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Nuclear Operation Procedure NOP 8401, Operating Experience Review Program
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 05000000
Issue date: 02/28/1984
From: Wollmann S
Shared Package
ML20235V135 List:
FOIA-87-644 NOP-8401, NUDOCS 8405090008
Download: ML20244C903 (15)


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1 FOR MORMAl[T Oty ))

Fage 2 of'14 hd 8401 .

2/20 F4 I CPE E A'!NG t APE G ilhCE Riv!(W PRCCR AM .


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1. POLICY ST AT(m(NT It is the policy of the Boston Edison Company to utilize the accumulated f 1

espelence of the Nuclear Industry to and maintain the tiesitty of j

operations at filgria huclear Power Station. To fulfl11.this policy, a ,,

prograrc of assessment of operating experience is'.to be i.aplemented as




described withis this document. .


l A. Industry 'and internal operating experiences should be thaluated and j appropriate actions taken to taprove the plant safety and  !

rellettlity. l S. Elements of this hCP are not te replace or modify previously established requirements or responsibilities addressed in NOP 83A1, Nuclear Operat1ons Organizat ten er h0F 81A9, Management.Correc tive - J Actlon Progree. ,j

!!! . }.{Q,P1 The Operating Espertence '? view Program (GERP) shall address both l esternal and' internal sources of operating esperience. . )

A. Esternal sources of operating esperience are limited to: j

1. htC Bulletins and #ctices i
2. INP0 50Eas
3. INPO Sets l 4 General Electric 5!Ls and 1!Ls
5. INPO O&Me5
6. Nuc lear NE T ")RK Information pertinent t; plant o;.r. ting esper t enc e .
8. Internal sources of operating esperience in- )rmation are: .
1. Post Trip Review Reports
2. Fallure and Malfunction Reports

'3. Plant Licensee Event Reports

4. Reports generated on a non-routine bes t as part of an investigation at a plant event k


I l 0U Fage.3 ofL 'a 40P ha:l'

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IV. OEFim!TIOm5 A. SLR - Significant [ vent Reports are. reports generated by 14PO based upon Industry events and are issued to provide timely informatio'n / l to other utilities. Sets describe events and cause of the event.

Sets are precursers of SOCRs and are prompt bulleting to the-industry.

4 8. 50(t - Significant Operating Emperience Reports are generated by ,,

[ Imp 0 based open industry events and are m.,. - -

issued af ter more detailed; c


informatten is; accumulated. <j

~ -



,,[ ,


- SOCRs contain speciticirecommendattens te address'the cause preveettee of the intthtleg ' event. SOCRs are. categorized as: ' ;


a .

- requiring; tamediate attentlen (RCD TAS). prompt Attenties (TELL(Bi-


TAB), Bormal Attention (GREEN TAS).

C. O and MR .- Operating and Mai-tenance seeinder; .are issued 'by Imp 0 '

and serve to preeide a4dittenal suggested betterments for hardware problees .

D. OCR Itee - a report er document containing operating esperience .;.

intornation to be evaluated.  !

E. Actlen Itee - the result of an OCR review that requires an a. tion to address and close-est an OER ites.

SIL - Service Information' Letter is issued by GE and contains-  !


recosamendatlens concerning Nuclear Steam Supply system equipment.

G. TIL - Technical Informatten Letter is issued by GE a-d contains recosamendations concerning . Turbine-Generator systes equipment, and try their nature are generally er commerci:1 nature.

i V. RESPoe5;BI8ITIES A. NUCl(a8 OPtea?!0ws MANAGER Responsible for the assignment of appropriate group (s) to accomplish action items resulting from the OER process, submitted ,

by the Onstte Saf ety and Performance Group Leader. Refer actlee itses to other managers as appropriate.


10R m:MA100 L 0U age 3 of 14' h3P 6401 2c25.c4 ty, 0(F lis t T !0#5 f I

A. SER - Significant Event Reports are reports INPO based-upon Industry' events and are issued to provide timely _'informatic*n to other utt11tles. Stas describe events and cause of the event. )1

.stes are precursors of 50Eas and'are prompt the' l y "J.91mdustry. .. .

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.~. .f ft,.150f.R 651gnificant.eperaties Emperience neports' are generated :7

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_.6+ INP0 based upon industry eeemts andlare issued af ter eEra detailed w. My%n . ;;

r zy.f*r M~ Mi;Q4mformetien is accumulated.MN'Wh,v' 3.glC

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, '50Eas' prevertion ofcontain the taittattes specific recessendadens event. 50Ett are categorized as to r,ddress th requiring; issuediate attention (810 TAS), Prompt Attention. (VELLib[

TAS), moraal Attention (GS((N TAS). '

3, C. O and MR - Operating and mai,-tenance Reelader; are issued by !NPO .ii and serve to provide 44ditional suggested betterments for hardware problems.

D. Ott Itee - a report er document containing operating experience '

-l; information to be evaluated. j E. Action Ites - the result of an OER review that requires an a. tion to address and close-out an OER ites.

F. SIL - Service Information Letter is issued by'GE-and contains '  ;

recommendations concerning Nuclear Steam Supply systes equipment. I G. TIL - Technical Information Letter is issued by Gt a-d contains recoasmendations concerning Turbine-Generator systes equipment, and by their nature are generally or consnercial nature,

v. RESPONSIS!'IT!ES A. eUCttat OPEtaTIONS MaNaGit ResponsiblefortheassIgnmentofappropriategroup(s)to ~


accomplish action items resulting f roe the'OLR process, subaltted ., :f bytheOnsiteSafety[andPerformanceGroupLeader. Ref er action


itses to other asnagers as appropriate.  ;

I l

L DU Page 4 of'14 hC* 6401

' 2/ ~ s 3 4 '

8. NUCL(AR MANAG[M[NT SEeVICES MANAGER Responsible f or the evaluation and corrective actions resulting ,

f rom NRC iteers as conducted by the Regulatory Af f airs .ar'd Program Group.

C. MUCLEAR OPERATIONS SUPPORT MANAGER Responsible for accomplishing corrective actions referred by' the ,

< . te0N. This is to incorporate other Compliance and or;t.icensing 4 gg -

  • iI '~I*ik'Y

, interf aces. '

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' Responsible for the'assignernt of appropriate discipline group ($$- k Y to accompitsh action itees resulting from 0(R process and requested by the Onsite Safety and Perforiaance Group Leader.

E. QA MANAG(3 Responsible to provide an annual. independent review to determine.

ef festiveness of the overall Operating Emperience Review Program.

F. NUCLEAR TRAINING MANAGER Responsible to incorporate approved action . items .into training programs.

G. NOD. NEO. WM50. and h050. Ga00P LEADERS These groups are responsible for:

1. The review and. acceptance of action-items.
2. Dissemination of Operating Experience information to personnel under their supervision. The PNPS COE provide traceability of.this dissemination to licensed and non-licensed personnel as appropriate.
3. Completion of approved action items.
4. Provide status of. Actions Items to PS&CC
5. Identification of events or occurrences of interest to the '

industry'to the 055&P Group Leader. q M. P5&CC GROUP ((A0ft Responsible to maintain a tracking systes for actton itees resulting f rom the 0(t process and track the completion, and to solicit needed input data.

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!. 055&P GR0; P (( A0(,;

' Responsible for:

1. Coordination of ' program requirements with onsite and -of f site ~


2. Supervision of OSS&P Group activities tc, accompitsh DER Reviews suggested action items and information distribution.
3. ' laplement procedures for the review, dispositten dissemination

'of'0EA Itees,,I b


,',et/ N hM'


04. .. Provide a monthly report to the Nuclear. Organization Nanagers



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ontheLst.e.f.usof0Et[ items. ' ..;


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1. Responsible f or copying services and distribution of DER inforestion transmittals as required.
2. Forward copies of incoming NRC Correspondence and incoming GC SIL's and TILS to 05567 Grc.up Leader.

V!. REFERENCES A. le M,, Good Practice T5403. ' Industry Event operating Espertence Review Program'.

B. INPO Good Practice,15406, 'In-House Operating Emperience Review Progran*

C. INPO Performance Objectives. TS.3 of the Operating Empertence Peview Program D. NUREG 0737. Ites !.C.5 E. BECo Letter, ' Response to 1983 INPD Evaluation Report

  • F. BEco QA Manual G. NDP 83Al Nuclear Operations Organization H. NOP 83A9 Management Corrective Action Program Vll. CER PROGRAM RIOutR[MENTS ,

Operating experience review incorporates six dif ferent elements. These  !

I elements are:

o Review of Ott items for applicability, and significance (INPO and SEQAM Criteria).

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  • # 9401-

. .? 54 e ivalwat 1on of' items f or pre ' toina 3. ( 3r r ec t t we ac t 'on ( f or

$(Es) Re v lew of ret oarmende t t ons f or at t ion i t ees- ( ot her 1 t ees ),

a e assignment approval and toneletice of action items e 01sseetnetton of infcrimattem e use of nuclear hirW0e*

e seporting of Ott 5tates ' "

the regelrements'ef major. steps of each ef these elements are described la the following settleas'. Eac h af f ec te., manager.


Cnief (ngineer er Group Leader shall;1entement metmods or


i.x%su t ,

procedures to meet the applicable requirements of each elementC <- ' 7' 7 -

A. aeview of ote ttees- f or amalttatt itty and s tea t f ic ance

1. 411 incostag ttees shell te entered into the tacesing Of.R .

Log. Incostag itees f rom etther esternal er internal sources.

as seurtbed in Secttens III. A and 8 shell be screened f er?

applicattitty and sitatittance. aeolic ah t i t ty. Im80 significance criterta and e(Qam significance.are eshibits ). 3 and 4 respect tvely.

7. Aey 1teos bec eming applicaele shall be ref erred to to 54 t t ten ell.0 f or sisseetnat tee of t r.f orest ion and be re t t ewed' ' f or s igni f icanc e , hon-app 1tt at te internet ton shall be logged a s closed.
3. Any itees deterstned to be signif tcent 'or condit toa.41?y significant by thPO criterte shatl be t .f erred f or e.alvat'on.

4 ary Itee deteretsed to w significant by 810Am c r t teria 6%all-Se e.41 sted per m0P 83A1 5 t. 9 eel meC 8.11et 1*s and act ic es wi ll be r oms,4 r ed f o r e a 9 s t ieg :n ' O



90(Mat 5 a*4 appl 1(a3Ie lhPQ fo( Amts shaII be f ONesta te Segola t ory Af f a t es and Prog eseg 6' esp L eadf r I Cr ief orw t t en ,

feedb4Ch- Evalbat104 a nd ec t ie* 96 BE( ' t t ees r e%3 t f* the~ J

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8 (va'.ation_ if for prelipitedry (orrec t ive action or

1. $(Es will be eva'.ated ac tion it ems, current procedur es ace; ate
  • y address the itee, resulting f rom ta ss evaluat ion shall enter the action itee Process VII.C.


Sott Sit's will be evaluated on a per recowndation basis.

Recommendations shall De evalented against current procedures and detign conf tgeration for .appitc46tlity. idhere ' current procedures er design do not meet tsus recoasmesdations intent an actlen item will be issued for._4ctten 45 outitaed in sectler.

Recommendations which are fait by esisting procedures V11.C.

~7 p ., ,.

or desigm thall be closed-out, 3.

Internal 1teos snail underge an ewalvation f or root cause and cerrecttwe actics or concurrence Resultingwithactionresults ttees willof a cause and b

corrective action determinettein Information be issued f or actica per Section W!t..C. ,

distribution of internal items shall be made consistent with the need f or providing *1essons learned' f rom a given event l

Addit torn s11y internal items will be per section Vit 9 reviewed f or output via Nuclear Inf fwJRc per v!! (.

s ere a

4. [valuattoms may be reqwested of offier cognllant gre d

technical speciality esists. The priority of the reg 5.

evaluetten w111 be specifled in a cover meno o story or J regwest shall clearly state whether a Regw c oma l tfata l is i e sc i sed ,

C act'on Itee #7 cess i t e, ma y ressire sa

1. Yne result of an evalwattoe of a* Ott For ps rposes of this proce .re, ection prior to closecut.


soch results will be ref erred to as action 2.

Action ttees will De subeitted to the 055&P *>roup Leader f or #

The 055&P Group Leader will then review f or appropriateness.

sobett se discuss the action itee with the Cognizant Group Leader er Chief (ni; tat e r .

J0M0HA":V S UkI .-

Page 8 of 'a h0P 8401 2f .1 : '

3. The Cognizant Chief or Group Leader will review the-action ites for. agreement / acceptance. If the Cogni.zant Chief or i .

Group Leader does not agree with the proposed action itee'er-assignment, he/she will 50 inf orm the 05%P Group Leader. with the reasons and possible alternatives. The Cognizant Chief-and 05%P Group Leader shall attempt te resolve the dif ference for acceptance prior to proceeding. h6 the'i OS$4P' Group 't

. 4. . An accepted action ites will be submitted by


Leader to the Cognisant Manager for assignment to the Cogstrant Chief Engineer er Group Leader. An enaccepted action ites which caenet be resolved will be presented to the ~

Cognizant manager fee review and, disposition. If' agreement cannot be reached.- the matter will be ref erred to the nest -

higher level of management.

5. Steps 2,3, and 4 of this section may be performed within the content of a forum of Chief Engineers am Group Leaders f or discussion assignment and disposition of Action Items. Een Action Itee may be dispositioned as accepted and assigned not applicable, or applicable but action not warranted for sound engineering or managerial cause. Such dispositions shall De doc umented .
6. ten an action ites is accepted, the 055&P Group Leader will infore the P5&CC Group of t es f or entry into the tracking system. A member of L P%CC will riquest an action plan f rom the implementing group. Sased upon this action plan, P56CC will track the action ites to completion.
7. The implementing department will proceed according to the action plan. When action is complete, documentation will be


forwarded to the. 05%P Grocp Leader..

8. The 05 %P Group Leader will review the. action ites escumentat ten f or close-out. The 05547 Group Leader will inform P%CC nf the close out and the itse will be logged as-closed in the Ot2 Log. l L

FORMORW ~h r e;e/9; M. .

U 64)I

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D. Dissee'a4 tion of laforawtion

1. All applicable OER-items will be cissemtrtated f or :inf ormat ton' to the appropriate g oups.
2. The 055&P Group member perf orming t iitial review and evaluation shall indicate on a transmittal' sheet the.

appropriate groups receiving information.

The reviewer will .also convert. abstract er lengthy documents into more understandable format. ;ihe reases for applicatt11ty .


to PnPS and the possitie consequences shall te clearly and concisely stated. The ortgleal 0(R c ttees any be attached for M*

N' **

further information.'

3. The 055&P Group' Leader will review'the informattenal-transmittal prior to dissemination.
a. Group Leaders, managers' or Chief Engineers receiving such informational transmittals shall' review and dispatch the inf orestion by methods appropriate to their department. . Stas .

showld also be . reviewed f or impact and pret teinary preventative action. The receiving-person is responsible for inf ormatton disseetnetton of the: work unit.

5. An esteption to Step 9.a above.15 that asterial received by.

the PhP5 Chief Operating (ngineer (C0()-shat t be f ormally doc umented as reviewed by Operations - personnel. - Operat toms.

personnel iAo receive inf ormation may, be Idetch '[ngineers, Operating Supervisors, Licensed and unlicensed NPO's and '

Rad.aste operators depending on the nature er sut> ject of the information. The C0( shall determine which personnel will be-information recipients. Such completed doc umentation is ' to be returned to the 0$$&P Group Leader for record' retention.

6. The Ott shall be apprised of the status of Ott activities, especially ttees seterstned to be INP0 5tgatf tcant, ty.a brief ,

susenstion at Det meettags as soon!as. ter such determination is made.




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(. ge of 4.cle.r t( T ados t -

1. Internal events deteroned to be of Interest to the ' industry.

by the 05%P Group Leader'shall be entered into the operating esperience categcry of nuclear m(TWORK.

2 the approval ef the suclear Operations manager or designee sha l l be es ta t ned pr i or t o ' ent ry into alt ThfoltE .

3. Essaoles of inf orestion of taterest to the indestry 'are . net ,

.q . - ,

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necessarily plant trips not 'their causes; seditional . 1 y. _

n .

- 6 of f-aermal coneitiens ressitInt f rem ogstament falleres are


aise apereertate utthdott' entry items. #pN ' $ ~


4. INP0 5(as and 04Mes are aise first received via a(Thf0tK. T4ts will serve as the primary entry potat for this informattee.
5. 05%p group meeners accesstag meclear atTWORE shall malatain a logneek of inf ormation sent and Stes and 0&ses received.

F. 0(e Statvs eenects

1. In order to keep management aware of 'Ott activities, a report will be issued by the 05%P Gro4 Leader en a monthly basts.
2. Content of this report shall be as a sinteum:

o new items received with trief description and. disposition, o Itees closed-out with description and by afhat group /6epartment.

e Status of action itees ever 3 months old.

e Listing of informatten itses sent out in the report period and. departments receiving the inf ormatloa.

3. The report shall be direc ted to the Otrettor, evtlear Operat tent with copies to the WP-N[Ma a53 AC Chairman. . non, mR5M. and other esmagers as recsested. ,

Vill.itM194 f5 ['

1. Cf.a Program tequireeents Flow Chart
7. apellcablitty Screening Cetteria .
3. lePC Slgatilcent Screening Criteria j 4 8(04m 51valfitance Screening Crsteria I

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FOR NORMC ON L gg Page 1? c8. 14 hDP 8401 2/26/83.



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~.itees are Applicable if .5ystas. Q' equipment.or process'are: ,

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, .f'.; e. o bener1c'aL:g;jf,)pf , ; .Q .s e,G[

from SWE of equivalent design'z"[Q _ i 'OW 9 Q $, ( .,

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-T_5A;V , *s cou W occur at PNPS ~

o INPO or NRC designatten as applicable

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10RM M N DU re;e 13.M 14 etC* 8401 t ,

llePO Significant Screening Criteria-s ;.maat ca e:'io u w si:erercas* ec* s:.e:e:cee' '

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ser..e eeseas t*e g g* * :s t o' tae e, eat *et seea see s.4'e , see s t s e e e' C1 e og escoe. see e*: "e :'ge* set e* eas *e- seea e eertet, stet,,,,,ste,etoace gy,,, , at

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_ cs ovee- teseie as Note: INPO 50ER's are received with significance detenmined.

/ .

Exhibit 3

.j FORn0MA": Q


OLY 1 Page 14 off14 j h0P 8401 2/25/84 BE0AM SIGNIF IC ANCE SCREEN!bG CRITERI A DieECf!DNS:

Caref ully review the probles report description. (discuss the problem l description with the report originator and other responsible individuals. to ' l obtain a good understanding of the problem) and evaluate whether it meets any of the following criteria for a *significant" condition adverse to quality. .)

i t j


. .'Y- 9 THIS C040!T10m 4EPatSENTS: ,

.f 1. A breakdown in any portion of the Quality Assurance Program . ;t .V. N )

S conducted in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B y%

to 10CFR50. ,

4 A deficiency in design such that the eelign does not' conform to Y N 2.

the criteria and bases stated in the firal safety analysis report.

Damage to a structure, systee, or component which will require Y. 'N' 3.

extensive evaluation, estensive redesign, er extensive repair to meet the criteria and bases stated in the final safety analysis report, or tc, otherwise establish the adequacy of the.

Structure, system, or camponent to perform its intended safety function. l A deviation from perforsneece specifications or design drawings' Y N-  !


which will require extensive evaluation, extensive r. design, or extensive repair to establish the adequacy of structure ,

system, or component to meet the criteria and bases stated in the final safety analysis report or to otherwise establish the ,

adequacy of the structure, system, or component to perform its  !

intended safety function.

5. The f ailure of malfunction of, or use of nonconforming material Y N in a structure, system, or component which will require extensive ,

redesign or extensive repair to establish the adequacy'of a structure i systee, or component to meet the criteria and bases stated in the safety analysis report er to otherwise establish the adequacy of the structure, system, or component to perform its intended saf ety l function.


6. The repetitive recurrence of a deficiency not covered by the 1tems Y N above.  ;

Exhibit 4

% i
