IR 05000245/1996005

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Documents 961203 Mgt Meeting W/H Haynes & P Hinnenkamp to Discuss Training Issues Identified in Insp Rept 50-245/96-05
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/1996
From: Meyer G
To: Kenyon B
NUDOCS 9612120343
Download: ML20135F087 (26)


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i December 6, 1996 Mr. Bruce President and Chief Executive Officer Northeast Nuclear Energy Company c/o Terry Harpster i

P. O. Box 128 Waterford, Connecticut 06385-0128



Dear Mr. Kenyon:

This letter documents the December 3,1996 meeting with H. Haynes and P. Hinnenkamp

. and others members of your staff. The meeting was led by J. Durr and A. Blough from the NRC regional office. The purpose of the management meeting was to discuss training

issues identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-245/96-05 for Millstone Unit 1 and other 1

, Millstone training related issues. I l

We believe the identified issues represented early indications of an adverse trend on the 1 l operator requalification training prograrn and its effect on licensed operator performance.

Your evaluations and corrective actions appear to be appropriate and going in the proper direction. We encourage you to vigorously pursue the actions discussed at the meeting



and identified in the handout (Enclosure) and to ensure the effectiveness of these corrective actions.

We appreciate the time and effort expended by your staff to brief us on this important j matter. There were no decisions or actions requested of the NRC staff at the meeting and '

none were provided. No response to this letter is required.



Glenn W. Meyer, Chief 1 Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety 120005 i Docket Nos. 50-245,50-336,50-423 1 =

- 1'

Licensee Handout gig ,

9612120343 961206 PDR ADOCK 05000245 G PDR

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Bruce cc w/ encl:

T. C. Feigenbaum, Executive Vice President - Chief Nuclear Officer J. McElwain, Unit 1 Recovery Officer M. Bowling, Jr., Unit 2 Recovery Officer J. Cowan, Unit 3 Recovery Officer D. M. Goebel, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight J. K. Thayer, Recovery Officer, Nuclear Engineering and Support P. D. Hinnenkamp, Director, Unit Operations

! H. F. Haynes, Director, Nuclear Training l


.P. M. Richardson, Nuclear Unit Director, Unit 2 M. H. Brothers, Nuclear Unit Director, Unit 3 J. F. Smith, Manager, Operator Training F. C. Rothen, Vice President, Work Services L. M. Cuoco, Esquire J. R. Egan, Esquire V. Juliano, Waterford Library-J. Buckingham, Department of Public Utility Control S. B. Comley, We The People State of Connecticut SLO Designee l

l l i

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Bruce Distribution w/ encl:  ;

Region i Docket Room (with concurrences)

W. Lanning, Deputy Director of inspections, SPO, RI l M. Kalamon, SPO, RI {

NRC Resident inspector (s) '

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC) l PUBLIC i N. Sheehan, Field-Public Affairs Officer, RI J. Anderson, PM, SPO, NRR W. Dean, OEDO P. McKee, Director, Deputy Director of Licensing, SPO, NRR G. Imbro, Deputy Director of ICAVP Oversight, SPO, NRR L. Plisco, Chief, SPO, NRR V. Rooney, PM, SPO, NRR D. Mcdonald, SPM, SPO, NRR M. Callahan, OCA R. Correia, NRR R. Frahm, Jr., NRR Inspection Program Branch (IPAS)

DRS File



i DOCUMENT NAME: A:\FOLOWUP.MS To oceive e copy of this document. Indicate in the boa: *C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure *E* = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy 0FFICE RI/DRS a n,) RI/DRS l S#b_ l l l NAME JWilliams yt1+


GMeyer i 2. / #fk & Ma I DATE 12/04/96 12/ 6 /96 l'/)" 12/4 /96 12/ /96 12/ /96 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY

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i Millstone / XRC Working Meeting on R

Operator Training Issues l!


i December 3,1996




9:30 a.m. ,





i Page1


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Introductions i

a Harry F. Haynes - Director Nuclear Training-t

0 Paul D. Hinnenkamp MP1 Director, Unit Operations 0 William G. Noll - MP1 Operations Manager 1:a Michael J. Wilson:- MP2 Operations Manager

, a Kevin M. Murphy - MP1 Supv. Operator Training 8 John H. Rein - MP2 Supv. Operator Training O Jeff Smith - OperatorTraining Manager I_


O Viki Armentrout - Nuclear Licensing Page 2


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B NRC Inspection Report 50-245/96-05

- MP1 Weekly Examinations s MP2 Company Final Exam E NTD Direction

- Common Themes

- Self Assessment / Corrective Action l i l


Page 3 I


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Millstone Unit One  !

Operations and Training i

Paul ~Hinnenkamp BillNoll Kevin Murphy


_J Page 4 ,


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Inspection Report 50-245/96-05 Issues l E Weekly Exam Failures i


Es1 Attendance El 1995 Written Exam Adequacy m JPM Testing E!LORT Program Administration i





i Page 5 i




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Weekly Simulator Evaluation Failures a Three Different Crews Failed Weekly Exams over Two Training Cycles a All Six Operating Crews Re-examined El Conclusion

- MP1 Adequately Staffed and Trained to Safely Operate the Plant


Page 6

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Root Cause Evaluation Conclusions B Major Contributors to Declining Operating Crew Performance: .

nWeak Operators Contributed to Crew Failures-Devaluation Process Lacked Accountability alack of Shift Manager Ownership alack of Critical Evaluations and Crew Feedback mReduced Simulator Training Time during Outage i


t Page 7


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Short Term Corrective Actions


a Remediated Crews and Individuals .

o One RO License Dropped o Established Crew and Department Goals .

and Expectations

Ba Established Clear SM ExpectationsLfor Training a Developed Cycle Training Report


i Page 8


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Long Term Corrective Actions i

a Monitor & Evaluate Individual and Crew Performance Profiles a Expanded SM Expectations a Assess Effectiveness of Corrective Actions

o Instructional Staff Expectations 4 a Enhance Academic Review Process


a Reaffirm Training duringRefueling Outages l




Page 9


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Other Inspection Report Issues ,


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2 Attendance ra 1995 Written Exam Adequacy m JPM Testing o LORT Program Administration i




! Page 10

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Current Status of MP1 Operations i

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I l p I




- 6 Personnel in SRO School

- 7 SRO/RO Planned for 1997


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Millstone Unit Two Operations and Training i


Mike Wilson


l John Rein l l l


l Page 12 i

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MP2 Training Issues rs License Training Company Final Exam

- Initial Actions


- RootLCause Evaluation -

l Ea Program and Materials Deficiencies I

- Background

- Corrective Actions t




t Page 13 i

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t Company Final Exam E 12 of 13 License Candidates Failed ,


Company Exam a 11 Candidates Re-examined and Passed a 12 of 12 Passed XRC License Exams- '


.  :





Page 14 ,


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Company Final Exam o Written by Contractor (Sonalyst)

e Designed to be Challenging (83% - 85%


a Met Examiner Handbook Standards o Large Percentage Higher Order Questions



a Limited Review and Validation a First Exam with this Degree of Difficulty 1-Page 15

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Short Term Initial Actions a Company Examination Analyzed a Candidate Knowledge and Skill Qualitatively Assessed (1 individual dropped)


a New Final: Examination Prepared a New Exam fully Reviewed


a Candidates Passed the Retake Examination a 12 Candidates Passed NRC Examination a Root Cause Analysis Performed


_i Page 16

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Root Cause Evaluation Conclusions ta The following were the major contributors to the Company Exam Failure's-


a Weak Higher Order Examination Skills s Ineffective Strategic Planning: Insufficient Resource Allocation

a Human Error / Misjudgment by MP2 Training Supervisors  !


a Insufficient Oversight by MP2 Operations and Training



- Incomplete Exam Review t

- Unaware of Some Decisions AffectingLOIT

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Program Quality i

Page 17

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Program and Material Deficiencies

ElIdentified in 1994


- Weak Materials a Lesson Plans and Texts Need Enhancement a Exam Bank Needs Enhancement and Expansion

- Program Examinations at Low Cognitive Level la Reaffirmed in Root Cause Analysis


W Page 18

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Corrective Actions Ea Deferred Systems Training Portion:of On-going LOIT -

a Lpdate JTA for NLO, RO, SRO Job Positions .

! la Incorporate MoreLChallenging Questions /

Exams throughout Next Program o L pgrade MP2 Instructor Knowledge / Skills

_j Page 19


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Line Management Assessment August 1996 Licensed Operators- Have the Knowledge and Skills to Safely Operate the Plant


!a Page 20

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Nuclear Training Initiatives Harry Haynes-J Page 21

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NTD Initiatives


Ia NTD Excellence Plan i

! - Personnel Development

- Programs Excellence

- Ownership

- Integration and Best Practices ,







i Page 22


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NTD Initiatives E Training Services Group

- Curriculum Assessment

- Exam Development Standards


- Self Assessment / Corrective Action I


- Project Management:



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Page 23 L

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