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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 7 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A198 (43)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix Sub-Area 3.2 -COA GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms .. Laurie Losey . . *"-_ .. . . . . S°'il. Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2. l .R. I Sample ID: .385070020 Ma1rix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: Soil 16-0C'T-15 15:05 05-NOV-15 Client 26.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC .........

      • .*** ...... --***-***********

.. . Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 26 l Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid Actimum-227 "Dry Weight Corrected" l! -0 125 +f-0 289 Antimony-125 u () 0292 +/-0.120 C'<:$ium-137 0.468 +/-0 126 Cobalt-60 Europium-154 Protactmium-231 Radium-226 Ra<lium-228 U. u u Tin-126 U Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting 0 00212 -0 00831 0.568 0 64 I 0.856 0 106 GFPC, Gross AiB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" /llpha 14 7 Beta 22 9 +/-0 0502 +i-0.157 ;./.() 585 +/-0.190 +1-0.261 +/-0.177 +/.J 11 +!-3.59 ll 536 0229 0.0895 0.099 \l.3Cll} I 19 0.166 0 377 0189 3.45 3.7J Project: Client ID: RL pcrcem pC1/g pCi!g 0 IQO pC1/g pC1lg pCllg pCi/g pCi/g pC1/g pCi/g 400 pC1/g IO!l pCt/g Repmt Date: December 4, 20 I 5 MJWCOOl 15 i\*1JWCOO! CXCI 1 lilO/l5 1319 !521842 RXF2 12103115 1307 1522383 KXB2 12i02/l5 1125 1525757 3 :f.hc: .. . . . ... ...... . . ... .... . . . . .. . .. . .............. _. . .... ... . . ... , ....................... _ ................

    • -Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch biY s;,*,i *ri-e"P. * *-*** * * **** **
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  • *****-** *
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.......... -*** ...................... _ ... . ASTM D2216{Mod1fied) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2 3iGa-O I *R 3 EPA 900.0ISW846 93\0iSM 71 \0B Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (I .96-sigma). GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Anal;ysis Company: Address: Contact: MJW Corpornlion 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1 l2 Buffalo. New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2. l .R. l ID: 3&5070020 Matm;: Soil Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-J 5 C'ollector: Client Moisture: 26.1 % ..... -*** .... ..... Result _____ ....... Le Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Mois!llre "As Received" Mo18ture 26 l Rad Gamma Snee Arrnlysis Gamma.wee, Gamma. Solid "Dt}' WC!ight C01*1*ecfed" Actinium-227 u -0. 125 +/-0 289 0 536 Anllmony-125 u 00292 +1-0 120 0229 Bismutl1*2 I 2 u 0 723 +i-t 05 l 65 Bismuth-214 0.641 +/-0.190 0 16& Ccsium-137 0.468 +/-0 126 0 08')5 Cobalt-60 l! 0 002.12 +i-0 0502 0.099 Europmm-154 c -000831 +/-0.157 0 30(1 Lead-212 I 21 +1-0.144 0 121> . Lead-214 0.983 +/.().215 0173 l'olilss1um-40 143 +/-1.80 0.609 Prot;11;tinium-23 I Ul 0.00 +/-0.585 l.19 Radium-226 064! +/-0. \90 0 166 Radiutn-228 () 856 +/-0 261 0.377 Thalhum-zog 0.343 +l-0 l09 () 074 Tin-126 UI 0.00 +/-0.177 0.189 Ratl GllS Flow l'roportional Counting GFPC. Gmss ;J B, solid "Dry Weight C'orrec1ed" Alpha 14 7 +l-4 l l 3.45 Bew 22 9 +/-3.59 3.73 !ht! ........ **--*-........................ . Method Dry Soil Prep D1y Soil Prep UL-RAD-A-021 "f 11(!_

  • -_ ... Method Description I 2 3 ASTM D 2216 \Modificd)

DOE l lt\SL 300, 4 5.2.3iGa-Ol-R EPA 900 O!SW846 93 IO/SM 71 IOB Modillcd Su rrogate!fracer Recover}' Test 0 248 () 105 (J 759 0.0747 0.0401 110421 0 130 00589 {J.07')6 0.231 0 55& 0.0747 0.168 I) 0328 1).1)899 1 34 1.72 . Analyst CXCI Report Date: December 17, 2015 Project: Client ID: MJWCOOI 15 MJ\VCOOI .... Tf'.r. . ....... !l.1: .. _ .. .... Ilf'. _:\n_al, Dale Time Batch Mtd. percent C'XCI -l \110115 1319 1521842 +/-0 295 pC1/g RXF2 12i'03115 1307 1522383 2 +!-0 121 pC1/g +/-1 10 pC:i/g +/-0 p('ilg +/-0 IJ2 0 100 pC'i!g +/-0 0502 pCi/g +1-0.157 pCi!g +/-0 175 pC1/g +/-0 231 pC1/g +/-2 18 p('t/g +/-0.651 pCilg +!-0 198 pC1/g +l-(1 286 pC1fg +1-0l13 pCilg +/-O. l7S pC1fg +!-5 00 400 pC1/g KXB2 12/02/15 1125 1525757 3 +/-4 84 JO 0 pC1/g Date Time Prep Batch 11110115 1319 1521842 Batch LO Rec1wcry% Acceptable Limits GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 C.ompany: Address: MJ W Corporation I :i Hazelwood Orivc Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R. I Sample ID: 385070020 Surrngateffcaccr Recovery Test Notes: Certificate of Analysis TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l.96-sigma). Report Dnte: December 17. 2015 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Client lD: MJWC'OOl Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address: Contact: Project: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Sui1e 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample lD: Certificate of Analysis Report Dme: December 17. 20!5 Project: SamelelD: 3.2.i.R.I 385070020 Soil !6-0CT-15 05-NOV-15 Client 26.1% Client ID: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOJ Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector:. Moisture: Parameter Gra\*ime!ric Solidi1 /JSTM D 2216 % Mois111re "As Received" Moisture Rad Gamma Spec Analysis 26.1 Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "D1:1* lf .. eig/11 Corrected" Actmium-227 u -0 125 +/-0.289 Ant1mo11y-125 11 0.0292 +1.0.120 Bismuth-212 lJ CJ.723 +l-1 05 Bismuth-214 0641 +/.() 190 C'esium-l 37 0468 +f-0 126 Coball-60 u 0002!2 +/-0.0502 Europium-154 LI -0.00831 +/-{} 157 Lcad-212 1.21 +f-U !44 Lcad-214 0 983 +/-ll.215 Potassium-4 0 143 +/-1.80 Protattinium-231 Ul ()00 +/-0 585 Radium-226 ll.641 +/-0. \90 Radium-228 0.&56 i-/-0.261 Thallium-208 0 343 +1-0.109 Tin-126 Ul 0 00 +/-0.177 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A:B, solid "Dt:v Weig/If Corrected" Alpha 14 7 +/-411 Beta 22 9 +1-3 59 0 536 0 248 +/-0 295 () 22*; ll l(J5 +/-0 121 \.(15 0759 +/-LIO () 166 0 0747 +/-0.l'IS 0 0895 00401 +l-11132 0.099 0.0421 +/-0 0502 0 3(10 0 130 +/.!) 157 0 126 0 0589 +/-0 175 0 173 0 0796 +/-0.231 0609 0 231 +/-2 JS l 19 0 556 +/-0 651 0 166 ()0747 +1-0.198 0.377 0 !68 +(-0286 0074 0 0328 +/-0 113 {) 189 0.0899 +/-0 3 45 1.34 +l-5.00 173 I 72 +/-4.84 i\Ij!thl)ds .. ....... **-***-............... " ................

  • -...... *-* ........ *-..... *-. Method Description Analyst Date Dry Soll Prep Dry Sml OL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11/10/15

_ .................. _ ...... ---* _ .. .... *-*-.. . . . .. . l\rlethod Description 2 3 ASTM D 2216 (Mod1!icd) DOIO liASL 300.4.5 2*.JrGa-Ol-R EPA 900.0/SW846 93 lOiSM 71 toB Modified Surrogateffr:iccr Recovery Test percent CXCl I l/Hl/15 1319 1521842 pCi/g RXF2 12/UJ/15 1307 1522383 2 pC1/g pCilg* pC'ilg 0 100 pCilg pC1lg pC1/g pC1/g pC'ilg pCitg pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi!g pC1!g 400 pCi/g KXB2 11102115 l I 25 1525757 3 LOO pCilg Time Prep Batch 1319 1521842 Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

f ---------------

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address: MJ W Corporation 15 Drive Snite 112 Certificate of Analysis -------Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.l.R. J Sample JD: 385070020 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Client ID: MJWCOOl

.. . . .. .. . ... ___ ...... .. __ ..... ;vi_[)C ..... ....... __ . "P'V ......... .. __ .. l?!l_le _T.iine __ Surrogate(fraccr Rcco\*cry Test Batch JD Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Compru1y: Address: Contact: Project: ........ .... ... . ........ . Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date; Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes -*** ........ **-* -*** . *-** ......... . 3.2.l.R.5 385070021 Soil !6-0CT-15 14:05 Client 26.1% Parameter Qualifier .......................

  • Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 26 I Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight CoJTected" Plutomum-23B IJ 0 ll398 +1-0.0682 Plutonmm-239/240 U -0.0223 +/-0.076 ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Urann*m-232 U -0.0077 +l-0 0532 Uranium-2331234 0 738 +/-0 260 Uramum-2351236 0.159 +1-0.127 Uranmm-238 L09 +/-0.312 Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neplumum-237 ll *O 083 +/-0.157 Alphaspec Th2.29 + 228,230,232 "Dry Weight Corrected" Tiiorium-22&

0.992 +/.Q 587 Thorium-229 U -0.0684 +l*O 279 Thonum-230 l.l 6 +/-0.006 Thormm-232 0.6<>3 +/-0 431 Arn24 I, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" U -0.Ql63 +/.(J.0308 Cunum-N2 U -00!52 +/-0035\ Curium-243/244 U 0 00697 +/-0 03g7 Cur1um-245i246 X 0 0775 +/-0.0748 Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -0.504 +l-6.04 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1!29, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" !odinc-129 U -0 l!J9 +1-0 287 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Aclmium-227 U -0.16 +l-0:283 Antimimy-125 ll -0.00147 +/-0.lOS Ccsium-137 O 543 +1-0 0972 Cobalt-60 U 00104 +!-OJJ271 Europium-154 U -0.0576 +l-0 136 Protactimum-231 U 0.844 +/-0 607 0 05'J7 0.188 0 12') () 126 0 0683 !l.0681 0.485 0.6(>3 0.659 0629 OJ49 0 ()951 0 104 0 0743 0 0465 \0.5 . 0447 0.48& 1119!! 00808 00653 0242 1.1 ll \.00 t 00 1 00 1.00 I OU LOO I 00 LOO IOCl LUO I 00 \ 00 l 00 LOO 1.0ll 15() 1.00 0.100 Project: Client lD: percent pCifg pC1lg pcilg pcilg pci/g pCilg pCi!g pC1/g pCilg p(1/g pC1/g pCilg pCtlg pC1!g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi!g pCJ/g pCi/g pCi/g pC1/g Report Date: December 4, 2015 MJWCOOJ 15 MJWCOOJ cxc l 11/I0/!5 13!9 1521842 HAKB 11123/15 1501 1522577 l!AKl3 11124115 0851 1522580 HAKB 11123115 1707 1522576 11AKB 11124/15 1.G\4 1522579 HAKB 11124!15 !042 1522571 HAK.B 11125'15 1132 1522578 MJHI 12i02/15 1441 1522374 R.XF2 !2i03/15 !307 1522383 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 20 l5 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Contact: Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie-Losey Project; ...... ***-*--*-**-*.

Client Sample ID: Sample lD: .. *******--**-

      • -*-** **-* Rad Gamma Spec Analysis 3.2.1.R.5 385070021

.... ............ Gammaspcc, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" R.adiwn-226 0 886 +/-[) 155 Radium-228 0.664 +/-0 346 Tin-126 ll 0.064 +/-0.128 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AIB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 13 7 +!-4 03 Beta 229 +1-2 95 GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected"- Strontium-90 l.J -0.702 +/-0 599 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Con-ected" Tntium u 1.88 +l-2 06 Liquid Scint CJ 4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 u -0.282 +/-0 648 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l'echnetium-99 u 1.88 +/-1.70 __ ...... __ .. . Method . Description or;**scili P-fcii * *** ***--***-*** **** *****oi}*

        • .. .........
    • -* .. Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Client ID: MJWCOOI . .............
      • -* .. ..... *****-***

-* -** ..... 0.149 pC1lg 0272 pCJ/g 0 162 pCi/g H8 4.00

  • pCilg JXl37 12i02115 1221 1525762 10 2.20 JOO pCi/g I 38 2 0() pCi/g. KSDl I 2i02/15 1655 1525755 II 343 6.00 pC1lg TXJI 12102115 1459 1522724 12 I II 2 00 pC1lg TXJl 12104115 0155-1522716 13 2 83 5.0lJ pCi/g MYMI 11129/15 1110 1522715 [4 Analyst Date Time Prep Batch *** ***************

cxC.'i .. *** *** *

  • 1"1hoii:i" ********-1Ti9 .. *-*** *i.s21s42 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company; Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes 0 00* 0 0 **** 0 o**o 0 0000 0 *--M******

-****** Client Sample ID: 3.2. 1 .R.5 Sample JD: 385070021 __ ___ _ . . .. . ... .. .. . ... . -* . _ -** ***-** ... . . _. ASTM D 2116 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-1 I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML 111\SL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 5 Ii 7 g !I IO 11 12 13 14 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Th-01-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modtlfod DOE EML l*IASL-300,1-01 Modified DOE HASL 300, 4.5.2 3/Gu-01-R EPA 900.0iSW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified EPA 905.0 Modified!DOE RP501 Rev I Modified EPA 906 0 Modified EPA £ERF C-01 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified ___ . __ ........................

  • -*-**-* ****-_ ...... _ ......................

Plutonmm-242 Tracer ASP Plutm1ium !sotop1c. Sohd "Dry Weight Uramum-232 Tracer Urunium-2351236 Trncer Amencium-243 Tracer Aclm*um-227 Tracer Americium-243 Tracer PI utonmm-24 2 Tracer Strontium Camer Technetium-99m Trnccr Notes: Corrected ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected ASP Uramum Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Np237. Sol 1d "Dry We1gh1 Corrected" Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "DI)* Weight Corrected Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Scint Pu24 I, Soltd "Dry Weight Correctl!d" GFl'C. Sr90, "Dry Weight Corrected" L1qmd Scmt Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% co1Jfidcnce level ( 1.96-sigma). Project: Client ID: Nominal Report Date: December 4, 2015 MJWC00!15 MJWCOOI .. 807 65B 66 8 90 3 &.J..8 90 8 80.7 &9 9 98.1 __ q_mits (15%-125%} 115%-125%) (15%-125%) (!5%-125%) {!5%-125%) (15%-125%) (15%-125%) {25%-125%) (15%-125%) ' --------------------------------GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis . Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms; Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample ID: 38507002 l Matrix: Soil Collect Date: \6-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 26.!% .................. quaHfie_r_ .. Result .. MDC Gravimetric Solids AST?.1 D 2216 % .\4oislure As Received" Moisture :26 L Rad Alpha Spec Arsalysis ASP Phitoni11m Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Pluiomum-238 0.0398 +f.O 0682 0.0597 Plutonium-2391240 u -0 0223 +/-0.076 0 188 ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "fJry Weig/it Corrected" Urarnum-232 u -0 0077 +f-0.0532 0.129 llnuuum-2331234 0 738 +f-0 260 0.126 Uram1J111-235/236 0.159 +f-0 127 00683 l/ranium-238 \.09 +/-0.312 (J.068! A/phaspec Np237, Solid U-'eight Corrected" Ncptumum-237 u -OlllH +f-0. \51 0 485 Alplraspec Th229 228,230,232 Solid DI')' Weight Corrected" Thorium-2W 0 992 +/-0.587 () 663 *niorium-229 .U -0 0684 +/-0 279 0.659 Thormm-230 I 16 +/-0.606 0.629 Tnonu111-232 il.663 +l-0 431 {) 349 Am2./J, Cm Solid Jl!eiglzt Corrected" Americium-241 u -0.0163 +/-0 0308 0 0951 Cimum-242 l) -0.0152 +/.1)0351

0. \04 Curium-2431244 u 0 00697 +1-0.0387 00743 Curium-245/246 x 0.0775 +l-0 0748 () 0465 Uquid Scint.fu241.

Solid "Dry Weigh! Con*ected Plutomum-241 lf -0 504 +l-604 105 Rad Gamina Spec Analysis Gamma I 129. Solid "D1:1* Weight Cor/'ecced" lodine-129 lJ -0109 +/-0.287 04.J.7 Gamina.spec. Gamma, Solid "D1:r IYeighl Corrected" Aclimum-227 u -0 16 +J-0.28J 0.483 Antunony-125 u -0,0()147 +1-0 105 0 193 !31smuth-2 \2 UJ 0.00 +/-0.889 I .JB 13tsmulh-214 0.886 +/.Q 155 lJ.149 Ccsmm-137 ll.543 +f-0.[)972 0.0808 Cobalt-60 u 0.0104 +1-o.o:n1 IJ0(*53 Eur11pmm-154 LI -00576 +/-0.136 !l.242 () 986 +/-0.129-a 114 Lead-214 0.997 +!-0 167 0.154 Le TPl' () 00 +-1-0 0635 0.0643 <-f-0 0761 () 0385 +/-0 0533 0()288 +f-0 301 000 +/-0.131 0.00 +/-0384 ll 139 +/-0 157 0 233 +f-0 609 () 234 +l-027'1 0220 <-1-0 634 U.0799 *t-/-0.444 0 0272 +/-0.03(!9 {) 0284 +/-0 0352 0017 +/-Cl.03&8 0 Oil +l-0 0754" 5.08 +1-6 04 () 204 +/-0.291 0.228 +/-0.293 00914 +/-0 105 ()694 +1-1 30 0.0683 +/-0.171 0 ll369 +/-IU06 0 0273 0271 0.107 +f-0 138 0.0539 +l-0. \56 0.0715 -r/-0. 186 Rcp6rl Date: ! 7, 2015 Project: Client lD: MJWCOOllS MJWCOOl CXCJ ll/10/15 1319 1521842 1 00 pCi/['. HAKB 11123115 1.501 1522577 2 I 00 pCi/g I 00 pc1/g 1-IAKB 11/24115 085 l 1522580 I 00 pci/g 1.00 pct!g 1 00 pci/g \ 00 pC'i/g HAKB I l/23fl5 1707 1522576 4 I 00 pC1lg HAKB 11124/IS 1014 1522579 5 1.00 pCilg LOO pCtlg I 00 pC1/g l 00 pC1/g HAKB 11/24115 1042 1522571 6 I 00 p(Vg 1.llO pCilg \ l!O p('1!g 15.0 pCi!g HAKB I !125/15 1132 I 522578 . 7 1.0() pCt!g MJH l 1210211 S 1441 1522374 8 p('1lg RXF2 12i03fl 5 1307 1522383 'l pCilg pCilg_ pCi!g 0.100 pCi/g pCi!g pC1lg pCi/g GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 55&-8171

  • Compan}':

Address: MJW Corporation 15 Ha;r,elwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample lD: 385070021 Certificate of Analysis Project: Client ID: Report .Date: December 17, 2015 MJWCOOJ !5 MJWCOOI Parameter Date Time Batch Mtd. Rad Gamma Spec .Annlysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Correr:t1?d" 13 8 +l-1 49 Protacumum-23 l

  • Rn<lmm-226 Radiuni-228 Thallium-208 Tm-126 U! .u Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counlinp:

0.00 0.886 0664 {) 303 0064 GFPC, G/'oss A 'B. solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Alpl1a . 13 7 Beta 22 9 GFPC. Sr90. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Stronuum-90 lJ -0 7()2 R:id Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tri1ium Dist. Solid "Dry Weight Co/'/"ecled" TriLtum 1.&8 Liquid Sein/ C 14. Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Carbon-14 U -0 282 Liquid Scilll Tc99, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Technetium-99 1.88 +1-0 607 +/-0 155 +/-0 346 +/-0.0876 +/-0.128 +/-4.03 +/-2 95 +f.(l 599 +1-2 06 +/-0.648 +I-I 7() :r.11e. .. ........................ _ .... . Method . Description ... ..... ... . . .. .. -*. *-* *-* ****-............ -. *-.... ***----............. -. *-............ . Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD*A-021 () 6113 I 10. u 14') 0272 0.0665 0 I (12 388 2 20 1.38 3'13 I II 2.83 __ .. -* ..... *--*. -*** ... _ ..... . Description 2 . *' 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 ASTM D 2216 (Modifietl) DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-! !-RC Modified DOE EML MASL-300. U-02-RC Modified ASTM C 1476-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Th-Ol-RC Modified DOE EML !-1ASL-30tl, Ani-05-RC Modiffcd DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Mollified DOE EMI. HASL-300J-Ol DOE HASL 300.4 5 23/Ga-01-R EPA 900.0ISW846 9310/SM 711013 Modified EPA 905 0 Modified/DOC: RP501 I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified ll.248 +I-I 92 pC1/g 0 517 +1-0 742 pC[/g 00683 +/-0 171 pCtlft 0.121 +/-0.358 pC1/g 0.0301 +/-ll.091 pCilg () 0778* +/-() 129 pC1lg I 58 +/-4.85 4.00 pCr/g JXB7 12i02/15 1221 1525762 10 {) 984 +/-4 50 100 pCi/g ll.602 +/-0 599 200 pCi/g KSDI 12102115 1655 1525755 11 1.50 +i-2 06 6.00 pCilg TXJI 12102/15 1459 . 1522724 12 0.548 +l-0 648 2.00 pCilg TXJI 12!04/15 0155 15227[0 u I 36 +/-I 72 5 00 pCi/g MYM 11/29/15ll10 1522715 14 I , .. . *****-*** ... .. ******* *************** .............. ............. .. . ............... Analyst Date Time Prep Balch . -... ***-** *-...........

            • -****

........... C'XC'l I l/10115 1319 1521842. Company: Address: GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 l\i!JW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Contact: !vis. Lose}' Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample ID: 385070021. Project: MJWCOO 115 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Parameter Result Cncertainh'

                • -*****--******

.. ****-*** MDC Le TPL ... _ ...... ....... _ . Date Time Batch !\.-ttd. 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Modified Surrogatcffracer Recovery Test Plutonium-242 Trace*r Uranium-232 Tracer Uranium-235/236 Tracer Americiurn-243 Tracer Actinium-227 Tracer Americium-243 Tm;cr Plutonium-242 Tracer Strontium Currier Tccl1nctiurn-99m Tracer Notes: ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid Dry \Veight Corrected" ASP Uranium lsotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alphaspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha.;;pec '1'11229 + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Am24 l. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Seim Pu24 I. Solid "Dry \Vcight Corrected" Gl'PC', Sr90, solid "Dry Wcighl Corrected" Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). B:iteh ID Recovery% Limits 1522577 80.7 (l5%*125%) 1522580 65.8 (15%-125%) 1522580 66.8 (15%-125%) 1522576 9(}.3 (15%-125%) 1522579 84.8 (15%-125%) 1522571 90.8 {15%*125%) 1522578 80.7 (15%-125%) 1525755 89.9 {25%-125%) 15227!5 98.l (15%-125%) GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: lv1JW Curporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l l2 Bufralo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample lD: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample ID: 385070021 Matrix: Soil Co!lectDate: 16-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 26.1% .. *****-** .. __ .... _ . _ Result l.'.ncertninh* .......................... Grm.-imcti*ic Solicls ASJ;111f D 2216 %Moisture "11s Receil*ed" Moisture 26.1 Rat.I Alpna Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weigli1 Cm-reeled" Plutomum-238 0 0398 +l-0.0682 Pluronium-239/240 u -0.0223 +/-0.076 ASP [,'ranium isotopic. Solid "Dry Weighl Corrected" IJr.amum-232 u -0.0()77 +{.!) 0534 L'ranium-233.1234 0.738 +/-0 260 t.:rarnum-235i236 n 159. +/-0.127 Urnmum-238 I 09 +l-0 312 Afpliaspec Sp237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-23 7 u -0.083 +/-0 157 T!1229 + 228.230.232 Solid."Dry Weight Corrected" Thonum-228 0.992 +/-0.587 Thonum-229 u -0 0684 . +/-0.27'l Thorium-230 l 16 +/-0 606 0.663 +/-0 431 Am241. On Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Amcricium-241 u -00163 +/-0 0308 Curium-242 u -00152 +1-0.0351 Cur1um-24 31244 u O.OD697 +/-0.0387 Cmium-2451246 x 0 0775 +1-0 0748 liquid Scinr Pu24 l. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Plutomurn-241 lJ *0.504 +/-6.04 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Cor*rected" lodine-129 u .o 109 +/-0.287 Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acliniurn-227 ti -0.16 +l-0 283 Anlimony-125 u -0.00147 +/-U.105 Bismuth-212 UI 0 00 +/-ll.889 Bismuth-214 0.886 +/-0.155 Ccsium-137 0.543 +/-0.0972 Cobah-60 u 0.0104 +/-0.0271 Europium-154 l! -0 0576 +/-0 l31i Lcad-212 0.986 +/-0 129 Lead-214 0 997 +/-0 l67 MDC () 0597 0 188 0.129 0 126 [) 0683 () 0681 () 485 0.66J 0 659 I} 629 0.349 00951 0 104 0.0743 00465 I0.5 0.447 0.488 0.198 I 48 0 149 U 08llR 0.0653 0242 0 114 () 154 Project: Client ID: Report Dntc; December 17. 2015 MJWCD0115 MJWCDOl Le .......... TP..L ... . .. R.."" ... l_:_o_its .. DF .... ___ Batc.11 . .*. percent CXCI-I lll0/15 1319 1521842 000 +1-0 0685 1.00 pC1/g HAKB I LQ.3/15 1501 1522577 2 O.U643 +l-0 0761 I 00 pCi/g 0 0385 +1-0.0533 I 00 HAKB 11/24115 0851 1522580 3 0.0288 +/-0 301 1.00 pci!g 0 00 +/-0 131 I.OU pci/g 0.00 +/-0.38.4 1.00 p<:ilg 0.139 +/-0.!57 1 00 pCilg llAKLl \ 1123115 \707 1522576 4 0.233 -t-/-0 609 1 on pC1/g HAK.B 11124/t 5 1014 1522579 5 0234 +/-0279 1.00 pCi/g 0220 +/-0.634 100 pCi/g 0.0799 +/-0.444 1 00 pCl/g 00271 +/-0.0309 -l 00 pC1/g HAKB 11124115 !042 1522571 6 0.0284 +/-0.0352 1.00 pC'1/g 0017 +/*O 0388 ].{)0 pC1lg O.Ull .. 1.0.0754 1 ()() pCilg 5.08 +/-6.04 15.ll pCilg llAKB 11125115 1132 \522578 7 0.204 +1-0 291 1.00 pC1/g MJHl 12102115. 1441 1522374 8 () 228 +1-0 293 pCilg RXF2 12i03/l5 1307 15223113 9 00914 +/-0.105 pC1lg ll.694 +/-l .30 pCilg 0 0683 +/-0 l 71 pCi!g . IJ.0369 -;-/.() 106 0. \00 pC1/g 0 0273 +/-0 0271 pCilg 0.107 **l*ll t 38 pCi/g. (J 0539 +!-0. \56 pCilg 0 0715 +/-0.186 pCt/g - ___ ' GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 5.56-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazel\\ood Drive Suite 112 BufTalo.NcwYork 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie I .owy Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample ID; 385070021 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammasp<!c:, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight ('01*rected" Potassimn-40 . 13.8 +/-1.49 Protactmium-231 UI 0.00 **1-0.607 Radmm-22/i Radium-228 Thallium-208 Tin-126 u Rall Gas Flow Proportional Counting 0 88(, 0.664 0 303 0064 GFPC. Gross A.'B, solid "D1:r Weight Correctr:d" Alpha 1!7 Beta 229 GFPC. Sr9D. solid "DrJ' Weight Corrected" Strontium-<JU U -0.702 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC.* friliwn Dist. Solid "DtJ' Weight ('01rected 11 Tntium l 88 Liquid Sci'nt Cl4. Solid "Dry Weight Corl'ected Carbon-14 U -0.282 Liquid Sein/ Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Teclmctium-99 1 88 _Pre.I? .. .. ...... . Method Description D1y Soi.I Prep DrySClil Prep GL-RAD-A-02 l Methotl Description

  • ASTM D2216(Modified)

+/-0.155 +/-0.346 +1-0.0876 +/-0 128 +/-4.03 +/-2 95 +/-l).599 +/-2:()6 +/-0 648 +/-1.70 2 3 4 5 6 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC' Modified DOE EML HASL-300. li-02-RC Modified ASTM C J476-00 i\fodificd 9 JO ll 12 13 DOE EMI. HASl.-300. Th-OJ-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300: Am-05-RC" Modified DOE EML HA SL-JOO, Pu-I I-RC l\iloditicd DOE EML H.l\SL-J00.[-01 Mod1lied DOE llASL 30(!,4.5 2.3fl3a.-Ol-R EPA 900.0/SW846 93 IO.ISM 7 l \OB Modified EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50 I Rev I Mod1fkd EPA 906.0 Modtticd EPA EERF C-01 Mod11icd '.\:lDC Le {) 603 0.248 I Ill 0 517 () 149 0.0683 0 271 0.121 0 0665 () 0301 0 162 0 0778 3.88 1.58 2.20 (J 984 1.38 (l 602 3 43 l 50 1 11 l) 548 2 S3 136 . ..... ...... .. *-*****-* Annlysl ..............................

  • -CXCJ +/-1.'12 +l-0 742 +l-0 171. +/-0.358 +/-0.091 +i-0 129 +/-4.S5 +/-450 +!-0 599 +/-2.06 +/-0 648 +/-1 72 Project:

ID: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOl pCi!g pC1!g pCilg pCitg pCl/g pCi/g 4 00 pCi/g JXB7 10.0 pCi/g 2 DO pCi/g K:SDI 6.00 . pC1/g *TXJ\ 2.llO pCi/g TXJ! 5 00 pCilg MYM I ..... ****** ............ . ..... ..... ............ Date Time !'rep Batch 12/02115 1221 1525762 10 12!02/15 1655 1525755 II 12/02115 1459 1522724 12 l2i04/l 5 OJ 55 1522716 13 11129115 1110 1522715 14 . ......... .. ....... ..............................

  • -.................................
        • -******--

.. ***-**** .. *****-** .. .... ***-*---**-******* ........... 11/10/15 1319 1521&42 Company: Address: GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo. New York 14228 Rcporl Date: December I 7, 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes C'!ient Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.5 Sample ID: 385070021 Project: Client JD: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOl Parameter . ........ .... __ ..... _l\:l!?.f __ .... _ .............. .Tl'..L _ . . RL . l 'nits _ __ !_in1c_ Batch 14 DOE BML l-IASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Sutrogatcrfraccr Recovery Tesl Plu\oaium-242 Tracer Uranium-232 Tracer Urnnium-2351236 Tracer Americium-243 Tracer Actiniurn-227 Tracer Arncricium-243 Tracer P lutonium-242 Tracer Strontiu111 Carrier Tcdinctium-99m Tracer Notes: ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight C"orrcctcd" Alphaspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" . Alphaspec 'rh22C} + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Am24 l. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" GFPC, Sr90. "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calcula1cd at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma). Batch ID. Recovery% Acceptable L_imits .... -********* ... ... -*** ...... . ...... , .... 1522577 80.7 (15%-115%) 1522580 65.8 (15%-125%) 1522580 66.8 tl5%-125%) 1522576 90.3 < 150..;,: 125%J 1522579 84.8 (15%-125%) 1522571 90.8 (15%-125%) 1522578 80.7 (15%-125%} 1525755 89.9 (25'%-125%) 1522715 98.1 (15%-125%)

  • ------------------GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

... . ..... , ........... , ....... -* ................. _ ..... ***-. Client Sample ID: 3.2.1.R.6 Sample ID: 385070022 Matrix: Water Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 !5:52 Receive Date: 05-NOV-l 5 Collector: Client ................ ... __ ....... Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Liquid {Standard List) "As Received" Actmmm-227 U 6 77 +/-23 6 Anlimony-!25 U -4 08 +/-8 38 Ccsium-137 U 2 65 +1-3. 71 Cobalt-60 U -2.49 +1-3 56 Europmm-15<1 U -7.84 +/-J 1 2 Protactinium-231 lJ 30 0 +1-57.5 Radium-22!\ U 13.2 +/-23.9 Tm-12.2 BO 4 31.1 12.S 3 15 4 83 RL 100 500 5 (JO Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client ID: MJWC'OOJ pCl'L MJHI 11/17115 0712 1521915 pCiil. pCtll.. pCllL pC1r1. pC1/L pC1iL pC1/L pCi!L pCIIL JXB7 12/02115 1307 1525771 . ... : ......... ...............

                      • -*-***

........... . 2 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Lo8ey Project: Soii Radioisotopes C'!ient Sample ID: 3 .2. !.R.6 Sample ID: 385070022 Matrix: Water Co!lect Date; 16-0CT-15 Receive Date: OS-NOV-15 ... . .......... . Parameter Rad G:imrna Spec Analy5is Gammaspec, Gammcr. liquid (Standard Lisi) "As Recehed" Actimum-227 u 6 77 +/-23 6 Anlimony-125 u -4 08 +f-8 38 Bismuth-212 u 3.13 +/-46.7 B1s1mith-2 I 4 LI[ Cl 00 +/-12.9 C'csium-137 l! 2 65 +!-3.72 Cobah-60 u -2 *19 +/-3.56 l.::uropium-l 54 u -7 84 +l-11.2 Lead-2l2 Li 4 34 +l-9.59 l.elld-214 U! 0.00 +/-12 2 u -25 Pro1ac1inium-23 I t.: 300 +/-57.5 Radiwn-228* u IN +/-23 9 Tlmllmm-208 U! 0 00 +/-4.65 . Tm-126 u -6.92 "'"/-8.9S Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting G FPC. Gross A* B. liquid "As Received" Alpha u *0.452 '4-/-1 39 Beta 2 79 +J-2 91 ... .. :\'l_clh!)_q_s .. ........ _ . ...... Method Description ..... .... .. . ***-** .. --*-**---** .. -.......... -* ..........

          • -.... *-* -**-** *--****--.. EPA901 I 2 EPA 900.0/SWS46 9310 Snrrognte!fracer Recovery Test Notes: MDC ...... . .: ... . 43.h 20 6 l4.3 6.59 88.3 40 3 12 1 5 54 7.33 339 l>.15 265 16.2 {i9:t 11 S 566 15.3 726 79 5 35.S &U.4 .n.8 31 l 14.4 5.82 2r15 12.5 5 93 3 IS ! 27 4.&3 :i.:n Project: Client JD: Report Date: December l 7. 2015 MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOl .T.PL __ ..... RL +/-23 9 pCiiL MJfl 1 11117115 0712 1521915 +f-8 58 pCi/L H-46 8 pC1iL +/-13.Cl pCilL +/-3 92 10 0 pCt!l. +l-3 74 pCi11. . +/-1 ! ll pCllL +/-9.79 pCilL +f-13.1 pCliL +/-45.9. pCiiL "':-/-57.9 +/-'}.4 7 pCi1L +/-4.66 pCi/L +1-9 53 pC11l. +/-1.39 . 5 (Ill pCi1l, JXB7 12/02115 1307 1525771 2 +/-2 95 5.()(J p{'i/L ........ ....... .. . ..................... . -* .... --. ..................

-*-. ........... Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma). GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 -www .. Company: Address: M.TW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact:* Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Smnple 10: 3.2. l.R.6 Sample ID: 385070022 Ma1rix: Water Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client .. *********** ..... Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Certificate of Analysis . ..... _Le Project: Clie11t ID: Report Date: December 17, 20 15 MJWCOO!JS MJWCOOI TPl' RL t:nits DF Ana\-yst Date Time Batch Mtd . ... ...... *****-****-******* .... ******-********** '***** *************-*********-. Gammaspec, Gamma, liquid (S1a11dard list) .'ls Received" Actmmm-227 lJ 6 77 +/-23.6 43 6 2t) 6 +/-23.9 pCifL MJHI 11117/15 07\2 1521915 Antimon}-125 u -4.0& +/-& 3& 14 3 6.59 +l-&.58. p('i/L Bismuth-212 lJ g 13 +/..46 7 88 J 41).3 +/-46.8

  • pC1/L Bismuth-214 U! 0.00 +/-12 9 12.1 5_54 +1-13.0 pC1/L Cesium-137 u 2.65 +l-3 72 7-33 3 39 +/-3.92 llJ.O pCilL Cobalt-60 LI -2.49 +/-3.56 6 15 2 65 +i-3 74 pCi/L Guropium-154 u -7.84 +/-112 16.2 6.94 +1-11 g pC1/L Lcad-212 u 4.34 +/-9 59 11.8 5.66 +/-9.79 pCilL l..,ead-214 UI 0.00 i*/-12.2.

15 3 7.26 +/-13.2 pCi/L Polass1um-40 u -25 +/-44.4 79 5 35 5 +/-45 9 pC1/L Protactmmm-231 u 30.0 +/-57.5 80 4 37.8 +/-579 p('i/L llndium-228 u 132 +f-23_9 31 I 14.4 +f-24 7 pC'i/L Tballium-208 Ul O.OD +/-4 65 5 !!2 2 65 -f-/-4.66 jlC:ill. Tm-116 ll -6.92 +/-8.98 12 s 5 93 +f-9 53 pC1/L Rml Gas 1'"1ow Proportional Counting GFPC, Grass A 1 8. liquid Received" Alpha u -0.452 +1-1 39 3 15 127 +/-1.39 5 00 pCifL JXB7 12/02115 1307 1525771 2 Beta 2.79 +/-2.91 4.83 2.22 +f-2 95 5.00 pC1/L Th..C.

  • -*-**********-***

-* ............... ............ _ Method Description . --.. ..... --*-*** *-. --.... -.... . .......... --. ----** . EPA 901.1 2 t;J>A 900 O/SW846 9310 Surrogateffracer Recovery Test Batch ID Rccovc1-y% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level ( I.96-sigma). GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company :

  • MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazel wood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes
        • --***-**-**

.... *-*******-**** Client Sample ID: 3.2.2.R. I Sample ID: 385070023 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 11:30 Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: 05-NOV-15 Client 24.3% ....... ,. Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client JD: MJWCOOI ........ _ ......... ___ MDC RL Units OF Analyst Date Time Batch Method ...... *****-** ...... -**-***** ............... -*-**-*. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 24.3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Garnmaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-227 U 0 128 +/-0 28 ! Antmiony-125 u Cesium-137 Cobalt-60 lJ EL1rop1um-154 u Proiactimum-23 l u Radiurn-226 Radium-228 0.0566 0 597 -0.0062 0.0739 0.560 0 964 I 0(1 +/.Q l 12 +!-0 0934 +/-0 0496 +l-0 163 +/-0 728 +l-0 \ 75 +/-0.332 Tm-126 Ul 0.00 +/-0 171 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A!B. solid "D1y Weight Corrected" percent CXC'l 11110!15 1319 1521842 0.532 pCi/g

  • RXF2 !2103.115 1308 1522383 2 02)9 pCi!g 00888 0.100 pC!lg () 0942 pCi/g 0327 pC1/g () 939 pCt!g 0.136 pC1lg 0.293 pCi/g 0.122 pCi/g Alpha 126 +/-379 383 4.00 pCi/g JXJ37 12/02115 \2\5 1525762 J Bela 18.5 +/-2.B8 2.64 JO 0 pC1/g

__ .. ___ --*****-*. _ .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . ___ . ... ... .. _ __ ..... ... . . . . . . __ . ___ .. **-. _ -*---*--*-- .... Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch of}-sCiiihcii*****

      • ** * **** ** * -**o;y*s1i11 i>"rcr dCR..AO::i.-:02c
  • * * ****** ** *-* *** * * ** ** *cxcf-...
  • i"1ii1in"s-
          • **-* -13(9* * *--"i5.ifs42

-* * **** * *** * * ***** .............. __ . . . ......... -* ..... , ................. -* .... .... . .. .. .... ... ... . .... . Method 1 3 ***-***-..... **-* -** *-..... Notes: .................. m ---************ ASTM D 2216 (Modified) DOE !-!ASL 300. 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R EPA 900 O/SW846 93 IOiSM 71 IOB Modified Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). .......................... _A.i::ud_yst .... GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Lost:y Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.2.R.1 Sample ID: 385070023 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: \6-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 24.3% raramcicr __ ...... Rl!sull ___ ..... Gravimetric Sc1lids ASTA! D 2216 % Moiswre "As Received" Moisture 24.3 Rad Gummn Spec Analyst:; Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry H'r:ig/rl Corrected. ActintLJm-227 u 0.128 +l-0.281 0 532 Antunony-125 u 0.0566 +/-0 112 0 219 Bismuth-212 UI 000 ;-/.1.30 1 38 Bismuth-2 I 4 0.964 +i-0 175 0 136 Ceshim-137 0597 +/-0.0934 0.0888 C{)hal\-60 l.1 -0.0062 +/-0.0496 009.+2 EurO]JiUm-154 lJ 0.0739 +/.Q.163 0.327 Lead-212 * . 0.992 +l-0 161 0.158 Lead-214 1.13 .;./-"() 191 0.165 Potassium-40 14.5 t-/-1.67 0 518 Protact1mum*23 I UI 0.00 1-/-0 718 () 939 Radmm-226 0964 1-/-0 175 0 136 Radmm-228 I 00 +/-0.332 0293 Thalhum-208 0 301 +/-!) l05 0.0761 Tm-126 Lil 0.00 +/-{l 171 0122 Rad Gas Flow Proporthmal Counting GFPC'. Gross A:B, solid "Dry Weighr Corre<:led" Alpha 126 1-/-3 79 3 83 Bera 18 5 +/-2.88 2.64 .. ..... Method

  • Description Dry Soil Prep Di)' Soil PrepGL-RAD-A-021 The folluwing Analytical Methods were performed

....... ***-. *-*. *--* .... * .. * * *, . ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE llASL 300.4 5.2.3/Ga-Ul-R J EPA 900.0/SW846 931 OiSM 71 lOU Modified Surrogateffr:1cer Recovery Test Le ....... TPl" 0251 */-0 288 0 102 +/-0,115 0.636 -i-/.IJ6 0.0612 +/-11.194 0.0406 +/-0 106 0041 +/-(J 0497 0 147 +/-0.166 D 0759 t-1-0 201 0 !!773 +/-0 214 () 1.98 +/-2 l'l (J 4J9 +/-0 739 O ll6l2 +/-0 (94 () 130 +1-0.357 0 0346 +1-0.108 II 0588 +/-0.173 1.59 +l-4.55 I 19 +/-3 89 Analyst Date Report Date; December 17. 2015 Project: Client JD: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOJ RL rnits DF An:ih*st Oate Timl' Balch . Mtd. ................ ,, __ ..... . * .. ?"* ... , ...... ' ................................ . percent CXCl ! 1!!0115 1319 1521842 pCilg: RXF2 12i03/J5 1308 1522383 2 pCiig pCilg. pC1lg 0 100 pC1lg pC1/g pC1/g pCi/g: pCilg pC1/g pC1/l,!. pC!lg pCi/g. pC1/g pCi/g 4 ()() pCi/g JX\37 12:0:2115 1215 1525762 3 IO.O pCi/g Time Prep Batch CXC! 1111 Oil S 13!9 1521842 Batch ID Rcco\*ery% Acceptable Limits ' ! . I I GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 CQmpany: Address: MJW Corporation [j Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Ncv York 14228 Contact Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.2.R. l Sample 10: 385070023 Certificate of Analysis 5 .. . .. .... .... .. ....... It ... ...... . Le Report !]ate: December 17, 2015 Project: MJWC00115 Client ID: MJWCOOI ... ... . ................

.. .. ...... .. . .. .... . .. . . ... . .... .. .. ..... ...... ... . .... .. ... .. ... .. .. Batch ID Recovery%

Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma}. GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analxsis Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.2.R.1 Samele ID: 385070023 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 24.3% .................. _9ua_lifi_er .... Rc_s.l:'l_t_ .... .. Gravimetric Solids ASTJf D 2216 % Maist11re "As Received" M01s1urc 24 3 Rud Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"* Actinmm-227 u 0.128 +/-0 281 0.532 Ant1mony-!25 u 0.0566 +1-0 112 ll.219 Aismuth-212 [)] 0.00 +/-J.30 1.38 Bismuth-214 0964 +1-0.175 0.136 Cesmm-137 l) 597 +/-0.0934 0.0888 Cobalt-60 lJ -0 0062 +/-0.0496 0.0942 Europmm-154 u 0.0739 +l-0 163 0.327 Lcad-212 0992 +l-0 161 0 15R Lcad-214 I 13 +/-0.191 0 1{15 ?omssmm-40 14.5 +/-1.67 0.518 Protactmium-23 l lH o_oo +/-0 728 0 939 Radium-226 0.964 +/-ll.175 0.136 Radium-228 I 00 +l-0 332 0 293 Thallium-208 !UOI +/-0.105 (I 0761 Tm-12t. U! 0.00 +/-0 171 0 122 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting Gf.'"PC. Gross A.-B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 12.6 +/-3.79 3.83 Beta 18.5 +/-2 88 264 .. -* Method Description

        • -***-*

... *******-*** ................. -......... -***** Dry Soil Prep Dry S01l Prep GL-RAD-1\-02 I ___ _ Method Description ASTM 0 2216 (Modified) 2 DOF. HASL 300, 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0/SW846 93 IOJSM 71 IOB Modified Surrogatcffniccr Test Report Date: December 17, 2015 Project: Client lD: MJWCOOI15 MJWCOO! Le TPU RL ........................... , ..... percent CXCI lll!Ofl5 1319 !521842 0.251 +f-0 2!{8 pCi/g RXF2 12103_115 1308 1522383 2 0.1()2 +/-0.115 pC1!g ll.636 +/-1.36 pCi/g 0.0612 +/-(}.194 pCi/g 0 04U6 +/-0.106 0 100 pCi/g 0.041 +/-0 0497 pC'i/g 0 147 +f-0.166 pCi/g 0 0759 +f-0.201 pCilg IJ.()773 +l-0 2J.1. pC1/g 0 .. 198 +!-2 i 9 pC1/g 0.439 +/-0.739 pC1/g u 0612 +/-0.194 pCilg. 0.130 +/-0.357 pCi!g 0 0346 +/-0.108 pCilg [).()588 +/-[l, 173 pCi/g 1.59 +!-4.55 4 00 pC1/g JXB7 12i02!15 1215 1525762 3 1.19 +/-3 89 100 pC'i/g Am1lyst Date Time Prep .Batch CXCI l !Jl0!15 1319 1521842 Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: Contact: MJW Corporation ! 5 1-lazelwood Drive Suite 112 13u!Ta!o. New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Pl'Oject: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.2.2.R. l Sample ID: 385070023 .... ................. .. ................. .. .. ....... . ........... . Parameter . .. _ . ..... __l.!_11ci:rtain_I): . Rcc1r.-ery Test Notes: MDC* Le .................. Report Date: Dccembcr 17. 2015 Prnject: MJWCOO Ii 5 Client ID: MJWC001 . TP.L ..... .. J:?.l' .. __ . .Thn.c Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits TPlJ and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

  • GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite ll2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

..... *-***. .. . ..... .. .. .. . .. . . ..................... . Client Sample ID: 3.2.3.R.1 Sample lD: 385070024 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 16-0CT-15 1.2:00 Receive Date: 05-NOV-l 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 27.1 % Project: Client I.D: MJWC'OOl 15 MJWCOOJ Parameter

    • -* .................. . MDC .... .. _

........... ___ ___ B_atch __ Method __ ... ____ _ __ Gravimetric Solids ASTl\!( D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 27 l percent CXCl 11110/15 1328 1521844_ Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinmm-227 U 0 0642 +/-0.286 0 546 pCi/g RXF2 12/03/15 0720 1522386 2 Anumony-125 lJ -0.0231 +/-0.109 0196 pCi/g 0.527 +/-0.0938 0.07H8 0 JOO pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00422 +l-0.0399 0.0806 pCi!g Europium-154 U -00114 +1-0.112 0.219 pC1!g Protactmium-23 l lJ 0.6?.9 +1-0.815 0.933 pCi!g Rudmm-226 0.780 +/-0 148 (J.152 pC1!g Radium-228 0.886 +/-0 277 U.315 pCi/g Tin-126 U 0.()72? +l-0 102 (} 127 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Prop011ional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "D1y Weight C01Tected". Alpha 15.1 +/-HS 3.90 4.00 pCi/g JXl37 121-02flj 1223 1525762 3 Beta 15.0 +/-3 82 4.91 JO 0 pCi/g ___ . **-**** .... __ .. _____ . _ ___ _ __ __ ___ _ ____________________ .... __ -*-*** .. Method Description Analyst Date tliY*so-;ci>ieµ*-----*---

  • -**-* *


      • * *******-***** *-** cxc1* * *----** --Tilfoiff Time Prep Batch .. ijig ...... -15f1844" .... --*.

__ __ _ ..... _ ........... __ ____ ....... __ ....... m. __ ** . . . . . . . Ar.i?.l.xst C91pm_e!1ts .... . . . ___ .... _ ........... ___ ... _ .... _ ... _ ... . ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE !-IASL 300. 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0ISWR46 93 IO!SM 711 OB Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: MJW Corpora.Lion 15 Haz.e]wood Drive Suite l !2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.3.R. l Sample TD: 385070024 Matrix: Soil Co Hect Date: J 6-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-l 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 27.1% Project: Client ID: Report Date: December 17. 2015 MJWCOO!l5 MJWCOO! Resuh ... ...... Le .... TP.l'. ........ Gravimetric Solids AS7M D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 27.1 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Carrec1ed" Aclinium-227 LT 0 0642 Anumony-125' u -0 0231 Bismulh-212 Ul 0.00 Bismuth-.21

  • I 0.780 Ccsium-137 0.527 Cobnlt-60 u 0.00422 F.uropmm-154 u -00114 Lead-212 1.07 Lcad-214 0 398 Porassmm-40 14.l Protactimum-231

\JI 000 Radium-226 0 78!.l Radiuin-228 0 886 Thallium-208 0276 Ttn-126 UJ 0 00 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Countiug GFPC. Grass A.B. sofid "DI'.\' Weigh! Correc1ed" Alpha 15 I Beta 15.0 f..rc_p_ .. .. .... :\'let hod Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-Ri\D-A-021 Method Description I 2 ASTM D 2216 (Modified) DOE l-lr\SL 300, 4 5.2.3/Ga-01-R +/-0 286 +/-0.\09 +1-l ()9 ... /-0.148 +/-0 0938 +/-0 0399 +/-0.112 +/-0 125 +/-0165 +l-1 5() +!-0 815 +l-0 148 +/-0.277 +/-0 0868 +/-tl.!02 +1-4 45 +1-3 82 3 EPA 900 ll1SW846 93ltJISM 7110!3 Modified Surrogatcfl'raccr Reconry CXC'l 11110115 132.8 1521844 1. 0 546 0 256 +1-0.288 pCi/g R.XF2 12/03115 0720 1522386 2 0.196 ().l)90 +/-0.109 pC1/g I 52 0706 +/-126 pCifg 0 152 0 0693 +f-0161 pCi!g 0.0781! 0.0356 +/-0 103 0.100 pC1fg () 08()(, 0.03.l.5 +/-0.0399 pCilg 0 219 0.0934 +/-0 112 pC1/g . 0 109 0.l15!2 +/-0 154 pC1/g 0.141 0.0647 +/-0.181 pC1/g 0 488 0 186 +/-1 93 pCi/g 0 433 +1-0.828 pCi!g 0.152 0.0693 +/-0.161 pC1/g 0 315 0 141 +1-0 305 pC1lg 0.0744 0 Cl338 +/-0.0896. pC1lg () 127 0 0602 +/-0.103 pC1/g 3.90 I 53 +J-5 32 400 pC1/g JXB7 12!02/15 1223 1525762 3 4 91 2.2& +/-4 43 tll.O pC1/g . .. ... . ...................................................

          • -***

..... *-* ............... . Analyst Date Time Prep B:ttcb ..... **-...... -. -**. *-. *--* ***-* .............. ,_ ..... .... .. . ... . ... .. .... . .. *-* CXCI 1 \/10'15 132& 1521844 Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556"8171 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 1422& Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes -Client Sample ID: 3.2.3.R. l Sample ID: 385070024 Certificate of Analysis _ _ __ ____ ______ _______ _ Le Trr Surrogateffraccr Recovery Test Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( \ _96-sigma). Report Date: December 17, 2015 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client ID: MJWCOOI *-****--*** *************-***** RL l'.nits DF Analyst Date Time Balch i\'ltd. .. . . . . .. , . . .. . .. . . .. . .. t.. . . . .. *' . . . . . .

          • . .. . . " .. .. . . . . Baldi W Acceptable Limits GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.3.R.1 Sample ID: 385070024 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: ! 6-0CT-l S Receive Date: 05-NOV-!5 Collector:

Client Moisture: 27.1 % .. ... . .. . . ... ..... . Gravimelric Solids AST.'vf D 2216 % Moisture "As R!!ceived" Moisture 271 Rat.I Gamma Spec .Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Actimum-227 u U.0642 +1-0.286 Antimony-125 u -0.0231 +!-0 I 09 Bismuth-112 Ul O.DO +/-1.09 Bismuth-214 0 780 +/-0 148 Cesmm-137 (}527 +/-0 0938 Cobalt-60 u 0.00422: +/-0.0399 Europrum-154 lJ -0.0114 +1-0 !12 Lead-212 \.07 +1-0 125 . L!!ad-214 0 898 +1-0 165 Potassium-40 14.1 +/-1.50 Protactimum-131 Ul 0.00 +1-0815 Radium-226 0.780 +f*O 148 Radium-228 [) 886 +/-0 277 Thallium-208 (i 276 +/-0 0868 Tm-126 lll 0.00 +/-0 102 Ratl Gas Flow Proportional('ounting GFPC. GrossA .. B. solid "Dry WeightCorrecled" Alpha 15.1 +/-4 45 Octa 150 +/-3 82 Thll. ... Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 fl)ll()'\'i!lg ... Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) DOE HASI.. 300. 4.5.23i'Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0ISW846 93!0/SM 7110D Modified SurrogateJTraccr Recovery Test 0.546 0 196 1.52 0 152 n 01ss 0080(> 0.219 (}.109 0.141 0488 0 933 (l \52 () 315 (}07-14 0.127 390 491 0 251\ 0 090 0.706 0.0693 0 0356 () 0345 0.0934 0.0512 00&47 0 186 0433 0.0693 0 141 0.0338 0 0602 1.53 2 28 Analyst CXC\ Report Dale: December 17, 2015 Project: Client ID: MJWC00\15 MJWCOO\ percent CXC'l 11/10!15 1328 1S21844 +/-0.288 pCilg RXF2 12/03/15 0720 1522386 2 +/-0 109 pCilg +/-1.26 pC1/g +/-0.161 pCilg +/-0 103 () 100 pC1tg +J-0 0399 pCi/g +1-0 112 pCi/g +1-0.154 pCilg +1-0.181 pCrJg +/-1.93 pC1/g +/-0 828 pCilg +/-0 161 pC1/g +/.{).305 pClfg +/-0 (}896 pC1/g +l-0 IOJ pCilg +/-5.32 4.00 pC1/g JXB7 12/02/15 1223 1525762 3 l*/-4 43 !O.O pC'ifg Date Time Prep Batch ll/10115 1328 1521844 -.......... --.. " R:itch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charfeston SC 29407 -(843) 556.8171 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 I [azelwuod Drive Suite [ 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.3.R.1 Sample JD: 385070024 Certificate of Analysis Pammctcr ........ .. ..... Fnccrt_:1ir1ty ....... :\:IDC Le Tl'U . *-******. --* .. Surrugntc/Trnccr Rec11vcry Tes I Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95<!*ii confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Report Dale: December 17. 2015 Project: MJWCOD 115 Client !D: MJWC-001 ....... _l)_1_1j_t_s_ ... I>.f .. __ . _D_at.c_ .. R11tch JD Recovery% Acccptnble Limits GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: Address;

  • MJW Corporation l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey ..

.. _ . . Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R. l Sample ID: 38506800 I Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: Soil 19-0CT-15 10:00 05-NOV-!5 Client 25.8% . "" Client ID: MJWCOOJ 15 MJWCOOl _ ..... __ ***-* _ ...... ........ MDC RL ............ . __ f\..n.a.lyst Date Time Batch .. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 25. 8 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspcc, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmium-227-U 0.159 +/-0 229 Anlrmony-125 U 0.0132 +/-0 101 C'csiuni-137 0.556 +1-0 0885 Cobalt-60 U 0 0158 +-/-tl.035 Europrum-154 L' 0 0443 +/"() (J66S Protnctmmm-231 U 0.400 +/-0.647 Radium-226 0 743 +/-0.148 Radium-228 D 757 +/-0.237 Tm-126 UI 0.00 +/-0.104 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AIB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 10.3 +/-3.60 Beta 19.1 +f-3 10 Method Description o;y *s*oii .. r,:*;;iJ * ........ * -....... * ** of).o *5*c;;i .. .. .. ................... .Descr.,(pt!c;i.n . . .. .................. .. ASTM D 2216 (Mod1fierlJ 2 DOE HASL 300. 4 :5.2 3/Ga-01-R ,l EPA 900.0/SW846 93101SM 71 IOB Modilied Notes: 0.438 0 19\ ll.ll('92 0.0737 () 187 0.953 0I12 0.288 0 129 3 90 2.93 0 100 4.00 10.0 Analyst ....... i:'xc1 * .. percent pCilg pCilg pC1lg pCi/g pCi/g pC1lg pCi/g pCr/g pC11g pC1/g pCi/g Date 11/10/IS CXCl \1/\0115 1326 1521841 R..XF2 r2i03/I 5 0704 1522393 JXl37 12/02115 1215 !525762 Time Prep Batch !326 1521H41 . ._ .. _ .......................... Ar.ia,lyst Coni111e11ts_ . Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96*sigma). 2 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company; Address: Contact: Project: !Vi.IW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I !2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 17. 2015 Project: Client Sample JD: ID: 3.2.4.R.1 385068001 Soil \9-0CT-15 05-NOV-15 Client 25.8% Client ID: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOl Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: Priramctc.r ..... , . __ ........ ........ . Le __ ..... __ J_Pl_: ___ , _ ........ _ J!l_it_s __ [)F. ___ Qa_le _T_i_ru_e_ . i\*ftd_

  • l'nccrtaint\*


.. Gravimelrk Solids AST;\/ D 2216 % Moisture "As Recei\*ed" Moisture 25.8 percent CXCI 11/10/15 1326 1521841 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gmnmaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:r Weight Corrected" Actmium*227 u 0.159 +/-0.229 0438 () 204 +/.().241 pCt/g RXF2 12103115 0704 1522393 2 i\numony-125 u 0.0132 +/-0.101 [) 191 0.0882 +l-0 101 pC1/g Ul () 00 +/-0 616 ) 16 0 535 +/-0 839 pCi/g Bismulh-214 ()743 +l-0 148 0.112 0.0498 +!-0 160 pC1/g Cesmm-137 0.556 f*/-0.0885 0.0692 \HBl2 +/-0 0988 0 100 pC1lg Cobalt--60 lJ 00158 +l--0 035 () (\737 () 0317 +/-0 0358 pC1/g Europium-154

u. 0 0443 +1-0.0665 (J 187 tl 0793 +/-0 0696 pCi/g Lead-212 0962 +/-0.118 00972 0 0455 +/-0.142 pC1fg Lcad-214 () 896 +/-0 184 0.304 0.147 +f-0 197 pCi/g. !'otassium;40 12.4 +1-1.44 0 639 0 269 +/-l.83 pC1/g Protactmiurn-231 u 0.400 +1-0647 0 953 D.447 +/-0 653 p(1/g Radiiun-226 0.743 +/-0 148 !) 112 0 0498 +/-0.160 pC1lg Radium-228 0.757 +/-0 237 0 288 () _130 +/-0 259 pC1/g Thallium-208 0.233 +/-0.0763 0.0664 0 0302 +l-0 0787 pC'ifg Tm-126 UI n.oo +f-0 W4 0 129 00612 +/-ll.106 pC'1/g Rat! Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A.B. solid "D1y Weight Correc1ed" Alpha 10.3 +1-Ht(l 3 90 160 +/-4.12 4.00 19 I +-1-3 10 2.93 132 +/-4.18 10.0 pCi/g JXB7 12/02115 1215 1525762 3 fo_l!_o__l".i1:'g Pre_jl P!::rfo.rrned

_ .. __ ... _ .. Method Description

  • -.................
  • -* ....... . Analyst Date Time Prep Batch -***-..................
    • -.. -* ............ " .. *********

--*** ......................... -............ . . . .. .. . .. . . -** --......... . Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD*A*021 CXC' I 11/10/15 1326 1521841 Ih..e. pcrf.orl!lcd __ Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE 1-lAS L 300, 4.5.2J/Ga-01

  • R J F.PA 9000iSW846 93JOiSM 711013 Modified Surrogalcrfraecr Rcco,*cry Test-Batch ID Recovery%

Acceptable Limits ..... ... .... . ........... " GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York !4228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.1 Sample lD: 385068001 Certificate of Analysis _______ .. **-* ... . ...... ... _ ... ..... Le ..... _ .. TPl.' Surrogateffracer Recover)* Test *** .. --*-.. . .. . ........... --...... -***" ...... *" ................ , .. _,, ....... ****** Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Report Date: December 17. 2015 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client ID: MJWCOO I ..... .. _ ... l?.f' ...... D..a.t!! .. __ Ba_tc_l1 Batch rn Recovery% Acceplable Limits GELLABORATOruESLLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address : I 5 Hazelwood Drive Suile ll2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil RadiOisotopes

            • -.. -***** ..... *-**-*-******
      • --****

.... *********-******** .... Client Sample ID: 3 .2.4.R.3 Sample ID: 385068002 Matrix: Soil CollectDate: 19-0CT-15 10:35 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client MoistLire: 1 &% Parameter Qualifier Result . MDC RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received Moisture l 8.0 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Aclinrnm-227 U 0.162 +/-0.331 Antimony-125 t/-tJ 123 u 0 0327 Cesium-B7 +f*O 0839 () 129 Cobalt-60 +/-0.0575 LI -0 0185 Europmm-154 +/-(J.173 u -0 000223 Protacumum-231 Ul 0.00 Radium-226 l 05 +/-0.214 Radium-228 l 02 +/-0.350 Tin-126 {J 0.0598 +/-fl 141 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AIB, solid "Dry Weight Co1Tected" 0 667 0241 0 105 0 108 0.342 I 16 0.12CJ 0.33.J 0 175 Alpha 1 t.5 ... ;.3 65 3.82 Beta 19 4 +/-3.13 3 13

  • -.. ..... .. . .. . . . ......... , .. IJ.100 *I 00 lU 0 Analyst Method Description or:;;-soti.rrtir*
    • ** **** * * ** ****** bi-y soii


    • c*xc*i******** .i:vere .f\.1e.thQg

.... **-*-... -...... _ .. __ . ... _ .................... . ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE llASL 300, 4 5 2 3/Gu-01-R 3 EPA 900 OISW846 9310-'SM 71 IOB Modt!lcd Notes: Counting Unce11ainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Projeci: MJWCOO I 15 Client ID: MJWCOO t Units percent pCi/g p('i/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCtlg pC1/g pC1/g _pC'*lg pCi/g Date 11110/15 CXC\ ll/10115 1326 1521841 RXF2 12/031\5 0707 1522393 JXB7 12i02115 1218 1525762 Time '1326 Prep Batch 1521841 l Company: Address: GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Iluffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisot_opes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.3 Sample ID: 385068002 Project: MJWCOO I 15 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Collect Date: 19-0CT-l 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: !8% Parameter 9_u_a\ifi_er. . l:les1.1lt_ .. ....... :-,,rnc Le Gravimetric Solids ASTM D2216 % ;\>foistzwe "As R1n*eived" ISO CXC! i 1/\0/15 I 326 1521841 R.atl Gomma Spec Anulysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Correc1ed" Acllnium-227 u 0 162 +/,().331 0.667 0.309 +/,Q.340 pCllg RXF2 12/(13115 0707 1522393 Anumony* 125 u 0.0327 +/-0123 0241 U.109 +/-0.124 pC1/g Blsmulh-2 l 2 Ui 0.00 +/-0925 1.9& 0 912 +/-1.18 pCiig Bismuth-214 l.05 +/-0214 0 129 00543 -H..(I 231 pC1/g

0. \29 +!-0 0831,J 0.!05 (!0468 +1-0 0845 0 WO pCi/g Cobalt-60 u -0 0185 +/-0 0575 (1.108 00448 +/,0.0581 pCilg Europ111m-154 lJ -0.000223

+i-0.173 0342 0147 +/,(! 173 pCi/g Lcad-212 I 19 **/,0-174 0.129 00595 +i,Q.209 pCi/g Lead,214 0 882 +1-0 221 0 215 OO'f9 +/-0.232 pCi/g Polas>mmAO 15.\l +/-1.99 0.950 0 386 +/-l 40 pCi/g Protacllnium,231 l!I 0.00 +/-0 90! l.16 0-531 +1-0 948 pC1/g Radmm,226 I.OS +1-0214 0.129 00543. +/-0 231 pC1fg Radmm-228 1.02 +/,() 350 0.334 (J.142 +/,0.367 pCi/g Tlmlliun1,208 0 321 +/-0.115 00949 00422 +/-0 118 pCi!g Tin,126 u 0 0598 +/-0.141 0 175 00842 +f,() 142 pC1fg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. A *B. solid "Dry Weighr Corrected" 2 Alpha 11.5 +/-3 65 +f.3 13 H2 3 13 l 58 l 43 +/-4 26 +/-4 16 4.00 pC1/g JXB7 I 2!02115 1218 1525762 3 Bem 19.4 .. ...... . Method Description Analyst* -*-*********-*- -****-***-*

  • -* .. *** .... ***********

................ , ...... *-*******------**-***- ... *-*******-***-**

            • -* ..... . Dry Sod Prep Dry Sml Preµ GL-RAD,A-021

!_h_l_l __ _,ve_rc Mctboil Description 2 3 ASTM D 2216 (Modified) DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2 31Ga*Ol-R EPA 900.0ISW846 93lOiSM 71 IOD Modified Sm*rogatcffraccr Recovery Test CXCl HJ 0 pCi/g Date Time Prep B:itch 11/10!15 1326 1521841 Batch ID Reco,*ery% Acce1>tablc Limits GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Arldress: Contact: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffulo. New York 14228 1\fa. Laurie Cosey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.3 Sample ID: 385068002 Certificate of Analysis ......... _ .............. Rcsu_l_t: -* .......... MDC Le Surrogate!Tracer Recovery Test TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma). Report Date: December 17. 2015 Project: MJWCOO 115 Client ID: l\UWCOO ! .... .. .. n.r __ .... ' .. B;1_tc_h . Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: Address: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes .. **-***-**** ...............

                        • -****-****

..... . Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.4 Sample ID: 385068003 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-0CT-15 14:10 Receive Date: 05-NOV-!5 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.9% 14228 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC RL ........... --***** ....... -** .............. _. ... . ... . . ...... -* **--*********-****--* --............... . Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" . 8 90 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Actmnim-227 lJ 0.058:5 +1-0.289 Antimony-125 U 0 00225 +/-0 l l 2 Ccsium-137 U 0 0&06 +/-0 0521 Cobalt-60 U -0 0334 +1-0.0537 Europium-I 54 U O O 196 +/-0. 152 Protactimum-231 tll 0 00 +/-0 7<>0 R.adium-226 O 774 +/-0.174 Rac!ium-228 0.644 +/-O.n6 Tm-126 U 0 144 t-/-0 170 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross AiB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 7 79 +/-3 14 Bota 22 I +/-3 13 0 545 ll.205 0 0878 00943 {J 298 () 952 0 149 0 315 0211 3.84 J.()6 0.100 +on 10 () **-** Project: Client ID: Units percent pCi/g pC1/g pCtlg pC1lg pC1/g pCi/g pCtlg pC'1/g pCi/g MJWCOOl 15 MJWC'OOI CXCl 11110!15 1326 1521841 RXF2 12i03!15 0707 1522393 JXB7 12/02115 1548 1525762 2 3 .. _\V(:!:<: .. . , .. **-... _ *-.........

    • -** *-.. _ ... ...... .. .........

....... .. . ... -. _ ......... , ............ __ ...............

  • --Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch oir*soii *Prep .. -..........

--**-*-15;y*siiiiWt!i> ..... _ .. __ --.. * ** ...... *

  • cxcf * -* ... ***** * *i f1101Tr-*
    • **** in6*-***-**

f5iis41 ** ..... --* ** ...... -*-...............................

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..... _. _ .... _ ..... ............ _ .......................... --***-.. *. -*-...... __ ...... A.11alys.t .. _ .... -**-* ... -**-*-** _ .. l ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4 5 2 3/Go.-01-R 3 EPA 900.0iSW846 9310iSM 71108 Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analrsis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Bu!Talo. New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.4 Sample ID: 385068003 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-0CT-I 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: S.9% ____ ... _ ......... __ .. Result Gravimetric Solids AST!vf D 2216 % Jfoisture "As Received" Mmsturc 8.90 Rml Gamma Spec A.ualysi$ Gam(1wspec, Gamma. Solid "DIJ' Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 U 0 05S5 +/-0 289 Antimony-125 fhsmuth-212 Bismuth-214 Ccsium-137 Coball-60 Europ1um-l 54 Lcad*212 Lead-214 Potassium-40 Pro!actmimn-231 Radium-226 Radium-228 '.llmllium-208 Tm-126 u U! u u Ul UI Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting 0.00225 0.00 0 774 0 0806 -0 0334 O.oJIJ6 I.JO 0989 15 5 0 00 0.774 0644 0349 GFPC. Gross A-B. solid "D1y Weight Correc1ed" Alpha 7.79 Bein 22.l .. Method Description Dry Soil Prep Dry Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-021 +/-0.112 +/-0.754 +/-0.174 +1-0 0521 +1-0.0537 +/-0.152 +/-0.143 +/-0.206 +/-\.67 +/-0 760 +/-0 174 +1-0 326 +/-0.0761 +/-0.170 +/-3.14 +/-3 1J '_r!1e_ ........... _. _ . :\lcthod Dcsc1*iption ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE t!ASL 300,*R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 9310iSM 11106 Surrogat*effraccr Reco\*cry Test Report Date: December 17. 2015 Project: MJWCOOl 15 ClientlD: MJWCOOI Le TPr ......... .. r11\ts. ... l?.:F..;\ Date Time .. percent CXCI t t/1\1115 1326 1521841 () 545 0.254 -;-/.0290 pC1/g RXF2 l2i03/15 0707 1522393 2 0205 () 0937 +/-0_! 12 pC!/1! 1.46 0674 +/-0 961 pCi/g 0 149 0.0674 +/-0. l&S pCilg. 0.0878 0.040 0 JOO pCi/g 0 0943 0.0409 .;./.()0559 p(\/g 0.298 Cl.132 +/-0 152 pCi/g 0 128 0.0602 +/-0 176 pCi/g 0 17\ 0.0793 +/-0224 pC1lg ll.775 (\ 324 +/-2 13 pC1/g d 952 (J.439 +/-0.832 pCilg ll.149 () 0674 +/-0 188 pCi/g 0.3\5 0 140 +l-0 341 p{'i/g 00597 00312 +/.() 0823 pCi/g n . .!ll ().101 H-0171 pCi!g 3 84 1 (j l +1*3.48 4.00 pCilg JXll7 12/02115 1548 1525762 3 3 06 1.41 +l-4 42 HJ() pCi.lg Analyst Date Time Prep Batch CXCI J 1/10115 1326 1521&41 Balch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address: Contact: Project: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite! 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.4 Sample ID: 385068003 Surrogateffracer Recovery Test Notes: Certificate of Analysis Le Tl'l" TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Report Date: December l 7, 2015. Project: MJWCOOl 15 Client ID: MJWCOO l .... .... .... !)r-:. .. __ _:\'lt<l.: Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(a43) 556-8171 Company: Address; Contact Project: 000'** ***' HOOHO ,., Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: Moisture: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes .... .. .. .. . ... . . ..... 3.2.4.R.5 385068004 Soil 19-0CT-!5 14:[0 05-NOV-IS Client 9.&7%) Project: Client ID: Report Date: December 7.1015 MJWCOOl15 MJWCOOl ......................... Result .. ........ ....... R:L .............. .......... .. .. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 9 87 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutomum-238 l! -0.00459 +/-0.03% Plutonium-2391240 U U.00153 +f-0 ll7U2 ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Uramum-232 lJ !} 0125 +f-0.0672 llramum-233/234

0. 940 258 Uranium-2351236 0 ogg7 +f-0.0866 Uranium-238
0. 769 +/-0 233 Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Ncpmnium-237 U -0.033 l +/-0.146 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "01)1 Weight Corrected" Thorium-228 l! 0.416 +1-0.459 Thorium-229 ll 0 161 * +/..() 261 Thonum-230 0 796 +/-0.424 Thonum-232 1 14 +/-0 501 Am24 l, Cm Solid "Dry \\ieight Corrected" Ammcium-241 . U 0.0114 +/-0.080 Curium-242 U 0.00 +/-0 044 Curium-243/244 U 0 021 +/-0. 133 Curium-2451246 IJ 0.(1494 +/-0.0874 Liquid Scint Pu24!, So.lid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-24 I U -I 12 .,./-6 25 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" lodme-129 U -0'.040S +/-0 283 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 U -0.042 +/-0.264 Anlimony-125 U 00101 +/-0.106 Cesrum-137 O.U82 I +/*0.0612 Cobalt-60 U O.ol 19 +/-0 0448 Europium-15.J U 0.0149 +1-0*130 Protactrnium-231 lJ (i.675 +l-0.529 0 0917 0 154 0.126 0 0991 0.0538 0 0537 0.382 0.725 0421 0 318 () 342 0.164 0.0654 0261 0 132 10 8 0496 (} 50[) 01()() 0 0811 0.0924 0261 l 08 I 00 I.DO I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1.00 1.00 l.llO ! 00 1 00 l.00 1 0() l ()fl 15 0 1.00 ll.1.00 percent pCi!g pCti!,l. pci!g pclfg. pci/g pc1/g pC1/g pC1/g pCi/g pCi!g pCr/g p('t!g pCt/g pCi!g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCifg pC1/g pCifg pCilg pCilg pC1/g CXCI 11/10115 1326 1521841 HAKB l l/23115 1501 1522577 2 HAKB 11/24115 0851 l.522580 3 HAKB 11/23115 1706 1522576 HAKB l 1/24/15 1014 1522579 5 HAKB \ i/24115 1042 1522571 HAKl3 11125115 0728 1522578 7 MJH l 12/02f15 l 3.J I 15223 74 8 RXF2 12/03/15 0707 15223'>3 9 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address:. Contact: Project: '* M. 0 0 **' '*' 0 0 ' Client Sample ID: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood .Drive Suite 112 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil '. "'" -* M ** 00 0 *-** 3.2.4.R.5 Report Date: December 7. 2015 Project: Sample ID:. 385068004 Client lD: MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOO! Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Oammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radium-226 0 650 +/-0 197 Radium-228 0.740 +/-0.344 Tm-126 U 0 0509 +f-0.118 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 14.3 +1-4 0(1 n1 +/-3 26 OFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strmllhun-90 U -0.149 +1-0.410 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium

  • U 1 83 +/-1 74 Liquid Scint C 14, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Cnrbon-14 U -0 897 +l-0756. Liquid Scint Tc99, SoHd "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchnctium-99
  • V. I 61 +/-1.50 0 142 0.254 0.136 3 97 3 20 0857 2B3 *I 33 250 4 (]() ll)O 2.00 6.0!l 2.00 5.00 pCi/g p('l/g pCi!g pCi/g pC1/g pC1!g pC1/g pC1fg pCilg

....... -.. -* ..........

    • -* ...... . Method Description
  • iircii. *** ***** *-* * **** ** *
  • oiY.sol°i°.Prcii.df::.R,\i::i:A::oii Analyst Date *** ***** **** *cxcr--* * **-******1iii0/i5****

JXIl7 12102!1 S 1218 1525762 10 KSDl 12/03115 1125 J 525755 11 TXJ I 12102115 1149 1522724 12 TXJ I 12/03115 1828 l 522716 13 MYMl 11129115 092.J 1522715 14 Time Prep Batch 1326 ***---*-fs*ff84r***

  • --*-* ******* .... * **-**-**-**
  • --*-***-***

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address: Contact: Project: . *-** ...... -** _ .. -.. Client Sample ID: Sample ID: MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Certificate of Analysis Buffalo, New York 14228 Ms. Laurie Losey Soil Radioisotopes

  • ---....... ****--** ........ --** . -* ...... . 3.2.4.R.5 385068004 . Project: Client lD: Report Date: December 7, 2015 MJWCOOl 15 MJWCOOI . MeJh9d ___ .. ... ... . ........

-**** ... . ... ... .. . ...... _ .. _ ........ _ -* *--**-** ..............

  • -* ... -**. . ...... A.rii;h'.§1.C:.orn.I11.e1!!S

..... -..........

      • -* *-* .... _.. .. ... . I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300.

Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 6 7 8 9 !(I 11 12 13 J4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300.

  • 111-01-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modi!ied DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-IK Modified DOE EML HASL-3QOJ-OJ Modified DOE HASL 300, 4.5.2 J/Ga-Ol-R EPA 900.0/SW846 9310/SM 71108 Modified EPA 905.0 .Modified/DOE RP50 I Rev I Modified EPA 906.0 Modified EPA EERF C-01 Modified DOE EMI.. l!ASl.-300.

Tc-02-RC Modified Test Plulonium-242 Tracer Uranium-232 Tracer Uramum-2J5/236 Tracer Amcricmm-243 Tracer Actimum-227 Tracer Americium-243 Tracer Plutomum-242 Tracer Strontium Technet1um-99m Tracer Notes: ASP Plutonium lwtopic, Solid "Ory Weight Corrected"

  • ASP lJramum lso1op1c, Solid "Dry Weight Comictcd" ASP Uranium Jsotop1c, Soiid "DI)' Wt:tght Corrected" Alplmspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Alphaspcc Th229 + 228.230.232 Solid Dry Weight Corrected"

  • Arn241, Cm Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Liquid Scmt Pu24 I. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" GFPC. Sr90, soh<l "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

75 3 (15%-125%) 79.1 (15%-125%) 78 3 (15%-125%) 96.2 (15%-125%) 102 (15%-125%) 65.6 75.3 (15%-125%) 91 {25%-125%} 96 3 (15%-125%) GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: Address:* MJW Corporation 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo_ New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Lnurie Losey Project Soil Radioisolopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.5 Sample ID: 385068004 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: i 9-0CT -15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-J 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.87%

  • Parameter Gra,*imetric Solitls AST..\1 D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture Rad Alpha Spec Analysis 9.87 ASP P/11/011ium Isotopic.

Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 u -0.00459 +f-0.0396 Pltitonium-239/240 tJ 0.00153 .fo/.Q ll702 ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry rVeighr Corl'ec/ed" Urnmwn-232 u 0.0125 +f-0.0672 Uromum*233i234 0940 +l-0.258 Uramum-235/236 ll.08_97 +/-0.0866 Uramum-238 0.769 +l-0 233 Atphaspec ,\'p137, Solid "Dry lfeight Corrected" Neptumum-237 u -0.0331 +/-0.146 Alphasper: T'1229 + 228.230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thonum-228 0.4 Hi +/-0 459 Thorium-229 0.161 +/-0 261 11torium-230 0 796 +/-0.424 Thorium-232 l 14 +/-0.501 .4111241. Cm Solid "D1y Weight Con*er:ted" Amcncium-.24 l u 0.0114 +/-0.08(} Curium-242 0.00 +/-0044 Cunum-243/244 u 0021 +/-0.133 Curium-2451246 0.0494 +l-0 087*1 Liquid Seim Pi124 l. Solid D1:i* IVeight Correcred" Plutonium-241 lJ *Lil +/.(, 25 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1!19. Solid Dry Weighr Col'/'ected" lodine-129 u *O 0408 +/-0 283 Gammaspec .. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weig/it Corrected" Actinium-227 u -0.042 +/.(J 264 Antnnony-125 u 0.0101 +1-0 wt, Bi;muth-212 l 93 +1-1 (16 Bismuth-214 0.650 +/-0.197 Ccsium-137 0.0821 +l-0 0612 Coball-60 lJ 0 0119 +1-D 044& Emopium-1 54 u 0.0149 +/-0.130 Lcad-212 1.13 +/-0 137 Lcad-214 0 999 +/.() 167 Le 0.0917 H-0 0397 () 154 l) 1)485 +l-0 0703 () 126 (J 0529 +f-00673 ()0991 0.0227 +/-OJI I () 0538 000 +/-() 0881 0.0537 00() +/-0.273 0.382 0 0874 +l-0. ).i(, 0 725 0.282 +/-0 464 0421 0 132 +/-0.262 0 318 Cl 08U9 +/-0.439 () 342 0.0932 +l-0 528 0164 (l 0538 +/-Cl.080 ()()654 ()(}() +/-0.0441 0.261 0.102 +/-0.133 0.132 0.0337 10 s s 27 +f-6.25 0 496 0228 +/.(l 283 0 500 0.233 +/-0.264 0.200 0.0919 -+-/-U I06 0.957 0.425 +f-1 08 (] 142 00643 <-/-0.205 0 0811 0.0367 +/-l)06Hi 0.0924 0.0402 +/-0 0451 0.261 0 114 +/-0.130 0 !07 0 0496 +/.!) 168 0 154 (J 0713 +/.(J 187 Report Date: December 17, 2015 Project: MJWCOO 115 Client ID: MJWCOOI percent CXCI ll/HJflS 1326 1521&41 1.00 pC1/g HAKB 11/23!15 1501 1522577 2 LOO pCilg 1.00 p<.:1/g HAKB 11124115 0851 15225&0 3 1.00 pclf g 1.00 1.00 pci.lg 1.00 pC1/g HAKH 11123/15 l7n6 1522576 4 100 pC1lg f-IAK8 l 1124115 l0l4 1522579 5 l.1)0 pC1lg I, 00 pCl/g I 00 pCi/g LOO pC1ig HAKE ll/24115 !042 1522571 6 I 00 pC1!g 1.00 pC1lg I 00 pC1lg 15 0 pCilg HAKB 11125!15 0728 1522578 7 1.00 pCilg MJHI .!2/021151341 1522374 8 pC\lg RXP2 12103/15 0707 1522393 Y pC1/g pCi.fg pCilg O. IO(J pC1/g pC11g pC1/g pCc/g pC1!g Company: Address: GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) -www.geLcorn MJW Corporation* 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Certificate. of Analysis Bu!Talo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.2.4.R.5 Sample ID: 385068004 Parameter Result t:nccrtaintv

VIDC .........

-* .... Rad Gamma Spec Am1l;rsis -' Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dr_r Weight Corrected" Potassium-40 14.5 +f-1 64 0577 ProlaCllnium-231 lll o_oo +1-0.529 LO& Radium-226 0.650 +f-0.197 0 \42 Radium-228 0.74(} +1-0 344 0 254 Thallmrn-208 0-348 +l-0 080 0.()64 Tin-126 lJ 0. 0509 +/-0 118 0 136 Rad Gas Flow Proportion11I Counting GFPC. GYOSS A.:B. solid "D1y Weig/it Corrected Alpha 14 3 +/-4.06 3.97 Bm n3 +/.3.26 3.20 GFPC'. Sr90. solid "DIJ' Weight Correcred" Stronlmm-90 U -0 149 +/-0 410 () 857 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysjs LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "D13* Weight Corrected" Tritium I 83 i/.J.74 2.83 Liquid Scint CJ./. Solid "D1J' /Veight Corrected" Carbon-14 U -0.897 +1-0.756 i 33 Liquid Seim Tc99, Solid "Dry Weig/it Correcled" Tcchnet1um*99 1.61 +1-1-50 2 50 0-228 +/-2 07 0 505 +/-ll 62<J () 0643 +!-0.205 0.111 +l-0.361 o o:m +/-0.0854 0_1164 +/-() 119 1 65 +/-4 97 147 +/-4 65 0 367 +/-CJ-410 123 +1-1-74 0.650 +/-0.756 1.20 l-1-1 51 Project: Client ID: MJWCOOJ 15 MJWCOO\ pCi/g pC1/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g rCifg 4 ()() pCilg JXB7 ]()_0 pC1!g 200 pCi/g KSDI 6 00 pCr/g TXJl 200 pC'i/g TXJ\ s 0() JiCifg MYM I 12102115 1218 1525762 1,2/()3115 1125 1525755 12102115 1149 1522724 I 2i03/I s 1 828 1522716 11129115 0924 1522715 10 II 12 13 14 __ __ ..........................................................................

  • -**** ....... .... .. . .. ******* .. ***** .............. . !'l*lethod Ocscription

--*-........ .. .. .. . . .... *-* . ****-. -*---***--* *--.... . Dry Soil Prep -Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A*021 T_he __ Methnd Descriptian 2 J 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 ASTM D 22 \C> (Modified) DOE EML l!ASL-300. Pu-I I-RC Modilied DOE EMI. l-IASL-300, U-02-RC Modified ASTM C 1476-00 Modified DOE EML HASL-300. Th-01-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Mod1ficil DOE EML HASL-300, t>u-11-RC Modified DOE EMLHASL-3t)().HJI Modified DOE HAS!-300, 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R EPA 900_0.ISW846 93 IO/SM 71 IOB Modified EPA 905.0 Mod1l1cd!DOE RP501 Rev I Modified EPA 9D6.0 Modified EPA EF..RI' C-01 Modified Analyst Date Time Prep B11tcfi CXCl -11110115 1326 1521841 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Company: Address: MJW Corporation IS 1-lw.c:lwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Contact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Rudioisotopcs Client Sample JD: 3.2.4.R.5 Sample ID: 385068004 Certificate of Analysis Project: Client ID: Report Date: December 17. 20 J 5 MJWCOOI 15 MJWCOOI Parameter ___ .. _____ . _ __ Result FncertaintY MDC .. . .. -... -** . --****-*--**--* -.... .... Il'.l' ___ ..... _ .. .. _l>f ... _ .. pate __ Tin_1i: __ Mtd. Le 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogatcffr.accr RecDl'ery Plutonium-242 Tmcer Uranium-232 Tracer Uranium-235/236 Tracer Americium-243 Tracer Actinium-227 Tracer Amcricium-243 Tracer Plutonimn-242 Tracer Strontium Carrier Technetium-99111 Tracer Notes: Test ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ASP l!ranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Correc1ed" A!phnspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Am24 I, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Scint Pu24 I, Solid "Dr) Weight Corrected" GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% i;:onfidence level ( 1.96-sigma). Batch JD Recovery% Acceptable Limits .................. .. ................. ,_ ... .... .................... 1522577 75.3 (15%-125%) 1522580 79.1 (15%-125%) 1522580 78.3 (!5%*125%) 1522576 96.2 ( 15%-! 25%i) 1522579 102 (15%*125%) 1522571 . 65.6 (15%-125'%) 1522578 75.3 (15%-125%) 1525755 91 (25%-125%) 15227,15 96.3 (15%-125%)}}