ML20126L844 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Palo Verde |
Issue date: | 09/14/1992 |
Shared Package | |
ML20126L802 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-92-218 NUDOCS 9301080135 | |
Download: ML20126L844 (3) | |
- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
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1450 M ARIA L AN[,$Ulf t MO
' N .* ,o#. W ALNUT chi t k C ALIFORNIA 94t9(i
' " " SEP 4w MEMORANDUM FOR: James M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations ~
FROM: John B. Martin Regional Administrator
STATUS OF STAFF ACTIONS RELATED TO THE DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION AT PALO VERDE In my memorandum to you dated June 14, 1990, I stated that I would provide a status report regarding the actions related to the Diagnostic Evaluation performed at Palo Verde. The present status of these actions is summarized below.
Actions I and 3: Review and evaluate the adequacy of the licensee's response to the DET report. Conduct detailed discussions of the licensee's business plan.
Status - The licensee's response to the DET report (Palo Verde Business Plan) was received on August 3, 1990. As discussed with NRR and AE0D management, and members of your staff, a formal reply to the licensee's August 3,1990, submittal was not considered warranted, Region V will be conducting a management meeting with APS on October 3,1990, in the Region V office to discuss the Business Plan. Additional management-meetings will be conducted as the Business Plan is further developed.
Action 2: Evaluate and issue any enforcement action.
Status - A Notice of Violation, which included several Severity Level lY violations, was issued to APS on July 17, 1990. The licensee's response to the Notice was received on September 4 1990. The licensee disagreed with 4 of the 11 violations. Region V has had discussions with AE0D staff regarding the contested violations and will be further evaluating ,
and coordinating the NRC reply with AEOD and NRR. The NRC reply is expected to be issued by the end of September 1990.
Action 4: Review the implementation of the licensee's corrective actions to the DET findings and conclusions and enforcement actions.
Status.- Region V will verify ',he licensee's corrective actions for the significant issues raised in the DET report. Region Y will also perforic a review of the licensee's corrective actions related to the violations issued on July 17, 1990. An updated status of the Region V review of the licensee's corrective actions will be provided by January 1,1991.
p o Regional Adminis 0{-
9301080135:920723 --
--SCARFF 92-218-PDR
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cc: T. Murley NRR E. Jordan. AE00 i J. Partlow NRR D. Crutchfield, NRR B. Boger, NRR !
r J. Dyer, NRR ,
C. Trantnell, NRR S. Peterson, NRR M. Slosson, OEDO S. Rubin, AEOD i
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Docket file Projectinspector Resident Inspector G. Cook B. Faulkenberry J. Martin M. Smith J. Zollicoffer REGION V .
ggV HWong # M SRichards KPerkirrh R21 merman JMartIn 9 /d /90 '///.H9) 9 / M/90 '/ / d/90 9//c/90 P~U($1COPf])tEQ)UESTCOPY]REQUESTCOPYJyhESTCOPY]REQOESTCOPY'l ES // N0_; ] (YES / NO J YES / NO ]\YES)/ NO ] YES / NO v :
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UNiil D st AT(s NUCLE All flEGUL A10RY COMMIS$10N Ac tionL6r. ley.JRR_
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I w AsmNovos,o c mw Thompson k"A
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$ '/ Blaha Nash, idRR October 4, 1990 Scroggins, OC or net or ini ucat t a" Meyer, ADM j Shelton, IRH i l
MEMORAllDUM FOR: James M. Taylor Executivo Director for Opo ations FROM: Samuel J. Chilk, Socrat M SULUECT: SI:CY-90-288 - POLICY STATIfEllT Oil EC0110MIC PERFORMANCE IllCEllTIVE HLGtJIATION AllD ASSOCIATED MO!11TORING ACTIVITIES The Commission (with all Comminaioners agracing) has approved publication of the proposed Policy Statomont for public comment in the l'rsirin1J5, The atta: hod editorial changon should be untered prior to publication.
(liDG) (NRR) (SECY Suspenso: 11/16/90) 9000094 Chairman Carr believes this policy statomont is not necessary at this time, but has approved its publication for public comment.
11 0 intends to reservo judgment on the final policy statement until public comments are recolved and ovaluated and a final recommendation is forwarded to the Coinmission.
Ae stated cc: Chairman Carr Commissioner Rogers Commissioner Curtiss Commissionar Romick OGC GPA SECY NOTE: TilIS SRM, SECY-90-208 AND Tile VOTE SilEET OF COMMISSIONER CURTISS WILL DE MADE PUBLICLY AVAIIABLE 10 WORKING DAYS FROM Tile DATE OF THIS SRM
- , l+
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Tederal Reghter / Vol, f>$. No. 208 / Triday. October 28. wio / Notlets 4,3231 ~
a m _ -. . - - - .
Tssle 1W1 Nabonal Saney of Netural Deted Octuter 22. tsuo Street NW. We shinsica DC, between llamas C. lkmii,g. 7.45 e a and 415 p m Coplu of end I ocial f.cientists and f.n Nfected Mhc indmduals. pneers #5r Aepms C/ww 0%er. tornrr.:nts recentd may be eumined at Aesportses/Bafen Houn ' R&39 the NRC fuhc Document room.
(It Doc.1**ute blNI to. Leo a 46 ars.]
cespondents.10 minutes per itsponse. g3,, gg,g ng4,4 POm FVRTuta sm70aWatWW CC#t ACt Alstrott The date collected in this ' " ~~ ~ ~~ ~
~ ~ Anthc.ny T. Gody. Sc Chief. Pohey survey enable NSF to partly fuSU the Deulopment and Ted6nical Support legisletn e tequinment m Lich NUCLI AR REQULATORY Branch.Othc4 of Nuclear Reettor oblystes the opney to deselop data COMWIS$10N Regulatiert U.S Nudear Repletory on uit Notion e scienuhe and Commle slori, We thington, DC 20555.
technical ppultuon of the United PoseMe Safety trnparts of Economic Telephone:(M1) 492-1254 Stsie: The informetion prodded Performance incentivea, Drett Poiery g,m, , g g, g, y ,,, ,, ,,,,,,
allows for phe) and plannin8 Statement acth10ts by ofhcials of government, AolkCY:Nucleat Regulatory gggg tirit ett industries, and aca demic ,
After rtY$ ewing the inforthatioo on insutuuons. CotrJnission. ,
Actioet: Draft polley statement. < Menornic pedormanw incenth e Deted Octbber 2111ac propame put in plats by State Hwmas C. Ibralas. svwuanr: TWs staternent prennis the g,gujatory commissions that regulate the N3r Aepria Cleuroue 0"icer. pohey of the Nucleat Repletory economic ttturns of uuhttee opereurg ff) (bc. 90-2Atti Fded to-2Mn 6 el e s) Commission (NRC) with tespect to the nudear power plants, the Comtrdssion I ouano cats nas49e possible safety ,mpects of economic 8
Les decided that it would be appropriate pdonnance intenth e prograrns to set forth its viewe on the possible established by State comrnistions ufety imputs of such propams in a Cottection of information Sutrm!'ted regulaung electric uuhues.The pohF Comminion Pohey Statement.
for OWD Review statement (1) contains a 6scussion of the potentiallmpact of the licies and Bad srmrod '
in aetordance with the reperwork d'H.
Reduction Act and OMB Cuidthbu, the Schn8 o 81e MN8% In the emerclu of their jurisittion l National Science Foundation is posting em$niths that sucb nWns un hew over the economica of the teneration of either a posiuve or negath e impet on electricity, a number of State reNatory this notice of inforrr atson collection that pubhc health and safety,(2) tenects the commissions and the Federal Regulatory will e frect the pubhc. This colleeben is a Comminion e conenn Get cenam Comission have estabbsbed economic emston of th* f oundabon's procen for I '*' 'I "*" "I performance inceouve pregsms relauta recehing and amer &ng of proponto incenUn agulau' M' formant *m han de plental to eintric pown plata Some procams
- interesied penons are invited to subtrJt affecting nudeu plant han esisted unchanged for e number of i
cornrnents to de foUowtr in6viduals for edund)d opereuon an public beslth and safetFi pan, whertu others beu bon within M dan of the pub shed date of W spu cally ident4es those methods substantially modied or art newly this notice Comrnents msy be sut milled or orprosthee that an of particula' estabbsbed.7 ey can play an important g
14cncy C/corirg Oficer flertaan concun le g un of atarp thrtsbids- . role in improving the economic
, C. Fleming Dmsion of personnel and ""'"u'm"e"'
"' N M N"'" "' " ' "I intervals, lack of ouU aone, rformance of electric power Wantt
' short ey can also heve an impet on the
" *' '# safety of nudeat wer planta. N NRC Mands Four ebortement.NeuonalScience Wuhingtors DC 205% or ,"c,,'IE$)3c[a I I' t) ek'R 11 telephone (202 337-7333 monitors and na osles these incentive
- 2. OAfB Du Oficer Offic4 of
""U" D " " 'OEN'*"." Prof *ms to determine their poutble
"*"0" 8 M * *"I"" * " "" impact on the safe operation of onclear Informat on and Regulatory A!! airs' ATTN Dan Ctenok. Desk Off.cer M ""'# C
- I' "P*" power etectors The NRC firtuly beheves plant pus na, and urgo beennu that these pregams should not cnste Paperwork Reducbon Project (314h """"I "8
- incenthes to operate a plant when it C358). OhrB. 722 Jack son pia t4 Room ""d $l*$##E" f*
320fL NEOB, Wa shing1or. DC 20503. *$,n'[b fnu p abould be abut down for safety as sono Tsde Suney by the U.S lapan Task $!ng conaldered for appbams uon to NRCest art Stnement el Pwhey
- ' bc*'""- m Comminia's *ws e ec=mic IhohNe^d$e"nieNhinlsg" DAH8 CommeDt period expire 8 on sh a 1m Dnem omments nwW hrforniance ewr incenUve pmgratns are es A#ecte bhec lad viduals. aftn this time wtU be considered if ilis Anponses/Raiden Houn 200 precucal to do on, but aesurar ce of Po88ctialimpacts , .
considerstion cast be riven sacept for W NRC eccognites that the erlsting
' Affroc mil $o ife heNot o mmeets received on or before this programs very consider 3bly from State between the Conrnment of the date. -
to State and that the plans en not easily United States of Arnerica and the Covernment of Japan on Coopersuon Aooetssaa: Mall written comroents to clusmed. eeMcially as to their possible in Research & Development in fg the Secntary, UA Nudeat Regulatory impac1 on safe plant operstions.
authortaed e Tuk Force on Accan to Commf ulon. Washingicm. DC 20155, llowevn. cartain gennal chan cier(sues -
survey major government sponsond Attentiere Docketing and Service of proFams can 14 evaluated and found cesearch & deselopment in the U.S. & Dranch. Dellvar comments to One White to t>e olther dulrable (or at lesat laperL W eatenslon of the approval nint North,11655 Rocivius Pike, oeutral) or undesirable in thett safety of NSF Forta 1265 le needed to enable RociviDe, Maryland between 730 a.m. impet.
Infortnauon on U.S. researchers and 4:15 p.m. Federal woridays. A de strable plu provido incentives spending time in Japan to be recorded Comments may also be delivered to the to make impronments in opendon and until the end of the above spurnent. NRC Public Document roonL 11201. scalatenance that enuit in long. term 9
Jl .
l Crx rednal Rett sfes / Vol K No. Nn1/ Pridcy, Octobn m 1smo / Notkrs
,, .L.____ .
trrr;arvenest h the echt Jrty of Le inc entn e could dJerti 64rrM*;n Insn of perfstmanor 6af sk=&J reartve a l rescior r. ara grinsar emJ me6t safe plant opera tion. nwr detMed seeenant twpret5ne te serf *1 sys65*s An er.Jevealde pha l'erforms nr4 me a snresneste (we akst- emphasis on II* or Mketors in n l prmdes sancies w a$ m te a lacsay ters, wmals prinade heatm to inc e ntan prvgrare edi dwed a m a, -, ,e . . f m eonas k n ienn arieoe a - . % ,e ,s one u.a. * ,es,
- r - g start up tdee tel') tead; evely to heer upacity factor or es allabihty the acores by punit4y tr a;Trerneir trited as cpetatuaJ gwL feetor, Tlus target could becorne the arrrans rather dasn tc wstd rdern#yi:rg A des.ra!Je eenman pulmistaca pnrury focu. dnntq ritre tas) from and corinting undeffpng safety inces !n e re n ar6 e uti,ry for a scud long tenn goals of til abdity and condit>ons e ou ra ti.c.a e.nd naaeune a progrun operebonal safety. In contrast.
end for cortect.s.s recurte.r.1 cv orfortner act m ruaretarrits La kut. Contaned MWbs Propsum g redictaLLe failures or c ther potential ter s lote rvela prtrride tea sativts to k ne NRC wiR periodicM!y satsey problero teru!d leeo to an utiht) Io follow sound maletesance med
- operabonal trancient, anpis u.ed plant
$te14 rep.!ak.ry mtcius operauonelproeteee and mais system tale reg 6Jmtion mas powet nxac.ra and outage or derstmg Such an inter.tne is and cornponent cianges so bt t!.e de airs 14e brcente a w efl run pierrt end the rederal Energy Regulatory bcensee improvee opereting protyt eerrecon of yrc14 ems enharce performancein krms of tverlsb7 tty ared Cocunission (FTRC)Io identdy a sy new sa fety. L'optkira'ed trirnsletsa and pregroms or substantial c.henges In caLatity faclan. e AJeting programs and to ascertain how skkkwt1 chePetyt egers keo med br. ort terta oneaauterneols tand i e alety trme emi skingh a kaw enab safet) and ecormde goals h (ame hm been bpbM k ggI' I"g' g" ptt tiet[ey, reetd emete e mc4, eveart Irt; meed per6 vuer.ce b e erric us corAct. longerto n:,tamcments meke the t*o goats cotople.rneotary.
tand to f" I"P"'d' 7 k' 3 8
D socit c Festma b1 Ca see HutC ans a wul 6 useas performance ritraenra een be Comara h frequency of & rumys 2 conduene to in, proving both asf4ty and S'hrrp thresholds and churt tenu detennine the need for schedufe econornic perforreence. perfanosore entar. cts can adversety a djustmesh.
N ccrent kd!amte et inteno,e ircreet nMr. nn add *crn, pleu that use TJ a na se nec%r safe *y ne tahewd b be NEC pertose performance assearments N pd % Wh erisit iknerver, the ComarWe arn!perfcurnance in&cators of the NRC L.5d To taforto NJtC of Progrun g,
ecetern with taxentm p!es le thet. In of ind.trtry e: a be sis for reveards or tk krtrent of reel er permved short- penalbes Preernt sevent majer N NRC rweds to 14 anris4d of arrea ecremac 15mef4 stlurs sn;gM concerns. First. the NRC's $ptematic econn=e periansance becmene hurry work. teh skr1 curt ce dels; e Assrment cd !)ctnsee Peife tnance targrar.s that an besy FM by abidewn fcr mamienece in order to (SAlfj was derricyed to assist the hTC been replatory crmsGsucna and be rneet a de* Sane, a rret h.t.itaturt er in enes,*r g the pr.rfennance relattre to can hm44cs an.!=ey. Frequerarty, thae other hwectm plan fusco. Ed a the esfety ofindMdcal fac@ ties and to yrograns an deetloped to ceceslaatmo prugne emad entsursge, d.txtly or serve u a bern for cummurdc4 ting to with regulated utthen nerefore, the in& rect]>, the a&ittxa af actama the tkentee it thmfere addrenes NRC wel be regoes ttag that lesnace4 de tyted to enxonne aw as ared seireted arres ef Hcrr:see actmry, but report whoever tk se car- ==== ore perforseece in the strut bm at the doce red attenenty cever all rig tiTu: ant des eloping se seestaM.any trnasnt expense eJ plant estety 41Le himnen, perfortments arvet further, the seres ecoccmic perfonr.ance nacer.tives. N a nd safet)). lf a lavaere ksera e twactor are not bered on obschrte pantitethe NFC also will be ukmg TTRC sed the entrie = ben af aball be taA en skres lor consideratxms and therrfore b $ tate uttrey erp?ekry seemnam w prevestm ce crmetwe sunntenaar sigmficance of the octus! rramerical &scuss wuh h NRC tritevu to and caes sWt2rw er co u;steerd work score is indted The NRC staff evects impon se chre sa accoczanc sc}wd. des to rninstas dcm tr:34, hoe aktures to $ccus en the farts in the Mrfonnaan incentin proprum bI acbens ces!d adsarmely brpe<t asisty, SA!J rrport, the inves identified, and apphes le en NEC beenset W Pr tential Adverw imparts on riant the aFPartnt r et catm f rvblems-P objecthe vJ be bt k PAC k Operet.on and Pubbc Haajch and Edme, P70'P
- N W Laformed of tk petsdpaf lemesses af Gne punishmevrts for bcensees band on prograse so tkt its Ehety bspan en Secu sixJf.c feetme alineest me RA!J tetmgs ca uses concern in that it plant odety cae k assessed Turilaa, plaza now weed by noru Staae4 seend sney chare the tc.cus of k sal #
advenel) affect pubbe beslth and the NRC wtll be requesting hrrasess to precew feren the 3redeelytng feeues- report & paalties peinsard W sa fety. nese fes tures art (1) sbarp whee it sinnnd peepetiy be, b the thresholds 14tw een tewards end tbne program.s as by occue. A hve oumeneal ratings &r.eefws E 6e ,,,g, og g,1,,,,,,,, , 9,,,, g pet.nlises. (cs k< tween yt eka s erid rm!) Isam identtfed h a SA!J retcrt en sonsa, cs rewards exu! av0 and obnsed by coacnns ewe abe finend )
(?) seri;rsete meusrements harms consequences incurred as a result of 2,, D*.*, *,*,'M,,",,",*,7,a akrt txma inte rwa- -
that rates, the procese may not addever A sharp bubc.ld ocars who a p.,, irw ..:.S nutmassa the elesired cliactrn and enry histrad
- ton tm a ,w ./6 ..,tw = P a by 1" -e in.aaea a tarpt rapcity lecter ruullin a IIcnnsee adordrg crunctree Sa
- Ph M4 C====* s*'* Cao= s and mul beu a harge part at as ed ike re sulting repla_ ceae at power seaes. A actions wtSci produce reptd results rathe than thnee wtuch 13 eld the 3 anj ge 6 se sac sharp threskJd prwidee ao inceative to 1Jghest Lammas b aalety he the hang pre. ,cns,.pos amurant c,, a, : .b.
sinemwaw w hav.i sr . m.
continue plant operatfoo to achieve a terne, Wa-2 Tws sal tarn m serme.ums Pme is at capeJty lache k seand the leep Similarly, pedorwinrics indscatars
- na A a ne r, cemi pm, c t . io r. a wen aewped a umt a >aC e d %_"3$5.o,,,_,,,
,,, , t. s,.
,q su ruatial reward.This type el beensees k idealdying trende med areas w mhesime. ac.
- tv- _ -
l rederal Registar / Vol $$. No. 2c3 / Friday. OcJobes 23.119J / Notkes 432 4
..--~. .
NRC and the ageacles with mr omic eon Mamman anonWaT@d COsM D propoHd rule chnge and jurisd;ctkn will apist the NRC aad Stephen Perloff (r:) 652557. Am.wiments Number 1 and 2 wen then agendes to work tergebt to theft publisted for cort.rnut in Seemtibes usofw gp, i % bchange Act Relcue Na A71$ (May pursuit of the goals of safe and rm- s.,ry N aa, aconsinical operst on of oudear pmeer 14.1990), h5 Ilt n2fs0 (Msy 22.1M) and g,- Securities Endange Act Relaase Now P l ents* (Ie Den;IHun Taed w&etc D 4s ean) 2A290 (July 31.1990) L5 FR 32161
' 6s22nd g
hW4 f or the %cjear Regstatory CoaurJulen m cot ,***
~ -~~~ ~ ~ ^~
( August 7,1790) One corurrat ic41er
~ * * * "'#Il s d by Cara!aaion on the I M Samuel) GL!k. SECURmES AMD EXCHAMGl.
Secnwy ofde comeduloa C2MWIS$JON II. Descriples of b Ptoposal (11t Doc po tml filed W:Foo. L 48 am) (Rm sca. 3&as $R Fk p-C90E. W CBOE cunently la an options ausse coca neoms 30 44) merkatplac4 listkg and opbons on more than 200 hafed and over the-Satf.Rogotatory Orvantastions; th* counter equity securities tode.a options Chicago Board OptJona Dchange, besed on the Standard & Poor's (" SAP")
OFFICE OF PIASONNEL inc.; Order Approving Proposed Rule WANAG[WENT 2006 Stock Price Inde.a (*S&P 100') and Change seid Hotice and Order Orariting the SAP 6oasted Price inde.: ("SLP Request foc taiension of OF.300 Accolarstet! Appeovalto Arnendments 500~), tsarket basketa, and options Sutimttted to OWS for Clearanc, No. 3. 4,5. and s Rotating to Trading In based on United Statu treuury bonda Stocka, Warranta, and Securities Otho' and notes.The CDOE propotea to Aeasecr.OfSt.e of Personnel Than Options espand its cunent market by authwising M 388
- 8L the tradag on b bchange of stocia.
L tattelon wenants, and other sacantica Actoc Notict-On ApH127.1 Pao. the Chicago Deant instruments and coctiada, other than eV3HUrr. la eccerdance with the Options D change ("CDOI"' or options. on eithes a heted or anlieted reperwork Reduchon Act of1980(utle "bchange") subtratted to the Setwiti" basis.To taabtate the treng on &
44.U.S Code, clepter n) this nebee and behage Comm!ss.on ("SEC" o' Exchante of these securtues antiounces a proposed uncluged *Commiulon"L pursuant to section instruments, the CBOE proposes to eatemioriof a form whiricoilects ta[b)(1)of the Secanties Extlange AcJ atoend eubstantially the axisting rules of information frorn the pubhc. Optforal of lam (*Aes") 8 and Rule 19b-4 then its ibard of Governors.
Form 331 Quabficebons Aralysis and under.8 e pcposed rule change to Cuntntly, the CDOE tales in cla pters Appraisal of Candidates for Supervisory estabkb rtJes govtrning the trad ng of I bogh XIX pem b trdrig on h Positions. le completed by the etnployers stodA werrarits, and other accarities Ed Aph' Under tu CBOE end/or coworkere of applicants for instrumemts and contraus on tk CBOE. propont, hu Mu would W supervisory positions throughout the Amendments Number 1. 2.1. 4. 6. and 8 empadd k klude two new thMen Fedars) Covernmect 7te quahfac.ation e ubmitted on June 19. Jujy 24. September setting farth the rules that would govern stendard for rupernnory puwuons in 14. Odober 16. Ouober 17. and OcJobar 19,17.iQ respectsaly, poposed h tidy ud WW on & Eulange General Sched. ale occupetsons (CS-15 of sbda, wanam ud otkr ucunuu and belew] ctrntaine d in the addabor al dangea to the proposed rule instnatnants and cattracts, chapter XXX.
Quahf cat on Standart!s Handbook, cf.ange.s s g, Le ord Oder neanmeada b we of this fcets to securiun, and chapter XXXL enbtned, teuhtste the callectosa of infortsatmo n Approvatof Secunuss far Orginal used im etalsat:ng evpernaay ,,,,,,,,,g,,,,,m, c:ndadstes Approsimetel i Ko, ems are complefed annually ud require
, , A,,
. .%,,., ,,a 3 ,., ,a, w .
%% t,3,,s,,Thue g, g gutwo p,mq ,,q ,g, would new chapteis
. things, tra ding procedum and proetices about n eJevtee to compieie for a total euenw, r t.t. wm . w er sum tre a s : == on b Exchan e floor the ITS Plan.
P"'p Sa I
omaQ" em N "c)' xN S w .
y"ce',wnsenewsdou w .4. procedures for the octItement cJ securttin trsrwaetions, edginal Wting (24)too-rat. w ,,4,r.aem a tw r.aaane. enan*$8 and maintenence criteria, nspenrico carts Comsoenta on this proposal ** *** hr raa"* *d er"%'""' and deheting pobefes, and hetms should be netwe d withio 10 worMng - apphestion procedum and feet in days frorn the date of this publication. (",Z*d$'.f7
,,,a., se a
% * ,' E^ $
- Q *a e um,ws.: 7,.4=e tr=== addition to addbg two new chapters,
.d w ='" " the CDOE poposes to mod fy several of anontsus: Send ce dethsi coaunemts ""
to: {[nw
, ,"**.t 4 w/,'s"w ann,.u wpU w" Y N .,e w It8 **' sting options rules to make thers C Ronald Trorworthy. Agency narr. u u un ee=.dmeau t)*a res peau 6 4 opplicable to b trading of ncurities Clearanca Omces. U.S. OEc4 of w" tr53'dd *hdr
- S* 0018W**1 **18 other bn optfora Penannel Management, roocs 64ta
'h *' ** ' ** N "8 **d' **d' W '* *d Under the proposal,in oddJtion to the 1900 E Stnet. NW. Weshingten, DC N [e N.aenae.*.
.tua m eos s.
cM N ,7,n'
- N .,.
,e e u irerr4.t..,
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