IR 05000341/1998017

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Insp Rept 50-341/98-17 on 980909-1021.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Implementation of Inservice Insp Program for Plant Refueling Outage 6
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/1998
Shared Package
ML20195G339 List:
50-341-98-17, NUDOCS 9811200268
Download: ML20195G343 (9)


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l REGION 111 t


l Docket No.: 50-341 l l License No.: NPF-43 l



i l Report No.: 50-341/98017(DRS)

L i Licensee: Detroit Edison Company Facility: Enrico Fermi, Unit 2 I

Location: 6450 N. Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 Dates: September 9-October 21,1998 Inspector: D. E. Jones, Reactor Inspector Approved by: J. A. Gavula, Chief Engineering Specialists Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety l

l PDR ADOCK 05000341 G PM ,

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Enrico Fermi, Unit 2 l NRC inspection Report 50-341/98017(DRS)

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This inspection included a review of the implementation of the inservice inspection (ISI) program for the Fermi 2 refueling outage 6. In addition, this inspection reviewed the installation of the emergency : ore cooling system (ECCS) suction strainers and drywell drain sump discharge l piping over pressure protection modification.

l Maintenance:

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The ECCS suction strainer installation activities were properly performed and controlle Excellent pre-job planning was evidenced by the use of 3-dimensional computer modeling and an underwater mock-up to check clearances and evaluate installation l

activities. (Section M1.1)

. The drywell drain sump discharge piping over pressure protection modification was properly performed and controlled. (Section M1.2)

. Testing was performed in accordance with applicable procedures. The ISI data evaluation and review was timely and accurate. Overall, the ISI program was implemented in an effective manner. (Section M1.3)

. The inspector verified that ISI activities were being conducted in accordance with the appropriate procedures and ISI program. The licensee's ISI program implementation met ASME Code Section XI,1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda, requirements. The inspector noted the relief requests were approved by Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

l (Section M3.1)

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e' Testing was performed by qualified nondestructive examination personne (Section M5.1)

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Report Details l

l 11. Maintenance l M1 Conduct of Maint .nnce l

M1.1 Suction Strainer Installatior, i Insoection Scooe (37828. 62703)

The inspector reviewed various aspects of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS)


suction strainer modification performed under Engineering Design Package (EDP)

29024. This included a review of selected procedures and documentation associated with the work, and discussions with quality control personnel, and engineer . Observations and Findinas The ECCS suction strainer modification consisted of the installation two core spray and four residual heat removal (RHR) strainers with four miter spool pieces. The use of 3-dimensional (3-D) computer modeling aided in planning clearances and provided installation guidance. The modeling revealed the need for miter spool pieces in addition to the RHR strainers in order to clear the T-quencher. The computer model was also used in the pre-job briefing for the installation which illustrated the travel path for the strainers. Prior to the start of the job, a submerged mockup was used to familiarize the ;

installation crew with the modificatio I


The inspector witnessed the movement and staging of the new strainers into the reactor building; no problems were encountered during the moves. The strainers were installed by bolting to the existing flange which required the drilling of additional holes. Foreign material exclusion (FME) controls included the installation of an FME plug in the ECCS

suction penetrations and a vacuum device used during the drilling operation to remove the chips. Following installation, the strainers were inspected after partial and full flow acceptance testing in accordance with operation surveillance procedure 24.204.01, Div.1 Low Pressure Coolant injection and Suppression Pool Cooling / Spray Pump and Valve Operability Tes Conclusions The ECCS suction strainer installation activities were properly performed and controlle Excellent pre-job planning was evidenced by the use of 3D computer modeling and an underwater mock-up to check clearances and evaluate installation activitie .. - - - - -

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M1.2 Drvwell Drain Sumo Discharae Pioina Overoressure Protection Modification Insoection Scooe (37828. 62703) - l The inspector reviewed various aspects of the drywell drain sump discharge piping overpressure protection modification performed under EDP 28747. This included a i review of selected procedures and documentation associated with the work, and discussions with quality control personnel, and engineer ; Observations and Findinas According to NRC Generic Letter 96-06, during a postulated loss of coolant accident (LOCA), piping inside the containment would be heated beyond its normal operating temperature. The temperature increase would cause water trapped in piping isolated by closed valves to expand and the resulting pressure increase could challenge piping integrity. The licensee identified two piping penetrations, X-18 (drywell floor drain sump discharge) and X-19 (drywell equipment drain sump discharge) that were susceptible to over pressurization during a LOC Drywell penetrations X-18 and X-19 had rupture disc overpressure protection installed per EDP 28747 to limit the pressure rise from LOCA heat up of the isolated penetrations so that maximum pressure remains within the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code allowable peak pressure under Level D Service Limits. The rupture disc discharges into a small discharge tank which provides the additional volume needed to accommodate fluid thermal expansion while providing a leaktight containment barrier after disc rupture. The assembly is located outside containment (torus room) to avoid LOCA dynamic effects and to allow access under normal operation. The entire assembly is classified ASME Class 2, Seismic Category l l

The modification packages were properly reviewed by the licensee and the Authorized l Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANil). Data packages (including the radiographs of the i discharge tank welds), and equipment and consumable materials certification records I associated with these examinations were reviewed, and found to be complete and accurat ' Conclusions l The drywell drain sump discharge piping overpressure protection modification was properly performed and controlle M1.3 Inservice insoection (ISI) Ln.soection Scope (73753. 73755)

Inspectors observed ISI examinations and reviewed ISI examination data packages to verify that the appropriate examination was performed and data was recorded as required by the ASME Cod _


. Qbservations and Findinas The inspectors observed all or portions of the following nondestructive examination (NDE) activities:

e Ultrasonic testing (UT) of reactor vessel welds 2-307B,2-308C, and 15-308A e Ultrasonic calibration for weld no. SW-E11-3151-SWB (RHR system 24" elbow to pipe we!d)

  • Calibration for core shroud UT using a phased array pulser / receiver unit The inspector found that the NDE data packages were properly reviewed by the licensee and the ANil. Ultrasonic indications recorded on the data sheets were also properly evaluated. The inspector also reviewed certifications for equipment and consumable materials associated with these examinations. The NDE data packages, and equipment and consumable material certification records were found to be complete and accurat During the Invessel Visual inspection of the reactor intemals, a 1.75" long indication was observed on the 120 degree jet pump riser weld no. RS-1 (thermal sleeve to elbow weld). The indication was located in the heat-affected-zone of the elbow side of the weld. The original sample of 5 jet pump risers was expanded to include all 10 risers with no other indications identified. General Electric evaluated the indication and based on structural and leahage evaluation performed, a justification for continued operation for at least one fuel cycle of phnt operction was issue Conclusions Testing was performed in accordance with applicable procedures. The ISI data evaluation and review was timely and accurate. Overall, the ISI program was implemented in an effective manne M3 Maintenance Procedures and Documentation M3.1 Proaram and Procedure Review Inspection Scope (73051. 73052)

The inspector reviewed and evaluated the ISI program for compliance with technical specifications, ASME Code and NRC requirement Observations and Findinas The inspector reviewed the licensee's first ten-year ISI program plan, "lSI-NDE Program," Revision 1, Change 7 effective January 1988 through 1998. All ISI procedures reviewed were found to be in accordance with ASME Code,Section V and XI,1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda requirements. Exam! nations were performed in

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accordance with the Technical Specifications, the ASME Code,Section XI and Generic Letter 88-01. Where ASME requirements were determined to be impractical, specific relief requests were submitted to Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)in writing. The licensee requested relief from ASME Code requirements for the inspection of longitudinal welds in pipin The licensee had procured the services of an ANil from Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and insurance Co. of Hartford, Connecticut. The ANil reviewed procedures, personnel qualifications, instrument and material certifications, and examination results. The NRC inspector's review indicated that the ISI program was acceptable.


Conclusions The inspector verified that ISI activities were being conducted in accordance with the appropriate procedures and ISI program. The licensee's ISI program implementation met ASME Code Section XI,1980 Edition, Winter 1981 Addenda, requirements. The inspector noted the relief requests were approved by NRR, properly documented, and incorporated into the ISI program.


M5 Maintenance Staff Training and Qualification

. MS.1 ISI Personnel Qualifications Insoection Scoce (73753)

The inspector reviewed ISI personnel qualifications of licensee and contract personnel performing the ISI activities observed in Section M Observations and Findinos


Qualification of personnel performing NDE work was verified. NDE personnel were i knowledgeable of procedural requirements and proficient in the performance of ND l l Personnel performing NDE were found to have proper qualifications which had been i reviewed and accepted by the licensee staff and the ANil, Conclusions Testing was performed by qualified NDE personne V. Manaaement Meetinas X1 Exit Meeting Summary The inspector presented the inspection results to a member of licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on October 21,1998. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented and did not identify any of the potential report input discussed as proprietar I:






Persons Contacted Detroit Edison Comoany (DECO) .

  • M. Brooks, ISI Engineer )


  • R. Cook, Nuclear Licensing Engineer i
  • P. Fessler, Assistant Vice President, Nuclear Operations
  • R. Gaston,- Compliance Supervisor l- *R. Hambleton, ISI Principal Engineer

! *N. Peterson, Nuclear Licensing Director

  • J. Plona, Technical Manager
  • B. Sheffel, ISI/ Performance Engineering Director U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission (NRC)

! G. Harris, Senior Resident inspector

  • J. Larizza, Resident Inspector Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB)

M. Wilson, ANil


The NRC inspector also contacted and interviewed other licensee and contractor employee _

  • Denotes those present during the exit interview on October 21,199 INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 37828 INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF MODIFICATIONS -





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. l LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED Invessel Visual Inspection (IWI) Examination Final Report, September 1998 Final Report for Fermi Nuclear Plant Unit 2, Core Shroud Ultrasonic Examination, Report N ER2-98-1H5RZ, Rev. O, October 1998 Procedure Revision Title UT-FER-702 0 GERIS 2000 UT OD Examination of RPV Assembly Welds UT-FER-706 0 RPV Flaw Sizing with the GERIS 2000 OD System GE-ADM-1001 4 Linearity Checks on UT Instruments GE-ADM-1002 2 Nondestructive Examination Data Review and Analysis UT-FAR-106 0 Manual UT of Ferritic Piping Welds P.I.-UT-2 0 UT of Austenitic Piping Welds

43.000.007 26 System Pressure Testing Section XI Class 1,2, And 3 Components 43.000.017 8 Reactor Pressure Vessel-Invessel Intemals Inspection 39.NDE.001 21 Liquid Penetrant Examination UT-FAR-309 3 Manual UT Planar Flaw Sizing-Nozzle Inner Radius and Bore Regions UT-FAR-311 4 Manual UT Exam of Nozzle Inner RMii and Bore l UT-FAR-531 0 Phased Array UT of Core Shroud Assembly Welds Using Sector-Line Scanning l

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ANil Authorized Nuclear Inservice inspector ASME ~American Society of Mechanical Engineers ECCS Emergency Core Cooing System  ;

EDP- Engineering Design Package l FME Foreign Material Exclusion IP Inspection Procedur ISI Inservice inspection



LOC Loss of Coolant Accident NDE Nondestructive Examination NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission i NRR Nuclear Reactor Regulation-RHR Residual Heat Removal  ;

3-D Three Dimensional

UT Ultrasonic Examination i l


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