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Nuclear Operations Procedure NOP 84A4, Vendor Manual Control
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000000
Issue date: 02/15/1984
From: Brosee N
Shared Package
ML20235V135 List:
FOIA-87-644 NOP-84A4, NUDOCS 8405090009
Download: ML20244C908 (10)


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VICR MAhJAt CONTROL I. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to astablish a system "or the overall control of Vendor Manuals associated with' the installation, ' operation, and maintenance of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. This procedure will v 15150 identify and assign responstellities related to implementation of, I . :.and adherence. to, the Vendor Manual Control $ystem.

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'" k3 k ' This procedure governs activitieh %ssociated with Vendor' Manual. control ' ,g . '

'- concerning the following: -

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Required Instructions

- Required Vendor Manuals

- Vendor Manual Classification Vendor Manual Indexes Controlled vendor Manual Files

- Vendor Manual Record Copy Control

- Vendor Manual Inventory Vendor Manual Additions and Deletions

- Vendor Manual Revisions

- Retrievability

- Required Records 111. APPLICABILITY This procedure is applicable to all vendor Manuals involved with the installation, operation and maintenance activities of Pilgrim kuclear Power Station. This procedure is not applicable to the FSAR, Quality Assurance Manuals, 'or other manuals of similar nature f or which other internal methods esist to control their distribution and revision.

In addition, industrial standards are esempt f rom this control process. _

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IV. R_t,JJ R( NC E S A. ANSI ma5.2.9 - 1974: Requirements f or Collections.: Storage, and-Maintenance of OA Records for Nuclear Pcwer Plants.

B. ANSI 545.2.11 - 1974: Os Requirements for the Design cf Nuclear P er 4

.I Plants.-

C. ANSI e45.2.13 - 1976: Quality Assurance Requirements for controlfof. j Procurement of Items and' $ervices. ~

N t ,%

p, SEGAM volume-II, Section 3, 5, 6 and 7.- ,


.(' E. NOP83A7: Control of Category 3 Documents.

y,C g[F,LpITIONS -

A. Vendor Manual - A' document including' instruction sheets provided by 'a vendor or supplier, to provide technical information' pertaining to the installation, operation, and/or maintenance of. a system,-

structure or component.

S. Secord vendor Manual - A record vendor Manual is one copy retained by the Records Management Group and controlled in accordance with the i requirements of this NDP.

C. Vendor Manua2 Control - The process utilized to assure the adequacy-and availability of controlled Vendor Manuals which reflect the - J current' configuration of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

D. Safety Related Vendor Manual Revision - A revision to a Class 1 controlled vendor Manual resulting'from a change to, addition of. <r removal of, a saf ety related ites, system or structure; .or resulting i from a change in the operation or maintenance of a safety related. l item, system or structure, E. -validation - The process of anr.otating the generic vendor Manual / Instruction.(Revision) to reflect the actual configuration or specific' equipment at PNPS.  ;


/ '

F. Owner of the vendor Manual - The Cognizant N00 Chief / Group Leader.

/ '

responsible for the specific Vendor Manual (any overlap or duplicate respdasibility will be resolved.through-the ADM).,


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-February )!!,ji H t, fj e?. R_E ',P_035161 t I T I E S f A. Nuc itar- Operations-; Manage' isj responsitie f cr' ;rovidinglan t implementation system f c'r i the' requirements of this'NOP.

3. The Nuclear Engineering Department Manager is responsible lft,rf providing a' system which 5mplement the NED requirements of this; NDe.

i C. The Nuclear Management Services Manager has.the' responsibility for establishing guidelines'and providing direction and support Lto ensure l the requirements of this 50P are effectively and ef ficiently net.

- The Records Management' Group LeaderL is responsible for adherence- a to instrectlens pertaining .to Vendor _ Manual . control.) Vendor < -

Mancal inventory, indexes, record 'Wendor Manuals, Vendor' Manual is,s sance, reeutred records _ and controlled vendor Manualifiles. . 3

- The Document ~ Control. Center Supervisor (PNPS/Srsintree) is-responsible for maintenance, inventories,, and reeutred ' records for the controlled Vendor Manual files, j

'i D. Each Chief / Group Leader is: responsible for ensuring'that their staff 1 I

follows the requirements e( this NOP.

VI;.. RE00!REMENTS A. Beauired Instructions

- Vendor Manuai control is organized, described and admin'stered' i 4 by this WDP.

- This system shall be coordinated by Records Management, Group <

through work instructions meeting the requirements' of> this -


p. eecuired Vendor Manuals j

- Vendor Manuals used to prepare safety related. procedures,-'or to-perf orm safety related activities shall be validated, and controlled by the ventor Manual. Control System, j

- Vendor Manuals that provide infor1mation.or instructions: , h) concerning structures systems or.conponents should be controlled i by the Vendor Manual Control System, , .)


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l 10R h'FORWh"0 rage $ of h3P84A4 f ebruary 15,19E:a  !

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C. 1e.ndor Manual Classification

- Vendor manuals shall be classified with respect to p1snt _.

operat8.on and pubilt safety. ,

- The following classifications shall be applied to the Vendor Man uals in the control system.

Class 1 Vendor Manuals shall include the vendor Manuals that are considered essential to the performance of safety related procedures or' equipment maintenance.  !

Class 2 Vendor Manuals shall include the controlled manuals that do not qualify as Class 1. .It should be noted that

- identical manuals cowld be both Class 1 and 2 depending

$ ,< upon the specific application of-the individual instruments. .

D. Vendor Manual Indices l

- OCC shail prepare en indes for each controlled Vendor Manual file, which will include the following information for those Vendor Manuals:

in the file:

- Wendor Manual Title

- PWP5 Vendor Manual Number ]

PNPS Revision Nuveer Wendor manual Classification  !


- Distribution Matriz/or List (as provided by Owner of the j Individual Vendor Manual)

- An inder conprised of deleted Vendor Manuals shall be prepared and .l 1

shall contain the followig information, i

PNPS Vendor Manual Number J

- PNPS Number of superseding Vendor manual (if applicable) .

- A cross ref erence index, Vendor Manual Nueer versus PNP 5 Vendor l Manual Number shall be prepared. -!

- Controlled Vendor Manual indices shall be updated upon receipt of a l Mew Vendor Manual, a revision to an existing manual, or deletion '

of an existing manual.

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NOFb4At febr ary i f, . ' s b {

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~ Indeses shall be made avat14ble at DCC, and a controlled copy issued to:

- NOD Chiefs / Group Leaders



- N050 ,

OC 0A E. . Controlled Vendor manual Files

-r- One copy of each Vendor Manual shall be designated as the Record copy and shall. remain in the PNPS DCC.

- Controlled copies of each vendor Mar.Ja1 shall be assigned and ,g. ' J. .


distributed in accordance with the. specific manual's distribotton Y ES ~

attria, or revision increof, as prepared by the Owner of the Vendor Manua!. Auditing and revision of these Manuals is the responsibility.

of the secords Management Group. Periodic OA audit shall also be performed.

- One controlled copy of each Vendor Manual shall be assigned to the NED. Access to these Manuals shall be controlled by NED. Auditingi and revisions of these Manuals is the responsibility of' the Records '

Management Group.

- Additional copies of each Manual shall be maintained and/or reproduced by the PkN 3CC for issue to other parties. These copies are uncontrolled documents and'do not have to be maintained current.

F. Record vendor Manual Control

- Records Management Group shall maintain and control a Record Vendor Manual for each item in the Vendor Manual Control System.

- Each record Vendor Manual shall be identified as the RECORD Manual.

Each record Vendor Manual sha 1 be marked to indicate its classification. . t






- Fage 'lEof V h;rt:aa [

Febrwary 15, 196c G. Vendor Manual inventory

- Controlled Vendor Manual files and RLCOR'D Vendor Manuel files shall be inventoried once every two (2) years by the Records 4 I Management Group to ensure accountability.

- During this inventory, the contents of each Class 1 Vendor Manual shall be page checked for completeness and correct revisions.

- Inventory discrepancies sha!1 be identified and corrected in a timely ,

A manner. ,


M Vendor Manual Additions and Deletions , n.c . ,

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$;j Controls shall be estabitshed for the addition er d Vendor Manual / Instruction. Attachment 1 provides the authertring, control and approval document.

- The Nuclear Operations Manager (or his designee) shall approve Wendor. -

Manuals for addition to, or deletion f rom, the Vendor Manual Centrol System, hew Vendor Manuals shall be validated through the cogelzant Chief / Group Leader (or designee) being placed in DCC.

- Records Management Group shall assign PUPS: Vendor Manual numbers / revision numbers to new/ revised Vendor Manuals.

- The following inf ormation shall be identified when processing new Vendor Manuals:

- Vendor Manual title

- PNPS Vendor Manual Number l

- PNPS Revision Number

- List of current pages identifying the correct revision f or each page.

Vendor Manual Classification Distribution Matria (or List)

1. Vendor manual Revisions

- Revising Class 1 Vendor Manuals ,


.Page 8 off10 . ,

NDP84A4 februd"y 15, s.**

- 1r.e prc:osed revistor shall be reviewed arid approved by th'e:

Owner o' the Vendor Manual -(i.e. if ' an operating.' revision. the ;

group that operates the equipment approves, if a Maintenance / Control revision, the Maintenance Group approves).

- The cognizant Chief / Group Leader 15.resporoible .f or-deciding (documenting).if a Safety (valuation is required and ,

obtaining.this Evaluation;

- The NOM (or his designee).then authorizes the revision.=

- Revising Class 2 Vendor Manuals.



- The. proposed revision.shall be approved and author 12ed by the - <

Cognizant Chief / Group Leader. ,

T *


t "'r Revisions shall not be made to control!ed Wendor Manuals until the PDC / change has been implemented at. the plant, ~if applicable.

Approval P0Cs that are outstanding and not yet closed out will. be.

annotated on the cover sheet of the-controlled and record copies of'.

each specific Vendor Manual affected. ,

- Provisions sna11 be established for documenting:the following:

( Attachment 1 may be used for this purpose).

- Responsible person initiating and preparing revision.

Vendor. Manual revision number

- Brief justification for addition, revision or deletion-

- Saf ety Evaluation (Class 1 only)

- Vendor Manual revisions shall be processed in a timely manner.

J. Retrievability

- Vendor Manuals and authorizing documents shall be identifiable and retrievable.

- Provisions show1d be estabilshed f or categorizing Vendor Manuals by system and subject for ease of retrieval.

K. Required Records i

- The f ollowing records shall be collected, stored, and maintained.  !

by Records Management, for the life of the plant: 1 I

l I

- - 2 _.. _


  • Page 9 of 'V NDP84A4 ,[.

February 15 1984 I

I l

Revised material from vendor Manuals.

- Deleted Class 1 vendor Manuals

- Authorization documents for Vendor Manual addition, revision, or deletion.

- The following records shall be retained by Records Management i Group as indicated: 1

- Authortring documents for new controlled Vendor Manual files.

-o (lifetime)

- Authorizing documents to change contents of controlled inanual files. (lifetime)

- Vender Manual inventory results. (2 years from inventory

(; ,

completion date)

.' - In the event of a lost or destroyed manual, the individual responsible for the manual shall take the following action: 1

- Notify DCC of the loss or destruction. DCC will issue a replacement controlled manual.

- DCC will update the Vendor Manual index to reflect this replacement action.

- If, at a later date, a manual that was lost is found, it will be returned to DCC for disposition. l j

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hOs64A4 I j m30. ,c., -,e .w,ut DU l VENDOR MANUAL filLI:_ _

l 1







9 i

Initiated By: Date Signature Date REVIEWE0 BY l

Concent s l




Validated By: '/ Date .

Reviewed (owner) / Date 1 Approved By: / D4 te I

i Attachment (1) l
