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Summary of 980513 Meeting W/Util at Crystal River Site Re Endangered & Threatened Species Info & Recent Developments at Crystal River Site.List of Attendees,Meeting Handouts & FPC Sea Turtle Rescue & Handling Guidance,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1998
From: Wiens L
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9807020295
Download: ML20236F698 (25)


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2- WAsHlNGToN, D.c. 20056-0001 l June 11, 199b L *****[

LICENSEE: Florida Power Corporation g

, FACILITY: Crystal River, Unit 3




OF MEETING ON MAY 13,1998, REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACTIVITIES FOR SEA TURTLES l- On May 13,1998, a meeting was held at the Crystal River site between representatives of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Florida Department of Environmental Protection

. (FDEP), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Florida Power Corporation (FPC), licensee for Crystal River Unit 3, to discuss endangered and threatened species information and recent

! developments at the Crystal River site. This meeting was necessitated by the recent increase in

. the number of turtles entering the Crystal River site intake canal. Enclosure 1 is an attendance l list for the meeting. Enclosure 2 includes copies of the meeting handouts. Enclosure 3 is a copy l

of the FPC Sea Turtle Rescue & Handling Guidance which was provided to meeting attendees.

l' After initial welcoming remarks, the licensee provided an overview of the plant layout and cooling water systems which interface with the intake canal. A short historical background of FPC

- experience over the years with sea turtle sightings in the intake canal was provided. The licensee indicated the number of turtle sightings and captures significantly increased in March 1998, and appeared to have peaked in April 1998. The numbers for May 1998, although -


incomplete, indicated that the numbers were significantly decreasing.7The FDEP representative J indicated that these trends were consistent with data from other nearby areas, He'also indicated that his review of historical data indicated that the February / March timeframe has been the L  : period of peak turtle sightings near Crystal River.: 4 The licensee then described the actions that had been taken'to protect the sea turtles in the L = intake canal. The trash racks at the suction of the cooling water system were cleaned in order to L remove a potential food source for the turtles and to reduce water velocity in this area. ' A tangle l ' not was installed at the end of the intake canal in an attempt to capture s,ea turtles prior the turtles getting to the trash racks, with the potential for the turtles becoming trapped on the racks.

However, the tangle net was unsuccessful in capturing any turtles, even though turtles were sighted in the canal while the net was deployed. The not has been removed from the canal.

t Training was also provided to personnel who may be involved in turtle identification and capture I'

l efforts. This training included providing information on turtle biology, actions to take when handling turt!as, including cautions to prevent injury from turtle. bites, and actions to take for j

l distressed and injured turtles. The guidance provided in this training was formalized in a plant i f

! guidance document (Enclosure 3).



, l The licensee also presented preliminary plans for long term actions to monitor and protect the L ,- sea turtles. Included in these plans was periodic monitoring of the intake canal and trash racks and cleaning of the trash racks on a periodic basis. The FDEP representative recommended cleaning the racks in late September or early October and in February.' The licensee indicated that this was approximately the schedule that was being considered.

The NMFS representa'tive then provided a brief presentation on the Endangered Species Act, and the requirements for interagency cooperation to ensure that actions by entities under their Jurisdiction are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any species covered by the Act.

~ Included in her presentation was an outline of the formal consultation process and a discussion 9807020295 880 1 f (h PDR ADOCK 0 302


h g w_ _ _ = _ - _- _-_ -______ .

2 of the need for a Biological Opinion (BO) and incidental Take Statement (ITS). Following this presentation was a discussion of the administrative aspects of documenting the request for a ,

formal consultation with NMFS conceming a 80 and ITS and the request for the licensee to l prepare a biological assessment (BA). It was agreed that this meeting would be considered a  !

part of early consultation with NMFS, and that the letter to the licensee requesting the  !

preparation and submittal of a BA would be copied to NMFS as documentation of a request for l consultation. The NMFS representative also recommended that the BA include, in addition to the Kemp's Ridley turtle, the loggerhead, green, leatherback and hawksbill turtles. In addition, it was recommended that Gulf sturgeon be included since takes of this species could occur in this area.

She also recommended that FPC propose conservation measures, if known, although this was i not required to be included in a BA. The schedule for preparation, review and issuance of the final BO and ITS was discussed. The NMFS representative indicated that if a complete BA was ,

received by August, NMFS could normally deliver the BO and ITS by the end of the year. l Tours of the intake canal basin, the FPC Mariculture Center, and an serial tour of the intake and discharge canal systems were provided for those meeting attendees who had not previously seen these areas. The meeting attendees agreed that the meeting was very useful in providing I allinterested parties with a common understanding of the actions being taken by the licensee in i response to the increased occurrence of sea turtles and the future actions required.  !

l Ak F L ftMMVAN

, Leonard A. Wiens, Senior Project Manager Project Directorate ll-3 Division of Rea: tor Projects -1/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-302


1. Attendance List
2. Handouts
3. Sea Turtle Rescue & Handling Guidance .

cc: See next page i

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . -_A

f-June 11, 1998 t.

j of the need for a Biological Opinion (BO) and incidental Take Statement (ITS). Following this I presentation was a discussion of the administrative aspects of documenting the request for a l formal consultation with NMFS concoming a BO and ITS and the request for the licensee to prepare a biological assessment (BA). It was agreed that this meeting would be considered a part of early consultation with NMFS, and that the letter to the licensee requesting the preparation and submittal of a BA would be copied to NMFS as documentation of a request for

consultation. The NMFS representative also recommended that the BA include, in addition to the l Kemp's Ridley turtle, the loggerhead, green, leatherback and hawksbill turtles, in addition, it was
. recommended that Gulf sturgeon be included since takes of this species could occur in this area.

She also recommended that FPC propose conservation measures, if known, although this was not required to be included in a BA. The schedule for preparation, review and issuance of the final BO and ITS was discussed. The NMFS representative indicated that if a complete BA was received by August, NMFS could normally deliver the BO and ITS by the end of the year.

Tours of the intake canal basin, the FPC Mariculture Center, and an aerial tour of the intake and discharge canal systems were provided for those meeting attendees who had not previously

! seen these areas. The meeting attendees agreed that the meeting was very useful in providing l

allinterested parties with a common understanding of the actions being taken by the licensee in l

[ response to the increased occurrence of sea turtles and the future actions required.



Leonard A. Wiens, Senior Project Manager l Project Directorate ll-3 Division of Reector Projects - 1/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Attendance List
2. Handouts
3. Sea Turtle Rescue & Handling Guidance cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION l ' Hard Conv. EMail  ;

L Docket File SCollins/FMiraglia (SJC1/FJM) SSanchez (SPS) j PUBLIC BBoger (RPZ) CCraig (CMC 1) ,

' Crystal River r/f JZwolinski(JAZ) I l

LWiens FHebdon (FJH) l OGC BClayton (BAC2)

!~ ACRS MMalloy (MXM) 1 I

OFFICE PDil-3/PM PDil-3/LA , PDll-3/D q NAME LWiens:cw BCL M FHEBDO b '

DATE 3/ U /98 (/ /98 h/11 /98 h



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Florida Power Corporation CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT NO. 3 )


.i cc: i Mr. Roy A. Anderson, Senior Vice President Chairman

' Energy Supply Board of County Commissioners Florida Power Corporation Citrus County  ;

ATTN: Manager, Nuclear Licensing 110 North Apopka Avenue  !

Crystal River Energy Complex (SA2A) lvemess, Florida 34450-4245

-15760 W. Power Line Street Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 - Mr. Robert E. Grazio, Director Nuclear Regulatory Affairs (SA2A) .

Mr. R. Alexander Glenn Florida Power Corporation  !

Corporate Counsel Crystal River Energy Complex Florida Power Corporation 15760 W. Power Line Street MAC-ASA Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 P.O. Box 14042 '

St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-4042 Senior Resident inspector

' Crystal River Unit 3 Mr. Charles G. Perdee, Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Nuclear Plant Operations (NA2C) 6745 N. Tal!ahassee Road Florida Power Corporation Crystal River, Florida 34428

. Crystal River Energy Complex 15760 W. Power Line Street Mr. John Paul Cowan, Vice President  !

Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 Nuclear Operations (NA2E)

Florida Power Corporation

. Mr. Robert B. Borsum Crystal River Energy Complex Framatome Technologies Inc. 15760 W. Power Line Street -

1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 525 Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708' Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. Gregory H. Halnon-Mr. Bill Passetti Acting Director, Quality Programs (SA2B)

Office of Radiation Control Florida Power Corporation -

Department of Health and Crystal River Energy Complex Rehabilitative Services 15760 W. Power Line Street 1317 Winewood Blvd. Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708 Tallahassee, Florida 323g9-0700 :

Regional Administrator, Region ll Attomey General _

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Legal Affairs 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Suite 23T85 The Caipitol .

Atlanta, GA 30303-3415 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Mr. Robert P. Schin Mr. Joe Myers, Director. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Emergency Preparedness 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Suite 23T85 Department of Community Affairs Atlanta, GA 30303-3415 2740 Centerview Drive Colleen Coogan Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Section 7 Coordinator National' Marine Fisheries Service Allen Foley . .

Southeast Region Florida' Marine Research Institute 9721 Executive Center Drive, N.

100 Eighth Avenue, S.E. St. Petersburg, F1 33702 St. Petersburg, FL '33701

r 1

Attendee List / Affiliation NRC Lon Wiens, Project Manager Claudia Craig

. M. Mallo Steve S nchez, Resident Inspector NMFS '

COI!een Coogan, Fisheries Biologist FDEP/ FMRI Allen Foley, Assistant Research Scientist Florida Power Corporation i

Coroorste Offices - communicates with NMFS and FDEP/ FMRI l

Jeff Pardue, Director Environmental Services Department Dave Bruzek, Manager, Mariculture Center Alex Glenn, Corporate Counsel Ed Vilade, Corporate Communications Crystal River Nuclear Plant - communicates with NRC Sherry Bemhoft, Manager, Nuclear Licensing .

Steve Garry, Supervisor, Environmental and Radiological Compliance Jim Teny, Manager, Engineering Ray Yost, Manager, Quality Assessment Crvstal River Fossil Plant - communicates with FPC Corporate and CR-3 Mark Aarestad, Project Manager - Environmental, Units 1 & 2 Dick Laxton, Superintendent, Site Support Enclosure 1

Sea Turtle Meeting Agenda May 13,1998 NRC /NMFS / FMRI / FPC 3:

1 S


+ Welcome, Meeting Objectives lm{ ';3j;

+ Review of Plant Layout / Systems f.:

c% ;

E ' ' h}

3 ndg + Major Events & Actions Taken ni i* M$l + Site Visit To Intake Basin w

pp tridi fjj! + Next Steps-FPC g ,S + Feedback from NRC/NMFS/ FMRI Is 4.

.I + Tour of Mariculture Center 1


Enclosure 2


+ Provide all interested parties with a common understanding of the events  ;

l M and actions l eq[/

$ + Forum for information exchange  !

l la%.

by ;

+ Discuss options, establish course of i

action for continued operations 4

l I

i l 1 l

l l

Plant Layout ,


+ 8 mile canal 3 + 21 foot depth a

f(,W + land boundary at 4 miles l k$f + intake structures

si '


1 I

HistoricalBackground l + Kemp's Ridley sea turtles are known to l IN inhabit the area m .v. i


$70q + Historically, CR-3 has seen only a few

" RJ, Kemp's Ridleys l


')Wf l

l l

I Recent Experience l k ~1 a + March 1998, in flux began  ;

gul eg,

+ May 1998, out flux observed

[gf + (see chart, next page) l



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How we responded 0%



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l Where we are

+ Maintaining 24. hour watch while

,fif;a turtles are present

} jf + hourly check of Units 1 and 2 bar racks fjpg] + daily underwater checks of bar racks ing y c:

l Turtle Watch Personnel ,

i S, + trained by FPC Marine Biologist

. j;;j + understand importance of their job m$21,&[;

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$A 1 + Is being obtained

[DNd;g$ + Revise Rescue / Handling guidance Lhfj accordingly ff's + Train staff on permit requirements 1

After out flux she am + continue Periodic monitorin8 k(hKN]Ek + anticipate return r:


l l

Re-institute Protective Measures During l Turtle In-Fluxes l M.n.m ll4 __ l 4e -


i Perform Bar Rack Cleaning i~ + to remove food source

,1 + increase frequency of bar rack cleaning Sn thya ne 4.9 3

y l

lj + adjust timing t t

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+ such as cleaning bar racks in January

" "3 + re-clean when needed ug i

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$1 b )

Perform Biological Assessrnent

+ beginning plans to perform study

$;Nj + describes situation f: \ At P -J

[Nfy + investigate event more fully un

,J gj + document FPC's guidance s-



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< iu .

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l4 Formal consultaties process.

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't SEA TURTLE RESCUE & HANDLING GUIDANCE Interim Guidance pending receipt of FDEP Stranding Permit t CRYSTAL RIVER ENERGY COMPLEX l Revision 1


BACKGROUND Sea turtles are graceful saltwater reptiles, well adapted to life in the marine environment.

With streamlined bodies and flipper-like limbs, they are able to swim long distances in a relatively short time.

l Sea turtles are air-breathing, and when they are active they must swim to the water.

surface every few minutes. Turtles have been observed swimming underwater for j periods of up to 20 minutes, and when resting some have been observed to remain


underwater for as long as 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> without breathing.

OBSERVATION and RESCUE The Turtle Rescue personnel must monitor Sea Turtle activity in front of the bar racks so l that any sea turtle in distress can be safely and efficiently moved to a safe area. The Turtle Rescue personnel should: i

1) OBSERVE the intake basin and log turtle observations so that the presence /

absence of turtles is known.

2) INSPECT the CR-3 bar racks for the presence of any lodged or deceased sea turtles. The monitoring must be performed continuously during known turtle influxes and logged for 15 minutes intervals, Continuously is defined as a minimum of once every 15 minutes (but as constant as practical).

Units 1 & 2 bar racks should be inspected hourly and logged accordingly.

3) NOTIFY the Security Dispatch Desk if a sea turtle is observed lodged on the bar racks. The Turtle Watch Rescue person will contact the Security Site Dispatch Desk, who in turn notifies the Security Captain. The Captain dispatches support personnel to the intake area to help the Turtle Watch Rescue. This is to ensure personnel safety and to provide rescue support. The Security support personnel shall keep the Site Security Dispatch Desk informed, who in turn shall keep the CR-3 Control Room informed during and after the rescue. The Control Room will likely dispatch an Operations person to support the rescue (provide manpower or operate equipment).

3). RECOVER the sea turtle IMMEDIATELY after notification of the Security Dispatch Desk. Use dip net or other equipment as appropriate to remove the sea turtle. Observe all safety procedures when working at the waterfront. Take all steps possible to minimize stress on the sea turtle.

Enclosure 3 l

P e

Turtle Handling Guidance Note: Turtles are to protected from huassment at all times.

CAUTION Gloves should be worn at all times when handling sea turtles.

l Sea Turtles have powerful crushing jaws. They will bite when handled and can cause significant bodily harm. Keep clear of the turtle's head whenever possible.

Sea turtles may have claws on their front flippers. Keep clear of the front flippers whenever possible.

Handle sea turtle with the nets provided. Only if necessary, handle the turtle by the front and back of the shell. Do not pick them up by the flippers, head, or tail.

. DO NOT release any turtle. Any sea turtle that has been lodged against the intake bar racks should be held for identification and evaluation:

. Healthy turtles should be immediately placed in the small tank at the intake basin which has been provided with enough sea water to allow the turtle to float (approximately 6-12 inches). Observe turtle to ensure that it is strong enough to lift its head to breathe.

During regular business hours, the Security Site Dispatch Desk should contact Mariculture Center staff for pick-up.

After hours, or if Mariculture Center staff is unavailable, the turtle should be carefully transported by Site support personnel to the holding tank at the Mariculture Center.

Note: The Turtle Rescue personnel are not to abandon their observation post; i.e., this transport is provided by the Security support personnel.

. The Mariculture Center staff will check daily for turtles in the holding tank (including weekends. Therefore, notifications to Mariculture staff are NOT necessary for healthy turtles rescued after hours.

  • Sick, injured or weak turtles should be placed on a wet towel. The turtle should be kept in a cool, quiet area out of direct sunlight. Do not place the turtle on any hot or abrasive surface.

The Site Security Dispatch Desk should contact Mariculture Staff immediately to inform them of the distressed turtle (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day). Mariculture staff will respond immediately to provide support. Note: Call out Mariculture staff in order of listing on the call out list unless otherwise instructed.

1 ,

i- I I

i Resuscitation NOTE Attempts should be made to resuscitate comatose sea turtles. Sea turtles can remain l motionless and appear dead for up to several hours.

l if turtles are recovered comatose, ATTEMPT resuscitation by:

l l a) PLACING turtle on its back and elevate hindquarters to help drain lungs.

b) PUMPING firmly but carefully on the bottom shell with a hand or foot.

c) MAINTAINING a pumping rate of approximately 30 times per minute.

l c) REPEATING several times, monitoring turtle for signs of breathing.

l If no results are achieved after several attempts: l l d) PLACE the turtle on its belly e) ELEVATE the hind quarters several inches f) MAINTAIN the turtle in the shade on a wet towel l g) ATTEND to sea turtle until the Mariculture Center staff who are l responding to the call out arrive and can perform advanced j resuscitation techniques.


  • Dead turtle:

1 If sea turtle can not be revived or is obviously dead, place dead turtles in a plastic tank with ice to prevent decomposition and retard odor. Site Security Dispatch Desk should notify Mariculture staff between 8:00 a.m. and 5 p.m.,7 days a week, to arrange for pick-up and disposal per FDEP instructions.

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9 Follow-up Evaluations, Notifications and Documentation

. Follow up Evaluations: ,


  • Mariculture staff will perform an identification and health evaluation for all rescued turtles.

Following the evaluation, the FDEP will be contacted for instructions on whether to release l the turtle to the Gulf of Mexico or to arrange for transportation to a rehabilitation facility. The l Clearwater Marine Science Center is an authorized facility for the treatment of sick or injured turtles.

Off-Site Notifications

. FDEP and rehabilitation facility notifications will be made by the Mariculture staff. The Mariculture Center will be used as an interim facility to hold sea turtles prior to pick-up and treatment or disposal.


. The Security Dispatch Desk willlog turtle events accordingly.

. The Control Room will make NRC notifications in accordance with CR-3 procedures.

e DOCUMENTATION e The Turtle Watch Rescue should document:

a) Time of incident.

b) Position sea turtle was found, c) Activity level of sea turtle.

d) Any injuries or other abnormal conditions of the sea turtle.

e e) Any other relevant information.

e The Secunty Dispatch Desk wi:1 collect and maintain data entry logs from the Turtle Watch Rescue.

. The Control Room will log turtle rescue and mortality events.