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Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Wording of Sections 3.10 & 4.1.D,Table 3.1.1 & Basis 3.1 to Allow Flexibility in Disarming Control Rods by Allowing Variety of Disarming Methods
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1985
Shared Package
ML20198B606 List:
NUDOCS 8511070097
Download: ML20198B609 (6)


r Docket No. 50-245 Attachment 1 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No.1 Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications October,1985 I

I 8511070097 851030 PDR ADOCK 05000245 p PDR i

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5. IRM's are bypassed when made switch is placed in run. The detector for each qmrable IIN diannel shall be fully inserted until the associatd APIN channel is cperable and indicating at least 3/125 full scale.****
6. 'Ihe design pennits closum of any cru valve without a scran beiry initiated.
7. May be bypassed when necessary by closirg the manual instnment isolation valve for scran of PS-1621 A through D durity purgirg for contairment inertirg or deinertirg.
8. When the reactor is subcritical ard the reactor water tatperature is less than 212 F, only the follcwirg trip fmetions need to in operable:
a. MJde Switd) in Shutdown
b. Manual Scran
c. High Flux IBM
d. Scran Dischartw Volune High Level
e. APRM Rxijoed High Flux
9. Not required to be cperable when primary contairnent integrity is rot required.
10. With the made aritch in "run positicn" an incperative trip function also requires an associated APFM "dawnscale alatm."
11. Trip functions are not required to be operable if all control rods are fully inserted, ard either electrically or hydraulically disanned in aJoordance with Specificaticn 4.1.D.
  • A11cn: If the first ollum cantut be net for cne of tie trip systens, that trip systan shall be tripped. If tie first colurn cannot be net for toth trip systans, the apprcpriate actions listed belcw shall be taken:

A. Initiate ireerticn of cperable rods ard cotplete irsertion of all cperable rods within four hours.

B. Rdu ptwer level to IBM rarge ard place mJde switch in the StartupAlot Stanty position within eight hours.

C. FL4x:e turbire loM and close main steam lire isolatial valms within eight hours.

    • An APRM will be considered incperable if there are less than two IPIN irputs per level or there are less than 50% of the nonnal cxrpliment of IPEN's to an AMN.

One inch cn the water level instrutentation is 127 above the tm of the active fuel.

1Yr errata sheet dated 10-7-70.

3/4 1-4


Applies to fuel handling, com rmetivity limitations, ard A[ plies to the periodic testiro of those interlocks and spent fm1 hardling. instrunents used &rirn mfueling ard spent fuel hardlirg.



1b assure com reactivity is within capability of the control rods, to prevent criticality durity refueling, and to assure Ib verify the operability of instrunentation and safe handliry of spent fuel casks. interlocks used in refuelirn ard spent fm1 handliro.

Specification: Specificatim:

A. Defueling Interlocks A. Refuelirri Interlod:s Durity core alterations, the reactor mie switch shall be Prior to any fuel handlirg, with the head off the locked in tM IUUEL position ard the refuelirn reactor vessel, tM refuelirg interlocks shall be interlocks shall be (perable, or all control ruis shall functionally tested. 'Ihey shall also be tested at be fully insertal, and either electrically cr weekly intervals thereafter until no lonrpr hWralically dicarmed. required and follcwing any repair work associated with the interlocks.

If the refuelirg interlocks are not operable, all control rods shall be verified to be fully inserted, ard either electrically or hydraulically +

disarmed in aamrdance with Specification 4.1.D. ,

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L 3/4 10-1

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High radiation levels in the main steamlire tunnel above that (ie to' the rormal nitrogen and oxygen radioactivity is an indication of leaking fuel. A scran is initiated whenever such radiaticn level exceeds seven times ncrmal background. %e purpose of the scran is to mduce the sourm of such radiation to the extent necessary to prevent excessive release of radioactive materials. Discharge of excessive ammts of radioactivity to the site envirem is prevented by the air ejector l off-gas mcmitors which came an isolation of the min condemer offmas line provided the limit for a 15-mirute period j specified in specification 3.8 is not exceeded.**

1 he main steamline isolation valve closure scram is set to scran when the isolatim valves are 10% clmed frun full open in three out of four lines. Wis scran anticipates the pressure ard flux tramient, which would nmm when the valves close.

By scranning at this setting the resultant transient is imignificant. Ref. Secticn 11.3.7 FSAR.

A reactor node switch is prwided which actuates or bypasses tie various scran functicns appropriate to the particular plant.

cperating status. Ref. Section 7.2 FSAR.


! %e manual scran function is active in all podes, thus providing for a iranual neans of r@ idly inserting control rods Wrirn all nxbs of reactor cperaticn.

l The IIN ard APR4 systen ptwide protecticn against excessive pwer levels and short reactr periods in the refuel and l Starttp410t Staryby nodes. A source rarye monitor (SRM) systen is also ptwided to st(ply aliitional neutron level l information &rirg starttp but has no scram functicms. Thus the IRM ard APR4 systens are required in the refuel and l Startup/ Hot Stanty modes. In the power range the APIM provi&s tM required protections; thus,, the IBM systen is not l

required in the Run node.


! Ite high reactor pressure, high drywell pressure, reactor 1rw water level, and scran discharrn voltare high level scrats are i required for Starttp410t Stanty and Run rcodes of plant cperaticn. They are, therefore, required to be cperational fcr these no&s of reactor cperation.

%e requirenent to have all scran functions except those listed in Note 7 of Table 3.1.1 operable in the Refuel and shutdmn mode is to assure that shiftiry to the Refuel node durirn reactor pwer cperaticn (bes tot diminish the need far the reactor protecticn systan. As irdicated in Note 11 of Table 3.1.1, to trip ftnctions are required to te cperable if all control rods are fully inserted, ard eitMr electrically or hydraulically disarmed, since this corditicn assuras naxinun negative reactivity irserticn.

    • Per errata sheet dated 10-7-70 l

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B 3/4 1-3

e m 3.10 Bases A. mfuelirn Interlocks During refwlirg cperatims, tM mactivity potential of the mre is beiry altered. It is -ry to mquim rtain interlocks and mstrict certain refueliro procedures such that there is assurance that inadvertent critality (bes not occur.

To minimize the possibility of Icadirn fuel into wil containing no artrol rui, it is required that all control rods are fully inserted when fuel is bein] loshi into tM reactor core. This requitunent assures that during refueliry the refueling interlodcs, as desig md, will prevent inadvertent criticality. The core reactivity limitation of Specification 3.2 limits the mre alteraticrs to assure that the rusultiro core loalirn can be controlled with tM reactivity (Introl systan and inteel ay tine cbring chatrhet or the fellowinJ cperating cycle.

Ailition of large mounts of reactivity to tM core is ptuvented by operating procedures, wh% are in turn backed tp ly refueling interlocks on rod witMrawal and movment of the reflatform. Men the mode switch is in the " Refuel" positicn, interlocks prevent tM refueliry platform frun heiro moved cuer the com if a control rcx3 is withdrawn and fuel is on a hoist. Likewise, if the refuelirg platform is (wer the core with the fuel on a hoist, control rod notion is blockal by tM interlocks. With the noie switd1 in tM refm1 positicn, cnly cne control rod can be witMrawn.

With all control rods fully inserted, an3 either electrically or hydraulically disarned, maxinun negative reactivity inserticn is assured, tMrefore, tM refuelinj intericxis are not ruired to be operable.

Ebr a rww core, the drqpin] of a fuel assmbly into vacant fuel locaticn adjacent to a witMrawn ortrol real (bes rot result in an excursion or a critical configuraticn, tNs, adeqtute margin is provided.

B. Dru Manitorirg The STN's are provided to umitor tM mre durity periods of station shutdcwn and to guich the operator durirg refueliro operations and station starttp. Requirity two q)erable SIM's, cru in arti one adja nt to any core quadrant where fuel or control rtris aru beirg noved assurus aiequate nmitoring of that gnirant d2rirq such alteration requirment of three neutron induced count per secxn1 prtnides assurance tMt neutrtn flux is beiry nn11tcrui.

During unlosliny, it is not necessary to naintain 3 crs because core alteratims will involve cnly reactivity runoval and will rot result in criticality.

B 3/4 10-1

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