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Proposed Tech Spec Section 15.3.2, Chemical & Vol Control Sys, Eliminating Necessity of High Concentration Boric Acid & Removing Operability Requirements for Associated Heat Tracing
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1994
Shared Package
ML20065E271 List:
NUDOCS 9404110100
Download: ML20065E810 (11)


{{#Wiki_filter:. 15.3.2 CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM Apolicability Applies to operational status of the chemical and volume control system. Obiective To define those conditions of the chemical and volume control system necessary to ) insure safe reactor operation. jipeci fication A. When fuel is in the reactor, there shall be at least one flow path to the core for boric acid injection. B. A reactor shall not be taken critical unless the following chemical and volume control system conditions are met: 1. A minimum of two charging pumps for that reactor shall be operable. 2. Two-ef-t-he-foue4or+c-ec44-transfer pump; chcll bc Operable end-at 4 east one pump-+ hall be lined up ta-suppWe4e-at44-t+4he appMeaMc reacteer 3. At-4 east-one-4>ee4e-ec444ank-shall contain ; minimum of 2,000 gaHens of-not-4cs; than-11.5% by-we4 ht boric acid ;clution cf ;-temperature 9 of-at-4 east-445% 42. System piping and valves shall be operable to the extent of establishing two flow paths from the boric acid tank (s) and/or the refueling water storage tank to the reactor coolant system. 3. If. the boric-acid" nk(s) is required to comply 41th Specification 8.2 oVe: a'. One boric lac ed transfer puinp[shallibef operable).perfflow path' from/th'e bariclacidStank(s)31th'onefof thelBASTiflow paths ~ 1.ined up' to. supply boric"acidf td thetapplicablej^ reactor $and The boric adidLconc~ ntrationi miniliuinjp610menahdJs61stion b. e iemper'ature s. hall l stisfyjtheTre(Uirsinents3fJTabl635i3.2-1. 5. For the conecntr ted bcric ac4d ficw path; (B.i above) two methode-ef heat 4ng4e-ea4*t:in fluidity of-the beric ccid shall bc Operable. 9404110100 940329 15.3.2-1 Occcmber 29, 1975 DR p ADOCK 05000266 PDR

~ ~. %e-methode-shall be: (:) two independent chann^1: Of he:t tr ing, ee-fly)-4ee-thc;c pert 4en cf the ficw path; in P,.4 Ob;ve_which ::n be recirculeted, en: channel -ef heat tracing cperabic :nd recircul:t4en c, l. n i.. a,.-6.1, J,, L.. n.A L .n .i. 6-4 C. A second reactor shall not be taken critical with one reactor already critical unless the following chemical and volume control system conditions are met: 1. A minimum of two charging pumps for that reactor shall be operable. B. ,m...m..,. .,u _ _. c.. t. r,,,.._t,u.o..._,...,.r._...._-, ,u..,,.,. u .us. . r ...r.. operabu.,...t. ,,...-..,.n,-,o. _ a. ._,..,.r._.._,u...,...- +,., eh- , r....y .y ..4.. ...,.rr.,. u,,., u,.

u.. s., s. u.. a t... +,..

.a. 3. At least two-beefe-acid tank: :h ll cont-afn a minimum Of

u.,,, han-L,. e.,u-..,...-u,3..u. u _.. o.... u...,,.+ tew, t-u

.nnn 3a,.u..,..., c. -+ e-temperaturc Of at len:t H 5 % 42. System piping and valves shall be operable to the extent of 4 establishing two flow paths from the boric acid tank (s) and/ot hem the refueling water storage tank (s) to each reactor coolant system. 3. 11f the^ boric aciditank(s);1s"rehu' ired ltFcomply@ithlSjsegificati,on ~ C.2 abovei (One:b'opiciacidjtfahsfeq..-. ~ h..llJbe,,operall - - flog- ~ path. pump;s a ejpers a. from' the borisTacidf tajik(s) Twit [brile]offthMBASTJisipaths~psr unit lined)up,tto: supplyibor.ic acid to h., n.~licablejeactor,.; . (t e; app and The : baric' acid - - tion /,miriimu. l..umerand so,l... ion . concent.ra - m.vo-.- ut. b. temperature!sha. ll satisfyj theirequirementifofb,Tabl,e,.M.f4;1' 5.3)' 2-l.1. 2 g> r 5. For the 00neent+ated bcrit : !d-flew p:th: (C.i :beve), two methed; ef-heat"...,'.'.',,."...'..'"...'.'."..'.'..',',^,','.'.^.'.,,"..-".'..'..,.--.-..'.,'... ,i .y_

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e. i m.

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4.. e. m.,. 4.

. a 1 i\\ M kt.n.A, A g f r y. .. y OpePa.1.,,,. / L. i

r..,. m. a. u.v-r..
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r. 1. -...- 6. L..


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h o. o. .- r o g f which : n b^ retircul:t-d, n: channel cf h :t'tr ing Oper:ble :nd rceirculat4en ficw c:1+bli:hed. + -I i . 15.3.2,L n.m,m_L.em. 6 en i n 7, c i r ..m ,e..,, se e 7 k,L L..

1 D. During power operation, the requirements of 15.3.2-B and C may be modified to allow the following components to be inoperable for a specified time. If the system is not~ restored to meet the requirements of 15.3.2-B or C within the time period specified, the appropriate reactor (s), except as otherwise noted, shall be placed in the hot shutdown condition jiithjii~6 hour's and b6 rated t6 a[ shutdown [ margin [eijhiValentioflat?liaitll.?O[ delta k/k)aticold shutdow'n,(no? xenon cohditioris. If the requirements of 15.3.2-B or C are not satisfied within an additional 4B-heues "6 days, the appropriate reactor (s) shall be placed in the cold shutdown condition withinithe~ne'xt 30 hou'rs. 1. One of the two operable charging pumps associated with an operating reactor may be removed from service provided a charging pump associated with that same reactor is restored to operable status within 24 72 hours. 2. One of the.two boron / injection'fibw paths specified51njB.2iorTC.2 may ~ ~ be out of 'ssrvice presided twojboronfilnject'ionEflow path's[are restored.t'o opdable stat 0s within 72;hobrs. 23. One of the boric acid transfer pumps designated in B.23 or C.23 may be out of service provided a boric' acid transfer pump is restored to operable status within 24 72 hours. 3. For the-+ystem-p4p4ng and velve-operebility requirement + (h4-end4r4}+ e.. The fic;. path frem the bcric acid tank to a reactee-eeekat eyetem m y be cut-ef-+ervice prov4ded the ficw path i: rc;t+ red to operatae-stetus-within 24 hour;. b. The ficw path-feom-the refueling w:ter :t+r ge tank to the eeeetee-coohnt system may be cut-cf crvice provided-the-f4ew path-ic--eet+eed-to-eper:b'^ : tate; w&thle-ene-hour. !+-the f4cw path cannot be rc tcred to operable :tates-w+t4t4*-ene hour, the reactee-shall be pl ced in-ccid-shutdown with-the next-30-houen Un41 i fmendment "c. 52 15.3.2-3 Augu:t 20, 1981 Un4t 2 facadment-Ner48 J

,,m 4, L m a, or km,t4mm 4Lm, nCw,m+m,+mA k m m i,-OC44-NOW 4, s WO-9f-the-4hm, T mm uss

nvu, vi nwu in3 us, wu n e r o.s v vvi r:

wu it km ,,,mmm4,m r,, m um +m A, O L a n P6-pf'Ou : AmA +L. 4b mul fd h,, inug uw w u s-v 7-,wi e iww ivi vy wv v irvu r s u s-u wiis vusin uTTv o,+ im-,4 t) _ 4 _ u *t, m,.o mmmac,4mA +6 L,, w1Ac.r vnEt-per wmywr o w, usw wwi wu. um s4w i u. . c + L,. ,o,.+m_ +L,+ L,..,, +..m ,L, m1, mr o k m,.,. r,, m

  • L

,a , m, uOf,, ,wwvr u, vs wisw sj,vwn snuw nuww wnv wiruiniwi, vs v ov u s,. vi s i rv,w si O O' Toy vvery, , L, - ,11, mr km,+ i m __m m i o -,o L mn+ r ,mmosom L,s + mE{ a m,. w u t""S i + m VT s w wirunrew we nwuw wi uny ro wy uw own v sww nwww r 4m AO m mo4AmA +km +-L -A c1 m. -,4L +mmmm,A.. TO a, L m. m,. u tWes--GM umwy sv ,v nvus ye v v ewwu 6 s rw wunn uisw i svn yuso s w enyw r umm4 rima.+m La w1Aeor,+. 1m,,4 o L,o,m, ,,m,,, m,, m usi ii iww vv vu

s. 4 7 % v uw twu,w visww ymi v iruun <.

Basis am ,. c + L. .m ml i TL 1 m moo t A m,,,ent. v,,1 m m,,. + m m. wvviun+ TTie--{ - ta, u,mA o,,1 o m m -mm+mm1 , o,. + m m nu vurumw evir o u v ,s . w m yi v>um, w i vi . iso i www.v s 4, _ m _,1 1..,,.,_ 14,LmA Am o, 4 -,. ,mm ,. m m ,, c 4 k., ,m,+m_ Ammmm 4 m m mfh+ v-m m. T L, 4, ,j, 6 s o r vu s un s m ir v s aj 1 i, s, i n v i in u i y uwwvmy a sisww vj u, v isy v i ij vi e w ws 6siw + c -4A a t. .Lm i96,.P-DOf4 w, T L,, ikmem,,hnfyim m , m m. m 4 + L. .m mmm 4. 4m, y un,ys. une v nw ui.u n y y u my., in us rs, niu uny vow nsww w o r + L. com L,, ,,. 4 A . jft-OT"d.f w 1,0fh""fe 4 +, +C u i s r sm +mm mm4+ La ,14mm-- + mr --m w vv v usiiw y

rmi6, ur r yinnu s a w vi u r ij vs werw a vu s uv w uwsu kMT w i w i s v ief' m m,,. + 0.

1 + m m.m, ate-fRetttvu n


959-Ot rm. +,, ~4+L n., tmA, c L,m, + 4-= m: um r .._m,

yumy, 6v swuw5 :

rus ui 6w s vi uv e u w i v i. uw 4, t.

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,L, amm A4mm,+1m r. +km mmemm, a m,. ..,+m ,4,m.,.,, a + Lima Liu wiruG T sy m.__, wirww6 sj ii vm waiw iwiusi s viy nu6wi owviwyw wurin ri w ei r a v y u m y.i 4 4, + 4.,m, ,4 4,m L1m. uuvuw - k,o. + 1 r,n a y, 4, GmA us., ,,cm+o _m+LmA m:11 km 4. m, m,- u QfeSSWP,4.w 4 vv isu u,w 61~ s u r w w; sussw6 v uwivn mw v iivu ni ii ww sv r kmm 4 m A ,m,41, Lim rmm 4 4,,,+4m L o v00'Or v v i u s w w..dkfm + L - m..,. ff TL,mm ,mm +.. ,m ft.s _.,,my,. inwiw un w suv n r uvu uuiw avi usigwwwevn visi vuy thfee-d4MC r0"r',

  • OthS r A m 1 4 m, s.

+La_.hmma, -_4A ,,. 4 A +,-,rm. -o,.,, i. i. TLm kmM{ +,R m iv w vv wwiu vi u r r,1 ws yumy, wuir uwi i i wiew uvi sw uwev wuii k ,,4A ,mi.+ 4mmt +- +La ..., + 4mm 4mm+, k.. ..m4mL+

uOm4, m r t ue e6fh w i r %, g4 4

,n vj nw s y i r t-s sw uwiu ,v i u s s vit j 6v 6ssw o uw w a vis vs si ,k,m w o u, m 4. m e. pomps. y u3 4, u, L a ,. i, + 4, u - A 4 m m, + 1, jo tmo +L. m, r.. m 1 4..m m-Walef TLm ,L,,,mamm 9, ,,m m awiusi sy 6 ini wou,yany yumy, won nu ,www n uii ww, i i um .nw &c0 fin. k m m. , m 1. 4 4 4 w i,. th r,n-mmem J,,,.. m. u, A m +4 i L ISnon mm mm gwvvy yym uv vn aviu nu s i wieww n we. TOftfir s w u v c, m m,. s f u, +s s v i i 4,.e,4 e,. r i f. T k m 4,.,1 4r4 4mm i r et yww1 i m 4m 4m,+ 4mft, 4,,,-, rm. m4+L-m +t +,om +Lms ,..., + m 3 Th,,,, r, w + o o rte iv yumy, son suns ,ns auw6 vo, 1 vm wi.nwi i w ,u wy snaw + Ihn m.w, i a m14 m, +. w e..m ,mm .- b. mr BOP +s-Ot.4d-14B.L, mm ,+ + mm c. uwi v up un n, vi ~4+Lmm +L. k,m t,. ,,4A +,mt, +n n 4 ,,r km 4, ,,4A im ,+mm,mm r TT N ON+wa+wy ,m iPOn m ' i wawiswi siiw uvi iw u.av w wi n n, vs wTTv vi-uvi iw uwiv in swviwyw dom,+- +km me,+mm -mm1,-+ 4m mmAmm Mfue 4 mm m.. u, te,, + m m, m m ,0fd4,4mm4 1 +,mb 4, +- m,www v. wvvions in viuws r o., o n i., iny .vi up sunn r, issen .v o f10+s v v n.., 14 cm. ,a m m m w 4, + mi o i o n n m 1 1,m,,. ,. L Am ,+ ,mo +4 m Aomamm,,m m e,. m,,L ,. m 1 A tv s w ww vi wvrw ii uw w i ry w v inw wuu visy wvi w i eiw syynunsmu6% rj avvv yusivu 4mmA +m --m+ e m1 A 4mm e.c kam4, ,,4A ,mm mm , Lii+ A inOik 0 +6 mr,+ , n u wv0NOT"" sw 44 ,n v vis vi uur sw uwsw usw iw usi sv =v mwww wvyw vi uw 4mm 4- +Lm km m u -,4A b 4, . 4. s s in u ns mc o,nnn - 1lmft, +,fi n ,. m m, 4 c 4,. A. tm,. A,m 6, w vs 6 vvv yus iv, in wnw uvi sw wwsu su i,,ywwsa www an vs wws in i ,+ +La k o m t,-,, 4,4 s v i e w w i s e r 4,.,

a. m

+ k,. u -,lokl14+,s. ,mm,,,.+,+ o,+m 40 4 ftSufe-- vTei ,suur i u. .rie uvi iw uviu v. n ons ,y,wwm u i,a tor 4,, m,. m4mma. mf ne,+4mm TLmmm _ m + L m a,. L 4m,+,11mA 4 + mm,m, 4 mr Ilh, 4 m m.m u d., m m .m 4 .i i i wu s s ww s in w w mw

nvy, v

u.iny us w in,.us swu nnoum u mywi i w v. e m m e m.m + m, + m A L a m t, w, ow.A c 1..... m,+L, TL-em --+kmA, I .ftS i i m m r i. 4 A 4 4. j.. 4, ,,4 ,mm + +km m s vn rusn,. ii ww mw.ovu, us w vnww ri -,ww vvi ui s i.uius is sisw l mr km,+ sA ,mm,.m=+m,4^A


,,4A +,mb 4 AmmmmAmm+aftdmam1, +m,4-m, 4..a inv r e s us ys owsii s v

inivi, vi siw w w we u s i s sy wiru uvowwnwrwwww uvi ew uwav. van

,mA M4 4, m, 4 m,. 1,., +. a m - ,o,+m heatimm iny unu n i wwiiwu ivu ,jo wm +kmm 4 AmommAmm+ ,k---m1 mr La,+ +m,,4mm mm +ka ,mm,mm+m,+mA

kmmt, Tii w i v iiu w yw i ru win s wiiu s o r s s vi iss u w si u w i n r y
5. s view wviswwirwe usww uvi is ww

,4- +Lm r1 4 A 4 + o 4-4La tafh nw o,4 4,ft ftd-fFri n, m m a PC. ii, + 4, m m wusoi1&+m+ L km 4.4 ,u,+,- ,mm isw uius vn aj,.wm nourn one s i u s u i sj in w i n,. won 15.3.2m4 i n, n, e nm-m Lmm en vuvsmvus w, 4

+ eent+ated-beric ce4d ficwpathw Not c11 of-the pipirg in the concentrcted beric ac4d ficw pcths-hac provis4sn: for c-ontinuous circuhtien flow. The:c sections of-pipe-without recircuhtien ficw ut-ilize the two independent -chennch cf hect 1+ac4my for the redundeney-comi4 ment. Th..e. hemi. l_~c a~nd av.,o._l m. .,.,t b.,,~ tem _7 < _ rov..._es.n..c.~ t.~_ro._i nd_,. 7t .n., , t..,_,.~. _g re ac. _o.-


d. -,. . i m - - -c a.. . u.e co.n_ r ds tc t on e e rx jf s thm7 b6r6n 51 n9sdi6Ff MIT61 Ei s Th6Fmil ly"accompl fi66di bydu s ihg'Eni?6FioFs ..-.c. ...--vy,v.w .e .; g.y.w w.w s,w.wr. v-; b., pr.,.s.v. mv .-.sp... c arg',ng, n-se,es.w y.- >e. ...r .,c. a we a, .wwegt w.v <... /.-/.sy4 9 v v wAy v..y s<;.v,

w.s;w.w, fo.n.elo -- wo; cr.icca+;c

_trans. er;p_yvi.wv.w;. . _ o_ve ump _s E61 Tsh.sid. os67_s6.H._dft..l6.6.s_Fa~h.ild_ili..di.'.6f?_ts6. Tb. 6F6h ? _ sit _T6,n_W~~^fh_i,fi_F~s ~ ~ fehdiridFiF.. Rid tN.fdB~nsure.. i func..t 0hilFEa. bili. tyIihith.ifsI~Tsh.f%._ test _".~_Ts'si. d.iisd. ~ ~ - s i. n l e.: actWdifall ure e rendsFi?fbnh.'. bfMsiflbFilhi...s,i.di^iFib.l sFT. h.s7. b6Fati'6h ~a -~ - V, 6.1 ume..s,i,.v, ail.,sb.,.e. ~'.% o.,.u. gF...,r.anF. T,..f. l.a.B., nilpii Tisisif Rfest?idi~75sTfdF3finTE'i'Fid ..9,,,,._w.,g(,..;,,.,,,.g .s, ...s,... 4.,.,..wn.,. ,,,,,;,,.,,.._p,.,.n,,,,.g., a.,,,,.gu d. s h. u tdo.,w_, y. q,. n ;.mm.% es-n px. e.non_-f..v,reeico. nd. _i<>t' shut....down marg n...,.tT. col., - w....v w u...s mw s y 4,.,...w.;,.yg.v<;...ev

a e

6 eratin7c6nditicht. 3~h. ion.asiiiissW6 Esb7Fe'.,cii. t^sdMit6?b6F_AtTon ~ ~- - ~ from ' i licritt.allhst li. rs. ?o.~F. u11I. 6WsF""sh1Gxeno.niwithi. con.fF3. t,r. od.s2s.fiibs n - - ~ - ~ .1nsertion L1i.m.if M. c.G. ino.n2 rei,Tc.5.1d 7.51_id_id.dwh_Wff 6_~ihE_Th_i' hii' M. cFIhi~636._fF_b_M_b3.. m ' assembly'(fullf.l. _ithdFa. sn h ST._hi_sWsid_1F_esTippF_h_xim'ai.s_li./2410h? gallons /n_fli..OD. O7pp_m borated,, water;from the refu,eling;jg,5(./*wat'eristorag,%e it. .J +g34 .s ..drs=,.,p.- y =4+ yfA y ,yy - * -k.jgf('RWST).pjp'py,,K-f;or thh_,.. //.',.#,%/iconcentf'i.psat i,g+p, yo n; f ,g?.,,9fg.y ,g. a = and vo.lumeioffboratediatefspecifledMh*Tiblel15$12f13F6isithilbsF;iE?i618 storageTtasksT(BASTS); Availablefflowfpaths fromlt.helborited:wafsFLsospEesitolthejhsFglingiphsp) jncl uds J bu tiire inotf l imi t sd ito dthelfoll sii hi[ . BASTsjiaLone!. _ic2acidEt_ran.sfe_r.p,u_m_p thmrough_L b.or._ _._... _._ the. _ _ 1 ~1mak_eu_p2._ow 1 norma athitoitheT.sucti.on?offlhs^ihs^~ ~ ~ M.- 2 L. BAST s. vi. s. ?.b.n,e ib6F..i,.P...hi.i..d ? tFassfeFgl..u, mM.t.h..,F. 6d. ih.17th.E. Isss., h, ~cya#.b',6'F,.i. f.i, bn, s V: n. a ..., io - fl ow psth.......h v..

te t e; suct. -, 4.,.,f t.h~..,,,y, < harg ng; pum,,n...s 4 x

n=o 2 e;c psz 3. RWSTT vi algravi tMe@hr6ughTthilm6tsrEoperhtR val veltolthj30ctll on ofthe;chargingjpumps! 4. ,,.RWST t,a..,..nv.. igravi_ti., fe.w -v ug 2 e (t h ro. hyt h:e..... ~ l.w. >.e.m.t~ m xmanua : valveL olth..:., n n.e tsuct i<sw.onrofEthe ihargingl pumps; Avallable fl.ow. hs, fro the,;chargin..--,,toithelreactor ccola..ta_ system jpat m ng; pumps; - E n indiude',LbutjsFe ndt21imit;sditQthsif611Bsihiji 1); LChaFgingifl6spath(tb~theTRCSloop"Aic61dNeg. 2)/ ' Char'ing'flo( p'sthit6[thslRCS %o W Bltblldileg. g 15.3.2-5 Deeember 29, WM

ises1JjnjehtionLflo(psthst'61thTeEFsshibgp61snijdmpi{ B. o r, at.. o.o,.n. o f.../ -. h. ye, R.,.Cf. p.m.a, m..,s o..:. b,e. ma...,c,c..ompe w .c.,. ---..i, t.s 31 y ..s, --,,m.o v.,i y,4.t h. b,.w.,,.,.es tw.. o. r bs.v.o r,,i e. . -,..h. e,,.. .g l.i s...... -d,v w

b..y.yz ft. 4,i d..:m,f.. e,,

l,.,,.. yg%.r s.h,..,q .s.. . w p.a....t,.s. a a. -,.s s, v, c ..,.ac, m-g

o. %,

f rom "t he TR. WST"an' d !. BASTsTthFodghit hF.. 4lia f.e Ef,~ i s EEfTiE.Q s u., e e' *RC. ~. t'ot e m' i n,,i t, i. -_. l l y'*;,.,de*a.*.'.%,v?);- ..e n g(p,t,o-,..,, e fl0W Path;:s re'' m ',s;thc S /-l.' b,'. p' ressu'v A=?i.*s.,Ved.' b. n,',l'ow. dejg,.h,ppp-e;Slipump,,%*f,s.19.- %.A,.g. ,e ...r. .pj

  • n a

te 3 shui 6ff;he;sdl Thir iob.hf,.ofMoric,'Eididi.ihjsctTon.'. ni.U. stibi. b.m,. '_ih.ii_ffif.._6B, i.,hs an. c ..- -.=., /, > yd. - en&re'*v.'.%v/actok". tF-yi'p.-='ve t, ion of pos t t,.,..j. sve'; react-.iv/ t' Ay; fro.. sm ;t.he;,ecayto fgepon a( Wf.igeA,*",*qsM9 .r'e.+.u .e-a N .i r,.. ,=Cr. .*./

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a. dd.i 3 r'>-'m fr o fu.l l y p, owe.... i n,.......d.,.... to ima i nt s. ~i n,,,stheirequ i..i,...d..;.,,..wh.d.

c ............, 7 -nv....,..n, ( i,, .. y g.3 n. .t d o., ,...z..,e ....., v,.wnfmarg i nELTh:. v q,.,,,.....,.jgcanabe,, r; Lor ere re is 'aceamp1 i s hid itkrbEgh. ~Tih's?opeFst. TbF6. f.i.bnd. ~TE. h.~aF.s.' a1_Liifif.~i..lB.~'65_SiU.Ef f6.s?f.f5Ft.h.s.. RWSTPA1. so. pf.h.e t'fineFrequirbdi_foK_bir.e.-.E. ai_id_Mnfi_s_tf6553_1T6Wil_f6M. i..h..E51.'_6Ei.1 ~ - 111gnmentsoffmanusDalyes toMov;idelthiMicdsifryM16pMiths2 16E(quantityloffbsriE:!adidispecifledOn$Tib1leM51312i1R6Eeh6Echnienftstlibngs the, quantity )ecessary per; reactor! rely.. - h.e, BAST -(s h -. borated; water 3ng;on;t asfai ho6rcil toj bsate[thsi ssic torlool antitsith'QeddiFidfE51dWid6WsIE3 ness tFsfi ed at Lan[.t im63 n icke 111 fs?iThelv61 umef r640 i rime 6tiil l stidjLi sETsb{iD 51312Nird ba^s ed 1 on (thejl ow&No.ncent ra;t ibnii h}iachfrihEESThijfi5psfi;fiFs[1MfijipiEi'fi sd

i n RTabl e3163 ;2W a re3 re gii redMmaih tiifs.51'd ti dh 861..dlii l i.t.yf.i. f?tEFidsp.i.,h

~. -/<.a. bincentFati.s.soniinDe~achj;.., arange.j 3 eat.dy,.. ,sv. /f -...: <. H cc.- ,. % 9ya c c ra c i n.4 *<'"-- m-w1v%y ba W swa-e a:.g; aye eiused;>r.- t o' 'e AW ws*;i,Jma 'ntwe.3i-a ndsol.Jderti o.,q -A. .e ns>p pr N n t empe rat he;;a t? o r ~abovE:1the 11;imi ti}N[Tsb1 R15M241 Mfd hels615t]65 ~ 7 . - ;ori i,_. temperature ~of;either,;the flow; path - ~the,BASTi s30t,imaintijned,7attortab._th.e n.,.,. ove mi nimumi tempiratsreospeci fied J~the i.a. ffectid?f.16ih pith.7 nidi. fM5.5d. ialiFid ?lhopsfabl e End 'theiapprop latsTactions'in SpE.EifisstibnE15J3}2Wf611'6Wed] y 1 15.3.2-6 December 29, 1975 l i ii

a Tabl#U5MJ2i1 Bpf{EAc{djStRMCJ5K(f) Ri niints:No1E8s/Ie#EeFitii@c6s4HKFari6ij B6FicL'AcidiSo16 NihiisssiC6mbinId $~1slis0ER"(Tsi6psFat'6Fs ConcentFatio6:;(Wt%f Volume::"(Ga10)DF ~~~ S F ) ' ^^ ' ' ' ~ E00To'R3250 ?" F6860mM f56!d E3?50'tPE4?00 V"f5870*M fs275 P4?007 tow 4.50 F 15120M M [69!5 74550 f6"25250 fi"'T455bmA E8570 7 8:5'. 50 'tWW6!50 E 13700m:; y97yg I6.50>tdW7f50 F '3150" W 107!d F7;50 To"28?50 ' 2720m? yig76 s ?8.50 tofi9150 l2390~ " 123!5 "9.50 to <10:50' " 12140" 13170 ~ 10:50Tto"411 50 ?!9301'" 13816 11.501to's12.50 " E1750E"~1 145!0 '(1)) iPsr bsit r41yingT6n" BAST (EiTisfs66 fee"dflbiFitedjafeir] L (2)' Requires more:than:one' BAST per uniti (3). 1 Requires mor.e ;..than fone ' BAST 1 for that Unil[~domlillnsd. 1 i l 15.3.2-7 Deceber 20, 1976

TABLE 15.4.1-2 MINIMUM FRE0VENCIES FOR E0VIPMENT AND SAMPLING TESTS Igit Frecuency 1. Reactor Coolant Samp'les Gross Beta-gamma S/ week") activity (excluding tritium) Tritium activity Monthly Radiochemical E Semiannually ""' ) Determination Isotopic Analysis for Every two weeks") Dose Equivalent I-131 Concentration Isotopic Analysis for a.) Once per 4 hours Iodine including I-131, whenever the specific p I-133, and I-135 activity exceeds 1.0pCi/ gram Dose Equivalent 1-131 or 100/E pC1/ gram.") b.) One sample between 2 and 6 hours following a thermal power change exceeding 15% of rated power in a one-hour period. Chloride Concentration 5/ week") Diss. Oxygen Conc. 5/ week") Fluoride Conc. Weekly 2. Reactor Coolant Boron Boron Concentration Twice/ week 3. Refueling Water Storage Boron Concentration Weekly") Tank Water Sample 4. Boric Acid Tanks Boron Concentration Twice/ week shdfsfter

  • ich!BASTTBoncentratioh e

~ hange when they: pare. c being rel.i.edr pon-as, u ~ a osource ofD d. 5. Spray Additive Tank NaOH Concentration Monthly 6. Accumulator Boron Concentration Monthly 7. Spent Fuel Pit Borca Concentration Monthly Unit 1 Amendment-Nor-429 Page 1 of 4 Getober IS, 1901 Un+t 2 Amend 4nent-Nc. 133

~ TABLE 15.4.1-2 (Continued) Tell Freauency 8. Secondary Coolant Gross Beta-gamma Weekly") Activity or gamma isotopic analysis Iodine concentration Weekly when gross Beta-gamma activity equals or exceeds 1.2 pCi/cc ") 9. Control Rods Rod drop times of all Each refueling or full length rods ") after maintenance that could affect proper functioning ")

10. Control Rod Partial movement of Every 2 weeks ")

all rods

11. Pressurizer Safety Valves Set point Every five years

"') ou

12. Main steam Safety Valves Set Point Every five years
13. Containment Isolation Trip Functioning Each refueling shutdown
14. Refueling System Interlocks functioning Each refueling shutdown
15. Service Water System Functioning Each refueling shutdown
16. Primary System Leakage Evaluate Monthly


17. Diesel fuel Supply Fuel inventory Daily
18. Turbine Stop and Governor Functioning Annually

") Valves

19. Low Pressure Turbine Visual and magnetic Every five years Rotor Inspection

") particle or liquid penetrant 1881

20. Boric Acid System Storage Tank Isd Daily
t? tem)eraturecrequli piping 1tempehtdfe by3a)1@l512-l~ fed i
21. Boe4e-AMd-System Visuel observctica BaMy of-piping temperatures-(cl1 1 145 F-)

22,-Beeft-Ae4<f Piping Hect Elec-teccl circu4t Monthly TnMng operebility Mr PORV Block Valves Complete Valve Cycle Quarterly ") Unit 1 Scadment No. 129 Page 2 of 4 Geteber 15, 1991 Un4t 2 Mendment Nc. IM

TABLE 15.4.1-2 (Continued) 1211 frft.0llfAQ 242. Integrity of Post Accident Evaluate Each refueling ~~ Recovery Systems Outside cycle Containment 253. Containment Purge Supply Verify valves are Monthly ") and Exhaust Isolation Valves locked closed 264. Reactor Trip Breakers

a. Verify independent Monthly

") operability of automatic shunt and undervoltage trip functions.

b. Verify independent Each refueling operability of man-shutdown ual trip to shunt and undervoltage trip functions.

275. Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers

a. Verify operability Prior to of the undervoltage breaker use trip function.
b. Verify operability Each refueling of the shunt trip shutdown functions.
c. Verify operability Each refueling of the manual trip shutdown to undervoltage trip functions.-

(1) Required only during periods of power operation. (2) E determination will be started when the gross activity analysis of a filtered sample indicates ;t10yCi/cc and will be redetermined if the primary coolant gross radioactivity of a filtered sample increases by more than 10pCi/cc. (3) Drop test shall be conducted at rated reactor coolant flow. Rods shall be dropped under both cold and hot condition, but cold drop tests need not be timed. (4) Drop tests will be conducted in the hot condition for rods on which maintenance was performed. (5) As accessible without disassembly of rotor. (6) Not required during periods of refueling shutdown. (7) At least once per week during periods of refueling shutdown. (8) At least three times per week (with maximum time of 72 hours between samples) during periods of refueling shutdown. (9) Not required during periods of cold or refueling shutdown. (10) Sample to be taken after a minimum of 2 EFPD and 20 days power operation since the reactor was last suberitical for 48 hours or longer. Unit-1 tmendment Fc. 129 Page 3 of 4 October 15, 1991 Unit 2 ?,mendment No. 133

~ I 1 p i ^ TABLE 15.4.1-2 (Continueo) (11) An approximately equal number of valves shall be tested each refueling outage such that all valves will be tested within a five year period. If any valve fails its tests, an additional number of valves equal to the number originally tested shall be tested. If any of the additional tested valves fail, all remaining valves shall be tested, ~(12). Required only whenTthe;~ BAST (s);.arej;relind;i;;uponlisf.als~ource ofMfi{id: Vater?: ~ ) 1 1 1 Page 4 of 4 Gehbeels,1991 1}}