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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1992 for Myaps
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 11/30/1992
From: Stewart Bailey, Herbert J
Maine Yankee
JRH-92-177, MN-92-126, NUDOCS 9212170030
Download: ML20125E390 (5)



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MaineYankee 511TSBLE ELEfY5g11Y SINCE 191.}


  • AUGUSTA, MAINE 04330 (207) 622 4868 December 8, 1992 MN-92-126 JRH-92-177 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR P.EGULATORY C0fEISSION Attention: Document Control Desk Washington,;DC 20555


(a) License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)

(b) NUREG-0020, licensed Operating Reactor Status Summary Report


Maine Yankee Monthly Statistical Report - November 1992 Gentlemen:

Enclosed please find the Monthly Statistical-Report for the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station for November 1992. Please contact me should you have -any further.


Very truly yours, J

g, Mk



James R. Hebert, Acting Manager Licensing _-& Engineering Support Department SJB/ jag Enclosure c: Mr.-Thomas T. Martin Mr. Charles S. Marschall Mr. E. H. Trottier-_.

'Mr. Patrick J. Dostie 1G0026 9212170030 DR 921130 - -

ADOCK 05000309 _

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Le\jrh\1trs\jrh92177.1tr- I

, OPERATING DATA REPORT Docket No.: 50-399 Dates C8/Dsc/92 l Completed By: S. J. BAILEY Telephone: 207-622-4868

] ,

1. Unit Name....................................... Maine Yankee
2. Reporting Period................................ November 1992
3. Licensed Thermal Power (HWt).................... 2700
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross HWe).................... 920

, 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net HNe).............. 870

6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross HWe)......... 900
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net HWe)........... 860 j 8. If Changes in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3-7)

Since Last Report, Give Reasons:


) 9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if Any (Net HWe)

10. Reasons for Restrictions, if Any:

J j


11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.00 8.040.00 e 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical........... 720.00 6,206.90 141,021.21
13. Rsactor Reserve Shutdown Hours.................. 0.00 0.00 0.00
14. Hours Generator On-line.. 720.00 5.984.50 136,986.13
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours.................. 0.00 0.00 0.00
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (HWH)........ 1,923.183.00 14,929,029.00 321,461.755.00
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (HWH)........ 646,730.00 4,980,040.00 105,728,960.00
18. Not Electrical Energy Generated (HWH)........ 627.025.00 4.807,169.00 101,361.142.00
19. Unit Service Factor...... 100.00 74.43 77.93
29. Unit Availabilty Factor., 100.00 74.43 77.93
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using HDC Net)........ 101.26 69.52 71.89
22. Unit Capacity Factor

! (Using DER Net)........ 100,10 68.72 70.28

23. Unit Forced Outage Rate.. 0.00 7.70 7.43
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Honths: NONE

, 25. If Shutdown at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: N/A 1

1 Docket No: 50-309 Unit Names Maine Yankee

Dates 12-07-92 Completed By
S.J. Bailey i Telephone: 207-622-4868 l

j Report Month: November, 1992 MARRATIVE



At the beginning of the month, the unit was operating at leet power.

i I

On November 7, the unit was reduced to 851 to clean "D" condenser waterbox due to tubesheet blockage. A, B, & C waterboxes also


On November 8, the unit was returned to 100% power.

4 i On November 13, the unit was reduced to 80% for backwash of "D"

{_ condenser waterbox. A, B, & C waterboxes also backwashed. Mussel control was performed on "D" waterbox.


, On November 14, the unit was returned to leet power.

On November 22, the unit was reduced to 85% for backwash of "D"

! condenser waterbox. A, B, & C waterboxes also backwashed, f

a j On November 23, the unit was returned to leet power and remained there i for the rest of the month.



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, AVERApE D5ILY UNIT POWER LgVEL 4 FOR N01/ EMBER 1992 Docket No.: 50-309 ,

Unit Haine Yankee J

, Dat.e s 02/Dec/92 i Completed By: S. J. BAILEY l Telephone 207-622-4868-1, I i 1 1 l Day Avg. Daily Powie Level Day Avg. Daily Power Levcl ia (HWe-Net) (HWe-Met) i i

1 . ................... 382 16 .................... 889 2 . ................... 681 17 .................... 479 1

. 3 . ................... 882 18 .................... 882 i

l 4 . ................... 885 19 .................... 882 i i 5 . ................... 883 20 .................... 884 1,

{ 6 . ................... 882 21 .................... 889 t

l 7 . ................... 744 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.*t 7 i 1

4 j 8 . ................... 859 23 .................... 874


! 9 . ................... 883 24 .................. . 878 t

1 10 . ................... 882 25 .................... 883 l

i j 11 . ................... 883 26 .................... 883

]- 12 . ................... 883 27 .................... 882 4

. 13 . ................... 801 28 .................... 883 i

j 14 . ................... 871 29 .................... 883 1

j 15 . ................... 881 30 .................... 881 1

1 1

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, UNIT SUUTDONNG AND PONER REDUCTIONS Dockot No.: 50-309 FOR NOVEMBER 1992 Units Moino Ycnkoo Date: 09/Dec/92 Completed By: S. J. BAILEY Telephone: 207-622-4868

1 of 1 Nutbar L.R. TO 85% L.R. TO 80% L.R. TO 85% ,

l l

Dato l 921107 921113 l 921122 Typa (1) F F F 3'

Durction (Hours) 0 0 0 4

i Roccon (2) '

B B [ B Hsthod (3) l 4 l 4 l 4 4

4 LER S ,

N/A N/A N/A Syctcm

, Codo (4) HF HP HF Corpenent Codo (5) HTEICH-D HTEICH-D HTEICH-D 1 Power was reduced Power was reduced Power was reduced 5

to 85% to clean to 801 to backwash to 85% to backwash

, "D" condenser "D" condenser "D" condenser waterbox due to waterbox. A,B&C waterbox. A,B,&C Couco and tubesheet blockage, waterboxes also waterboxes also

, Corrective A,B&C waterboxes backwashed. Hussel backwashed. The 4 Action also backwashed. control performed unit was returned The unit was on "D" waterbox. to 100% power on returned to 1001 The unit was November 23, 1992.

power on November returned to 100%

7, 1992. on Nov. 14, 1992.

1. TYPE: 2. REASON: (cont) 4. SYSTEM CODES (Florced F-Administrative Exhibit G-Instructions (S)cheduled G-Operational Error for Preparation of Data H-Other (Explain) Entry Sheets for
2. REASON Licensee Event Report A-Equipment failure 3. HETHOD: (LER) File (NUREG.0161)

B-Heintenance or Test 1-Hanual C-Rofueling 2-Hanual Scram 5. COMPONENT CODE D-Rogulatory Restriction 3-Automatic Scram Exhibit I-Same source E-Operator Training & 4-Other (Explain) as above.

License Examination
