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Forwards Info Re Preparedness for Full Power License, Including Open Items Including Allegations & License Conditions,Preoperational & Acceptance Testing Status,Const Status & Status of Insps Required by MC-2512,2513 & 2514
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde, 05000000
Issue date: 09/16/1987
From: Kirsch D
To: Crutchfield D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20244B854 List:
FOIA-89-226, TASK-1.G.1, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-3.D.1.1, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8909190049
Download: ML20247G359 (8)


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SE ii61987 h~ g~f. MEMORANDUM FOR: Dennis M. Cr N I N h Nctor

?:, w Division ~of Ren

'; - i actslIII/IV/V g:;'m c h M i, m

FROM:- Dennis Ff Ki '

Division ofm i

'6i l ects

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  1. DOCKET N0..!50- ILITY COMPLETION (IP-94300)

~<g,  ;,> y ykf V ly S p .6 , This memorandum is forwarded to'prov Syosjinformationonthepreparedness for full power licensing of Palo VerdefUnitP3. A Enclosures 1 through 4 include items requiring inspection'andf, resolution before Region V can provide arecommendationconcerningissuanhWoffalf011 power'operatinglicense. The licensee estimates an initial' criticality ldate of October 20, 1987, with If you have any questions, please cont $kee"or Stu Richards of my staff. w w'

                                                                               ' #: T, p 9t a          y Dennis F.

f irsch, irector

                                                                                  ' Division of Reactor Safety and
                                                                   .                 . Projects


1. Open Items Including Allegations l and License Conditions j i
2. Preoperational and Acceptance -

Testing Status

3. Construction Status
4. Status of Inspections Required by MC-2512, MC-2513, MC-2514 l

l cc w/ enclosures: T. Murley, NRR l F. Miraglia, NRR j E. Licitra, NRR G. Knighton, NRR M. Davis, NRR l 8909)90049 890913 kLIA -226 PDR HM ,

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                                                                                 ,e w yg .f. f dg^      N;!                         ' '; j:f LICENSE CONDITIONS                                            jdgy            4                          ^;                                -

E $$h'm'platedthefollowingitems As of September 10,1987.;thefji ~ co described in Attachment lito"the agilicense:

1. Prior to initial critica hoperable all portions of -

the raBiation monitorin &nce with APS letter 161-00062 dated March 11, 1987. "giT r$. ~ p ;Q 37 ~ > gr .

2. The post accident. sampling Nbdhbhoperablepriortoexceeding 5% power. ';ng4 M ,

The licensee expects to VD complete a.( ~ b6th"$J%gRl4 i items 4riortoinitialcriticality e currently expected about October 20 :1987.J aegion Y plans to complete inspection of these items in mid November 198

                                                                                              >.mm ln ,7.

ALLEGATI0,N_S S The following allegations are currentlyIkfn$ gainst Unit 3. RV-86-A-019 Fire protection concern.- I r, 1 RV-86-A-009 Fire protection concern. l RV-87-A-041 Work control problem.- RY-87-A-043 Alleged alcohol abuse. RV-87-A-047 Improper electrical modifications. RY-87-A-052 Reorganization concerns. .. . RY-87-A-054 Fire protection __toncerns. ..

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                                                                                                                                                           ..             >      l OPEN ITEMS                                                                            c Deviation 87-19-01 Failure to assure the'. operability of the auxiliary steam line isolation _ actuation system.
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                                   ' CONS'TR'UCTI'0'N 'DEFIdlENC ' REP 0'RT'S " ~

DER'87-11 Loose fuel . oil fittings on Emergency Diesel Generators. Region V has scheduled final inspection and closure of this DER prior to issuance of the full power license.


TMI ACTION PLAN ITEMS The following full power TMI Action Plan Items are open for Unit 3 and w.ill be inspected prior to full power operation. I.G.1 Training during Low Power Testing , II.B.3 Post Accident Sampling System e II.F.1 Accident Monitoring III.D.I.1 Primary Coolant Outside Containment

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                                                 ,                                               Enclosure 2
                    ' TESTING PROGRAMS
1. All preoperational testing has been completed.
2. Approximately 85% of startup test procedures have been approved for use by the licensee. .The Initial Criticality and Low Power Physics Testing -
                          - proced6res have been approved for use. The startup test procedures for Unit 3 are essentially the same as those.used in Units 1 and 2.

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                ,I, Enclosure 3-
                                                            ' CONSTRUCTION STATU,S                                                                                                                               4 The licensee's punchlist contains approximately'293 items as of.
                                                           . 1..                                                                                                                  .
                                                                                                       . September 10,.1987.                          117 items are to be resolved prior to entering Mode:4. ,22. items are for resolution prior to entering Mode 3, with the remainder to be resolved prior to initial criticality.                    Region V.has, reviewgd:the punchlist with the licensee and, so far, is satisfied that
                                                                                                         .'the' licensee is dispositioning items properly. RRegion V will continue to review the punchlist to ensure that items are being properly dispositioned..
                                                         < 2.                                           .Of 516 total subsystems in the unit, all have been turned over'to-operations.                                                                                           .

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1. MC-2512 Program -

_j , All Priority 1 modules are complete.

2. MC-2513 Program

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                                                                                                                                 .                                                             1 Complete with the exception of two modules which involve preoperational test results review for diesel generator 38.                                                .                                l)
3. MC-2514 Program 'k This program is current. Initial fuel loading was witnessed with no violations or deviations identified. .Further inspection under this 1 6 program awaits licensee action. Again, the startup test procedures for j Unit 3 are essentially the same as those used in Units 1 and 2. l l

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                                                                                    $.e <       'pp As of October 20,1987.,thM1$q".                                  ,

j 2 4 y ~ i , M . K (license: described in Attachment ~ 11 toy " t;- ,

                                                                                                     ,..i ded the following item
1. Prior to initia'l critifs ,T 7* , +Marable all' portions of k . .$

the radiation monitori 'H-

                                                                                         ""'        SwithAPSletterg1p2               -d dated March 11.11967& n                                                 *Wy T9Q N'Ng&4  . . ?;. p l<r.Q ~"

2 .' ~The'po accident d Esamp

                                                  @ @ liv .                        -g 7          A rable' prior to exceeding
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5% power. M d .'f: c.. pVW , The licensee expects to comple ' to initial criticality, currently expected about October,22fg ion V plans to complete inspection of these items in mid;Ncv f1S8.

p &' i ALLEGATIONS fg f i"% l y,n . .: y The following allegations are current ^a RV-86-A-019 Fire protection ..iM co$ b ll gainst Unit 3.

ncerar i gg@O 1 RV-86-A-009 Fire protection concern-RV-87-A-041 Work control problem % ? g i I I q RY-87-A-043 Alleged alcohol abuse 1 1

n. s RV-87-A-047 - Improperelectricalm8~ deifications e s
                                                                               ,n RV-87-A-052            Reorganization concerns-RV-87-A-054            Fire protection concerns                             -

4 RV-87-A-064 Workcontrolproblem s RV-87-A-065 IST concern RY-87-A-070 Design change concern RV-87-A-072 LPSI pump problem OPEN ITEMS. Deviation 87-19-01 Failure to assure the operability of the auxiliary i steam line isolation actuation system.

               -                                                                                                                           l l

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a+ [ 2' x - TMI' ACTION PLAN ITEMS . . - 1 j The following full power TMI Action Plan Items are openj f or driit 3 and will- l be inspected by January,1988. H I.G.1- Training during Low Power Testing  !

11. 8. 3.- ~ Post Accident Sampling System. I II.F.1 Accident Monitoring *',

111.D.1.1 ( Primary Coolant Outside Containment 1 J TESTING PROGRAMS 1'

1. .All preoperational testing has been completed.
2. The majority of startup test procedures have been approved 'for use '.

by the licensee. The Initial Criticality and Low Power Physics Testing procedures have been approved for use. The startup test procedures ~for l, Unit 3 are essentially the same as those used in Units 1 and 2. { CONSTRUCTION STATUS 1.. The licensee's punchlist contains approximately 64 items as of J October 20, 1987, resolved prior to initial criticality, and j 25; items to be completed prior to entering Mode 1. Region V has reviewed j the punchlist with the licensee and is satisfied that items are being properly dispositioned.

2. Of 516 total subsystems in the ' unit, all have been turned over to .i operations. "



1.- 'MC-2512 Program j All priority 1 modules are complete. i

2. MC-2513 Program i J
                                                                                . Complete.
3. MC-2514 Program This program is current. Initial fuel loading was witnessed with no violations or deviations identified. Further inspection under this program awaits licensee action. Again, the startup test procedures for Unit 3 are essentially the same as those used in Units 1 and 2.



J/RIA/ ASSOCIATES T. R:gulatory Information & Support Systems 1

                                                                        - 1407 Marco Drivs                                     !

4 Mitchellville, MD 20716  : 301/249 9672 301/249 7846 f I 1 May 17, 1989 OGW-89-170 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Mr. Donnie H. Grimsley, Director ACT REQUEST ( Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration 6/A-(T-AAI l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g,g,,79-Washington, DC 20555



Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, please make available in the Public Document Room all documents described in the Appendix to this letter. That infor-mation should include all attachments and enclosures to the original document (s). Thank you for a prompt response to this request. I can be reached at 301/249 9672 if there is a need to speak with me about this request. Si rely your , ,

                                                                                                                /        .

C4 '/. 0 .ia G. Iliams Enclosure (s) j i l l a


 ,        ; APPENDIX 10 OGW-89-170:

Please.make~available in the Public Document Room: o Copies of drafts 1of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station'" Final Open Item Transmittal" letters in accordance with'the NRC Inspection Procedure 943008. Le. Copies of the " Final Open Item Transmittal" letters in: accordance with the NRC: Inspection. Procedure 94300B for all plants licensed since 1984;. these plants are to include: Catawba 1 Susquehanna 2

                                          .Callaway 1 c,                                                LaSalle 2 WNP 2
                                           . Grand Gulf 1.

Diablo Canyon 1

                                           . Limerick 1 L                                                 Byron.1 Shoreham
                                          ~Waterford'3 Palo Verde 1 Wolf Creek fermi 2
                                            ,Diablo Canyon 2
                                              ' River Bend Millstone 3 Palo Verde 2
                                             ' Catawba 2 Perry 1 Hope Creek Clinton Seabrook 1
     ,                                             Braidwood 1 Harris 1 Nine Mile Point 1 Byron 2 Vogtle 1 Beaver Valley 2 South Texas 1 Palo Verde 3


     ^?L        ^  ; . . s                                            REG lON V
.                          ,          [                          1450 MARIA LANE,sulTE 210
                                ,e,                           WALNUT cRE E K, CALIFORNI A 94596
           %, s' .%+d      ..+
                                                                               'DEC 051984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director                                              .

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: John B. Martin, Regional Administrator


DIABLO CANYON UNIT 2 OPERATIONAL READINESS REPORT (MC 94300) This letter transmits the first Region V report summarizing the readiness of Diablo Canyon Unit 2 for issuance of an Operating License. The licensee has informed the Region that the schedule for operations as previously stated is not achievable. The fuel load date is now set for mid February. The attached report reflects the expected schedule changes. It is anticipated that by mid January 1985, sufficient work will have been accomplished by the licensee and reviewed by the staff to significantly reduce the number of outstanding itenis. At that time, if warranted, a recommendation and updated evaluation will be provided. 3 A b guJoh'n . Martin @ Regional Administrator


As Stated cc (w/ attachment) W. J. Dircks, EDO R. C. DeYoung, IE J. Davis, NMSS D. Eisenhut, NRR T. Novak. NRR G. Knighton, NRR


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       ',[            Schedule as of November 30, 1984:

v: Complete Mot Functional Tests -_ December 20, 1984

                                                                                                  -1 Implement Security System in' Unit 2 - January 15, 1985 Load Fuel - February- 15, 1985 Initial Criticality - April 1985 Power Ascension - May 1985 Commercial Operation - August 1985 2

U.: 2: - - _ _ - - - - - - _ . -

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                                              . TABLE OF CONTENTS l                                                                                          PAGE(S)

ITEM 1- Introduction and Summary 1- 2


2 -History of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Unit 2 3- 4 3 -Quality Assurance Organization 5 - 16 4- Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Activities 17 - 19 5 Generic Correspondence 20 - 32 6- Enforcement History 33 7 Quality Assurance Audit Statistics - Stop Work 34 - 38 Orders - and Outside Agency Audits

                    '8             Construction Deficiency Reports (50.55(e) - Part      39 - 43 21 Notifications 9'           Construction Status                                    44 - 45 10            Preoperational Test Status                             46 - 48
        .                                                                            Item 1
                                     ;.                                 INTRODUCTION AND 


Introduction and Purpos_e This construction status and operational readiness summary report has been prepared to provide information to the Directors of the Office of Inspection and Enforcement (OIE) and Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) of the findings and results of the Regional office's evaluation of Diablo Canyon Unit 2 readiness for operation. This report is being prepared concomitant with a SA',P evaluation which covered the period January 1, 1983 through June 30, 1984 and was conducted October 17, 1984. Plant Summary Data Docket Number: 50-323 Construction Permit: DPR-76; December 9, 1970 Applicant: Pacific Gas an?. Electric Company 77 Beale Street San Francisco, California 94106 Plant Location: San Luis Obispo, California 7 miles South of Los Osos/ Bay Wood Park IE Region: V Architect Engineer: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Nuclear Steam Supply System Vendor: Westinghouse Constructor: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Reactor type: PWR Design Electrical Rating: 1106 MWE , Corporate


J. Shiffer, Vice President l Nuclear Power Operations (415-781-4211) Site


R. Thornberry, Plant Superintendent (805-595-7351) NRC Project Manager: H. Schierling (FTS 492-700) IE Resident Inspector: M. Mendonca (805-595-2354) Local Public Document Room: Cal Poly State University Documents and Maps Department San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant) 1

 .;                                                       Item 2 7                             HISTORY OF DIABhD CANYON POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 i

Planning for Unit 2 of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Diablo Canyon, or DCPP) began in the mid-1960s. On February 16, 1968, PGandE applied to the CPUC for; certificate of Public Convenience and necessity for Uniit 2 (Application No. 50028), and following hearings, the CPUC granted the requested certification for Unit 2 on March 25, 1969 (Decision No. 75471). I PGandE filed an application for a construction permit with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (now the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)) for Unit 2 on June 28, 1968. After meetings with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and hearings before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB), the AEC issued a construction permit for Unit 2 on December 9, 1970. Construction began shortly after issuance of the construction permit and continued through September 28, 1973, when PGandE submitted the operating license application for both Units 1 and 2. Included in the FSAR was a description of an offshore fault mapped by two Shell Oil Company geologists, Hoskins and Griffiths (Hosgri). The USGS, acting as a consultant for the NRC, determined that the potential ground motion from the Hosgri fault should be applied to the design of the Diablo Canyon Plant. Early in June 1977, PGandE filed a report with the NRC containing PGandE seismic evaluation of the NRC postulated Hosgri earthquake for the Diablo Canyon units. Seismic safety hearings before the ASLB resulted in a Partial Initial Decision on September 27, 1979. This decision found that seismic modifications to the plant would enable Diablo Canyon to withstand an earthquake of 7.5 magnitude along the Hosgri Fault. A Partial Initial Decision by the ASLB would normally have resulted in the issuing of an operating license, however, the NRC was

             . delaying the licensing of all new plants at the time of the ASLB decision pending resolution of issues which resulted from the Three Mile Island accident of March 28, 1978.

During this period of delay additional hearings on Diablo Canyon were held before the Atomic Safety Licensing Appeals Board (ASLAB) in October and November of 1980. Those hearings reviewed the adequacy of the Diablo Canyon Security Plan and heard new seismic evidence based on data from the October 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake. The ASLAB found in their decision of September 9, 1981, that the securfty plan conformed with all applicable provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the NRC's security regulations. In a further decision dated June 16, 1981, ASLAB affirmed the seismic adequacy of Diablo Canyon. On July 14, 1980, PGandE filed an application for a fuel load and low power test license for Unit I and Unit 2. Following the NRC Staff issuance of their Safety Evaluation Reports on TMI Safety requirements, ASLAB hearings on fuel load and low power testing were held during May 1981. The ASLB found in a Partial Initial Decision dated July 17, 1981 that Diablo Canyon was ready for fuel load and low power testing. In August 1981 the NRC Staff briefed the NRC 3

                                                                                                       . l p . ,'          .

p 1 j j Cosimissioners on unconnected issues such as shift staffing. Also in August a satisfactory Emergency Planning Exercise was conducted. o j 4 At~ this point lin time all issues necessary to permit issuance of a low power license for both Units 1 and 2 were resolved except for completion of license. . On ar.d construction a final IE inspection and recommendation of issuance of the , September 22, 1981, the Low Power License for Unit I was issued iby the NRC. after Unit-1. - Construction completion for Unit 2 was scheduled eight months , On November 19, 1981, the NRC issued an Order (CLI-81-30) suspending PGandE's authority to load fuel and to operate and test the Diablo Canyon facility at power. levels of up to 5% of rated power (low power testing). The order i required the establishment of an Independent Design Verification Program (IDVP) to verify the adequacy of the design process. During the design verification review, Unit 2 review was separated from Unit 1 for the first time since the filing of the operating license application. In addition to normal design activities, Unit 2 personnel established a program known as the-Internal Review Program (IRP) to address the Unit I findings (such as those identified by the IDVP). An additional program to address Unit 1 allegations to determine their applicability to Unit 2 was also established. The Unit 2 normal' design process,.the IRP, and the Allegation Review Program are being reviewed by Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) for adequacy. NRC audit activities are ongoing in the areas of piping,' civil / structural, allegations and the.IRP, which further verifies design adequacy of Unit 2. Following completion of the NRR review, completion of construction, and demonstration of operational readiness', Unit 2 will be ready for receipt of its operating license. The following schedule for Unit 2 major milestones has been established by the licensee: Milestone Scheduled Date Hot Functional Testing. December 20, 1984 Security System Implementation January 15, 1985 Plant Operator Licensing January 21, 1985 Fuel Load February 15, 1985 Initial' Criticality April 1985 I 4

4 I Item 3 e

     ,                                                                                ~

QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION On April 17, 1969, the proposed " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" was published for comment in the Federal Register. These criteria  ! vere formally adopted and issued as Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, effective - June 27, 1970, over 2 years after the CP for Diablo Canyon Unit I had been issued. i 1 The PGandE quality program during the time period before Appendix B consisted of engineering and construction practices which included analyses, reviews, inspections, and tests common to the utility and construction industries. QA requirements for Diablo Canyon were first addressed in Appendix G to the Unit 2 Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) which was submitted to the NRC in June 1968. PGandE revised the Unit 2 PSAR in July 1969, to include the 18 Criteria of Appendix B as part of the quality program. In anticipation of the requirements of Appendix B, PGandE organized the Quality Engineering (QE) Section within the Engineering Department in November 1969, and assigned it responsibilities in connection with the construction of nuclear power plants. The Company issued a QA manual for Design and Construction (often called the " Red Book") in January 1970, utilizing the proposed 18 criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B. By the time the manual was issued, the proposed Appendix B criteria had been issued unchanged as a regulation. With the issuance of ANSI N45.2 in 1971, the concept of independence of the QA organization was further clarified. In response, PGandE management established a separate Quality Assurance Department, formerly the QE section. Instead of reporting to the Vice President of Engineering, the QA Department began reporting to the Senior Vice President (Engineering, Construction, Planning and Research) (see Attachment 1). In August 1972, the QA Program policy was revised to reflect the new independent reporting relationship. l The new department was responsible for the development and issuance of corporate policies, procedures and revisions thereto, just as QE had been. The scope of the audit program for the QA Department was broadened over that of QE to provide a means for evaluating the quality program's effectiveness in all departments and for reporting findings to executive management. PGandE submitted to the NRC on January 30, 1975, Amendment 25 to its OL Application which revised FSAR Chapter 17.2, " Quality Assurance Program For Plant Operation " Amendment 25 stated PGandE's commitment to follow the guidance contained in the " Rainbow Books" where appropriate. On September 26, 1975, PGandE issued the " Quality Assurance Manual for Operating Nuclear Power Plants" (commonly referred to as the " White Book") which was issued in anticipation of fuel loading for Unit 1. The White Book described the quality program being implemented at the Humboldt Bay Power Plant 5

1 l i Unit 3, and the quality program which was to be implemented at Di-blo Canyon Units 1 and 2 when the respont ~Nility for the systems in place was transferred y to the PGandE Operations Deparcment. However, the " Red Book" remained in effect as the QA manual for design and construction activities. Beginning in 1977, each department responsible for nuclear activities established a QC quality-related group to perform monitoring activities of the department's functions. QC groups were formed within the Engineering, - Planning and Research, Materials, and Operations Departments. General Construction's 1969. QC group had been functioning onsite at Diablo Canyon since ( The quality program became a combined effort of the QA Department and the QC groups working collectively to monitor the implementation of the quality program. The QA Department was responsible for performing an overview function of the combined effort and for reporting to executive levels of management on program effectiveness. The QC groups were responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the quality program within their respective departments and the reporting on the status of the quality program to their management. The QC groups issued procedures which described the requirements that each department had to comply with. These procedures were contained in the following manualt: Materials Department Manual, issued April 20, 1976 Engineering Department Manual, issued May 5, 1977 Operations Plant Manual, QC Procedures, issued June 10, 1977 Planning and Research Manual, issued April 23, 1980 General Construction Manual, issued May 8, 1980 The establishment of the QC groups and the issuance of QC procedures was followed by major revisions to the corporate QA manuals to describe the responsibilities of the QC groups and to delete procedures and/or requirements which had been superseded by QC procedures. The revisions to the corporate QA manuals encompassing these aspects of the program spanned the time period from March 1977 through September 1978. In January 1976, senior management anticipated that with the nuclear units becoming part of the generating system, a concerted effort would be needed to identify and manage the large volume of nuclear records that were being developed and the retention of which is required by law. A records management (RM) section was established in 1977 in the QA Department because QA already had access to all of PGandE's NRC-required records and had established I interfaces with all involved departments. In April 1980, the QA Department began reporting to the Vice President of the newly established Nuclear Power Generation Department. This change in reporting occurred in anticipation of management's expectation that Unit I would begin operating. 6

On ' January 22, 1981, PGandE committed to several Reg. Guides and ANSI L Standards. These Reg. Guides and Standari are in a table contained in the l" p 1983 revision of_ Chapter 17 to the Diablo Canyon FSAR (See Attachment 2). The

                             ~  revision was submitted to NRC December 2,1983, and was approved December 20, 1983.

On February.9,1981, the Quality Assurance Manual for Nuclear Power Plants was issued, superseding both the " Red Book" and the " White Book". . In. September 1983, the QA Department was reorganized into five basic sections (See Attachment 3). Due to the reorganization and the extent of the FSAR commitments, on June 30, 1984 there were 100 people working directly for the QA Department. {For the number of QA personnel in prior years, See Attachment 4.) The reorganization made it possible to give proper attention to the various tasks the department now had with more employees in supervisory positions. Prior to this reorganization, the Q/ department consisted of two basic sections, auditing and program development. During the preparation of the December 1983 revision to FSAR Chapter 17, PGandE management decided to move the QA Department back to its independent position of. reporting to an executive level of management. In December 1983, the QA Department began reporting to the Executive Vice President, Facilities and Electric Resources Development (See Attachment 5). Another major development in the post-1981, time period was the retention of the Bechtel Power Corporation as the Project Completion Manager. The basic QA Program for this effort was accepted by PGandE based on the NRC's endorsement on June 12, 1981, of Bechtel's Topical Report BQ-TOP-1. The formation of the integrated PGandE/Bechtel project team in April 1982, required modifications to the QA program to take into account the new project organization and differences in implementation of the work. It was the conclusion of both PGandE and Bechtel management that it would be best to adopt the previously approved Bechtel Topical QA program for future design work to be performed by the integrated Project Team. This conclusion was based on the following: The integrated Project Team was under the direction of a Project Completion Manager who was a Bechtel employee reporting to a PGandE Executive Vice President. The Project Team consisted of PGandE and Bechtel management employees interspersed throughout the integrated organization at various levels of supervision. The Bechtel Topical QA Program had been accepted generically by the NRC. The program was primarily designed for use in project team matrix organizations typical of other Bechtel projects and similar to that being developed for the integrated PGandE/Bechtel Project Team. Based on the circumstances under which the integrated Project was formed, it was believed the Bechtel program would be more readily accepted by the NRC, the IDVP, and all other parties involved. With past implementation of the PGandE QA program under question, it would provide additional credibility to use a different, more proven, program. 7

Throughout this decision making process, the in place PGandE QA Program was 4 adequate and remained in effect, governing procurement and construction activities as well as PGandE QA auditing and overvie"-of the integrated

4. project's design activities.

The process of conforming the PGandE Engineering Manual (EM) to the Bechtel QA Program and implementing the revised manual had a positive benefit in that certain additional features and controls of the Bechtel QA Program could be - evaluated and, if appropriate, retained by PGandE for any future . engineering evaluation or modification work on the plant during commercial operation. PGandE's QA Department reviewed and approved the Bechtel QA Program including the revised EM. PGandE's QA Department has reviewed and audited the implementation of the project QA Program since its effective date on August 20, 1982. Attachment 6 shows the Diablo Canyon Project Unit 2 organization and the relationship of Quality Assurance. I 8

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4 Item 4 - V Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Activities

                                           -(a) Construction Inspections (MC-2512)

Construction is essentially complete and the construction inspection program is complete with the exception of several modules (listed below) which were left open to allow examination of the Lawrence

                                                 'Livermore National Laboratory contractor inspections.

50090 Safety Related Pipe Support.and Restraint Systems 51054 Electrical-Observation of Work 55063 Safety Related Structures - Observation of Work-es064 Safety Related Structures - Observation of Work These inspections will continue at a decreasing pace through January 1985. Final contractor reports are expected in March 1985, although this might slip a month if the licensee still is completing substantial safety related work. Construction items which currently' require follow-up include; plant rupture restraints, structural and miscellaneous steel work in the containment, examination of PG&E report of cracking in PPP rupture restraints, examination of pipe hangers and vacuum breakers in Unit 2 ASW system, fire door upgrading, penetration seals and foaming, repair of polar crane main hoist gearing, installation of tube lane blocking devices in steam generators, and completion of the RVLIS. Closeout of these items will require about 2 manweeks of effort. (b) Operations Inspections, Preoperational Testing (MC-2513) The inspection program fo. preoperational testing has been completed with the exception of hot functional test (HFT) observations and results review which are currently being completed. Licensee personnel have scheduled completion of the HTT by December 1, 1984 although they are currently two to three weeks behind schedule. The modules remain open to evaluate the EFT and its results are listed below. 70312 Preoperational Test Witnessing 70314 Witness Hot Functional Tests 70320 Evaluation of Test Results 70322 Evaluation of ESF Test Results The licensee's radiation protection prc4 ram is identical for Unit I and 2 and therefore, should only require implementation in the Unit 2 areas of i the plant coincident with establishing operability of hardware and procedure implementation to allow Unit 2 fuel load. At this time sixteen preoperational tests, NUREG 0737/THI items, and calibration / acceptance of Twenty-two radiation monitors require completion. The following modules have been left open to allow tracking these items. { I 17  ; i - - _ - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - i

Nb - z... p. 83320.. Radiation Protection - Preoperational Inspection E:0 84330-84331 Radioactive Waste System - Preoperational Liquid and Solid Waste L 16 Radioactive Waste Uystem - Preoperational Gas Waste System , 4 4 Y The licensee's operationsistaff appear adequate to operate and manage Unit 2, however, approximately twenty operators must be qualified.for a

                                                                " hot" license for Unit'2 prior to fuel load. The Operator Licensing-
g. . _.

Branch to-staffing has of theUnit lead2.for this effort and no modules remain open related . Regarding TMI action plan item (NUREG 0737), There are twenty-four fuel load.and twelve inspection by the fullstaff. power items requiring completion by the licensee and These items appear to be minor ~in nature (such impediment to licensing. procedures, etc.) and do not appear to be an as- calibration, approval of January 1985 and for full power items -for April .1985.'Close out for fuel. lo


The last security inspection of Unit I was completed June 29, 1984. The licensee intends to implement-the security program for Unit I by December 22', 1984 to support a fuel loading date of January 28, 1985. The Region V office has scheduled a security inspection for Unit 2 during January 7-11, 1985. Since emergency preparedness is done on a site wide basis, the emergency preparedness program for Unit 2 was addressed during the preoperational inspection for Unit 1. The routine inspections and observations of emergency preparedness exercises conducted since the Unit

                                                . acceptable.-           1 operational license was issued have shown the program to be (c)                           Operations Inspections, power Ascension Tests (MC 2514)

The programmatic aspects of the power ascension test program for Unit 2 are essentially approved by thethe same as those for Unit I and have been reviewed and-staff. The modules remaining open involve the observations of tests, the review of results and evaluation by the staff. (d).~ Allegations and Investigations Allegations have been managed by the responsible Operations Branch and Section Chiefs which the Technical Support Branch doing most of the evaluation, investigation, and documentation. As of.0ctober 26, 1984 four hundred and seventy-eight allegations were open. Forty-six were assigned to Region V, one-hundred-thirty-nine to 01, one-hundred and forty-three to PG&E, and one hundred and fifty to to NRR. The allegations being handled by Region V are divided between'the in-office staff and the Diablo Canyon Residents. Since these allegations were examined originally for applicability to Unit 1, a review to determine applicability to Unit 2 must be completed. It is anticipated that this review will be documented in an SSER prepared by NRC and Region V personnel. 18 1

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p... . - h. 01 currently has fifteen investigation cases in' progress dealing with Diablo Canyon Unit 2. Most of these cases relate to employee y discrimination or. intimidation and therefore do not appear to relate to the readiness for operation of Unit 2. On the other~ hand four cases D ' '(5-84-022,027,028, and 029) relate'to QA/QC of'PG&E or its' contractors ~and might have some future impact.- However at this time

                                          .there is no apparent impact on Unit 2 as a consequence o,f these.

allegations. ' l 4 19 I i i

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l cb E ia S d d ri NS e e

D OU s s n PT A o A o A A A A
o SA N l N l N N N N Gt ET C C RS e

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n s

is sua il r i st s sia d r no sun so sm dU :r .hl t au t il l i re el aw i s o ei i c id a n eos e evo en ei en ert et e - on po st rtt ncoca sE c n n sa sw n s ngn es 1 d e s a s n sC

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e s ma el ad cu ene os oy ol m yR T urt qen ti etU C i l p i a cs t iN E pC p f eci gu rl J B oR mw i e i n co rn oe en ro n oio cN id fbt U i ei l cb oi t n a i S f o rv pt a u ct aa s p1 d ot oe sc nnt a l t a _ f r e oo et en nct l s l t ii r t n ro e n mee at ed ao st o ae - i t n cr cr sat um st esm t e na i p n ema rrr qu er gc nu rne i i m ad i ol _ mu b c d n h e cr goe d t as id l o upp qs p i a nf n - uo ut ei one nn ir eeu Gs Cig F p R rS M Sd Tf Ii C I R RE '9 0 1 2 6 0 3 6 ET 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 NT - - - - - - - EE 2 L D 2 2 D 2 3 2 D 2 D 2 D 2 D 2 D

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                                              .e 2 -

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                                                                                     .for        t t             e        Ci xi         h5 a                                     d          Rl a0 al             t a              eE               t5 cs               o     1 d           i          Ne l       G a                  ,      r        5                i est            9 e            v              d cGP               sf g             ug                stf rt a                                o        fi S         E       e e

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                                                        .ti               .t at o yf ri
                                                                                                    .li            .         .ei no 8      I   d         cd       d smr            d ay             dit              an        d         s   d         d gt 9      R     esi               e        oi      enf              ed s npe                   egs           e          era 1      C    rars               rl ru            ris              riei                s      rno           r         ret S   i         ei       i af q           i mi             il n             a         ii p          i         i mn a    E    u q    "l  nh        uc           e   uet              uaod               d       ut            u         uE e c    D             et        qi        ,r     qsa              qvh esn                    qad           q         q"       m n         eeG                en3              ess              e            saa           ern           e          e       e i           rn          h      rh8 e            ri               red s                     rea            r         rGl S                nht                c/r             Ds                h nesr                     p                       O p t oti             t e8 a           t"        a       t t areo                  t on           t         tW m 2           osiw               ot1              o                o           d rt           o        o    o .       o       i n              nrw  e n      /s        n     ,d         nt yd ua                   nri           ns        nf et                         t           r8 n            1 e                at ad r                   et             e         or ni             s pd n             si           o   s        t       shi             ee         st a          sr        s        o i r            i         ee       i edi            it p             it rycp                    i nm          i u       i nf dU                   yt m              h et              ne                   gl oo .                er            d          o n              eet e              et t a           eec              egeer                 s    eC o          ee        eie on             ski e .            s        ac      smc              snt t prm                 s        f     sc        st c po             n        mr)       n yd i           nea                                  oa    nyn            no        nan 5 : y en o"

pmna1 s g2 of pi ,fi ol ppn1 0

                                                                   . nina oriuet r pu           qscg o gi pr or pp oua pld mre erC s ra           -   sdMd             spe -            ssd eeao                  s er           s         sai t o eern2 Rt ti8 eo0 o            eue1 RSb8 enndh er                  eno            ef        evu R m1 m                            R eaat rp                 REf            R o       R eg I C o i

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e E uet ua noi uuqoLr ia u ia us ii i o uc c D qra qv af n q s e pC o qe q ut n eic er G U e qa q i rui re P s ro roDtr a es ru en ra em rr ey S qf t er t eprr rd t ei t n c o a 2 orc oi . l o uf t o ,cn2t nee td on t . tf t e e n e n 2d n4 a t e na oh1 nc3 on ni or ct ep e es 8lt eg nl ni scs sc dh m s/lil

                                                                                                                          .         i                          a en                       in                in             nce            .

i0i n l snd sh3 sr s dU al a ast6 ioe iw io i2 n el a el 3 eUEe ir f

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en oe st o od s0Gd ore oy or oU) pvh pv t io pe 3P por pg m r :. src sr idtt st e- e pl m sa e p e erC eue eu nncn eah3 nh sf ens so srl t RST Rs Uaai Rdt8it ent er eou ICo Rii R aI RP RfR l eb E ia S ri NS aD OU n n PT A A e A A A eo $A N N p N A A Gt ET O N N N N RS l e b t 3 c ED 8 i SE / - l ND - - 7 p - - - - - p OI - - 0 - - - - - PV - - / - A SO 1 ER 1 RP l a l 3 e ec a f 7 cl ci c o 0 ne nn i n au ah n , o y 5 lf l c n h 0 i r fd l l e o c tl n5 t o on il ee i t e do f enne i c t a vs vd e Toes aR a n s l res rr ss ime tF e t2 a uit ua an dt ei rC I v n7 c T sd s sd bo rarD aci e M1 n e .i C e n c0 T3 I m0 n is di urg 1 E f rt f a stt nf qon n e5h J oo ot nan f3 C r c B fl s oce aiefi of o R i .e U n e n t cR t o N ucTs S osv on iiv tl e S e pe 6. se s n K. qe n it e cp ns oI - eSd o t nl ae ii t as amS fSo cnd. T ot i nR iI t 5 r ,riat cmy cl d iW T nal l a2 r o t e am 6 g0d a i et i a ecA ocl1 i mx ce 9 n5 nc f ri .ta sei it 0 i ai f v ri iii ord fi - tRtf ii r i r i rm t ne1 r pi n i G ruu re uee eh v . e ue rn rFSi aqp Es oC c l em C ri at l n qnl eea l eeu c r b. ne Cqp Rep aa ll Rm Ua p e0 np d e Ci R gS DTS4G NrA C p ND R1 aS C IR RE 6 7 8 0 3 5 8 3 4 ET 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 NT - - - - - - - - 4 EE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 GL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

             ;l          (             ,

G i ed7 ap o i o ns i c oP l rwoR o r nrf i nhf Rn t b f c p oa i t iFi

          #         nn t              u p

yl E lbS . o g i ld d ocC s m t ce eob e oe n S s yn i c r t t p0 n is . f oc n pi r udi t oS1 o t e e o i no op e rnu i) t - i nr c erii ce t t aq m4 l t t ep i t bt t e n s e b8 sasa t e t n ed p ak i n ,r u/ecec nr o e d mem i) s9iiti S i n m e luypxmt e sn s b s 2l naf N l g ti t s( i s/phli O rl c osee i i e5 a8 pc c I ii n n wac ce me m d2 n w aeee T C h ew i t u o enas ss nu s n i v5i o eeP d Th p tS A th e n so e a a o5t t tC r

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                                                                                                        'E L R 1 hdce d           -

1 C E m r r r eo ro r rne S d o i i i est if i i oe . dCFti s e E nC u u uk y un u uin2 nDCih o c D a q q qal n qi . q qt a( nwp n Gg e e et ao e t e epst C 0U o i P n r r r oaa ns rrn r rmii e Pt1 , r S i oe . n r . sS p t t tt e tf r t n t xtU oh' T 2 .re o o . o sr o r oo oes . ptEE2 . e 2 e . n n3 n1 u ni n en 2 eidR S ct t t s 3 n de 'E t s0 2 c sa t saqy nuo rwn aeiE tT ni dS c s9 shd o d en n e i i0 i snn i1 1 i m i gra en nl eGh nR dU aaj - i a 2 r aacPt U n b e eG ewC s eG0 eo en~ C un e on 1 h u s sE s Pi sE1 sf nn sin nnao 1 na eem

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- cb i a             d ri           S   e                                                                                    d
D U s e n T o s eo A l A A A A A A o Ct T C N N N N N N l S -

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                      - t ef
                      . at o t o f      i n               ny ul mns soe esl .

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Aeo Aroc ANo F oEl S siq C I R RE 5 6 7 9 0 ET 1 1 1 2 - 2 NT - - - - - EE 4 4 4 4 4 GL 8 8 8 8 { 8

mt o e ees ng r a o r na f st l nc . r m f t yi n oea rpos iey .ruy gti o r o wb i xr emt n anl esr oa r o gh . e dF yie t o i t nnsoa ret p f n g id e tF p f cra nooal s ph o n irn ved m i o a ot oc ccs ne . i S t ei eria l eie c d e gI me N O std ef a rivr uog i . r b ne sb y rr p sl t oc t eunse n i t asi sam r o I T t ao t qro repr aow ao 4 anoe n li w t f l ti o dt t1 hi wd w en e C d s or P pt p u- tl ion eU2h e n A n yl p e ea 0db4 scl o s th o aae pnb w cul 3 e 8 serc i uet t y F d u uo e cll rg/ eh eayt mhi o n O n f sili aau di n3 t t n l c et nt t a . o0 tl v vf eui2 a i tb a d U a Cd N i32 eaie oe rqt3 cnb na f t e O t pmwR t o i es i omat r yo ce or I cdt i r f t uret d ol pe l .ec l i n T eei pont so q t r . nscoeh h neji b u e p P pt n f or a r es o2 i eeoct t ovb v aq O I R seU nl d nio nit p goi d o ril p vrcco niiur i e aet rl - a ot t s e D r C i po a ap nh r t enRi eanf o mcc s l l S E f o mt gh emu rS it p we rco n t veosN g-ees oe oninU t i s pf i n t s i D ocr nt o emd pat o enos asf i n t o i f e i e el cir l orse . h net d o S mei penp vet rl nt o id ord i it ep ab r idii ece iucf Et yl ue E d o d s r r p pu P rnl l ef e d ah sr d reen i e o gl l s ap av pn nl t su nevc vr olt riu ecid Cl m nrt s e aoes es at ons o 1 8 P wb h nh n tit a R ao Nb c iuonp FShI o G sh ors Pit pP a Gf ria P apsw ro 9 - PN 1 oe cc nn S d d d d ci U e e e e dS T n n s n s s s n- A e e o e o o o o2 T p p l p l l l p S O O C o C C 5 at C oi mrn erU t o I C n 5 4 3 o E 8 8 8 cy SS 9 9 9 - - in NU 1 1 - 1 - - - re OT - - - - eC PA . . - . - n ST n c c eo ES a e e Gl R J D D b r; i D ED 4 1 1 SE 8 8 R o ND / / / t OI 6 5 1 PV - - 2 - 1 2 e SO - - / - / / l ER - - 9 - 5 7 b RP 0 0 0 a c i l p o p o t A g t s f e f e s n o s u oi d i e d l l e p e v sb . i c l t k h m1 w p n as c pe a vnI o ast e d l i l rsn T p e l eat b gae C i t i s pgn n ob m E J p l a er ve yae t m wo oi i ue d sl B e e rb ee l t a p U l r ub esl f a rgp S z - s su t op t nu z y l n al p rs fiS o t l rs gcu ee op n e a o S tf i , ro n f a W fl f y an n p1 y a ol , wi o ei s ec ee inn t t r li et r gk ti o ac 2 a un reu ns a i we n d a ul s i u rss d p t o eh l ps ll edi es i s h c i me ol tl v en n a ce aor oo l ee Fi U M S m F cp Cm A wR N I T EE 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 IL 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 L - - - - - - - U 9 9 0 2 2 1 2 1 9 D 8 2 D D D

o orn 8t a3 ot eC ur r ./3 9 onbP t2 np oa 9 ao - fiLd er d qb s aP2 1 o 1 rCt t nwGe reoe e e P3 ,ts c emoe1. seiR ,teoeo . nr I

                                                                   - soo s   ehl s          res po eC htb o                         rDt          6i sayo S      nt t           s  2 nmmp                         sl      t        al     e yl         e      r     1 l ah N      oI enm p

eane .tnl c ;ic st c ht o h O l oe ypRiR 1 aa t mD n t ap re I s o pi t r a l 4 ae 4 oB4 e ehdl T et mtI al rt n t pe1 ht o1 pD1 t sR bt nao C r oc uaeno i e- t st - s - at m a A ecerpo rck oi nrS4 y 4 eW4 h rn ed d s bi nct Uo 8 s s y8 r 8 t ao vesea F enrsf eru c f

                                                                         ./      e      l/          s/           pi        oweti O    d oen               FtB ee              . r          3   td p3           oe3         d       t . N eiaD c               N i ptI n                 c     h  pn        od s2           a e p2        Nz2           eecn              i n O

vsf' oea i d eet si f et3 ri csa3 i3 nrei d' va elh nt i o iapt eepeh I rr .te t et nI e di mt dl t t .l i t mps e t rmst T p .sel a i l eurr ncor yt r rsnl a o P t ygl d yy

                                                          .lu  d qeo           i         nop   l uo          e      Il    d sch I      saaau                   xbd              i epp                 s          n       p   t r         u      a R      rhd tB              ro         e2B         vr          e  rise            one          eo       .B   rh g C       et        u        e pd  l                o      nR       eh eR              oR      d              e      n S      t      0 os        t eeld s                reo            t t o           ny               sd s      tEi oe E      td6            i   t        rani           psin           t       d n     onn          s pei        td v 1

6 D ee l td nt gh ed ut ah l rt s nt o en o i ao amrh cnieao t eoci li ni tCi h uit I aenri 9 aei acn1 sput i t a t pu Gcoo 1 Etdl s dSi ee Eh ai f se d nsrc E st c moc E qs EP enpc d oet e d eee rl e d ree d r o n vus nt unt s prsp nvl p ob p ners nt c a . of o aaneio s ns all e f as al o aaiacs n G . rel Gh aenl eoon G aun nin G ysl Gh nh i P3 prc Pt mbU c R ncI P vbI I DI PTic Pt at S . 2 e ct ni S d d d d d d d en U e e e e e e e dU T s s s s s s s n A o o o o o o o on po T l l l l l l l S C C C C C C C 5 c y en mrr erC t o IC o l E cb SS i a NU ri OT - - - - - - -

D PA - - - - - - -

n ST - - - - - - - i o E R S_ Gt e l 3 b ED 23 3 3 3 8 a SE 88 8 8 8 / c ND // / / / - - 6 i OI 26 2 9 6 - - 1 l PV 00 0 0 0 - - / p SO / / / / / 1 p ER 84 2 3 6 1 A RP 00 0 0 0 d r ) e ro /2 i

                       -                                            c           et              n -                       l t t        s                                  i           t a             oK                          p sn        t        t                          t           ar             iA           d               p aa - n fl sa n

e a m wen t cE n a u s d orp oel m n pt o we ag nC u( s e r so n ecp in i u r f pl . li d r ao ra /l s m y0 at arf o ti t se er uT9 i a eoot nt n es ge p 7 rr T rt c oa ro re ak d eo C h cya cr o ui t a er2 t p E t are t t n ld l e d a ar J ear ne ce i or owr mo B U f rd o nr i n e ap eo am f e vb r c yF aC g C S eue sp r s t ep rH ne nh ot e ol es di a/0 i m otb a il f t a vy nr et1 mis i w ca o sg n l s ut l r rT e t ne nc a ca , oi aird ei eri vg er upy f et d ue i r res n ro n n nbi assz ct uk ki ut ea oul rrsi i c l ap cl l c E rp cTi geer f e i ei eo i a Mam n c enru el arr h o ae S po oya D eps De Fbt C c F r AsC Nbf N I T EE 2 4 1 3 4 5 6 IL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L - - - - - - - U 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 B 8 8 8 _ 8 8 8 8 l! _@

l yr it al p dd 4 ut s ccii n

          ~          8d ene              4 eimr             id             .

9 uf on 8jli t n e 1 aaio 9b ps 4 a . e S rstl 1 up e 8 s s N ,f ya cc , satoag 9 ey n O 2 1 sa e I 2 yn 4 4 yd nt c T l ar1 ne l ,ul e i C ht - e- l at eo 8t r l A cnnh4 i arv o y reit8 rel ar ynh F ar r/ pse e a c b O Madpefu3 A ured Mou 2 - rn d s d N d pt 3 dt yeu d e O eaao eoth e2f r I t rNt t net e t o a T aeo r a f h ad p P dh p t r . p o d oatt d ne e I d sa as r R r oP e r h g r u p C ef cPR e2 rt n e1 S t onC t o i t e g E t iDn tdfd s t st n 1 D ee o en eu et a i 8 9 l nnni l asn lil np e oeit ris b 1 E ne c EI emn EU m d b se d kro d e y e nt mp nt aei nP t l c aases aiet t aP n p n Ch at n G nrea CC o e i PthiI PUbDc pdc R S

   - 2 o

ct ni S d d d

n U e e e dU T s s s n n A o o o e on pe T l l l p S C C C O 5 :s ny mrr erC t o 4 I C o 8 l E 9 cb SS 1 i s NU ri OT - - - .
D PA - - - c n ST - - - e ao ES D Ct R o

l 4 4 4 b ED 8 8 8 s SE / / / - c ND 2 4 8 - i OI 2 0 0 - l PV / / / p SO 3 4 5 p ER 0 0 0 A RP s t c s u y d s a l o r l a r . pc ep ey e ki rt s n ar e tI et Af r n e , r F a e b e H s t T l r g a C ue t a eE w E dl it pI J ul ul y y B ai co t s t U rM rv s i S f y i r E a v ya ce Cl a d C c lR l n f t ny au oni g c n eb i ne e i r ad t rar u rem use l e pl po cht l ut u et a i s f A s li e any e E wf Fi s R N I T E E. 7 8 2 3 II 0 0 0 0 L - - - - U 3 3 4 4 B 8 8 8 8 h

Item 6 I Enforcement History During construction and design of the Diablo Canyon Plant Unit 2 the number of minor itemo of noncompliance and/or violations have been fewer than other similar facilities. This is due to Unit 1 being the lead unit which allowed the licensee to correct identified deficiencies in Unit 2 after they were - identified by the staff in Unit 1. During the last two years more items of noncompliance have been identified during the Unit 2 construction. This is largely due to supplemental inspection effort from allegation follow-up, and the use of contract inspection personnel from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. No enforcement conferences, confirmatory action letters, civil penalties or orders have been issued from Unit 2 of Diablo Canyon. It must be realized, however, that the staff and licensee have always concurred (in meetings and correspondence) that information or problems discovered in Unit I would'be applied to Unit 2. At this time there are no uncorrected items of non-compliance or significant open items. l i 1 i 33 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ ._ )

      .,                                                                                                                    t I



(a) PGandE and DCP Audits 1 Audits ( } Findings Observations ( } Stop Work Orders ( ) q i PCandE 1971 22 55' 0 0 1972 43 124 24 0 1973 28 77 10 0 ,

                                       '1974           27              88                9                    0             !

1975 89 114 2 0 1976 32 5 0 0 1977 49 44 0 0 1978 134 179 0 0 1979- 96 88 0 0 1980 81 48~ 0 0 3 1981 83 68 0 0 1982 68 110 0 2 1983('} 204 184 0 0 DCP 1982 3 0 1 0 1983 20 23 14 0 1984(5) 19 15 8 2 Notes: (1) Includes audits which were both Unit I and Unit 2. (2) The customary practice of PGandE was to write findings, not observations, in order to assure that mandatory corrective action took place. (3) The formal Stop Work order mechanism was sometimes not necessary since mutual agreement on issues were reached and work was stopped voluntarily. (4) January 1, 1984 to September 30, 1984. (5) January 1, 1984 to October 26, 1984. l l u__ ______ __ 30  !

1 Item 7 (continued) f (b) PGandE and DCP AUDITS STOP WORK ORDERS 1 Date Issued ~ Reason Date Work Allowed to Resume' PGandE AUDITS June 15, 1982 Energy, Inc. QA Progrcm Partial - 6/21/82 for furnishing Incore Partial - 6/28/82 Thermocouple Computer Complete - 8/16/82 { Class IE Isolation System was found to be seriously deficient during an audit. September 29, 1982 Installation of Class IE Approximately 12/8/82 Cab 3e stopped at DCPP due Based nt. qualification to serious deficiencies testing. identified in the manu-facturer's QA Program during an audit. January 9, 1984 All work stopped due to Work resumed 1-19-84. serious deficiencies 1-9-84 to 1-19-84 work identified during an audit. continued under the ' auspices of a PGandE inspector and inspection plan. June 14, 1984 PI-42 issued May 29, 1984, June 14, 1984. Work was used in the field prior allowed to proceed once to incorporating QA PI-42, Revision 2, was comments on PI-42. issued. DCP AUDITS February 14, 1984 A number of individuals February 17, 1984. All j not received Engineering personnel were trained. Manual Training. Work trained. Work allowed to proceed. August 20, 1984 Hold points bypassed. Stop work still in effect, calibrated equipment, PGandE preparing a letter welder qualification, to close out findings. uncontrolled drawings, Stop work expected to be at Hatch, Inc. in El Paso, lifted by October 31, 1984. Texas. L 35 i

p. Item 7 (continuer!) I-DI!.310 CANYON PROJECT UNIT 2 DU!AITY ASSURANCE Al'DIT STATISTICS (c) Outside Agency Audits Audits g)- Number of Number of Audit Type ' Year Performed Findings Observations StopWg.' Orders

                      -H. P. Foley QA Audits                                                                                                                         'i 1974          25               64            0                                         0 1975-         24               48           0                                          0 1976          29               49~          5                                          0 1977          15               19            3                                         0' 1978          14               27           0                                          0 1979          16               54           0                                          0 1980           6               31           0                                          0 1-1-81 to 8-81 Notes:

(1) Audits were both Unit I and Unit'2. (2) The formal Stop Work Order mechanism has not been necessary since mutual agreement'on issues were reached and work was stopped voluntarily. 36

m- . . I

  . . . , j; a; - . 3
      ,.,s, y

l , Item'7 (continued)- 3 'DIABLO' CANYON PROJECT UNIT'2 QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT STATISTICS =- (c) Outside Agency Audit _s,. s Audits- Number of Number of Stop'Wg'- Audit Type Year -Performed (g)' Findings Observations Orders

                      . Pullman
                      . Internal
         .                Audits Scheduled                                        1971-         1                     3                  0           0 1972          3                    14                  0           0 1973        14                    62-                  0           0 1974       .44                    63                    1          0 1975       '30                    28                    1          0 1976        26                     14                  5           0 1977        11                      7                  2-          0 1978-       33                    92                  21           0 1979         31                   '79                  13           0
                                                                      ~ 1980        17                    44                  12-          0 1981         13                    31                    1          0 Unscheduled                                     1978          5                    70                   0           0 1979          6                    10                   0           0 1980          9                    11                   4           0
                                                                      .1981          1                      2                  0           0 Pullman Corporate Audit 1972          1                      4                  0           0 1973          1                    '2                   0           0 1974          1                      0                  0           0 1975          1                      0                  1           0 1976          1                      6                  5           0 1977          1                      3                  0          0 1978          3                    52                   0          0 1979          1                      5                  0          0 1980          1                      8                  0          0 1981          1                      8                  0          0 37
                  = __-             _ _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _                          _   _-_ _        ._ __ _

1 q r, , . * + ~ s Item 7 (continued) T DIABLO CANYON PROJECT UNIT 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT STATISTICS-(c)'Outside Agency Audits i i 1 Audits Number of Number of StopWyg~ Audit Type Year Performed (3) Findings Observations Orders Third Party Inspection i Agency i Audits (Hartford)' 1976 1 10 0 0 1977 1 2 0 0 1978 0 0 'O O 1979 0 0 0 0 1980 0 0 0 0 1981 1 0 0 0 CE Audit. 1976 1 15 9 0 NCS Audit 1977 1 79 0 0 ASME Surveys 1980 1 0 0 0 1977 1 0 0 0 1972 1 0 0 0 38

a R ec . . l r uiR7 a 5, c qfR7

                                                        .efN97 o               1 ru         1 7 n                      . sy       9 t7        b   ,1       .

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                      -Constructionfis essentially complete; however, minor modifications remain.-' Hot' functional testing will be completed'by the end of November; and December'l through 21, construction will be completed for the majority of'the remaining items. Approximately 4,500 personnel associated with the project team or construction are working at the site. The remaining construction activities and scheduled completion dates are listed below.

Rupture Restraints All modifications inside and outside containment 12/21/84 Civil / Structural / Architectural Minor structural steel mods: stiffener, plates, gussets, etc. (now 98% complete) 12/21/84 Misc. Steel: platforms, grating, handrails:. removed or modified to facilitate other' installation (now 85% complete) 12/21/84 Door installation / modifications (now 95% complete) 12/21/84 Painting required for fuel load 01/28/85-Penetration seals 12/21/84 Mechanical Equipment Polar crane main hoist gear repair / replacement 12/14/84 Replace media filter tank 11/26/84 Install tube lane blocking devices 01/11/85 Miscellaneous equipment repair 12/21/84 Pipe Supports (Approximately 500 left) 01/13/85 HVAC 01/13/85 Duct supports (Approximately 30 left) 11/16/84 HVAC for box and drum compactor areas 11/24/84 HVAC for penetration ares 12/28/84 Electrical Penetration foaming 12/21/84 Rad monitor installation (RE-58 and 59) 12/28/84 Flux monitoring system 12/21/84 PA system (power block) 01/11/85 PA system (intake and yard) 03/22/85 Miscellaneous electrical and startup support 01/28/85 l 44 I

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         -.-                                                         Item 9 (Continued) 11 DIABLO CANYON PROJECT                                     l UNIT'2 CONSTRUCTION STATUS Instrumentation Transmitter changeouts (Rosemont)                   01/28/85 RVLIS                                   .

12/21/84 Miscellaneous instrumentation /startup/NPO support 01/28/85 l-


1 i e i 45 ]

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Item 10

                                 . :,                             DIABLO CANYON UNIT 2 PREOPERATIONAL TESTING The' licensee's preoperational testing program was 82.1% complete as of            j November 27, 1984. The Hot Functional Test is currently in progress with           j
                                      . completion' scheduled for December 20, 1984. Following Hot Functional Testing, only the following seven properational tests rema f n, of which all -

but the Condensate Booster Pump Initial Start and Condensate System

                                      .Preoperational tests will be completed prior to fuel load. These two tests         3 will be subsequently completed prior to reactor coolant system heatup.

Fuel Handling Procedures (System 34), 'I Secondary Plant Chemical Cleaning, Condensate Booster Pump Initial Start, '{ i Condensate System Preop, I Pipe Break Isolation Test, Backup Instrument Air Performance Demonstration, and Miscellaneous Addenda for non-safety related systems. l l 1. 46




                                                                        )>                  j.5cavn
                             -            Arizona Public Service Cornpany P.o. sox 21666 e PHOENIX. ARIZONA 85036 -                           . ._

ANPP-31573/EEVBJr December 26, 1984 M DEC 3 i e t 3-Mr. Darrell Eisenhut- g.g . , "', , Director of Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555




Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

With respect to the operational readiness of Palo Verde Unit 1

                    ' Attachment A is submitted to provide information regarding                                           1 various actions we have taken, or will take, to enhance operator preparedness.                                                                                         <

In response to questions raised respecting the Unit 1 fuel load incentive program, a copy of the program is submitted as Attachment B. The primary safeguards which insure that this program does not impair quality rest on the fact that neither Senior Project Manage-ment nor any Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel are  ! involved in the program. Monitoring activities conducted by the Quality Assurance Department have not identified any items related to this program that would affect quality. In fact, as Attachment C shows, their observation it that the incentive program has had a positive affect in that the emphasis is on doing the job RIGHT the first time. Additionally, senior management has been very sensitive to this matter and has continually emphasize:d to all project personnel


j that we must do the job right in a quality manner. Safety and j quality have always been the primary objectives at Palo Verde. We have also had discussions regarding the level of operating i experience at the middle and upper managmeent levels for Palo Verde. As a consequence, in addition to the positions of advisor to management filled by Paul McGuire who has extensive experience and background in reactor startup and operations and the consultant, i 1 l Mike Merlo, previously furnished by SCE to assist the PVNGS Plant Manager and his staff, we have obtained the commitment from SCE to s l~ provide two additional qualified people with experience in the startup of San onofre Units 2 and 3. One of these additional people would serve as an advisor / consultant to the APS upper management at levels including the PVNGS Plant Manager. The other would serve  ! the same i.metion at levels of management of operations immediately below the PVNGS Plant Manager. L ** e FILE i h [ s q ]

 ; :. ]

Page Two 1

       ,                                                    Mr. Darrell Eisenhut December 26, 198'f_

With respect to the requalification program for SRO's and RO's, we will review, as stated in Attachment A, training and evalu6 tion - techniques in use at other facili1 ties to enhance communications-among supervisors and operators. Additionally, arrangements have been made with SCE to obtain.. prior to initial criticality, a review and critique of the Palo Verde.requalification program by senior member (s) of the San Onofre Training Department. Sincerely,.

                                                                                                     .                     i                nL k U

E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. APS Vice President Nucle Production ANPP Project Director EEVB/jdf cca H. Thompson (NRR) J. Martin (Region V) T. Novak (NRR) G. Knighton (NRR) M. Licitra (NRR) 1 m I' l i

. s

's~y6 : * ' } ,4 r . N y, :a. B' j\f d. # 12/26/84

                                                                                                           ' ATTACIDIENT ' A ACTIONS TO  HANCE' OPERATOR PREPAREDNESS-The Plant Manager, the' Operations Manager Unit I Operations Superin-tendent,J hit I Day Shift Supervisor, the Plant Services Mangger, the Training Manager, and the Licensed Training Supervisor have met and discussed the issues raised'by11)'the NRC readiness review and
2) the results of the annual requalification ' exam.- The following-actions-have been agreed to.
                                                    '1.         . Prior to'any shift' crew assuming.the, responsibilities in
                                                                - Mode 6 the Unit I Operations Superintendent'and/or the.

Day Shift Supervisor shall meet with the Shift Supervisor to assure' awareness of.(i) applicable Technical Specifications-(including Limiting Conditions.of' Operations), and (ii) specific procedures appropriate to plant' conditions

in that mode. Each Shift Supervisor will- then.brief L
-- his crew.-

Consideration will be' the' extension of this process or'for taking:other' measures prior to operation in other ' modes.

2. . The need for operator preparedness for Low Power Physics Testing has.been long recognized. Training on repre-sentative. test procedures has been performed on the simulator.'the classroom as part of:the,first annual-requali-fication program. Additional training will be performed-during the next six-week requalification cycle starting on January _7, 1985. This' training will be. complete for all shifts prior to initial criticality.- 3.


Training on Power Ascension Testing (including natural circulation) will be performed both in the classroom and _ in the simulator during.six-week requalification cycle's which begin on February 18, 1985 and April 1, 1985. -This ~ training will-be complete for all shifts prior to exceeding 20% reactor power.

4. There will be continued emphasis and evaluation of all crews on the simulator. for precision of communication and strict adherence to procedures during training prior to and after initial criticality. The Training Department will review operations communications training and evaluation techniques in use at other facilities. Based on this review, improved 1 techniques appropriate'to Palo Verde Operations will be at developed.

O ___'_., ___m.___ _- - - - - - - - - -



f- ~, , Rtvisad j DBK5/15/84 ATTACHME' ]

                                                                                                     ~    ~



Prompt fuel load of PVNGS Unit 1 is of paramobnt importance te j the customers and stockholders of the ANPP Participants. As such  ! it is the intent of the PVNGS Unit 1 Fuel Load Incentive Program ) (hereinaf ter referred to as the Program) to maximize the probability of achieving the earliest possible fuel load date consistent with j the Participants' dedication to quality and safety and consistent  ! with all applicable regulations. l j It is recognized that the project team which APS has assembled { to engineer, construct, startup and operate PVNGS Unit 1 is dedicated i and loyal to the concept of devoting their full attention and ener-gies to the earliest possible fuel load date for Unit 1. It is s _ further recognized, however, that a financial incentive to each f contributing team member is an effective means to assist the team  ! management in assuring a maximum effort from every contributing team member over the duration of startup prior to fuel load. ELIGIBILITY: Only management employees of Arizona Public Service Company or other ANPP Participants assigned to work on PVNGS Unit 1 fuel load

        .                         activities are eligible to participate in the program.         Eligiblu employees who are also participants in the APS corporate management          i incentive program shall be given the choice of participation in              !

either the APS corporate management incentive program or the Program i but not both. The Vice President, Nuclear, his assistant and all employees of the APS Quality Atsurance Department shall be ineligible to participate in the program.


It shall be the responsibility of the APS Vice President, Nuclear to recommend to the ANPP Administrative Committee the names of individuals eligible to participate in the program. - Personnel recommended for eligibility to participate in the program subsequent to the initial eligibility date of May 1, 1984, shall receive a prorated share of the incentive. The prorating period , shall begin June 1, 1984, and end August 31, 1984. 1 i INCENTIVE: The Program incentive shall be calculated using a base incentive for each Program participant. The base incentive or a prorated portion thereof shall be awarded to each program participant if fuel load activities for PVNGS Unit 1 occur during the 24-hour , period. November 1, 1984. Fuel load activities shall be defined- q as the insertion of the first fuel element assembly into the reactor J vessel. l 1 For each 24-hour period subsequent to November 1, 1984, for which il fuel load activities are delayed, the base incentive or prorated portion thereof shall be reduced by the amount of 2/3 of 17. resulting I in no incentive being awarded for commencement of fuel load activi-ties on PVNGS Unit 1. subsequent to March 30, 1985. l l l


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              '                                                                                                                      )
     , - ' w'                                                                                                                          l L              ' .Page 2-                                                                                        DBK5/15/84            j J

For each 24-hour' period prior to November 1, 1984, for which fuel load activities commence on PVNGS Unit 1, the base incentive.. or prorated portion thereof shall be increased by the amount of 2/3 g of 17.. j i The base incentive shall be defined as 2/3 of the program partici-pants' annual base pay (including deferments) on May . 1, 1984, or j the date of their eligibility whichever is less. j j PAYMENT: Payment of the incentive shall occur in the pay period following j the 40th day after commencement of fuel load activities on - PVNGS ( Unit 1. Payment of the incentive shall be in the form of a special one time adjustment to salary. PROGRAM-

ADMINISTRATION: The ANPP ' Administrative Committee shall administer the program '

to assure that safety and quality objectives are achieved, approve i eligible personnel and determine commencement of fuel load activities of PVNGS Unit 1. The APS Vice President. Nuclear shall assist i by providing recommendations of eligible personnel and ' advising - the ANPP Administrative Committee of the estimated program payout. Program ' costs shall be sharcd by - the ANPP Participants in their Participation share. l i me b

                                                                                                                           #8 4

{ 4 l 1 l i

y1 ATTACHMENT C ji 0 stracue-se4 eooooiscx/sooi,. d l

                             ' d JMs ya: ..
                                                            ~ Arizona Nuclear Power Project               -
                                                                                                              ... 1 COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE                                 l QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                    .               j DATE: -       December 26, 1984                                                                        i To; E. E. Van Brunt Jr.

sie. # 4060 Ext. s 6312 { q FRoM: W. E. Ide t

sta. s - 4074 -l 1

Est e 6011



_ MANAGEMENT-INCENTIVE EFFECT ON SAFEGUARDS Filei 84-014-000-To your question whether the Corporate QA/QC Department took any special ensure the ANPP Management Incentive Program did not have any adverse affect on Plant Safeguards. A special monitoring effort was conducted for those items identified on the . Integrated Tracking System as necessary for Licensing. This monitoring activity assured _us that plant personnel were making proper and complete efforts and decisions in resolving and closing these open items. We also took the opportunity to attend various Plant Weekly Management Meetings to observe Management actions and attitudes in preparing the Plant for Licensing. Management attitude in fact has been to strive to do everything right the first. time. Rework requires more time and would have been detrimental _to their Incentive Program. ANPP QA/QC in it's normal mode of operation also has had a very aggressive

                       . involvement in the Plant, in Procedure Reviews, Test Result Reviews, Monitoring and Auditing of Construction, Startup Testing and Operation Activities.

Based on the above and the Management attitude which prevails thrcughout ANPP to have one of the best plants in the United States, the Corporate QA/QC Department does not feelthe Management Incentive had any adverse affect on Plant Safeguards. c2f.a s& G W. E. Ido Director Corporate QA/QC VEI/ alp 4 cc: L. A. Souza I l lx .. .


s . E;  ; ;. , OCT 10'1985

            .. Arizona Public' Service Company
            ~P.'O. Box 52034 Phoenix, Arizona' 83072-2034.

Attention: .Mr. E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. Executive Vice President

                             . Project Director -


             ' Gentlemen:

Recently'the NRC has required that prior to issuance of an Operating License

a. report prepared documenting the construction status and readiness ~

for-operation of the facility. This NRC management and the Commission to evaluate the-Near-Term Operating License l_(NTOL) facility.

     '          Please provide information for Unit 2 in the subject areas listed in
              , Attachment.1. .Please provide the requested information within fifteen days of the date of this letter.

Sincerely, R . Pc K fct D. F. Kirsch, Acting Director Division of Reactor Safety and Projects cc w/ attachment:

                'J. Bynum, APS T. D.-Shriver, APS

-f Ms. Jill Morrioon Lynne.Bernabei, CAP Arthus C. Gehr, Esq., Snell & Wilmer

.t .

RV/jk CHAFFEE t KIRSCH SORENSON MILLER - 10/(6/85 10/ /85 10/ /85

                 .10/jc/85 24747 vug                                                                          pc

__ _ _ _ y_ y as-w

   ,4   .


                                $E             NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION V
                                                      - 1450 MARIA LANE,SulTE 210 f                    WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596
                         * . ,d S,'+,****

OCT 101985 Arizona Public Service Company P. O. Box 52034 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2034 Attention: Mr. E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. Executive Vice President Project Director Gentlemen:- Recently.the NRC has required that prior to issuance of an Operating License a report must be prepared documenting the construction status and readiness for operation of the facility. This report is used by NRC management and the Commission to evaluate the Near-Term Operating License (NTOL) facility.- Please provide information for Unit 2 in the subject areas listed in Attachment 1. Please provide the requested information within fifteen days of-the date of this letter. Sincerely,

                                                              <             f       f        Q,
  • D. P. Kirsch, Acting Direct r Division of Reactor Safety and Projects cc w/ attachment:

J. Bynum APS f T,D. Shriver, APS Ms. Jill Morrison Lynne Bernabei, GAP Arthur C. Gehr, Esq., Snell & Wilmer l I i 1 j l l

                                                                                                        .i l

I _- I

ATTACHMENT 1 Construction Status and Operational Readiness Report The purpose of this required report is to help NRC management and the Commission assess the operational readiness and construction status of a facility. In order to complete this report, licensee information is needed in the following areas (other sections of the report are prepared by the NRC staff):

a. Project History
b. Licensee and Contractor Initiated Stop Work Actions
c. Construction Deficiency Evaluation Reports (DERs)
d. Construction Status
e. Preoperational Test Status
f. Independent Third Party inspections
g. Licensee and Contractor Audits The discussion of each topic should include a narrative evaluation as well as data. Each item is to be addressed in a separate section. The minimum information to be included in each topic is summarized below:
a. Project History Provide a brief description of general information such as:
1. Chronology of project milestones. Utilize NUREG-0030 (yellow book),

and update latest available issue.

2. Identify principal contractors: constructor, architect-engineer (A-E), nuclear steam supply system (NSSS), vendor, and construction manager when other than constructor.
b. Licensee and Contractor Initiated Stop Work Actions Provide a summary of significant stop work actions initiated by the licensee or contractor organizations. Include all stop work actions initiated as a result of NRC findings. Table 1 shows a sample tabulation of significant stop work actions.
c. Deficiency Evaluation Reports (DERs)

Provide a summary of the DERs, submitted in accordance with I 10 CFR 50.55(e). Table 2 shows a sample of deficiency evaluation reports.

d. Construction Status Identify those structures, systems, and components important to safety for which construction or installation is not complete. Highlight those items from the construction punchlist which could affect the safe j startup and operation of the plant. i l

l 1 i i w_- - __ _ _ _ ._ g

e 2

e. Preoperational Test Results Summarize the results of the preoperational test program. Identify significant system performance deficiencies and planed corrective action.

Identify the preoperational tests which are incomplete or not yet developed, and their status,

f. Independent Third Party Inspections Provide a summary of the inspections conducted by parties other than the licensee and its contractors or the NRC.


g. Licensee Audits Provide a summary of all audits done by the license or its' contractors.

Table 3 shows a sample tabulation of licensee audits. l i i

TABLE 1 Licensee and Coritractor Initiated Stop Work Actions Year Organization Reason / Period Corrective Measures T & B Inc. Inadequate installation of Drawings revised and 1980 pipe supports (3/30/80 - training provided to 4/6/80) pipefitter 1981 ABC Inc. Qualification of welders Welders were (6/8/81 - 8/1/81) requalified per code l l L- _

T 'q. j

 ,            e,y > ..

F . , 9 -

                                                                      ' TABLE 2-
 ;- 9 .

Deficiency Evaluation' Reports (10'CFR 50.55(e)) DER No.. . Description. . Corrective Measures Status-81-19'- Inadequate design /: Design procedures.and Final report design'of ' review process revised / submitted 8/16/81 training provided' ~ instrumentation'- seismic supports

                              .81-20        Concrete. voids           Concrete ldefeets-         Open

. c. identified in reactor identified'and repaired / concrete procedures auxiliary building vall- revised-l; l: ll i 1 I l i

                                                                                                                        '1 1

l i L:__________-______

W . , , Ij [ g, ^ * - . 4 p..' I~ TABLE 3 l: 1 '



                                                                                                                                                                                            . Years
                             'A.          Electric Power Inc                                                                   1981                                                   1982             1983                                1984
                                       - 1.               Audits                                                                 51                                                     143             413-                                     38-
                                         '2.              Findings -                                                              24                                                    133             431                                      60' 3.-             Observations                                                                   0                                                0'               0                                         0
4. Stop Work Orders 0. 2 0 1 B.. ABC Inc.

1.. Audits 11 20 23 9

2. Findings 22 71 96 30
3. Observations- 1 10 16 1
4. Stop Work Orders 0 0 0 0
                              'C.      - T&B Inc.
1. Audits 2 6 17 11 2._ Findings 9 119 65 44 3 '. Observations 0 0 9- 7'
                                         '4.-               Stop Work Orders                                                                0                                             0                3                                         2
         .m._u-_-_.h_____m__--____-_______.m. _m..____._m__m-.______.__. -
                                                                             .__.m.____m___-_____.-m__   .m_.__m__m___. _._   .___-_________________.-__.._______m....________-__m -                                              ____.______.______2____m-.m__m_mm_J

t RE 59 Arizona Nuclear Power Project (73 ,,g., ~ ),

                                                                                                                /f 10 {

e.o sox s2au . eHotwix. AnizowA eso72-rox ANPP-33899 9 9~,',', ,D November 1, 1985 Mr. John B. Martin, Director US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region V 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station { Unit 2 l

             . Construction Status and Operational Readiness Report a

Docket No. STN 50-529 Pile: 85-056-026 l


Letter dated October 10, 1985 from D. F. Kirsch, NRC, to E. E. Van Brunt, Jr., APS


Construction Status and Operational Readiness Report

Dear Mr. Martin:

f i The referenced letter requested that ANPP provide information in the subject _ areas listed in Attachment 1 of the referenced letter. Attachments to this l provide the following information

a. Project History j b. Licensee and Contractor Initiated Stop Work Actions
c. Construction Deficiency Evaluation Reports (DER's)
d. Construction Status
e. Preoperational Test Status
f. Independent Third Party Inspections
s. Licensee and Contractor Audits Attachments b., c., f. and g. are not Unit Specific FILE er w s m g f3 _

s. MPOA ag> i

o Mr. John B. Martin Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 Construction Status and Operational Readiness Report Page Two ANPP-33899 If you have any further questions regarding this information, please call Mr. W. F. Quinn of my staff. Very truly yours,


b 9. cu_t ma p E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. Executive Vice President Project Director EEVB/WFQ/JK0/dle Attachments ces E. A. Licitra R. Zimmerman A. C. Gehr M. Iey i _ _ _ _ _ b

 . i
   'Y             .Mr. John B. Martin.
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 '
                  ~ Construction Status and-Operational Readiness Report Fase Three
                   ~A NPP-33899.'

a bect D.-B. Karner- All w/a J. G. Haynes R. M. Butler W. E. Ide-W. F. Quinn T. F. Quan

                          .M. A. Jones LCTS Coordinator J. R. Bynum J. Orlowski-A. J. McCabe W. G. Bingham S. Shapiro C. Feg;vaon T..Bradish P. Brandjes j

i l j i i l-

                 , t 1-
 .a '
a. Project History Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit No. 2 ]

PIANT CHARACTERISTICS: f Docket No.: 05000529 CP No. &.Date Issued: CPPR-142/05-25-76 CP Expiration Date: 12/31/85 Applicant: Arizona Public Service Company Plant Incation: 36 miles west of Phoenix, AZ. IE Region: V AE: Bechtel NSSS: Combustion Engineering Constructor: Bechtel Reactor Types- PWR DER.(NWE):- 1304

                            ' KEY PERSONNEL:



E. E. Van Brunt, Jr., ANPP Executive Vice President Corporate Address: P. 0. Box 53999 Phoenix, AZ- 85072-3999 Corporate Phone No.: (602) 932-5300 NRC LPM: E. Licitra IE Resident Inspector:- R. Zimmerman/G. Hernandez FUEL LOAD DATE CHANGES AS REPORTED BY UTILITY: Reason for Change Report Date New Schedule Reported by Utility 07-28-82 08-01-84 Impact of scheduling probleas'with 08-16-83 02-01-85 key equipment. Augmentation of the 03-26-84. Last Quarter plant's emergency response system of 1985 as results of TMI lessons learned. Complexity of the transition from construction to start-up phase. Unit 1 delays.  ; f IDCAL PUBLIC DOCUMENT RCOM:

                              ' Phoenix Public Library                                                                                                               i 12 East McDowell Rood                                                                                                              )

i Phoenix, AZ 85004 I l 0323K/0016K i i r

          = _ - -                             -

I6 y Status'as of.'0/20/85

                                               . CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT
                                                   ' NUCLTAR PCMER PIANTS Palo Verde.2 CONSTRUCTION STATUS:

Applicant's Current Estimated Fuel Loading Date: 11/00/85-Applicant's' Previous Estimated Puel Load Date: 08/01/84 Applicant's Estimated Puel Loading Date at CP Issuance: 11/00/83 Applicant's Current Estimated Commercial Operation Date: Second Quarter of 1986 Applicant's Construction Completion Estimate as Defined in CP: (Earliest) 02/01/83 (14 test) 12/31/85 CURRENT' ESTIMATED PERCENT CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE: 99%~ COMMENTS REGARDING' CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STATUS: ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED ACTUAL ' ESTIMATED START START COMPLETION COMPLETION % COMPLETE Mobilize and Prepare site: 06/76 06/77 100% _ Place structural. 08/77 12/81' 100% concrete: Install Reactor Pressure Vessel: 06/80 07/80 100% Install Large Bore

                     . Process Pipe:                      09/78                 05/85             100%-

Install Large Bore Pipe Hangers, Restraints, and Snubbers: 10/78 05/85 100% Install Small 99.6%

                     . Bore Pipe: .                       04/79       11/85 Install Cable Tray:                    06/78                 03/82             100 %

Install Exposed 01/78 10/85 99.9% Metal Conduit Install Power, Control, Instrumen-tation and Security 02/81 11/85 99.5% cable:

                  . Install Electrical                                                             99.1%

Terminations: 05/81 11/85 Conduct Reactor Cold 100% Hydrostatic Test: 11/84 11/84 Conduct Hot-Functional

                      ' Test:                              06/85                 08/85             100%

Conduct Preop and Acceptance Test Necessary for 88% Fuel Isad: 03/83 11/85 I

r- ; . ,

                                     .b. Licensee and Contractor Initiated Stop Work Actions L                                              Licensee Initiated Stop Work Actions i

i Year Organization Reason / Period Corrective Actions 1978 Bechtel. Radial bends did not meet Rework tag prepared in drawing requirements. Re- compliance with WPP/QCI pairs started without NCR 54.0 As-built survey record ~ or repair instructions docu- attached to NCR. NCR mented. (12/13/78-12/15/78) issued C-Y-1078 (12/14/78) 1979 Bechtel ASME code acceptance cri- Test data and results ob-teria not met for ultra- tained for acceptance of sonic. testing. (7/31/79- double welded stainless 8/21/79) steel pipe. 1981 Bechtel and Insulation being deformed Deforming of insulation CE to fit between Reactor analyzed and accepted. Vessel and RV support col- Gaps minimized. uans and technical justi-fication not provided for assurance of quality and in-tegrity of system not vio-lated. (5/5/81-5/21/81) 1981 Bechtel Procedures / instructions or Procedure initiated and PCN controls not developed to written to WPP/QCI 28.0 control the connection and charging of batteries to

                                                 -assure safety of personnel and equipment. (8/31/81--

~ 9/1/81) .. 1981 Bechtel Five Star Grout 150 used and Authorization for use de-does not meet required leted from 13-CM-365. strength. (12/14/81-4/28/82) 1982 APS Operations Control of temporary elec- 90AC-0ZZ11 identified as trical jumpers, temporary procedure for Startup to lifting of terminal leads, use: 73AC-9ZZ05 was re-temporary change of set- vised to be in effect only l points and use of temporary at fuel load. modification not being per-formed in accordance with 73AC-9ZZ05 but in accordance  ! with 90AC-0ZZ11. (4/1/82-4/2/82) 0050K/0003K i 1 l _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 1


  • Year Organization Reason / Period Corrective Actions 1982 Bechtel Tendons stored without weat- All tendons discussed in-her protection. (5/18/82- spected, rust removed and .

S/21/82) recoated. No signs of pit-ting or other deficiency. Considered acceptable and covered with plastic for  ; weather protection.- 1 Festern Concrete personnel reinstructed in require-ments for storage of tendons. 1982 Bechtel Stopped installation of Issue of DCP 1SN-SQ-001, sample supply lines to air Rev. 5. Existing system radiation monitors as sup- installed in accordance-ply sample lines are not. with current revision of designed to requirements of design drawing. Problem i ANSI N13.1 Seat B5. resolved on QAF82-45. (5/27/82-6/29/82)  ; Material accountability not Complete inventory taken, k 1982 Bechtel being maintained in Zone III controlled access material I area established for this and tool log updated. Re-work. (6/2/82-6/2/82) moved section pipe spool . and inspected. Area in-- spected, personnel in- q structed. 1 j Procedure cancelled which BPC will review WPP-QCI l 1982 Bechtel governs BPC preparation for 31.0 and write PCN; review  ! area transfer / release. Re- Fire Barriers, Cable Tray j quirement for inspection / Covers and Conduit Sealant 4 acceptance of cable tray and incorporate irto exist- ) covers and barriers dele- ing procedures or add to j ted. Requirement for in- WPP/QCI 31.0 ] spection/ acceptance of un- i scheduled commodities has been deleted as was commit-ment to verify installation / inspection documentation with-in scope of area transfer. l (7/20/82-7/22/82) l l 1982 APS Startup Test Ditector not certified Test Director will be fa-as qualified for test MG300, miliarized with the pro-FPN P02. (7/21/82-7/22/82) cedure and familiarization I l will be documented. . QC to be present during test. l

t ,,1

                      ~ Year- CImanization-           Reason / Period                Corrective Actions 90GA-0ZZ28 revised and
                                              -Circuit breaker removed 1982  APS Startup without permission and no       Maintenance will assure-clearance was requested nor' that personnel are aware issued. (8/4/82-8/4/82)         of station clearance re-quirements andftest con-duct requirements.-

1982- BPC Startup Failure tot respond in a Corrective actions agreed' and APS timely manner to OTNs; to on by Bechtel and APS QA. Maintenance implement requirements of. AD-112 with regard to M&TE usage logs and forms;'to re-u spond to calibration overdue notices; to comply with ANSI N45.2.16, Section 3; provide an adequate response to CAR 82-036. (9/17/82-9/18/82)

                        .1982  Maintenance      Work order'482 & 483 issued Procedure initiated in ac-to set safety valves did not cordance with code' and provide adequate'instruc--      specifications. Special tions to perform the work       instructions issued with as required by code, ASME      work orders.

Section XI. (10/14/82-11/21/82)-

                        -1982  APS and          Valves SGN-HV-05 and SGN-HV- Performed required actions Bechtel      06 were stroked over a two of steam generator                                              re-Startup      hour period and allowed ap- covery plan.

proximately 100,000 gals. of highly contaminated H 2O into the secondary side of SG1 and at the time SG2 was unknown. Isolation valves for nitrogen purge thought to be closed were open. (10/19/82-10/19/82) 1983 APS Startup Cleanliness of Iow Pressure Inspection to determine and Safety Injection System was amount of damage and veri-Operations indeterminate and continued fication of cleanliness. operation without corrective Potential causes for entry action could lead to signi- of foreign material into ficant damage to LPSI pumps. system investigated. On-going inspections and


(1/18/83-1/19/83) evaluation'of system cleanliness. k

i 1 L I i:

D j i

l i j Year Organization Reason / Period Corrective Actions 1 1 1983 APS Startup Startup and Maintenance Per- 90AC-0ZZO2 cnd 90GA-0ZZ29 Operations sonnel were not performing were revised and require a work activities in accord- review of TER's prior to ance with approved project rework or installation of procedures. (2/8/83-3/4/83) materials on "Q" class com-ponents to determine if an NCR should be written of if it is reportable. All TER's written 1/17/83-2/11/83 to be reviewed. 1983 Bechtel Typical drawings in FCR DCP issued providing ne - 71577E diffor signifi- cessary drawing clari-cantly from actual field fication, conditions and bolts could he installed incorrectly. Original field conditions will become indeterminate if bolts are installed without adequate directions. (11/21/83-4/14/84) 1983 Bechtel Deportability evaluation in DCPs were transmitted to question. If skewed T Resident Engineering for joints do not affect safety deportability review. Con-why are welds being re- dition not reportable. paired? (11/23/83-12/20/83)

                '1983  Combustion     Personnel records do not        Inspectors performed demon-Engineering  provide documentation of        stration of proficiency.

certification of inspectors. (11/28/83-12/2/83) 1983 Innryco, Inc. Contract PV83-8215 Specifi- Program was reviewed and ' fication 83-95.71-06-001 did approved. did not adequately im-plement the applicable technical and quality re-quirements which must be in-posed on Inryeo as a result of the scope of work Inryco is to perform. (12/16/83-  ; 12/30/83)

Bechtel initiated Stop Work Actions l Organization Reason / Period Corrective Actions Year Shurtleff & E-7018 weld rod not stored Drying ovens obtained 1977 Andrews in drying ovens from Bechtel. SDDR  ; issued. 1 (6/17/77 - 6/17/77) Penetrant materials not Materials tested & OK, 1978 Peabody Testing analyzed. procedures revised (1/12/78 - 1/27/78) Unauthorized M-6 solvent SAR Change Notice 814 1978 Construction issued to define qualifi- 1 used for cleaning. (2/10/78 - 3/16/78) cation parameters. WPP/QCI 14.0 revised. Youngstown pipe material Radiograph accomplished - 1979 construction is suspect - DER 79-4 no defects found. (5/18/79 - 6/22/79) 1979 Clark Unacceptable curing construction NCRs issued. Painting operations (11/5/79 - Supplier QA program 11/8/79) improvement initiated. Rockbestos Class IE cable Supplier and Bechtel 1980- Construction controls implemented. may have unqualified splices. DER 80-4 Cable qualified, any cable with repairs is (3/5/80 - 10/24/80) approved for outside containment only. [ Construction HPSI suction pump piping Piping arrangements were 1980 determined acceptable. may not be acceptable to pump supplier. DER 79-13 (3/28/80 - 11/14/80) ITT Grinnell pipe supports Acceptable - based on Code 1980 construction Inquiry, ASME File No. were received were under-size fillet welds. NI-77-406. DER 80-6 (4/25/80 - 7/8/80) Certain cable pulling Condition acceptable based 1980 Construction on engineering analysis. stopped due to potential deficiency in Containment rebar detailing. DER 80-19 (6/30/80 - 10/18/80)

p; - Year D0rsanization Reason / Period Corrective Actions

1980 Construction- Unit 3 shell concrete Condition acceptable. based placement stopped based on engineering analysis.
                                              -on 80-SW-4 and DER 80-19.

(6/30/80 - 10/17/80)


1980 Construction Unit 2 anchor bolts for Design change implemented. seal table are inadequately Condition corrected. embedded - DER 80-16 (7/3/80 - 10/22/80): 1980 Construction ' Deficiencies on Whiting NCRs-issued, procedures

                                              . polar crane and improper      revised, training.

processing of Bechtel conducted.. documents. (10/16/80 - 11/3/80) 1980 construction Concrete placement deficien- Condition acceptable based cies - SI tank. DER 80-24 on engineering analysis.. (10/17/80 - 2/2/81) 1980 N.'M. Sundt/ Concrete truck mix not NCRs issued and preventivu Tanner Co. properly' monitored action implemented. anroute. (11/13/80 - 11/14/80) 1981 Reliance Truck -QA program deficiencies. Audit findings resolved. Company found during audit by_ Supplier QA Manager Bechtel replaced.- (2/17/81 - 8/11/81) 1981 Construction Ultrasonic by Peabody not NCR issued. WPP/QCI 12.0 witnessed by Eechtel Level revised to clarify require-II or III- ment. (2/25/81 - 3/10/81) 1981 Construction Construction Startup testing NCRs issued, procedures accomplished without issued. formal procedural control.

                                               .(5/13/81 - 5/21/81) 1981  Construction               Bolts failed due to            NCRs issued. Bolt testing incorrect hardness.           program accomplished.

DER 81-14 Refer to DER 81-14. (6/15/81 - 7/6/81) 1981 Otis Elevator Welding program not Welding of brackets approved by Bechtel. affected. Bechtel walkdown (10/8/81 - 11/16/81) determined welds accept-cble. Supplier will use Bechtel controlled filler material.

l t p

                                 ' fear     Organizati g           Reason / Period        .       Corrective Actions 1981       Marathon       Supplier lack-of control         Procedures developed and:
                                             . Steel       for subcontracted NDE -         implemented.-

field erected tanks. 1 Initiated 12/10/81 - Closed 7/21/83 upon

                                                          -completion of reverifica-tion _ activity.

1982- Consip. Supplier. weld deficiencies SDDR 3236. issued Consip

                                                          'on main control panels -         weld procedure revised.
 -                                                          at supplier's facility.

o (4/12/82 - 5/27/82) 1982 Construction Grouting procedure to Condition corrected to accomplish DER 81-35 meet QA program require- ' ' l disposition not approved ments. or. controlled. (8/17/82 - 8/20/82) 1983 Construction Engineering procedure Approved QC procedure for repair of crack in issued. spray pond does not address QC participation.

                                                           -(5/17/83 - 5/20/83) 1983     Construction     Site process sheets for        Review cycle modified, installation of Unit 3         QA review accomplished.
                                                           . reactor vessel internals not submitted for QA approval.

1983- Construction QA overview of pipe support Reinspection conducted. reinspection program QA reverification program identified unacceptable implemented to require weld conditions not found monthly overview of weld by QC. DER 83-74 activities. (12/2/83 - 12/12/83) 1984 Engineering Validation program of HVAC Documents were issued which duct supports by Engineering meet QA program require-and supplier does not meet ments. QA program requirements. (3/2/84 - 3/8/84) 1984 construction Items removed during condition corrected. authorized replacement Procedures revised to activities were not properly clarify requirements. identified and controlled. (5/3/84 - 6/8/84) i' _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ - -_ .i

Year- Organization Reason / Period Corrective Actions 1984 Columbia Materials received at condition corrected. Items Specialty Co. jobsite were not processed met the requirements for under the Columbia Specialty their intended use. QA program. (11/16/84 - 12/31/84) 1985 Brand indust. Seismic gap hardware did Commitments establish a Services Inc, not conform to the require- program to identify and ments and procedures did correct deficiencies. not provide adequate acceptable criteria. (8/30/85 - 10/22/85)


c. Construction Deficiency Evalur.cion Reports (DER's) 10 CFR 50.55w)
                   -DER No.           Description            Corrective Measures                 Status 78-1    Fabrication of Anchor       Documentation reviewed        Closed 04/11/78 Bolts for Major NSSS       and corrected                  Not reportable components 78-2     Void in concrete place-    Void repaired                  Closed 05/19/78 ment                                                      Not reportable        1 78-3     Stainless Steel pipe       All pipe and pipe spools Final report spools                     from Youngstown Welding         11/17/78 and Engineering Company         Reportable have been rejected, quar-antined, and the company removed from the AVL by Pullman Power Products 78-4     Defective fillet welds     Drawing corrected                 closed 05/19/78 due to drafting error                                        Not reportable on DWG's

p . L-DER No. Description Correctiu Measures Status 1 Voided 79-2 . Weld sequence of Unit Weld sequence verified- Final report il and Unit #2 polar correct 06/04/79 cran support girders Not reportable 79-3 Math error in calcula- Calculation corrected Closed 06/01/79 tions Not reportable 79-4 Longitudinal weld de- NDE showed no defects Closed facts in S/S pipe Not repertable 79-5 Polar crane girder Procedures prepared and Closed 06/01/79 welds Implemented Not reportable f 79-6 2" defective socket coating removed prior to closed 05/19/79 weld valves ' welding Not reportable 79-7 Polar- crane bracket NDE showed satisfactory closed 11/30/79 ! welds results Not reportable

     '79-8         Cracked Auxiliary           switches replaced; 100%    Closed 08/28/79 switches                   reinspection conducted     Not reportable 79-9          Pipe spool heat treat-     All material tested        Closed 05/19/79 ment                       satisfactorily             Not reportable
     .79-10         Safety-related pipe sup- A complete re-inspection Final report port assemblies in Unit program has been initi- 03/06/80
                    #1                         ated with deficiencies     Reportable being documented, training sessions updated, fillet weld gauges supplied, and increased surveillance 79-12         Inadequate concrete         Specifications and pro- Final report strength achieved with      cedures revised, all ac- 12/30/80 pneumatically placed        cessible areas chipped     Reportable motor repairs               and reworked, and all in-accessible areas evaluated and dispositioned accept-as-is in NCR C-R2040 based on Design Criteria.                       !

_ - - - i

Description. Corrective Hessures - Status DER No.. 79-13 Pump suction pipe con- A' review of the various Final' report figuration on the high piping arrangements has 12/03/80. pressure safety injec- shown them to be accept- Not reportable tion pumps (HPSI) able under all existing guidelines and no further action is required f i

                                                             ~3-l L______._.__._

I DER No._ Description Corrective Measures S..tus

             ' 80-l'-             Inadequate design of      Calculations performed;      Closed 06/27/80.
                                 -Seismic I instrument      verified satisfactory        Not reportable supports 80-2               An calculations -Calculations re .            Closed 06/27/80' for tubing support.       performed                   Not reportable 80-3               Relating to undersized    Accepted without repair. Final report
                                 -structural steel fillet                                12/24/80-welds                                                  Not reportable 80-4               Class.1E,.600V, Power     Procedures revised; ap-     Final report cable                     plicable cable repaired     11/05/80 Not reportable l

80-5 Class 3, piping system All welds NDL'd satis- Final report welds factory 07/09/80 Not reportable 80-6 Safety-related sway Stop work order notice Final report struts 80-SW-3 closed and 07/10/81 NCR P-A-125 Not reportable revised to use-as-is.

                                  ' Steam Generator piping   Forms revised to slow       Final report 80-7 07/03/80 welds                     interpass temperature Not reportable   <

80-8 Hilti drop-in anchors FCR written to delete Final report type type of anchor 07/03/80 Not reportable I

               '80-9                Operability failure of   All installed and no in- Final report vertical fire dampers     stalled fire dampers        09/15/80 found that did not meet Reportable the required tolerances were replaced. A re-design has been incorporated to elevate future problems.

80-10 Namco Controls Series Anchor / Darling to provide Final report EA180 limit switches replacement gaskets for 07/03/80 the subject valve limit Reportable switches. Defective pressure switch MDA Scientific to pro- Final report 80-11 in the chlorine vide alternate pressure 07/03/80 switches after approval / Reportable l detectors qualification. i


i l


1, I

   ,                                 DER No.-             Description     _ . Corrective Measures            Status 80-12    Pipe spools with the        Paper work corrected      ; Final report same I.D. number                                       07/03/80         -

Not reportable ] 80-13 Dowel omission during Add dowels con- Final report

                                              . concrete placement         crete placement which       07/08/80            q the into the slab.         Reportable          j 80-14    Pipe strap, -pipe ear.     -All installations veri-     Final repot full length welding        fled correct-               07/10/80 Not reportable 80-15    Closure of COMSIP,          COMSIP to furnish modi-     Final report        !

Incorporated contain- -fication kit details and 07/09/80 i ment gas ~ analysis system instructions. Units to pump valve be modified with proper field change procedures. 80 Inadequate embedment of A design change will be Final report anchor bolts for Units implemented so that the 07/21/0

                                                #1 and #2 seal tables      seal table is adequately- Reportable anchored in the rein-forced concrete and meets all seismic Category 1 requirements.

80-17 Inadequate design of re- The design for all three Final report inforcing steel in the (3) units has been' .07/21/80-walls of the Main Steam changed to add the re- Reportable Support Structure for. quired amout of steel Unit il to meet established Design Criteria. 80-18 Blocked tendon sheaths Blockages removed and Final Report in Unit #1 and #2 reinspected 07/21/80 containment Not reportable 80-19 Reinforcing steel shown Analysis performed; all Final report in the drawings may'not stresses are within 11/06/80 be accurately reflected allowable limits Not reportable in the &ctual desgn in certain areas 80-20 Three (3) shipping studs Studs not neded; use- Final report jammed in reactor vessel as-is 07/30/80 Not reportable , 1 l _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ i

DER No.- Description Corrective Measures Status

80-21 Borg-Warner valves with Valves have been I.D.'ed Final report stem extensions could and NCR'ed. Borg-Warner 07/29/80 loosen after a few will supply parts and in- Raportable cycles structions for rework' 80-22 Dowel omission from con- Item was NCR'ed. Dis- Final report crete wall pour of Unit position was to. drill 09/24/80
                  #2 control Building-       and grout the required     Reportable dowels into wall-80-23       Imose bushings on corner Bechtel verified which       Final report and 1ADA sway struts       struts were in question    03/02/81 through Corner & IADA. Not reportable Bechtel will rework'all identified struts using                           i I

a C&L inspection and repair procedure 80-24 Excessive shear stresses The Bechtel calculations Final report in Unit #1 &;#2 con- are being updated to be 03/30/81 crete slabs supporting consistent with the ac- Not reportable the safety injection' tual data as submitted tanks 1B, 2A, and 2B by combustion engineering 80-25. Improperly grouted Re- Voids repaired Final report actor Vessel Supports 10/17/80 Not reportable 80-26 Weld deficiencies on the None required Final report main control panel 07/14/81 Not reportable 80-27 Fractured bearing cap- Sh6s added; lugs ad- Closed 10/20/80 sules on Unit il con- justed Not reportable tainment polar crane wheels 80-28 Potential failure of' All controllers were re- Final report temperature detection turned to McGraw-Edison 10/23/80 controllers used on for repair or replacement Reportable CTI-Nuclear Air Handling and Filtration equipment 80-29 Potential motor shaft Subject equipment is Final report breakage in Six Hydrogen being reworked per sup- 10/31/80 Monitors pliers recommendations Reportable 1 L_- _ _= _ _ _ _

( DER:No? Description Corrective Measures Status-80-30 Borg-Warner 3", 1500f, Use-as-is- Firal report motor operated gate submitted valve failure to close 11/05/82 under operating con- -Not reportable ditions 80-31 Breakers in battery accordance Final report chargers supplied by . with suppliers recom- 11/05/80 . power conversion (EM-051) mendations Reportable : -l 20-32 Pipe. cold spring for Training session Closed 01/26/81 fit-up' conducted Not reportable 80-33 Validity of Marathon SDDR supplied and Closed 01/26/81 CMTR's for CF&I steel Not reportable 30-34 Foxboro, Model 270, dis- SCN issued to track closed 11/24/80 plays and housings re- equipment better Not reportable quire repair 80-35 Potential defect of Not used in safety- Closed 11/12/80 Rosemount Pressure related systems Not reportable transmitter on MSIV and MFIV

      '80-36    Icose bushings ' on ITT      Bushing repaired             Final'. aport Grinnel sway struts                                      06/19/81 Not reportable 80-37    Concrete void in Unit       A procedure was develop- Final report
                 #2 control Building Sump ed and implemented to           07/09/81-          '

correct this deficiency' Reportable 80-38 Pipe spools pulled to Bechtel removed and re- Final report facilitate installation installed new pipe to de- 01/12/81' of pipe supports may sign specs and retrain Reportable overstress welds -associated personnel in erection of piping  ; 80-39 Cable tray supports not Dwas have been revised, Final report j meeting dwg. requirements cable trays inspected and 03/16/81 reworked as needed Reportable 80-40 control Building race- Drawing revised and Closed 12/11/80 ways and FSAR separation wiring relocated as Not reportable criteria necessary l l 1

I<: DER No. E.wcription Corrective Measures Status 80-41 Class 1E conductors Install additional sup- Final report coming within six ports or move termina- 01/12/81

                           -inches of non-class        tion blocks or provide a Reportable -

1E conductors on six ITE . barrier satisfying Code Gould 480 volt load- requirements for center isolation relay division between cabinets Class IE and Non-Class 1E wiring 80-42 Texas bolt material not Code case N-310-1 Final report meeting ASME Section III accepted 01/27/82 Not reportable i' 80-43 Field weld repair made Weld verified satis- Closed 02/06/81 on Borg-Warner valves factory Not reportable 80-44 Missing screws from None required Closed 01/08/81 bottom of control cab- Not reportable inet instruments Reworked in accordance Final report 80-45 Additional rebar rein-

                            .forcement required by      with engineering dis-     02/04/81 drawing, not included in position (Isolated Case) Reportable containment placement 80-46   ASME Section II ultra-     Indication considered     Final report moni.:. pre-service ex-    acceptable. Procedures    04/30/81 amination revealing in-    revised accordingly.      Not reportable dications in Pullman power elbows 80-47   Deficiency in the con-     Stiffner plates added to Final report     i tainment fuel trans-       reduce stresses below      03/18/81       i fer housing tube design    allowable limits. Dwg's Reportable        i have been revised to in-corporate this change.


m. I f DER No. Description' Corrective Measures Status 81 Concrete void in Unit 2. Repaired the void closed 02/09/81 ' Auxiliary Building Not reportable-81-2 Indications in. radio . 8" piping spool'was. Final report '. graphs of piping spools . repaired 04/20/81 Not reportable 81-3 GE fuse blocks may be. None required. Closed 03/12/81-loose / misaligned :Not reportable 81-4 Corner and leda sway NCR invalidated DER cancelled struts 02/18/81 5 Swivel bearings on RCP None required Final report cannot be rotated 06/12/81 Not reportable 81-6 Cracked turnbuckle Assemblies returned' Final report assemblies for Control to manufacturer 04/15/81 Room lighting and replaced Reportable 81-7 Auxiliary feedwater Mismatch corrected Closed 05/08/84 pump nozzle mismatch during fit-up Not reportable - 1 81-8 .Weld defects on cask Welds repaired per .NCR Closed 04/29/81 loading Gate / Spent Not ' reportable Fuel Transfer Gate-81-9 Unacceptable radiograph Grinding mark repaired Closed 06/12/81 accepted and weld re-radiographer ' Not reportable 81-10 Hardened washers not Code case shall be docu- Final report used as required by mented 06/04/82 ASME Code Not reportable 81-11 Broken fiber on the Replace broken wire Final report armature of 4.16 KV 10/22/81 switchgear Not reportable 81-12 Mating force of 125VDC NCR dispositioned to Final report fuse blocks perform field modifi- 11/02/82 cation (retaining clip) Not reportable i 81-13 4.16KV switchgear Wiring errors corrected Final report  ; wiring violates 09/18/81 separation criteria Reportable _9


i: DER Na. Description '  :.arrective Measures Status

                               '81-14    .A-354 anchor bolt fail-   All accessible bolts     Final report
                                         .ures                      hardness tested. All     01/28/83            1 failures will be re-     Reportable placed
                                                                                                             ']j 81-15     Auxiliary feedwater      SARCN to change 10       Final report pump may not deliver     second requirement to    02/16/83 feedwater flow within    20 seconds               Not reportable    f 10: seconds 81-16     Operated GE breahers     Bearing assemblies were  Final report may deform               replaced                 07/10/81 Reportable L

81-17 Pipe supports'fabri- Applicable drawing re- Final report cated without weld vised to show fillet 06/08/82 joint preparation weld only or increased Not reportable fillet weld 81-18 MCC's contain tie Re-tighten wire bundles Final report material which may un- 12/30/81 revel or loosen Not reportable

                                .81-19     Possible short circuit   Repair necessary cir-    Final' report in Foxboro recorders     cuits                    08/03/81 Not reportable 81-20_   Weld details on pipe     Hangers reworked; draw-  Final report support drawing con-     ings corrected           07/30/81 trary to ASME require-                           Reportable ments 81-21    Re-energization problem  Power supplies and cir-  Closed 07/13/81 in ESFAS relay cabinets  cuit boards returned to Not reportable manufacturer 81-22     Premature time out of   Replaced as required     Final report AGASTAT relays           during testing; appli-  10/21/81, cable panel inspected   Not reportable 81-23     NCC's have bent or       Revised installation    Closed 08/21/81 broken terminal blocks   instructions issued     Not reportable 81-24     Void in Unit #1 Control  void repaired           closed 08/19/81 Building concrete                                Not reportable l
                                                                      =  _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _                          _ _ __

DER No. , Description Corrective .easures Status 81-25 AW pumps could not be Storage procedures re- Final report rotated by hand vised 02/18/82 ' Not reportable 81-26 Blocked tubes in Unit Felt plugs removed Final report il Steam Generators 11/18/81 Not reportable 81-27 Embed plate failed to None required Closed 08/28/81 comply with weld cri- Not reportable teria 81-28 Flexible conduit has Conduit replaced Closed 09/28/81 split jackets Not reportable 81-29 Failure of ASTM A490 Defective bolts replaced Final report bolts inspection program to 11/25/81, verify tension in high 05/11/83 strength bolts Reportable 81-30 Indication in ASME Code Indication removed; use- Final report pipe as-is 01/08/82 Not reportable I 81-31 Valve operator material Affected valves modified Final report 'j

                                                         ' substitution                                         10/15/81                                    s Reportable 81-32 HFSI bearings and           None                       Final report sleeves discolored                                    11/25/84                                   )

Not reportable i 81-33 Sleeve bearing shifted Use-as-is Closed 10/06/81 1 in upward direction Not reportable j 81-34 Fillet welds on pipe Use-as-is closed 10/09/81 supports not thick Not reportable enough 81-35 Backfill erosion under Temporary gas, water Final report Unit #1 and #2 Auxiliary lines removed; abandoned 05/20/82, and Control buildings lines groupted 04/06/83 Reportable 81-36 Incorrect size fillet Support standards revised closed 10/05/81 ' weld on pipe support Not reportable _11

DER No. Descriptiea

                                                                              -            Corrective Measures        Status 81-37  Foxboro displays failed   Displays modified to     Final report environmental testing     quality environmentally  01/29/82 Not reportable 38       Minimum wall thickness    calculations performed   closed 10/20/81 violations                to verify adequacy of    Not reportable Pipe 81-39  Gas Stripper has un-      Pipe replaced; notifica- Final report documented section of     tions to affected        02/28/83 pipe and welds            disciplines              Not reportable 81-40  Missing vertical dowels   Dowels installed         closed 11/20/81 in concrete poor in                                Not reportable Radwaste building Use-as-is                 Final report 81-41  Possible stress in Unit
                                                            #2 containment piping                              12/29/82 Not reportable 81-42  Unit #2 RCP bearing       Grinding performed and    Final report housing has sand holes    holes sealed              01/29/82 Not repcrtable 81-43   Loose nuts and couplings NCRs dispositioned to     Final report on Units #1 and #2        correct deficiencies. 10/21/82, Generators                Inspection   performed   03/29/83        ;

on Unit #3 Steam Generator 81-44 Pressure regulating Regulating valves Final report valves do not meet replaced 07/06/82 design requirements Not reportable 81-45 Unit 1 pressurizer Screws re-torqued and Final report missing lockwires lockwire installed 04/19/82 Not reportable Valves modified as Final report 81-46 Borg-Warner valve installed on horizonal required 12/30/81 plane Reportable 81-47 Voids in Unit #1 MSSS Grout patch repaired Final report support floor slab 10/16/82 Not reportable

I l DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status- 'l 81-48 Defective cylinder head Head replaced prior to Final report on Unit #2 DG start-up 01/05/82 Raportable 81-49 MSSS water level trans- Flexihose re-installed Final report mitters may give er- to prevent erroneous 01/05/82, __- roneous readings output Reportable i 81-50 Non-conservatism in de- SARCN to reflect correct closed 12/23/81 sign basis water con- design basis Not reportable l j sumption analysis l 81-51 DG Control cabinets Isolation and separation Final report wiring not separated of wiring accomplished 08/23/84 per vendor documents Reportable Loose pins tack welded Final report 81-52 LPSI and CS pumps have loose anti-rotation pins 05/26/82 Not reportable 81-53 Wiring separation viola- Barriers erected to meet Final report tions in Main Control separation requirements 05/24/84 Reportable 81-54 Indication in Unit #1 Indication removed by Final report grinding. NCR dispost- 03/03/82 S/G #2 outlet nozzle Not reportable tioned. Use-as-is. 81-55 Water line leak under All temporary water, air Final report Auxiliary Building and gas lines removed. 09/29/84 Unit #1 letdown Heat Ex- The weld was repaired Final report 81-56 04/05/82 changers had improperly Not reportable welded stiffener rings 81-57 Type HMA Auxiliary Re- NCR dispositioned rework Final report lays have excess unin- for affected leads 07/06/82 sulated leads

DER No. Description Correctisa Measures Status 82-1 Ex-core neutron monitor New cable purchased /re- Final report ) 08/26/82 cables haveing greater placed which meets at- l 1ength and attenuation tenuation requirements Not reportable  ; l than design 82-2 During an internal in- Dispositioned " Rework" Final report spection (of heat ex- and since accepted by 03/22/84 changers), 4 welds were radiographic examination Not reportable found visually unaccept-able 82-3 Diesel generators lube Replacement of defective Final report oil strainer baskets re- baskets 03/23/82 quire replacements per Reportable 10CFR21 by Cooper Energy Services 82-4 Design specification All installed clamps cor- Final report drawings for' instrument rected to comply with the 07/23/84 tubing clamps do not Code Reportable show locknuts as re-quired by ASME Code 82-5 Unit #2 reactor coolant NCR dispositioned to re- Final report pump delivered with sand move the blasting sand 06/16/82 in cooler chamber housing Not reportable 82-6 Unit #3 valves (11 Qualification documenta- Finsi report total) shipped and re- tion processed. NCR is- 02/18/82 moved from receiving sued against the Unit #3 Not reportable area without qualifica- equipment as ree,uired tion documentation 82-7 Five Star Special "150" WPF/QC1 revised to review Final report grout used in contain- manufacturer's final cer- 04/07/82 ment construction ob- tification. Remove Five Not reportable served stratification Star Special "150" grout fron approved list 82-8 G.E. switchgear has NCRs dispositioned to Final report parts not certified by replace the identified 10/25/82 subsuppliers for nuclear components correcting all Not reportable use equipment deliveries to the jobsite

                                                ' DER'No.                Description'           Corrective Measurei           Status 82-9    1hernovells in diesel'     NCRs dispositioned to      Final' report generator lube' oil sys-   replace thernovells.      -11/04/82 tems by Cooper Energy                                'Not reportable were not procured to-Code
  • 82-10 Code material I.D. nos.- Addenda incorporated as- Final report

! obliterated on 8 pipe- applicable 04/27/82 Unit #2 Not reportable containannt and NSSS due to galvanizing L

                                                    .82-11       Six nozzles in the re-     NCR dispositioned to al- Final report actor bottom head had      low tube installation      03/15/82:

porosity in the_ weld work to proceed Not reportable zone, deep surface de-fects, and nicked welding surfaces. 82-12 Instrument clamps in- NCR dispositioned to Final report stalled without calcula- review / rework all dis- 06/08/82 tions for thermal ex- crepancies of installa- Reportable pension tion 82-13 Reinforcing bars omitted Horizontal rebars in- Final report from Unit #3 fuel trans- stalled 06/04/82 fer tube inspection Not reportable station 82-14 Units #1 and #2 instru- Fasteners replaced with Final report ment installation bolting certified fasteners 07/07/82 procured to ASME III Reportable - Code was used without-issue control 82-15 ASME III Code pipe sup- NCRs dispositioned to Final report ports not traceable to check and verify each 07/14/82 QIB material- material drawn from Reportable storage for installation 82-16 Condensate pots were Nm dispositioned use-as- Closed 04/16/82 found to be noncon- is Not reportable L forming

DER No. Description Corrective Measures  : stus 82-17 Bechtel supplier docu- The computerized SDR has Final report ment register errors may been corrected, preclud- 12/09/82 allow outdated CE pro- ing redundant logging ~ Not reportable cedures to be used for Unit #1 instrument calibration 82-18 Pump motors have metal NCR dispositioned to Final report particles in lube oil flush and replace the 09/16/82 and deterioration of motor oil Not reportable internal epoxy coating 82-19 Class 1E MCC's burned NCRs dispositioned to Final report out due to damage during replace damaged com- 09/14/82 testing ponents Not reportable Closed 05/05/82 ) 82-20 20' section of 8" sched- NCR dispositioned use-ule 80 pipe has numerous as-is for the installed Not reportable areas below minimum wall section. The.non-in-thickness stalled section returned to manufacturer 82-21 Cable support structure NCR dispositioned to Closed 05/06/82 had shop welds not in use-as-is since no rework Not reportable accordance with drawing required 82-22 Knee-braced steel NCR dispositioned use-as- Closed 06/03/82 framing of the MSSS in- is since no rework re- Not reportable correctly quired Inspection revealed Piping spool repaired. Closed 05/14/82 82-23 Not reportable numerous unauthorized Well thickness verified grinding on SI system 82-24 Weld procedure not pre- Dispositioned use-as-is Final report qualified by Ametek- 09/15/82 Not reportable Straza for reactor hot les pipe stops 1 Q-Class pipe in auxiliary " Cracks" were actually closed 06/11/82 82-25 shallow surface, proving Not reportable building has visible 2"-4" indications near adequate wall thickness weld l 82-26 Mounting failures of Broken brackets rewelded. Final report valve position in- Other similar switches 09/09/82 dicating switches inspected Not reportable i L - f ';


Description Corrective Measures Status DER No. 82-27 Fuel building gate Returned to supplier for ~ Closed 06/01/82 supports improperly rework Not reportable welded 82-28 Jog fan blade locknuts NCR dispositioned use- Final report under-torqued as-is 07/23/82 Not reportable 82-29 Multiple linear in- NCRs dispositioned use- Final report dication on Main as-is 11/24/82 Not reportable Feedwater lines VGS inspected and Final report 82-30 Cleanliness control not 07/20/82. maintained on Unit #1 cleaned Not reportable VGS

                                          ' Wiring error in the      correct wiring error       closed 06/24/62 82-31                                                             Not reportable Plant Monitoring System Purge das material in    Material removed and        Closed 07/02/82 82-32                                                             Not reportable CH system                 check valve reassembled Set screw staked in         Final report 82-33        Leakage past 3" Anchor-Darling check valve       place                      08/20/82 Not reportable Repair the void              Final report 82-34        Concrete void in Unit                                   07/23/82
                                            #1 MSSS                                                 Not reportable 82-35      Unit #2 LPSI and CS       Field personnel in-             Final report pusp hold down bolts      structed on verification 09/29/82 of torque valves                Not reportable under-torqued New lugs installed              Final report 82-36     DG Control Panel wiring not crimped                                               08/06/82 Reportable Class 1E wiring in-       Procedures rewritten for Final report 82-37                              maintenance program hy-        11/15/82, properly crimped          draulic crimp units. All 07/18/82 future crimps to be done Re portable at a minimum of 7900 psi

Description Corrective Measures Status DER No. 82- 38 Containment isolation Bolts retightened Final report valves had actuator 01/12/83 bolts loose Not reportable 82-39 Valve limit switches All switches inspected Final report below flood level in and found satisfactory 05/16/83 containment Not reportable Unit #1 circuit breakers Test procedures re- Final report 82-40 12/28/82 incorrectly set after written; testing pro-testing gram revised Reportable New connections in- Final report 82-41 Improperly crimped lugs in Unit #3 switchgear stalled as applicable 11/23/82 Reportable Stainless steel portion Final report 82-42 Unit #1 RCP nozzle weld leak of nozzel replaced by a 03/28/83 double piece of incenel Reportable 82-43 Improperly crimped lugs All lugs inspected and Final report in Unit #2 repaired as necessary 02/07/83 Reportable Motor operators re- Final report 82-44 Borg-Warner valve operators not qualified placed with qualified 11/15/82 Reportable for use in containment operators 82-46 ITT-Barton transmitters Transmitters replaced Final report do not meet requirements with Rosemount; SARCN to 03/15/84 change diversity re- Reportable quirements Inspect and repair the Final report 82-47 Minimum wall thickness 11/19/82 violations on 24" pipe areas of corrosion Reportable 82-48 Check valves siezed open Check valves redesigned; Final report by welding heat all check valves flow 12/07/82 tested Reportable l 82-49 Unit il and #2 S/G has Replace beam attachments Final report pipe support incorrectly with applicable brackets 10/08/82 Reportable welded l 1

v. p


DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 82-50 Flexible conduit coup- Conduits modified for Final report

                                                . lings may be dansged      proper support             03/09/84 during seismic event                                  Reportable 82   ' Pipe line failure in      Plasite repairs effected Final report Unit'f1 essential           for applicable piping      01/09/84 cooling systen                                         Reportable.

82-52 Pipe supports 'incor- Inspections of Unit #1 Final report rectly installed pipe-supports 11/08/82 Not reportable 82-53 Joy fan blade failure Containment lines plate Final report in Unit #1 repaired; fan blade re . 08/29/83-placed; all fans rein- Not reportable { spected 82-54 MSIV's have internal . Valves reinspected and Final report corrosion refurbiehe6 01/26/83. Reportable 82-55.. DC motor. feeder cables Undersized cable re- Final report may not provide suf-- .placed; cable sizing 02/23/83' ficient operating volt- procedure revised Reportable

                                                  . age i

82-56 Condensate storage tank Calculations performed Final report i scaled down without new on tank; satisfactory as 07/21/83 l seismic calculations built Not reportable 82-57 -Auxiliary feedwater Valves replaced with Final report j valves are carbon steel stainless steel bodies 12/28/82 l instead of stainless Reportable ' j steel DG cubicles may not be 'DCP issued to anchor Final report 32-58 qualified seismically cubicles acceptably 11/22/82 Reportable 82-59 DG crankcase sump coat- Loose paint removed from Final report ing flaking off sump 11/22/82 Not reportable 82-60 DG has non-conforming Defective piston re- Final' report material certification placed 11/22/82 Reportable 4

Y i, 3 DER No. Nascription Corrective Measures Status-82-61' RCP diffuser ring cap Cap screw material Final report screws may fail changed; wedging device 01/25/84 added Not reportable 82-62 ESFAS DC power supply Review conducted to Final report ground detectors failed assure consistency be- 08/03/83 testing tween test procedures- Not reportable l and specifications j 82-63 Calculation error in Design analysis showed Final report seismic calculation of acceptable as-built 06/27/83 RWT condition Not reportable .! I 82 Dissimilar metal socket Welds rephced with cor- Final report welds rect material 11/29/82 Not reportable l' 82-65 -Battery racks may not Additional calculations Closed 11/04/82 performed. Racks to be Not reportable be seismically quali-replaced as necessary


fled- , I 82-66 Demineralized water Water removed Closed 11/10/82 I leaked into the reactor Not reportable vessel 82-67 ESFAS power supplies do Power supplier replaced Final report l not meet specifications 12/16/82 Not reportable 82-68 Cables to startup trans- Use-as-is Final report c formers may not carry 09/16/83 full current Not reportable I 82-69 Incorrectly marked fuses Replaced fuses Final report in CEDM's 03/08/83 Not reportable 82-70 Improper grinding next Use-as-is closed 11/18/82 I to weld Not reportable 82-71 Loose bolt holding yoke Re-torqued the bolt Final report i to valve body 01/26/83 Not rep 6rtable l 1 82-72 Concrete void in Unit Grouting program ini- Final report

                                 #2 containment wall       tinted to fill voids                                                  06/30/83 Reportable l
         . .. _ _ - _ _ -      _    _                                                                                                                          i

Description Corrective Measures Status DER No. Defective clamps re- Final report 82-73 Pipe support clamps in Unit #2 MSSS may have- placed; inspection con- 01/31/84 excess gap ducted to. identify other Reportable deficiencies 82-74 Adjustable resistors Modification effacted to Final report have wrong size bolts replace nuts and washers 12/23/82 Not reportable 82-75 Refueling water tank improper studs, clips Final report suction strainers in- replaced 12/23/82 Reportable properly secured ~ 82-76 Target rock valves do Solenoid operators modi- Final report not meet specification / fied; replace target 07/11/84 test requirements rock solenoids with Reportable valcor 82-77 Foxboro displays failed Qualified models supplied Final report Class 1E testing for use 12/23/82 Not reportable 82-78. Improperly crimped lugs All lugs inspected; de- Final report in water chiller control fective lugs replaced 01/17/83 Reportable j

           . panels 82-79    Control air tubing         Tubing separated to meet Final report violates separation         requirements                      01/17/83 Not reportable criteria Low insulation valves      Terminal blocks replaced Final report 82-80                                                                08/31/84 for terminals blocks       with splices Not reportable Honeywell instruments              Final report 82-81   R-Class instruments                                           04/12/83 used in lieu of Q-Class     inspected for conform-ance                              Reportable in DG control cabinets Nm s dispositioned to             Final report 82-82   Mechanical snubbers do                                        01/19/83 not permit 5 nove-         rework the affected snubbers                          Reportable ment without binding DG butterfly valves did Valves interchanged and              Closed 01/06/83 82-83                                                                 Not reportable not comply with require- replaced ments l


_7,______.___ , F .i


i DER ..o.'

                                                                       -Description          ' Corrective Measures         ' Status V                                                 .
l. 82-84 Class 1E load centers in Space heaters inspeeted Final report Unit #1 had internals for correct voltage ,04/19/83 damage by space heaters Not reportable 82-85 Harlo relay panels in Incorrect relays re- ' Final report l :,

Unit #1 failed testing placed with qualified. 03/07/83 relays Reportable i I q 1

DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status r; 83-1 DG. voltage regulating Transformers repaired per Final report system may not perform DCP 02/16/83

                                                                             .as specified                                                                                                                                                       Reportable Valve operators inter-                  Affected operators were                                                                                                     Final report 83-2                                                                                                          '

changed- replaced 05/03/84 Reportable 83-3 Foreign material in Housing flushed and Final report bearing housing of cleaned 02/28/84 Unit 1 HPSI pump Not reportable 83-4 Test procedures for air Procedures revised; Final report handling units do not retests performed 04/27/84 meet ANSI 510 Not reportable Weld undercut. on pipe Use as is Final report 83-5 in SI system 02/28/83 Not reportable 83-6 Undersize shock sup- Shock suppressor replaced Final report presor in Unit 1 02/28/83 Containment Reportable 83-7 . Maxi-bolt anchors Replaced affected bolts Final report improperly installed 03/04/83 Not reportable 83-8 Hydrogen recombiner Existing timers replaced Final report failed Qualification 02/28/83 test Reportable 83-9 Unit 1 LPSI pumps Both LPSI trains flushed Final report strainers and cleaned 09/06/83 Not reportable 83-10 Main steam relief valves Valves returned to manu- Final report exceed 5% blowdown facturer for refurbish- 02/28/84 unit ment Not reportable 83-11 Eride batteries may Stress or batteries Final report leak or corrode at relieved; permanent 06/14/83 terminals repairs effected Not reportable 83-12 480V MCC interlocks may Interlocks changed Final report malfunction out under GE supervision 05/03/83 Reportable

h 4 7 Status


DER No. Description Corrective Measures 83-13 Violation.of Tagout Training conducted on Final report - requirements' ' tagging procedures 07/14/83 Not reportable f 14 Leaking capacitors Defective relays replaced Final ~ report

                                .in DG relays                                             09/27/83 Reportable
                        .83-15   A 354 Anchor bolt bone        Torque valve determin-      Final report under installation torque ation methodology              09/23/83.

changed; drawings Reportable revised 83-16 DG govenor and voltage DCP issued to correct Final report regulator do not reset deficiency 05/03/83 after trip Reportable 83 Fire protection' switches All damsged switches Final report failed to.neet TMI replaced 07/19/83 criteria Reportable 83-18 Pipe 'aupports do not' Additional hex nuts Final report meet Seismic IK require- installed; drawing 04/28/83 ments revised Not reportable 83-19 Shock. arrestors do not Applicable shock Final report function properly arrestors replaced 01/03/84 lbt reportable 83-20 Startup test personnel All personnel properly Final report qualification trained and qualified .04/29/83~ Not reportable 83-21 LPSI pump operated in Training provided to Final report violation of procedures operators 05/06/83 Not reportable 83-22 Hydrogen recombiner Circuit breakers Final report circuit breaker failed replaced 10/24/83-to operate improperly Reportable 83-23 MSIV bypass isolation Solenoid valves replaced Closed valves failed to close 05/10/83 within 5 seconda Not reportable

                         '83-24     DG lube oil and jacket      New heaters installed       Final report water heaters do not                                    05/18/83 maintain temperatures                                   Reportable l

DER No. Description __ Corrective Measures

 .83-25       Instrument tubing does         Use-as-is; revised.         Final report not have boundary class        specifications issued       09/21/83
          ' break Not reportable 83-26       BOP ESFAS modules failed Cabinets modified to .            Final report                             ,

testing due to over- increase ventilation; 10/28/83 l heating drawings revised Not reportable { I 83-27 Need position indication Adjust switches as Closed q switches functioning necessaryg 0-ring 04/28/83 ] improperly and terminal boards Notreportable {' replaced 83-28 Snubbers installed in Use as is; Specification Final report change to clarify pro- 06/08/83  ; violation of reserve range requirements cedure Not reportable j 83 Hangers in SI system Supports repaired; draw- Final report installed incorrectly ings revised 06/06/83 Reportable 83-30 A354 bolt broke while Torque procedures Final report. torquing on Unit 2 AFW revised;' drawings 01/30/84 pump revised Not reportable  ! i 83-31 Temperature rise in DG Ventilation modifications Final report ) control cabinet could made to provide forced 08/23/83 exceed design ventilation Reportable  ; a 83-32 Socket welds in Unit 1 Transition pieces instal- Final report S/G 1ed; drawings revised 02/29/84 Not reportable , 83-33 GE breakers with EC-1 Defects corrected per Final report trips may have defect NCR dispositioned 06/24/83 Reportable 83-34 Instrument racks in Defective welds repaired Final report Unit 2 have surface 09/19/83 i cracks Not reportable l 83-35 Inverters produced High frequency snubber Final report voltage spikes on DC capacitor reworked 01/09/84 supply bus Reportable 83-36 Excessive cycling of Actuators refurbished Final report hydramotor actuators and retested; Training 12/21/83 program conducted Not reportable


Correctj,a Measures Status DER No. Description Final report 83-37 Aissed factory operations Defects repaired as appropriate 12/05/84 on Unit 3 S/G Reportable Final report 83-38 Clip angles used for HVAC Use-as-is 10/06/83 supports do not meet

  • Not reportable ,

requirements J Reworked pump case; Final report 83-39 Rejectable indications on Unit 1 RCP inspected all other welds 01/03/84 Not reportable Final report 83-40 Unit 1 LPSI and CS pump' New lower end brackets motors leaking oil installed; new design 02/02/84 housing Reportable 83-41 Flooding in Control Circulating water intake Final report Building canal sealed; electrical 09/21/83 ducts sealed; all joints Reportable sealed Original thernovells Final report 42 Failed thernowells 09/14/84 in the RCS replaced with new, redesigned thernovells Reportable 83-43 Improper crimp termina- All relay cabinets by Final report Harlo reinspected; dis- 09/27/84 tions Reportable crepancies will be corrected

I-Wiring corrected and Final report 83-44 Wiring errors in PPS 08/15/83 cabinets retested Reportable I

Cable separations in Wiring redone in accor- Final report l 83-45 dance with applicable 09/26/83 i Unit 1 Control Room panels requirements; procedures Reportable revised Final report 83-46 Value overtorqued during Adjusted electrical leads' and reed switch 01/09/84 hydrostatic testing Reportablo Final report 83-47 Power supplies may damage Additional fuses in- 10/17/83 instrument conductor stalled Reportable penetrations


- - - - - - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l

= - _        .

e 4} > i (

                                          - DER No.              Description-          Corrective Measures            Status L      ,

83-48 Solenoid valves subjected ~ Refurbished with high Final report to excessive heat temperature connectors, 10/28/83 lead wires and 0-rings Not reportable 83-49 Broken ~ impeller. blades / Diffuser redesigned; Final report diffuser bolts capocrew numbers 09/14/84' increased; impellers Not reportable backfiled; bearing sleeves replaced 83-50 Combined with DER 83-49 i 83-51 'AFW pump. failed testing Surveillance test path Final report ' eliminated; SARCN to 09/25/84 change required flow Reportable rates 83-52 Power supplies feed Filter elements installed; Final- report

                                                      . noise into 125 VDC bus     annunciators returned       12/22/83 for re-work                Reportable 83-53      Unit 3 embed plates do     Imbed plates and anchor . Final report -

not meet specification bolts were evaluated and - 10/15/84 reworked as necessary Reportable 83-54 Washers found in Unit 1 Loose parts removed; Final report S/G's remainder of system 01/17/84 inspected Not reportable 83-55 Thermal liner on cold liners removed from Final report

                                                       . leg of RCP 1A missing      system                      12/30/84 Not reportable 83-56     Discrepancies with          Larger hydraulic reser-     Final report MSIV's                      voir; pump material         04/13/84 replaced; relief valve      Reportable installed.

83-57 Cracks $a CEA shroud 4 and 12 finger guides Final report removed; anubbers added 09/14/84 for lateral support Reportable 83-63 HPSI isolation valves Isolation valves were Final report failed to open repaired 10/9/84 Reportable 83-64 Fressure relief valves Test rig replaced Final report failed testing 05/24/84

    '                                                                                                           Not reportable 27-

DER No. Description Corrective Measures .. ea tus 83-65 Safety relief valves Valves reconditioned Final report found dirty and rusted and tested; clean 11neos 01/23/84 requirements addressed Reportable 83-66 AFW pump impeller wear Wear ring material Final report ring fractured changed; sent to manu- 06/21/84 facturer for rework Reportable 83-67 Ex-core detectors below Detectors relocated above Final report flood level flood level 01/23/84 Reportable 83-68 Battery racks construc-- Non-conforming hardware Final report ted with materials not replaced 02/09/84 meeting specifications Reportable 83-69 Seismic supports on Added additional shaft Final report Posi-Seal valves incor- supports to raise 07/11/84 rectly installed frequency, validating Reportable seismic analysis 83-70 Wiring in ERF cabinets Wiring rerouted; metal Final report not in conformance with barriers installed; color 02/28/84 specification coding of wiring Reportable 83-71 Shock arrestors may have Snubbers replaced as Final report generic defect required 04/24/84 Reportable 83-72 Undersize welds in Specification revised; Final report Unit 1 Auxiliary Building Training for QC 03/14/84 inspectors Not reportable 83-73 Unqualified power sup- Power supplies replaced Final report plies installed 1E with IE instruments 11/15/84 instrument cabinets Reportable 83-74 Undersize welds in Unit 1 Inspections conducted on Final report Auxiliary Building all units pipe supports 09/21/84 for veld size Not reportable 83-75 Improperly torqued Bolts retorqued Final report bolts on panel filler 07/24/84 assemblies Not reportable 83-76 Improper AFW pump logic Logic diagram revised; Final report modifications on exist- 05/07/84 ing logic Reportable





I t i DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 1 83-77 Unit 2 concrete pour Honeycombed areas Final report ) I contains honeycombs repaired 07/13/84 ) Not reportable ' 83 No user tests or docu- Samples tated for hard- Final report mentation for Rock Bolt ness, and elongation; 08/02/84 Fxpansion Anchor analysis performed to Not reportable accept as is l 83-79 AC interference spikes Specification revised; Final report on DC bus Micarta boards installed 03/09/84 Not reportable 83-80 MFIV close in 20 seconds; closing speed control Final report Specification requires valve fully open; 08/23/84 5 seconds package to 3500f at Not reportable 70*F 83-81 Schedule 160 SS pipe Replace the piping Final report from Gulfalloy contains 08/29/84 a manufacturing defect Not reportable 83-82 Improper bend radius in Cables rejected and re- Final report DG control cabinets placed to meet bend 08/10/84 radius requirements Reportable 83-83 Incorrect away strut Strut replaced Final report supporting Class Q1A 08/23/84 piping was installed Reportable 83-84 Missing bolts for MCC (6) Installations made to Final report i in Unit #1 conform to revised 05/15/84 drawings Not reportable l 83-85 Perimeter microwave Safeguards information Final report l detection system has a 01/20/84 manufacturing defect Not reportable 83-86 Seismic analysis of the Add stiffener plates to Final report i base plate 01/26/84  ; shutdown HX did not address baseplate thick- Reportable  ! ness adequately 83-87 Remote operated manual Deficient SI valves Final report HPSI valves corrected 03/13/84 Not reportable 83-88 QA lack of procedures & Appropriate procedures Final report programs for testing reviewed and revised 04/13/84 and startup

1 I DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 84-1 Methodology used to Procedures revisad to Final report track required retesting provide a documented 04/09/84 activities program to track re- Not reportable 1 I quirements for out-standing preoperational retest after work is performed on a previously tested structure system or l component j I 84-2 Rust, scale, and pitting NCRs were dispositioned Final report in the clevis and arm use-as-is 07/13/84 i of several SI and CH Not reportable j valves 84 Feedwater isolation Inspect and rework PWIVs Final report valves; lower 4-way and MSIVs to remove un- 05/25/84 valve found stuck during acceptable pipe sealant Reportable testing and replace with Inctite No. 277 prior to fuel < load 84-4 External security wiring Contains proprietary closed 01/27/84 not in conformance with security information per Not reportable

                                       . specification             10CFR 2.790 84-5   Debris found in reactor    NCR dispositioned to       Closed 02/10/84 internal during move-      clean area and return      Not reportable      ;

ment of the CEA Shroud tools to proper storage Assembly from the UGS 84-6 Possible deficiencies Modules returned to Final report in absolute and de- vendor for repair 12/12/84 viation alarm modules Reportable 84-7 Failure to provide Mr- NCRs initiated to re- Final report rective action as instate rework on valves 07/13/84 stated in DER 80-21 requiring modifications Reportable ITT/Barton Model 763 Transmitters will be re- Final report 84-4 Transmitters do not placed or refurbished 07/24/84 meet specifications Reportable 84-9 Relating to CAD welding Code Case Approved Final report for cathodic protection procedues revised 10/15/84 ground connection Not Reportable

i i. e DER No.- Description Corrective Measures Status-r.-

                     '84-10        Abnormal number of-        100% inspection revealed final' report

single element RTDs no problem with the RTDs 08/01/84 open-circuited - Not reportable 84-12 Zone III violations of The entire Unit 1 RCS Pinal report RCP 1A and S/G #1 returned to Class B 09/10/84 cleanliness, and'the Not reportable demonstration test completed 84-13 Relating to HVAC Deficiencies evaluated Final report acceptance criteria and resolved per' 12/12/84 NCRs. Drawings revised Reportable 84-14 Some studs and nuts in- DCN issued to allow the Closed 03/13/84 stalled ou SI & RC sys- use of SA-194, GR 8M : Not reportable tems which do not meet material in the boric ASME requirements for acid related systems, boric acid service as applicable 84-15 Relating to welds Inspection criteria Final report attaching pipe restraint clarified; design docu- 11/15/84 supports less than de- ments revised Not Reportable sign-calculated dimen-

                                   .sion in Unit 2 84-16   ESFAS relay cabinets       Added stiffener plates    Final report baseplates                 to cabinets and up-       08/02/84 dated installation DWG's Reportable 84-17   The core shroud envelope Measurements of core .      Closed 04/23/84 shroud panels accomplish- Not reportable ed as required 84-18   Wiring error on LPSI       Wiring errors on control Final report pump  "B" CS-3 switch       switch corrected          09/10/84 Not reportable 84  Improperly installed        Nonconforming flanges re- Final report blind flanges               moved and replaced to     07/30/84 meet Piping Material      Not reportable Classifications Displacement of a con-      Use-as-is                 Final report 84-20 necting line in the SI                                10/15/84 system                                                Not Reportable 84-21   Rosemount transmitters      Hardware replaced,        Final report not torqued to specified sample walkdown              11/05/84 Reportable valve                       conducted i

l l

                                 -DER No.                 description           Corrective Measures                     _

Status  ;

                                  '84-22       Unit #1 CEA shroud sup - Contaminated area cleaned Final report                                       1 port contaminated with- . and checked for cor-                                  08/01/84
                                             -oil                         rosion. Oil retention                                Reportable           i hars are being added to,                                                j the Polar Cranes to con-tain oil in sear case 84-23       Auxiliary feedwater         No future reflow cire.                              Final report pump   "B" discharge valve testing will be done. Re- 07/12/84                                       y n                                           to condensate storage       cire. valves V018' and                               Reportable          l tank                        V027 will_be replaced by spectacle flanges!                                                    i 84-24      Limitorque valve opera-     Bolts retorqued, in-                                 Final report tors loose on valve        struction manuals revised 10/23/84 bodies                                                                           Reportable
                                              ' Containment supply         Piano wires on safety-                               Final report-84-25 registers would not         related registers to be                              11/27/84            l cycle                      replaced                                             Reportable 84-26       Improperly tested or       Interlocks will be                                    Final report adjusted interlock          manually tested unless                              09/21/84 properly tested                                      Reportable L

personnel are performing the-function 84-27 Improperly handled in- Reinspection performed Final report strumentation from of instruments. Training 12/12/84 Waldinger Corp. performed. Documents Reportable Revised 84-28 Diesel generator fuel Use-as-is and repair Final report lines for modifications 2/15/85 Not reportable 84-29 Build up of material on Clean, recoat with Final report Unit #2 diesel generator plasite lining 09/25/84 HX Reportable 84-30 Improper documentation Review of all code- Final report of diesel generator related documentation 09/18/84

                                                -components                  concluded correct and                                Not reportable on file, use-as-is 84-32                                   Superceded by DER 84-34 l

- - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ _ _ - - __ }

DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 84-33 ' Incorrectly installed Weld added Final report hanger support assembly 09/21/84 Not reportable 84-34 Critical friction type Connectors retightened: Final report high strength con- drawings revised 10/26/84 nectors. _ Re portable . 84-35 Setpoint potentiometers Potentiometers replaced Final report in the'PPS drift out- 09/18/84 side of tolerance Not reportable 84-36 SI valve stalls just off Valves removed and Final report closing seat when open- repsced 11/28/84 ing or closing Reportable 84-37 Unauthorized / unqualified Sealant qualified for Final ~ report duct sealant use; retraining conducted 11/02/84 Reportiable 84-38 Improperly welded flange Rework / repair by adding Final report in thit #2 filler material 09/18/84 Reportable 84-39 LPSI and containment Use-as-is, but do not Final report spray pumps have ex- run pump'in the 2500 09/26/84 perienced abnormal to 3500 flow range during Not reportable rumbling noises shutdcwn cooling mode of operation


84 Unit #2 auxiliary Parts cleaned. Proper Final report l feedwater pump has flushing and chemical- 12/14/84 corrosion control Not reportable 84-41 Adequacy of Cardinal Documents revised. Final report Industrial Products training audits and 12/13/84 program for supplier integrated audit Not reportable qualification performed 84-42 Unqualified torque None Final report switches installed on 10/30/84 safety related valves Not reportable 84-43 HPSI 3" gate valve Valve stem cleaned Closed 07/18/84 failure to open and lubricated Not reportable 84-44 Fatique failures of Maintenance inspection Final report the charging pumps program initiated 11/28/84 Not reportable

Description Corrective Measures Status DER W . 84-45 Relating to spot welding . Testing to be performed; Final report on skid mounting indica- retrofit to be completed 10/19/84 tion and control Not reportable 84-46 Refueling water tank DCPs prepared to perform Final report penetration sleeves; required grouting work 09/24/84 connection would be Reportable overstressed during a seismic event 84-47 Hacksaw blade in the Weld on line SI 130 Closed 07/24/84 Unit #3 SI system was completed Not reportable 84-48 1mproper material for Pipe plugs replaced with Final report pipe plugs on MSIV proper material 10/18/84 Reportable Mini-flow individually . Final report 84-49 Auxiliary feedvater system experience' adjusted for each pump 09/26/84 hydraulic resonance to reduce the vibration Reportable to acceptable limits 84-50 Main steam isolation Frecharge pressure / Final report valves do not close as temperature curve 10/25/84 ' required revised Reportable 84-51 Failure of turbine-driven Changes initiated to re- Final report auxiliary feedwater pump flect the feedwater de- 09/26/84 to quick start from livery time change from Reportable ambient conditions 20 to 30 seconds DCPs initiated to in- Yinal report 84-52 Relating to the atmos- .; pheric dump valve; a crease the thickness of 09/26/84 review of the seismic the resistor base flange Not reportable analysis report deter- to two inches mined that the base flange of the resistor ' is overstressed during an SSE and will break NCR's evaluated Pro- Final report 84-53 Nuts on bolts found 12/18/84 loose on PC and CH cedures revised, training performed Not reportable valves Reworked valves Final report 84-54 Containment sump isola-tion valve 12/12/84 Reportable l__-_-_-__________

i 1 ) i I Description Correctiva Measures Status l DER No. 1 84-55 Non "Q" material in- Modules replaced; pro- Final report installed in Q1E instru- cedures revised 11/15/84 Reportable l mentation cabinets 1 Damper Reworked Final Report 84-56 Fire dampers were found to close-inconsistently 12/08/84 Reportable realuation relating to SARCN to change time closed 09/19/84 84-57 Not reportable radioactive waste drain from 10 seconds to ' 40 seconds  ! system 1 Final report 84-58 Auxiliary feedwater sys- Valves cleaned and/or tem solenoid valve failed replaced 11/12/84 l to open in response to Not reportable 1 AFAS signal 84-59 MCC cables damaged by Cables replaced; edge Final report fire stops protectors installed 10/09/84 Reportable Valves flushed and Final report 84-60 Improper lubricant used 11/12/84 in Limitorque valve re-lubricated l Reportable  ! operators Redundant valve in- Final report 84-61 Auxiliary pressurizer spray system-loop valve stalled 10/17/84 Not reportable potential to stop open Rework Control Final report 84-62 Load sequencer did not function properly during Circuits 12/08/84 Not reportable safeguards testing valves cleaned and/or Final report 84-63 SIT vent valve would 11/12/84 not close during testing replaced Not reportable Snubbers will not cycle Rework snubbers, monitor- Final report , 84-64 12/12/84 1 ing program Reportable t Final report 84-65 Inst. leads removed from leads in the CSB 11/12/84 UGS have shown splitting removed Not reportable of outer sheath Final report 84-66 Downcomer feedwater iso- Actuators redesigned; closure time revised 10/03/84 lation valves Reportable q Valves cleaned and/or Final report 84-67 Steam generator system valve solenoid operations replaced 11/12/84 i I Not reportable at low voltage

DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 84-68 ESC "A" would not re- New temperature switches Final report sequence due to temp. installed 11/15/84 switch trip after LOP Reportable 84-69 Reactor protection system Barrier material removed Final report shunt trip contacts and relays retested 11/09/84 Not reportable 84-70 Diesel engine "A" in Unit Lubricate control Closed 09/28/84

                              #1 tripped off because       mechanism                   Not reportable of engine overspeed 84-71    A spurious load shed of       None required              closed 09/17/84 the 4160 V SWGR SO4                                      Not reportable Feeder Breaker 84-72    During pre-op test SI         Rework operators           Final report     4 1

valve torqued out near 12/12/84 the closed seat Reportable 84-73 Test cards for excore Test cards replaced, Final report system have an incorrect rework discriminator 11/05/84 value for "R26" cards Reportable j 84-74 inverters failed pre-op Inspection and repair Final report testing as necessary, Procedure 12/14/84 l revision Not reportable ' 84-75 DG essential exhaust fan Start signal time Closed fails to start within 5 changed 09/27/84 seconds in Mode 1 or 4 Not reportable operation HVAC modified Final report 84-76 Stator temperatures could be exceeded 12/12/84 Not reportable 84-77 Rosemount transmitters Transmitters replaced Final report manufactured after or refurbished 11/02/84 January 10, 1984 may not Reportable have hermetic seal 84-78 Valcor valves experience Dropping register in- Final report coil failures stalled to reduce voltage 11/16/84 Reportable Broken terminal lug on Damaged lug replaced Closed 84-79 DG could cause abnormal 10/04/84 temp. rise Not reportable I i





r DER No. Description' ' Corrective Measures ' Status 84-80' DG."A" tripped off on Hydraulic govenor ad- Closed overspeed when load-was justed 10/03/84 removed Not reportable 84-81 65%-90% hesitation of Operators reworked Final report the odpen position when 12/12/84 3 of 4 valves' are in Reportable closed position 84-82 Improper mate between Use-as-is Final report seat and disc of SI 11/09/84> check valve Not reportable 84-83 HPSI "A"' injection lines Orifices installed Final. report' experiencing' cavitation downstream 11/28/84 Not reportable 84-84 Discrepancy between . ESFAS response time Final report CESSAR Section 5.1.4 and changed 10/26/84 CESSAR Chapter 15, deal-Not reportable ing with valve closure - time 84-85 Containment purge valve FSAR revised Final report closing time on Contain- 10/26/84 ment Isolation Activa- Not reportable ] d Signal assumed in CESSAR 15-4-8 Amend 6 or later f was not assumed in Palo Verde FSAR 84-86 Pipe flanges corroded Cleaned' flanges and Closed in DG system bolts .10/19/84 Not reportable 84-87 Pre-operational test None Closed procedure discrepancy 10/24/84 ) on HPSI system Not reportable .l Grout missing on down- Place grout Final report - 84-88 comer,feedwater lines 11/30/84 ] Reportable j 84-89 Transmitters mounted Reworked transmitters Final report upside down 12/06/84 Not reportable Rx. Vessel shim pins Shim Pins Staked Final Report I 84-90 j improperly staked 12/06/84 Not reportable i i

DER No. Description Correct 1ve Measures Status 84-91 Miscellaneous pipe Inspection Performed Final report found in U-2 RCP 12/06/84 Not reportable 84-92 Inadequate pressure None Closed t for fire protection 11/07/84 in the MSSS Not reportable 84-93 No support rails for Bracing installed Final report Control Room Panel B05 12/08/84 Reportable 84-94 Overstress on'CEDM Use-as-is Closed lifting lugs 11/12/84 Not reportable 84-95 Spray chemical addition Pump inspected; Closed pump run for 6.5 hours Use-as-is 11/12/84 with suction and dis-charge valve closed 84-96 Excessive closure time Actuators replaced Final report for containment purge 12/07/84 valves Reportable 84-97 Sway strut bracket Use-as-is Closed welded incorrectly 11/14/84 Not reportable 84-98 GE Relays not Contacts adjusted Final report properly set at factory 12/14/84 Reportable 84-99 Regen Heat Exchanger Bracket restored Final report improperly mounted 12/14/84 Reportable 84-100 Compression Terminal Inspection and tightening Final report screws at terminal as necessary - specs 12/14/84 blocks are loose revised Reportable 84-101 Containment Purge Valve Inspection and rework Final report failed to open as necessary 12/14/84 j Reportable 84-102 Improperly secured A/D Inspection and rework Final report i check valve as necessary 10/14/84 I Reportable I I


( I DER No. Description Corrective Measursa Status 84-103 D/G Building Roof Restraints installed Final report Estch not locked 10/14/84 Reportable 84-104 SIT Vent valves Seat ring modified closed 12/26/84 leaking past seat Not reportable 84-105 Vertical uplift not Documents revised closed 12/26/84 considered in pipe Not reportable support design 84-106 Spurious load shed Sequencer module Final report on BOP EFAS replaced 02/27/85 Not reportable 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - _ - _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - )

j  ; L. Description Corrective Measures Status DER No. coupling / Pedestal Final report Aux. FW taper pin 85-01 stresses excessive reworked, document 06/06/85 f revision Reportable Brown Boveri - High Additional testing Final report 85-02 Leakage in SCR's incorporated 02/26/85 l' Not reportable 1 Document review and Final report 85-03 Containment shell min GAP violated revision as necessary 06/14/85 training Not reportable Ruskin fire dampers Dampers reworked Final report 85-04 .! deficient 04/05/85 Reportable Repair / rework performed Final report 85-05 Fire proofing on non-segregated buses evaluation performed 06/20/85 Reportable Diesel generator trip None required Closed 03/05/85 85-06 Not reportable during testing 85-07 CE instrument rack Bolting replaced Final report bolting deficiencies Document review 09/09/85

                                                                                     . Not reportable 85-08    APW AFAS logic circuit    Calibration performed        Final report hysteresis                                             05/30/85 Not reportable Substitution of welded     Evaluation performed        Closed 03/15/85 85-09                                                           Not reportable connections for bolted connections I4aking welds on spray     Monitoring prograe           Closed 03/25/85 85-10 pond (MIC)                developed - reexamination Not reportable performed chemical control incorporated CST Transfer Pump         Documents revised            closed 03/26/85 85-11                                                          Not reportable insufficiently sized 85-12   Cracks in Aux. Building   Specification revised-       Final report brought to personnel         06/14/85 attention                    Not reportable



DER No. Description Corrective Measures . Status Final report 85-13 Stress calculations for. Caleclations revised SI lines inconsistent ~ documents. revised 04/09/85. 1 Not reportable 85-14 .Iow pressure lube oil ~ Circuit reworked Final report failure during testing 06/14/85 of diesel generator Reportable I 85-15 Piping min wall None required Final report . thickness violation 07/15/85 Not reportable AHU Spoke Cracked Replaced AHU hubs Final report 85-16 New hubs for all units 08/13/85 reportable 85-17 Essential AHU Seismic Seismic report amended Closed 05/07/85 analysis review / revised documents Not reportable 85-18 Brown Boveri K-Line ITocedure revision for Closed 05/15/85 Circuit breakers inspection during~ Not reportable deficient maintenance 85-19 Iodine removal system SCAP's reworked . Final report excess flow rate 07/25/85 Not reportable 85-20 Cracked rocker are Rocker are replaced Final report on diesel generator maintenance program 09/30/85 incorporated Reportable 85-21 Anchor Darling air check None required Closed 05/31/85 valve failure to seat Not reportable properly 85 Control relay visual Relays inspected / cleaned Final report. indicators breaking off as necessary - procedure 07/05/85 into relay revised Reportable. Replace valves Final report 85-23 Diesel generator start failure due to Nechanical 09/09/85 valve failure Not reportable 85-24 Fractured bolting on Bolting replaced - Final report diesel turbocharger Torque increased 09/13/85 Reportable

DER No. Description Corrective Measures Status 85-25 Aux FW pump trip on Control circuit modifi- Final report AFAS-2 signal cold cations monitoring 10/15/85 conditions program through periodic Reportable testing 85-26 Inadequate design of Circuit modifications Final report containment purge system document revisions 09/11/85 ducting Not reportable 85-27 Slippage of shock Torque increased - Final report suppression pipe clamps documents revised 09/18/85 Reportable 85-28 CE instrument rack Under evaluation Open Conduit bend radius violations 85-29 Evalu3 tion of beam Calculation revised- Closed 08/26/85 support designs further instructions Not reportable provided 85-30 CAD drawings do not Drawings revised - Closed 08/26/85 reflect as built document revisions. Not reportable condition Attention to detail emphasized 85-31 Q class pipes / pipe Documents revised Closed 05/28/85 supports hung on drawings revised Not reportable non-Q beams 85-32 Min seismic separation Under evaluation Open between buildings violated 85-33 ANI withdrawal of None required Closed 09/25/85 acceptance of Bisco Not reportable cable / pipe fire stops override feature on D/G Under evaluation Open 85-34 prevents pickup of emergency loads

d. Construction Status All safety related and important to safety systems and areas will be accepted by operations to ensure drawings are up-to-date and system coaletion prior to fuel load. The status as of October 21, 1985, is as follows:

SUBSYSTEMS TOTAL SUBSYSTEMS ACCEPTED WALKED DOWN 230 189 220 TOTAL AREAS ACCEPTED WALKED DOWN 67 41 67 CONSTRUCTION STATUS The following safety-related and important to safety systems have outstanding work that is required for fuel load. The remaining work is relatively minor in nature. It is tracked by the site tracking systems and will be prior to issuance of an 0.L. AF Auxiliary Feedwater AS Auxiliary Steam CC Chemical Production CD Condensate CE Stator Cooling CH Chemical and Volume control CL Containment Imak Test CP Containment Purge CT Condensate Transfer and Storage DF Diesel Fuel Oil and Transfer DG Diesel Generator Systems DW Demineralized Water EC Essential Chilled Water ED Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam and Drains ES Safety Equipment Status System EW Essential Cooling Water FH Fuel Handling FP Fire Protection Gil Generator Hyudrogen and CO2 l j GR Gaseous Radwaste ' l HA HVAC - Auxiliary Building HC HVAC - Containment HD HVAC - Diesel Generator Building l HF HVAC - Fuel Building HJ HVAC - Control Building HP Containment Hydrogen Control HR HVAC - Radwaste Building

IA Instrument and Service Air LR Liquid Radwaste MA Main Generation. / MB> Excitation and Voltage Regulation MT Main Turbine NA 13.8-KV Power NB 4.16-KV Powcr NC Nuclear-Cooling Water NQ thinterruptible AC Power OW Oily Weste and Nonradioactive Waste PB 4.16-KV Power PC Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup PE Standby Generation PG 480-V Power, Switchgear PH 480-V Power, MCC' PK 125-V DC Power-PN Instrument AC Power QB Essential Lighting QC Yard, Roadway, and Fence Lighting QD Emergency Lighting QF In-Plant Communications QR Fire Detection and Alarm QM Special Process Trace Heating RC Reactor Coolant RD Radioactive Waste Drains RE Nonnuclear Process Sampling RI In-Core Reactor Instrumentation RJ Plant Computer RK Plant Annunciator RM Main Control Board l SA Engineered Safety Features Actuation SB Reactor Protection SC Secondary Chemical control SD Area Radiation Monitoring SE Ex-Core Neutron Monitoring SF Reactor Control SG Main Steam SI Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling SM Seismic Instrumentation SP Essential Spray Ponds SQ Radiation Monitoring SR Solid Radwaste SS Nuclear Sampling System ST Sanitary Drainage and Treatment SV Inose Parts and Vibration Monitoring WC Chilled Water ZA Auxiliary Building ZC Containment Building ZF Puel Building ZG Diesel Generator Building ZJ Control Building ZM MSSS Building ZR Radwaste Building ZT Tur'oine Buiding and Pedestal

e. Preoperational Test Status Preoperational Testing - Preoperational testing required for fuel load to safety systems will be completed on all safety related or important prior to fuel load. The status as of October 21, 1985 is as follows:

TEST RESULTS APPROVED j TOTAL TESTS . TEST COMPLETE 168 118 182 The remaining 14 tests that are not complete are listed below.

                                                        ' TESTS ON HOLD DESCRIPTION          % COMPLETE PROCEDURE i Containment Purge System             89 91PE-2CP01 Hydrogen Purge System                89 91PE-2HP01 Modular A.C. Daargency Lighting        0 93PE-2QD02 TESTS IN PROGRESS control Room Pressurization           70 91PE-2HJ02 Test Solid Radwaste System                 5 91PE-2SR02 QSPDS Preoperational Test            95 92PE-2SB19 TESTS TO BE PERPORMED AFTER INITIAL FUEL LOAD (To Be Performed Per FSAR 14.2.5 Phase I Tests)

The Following Tests Have Not Been Performed 91PE-21R02 Liquid Radweste Evaporator Test 92PE-2QF06 In Plant Communications (Safety Prequency Radio Frequency) l 92PE-2SB20 DNBR Calculator to PMS Data Link 92PE-2SQ01 Radiation Monitoring Preop 92PE-2SQO2 Post Accident Radiction Monitor 92PE-2SQO3 Digital Radiation Monitoring System 92PE-2SQ04 Safety Related Radiation Monitoring 91PE-2SS02 Gas Analyzer Test The following' Preoperational tests have been performed and have some j incomplete portions, 93PE-2PE01 Diesel Generator Electrical Test 92PE-2SB08 CEA Position Isolation Assembly (CPIA) Channel D i 92PE-2SB07 CEA Position Isolation Assembly (CPIA) Channel A 91PE-2CH04 CVCS Charging Test f

    '91PE-2SP01    Essential Spray Pond System I

91PE-2SC01. Secondary Chemistry Blowdown Flashtank 93PE-2PK01 Class IE 125 VDC Power System 93PE-2PB01 4.16kV Class IE Preoperational Procedure 91PE-2CH07 RMW, BAM, VCT Preoperational Test 91HF-2ED01 Main Steam Traps and Drain Valves HFT 91PE-2SG04 Steam Generator Isolations i 92PE-2SB15 Core Operating Limit Supervisory System Test 92PE-2QK01 Fire Detection and Alarm System 93PE-2PK02 125VDC Class IE Station Battery Service Test 93PE-2MA01 Main Generator 91PE-2SG03 Atmosperic Dump Valve Test 92PE-2SE04 Ercore Nuclear Instrumentation Safety Channel B 92PE-2SA01 BOP Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Panel Test 92HF-2SB18 RTD Response Time Test l


f. Independent Third Party Inspections
         - 1980l- Training Program - RQS Corp.

1982'- Overall review of Chemical Control Program - Tom M. Imronge-Inc.

               - Training Program (Follow-Up 1980 Review) - RQS Corp.
              '- Pre INPO Audit - United Engineers
               - Radwaste Program'- Bechtel National
               - Emergency Plan Audit - HMM and Associates
               - Quality Assurance Program Evaluation - Torrey Pines *
               - Operations Evaluation - INPO 1983 - Training Audit - Seville Training System
               - Security Audit - Newsack Inc.
               - Personnel / Manpower needs evaluation - Sargent & Lundy 1984 - AIARA SttAy - Hydra Nuclear
                - Pire Protection Audit - INPELL 1984
                - NTOL Evaluation and Corporate Assistance Visit INPO 1985 - Western Regional Joint Utility QA Audit
  • Torrey -Pines Technology conducted an extensive independent quality a n urance audit at PVNGS in the area of organization, management, quality assurance, design and construction activities in 1982. The QA program at PVNGS was found to be effective and successful.

l 1~ l w l <

g. Licensee and Contractor Audits - 3 J

l Summary of Bechtel Quality Asyurance- Audits 1973-1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 To QA Audit of -33 111 90 70- 67 '76 95 80' 53 49 724 Construction 30 65 145 121 .117 85 83 54 '53- 63. 816 ] Fin' dings QA Audit of 13 211 38 34' 34 30 21 21 212 '

                                 . Subcontractors                                                                                                                  !

33 36 '279;

                                    ' Findings                                                 36  53' 54      37     19      11
                                 -QA Audit of                             74        48   64    55  56     40    331 31         15                   24  29. 609-H.O. Engr.

23 -117 57 75 40 73 26 16 5 17 15 16 444:

                                    . Findings           11         76    58 QA Audit.of                                                  69  62     61- 76      62      39                   59   83- 558 7

Vendors Hold On 0 12 16- 33 12 6 6 7 10 102 Shipment Note 1: Bechtel does not utilize observations Note 2: Stop Work Notices issued by Bechtel are summarized in Section B Note 3: Construction Audits for 1976 and 1977 include subcontracts Summary of APS Quality Assurance Audits 1974. 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total APS - Construction 2 2 2 2 1 3 0 17 Audits 0 0 1 2 2 8 1 6 0 6 0 0 0 30 Findings 0 0 0 9 10 11 5 2 0 0 6 0 55 Observations 0 0 5 16 APS - Nuclear Services (includes *) 4 5 5 8 8 10 11 69 5 2 4 4 3 Audits 8 12 10 10 10 12 10 134 Findings 23 3 11 13 12 1 9 23 13 17 7 7 21 16 21 13 174 Observations 26 Licensing (*) - Nuclear Services Emergency Planning Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Projects Records Management Project Services Nuclear Operations Support Employee Relations Nuclear Fuels Management APS - Quality Assurance 6 7 7 6 6 8 6 51 0 0 1 2 2 Audits 8 6 18 10 13 7 14 3 88 0 0 0 9 Findings 0 5 16 10 28 12 6 30 22 11 4 144 Observations 0 APS - Operations (includes *) 0 0 1 13 12 35 32 93 0 0 0 0 0 Audits 0 0 1 42 53 40 57 193 0 0 0 0 0 Findings 0 0 0 0 0 6 23 11 42 45 127 Observations 0 0 (*) - Operations Nuclear Production Administrative Services Plant Services Technical Support Security Outage Management Operations Engineering Radiation Protection Maintenance APS - Startup 0 0 1 13 12 20 9 55 0 0 0 0 0 Audits 0 0 0 0 1 42 33 20 4 100 Findings 0 0 0 0 0 6 23 11 31 4 75 0 0 0 0 0 Observations l e=_-________. . _ _

l + 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total APS - Syt.tes Protection (Relay Settings) 0' O 1 1 1 0 ~0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Audits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Findings 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Observations. Bechtel - Construction-16 31 29 47 26 20 23 32 3 6 234 Audits 0 1 5 445 54 -43 63 46 58 98 8

     . Findings              0          3       7    60 11                     12                          23                   0    17    41    38     4     4 155 Observations           0          0     ' 5" Bechtel - Downey/Norwalk 5     3     4     2     1       40 Audits                 3           2      4      3                           4'                         4               5 8              2     1     0     4     3     3       48 Findings              7           0      7       2                     11 8            10    15      1     3     5      0      88 5           0      2    23                       16 Observations Beehtel    ' Engineering 0             0     0     1     1     4       1       8 0          1       0       0                          0 Audits                                                                       0                           0             0     0     1     5     4       1     11 Findings                0         0       0       0 0             0     0    0      7   10-      1     21 0          3      0       0                           0 Observations.

Bechtel - Quality Assurance 0 0 6 1 3 1 13 0 2 0 0 0 0 Audits 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 8 3 26 Findings 0 0 0 3 20 0 0 0 0 11 0 6 Observations 0 0 0 0 Bechtel - Startup 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Audits 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0' 7 Findings 0 0 0 0 0- 3 0- 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Observations Bechtel - Supplier Quality ' 0 0 2 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 Audits 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Findings 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Observations 4


I L 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Combustion Engineerius - Avery* 0 -0 2 .2 1 1- 1 1- 0 0 0 8 Audits 'O 0 0 48~ Findings ~ 0 0 0 4 20- 7 7 6 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 6

                        ' Observations
                         - Combustion Engineering - Chattanooga
  • 1 1 1 1 .1 0 'O 'O O '0- 8 Audits 2 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 0 Findings.

0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Observations' 2 0. 2 Combustion' Engineering'- Hematite

  • 0 0 0 0 0 0' O 1- -0 0 0 1
                        = Audits                    0 0       0               0. 0               0    0    ~0                0       0        0-Findings                 0   0           0 0-0   0           0     0        0.             0     'O               O    O      O               O       O' Observations Combustion Engineering - Nuclear Products' Manufacturing 0'               O        O              O       O               0-   1   L2                  1      1         5' Audits                   0                O 0           0    0        0               0      0               0    3    -0                  7     3   13 Findings                 0 4      1         5 0    0           0   -0        0               0      0               0    0     0 Observations Combustion Engineering - PVNGS Site 0           0     0       0               0      0               1    0     0                  1     0'         2 Audits                   0 0    'O                   3    0           7-0           0     0       0-              0      0               4 Findings                 0 0           5 0    0           0     0-      0               0      0               2    0      0                   3 Observations Combustion Engineering - Windsor 2             2               1      1               1    0     0                   1    1  15 ~

Audits 1 3 2 4 20 8 6 3 0 0 3 2 58 Findings 2 5 5 2 21 1 0 5 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 Observations

  • Audits conducted by Combustion Engineering l


                                                                                                  - _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ -

i Subcontractor Audits 197419,,19761977 ~1978197919801981 1982198319841985 Total 2 1 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 8 1 0 31 Audits 13 3 4 29 3 0 90 Findings 3 1 2 3 12 17


Corrective Action Reports Suassry 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985-CARS 0 0 i i i i i #21 178 330 461 396 Audit 77 143 205 108 125 Findings 11 J 30 129 111 98 101 Total 11 5' 30 129 111 98 101 98 321 535 569 521* i for 1976-1981, nineteen (19) Quality Assurance Deficiency Reports (QADRs) were issued.

  • Through 10/21/85 Note 18 Stop Work Notices are summarized in Section B. )

l p l L f I L-


e Attachment to a. The Bechtel and .APS Audit programs are supplemented by a surveillance /

                                                          - monitoring program to evaluate a sample of quality-related ~ activitiesdrawing                on a daily basis for              compliance      to specifications,              procedures,  and requirements. A summary of these activities is given below.

Bechtel Conducted 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total Number 1170 753 692 766 794 759 5952 construction 1018 218 1710 264 216 198 141 370 303 Subcontractor APS Conducted 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total 976 2248 3048 3074 9346 Number l l i 1 I I esp

                                                                           ~ ~ ~   '~
        ,e                                                                                      ~ ]~

R; NOV 271985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I FROM: J. B. Martin, Regional Administrator Region V


PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION UNIT 2 OPERATIONAL READINESS REPORT (MC 94300) This letter transmits the final Region V report summarizing the readiness of Palo Verde Unit 2 for issuance of a Low Power Operating License, Region V recona. ends the issuance of a low power operating license for Palo Verde 2, subject to the conditions in Attachment 1, and any other conditions which seem appropriate to NRR. This recommendation presumes the satisfactory completion of required i construction and preoperational testing by the licensee. As of the date of this report, the licensee has committed to complete these by December 2, 1985. Original Sir,ned by 1 John B. Martin,


J. B. Martin Regional Administrator


As stated f ec w/ attachment: J. Taylor, 1E J. Davis, NMSS , H. Thompson, NRR T. Novak, NRR

           .G. Knighton, NRR MILLER         YUHAS        SCARANO        CHAFFE        @ KIRSC 11/S/85      11/p//85                                        11/7'7/85 n/,t7[,g  11//f/85                                    11/zf/85       11/f[/85              7
  $w waso r

e r a s - s i x. A__ 6//3

g, '. : , ,

                                .) 3 FINAL



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                                                                                                                                         -I 1
a. Summary dtatus
1. Applicant's current estimated licensing date: 12/2/85
2. Inspection Progrt.m: Completed for low power licensing.
3. Review of Actions on Generic Correspondence: Completchforlow power licensing. .
4. Reportable 10 CFR 50.55e Events: All 10 CFR 50.55(e) reportable Deficiency Evaluation Reports (DERs) have been reviewed by RV as of the date of this report. Licensee action to replace deficient bolts on NSSS line stops (DER 85-39) remains outstanding and is a recommended license condition.
5. Preoperational Testing: As of 11/25/85, the licensee had completed 173 of 184 required preoperational tests. Preoperat:onal testing will be completed on all safety related or important to safety systems prior to fuel load, with the exception of the tests listed in Section h to be completed after initial fuel load.
6. Significant System Performance Deficiencies: All system performance deficiencies appear to have been satisfactorily resolved by the licensee.
7. System Turnovers: 5 of 457 safety related or important to safety subsystems have not been turned over to the operations department.

Approximately 275 construction deficiencies remain as of 11/22/85. Region V has reviewed this list, and concluded that Palo Verde 2 is substantially completed, and ready for operation. However, to provide additional assurance, Region V recommends license condition 1.a of Attachment I to require licensee certification that all systems required for operation in an operating mode are operable prior to entering that mode for the first time.

8. Procedures: The surveillance procedures, and with minor exceptions, the operating procedures to be used at Unit 2 are the same as those for Unit 1 except for Unit designation. One surveillance procedure remains to be converted for Unit 2 use.
9. TMI Action Plan Items - The following items remain open:

(a) II.B.1. - Pressurizer vent valve HV-108 still needs to be tested for operability. (b) II.D.3 - The pressurizer safety valves acoustic monitoring system has been calibrated, however, the licensee has not yet made available the completed test procedure for Region V review.

                                              , (c) II.F.1.2.E. - The containment water level monitoring system has not been preoperationally tested and the licensee do,es not plan to test it until prior to Mode 3 entry.



10. Facilities Radiological Prot ection Section (a) The radiation monitoring system (RMS) test program will not be substantially complete by the projected fuel load date. The  :

RMS is described in the FSAR (14.B.26) as a phase I (preoperational) test. The licensee's test schedule shows that  ! testing will be phased in as monitors are required by technical specifications. It is not clear when the non-technical specifications process radiation monitor test program will be complete. We suggest this issue be addressed in a license l condition. (b) The radiation exposure management system described in the FSAR (12.5) will not be operational. The licensee is implementing compensatory measures. (c) Testing of the solid radioactive waste system (SR) will be delayed pending resolution of problems experienced at Unit 1. The licensee will rely on a solidification contractor if necessary.

b. Proposed License Conditions Region V recomn. cads the following license conditions be incorporated into the low power operating license: j See Attachment I
c. NRC Inspection Activities i MC 2512 Program Status Priority 1 Complete MC 2513 Program Status Complete with the exception of the radiation monitoring areas not completed by the licensee. j MC 2514 Program Status This program is current. Limited inspection has been performed for the '

startup testing phase. The startup test procedures for Unit 2 are i substantially the same as those used in Unit 1. Special Inspection Activities Region V conducted an annual team inspection during the period October 28

                              - November 8, 1985. This inspection concentrated on the operation, maintenance, operations engineering and quality assurance aspects of Unit
1. The team identified no weaknesses which would affect the low power licensing of Unit 2.
d. Generic Correspondence W@s-A-~%__m__---__.__._ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _


        .                                                              3 The licensee has satisfactorily responded to all applicable Bul'etins and Circulars,
e. Enforcement History _

l There are no outstanding licensee responses to violations, d,eviations or  ; unresolved items whish will require licensee action prior to issuance of , a low power operating license. {

f. Part 21 Notification Potentially Defective TEC Model 914-1 Valve Flow Monitor Modules - The licensee has identified where the potentially defective flow modules are utilized in plant systems, principally as direct flow indicators from pressurizer and steam generator safety valves. The licensee has stated that such applications are not safety significant, and that they have tested the modules similar to the way the vendor recommends, but have not yet provided supporting documentation for Region V review, as of the date of this letter.
g. Construction Status (1) The remaining construction is reportedly relatively minor in nature, consisting mainly of efforts to complete corrective actions identified as a result of testing, Deficiency Evaluation Reports, walkdown punchlist items, etc.

(2) The construction punchlist contained approximately 275 items as of November 25, 1985. Region V review of this list indicated that these items are being properly dispositioned and issuance of a low power operating license for Palo Verde 2 is warranted.

h. Preoperational Test Results (1) Preoperational Testing - Preoperational testing will be completed on all safety related or important to safety systems prior to fuel load, except as noted below. The current status is as follows:

Total Testo Test Complete Test Results Approved , 184 173 144 The remaining 11 tests that are not complete are listed below. TESTS TO BE PERFORMED AFTER INITIAL FUEL LOAD (To Be Performed Per ISAR 14.2.5 as Phase I Tests) The Tollowing' Tests Have Not Been Performed 91PE-2LR02 Liquid Radwaste Evaporator Test 92PE-2QF06 In Plant Communications (Safety Frequency Radio Frequency 92PE-2SB20 DNBR Calculator to PMS Data Link i l l

g ,; . .. *: . J' 4 t ,

                                 '92PE-2SB15         Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS)' Test 92PE-2SQO2-      Post Accident Radiation Monitor 92PE-2SQ03       Digital Radiation Monitoring System
                                   -92PE-2SQ04       Safety Related Radiation Monitoring'   -

73HF-2ZZ11 Pressurizer / Reactor Vent System 91PE-2SS02 Gas Analyzer Test . . 93PE-2QD02 Modular Emergency Lighting Units - (2) System Acceptance - The licensee has reconfirmed that all safety related or important to safety systems and areas will be-accepted by

                                  ' operations to' ensure drawings up-to-date and system completion prior to fuel' load. The latest status is as follows:

Total Subsystems Accepted 457 452 Total Areas- Accepted 67 64 (3) Surveillance Test Procedures - The surveillance test procedures to- -i be used at Unit 2 are the same as those currently being used at Unit 1 except for unit designation. One procedure remains to be corrected for Unit 2. (4) Operations Procedures - With minor exceptions the' operating procedures to be used at Unit 2 are the same as those for Unit-1 except for Unit designation. All operating procedures have been' converted for Unit 2 use. l 1 6 =- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . -



This attachment identifies items which Region V reconunends for consideration by NRR as license conditions for Palo Verde 2. - I l!

1. Prior to entering any operational mode for the first time, including initial fuel loading, ANPP shall
a. Have completed a review of the surveillance procedures applicable to the change of mode, and determined that the procedures demonstrate the operability of the required systems with respect to all acceptance criteria defined in the Technical Specifications.
b. Have dispatched wrftten notification to the NRC Regional  ;

Administrator, Region V, that the action defined in (a), above, has


been completed for the mode or be entered.

2. ANPP shall test Reactor Coolant Gas Vent Valve 2J-RCB-HV-108 and demonstrate its operability during Mode 3 and prior to entering Hade 2.
3. ANPP shall shim all " proximate" supports (e.g. pipe supports located near l a critical component such as a pump nozzle) adjacent to rotating and i reciprocating equipment to a 1/16 inch gap prior to entering Mode 2.

4.. ANPP shall test the containment water level monitoring system prior to entering Mode 3.

     .                             5. ANPP shall enlarge the pipe penetration where the Reactor Coolant Gas Vent piping passes through the pressurizer compartment blowout panel, as stated in EER 85-RC-200, prior to entering Mode 4.                              !
6. ANPP shall complete power ascension testing in Unit 1, with the exception of the Natural Circulation Cooldown Test, prior to entering Mode 2 in Unit 2.
7. ANPP shall replace deficient bolts on NSSS line stops as discussed in .

DER 85-39, unless exempted by NRR. Safeguards Program

8. Prior to February 16, 1986, ANPP shall
a. Replace coaxial wiring to the security radio antennas in the Radwaste and Auxiliary Buildings.
b. Relocate the cecurity radio base stations from the 160-foot level of the Corridor Building to a more central location.
c. ~ Install and evaluate a passive antenna system on the 74-foot level of the Control Building.


y .- : w

,6 o

6 V s l-9i. r~ Prior to* initial criticality of Unit-2, ANPP shall

a. Evaluate the ef festiveness of the above changes .(to be comp,leted prior to February 16,:1986).
b. If the results of this evaluation determine that significant-deficiencies still exist, establish an action plan to provide' adequate security communications, including interim measures.

Radiation Monitoring System

10. With respect to this system. ANPP shall perform compensatory measures, complete testing and make operable all.slements of the radiation monitoring system in accordance with the schedule and commitments
                                              - spproved by NRR, presented in the licensee's submittal dated                      .

O e 8

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                                                                                        -        N, 9

s NOV 191984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Rcactor Regulation FROM: John B. Martin, Regional Administrator


PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION UNIT 1 OPTPATIONAL READINESS REPORT (MC 94300) This letter transmits the first Region V report summarizing the readiness of Palo Verde Unit l'for issuance of a Low Power Operating License. At present, the number of items which require resolution by-the' licensee and. review by the . Region V. too large to permit a recommendation that a license be issued. It is anticipated that in approximately two weeks, sufficient work will have been accomplished by the. licensee and reviewed by the staff to significantly reduce the number of outstanding items. At that time, if warranted, a recommendation and updated evaluation will be provided.

                    .                                  Originst Signed by John D. Martin John B. Martin Regional Administrator           ,


As Stated cc (w/ attachment) W. J. Dircks, EDO R. C. DeYoung, IE J. Davis, NMSS D. Eisenhut, NRR T. Novak, NRR WHM$ATf~& m G/sh

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!" 'l e o. 4,

s. Troject History Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit No.1 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS:

Docket No.: 05000528 CP No. & Date Issued: CPPR-141/05-25-76 CP Expiration Date: 12/31/84 Applicant: Arizona Public Service Company

                                      . Plant Location:                  36 miles west of Phoenix, AZ IE Region                         V AE:                               Bechtel NSSS:                             Combustion Engineering Constructor:                      Bechtel Reactor Type                      PWR DER (MWE):                        1304 KEY PERSONNEL:



E. E. Van Brunt, Jr. Vice President Nuclear Production Corporate Address: P. O. Box 21666 Phoenix, AZ 85036 Corporate Phone No.: (602) 271-7900 NRC LPM: E. Licitra i IE Resident Inspector: R. Zimmerman/G. Hernandez FUEL LOAD DATE CHANGES AS REPORTED BY UTILITY: Reason for Change Report Date New Schedule Reported by Utility 09-13-79 11-00-82 Impact of scheduling 07-28-82 08-01-83 problems with key 03-00-84 First Quarter of '85 equipment. Augmentation of the plant's emergency response system as results of THI lessons learned. Complexity of the transition from construction to start-up phase. IACAL PUBLIC DOCUMENT ROOM: Phoenix Public Library 12 East McDowell Road Phoenix, AZ 85004 a______1-_______________ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ w~n i

4 s


Applicant's Current Estimated Fuel Loading Date: By 12/84 , Applicant's Previous Estimated Fuel leading Date: 11-01-83 Applicant's Estimated Fuel Loading Date at CP Issuance: 11-00-81 Applicant's Current Estimated Commercial Operation Date: 11-30-85 Applicant's Construction Completion Estimate as Defined in CP: (Earliest) 06-01-81 (Latest) 12-31-84 CURRENT ESTIMATED PERCENT CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE: 99% COMMENTS REGARDING CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STATUS: ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED ACTUAL ESTIMATED START START COMPLETION COMPLETION 2 COMPLETE Mobilize and Prepare site: 05-76 10-76 100% Place structural concrete: 08-76 01-81 100% Install Reactor Pressure Vessel: 11-78 12-78 100% Install Large Bore Process Pipe: 03-77 03-83 100% Install Large Bore Pipe Hangers. Restraints, and Snubbers: 09-78 06-83 100% Install Small Bore Pipe: 06-78 12/84 99% Install Cable Tray: 10-77 11-81 100% Install Exposed Metal Conduit: 03-78 12/84 99% Install Power. Control. Instrumentation, and I security Cable: 02-79 12-84 58% Install Electrical Tersiinations: 08-79 12-84 98% Conduct Reactor Cold  ; Hydrostatic Test: ) 07-82 07-82 100% Conduct Hot Functional l Test: 05-83 07-83 100% Conduct Preop and , Acceptance Tests Necessary for Fuel Load: 10-81 12/84 82%

L b. Quality Assurance Organization and Program (Construction) M g. L The Quality Assurance Program at PVNGS has remained stable since the inception of the Project. the changes made have been those resulting from continuous evaluations as different phases of project activities and necessary modifications were needed to update commitments to Regulatory Standards. Similarly, the QA Organization has also remained stable with increased emphasis on APS assuming the first line of responalbility as the Project nears operation. The original APS QA organization reported to the Nuclear Project Management Vice President /ANPP Project Director and consisted of a home office, which defined the overall QA program criteria for design and procurement, and a site organization which verified implementation of the QA program implemented by the Constructor and AE. The major responsibility for implementation of the QA program as well as for the design, procurement and construction was delegated to Bechtel Power Corporation and Combustion Engineering. Their programs were accepted in 1976 and have remained stable throughout the life of the project. Refinements to these programs have been made to increase efficiency and effectiveness as well as to incorporate new regulatory requirements since the publication of the PSAR however, the basic quality program controls have remained constant. The APS QA Organizathn has evolved from a nucleur of Quality , Engineers, dedicated ito the initial construction phase of the ' Project, to a large organization dedicated to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all phases of the QA program as the Project has become increasingly complex as each unit nears operational readiness. A major organizational change was effected in 1982 with the establishment of a single project-wide QA Organization reporting to the Executive Vice President, ANPP. This change was made in recognition of the need to strengthen the QA organization in preparation for startup and operation as well as to improve the effectiveness of the organization. The organization was structured along jurisdictional lines in response to changes in project management organizations which

                 .                      rJtflected the increasing scope of activities in the plant operating staff and the plant startup organization as well as the construction organization.

In 1984, the APS QA organization was reorganized aloug functional lines rather than jurisdictional lines in preparation to execute responsibilities in an operational environment and, more importantly to increase its efficiency. 1

Quality Assurance Organization and Program (Construction) l J Quality Assurance continues to report directly to the Executive Vice -President, ANPP, as does the Vice-President, Nuclear Production. The QA organization has received the complete support of top level management and is, therefore, involved in all aspects of nuclear project activities. l The APS Quality Assurance program has become more clearly defined as the project and the organization have natured. The number of personnel assigned to the QA organization has increased as responsibilities have expanded in preparation for the operational phase of PVNGS. 2

      .'g     J.


                                                                                . ANPP 3
                                                                                           - - - - - - - - -             DUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER                                       NUCLEAR PRODUCTION                                                 MANAGER
                                                                 ..                                                  . ASSISTANT                          ,


                                                                              .                                       QUALITY ASSUR nurr Mamanrn SEE FICURE                                     SEE FICURE i

13.12A '13.1 3



l. -

Palo Verde Nuclear Ge$ crating Station FSAR' APS ANPP ORGAN 3ZATION q Figure 13.1-2 t

 -    _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __                     _ - _ = _ - -        - -
  ;;  +


c. NRC Inspection Activities MC 2512 Program Statu_s_

L l Priority 1 Complete MC 2513 Program Status Module Subject Status l 35743 QA Program - Maintenance 50% 35745 QA Program - Surveillance Testing 50% 35748 QA Program - Records 60%* l 35749 QA Program - Tests & Experiments 0% l 42400 Plant Procedures Inspection 90% 70322 Engineered Safety Features Test 0%* 70326 Loss of Offsite Power Test 0%* 70329 Preoperational Test Verification 0%* 83320 Radiation Protection 95% 84330 Liquid Waste Systems 85%* 84331 Gas Waste System 85% 84332 QC and Radio Chemistry 95% 91300 Title 10 Requirements 0% 92718 Safety Evaluation Report Review 0% All other applicable inspection areas have been completed. The areas listed above will be completed prior to licensing. Those areas which are indicated by an asterisk require further action by the licensee, generally completion of a preoperational test or collation of test results, before the inspection may be completed. MC 2514 Program Status Limited inspection has been performed for the startup testing phase. The Initial Fuel Loading Procedure Review (72500) will be completed prior to issuance of the operating license. The licensee has issued all startup testing procedures required by the FSAR. Special Inspection Activities See Table 1

g o.

             .g Table 1 Inspection Inspection Inspection Brief Number             Date          Hours  Description             . Findings 81-02              1/26/81 -     356    Construction       Receiving inspectors; 2/5/81               Assessment Team    equipment maintenance, (CAT) Inspection  special handling requirements, maintenance and storage appeared. weak.

Management and QA/QC visibility was high; construction management appeared strong. 83-10 .6/1/82 - Investigation of Allegations 3/11/83 allegations substantiated (Civil concerning records Penalty issued) safety-related electrical terminations. 83-14 4/11/83 - 608 Emergency No significant 5/12/83 Preparedness deficiencies were Preoperational identified. Inspection 83-34 9/6/83 - 1720 CAT Inspection Construction generally 11/1/83 satisfactory. Large numbers of deficiencies were not identified during final QC-inspection. Management control by Operations and Startup groups needed improvement. 84-38 8/27/84 - 819 CAT Followup Startup Work Controls 9/15/84 Inspection generally satisfactory , APS followup to 1983 l CAT inspection i _ effective. Significant amount of " punch list" items exist. 84-41 8/20-24/84 396 Security Security program was 10/1-10/84 Preoperational not satisfactory. Inspection Licensee has reported that all deficiencies will be corrected by 12/15/84. l l I I _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ - - .- _ .i

z' , ,c s.

d. Generic Correspondence The licensee has satisfactorily responded to all applicable bulletins and Circulars, with the following exceptions:
                                                       .(1) IE Bulletins 79-21, 80-06, 80-09, 80-16, 81-02, 82-02, 83-03, 83-07, and 84-03.

(2) IE Circulars 79-21, 80-05, 80-10, and 81-03 The review of these Bulletins s'nd Circulars is pending licensee completion of action an them. , Also, a sampling review.of licensee action on all Information Notices will be conducted prior to licensing.

e. linforcement History

Escalated Enforcement Reason for Corrective Action (date) Action Action Civil penalty of $40,000 Unit 1 Electrical . Licensee has not dated December 12, 1983 Termination installation formally responded (Imposition suspended cards did not reflect but licensee pending release of report of crimp tool number and expected to investigation by Ikpartment ' signature of the demonstrate that of Justice. Report released installer. other controls on by DOJ 20 Sept 84) termination cards 4 ensured all terminations were i technically ) adequate. Civil penalty of $40,000 Licensee's Quality Licensee stopped (mitigated to $20,000) dated Assurance program did testing, conducted December 12, 1983 not maintain adequate a comprehensive control over activities audit of startup affecting quality. work controls, and e revised administrative controls for startup testing. I Uncorrected Violations of Unresolved Items Licensee responses to three deviations, fourteen Severity Level IV violations and twelve unresolved items have not been reviewed as of 10/28/84. Review of these items is pending licensee completion of corrective action. _ ___ _ ____ _ ____ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ . . .J

r -

         '..r; D g
f. Licensee . .d Contractor Initiated Stop Work l.ctions t

Licensee Initiated Stop Work Actions , i Year Ormanisation' Reason / Period Corrective Actions 1978 Dechtal Radial bends did not meet Rework tag prepared in drawing requirements. Re- compliance with WPP/QC1 pairs started without NOL 54.0 As-built survey record or repair instructions docu- attached to NCR. NCR mented. (12/13/78-12/15/78) issued C-Y-1078 (12/14/78) l 1979 Bechtel ASME code acceptance cri- Test data and results ob- J teria not met for ultra- tained for acceptance of sonic testing. (7/31/79- double welded stainless 8/21/79) steel pipe. ] 1981 Dechtel'and Insulation being deformed to Deforming of insulation CE to fit between Reactor analyzed and accepted. Vessel and RV support col- Caps minimized. uans and technical justi-fication act provided for assurance of quality and in-tegrity of system not vio-2ated. (5/5/81-5/21/81) 1981 Bechtel Procedures / instructions or Procedure initiated and PCN controls not developed to written to WPP/QCI 28.0 control the connection and charging of batteries to assure safety of personnel and equipment. (8/31/81-9/1/81) 1981 Bechtel Five Star Grout 150 used and Authorization for use de- J does not meet required leted from 13-CM-365. strength. (12/14/81-4/28/82) 1982 APS Operations control of temporary elec- 90AC-0ZZ11 identified as trical jumpers, temporary procedure for Startup to

                ,              lifting of terminal leads,      use         73AC-9ZZ05 was re-temporary change of set-        vised to be in effect only points and use of temporary at fuel load.

modification not being per-formed in accordance with 73AC-9ZZ05 but in accordance l with 90AC-0ZZ11. (4/1/82-4/2/82)

y e


Year Organization Reaso '?eriod Corrective Acsions 1982 Bechtel Tendons stored without west- All tendons discussed in-ber protection. (5/18/82- spected, rust removed and 5/21/82) recosted. No signs of pit-ting or other deficiency. Considered acceptable and covered with plastic for weather protection. Western Concrete personnel reinstructed in require-ments for storage of tendons. 1982 Bechtel Stopped installation of issue of DCP 1SN-SQ-001, 3 sample supply lines to air Rev. 5. Existing system radiation monitors as sup- installed in accordance ply sample lines are not with current revision ~of designed to requirements of design drawing. Problem ANSI N13.1 Seat 55. resolved on QAF82-45. (5/27/82-6/29/82) 1982 Bechtel Material'secountability not Complete inventory taken, being maintained in Zone 111 controlled access material area established for this and tool log up# ted. Re-work. (6/2/82-6/2/82) moved section p 43 spool

     !                                                                                                                     and inspected. Area in-spected, personnel in-structed.

1982 Bechtel Procedure cancelled which BPC will review WPP-QC1 governs BPC preparation for 31.0 and write PCN; review area transfer / release. Re- Fire Barriers, Cable Tray quirement for inspection / Covers and Conduit Sealant acceptance of cable tray and incorporate into exist-covers and barriers dele- ing procedures or add to ted. Requirement for in- WPP/QCI 31.0 spection/ acceptance of un-scheduled commodities has been deleted as was commit-ment to verify installation / inspection documentation with-

                                                   ~  ~

in scope of area transfer.


(7/20/82-7/22/82) 1982 APS Startup Test Director not certified Test Director will be fa-as qualified for test MG300, miliarized with the pro-l FPN P02. (7/21/82-7/22/82) cedure and familiarization will be documented. QC to be present during test.

e Year Organization Reason /Pariod Corrective Actions 1982 APS Startup Circuit breaker removed 90GA-0ZZ28 revised and without permission and no Maintenance will~ assure clearance was requested nor that personnel are aware issued. (8/4/82-8/4/82) of station clearance re-quirements and test con-duct requirements. 1982 BPC Startup Failure to: respond in a Corrective actions agreed and APS timely manner to OTNs; to on by Bechtel and APS QA. Maintenance implement requirements of AD-112 with regard to h&TE usage logs and forms; to re-spond to calibration overdue notices; to comply with ANSI N45.2.16, Section 3; provide an adequate response to CAR 82-036. (9/17/82-9/18/82) 1982 Maintenance Work Order 482 & 483 issued Procedure initiated in ac-to set safety valves did not cordance with code and provide adequate instruc- specifications. Special tions to perform the work instructions issued with as required by code, ASME work orders. Section II. (10/14/82-11/21/82) 1982 APS and Valves SGN-HV-05 and SGN-HV- Performed required actions ; Bechtel 06 were stroked over a two of steam generater re-Startup hour period and allowed ap- covery plan. proximately 100,000 gals. of highly contaminated H 2O into the secondary side of 4 SG1 and at the time SG2 was unknown. Isolatior, valves for nitrogen purge thought to be j closed were open. (10/19/82- l 10/19/82) I 1983 APS Startup Cleanliness of Low Pressure Inspection to determine and Safety injection System was amount of damage and veri- _ Operations indeterminate and continued fication of ciecaliness. operation without corrective Potential causes for entry action could lead to signi- of foreign material into ficant damage to LPS1 pumps. system investigated. On-(1/18/83-1/19/83) going inspections and , evaluation of system  ; cleanliness. p e r .. t Year Organization yttason/ Period strective Actions 1983 APS Startup Startup and Maintenance Per- 90AC-0ZZO2 and 90GA-0ZZ28 Operations sonnel were not performing- were revised and require a work activities in accord- review of TER's prior to ance with approved project rework or installation of procedures. (2/8/83-3/4/83) materials on "Q" class com-ponents to determine if an NCR should be written of if it is reportable. All TER's written 1/17/83-2/11/83 to be reviewed. 1983 Bechtel Typical drawings in FCR DCP issued providing ne-71577E differ signifi- cessary drawing clari-cantly from actual field fication. conditions and bolts could be installed incorrectly. Original field conditions will become indeterminate if bolts are installed without adequate directions. (11/21/83-4/14/84) 1983 Bechtel Deportability evaluation in DCPs were transmitted to question. If skewed T Resident Engineering for joints do not affect safety deportability review. Con-why are welds being re- dition not reportable. paired? (11/23/83-12/20/83) 1983 Combustion Personnel records do not inspectors performed demon-Engineering provide documentation of stration of proficiency.  ! certification of inspectors. j (11/28/83-12/2/83)


1983 Innryco, Inc. Contract PV83-8215 Specifi- Program was reviewed and fication 83-95.71-06-001 did approved. did not adequately in-plement the applicable technical and quality re-quirements which must be in-posed on inryco as a result of the scope of work luryco is to perform. (12/16/83-12/30/83) l

Bechtel Initiated Stop Work Actions Year Organization Reason / Period Corrective 4ction 1977 . Shurtleff & R-7018 weld rod not stored Drying ovens obtained from Andrews in drying ovens. (6/17/77- 5 chtel. SDDR issued. >

                                -6/17/77) 1978      Peabody Yest. Penetrant materials not       Materials tested satisfac-                                   .

analyzed. (1/12/78-1/27/78) torily, procedures revised. \ 1978 construction Unauthorized M-6 solvent SAR Change Notice 814 is-used for cleaning. sued to define qualifica-(2/10/78-3/16/78) tion parameters. WPP/QC1 14.0 revised. 1979 Construction Youngstown pipe material is Radiograph accomplished - suspect - DER 79-4 no defects found. (5/18/79-6/22/79) 1979 Clark Painting Unacceptable curing opera- Construction NCRs issued. tions Supplier QA program in-(11/5/79-11/8/79) provements initiated. 11p80 Construction Rockbestos Class 1E cable Supplier and Bechtel con-l may have unqualified trols implemented. Cable splices. DER 80-4 qualified, any cable with (3/5/80-10/24/80) repairs is approved for outside containment only. 1980 Construction EPSI suction pump piping Piping arrangements were may not be acceptable to determined acceptable. pump supplier. DER 79-13 j' (3/28/80-11/14/80) 1980 Construction IIT Grinnell pipe supports Acceptable - based on Code were received with under- Inquiry, ASME File No. l size fillet welds. DER 80-6 N1-77-406. (4/25/80-7/8/80) 1980 Construction certain cable pulling stop- Condition acceptable based ped due to potential de- on engineering analysis.

              ~  '

ficiency in Containment re-bar detailing. DER 80-19 (6/30/80-10/18/80)


p I, l - 9 Construction Deficiency Evaluation Reports (DER's) 10 CFR 50,55(e)


DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES- STATUS DER NO. 78-1 Fabrication of Anchor Documentation reviewed Closed 04/11/78 1 Bolta for Major NSSS and corrected Not reportable components 78-2 Void in concrete place- Void, repaired closed 05/19/76 ment Not reportable 78-3 Stainless Steel pipe All pipe and pipe spools Final report spools from Youngstown Welding 11/17/78 and Engineering Company Reportable have been rejected, quar-

  • antined, and the company removed from the AVL by Pullman Power Products 78-4 Defective fillet welds Drawing corrected closed 05/19/78 due to drafting error Not reportable on DWG's s
         '4 X                        DER NO.           DESCRIPTION           CORRECTIVE MEASURES         STATUS 79-1     Voided 79-2     Weld sequence of Unit    Weld sequence verified    Final report il and Unit #2 polar     correct                   06/04/79 cran support girders                               Not reportable 79-3     Math error in calcula-   Calculation corrected     Closed 06/01/79 tions                       .                      Not reportable 79-4     Iengitudinal weld de-    NDE showed no defects     Closed fects in S/S pipe                                  Not reportable 79-5     Polar crane girder       Procedures prepared and    Closed 06/01/79 welds                    implemented               Not reportable 79-6     2" defective socket      Coating removed prior to closed 05/19/79 weld valves              welding                   Not reportable 79-7     Polar crane bracket      NDE showed satisfactory    Closed 11/30/79 welds                    results                   Not reportable 79-6     Cracked Auxiliary        Switches replaced; 100%    Closed 08/28/79 switches                 reinspection conducted    Not reportable 79-9     Pipe spool heat treat-   All material tested        Closed 05/19/79 ment                     satisfactorily             Not reportable 79-10    Safety-related pipe sup- A complete re-inspection Final report port assemblies in Unit  program has been initi-    03/06/80
                                  #1                       sted with deficiencies     Reportable being documented, training sessions updated, fillet weld gauges supplied, and increased surveillance I

79-12 Inadequate concrete Specifications and pro- Final report ) strength schieved with cedures revised, all ac- 12/30/80 pneumatically placed cessible areas chipped Reportable motor repairs and reworked, and all in-accessible areas evaluated and dispositioned accept-as-is in NCR C-R2040 based on Design Criteria. i I

                               ,7 DER Na,                        DESCRIPTION       CORRECTIVE MEASURES          STATUS 79-13      Pump suction pipe con-         A review of the various   Final report figuration on the high         piping arrangements has   2.2/03/80 pressure safety injec-         shown them to be accept- Not reportable tion pumps (HPSI)              able under all existing guidelines and no further action is required e

4 j

DER NO. jL ESCRIPTION STATUS CORRECTIVE MEASURES _ 80-1 Inadequate design of Calculations performed; Closed 06/27/80 Seismic 1 instrument verified satisfactory hot reportabic supports 80-2 An error in calculations calculations re- Closed 06/27/80 for tubing support performed Not reportable 80-3 Relating to undersized Accepted without repair. Final report structural steel fillet 12/24/80 welds Not reportable 80-4 Class 1E, 600V, Power Procedures revised; ap- Final report cable plicable cable repaired 11/05/80 Not reportable 80-5 Class 3, piping system All welds NDE'd satis- Final report welds factory 07/09/80 Not Reportable 80-6 Safety-related sway Stop work order notice Final report struts 80-SW-3 closed and 07/10/81 NCR P-A-125 Not reportable revised to use-as-is. 80-7 Steam Generator piping Forms revised to show in- Final report welds terpass temperature 07/03/80 Not reportable 80-8 Hilti drop-in anchors FCR written to delete Final report this type of anchor. 07/03/80 Not reportable 80-9 operability failure of All installed and not in- Final report vertical fire dampers stalled fire dampers 09/15/80 found that did not meet Reportable the required tolerances were replaced. A re-design has been incorporated to elevate future problems. 80-10 Namco Controls Series Anchor / Darling to provide Final report

                                                           - EA180 limit switches       replacement gaskets for     07/03/80 the subject valve limit    Reportable switches.

80-11 Defective pressure switch MDA Scientific to pro- Final report in the chlorine de- vide alternate pressure 07/03/80 tectors switches after approval / Reportable qualification.

       ,,4 4


c. DER NO.- DESCRIPT~ 1 CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 80-12 Pipe spools with the Paper work corrected Final report aame 1.D. number 07/03/80 '

Not reportable 80-13 Dowel emission during Add dowels prior to con- Final report concrete placement crete placement which tie 07/08/80 into the slab. Reportable 80-14 Pipe strap, pipe ear _ Ali installations veri- Final report full length welding fied correct 07/10/80 Not reportable 80-15 Closure of COMSIP, COMSIP to furnish modi- Final report incorporated contain- fication kit details and 07/09/80 ment gas analysis system instructions. Units to pump valve be modified with proper field change procedures 80-16 Inadequate embedment of A design change will be Final report anchor bolts for Units implemented so that the 07/21/80

                      #1 and #2 seal tables     seal table is adequately Reportable anchored in the reinforc-ed concrete and meets all seismic Category I require-ments.

80-17 Inadequate design of re- The design for all three Final report inforcing steel in the (3) units has been 07/21/80 walls of the Main Steam changed to add the re- Reportable Support Structure for quired amount of steel Unit #1 to meet established Design Criteria. 80-18 Blocked tendon sheaths Blockages removed and re- Final report in Unit #1 and #2 con- inspected 07/21/80 tainment Not reportable 80-19 Reinforcing steel shown Analysis performed; all Final report in the drawings may not stresses are within 11/06/80 be accurately reflected allowable limits Not reportable ; in the actual design in certain areas 80-20 Three (3) shipping studs Studs not needed; use- Final report jammed in reactor vessel as-is 07/30/80 Not reportable 1


v DEI ?.30. DESCRIPTION i'CORRECTIVEMEASURES STATUS 80-21 Borg-Warner valves with Valves have been I.D.'ed Final report stem extensions could and NCR'ed. Borg-Warner 07/29/80 loosen after a few will supply parts and in- Reportable cycles structions for rework 80-22 Dowel omission from con- Item was NCR'ed. Dis- Final report crete wall pour of Unit position was to drill 09/24/80

                    #2 Control Building       and grout the required     Reportable dowels into wall 80-23      Loose bushings on corner Bechtel verified which        Final report and LADA sway struts       struts were in question    03/02/81 through Coster & LADA. Not reportable Bechtel will rework all identified struts using a C&L inspection and repair procedure 80-24      Excessive sheer stresses The Bechtel calculations Final report in Unit #1 & #2 con-       are being updated to be    03/30/81 crete slabs supporting     consistent with the ac-    Not reportable the safety injection       tual data as submitted tanks IB, 2A, and 2B       by combustion engineering 80-25       Improperly grouted Re-     Voids repaired              Final report actor Vessel Supports                                  10/17/80 Not reportable 80-26       Weld deficiencies on the None required                Final report main control panel                                     07/14/81 Not reportable 80-27       Fractured bearing cap-     Shims added; lugs ad-       Closed 10/20/80 sules on Unit #1 con-      justed tainment polar crane wheels 80-28       Potential failure of      All controllers were re- Final report temperature detection      turned to McGraw-Edison     10/23/80 controllers used on       for repair or replacement Reportable CTI-Nuclear Air Handling
           ~    ~~

and Filtration equipment 80-29 Potential motor shaft Subject equipment is Final report breakage in Sir Hydrogen being reworked per sup- 10/31/80 Monitors pliers recommendations Reportable I

7 , (( ; ,. I} 'i

j. '

i-DIR NO. ,_- DESCRIPTION CORRECN../E MEASURES STATUS , l 80-30 Borg-Waumer 3", 1500#, Use-as-is Final report motor operated gate submitted valve failure to close 11/05/82 under operating con- Not reportable 61tions 80-31 Breakers in battery Rewor'aed in accordance Final report chargers supplied by with suppliers recom- 11/05/80 power conversion (EM-051) mendations Reportable l 80-32 Pipe cold spring for Training session Closed 01/26/81 fit-up - conducted Not reportable 80-33 Validity of Marathon SDDR supplied and closed 01/26/81 CMTR's for CF&1 steel Not reportable 80-34 Foxboro, Model 270, dis- SCN issued to track Closed 11/24/80 plays and housings re- equipment better Not reportable quire repair 80-35 Potential defect of Not used in safety- Closed 11/12/80 Rosemount Pressure related systems Not reportable transmitter on MSIV and MF1V 80-36 Imose bushings on ITT Bushing repaired Final report Grinnel sway struts 06/19/81 Not reportable 80-37 Concrete void in Unit A procedure was develop- Final report

                     #2 Control Building Sump ed and implemented to                                       07/09/81 correct this deficiency                                   Reportable 80-38    Pipe spools pulled to     Bechtel removed and re-                                     Final report facilitate installation   installed new pipe to de- 01/12/81 of pipe supports may      sign specs and retrain                                    Reportable overstress welds          associated personnel in erection of piping 80-39    Cable tray supports not   Dwas have been revised.                                     Final report meeting dvs. requirements table trays inspected and 03/16/81

reworked as needed Reportable 80-40 control Building race- Drawing revised and Closed 12/11/80 ways and FSAR separation wiring relocated as Not reportable criteria necessary l

x-k , .. 1,

            . DER NO.            DESCRIPTION            CORRECTIVE MEASURES
  • _

STATUS 80-41 Class 1E conductors Instr.11 additional sup- Final report J coming within six ports or move termina- 01/12/81 , inches of non-class tion blocks or provide a Reportable

                         '1E conductors on six ITE barrier satisfying Code Gould 480 volt load       requirements for L                          center isolation relay    division between cabinets                  Class 1E and Non-Class 1E 80-42     Texas bolt material not   Code Case N-310-1           Final report meeting ASME Section III accepted                     01/27/82 Not reportable 80-43     Field weld repair made    Weld verified satis-        Closed 02/06/81 on Borg-Warner valves     factory                     Not reportable 80-44     Missing screws from       None required               closed 01/08/81 bottom of control cab-                                Not reportable inet instruments 80-45     Additional rebar rein-    Reworked in accordance      Final report forcement required by     with engineering dis-       02/04/81 drawing, not included in position (Isolated Case) Reportable-containment placement 80-46     ASME Section II ultra-    Indication considered       Final report sonic pre-service ex-     acceptable. Procedures      04/30/81 amination revealing in-   revised accordingly.        Not reportable dications in Pullman.

power elbows 80-47 Deficiency in the con- Stiffner plates added to ' Final report tainment fuel trans- reduce stresses below 03/18/81 fer housing tube design allowable limits. Dwg's Reportable have been revised to in-corporate this change.


t A DER NO. DESCRIPTION . CORRECTIVE MEASURES J,,,ATU S 81-1 Concrete void in Unit 2 Repaired the void Clesed 02/09/81 Auxiliary Building Not reportable 81-2 -indications in radio- 8" piping spool was Final report graphs of piping spools repaired 04/20/81  ; Not reportable ' 81-3 GE fuse blocks may be Nose required


Closed 03/12/81 loose / misaligned Not reportable - 81-4 Corner and lada sway NCR invalidated DER cancelled struts 02/18/81 81-5 Swivel bearings on RCP None required Final report cannot be rotated 06/12/61 i Not reportable 81-6 Cracked turnbuckle Assemblies returned Final report assemblies for Control to manufacturer 04/15/81 Room lighting and replaced Reportable { 81-7 Auxiliary feedwater Mismatch corrected closed 05/08/84 f pump nozzle mismatch during fit-up Not reportable


81-8 Weld defects on cask Welds repaires per NCR Closed 04/29/81 loading Gate / Spent Not reportable Fuel Transfer Gate 81-9 Unacceptable radiograph Grinding mark repaired Closed 06/12/81 accepted and weld re-radiographer Not reportable 81-10 Hardened washers not Code case shall be docu- Final report used as required by mented 06/04/82 ASME Code Not reportable 81-11 Broken fiber on the Replace broken wire Final report armature of 4.16 KV 10/22/81 switchgear Not reportable 81-12 Mating force of 125VDC NCR dispositioned to Final report fuse blocks perform field modifi- 11/02/82

                 .                            cation (retaining clip)  Not reportable 81-13   4.16KV switchgear          Wiring errors corrected  Final report wiring violates                                     09/18/81                        i separation criteria                                 Reportable l

j J

DER NO. ___ DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 81-14 A-354 anchor bolt fail- All accessible bolts Final report ures hardness tested. All 01/28/83 failures will be re- Reportable placed 81-15 Auxiliary feedwater SARCN to change 10 Final report pump may not deliver second requirement to 02/16/83 feedwater flow within 20_ seconds Not reportable 10 seconds 81-16 Operated GE breakers Bearing assemblies were Final report may deform replaced 07/10/81 Reportable 81-17 Pipe supports fabri- Applicable drawing re- Final report cated without weld vised to show fillet 06/08/82 joint preparation weld only or increased Not reportable fillet weld 81-18 MCC's contain tie Re-tighten wire bundles Final report material which may un- 12/30/81 revel or loosen Not reportable 81-19 Possible short circuit Repair necessary cir- Final report in Foxboro recorders cuits 08/03/81 Not reportable 81-20 Weld details on pipe Hangers reworked; draw- Final report support drawing con- ings corrected 07/30/81 trary to ASME require- Reportable ments 81-21 Re-energization problem Power supplies and cir- Closed 07/13/81 in ESFAS relay cabinets cuit boards returned to Not reportable manufacturer 81-22 Premature time out of Replaced as required Final report AGASTAT relays during testing; appli- 10/21/81, f cable panel inspected Not reportable 1 81-23 MCC's have bent or Revised installation Closed 08/21/81

                ~ broken terminal blocks     instructions issued     Not reportable 81-24     Void in Unit il control  Void repaired           Closed 08/19/81               l Building concretes                              hot reportable i

l l l I

f 4-DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASUF-2.S STATUS 81-25 AFW pumps could not be Storage procedures re- Final report rotated by hand vised 02/18/82 Mot reportable

                         .81-26               Blocked tubes in Unit       Felt plugs removed        Final report il Steam Generators                                   11/18/81 Not reportable 81-27             Embed plate failed to       None required             Closed 08/28/81 comply with weld cri-                                 Not reportable teria                                                                 ;

81-28 Flexible conduit has conduit replacea closed 09/28/81 split jackets Not reportable 81-29 Failure of ASTM A490 Defective bolts replacea Final report bolts inspection program to 11/25/81, verify tension in high 05/11/83 strength bolts Reportable 81-30 Indication in ASME Code Indication removed; use- Final report pipe as-is 01/08/82 Not reportable 81-31 Valve operator materiel Affected valves modified Final report substitution 10/15/81 Reportable i 81-32 HPSI bearings and None Final report sleeves discolored 11/25/84 j Not reportable 81-33 Sleeve bearing shifted Use-as-is closed 10/06/81 in upward direction Not reportable 81-34 Fillet welds on pipe Use-as-is Closed 10/09/81 supports not thick Not reportable enough 81-35 Backfill erosion under Temporary gas, water Final report

                                ~~ ~~

Unit #1 and #2 Auxiliary lines removed; abandoned 05/20/82, and Control buildings lines grouted 04/06/83 Reportable 81-36 Incorrect size fillet Support standards revised Closed 10/05/81 weld on pipe support Not reportable

                                                                           -n-                                        \

DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES _ STATUS 81-37 Foxboro displays failed Displays modified to Final report environmental testias qualify environmentally 01/29/82 Not reportable 81-38 Minimum wall thickness Calculations performed Closed 10/20/81 violations to verify adequacy of- Not reportable. Pipe 81-39 Gas Stripper has un- Pipe replaced; notifica- Final report documented section of tions to affected dis- 02/28/83 pipe and welds ciplines Not reportable 81-40 Missing vertical dowels Dowels installed closed 11/20/81 in concrete poor in Not reportable Radwaste Building 81-41 Possible stress in Unit Use-as-is Final report

                                                                                                                           #2 containment piping                                12/29/82 Not reportable 81-42                         Unit #2 RCP bearing        Crinding performed and    Final report housing has sand holes     holes sealed              01/29/82 Not reportable 81-43                         Icose nuts and couplings ' NCRs dispositioned to     Final report on Units #1&#2 Steam       correct deficiencies. 09/21/82, Generators                 inspection performed on   03/29/83 Unit #3 Steam Generator 81-44                        Pressure regulating        Regulating valves re-     Final report valves do not meet de-     placed                    07/06/82 sign requirements                                    Not reportable 81-45                        Unit 1 pressurizer          Screws re-torqued and    Final report missing lockwires          lockwire installed        04/19/82 Not reportable 81-46                       Borg-Warner valve in-      Valves modified as re-    Final report stalled on horizontal       quired                   12/30/81 p2.ane                                               Reportable 81-47 . Voids in Unit il MSSS                           Grout patch repaired     Final report support floor slab                                  10/16/82 Not reportable f


                         '81-48    Defective cylinder head   Head replaced prior to    Final report on Unit #2 DG             start-vp                  01/05/82 Reportable 81-49    MSSS water level tranc-   Flemihose re-installed    Final report sitters may give er-      to prevent erroneous      01/05/82, roneous readings          output                    Reportable 81-50    Non-conservatism in de-   SARCN to reflect correct closed 12/23/81 sign basis water con-     design basis              Not reportable                  j sumption analysis                                                                   j 81-51    DG Control cabinets       isolation and separation Final report wiring not separated      of wiring accomplished    08/23/84 per vendor documents      Reportable 81-52    LPSI and CS pumps have    loose pins tack welded    Final report loose anti-rotation pins                            05/26/82 Not reportable                   !

81-53 Wiring separation viola- Barriers crected to meet Final report tions in Main control separation requirements 05/24/84' Reportable 81-54 Indication in Unit #1 Indication removed by Final report S/G #2 outlet nozzle grinding. NCR disposi- 03/03/82 tioned. Use-as-is. Not reportable 81-55 Water line leak under All temporary water, air Final report  ! Auxiliary Building and gas lines removed. 09/29/84  ! 81-56 Unit #1 letdown Heat Ex- The weld was repaired Final report changers had improperly 04/05/82 welded stiffener rings Not reportable 81-57 Type HMA Auxiliary Re- NCR dispositioned rework Final report lays have excess unin- for affected leads 07/06/82 l sulated leads I

                                                              - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                                       k

l '. 4 DER NO. DESCRIPTION STATUS CORRECTIVE ML JAS 7.S 82-1 Ex-core neutron monitor New cable purchased /re- Final report cables haveing greater placed which meets at- 08/26/82 1 length and attenuation tenuation requirements Not reportable l than design I 82-2 During an internal in- Dispositioned " Rework" Final report spection (of heat ex- and since accepted by 03/22/84 changers), 4 welde were radiographic examination Not reportable found visua12y unaccept-able 82-3 Diesel generators lube Replacement of defective Final report  ! oil strainer baskets re- baskets 03/23/82 i quire replacements per Reportable 1 10CFR21 by Cooper Energy Services l 82-4 Design specification All installed clamps cor- Final report I drawings for instrument rected to comply with the 07/23/84 tubing clamps do not Code Reportable show locknuts as re-quired by ASME Code 82-5 Unit #2 reactor coolant NCR dispositioned to re- Final report pump delivered with sand move the blasting sand 06/16/82 in cooler chamber housing Not reportable 82-6 Unit #3 valves (11 Qualification documenta- Final report total) shipped and re- tion processed. NCR is- 02/18/82 moved from receiving sued against the Unit #3 Not reportable area without qualifica- equipment as required tion documentation 82-7 Five Star Special "150" WPP/QC1 revised to review Final report grout used in contain- manufacturer's final cer- 04/07/82 ment construction ob- tification. Remove Five Not reportable served stratification Star Special *150" grout from approved list 82-8 C.E. switchgear has NCRs dispositioned to Final report parts not certified by replace the identified 10/25/82 subsuppliers for nuclear components correcting all Not reportable use equipment deliveries to the jobsite

  ;   i*

e . t. DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS { 82-9 Ibernowells'in dienel NCRs dispositioned to Final report generator lube oil sys- replace thernovells 11/04/82 tems by Cooper Energy Not reportable were not procured to Code

         '82-10    Code material I.D. nos.  . Addenda incorporated as

[L l obliterated on 8 pipe applicable Final report 04/27/82 supports in Unit #2 Not reportable containment and MSSS due to galvanizing 82-11 Six nozzles in the re- NCR dispositioned to al- Final report ! actor bottom head had low tube installation 03/15/82 porosity in the weld work to proceed Not reportable sone, deep surface dt-fects, and nicked welding surfaces 82-12 Instrument clamps in- NCR dispositioned to Final report stalled without calcula- review / rework all dis- 06/08/82 i tions for thermal ex- crepancies of installa- Reportable ! pansion tion 82-13 Reinforcing bars omitted Borizontal rebars in- Final report from Unit #3 fuel trans- stalled 06/04/82 fer tube inspection- Not reportable station 82-14 Units il and #2 instru- Fasteners replaced with Final report ment installation bolting certified fasteners 07/07/82 procured to ASE Ill Reportable Code was used without issue control 82-15 ASE III Code pipe sup- NCRs dispositioned to Final report ports not traceable to check and verify each 07/14/62 QIB material material drawn from Reportable storage for installation 82-16 , Condenaste pots were NCR dispositioned use-as- Closed 04/16/82 found to be noncon- is Not reportable forming

t DER NO. DESCRIPTION' CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATU$ i 82 Sechtel supplier docu- The computerized SDR has Final report ment register errors may been corrected, preclud- 12/09/82 allow outdated CE pro- ing redundant logging Not reportable _J ' eedures to be used for Unit #1 instrument calibration 82-18 Pump motors have metal NCR'dispositioned to Final report particles in lube oil flush and replace the 09/16/82-and deterioration of motor oil Not reportable internal epoxy coating 82-19 Class IE MCC's burned NCRs dispositioned to Final report out due to damage during replace damaged com- 09/14/82 testing ponents Not reportable 82-20' 20' section of 8" sched- NCR dispositioned use- Closed 05/05/82 ule 80 pipe has numerous as-is for the installed Not reportable areas below minimum wall section. The n'an-in-thickness stalled section returned to manufacturer 82-21 Cable support structure NCR dispositioned to Closed 05/06/82 had shop welds not in use-as-is since no rework Not reportable accordance with drawihg required 82-22 Knee-braced steel NCR dispositioned use-as- Closed 06/03/82 framing of the MSSS in- is since no rework re- Not reportable correctly quired 82-23 Inspect. ion revealed Piping spool repaired. Closed 05/14/82 numerous unauthorized Wall thickness verifica Not reportable , grinding on SI system ' 82-24 Weld procedure not pre- Dispositioned use-as-is Final report qualified by Ametek- 09/15/82 Straza for reactor hot Not reportable les pipe stops 82-25 Q-Class pipe in auxiliary " Cracks" were actually closed 06/11/82 _. building has visible shallow surface, proving Not reportable 2"-4" indications near adequate wall thickness weld 82-26 Mounting failures of Broken brackete rewelded. Final report valve position in- Other similar switches 09/09/82 dicating switches inspected Not reportable l 1 1 i


4 j DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 82-27 Fuel building gate Returned to supplier for closed 06/01/82 supports improperly rework Not reportable welded 82-28 Joy fan blade locknuts NCR dispositioned use- Final report under-torqued as-is 07/23/82 Wot reportable 82-29 Multiple linear in- NCRs dispositioned use- Final report dication on Main as-is 11/24/82 Feedwater lines Not reportable 82-30 Cleanliness control not VGS inspected and Final report maintained on Unit #1 cleaned 07/20/82 VGS Not reportable 82-31 Wiring error in the Correct wiring error Closed 06/24/82 Plant Monitoring System Not reportable 82-32 Purge das material in Material removed and closed 07/02/82 CH system check valve reassembled Not reportable 82-33 I4akage past 3" Anchor- Set screw staked in Final report Darling check valve place 08/20/82 Not reportable 82-34 Concrete void in Unit Repair the void Final report

                                                                                 #1 MSSS                                             07/23/82 Not reportable 82-35          Unit #21. PSI and CS     Field personnel in-        Final report pump hold down bolts     structed on verification 09/29/82 under-torqued            of torque valves           Not reportable 82-36           DG Control Panel wiring  New lugs installed         Final report not crisped                                         08/06/82 Reportable 82-37           Class 1E wiring in-      Procedures rewritten for Final report properly crimped         maintenance program hy-    11/15/82, draulic crisp units. All 07/18/82 future crimps to be done Reporcable at a minimum of 7900 psi

DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS DER A 82-38 Containment isolation Bolts retightened Final report valves had actuator 01/12/83 bolts loose Not reportable 82-39 Valve limit switches All switches inspected Final report below flood level in and found satisfactory 05/16/83 containment Not reportable 82-40 Unit #1 circuit breakers Test procedures re- Final report incorrectly set after written; testing pro- 12/28/82 testing gram revised Reportable 82-41 Improperly crimped lugs New connections in- Final report in Unit #3 switchgear stalled as applicable 11/23/82 Reportable 82-42 Unit #1 RCP nozzle veld Stainless steel portion Final report leak of nozzel replaced by a 03/28/83 double piece of incenel Reportable 82-43 Improperly crisped lugs All lugs inspected and Final report in Unit #2 repaired as necessary 02/07/83 Reportable 82-44 Borg-Warner valve Motor operators re- Final report operators not qualified placed with qualified 11/15/82 for use in containment operators Reportable 82-46 ITI-Barton transmitters Transmitters replaced Final report do not meet requirements with Rosemount; SARCN to 03/15/84 change diversity re- Reportable quirements 82-47 Minimum wall thickness Inspect and repair the Final report violations on 24" pipe areas of corrosion 11/19/82 Reportable 82-48 Check valves siezed open Check valves redesigned; Final report by velding heat all check valves flow 12/07/82 tested Reportable 82 Unit #1 and #2 S/G has Replace beam attachments Final report pipe support incorrectly with applicable brackets 10/08/82 welded Reportable l l DER NO. 7 DESCRIPTION _ CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 82-50 Flerible conduit coup- Conduits modified for Final report lings may be damaged proper support 03/09/84 during seismic event Reportable 82-51 Pipe line failure in Plasite repsirs effected Final report Unit #1 essential for applicable piping 01/09/84 cooling system. Reportable 82-52 Pipe supports incor- Inspections of Unit il Final report rectly installed pipe supports 11/08/82 Not reportable 82-53 Joy fan blade failure Containment lines plate Final report in Unit #1 repaired; fan blade re- 08/29/83

                                          .placed; all fans rein-      Not reportable spected 82-54   MS1V's have internal     Valves reinspected and      Final report corrosion                refurbished                 01/26/83 Reportable 82-55   DC motor feeder cables   Undersized c4.ble re-       Final report may not provide suf-     placed; cable sizing        02/23/83 ficient operating volt-  procedure revised           Reportable age 82-56   Condensate storage tank  Calculations performed      Final report scaled down without new  on tank; satisfactory as 07/21/83 seismic calculations    built                       Not reportable 82-57   Auxiliary feedwater      Valves replaced with        Final report valves are carbon steel  stainless steel bodies      12/28/82 instead of stainless                                 Reportable steel 82-58   DG cubicles may not be   DCP issued to anchor        Final report qualified seismically   cubicles acceptably         11/22/82 Reportable 82-59   DG crankcase sump coat-  Loose paint removed from Final report

_. ing flaking off sump 11/22/82 Not reportable 82-60 DG has non-conforming Defective piston re- Final report material certification placed 11/22/82 Reportable j {. DER NO. DESCR dION, _ CORRECTIVE NEASURES STATUS 82-41 ACP diffuser ring cap Cap. screw material Final report screws any fail changed; vedging device 01/25/84 added- Not reportable 82-62 RSFAS DC power supply Review conducted to Final report I

                          , ground detectors failed  assure consistency be-         08/03/83                                        '

tasting tween test procedures Not reportable and specifications { 1 82-43 Calculation error in Design analysis showed Final report seismic ca!,culation of acceptable as-built 06/27/83 RWT condition Not reportable 82-64 Dissimilar metal socket Welds replaced with cor- Final report welds rect material 11/29/82 Not reportable 82-65 Battery racks may not Additional calculations closed 11/04/82 be seismically qualh performed. Racks to be Not reportable fied replaced as necessary 82-66 Demineralized water Water removed closed 11/10/82 leaked into the reactor Not reportable vessel 82-67 ESFAS power supplies do Pve r supplies replaced Final report not meet specifications 12/16/82 Not reportable 82-68 Cables to startup trans- Use-as-is Final report formers may not carry 09/16/83 full current Not reportable 82-69 Incorrectly marked fuses Replaced fuses Final report in CEDM's 03/08/83 Not reportable 82-70 Improper grinding mest Use-as-is closed 11/18/82 to weld Not reportable 82-71~ ~ 140se bolt holding yoke Re-torqued the bolt Final report to valve body 01/26/83 Not reportable 82-72 Concrete void in Unit Grouting program ini- Final report

                          #2 containment wall       tiated to fill voids         06/30/83 Reportable l
            .D.7 NO.             DESCRIPTION       . . .

CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 3 82-73 Pipe support clamps in Defective clamps re- Final report Unit #2 MSSS may have placed; inspection con- 01/31/84 I excess sap ducted to identify other Reportable deficiencies 82-74 Adjustable resistors Modification effected to Final report I have wrong size bolts replace nuts and washers 12/23/82 j

                                                           .                     Not reportable 82-75    Refueling water tank          Improper studs, clips     Final report               )

suction strainers in- replaced 12/23/82 l properly secured Reportable J l 82-76 Target rock valves do Solenoid operators modi- Final report l not meet specification / fied; replace target 07/11/84 ) test requirements rock solenoids with Reportable valcor , 82-77 Foxboro displays failed Qualified models supplied Final report Class 1E testing for use 12/23/82 Not reportable 82-78 Improperly crimped lugs All lugs inspected; de- Final report in water chiller control fective lugs replaced 01/17/83 panels Reportable 82-79 Control air tubing Tubing separated to meet Final report violates separation requirements 01/17/83 criteria Not reportable 82-80 Low insulation valves Terminal blocks replaced Final report for terminals blocks with splices 08/31/a4 Not reportable 82-81 R-Class instruments Honeywell instruments Final report used in lieu of Q-Class inspected for conform- 04/12/83 in DG control cabinets ance Reportable 82-82 Mechanical spubbers do NCRs dispositioned to Final report not permit 5 nove- rework the affected 01/19/83 ment without binding snubbers Reportable 82-83 DG butterfly valves did Valves interchanged and Closed 01/06/83 not comply with require- replaced Not reportable ments

l l' '.


I DESCRIPTION CORREC'll/E MEASURES STATUS DER NO. 82-84 Class 1E load centers in Space heaters inspected Final report Unit #1 had internals for correct voltage 04/19/83 damage by space heaters Not reportable Mario relay panels in incorrect relays re- Final report 82-85 Unit il failed testing placed with qualified 03/07/83 relays Reportable {


1 I i t i

                                      .-                                                                   I


                                   - DER NO.                  DESCRuTION            CORRECTIVE MEASURi.h         STATUS 83-1     DG voltage regulating     Trs.nsformers repaired per Final report system may not perform    DCP                        02/16/83 as specified                                         Reportable 83-2. Valve operators inter-    Affected operators were    Fir.a1 report replaced changed                                              05/03/84 Reportable 83-3      Foreign material in       Housing flushed and        Final report bearing housing of        cleaned                    02/28/84 Unit 1 HPSI pump                                     Not reportable 83-4     Test procedures for air   Procedures revised;        Fical report handling units do not     retests performed          04/27/84 meet ANSI 510                                        Not reportable 83-5      Weld undercut on pipe     Use as is                  Final report in SI system                                         02/28/83 Not reportable 83-6     Undersize abock sup-      Shock suppressor repisced Final report presor in Unit 1                                     02/28/83 Containment                                          Reportable 83-7      Maxi-bolt anchors         Replaced affected bolts    Final report improperly installed                                 03/04/83 Not reportable 83-8      Hydrogen'recombiner       Existing timers replaced Final report failed Qualification                                 02/28/83 test                                                 Reportable 83-9      Unit 1 1. PSI pumps       Both LPS1 trains flushed Final report strainers                 and cleaned                09/06/63 Not reportable 83-10    Main steam relief valves Valves returned to manu- Final report exceed 51 blowdown        facturer for refurbish-    02/28/84 unit                      ment                       Not  reportable 83-11   . Exide batteries may       Stress or batteries        Final report
                                                  ~ leak or corrode at         relieved; permanent        06/14/83 terminals                 repairs effected           Not reportable 83-12     480V MCC interlocks may   Interlocks changed         Final report malfunction               out under GE supervision 05/03/83 Reportable

DDt NO. DESCRIPTION , CORRECTIVE MEASURES ,7ATUS 83-13 Violation of Tagout Training conducted on Final report requirements tagging procedures 07/14/83-Not reportable 83-14 Imaking capacitors Defective relays replaced Final report j in DG relays 09/27/83 < Reportable J 83-15 A 354 Anchor bolt bone Tor'que valve determin- Final report l under installation torque ation methodology 09/23/83 l changed; drawings Reportable revised 83-16 DG govenor and voltage DCP issued to correct Final report regulator do not reset deficiency 05/03/83 after trip Reportable 83-17 Fire protection switches All damaged switches Final report failed to meet TM1 replaced 07/19/03 criteria Reportable 83-18 Pipe supports do not Additional her nuts Final report meet Seismic IX require- installed; drawing 04/28/83 ments revised Not reportable 83-19 Shock arrestors do not Applicable shock Final report function properly arrestors replaced 01/03/84 Not reportable 83-20 Startup test personnel All personnel properly Final report qualification trained and qualified 04/29/83 Not reportable 83-21 LPSI pump operated in Training provided to Final report violation of procedures operators 05/06/83 Not reportable 83-22 Hydrogen recombiner Circuit breakers Final report circuit breaker failed replaced 10/24/83 to operate improperly Reportable 83-23 -- MSIV bypass isolation Solenoid valves replaced closed valves failed to close 05/10/83 within 5 seconds Not reportable 83-24 - DG lube oil and jacket New heaters installed Final report water heaters do not 05/18/83 maintain temperatures Reportable t

      \ -

j DER NO. DESCRIPTION CO1L.ZCTIVE MEASURES STATUS 83-25 Instrument tubing does Use-as-is; revised Final report not have boundary class specifications issued 09/21/83 break Not reportable 83-26 BOP ESFAS modules failed Cabinets modified to Final report testing due to over- incrasse ventilation; 10/28/83 l beating drawings revised Not reportable i

              '83-27     Need position indication Adjust switches as           Closed            1 switches functioning     necessary; O-ring           04/28/83 improperly               and terminal boards         Notreportable replaced f

83-28 Snubbers installed in Use as is; Specification Final report violation of reserve change to clarify pro- 06/08/83 range requirements cadure Not reportable 83-29 Hangers in SI system Supports repaired; draw- Final report installed incorrectly ings revised 06/06/83 . Reportable 83-30 A354 bolt broke while Torque procedures Final report torquing on Unit 2 AFW revised; drawings 01/30/84 pump revised Not reportable 83-31 Temperature rise in DG Ventilation modifications Final report control cabinet could made to provide forced 08/23/83 exceed design ventilation Reportable 83-32 Socket welds in Unit 1 Transition pieces instal- Final report S/G 1ed; drawings revised 02/29/84 Not reportable 83-33 GE breakers with EC-1 Defects corrected per Final report trips may have defect NCR dispositioned 06/24/83 Reportable 83-34 Instrument racks in Defective welds repaired Final report Unit 2 have surface 09/19/83 cracks Not reportable 83-35 ' inverters produced High frequency snubber Final report voltage spikes on DC capacitor reworked 01/09/84 supply bus Reportable 83-36 Excessive cycling of Actuators refurbished Final report hydramotor actuators and retested; Training 12/21/83 program conducted Not reportable

 <                                                                                                                                                                             l DER NO.                                                                  DESCRIPTION                   CORRECTIVE MEAbORES           STATUS 83-37                                   Missed . factory operations Defects repaired as                                      Final report                           I on Unit 3 S/G                                           appropriate                  12/05/84 Reportable                          )

t 83-38 Clip angles used for HVAC Use-as-is Final report supports do not meet 10/06/83 requirements Not reportable 83-39 Rejectable indications Reworked pump case; Final report on Unit 1 RCP inspected all other welds 01/03/84 Not reportable 83-40 Unit 1 LPSI and CS pump New lower end brackets Final report i motors leaking oil installed; new design 02/02/84 housing Reportable v 83-41 Flooding in Control Circulating water intake Final report Building canal sealed; electrical 09/21/83 ducts sealed; all joints Reportable saaled 83-42 Failed thernovells Original thernowells Final report in the RCS replaced with new, 09/14/84 redesigned thernovells Reportable 83-43 Improper crisp termina- All relay cabinets by Final report tions Harlo reinspected; dis- 09/27/84 crepancies will be Reportable corrected 83-44 Wiring errors in PPS Wiring corrected and Final report cabinets retested 08/15/83 , Reportable ' 83-45 Cable separations in Wiring redone in accor- Final report  ; Unit 1 Control Room dance with applicable 09/26/03 1 panels requirements; procedures Reportable - revised i 83-46 Value overtorqued during Adjusted electrical Final report _. hydrostatic testing leads and reed switch 01/09/84 Reportable i 83-47 Power supplies may damage Additional fuses in- Final report l instrument conductor stalled 10/17/83 penetrations , Reportable

                                                                                                                -       _      _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _                         -                 _                                   A

q l DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 83-48 Scienoid valves subjected Refurbished with high Final report to excessive heat temperature connectors, 10/28/83 lead wires and 0-rings Not reportable 83-49 Broken impeller blades / Diffuser redesigned; Final report diffuser bolts capscrew numbers 09/14/84 inc.reased; impe11ers Not reportable backfiled; bearing sleeves replaced i 83-50 Combined with DER 83-49 83-51 AFW pump failed. testing Surveillance test path Final report eliminated; SARCN to 09/25/84 change required flow Reportable rates 83-52 Power supplies feed Filter elements installed; Final report noise into 125 VDC bus annunciators returned 12/22/83 for re-work Reportable 83-53 Unit 3 embed plates do Under evaluation open not meet specification 83-54 Washers found in Unit 1 Loose parts removed; Final report S/G's remainder of system 01/17/84 inspected Not reportable 83-55 Thermal liner on cold Liners removed from Final report l 1eg of RCP 1A missing system 12/30/84 4 Not reportable 83-56 Discrepancies with larger hydraulic reser- Final report i MS1V's voir; pump material 04/13/84 replaced; relief valve Reportable installed 83-57 Cracks in CEA shroud 4 and 12 finger guides Final report removed; snubbers added 09/14/84 for lateral support Reportable


83-63 EPSI isolation valves Under evaluation Open failed to open 83-64 Pressure relief valves Test rig replaced Final report failed testing 05/24/84 Not reportable


DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 83-65 Saiety relief valves- Valves reconditioned . Final report found dirty and rusted and tested; cleanliness 01/23/84 requirements addressed Reportable l 83-46 A W pump ispeller wear Wear ring material Final report ring fractured changed; sent to manu- 06/21/84 facturer for rework Reportable 83-67 Ex-core detectors below Detectors relocated above Final report flood level flood level' 01/23/84 Reportable 83-68 Battery racks construc- Non-conforming hardware Final report ted with materials not replaced 02/09/84 meeting specifications Reportable 83-69 Seismic supports on Added additional shaft Final report Posi-Seal valves incor- supports to raise 07/11/84 rectly installed frequency, validating Reportable seismic analysis 83-70 Wiring in ERF Cabinets Wiring rerouted; metal Final report not in conformance with barriers installed; color 02/28/84 specification coding of wiring Reportable 83-71 Shock arrestors may have Snubbers replaced as Final report generic defect required 04/24/84 Reportable 83-72 Undersize welds in Specification revised; Final report Unit 1 Auxiliary Building Training for QC 03/14/84 inspectors Not reportable 83-73 Unqualified power sup- Under evaluation Open plies installed IE instrument cabinets 83-74 Undersize welds in Unit 1 Inspections conducted on Final report Auxiliary Building all units pipe supports 09/21/84 for weld size Not reportable

              &3-75     Improperly torqued        Bolts retorqued            Final report bolts on panel filler                                07/24/84 assemblies                                           Not reportable 83-76     Improper A W pump logic   logic diagram revised;     Final report modifications on exist-    05/07/84 ing logic                  Reportable 83-77     Unit 2 concrete pour      Honeycombed areas          Final report contains honeycombs       repaired                   07/13/84 Not reportable

iE DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 83-78 No user tests or docu- Samples tated for hard- Final report mentation for Rock Bolt ness, and elongation; 08/02/04 Expansion Anchor analysis performed to Not reportable accept as is 83-79 AC interference spikes Specification revised; Final report on DC bus Micarta boards installed 03/09/84 Not reportable 83-80 MFIV close in 20 seconds; Closing speed control Final report Specification requires valve fully open; 08/23/84 5 seconds package to 3500# at Not reportable 70*F 83-81 Schedule 160 SS pipe Replace the piping Final report from Culfalloy contains 08/29/84 a manufacturing defect Not reportable 83-82 Improper bend radius in Cables rejected and re- Final report DG control cabinets placed to meet bend 08/10/84 radius requirements Reportable 83-83 Incorrect away strut Strut replaced Final report supporting Class Q1A 08/23/84 piping was installed Reportable 83-84 Missing bolts for MCC (6) Installations made to Final report in Unit il conform to revised 05/15/84 drawings Not reportable 83-85 Ferimeter microwave Safeguards information Final report l detection system has a 01/20/84 manufacturing defect Not reportable 83-86 Seismic analysis of the Add stiffener plates to Final report shutdown EX did not base plate 01/26/84 address baseplate thick-ness adequately 83-87 Remote operated manual Deficient SI valves Final report


EFSI valves corrected 03/13/84 Not reportable 83-88 QA lack of procedures & Appropriate procedures Final report programs for testing reviewed and revised 04/13/84 and startup I l


Df; NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 84-l' Methodology used to Procedures revised to Final report sub-track required retesting provide a documented mitted 04/09/84 activities program to track re- Not reportable quirements for out-standing preoperational retest after work is performed on a previously tested structure' system or component 84-2 Rust, scale, and pitting MCRs were dispositioned Final report in the clevis and are use-es-is 07/13/84 of several SI and G Not reportable valves 84-3' Feedwater isolution Inspect and rework FWIVs Final report valves; lower 4-vay and MSIVs to remove un- 05/25/84 valve found stuck during acceptable pipe sealant Reportable testing and replace with Loctite No. 277 prior to fuel load 84-4 External security wiring Contains proprietary Closed 01/27/84 not in conformance with security information per Not reportable specification 10CFR 2.790 84-5 Debris found in reactor NCR dispositioned to Closed 02/10/84 internal during move- clean area and return Not reportable ment of the CEA Shroud tools to proper storage Assembly from the UGS 84-4 Possible deficiencies Under evaluation Open l in absolute and de-viation alarm modules 84-7 Failure to provide cor- NCRs initiated to re- Final report rective action as instate rework on valves 07/13/84 stated in DER 80-21 requiring modifications Reportable 84-8 1TT/Barton Model 763 Transmitters will be re- Final report Transmitters do not placed or refurbished 07/24/84

                      - meet specifications                                     Reportable 84-9      Relating to CAD welding     Under evaluation            Open for cathodic protection ground connection
                                                                                                                       ..                                 I
                +     *

4 DER NO. DESCRIPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 84-10 Abnormal number of 100% inspection revealed Final report single element RTDs no problem with the RTDs 08/01/84 open-circuited Not reportable 84-12 Zone III violations of The entire Unit 1 RCS Final report RCP 1A and S/G #1 returned to class B 09/10/84 cleanliness, and the Not reportable demonstration test completed } f 84-13 Relating to HVAC Under evaluation Open acceptance criteria 84-14 Some studs and nuts in- DCN issued to allow the Closed 03/13/84 stalled on SI & RC sys- use of SA-194, GR 8M Not reportable-tems which do not meet material in the boric ASME requirements for acid related systems, boric acid service as applicable 84-15 Relating to welds Under evaluation Open attaching pipe restraint supports less than design-calculated dimensions in Unit 2 84-16 ESFAS relay cabinets Added stiffener plates Final report baseplates to cabinets and up- 08/02/84 dated installation DWG's Reportable i 84-17 The core shroud envelope Measurements of core Closed 04/23/84 abroud panels accomplish- Not reportable  ; ed as required j l 84-18 Wiring error on LPSI Wiring errors on control Final report  ! pump "B" CS-3 switch switch corrected 09/10/84 Not reportable 84-19 Improperly installed Nonconforming flanges re- Final report blind flanges moved and replaced to 07/30/84 meet Piping Material Not reportable Classifications 84-20 Displacement of a con- Under evaluation Open necting line in the Si system 84-21 Rosemount transmitters Under evaluation Open not torqued to specified valve 4 at DER NO. DESCRI"7.0N CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 84-22 Unit il CEA shroud sup- Contaminated area cleaned Final report port contaminated with and checked for cor- 08/01/84 oil rosion. Oil retention Reportable bars are being added to the Polar Cranes to con-tain oil in gear case

           '84-23     Auxiliary feedwater      No future reflow circ.       Final report pump "B" discharge valve tes' ting will be done. Re- 07/12/84 to condensate storage     cire. valves V018 and       Reportable tank                     V027 will be replaced by spectacle flanges!

84-24 Limitorque valve opera- Under evaluation Open tors loose on valve bodies 24-25 Containment supply Under evaluation Open registers would not cycle 84-26 Improperly tested or ad- Interlocks will be man-Final report justed interlock ually tested unless 09/21/84 properly tested personnel Reportable are performing the func-- tion 84-27 Improperly handled in- Under evaluation Open strumentation from Waldinger Corp. 84-28 Diesel generator fuel Under evaluation Open lines 84-29 Build up of material on Clean, recoat with pla- Final report Unit #2 diesel genera- site lining 09/25/84 tor EX Reportable 84-30 Improper documentation Review of all code-re- Final report , of diesel generator lated documentation con- 09/18/84 l components cluded correct and on Not reportable _. file; use-as-is l 1 84-32 Superceded by DER 84-34 {' J 'JL NO. DESCRIPTION' q CORRECTIVE MEASURES STATUS 84-33 Incorrectly installed Weld added Final report hanger support assembly 09/21/84 Not reportable 84-34 Critical friction' type Under evaluation Open high strength con-anectors 84-35 Setpoint potentiometers Potentiometers replaced Final report in the PPS drift out- 09/18/84 l side of tolerance Not reportable 84-36 SI valve stalls just off Under evaluation Open closing seat when open-ing or closing 84-37 Unauthorized / unqualified Under evaluation Open duct sealant 84-38 Improperly welded flange Rework / repair by adding Final report in Unit #2 filler material 09/18/84 Reportable 84-39 LPSI and containment Use-as-is, but do not Final report spray pumps have ex- run pump in the 2500 09/26/84 perienced abnormal to 3500 flow range during Not reportable rumbling noises shutdown cooling mode of operation 84-40 Unit #2 auxiliary Under evaluation Open feedwater pump has corrosion 84-41 AdequacyofCardid Under evaluation Open Industrial Products program for supplier qualification 84-42 Unqualified torque Under evaluation Open switches installed on safety related valves 84-43 RPSI 3" gate valve fail- Valve stem cleaned and Closed 07/18/84 ure to open lubricated Not reportable 84-44 Fatigue failures of the Under evaluation Open charging pumps

           ..         n                 -)


84-45 Relating to spot welding Under evaluation Open on skid mounting indica-tion and control 84-46 Refueling water tank DCPs prepared to perform Final report penetration sleeves; required grouting work 09/24/84-connection would be Reportable overstressed during a seismic event 84-47 Hacksaw blade in the Weld on line S1 130 was closed 07/24/84 Unit #3 Si system completed Not reportable 84-48 Improper material for Under evaluation Open pipe plugs on MS1V 84 Auxiliary feedwater sys- Mini-flow individually Final report tem experiences hy-- adjusted for each pump 09/26/84 draulic resonance to reduce the vibration. Reportable to acceptable limits 84-50 Main steam isolation Under evaluation open valves do not close as required 84-51 Failure of turbine-driven Changes initiated to re- Final report sur.iliary feedwater pump flect the feedwater de- 09/26/84 to quick start from livery time change from Reportable ambient conditions 20 to 30 seconds 84-52 Relating to the atmos- DCPs initiated to in- Final report pheric dump valve; a crease the thickness of 09/26/84 review of the seismic the resistor base flange Not reportable analysis report deter- to two inches mined that the base flange of the resistor is overstressed during an SSE and will break 84-53 Nuts on bolts found Under evaluation Open loose on PC and CH
                    - valves 84-54      Containment sump isola-     Under evaluation           Open tion valve i


y . f .' .: DER NO. D">CRIPTION CORRECTIVE MLjURES JSTATUS 84-55 Non *Q" material in- Under evaluation Open installed in Q1E instru-mentation cabinets l84-56 Fire dampers were found Under evaluation Open to close inconsistently 84-57 Evaluation relating to' SARCN to change time Closed 09/19/84 radioactive waste drain from 10 seconds to Not reportable system 40 seconds 84-58 Auxiliary feedwater sys- Under evaluation Open tem solenoid valve failed to open in response to AFAS signal 84-59 NCC cables damaged by Under evaluation Open fire stops 84-60 Improper lubricant used Under evaluation Oper in Limitorque valve operators  ! 84-61 Auxiliary pressurizer Under evaluation Open spray system-loop valve potential to stop open

  -l            84-62      Load sequencer did not     Under evaluation       Open function properly during safeguards testing i

84-63 SIT vent valve would Under evaluation Open i not close during testing j 84-64 Snubbers will not cycle Under evaluation Open 84-45 Inst. leads removed from Under evaluation Open UGS have shown splitting of outer sheath 84-66 Downconer feedwater iso- Under evaluation Open

                       ' lation valves 84-67       Steam generator system     Under evaluation       Open valve solenoid operations at low voltage 4   4 w
 .4 DER NO.             DESC3IPTION     _

CORRECTIVE MEASURES _ _ STATUS 84-68 RSC "A" would not re- Under evaluation Open sequence,due to temp. switch trip after ISP 84-4 9 Reactor protection system Under evaluation Open shunt trip contacts 84-70 Diesel engine "A" in Unit Lubricate control closed 09/28/84

                    #1 tripped off because     mechanism               Not reportable  l of engine overspeed 84-71    A spurious load shed of    None required           Closed 09/17/84 the 4160 V SWGR SO4                                Not reportable  l' Feeder Breaker 84-72    During pre-op test S1      Under evaluation        Open valve torqued out near the closed seat 84-73    Test. cards for excore     Under evaluation        Open system have an incorrect value for "126" 84-74. Inverters failed pre-op    Under evaluation        Open testing 84 -75   DG essential exhaust fan Under evaluation           Open fails to start within 5 seconds in Mode 1 or 4 operation 84-76    STAT or temps could be     Under evaluation         Open i

exceeded 84-77 Rosemount transmitters Under evaluation Open manufactured after January 10, 1984 may not have hermetic seal I 84-78 Valcor valves experience Under evaluation Open coil failures 84-79 Broken terminal lug on Under evaluation open DG could cause abnormal temp. rise 36-





Under evaluation Open overspeed when load was removed 84-81 65%-90% hesitation of the Under evaluation Open open position when 3 of 4 valves are in' closed position 84-82 Improper mate between seat - Under evaluation Open and disc of SI check valve 84-83 RPSI "A" injection lines Under evaluation Open experiencing cavitation 84 Discrepancy between CESSAR Under evaluation Open Section 5.1.4 and CESSAR Chapter 15, dealing with valve closure time 84-85 Containment purge. valve Under evaluation Open closing time on Containment Isolation Activation Signal assumed in CESSAR 15-4-8 Amend 6 or later was oo;. assumed in Palo Verde FSAR  ; J e 1

                                                                                                                           !                                                                                                                                                                                                                              l t                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1

1, e l ! I '

h. Part 21 Notifications All vendor Part 21 notifications have been reported and corrective action initiated by APS through the Construction Deficiency Report (10 CFR l
   ,                                                                             50.55e).
1. Construction Status- ,

The following safety-related and important to safety structures, systems, and components are not of September 28, 1984. The remaining construction is relatively minor in nature consisting mainly of efforts to complete corrective actions identified as a result 1 of testing, Deficiency Evaluation Reports, walk-down punchlist items, etc. All safety-related and important to safety systems will be construction complete prior to issuance of an OL. Description Subsystem Designator Motor Driven Aux. Feedwater Pump "B" AF01 Motor Driven Aux. Feedwater Pump "N" AF02 Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine and Pump "A" AF03 Condenser CD01 Purification and Deborating Ion Exch. CH01 Refueling Water Tank CH02 Volume Control Tank CH03 Charging Pumps CH04 Reactor Makeup Water Tank & Pumps CH07 Equipment Drain Tank & Drains CH08 Holdup Tanks and Pumps CHil Reactor Drain Tank & Pumps CH12 Purification Filters CH13 Seal Injection Filters CH14 Regenerative Heat Exchanger CHIS Gas Stripper CH16 Penetrations and ILRT Panels CLO1 Pressurization Penetration & Portable Fans CLO4 Containment Electrical & Spara Mechanical Penetrations CLO6 Containment Purge CP01 Condensate Storage & Transfer CT01 Diesel Fuel Oil & Transfer Train "A" DF01 Diesel Generator Train "A" DG01 Diesel Generator Train "B" DG02 Train "A" EC01 Train "B" EC02 Train "A" EWO1 Train "B" EWO2 New Fuel Storage FH02 The construction punchlist contained approximately 1300 detailed items as of 11/01/84. Many of these items are closely related sets of items which are expected to be resolved as a set. The licensee expects to resolve all of these items prior to 12/7/84. Region V review of this list will be initiated once this list is reduced to a few hundred items.

4 6 Description Subsystem Designator Spent Fuel Handling Machine FEOS Fuel Carriage and Upender FH07 Fuel Handling Tools FH08 Refueling Machining FH10 j CEA Change Platform FH11 CEA Elevator FH12 Water Reserves, Pumps & Unit' l Power FP01 Block Yardloop i D/C Building Deluge Sprinklers FP25 Radweste & D/G Bldg. Hose Stations FP27 Deluge Sprinklers for Safety injection FP28 Pump Rooms Train "A" Deluge Sprinklers for Safety injection FP29 Pump Rooms Train "B" Sprinklers for Elect. Penetration FP30 Room Channels B&D Sprinklers for Elect. Penetration FP32 Room Qiannels A&C Sprinklers for Turbine Driven Aux. FW Pumps FP33 Containment Building Hose Stations FP34 Fire Protection for Containment FP35 and Switchgear Buildings Halon Flood Protection, Control Bldg. FP36 Corridor Fire Protection FP39 Caseous Radwaste GR01 HVAC Supply EA01 HVAC Exhaust hA02 Air Cooling Units HA03 CEDM ACU Supply HA07 Containment HVAC South BC01 Containment HVAC North HCO2 Pre-Access Air Filtration Unit HCO3 Reactor Cavity Cooling South HC04 CEDM ACU Fans HC05 Reactor Cavity Cooling North HC07 Main Steam Penetration Cooling EC08 Diesel Generator Building HVAC HLO1 i HVAC Supply hF01 HVAC Exhaust HF02 _,, Fuel and Aux. Bldgs. Exhaust HF03 control Bldg. Normal AHU HJ01 l ESF Switchgear Room Essential AHU A HJ02 ESF Switchgear Room Essential AEU B HJ03 Containment Room Essential ABU B HJ04 Containment Room Essential AHU A 1005 Battery Ventilation HJ06 Containment Hydrogen Control HP01 Containment Hydrogen Control System EP70 Holdup Tanks and Pumps LR01 Evaporator Package LR04

w . s Descriptica Subsystem Designator Concentrate Monitor Tanks LR05 Nuclear Cooling Water NC01 Fuel Pool Cleanup Pumps PC01 Fuel Pool and Heat Exchangers PCO2 Fuel Pool Ion Exchangers PC04 Class 1E 480V Pbwer Switchgear PG01 Class 1E 480V Power MCC - PH01 Auxiliary Bldg. Elev. 51k QB07 Reactor Vessel, Steam Generators RC01 ^" Reactor Coolant Pumps RCO2 Pressurizer RC03 Reactor Coolant Gas Vent System RC70 THI Task #11E f R/C Wide Range Instrumentation RC72 Containment Radwaste Sump and Pump East RD02 Reactor Cavity Sump & Pumps RD03 L Sump Pumps Discharge Header RD04 Radwaste Building Sump and Pumps RDOS Holdup Tank Sump and Pumps RD09 Essential Instrument Power Supply RM03 j Reactor Protection System SB72 i Chemical Addition SC02 TMI Task #14A ERFDAD SD70 Steam Generator 1 SG01 Steam Generator 2 SG02 Main Steam HP Turbine SG03 Main Steam Bypass SG04 Main Steam Isolation SG05 3 iJ Containment Recirculation Sumps & Screens $101 {? Safety Injection Tanks SIO2 h Auxiliary Spray Header Nozzles SIO4 Epray Chemical Storage Tank & Pumps SIO5 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchangers SIO6 Low Pressure SI System SIO7 , Containment Spray System S108 l High Pressure Safety Injection System SI70 Essential Spray Pond Pump & Heat SP01 Exchanger "A" Essential Spray Pond Pump & Heat SP02 Exchanger "B" THI Task #9G ECW Flow and Temp. SQ70 Spent Resin Tanks and Dewatering Pump SR01 Solidification Package SR02 Nuclear Sampling SS01 Auxiliary, Radwaste and Contol 31dgs. WC01 Containment Bldg. All levels 2C08 Fuel Bldg. All levels ZF01 3


                  ,J.                  Preoperational Test Results
1. Preoperational Testing - Preoperational testing will be completed on all safety related or Important to Safety systems Prior to fuel load. The current status is as follows:

Test Results Tests Complete Approved Total Tests 206 161 50 The remaining 45 tests that are not complete are listed below. Tests on Hold Percentage Description- Compiete Procedure # ESF Pump Room HVAC Performance Test (C) 80 91HF-1EA01 CEA Elevator and Change Platform (C) 85 91PE-1FH10 Eslon 1301 Fire Suppression System 75 91PE-1FP02 Gaseous Radwaste System 85 91PE-1GR01-Bydrogen Purge System 65 91PE-1EP01 Resin Transfer / Dewatering System 89 91PE-1SR01 Solid Radvaste System 80 91PE-1SR02 Test in Progress Percertage Description Complete Procedure # BOP Piping Steady State Vibration Test (A) 80 91HF-1ZZ06 80 91HF-12208 30P Piping Thermal Expansion Test (A) Containment Purge System 85 91PE-1CP01 89 92PE-10K01 Fire Detection and Alara Systen Movable Incore Drive System (C) 80 92PE-1R103 92PE-IRJ03 Restoration of Field input-Plant Monitoring System 85 92PE-1RK02 Restoration and Field input Verification-55 Plant Annunciator 75 92PE -1SB17 Safety System Response Time Test l Pield input Verification of the Emergency 92PE-1SD01 Response Facilities Data Acquisition and 75 Display System Reactor Regulating System Test (A) 75 92PE-1SP03 75 92PE-1SF05 Reactor Power Cutback System Test ) j 92PE-1SQO2 Post Accident Radiation Monitoring Preoperational Test Procedure 85 i

l l Test in Proaress (continued) Percentage L Procedure # Description Complete 92PE-1SQ04 Safety Related Radiation Monitoring Preoperational Test Procedure (C) 85 92PE-1SQ05 Portable EOF, and TSC Radiation Monitors Preoperational Test Procedures (C) 85 93PE-1QM01 Boric Acid System Heat Tracing 25 93PE-1S&01 Integrated Test of Engineered Safety Features 80 Tests Not Started Percentage Procedure # Description Complete 91PE-1CH09 Boric Acid Concentrator Test 91PE-1CH10 Holdup Tank and Pumps including Gas Stripper 91PE-1RCO2 (N) 91PE-1SS02 (N) 92PE-1FH01 Refueling Machine Underwater Television Systes 92PE-1QF06 Preoperational In-Plant Communications . Test (Evaluation System) (N) 92PE-1SB15 (N) 92PE-1SB19 (N) 92PE-1SB20 (N) 92PE-1SE03 Ex-Core Nuclear Ins ntation Safety channel A 92PE-1SE04 Ex-Core Nuclear Instrumen u ^ - Q fety Channel B 92PE-1SE05 Ex-Core Nuclear Instrumentation Safety Channel C (C) 92PE-1SE06 Ex-Core Nuclear Instrumentation Safety Channel D 92PE-ISF01 Feedwater Control System Channel 1 (C) 92PE-1SF02 Feedwater Control System Channel 2 (C) 92PE-1SF04 Steam Bypass Control System Test (C) 92PE-ISM 01 (N) 92PE-lSQ01 Radiation Monitoring Preoperational 93PE-1MA01 Main Generator (NC) 93PE-1QD01 Control Room Emergency Lighting 93PE-1RC03 (N) 93PE-1R)O1 Disconnect Handswitch Alara Verification Test (A) Retest I (C) Field required performance (N) Test not approved

2. System Acceptance - All safety related or Important to Safety systems and areas will be accepted by operations to ensure.

drawings up-to-date and system completion prior to fuel load. The latest status is as follows: Total Subsystems Accepted Subsystems Walked Down 230 60 227 The remaining systems.yet to be walked down are QM03, FP36 and SM01. Total Areas Accepted Walked Down 55 21 55

3. Surveillance Test Procedures - The status of surveillance test procedure development that is required for fuel load is as follows:

Total PRB Currently Remaining Procedures Approved Approval Process Draf t Complete 100 80 11' 9

4. Operations Procedures - Approximately 30 of 331 procedures required by Regulatory Guide 1.33 are still in preparation.
5. Significant System Performance Deficiencies During preoperational testing, the following deficiencies were notable:


                                         -     Reactor Coolant Pump impe11ers      Reactor coolant pumps i were damaged by insufficient        were modified and operating clearances.               reworked.
                                         -     Reactor Coolant System hot and      Thernovelds were cold leg thermowelds were broken.        redesigned and         i modified.
                                         -     Reactor Vessel Upper Guide          Structure was         j was cracked.                        strengthened and      i
                                 - --                                              modified.              !
                                         -     Reactor Coolant System Thermal      Thermal sleeves were Sleeves were dislodged.             reevaluated to be unnecessary.
                                         -     Low Pressure Safety Injection       Pumps were replaced    l Pumps repeatedly tripped due to     with stiffer shifted flexing of pump shaft.              pumps.

Auxiliary Teodwater Turbine Driven Pump steam supply-repeatedly tripped system was redesigned and governor-


adjustaants.were made. High Pressure Safety. Injection Redesigned system to valves galled reduce differential pressure experienced by-valve, changed valve

                                                                                           - orientation.

Auxiliary Feedwater pumps Modified recirculation experienced flow resonance when orifices to increase operated on mini-recirculation. recirculation flow, and eliminate resonance in most expected flow regimes.

k. Summary Status
1. ' Applicant's current estimated licensing date: 12/7/84
                               .2. Inspection Program: Will be completed prior to 12/7/84 provided licensee has reviewed required preoperational test results-through the Test Working Group level.
3. - Review of Actions on Generic Correspondence: The licensee has not completed action on nine IE Bulletins and four Circulars. The. licensee's action on each of these must be reviewed OL issuance.
4. Reportable 10 CFR 50.55e Events: The licensee has reported approximately eighty potentially reportable 10 CFR 50.55e events which have not been corrected by the licensee..

Approximately forty of these appear reportable, based on the limited information supplied to date. All reportable events and'the licensee's program of corrective action will be reviewed prior to'OL issuance.

5. Preoperational Testing: As of 10/1/84, the licensee had completed 161 of 206 required preoperational tests. The

l licensee has committed to complete all preoperational tests prior to OL issuance. I

m. ..
6. ~Significant System Performance Deficiencies: All deficiencies
  • have been satisfactorily resolved with the exception of the galled RPSI valves which have been repaired, but not l' completely retested. The licensee has committed this testing prior to OL issuance.

l1 H l l ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a

p < m g s .: P , ..

( . '

S 7.. System Turnovers:) )70 of 230 safety related or important to safety systems have not been turned over to the operations y department. Approximately 1300 construction deficiencies k remain as of 11/14/84. The licensee's resolution of these E-will be reviewed by Region V prior. to OL issuance.

8. Procedures: Approximately. 30 of 331 operations procedures are still in preparation, and approximately 280' of 365 '

surveillance procedures are still. in preparation. .A I

i. significant sample 'of -these must be reviewed by Region V L prior to'0L issuance.'
1. Readiness for Operation If current trends prevail, the licensee may not be ready for licensing by December 7, 1984, as they have requested. A large number of items requiring licensee action remain. Many of these require regional review. A management meeting was held at APS Corporate Headquarters on October 24, 1984. Mr. Turley of APS reiterated that these items would be completed by December 7, 1984.

Region V continues to observe that items are not being completed to the extent ,that they may be reviewed by the NRC prior to December. 7, 1984. LIn spite of repeated protestations to the contrary, evidence since that meeting suggests that a large number of completed packages will be submitted very close to the licensing date. In addition to this general concern, and the incomplete review areas noted'elsewhere in the report, the following specific issues require resolution. It is anticipated that some portions of these will be resolved as post-OL license' conditions or prior to issuance of the full power license. This distinction will be made once the actual low power OL date becomes clear, and the licensee substantially completes the other open items discussed in this report.

1. Backup capability for Post Accident Sampling System Reactor-Coolant System gas samples is not currently available.
2. The licensee does not have the capability to produce printouts or other records of any Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) effluent activity. This capability currently is dependent on  !

Chemical and Radiological' Analysis Computer System (CRACS). CRACS is not expected to be operational prior to fuel load.

3. The containment high range monitor cable failed environmental qualification. Requalification will probably require six or more months.
4. The licensee has not validated transfer calibration data for RMS or verified minimum detectable levels for effluent monitors.
5. The licensee has not completed procedures for handling post-accident high activity samples.

gy . , -

    . . .s j s'                                                                                                                                            % _
               -m 61                                        iS The licensee has not resolved questions related to the availability of PASS backup laboratory capability.

7. The licensee's security program was significantly deficient in the areas officer of lighting, vital area barriers, and security strength. The licensee expects to correct these shortcomings by December 15, 1984. 8. The meteorological data acquisition system is not functional. order. required to repair one of two required data links are on Parts 9. Seismic instrumentation requires calibration. 10. The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) habitability system's HEPA filters and the Radiological Monitoring System in the Technical Support Center and the EOF needs to be completed. 11. Approximately sixty potentially reportable (10 CFR 50.55e) construction deficiencies are being corrected by the licensee. Final completion of corrective action for these is resolving only three or four per week. Many of these conditions, and the licensee'sprior resolved proposed to OL.corrective action (as a taisimum) must be 12. The current licensed operator shift staffing does not satisfy industry guidelines (NVMARC) for previous similar commercial PWR experience. 13. The HPSI injection valves require retesting following their recent modification. 14. The diesel generator emergency load sequencers require retesting following replacement of some of their components. 15. Potentially significant fouling and corrosion of the fire protection piping requires resolution. 16. The turbine building closed cooling water system buried pipe leak requires evaluation to determine its significance. 17. The turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump steam inlet bypass

  • valve requires retesting following replacement.

18. Approximately staff. ten allegations are being reviewed by Regiou V issuance. All of these are expected to be resolved prior to OL f 2 l _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . - - _ - - _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ . - - _ - -}}