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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 23 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A886 (32)


Appendix E -SNI Backgrounds Appendix E-SNI Background -COC Field Copies I ... .................... ---of *-* .. *******-***** -* GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL Laboratories, LLC Prcjccl II: 2040 S;wagc Road GEL Quote It: for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*"' SC 29407 ... ****** ... . .. COC Number n 1: GEL Work Order Number: Phone: (843) 556-8171 PO Fax: (843) 766-117:1 Clicn1 Name: Phone#: Sam11le Analysis Requested (Fill in the number of comainers for each tesl) Project/Site Name: Fax#: this <--Prc>Crvativc Type (6) mtnplc-llc:-Add[ess: cu11:ti1krr.::d : Comments Collected by: Rcsuils To: cxtm sample is 'D.i!li:: *Tim..:: So.1::1\pli:: "fSC required for sample Co:li;i,:t1,,*ll Ql" specific QC Sample ID (Mtlilory1 F1l1C'retl MJlrii: A Imm-chi-)'}'} l}f l'i D!lt:ti *For c.omr.:asue.)* .. i11dm.1lc-.r1ur1 illid ."tfuJJ d<..Jte/111tw (llbm111) .. fated t>CJ'O \ 5 tJ ti) "'. 1, II '1 .,\ <. -'\( ) :2 J s 1-l t::D'L,\. G \ H'i "1 ..;;-. \\-li ... f-J s IJ -;: P:> -z_ '-i . I ... 1{ Sr-.!:L \S Z/-i. z, \\-\l\J\s St--! X. ?:i 3 \\-\'1 ""'\( S"NT..R "2,1.{ ' '1 H*\1-1) TAT Requested: Rush: Specify; rsul;i1<.."o::T lo I RL!Sults: Yes No Circle Deliverable: C of/\ I QC: Summary . LC\'cl ! ' Le, cl 2 !_cycl 3 I l.cw14 ' .tire there cmy k11ow11 hazard.1* applicable to these .wmples? {(.m, plt!llSI' the S>Jmple C:Q!lcctio11 Time Zone H""tem Pacific Centrnl Other *---*-***-Mountn111 Chain of Custody Signatures Sample Shlp11ing ahd Delivery Rclin4uisbc1l l>y Dote Time by (*ignod) Da1c Time GEL PM: I I Mctlicd ofShimncnt* Dote ShiT11wJ 2 2 Airbill 3 J Airb1ll fl i } Cfo:uJt -(. For Lah Rt!t:efrmg Use 011(,* ::!) Qt:C.\:i.c!.;"li l't Nonn>tl Sl.'lmrle. TB -Tnfl Ol;ank, i:;-n,..,. Field t:lJ m<J.11J... ... '.\fain' \f::,:11-= :Spilu:: G ** ClrJ.l,, C .

  • l Ficlrl f1!mod Fe;r l1quld nl.!lnctI, w;1h n * '\:'
  • for 1hc sample \\'t:S fc}d fi!Lcr.:.U t-r-_._.,. for \\J!i Mi. fie hi filtC1-ed Cu.vMdy Sc:af ln!tJf.'l? -t) :\h!nx ()W \\.':1h:r, G\\' *t"ir411u:.Jw,,ta. SW Sutf.l<.{! \\'Jri:r, \\\\-, \\*-'1..:r. W \\',11...:t '.\.1L*:\.b.\. L11111,:J,.SO S11:I, SD ScJmh:1.r, SL Cl 01L l* *t-1fl\'J. P .. l' F*ft:L'JI. l"ES NO s*) S:Jrr::p1-c= Ar..::!lysi:s. .. (1 t 82600. 6Ql1111'7-171JA}.it' r.\JY111Jcrc>f lu.r er::1.h \L.r. SJMlB -J_ t,rJltJB, 7-17tM -h Cn11/,*1* Temp: c,) Type: UA ** U:.-;.lr-c.t"h!ienc Aml :Nl l\itn<:: Awl, SU "Sctlium Hydrv'l.i1k, A.:td, AA* HX '-l li!"l::VlC, ST.,,. 1 tf is. a.McJ.
  • field c WHITE =LA BOR1\ TORY FILF.. CLlENT P*Ge: .. -**-*--* -* *-of *-**--*****-***-... -.. GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL Luboratories. LLC Proicct II: 2040 Roacl GEL Quote#; **See for GEL's Sample Acceptance Charleston, SC 29407 . . _ .. **-............. .. . .. COC Number"': GEL Work Order.Number: Phone: (843) 556-8171 PO Number: (843 l Clicnl Name: Phone#: Sample Analysis Re{]nes.ted (Fil I i11 the Jllllllbcr of containers for eilch test) P1ojccl/Sitc Name; Fax 11*. Shuulcl <---Preservative Typo (6) Ulis Address: con5-h.krccl : Comments Collcclcd Send Rcsulls To: Note: extra sample: is '03IC' **rim,:. ':iu.mpii! TSC required for sample Sample ID QC FlllC'H'ti M.i.UJ>w: R:tdi .... specific QC Collc*H '" 1*; ll.lldi Regn *Fer -ind1c:ale .vti;rt zmd s11m Jull!!llnu.* thtlmm} ... G ."'Z.*.P l1-Z-'1-iS-Sr-.1, f3. 2-L.1.. '7 11-1.*H') ..... Sl>l 16. l'i-) \\-l**h< t,0.\ i\-?ft-\( iSt-...1 \\':,I ijh 1, S \\J tR. 2-C. ') /\-7-y-{\ TAT Requested: Normal: Rush* $µcc1fy: CSu"b:i:i::[ 10 I 1:-rix .Results: Ye' I Xo Circle Dchvcrablc: C" of A I QC Summary I Levell ( Lcvcl 2 Lev'!'..\ { Level <I Rrmutl'ks: Ar!:' any known hazard* applitable to thesr:: .1*amples? {(so, pleas<' fat thr! Simmk Dtn>-2.l!M. Eastern Pacific Ccmral Other Mountain Ch:iin llf Custody Sign11t11rcs Sample Shipping mid IJctails Rolmqtusbcd l!y fS121:c<l) Dale:: Time Rc*m"J by [ I D.11L: Time GELP1'-f: I l MO!hod Date Shipped 2 2 A1rbilln: J J ;\itbil\ 11" l l Cht.1i11 -{ For L1ih lfri! 011/y 2} 1\"., TR -Tr1p n!.ink, FO ... Oi.:plica!c., Eh -Jlhnl.., 'L'-i ... \fo1rn $all'r:c, \1SD-\.faun Sr*ic.1.: nL!pl:!.::Ue S.Hr:pli:. G ** <m=ll. (* C0nl!""l.S:1i! l) fer ::q*:m.l Willi.,. y. ror 1r.c ,1,.;:is; ridd fi!lcr.:d ft ror Y,,.JJ Held Cristmly So<ll lnwct? l) DW Dn:cbie-G\,. .... .sw .. \\'a::.:r, W.:1t.;r. W WJ!t:E. '.\1L *Su:1,$J)* '51..o.Jg.;, SS \V<i\t.:, O* ChJ. l'* l' l.rn!,.-, J. *f..:.;.iil,-;-;-l'F.S :VO 5} i\iul}:uS Rc'i:.e.,l'J.* 11:e1h.JJ HZMHI. 6tJUHlJ74WAt i.'lr.1l nurnbt-1 llf lc.! (i.c *°'**.l/;(>!J * .l. t.t)JtJ/J:1.J"7tJ.-'f
  • l) Ciwier Temp. ti> Jt.-\ ..: .'i.cld, i\l. Nor\.: Aqd, sn.,.. Hydr-0l(i1k !-\,\ ... S!Jllcn.:. ,\c:d, ,\_.\ .. ,\SO:\ltbl'I:" A.c-:d, llX.:.. Sl.:.... 8oda.:m ]f [II) ; ... 3..{J;:d * !f;Olo\-C f:.;:..1 blimk c WHITE f.ABORJ\TOKY YELLOW= FILE PINK= Cl.Jli:i'l'T

....... ...... ........ ' or_::._* _ ... _--*--.*-.* GEL Chain of CustQdy. Reouest --Ol!l,Lobor_otoric5,Ll<;: Pr(_)jcc1 #:' . ":l io40 (iEL-Qu.:.te II: * .gel'.coii, foi'-GE.k's SOP**

  • sc 29407 ' (X)C Numbc( .PO Number: p:!icnLName:
  • 1'f11nle-; 'Aodress: Sctif.1-Rcsuhs,'.f.o: 'Samp1e1:D * *-. JnUlc.:o/t! S/Qlt and .:r/mJ. t.l<tJe/IitHt! <. . \ ' -*Si->\?7 I \.g'. '"?,.. Fi11<ll: -**ro!kuod U*hu1in) ; ' '"'"1 'J ""I'S: '*' ' TAT RcQ\ll!Slcd:*Nort.1al: * *Rush: *si:<:cfflo;. Results:-.. Yes, i .. Chi;'tn of Custody Slgalllllires' Diite 2. 3 Shuulcl I __ , I Phone: {843);556-Sl'71 f843Y'J66-1178, ., *Comments }Joie: extril*sample iir required fp1* * ' *;spe,¢ific QC .No I O.CSmnmnrv] 'Level I /':Lcvel2'-/ Lcvcl'J., / Level 4-*eiistcm J>acifit Cc1i1rpl Other Sample Shipplng aml Delivery Details GEL:PM: lfatc.8hioned: Alrvillll: Aitl>11111: .Ll:'<:litti!\ Dctmnincd
  • 2.) Q.C .. Duplic*ic;-lm,. D)*11k, :l:IS G Orob; *Foi*Lali Re(leiviirg IJ.;*e.Onl)' l):Ftcld Fl!1010d: ;, .. V * ""mplo "'"' rr.5i9t._iiunplc ftoldlit1ctcd:* * *c11,,*1uily.S,.al:/nrg,.1.?, 1),) J)\V .. Wntcr1. \V11ri.: . r,_-,---'-l:.:'ES:;::;.,*-..,..,,;--'-N"i0""'.""---1 {). S***iMAn;i!ysis )\cqi.t:!cd: mo0101l rcq""S1*'1.U.<. ll!'lllOor-or contUUIC" Jhl>Vidcd ror "'"Ii <.i:e, * :i. tJOIOIJIN70A -:t). -CoQlef. '.tamp:' ' -(?;) P1uctva.U¥c'.lYllC!,UA N,f .. 'Sll .. Add; hl\-"!*AitOrb)c ... If no 7! . C *. ' ' ' , I>ll'l.K ... -

GE,L,Cbai:g 9f Custody and An:aly.tic3l;R,equ'es.t. 'om:*.l:.llooralQriei,LLc . 1040 Savai;e .Road ' rage:_. -. _ . !>rojeci #:

  • GEJ.;Quotc#: __________ __, Sample Acceptance,SOP**"' * ** ; Charfos*on, sc2940;. co.c*N111nbei:',!'>: ...... : .......... *--*---* _ .. GEL po*Nwnbm . .. * * * * . *. * * * *
  • ClicntName:. I'hl>n\:.#; ....... ........ /... * * ' > ** .. * . Project/Site Name; .. * .Collcetca by: Scnd,.ReslJ.lls;to: .Samp1¢JD . , *Fiir c011uio'slfar
  • lmlklll*' mu!"'" ildiel1ima (*nm*ild*)'Y) . SJgilatilres . *Rellnq1ilslmlUy (Signcil)* Dote Tii11c* . Rccc! {signcjl): l l. 2 3
  • Fax1.1843Y'J.66*l 1711.* Sa!Upiil.Analys!S FWqilestcd (5l *(Fill ln the nuniber of,contafoers 'for each test)
  • Sl.wuld* * 'iblz* .sa1iiiMbG* .<on*id.roo' i ' ..:--Typo'(6) Corµments.* is required for sample . specific QC No* Circle Deliverable:* C of A"./: QC:Stinimary. *Level.I I .*L'eveL2 1' Level 3* /. Level 4 S;1mnle Collec!jon Time Zone .llacific Cc111raf . Other __ _ Mountaili Sample and.Detivery Details GE!:.P.M: *Method ofShinnicnt;
  • Dnie:Shitmed: Airbillll: Aill>!llll: 1,} *:l11run cf Custody Num<<i Cll*ni O.tciinliitd * * * ** * * " * * *
  • For Ltil1 Receiving* Use* 011/r :2.) Nomml Blank; FD" Ell *. Spii<..,,'011p1i><'it<-Sample,.G = Or.1,>;:c,*.C*mpojho .. J.)"l'lcld*Pihcrcd: Foi* liqulrl moirltti, indi_clllc\*i*h ltiO ... nplo ..... mierod ... -rr; llcld nl!Creil Cr1*'lody Seal lntat!IZ _ .i.) _:,Aa1rli *wa1cr, Y:.:E::::'S:... __ . '.:'."""c.:N.;..O;;,.* _* ---1 *S:in1plo l\111Jly.i* lfoquut<d:*Anol)'li'al.1iwlho<lrcquc!*tJ (i.** 8160lk6D (i.c, 1126/JD. 3, 60i°OB'!l.41M *I). . CmJ,/er. Tl!mp: 6:l.' rf'<l<IV*liw Typo:* HA "* llydroeblotiC-Aoi4;,l'U n.Nll!i<<A<1d, Sii a, Sodium !lydro,ide,c/IA '"*sulf111w A<iu; AA "*A1<orbi< Ac Iii; HX a*f!.,.on;,,:;fa Soili*m Thi<>>nlfolo; lfilo*pmcrvo1iv< i* added w leavo:fia kl blank C . WHff£ = ;vELLOW *P.INK = GLiENT .J Pago: ___ --*-*-*-* ,,f **-****-*-----GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Gl?.L LLC l'rqicc1 II: 2040 Road GEL www.gcl com for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*' Clmlcsron, SC 29407 ......... **-**-***---*-*-*"" ... -.. , COC N11mber 11): .. **-** .. ........ GEJ, Wm*k Order Number: Phone: (&43) I PO Nrnnber: Fax: (843) i Name: !'hone II: Sam11lc Analysis <51 {Fill in 1rnm!Jcr of cc11tai11ers for each test) 'ProjectiSitc Name: Fax II: S!1ould <---(6) lhi* 1*111pl* : Comments Collected by* Send Results To: Nott:: extrn sarnpk is 4T11na fo:IJ TSC rcq11irerl foi sample Qt:'
  • specific QC Sample ID Co.Sc (ii F,L!erd M.:.urx R.1H!! A (inm**<ld-n*i (hlunml r>1 (1l .... Fv: tr.Jnjr,;,*itl?"I' -.'ffLlJ"l rnri/.tlrJI' d,1!dJtrm:: "' l>fc;l htr o SN I /ii ,')J., I 12-! lz...--1 () '1 f' ! 'St-It i3. !.,'!>, 11..-1.0"'1 ( 5i-h Y:,' U.'"i .B .. 5 i)1) I Sr-11 ti ;zJ*\.a 'f'Z..10"'16' ' S).\1\,\ !1:**104{ SN1 (1,2,(;,'2. IL-lo --15' ! <N l g ' 2..LP * ,L.-\t)-(\ 5riJ13. J_S:.\ l'Z-'10**('< TAT Normal: Rush: S!lcc1fy: l;J I FL\X Rc,ults: Yes l No Circlo [Jc!ivcrnblc: CofA I QC Smn111!ln' I Levell f 1 *' Lc,*cl '.l I Level 4 R.1:1m1rks: Are arr_v km>wrr hazards appliLable ro thewi ?fso, please /isl th<< hazard.1* Time f':;:isrem Pacific Cc)llral ----Moimlnin Chain of Custody Sigm1turts Sample Sl1!pping and Delivery Details Rcli11,1111sltod By iSlr,nc<ll Roccivo<l l>y (s1gncili Dote Tintc GEL PM. t,;. I I Qr Sh11on1cr.l, D,\tc Shipped: 2 2 /\itbill #. 3 3 Ai1billY. I) C'i;:r.1D-:1ermin!d h>f Loh JleceM*ng 011/y l) Qt'Ccr!::,;: "N ... Mcmla1San'i}'llt>.1'R =--Trifl g.*;mk, FD* f*c:ld f.'ij .. l'hu;k, MS ... Mo\Lr1x S11i."kt Mfm .... Sp1ko Dt;l'llcMc C :...{)r;;b. C ... 3) l=lt:h.1 fi:;r:::Jt.d. Fc:J 11.111l1i::cs, n r v -fol lht. WM ;::r. N
  • re' 'Jr[ti Cu.rl<J<\V SM/ !mat*:? "'1 (C'.Jci GWr*(;.*;1wr, sw*-Sc*rf::m.:: \Vi:ll!f, \\'"\V*UC:c, SO:.*£.nl I .'iD. W;\:;:.::. CJ *o,i. T' **F:itc*, i:-cc..;i.l, t ms NO S) R.c.q11C'HcLL l1.e 82r.1llil. 60l OT\1747UA) fur ei.<ch SU.r1/J f.(llii81747r1A
  • I). Ct1Ulcr Temµ f _ fl i l1l-CICtw.1h*i:= Ht\"' 1 NI .,., N1tr1c. A1;id. SH -Stl1i::in l-l)"t!r-o"l:J*h:. f;.\ .. A-!:.!C!!:ic Acid. nX-H-::-fr*ll!?. s*r.,.. 11:-cso:-n,*t.1:\.": ::;. r..*.1de*l ** fo;;!.l l:t."*:1;.. c WIHTF."" LABORATORY YF.l.J..OW Cl .IF.NT

'. . GE!> Quote.fl: GEL Chain.ofCustQdY and.AJ111lydcai Ilequest*for.GEL1s Samj?JcJ\:cceptance COCNumlier nx . . **'-* .. ------*-.,, ... GEL Wot;k.Qridiir Number:

  • PONumber; C.!ient** ... .,.t.. *. . . * ;Fax'#: -.11i1!* k--.------------'c-..,...------------------'-----..--,..,,.___, . wn*ldmd .Collected by: Send J!,gsulls1'o: SampJelD
  • F'iir t<mmO..\*l1e.v.:. *JnJfr..*(1/c/:ttllrt*ond :ttob tlmel!b111..". *rimo C0Hci;t1:d ., (Mllil*r¥): .(hbuun) OP.,L Laboratories! LLC 2040 S;ivagc Roail Cliarleston,.SC'i9407
  • Phimc;.'(843) 556-8171 . f<3x: (843'*766-1178 Comm'ents Note:.extra*sampkls req1iited for sample specific .QC Cir<:>lQDoliv¢r'ablc(C'ofA P OCSulnmarv '/ Levi:!.! :I *Level 2 I 'µ:vcl 3 I i:cvcl4 SMmn!fC2llcctioDT\mc ? . P,acific, Ccniral. -"--* *.:_Motmlain 'Si1111ple Sll!pping and Df;livery Details*
  • lly (' =pate Dine 'Tiinc 'DrilcShiliniiil:. ; . .
  • Alrblll'll; j . Airbl!l#: "I,) :cifot11 oI_Cu:iio.dY. . . * * * . * .. * * * * .. c<-iiivi11g.:Use"011/)* 2.) N "!'Norm.ti l)fanlc;*.M!l tl Mti1rl{Splkri Sa1>>pJc; p: ... ()13b1 Ficld'Flhm4: For m011icc*; lnditutc wi1h*n ,y. for yo.*ihc **niplC "" N -r*n"!"i>l*:Mi* ito1 field rlltcn:d:
  • C11s{ody Seo/11itai'r? .D\.VnDtiTiliiiJ& W1iis_r; .\Valer; 50ii8ui1. .W *r=-W/1>:;>. s.)" S*m11leAo>lysi* Rcq11r11cJ, (I.*, Jl2&.0l!; of -11. . . . . . * *
  • A.ciri,:NJ,.. Nitric. .Ar\ ... -A1c.orf>ic Acid; llX:** Ho.!t!'l>>C,"!>_T ;i 1'1.(hieri.:. leave b.b1nk \:---.--* _*_,___C::__,,_ \:"Hll'E; = J;ABQR,\':l'OR\' . YELLQW,,. *1!INK=:CL1ENT . . .

Appendix E-SNI Background-Field Guide 11/18/15 ff-" . . . 3. STATIC MEASUREMENTS and SOIL SAMPLING (Initial as Performed) * \\I , Conduct Tailgate Safety Revrew ..................................... -.......................... ;...............................

  • l (date) (date) (date} * (date) Review sampling parameters .............................................................................................. 1"11 \'-)ic.. * (date) . . (date) (date} (date) Verify all. required tools, supplies, and equipment available ............... ; ..................... (date) [date) {date) (date) Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks .............. 1 lV1 r.. (date} (date) (date} (date) Collect Digital image(s} including location sign............................................................ tJ'1J 11(1 'i (date) (date) (date} {date) Collect static radiation rea)ilngs in accordance with procedure .......................................... ;. 117::i '\I! '1 {date) {date) {date) (date) Document relevant terrain, and other relevant physical features ......................... 1fl 4 <'

11/18/15 SiJ:C (date) (date) {date) (date) Collect samples in accordance with p:ocedure and sampling parameters ............. 5£, 1.'"-l 1 (date) (date} . (date) (date) Document relevant sample features such as clay, sandy, different colors etc ....... 1"/{1 (date) * {date) (date) (date) Verify a II required Sam p Jes have been collected and do cu mentatlon Is eom ple!e '1t h I (date} {date) (date) (date) . . I \\ Pack samples and equipment for transport back to vehide(s) ................................. '\I:> Ii (date) {date) . (date) (date) Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse.............................. 'It\ 1'1 (date) (date) {date) (date) s

\1 11/18/15 f -'I"() ,1,;\\i Collect rinsate sample ilfter final cleaning o the tools .............................................. _-= i 1'.)-----(date) 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN (date) (date} (date) It is that there will be cellular service in the survey a,reas, and since these areas are no1 remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVENTPROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS

  • RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure B)cron Mii::roRem Meter
  • RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ll,ldlum 2241-Z Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) arid 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors o Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
  • NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 ; Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure
  • Project Health and Safety Plan {HASP) Att<1chments and other Documents: 5
  • Maps " Sampling Specifications Sheets
  • Sample collection forms
  • Chain of Custody Forms s Logbooks
3. STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS {Initial as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ..................................................................................... , .......... -1& \\\ (date) (date) * (date) Review survey parameters ............................................... : ..................................................... ::Yb \I..\\ \b {date) (date) (date) {date) Verify a\I required to"o!s, supplies1 and equtpment available .................................... * (date) {date) (date} (date) . fP\/ Establish and Mark Boundaries of the GPS Survey Area Polygon................................ JS (date) (date} (date) (date) Assemble and test GPS survey equipment ................................................................. 1£, \i It' (date) (date} (date) (date) 7

\"\ Perform Operability Checks ................................................................................... , .......... _"\..:....;JJ><----(date) (date) {date) (date) Evaluate terrain and field conditions and select of survey lines ............ l{b\\-1{<6 (date) (date) (date} (date} Establish survey lines with nominal 30 meter spacing ................................................... (date) (date) (date} (date) Conduct Survey operations using best available technology (See Note 1 I ,1 . -\1!.J \l \ 11 Below) ................................................................................................................................... ___ _ (date) (date) (date) (date) Verify all documentation complete ................................................................................. \\\d. (date) {date) (date) (date) Debrief ............................................................................................... ................................ .{'\?\'( lg (date) (date) (date) (date) 8 Note 1:

  • If possible use automated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated lines at the ordinary pace o If satellite signal for the Trimble GPS unit =s inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or Cell Tower pos!tioning to manually record GPS position and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals, along the designated lines {in accordance with established grid system).
  • lf all GPS location methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured lines at five meter intervals along the designated lines. 4. STEP STATIC RADIATION MEASUREMENTS and SOIL SAMPLING (Initial as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ................................................................................................. -.i/ \ii (date) Review sampling parameters ........................................................................................... .. "%' ,1, {date) Verify al! required tools, supplies, and equipment available ..................................... 1 (date) Prepare radlo!ogical instruments for use and perform operability checks ............. 1£i '1/ (date) 9 (date) .. -n; \/ (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) {date) (date) (date) (date)

C. II o* . 1 * { ) . I d" I ' . *'\\'.1 ,\\\'l o ect 1g1ta image s me u mg ocat1on sign............................................................ *. (date) (date) (date) Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ............................................ "\\<l {date) (date) (date) Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant physical features ......................... (date) (date) {date) (date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and sampling parameters ............. "f(S (date) (date) (date) (date} Document relevant sample features such as clay, sandy, different colors etc ....... \\ [11 (date} (date) (date) (date) Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is complete-"\\? \"-j I { 'ffi 1.\/1 '1 (date} (date) (date) {date) \li 1i Pack samples and equipment for transport back to vehicle(s ) ................................. (date} (date) (date) (date) 10 Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse .............................. ___ _ (date) (date) {date) (date} Collect rinsate sample afterflnal cleaning of the tools ............................................ d (date) (date) (date) (date) 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN ft is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, and since these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountabillty checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS 11

  • RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter .. RCP*01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44*9 Geiger-Mueller (GM} and 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors "' Project Quality Assurance Project Pl;:m (QAPP)
  • NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 : Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure
  • Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP)
  • RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographical Data Appendix E-SNI Background -Sample Location Data Sheets Weather: .u.L...0..C..':'J-.-. Sample Area (SA): SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET SA Designation:_


--"-f"_._,*=e--"1_d _______ _ SA Origin Location: *-***------Coord. System: ____ _ SA Land. fl.fark Coord: 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: __ $-y, Matnx: _:iP._!.L. __ Location Coord* .N . 's-1 . ___ . Alternate Location Measurements (distance foJm SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin Y Dist. from Origin: N /A I Site Sketch Attached *{Yes)@) Sample Location


Type: .-.. O:re..o. ___ Land Use: _._,Soil Moisture (Wet. etc.): ..... 3. Radiation Readings: r*. 2:x2. NaI ,, Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) 4. Sample Information: Sample A tea JD: _s N l 5;i d . 1-l... D b D escnption IY ept 1: Dept2l Soil Type Soil Sample ID i Sampling Descriptiou I Interval (Org; clay; Color I (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) rnfusal, stone <>r rock, topopaphy, cros;on features) --*6*-1 S-... 1 . ____ . .. ' 1?,.v,"' .*. .... 1 .. . t--*"* .... ***-*** .... **-... I ........ -.-.....-----....*... --.-* .. -* **-l Sample Recorded ou Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: @J (N) 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: .. ___________ .. 't l *r 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: 5N£.fL____


__ _fl_c_r_rJ._ ___________ _ SA Origin Location: _____________ ------* .... Coord. System:-*-* __ _ SA Land i'vfark Descriptirm: _______ ---------*------Cnord: 2.. Sample Locatfon D-ata: Sample Area ID:_ S.!J ... _______ Matrix: _ ____ _:_ Location Coord: N '"12;;_ :n *CJ.'?..:. .. ti..':_.. _ " \ _0 )i _ 99 .. _IX .!...!K __ _ Alternate Location Measurements {distance from S.A. origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (O,O)_l!J-ij__________ Y Dist. from Origin: _ __N_-J-.£1____ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @ Sample Location


--plnkile>.J ___ _[ iL. __ \li_f).._6JRd.. Canopy .. Oprn Land Use: . .:..fu.c.r::dJ!.j---Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):_t_rb 1S*f _

  • 3. Location Radiation Readings: \-----* 2x2 NaI --""'---...,,---------r
  • Notes (cpm) luRem/hr) Count -----¥-17;;** -------------------.* . -*----1-----**-----*---------------.. -.. ---I. ---........-........... , __ .1 ........ 4, Sample Information: 10/20/15 -*

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: ii -Z.i Project: py<; t.. 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: SN i TS 2,. o


SA Origin Location: --------*--Coord. System: -----SA Land lvf ark


2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: Si->* i3 .. z.o Location Coord: N µ 2.." J z" 3--1, &' Matrix: '.:iv , I Coord: Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: tJ / fr Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @> Sample *Location


lJJ::-ods ,,_ h"'J crc:..o_"-______________ _:__ Canopy Type: 0 Un Land Use: i:f Cr<"" *. \..{* Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): Dry 1 3. L ocat1on Rd' a iation R d. ea m2s: 2x2 Na! Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) Count time !cm 1 rn ]cm Im (min) I 110 l ... *-____? __ -+ 5 Ni t:li: -*--** I 7ov' Iv t IA *-.-==t 13 {' ") I **--u 4; Sample Information: Sample Area ID: SN i £!:, Z.u ' I-5 b D h DescripfiQn *Y ept : Depth Soi/Type Soil StrmplelD I Sampling Description Imerpal (Org; Color l (Surface fitter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal, stone or rock, toEograehy, erosion features) (} -f} :5o I \ I -V-""l<<1 ........... c:;t\J 113 ,\ I f". I 1)-3 D --'I I {"ei..,_J a'!l..,J"'-, z_ I rJ, n-3ot, 0 1,,.,., JA 51v'; 3. 9,> * *3 __ J!J_l Y'r" I, *1--* ------y---.. *---Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (N) 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date; 1 J / J <7 /J r I Project: N 'I 5t1h.Q&__ Name: Weather: ro.J*0j1 l. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: "SNIBL l


_J...t2m_£LL<J, SA Origin Location: Coord. System: ____ _ SA Land 1\Jark


Q{o117 '$8 Coo rd: 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: 9.JJ BU ri.fatrix: _So.:_J_ __ . ' l\ h I l e ' \.\ LocationCoord: k) 77°03-:_0:S.50 Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dist. from Origin (O,O)_JJ/A. . Y Dist. from Origin: NIA r I Site Sketch Attached (Yes) 8> Sample Location


jJ ( c( s-bl \Ls I VOo-d Canopy Type: 0 pe.n Land Use: __furWL -*-Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, 3. Location Radiation Readings: 2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) j (uRem/hr) Count time lcm Im Icm I lm (min) I 'i I 3-1 ¥708; 1 ' tu. 'µjf\ I q 'l.00 J>J} f\ r --'-*-** 4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: }rJ J '31.. l

  • I-0 sa",,,ple ID_I _ Sampling Description Soil Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, _ _ refusal, stone or rock, topo a hy, erosion features) f-=----t-.......__ __ _ _jJ}-LJ..!_f\.!...-----------------1 -sw 1 11 z..i .. >-µ_.i. _________________ --i .:..;1 Stv 115 1.. * .'3 JJ Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container (N) 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: .J.'1,:}-1) __ Project __ :N. Y.St ........ -* _ ... . Weather: __ _ 1. Santple Area (SA): SA Designat;on: _ 5JY_J_B._'Z_? __ ..


_.fir.._J./ ________ _ SA Origin Location: -*** _ -* __________ .. . . *-** ***-***. .. Coon!. System: SA Land Mark


__ _ Coo rd: 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: .. S-1\J f BZ-"?: ________ Matrix: . ,, Location C oord: N _ iJ.l' 38 1 Q:'i* Zc.1_ ...... . Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA orim11 and Local Co\Jrd.) X Dist. from Origin (O.O) Nj fr Y DisL-trom Origin: Site Sketch Attached (Yes!@ Sample Location


__ fi.e.JJ. 1_ Canopy Type: tJ Land Use: ___ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): . .ltJ=f .} ,.,. Dty { -_L Loca_t!on i° Notes --*--------*-***-*****--*-******-** -.*.. , ....... ----*****-*-T*****-**-**-.. -*** -. *--** ....... ---* Counttime I cm I lm I cm lm .. * ' I . ____ .... ... ___ --_-_-_----_* --i __,____,__'J yj*--+--'-"-'-'--/ 2 ____ . J._ ---* r""},_..'Jlc.L__1_ *-----------' _L ______ I'. _____ -*-_ _] 4. Sample Information: 10/20/15 SA1\lPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _}_2 Project: N Y5 ___ " ____ *-Weather: __ c.(.Q&'l'r-_ 't_-'* r 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: SN 1 23,


  • Yo.rd i'UL'"':\-1D SA Origin Location: ----* --* ---**-----*-Coord. System: SA land Mark


---** --.----*------*-** _ __ Coord: _______ _ 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area fD: __ _5N1 ___ _ Location Coord: 'i2."'Si' 41. 1'\ .hl-.. *--**----**----**---\ * *7C1' or-.' 56". c;'"' 4. Sample information: 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DAT A SHEET Project:__ ___ .. ______ .. _ d I

  • F Weather: Cd , 1 ...,,*, 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: 5N I !3 2-'-l


.. k->_oaO.s .. *-******-SA Origin Location: *---** ********---*--Coord. System: _____ _ SA Land Mark


b_P:: __ 8<' \J Coord: 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: ---...5_bJ-1J3 .. *****-*-* Matrix: __ Location Coord: 0fl i l1_f: ___ ...... . Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin {0,0) ,._i I Pt ___ Y Dist from Origin: rJ J f'.'.!i t ' Site Sketch Attached (Yes)@ Canopy Type: 0.,-,,>>n ....... _Land Use: Soil Moisture (Wet, dry. Location Radiation -*---*-_:_ __ .. -.. --___ _ 2x2 Na! 1. Bicron . Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) Count time I cm lm 1* 1 lm ; . . {min) *' _ : _ . = t-i 7° J'S S 55 __ .___ --'i_:--*** .... _.J __ t __ e_IB *-------________ _l _____ __]_D_'!_'j___ --.. : ---------*c----'J:J.j_fl. ****-* .. -*** ----*--____ J:L ---* . _______ _) 4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD:,. c;J..J I "l '-I. I 3 D b D cscnptton y ept 1: --* Dept Ir Soil Type Soil San lnten.oal (Org; clay; Color ID Description --*--* I (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, sand, etc.) .-... 0 -I<::. Sf.:>\\ D . . i.---* -15 .'.lc>1 l brc.,..,.. SJU I i5 ..... * .1.,0 11 h.-c'"'" __ )f'J*K_ 2.'-I_* _I_ .... -*-. *---------.. -*** .. , root:., ___ JfC1<L(VCI:.. @ __ . -*--. l_'i:]_ __ **-***** *-*----* . -*-*-* i,..-------.. *------* -==---*-****---Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC .CJ (N)

  • 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DATA Sll!EE1' .. I 'I * "'" Date: n..,.J'f.,.rr Project: J,j'ff;.ER.O'A Weather: 1. ,Sample Area (SA): SA, 5 MJ: B.Z. tf SA Origtn .. Lo.cation: . Description; P. tl cj 1 (.:.SS *Gqorq. '--. Coord: SA LqndlltfarkDe_seriptfori: *$*1' 2. :s11mple Loc.ation J>afa:. Area .1:6; . . . 'SN.IJ3 '* 2.':/ Mattix: . 'S61 \ Loc;ltfon. (distance from SA Local Coor{j:) KDist frorn Nfft . .. Y frofl}.Origin: . AJ/B: Site Sketch Aitached ::{Yes) Sample Loc.ation i)e8cnptlon: . Dl)t*o fi ttk ) Ca.nopy Type: _-'-Oil"f! .....
  • V\,_,** '---"--__._. Ose: .. Hi \LY\. q.:_* . S<:>H *rvtojsfore :t:>c'i. J Courittime *(miri) 2x2Na1 . (cpm)
  • 1 cni 1m 4. Sample Information: Soil Sample JD Goloi. *. So,\ Bicrori * . ( uR¢m/qr) . .I *"1* *tl) n*fA* I 1..JJ. N.otes' .S)11npfing:De$ciipth?n ($µrfice depth :retention, refusal, or rock, to 6 ra h ,: erosion .features) Sample Recorded OD cot forru L.abeled: gg) (N) 10/20/15 SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: _t4...Y..9 __ Name: 7(;,..; &x,.__ C\ Weather: .r .1. Sample Area (SA):* SA Designation: SN1 b.J.,5____


\.Joces cJ.oOj w-t:x:<,.,.c;,,.__,,,,d"-., ' --) Canopy Type: .__Q_p_u'L-__ Land Use: ____ Soil Moisture {Wet, dry, etc_): ___ \)\\e,_I::.____ ** 1 __ Radiation Readings; 2x2NaI (cpm) 4. Sample Information: Bicn'm ' Notes (uRem/hr) SampleArealD: SNH3.,2.?. b-. Deptlt I Soil Type Soil Sample nr **1 Smnpling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color 1, litter typefdepth, sample depth retention, .. (cm) 1* .. et9) --**-***--refusal, topography, erosion features) 0-1 S-_ .T ?.!;>_; __ \ __ 2.$_.J_ ... . __;..l:_S.-.....;* '3,,__0:;::... -"->O"'---------! *---+---=-l------+/-.= -""J--******* ... *--__ *-*-*-Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: . (N) 10/20/15

..-.-' *-;:; -Date: _fl:l.Q-:: !L Project: __ ID .5 (F.J).fL ______ *-* Name: _J(:") __ _ . Weather ___ (' 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: ___ fill.LB,


"{of'c! SA Origin Locaiion: _______ ... --* *-Cvord. System: SA Land Ji-lark


---.. ---*--.. Coord: 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: ***--*-l\*Iatrix: .. ... Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (O,O)__N-tA--Y Di:;t. from Origin: _&JA-* Site Sketch Attached (Yes) e S.amp!e Location


l 17 b t-btu sh I '?<' c i cl re..s.s Canopv Type: _Qpo Land Use: Soil Moisture (Wet, dty, 3. Locittion R.-idiation Readin S! -*----.--.. ____ .. __ _ :2x2 NaI Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem[hr) 4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 'S.N 1 . L.ev. f -L 10/20/15 ' _J SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: N __ _ Weather: _ n 1. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: SN\\3:c.h.!. *-*-****---Description: SA Origin Location: ___ -****-*-**--*-SA Land Mark


--**-----*------** 2. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: **----*-** .. Wuod'& *-------Coord. System: ____ _ Coord: Alternate Location Measurements (distanct> from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist from Origin (O.O) ____ NJA__. "{Dist. from Origin: N /A I Site Sketch Attached (Yes)@ Sample Location


ko.r0.:.../1 ;v SNIB20 2 x "-SNIB20 3 SNIB21 1 x 2 x *SNIB21 3 x . 4 x

  • SNIB21.. . 5 . x .. 6 x. ){ N 79°01'06.60>>.W .. * *:.* SNIB22 1 Sf'/BlZi 2 x SN!BZ3 1 x SNIB23 2 x SNIB23 3 x SNIB23 4 x SNIB23 s * * .... x* SNIB23 SNIB24 SNIB24. SNIB25 SNl825 SNrB25 SNIB26 SNIB26 SNJB26 SN!827 SN!B27 SN!B27 6 1 x 42°32'24.74" N 78g59'38.$1" W 2 x x r:=1 e n r e <111 I tii/i.\ du.1:-Q X lJ 3 1 x 2 x r sl1 i-3 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 1 x 2 x 3 ){ B 2o -, 6 0,"1.c/-tv-e. ,* '5 .... -1 ldt111' Q Orr,,. x If

Date Collected Sample SN!818 1 SNIB18 2 12 -z-1 .-; SNIB19 1 IZ -z-1 s-SNIB19 2 12-2-1 SNIB19 3 (l-"2.'-1-1') SNIB20 1 / 1-l'-1-t \ SNIB20 2 i \ -"'l.4 -'\ <\ SNIB20 3 ff --1 c, .,,"1'5 SNIB21 1 IJ -N--1< SNIB21 2 -15 SNIB21 3 SNIB21 4 11 SNIB21 5 li ...,, 1 -15 SNlB21 6 I Z-L.-4\ SN!B22 1 /7-?-1r SNBl22 2 l'2_-1t>-t$""" SNIB23 1 n 1-S-SNIB23 2 12-1() SNIB23 3 ti**lr,-1 r SNIB23 4 t i.-lO .... t) SNIB23 s n.-to-£) SNIB23 6 f /-{Ci-(5 SNIB2.4 1 II SNIB24 2 /1-/<t-f'5 SNIB24 3 n .. -10 1"$' SNIB25 1 n,.-fO-t SNIB25 2 SNIB25 3 ['t.-\0,.. I")' SNIB26 1 rz-10-\ < SNIB26 2 fZ.-10 -l $'"" SNIB26 3 ('}-/U"I') SNIB27 1 /l--/Ow t\ SNIB27 2 fl---1 u--1 \ SNIB27 3 SNI Background Sampling Table Elevation Coordinates 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm x ;:'!' * ."':"" ** x 1*' N x 42°33'00.84" N x ,X }( A .,.o:, --' * *--I x x x 42°32'41.8311 N ){ x X* x )( x 42°33'04.29" N x x 11?"., 'll l fl<"'\ . --y x l .1"'" x x x }{ '*I *Z.'f-IS'° x; 42°32'24.74" N 'ft"*12 g '8 ,, l'J .4*1."r'"'X x 11*.ai!iJi x lt/2".33' l!D *'i7;. ,.J x x )( t/2"'32' ,Bj /"'Al x x 32.' l2--'11('J x x \ -* t..>l., 10 !Iii 7i'i;) 0 \ 1 I 45'""\JJ 79°00'18.18" w --... I ,*,::J 'IWW" -ILl*'-'.C.. Vi" ,, 79°03'03.50" w 79°01'06.60" w ..... ,,.., _..,.1 r * *1'1*' I rl 11 v-n t 7-c,4) oo' S'5. c1 .. (.) 78°59'38.81" w 7 r3. t' \.-.I N ' "fl,t;l"' vJ *nf' '5 il* --Z.,i rt.. 7S'-J ,*