. Future time and distance calculations
j. ,

(Step B.2.c) are corrected from the time and distance the new wind' speed (u) was specified.

3. The calculator can no longer calculate time or distance problems prior to the wind speed change. If attempted, the display will flash and a question mark will be printed.

i 3. Position mapboard angle wheel in above (Step 2.e)- downwind

- direction and note the distance to the most significant population center within the above specified color angle.

(Step 2.f) d a

Selected landmark 7

Distance (miles)

NOTE: For example: center of Brattleboro, Hinsdale I

racetrack, Hinsdale Town Hall, Vernon Nursing Here, etc.

4. Determine the appropriate Gamma dose pX/Q value from Tables in Appendix 0.

Elevated or ground release (Step 3.2.f)

Met class (Step 2.f with l=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc.)  ;

Gamma dose pX/Q value for the selected

' -6 distance X10 4

5. Calculate the projected whole body dose rate '(mR/hr) at the selected location, as follows:

D=[(5 x 10 0)]x[ Gamma Dose pX/Q x 10~0]x[ Dose rate in mR/hr]

where: Dose rate = The off-site dose rate at 1/3 mi.

from Fig. 1, if an elevated release; ,

OR .!'

The reported measured site boundary dose rate, if a ground release. ,


Estimated projected dose rate at selected location (Step B.3) is:


6. Post projected dose at selected location on mapboard .

with wax crayon and record on VYOPF 3513.02.

=- x -

.~,_ _ _, L_ _ . . _ _ . . '_ '

_ . _ , _ _ . ;A..

+. '

,- _7_ 0.P. 3513

, Rev. 5 vi' ,

7. As State Health Department personnel call in for additional
  • details, report the following through the EOF Coordinator: ,

ti a. -Nature of emergency

b. Elevated or ground release
c. Of f-site " boundary" dose rate

.,' d. Downwind direction of plume '

e. Estimated time of arrival at selected locations
f. Estimated projected dose rate at selected locations

,, g. Other information requested and available


'I~ Reported to Vermont by Time

" bbss, by lj " NH by ,

  • C. Actions by the EOF Coordinator upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility. e i i

. 1. Determine the status of actions required in Section B above e


  • from the Plant Emergency Director and assume roepensibility for .

lh '

completion, if necessary. Assign this and following duties f

to the Radiological Assistant. ..

2. Turn calculator OFF, then ON, and load RADOSE II program

} (sides 1 and 2) and appropriate memory data (sides 3 and 4).

NOTE: 1. For ground releases, use " ground release" card (sides 3 and 4) for all wind directions.

2. For elevated releases, use the " elevated l release" card (sides 3 and 4) with the  !

.. . applicable " wind to" designation.



a. Enter appropriate Met Class # (see printer readout,

Step A.2.e above, or Met Data Sheet) and press A. '

b. Enter current average wind speed (u) and press 2nd A. ,
c. As monitoring teams report " air code" numbers, determine the corresponding net CPM from Table. I, then enter Figure 2 to determine the I-131 concentration. e

, NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, a " standard" i ~I sample is as follows:

Counting efficiency-(RM-14) = 2.5%

Flow rate = 10 LPM "

Collection time = 1 minute d.- Enter the above data,-and reported dose rates, on VYOPF 3513.02,

e. Enter the reported data and the distance to the moni-tored location in the TI-59 as'follows:

l h.

- ,_ , . , , , , , ..+~ , , - - - - ,


,, . - -p - _ . . . ...__f. .__ _ _y, , _ _ , , , , _

i 0.P. 3513 Rev. 5 a -


  • Press Enter Press Dese rata 3 Distance (mi) C M /SrT I-131 Conc. 2nd B Distance (mi) 2nd C L (pCi/cc)
f. Determine the projected downwind (or upvind) radiological cenditions for any number of selected locations by enter-ing the selected distance in mi?.es and pressina D (for aterage sector dose rate), or 2nd D ffer I-121 :entarline and 2 angle boundary concentrations).

50ft: A flashing display following a selected unwind distance indicates the plume is 5till elevatad at the selectcd dtsten::.

d 3 L;; r2 "2-- 3- en f abn re on . ;; '313.o1 - De---

at Seice:ed _ccations.


  • h. Report results to the Emergency Operations Facility Coorlinator #ar ralay to State Officials, and rect er : rbatr .
1. Request off-site monitoring, or other special teams

> e 'm .?'3 and/or M; 5.mples at -c 4 .-.v.

~ c - i '- -

tn ions it .:  :'..f, if 1  :,c ,t_.

Einal Conditions:

A 1. Turn in all log sheets and calculator printouts to the ECF l Coordinator.

I SPS/e:r i

e 4 +

i i )

5 I


. , _ . . - _. e

. . . . .- - . ..u . . _ . . . . _ _ . _ __._;x _ ___. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

't 0.P. 3513 Rev. 5 TABT.E I l


" AIR UT " AIR NET CODE" C7" CODE" CPM 0 dG 24 1750 1 LO 25 2000 2 60 26 2250

, 3 dC 27 2500

. 190 28 2750 5 123 29 3000

-3 '30 30 2250 175 31 3500 3 200 32 3750 9 225 33 4000 10 250 34 4250 11 275 35 4500 12 300 36 5000 13 323 2' 7300 14 350 3S 10000 15 375 39 12500 16 400 40 15000 17 425 41 17500 18 450 42 20000 19 500 43 25000 '

20 750 44 30000 21 1000 45 35000 22 1250 46 40000 23 1500 47 50000


, , , _ .._ . .. _. . . -, ,. _. . , m, . .


3 <. .:..~ ..,5.=  ::, .-. : .  :

,13 ,, . . - . - -


q .


t, r >

..k j j;,.

1. Meteorological Data ,

i Type of Release AT*F Wind Speed (MPH) Wind Direction (FROM) ,

l Elevated (Stack only)

.j. or Ground Level (ground or

> 1 stack / ground comb.) i

, 2. Wind Direction Correction 1

j Wind direction FROM


j j- If direction $180*, add 180* = Wind e direction' Il lf .

t If direction >180*, subtract 180* =

  • toward

- a,

3. Stability Class (Circle appropriate MET Class) at(*F) MET Ground Release Elevated Release Class Stability Categorv Use Angle 4

at$-1.72 at$-2.74-- 1-A Extremely Unstable' *

-1.71<at<-1.54 -2.73<at<-2.45------2-B Moderatly Unstable ; Blue-

-1.53<ati-1.36 -2.44<ati-2.16- 3-C Slightly Unstable .

-1.35<at<-0.46 -2.15<at<-0.72------4-D Neutral) --Red

-0.45 1;cy l.35 -0.711at<+2.15---- 5-E Slightly. Stable

+1. 36 <a t< +3. 6 2 +2.16<at<+5.74- 6-F Moderately Stable - Orange

+3.63<at +5.75<at --7-G Extremely Stable j.

4. Wind Speed Conversion Last=15 min ave MPH h 0.447 = meters /sec.



5. Data Susanary

. \\(;(t-i l-Type of release Wind' Stability Wind Speed -Wind ,

(Circle One) from (Circle One) Meters /sec. Toward -

i Elevated Stable-Neutral ~

Ground' Unstable e

s 1 VYOPF 3513.01 Rev. 5 9



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i 0.P. 3513 j Rev. S



, This nomogram should be used to determine the release rate and off-site dose race at 1/3 mile (i.e., the " site boundary") when the high range noble gas stack monitor is on scale 2.2 mR/hr. The inf orma-tion required to use this nomogram is: 1) time after reactor shutdown,

, T, 2) the stack high range monitor response, 3) The s t.te > flow rate, tj and 4) wind speed.

The stack high range monitor is a Victoreen 847A-1 ion chamber which measures the radiation in the base of the stack. The monitor has a readout 19 the Control Room on CRP 9-2 with a range fram 3.1 mR/hr to 1 x 10 mK/hr. '

. . The stack flow is determined from a local readout in the stack

'llj monitoring room and may be approximated by accessing data point CC62 on the Plant Computer anc applying the t'ollowing formula:


C062 value = ack Flow u, .t/ min) 144.9 The wind speed (in mph) may be determined from the "et :r :mt:r termi,a1 in the rear of the Control Room, from the secondar: r-t ;oralogical instrumentation eadout on CRP 9-48 in Control Reem. or f rom primar-meteorological instrumentation readouts in the Relay House.

1 t

a i

1 Page 1 of 1

.. -~ , _ -,.

o r-- -

f 4

'I 0.P. 3513 3 -


.t i

1 AP"' SDIX R i



Two sets of diffusion factors for both ground and uleca. a c.l_aoes t are presented in the atta:h:-d tc.5' 2 3. " ' t '- 2't= "re ~~---- - '

function of atmospherie staciir.: and 1:"- ind dist' - :

and in the case of ei:"a:.:: e.stwe,. t.. - ific ec ._c.  ;; '.

Ihe t'm rene< of di .*; 'accor- .re as . . .m :

Concentrati:n .. . :e 4 - Um ne used to evalu a '

c- ...

radionuclide - ' . '-  :! 'n s ""L w" tribute - -

chr m ;a ir..n i t c .

4 E. .f.f.3...:.1..f.,..  :.,.: . .2 .-3.. .i

..~c,- s- ne-n - .__ _

radiatien levis ':iec : ntri?"t2 *' *- "'lo '-

i l

Use care that the correct dia value 13 3eteutw. .. .

the table for use in the following ecuations.

I. initial and Subsecuent O J J-Site ' hole Body Garr.a Ca u _ u... ; : c .i in 'o r i r.: t e '# -"e sector average whole body gamma dose rates

- ;as i can be det er-ined au f ollaw :

a s.'

= .- - . . . J .

. t t ..a L. 4 : ,, 0 il)

Re:ritten: D = 3 y. 10" - i(uX/0)yl

- D i 1 o Where: D = Whole body gamma dose rate at selected downwind distance 1 (mrem /hr)

[(uX/Q)y] = Elevated effective gamma dose uX/Q value for downwind distance 1 (from tables).

[(pX/Q)y] =

Elevated effective gamma dose pX/Q valge at the downwind distance of 0.35 miles (equals 2 x 10 - ).

NOTE: This is an average value for initial estimate only.

D = Whole body gamma dose rate at the downwind distance of 0.35 miles (mR'm/hr, e from emergency nomogran).

(1) As field measured dose rates (D ) at known distances become available, select the appropriate [pX/Q) from the tables and substitute in the above equation.

1 Page 1 of 2

,,a i



. 0.P. 3513 l Rev. 5

!i APPESDIX 3 (Continued) l.

li; l; II. Estimating I-131 Concentrations at Other_ Downwind, Distances _

j Similariv, measured ground level plume centerline I-131 concentra-tion at one downwind distance can be extrapolated to estimate a center-line I-131 concentration at another downwind distance as follows:

1 " [(uX/0)l, '

'i [(aX/Q)]' 'O


!lhere : 's = Plume centerline concentration at selected dcunwind distance 1 (uCi/cc).

L {('X/01], = Concentration uX/Q value for selected downuind distance 1.

q  % = Measured plume centerline cententratten (nC' 'c:) .

0 i,

[(pX/Q)]O = Concentration uX/Q value for measurement location.

l' l

1. t i

l I

l l' i I


l l

t ll i g! I i l

- Page 2 of 2

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() .

O.P. 513 TABLE B-1 Rev. 5 .



Stability Category ,

Downwind Pasquill G Pasquill A Pasquill B Pasquill C Pasquill D Pas:;uill E Pasquill F Distance -

l . -

6.4 27. 61. 160. 260. 450. 920.

r 0.5 miles i

1.3 4.9 19. 60. 110. 210. 350. j 1.0 i 0.70 0.96 3.9 21. 41. 86. 170.

2.0 0.50 0.66 3.0 12. 24. 53. 110.

3.0 0.39 0.51 1.8 7.6 16. 38. 80.

4.0 .

5.5 12. 29. 62, 5.0 ' O.32 0.42 1.2 0.28 0.36 0.92 4.3 9.6 23. 50.

6.0 0.24 0.32 0.72 3.5 7.9 20. 43.

7.6 3.0 6.8 17. 37.

I' 8.0 0.21 0.29 0.58 ,

0.19 0.26 0.48 2.5 5.8 15. 32.

) 9.0 3

0.18 0.24 0.41 2.2 5.1 13. 29.

', 10.0 t

.I t

Page 1 of 2 ,

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4 o ,

0. I' . 3513

' Rev. 5 J.


- f ' ,.


Y (Multiply all values by 10-6) 1  ; e

' Stability Category

,- Downwind Pasquill G

~ Pasquill A Pasquill B Pa squi l l ..C_. Pasquill D Pasquill E Pasquill F Distance i

8.3 19. 26. 34. 37. 41. 47.

0.5 miles  !

1.3 4.3 9.5 14. 16. 19. 20. +

1.0 0.63 0.68 3.1 5.8 6.9 8.3 9.5 2.0 4

3.0 . 0.42 0.42 1.6 3.3 4.2 5.2 6.1  ;

0.31 '0.31 0.97 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.4 4.0 5.0 0.25 0.25 0.66 1.6 2.2 2.9 3.4 o 0.21 0.21 0.49 1.3 1.7 2.3 2.8 6.0 0.18 0.18 0.37 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.4 7.0 0.16 0.16 0.30 0.85 1.2 1.7 2.1 i 8.0 0.14 0.14 .0.24 0.72 1.0 1.5 1.8 l 9.0  !'

10.0 0.13 0.13 0.20 0.62 0.92 1.3 1.6 hi

! i-e O.I e

? *

.* e \

_ . _ . . . . . _ . . .,___ . .. ,. _ ,- ,....i..,. ..~.

~ ,_. _c,._,_ .. -_ . - . . . . - - . . . . . _ - - - . _ , , . . _ , ,. , , _ . , , . . , , . . . . , _ . _ _ . _ _ _

0. l* . 3513


(Multiply all iilaes by 1.0E-6)'


.tability A Concentration ux/0 (Wind Toward)

SW W'iU W WNW NW NNW E ESE SE SSE fl SSW N NNE NE ENE. 214- 2.5 / - 259- 202- 304- 327-57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192-349- 12- 34-16H 191 213 *

.36 ? 281 303 3?6 348  ;

s 33 56 78 tot 123 146 4

nil F S 11 *

.5 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.15 4.15 6.11 6.s1


1.27 1*27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 j 1*27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.2/ 1.2/

1.0 1 27 1.27 1.27 1.27 e

./0 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70  ;

.70 .70 .70 .70 .70 .70 2.0 .70 .70 .70 .70

  • M *M *M # *M * #

.50 .50 .50 .50 .2 .%

3.0 .50 .50 .50

'39 *J9 *39 *39 '39 39

+39 3Y '3Y *JY *3 4.0 .39 .39 .39 39 '39

.33 .53 .33 .33 *33 33

  • 33 *33 . 13 .33 .35 5.0 .33 .33 .33 +33 *33

.20 .2H .28 .20 .28 .28

.28 .28 .28 . 2 13 .28 =28 *2u 6.0 .28 .28 .28

  • 24 *24 *24 *24 24 '24 24

.24 .24 *24 *24 *24 *?4 *24 7.0 .24 .24

.21 .21 .21 .21 .21

.21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 8.0 .21 .21 .21

  • i9 *t9 *l *i9 *l9 *i9 *l9

.19 *19 *19 *19 *I9 *I' 'I 9.0 .19 .19

.18 .18 .18 .38 .18 .18 .38

.38 .18 . 1 13 .18 .1H 10.0 .18 .18 .18 .18 Stability A Gamma Dose ux/Q t

N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SU WSW W WNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 14/- 169- 192- 214- 23/- 259- 282- 404- 327-nit FS 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 19f 213 236 250 281 303 , 3?6 348 f 7.64 7.66 ,7.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 /.66 7.66 7.66 7.66 7.71 7.71 7.66 7.66

.5 7.66 ,

1.0 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.24 '

.62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 2.0 .62 .62 .62

.42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 3'.O .42 .42 .42 .42

.31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 . 51 .31 4.0 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31

.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 5.0 .25 .25 .25

.21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 6.0 .21 .21 .21

.18 .38 .18 .18 .18 .lu .30 .18 .18 .18 .38 .18 .10 .38 7.0 .38 .18 i

8.0 .34 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 '.16 .16 .16 .16  ;

.14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .34 .14 .34 .14 .14 .14 .14 9.0 .34  :

.12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .12 .22 .12 .22 .12 .12 .12 .12 10.0 .12 .32


0. l' . 3513 TABLE n-2 ( S he e t 2 o f 7 ) liev - 5 7


Stability a concentration ux/o (wina r)wara)#Iy all va b s by 1.oE-6)

  • SW WSW W WNW NW NNu NE ENC. E ESE SE SSC S SSW N NNE 192- 214- 237- 259- 2H2- 304- 327-79- 102- 124- 147- 169-349- 12- 34- 57-191 213 236 258 281 303 .i?4 .148 ,

33 54' 78 101 123 146 160._

HILFS 11 17.11 17.11 17.11 1/.11 1/.!! 17.11 17.11 17.18 30.16 18.16

.5 17.11 17.11- 17.11 17.!! 17.11 17.11 4.09 4.Y1 4.91 4.02 4.02 4.70 4.79 4.79 4.70 4.70 4.73 4.85 1.0 4.82 4.76 4.79 4 82 96 .96 .96 .96 .94

.96 .96 .96 .V6 .96 .96

.96 .96 .96 .96 .96 2.0

.66 .66 .66 .66 .66

.66 .66 .66 .66 .66 .66

.66 .66 .66 .66 .66 3.0 .51

.51 .51- .51 .58 .51 .51 .51 ,

.51 .51 .51 .51- .51 .51 s' 4.0 .53 .51

.42 .42 .42 42 .42 .42

.42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 50 .42 .42 .42 .42

.36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36

.36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 i 6.0 .36 .36 .36 .36

.32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32

.32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 7.0 .32 .32 .32 .32

.29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29

.29 .29 .29 .29 .29

.29 .29 .29 .29 .29 8.0

.26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 9.0 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 e

.24 .24 .24 .24 .24

.24 .24 .24 .24

.24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 10.0 Stability B Gamma Dose ux/0 t N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW HW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 202- 304- 327-

. Hit FS 11 33 56 78 101 123 146 168 191' 213 236 25n 281 303 3?6 34H I i


.5 13.67 14.67 13.67 13.67 13 67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 14.83 14.13 1.5.67 1.5. 6 /

1.0 4.08 4.04 4.06 4.08 4.06 4.06 3.99 3.99 4.01 4.10 4.13 4.14 4.14 4.00 4.00 3.v9 .

f 2.0 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67

  • .42 3.0 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 . . 4.! .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 4.0 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .38 .38 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 5.0 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .M. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 t

6.0 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .21 .28 .21 21 .21 .21 .31 .21 .21 .28 .25 7.0 .30 .38 .10 .18 .10 .18 .30 .lH .lH .lu .10 .10 .in .5H .lH .30 8.0 .16 .36 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .56 ,16 .16 .16 .36 .16 .16 .16 .16 9.0 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .34 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .f4 10.0 .32 .22 .12 .12 .22 .12 .22 .12 .12 .22 .12 .12 .32 .12 .12 .12

- _ ^ ~T" - - , , -

O . l' . 3513 TABLE B-2 ( S hee t 3 o f 7 ) nev, s ,


~~ 1 Stability C Concentration ux/0 Olind Tosard)

(Mul tiply a ll values by 1.0E-ff(m ,


N NNE NE ENI: . E ESE St-192- ?t4- 23/- 259- 282- 304- 327- j 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102-  !?4- 147- 169-236  ?'.13 281 305 I?4 34H N1t FS 11 33 54 78 101 123 146 160 1Y1 31 g 1-

.5 14.98 14.90 14.98 14.YH 14 . v14 14.vil 1 4 . 911 I4.YG 14. vat 14.vis 14.YH 111. 0 9 18.09 14 vil 14.vH 15.13 14.46 14.46 12.34 12.34 11.06 15.// 16.9.5 17.4.5 17.43 15.13. 15.13 12.34 1.0 15.13 13.77 14.46

  • 5.92 5.57 5.83 5.91 5.92 5.Y2 5.H9 5.75 S.Lo  !. 51 5./5 S.92 S.92 . . Y? L.92 5.92 2.0 t

2.96 2.98 2.98 '2.90 2.90 2.v4 ' . 9.5 2.YH 2. VII 2 . 918 * ' 2 . 9 18 2.90 2.90 +

3.0 1 83 1.83 1.03 1.05 1.83 1.H4 1 . 68 3 1 . 11.5 1 . 61 5 1. I1.5 1.H3 1.83 1.03 1.fl1 1.83 4.0 1.83 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1. 'S a.25 1.?5 8.?h I . 2*i 1.?S 1.25 1.25 1. 2?i 1.25 5.0 1.25

.92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .Y? .Y2 .Y2 .Y ? .Y? .Y? +92 *V2 +92 +92 60 .92 1

.72 .72 .72 .72 ./? .72 =12 /A 7? *7? '72 .72 *'2 *72

  • 7.0 .72 .72 8.0 .50 .50 .58 .5H .50 .50 .LH .50 . '. H *

.st .50 .LH .5H . *.H .50 .58 9.0 .48 .48 .48 .4H .48 .48 4si .40 . lu . 4 .1 .4h .4H .4H .4tt .4H .48

.41 .41 .41 .41 .41 .46 41 . 41 .48 .41 .41 .41 . '8 3 .41 .41 10.0 .41 ,


Stability C Gamma Dose ux/Q il NNE NE ENE. E ESE SI' CSE S S9f nu Wsu W WHW ilW NHW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102-  !?4- 147- 149-- 192- .s t 4 - 23/- 259- 202- 104- 32/-

Nil FS 11 33 56 78 101 123 14a 160 191* P14 ?36 ?nft 281 303 3?6 34H .

.5 13.47 13.47 13.47 13.4/ 13.47 13.47 1.1. 4 / 1d. 47  !?.47 13.%7 1.l.47 13+4/ 14. 17 14.3/ 13.4/ 1,5. 4 r 1.0 7.64 7.23 7.44 7.64 7.44 7.44 c. . t s e .00 1.02 7.H; H.15 11.30 0.30 jr. 64 7.64 6.00 2.0 2.94 2.94 2.97 2.97 2.96 2.90 2.He .u4 2.90  ?.% 2.97 2.9/ 2.97 2.9/ ... v / 2,H4 3.0 1.51 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.51 s.50 1.52 t.5? 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.S2 1.49 4.0 .94' .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 .v4 .y4 .v4 .94 .94 .94 .94 .y4 ,94 5.0 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 . 6 *. .65 .M .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 4.0 .40 .48 .48 .40 .4H .48 .40 . ill .4H . .i d . 4:s . 41: .4H .40 . 4fl . 4 fl  ;

i 7.0 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 . .$ i , $/ . 5/ . .t / .5/ . .g / .37 .3/ .3/ .37 8.0 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .2Y .

?V ./Y . "' .2V .?Y .29 .2V .29 , .29 i 9.0 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 . 2.s :4 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 10.0. .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 . 2;. 20 .?0 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 6


' - ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - .--


0. I' . l's 1 1 TAbl.1: 11-1( S hee t 4 o f 7,i %y , r, ,


(Multiply all values by 1. 0 F'-K) ~ ( m' - )' l Stability D Concentration ux/Q (Wind Toward)  !

SSE S SFu Su Ot.W W utiu tJu titiu ,

N HNE NE ENE. E ESE SE 147- 16Y- 19 ?- Pl4  ? i/- ?5Y- 2182 - M4~ 327-349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124-

.50 3 . 35 543 Hit t s 11 33 56 78 tot 123 146 160 _1 / l, ,,2tj _ j.' E _ Ms. . 2(1,L

.6tt-~~~.6H 98 .e 88 .Mt .*H' 3.42 1.92 . 6'8 *^8'

.5 .68 .68 .68 .60' - .68 .6B

10. 0.* .'5 . 4 ' "* n o . '* ' l'8.67 20.4/ 20.4* /*60 1.0 20.47 12.96 16.44 20.47 16 44 14.44 7.60 7.60 l'..

15.17 22 0/  ?.*."' ** .**' 2'.07 22 0/ 73.0/ 15.1/

2.0 20.09 21.74 22.07 22.07 21.33 18.36 14.0'5. Ill .16 11.02 11.182 9.III I 3.0 11 18 11.82 11.82 11.02 11.02 11.02 10.76 14.60 1 1. u.! t i .it? II.H? 1 1 .11.' f l .it '

~/.72 s . /.! 7. 's ? './*  !.s2


f.?? J.i' 7.1.t

! 4.0 7.71 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.?? / . /.*

.9 1. S'/ *.W ..',9 S . t.Y S.5v .. */

S.SV 5.0 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.Sv *..*9 s

4. 54 4.14 4. 54 4.34 4. 54 4.34 4.34 4.50 4.d4 4. 54 6.0 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 3.56 3.56 3.56 .l .
  • a *.S6 3.S6 .5.56 .t . S6 3.S6 .5.56 3 . '.6 3.56 7.0 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 2.Y9 2.V9 ** YY '

2*VY 2'YY 2*YY 2*9# '*Y

  • YY 8.0 2.99 2 99 2.99 2.9Y 2.99 2.99 ' 'Y 2.55 2.b5 2.55  ?.55 2.SS .' .* ,S 2 . *,5 2. *e5 2 . *. 5  ? . *.S  ? . M.

9.0 2.55 2 55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.19 2.19 2.19  ?.19 2.19 2.19 2.IV 2.19 2.19 '.lY 2.19 10.0 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 Stability D Gamma Dose ux/0 N HNE NE ENE E FSE SE USE S Snu su uf;u u unu ##u priu 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 1 4 '-- 169- 19?- p14- 337- psy.. 7pp. 504- .1 >7 N11 FS II 33 56 78 101 123 I46 :Au 1 Y 1' 213 P36 .Lu Mut 303 Ty6 .5 4 t -

11.47 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.4/ 11.4/ 11.47 11.4/ It.47 41.4/ 12.30 1 2. 50 11.4/ 11.4/  !

.5 11.47 1.0 0.51 7.40 7.94 H . *J 1 7.94 7.94 6.41 6.41 6. t19 9.09 to.?O 1 0 .115 30.05 H.Si H.51 6.41 2.0 5.01 5.22 5.26 5.26 5.17 4.78 4.1Y 4. 55 4.74 5.26 5.26 S.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 4.35 3.0 2.94 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 2.H/ 2.45 3.04 3.04 .5.04 .5.04 .l.04 3.04 .5.04 2.74 4.0 2.04 2.05 2.05 2 05 2.05 2.05 2.05

  • uS

. .* . u:. 2. or. 2.05 .' . oS 2.05 2.05 2. O*. 2.05 5.0 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 f . ' .1 1.Sl 1.b1 1.51 t.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51


6.0 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1 17 1.1/ I.1/ l.1/ 1.1/ t.17 1.1/ t.37 1.17 1.37 1.17  ;

t-7.0 .96 . 96 - .96 .96 .94 .96 96 .Y6 .V6 .Y6 .Y6 .Y6 .96 .Y4 .Y6 .96 0.0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .tto .HO .00 .HO .00 .00 .00 00 .00 9.0 .60 .48 .60 .60 - .60 .48 .60 .60 .68 . 6 18 .60 . 6 tl .60 .60 .6H .40 10.0 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .5V .5Y .59 .59 .59 .59 t

mee e, .a

. .m

0 l' . Im TAlli.E B-2 ( S h ee t 5 o f 7 ) nev. 5 .  ;


(Multiply all values by 1

  • 7 OE  ?.T~{ m Stability E Concentration uU Q (Wind Toward)

SW WSW W WNW NW HNW N NNE NE ENE. ~ E ESE SE SSE S SSW 2.17- 259- 2H2- 304- 327-349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 1Y2- 214-191 213 236 250 281 305 li 348 N IL f'S 11 33 56 78 tot 123 146 160

.08 .01 .03 .03 .01 01

.5 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .~ 01 .01 .01 .01 1.H5 .4.10 19.2'5 .l / . fi t 50.12 50.12 12.Yn 12.9H 1.05 1.0 12.98 5.28 8.43 12.98 8.43 8.43 1.H5 t

17.01 20.04 2Y.n 1 4 3. 7 tl 41.7H 43.70 4 3. 711 4 3 . 711 4 3. 7as 20.04 i 2.0 35.98 42.41 43.78 43.70 40.70 29.83

19. 0', 19.16 24.72 24.72 24.72 24./2 24.72 24.72 24.72 16.24 j 3.0 21.70 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 ,

16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 4.0 16.62 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 16.69 t?.39 12.39 12.39 f2.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39  !?.39 5.0 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 V./V Y.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.7Y 9.79 6.0 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 9.79 0.10 H.10 fl . t o 0.10 0.10 II .10 0.10 0.10 0.10 8.10 7.0 8.10 8.10 8.10 0.10 0.10 8.10 6.07 6.07 6.07 6.07 6. fl 7 6.07 6. 0 i' 6.H7 6.87 8.0 6.07 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6. fi/

5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5 94 5.94 5 94 5.94 5.94 5.94 9.0 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.94 5.1H 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.10 5.18 10.0 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 i

F Stability E Gamma Dose ux/Q


N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NHW 349- 12- 34-' 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237- 259- 202- 304- 327-NI1 FS 11 33 56 78 tot 123 146 168 19f 213 236 258 281 303 J6 348 f

.5 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 11 09 ,11 09 11.09 11.09 51.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.H6 11.06 11 09 11.09 l 1.0 'O.01 6.03 7.39 8.01 7.39 7.39 5.00 5.08 6.32 8.70 10.25 11.09 11.09 8.01 8.01 5.00 1

2.0 5.77 6.21 6.30 6.30 6.10 5.33 4.29 4.55 5.33 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 4.55

.3.0 3.58 3.81 3.01 3.01 3.81 3.81 3.43 3.37 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.H1 3. f11 3.01 3.81 3.12 4.0 2.66 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2 67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 5.0 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01  ?.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 N 6.0 1.60 1.60 1.60 f.40 1.60 1.40 1 60 1 60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1 60 7.0 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 f . 52 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 f .12 1. 12 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 ..

I 8.0 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1 12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1 12 1.12  !

f 9.0 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .9/ .97 .97 .9/ .97 .97 .97 f

10.0 .H5 . fl5 .85 .85 .H5 .85 .85 .85 . fl5 .85 .n5 .H5 .85 .85 .85 .85 .


3 TABLE B-2( S h ee t 6 o f 7 ) Rev. 5 ,

j ,


(Multiply all v al u es ITUDE- 6  !

Stqbili ty F Concentra tion u x/0 (Wind Toward)  !.

S Snu SW WSU W UNW NW NNW NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE 327-N 169- 19 ?- 214- ?3/- ?5V- 2 11 ? - 404--

12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 548 349-168 191 233 236 '50 281 303 3?4 Hil F S 11 33 56 78 101 123 146

.00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

.5 , .00 .00 .00 10.40 22.H? 22.H2 .53 .53 .00

.53 .36 .16 .00 .00 08 1.5H 1.0 .53 .04 .16 101.51 101.!il 101.51 101.51 101.58 101.51 11.50 ,

101.51 34.86 7.20 11.50 34.Hn 2.0 h8.77 92.92 101.51 al3.29 32.17 2'/ . 21 *9.02

. 59.02 59.02 59. 0

. 59.02 59.02 *i9.02 18 47 f 3.0 ,41.19 59.02 59.02 59.02 59.02 59 02

41. 16 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.34 41.3% 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41.36 41. 16 41.36 4.0 40.88 41.36 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 .50.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 30.91 5.0 30.91 50.91 30.91 1 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 21.69 24.69 24.69 6.0 24.69 24.69 24.49 24.69 24.69 24.69 20 79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 7.0 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 20.79 l'"I 17.93 17.93 17.95 17.93 17.93 87.93 17.93 0.0 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 15./2 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 9.0 15.72 15.72 '5.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 15.72 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 10.0 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 i

Stability F Gamma Dose ux/Q N NNE NE ENE. E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW uSu W uNW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102- 124- 147- 169- 192- 214- 237-- 259- 2H2- 304- 327- .

HIL F5 ft 33 54 78 tot 123 146 168 19f 213 236 ?5H 281 303 I?6 348 ?

10.87 10.87 10.87 10.07 10.87 10.87 10.H7 10.87 10.07 10.07 11.60 11.60 10. t1/ 10.H7

.5 10.07 10.87 h 6.83 6.02 5.53 5.53 5.91 7.98 9.50 10.47 10.47 7.35 7.35 5.53 1.0 7.35 6.35 6.83 7.35 7.77 7.23 5.53 3.94 4.29 5.53 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 7.77 4.29 2.0 6.43 7.52 7.77 4.78 4.78 3.H2 1.69 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.70 3.20 3.0 4.16 4.78 4.78 4.78 .

3.41 3.41 .l.41 3.41 3.41 3.43 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 4.0 3.39 3.41 3.41 3 41 3.41 3.41 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62 2 62 2 62 2.62 2.62 2.42 2.62 2.62 2. 6.' 2.62 2.62 5.0 2.62 2.62 2.33 2.33 2.13 2.13 2.33 2.13 2,13 2 13 6.0 2.13 2.13 0.13 2.33 2.13 2.13 2.13 2 33 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 I 7.0 1.79 1.79 1.79 1,79 1.79 1.79 1.79 P 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 t.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 8.0 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.55 1.34 1. 14 t.14 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 f 9.0 1.34 1.34 1.24 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.19 1.19 1.19  ;

1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 49.0 1.19 1.19 1.19 .

- . . . . . --... .- -- . . - . . - . . - . ~ . . - -..w. .

o.P. 351 1 ,

TABil li-:' ( S hee t 7 o f 7 ) nev, s


(Multioly a ll vdfues Ty T OT WT i 3tability G Concentration ux/0 (Wind Toward)


N NNE NE E NE- E ESE 1l/- 169- 192- 214- 2.17- 259- 202- 104- 327-349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102-  !?4-101 123 146 16H 191 213 236 ?SH 281 303 3?4 348 hit.F S 11 33 54 78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00

.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

.00 .17 1.10 1.18 .00 .00 .00 t

.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10 .00 .00 .00 f

.47 2.0 51.17 191.42 246.95 246.95 139.69 11.37 .13 .47 I1.37 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 246.95 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 4.64 144.90 144.90 144.90 144.90 24.01 1H.02 144.90 144.90 3.0 49.91 144.90 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 .-

99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.49 i 4.0 96.12 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 74.45 5.0 74.45 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 Sv.32 6.0 59.32 49.43 49.43 49.43 49.43 49.43 49*43 49*43 49*43 l 49.47 49.43 49.43 49.43 49 43 49.45 4/.43 7.0 49.43 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 42.33 4. . 53 42.33 42.3.5 1:

8.0 42.33 36.97 36.9/ 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36 97 36.97 36.97 36.97 36.97 .56 .9 7 9.0 36.97 36.97 32.78 32.70 32.78 32.70 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 i' 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.78 32.70 3?./0 10.0 32.78 Stability G Gamma Dose ux/9 N HNE NE ENE. E ESE SE USE 'i SSW SW USW W uHW NW NNW 349- 12- 34- 57- 79- 102 324 147- 169- 192- 214- 23/- 259- 2112 - 304- 327-hit E5 Il 33 56 78 101 123 146 160 19f 213 236 25H 201 303 3?6 348 !

.5 10.00 10.00 10.80 10.80 10.80 10. 6< 0 10.00 10.00 1 0.110 10.00 10.HO 10.H0 11.5.5 11.53 10.00 10.00 1.0 7.17 6.22 6.67 7.17 6.67 6.67 5.43 5.43 5.00 7.73 9.09 9.94 9.94 7.17 7.17 5.43 f

2.0 6.39 8.62 9.31 9.31 7.92 5.16 3.65 5.95 5.16 9.31 9.33 9.33 9.3g 9.33 9,3g 3,95 3.0 4.33 5.03 5.83 5.83 5.83 5.83 3.72 3.55 5 . 11.5 5.H3 5.H3 S . 11 1 S.03 5.03 5.03 2.93 4.0 4.13 4.38 4.18 4.10 4.18 4.18 4.10 4.18 4.10 4.1H 4.18 4.lH 4.10 4.18 4.10 4.18 5.0 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.2% 3,?5 3.?5 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.0 2.65 2.65 2.45 2.65 2 45 2.65 2.65 2.65  ?.65 2.65  ?.65  ?.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 -

7.0 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.?2 2.?2 .'*2 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 i

8.0 t.91 1.91 I.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.93 g,93 g,9g g,yg g,9g g,yg g,93 g,9g g,9g g,9g 9.0 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1 60 1.60 1.60 1 60 1.68 1.60 1.60 1.60 1 48 10.0 1.49 1.49 1.49 1,49 1,49 1.49 1,49 g,49 g,49 g,49 g,49 g,49 3,49 g,49 g,49 g,49

~ .

- * .- ~ ~,e..- _ .~. ~ . . . ~,z. _. _ _ , . _ ___ _ _,

j t .

0.P. 3513


_J i After obtaining " met" data from " met" typer, (or Relay House), the TI-59 calculator-printer and the type of release:

1. Turn printer ON, then calculator ON. (Printer switch on right side to
rear, and calculator switch on top lef t.) TRACE tutton on printer should be in UP position.
2. Prepare calculator to accegg " Met Data" program " mag" cards by f pressing the sequence 4, 2--, 917. (The display should show 639.39)

Clear the display by pressing CLR.


3. From the mag card folder, select the two 'Het Data" cards. Insert side 1 (upper lef t corner on card) into lower slot (top right) of ^~
calculator.  ;
i f

NOTE: A steady "1" (or other negative side number) displayed by i

.- the calculator indicates side-1 of the program was loaded

! successfully. A flashing "l" indicates the opposite. In

.; this event, clean the dark side of card by wiping gently i

.! on soft cloth (i.e., shirt sleeve or pant leg, etc.), press CLR and reinsert as required to obtain a steady display.

4. Invert card, press CLR and insert side 2 as in Step 3, above.
5. Using second card, press CLR and insert sides 3 and 4 as in Steps 3 .

!! and 4 above. ..


(: NOTE: The display should be cleared prior to entering each side of a card.


6. Place first card in upper slot (ton right) to cue you for future data entry locations. (Return second card to card folder).


7. Run " MET DATA" or RADOSE II programs as indicated in the procedure. ,
8. At any time, the calculator may be used for " side calculations" that may be desired without affecting the program entered. Should the operator


desire to " log" the result of a " side calculation" press PRINT on the printer when the calculator answer is displayed. Press ADV t on g printer to advance tape to identify the printed value, its limits, or make other notes. ,


9. When use.of the calculator-printer is no longer required, return displayed cue card to the card folder and turn calculator and printer .

OFF in the-stated order.

, Page 1 of 1 B. .

, +

S. -.s .a . . - - - . - . . ..:.---__ _ . - . . . . . _ - - -.-

r *% %

.- Dspt. Supv.Ned.v .V , w ; Proc. No. O.P. 3510 PORC '

,, Rev. No. 9 Plant Mgr. 17/ '/+3 vu2nt Issue Date 1/2s/g2 Mg r. o f Ops . 4"E h/ Review Date 1/28/g4 J




To survey and report off-site radiological conditions to the

  • Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator.


't The prime abjective of the Of f-Site and Site Boundary Monitor-f ng Teams is to rapidly survey areas downwind of the plant site in order to determine the extent and magnitude of any release of radio-active material following an incident. It should be stressed that the initial off-site ind boundary survey is of great importance; decisions regarding the extent and types of protective actions re-quired by the public will be based upon initial data reported by the survey teams.

The task of each monitoring team is to collect radiological data and air samples, and transmit information to and/or receive instructions from the Emergency Operations Facility. Unless directed

  • otherwise by the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator, the basic

. duties and responsibilities of the monitoring teams are as follows:

Site Boundary -Obtains a dose rate reading and , 1 minute (10 LPM) cir

(" Yellow" or sample, unless otherwise direct-0, at the s Lte et:ndarv Security Teams) downwind location where maximum radiation levels are detected.

Off Site - Proceeds off-site to inner predetermined sample ,

(Green) location in downwind sector (i.e., green dot in  :

appropriate downwind sector on area map) obtaining '

radiation level readings enroute and a 1 minute (10 LPM) air sample, unless otherwise directed, when on station.

The data obtained is radioed to the Emergency Operations Facility, f

Off-Site - Proceeds off-site to the vicinity of the outer (Blue) predetermined sample location in downwind section (i.e., blue dot in appropriate downwind sector of area map) and tranverses the plume to determine maximum radiation levels, or the plume centerline. A 1 minute (10 LPM)-air sample, unless otherwise directed, is taken at that location and data obtained is radioed to the Emergency Operations Facility.

The overriding consideration in the initial survey is speed combined with reasonable accuracy. Information is required with as little delay as possible; therefore, the survey consists of simple methods to approximate the magnitude of the accident. Once.the initial urgency of the situation is completed, subsequent surveys and/or analysis may be made to obtain more accurate detailed information and a more precise evaluation. Additionally, samples will be collected and returned to the Emergency Operations Facility for further analysis as the emergency and recovery phases continue.

...-.-w.x . . ~ . -

. 0.P. 3510 t

Rav. 9 r

The following table is attached: [

t Table 1 1 Minute Air Sample I-131 Cartrid;- " ':  ;

i i



t Tech. Spec.  !



> 1. None  :

i c' B. Admin. Limits i I

D 1. None [

I C. Other ,

1. None i

r- r

. Precautions: 'j

, 1. Use care not to contaminate monitoring equipment.  ; j 1, -


2. During foul weather, use care not to damage filters by expos- [

ing them to the elements. (e.g., sneple under hood or inside car.) l

3. The individual driving the vehicle will not perform radio  !

4' .- -. communications or take radiological readings while he is driving I the vehicle.  !

v it Prerequisites: I

1. - None Procedure:

I NOTE: 1. If an incident occurs during normal work hours, the- t 4:

  • EOF Coordinator will assign tags (i.e., duties) to 1

., personnel. If an incident occurs during off hours, the j

] ' Emergency Assignment Tag Board will be used in numerical  ;

sequence.  !

3 i 2. Each step 'of this procedure is to be initialed by a q member of the monitoring team. -

! NOTE: If any equipment malfunctions or is' missing,. t

  • notify the EOF Coordinator. .!

I r

- i I

l 4-  !

r L

F a

- k)

. ,. , ,-. _ - -- .. .. - - . . - -.-h


_ .- _ . _ _ _ ~ _

0.P. 3510

, Rev. 9 Section I - TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO LEAVING SITE (Unless otherwise

. .* directed by the EOF Coordinator)

, Team Name Team Members Date Time 1

Initial i

i A. Site Boundary (" Yellow" or Security) Team - Obtain respirator, high range dosimeter, dose rate rate meter (PIC-6) and air sampler.

Of f-Site (" Green"& Blue") Teams - Obtain Off-Site Monitoring Kit, air sampler, Eberline RM-14, and dose rate meter (PIC-6).

4 B. Perform the following checks:

1. Air Sampler
a. Insure that a new filter paper and charcoal cartridges are properly in-stalled in their respective holders.

~ '

2. RM-14 (Off-Site Teams only)

- - ~

a. Turn range switch to BATTERY CHECK position and insure meter reads in the ,

BATT OK range. t

b. Insure that the response switch is in SLOW position and that the test switch in back is in the DOWN position.
c. Verify instrument responds properly to radiation by use of the check source in the emergency kit.
d. Serial # .
3. PIC-6 *
a. Turn range switch to BATTERY CHECK position and verify that the battery condition is within the indicated range.
b. Verify that instrument responds properly to radiation by use of the check source in the emergency kit.
c. Serial # . i

i,_. ; _ . : _ , _ ..a__.___. ________ - . _ __ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . _

J d

, 0.P. 3510-i . . Rev. 9 4 Initial

C. Determine wind speed and downwind direction from


  • the EOF Coordinator, the Radiological As-l sistant, or by calling Control Room.
1. Wind speed mph; Direction l_ , NOTE: If use of a company vehicle is required, re-quest same from the Manpower and Planning j Assistant.

i i D. Rezero high range dosimeter, if necessary, and/or note initial reading of each.

I E. Obtain potassium iodide (KI) t:2atment from E.C., if conditions indicate.

4 F. Proceed to outer gatehouse anc obtain one portable radio transceiver per team and your assigned TLD badges.

1. Check operability of radio as follows:

n- Place frequency selector switch to posi-tion 3.

' ' ~

NUIE: In the of failure of freq. 3 in

'_ the ficia, switch to r- <

. L. I 1

In a normal voice and with microphone b.

approximately 8-10 inches in front of mouth, push microphone button and say:  ;

" Coordinator Base, this is (specify color) i Team requesting a_ radio check. Do you  !

read me?" Release microphone button. (The.  ;

Operation Facility base radio should respond to your call.)

c. Acknowledge response by pushing micro-phone button and saying: " Coordinator Base, this is -(specify color) Team. We are proceeding to predetermined sample location in (downwind) sector unless you have special-instructions for us. Over." .

(Base station will acknowledge or will give special instructions.) ,

'd. 'Upon completion of transmissions, the last unit to leave the air.should say ,

"This is WRZ-941. Clear." i NOTE: If this is a drill, then state "This is a drill."

2. .If radio is inoperable, obtain a replace-ment and repeat above step.
3. Radio operable and contact made with Coor-dinator Base.


, , = 9 ,. - . - . - -.. . ..- . . + . . . - . . . - - - -. --  :. . - - . . . . - - .

, 0.P. 3510 l Rev. 9 ,


.) Initial h NOTE: Scuncar~ and .+ff-sita cams 2nould attempt to j' iniaire their radiation expesure, as practicable,

{ vhile perfor=ing their duties. Inform the

  • EOF Coordinator by radio in the event a high j range dosimeter exceeds 1R while performing i

this procedure.

f 1

SECTION II - 0FF-SITE irTIEY ZM'0UTE - (Of f-Site Teams only,
Site Boundary Team proceed to Section III) y M A.
!oultor cicu> 32 'ca. isle prior to leaving the d site an: nct2 : nit :1 ;?neral background en RM-14 in vicinity of ergency Operations Facility.

i Ci cpm NOTE: Un122 at:tervise specified by the EOF Coordinator:


2 j Green Team proceeds directly to inner j

(green) down wind ss=ple location and takes air sample.

. Blue Team proceeds to vicinity of outer

-(blue) sample location and attempt to locate th2 appronimate centerline

of plume prior to taking air sample.

B. While enroute, team passenger holds probe of RM-14 inside car window (shielded from wind) and notes the approximate location at which the above background doubles or commences to increase.  ;:

.e i Location NOTE: This is intended to locate the approx-imate plume boundary. Do not stop to determine a precise location.

C. Note additional readings enroute at easily identified landmarks. (Should the RM-14 go off the highest scale, switch to PIC-6.)

Location Reading (Circle one)

(RM-14) (PIC-6)

_ (RM-14) (PIC-6)



(RM-14) (PIC-6) g,um , y--.m_L &>"- .s _. 4--

#.. . . . . _ . . ,__4 -


' 0.P. 3510 Rr.v. 9 Initial NOTE: Step D below for " Blue" Team only. (Green

-l t team proceed to Step E.)


if D. In the vicinity of the outer (blue) sample loca-

tion on map, seek out nearest roads crossing the

'i direction of the plume and determine the location of the maximum reading as precisely as possible.

! NOTE: While crossing the plume, a rapid dose j rate change is not anticipated. Look for a wide maximum plateau and do not

'{ spend more than 5 mir.utes in selecting

-p a sampling location. ,

l Location ll' a.

.e Reading (RM-14)(PIC-6)  ;

.] ,

ll E. Contact Coordinator Base and advise him your team

{l is on location and (in accordance with the follow-t ing note) summarize the results of Steps B & C.

(Blue team also reports on findings in Step D.)  ;

1 NOTE: Do a0I announce actual measurement units ,

ovar radio; simply refer-to them as " counts" (i.e., counts pcr dnucc), " Mikes" (i.e.,

l MR/hr) or " Rogers" (i.e., R/hr).

NOTE: While on station, keep Coordinator Base

advised of any significant changes in 4 radiation levels, wind direction, rain, 4



A. Site Boundarv (Yellow or Security) Teams - Determine downwind location at site boundary where maximum radiation levels are detected.'

Off-Site (Green and Blue) Teams - Upon arrival at I sampling location, insure that release cloud has arrived by observing stable elevated RM-14 or PIC-6 background, or by calculating arrival time based on-wind speed.

B. Using the PIC-6, take the foll.owing survey: (Green Team and Blue Team use RM-14 if dose rate is less than 1 mR/hr)

1. Monitor the radiation level at vaist height.

.- .- - .. .- - - - - -- - - - . - ~ - -

0.P. 3510 Rsv. 9 i

Initial l

Waist icvel: " Counts", " Mike" or " Roger" I i

2. Check the radiation level 2" above the j ground. [

f Ground level: " Counts", " Mike" or " Roger"  !

NOTE: All teams report these readings by radio to  ;


the EOF (or Plant Emergency Director). l

  • 1 i C. Using the stopwatch, start air sample by connecting leads }
I- to car battery. Record time here and on air sample enve-


  • lopes (one for particulate filter and one for charcoal ,
  • cartridge).

l [



Time } r D. Check air flow indication. I i

f 1. Adjust to 10 LPM and note the flow on air t if sample envelope. f v

E. Maintain flow rate during the one minute (or as otherwise directed) sample period, and end the '

-j sample by use of the stopvatch. - '

F. Af ter air sampler has operated for the sampling period, disconnect from battery. i.

1 .

Yellow or Security Team - Return to g i the EOF, request personnel monitoring

' g prior to entry, obtain an RM-14; do an instrument check (Step B.2), then, ,

complete Steps G through N.

, G. Retreat to nearest area outside the plume (background RM-14 readings), run air sampler an additional period of time to approximately equal the sample duration and rate of flow. This step is to purge noble gases from the i t'

charcoal cartridge.

L H. Check RM-14 background level. (

Background cpm ,


. I. Remove charcoal cartridge wrap in parafilm, and place in probe holder on RM-14. (The sample should -


be centered in the circled' area.) Place filter paper ,

in properly labelled envelope. -

J. Place the probe directly over the sample.

K. Obtain count rate of sample after the needle ,

. - , isJfelatively stable.

Gross count rate epm 9 J-

-.L - , e my - -e ap. y -


4 .

.....s-.. .. . . . . . - . .- . - - - - - - - . . - . . - - - - . .. - - .

0.P. 3510 Rev. 9 Initial L. Correct for background in the following manner:

Step K cpm minus Step H cpm = net cpm M. Refer to Table I " NET cpm" column and locate net cpm value of Step L above and note the correspond-ing " Air Code" number.

" Air Code" number is .

N. Report the " Air Code" number to Coordinator Base.

NOTE: Use of "Walkie-Talkies"

a. To make initial call. say: "Coor-dinator Base, this is (socca team ,

color) Team. Over."

b. When Co,ordinator Base responds:
1) Identify your team by color.
2) Describe sample location.
3) Results are " Air Code ."
4) Request acknowledgement. '
c. Upon ackncwledeement ar cor.pletion of other message e:: changes, end final transmission with: "This is WRZ-941, Clear." If a drill, state:  ;

"This is a drill."

d. The only known radio " dead area" is on Broadbrook Road midway between Guilford and Rte. 142. If samples are taken in this area, it may be necessary to proceed to either end i (i.e., Guilford or Rte. 142) to establish radio communications and report sample results.
e. In the event radio communications cannot be established at other loca- '

tions, seek higher elevations then attempt to contact Coordinator Base or relay message through other teams

  • who are in contact with the EOF Coordi-nator.

NOTE: Telephone - In the event of a radio break-down, proceed to nearest available phone and call 6 or 6 Oy


<j ..

N 0./. 3510

[!- I- . Rev. 9

- .l Initial f J. Check and log high range dosimeter reading.

'l. 4 j Team member #1 Team member #2 4

P. Place sample cartridge in separate labelled envelope and deliver both samples to the

, Radiological Coordinator for further analysis

g and storage.

} NOTE: Af ter each survey, the off-Site Monitor-

.!' ing Teams should check their equipment i{ and themselves for contamination using the RM-14. If contamination is found,

  • notify the EOF Coordinator. In
  • any case, contact EOF Coordinator 4

/ and request further instructions. If

}- a new location is assigned, complete l

) Sections II and III on a blank copy of this procedure.

Final Conditions:


1. Return radio to outer gatehouse. -

c ,

2. Return Emergaucy Kit and equipmenc to 'the Zmergenes Operatloos * ~

, Facility locker. '

3. Submit completed copy of this procndure to the Radiological
  • Assistant at the EOF. I
4. Turn in all dos:*. meters to the Radiological Assistant for evaluation.


, , I SPS/emr 4

i I

I h

a b

.n._ _s . _ _ . . . .1 - 1'

- . : 4.- . .. ..- -. . . . .. - . . . ~ . . - - ..

. l TABLE I 0.P. 3510

, , Rev. 9



0 <40 ,

- . 1 40 t 3 80 4 100  ;

5 125 6 150 .

7 17 ', [

, 8 200 i 9 225  :

10 250 i l 11 275  !

.! 12 300 l 13 325 i

,i 14 350 l 15 375 m

. 16 400  :

17 425 I
18 450 [
19 500

20 750  !

21 1000 l 22 1250 23 1500 1

24 1750 -

. 25 2000 .


26 2250

.. 27 2500 28 2750

,; 29 3000 20 3250 31 3500 l 32 3750 [


33 4000 34 4250 35 4500 36 5000 >

, 37 7500 L 38 10000 t

!- 39 12500

l. 40 15000 l 41 17500 i 42 20000 y 43 25000  ?

44 30000 45 35000 46 40000 47 50000 NOTE: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, samples should each be reevaluated isotopically F on available laboratory counting equipment to determine* more '"

accurate concentrations and projected doses.  !

r r


~ ., ., .,_ , , . . . . - - -

e r._---. ,

l Dept. Supv.(y #s . .) P ro c . No . 0.P. 3507 PORC  !" N - - Rev. No . 12 Plant Mgr. Op % a.//>nt Issue Date 1-/28/82 Mgr. of Ops. e.! mc Review Date 1/28/84 EMERGENCY RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROL i


i To specify emergency worker dose guidelines, including emergency center habitability, and the methods to perform emer-gency personnel dosimetry and record-keeping.


4 I

During a plant emergency, abnormally hish levels of radiation and/or radioactivity may be encountered. These levels may range i f rom slightly above those experienced during normal plant opera-tion to life-endangering levels of several hundred Rem in a short period of time (e.g., spent fuel cask accident, loss of coolant *

  • accident or a spent fuel pool immersion). Under all emergency situa-

, tions, whether it is immediate actions to regain control of the

, emergency or for life-saving purposes, care should be taken to minimize personnel exposures from external and/or internal sources of radiation whenever practicable.

Specific exposure guidelines for entry or re-entry into areas in order to (1) remove injured persons, and (2) undertake corrective

  • actions, are defined in Table I. The Plant Manacer will author-ize emergency dose guidelines consistent with these or m. ore re-strictive dependent upon emergency conditions. The senior Medical Team Representative and the senior Health Physicist present should discuss the hazards invcived in rescue procedures with the members of the response team prior to undertaking any rescue mission. .

Considerations to be made prior to allowing personnel to accept '

risks associated with rescue operations are indicated in Table I.

Exposure to individuals providing other emergency functions ,

will be consistent with the limits specified in Table I, with every attempt being made to keep exposures "as low as reasonably achievable."

The Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor, or a designated alternate, is responsible for developing emergency radiological protection programs for plant staff support personnel. Emergency kits in each emergency center are provided with self-reading dosimeters. Each member reporting to the site will be provided a TLD badge. Dose records will be maintained at each center based upon the results of the self-reading dosimeters. This information

1 6 - -- -  :. 1 . . _ _ _ _

I L. -

j 0.P. 3507 1

- Rev. 12 >

,I -

t j will be cross-referenced with TLD bad;e data, as soon as they

l' can be processed by the mobile YNSD f acility, or the Environmental ,

Lab in Westboro, Masschusetts. The Environmental Lab will make a i supply of TLD bacges available te the plant. Processing of the i

-) TLD badges will provide a turnover rate of about 20 badges per hour.

f  :

l' Guideline action levels for continuous habitability of all ,

l }l emergency centers is presented in Tables I and II.


1 This procedure consists of th: 22 parts as follows:

l j I. Search and ?escte of Personnel  ;

j II. Energency On-site Assistance

i' III. Personnel Dosi
2:r; ?2ccrd-ke eping
1. .


! The following tables and form are attached: f

{ #

Table I Ener;ency Dose Limits Table II E=ergency Centar Habitability and Protective Action Criteria VYOFF 3507.01 Personnel Expcaure Log


A. Tech. Spec.

1. None B. Admin. Limits
1. None C. Other i
1. 10 CFR 20 I'
2. NCRP Report #39
3. .10 CFR 50 App. E (11/3/80)


1. . During any emergency involving radiological hazards, exposure to personnel should be minimized consistent with'the nature of the emergency response required.
2. .ilize radiological protective measures and equipment when-tver practical.

'i i

s T

,. _g..m..- . - . . - , = * - . . . - -.-.4- ..- .- +-m'.-. .. . seee. -- -

0.P. 3507

, , Rev. 12-

3. Each emergcncy center coordinator should administer potassium

' iodide (K1) to all Rescue, Assistance, Site Boundary and Off-Site teams prior to potential I-131 exposure, if practicable .


1. None



i I. Personnel Search and/or Rescue A. Immediate Life-Saving Rescue Required ,

i- 1. Within the limits allowed by the urgency,of the sit-  !

uation, make every reasonable effort to assemble as much of the following as can be brought to bear:

a. pertinent information (i.e. , what happened, what may happen, what hazards are present, what can be done, etc.).  :


b. available protective and monitoring equipment )

and possible rescue devices.

c. backup assistance from others nearby or request assistance from the Control Room, or Technical Support Center if activated.

'! 2. Evaluate available information and discuss best appar-ent rescue approach with senior Medical and Health i 1

Physics personnel prior to attempt if, practicable. 9

3. If available, other personnel in the area should render assistance, keep the Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if activated, advised and monitor the

, time rescuer (s) are in a high radiation area. '{ i I

  1. 4. Perform rescue mission consistent with good first aid practices and as dictated by dose rates encoun-  !

te' red and the limits discussed above.

NOTE: Work as.quickly as is consistent with safety and avoid sources of high dose rates within the rescue. area, whenever  ;

practicable. l

-s t


.t,, -__._.- , _ . .. . . . . . _ . . . _ , _ . _ _ _ .. - _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . .


' 0.P. 3507 i

- Rev. 12

5. Limit exposure of rescuers in accordance with
l. - Table I, Condition 4.

.j' B. Organized Search and Rescue - following a personnel

, accountability check I

1. Upon notification of missing personnel, the Technical Support Coordinator will page on the Gai-tronics to determine if missing personnel may be unharmed, but isolated in some area of the plant or plant site.


't j 2. If personnel are unaccounted for, the Technical Sup-


  • port Center Coordinator requests assistance from the
  • Operations Support Center or the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator.

. 3. If practicable, the Rescue Team quickly assembles any additional protective equipment or survey meters, a such as a Teletector, which may be needed, at the H.P. Control Point.

4. Concurrently with 3 above, a member of the Rescue Team scans the Radiation Work Permits posted on the
RWP board in an effort to learn-the possible location of missing personnel.

i NOTE: As mehbers of the Emergency Medical Backup Team becore available the coordinator involved should' anticipate the possible yneed f'ro medical' assistance and dispatch members'to, relieve nonmedical members of ,

the Rescue Team. j i '

5. Lacking other guidance or direction, proceed to the incident area.
6. Conduct a search, keeping all members of the team in i the same general area (i.e., frequent visual checks), '

but each searching independently. .

7. When victim or victims are located, notify the Technical
  • Support Center Coordinator immediately. This should be '

followed up with additional relevant information (i.e, nature and extent of injuries, dose rates encountered, etc.) as this information develops.

NOTE: To the extent practicable, plan rescue

, ,] operations prior to your entry and rescue attempt..: .. -

i a *

-A 1C(


  • i n r ,- - , e ~
p. a. .- - . .- .._ .- - - -. . - - . . . . .- -- , -

0.P. 3507

. Rev. 12


8. Limit exposure of rescuers to appropriate level specified in Table I.

i .'


j Treat victics in accordance with 0.P. 3508, On-Site Medical Emergency.


II. Emergency On-Site Assistance

, A. Actions to correct or prevent plant degradation

'f 1. The Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if activated, requests assistance from the Operations Support Center or the off-site Emergency Operations Facility by specifying:

a, the problem and its location; and

. b. -the corrective actions to be undertaken.

2. The assigned Assistance Team proceeds to the H.P. e Control Point and quickly assembles any additional protective equipment or survey meters that may be needed depending on the circumstances. (Two members
f may be dispatched to the Storeroom for required supplies.)
3. The Assistance Team proceeds to the specified area, evaluates conditions, preplans activities prior to ,

entry into the incident area, and works as quickly as is consistent with safety and time restraints.

4. Perform only those assigned duties intended to con-trol the emergency, but as dictated by the dose rates ,

encountered and the appropriate emergency exposure  !

I limits specified in Table I, Condition 2.

5. Report progress and/or completion of the assigned work to the Control Room or Technical Support Center, if activated, by radio or Gai-tronics.

III. Personnel Dosimetry Record-keeping A. -In-plant Emergency Centers (CR, TSC, & OSC)

1. The Chemistry and Health Physics representative assigned to each emergency center insures that: j
a. Habitability action levels specified in Tables I and II are observed, unless otherwise directed by plant management, and
b. All assigned personnel at the emergency center are wearing their TLD badge and pocket dosimeter. -
c. Two rezeroed SR dosimeters are appropriately located to representatively monitor the crea dose.

q.- + s u.  : .w - . . _ - . _ __ _. _


R -

ll- 0.P. 3507

'j - Rev. 12 j

2. All personnel assigned duties in high radiation areas, i or in the vicinity of the incident, are issued a high
j. range (5R) dosimeter prior to leaving their assigned

.!: emergency center, l 3. All persoanel are responsible for periodically reading j' their dosimeter and noting their' level of exposure, r Notify the appropriate emergency center coordinator if the dosimeter exceeds 4R.


. } .

! 4 If personnel on site have off-scale dosimeters, one of

! the following methods should be used for assigning a dose:

a. If the individual received the exposure in the immediate area where another individual had~an on-scale dosimeter, rezero the dosimeter, perform a TLD change, have the old TLD processed at the e i earliest possible time, and assign the individual

'l the dose as read on the on-scale dosimeter. -

f b. Perform a calculation based on areas, times, and radiological conditions and stay time to determine -

an estimated dose and assign this estimated dose

. to the individual. Have TLD read at the earliest i possible time. t

c. Exchange TLD's and have the original llD processed.

j Have the TLD read as soon as possible and limit f any further exposure.


! - 5. Upon'being relieved, each person shall report to his

assigned emergency center where his dosimeter reading will be logged on VYOPF 3507.01 by the Chemistry and

, Health Physics representative.

6. Following each shift change, the Chemistry and Health j r Physics representative assigned to the Technical i Support Center shall collect the dosimetry logsheets from the Control Room and Operations Support Center ,

and forward them to the Radiological Assistant at the  :

Emergency Operations Facility '(EOF). '

< B. Off-site Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

1. The Radiological Assistant, or his designated represen- 'i tative insures that: '
a. Habitability action-levels specified in Tables I -l and II are observed, unless otherwise' directed by j plant management, and '


b. All plant personnel at the EOF are wearing their

-TLD badge and pocket dosimeter.


o 8

3 4 ja- s - .-_ - _. . . _ . .., _ t. ___.. .

i i

'l 0.P. 3507 Rev. 12


Upon completion of the accountability check

'j by Security at the. Main Gate, ILD badges and pocket dosimeter are delivered to the i EOF for reissue to personnel present.

c. Two rezerced SR dosimeters are appropriately located to representatively monitor the cummulative area j: dose.



2. Prior to leaving the EOF, all personnel assigned to Rescue or Assistance Teams shall turn in their low-level (500 mR) dosimeters to the Radiological
i. Assistant who will log the reading on VYOPF 3507.01.

I A zerced SR dosimeter will be issued for use within the plant. Site Boundary and Off-Site teams will

, pick up their TLD's at Main Gate prior to departure.

3. All personnel are responsible for periodically reading '


their dosimeters and noting their level of exposure.


  • Notify the EOF Coordinator if the dosimeter exceeds


4. In the event a dosimter goes off scale, assign a dose i as in Step !!I.A.4 above.
5. All non-VY emergency personnel arriving at the EOF will be assigned a visitor's TLD badge and low range dosimeter by the Radiological Assistant.
6. At the conclusion of each shift, or as people are individually relieved, all personnel will turn in-their TLD badges and dosimeters to the Radiological Assistant prior to leaving the EOF.


7. The Radiological Assistant, or a designated assistant,

, will log all dosimeter results on VYOPF 3507.01.

f NOTE: It is suggested that separate log sheets be

, maintained for each non-VY group (e.g., NRC, FDfA, EPA, VT, NH, MASS, etc. ) .

8. The Radiological Assistant is responsible for maintain-ing a cumulative exposure record for each individual present in-plant, or at the EOF, on a current shift basis.

NOTE: In-plant emergency center logsheets will be delivered to the EOF at the conclusion of each shift.

9. When appropriate, TLD badges will be exchanged by the Radiological Assistant, and used badges will be sent to the'YNSD Mobile Processing Lab, or to YNSD Environmental' Lab for processing.


t 0.P. 3507 Rev. 12

10. As TLD results become available, they will be logged on VYOPF 3507.01 by the Radiological Assistant.
11. The Radiological Assistant shall maintain personnel exposure records manually until such time as the computer based record keeping function is again available and logsheet data has been properly entered.

! Final Conditions:

1. Deliver all personnel exposure records to the Plant Health l Physicist.

l l SPS/emr a

i i

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I f

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. _ _ , . ....._w. .._ _ m _

_ _ . _ _ _ . ._ __,._+

0.P. 3507  ;

Rev. 12 s

a 1 Li '

ll I


l EMERGENCY DOSE LIMITS f Dose Level Criteria

1. 5 Rem to the whole body, or its Dose limit applied to emergency equivalent to any part of the body. center personnel and center


habitability. [

2. 12.~5 Rem to the whole body, or its Dose limit applied to in-plant

' equivalent to any part of the body. activities required to correct or prevent plant degradation.

3. 25 Rem to the whole body, or its Maximum allowable dose to an equivalent to any part of the body. emergency worker for the duration '.,

of the accident.

, 4. 100 Rem to the whole body, or its I= mediate evaluation and action equivalent to any part of the body. required for saving of life. When efforts are completed, revert to limits 1 through 3 above, as appropriate. .

NOTE: If the. limit specified in 4 is involved, the following


considerations should be made: ,

1. Female employees of child-bearing age should not be allowed to participate;


2. Volunteers above the age of 45 years should be given priority; t -
3. The individual (s)- awareness of the biological consequences that such an exposure can have; t'
4. All practical protective measures to limit such an exposure;
5. Concurrence of individual (s) involved (i.e., voluntary risk acceptance);
6. The probability of success should be balanced against the exposure limit; fi

-t t

7. The individual's familiarity with the task to be performed and;
8. The speed with which the. individual can perform the task. i


I t

t I


-l . ., . _ _ - , - . .,:- . . ~ - -

1, , O.P. 3507 Rev. 12 TABLE II -


1. Exposure to individuals providing emergency functions within each emergency center will be limited to 25 Rem b' hole Body, or its equivalent to any part of the body, for the duration of the accident.
, 2. li dose rate of 50 mR/hr will increase the frequency of radiation monitoring in the center and require an immediate evaluation of _ the accumulated center whole body dose. A reading of 1 R on the high-range dosimeter will initiate planning for possible evacuation to the

, alternate center.

3. An accumulated center whole body dose reading of 4R on the area dosimeters will initiate a phased evacuation to the alternate EOF. '
4. If SAM II or RM-14 sample results verify iodine activity, potassium

' iodide will be administered to all center personnel and to arriving

, relief shifts.


. 5. Protective clothing (lab coats, shoe covers, cotton gloves) may be 1

required if areg contamination surveys indicate levels greater than 1000 dpm/100 cm (8, T ) or 100 dpm (alpha).

NOTE: If the OSC has to be evacuated, its staff will operate from the EOF.

NOTE: If the EOF has to be evacuated, its staff will move to the-aJternate EOF and a Forward Control Point established by the Recovery Manager.

17 a

J 4

4 I f.

, _ ,.gy,,, g ,- y4 m-pc-+-* *r * '

, PERSONNEL EXPOSURE LOG Emergency Center Affiliation Period To s

Dosimeter l lTLDDose Readin as Accum. Dose ! Period ;in Computer Name SS Number IN OUT DATE ! (Dosime ter) i Dose '(Initial) i l

I i i t l l .

8 j

i '

l i .

O i i i

I l i  : .

8  !;

VYOPF 3507.01 Rev. 12



2. .i . . . . . - ,, - . . . - _~ .-d.e

-, a Y

Dept. Supv Q M - h Proc. No. 0.P. 3508 PORC ^! 181., . . Rev. No. 10 Plant Mgr. IV% u.#fw Issue Date 1/ na /g o Mgr. of Ops. '* . 6. 'wC Review Date

! /no /os



'l Purpose : .

To provide instructions for plant personnel on handling and 3

caring of injured personnel in radiation control areas. [


. I Discussion:

l If injuries to plant personnel occar in tne xadiatien Centrol Area,

. such injuries may be complicated by radiatica .n;asura er :: aminati;n.

q It is important to quickly take a dose rate measurement and esti-4 L mate the total dose that the victim has accumulated. The victim should be rencved to a low radiation area as scoa as ..;s condition j allows. At that t ime , the entent of contaminacia. 2.aul; be dater-g ained and a judgement nade as to whethcr deccataminativa should be

't attempted prior to transporting him to the hospital. This judge- t ment will be made b) the most qualified person available.

.{} .

f J.  !


4 A. Tech. Spec.


l. Nona
3. Admin. Limits *
1. None +

C. Other

1. D.P. 4532, Personnel Contamination Surveys
2. D.P. 4530, Radiation Dosc Rate Surveys .


3. R.P. 0520, Personnel Decontamination Procedures r Prerequisites:
1. ' Medical emergency team and Health Physics representative will use equipment required in References C.1, 2, and 3 and the usual first- ,

aid equipment located throughout the plant. i

.. 2. Response team will notify the Control Room or the Technical I Support Center if activated, prior to entering and after departing from any~ emergency area. ,


3. Response team will keep the Control Room or the Technical >

Support Center, if activated, informed of patient (s) status. -

4 t n , . - , . , - c. -. ..-.. ,-. ,

~,,~ . _ . - _ _ . _ _ . . .. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 Procedure:

l A. 'Upon Initial Discovery

'!' l. The individual (s) discovering a medical need shall

!' immediately announce slowly and distinctly the following on the plant page system:


'{ " Medical Energency - Medical Emergency, Medical assistance ll needed (where). Medical assistance needed (where)."

j= 2. Call the Control Room to verify they heard the above

~l announcement and understand the-nature and location

of the emergency, l 3. Render appropriate first-aid treatment consistent with j prior training until medical assistance arrives. ,

B. For Minor Injuries j 1. Chsek for contamination.

1 l 2. If no contamination exists, remove protective clothing-and


assist the patient to the first aid room.

If a wound area is contaminated, wash gently with mild soap 3.

. and flush with copious amounts'of water.


's NOTE: Never scrub any wound that involves tissue below

- the skin.

I L 4. After decontamination is complete, assist the' patient to i j the first aid-room.

5. Minor wounds that may require debriding, X-rays, sutures, i or other follow-up but are not severe enough to be considered l major injuries should be handled as above'with the. excep-

{ tion that no deep cleaning or debriding should be done on

.{ site. lIf the embedded material is contaminated, this should b'e noted when ' notification is made to 'the Brattle- i g. !!-

I ,l

, boro Hospital Emergency Room that a person is enroute for treatment, stating nature of the' injury, treatment already.

e rendered and radiological considerations if any (stating none if none exist). Control' Room should be notified.if 4

, personnel are to leave site for. treatment.

6. The patient, af ter treatment, should have a body burden determination and other tests made as applicable to de-termine if contaminants- have been absorbed.

t i


0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 C. Major Injuries or Illness

1. The first person who becomes aware of a serious injury will

.' notify the Control Roo-

2. The Control Room will alert available Medical and Health Physics personnel and direct them to the area of the patient (s).
3. The Medical Team notifies the Control Room, or the Technical Support Center if activated, that they are entering the emergency area.
4. Af ter locating the patient (s), monitor the areas around the patient (s) for radiation levels.
5. Estimate the total dose received by the patient (s).
a. If the estimated total dose is more than 100 Rem (whole body), remove the patient to a low radiation area as

, soon as practical. Use caution not to aggravate the patients injuries.

b. If the estimated radiation dose is less than 100 Rem (whole body), do not move the patient until it can be determined that movement will not jeopardize his condition.

, 6. Based on the results, Medical and Health Physics representatives decide whether or not it is an acceptable risk to rescue the victim (s).

7. If it is not an acceptable risk to rescue the accident victim (s),

the Medical representative will inform the Control Room, or l Technical Support Center if activated, of their intentions, i.


8. If it is an acceptable risk to move the accident patient to '

a lower radiation area, move the patient and connence administering first aid. Prevention of cardiac arrest and/or respiratory failure must be of prime concern.

9. If hospitalization is required, notify the Control Room, (or Technical Support Center) of the patient's status and treatment for relay to Rescue, Inc. and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. Keep Control Room (or Technical Support Center) informed throughout the treatment of the patient.
10. The Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if activated, will notify Rescue, Inc. M and request transportation of injured to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital.

NOTE: If for some reason off-site transportation is not available, patient (s) will be transported to hospital by best means available.

,, 4'

? ,

.j 0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 l

NOTE: Any fatality or serious injury occurring on the site and requiring transport to an off-site medical

, facility for treatment shall be reported to the NRC,

, utilizing the NRC ENS red phone, as soon as possible and in all cases within one (1) hour of the occurance.

The caller shall identify that this event is being reported pursuant to Part 50, Section 50.72. Serious injury is considered to be an injury that in the judgment of the licensee representative will require

, admission of the injured individual to a hospital for treatment or observation for an extended period of

time (greater than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />) . Injuries that only require treatment and/or medical observation at a
hospital or off-site medical facility, but do not meet the conditions specified above, are not required to be reported.


11. The Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if activated, will notify the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (257-0341 -

ask for Emergency Room) and provide the following:  ;

a. Number of accident victims (and whether they are radioactively contaminated) .
b. Magnitude of radiation aspect, if applicable.
c. Nature of medical problem of each, current status, and treatment instituted.
d. Anticipated time of arrival at the hospital.
e. Who will accompany or meet patient (s) if contamination .
, is involved. i
12. The Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if 4

activated, will:  !

a. Ensure that arrangements have been made with Security (outer gate) to properly escort and issue appropriate

, personnel dosimetry to ambulance personnel.

b. Ensure that an H.P. representative accompanies br meets the patient (s) at the hospital if contaminntion is involved.
13. Recover patient's individual TLD and dosimeter for processing and replace with new dosimetry.
14. '

If time permits, biological samples should be taken 'or '

subsequent evaluation.

[ 15. When ambulance arrives, brief attending personnel on the '

) patient's medical and radiological status, provide protective clothing (as applicable) and turn over responsibility of the patient to the amtalance personnel.

i I

t u- _, . . ..

0.P. 3508 Rev. 10 l 1

16. Notify Control Room, or Technical Support Center, if l activated, when ambulance has departed for the hospital with the patient.

i NOTE: For cases of high radiation exposures (i.e. , greater than 50 REM whole body), the Plant Health Physicist or Brattleboro Hospital will contact the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (PBBH) Emergency Ward Head Nurse of the possible referral of patient (s). Indicate the most probable time of arrival and the nature and the extent of the injuries if this information is available. PBBH will then activate their emergency proceduras to the alert phase. The numbers are:

3 PBBH - E:nergency Ward Head Nurse - 6 PSBH - Padiation Protection Of ficer a

Dr. David Drum (work) -

Dr. David Drum (home) -  ;

17. Health Physics representatives who are required to accompany or meet contaminated patient (s) at the Brattlehern Hospital, shall take the following actions upon arrival at the hosp ital:
a. Advise ambulance attendents they are not to leave the hospital until they and the ambulance are menito red for contamination.

NOTE: This survey may be delayed, but should be done as soon as practicable.

b. Advise the attending physician of the patient's radiological complications, such as:
1) Significant total external dose, i
2) Contamination levels detected on the patient,
3) Probable isotopes in wound,
4) Radioactivity probably inhaled or ingested at accident scene,
5) Contamination level of object causing the wound (s),


6) Other similar appropriate information .

NOTE: Avoid speaking in technical terms unless you are certain they are understood. Instead, use descriptive words such as "slightly",

" extremely", " low-level", "trtce", " life-threatening", etc.

c. Suggest to the attending physician actions you feel should be done; h as excreate samples, if ingestion ,

was involved, nas tissue samples, if inhalation was .

probable, etc. '

f 1 m ~

u- ,. . - .. . - - . . -. - -

p- .g. .. . . . .a ~ ,- .-- . . . . _ . ~ - - '__::

1 0.P. 3508

s 'Rev. 10 f.
d. Provide dose rate and/or contamination levels to attending personnel periodically,'or as-requested,

.}1 -and interpret them into meaningful terms. Be re-

! Jassuring.

i e. Assist in the decontamination of the patient as "r



f. Assist'in the final survey and cleanup of the treatment

,, area and return all contaminated equipment and wastes

i. to Vermont Yankee.


Final Conditions:

1. Inventory and replace all used equipment and supplies.

f SPS/emr it f

N ft 4

i 4

f ..


i' k

I i'

  • Me%3m, e 7** -e ** gs a w m.

. _ . ._ . . . - . n. ~ ~ . - * . -

Dept. Supy 4 w ... Proc. No. O.P. 3524 l

/ PORC l 1 >J _ -- Rev. No. 2

-: Plant Mgr. Cd)h4.ufgpN Issue Date

, 1/28/82 Mgr. of Ops. h% 4_n.) Review Date 1/28/84 jf i, i



To define necessary actions by members of the security police force, in conjunction with plant personnel during times of Alert, [

Site Area, or General Emergencies at Vermont Yankce. *


A. Tech. Spec.

1. Ncne r B. Admin. Limits
1. None  !

i t

C. Other

  • 1. 0.P. 3501, Alert
2. 0.P. 3502, Site Area Emergency
3. 0.P. 3503, General Emergency *
4. 0.P. 3510, Off-Site and Site Boundary Menitorin:


Under emergency conditions, the security police force func-

.tions are to aid the Plant Emergency Director, the Emergency '

  • Operations Facility Coordinator, and the TSC Coordinator by providing pertinent information, regulating access to the site, i and performing security functions deemed necessary.
  • Procedure:
1. Upon notification of int Alert con lition by alarm or verbal ,

report, the security police force shall collect accountability ,

reports from all of the plant departments, and'on-site contractors.  !


a. Plant personnel and contractors will assemble at their  ;

respective work areas in the plant. The senior person in '

each department will take a' head count and report to i

becurity Gate II the names of individuals missing from each department or contractor unit.

b. After determining the identity of the missing individuals who are still on site, the security personnel at Gate II will call the Technical Support Center, if it is manned, or the Control Room and report these individuals as ',

missing inside the plant (or in the inner protected area) .

f t

, -m - _ - - - - -

-e . _- . u.


  • 0.P. 3524 j1 c. Rev. 2
c. The personnel in the Technical Support Center, if it is

' _; _ manned, or the Control Room will page the missing individual (s)

'l' in an effort to locate them.


- ' d. On-site search and rescue teams will be dispatched by the Technical Support Center, if it is manned, or the

'; Control Room to locate the missing individual (s).

, 2. Upon notification of a Site Area or General Emergency condition

-by alarm or verbal report. the security police force shall take required actions .for functional duty assignment.

a. The Security Shift Supervisor (SSS) will contact the

? Plant Emergency Director to ascertain the need for a site-I boundary survey. If a survey is requested, the following information should be provided by the Control Room:

1) Dcwnwind direction
  • n- 2) Type of release (elevated or ground)
b. Security Policemen at the Inner Gate (Protected Area Gatehouse) will upon declaration of a Site Area or General Emergency:

(1) Remove film badge racks and all portable radio units not in use, and the RM-14 and relocate them to the cuter gate.

(2) Insure weapons not actually in use are physically

( secured.

c. Security Policemen at the Outer Gate will:

(1) Establish a barricade and restrict' access to the

  • plant site except as authorized by the Plant Emergency Director. If limited access is ordered,

, permit only persons with specific permission ,

  • - granted by the Plant Emergency Director, EOF i
  • Coordinator, or the T.S.C. Coordinator.

(2) Check regular and visitor dosimetry badge racks; determine the name(s) of individuals who are still inside the plant (or in the inner protected area),

and report this information to the Technical Support -

Center, if it is manned, or the Control Room: -

(a) The personnel in the Technical Support Center, if it is manned, or the Control Room'will page the missing individuals in effort to locate them.

(b) :On-site search and rescue teams will be dispatched by the Technical Support Center, if it is manned, or the Control Room to' locate the missing individuals.


. . - g

1 0.P. 3524 Rev. 2


'4' (3) Issue keys as necessary to any plant employee from the Emergency Key Repository as directed by the


  • EOF Coordinator. These could include either or

.i both key rings which contain the Vital Area Over-ride Mechanical Key and the Radiation Area Key.


?- (4) Aid in evacuation of persons from the plant site by l indicating evacuation paths to the Emergency Operations


  • Facility or the Vernon Town Hall (alternate EOF).
d. Security Policemen on Patrol will:

(1) Report to the Inner Gate to draw monitoring equip-ment or take action as directed by the Security Shift Supervisor (SSS).

NOTE: If patrol function'is not being performed 4:

' at the time, duties below shall be accom-

.! plished by a Security Policeman on duty at the Inner Gate.

(2) If a site boundary survey is required, obtain a

  • portable dose rate meter (PIC-6A), air sampler and a vehicle from the Inner Gate.

l (3) At the downwind location from the release (or where

  • specified by the Plant Emergency Director), find l

maximum dose rate and take air sample survey at the site boundary fence (or other location designated by

  • the Plant Emergency Director) in accordance with

'; 0.P. 3510. Report the maximum dose rate to the i

  • Plant Emergency Director by radio as soon as practicable.

,, (4) Report the results of the air sample to the EOF

  • Coordinator or, if not present, to the Plant Emer- I gency Director in the Control Room.

.i .

  • (5) If requested by the EOF Coordinator or the Plant Emergency Director, an additional downwind survey may be required.
e. The SSS on duty will assure that the site access road is not permanently obstructed so as to prevent personnel i.

I evacuation or passage of emergency equipment and will see that the following actions are taken:

(1) Park all standby emergency equipment in bus parking lot.

(2) Park incoming employees in visitors parking lot.

  • (3) Upon the arrival of the EOF Coordinator, report the status of plant security, perimeter integrity, location of security policemen, values and location of readings obtained and number of persons on site.

$4- .a.(

t gy+ y. , y


0.P. 3524

, Rev. 2 l li 2

.1 (4) Assure that no non-VY emer2ency personnel are per-

  • mitted beyond Inner Gate until proper escort arrange-ments have been ecnfirred through the EOF Coordinator

! or the Plant Energcncy Director.

l f. The SSS on duty is responsible for ensuring that all se-curity force functions are completed. He may call in off duty security personnel as required.

g. The SSS is responsibic for notification to the Chief of Security and Security Supervisor in the event of any energency situation.

I S. If on patr:1, the K u Sund1 er -ill return his dog to the

! pen area and take action as specified by the SSS.

Final Conditions:

1. Return crergency equip =en a norne_ locatien at Gate 2. t

$ SPS/emr l

E l'


I ,". _ ' L e..


, . - . ~ . , -.~ .. . : . .- L - . . _ _ - . . ~ .

~.a._..... .L . - . .

D4pt. Supv. ' W roc. No. O.P. 3525

, PORC I ' ,' t - Rev. No. 1


  • Plant Mgr. ,(YP%@ Issue Date

_1/28/82 Mgr. of Ops. 6,;fu /~C Review Date 1/03/84 v'



To evaluate all samples obtained by VY Monitoring Teams and to coordinate and verify the results obtained with other official l

  • agencies present prior to reporting results to the EOF Coordinater.

!; Discussion:

Samples taken by off-site Monitoring Teams are delivered te the Radiological Coordinator. He will normally be at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). or the Vernon Dam, until such time as Federal and State offielais may establish a Radiological Coordination Center at an alternate lecation upon their arrival to the site. Off-site samples taken Ly all official agencies and Vermont Yankac vill ;-2 "

evaluated at this center. When possible, all sample results will be

, intercompared and verified as representative and accurate. These

  • results are then reported to the Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator and other official agencies, thus insuring that aca-l-
  • sistent information eventually reaches the public. The Enviro = ear.d Coordinator or his alternate is assigned by the Emergency Operations
  • Facility Coordinator to assume the duties of Radiological Coordinator.


A. Tech. Specs.


1. None

! B. Admin. Limits

1. None 4 C. Other
1. NUREG 0654 Precautions:
1. Upon moving the SAM-II to a new location, allow sufficient  !,

vam-up time to achieve stability.

1 Prerequisites:

1. None t


. .P f ,

..~ . _ . . . A. .

. . - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - L

.e .2 :- i u__ _

.. ____._a ._ . . . _ . . m 0.P. 3525 r .

Rev. 1 1




  • NOTE: The Environmental Coordinator or his alternate, assigned
  • by the EOF Coordinator, or his F m:.ological Assistant, to assume the duties of the Rad.-: logical Coordinator (RC) j- shall make appropriate entries on this procedure /logsheet.

Section I - To Be Completed Prior To Leaving EOF Date Time


  • Assigned Radiological Coord.

. Location of Rad. Coordination Center

Initial A. Obtain Radiological Coordinator's Kit. ,

NOTE: In the event the Radiological Coordinator i.

is to remain at the Emergency Operations Facility, go directly to Section II. If and

.; when the RC is transferred to another location.

complete Section I.

B. Note the wind speed and downwind direction.

1. '?ind speed
t:c . _

C. Proceed to outer gatehouse and cotain one portaole raulu transceiver and your assigned ILD badge.

1. Check operability of radio as follows:
a. Place frequency selector switch to Position F3.
b. In a normal voice and with microphone approximately 8-10 inches in front of mouth, push microphone button and say: " Coordinator Base, this is the Radiological Coordinator requesting a radio check.

Do you read me?" Release micraphone button. (The EOF base radio should respond to your call.)

c. Acknowledge response by pushing microphone button and saying: " Coordinator Base, this is the Radiological Coordinator and I am proceeding to the designated Center."

, d. Upon completion of transmissions, the last unit to leave. the air should say "This is WRC 941.


NOTE: If this is a drill, state "This is a drill."


  • . . E. - . ~ . . . - . . . - . . . . - - )' .

0.P. 3525

. Rav. 1 4 ..

3- .


2. If radio is inoperable, obtain a -na'-an-ant -ad repeat above step.

f j 3. Assigned TLD badge obtained, radio operable, and contact

'] ~ made with Coordinator Base.

4. While enroute to the designated Radiological Coordination Center, t ote any abnormal or unusual conditions and
  • report them to the EOF Coordinator.
5. Upon arrival at designated location report to Coordinator Base. Time Section II - Radiological Coordination Center (RCC) Duties A. Immedia21y u'en ar-1c 1 at the 2CC, select a convenient i location and encr:1:a the Eberline SAM-II to initiate 4 it's warm-up period.

. NOTE: Allow lb to 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> warm-up prior to operational-check and use. Do not turn OFF for duration of emergency.

B. Initiate a 10 minute air particulate and iodine air sample at 10 LPM. Record time here and on air sample envelope.  !!ne C. Note RM-14 background level. CPU D. Organize equipment and coordinate its location with other official agency personnel as they arrive.

E. Perform a preoperational check of the SAM II.

1. Check instrument, power cord, and detector cable.for damage.

, 2. Connect Detector cable and detector, plug cable into front of instrument labelled


3. Place cetector into an appropriate shield. * *
4. Check that front' instrument controls are i set as indicated on the calibration sticker -l located on the top of the instrument. .

a)' DISPLAY - ON b) TIMED-STOP-MAN - STOP c) CH 1 +, OFF, , to +

d) CH 2 +,' 0FF, , to 0FF F. Upon completion of 10 minute air sample period, remove charcoal cartridge and wrap;in parafilm. Place filter

. paper'and cartridge in properly labeled envelopes.


L L. .- ., . - . - . .;. a. - ... - .- ....
' . 0.P. 3525

'_ Rev. 1 t


, G. Log the above, and all incoming field air samples ,

with positive RM-14 results, on VYOPr 3525.01. l Assign a priority for analysis, if necessary. [

.H. When the SAM II is properly warmed up, perform an operational' check.

1. Set TIMED - STOP - MAN switch to MAN. Unit
should begin to count.  !
2. Set TIMED - STOP - MAN switch to TIMED. .
3. Set COUNT TIME IN MINUTES switches to 1 and X1. l 1

1 4. Obtain SAM-II check source, place detector directly on top of source.

5. Press Reset - Start switch. ,
6. After a 1 minute count, the instrument should I indicate the number of counts within the range ,f

. labelled on top of the instrument  ;

i NOTE: In the event of failure, allow more warm-up time and repeat this step, i I. Proceed to count the charcoal cartridge samples.
1. With instrument settings remaining as above, - I perform a background count.
2. Place sample on detector and count. [
3. Calculate the iodine-131 concentration as [


l 131 net epm ,

I pCi/cc = (E) (Vs) (2.22x10")

Where: cpm = count rate from SAM-II E = counting ef ficiency (instrument top)

Vs = sample volume in cc 2.22x106 = dpm/pci conversion j

4. Log the results on VYOPF 3525.01. ,

J. Log all other incoming field samples on VYOPF 3525.01 ,

(e.g., TLD's, water, silage, grass, etc.), assign analysis  ;

priorities if necessary, and arrange for.their analysis.  !

) .

NOTE: If the YNSD Mobile Environmental Lab is not on i site, or enroute 'to VY, dispatch samples to the Environmental Laboratory in Westboro by' courier, i

K.- Log all sample results on VYOPF 3525.01.

L. Compare the re.m:lts of all field samples.with the results obtained by otiier official agencies (if present) on similar samples, f.

e . . ..- . r _. .-

. 0.P. 3525 Rev. 1 NOTE: Request others present to revieu calculations and concur that the resulta v', 2ine ! are representatiJe and accurata.

l M. Report rer' tits to the Radiological Assistant at the EOF.

NOTE: If results were reviewed by other official agency personnel, report them as " official." If no other agency personnel are present, report them as

" Preliminary."

N. Keeo the Radialvalcal .3.ssistant in:vrmed of other significant results obtain2d e: official a;cneias cre=ent at the RCC.

.; 0. Upon being relie"ed, return ' m:r desineter and TLD badge to the Radiolecical .is.sistan:  : th e 207.

Final Conditions: 4

1. Return radio to outer gatcheuce.
2. Return Emergency Kit and equipment to the Emergency Operations Facility locker.
3. Submit completed copy of this proc edure and log sheets to the Radiological Assistant at the Emereencv Operations Facility.
i. Turn in all . .:-- :- - - - - -


SPS/emr i


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, Dept. Supv. Proc. No. 0.P. 3509 e '. .

PORC <!?:t4 - Rev. No. 7_

.T Plant Mgr. 7EP'En&dPW' Issue Date 1/45/54 2

Mgr. of Ops. jh Review Da::e 1/Z0/54 aL





- To specify the procedure to be used for the collection of

environmental samples during an emergency.



The Off-site Environmental Monitoring System will provide

, additional data on radioactive releases from the plant following i an incident. This 9 station environmental monitoring system in-j .cludes continuous air sampling equipment and thermoluminescent dosimeters at various locations within a 15 mile radius of the plant. ,

The location of off-site environmental monitoring stations

'I are indicated in Appendix A. Air samples and thermoluminescent


dosimeters downwind should be collected.

The following appendix is attached:

Appendix A Environmental Monitoring Station Locations -


4 A. Tech. Spec.

) 1. None B. Admin. Limits

1. None C. Other i
- 1. 0.P. 4510, Environmental Radiation Surveillance Precautions
1. None Prerequisites:
l. Apparatus Required:
  • a. Keys for the environmental stations and the River Station
  • Gate are contained in the off-site emergency kits.

L.  ;

'l:e; s a.. 2 - ..- - - .  ;..  : . ; . : -. . = . . _ a.: - ,


, Rev. 7 s


.f' Procedure:



1. As personnel availability and emergency conditions permit, collect the air filters and TLD's from the downwind locations listed in Appendix A and replace with new filters and TLD's observing the procedural steps specified in 0.P. 4510, Environmental Radiation Surveillance.

.j 2. Analyze the air filters and TLD's in accordance with 0.P. 4510, Environmental Radiation Surveillance.


] NOTE: More precise airborne results may be obtained by

.j counting samples in H.P. Counting Room, if avail-

able. TLD analysis requires use of reader in

, Environmental Office. If these are not available,

,1 TLD's may be analyzed at the Vermont Department of Health, reader in the Vernon Town Hall or air

, samples sent to Maine Yankee or Yankee Rowe. ,

  • 3. Report results to the Emergency Operations Facility. Coordinator.

' Final Conditions:


' ~

  • 1. Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator has received results

, of the sample collection.


,4 4



4 r


  • . - - . . . . - ~ . .



j i O.P. 3509 Rev. 7 i


l Environmental Monitoring Station Locations i

3 -

i Station General Location Specific Location

.I l 1.0 Hinsdale N.H. Rte. 119, directly across On power pole beside Rt. 119 1 river East of plant near Hins- j ust k'est of Hinsdale t

} dale High School. village.  !

1.1 North N.H. Rte. 119, in North On power pole directly L. f Hinsdale Hinsdale near Race Track. opposite north (Service) i d entrance to Race Track.


! 1.2 Hinsdale Off N.H. Ree. 119 at Hinsdale Turn south at Town Hall,.  !

!' Depot Town Hall (Bldg. with tower cross brid:;e and railroad 'j


and Clock) in middle of town. tracks. On power pole just south of tracks beside poter substation.


) 1.3 River Off Vt. Rte. 142 south of olant Turn off Rte. 142 at  !

.l Station near Vernon Nursing Home. Nurs:ing Home, proceed to ,

transmission lines, turn left (north) under lines and proceed to small build- .

3 ing on bank of river.

I' l.4 Fairman Off Vt. Rte. 142 south of plant Turn west off Rte. 142 at f Road near Central Park Station. railroad underpass, bear right at fork to Fairman .

!; Road. . Turn right to monitor .I:!

on power pole directly .l[;

"nder transmission Lines.

1.5 Tyler Off Vt. Rte. 142 north of plant Look for monitor on power Hill on road to Guilford near Stony pole in woods just west of Acres campsite. road to Stony Acres.

2.1 Hogback On Vt. Ree. 9 west of.Brattleboro Take entrance to Skyline at Hogback Ski Area. . Restaurant. Look for moni-tor mounted on side of 5 building near upper parking area.

2.2 Spofford 1 Just off N.H. Rte. 9 on Rt. 9-A Follow Rte. 9 east past east of Spofford village, intersection with #63 (blinker light). Do not take 9-A to left. Proceed on 9 until 9-A rejoins 91 east of Spofford. Double back on 9-A about 100 yards and look for monitor on power pole on north (right) -5 side of road.

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.}. ,

'I .

O.P. 3509 l Rev. 7

.1 ',

Station General Location Specific Location i

j '.2.'3 North- South of Northfield at junction Mounted on power pole east

j. , field of Mass. Routes #63 and #10 side of intersection.

r, (to Bernardston).



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Dapt. Supv. W roc. No. 0.P. 350p PORC r/><-eth Rev . No . 9 Plant Mgr. T'(?p9gh Issue Date 1/28/82 l Mgr. of Ops. JPifku ancReview Date 1/2R/84 l 6#'


Purpose :

s This procedure provides the criteria for testing and evaluating

- the adequacy of emergency facilities, equipment, procedures, communi-cation channels, actions of emergency response personnel and coordina-tion between off-site authorities and the plant.


j An exercise' tests the execution ofsthe overall plant emergency

j preparedness and the integration of the preparedness with off-site

!! authorities.

it A drill is a supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular emergency response function. Certain drills will be conducted as a component of an exercise.

j! Emergency Exercises and Drills will be conducted as specified '

in this procedure to test individual tasks and the overall plant readiness capability to execute the Emergency Plan and its imple- l, menting procedures. It outlines the process by which exercises and K drills are developed and evaluated.

  • An Exercise Coordinator, who is appointed by the Plant Manager,
  • D . or his designated representative, plans the annual radiation emergency I:

) exercise. The Exercise Coordinator may assist the plant personnel in preparing and conducting drills, when requested; otherwise, drill

, preparation and conduct will be by plant personnel.

Plant management has the option to include a fire drill and/ '

' or a medical drill during the annual radiation emergency exercise ,

or any combination thereof. Plant management has the option to i


conduct drills, with or without off-site agencies, designed to test the plants readiness capability.

All observers comments (including off-site) will be documented ,

as specified in this procedure. Off-site agencies will be contacted j' to inform them of the proposed exercise /date and to determine their {[

degree of participation. -

I The following forms are attached:

VYOPF 3505.01 Emergency Exercise Planning Form VYOPF 3505.02 Emergency Exercise / Drill Observers Evaluation i' Form VYOPF 3505.03 Emergency Medical Drill Planning Form -

VYOPF 3505.04 Emergency Exercise Documentation Form VYOPF 3505.05 ~ Health Physics Drill Planning Form

_ VYOPF 3505.06 Radiation Emergency Drill Documentation Form P

- , e a .- . 4 __ __ . . - , _ . . . _. . . . _ _ , _ ,

0.P. 3505

[]t , Rev. 9


{ A. Tech. Specs.

1. None B. Admin. Limits 4
1. None '

If C. Other  ;

1. None 4

.t Precautions:

1. The initiating announcement and subsequent communications associated with the emergency exercise must include the words ,




During a simulated accident, no action to materially alter the plant operating conditions will be permitted unless previously l

  • authorized in writing by the Plant Manager.

i 3. An emergency exercise may be terminated by the Shif t Supervisor or higher management at any time plant operational conditions warrant such action.

4. Prior to conducting the annual Radiation Emergency Exercise, '
  • obtain the approval of the Plant Manager on the Radiation Emergency Exercise Planning Form.

. i;

! 1. Before initiating a " formal" radiation emergency exercise, all applicable off-site agencies will be made cognizant of the in-tended exercise and a determination made as to their degree of participation.

I Procedure:

A. Radiation Emergency Exercises l

1. At least one " formal" exercise will be conducted annually to test and eva!%.; i the overall emergency organization's pre-paredness.


2. An Exercise Coordinator will be selected.


  • 3. In conjunction with the Plant Manager, or his designated representative, the Exercise Coordinator will select a simulated accident which will call for the mobilization of off-site agencies.

,., d'

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0.P. 3505

, Rev. 9




  • 4. Obtain from the Plant Manager, or his alternate, a list of all events recognized by plant personnel that would be accomplished in an actual emergency, but which will not be carried out during the exercise.


5. Contact appropriate off-site agencies .o determine their degree of participation.
6. Insure that all Letters of Agreenent with off-site agencies are current and document findings. If not current, take j necessary update action.
7. Obtain observers to evaluate the performance of participating personnel and the adequacy of emergency facilities, equipment

, and procedures during the emergency exercise.

8. Notify NRC-IE Region I and Site Inspector of the Radiation Emergency Exercise date. .
9. Prepare and submit the Radiation Emergency Exercise Planning

! Form VYOPF 3505.01 to the Plant Superintendent for his approval.

  • 10. Prepare and submit the Rtdiation Emergency Exercise Packages
  • to the Manager of Operations for submittal to the NRC and FEMA
  • prior to the date of the exercise.
11. Ensure that assumed emergency conditions are translated into simulated instrument responses and information for use during the exercise.
12. Prior to commencement of the exercise, the Exercise Coordinator briefs the selected observers on their assignments. This briefing will include all the exercise information each ob-server will require to fulfill his evaluation assignment.

Issue observers Evaluation Form VYOPF 3505.02.

13. Immediately following the exercise, evaluate the results i with observers prior to the scheduled critique. t 14 Conduct an exercise critique with all observers and assure  !

critique documentation is provided to the Plant Superin-tendent for corrective action considerations.

15. All comments and/or recommendations will be documented h and resolved as outlined in Paragraph H below.

B. Drills

1. Medical Drills
a. At least one drill will be conducted annually to evaluate the training of the plant's medical response teams and off-site medical response personnel. This drill may be performed as part of the required annual radiation emergency exercise or fire drill.

l V Cx I

, a. -. . , - .. .. ~

0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 i b. In conjunction with the Emergency Plan Coordinator, the Medical Services / Safety Coordinator (MS/SC) will develop a realistic drill scenario. Utilize Medical i Drilt Planning Form VYOPF 3505.03.

I i c. The MS/SC will contact off-site medical response personnel (ambulance and hospital) to request their participation in the drill.

d. The MS/SC will brief observers on the drill and issue

. observers Evaluation Form VYOPF 3505.02.

e. The MS/SC will conduct a critique for observers and participants to present their observations and comments to Plant Management within 5 working days.
f. All observer's Evaluation Forms will be collected at the conclusion of the critique. .


g. All comments and/or recommendations will be documented L
and resolved as outlined in Paragraph H below, utilizing Radiation Emergency Exercise Documentation Form VYOPF 3505.04.

NOTE: Comments on the drill should be included in the next training session for Medical Team personnel.


2. Health Physics Drills
a. A drill will be conducted semi-annually which will involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and liquid samples and direct radiation measurements in the plant.
b. In conjunction with the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor, the Emergency Plan Coordinator will direct the development of a realistic drill scenario utilizing the Health Physics Drill Planning Form VYOPF 3505.05.
c. The Emergency Plan Coordinator will brief observers on -

the drill and distribute Observers Evaluation Form VYOPF 3505.02.


d. The Emergency Plan Coordinator will conduct a critique  ;

for observers and participants to present their ob- )

servations and comments. These comments and observa-tions will be listed on the Radiation Emergency Drill Documentation Form VYOPF 3505.06,

e. All documented items that require corrective action will  !

be completed within six (6) months of the scheduled drill.

f. Copies of the completed drill planning form, the drill documentation form and other papers related to the drill will be retained in the plant files.

e . , - A . .. - . . - . .- ~ . . . . -- ~ . . . .

0.P. 3505

! Rev. 9

3. Radiological Monitoring Drills
a. At least one drill will be conducted each year to evaluate on-site and off-site collection and analysis of airborne sample media. This drill will be performed as part of the required Annual Radiation Emergency Exercise.

l 4. Fire Drills

a. A number of fire drills are conducted annually to test and evaluate the response and training of the plant's fire brigade and coordination of the same with off-site fire support. Fire drills will be cenaucted as outlined in A.P. 3023, Fire Training.
5. Communciation Tests
a. To ensure Emergency Communication Systems are operable ,

between the plant and off-site emergency response organizations, Communication Tests will be conducted as outlined below:

1) Communication channels with state governments with-in the plume exposure pathway will be tested monthly as per 0.P. 3506, Emergency Equipment Readiness Check.
2) Communications with State Emergency Operations Centers and field assessment teams will be conducted as part of the required annual Radiation Emergency Exercise.

C. Documentation

1. All comments and/or recommendations (including NRC and off- ,

site agencies) will be documented on Emergency Exercise Documentation Form VYOPF 3505.04.

2. Submit Exercise Documentation Form to Department Heads for evaluation and determination of plant's position on those items pertaining to their department.
3. All Exercise Documentation Forms will be submitted to PORC for review of the plant's position as determined by i Department Heads.
a. PORC's review will consist of carefully studying each documented item to ensure that the plant's position is considered adequate.
4. After PORC has reviewed the forms, submit all documentation
  • forms to the Plant Manager, or his designated repre- '

sentative, for final approval.

1 0.P. 3505 Rev. 9 t -


! 5. All documented items that require corrective action will be i completed within six (6) months of the scheduled exercise /

, drill.

l i

2 a. Any department that cannot complete an item within the specified time frame, will request an extension

  • from the Plant Manager, or his designated representative.
6. Copies of the completed exercise and drill planning forms,
the exercise documentation form, and other papers related l to the exercise and drills will be retained in
he plant
Final Conditions
1. All emergency equipment used in the e:.:ercise and drill has been inventoried and checked for operability. Any missing or non- ,

operable equipment will be replaced.

2. All documented items requiring corrective action have been corrected and documentation forms so noted.

SPS/emr e

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VYOPF 3505.01 Rev. 9 Page 1 of 5

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1 1


Name Title Assigned Post i

t t

VYOPF 3505.01 Rev. 9 Page 2 of 5

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9 * -

. . . - + -.. . . - . _ . ... _ ... :_.__. . _ _ . .




A. Yankee Mutual Assistance '

Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation:


a B. Vermont Civil Defense Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


C. Vermont Dept. of Health Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


D. Mass. Civil Defense Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


E. Mass. Radiation Control Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


F. N.H. Civil Defense Person contacted: Date

-Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


I. ERDA - Brookhaven Person contacted: Date ,

Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:_ Initials:

VYOPF 3505.01-Rev. 9 i Page 3 _ of 5 - ~j

. .u.J u _ . . - .,_.;. m_ _ . _ . .

t i


!- Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


K. Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:



'.j L. Rescue, Inc.

Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


M. Vernon Fire Dept.

Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation / Agreement letter:


N. VY - 17est Brattleboro t Person contacta?: Date Degree of Participation:


0. NRC
1. .I&E Region I Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation *

-Initials:  !


2. Site Inspector Person contacted: Date Degree of Participation '


-P. FEMA Person contacted: -Date

-Degree of Participation Initials: I

. VYOPF 3505.01 I

Rev. 9 Page 4 of 5 o


. ._._L___.. .__ .. . . . _ . . ..___ . . _ . . . . _ . . .



t 8.0 EMERGENCY PLAN EXECUTION (List the procedures of the Emergency Plan i that will be tested):



. Plant Manager Date i

I 8


VYOPF 3505.01 Rev. 9 Page 5 of 5 r


  • -- *- u_ _ _ _ _ ._ _

I i

MEDICAL DRILL PLANNING FORM Type of Drill: Date of Drill Location of Drill

1. Description of Drill:


.! 2. Special Hazards (if any):


3. Safety Precautions (if any):

9 4 Selection of Observers:

Name Title i

5. Special Instructions to Observers:

VYOPF 3505.03 Rev. 9 Page 1 of 2

b - . . .* . . . .. . .:-. . _ . - . .. - - . . . . . . . . - . . - - - . . . - . . ..

6. Expected Actions:
7. Pre-Drill Notification of Off-site Agencies:

A. Brattleboro Mer.oriul Ros' ital Person contacted: Date Degree of Partici--atie.i:


'i S. Rescue Person contacted: Date '

Degree of Participation:


8. Emergency Plan Procedures to be Tested:


Plant Manager Date VYOPF 3505.03 Rev. 9 Page 2 of 2 s

- . ~ .-_. _ ~ ..... . . . . ... . . - - . . . . - . . . . .





Comments / Recommendations Management Position Assigned Scheduled No. Category (Include all) (Explain Rejections) Responsibility Completion Completion e-.


  1. e b

l h

9 VYOPF 3505.04 Rev. 9 t

  • * = * ~ * ***** * ~
  • m.-
~ . . . . .



t Consnents/ Recommendations Management Position Assigned Scheduled No. Category (Include all) (Explain Rejections) Responsibility Completion Completion ,


  1. l; 7


!s i

l f

i VYOPF 3505.06 Rev. 9 Page 1 of 1

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] .


-Observers Location


'Typer of Exercise / Drill:

.} Information to Provide:

- 4 f

i Time Commenced: Time Terminated:


.4 OBSERVATION, COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS Page of l NOTE: Observations should include the proper and effective use of-

procedures, equipment and personnel.

l i

l e

i  !

't i

i i

i I

t fNOTE: Use additional pages as necessary.

Signature Title i

VYOFF 3505.02 Rev 9- .Page 1 of 1


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7 , . . . , . _ . . _ _ _ , _ - _ . , , . J h

i j.i .


.: 3


.J Type.of Drill Date of Drill f


' ; Location'of Drill $

7- ,

{ l. Description of Drill: i

q. j at -


>1 i

.j Special Hazards (if any):

2. [

i it i.

3. Safety Precautions (if any): j t
r t

ij' [

4. Selection of Observers: y 1'. Name Tit 1e 'I

. .)  !

li  !

t  ?

ij .

9 :r


5. Special Instructions to Observers: -

'l 9 .

i- ! ,,


. 6. Expected Actions: l!


. 1

7. Emergency. Plan Procedures to be Tested: i!

i, i-=



.':61r i


-APPROVED: t Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor.

.VYOPF 3505.05 Rev. 9


p,g, y og 1 ,

.y .

je .._._e.. . . , . _ :.. _ . _ . . _ , . _._ _ _ . , _ f ._, , _,

i Dapt. Supv. w /,.) Proc. No. 0.P. 3506 1

. PORC ' u ... - Rev. No.

- 14 Plant Mgr. /b7% fopa Issue Date 1/28/82

Mgr. of Ops. 1-d/pL.w Review Date -1/28/84

] </



1 i To insure that emergency radiological and communication equip-

! n.ent is periodically inventoried and maintained in an operable

! condition by assigned plant personnel.

I l Discussion:

i j Monthly, the Operations Department will conduct a test of certain j emergency communications equipment as outlined in this procedure.

l Monthly, and subsequent to each usage, a Chemistry and Health Physics Technician will be assigned the following:

.f' 1. Physical inventory of Emergency Kit contents as listed on

  • VYOPF 3506.02.

1 z NOTE: Corrective actions taken in response to deficiencies noted must be initialed and dated.


2. Rotation of survey instruments normally used in the plant with instruments in the Emergency Kits to assure that emergency

, equipment has been recently calibrated and is fully operable.


3. Check of the operability of equipment (e.g., flashlights, do-5 simeter charger, survey meters, etc.) and recharging or
changing of their batteries as necessary. Change stopwatch

, batteries annually. Record date of change on reverse side of z

each electric stopwatch.

1 l;

  • 4. Verification that the keys to the off-site Emergency Opera--
  • tions Facility and Emergency Kits are in their proper location

, at the outer gatehouse.

The assigned C & HP Technician shall report the status of all emergency equipment to the Emergency Plan Coordinator by completing and submitting an Emergency Equipment Checklist (VYOPF 3506.02) monthly.

a The Emergency Plan Coordinator will inspect the emergency equipment maintained at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and report his findings on VYO?F 3506.03 semi-annually. Enter under remarks column any n replacement parts (i.e., batteries, pencils, missing equipment, etc.).

The following forms are attached:

VYOFF 3506.01 Emergency Communications Chenklist VYOPF 3506.02 Emergency Equipment Checklist VYOPF 3506.03 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Emergency Equipment Inventory .

3.. ,


. . . - . - _ . a..L.:.... . _ _ _ _ .

0.P. 3506 ncv. 14 4


A. Tech. Spec.

, 1. None

't B. Admin. Limits

1. The Emergency Co=munications Chucklist (*/TCP7 3 06.01) will be ec=01ated conthly.
2. The Emergency Equipment Check Li . '" ? ? - 2 0 6 . 0 2 ) 4111
h* conducced
onthly and subse; xn; . o ee c.i t.s e .
3. The Brattlecoro Nemorial Hospital ~ ergene:- Equipment Inventory <FYOPF 3506.03) will be :encucted semi-annually and su; sequent to cach use.

d C. Other Appropriate Operating !!anuals for Emergency "it E,uipment l.

, listed on VYOPF 3506.02 and on VYCPF 3506.03.


1. The lack of proper equipment at the time of an emergency can delay regaining control of the situation, thereby compounding its adverse effects.


1. Apparatus required:
a. Fresh batteries for equipment as required.
b. Recently calibrated and operable survey meters in accord- .

ance with D.P. 4540.


1. Emergency Communications Check (Use VYOPF 3506.01)

A. Monthly, the Operations Department will test the Nuclear Alert System by contacting each of the three states (Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts) using the following procedure:

, 1) Lift handset:and keypunch number 111.

NOTE: This number' initiates a group call to all three State Police agencies. However,

, no audible ringing is present at the trans-mit station. The station receiver will j continue to ring until it is answered even if the transmit station is recradled.

2) As each State Police' agency answers, advise of the test of the Nuclear Alert System and record the successful i test on VYOPF 3506.01, Section A.

L _

l i

i 0.P. 3506 Rev. 14

3) If any part of the system fails to operate, notify the Communications Dept., NEES, Westboro, MA (ext 2460).

B. Monthly, the Operations Department will test the Unusual Event,

, Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Alarms using the following procedure:

1) To test the Alert Alarm (used for Unusual Event and Alert emergencies):

a) Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to

-> the " Alert" position, b) Make the following announcement by picking up the Gai-Tronics handset and depressing the page button ,

and speaking into the receiver:

"The following is a test of the Emergency Alert .

Alarm, please disregard." Repeat the announcement, c) Turn the Alarm switch to the "0N" position for three

  • seconds and then return the switch to the "0FF" position. .

I d) >bke the following announcement over the page system:

" Test of the Emergency Alert Alarm is complete.

Regard all further alarms."

e) Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to the "0FF" position. I

2) To test the Evacuation Alarm (used for' Site Area and General emergencies):

a) Turn the Page System Volume Increase Switch to the

" Evacuation" position. i b) Make the following announcement by picking up the  !

Cai-Tronics handset and depressing the page button, and speaking iitto the receiver:

"The following is a test of the Emergency Evacuation Alarm. Please Disregard." Repeat the announcement.

c) Turn the Alarm switch to the "0N" position for three seconds and then return the switch to the "0FF" position. j d) Make the following announcement over the page system:

" Test of the Emergency Evacuation Alarm is complete. i Regard all further alarms."

e) Turn the Page System Volumne Increase Switch to the "0FF" position.

L w

,.o. . ' . . .._. . . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ , .- . u . . _ _ _ _ . . . .

4 0.P. 3506 Rev. 14 I


3) Contact the Auxiliary Operators and verify that they heard the alarm announcements and alarm signals. Complete VYOPF 3506.01, Section B.

C. Monthly, the Operations Department will test the Southwest Fire Mutual Aid and Tri-State Fire Mutual Aid radio (Deskon II) by contacting the Keene and Greenfield uispatchers as follows:

1) Press the TRANSMIT bar for sending. Release for receiving.
2) Speaking into the microphone say, "KCE-579 (Keene),

this is KCP-596, Remote 2."


3) When answered, say: "This is a radio check. How do you read?"


4) When answered, say
"Thank you. KCP-596, Remote 2 clear "


'l 5) Repeat Steps 1) through 4) with KCE-358 (Greenfield).

6) Complete VYOPF 3506.01, Section C and return to the Shift _ Supervisor.
7) Notify the Instrument and Control Supervisor if there is a fault with either mutual aid radios communications system.
2. Emergency Equipment Check (Use VYOPF 3506.02)  !


a. Obtain those items listed as apparatus,
b. Proceed to the outer gate and obtain the keys to the Governor Hunt House and Vernon Town Hall. I
c. Proceed to the Governor Hunt House and note that the keys are '

tagged correctly,

d. Inventory the Emergency Kit contents against those items listed on VYOPF 3506.02 and test, charge, or replace equipment as re-quired. Inspect respiratory protective equipment and complete VYAPF 0505.02. I NOTE: After a. complete inventory of the kits, a seal may be attached. If the seal is not broken, the kit need not be reinventoried on subsequent routine

, checks. 0 ly those items indicated for each kit have to be inspected and a new seal attached where applicable.


e. Return equipment to the kits and lock the storage room door.
f. Lock the Governor. Hunt House, as appropriate, and proceed to the Vernon Town Hall.

- s . ,


. . u_. , ~ . w .. _ . . . . _ . . . _ .w. ;_. , m_ .

0.P. 3506 Rev. 14


g. Note that the keys are tagged properly for the Town Hall and the Emergency Kit Storage Room.
h. Inventory the Emergency Kit contents against equipment and ma-terial listed on VYOPF 3506.02 and test, charge, or replace equipment as required.
i. Return equipment to the kit and lock the storage room.
j. Lock the Vernon Town Hall access door upon leaving.


k. At the Inner Gatehouse, inventory those items listed on VYOPF 3506.02.
1. At the Main Control Room, inventory those items listed on VYOPF

, 3506.02.

m. At Technical Support Center Communications Room, inventory ,

those items listed on VYOPF- 3506.02.

n. Submit the completed VYOPF 3506.02 form to the Emergency Plan Coordinator who will review it, take appropriate action on exceptions noted, and file it in the Chemistry and Health Physics files.
3. Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Emergency Equipment Inventory (use VYOPF 3506.03).
a. Obtain a freshly calibrated PIC-6A, 6 TLD's and a PRM-4 (or RM-14) (survey to ensure a clean instrument).
b. Proceed to B.M.H., obtain key to radiological emergency room.
c. Inventory the emergency kits contents against chose items .

listed on VYOPF 3506.03 and replace.the instruments listed in Step A. Replace batteries in charger for self-reading dosimeters,

d. Return equipment to the kits and secure the radiological emergency room.
e. Return the key.

9 f. Submit the completed VYOPF 3506.03 to the Chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor who will review it and file

, it in the Chemistry and Health Physics files.

n Final Conditions:

1. All equipment is complete and in operable condition.
2. All documentation retained in accordance with A.P.~ 0834.

SPS/emr 1


.. .' N . . . . , -

_c. _ _

. Dzte i

j- .

i - Time f i e r


A. Nuclear Alert System, f i i

. a. Successful Test with Vermont Yes No Initials i j b. Successful Test with New Hampshire Yes No Initials i i i

c. Successful Test with Massachucetts Yes No Initials  !
d. Communications Dept., NEES (ext. 2460), Westboro, Mass. informed ,

of the following discrepancies: j, i  !

d B. Emergency Alert and Evacuation Alarms f


a. Emergency Alert Alarm Tested and Heard By Auxiliary Operators i; Initials i
b. Evacuation Alarm Tested and Heard by Auxiliary Operators Initials
c. Notify I & C Department of following discrepancies:

i C. Southwest Fire Mutal Aid and Tri-State Mutual Aid Radio Tests

a. Successful test with Keene Dispatcher Yes No  ;
b. Successful test with Greenfield Dispatcher Yes No Discrepancies Noted:


,L i

!- Completed By Reviewed By Shift Supervisor


Reviewed By

  • Operations Supervisor


Forward to Chemistry and Health Physics' Department for filing.

VYOPF 3506.01  !

Rev. 14 i 1

e m


. k. . . .. . i e . >

a . . _.. . . . . . ._. .. . , __J ._


Date ~

f t Items: Initials- Remarks ,

i j

- I. Outer Cate Guardhou=e t


(A) Keys to Emergency Centers

.I and Emergency Kits Obtained 1

,; (B) Keys Tagged Properly t (C) Keys Returned (D) Inspect respirators (6)-

! (as per A.P. 0505)

.! 1) Charcoal and Particulate 4

Filters (6) i'

2) Tear Cas Filters (6) .

I l~ II. Governor Hunt House


,; (A) ECC Kit: Sealed Unsealed (Circle one)

If unsealed, inventory the (If scaled, inventory items Sa, 6a, 16a, following: 18a, and 19a.)

1. Emergency Plan
2. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
3. V.Y. Fire Protection Plan 'l
4. Coordinator'a clipboard
a. Implementing Procedure checklists
1) 0.P. 3501 (Alert)
2) 0.P. 3502 (Site Area). '-
3) 0.P. 3503 (General) ,


4) 0.P. 3513 (Initial Eval)
5) 0.P. 3504 (Comm.) il l I
b. Logsheets (VYOPF 3504.01) _


c. Met. . Data (VYOPF 3513.01) , __ ,


d. Offsite Doses (VYOPF 3513.02)  !
e. Paper pad ,
VYOPF 3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 1 of 11 I '



. _ . . ... z . . . n ._.  :.a .2 . . _ _ _ . _ ._. _. . . . . .


l -

Initials Remarks

5. Personnel !!onitoring Toan

{ Clipboard i



Current Gate List

b. Paper pad i 6. Ibnpower & Planning Clip-board


a. Emergency Assistance Person-

. nell List I-

b. Paper pad
7. Pencils (Approx. 12) .
8. Wax marking pencils (approx. 4)
9. Felt-tip pens (Approx. 4)
10. Envelopes-(Approx. 25)
11. Poly sample bottles (Approx. 3)
12. Assorted sample containers i.
13. Check source
14. Air sample filters (1 box)
15. Air sample charcoal car- i tridges (approx. 6) i
16. High_ range dosimeters (24).
a. Calibration up to date
17. Sliderule i
18. Telephones (8)
a. Check operability of all except NRC red and blue phones 4
19. Potassium iodide solution (l~ bottle) .
a. Check expiration date
20. -TI-59 Calculator, Printer

-and 20 program cards in booklet holder.

VYOPF-'3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 2 of 11~

, _ _ m.  %


  • ^

'* . ---.~....-...-.-:. . . . . . ._. . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . - ...;. --. _.


  • I i Initials Remarks j

[ (3) Battery-0perated Cquipment

1.  ??.M-4A (or RM-14) (1) i l a. dattery check OK
b. Calibration up-to-date .
2. RM-14 with 210 prebe (3) j a. Battery check OK f ': . Calibration up-to-date j I

. j _' 3. PIC-6A (3) i l a. Battery check OK 4 -

! b. Calibration up-to-date ,

'i i 3 4 Dosimeter charger '


a. Operational check OK f

l 5. Bu11ho rn

-1 f

a. Operational check OK


6. Flashlights (Approx. 12) i l a.- Operational check OK

! (change batteries if weak) l'

b. Spare batteries I'!

, (approx. 8) -f 4

7. Air Samplers (3)
a. Operational check OK  ;

(use car battery)  !

b. -Left with fresh filter ,

paper and cartridge in

  • holders (C) . Miscellaneous Items a

1.. Assignment Tag Board

2. Area map & dispersion " wheel"
3. Status Board ,

'4. Lo-Vol air sampler ,

5. Stabilized' Assay Meter (SAM II)

-VYOPF 3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 3 of 11 '

+ 2 - _-

f Initials Remarks i

6. Inspect respirators (12 min.)

(as per A.P. 0505).

a. Check expiration date on filter.
7. Check State of Vernont telephone system located on the stage in the EOF, by dialing 32.
a. Vermont Civil Defense will i answer if operable.

I Name of Vt. CD Official


b. If no answer, call Vermont Civil Defense N '

and report system inoperable.

'l Name of Vt. CD Official (D) Site Boundary Team Kit (If sealed, inventory items If unsealed, inventory Sa and 9) all of the following:

1. Site Boundary clipboard
a. Implementing procedure i checklist (0.P. 3510) i (approx. 5 copies) I
b. Paper pad
2. Coveralls (2)
3. Filter paper, air sample (1 box)

E 4. Charcoal filter cartridges (approx. 6)

5. High range dosimeters (2)
a. Calibration up to date
6. Pencils (approx. 4)
7. Air sample envelopes (approx. 5) , __
8. Check source
9. Stop watch (if Electronic -

change batteries annually)

VYOPF 3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 4 of 11 f

1 s ,

.. . .i . ~ _ _ _ .

..s.. n _. ._ , _. !

ll l- .

Initials / Remarks l-i (E) Off-Site Emergency Kits Kit 1 Kit 2 Kit.3

f. (Hunt) (Hunt) (Town Hall)

' (If sealed, inventory 9a and 16)

If unsealed, inventory all of the following:

.; 1. Off-Site Team Clipboard

a. Implementing procedure
checklist (0.P. 3510)

I (Approx. 5 copies each)


b. Paper pad i
2. Coveralls (2) __
3. Poly bottles (3) ,
4. Poly bags (3)

.j 5. Smear paper (1 box) i

6. Filter paper, air sample

! (1 box)

$ 7. Activated charcoal

- filter cartridges (Approx. 6)

8. Radiation tape and signs 4 9. High range dosimeters (2)
a. Calibration up to date
10. Pencils (approx. 4) ___
11. Marking pencils (approx. 2)
12. Felt tip pen (approx. 2)
13. Air Sample Envelopes

_(approx. 25)

14. Check source
15. Screwdriver
16. Stopwatch (if Electronic - change batteries annually)-
17. Keys to Envir. Stations
18. "NUSORB" cartridges for

' Envir. Stations (Approx. 4) 4 VYOPF 3506.02 Rev.~ 14 Page 5 of 11

r,; ;- ,

-;; y ,

at ~ ...M 2 - . . . . . , .. . u ;. -. _ , . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , ,


.:I _ .

1~ .


Initials Remarks


.i ' .

.I 1

(F) Two seabags eachicontaining:

If unsealed, inventorf all of Sealed Unsealed (Circle one)

- the following:

1. Coveralls (10)


f , 1 22- Hoods (10) i! -3. Plastic boots (10 prs) q.

fj . .4. Rubber boots (10 prs) 1 5. Rubber gloves (12 pr)

.{ ; 6. Cloth gloves .(2 bundles)

.t j 7. Masking tape



(G) Decontamination Barrel containing:

If unsealed, inventory all of the Sealed Unsealed (Circle one)

,j . following:

.l 1. Towels (12) el

! 2. Face: cloths (12)

, 3. Decon soap (3)

4. Plastic w ts (12) j 5. Poly 6 ml x 6' x 100' (1 roll)

-j .

,j 6. Paper towels (5 boxes)


.; 7. Scissors (1 pr) __


'l 8. Blotter (3 - 10' sections) __ ,

,L ii 9., Masking tape (5 rolls) _ __

, 10. Cloth gloves-(2 bundles)

{ 11. Surgeons y, loves (1 box)

12. ' Plastic basins (3) 1
13. Scrub brushes (12) ,
14. " Contaminated" tape (2 rolls) ,

(H)' Radiological' Coordinator's Kit S If unsealed, inventory all of ,< (If sealed,' inventory 2a)' ,

.sthe following:

N T-1.: Notebook containing 'i


^ 'a. 0.P. 3525 Checklist- -.


Rev.:14 'Page 6 of 11 .I i

71 '3. .

f' ,

.g ,


'i Initials Remarks i

2.- _ Low range. dosimeter (1) '

} a. Calibrate up to date y 3. , Air sample filters (1 box)

j. 4. Air sampler charcoal

'!- cartridges (approx. 6)

5. Environmental station
j. cartridges - (approx.- 6) 4
6. Air sample envelopes (approx. 12) l' 7. Assorted-sample containers
! a. Poly bottles (approx. 6)

-l ~ b.- Poly bags'(approx. 12)

'l 8. Paper pad.

9. Pencils (approx. 4) l 10. Small area map (I) All equipment and materials

,' returned 'to kits, the kits

, sealed, and storage area j locked


III. Vernon Town Hall 9

l' (A) : EC Supplies  !

1. Telephones (7)

, Check operability of all

phones i

'. 2. PIC-6A 4

a. Battery check OK
b. Calibration up-to-date
3. Area map
4. RM-14 with HP 210 ptobe

! a.. Battery check OK i

b. Calibration up-to-date
5. Emergency Plan VYOPF 3506.02-Rev. 14.

Page 7 of 11

g .., . - w ~ _. _ . , . . . ._.. . . _ _ _ _ . _ ,

,,[ ,

5 3

Initials Remarks i'-

! 6. - Emergency Implementing ,

. Procedures l

7. V.Y. Fire Protection Plan f 8. . Air sampler
9. Flashlight'(2) ,

f (B) -Decontamination Barrel Containing: Sealed Unsealed i' If unsealed, inventory all of (Circle one)

the following

5 l 1. Towels (12)


[ 2. Face cloths (12)

3. .Decon soap (3)

I ,

4. Plastic bags (12)
~5. Poly 6 ml x 6' x 100' (1 roll) i f- 6. Paper towels (5 boxes)
7. Scissors (1 pr)

I 8. Blotter.(3 - 10' sections) i l'

9. Masking tape (5 rolls)
10. ' Cloth gloves (2 bundles)
11. Surgeons gloves (1 box)

I l 12. Plastic basins (3) l.

l ' 13. Scrub brushes (12) f

( 14. " Contaminated" tape (2 rolls) i

(, (C) Off-Site Emergency Kit #3

[ (Refer to checklist,Section II (E) Page 5 of this form)-


L. IV. Inner Gatehouse

1. RM-14 with HP 210 probe (This can be standby unit L for portal monitor)

- VYOPF.3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 8 of 11 . .

, .w + -

  • a


,.g. - __ . .c. c. . . . ._ . _ . . , _

.; Initials  ?.ema rim

a. Battery check OK
b. Calibration up-to-date i 2. PIC-6A
a. Battery check OK




Calibration up-to-date

3. Air sampler I~
4. S cpwatch (if Electrcnie - enan2e 2

t batteries annuall"

. ,! 5. Filter papers (1 box)

6. Charcoal Cartridzes fanrr., . n) 4
7. Air Sample Envelopes (approx, o>
8. 0.P. 3510


9. Inspect respirators (6)

(as per A.P. 0505)

a. Charcoal and Particulate Filters (6)
i. S. Tear Gas Canisters (6) i
10. High Range Dosimeters (2)
11. Check source 1 V. l Main Control Room i
1. Area Map & Dispersion " wheel"
2. Boundary Dose Nomogram
3. Emergency Logbook
4. Emergency Plan

! 5. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures t

I; '6. V.Y. Fire Protection Plan

- 7. Inspect respirators, . (4)

! (as per A.P. 0505) l

a. Check expiration date on filter
8. Air sampler VYOPF 3506.02 Rev. 14 Page 9 of 11

... . , _ ._e. ..- ..__ .___._; . - _ _ . .__ , _ , _ ,_ _ _ _,

Initials Remarks

9. Air Sample Envelopes (approx. 6)
10. Filter papers (1 box)

High range dosimeters (5) 11.

t t


a. Calibration up to date i
12. Potassium iodide (KI) solution 4

(1 bottle)

a. Check expiration date
13. TI-59 Calculator, Printer and 20 cards in booklet holder .

(B) Inspect Scott Air Pack (as per ,

A.P. 0505)

. i (C) Check PIC-6 calibration -

VI. Technical Support Center

, (A) (Note: Items 10, 11, & 12 are located in the Engineering Support Department office. All others are located in the TSC Communications

' Center.)


1. Dose rate meter (PIC-6A or equiv.) _,
2. RM-14 with HP 210 probe
3. Air sampler, low volume, with charcoal cartirdge


4. ' Air sample envelopes (approx 6)  !
5. Charcoal filter cartridges .

(approx 6)  !

6. Filter paper, air sample (1 box)


7. High range dosimeter (4) t
8. Inspect respirators (4)

(as per A.P. 0505)  ;

a. Charcoal and particulate  ; ,

filters I i

i VYOPF 3506.02

.Rev.-14 Page 10 of'll  !


_.___ _____.i._.....____ il

f' '

,e Initials Remarks-

, 9. Po'assium t iodide (KI) solution (l'_ bottle)

a. Check expiration date
10. Emergency Plan


11. Emergency Implementing Procedures
12. V.Y. Fire Protection Plan
13. Smear Papers (1 box)
14. NRC Emergency Notification
3 System Red Phone (Note: Do not test) f
15. Plant Radio 4

.i 4

Performed by Approved by Emergency Plan Coord.

1 s'

-i i


., . dF l

VTOPF 3506.02 11 4Rev. 14 Page 11 of 11

. . . _ _ _ . . . Yi . . . . . -o e

r. -


.;,,y , ,  ; . ..~.---.... - - - - - . . .- . . ~ - - - - - - - . .. -.-


!. Date t .



Instructions: Initial inventoried items and note co==ents in the right hand column.

j- ~Name'of kit:


b-l Initials- Item Quantity Codell Comments

., Yellow Round l'

Labels Marked:

l. Skin Decontamination


(a) Utensils:

t, Absorbent balls, extra large DSK1 i

Sponge-holding forceps 1 DSK2 Plastic beaker, large ,

(to discard used sponges) 2 DSK4 l

Pre-op sponges (for large area decontamination) DSK5 Surgical hand brushes

(. for hands / feet decontamination DSK6 Wash bottle (to hold water for decontamination) 1 DSK7 (b) Decontaminants TURCO decon soap, bottles

( for first 'decon ef fort, general) 2 DSK8 Clorox, bottle (for second decon effort) 1 -DSK9 f

2. Wound Cleaning (a) Utensils:

Ganze Pads, 4" x 4" DW1 Surgical gloves, assorted sizes

= sterile, pair 5 DW2 Solution bowl, plastic 1 DW3 l Plungerless syringes, 50 ce sterile 1 EW4 Cotton tipped applicators DW7 (b) Cleansing agents:

Saline solutions, normal sterile, bottle 1 DW8 Hydrogen peroxide, 3% solution

-bottle 1 DW9 VYOPF 3506.03 Rev.114 - Page l' of 6

7 ~,j

'~...:_,.__.._,_ _ _ __ _ .! ~ . _ , . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ ._ .. _ . . . . _ . . . . .._. . _ . , _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _


Initials- Item Quantity- Code # Comments

3. -Miscellaneous materials Nivea cream, jar (apply on dry skin after complete


. -decon ) 1 DM1


Prep Kit'

-(for clipping and shaving) 1 DM2 i Nail clippers, pair 1 DM3 Scissors, heavy duty, HARE

-paramedic 1 DM4
New Form Patient Radiation and Medical Status Record Sheets 4
- (for recording essential data on patients' medical and radiation j status) DMS l-Plastic bags, (to hold decon materials after use) DM6 j' Tags, with wire (to indicate contents of container

. and bags) DM7

Tissue paper, box DM8 Notebook DM9

-Pencils DM10 i

VYOPF 3506.03 Rav. 14 - Page 2 of 6

- - - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ = - - _ - - _ - - - - _ - - - - - =

'p, y - -





. Initials-Item Quantity Code ll Comments Green Round Labels Marked:

hl 1. Blood Samolinc _.

Vacutainers, heparinized

'l 10 m1, sterile 6 SBl (green stopper)

Vacutainers, uncoated

~10 m1, sterile 6 SB2 (red stopper)

Vacutainers, oxalated, 10 m1, sterile 6 SB3 (gray stopper)

Needle-holder combination sterile 12 SB4 Alcohol wipes, sterile pre-packaged 12 SB5 .

2. Wound Fluid, Nose Swabs L!- Cotton tipped applicators, in test tube, sterile SWN1 Envelopes (for storage of nose swabs) SWN4 i

Tissue paper, box (for nose blows) SWN5 t

3. Small specimins (hair, nails, i- tissue samples, sputum)

, Bottles, wide mouth, 100 ml 5 SSS2 4

l j' 4. Excreta, irrigation fluids,

'? vomitus Jar, plastic for feces samples 2 SFl Urine: specitainers, 2500 5 SF3 Bottles, wide mouth, 500 m1, for collection of irrigation fluids 2 SF4

5. Skin Smears TUUCON smear pads, with envelopes SSK1 VYOPF-3506.03 R1v. 14' .

Page 3 of 6


r- 2

, 4' SAMPLE TAKING KIT (Continued)

Initials Item quantity Codei! Comments

6. Miscellaneous Items

, Plastic bags, assorted sizes SM1 Tags, with wire SM2 Patient Radiation and Medical Status Record Sheets (to record specimens collected) SM4 Notebook SMS Pencils SM6 a

s I

I 1

i VYOPF 3506.03 R1v. 14 Page 4 of 6

. .. ,\

s 7- _

.v  ;. a_ -

3 HEALTH PHYSICS. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES E ~ Initials Item unantity Comments

';a ma ?ose ?. ate.Surtay-Instrument Digi " utar


'0.1 'i/2 ' to 100.R/2 cr PIC *:-A 1 (Note 1)

+ ' Beta-Gamma Monitor-?RM a or RM-14 1 (Note 1) t l' . .

Self-Reading Pocket Dosimeters, 0-lR 6 (Note 1)

,f; Tb=- olunis.escent Dosimeters, Body' Type 10 I Tharmoluminescent Dositeters, Ring Type 10 Char;er for Self-Reading Dosimeters 1 y Decentaminat' ion-Table-Top with Stretcher,

,j ' Side ~?anels, Hose, 2 each 5 gal containers 1 J

Lead Container, high activity samples 1 4 i ' Plastic' sheets, 4-5 mils 1

, Krylon-floor covering

. Masking tape, 2 inch

[' Apron, Plastic 10


Shoecovers 6 pr.

Poly Bags (large) 20 1 -

! Poly, pail 1


Signs "Gaution Radiation Area" 4

Signs " Caution Radioactive Material" 4 i Stickers " Contaminated Material" 10 -

Barrier. Tape 1 roll

-i Disposable Clothing Kit 12  ;


__. ' Suits, plastic 15 i; Tongs 1 pair i

' Step-off Pads-Respirators, half-face 3 l

(Note 1): .Since these instruments-are used infrequently,'they will be rotated every

  • F six (6) months for calibration.

b ~VYOPF'3506.03.

! - R$v.- 14 Page 5 of 6- ,

1 -

5 L .+g a-


f , . .._ .._,-1 . . . . . . . . .. . = _ _ . _ , _ ._ _ _ . _ _ _ _. _ , , _



. ;. - Initials. Item Quantity Comments

  • 5
- ' Control Copy #15, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.
Procedures for Radioactively Contaminated 1

i Patients 1 t

Performed by Approved by ij s Chemistry & Health Physics Supervisor b



. f

.j +

J ij .

1 .

, igi -I: .


-VYOPF 3506.03

.Rev. 14 Page 6' of 6

. .. ~ . .. ..

f .-

g -

Dipt. Supv. W Proc. No. 0.P. 3504 PORC di?52)hh>--- Rev No. 14 Plant Mgr. Q6 Tine 94P/> Issue Date 1/26/62 Mgr. of Ops, 620% LW Review Date 1/28/64 I V~



To specify the procedures for communicating with various Federal and State authorities, emergency assistance teams, the Brattleboro Hospital, the news media, and other off-site support groups.


The plant staff has available to it various types of commun-ications equipment, which when properly used, allow for effective communications with off-site groups. Basic communications channels are graphically illustrated in Figure 1, " Emergency Communications .


Required notification of off-site groups is accomplished as

  • outlined in the Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area and General Emergency Procedures. Notification is the responsibility of the Plant Emergency Director, with assistance from Operations Department personnel
  • in the Control Room or the EOF Coordinator, when so requested.

Responses from those off-site groups notified or other off-site

  • groups who may become involved is channeled through the EOF Coordinator; the basic philosophy being to minimize outside dis-tractions to the Plant Emergency Director so he can devote full attention toward regaining control of the plant emergency situation.
  • During an Alert, Site Area or a General Emergency, a Communi-
  • cations Assistant assists the EOF Coordinator by handling all incoming and outgoing telephone, Gai-tronics and radio messages. A log of ,

each incoming message and appropriate reply is recorded on a t* tree part Message Form (Figure 2), Part 3 of which is retained i Oy the Communications Assistant as a record of the completed com-munication. The date and time of message receipt and reply is noted on the form by the Communications Assistant. These three part message forms are also used at the Technical Support Center, the

,e Operations Support Center, and the Recovery Center.

The following appendix is attached for guidance in the use and operation of emergency communications equipment:

Appendix A - Communications Phone List The following form is attached and is used for logging times and events during the emergency:,

E ,c


. ..- : - _ - . . ._ _ . _ _ _ . - - - . . - . _ . _ . . . _ . . . ~ . . . . . .

0.P. 3504 j; . Rev. 14 1- .

ll_ VYOPF 3504.01 Emergency Monitoring Log I

] s The following figures and table are attached:

f Figure I Emergency Communication Channels Figure II Message Eorm Table 1 Pager Assignments


j A. Tech. Spec.

1. None B. Admin. Limits l

f 1. None

. C. Other

-r i

p 1. VYNPS Emergency Plan

2. ERDA Emergency' Radiological Assistance Agreement
) 3. Vermont Radiological Incident Plan and Agreement
4. New-England Interstate Radiation Incident Plan
5. Yankee Mutual Assistance
6. Radiation Accident Plan and Agreement - Brattleboro Hospital Prerequisites:
1. None Procedure:

u A. Use of the Nuclear Alert System for initial notification and as a continuing communications link to off-site agencies.

t t I

, 1. After verification and subsequent classification of an i emergency, it is necessary to notify the state police agencies of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

2. The Nuclear Alert System orange phone is located in the Control Room under forward center console.  !


3. For initial notification of the three state police agencies, remove the receiver and key punch number 111.

NOTE: This number simulteneously activates the ringing mechanism at the three state police i agencies. The ringing will not cease until the affected phone is answered.' No audible

  • t ringing will be heard when making a call.


.. b7 ., . . . _ _ _ . .

0.P. 3504 Rev. 14 2 4. When all three state police agencies have acknowledged, then announce the type and extent of the emergency as per the appropriate emergency procedure, M M M and M

5. To utilize the Nuc' ear Alert System for follow-up calls to various state agencies and Yankee Rowe and Yankee Atomic in Framingham, refer to the Nuclear Alert System Station Numbers List, Table 2 and key

+ punch the desired number.

B. Use of the Bell Telephone to contact the State Police 1


  • NOTE: In case the Nuclear Alert System is not working,
the Bell System can be used to contact the state police of the three states. See Appendix A for

! phone numbers.


1. Verify that an emergency condition exists necessi-

! tating notification of the State Police of all three states. Notify first, the state most directly involved.

2. Call the Vermont State Police (See Appendix A).
a. Report state of emergency as indicated in A.4 above.
3. Call the Massachusetts State Police (See Appendix A). '
a. Report state of emergency as indicated in A.4 above.
4. Call the New Hampshire State Police (See Appendix A).

l j a. Report state of emergency as indicated in A.4 above.

5. Expect that the State Police of the three states will re-turn the call to authenticate the emergency situation.

I C. Use of Utility Microwave i

1. To call VELCO or REMVEC (Velco dispatcher notifies Rutland office of emergency conditions).
a. On one of the two Bell Call Directors, push the i button marked "VELCO or REMVEC." I I ,
b. Pick up the phone - it will ring automatically at VELCO or REMVEC.
2. To call any other po'nt in the Microwave System:
a. Look up the number you want to call in the Micro-wave Directory.
  • _4_ 0.P. 3504 i Rev. 14
b. On any Bell phone in the plant, select an unoccu-pied extension.


c. Dial the Microwave .'.ccess Code AD. ,


d. Dial the number you wish to call. '

D. Use of Tri-State and Southwest Mutual Fire Assistance Radio

1. On the Plectron control unit (located under the computer console), depress microphone switch and establish 7adio contact as follows:

"(Posted SW Mutual call sign) and (Posted Tri-State call sign), this is (posted VY call sign). Over."


  • 2. Give message and make certain message is properly acknowledged. .

9 i E. Use of Emergency Utility Radio NOTE: This radio is mounted at the base of the 150 ft.

"old" Weather Tower and can be used to contact RENVEC and VELCO in an emergency. The handset and control for the radio are in the Control Room with an auxiliary handset at the radio.

1. Ascertain that the Microwave is out of service.
2. Pick up the Radio Handset (located under the computer console) and call REMVEC using the call letters written

,4 on the card under the handset in the following manner:


OVER i NOTE: There is no need to use the call letters again during the conversation until you sign off.

F. Use of Special NRC Phones

  • 1. Use of NRC Emergency Notification System Red Phone
a. Pick up phone and identify nature of the call as  ;

per 0.P. - ^ - -

b. Do not hang up phone unless allowed to do so by NRC representative.
  • NOTE: Refer to manual provided with each red phone
  • for more detailed Lastructions.


,..7,._. _. _ _ -. - . . _ . . ..-.

c.  :

0.P. 3504

, . Rev. 14

2. Use of NRC Health Physics Network (Blue) Phones
a. Lift telephone receiver.
b. Dial desired number.

NOTE: No dial tone is present in this system.

Refer to manual provided with each blue phone for phone numbers and more detailed instructions,

c. No audible ringing will be heard when making a call.

Therefore, wait for 30 seconds anc then renaat Step b.

This will reactivate the desired phana.

G. Use of Mobile UHF Radio System NOTE: 1. This system is utilized by all amargency teans e and consists of a 100 watt UI!F "ASTR II (repeater) with its high gain antenna mounted on top of the 150 foot "Old" Met Tower and a 75 watt UHF MICOR COMPA (repeater) with its high gain antenna mounted on top of the 330 foot "New" Met tower. These repeaters are

  • actuated by six remote controllers located in the Control Room, Gates 1 & 2, the Secondary i Alarm Station (SAS), the Gov. Hunt House, and
  • the T.S.C. Communications Room. Twenty-eight Portable units actuate the 100 watt repeater on the F1 position of the frequency switch.

Twenty-eight portable units also actuate the 75 watt repeater when their unit is in the l,

F3 position of the frequency switch. All emergency teams will utilize the F3 position of the frequency switch. Within approximately 5 miles of the plant, the only known " Dead Spot" i under this maximum range of operation is midway between Guilford and Route 142 on Broad Brook Road near the Brattleboro-Vernon town line.

2. In the event the F3 position repeater fails,
  • j switch to the position F1 of the frequency switch. <

In the event both repeaters for channels F1 and F3 fail, a " talk'around" (the repeaters) feature allows continued communications between portable i units at 4 watts output when their frequency selector switch is in the position F2. f

3. During a Site Area or General Emergency all portable i radios are issued at the outer gatehouse to i emergency teams requiring their use. During an  !

Alert, radios are issued from the inner gatehouse, if needed, i

4 4

, 0.P. 3504 Rev. 14 l

' l

4. Portable radios are NgT to be used behind the Control Room panels or in the vicinity of the l EPR panel near the head of the stairs to the

. Feed Pump Room.

5. In the event that messages of a routine nature are occupying the radio channel and it is nec-essary to transmit an urgent message, depress the microphone button and announce " Break, Break, Break - Urgent Message." When the channel is cleared of traffic, proceed with the urgent message.
1. Remote Controllers J
a. Insure unit is ON.
b. Depress microphone switch when transmitting; re- 4 lease for receiving.
c. Initiate call by saying "This is 4EEEEEb (unit calling) to (unit called). Over".

NOTE: Unit designations used during conver-sation are as follows: .

l Unit Desig .ater 8 Base or Mobile Unit (or " handle")

Control Room Control Room Emergency Operations Facility Coordinator Base

  • T.S.C. Communications Room T.S.C. Base Security - Gate 1 Outer Gate Security - Gate 2 Inner Gate Security - Secondary Alarm Station SAS On-Site Assistance 1,2, etc. Red, 1, 2, etc.

Site Boundary Yellow Team Orf-Site Monitoring 1 Green Team 1 Off-Site Monitoring 2 Blue Team  :

I .

NOTE: Memory hint - Red (a " hot" color) closest to source, to blue (a " cool" color) furthest ,

from source of emergency. ,

d. When acknowledged, carry out conversation.
e. The party completing the conversation should end with "This is 6 , Clear".

NOTE: If a drill, state "This is a drill."

2. Portable Units '
a. Rotate the portable radio volume control one-half turn clockwise to turn ON the radio, i


~. -

/g n. ~ ~- . , ,

o .

0.P. 3504 Rzv. 14 b.- Place the Squelch Switch in its OFF position ( ).

( c. Rotate the radio squelch control to the maximum 4 Counterclockwise position and set radio volume control to a comfortable listening level,

d. When the channel is clear, slowly rotate the squelch control Clockwise until the noise stops (squelches).
e. -Set the Frequency Select Switch on the radio to the desired channel for monitoring.
f. Place the Squelch Switch in the ON position ( f)~

after monitoring. I i~

g. To transmit, hold the push to talk switch depressed
 ,                                                         and speak normally across the radio with lips about                                                .

6 inches from the grille. 'I 3. Vehicle Communications - MT 500 Radio Converta-COM Console The Converta-Com Consoles are moun;ed in the two company station wagons, the company sedan, the Maintenance Depart-3 ment pick-up truck, the Stores Department stake body. truck, and the Security vehicle. The Converta-Com Console improves range and performance of the portable radios. When a portable radio is inserted into the console, au*nmatic connection is made to an external mobile antenna, console mounted weatherproof mobile microphone, and an external , speaker. The console contains separate lights to indicate j transmit and battery charge as well as a light for night j operation. The vehicle ignition switch must be ON to-permit the radio to transmit or receive-and for the battery charging circuitry to operate. To ensure proper use of the .; MT'500 Radio Converta-Com Console'the following operating' ' procedure should be used.

a. Install the Radio in the Console
1) Place the portable radio in the console pocket.

so the radio speaker grille faces the bottom of the console.

2) Push the radio until it-latches (top of the radio-about flush with the face of the console).
3) Turn the key clockwise to lock the radio in the pocket.
4) - The key may-be removed from the lock when in its.

locked or' unlocked position.-

                                                                                       ..,    .f-1
      - g ws     a    9 ..j $< &       -4%=-    +            A<   4i.- - ao   - mea      p yn     , me. .pe eser   -#sneen- 4
                                                                                                                                    ,w     wsa , e..en _ m s,
  • c - ,

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 ;!                                                                                                                    0.P. 3504 Rev. 14 4
b. Turning On, Setting Volume, Setting Sqelch, Monitoring
1) Rotate the portable radio volume control one-half turn clockwise to turn ON the radio. This also turns on the night light which illuminates the l

l radio controls. The night light is also turned on when the ignition switch is turned on, b 2) Place the Squelch Switch in its OFF position ( 0 >-

 '!_                                                     3)        Rotate the radio squelch control to the maximum Counterclockwise position and set volume of Console j
 't                                                                volume control to a comfortable listening level, j
 .l;                                                     4)        When the channel is clear, slowly rotate the squelch
     '                                                             control Clockwise until the noise stops (squelches).
5) Set the frequency Selector Switch on the radio 4
j to the desired channel for monitoring.
6) Place the squelch switch in the ON position ( h )

after monitoring. , 7) To transmit, ensure the ingition switch is on. Hold the push to talk witch depressed (on the microphone) and speak normally across the micro-phone with lips about two inches from the grille. I NOTE: The red transmitter indicator glows when the transmitter is on the air.

c. Removing Radio khen Leaving Vehicle
1) Turn the key Counterclockwise to unlock the radio and while still holding the key, push the key lock ,

barrel. The radio will spring forward for easy removal. Pull the radio gently out of the console. H. Use of Three-Part Message and Reply Form'(Figure 2) I 1. All incoming and outgoing communications at the emergency centers are handled by a communications assistant. Each l center is supplied with blank three part forms (Figure 2).

2. Incoming messages are logged (with time noted) on a blank form with a writing instrument capable of making clear copies.
3. If a reply is required, the assistant retains Part 2 (yellow copy) as a " tickler" to insure a reply is made within a reasonable period, or in.a timely manner.

!. " Urgent" messages should be so designated in the upper left corner under "To". 4 Parts 1 and 3 are dispatched to the appropriate center coordinator for reply.

   . . . _ . .                                  . . . + .'  --__        ._.
                                                                                      .-__a.. .

0.P. 3504 Rev. 14

5. All replies are briefly written in the Reply section by
the person assigned to make the reply and are returned j to the center cootdl.. 6vr for his information and con-currence.
6. The center coordinator retains Part 3 (pink copy) for logging and/or future reference, and returns Part 1 (original) to the communications assistant for dispatch-ing the reply.
7. Upon completion, the communications assistant retains the Original (white copy) as the Communications Log copy and discards the related Part 2 (yellow) " tickler" copy.

I. Dedicated GAI-Trenics

1. During an Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area, or General Emergency, Channel 4 of GAI-Tronics is reserved for use ,

by three parties: Control Room, Emergency Operations Facility, and the Technical Support Center. J. Personnel Paging Systems

1. Vermont Yankee Personnel
a. Dial one of the following numbers:
b. To initiate a group page: ,
1) State name and location
2) Request the initiation of a group page for VY pagers
3) Give the message that should be passed to the paged individuals
c. To initiate a single person page:
1) State name and location
  • 2) State individual (s) name (Table 1) and,
3) Give message that should be passed to the l

paged individual

2. YNSD Personnel
a. Dial the following number: 6
b. The ZIP-CALL operator will answer
c. Ask for pager M to be activated.
         .      .u   .. -        ~ -.     .                 ,-          - - . - - -   -.--- . + - ~ ~  . - . . - . . - -

s e

]                                                                                                       0.P. 3504 Rev. 15 I}-

I t

 ~;                                            d. Repeat Steps a, b, and c approximately 15 minutes i

after the initial call to assure that all YNSD

! personnel have been reached.
     !                      '*        K. Utilization of Alternative Communications Links in the Event of Failure of the Bell Telephone System

-f NOTE: Failure of the Bell Telephone System Link L jeopardizes use of the Special NRC phones (ENS and Health Physics Network).

1. Verify the failure of the Bell Telephone System link and the NRC Emergency Notification System red phone and
  • for the NRC Health Physics Network blue phone.
. i'
2. Contact REMVEC via the dedicated microwave line from the Control Room, advise them of the nature of the failure, 1 advise REMVEC that they will be utilized as a phone patch 6 for NRC/ Vermont Yankee communications and request them to patch into the NRC Region I Operations Center (See Appendix A).

3. When contact has been established with the NRC Operations Center, advise the NRC representative of the failure of the specific system and request the NRC Representative to utilize the REMVEC phone patch capability for further communications i with the plant site. 4 NOTE: Advise the NRC Operations Center representative of the REMVEC number (See Appendix A).  ; 4

   )                                     4. The Yankee Atomic Electric Company's main switchboard at Framingham may also be accessed via microwave by dialing                  } g
   ,                                           (See Appendix A).

l I NOTE: This link may be utilized in the same fashion i as the REMVEC System described in Steps 1 through 3. However, the Framingham switch-board is activated weekdays from 0800 to 1700 whereas the REMVEC System is available

r continuously.

Final Conditions: I 1. None SPS/emr i

( 0.P. 3504

Rev. 14 l! APPENDIX A i
   '                                                                                                                                         l COMMUNICATIONS PHONE LIST l
  '                                                                                                                                        l l
  ;                                                                                                            TELEPHONE NUMBER            :

k l !' Manager of Operations - W.


Brattleboro (normal hours) Ext. W l l* (nonwork hours) 6 l 1

  • ERD Radiological Assistance 6  !

l Brookhaven Lab. l 1 l NRC, Region I 215-337-5000 [ t NRC Operations Center 301-492-8111  ! (Bethesda Central office) I j NRC Operations Center 301-427-4056 i (Silver Spring Central Office) ei I i 2 g NRC Operator  ; 1 (Bethesda Central office) 301-492-7000 j l

  • Yankee Atomic Electric Company (activates pagers) h Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 802-257-0341 i (ask for Emergency Room) l l'

Vermont State Police 802-828-2115 (2117 alt.) Vermont Dept. of Health 302-82S-2886, 7 or 8 Massachusetts State Police 617-566-4500 l 1 New Hampshire State Police 603-271-3636 > I VELCO Dispatcher (Rutland Office notification) M l REMVEC M j Rescue, Inc. M l INPO M l

  • American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) 6  !

l Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (PBBH)  ! i

a. Referral of patients (call both in given order)
  • Emergency Room Head Nurse l

PBBH Switchboard l l Page 1 of 2

                                                                                    . -         . . _                                        \

y _ v. . _ . _ _ _._ _ __. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . ., 4 i O.P. 3504 i I Rev. 14 l I i i APPENDlX A (Continued) l

   !                                                                                                                   l TELEPHONE NUMBER I
   !               b. Consultation:

i Dr. Drum, Radiation Safety Officer 617-732-2184 (of fice)

  • 6 (home) i Staff Physician, Nuclear Medicine 617-732-6215 (via pager)
  }                       Dr. Mettler, University of New Mexico                   505-277-2161 (office)
  !                                                                              6 (home) l'
              !ri-Statc "utual Fire Aid                                           413-774-4321                       x Southwest Mutual Fire Aid                                           603-352-1100 i           U.S. Weather Eureau (Eurlington, VT) Forecasts                      802-862-9883                       _'

i Vernon Hydro Station M i

  • Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Framingham, MA 6 (via microwave)
            * (Main Switchboard)                                                 N ( Bell Tel.)

i i l l t i , I I i i i i l l I l l l 1 l l Page 2 of 2

  , e   -
              .g                         -.     . . .          . . -     . . . . .     . . . . . . . .

.i SHEET NO. EMERGENCY MONITORING LOG i Date Time ! Entry Initials l i 1 I I I i s h I  ! I' I i

                           !                                                                             t l        '

I i i 1 .. I i f I

          ,   l i

I h l 1 l I s e VYOPF 3504.01 Rev. 14 l ._

_ _ _ - - . __..._.s,_... ...,.s._..__.:..._. - c. ERDA Manager of Operations Pla t Radiological Yankee Atomic Electric T Emergency Qll Assistance Teams Cgp.3 n y . microwave . Yankee !!ntual

  ,                                                                                                                                          Assistance Team VELCO                                                                                                                                        -

8 tele-Telephon" ! phone d Tele phone l NE!.-PIA Plant f Emergency Director 7"I*hho n' aRadio n d Medical Assistance and 6

                                                                                                                               /              Pet er lient Brigham llospital           !
                     .               \
                                       \                   ope              Emergency                                      c Teldphone                             e                              rdinator                                               _I Nuclear Ret;ulatory Commission N                                                                                  c                                                          fc l Renulatory Operations Special NRC

[x \

                                              \  kL C 2

Vereont Yankee Nuclear Corp. i

                                                \     q t-                                                                     M (red) phone                               \       (*

7elep Rutland Offa.ce E ko \ Telephone o


es S f

                                                /\           \

one O t he r VT - Ull - MA Departments and h i l b geI \

                                                                   \ ,

VT - Nil - !!A ' "" "" T State s Police T'e {- VT - W - M Technical ~ LC I Support Tele 'r Telet Authoritles I

                                                              ~ honee     NAWAS(Nil) phone \     AWAS(MA)                                                                            !

Center s'  % (as required)  ; Southwest 8 Tri-State Mutual g Mutual i. Fire Aid Teleyhone Fire Aid . I i Rad to __ j 1 O.P. 3504, Figure 1 Primary Rev. 14 EMERCENCY COMMUNICATION CllANNELS

                                                                                                                                    ------ Alternate i

e S.


               $Ye.nage I


                                    .                                                                                                                  i   !
            . 0.P. 3504, Figure 2
              ,Rev. 14 o .               <-                                                                                           .

i.') . -

             -) s  ,
                                                                . . _ .      L ..      .          )

O.P. 3504 Rev. 14 i Table 1 PAGER ASSIGNMENTS Title Name Home Phone

  • President William F. Conway M* l Manager of Operations Earl W. Jackson M l

Plant Manager Warren P. Murphy 6 I i: ' l i-Asst. Plant Manager James P. Pelletier 6 Eng. Support Supervisor Donald A. Reid 6 i f Operations Supt. Michael D. Lyster 6 'I Tech. Service Supt. Stanley J. Jefferson - Chemistry & HP Supv. G. Dean Weyman 6

                                                                                                'I i

l Instr. & Control Supv. l 4 Patrick J. cnelly M i

                                                                                                .i Maintenance Supervisor       William L. Wittmer            6                       f Communications Director     Steven F. Stoll t

i Operations Supervisor Richard L. Branch M r l Asst. Operations Supv. Barry W. Metcalf M l Training Supervisor [ Edwin W. Bowles M React. & Computer Supv. Bernard R. Buteau - i Nuclear Safety Engineer  ! Operations Support Manager Richard W. Burke 6 3

  • Unlisted I


        . %-. 4 --                                   -.                             . . -      . . _


   .                      Bratt?.eboro, VT

!l Concord, NH Framingham, MA l' Keene, NH Montpelier, VT EMERGENCY OPERATION FACILITIES Furlon House (Yankee Rowe) I Governor Hunt House (Vermont Yankee) Shelburne Falls (Yankee Rowe - Alternate) W. Brattleboro Office (Vermont Yankee - Alternate) STATE POLICE Massachusetts State Police New Hampshire State Police Vermont State Police New Hampshire State Police (Radio Room) )' I MISCELLANEOUS  ! Engineering Support Center (Framingham) Gate House (Yankee Rowe) NEPSCO Mux Room

                                                                                                                            'l STATION                                                       GROUP NUMBER                j Control Room (VY)

State Police (MA) State Police (NH) State Police (VT) j Control Room (YR) i State Police (MA) i State Police (NH)  ! State Police (VT)

 !                      Emergency Operations Facility (VY) 4 Emergency Operations Facility (Alt. - VY)                                                              ;

Emergency Operating Center (MA) Emergency Operating Center (NH)  ; Emergency Operating Center (VT) ' l Emergency Operations Facility (YR) Emergency Operations Facility (Alt. - YR) l Emergency Operating Center (MA)

              .         Emergency Operating Center Page 1 of 1
     ..         .- .               -          .         .                                  .                        - --}}