MONTHYEARML20217N3901999-10-25025 October 1999 Advises That Info Provided in & Affidavit Re Holtec Position Paper WS-115,rev 1,repts HI-87113, Rev 0,HI-87114,rev 0,HI-87102 Rev 0 & HI-87112,rev 0,marked Proprietary,Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20217L8591999-10-21021 October 1999 Discusses 990921 Request for Approval to Perform Alternative Testing as Part of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station IST Program.Informs That Submittal Reviewed Against ASME Code Section XI Requirements & Forwards Safety Evaluation ML20217M1181999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates ML20217D9711999-10-13013 October 1999 Responds to Request That Information Titled Addl Info Re Cycle Specific SLMCPR for Vermont Yankee Cycle 21 Be Withheld from Public Disclosure.Determined Info to Be Proprietary & Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20217F1261999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards Update to Previously Submitted RELAP5 Analytical Assumptions for App R,Re RAI of 961104 BVY-99-130, Provides Clarification of Method for Determining MSIV Maximum & Minimum Pathway at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station1999-10-0808 October 1999 Provides Clarification of Method for Determining MSIV Maximum & Minimum Pathway at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20217C1501999-10-0707 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-271/99-11 on 990809-27.No Violations Noted.Insp Focused on Effectiveness of Engineering Functions in Providing for Safe Operation of Plant BVY-99-128, Submits Listed Addl Info in Support of 990414 Request for Clarification to SER Confirming Adequacy of Space Cooling for HPCI & RCIC Sys,Re Item II.K.3.24 of NUREG-0737.Copy of NEDE-24955,encl1999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Listed Addl Info in Support of 990414 Request for Clarification to SER Confirming Adequacy of Space Cooling for HPCI & RCIC Sys,Re Item II.K.3.24 of NUREG-0737.Copy of NEDE-24955,encl ML20212J7891999-10-0404 October 1999 Informs That Licensee 980804,0628,29 & 990921 Responses to GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at NPPs Acceptable.Nrc Consider Subj GL to Be Closed for Plant ML20212J6501999-09-30030 September 1999 Informs of Completion of mid-cycle PPR of VYNPS on 990913. No New Areas Identified in Which Licensee Performance Warranted Addl Insp Beyond Core Insp Program.Historical Listing of Plant Issues & Insp Plan Through Mar 2000 Encl ML20216J3531999-09-29029 September 1999 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12 on 990628-0811.Corrective Actions:Based on RFO 20 Maint Rule Outage Performance Review,Task Was Generated to Clarify & Enhance SD Monitoring Process BVY-99-122, Notifies of Intention to Reinstate Original Version of App F in FSAR & Correct Docket Re Assumption That Electrical Power Sys Are Designed IAW Requirements of GDC-171999-09-28028 September 1999 Notifies of Intention to Reinstate Original Version of App F in FSAR & Correct Docket Re Assumption That Electrical Power Sys Are Designed IAW Requirements of GDC-17 BVY-99-116, Informs of Determination That Wh Schulze,License SOP-10528-1,will No Longer Maintain License at Facility. Termination of License Requested1999-09-21021 September 1999 Informs of Determination That Wh Schulze,License SOP-10528-1,will No Longer Maintain License at Facility. Termination of License Requested BVY-99-113, Requests Approval to Perform Alternative Testing to That Specified by ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI & Asme/Ansi OM, Operation & Maint of Nuclear Power Plants. Attachment 1 Provides Justification for Alternative Testing1999-09-21021 September 1999 Requests Approval to Perform Alternative Testing to That Specified by ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI & Asme/Ansi OM, Operation & Maint of Nuclear Power Plants. Attachment 1 Provides Justification for Alternative Testing BVY-99-114, Provides Notification That Licensee Completed Y2K Remediation Efforts Described in Util 990608 Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 11999-09-21021 September 1999 Provides Notification That Licensee Completed Y2K Remediation Efforts Described in Util 990608 Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1 BVY-99-121, Requests Extension Until 990929 to Respond to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12,dtd 990819.Licensee Did Not Receive Rept Until 990830 & Addl Time Is Needed to Prepare & Allow for Adequate Review of Violation Response Submittal1999-09-20020 September 1999 Requests Extension Until 990929 to Respond to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12,dtd 990819.Licensee Did Not Receive Rept Until 990830 & Addl Time Is Needed to Prepare & Allow for Adequate Review of Violation Response Submittal ML20212C1621999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Amend 175 to License DPR-28 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TSs to Enhance Limiting Conditions for Operation & Surveillance Requirements Relating to Standby Liquid Control System BVY-99-115, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to 990714 RAI Re Civil & Mechanical Engineering Considerations for Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355.Proprietary Encls Withheld1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to 990714 RAI Re Civil & Mechanical Engineering Considerations for Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355.Proprietary Encls Withheld BVY-99-118, Responds to RAI Concerning GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions1999-09-16016 September 1999 Responds to RAI Concerning GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions ML20216F3171999-09-13013 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-271/99-06 on 990621-0801.One Violation Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violation BVY-99-111, Informs That Encl TS Bases Page 91 Has Been Revised to Allow Reactivity Anomaly BOC Steady State Core Reactivity to Be Normalized Between off-line Uncorrected Solution & on-line 3D-Monicore Exposure Corrected Solution1999-08-31031 August 1999 Informs That Encl TS Bases Page 91 Has Been Revised to Allow Reactivity Anomaly BOC Steady State Core Reactivity to Be Normalized Between off-line Uncorrected Solution & on-line 3D-Monicore Exposure Corrected Solution BVY-99-110, Informs of Util Intent to Replace Commitments Made in Licensee & Subsequently Ack in NRC with Containment Insp Criteria Defined in 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(vi),per Drywell Coating Insp1999-08-31031 August 1999 Informs of Util Intent to Replace Commitments Made in Licensee & Subsequently Ack in NRC with Containment Insp Criteria Defined in 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(vi),per Drywell Coating Insp ML20211G4791999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of 990420 Amend Request Re TS on Reloading & Unloading Sequence of Fuel in Reactor Core When All Fuel Removed from Core BVY-99-107, Submits Response to NRC RAI Re Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355 Fuel Assemblies1999-08-26026 August 1999 Submits Response to NRC RAI Re Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355 Fuel Assemblies ML20211E8841999-08-25025 August 1999 Requests That Licensee Provide bldg-specific Justification for Use of Method A.1 at Locations Where Amplification Significantly Exceeds 1.5 Limit Above 8 Hz ML20211E1371999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards from J Bean to H Miller & FEMA Final Exercise Rept for 990427-29 Plume Exposure & Ingestion Pathway Exercise for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station.No Deficiencies Noted.Areas Requiring C/A Identified ML20211H0851999-08-19019 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-271/99-12 on 990628-0711 & Nov. Violation Re Failure to Monitor Unavailability of Specific Sys,Structures & Components During Refueling Outage Did Not Allow Adequate Assessment of Maint Effectiveness BVY-99-108, Requests That Gv Bogue,Bj Croke,Vs Ferrizzi,Me French, Bk Mcnutt,Jf Meyer & DM Navarro Take BWR Gfes of OL Exam Administered on 991006.DA Daigler & ST Brown Will Have Access to Exams Before Tests Administered1999-08-19019 August 1999 Requests That Gv Bogue,Bj Croke,Vs Ferrizzi,Me French, Bk Mcnutt,Jf Meyer & DM Navarro Take BWR Gfes of OL Exam Administered on 991006.DA Daigler & ST Brown Will Have Access to Exams Before Tests Administered BVY-99-103, Informs That Util Expects to Submit Approx Twenty Licensing Actions in FY00 & FY01,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-021999-08-18018 August 1999 Informs That Util Expects to Submit Approx Twenty Licensing Actions in FY00 & FY01,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02 BVY-99-100, Forwards Revised Floor Response Spectra Diagrams,Originally Sent as Attachment 1 to Licensee to Nrc.Revised Diagrams Have More Legible Scale Markings1999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards Revised Floor Response Spectra Diagrams,Originally Sent as Attachment 1 to Licensee to Nrc.Revised Diagrams Have More Legible Scale Markings ML20210M5791999-07-30030 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990726 Telcon Re Status of Resolution for USI A-46 Outliers.Written Summary,By Equipment Category, Listed ML20211E1701999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Copy of Final Exercise Rept for 990427-29,full- Participation Plume Exposure & Ingestion Pathway Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans site-specific to VYNPS ML20210G4271999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Testing Data & Associated Results for Fitness for Duty Program at Plant for 990101-0630 ML20210G5041999-07-27027 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990301 RAI Re GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design- Basis Accident Conditions. Licensee Will Submit Info Re Proposed Sys Mod by 990916 ML20210J3031999-07-27027 July 1999 Submits Proposed Changes to Eals.Attachment 1 Provides Listing of Changes to EALs Along with Ref to Bases Documents Supporting Change ML20216D7321999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-271/99-05 on 990510-0620.Two Viiolations Being Treated as Noncited Violations ML20209J0601999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards Rev 11 to Vols 1-10 of State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan & Vols 11-50 to Town Radiological Emergency Response Plans,In Support of Vermont Yankee & Seabrook Station.Vols 17-19 of Were Not Included ML20209G2721999-07-14014 July 1999 Discusses Licensee Response to RAI Re GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl Suppl 1, Rv Structural Integrity, for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20209G6931999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Spent Fuel Storage Capacity Expansion ML20209G1531999-07-12012 July 1999 Discusses Util Setpoint Control Program Implementation Schedule,As Committed to in Licensee 990514 Response to Notice of Violation,Insp Rept 50-271/97-10 ML20196J2321999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Input from Util Technical Staff Re Soil Disposal on-site Under 10CFR20.2002 & Expresses Interest in Pursuing Approval to Use Same Methodology (Implemented Through Util ODCM & Reported as Noted) If Possible ML20209B6111999-06-29029 June 1999 Resubmits Summary of Vynp Commitments Page to Replace Original Page Submitted with Responding to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20196J2431999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs That Author Received Call from NRR on Dirt Spreading Ltr & Questions Re Cover Ltr Statement Where Util Asks to Be Allowed to Dispose of Future Soil in Same Manner Provided Same Acceptance Criteria Met ML20196J7421999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs NRC That Vygs Has Implemented Severe Accident Management,As Committed to in Licensee to NRC ML20209B5861999-06-28028 June 1999 Provides Alternative Y2K Readiness Status Described in Supplement 1 to GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Y2K Readiness Disclosure Rept Encl ML20209C3751999-06-28028 June 1999 Forwards non-proprietary Rev 16 to EPIP OP 3524, Emergency Actions to Ensure Initial Accountability & Security Response & Proprietary Rev 12 to EPIP OP 3531, Emergency Call-In Method. Proprietary Encl Withheld ML20196G5241999-06-22022 June 1999 Responds to Re Changes to Vermont Yankee Guard Training & Qualification Plan,Rev 8,Errata A.No NRC Approval Is Required.Encl Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR73.21 BVY-99-084, Forwards Proprietary Application & Medical Certificate for Mod of Listed SRO License,For Gj Leclair.Gj Leclair Will Be Trained & Evaluated in Accordance with Util Lsro Training Description.Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.7901999-06-18018 June 1999 Forwards Proprietary Application & Medical Certificate for Mod of Listed SRO License,For Gj Leclair.Gj Leclair Will Be Trained & Evaluated in Accordance with Util Lsro Training Description.Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20212J0541999-06-17017 June 1999 Responds to Requesting That NRC Staff ...Allow BWR Plants Identified to Defer Weld Overlay Exams Until March 2001 or Until Completion of NRC Staff Review & Approval of Proposed Generic Rept,Whichever Comes First ML20195H1741999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Original & Copy of Request for Approval of Certain Indirect & Direct Transfer of License & Ownership Interests of Montaup Electric Co (Montaup) with Respect to Nuclear Facilities Described as Listed 1999-09-30
MONTHYEARML20217F1261999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards Update to Previously Submitted RELAP5 Analytical Assumptions for App R,Re RAI of 961104 BVY-99-130, Provides Clarification of Method for Determining MSIV Maximum & Minimum Pathway at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station1999-10-0808 October 1999 Provides Clarification of Method for Determining MSIV Maximum & Minimum Pathway at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station BVY-99-128, Submits Listed Addl Info in Support of 990414 Request for Clarification to SER Confirming Adequacy of Space Cooling for HPCI & RCIC Sys,Re Item II.K.3.24 of NUREG-0737.Copy of NEDE-24955,encl1999-10-0606 October 1999 Submits Listed Addl Info in Support of 990414 Request for Clarification to SER Confirming Adequacy of Space Cooling for HPCI & RCIC Sys,Re Item II.K.3.24 of NUREG-0737.Copy of NEDE-24955,encl ML20216J3531999-09-29029 September 1999 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12 on 990628-0811.Corrective Actions:Based on RFO 20 Maint Rule Outage Performance Review,Task Was Generated to Clarify & Enhance SD Monitoring Process BVY-99-122, Notifies of Intention to Reinstate Original Version of App F in FSAR & Correct Docket Re Assumption That Electrical Power Sys Are Designed IAW Requirements of GDC-171999-09-28028 September 1999 Notifies of Intention to Reinstate Original Version of App F in FSAR & Correct Docket Re Assumption That Electrical Power Sys Are Designed IAW Requirements of GDC-17 BVY-99-116, Informs of Determination That Wh Schulze,License SOP-10528-1,will No Longer Maintain License at Facility. Termination of License Requested1999-09-21021 September 1999 Informs of Determination That Wh Schulze,License SOP-10528-1,will No Longer Maintain License at Facility. Termination of License Requested BVY-99-113, Requests Approval to Perform Alternative Testing to That Specified by ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI & Asme/Ansi OM, Operation & Maint of Nuclear Power Plants. Attachment 1 Provides Justification for Alternative Testing1999-09-21021 September 1999 Requests Approval to Perform Alternative Testing to That Specified by ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI & Asme/Ansi OM, Operation & Maint of Nuclear Power Plants. Attachment 1 Provides Justification for Alternative Testing BVY-99-114, Provides Notification That Licensee Completed Y2K Remediation Efforts Described in Util 990608 Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 11999-09-21021 September 1999 Provides Notification That Licensee Completed Y2K Remediation Efforts Described in Util 990608 Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1 BVY-99-121, Requests Extension Until 990929 to Respond to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12,dtd 990819.Licensee Did Not Receive Rept Until 990830 & Addl Time Is Needed to Prepare & Allow for Adequate Review of Violation Response Submittal1999-09-20020 September 1999 Requests Extension Until 990929 to Respond to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/99-12,dtd 990819.Licensee Did Not Receive Rept Until 990830 & Addl Time Is Needed to Prepare & Allow for Adequate Review of Violation Response Submittal BVY-99-118, Responds to RAI Concerning GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions1999-09-16016 September 1999 Responds to RAI Concerning GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions BVY-99-115, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to 990714 RAI Re Civil & Mechanical Engineering Considerations for Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355.Proprietary Encls Withheld1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to 990714 RAI Re Civil & Mechanical Engineering Considerations for Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355.Proprietary Encls Withheld BVY-99-111, Informs That Encl TS Bases Page 91 Has Been Revised to Allow Reactivity Anomaly BOC Steady State Core Reactivity to Be Normalized Between off-line Uncorrected Solution & on-line 3D-Monicore Exposure Corrected Solution1999-08-31031 August 1999 Informs That Encl TS Bases Page 91 Has Been Revised to Allow Reactivity Anomaly BOC Steady State Core Reactivity to Be Normalized Between off-line Uncorrected Solution & on-line 3D-Monicore Exposure Corrected Solution BVY-99-110, Informs of Util Intent to Replace Commitments Made in Licensee & Subsequently Ack in NRC with Containment Insp Criteria Defined in 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(vi),per Drywell Coating Insp1999-08-31031 August 1999 Informs of Util Intent to Replace Commitments Made in Licensee & Subsequently Ack in NRC with Containment Insp Criteria Defined in 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(vi),per Drywell Coating Insp BVY-99-107, Submits Response to NRC RAI Re Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355 Fuel Assemblies1999-08-26026 August 1999 Submits Response to NRC RAI Re Proposed Change to TS to Increase Spent Fuel Storage Capacity from 2,870 to 3,355 Fuel Assemblies BVY-99-108, Requests That Gv Bogue,Bj Croke,Vs Ferrizzi,Me French, Bk Mcnutt,Jf Meyer & DM Navarro Take BWR Gfes of OL Exam Administered on 991006.DA Daigler & ST Brown Will Have Access to Exams Before Tests Administered1999-08-19019 August 1999 Requests That Gv Bogue,Bj Croke,Vs Ferrizzi,Me French, Bk Mcnutt,Jf Meyer & DM Navarro Take BWR Gfes of OL Exam Administered on 991006.DA Daigler & ST Brown Will Have Access to Exams Before Tests Administered BVY-99-103, Informs That Util Expects to Submit Approx Twenty Licensing Actions in FY00 & FY01,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-021999-08-18018 August 1999 Informs That Util Expects to Submit Approx Twenty Licensing Actions in FY00 & FY01,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02 BVY-99-100, Forwards Revised Floor Response Spectra Diagrams,Originally Sent as Attachment 1 to Licensee to Nrc.Revised Diagrams Have More Legible Scale Markings1999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards Revised Floor Response Spectra Diagrams,Originally Sent as Attachment 1 to Licensee to Nrc.Revised Diagrams Have More Legible Scale Markings ML20210M5791999-07-30030 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990726 Telcon Re Status of Resolution for USI A-46 Outliers.Written Summary,By Equipment Category, Listed ML20211E1701999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Copy of Final Exercise Rept for 990427-29,full- Participation Plume Exposure & Ingestion Pathway Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans site-specific to VYNPS ML20210G4271999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Testing Data & Associated Results for Fitness for Duty Program at Plant for 990101-0630 ML20210J3031999-07-27027 July 1999 Submits Proposed Changes to Eals.Attachment 1 Provides Listing of Changes to EALs Along with Ref to Bases Documents Supporting Change ML20210G5041999-07-27027 July 1999 Responds to NRC 990301 RAI Re GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design- Basis Accident Conditions. Licensee Will Submit Info Re Proposed Sys Mod by 990916 ML20209J0601999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards Rev 11 to Vols 1-10 of State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan & Vols 11-50 to Town Radiological Emergency Response Plans,In Support of Vermont Yankee & Seabrook Station.Vols 17-19 of Were Not Included ML20209G1531999-07-12012 July 1999 Discusses Util Setpoint Control Program Implementation Schedule,As Committed to in Licensee 990514 Response to Notice of Violation,Insp Rept 50-271/97-10 ML20196J2321999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Input from Util Technical Staff Re Soil Disposal on-site Under 10CFR20.2002 & Expresses Interest in Pursuing Approval to Use Same Methodology (Implemented Through Util ODCM & Reported as Noted) If Possible ML20209B6111999-06-29029 June 1999 Resubmits Summary of Vynp Commitments Page to Replace Original Page Submitted with Responding to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20196J7421999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs NRC That Vygs Has Implemented Severe Accident Management,As Committed to in Licensee to NRC ML20209B5861999-06-28028 June 1999 Provides Alternative Y2K Readiness Status Described in Supplement 1 to GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Y2K Readiness Disclosure Rept Encl ML20209C3751999-06-28028 June 1999 Forwards non-proprietary Rev 16 to EPIP OP 3524, Emergency Actions to Ensure Initial Accountability & Security Response & Proprietary Rev 12 to EPIP OP 3531, Emergency Call-In Method. Proprietary Encl Withheld BVY-99-084, Forwards Proprietary Application & Medical Certificate for Mod of Listed SRO License,For Gj Leclair.Gj Leclair Will Be Trained & Evaluated in Accordance with Util Lsro Training Description.Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.7901999-06-18018 June 1999 Forwards Proprietary Application & Medical Certificate for Mod of Listed SRO License,For Gj Leclair.Gj Leclair Will Be Trained & Evaluated in Accordance with Util Lsro Training Description.Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20195H1741999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Original & Copy of Request for Approval of Certain Indirect & Direct Transfer of License & Ownership Interests of Montaup Electric Co (Montaup) with Respect to Nuclear Facilities Described as Listed ML20195D5341999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Description of Vermont Yankees Plans for Insp of & Mods to Certain Reactor Vessel Internals ML20195C5891999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990301 RAI Re GL 96-05 Program at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station BVY-99-074, Forwards Application & Medical Certificate Required for Renewal of Jd Livingston,License OP-10049,RO License.Medical Certificate Withheld1999-05-26026 May 1999 Forwards Application & Medical Certificate Required for Renewal of Jd Livingston,License OP-10049,RO License.Medical Certificate Withheld ML20195B4081999-05-24024 May 1999 Withdraws Licensee Commitment,Contained in ,To Reinitiate ITS Project Following Completion of FSAR Accuracy Verification Project.Util Will Continue to Modify Current TS with Number of Improvements BVY-99-067, Informs That Bw Metcalf,License SOP-1761-9,has Retired from VYNPS & Will No Longer Require License.Nrc Is Requested to Terminate License1999-05-21021 May 1999 Informs That Bw Metcalf,License SOP-1761-9,has Retired from VYNPS & Will No Longer Require License.Nrc Is Requested to Terminate License ML20196L1801999-05-18018 May 1999 Withdraws Licensee & Attachment,Containing Rev 2 to Vermont Yankee Operational QA Manual, from Further Consideration by Nrc.Summary of Commitments Encl ML20206K3201999-05-0707 May 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical & Electrical Equipment ML20206J2801999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Financial Repts for CT Light & Power Co,Western Ma Electric Co,Public Svc Co of Nh,North Atlantic Energy Corp,Northeast Nuclear Energy Co & North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp,License Holders ML20206D3731999-04-27027 April 1999 Informs NRC of Changes in Recipients of NRC Docketed Correspondence ML20206B1401999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Replacement of Section 3(a) of NSHC Determination Provided by Re TS Proposed Change 208,suppl Section 6 ML20205S3381999-04-16016 April 1999 Submits Revised Schedule for Response to NRC 990226 RAI Re 980630 Submittal of IPEEE Rept.Info Will Be Submitted by 991231 ML20205S3891999-04-16016 April 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Revised Page to Holtec Rept HI-981932,supplementing TS Proposed Changed 207 Re Spent Fuel Pool Storage Capacity Expansion ML20205S3031999-04-15015 April 1999 Forwards Revised TS Bases Pages 90,227,164 & 221a,accounting for Change in Reload Analysis from Yaec to GE Methodology, Reflecting Change in Condensation Stability Design Criteria & Accounting for More Conservative Calculation ML20205P9291999-04-14014 April 1999 Requests That Rev to NRC 821029 SER for NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.24,be Issued to Clarify Util Installed RCIC & HPCI HVAC Configuration,As Discovered During Preparation of DBDs for Sys ML20205P8191999-04-13013 April 1999 Forwards Rev 2 to COLR for Vermont Yankee Cycle 20, Dtd Feb 1999,IAW TS Section 6.7.A.4 ML20205M3191999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Rept of Results of Individual Monitoring, Per 10CFR20.2206(b).Licensee Is Submitting Matl to Only Addressee Specified in 10CFR20.2206(c).Without Encl ML20205K1821999-03-31031 March 1999 Informs of Modifications That Util Made to CO(2) Fire Suppression Sys,Due to Sen 188 Which Occurred at Ineel on 980728.Compensatory Actions Will Remain in Place Until Modifications Are Complete & Systems Are Returned to Svc ML20205K0351999-03-31031 March 1999 Informs That Certain Addl Corrections Warranted for 990121 SER for Amend 163 to License DPR-28 Re Suppression Pool Water Temp.Suggested Corrections Listed ML20206A6951999-03-29029 March 1999 Request Confirmation That No NRC Action or Approval,Required Relative to Proposed Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of New England Power Co,Minority Shareholder in Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp,Yaec,Myap & Connecticut Yankee 1999-09-29
[Table view] Category:UTILITY TO NRC
MONTHYEARML20059J2831990-09-10010 September 1990 Forwards Updated Operator Licensing Exam Schedule for FY91, FY92,FY93 & FY94,per Generic Ltrs 90-07 & 89-12 BVY-90-087, Forwards Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA Program for LOCA Analyses.Proprietary Encl Withheld1990-08-28028 August 1990 Forwards Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA Program for LOCA Analyses.Proprietary Encl Withheld ML20059D9831990-08-28028 August 1990 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 900103-0630,per 10CFR26.71.NRC Review of Data Will Provide Realization That Positive Testing Rate Extremely Low & Limited to pre-access Testing Population BVY-90-086, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/90-06.Corrective Actions:Incident Rept Initiated & All Required Locking Devices in Place by 9007061990-08-24024 August 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/90-06.Corrective Actions:Incident Rept Initiated & All Required Locking Devices in Place by 900706 ML20059F6681990-08-22022 August 1990 Comments on Review of Amend 115 to License DPR-28,including Safety Evaluation.Requests Explanation of Statement in NRC Re How NRC Considers Comments & What Resolution Could Be for Each Util Comment in BVY-90-085, Informs That Sys Testing & Operator Training Successfully Completed & SPDS Declared Operable on 900813.Util Intends to Operate SPDS in Parallel W/Original Honeywell Gepac Plant Computer Until mid-Nov 19901990-08-15015 August 1990 Informs That Sys Testing & Operator Training Successfully Completed & SPDS Declared Operable on 900813.Util Intends to Operate SPDS in Parallel W/Original Honeywell Gepac Plant Computer Until mid-Nov 1990 BVY-90-084, Notifies NRC of Intentions to Install Test Fuel Assemblies & Test Control Blades During Cycle 15 Refueling Outage in Sept 19901990-07-24024 July 1990 Notifies NRC of Intentions to Install Test Fuel Assemblies & Test Control Blades During Cycle 15 Refueling Outage in Sept 1990 BVY-90-082, Informs That Effective 900723 Facility Implemented Rev 4 of Procedure Generating Package & Corresponding Revs to Eops. Revs Developed Per Rev 4 of BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines1990-07-24024 July 1990 Informs That Effective 900723 Facility Implemented Rev 4 of Procedure Generating Package & Corresponding Revs to Eops. Revs Developed Per Rev 4 of BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines BVY-90-071, Forwards Rev 2 to Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)1990-07-20020 July 1990 Forwards Rev 2 to Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) BVY-90-078, Forwards List of Refs for Proposed Change 161 to Facility OL & Tech Specs1990-07-17017 July 1990 Forwards List of Refs for Proposed Change 161 to Facility OL & Tech Specs BVY-90-072, Forwards Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Third & Fourth Quarters 1989,Including Annual Radiological Impact on Man for 19891990-06-27027 June 1990 Forwards Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Third & Fourth Quarters 1989,Including Annual Radiological Impact on Man for 1989 BVY-90-070, Requests Temporary Waiver of Compliance from Tech Spec Requirements for Limiting Conditions for Operation for Certain post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Listed in Tech Spec Table 3.2.6.Parameters Listed1990-06-15015 June 1990 Requests Temporary Waiver of Compliance from Tech Spec Requirements for Limiting Conditions for Operation for Certain post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Listed in Tech Spec Table 3.2.6.Parameters Listed BVY-90-067, Responds to Second Request for Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA. Explanation Re Why More Accurate View Factor Calculation Not Included in Huxy Code Addressed1990-06-0808 June 1990 Responds to Second Request for Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA. Explanation Re Why More Accurate View Factor Calculation Not Included in Huxy Code Addressed BVY-90-064, Forwards Accepted Version of YAEC-1683-A, MICBURN-3/ CASMO-3/TABLES-3/SIMULATE-3 Benchmarking of Vermont Yankee Cycles 9 Through 131990-06-0101 June 1990 Forwards Accepted Version of YAEC-1683-A, MICBURN-3/ CASMO-3/TABLES-3/SIMULATE-3 Benchmarking of Vermont Yankee Cycles 9 Through 13 BVY-90-063, Forwards YAEC-1659-A, Simulate-3 Validation & Verification1990-06-0101 June 1990 Forwards YAEC-1659-A, Simulate-3 Validation & Verification BVY-90-065, Forwards Accepted Version of YAEC-1363-A, CASMO-3G Validation, Per NRC1990-06-0101 June 1990 Forwards Accepted Version of YAEC-1363-A, CASMO-3G Validation, Per NRC BVY-90-062, Informs of Three Organizational Changes That Will Become Effective on 900601.WP Murphy,Jp Pelletier & DA Reid Will Be Senior Vice President of Operations,Newly Created Vice President of Engineering & Plant Manager,Respectively1990-05-30030 May 1990 Informs of Three Organizational Changes That Will Become Effective on 900601.WP Murphy,Jp Pelletier & DA Reid Will Be Senior Vice President of Operations,Newly Created Vice President of Engineering & Plant Manager,Respectively BVY-90-061, Informs That Util Intends to Utilize Relationship Between Frosstey & FROSSTEY-2 to Support Cycle 15 Calculations.Nrc Approval of FROSSTEY-2 Needed by Aug 1990 for LOCA Analysis Program1990-05-23023 May 1990 Informs That Util Intends to Utilize Relationship Between Frosstey & FROSSTEY-2 to Support Cycle 15 Calculations.Nrc Approval of FROSSTEY-2 Needed by Aug 1990 for LOCA Analysis Program BVY-90-058, Forwards Public Version of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Emergency Response Preparedness Exercise 1990. Exercise Scenario Package Includes All Info Pertinent to Performance of Exercise Scheduled for 9007181990-05-17017 May 1990 Forwards Public Version of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Emergency Response Preparedness Exercise 1990. Exercise Scenario Package Includes All Info Pertinent to Performance of Exercise Scheduled for 900718 BVY-90-059, Forwards Rev 19 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)1990-05-17017 May 1990 Forwards Rev 19 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) BVY-90-054, Forwards Proprietary Supplemental Info to 900419 Response to NRC Re FROSSTEY-2 Fuel Performance Code.Info Withheld1990-05-10010 May 1990 Forwards Proprietary Supplemental Info to 900419 Response to NRC Re FROSSTEY-2 Fuel Performance Code.Info Withheld BVY-90-051, Ack That NRC Will Issue Supplementary Info to NRC 900307 Request for Installation of Neutron Flux Monitoring Instrumentation That Conforms to Requirements of Reg Guide 1.97 & 10CFR50.49 at Plant1990-05-0404 May 1990 Ack That NRC Will Issue Supplementary Info to NRC 900307 Request for Installation of Neutron Flux Monitoring Instrumentation That Conforms to Requirements of Reg Guide 1.97 & 10CFR50.49 at Plant BVY-90-049, Forwards Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Annual Radiological Environ Surveillance Rept 19891990-04-30030 April 1990 Forwards Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Annual Radiological Environ Surveillance Rept 1989 ML20034C8151990-04-28028 April 1990 Forwards Attachment B to Interrogatories Propounded by Util to State of Vt,Filed on 900426,consisting of Pages 12-15 of SALP Rept 50-271/88-89.Related Correspondence BVY-90-050, Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow. Util Does Not Presently Use Channel Boxes in-core for Longer than One Bundle Lifetime1990-04-27027 April 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow. Util Does Not Presently Use Channel Boxes in-core for Longer than One Bundle Lifetime ML20042E7291990-04-23023 April 1990 Forwards Pages Omitted from 900314 Revs 16-18 to Physical Security Plan.Revs Withheld BVY-90-045, Forwards Proprietary Responses to Questions 1 & 4 of NRC Re Rev to FROSSTEY-2 Fuel Performance Code.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)1990-04-19019 April 1990 Forwards Proprietary Responses to Questions 1 & 4 of NRC Re Rev to FROSSTEY-2 Fuel Performance Code.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20034A9691990-04-18018 April 1990 Requests Permission for Util to Recognize NRC-approved Site Access Authorizations for Other Facilities as Acceptable Basis for Granting Unescorted Access to Each Util Facility BVY-90-038, Provides Supplemental Response to Station Blackout Rule (10CFR50.63).Util Will Use Alternate Ac Power Source Available within 10 Minutes of Onset of Station Blackout to Meet Requirements of Station Blackout Rule1990-03-30030 March 1990 Provides Supplemental Response to Station Blackout Rule (10CFR50.63).Util Will Use Alternate Ac Power Source Available within 10 Minutes of Onset of Station Blackout to Meet Requirements of Station Blackout Rule BVY-90-037, Confirms Util Plans to Install Passive Containment Overpressure Protection Capability.Sys Will Be Designed Under 10CFR50.50 Rules & Installed During 1992 Refueling Outage1990-03-26026 March 1990 Confirms Util Plans to Install Passive Containment Overpressure Protection Capability.Sys Will Be Designed Under 10CFR50.50 Rules & Installed During 1992 Refueling Outage BVY-90-036, Forwards Supplemental Info to 1989 Primary Containment Leak Rate Test Rept,Justifying Test Duration of Less than 24 H & Clarifying Verification of Calculation,Per NRC Request1990-03-26026 March 1990 Forwards Supplemental Info to 1989 Primary Containment Leak Rate Test Rept,Justifying Test Duration of Less than 24 H & Clarifying Verification of Calculation,Per NRC Request ML20012D0301990-03-19019 March 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-19 Re Resolution of USI A-47.Feedwater Sys Trip Relays,Interfacing W/Feedwater Pump Control Circuitry,Powered from Supplies Originating from safety-related Dc Sources BVY-90-033, Forwards Supplemental Info Re Feedwater Check Valve V28B Flaws Evaluation,Per NRC Request.Util Remains Committed to Replacement of Subj Valve During Upcoming 1990 Refueling Outage1990-03-16016 March 1990 Forwards Supplemental Info Re Feedwater Check Valve V28B Flaws Evaluation,Per NRC Request.Util Remains Committed to Replacement of Subj Valve During Upcoming 1990 Refueling Outage BVY-90-030, Forwards Rev 1 to YAEC-1693-A, Application of One- Dimensional Kinetics to BWR Transient Analysis Methods, Per NUREG-03901990-03-15015 March 1990 Forwards Rev 1 to YAEC-1693-A, Application of One- Dimensional Kinetics to BWR Transient Analysis Methods, Per NUREG-0390 BVY-90-032, Forwards Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp Financial Statements 891231,1988 & 19871990-03-15015 March 1990 Forwards Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp Financial Statements 891231,1988 & 1987 BVY-90-031, Forwards Method for Generation of One-Dimensional Kinetics Data for RETRAN-02, Per NUREG-0393 & 891211 Request1990-03-15015 March 1990 Forwards Method for Generation of One-Dimensional Kinetics Data for RETRAN-02, Per NUREG-0393 & 891211 Request BVY-90-027, Informs of Schedular Changes Made W/Regard to Plant Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program1990-03-0909 March 1990 Informs of Schedular Changes Made W/Regard to Plant Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program ML20033F0861990-03-0909 March 1990 Advises That Licensee Maintains Listed Nuclear Property Insurance Coverage for Facility,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(2) BVY-90-028, Forwards Proprietary Vermont Yankee Evaluation Model Sample Problem 0.7 Ft(2) Break in Recirculation Discharge Loop, in Response to 900208 Telcon.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)1990-03-0909 March 1990 Forwards Proprietary Vermont Yankee Evaluation Model Sample Problem 0.7 Ft(2) Break in Recirculation Discharge Loop, in Response to 900208 Telcon.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) BVY-90-024, Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Completed Survey Questionnaire Sheets Re Various Insps,Audits or Evaluations Encl1990-02-28028 February 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Completed Survey Questionnaire Sheets Re Various Insps,Audits or Evaluations Encl BVY-90-016, Provides NRC W/Results of Licensee Review of Design Bases & Operability Status of torus-to-reactor Bldg Vacuum Breakers1990-02-15015 February 1990 Provides NRC W/Results of Licensee Review of Design Bases & Operability Status of torus-to-reactor Bldg Vacuum Breakers BVY-90-012, Responds to Weaknesses Noted in SALP Rept 50-271/88-99 for Jul 1988 to Sept 1989.Implementation of Emergency Response Facility Info Sys Nearing Completion & Remaining Safety Class Vendor Manuals Will Be Completed During 19901990-02-0505 February 1990 Responds to Weaknesses Noted in SALP Rept 50-271/88-99 for Jul 1988 to Sept 1989.Implementation of Emergency Response Facility Info Sys Nearing Completion & Remaining Safety Class Vendor Manuals Will Be Completed During 1990 BVY-90-011, Responds to 891226 Request for Addl Info Re YAEC-1683 on MICBURN-3/CASMO-3/TABLES-3/SIMULATE-3 Benchmarking.Hot Eigenvalue Std Deviation on Table 5.7 of YAEC-1683 Reduced to 0.00098 w/SIMULATE-31990-02-0202 February 1990 Responds to 891226 Request for Addl Info Re YAEC-1683 on MICBURN-3/CASMO-3/TABLES-3/SIMULATE-3 Benchmarking.Hot Eigenvalue Std Deviation on Table 5.7 of YAEC-1683 Reduced to 0.00098 w/SIMULATE-3 BVY-90-007, Forwards Responses to Generic Ltr 89-13 Re Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting safety-related Equipment.Establishment of Program Revs Prior to Startup from Next Refueling Outage, Scheduled for Fall 1990,planned1990-01-22022 January 1990 Forwards Responses to Generic Ltr 89-13 Re Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting safety-related Equipment.Establishment of Program Revs Prior to Startup from Next Refueling Outage, Scheduled for Fall 1990,planned BVY-90-006, Forwards Addl Info Re Testing of Cable Vault C02 Suppression Sys During 891031-1102,per NRC 890518 & 0821 Requests.Encl Final Test Rept Demonstrates That Carbon Dioxide Sys Will Satisfy Design Bases for Greater than 10 Minutes in Room1990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Addl Info Re Testing of Cable Vault C02 Suppression Sys During 891031-1102,per NRC 890518 & 0821 Requests.Encl Final Test Rept Demonstrates That Carbon Dioxide Sys Will Satisfy Design Bases for Greater than 10 Minutes in Room BVY-90-005, Forwards Revised Page 127 of Tech Specs to Clarify Proposed Change 134, Rev of Pressure Suppression - Reactor Bldg Vacuum Breaker Sys Operability Requirements. Change Involves Adoption of Language Consistent W/Bwr STS1990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Revised Page 127 of Tech Specs to Clarify Proposed Change 134, Rev of Pressure Suppression - Reactor Bldg Vacuum Breaker Sys Operability Requirements. Change Involves Adoption of Language Consistent W/Bwr STS ML20005G0841990-01-10010 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re Stress Corrosion Cracking of high-hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or Valves of Similar Design BVY-90-002, Informs That Util Has Implemented Fitness for Duty Program, in Compliance w/10CFR261990-01-0202 January 1990 Informs That Util Has Implemented Fitness for Duty Program, in Compliance w/10CFR26 BVY-90-003, Forwards Minutes of NRC 890907 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util LOCA Analysis Program.List of Attendees Also Encl1990-01-0202 January 1990 Forwards Minutes of NRC 890907 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Util LOCA Analysis Program.List of Attendees Also Encl BVY-89-117, Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/89-17 on 890906-1016.Corrective Actions:Plant Procedures Revised & Addl Meetings Between Plant Manager,Dept Supervisors & Personnel to Take Place1989-12-28028 December 1989 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/89-17 on 890906-1016.Corrective Actions:Plant Procedures Revised & Addl Meetings Between Plant Manager,Dept Supervisors & Personnel to Take Place 1990-09-10
[Table view] |
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RD S, Box 169, Ferry Road Brattleboro, VT 05301 FVY 87-105
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.l)hb TELEPHONE 617 872 8500. j 31: November 3, 1987
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~U.S. Nucletr Requlatory. Commission 'f f
,N1 Region J -
j L631 Parf.4[f .$enue'{~ ' _ _ _
14 Q] , King,offressia,PA 19406 ,
![ttn:1 i - illiam V. JohOst ,ActindDirector '
) .ivision!cf React Safety-Refet 4nces s s License'No. DPR-28.(Oocket No. 50-271) 3 h' ' N )') *Ietter, USNRC to VYNPC, NVY 87-158, " Equipment c' 7
/_ . Qualification Inspection of Vermont Yankee Nuclear i
// (" p . .!' / ' ' Pour Station (Inspection No. 50-27/87-19), j jJ daied 9/29/87 I
<c/t y t 1 i fNebSir:
NRC inspection 87-19, Environmental Qualification
,13 Inspection of, Vermont. Yankee Nuclear Power Station
;y During the week of October 19, 1987 through October 23, 1987, a team of NRC
.and contractor personnel performed ISE Inspection 87-19, Environmental Qualification Program, at the )/erront Yankee Nuclear Power Station. At the exit meeting, the lead auditor-identiffed several areas where supplemental infor-3 mrjion'should be provide /to assist irl the final evaluation of the inspected areas and to supplement'.information which would ultimately appear in the subject inspection report.
'3 9 .
Accordingly, we are pros jtind Aheattachedinformationwhichcanbeasso-ciatedwiththefollowingspeafficpinspectionareas: )
l t Attachment A GE EB-5 Terminal Blocks Justification of Original Qualification Wire Critnps in Justification of Original Qualification
'l{v' Attar,hment'8 .
,> .LimitorqueMOV'y)
L.l? Q[.f -
Attachment C Dings Brakes '
Justification of Original Qualification W Rome Cable Justification of Original Qualification 9
4'i E Attachments At*pchment E. Lewis Cable Justification of Equipment Qualifiability
, . A ttachqnt F Tape Splices in Justification of Original Qualification
-' O1 Limitorque MOV's)
- g; o 'n.Att%inent G 3M Tape Splices ! Justification of Original Qualification
.", 'AttachmeerjH Cerro., Cable Justification of Original Qualification y ,y .Attaphment I Additional Information'
.' on MOV Walkdoans' c2c ;
t,w Co. ,
4"Q _ 'y ] Question numbers referenced irg the attachments correspond to question num- ,
g<c- bers pjdc. rated d'uring NRC Inspectie 87-19. gg {
.%Y gW f Add i )
*i i
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! Noveinber 3,1987 ,
Q3 Page 2 l
e It was Vermont Yankee's understanding that-the inspection team viewed the !
-programmatic' controls and bases for Vermont Yankee's EQ Program as very effec- ;
tive, . based ilpon statements at the management exit' meeting held at the conclu- -{
sion of the site inspectionivisit. Further, the staff identified no equipment or safety problem. associated wi.th the Vermont-Yankee'EQ Program. However, during the inspection,.a number of discussions of Vermont Yankee's application of simi-
.g larity qualification analyses'were held. It remains Vermont Yankee's' position.
.that qualification.by similarity-is a fully acceptable method of qualifying !
existing' plant equipment under the provisions of the EQ regulatii,ns. Further,
- it"is Vermont Yankee's position that we followed similarity methods consistent with those followed at other nuclear facilities which the staff has accepted during inspection'of EQ-Programs. Based on these facts, we conclude that with
;one exception (Lewis Cable) the EQ files as presented during the audit for the 3
.above equipment contained sufficient information to justify full qualification !
of the affected equipment. Attachment E provides additional information requested by the NRC documenting the equipment qualifiability of the Lewis Cable.
We are therefore requesting a meeting to discuss the similarity issue and its appl.ication at Vermont Yankee with your staff an-d members of the technical ,
staff at NRR. This meeting would allow the opportunity for.us to present the
-bases for similarity qualification criteria which have been applied consistently and thoroughly in our EQ program. We propose the week of November 16, 1987 for such a meeting subject to successful mutual arrangements by all parties.
We' trust that the attached information will significantly supplement the audit record in several key areas and lead to the final resolution of unresolved items. We also firmly believe that the meeting requested will be of significant mutual benefit to NRC and Vermont Yankee in resolving the remaining inspection issues.
We would appreciate prompt consideration of our request for a meeting. ,
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact this office.
Warren P.
f urphy v Vice President and Manager of Operations
i Off ,
yq Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT A Question No. 9:
General Electric EB-S Terminal Blocks-Limitorque test 800119 does not establish qualification because megger readings taken,(apply 2.2 volts) does not demonstrate insulation resistance at the-required voltage.
Response No,' 9':
;In an effort to demonstrate the qualified status of these terminal blocks, we x'
pursued a " similarity analysis" to GE CR151B terminal blocks qualified in y another' documentation file. Qualification by this analysis was demonstrated to
\' 'the satisfaction of your auditors. However, since we-had to make an addition to the ffle, we were cited. !
We have reviewed this' file and.the NRC question again. There is no statement'in l
-the report that the megger ope atW at a voltage of 2.2 volts. The auditor ver-bally informed us that he had " heard somewhere" that.this was the case. In addition, we have reviewed catalog information concerning Biddle Meggers and .
have discussed their technical attributes with the manufacturer (see attached notes of telephone conversation).
These terminal blocks are required to operate during the first seven days of a HEL8. However, the steam and high temperature conditions only exist for approximately one hour. One hour data is not available from the test report; however, date at 10 seconds, 30 minutes and 2.5 hours is available. During that perjod, the minimum recorded resistance was recorded at 200 kilohm. That reading was taken'in the presence of caustic spray application. From a review of the technical information on the megger, we conclude that the minimum v.oltege range usable to create these readings wo'ald have been 100 volts. Since these i terminal blocks are utilized in instrument applications where the maximum '
voltage, except poiwer supply input voltage, is 52 volts DC; we conclude that the terminal blocks are qualified for their application. In addition, we conclude that the documentation that presently exists adequately suppurts that qualification.
We were unable to acquire the information presented during the audit period.
However, this information dees not modify or amplify any portion of the documen-tation package. It merely serves to address an auditor's question brought up
-during the audit. Under these conditions, we feel that reconsideration of our response is warranted and that no violation should be assessed.
Ifithere were some technical bases to dispute, the information contained in Test Report 80119, the information would have been presented to the industry in the form of an I&E Information Notice or by vendor notification. It has been and l will continue to be our practice to address concerns expressed in such Notices in a rigorous and timely manner, a__-_-__ _ _ _ _ _ l
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Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT B i
i Question No. 19:
l Nylon Insulated Wire Joints In three Limitorque operators in the Reactor Building (outside containment),
nylon wire joints were used on motor leads. On one MOV-10-150, these joints were used to splice two wires together making a current path. No documentation
. exists in EQ File 3.1'for these joints.
t a) Need to demonstrate environmental qualification for use of these nylon wire joints outside containment, b) Need to determine if any of these joints are used in containment. If so, need to address EQ for in-containment conditions.
Response No. 19:
'Limitorque QDR 3.1 contains certification from the vendor that the motors are
' qualified by Limitorque Test Reports B0003, 600376A, and 600198. Nylon wire joints for dual voltage motors were supplied by Limitorque and are considered part of the motor itecelf. Test Reports 80003, 600376A, and 600198 tested dual voltage motors that contained insulated wire joints. We considered these dual voltage motors to be qualified by the test reports contained in the QDR.
Through membership in industry groups, Vermont Yankee is aware of the current ongoing discussions between the NRC and Limitorque regarding the nylon wire joints. To date, we have not received correspondence from either the NRC or the vendor to indicate the qualificaiton of these connectors was not established by the existing test reports. To cite Vermont Yankee for a documentation violation based on an ongoing investigation of an unnoticed issue in our estimation is not appropriate.
Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Vermont Yankee Equipment Qualification Program, Vermont Yankee maintains that full qualification has been established for these components.
However, during the audit, the qualification of these splices was questioned by the auditor. The discussion presented in the attached telecon mitigates con-cerns raised during the audit by justifying an alternative acceptability of these components.
It is important to note, however, that Vermont Yankee considers the Limitorque Notor Operators being discussed as fully qualified for their application by the existing documentation.
[:hE -
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Attachment B Page 2 of 2-
,' ?
i t
1 a
3: 1 L As discussed irt the response -to Question ~ 14(2), there are forty-one .(41) EQ n '
.MOV's in the: Reactor Building and~ steam tunnel'at Vermont Yankee. Of.these,.
isix.(6);are single-voltage' motors and do not contain~ nylon-insulated wire
. joints. Thirty-three.(33). valves with dual-voltage motors are required;to func-etionlonly post-LOCA.and are not required.to operatef in a steam environment
. -Qualification of'these MOV'stto. operate in'the worst case-post-LOCA; radiation; environment'of'2 x;10 7LR Lis'demonstrat'ed by' materials analysis .in EPRI Reportt
NP-2129 which indicates thatlthe1 dielectric strength of nylon'is not.signifi-Jeantly. reduced at radiation doses significantly above the required value.
Two valves with' dual-Voltage motors are pres'ently' listed . in Vermont Yankee's' EQ ' -
- matrixtas requiredLtoioperateLduring a HELB, The EQ matrix was developed byl
. selecting; equipment and systems which placed the plant in the most stable state for the postulated: accidents. The scenario for each adcidentlis based on'the Vermont / Yankee FSAR and; Emergency Operating Procedures'. It is desirable that-a11} equipment-be~ operable,from the' Control Room buta-if access is available,
' local operation'is permitted.
o-MOV 10-34A-and MOV-10-3'98 operate to est'ablish the-torus cooling mode of RHR.
- Torus cooling mode.of RHR is. required to remove decay heat from.the torus following a HELB; however, our analyses indicate that under the. worst case HELB scenario initiation of torus cooling can be delayed for 70 minutes. At this U time,athe Reactor. Building temperature has returned.to normal. The two valves-
.are fully? accessible and torus cooling-can be manually initiated by locally 9 . opening the' valves.. -
Because our program was developed to allow all equipment required for HELB to be operable 1 remotely, we intend to resolve any concerns by obtaining additional
. qualification documentation to support the operation of MOV-10-34A and i MOV-10-39B during a HELB or to. replace the nylon splices with new splices.
In' conclusion, Vermont Yankee maintains that the documentation in question ade-quately supports the equipment qualification.
I s
Attachment C Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT C Question No. 14:
- 1. Dings Brake's:
(a) Similarity analysis or materials analysis for radiation.
(b) Similarity analysis for thermally tested Class H insuletion.
Response No. 14:
In establishing qualification of Limitorque valve operators, Vermont Yankee reviewed qualification test data and its applicability to the components installed at the plant. Any areas in which the installed configurations did not correspond with the tests were addressed. This included the actuators ,
supplied with Dings brakes.
The Qualification Documentation Review (QDR) package for Limitorque operators shows Vermont Yankee's. concern regarding brake qualification dating back to ;
1980. The concern was that the brake coils could not be shown to withstand radiation. In 1984, Vermont Yankee replaced the existing brakes containing radiation resistant coils, and accompanied by a Certificate of Compliance from Limitorque which states, "... The motor supplied with special radiation resistant brake coils with materials equivalent to K80110 would be equivalent or superior to the brake motor included in Limitorque Qualification Report 600198." Based upon the information supplied, Vermont Yankee believed suf ficient documentation existed to support environmental qualification of the valve operators with motors containing brakes with special radiation resistant coils. In order to satisfy concerns raised during the recent inspection; however, Vermont Yankee has obtained additional information on the composition of the brake coils. A materials analysis further er.hancing our qualification conclusion is contained below.
Part 1(a)
The material used in the special radiation resistant coils with Class H insulation supplied with the Dings brakes at Vermont Yankee is listed below.
The radiation threshold values of this materini are also listed. These 7
threshold values exceed the 8.0 x 10 R dose at Vermont Yankee for the application of the brakes. Therefore, these materials are considered qualified for radiation.
Attachment C Page 2 of 2 Component- Material Threshold Dose Magnet Wire Insulation Pyre ML 200 MR (Joy X-604)
Crossover Barrier ,
Pyre ML-Coated Glass 330 MR (NP-2129)
Fabric Lead Wire NOMAX, Glass-Braided 330 MR_(NP-2129)
Belden 30718 Core, Liner Pyre ML-Coated Glass 330 MR (NP-2129)
Fabric-Outer Wrap .007 Thick Glass Tape 100 MR-(NP-1558)
Final Coat 'Dow Corning 997 Varnish 500 MR (REIC-21) l
'Part 1(b)
Dings brake coil, Model No. H-60240, was type-tested for environmental conditions including steam, but excluding radiation. The material list of the type-tested coil., Model H-60240'(60 series), is the same as that supplied for Vermont Yankee Model No. 6-71015-6S (70 series) [see attachment). In addition, per telecon (attached), Dings has stated.that the materials supplied in the type tested coil
'(60' series) is the same as supplied in the Vermont Yankee coils (70 series).
The Vermont Yankee brake coil materials, therefore, would exh! bit the same characteristics upon exposure to environmental tests. As additional proof, this radiation-resistant insulation has been used on motors subjected to and passing similar environmental tests (see Limitorque Certificate of Compliance, QDR Pages F18 and F19, attached).
Vermont Yankee concludes, therefore, that the Dings brakes used at our plant are qualified, however, additional supporting documentation nas been obtained and will be added to the qualification files.
-. . 1
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Attachment'C- Appendix A sesed en the plant calkeevn. tre codels of Dings'leeke vote identified. Page ' I of 1 These were N 61003-50 and 1-72025 7.
I cA.V06-41009-50 series Blags krake was used el the test speeleen to.
The broke-
. f ' establish (Uelifitatiet tapetted in the WCAF 7410L.euseessfully possee a s
_( ' test 414 not include re.!1stien.
Letter tre. r. nievin to r. sentevisee aated 7-so-or. estantiebee traceability by solel ad serial no. to installed Its units.' The letter also identifies Class X initl6 tion for both sodell 90H100H0 and
E-12025-7e , ,
Dings drawings l(60240 and E70033 identify the meterial makeup of the. ceil of the instelled units. _
-itetter'. free D. Malberg to P. Sentevlece detd 9-24-87s verifiestho' l b meterial used in the'eesstreetion of the cells are per the specification l
(revings listed Seve. -
.. d N meterial snelysis fee the Class R insulation of the type tested teil edel E-60240 (Dings breis model V06-61003-50) is provided belove l.' . Matt 9 fat THPESHOLD DMI, COMPoH M PYtt MLf 200 Masarads
- 1. Masnet Wire Insulation (Joy 1-404) i Crossover Barrier. FYtt ML 330 Meserels
- 2.
Silicone toMed Mics . lHF-2121)
Or SillCppe bendet glass M!cA Sheet 2006 Megareds
- 3. fie Board . . .
(DOR Guidelines -Table C-1) j 330 Meg 4ta!5
" 4. Lead Virt - FC. ? tX w Sun- %' % (177-2129) y e:1t.n- wJd gs PYBE ML or 330 Meterade
" 3. Liner (Nf-2129)
Silicone bonded Mice or Silicone bonded glass Classfa;t 100Megareis
- 6. Cerner Liniy Tape (SP-1559)
- 7. Coil Identificatsen
* (Nareplete)
Glass Tape 100 Megarads
- 8. Outer wrap (HP-1556) 500 Megarade
'** 9 . Vacnish cow 997 Vernish (e111eene resin) (REIC-21)
- 10. Lead Vire Ties Metal.
The thteshold dose of all materials exceed the 1P3 dose of 4.22 Megereds.
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' 5114 Wc av 0%d P O Bon 11318 Lynchburg. Virg.nia 24506 l
#,: f Teleonone--804 528 4400 . Telex--82 9448 F l CERTIFICATE OT COMPLIANCE QDR- 3.1 ,
REV.4 i
July 20, 1984 ,
Customer Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Co.
1 Customer Purchase Order'No. 22115 Limitorque Order No. 3K3400-D & E q i
I 1
b*e hereby certify, according to our records, the motors supplied on the above mentioned order are that which were ordered and are provided in accordance with ,
I.imitorque's Quality Assurance program which meets the applicable requirements cf ERC Regulatery Guide 10CFR50, Appendix B, and ASSI E5.2. The brake motor supplied .]
with special radiation resistant brake coils with materials equivalent to K80110 /
would be equivalent or superior to the brake motor included in Limitorque Qualification Report 600198. The capability of the motor and brake coil to withstand radiation only can be supported by Qualification Report 600376A.
For 3600 R.P.M. motors, the naneplate vill indicate a speed in the ran;;e of 3365 to 'I
3480 R.P.M..
Mot.or serial no's Item D - 1YF331295-A-2-TK Item E - 1YFB31295-A-1-TK
. State of Virginia City of Lynchburg
...... 3 Subscribed and sworn to before .me on this 20th day of July, 1984 '} .v . L.
' ,' John D. Allen NoturyPublick MS ufMT\.3-My commission expires March!!. 1966 P t ./
- 0000C Auto:" ate:
- cl e Actuetcrs a..c Jacas for Industr,
. Attachment C
w w-
< 5114 woodait Roa: a i O Ben 11318 Lynenourg. Viromia 24506 ,
- f. '
Teleonone-804 528 4400
.* -QDR- 3.1
- July 14, 1984 i
' Customer Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Co.
a Customer Purchase Order No., 22115
Limitorque Order No. 3K3400-A thru C *
' We hereby certify, according to our records, the cotors supplied en the above mentiened order are:
- 1) that which were ordered s
-2) provided in accordance with Limitorque's Quality Assurance program which meets I the applicable require:ents of NRC Regulatory Guide 10CTR$0 Appendix B, and-l
'AKSI N45.2.
4 ,
The brake motor supplied with special radiation resistant brake coils with =aterials l squivalent to K80110 e uld be equivalent or superior to the brake motor included in Limitorque Quali. fica. tion Report 600198. The capability of the motor and brake coil to )
, C9 For 3600'.R.P.M. motors, the nameplate will indicate a speed in the range of 3365 to !
3480 R.P.M..
- i Motor serial no's Item A lYTB31295-A-3 'IK ?
Item B - 1YTB31295-A-5-TK Ite= C - 1YFB31295-A-4-TK State of Virginia City of Lynchburg Subscribed and sworn to before ne on this '
14th day of July, 198!.. ,, )*
t , u _v j
. Notary Public hM.n My encaissior.' expires Match 7, khb 19 f.S 1
ol Supervisor onnne A.Aomatec Valve Actuators and Ja: c for Industry
Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMENT D The following. engineering analysis is being performed to document the justification of the original qualification of Rome Cable as documented in
'QDR 6.14. The NRC's concern about Rome Cable is documented as Question 2 below:
NRC Concerns
- 1. The file lacked specific reference to supporting-data to allow a l determination of the adequacy of qualification data .specifically type testing was not done on aging, temperature radiation - etc. How can the functional requirements be accomplished if'the environmental plant l conditions have not been met - (temperature radiation) LOCA Testing ?
- 2. How was similarity between the tested cable and the installed cables established in regards to aging, PEAK temperature, radiation ? )
Subsequent answers have addressed the NRCs concerns but it is our contention
'that the file properly documented qualification on October 19, 1987. The .
original' file was not found acceptable based on the audit team's position that ]
qualification'by similarity arguments between Rome Cable and other manufacturers' cable were not sufficient to establish qualification.
It is Vermont Yankee's contention that the basis of the Rome Cable qualification is a combination of testing of the actual cable purchased by Vermont Yankee, Franklin testing conducted on Rome XLPE Cable, and similarity analysis with other XLPE insulated cable manufactured by other companies. The similarity analysis is use.d simply to extend tests on actual Rome Cable to .;
envelope peak temperatures experienced at Vermont Yankee.
The demonstration of adequacy in environmental qualification is not completely absolute but rather relates to the " reasonable" concepts established in title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations and NRC staff guidance in such l appropriate document as the DOR Guidelines (Enclosure 4. IEB 79-01B,
" Environmental Qualification of Class IE Equipment," January 14, 1980). For example 10CFR$0 Appendix B, " Quality. Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants" in the Introduction paragraph establishes l l
requirements," necessary to provide adequate confidence ...." 10CFR50 l Appendix A. " General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," Criterion 1, -
" Quality Standards and Records," requires QA to be, " established and implemented in order to provide adequate assurance . . ." Finally the DOR {
j Guidelines, " Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class 1E l Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors" Paragraph 1.0 Introduction. )
concerns itself with, " Class 1E equipment whose documentation does not provide j reasonable assurance of environmental qualification." <
l On the basis of the regulations and NRC staff guidance the requirements )
establish " reasonable assurance" or provide " adequate assurance" or " adequate l confidence" that environmental qualification is established.
The Vermont Yankee EQ flies provide " reasonable or adequate assurance" such that " adequate confidence" of environmental qualification exists.
page 2 of 4
. ATTACHMENT D (Continued) i l
l 1
Insisting on similarity only by exact formulation, absolute testing'or .i "similar" absolute certainty words exceeds the intent of all nuclear safety j related quality assurance. This is especially true for DOR Guideline plants.
l The NRC's reluctance to accept only similarity as a basis of qualification is not the issue with Rome Cable.
In a paper written by Mr. M. Jacobus, Sandia National Laboratory titled,
" Experience Gained From Equipment Qualification Inspections," qualification by generic similarity is discussed. Generic material qualification is defined as !
qualifying.one manufacturer's product using accident test data from other .)
manufacturers products and/or other generic data. Mr. Jacobus also states I that in general, for incontainment applications, generic material
. qualification is still not accepted. However, for certain outside containment applications, generic material qualification has been accepted based on !
individual application based on the following factors:
- 1. The severity of the environments relative to commonly known material ')
capability and to normal (nonaccident) envirotunents.
- 2. The amount of margin between generic test environments and the required environments for the item to be qualified.
- 3. What similarity data exists (e.g., aging, radiation resistance, ,
information on materials, and processing from manufacturers involved, I etc).
- 4. What type test data does exist for the item to be qualified. I It is Vermont' Yankee's contention that if generic qualification with no type test data has been found acceptable for outside containment applications, that our use of generic qualification to only extend the steam test peak for incontainment use is justifled.
The following analysis which takes the four factors dese:ibed by Mr. Jacobus into account, docwnents our contention of the original acceptability of the Rome Cable file.
The cable manufacturer's Cable Qualification Test Progran included environmental testing of various samples of titeir cables by Franklin Institute Research Laboratories (FIRL) (see QDR Tab Gl). The cable installed at Vermont Yankee has been described by the manufacturer as being essentially the same as cable tested by FIRL (QDR Tab F, Page F2).
Additionally, ikt order to demonstrate compliance with the EBASCO Cable specification for Vermont Yankee, the :able manuf acturer performed environmental tests on actual samples of cable purchased by Vermont Yankee.
'Ls Page 3 of 4
, p: .
, ATTACifMENT D i .(Continued)
.' ' 7 The requirements for.both the'FIRL-tests and the type of tests performed by,
' Rome on Vermont' Yankee's cable were developed prior to IEEE 323 or any other industry-wide' guidelines for environmental-qualification guidelines.
The: current postulated environmental parameters for Vermont. Yankee are more harsh than those stipulated in the cable specification. testing or the FIRL-
- r- 'Tcst Program.
When appropriate, FIRL test data is used to support qualification of the ?
cables installed at' Vermont Yankee; however, the aging and peak temperature
( ' requirements for Vermont. Yankee are not enveloped by the FIEL test or the
, . specification testing. Those sections.of the review are extended through j similarity with other cable manufacturers' testing. ';
The use of similarity to extend qualification is acceptable because:
r- i h' J Ac The' cables are similar in construction;.the Rome Cable and the similar '
GE Cable both use 0.030 inches of carbon black. filled chemically
# . cross-linked polyethylene insulation'which meets the requirements of IPCEA Standard S-66-524. (See QDR Pages DT14,'DT15, F2, and F4.)
.I B. Significant margin exists between the requirements for Vermont Yankee and m .the' demonstrated capabilities of the similar cable. The GE XLPE insulated cable was qualified in accordance with the applicable
n . .,
- IEEE standards. That qualification demonstrated (QDR Pages DT15 and DT16) that the GE' Cable has:
- 1. A normal-life expectancy of greater than 40 years at'an ambient of 900C-(QDR Page DT15). The requirement for Vermont Yankee primary containment (worst case for all locations at Vermont Yankee) is
,i 40. years at 8500 (QDR Page DTL).
- 2. A peak accident' temperature capability of 3460F while electrically energized. Note: Although that peak temperature is not that much' i
> greater than the 3250F peak at Vermont Yankee (Page DT7), the fact I
;; that the GE Cable was electrically energized during the test implies that.the actual peak temperature experienced by the XLPE insulation was higher than 3460F due to resistance heating temperature rise i of the conductor. As noted on Pages DT1 and DT2, the Rome Cable at 1 Vermont Yankee does not experience any temperature rise due to the type of loads serviced. The Vermont Yankee cable only sees the l
,W '
ambient peak temperature. Furthermore, the Rome Cable at Vermont 1 _
Yankee is only used in control or power circuits (no instruments) of i at least 120 V. The operability of those circuits would not be affected by even relatively.large changes in the cable insulation resistance during the peak accident temperatures.
x----_ _. _
j Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT D l .(Continued)
- 3. - A radiation withstand capability of'2.2 X 108 rads. The f requirements at Vermont Yankee (using Beta reduction data of l Section DR of the QDR) is 1.42 x 10 8 . Note that the FIRL test of' 1 J
Rome XLPE insulated cable demonstrated a capability of 5 x 108 l _ rads (Pages G1-20.).
CONCLUSION In accordance with DOR guidelines, the Rome XLPE Cable installed at Vermont Yankee has been demonstrated qualified as documented in QDR 6.14. . !
Qualification is based on a combination of type test of the actual cable purchased by Vermont Yankee, FIRL tests.of similar Rome XLPE insulated cable, )
and.through similarity with other XLPE insulated cable manufactusted by other companles. {
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