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Summary of 751022-23 Meetings W/Util & Ebasco in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util 751002 Proposed Design Changes.List of Attendees & Info Re Cost Reduction Program Encl
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 11/19/1975
From: Oreilly P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-1667 NUDOCS 8605290763
Download: ML20210T149 (18)






. DESIGN CHANGES On October 22-23, 1975, representatives of WPPSS and Ebasco met with the NRC staff in Bethesda. The meeting was held at WPPSS' request to discuss t'he proposed design changes announced by WPPSS at a meeting with the staff on October 2, 1975. A list of attendees is attached.

The following items were discussed during the October 22, 1975 session.

I. Radiological Assessment - Shielding WPPSS described the changes contemplated in the design of the protection against radiation effects.

(1) Use of cast or poured concrete block walls - Concrete block walls will be used. Where shielding is the controlling factor on wall thickness, the thickness will be changed. Approximately 70 percent of the cubicle walls have been changed.

(2) Stub walls between certain components have been removed. Now both compenents will be maintained at the same time. This does not include redundant components; e.g., where there are two small tanks instead of a large one, there vill no longer be a stub wall between them.

(3) Shielding around the condensate demineralizers in the turbine building will be deferred until needed.

(4) Shield doors in many cases will replace labyrinths. The doors will provide the necessary radiation shielding.

(5) The counting and calibration rooms are new arranged piggyback in the administration building.

(6) Access control to the administration buildiog remains unchanged.

(7) Certain large, low level radioactivity-containing tanks will be moved outside. These will be surrounded by a chain link fence.

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WPPSS stated that the design criteria have not been changtd. The proposed changes will provide radiation protection equivalent to the previous design.

.2- fiCV 1 91975 II. Auxiliary Systems Ebasco described four major areas where design changes will be made.


Relocation of the ultimate heat sink to plant grade - The complex of 5

dry cooling towers will be located near the seismic Category I struc-ture.

Service water piping and Class IE circuitry will be run to the ultimate heat sink from the seismic Category I structure.

(2) Storage Tank Relocation Outside the scismic Category I Structure -

The condensate storage and the refueling water tanks will be relo-cated outside the seismic Category I structure. The refueling water tank will not be provided with protection against missiles since the spent fuel pool can be used as a source of water. These tanks will be raintained at the temperatures required by the CESSAR. The heaters for these tanks will not be powered off the vital buses. In addition, the diesel fuel oil ' storage tanks will be moved outside. These tanks will not be heated since the diesel oil they contain will be in no danger of freezing. Missile protection will be provided for the diesel oil storage tanks.


Modification of Fuel Handling Building Design - The fuel handling bay is no longer a part of the seismic Category I structure. In addition, one 10-ton crane has been eliminated from the fuel handling area.

I (4) Modification of design of main steam line design - The main steam lines will be rerouted. In addition, "superpipe" will be used for the main steam lines between the steam generators and the first support in the steam lines.

Reactor Systems III. (1)

Safety classification of component cooling water system lube oil coolers - These systems will be classified seismic Category I.

WPPSS added that a CE topical report is under review by the staff which, if approved,. would allow this system's safety classification to be changed.

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' ~3-007 1 9 975 The-following items were discussed during the October 23, 1975 session.

I. Foundation Engineering

, A. Slope Stability Ebasco outlined the responses to Ituas 323.16 and 323.17 that will be provided in the next PSAR amendment.

Ebasco related that the available borings from profile 7 were used for a study of residual soil properties. Soils at the top of the weathered sandstone with a blow count in ex ess of 100 were examined.

There is no residual soil along this profile except near WNP-5.

The discussion centered on areas where there will be residual soil.

Ebasco stated that these will be excavated into a 3-on-1 cut slope

, with a 71/2-foot berm every 25 feet in vertical elevation, except near the cooling tower for WNP-5. Here the slope will be steeper (1-on-1) because of its proximity to the county road.

Ebasco presented crosu section drawings which will be provided in the PSAR. Sections SA and 5B were discussed. We requested that the boring locations be indicated on the profiles and the water table be included on the drawings to be provided in the PSAR.

The slope stability monitoring program was then discussed. Five slope indicators will be located along the berms. Concrete bench-marks will be used. During the excavation phase slope movement will be monitored on a monthly basis until a trend has been established. Ebasco expressed reluctance to monitor the slopes at a closer interval than monthly.

We commented that we would probably request at the OL stage that the horizontal-vertical control points be monitored during the life of the plant. Ebasco clarified that the slope indicators to be used will have the capability to measure groundwater level. In response to our inquiry, Ebasco stated that horizontal control points may possibly be added in cross sections SA and 5B.

We informed WPPSS and Ebasco that we wculd visit the site during the OL stage of review to confirm the contours.

II. Electrical. Instrumeny t, ton, and Control Systems WPPSS and Ebasco described the proposed design changes. Vertical separation.of safety-related e.lectrical equipment and circuitry will be replaced with horizontal separation. Because of the relocation

- of the ultimate heat sink to plant grade, the proposed plants will

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,now have seicmic Category I circuitry loca'ted in underground copduit. Consequently, the response to the appropriate question in the PSAR will be revised acccrdingly. There will be a motor control center located in the dry cooling tower complex. One of the trans-former yards wijl be relocated and the corresponding transmission linss rerouted. The control room vill be smaller in size. The cable vaults will now be located at the same level as the control room. In addition, certain containment penetrations will be relocated.

The question about the source of power for the heaters for the stcrage tanks to be relocated outside the seismic Category I structure was discussed. We stated that the temperature of the tank contents should be monitored and alarmed with redundant indication (located in the main control room).

WPPSS notified us that the seismic analysis of the building will not be included in the amendment to be submitted on November 15, 1975.

A. Open Items (1) Conformance to IEEE Std 323 - We informed WPPSS that va have reviewed the prc; posed program for compliance with IEEE Std 323-1974. We find that the proposed program is acceptable.

(2) Auxiliary f eedwater systen diversity of control power sources - WPPSS stated that this is clarified by the PSAR amendment to be submitted on October 24, 1975. The auxiliary feedwater system will now have two 50% capacity motor-driven and two 50% capacity turbine-driven punps with cross-connections to guarantee available feedwater to meet heat removal requirements.

(3) Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.47 - WPPSS informed us that the infor-mation discussed at the October 2,1975 meeting is. provided in the .

October 24, 1975 amendment.

(4) Response time testing - We informed WPPSS that the material provided in the most recent PSAR amendments was acceptable. .

(5) Reestablishing flow within 30 seconds - WPPSS stated that additional information is provided in the October 24, 1975 amendment.

(6) Battery room separation - We informed WPPSS that the material provided in. Amendment 23 was acceptable.. Tha battery. room ventilation system was discussed. This consists of. two exhausts connected to a common header. We commented that this design was Acceptable.


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(7) Identification of CVCS equipment to be connected to diesel generators -

WPPSS informed us that additional information is provided in the October 24, 1975 amendment.

(8), Atmospheric Dump Valves - We informed WPPSS that this matter is new considered resolved.

(9) ' ain M Steam Isolation Valves Fail Closed - WPPSS stated that this requirement has been removed from the CESSAR.

(10) Main feedwater isolation valves fail as is - CESSAR requires that these valves fail closed. Both the staff and WPPSS stated that the matter would be reviewed to determine the exact status of this matter.

(11) Shutdown cooling syctem valves - We infor=ed WPPSS that the CESSAR has not been changed regarding this matter.

III. Reactor Systems We asked WPPSS to recheck the evaluation of submerged valves in the ECCS analysin submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.46. We also asked WPPSS to investigate the effect of the change in requirements for the safety injection pumps during the recirculation mode upon the avail-able NPSH for the pumps involved.

We also requested that WPPSS identify the change in the containment volume and give the reasons for the change (compatibility with the ECCS analysis and containment pressure response analysis).

A. Outstanding Itemo frca CESSAR Review (1) Anticipated Transient Without Scram - CE will submit additional infor-mation regarding ATWS for the CESSAR plants for the staff's review.

(2) Design changes to the shutdown cooling to satisfy Ceneral Design Criterion 34 - resolved pending documentation of design changes agreed upon between the staff and CE. We informed WPPSS that, since they have taken exception to interface requirements necessary to the resolution of this matter, it will become an open item in the WNP-3 and WNP-5 review af ter the resolution in the CESSAR. -

(3) Pressurizer relief tank design - We informed WPPSS that this item has been rekolved in the CESSAR review.

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, 9 (4) ECCS p.erformance evaluation - We told WPPSS that currently.under review; additional information-han been. requested from CE.

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, NOV 1 9 075 (5) Inclusion of flow restrictors in the main steam lines - CESSAR inter-face item. We told WPPSS that the commitment provided in Section 5.1.4 I interface item I-2 of Amendment No. 23 of the PSAR is acceptable.

Therefore, we consider this matter resolved.

(6) Boron dilution analysis - We informed WPPSS that we require more infor-mation from CE before we can finish'our review of this matter.

(7) Repressurization of safety injection tanks - We informed WPPSS that Item 12 (a) of section 1.9 of the staff's Report to the ACRS regarding the CESEAR identifies this matter as an open item. The design of the safety injection tanks provides for the manual depressurization of the tanks to 400 PSIG during plant cooldown and the manual pressuri-zation of the tanks to 600 PSIG during plant start-up. Additional documentation is being required from CE to describe the proposed pro-cedures, indications, and alarms to accomplish the repressurization function. The outcome of our review of this item will be applied to WNP-3 and WNP-5.

B. Outstanding Items In Balance-of-Plant Scope *

(1) - Overpressure protection design - We informed WPPSS that we have reviewed the additional information, provided in Amendment No. 23 and find it  ;

acceptable for the construction permit stage of review. -

(2) NPSH Requirements for low pressure safety injection pumps - We informed WPPSS that their Amendment 22 response to Item 214.2 regarding monitor-ing and flow throttling control during restart of the LPSI pumps for

  • use in the recirculation mode is acceptable. We also stated that WPPSS has not provided a design evaluation of available NPSH for the LPSI pumps operating in the recirculation mode similar to that furnished for all other pumps taking suction from the sump. WPPSS informed us that CESSAR Amendment 39 removed the requirement to use the LPSI pumps during the recirculation mode. However, WPPSS also stated that they would provide the requested analysis in spite of the removal of the CESSAR requirement.

(3) Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.79 - We informed WPPSS that their exception to the staff position that the LPSI pumps be used to take suction from the containment sump is not acceptable. WPPSS replied that the requirement to use the LPSI pumps during the recirculation hode has been deleted from the CESSAR. They also stated that Regulatory Guide 1.79 does not address the testing of the high pressure safety injection pumps in the recirculation mode. We replied that the intent '

of Regulatory Guide 1.79 is the verification of the ability of the pumps in the ECCS to perform their design functions. If the HPSI pumps are to be used to pump from the containment sump during the OP PSC E ) '

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NOV 1 g US recirculation mode, then the preoperational testing program should verify that these pumps can indeed perform this function. We stated that we would look into this matter further. (

(4) . Steam line break analysis - We informed WPPS$ ,tiat they must identify

' any valves in the main steam and feedwater systems which will remain open to contribute to blowdown of the intact. steam generator under assumed conditions of a steam line break coincident with a single failure (e.g., main steam isolation valve' fails to close). We added that WPPSS must justify the existing steam line break analysis or provide a new analysis which includes maximum blowdown conditions.

C. We noted that WPPSS' documentation of CESSAR interface requirements and their intentions regarding these requirements are not complete fok ou'r review. We added that WPPSS has indicated non-compliance with many CESSAR interfaces in Amendment No. 23 of the PSAR. We identified the following problems related to WPPSS non-compliance with CESSAR Juterfaces in' the ares Of ret.ctor systems that have been identified to date.

-(1) Shutdown cooling requirements - Wo stated that the CESSAR interfaEe forcoolingwatersupplytogheshutdowncoolingheat exchangers requires a flow of 5.46 x 10 lb/hrwithamaximuminlettemp.ergtu're of 105'F. We.'oted n that WPPSS is providing a flow of 1.75 X 10 lb/hr at 95 8F. We' informed WPPSS that we were concerned that the reduced flow rate proposed for the shutdown cooling heat exchangers will not provide the ' performance capability for this system that is, provided by the CESSAR system. We further ' otated that' WPPSS could either (a) -

commit to meSt ,the CESSAR interf ace requirements, or (b) demonstrate that all of the performance requirements for the shutdown cooling system are satisfied with the reduced flow capability, i.e. , the shut-down cooling system will cool the primary system from an initial temperature of 350'F to 212*F in about 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> assuming a single failure in the shutdown cooling system. WPPSS inquired as to when this performance requirement was formulated. We replied that we had mentioned it previously at the October 2,1975 meeting. WPPSS informed '

us that this matter would be taken under consideration.

(2) Post-LOCA cooling requirements - We stated that the CESSAR requires 9

that11,000GPMofcoolin6waterat120Fs2ppliedtogachshutdown ~

cooling heat exchanger to remova a heat load of 290x10. BTU /hr during recirculation at 20 minutes after a LOCA. We noted that Amendment 23 to the WNP-3 and WNP-5 PSAR indicates that this interface is not app'licable . Instead, a component cooling water ficw of 6000 GPM at 120 F will be provided as used in the containment design analysis.

We infdrmed WPPSS that'we vill require a breakdown of'the duty requirements'vith comparisons'to'those in the CESSAR in enough detail

'to explain and justify the reduced , cooling water flow. ,,

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.  !*'DV 1 9 ng (3) Removal of power from the atmospheric dump valves - WPPSS stated that they will revise the PSAR to provide clarification. We informed WPPSS that this will probably resolve the matter.

(4), Removal of power from main steam isolation valve bypass valves -

WPPSS stated that more information will be supplied in a future amendment regarding this item.

(5) Protection of safety injection tanks from effects of pipe whip - We noted that the PSAR indicates that the safety injection tanks will not be protected from the effects of pipe ruptures which do not require operation of the safety injection system. We informed WPPSS that we would require identification of these pipe ruptures. WPPSS replied that the safety injection tanks will not be afforded protection against the effects of a main steam line break. We stated that we would look further into this matter.

IV. Hydrology The effects of the relocation of the ultimate heat sink on the hydrologic conclusions about the site were discussed. We recommended that WPPSS address the following matters in the documentation of the proposed design changes in the PSAR.

(1) Flooding - WPPSS stated that the dry cooling towers will be mounted on 10-foot pedestals.

(2) Access.

(3) Design basis groundwater level for seismic Category I structures.

(4) Reanalyze the effect of the groundwater recovery time and the grounda water drainage system.

(5) Examine rupture of a service water pipe in the wall of the seismic Category I structure.

V. Structural Engineering WPPSS stated that the seismic analysis using the design changes would not be completed in time for the November 15, 1975 amendment. In response to our inquiry, they stated that the revised seismic analysis will.use the .same procedures ias.before. WPPSS.gave a slide presenta-tion summarizing the effects of the cost reduction program on the

. structural design of the facilities (See Enclosure No. 2). We remarked ore.c

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October.22, 1975 WPPSS D. D. Whitford G. C. Sorensen EBASCO R. T. Vickers D. H. Vorles W. D. Rezak M. P. Pietrantoni J. F. Killian ,

M. Hsieh R. Norman

, NRC - STAFF T. D. Murphy P. D. O'Reilly D. L. Tibbitts P. R. Matthews J.

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WPPSS D. B. Whitford C. C. Sorensen EBASCO J. Barnes J, L. Ehasz W. D. Rezak R. T. Vickers M. Hsieh J. S. Franco R. J. Norman NRC - STAFF P. D. O'Reilly D. L. Tibbitts J. T. Greeves F. S. Ashe L I. S. Sihweil i


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