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Responds to Util 920701 Request That Williamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2,dtd 890207,be Withheld from Public Disclosure
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/1992
From: Alexander Adams
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: James Knubel
NUDOCS 9212220404
Download: ML20126C170 (9)


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kg....+,/ December 11, 1992 Docket No. 50-146 Mr. James Knubel, Director Licensing & Regulatory Affairs GPU Nuclear Corporation One Upper Pond Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

Dear Mr. Knubel:


REQUEST FOR WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE, SAXTON NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL CORPORATION By your letter dated July 1,1992, you subt itted PENLEC/GPU Internal Affairs Department Report, Villiamsburg Incident Investigation 89-WM-2, originally issued 2/7/89, and requested that it be withheld from public disclosure. This request was made in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.790 (10 CFR 2.790) and is supported by the contention that the information contains personal information. This is in response to '

that request.

Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Section 2.790(a)(6) exempts from public disclosure "[p]ersonnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion.

of personal privacy." In deciding whether certain materials should be withheld from public disclosure, it is appropriate to segregate irformation which must be withheld from information which may be released.

We have carefully reviewed your request and the information contained in the incident investigation report. We have concluded that some of the material contained in your document may be withheld in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a)(6), but that certain other materia. should be released and placed in the Public Document Room. The enclosure to this letter identifies which individuals whose identity we believe should not be withheld, it is noted that three of the individuals (00, EE, GGG) are deceased. Death usually extinguishes individual privacy rights. For the other individuals on the-list we believe that revealing their identity would not constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

In addition, pages 119, 220, and 280 of the report contain information that has been removed from the redacted versinn that appears to be information of the type referred to in 10 CFR 2.790(a)(4), trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential.

This information cannot be withheld unaer 10 CFR 2.790(a)(6).

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.. . 4 December 11, 1992 To make a request to protect this information, please submit an affidavit in accordance with 10 CfR 2.790(b)(1). If you disagree with our determination concerning this report, please provide further justification to support your position. s M accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(c), this information is being forwarded to you-as notice that the identity of the individuals referred to in the enclosure )

and the additional information identified on pages 119, 220, and 280 of the '

report will be placed in the Public Document Room thirty (30) days from.the.

date of this letter. If within thirty (30) days of this letter, you request

< withdrawal of these documents in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(c), or provide

additional reasons for the withholding of information discussed in the enclosure, your request will be considered in light of applicable statutes and regulations and a c;etermination made whether the documents will be withheld from public disclosure or returned to you.

< You should understand that the NRC may have cause to review this determination in the future, for example, if the scope of a freedon of Information Act request includes your withheld information. In all review situations, if the NRC makes a determination adverse to the above, you will be notified in cavance of any public disclosure.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Alexander Adams, Jr.

Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors and Decommissio ing Project Directorate l Division of. Operating Reactor Support l-

' Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated l cc w/ enclosures:

See next page i pl3JRIBUTION:[SAXPRO.AA]

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.l To make a request to protect this information, please submit an affidavit in.

accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(b)(1). If you disagree with our determination concerning this report, please provide further justification to support your position.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(c), this information is being forwarded to you-as notice that the identity of_ the individuals referred to in the enclosure and the additional information identified on pages 119, 220, and 280 of the report will be placed in the Public Document Hoom thirty (30) days from the date of this letter. If within thirty (30) days of this letter, you request withdrawal of these documents in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(c), or provide additional reasons for the withholding of information discussed in the enclosure, your request will be consido*ed in light of applicable statutes and regulations and a determination made wnether the documents will be withheld from public disclosure or returned to you.

You should understand that _the NRC may have cause to review this determination in the future, for example, if the scope _ of a Freedom of Information Act request includes your withheld information. In all review situations, if the NRC makes a determination adverse to the above, you will be notified in advance of any public disclosure.

-Sincerely, 4 ,

Alexander Adams, Jr.

Senior Project Manage Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate

-Division of Operating Reactor Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 1


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page 4


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Saxton Nuclear Docket No. 50-146 Experimental Corporation cc:

Pennsylvania Department of Carbon Township Supervisors Environmental Resources ATTN: Penny Brode, Secretary Bureau of Radiation Protection R. D. #1, Box 222-C ATIN: Margaret A. Reilly Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 P. O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Hopewell Township Supervisors ATIN: Sally Giornesto, Mr. Jim Tydeman Secretary 1402 Wall Street 511 Tenth Street Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 Mr. Jamer H. Elder, Chairman Mr. D. Bud McIntyre, Chairman Concerneo Citizens for SNEC Safety Broad Top Township Supervisors Wall Street Ext. Broad Top Municipal Building Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 Defiance, Pennsylvania 16633 Mr. Ernest Fuller Pennsylvania Department of R. u. #1 8 Environmental Resources Six Mile Run, Pennsylvania 16679 WJreauofWaterQualityControl ATTN: James Flesher Saxton Borough Council One Ararat Boulevard ATTN: Peggy Whited, Secre tary Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 9th and Spring Streets Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 Mr. Don Weaver, Chairman Liberty Township Supervisors Mr. Joseph Clapper, Chairman R. D. #1 Bedford County Commissioners Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 County Court House 203 South Juliana Street l'.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bedford, Pennsylvania 15522 Baltimore District ATTN: S. Snarski/P. Juhle Mr. Larry Sather Cncicman P. 6. Box 1715 Huntingder Eowny Commissioners Baltimbre, Maryland 21203 County Court House Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 16652 The Honorable Robert C. Jubelirer President Pro-Team Senate of Saxton Community Librat Pennsylvania 911 Church Street 30th District Saxton, Pennsylvania 16678 State Capitol Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Ms. B. A. Good Vice President and General Manager Mr. E. J. Pagan Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Licensing Engineer 2574 Interstate Drive GPU Nuclear Corporation Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 One Upper Pond Road Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

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-The areas on the-redacted version of_ pages 119,- 220, -and 280 circled in red contained in the propriety version of your document-are what we believe ir 49 type of information referred to in 10 CFR 2.790(a)(4)- as discussed -in ou-letter.

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P E N N 3 Y t V A NI A St f CielC CO sa P A N Y hd l '" f INTER. OFFICE MEMORANDUM


4,i Iecember 10,197h

,, ,,c Johnstown svinc, Flnutes of Meeting ,

Sarton Generating Station Specitication PL-SAX-115 fN g MR. R. V. CONRAD 10-3 A meeting was held on Dece=ber 9, 197h, in the third floor con-feren:e room with the following Penelee people present:

FF - Division Mechanical Er.gineer - Generation EE - & nager - Power Stations

, ~4 4_ - Superintendent - Stores XKg - Purchasing Agent .

CCCC - Mmager - Purchasing

- This meeting was held to discuss the Sarton Power Plant de clition bids. Pids were received from seven (7) vendors. They are as follows

gnt,ra t c t,o r, Base Bid _ Alternate Bid - SNEC Ecuitment O. C. Brown Cost Penelec All Scrap O

Tri-State Pay Penelee Pay Penelec -

CJ c _D Monongahela Cost Penelec Cost Penelec -

F ,alchek C )

- Pay Penelec

(_ ) b_


Norelco Cost Penelec Cost Penelec -

L ] -

PennOhio/ - ,-PayPeneleeb ) { ]

b.u-t Green Co. with the LO-60 joint venture with_a maxi-m:um cost of { ]

Krent zr.a.n Cost Penelec- Cost Penelec -

'5 g >~ 4 ,w / _

d k, ,,

someate WS. t t Pt v 4 71 --

MR. R. V. COMPJLD Dec;2b3r 10,197h Following this short meeting with company people, we met with Penn Ohio Demolition and Dart Green Company to have Mr. Green review his pmposal in detail so we could make a decision on his option. The '

following people were in attendances

. Joe C1casey Penn Ohio Demolition John Pizzuto Penn Ohio Demolition Part Green 3. Green and Company Steve Carroll B. Green and Company James hdolph B. Green and Company This meeting was requested by John Pizzuto and Burt Green to review in detail their proposal for the demolition of the said station.

Mr. CCCC, opened the meeting and asked Mr. Part Green to go over his proposal in detail. Mr. Green erplained their proposal for the demolition. A pre-payment of{jould be received from the 3. Green Company before any work is started. The equipment as it is removed and sold or disposed of would be kept inventoried, and a joint participation between Penelee and 3. Green Company on a LO-60 basis vould be initiated on the disposition proceeds realA d from the equipment and material.

Itisestimatedthatbetween(__ and( Jvorth of equipment le in this plant. On this basis, Penelee vould receive the most money for equipment. Fer exam le,k _

J 1ese( ) removal costs gives y a net gain off~ )

From this we dMe _Fo$ percent of this vill J pre-payment, andnet therePenelec C is an additional

[ 2 .in.

Mr. Green felt that the timetable for this work would be four to five months. He also said that all the weigh slips would be open to constant audit by Fenelee. It was agreed by all present that this vould be the most feasible way to go and net Penelee the most gain for the equipment.

jB d for SNEC range from a_ low bid off l o an unreal _istic bid oR

( j and F vith one bid atf Q Ve feel that i.he bids of( )

Jould be bids that should be looked at to detemine a

? sir value for the SPEC equipment. An average would be C vhich we fet.1 should be offered to the Borou6h of Saxton for the SNEC equipment.

Please review the minutes of this meeting and ad7 1se our office of your recocmendations so the timetable for the abandonment of the Saxton Station can be carried out on schedule.

Cccc LLD/c=v cot TT

  • Y'l T. L. Carroll Litt C. G XX ,

FF NMM vv EE 3%



  • otNLRAL offlCt.

1001 StoAD 31htT JoMNSfoWN, PA.18907 ATTACIDENT II-A January 1,1975 Kovalchick Salvage Company 1060 nayne Annue Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701 Gentlemen:

This letter vill serve to confirm the fact that Pennsy1 vania Electric Ccsspany ("Penelso") agrees, subject to necessa.ry rsgulatory authority approval, if any, ws award a contract to Kavalchick Balvage Ceegany ("Kovalchick") covering the renoval and demolition of Penelec's Sexton Steam Generating Station, Bartoa, Pennsylvania, puravant to Specification PE-SAX-115 dated November, 1974, as amended Borumber 15, 1774 It is agreed between Penalec and Kovalchick that until such time as a determination has been made by Panelse as to the re-quired regulatory authority approval,11 any, to effect the trans.

action, Kovalchich shall not perform any of the " Work" covered by the Specification referred to aboys, as samended, until such time as Penelse notifies Kovalchick in writing that said regulatory su.

thority approvsL1 has been received or is not necessary. -

Effective as of January 1, 1775, Karaichich assumes all liabnity relating to or in say wise connected with Penalec's Sarton Steam Generatin6 Station, Saxton, Pennsylvania. Kavalchick agrees to hold Pa= alma ha.rmleas from any loss or liability arising on or af$er Jamsary 41975 relating to or in any vise connected with Penalee's Saxtam Steam Generating Station, saxton, Pennsylvania.

Pamatan seknowledges receipt of the payment by Kovalchick of 17,(M,7a4subject contained in Kovalchick's to refund proposal of same without dated interest recember in the event that Penelec does not receive the necessary regulatory authority approval if Penelee deems such approval necessaril furthermore, in the event of such rafund, Panelse is relieved of all liability to Kovalchick of any damage or loss in any manner suffered by yovsi-chick as a result of termination of this letter of Understanding.

Upon refund to Kovalchick, all matters with. respect to this Letter of understanM no and the Stork" to be perforr.ed shall be totacinated as of the effective date of refund.


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