ML20098H048 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Hope Creek |
Issue date: | 07/31/1984 |
From: | Public Service Enterprise Group |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20098H044 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8410090317 | |
Download: ML20098H048 (88) | |
l l
JULY 1984
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2.0 PSE&G NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION 2.1 Management Philosophy and Structure 2.2 Nuclear Department Organization 2.3 Compatibility with NRC/INPO organization Guidance 2.4 Technical Support for Operations 2.5 Qualifications 3.0 HOPE CREEK CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 3.1 Station Organization and Responsibilities 3.2 Plant Procedures 4.0 STAFFING AND QUALIFICATIONS OF HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 4.1 Standards for Qualification Requirements 4.2 Staffing and Responsibilities 4.3 Qualifications and Experience 5.0 PERSONNEL TRAINING l
l 5.1 Philosophy and Commitment 5.2 Management Training 5.3 Plant Operator Training 5.4 General Station Worker and Job Specific Training 5.5 Technical Support Staff Training 5.6 Instructional Staff l
1 l
( l.0 INTRODUCTIOtt f This document provides a detailed description of the nuclear organization of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSEEG) and its management philosophy, programs and practices that provide the management capability and technical qualifications to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the Hope Creek Generating Station.
Recognizing the critical importance of centralized management direction and control of the operations, maintenance and support functions of its nuclear f acilities, PSE&G established the Nuclear Department at the site of its nuclear plants. A nuclear organization has been developed that assures management effectiveness and is compatible with the latest regulatory and industry guidance.
At the station level, management effectiveness is being attained through the establishment of clear lines of station management responsibility, accountability and authority and through the development, documentation and implementation of station programs and processes.
To assure that the Hope Creek Station Operations ttaff have appropriate experience and' qualifications, a plan for staffing and qualifying operations and maintenance <
personnel has been developed which is consistent with NRC regulations, industry operating experience and good practices. PSE&G has committed to, and invested ir., a comprehensive training program which is described in this report. The Program will not only train operating personnel to meet the techn. cal qualifications which are required by the NRC and consistent with industry operating experience and good practices, but also will provide training for managers and supervisors to continually increase their effectiveness.
This report discusses PSE&G's design for management capability in the Nuclear Department in general and in the Hope Creek Operations Department in particular. It delineates staffing plans, training programs and specific existing experience that PSE&G will use to insure it has appropriate technical and managerial resources to safely and efficiently operate the Hope Creek Generating Station.
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Li PSEEG has developed an organizational structure which
~ enhances management effectivenees and ensures the safe and efficient operations'of the Mcpe Creek Generating Station.
In Section 2.1 the company's management philosophy ia u
discussed with emphasis on how PSEEG's commitment to strong centralized managemant of its nuclear facilities has been demonstrated by Nuclear Department actions and policy
- directives. The. objectives of the recent reorganization of the Nuclear Department's senior management structure are also explained.
Section 2.2 describes how the revised senior management
-structure will increase the Nuclear Department's capacity to provide day-to-day senior management direction, coordination
,and control o.f all nuclear operations and support activities, while Section 2.3 examines the campatability of the revised organizational structure with NRC and INPO guidelines for utility _ management structure.
4 In Section 2.4, the responsibilities and authorities of key management roles are described as these relate to providing technical support for operations. The qualifications criteria for assignment of personnel to these key management 4 roles are outlined in Section 2.5.
2.1 MANAGEMENT PBILOSOPHY AND STRUCTURE PSEEG has long recognizsd tha critical bnportance of ensuring i centralized management direction and control of the operations, maintenance and support of its nuclear facilities. In July,.1981, the Company established its Nuclear ' Department and became one of the first companies in the nuclear industry to locate its vice President - Nuclear
- and the entire Nuclear Department at the site of its nuclear plants.
By taking this innovative step, the Company accomplished two important objectives. First, it consolidated all of the, organizations which provide technical and administrative support to the nuclear facilities at the same site on which all of'the company's nuclear stations are physically located. This consolidated position enhances'the Nuclear
- Department's abililty to coordinate on a routine basis concerning " lessons learned" and to address operating problems from a shared experience data base for all three p , units. With operations and-operations support work groups
. physically' accessible to wach other, there-is greater understanding of both day-to-day operational needs and technical / administrative support concerns. Timely informal
. communications between these various organizutions result in taore. ef fective coordination and responsiveness to ensure maximum plant safety and reliability.
- 2-1 a
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Secondly, the Vice President - Nuclear, the Company's senior l
( -nuclear manager, is also physically accessible to operations
\s. and operations support managers and is closely attuned to
day-to-day plant operations and support activities. He is able to .aake informed, on-the-spot decisions as the need arisec; to provide senior management direction and control of Department-wide programs; and to ensure that ef fective lines of authority and communication are established and maintained between work groups responsible for the operations, servicing and technical / administrative support of the nuclear facilities.
In audition to demonstrating its commitment to effective centralized management by locating the Nuclear Department on site, PSE&G has also demonstrated its commitment to safe and reliable nuclear operations management by establishing strong policy directives in those areas which affect nuclear safety and power production, and by requiring that all Company .
managers and personnel comply with these policies. Examples of such directives include the following:
NUCLEAR SAFETY Nuclear safety is-of the highest priority and shall take precedence over matters concerning power production. The employee's and the public's health and safety shall be the prime consideration in tne conduct and support of Public Service Electric and Gas Company's nuclear activities and shall not be compromisred.
All decisions which could affect health and safety shall be made conservatively. If significant questions or disagreements concerning nuclear safety matters arise, the Vice President - Nuclear shall make or concur in the final decision.
POWER PRODUCTION, The production of economical electricity to benefit the stockholders and customers of Public Service Electric and Gas Company is a principal purpose of the Company. Power production at Company nuclear generating facilities makes an important contribution to this goal. It shall be made clear to all personnel, however, that safety concerns come before power production at all times.
MANPOWER STAFFING AND TRAINING A staff of sufficient size and qualificaticn to support the safe and reliable operation of the nuclear plants shall be established and maintained. Position qualifications shall be established that are equal to or exceed those established by NRC or the #'erican National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Training shall be at.4uate to assure that all persons with operating responsibility are fully qualified. All training programs shall meet or exceed industry standards.
~ Public Service 41ectric and Gas Company is fully y committed to maintaining a program which is capable of countering threats _which could lead to sabotage or loss of special nuclear materials.
All employees shall comply with the requirements of the security program and directions of guardforce personnel.
RADIATION PROTECTION Nuclear plant design changes and ope ating and maintenance practices, shall be evaluated to assure that radiation exposure is As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable
~(ALARA). PSEEG is committed to the ALARA concept throughout all operating, maintenance and design activities.
REGULATORY AND LICENSING Public Service Electric and Gas Company shall comply explicity with all regulatory requirements and commitments that are part of the plant operating licenses, Final' Safety Analysis Reports and Technical Specifications.
A Quality Assurance Program is an essential part of the PSE&G commitment to safe and reliable nuclear power operation. Applicable program requirements shall be strictly in the performance of activities covered by the Quality Assurance Program.
ENVIR'.NMENTAL MATTERS The nuclear stations shall be operated in compliance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements, and in accordance with commitments to other federal, state and local government agency requirements.
It shall be the policy of PSE&G to minimize station operating effects on the environment.
RADIOACTIVE WASTE A vigorous policy to minimize the amount of radioactive waste generated at each nuclear plant shall be enforced. All eftorts shall be made to minimize the
- amount of radioactive waste stored on site, consistent with current industry practice and license
- requirements.
- _ _ . , ~ _ _ _ _ . - _. . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
PUBLIC INFORMATION Information released to the public'through various forms of the news media shall be done in a timely manner and I* in:accordance with the policies and procedures developed within the- Information Services Department.
REPORTS Reports that are necessary to. keep senior management informed on items pertinent to the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of Public Service Electric and Gas Company nuclear units shall be submitted on a timely basis.
I As the Nuclear Department has developed over the past three years, it has become evident to the Company that the role of the Vice President - Nuclear is a far more complex and demanding one than was first envisioned. In addition to serving as a Corporate Officer, the Vice
. President - Nuclear has also been required to dedicate increasing time to performing external relations functions, including various types of interface with regulatory agencies and oversight groups, meetings with local government and community representatives, and
, participation in professional industry activities. All of these functions are important to the effectiveness of
, nuclear operations.
, e At. the same- time, however, - the Nuclear Department is an expanding organization and demands full-time senior management direction and control. Recognizing this problem, and the number of functions reporting directly to the Vice President - Nuclear, PSE&G committed'itself in September,1983 to performing an in-depth analysis of the role (s) of the vice President - Nuclear and his direct reports. The purpose of the analysis was to establish the most effective organizational structure possible to accomplish the following objectives l 1. Ensure full-time senior management oversight of all
. Nuclear Department activities while still allowing the vice. President - Nuclear to devote sufficient time and
- attention to other critical role demands;
- 2. Provide increased senior management coordination and
- l. control over functionally interdependent i organizations:
- 3. Establish reporting structures which encourage
- improved communication and support among functionally interdependent' work groups; p
4 2-4 m _
- 4. Accommodato any futura concolidations or expcnsions of 1(' functions and, at the same time, maintain a stable
\, , organizational structure 5.' Assist key Nuclear Department managers in developing a Department-wide perspective, as opposed to a functional perspective only, and thus be more fully prepared for senior management positions.
The revised organizational structure which resulted from this analysis is depicted in Figure 2-1. For comparison purposes, the former Nuclear Department organization chart is also included in Figure 2-2. It is the intent
. of PSEEG to implement this revised Nuclear Department organization structure during the Fall and Winter of 1984.
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2.2 NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION By comparing the original and revised Nuclear Department i
organization charts it can be observed that the new Nuclear Department structure provides enhanced senior management direction and control by introducing a new level of day-to-day management authority at the Assistant Vice President level. Under the former organization, there.were eight line managers reporting directly to the Vice President - Nuclear. Each of these direct reports was able to provide input for Nuclear Department planning, decision making and problem solving purposes, however, since many programs cut across functional boundaries it was difficult to focus complete attention to interface concerns. In the revised management structure, the Vice President - Nuclear has the ascistance of two experienced senior managers to establish Nuclear Department plans, make decisions about program activities and address interface problems from a Nuclear Department-wide perspective.
In terms of the number and focus of the functions reporting to him, each Assistant Vice President has a more desirable span of control. All operations and maintenance functions are assigned to the Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations; all technical and administrative support functions are assigned to the Assistant Vice President - Operations Support. Each Assistant Vice President is responsible for ensuring effective functional management on the part of the line managers reporting to him, for ensuring timely coordination and responsiveness between operations and operations support work groups, and for resolving all interface concerns in support of effective Nuclear Department-wide programs.
The key functions of Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety Review report directly to the Vice President - Nuclear.
This structure allows independent authority in the execution of Nuclear Department-wide quality assurance and safety review activities and ensures ongoing senior management awareness and support of safety-related programs.
The innovative concept of a " senior management team" has been established. The vice President, two Assistant Vice Presidents, and the General Managers of Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety Review meet briefly at the beginning of each work day to review the operating status of the plants and to discuss any immediate interface or coordination concerns. A plan for addressing such concerns is developed and responsible senior managers then coordinate with their line managers to ensure timely and appropriate action. On a weekly basis, the senior management team meet- o address more long-range program development'and problem-solving concerns which require a Department-wide perspective.
'(' >
- With the revised organizational structure and the l . introduction of the " senior management team" concept,
' 'C,. PSE&G has ensured that the Company's philosophical
commitment to strong centralized management of its
, nuclear facilities continues to be an operational reality.
2.3 COMPATABILITY WITH NRC/INPO ORGANIZATION GUIDANCE The NRC NUREG-0731 " Guidelines for Utility Management Structure and Technical Resources" provides guidelines for staffing levels, technical expertise and personnel qualifications along with acceptable structures for both the utility corporate organization and the plant structure. All personnel, systems and organizations within the Nuclear Department conform to these guidelines.
To implement the basic guidelines set forth in NUREG-0731, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) has developed performance objectives and criteria for its use in evaluations and assistance visits related to corporate support of nuclear stations. The Nuclear Department and its generating stations are within 'the parameters of these guidelines.
Tables 2-1 and 2-2 outiine point by point comparisons of the PSE&G Nuclear Department organization with the major NRC and INPO guidelines in the area of organization.
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', COMPARISON OF NUREG-0731 ORGANI2ATIONAL GUIDELINES WITH THE PSEEG NUCLEAR DEPARTNENT ORGANIZATION NUREG-0731 Guidelines PSE&G Nuclear Department for Organizational Structure Organizational Features offsite Organization Key Characteristics
. Integration of all necessary .The organization functional responsibilities structure identified under a single responsible in Figure 2-1 ; hows' head. that all significant functional responsibili-ties are under the vice President-Nuclear.
.The assignment of-responsibility .The Vice President -
for the safe generation of the Nuclear is a corporate nuclear power plant (s) to an upper officer level executive position i.
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l TABLE 2-2 .
l s'
INPO Performance Oojective and PSE&G Nuclear Department
-Criteria for Organizational Structure organizational Features
.The corporate organization is .The PSE&G Nuclear established in such a manner that Department, throuch the functions, assignments and responsi-- organization structure, bilities of. individuals are clearly position descriptions, defined and understood, policies and procedures has established clearly defined functions, assignments and respon-sibilities.
.All major aspects of the Nuclear .VPN policy statement operation are covered with emphasis indicating emphasis on on n.anagement control of safety and safety and reliability reliability. are evtlined in previous pages of this document.
. Corporate level manager responsibilities . Managerial responsibil-are clearly defined for thirteen functional ities have been defined areas in support of nuclear station (s) for thirteen significant activities, functional areas-see organizational chart.
.The Corporate manager assigned principal .The Vice President -
responsibility for the safe and reliable Nuclear as the Senior operation of the utilities nuclear Nuclear Manager has no station (s) has this as his primary other significant responsibility and preferably is not responsibilities other assigned responsibilities other than than nuclear plant nuclear plant operation and support. operations and support.
p TABLE 2-2' 4[^ (CONTINUED)
. INPO Performance Objective and PSE&G Nuclear Department Criteria for Organizational Structure Organizational Features
- .The Senior Nuclear Manager has .The Vice President -
sufficient control over those areas NuclIar'has all relevant assigned to managers who do not' report functions either report-to him to ensure safe and reliable ing to him directly or operation of the station (s). matrixed to him to operate and support Salera Station and Hope Creek Station.
.The StationLManager's relationship to .There is only one the Senior Nuclear Manager is clearly managerial level between understood and provides appropriate the Vice President -
access and, when necessary, direct Nuclear and the two access to.his position. station managers.
Direct access is availa-ble at any time.
.The Senior-Nuclear Manager's relation- .The Vice President -
ship to higher corporate management, Nuclear has direct access and ultimately to the CMO, is clearly to the CEO at any time the understood and provides appropriate Vice President - Nuclear access and,'when necessary, direct deems it necessary.
access to these positions.
- 1 2'-10
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> The Vice President'- Nuclear, as the company's senior nuclear manager, provides the overall management
' direction and control for all-Nuclear Department programs and activities related to the operations, maintenance and technical and administrative support of the company's operating nuclear plants as shown in Figure 2-1 and as described below, a.- Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations. The Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations provides the day-to-day direction and control of the Nuclear Operations functions directly related to plant operations, maintenance, outage management and industrial relations.
- b. Assistant .Vice President - Nuclear Operations Support. The Assistant vice President - Nuclear Operations Support provides the day-to-day direction and control of the support functions necessary for.the safe and reliable operation of the plants including engineering, licensing and reliability, nuclear fuel technology, methods and systems, public affairs, and personnel affairs.
-c. General Manager - Nuclear Quality Assurance. The General Manager - Nuclear Quality Assurance provides the day-to-day direction and control of functions which assess the safe operation of the nuclear stations, quality of work performed by support L' personnel and compliance of all departments with QA program requirements, regulatory commitments and other company and governmental policies and regulations.
L d.~ General Manager - Nuclear.-Safety Review. The General
! Manager - Nuclear Safety Review provides management l direction and control over on-site and off-site independent safety review functions, including technical staff work for the Nuclear Safety Advisory Board, an independent committee which provides an overview of Nuclear Department operations for the Vice
-President - Nuclear.
- e. General Manager - Nuclear Engineering. The General Manager - Nuclear Engineering directs and controls L engineering services for operating nuclear plants;
! provides engineering services for plant modifications l- and operations / maintenance activities; establishes i
criteria and specifications for systems and equipment performance; directs and oversees the performance of safety evaluations on all design changes and abnormal plant occurrences.
i l 2-11
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y f. Manager - Nuclear Licenaing and Reliability. De
' h- Manager - Nuclear Licensing and Reliability directs
- and contrels all nuclear licensing, fuel design and 7
reliability assessnent activities to support operating nuclear plants, coordinates regulatory and
, environmental program activities and all ocupany involvement with regulatory agencies.
. g. General Manager - Hope Creek Operaticns. S e General Manager - Hope Creek Operations is the senior manager
' located within the nuclear station and provides managemant direction 'and control for ths safe and efficient operations of the station.
- h. General Manager - Nuclear Services. Se General Manager - Nuclear Services directs and controls all nuclear service functions which include maintenance services, training, site protection, radiation
- protection services, procurement and material control, and emergency preparedness.
- i. Manager - Method and Systems. The Manager - Method
, and Systems directs and controls the develognent and
'inglementation of effective Nuclear Departmentwide
services for information systems, cost and scheduling 1 methods, records management systems and the prmulgation of Nuclear Department policies and
. procedures. -
. j. Public Affairs Manager - Nuclear. We Public Affairs Manager - Nuclear is responsible for the management and direction of public affairs activities for the Nuclear Department and for the preparation, updating and sign-off of the public information section of the emergency plan. Presents the Canpany's position on relevant public policy or legislative issues.
- k. Personnel Affairs Manager - Nuclear. .Se Personnel Affairs Manager - Nuclear directs and controls the hunan resources and adninistration functions for the Nuclear Department which include enployee benefits, medical services, engloyment and placement, equal opportunity activities, engloyee coupensation, management resource developnent, personnel developnent, personnel adninistration and
,. adninistrative services. i
- 1. Manager - Outage Services. W e Manager - Outage services is responsible to manage, direct and control the outage camittee in all matters related to the planning, scheduling, conduct and control of outages.
Responsible to minimize the outage duration with good management and safety practices and to assure that outage activites are in otr--"'ance with facility license, Company and governmental regulations.
4 i
- 2 -12 l
. m. Nuclear Industrial Relations Manager. The Nuclear L Industrial Relations Manager is the chief interpreter k.
w and spokesman for the Nuclear Department on all matters pertaining to Company / Union agreemerits and management labor relations, and ensures consistent Nuclear Department-wide adherence to Company / Union.
agreaments and good' labor relations practices.
n.-Assis(ant General Manager - Joint Owners'and Regulatory Af f airs. The Assistant General Manager -
Joint Owners and Regulatory-Affairs serves as the '
chief' coordinator and spokesperson for the Nuclear Department on aspects of Nuclear Department activities involving Co-owners and State regulatory bodies; assists in the preparation for rate case proceedings;
_ and testifies for the Nuclear Department before the.
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and other similar regulatory agencies.
- o. Special Projects Administrator. The Special Projects Administrator provides technica.1 research, writing, liaison and special projects asnignments for the Vice President - Nuclear; investigates and reviews nuclear industry and regulatory concerns and recommends appropriate Company responses to the Vice President.
p.~ Operations Technical Staff Support. The Operations Technical Staff Support provide the Assistant Vice
- h. ' ,
President - Nuclear Operations with technical review of operations related concerns and handles special
- inquiries and projects regarding technical operation functions or interfaces.
- q. Nuclear Safety Advisory Board.' The Nuclear Safety Advisory Board is a senior level management oversite committee. It is charged with providing an overview of the company's nuclear safety program; reviewing the policies and processes to identify issues or trends requiring management attention; and advising the Vice President accordingly.
r 2-13 l
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2.5 QUALIFICATIONS For staffing the technical support organization PSE&G f uses qualificatior requirements similar to those of other major engineering firms. These requirements consist primarily of appropriate academic training and substantive work experience in relevant areas, including college degrees or the equivalent training and, for management positions, experience in progressively responsible supervisory positions. In certain instances, exceptions to the standard qualification requirements are made for technicians who, by virtue of formal education, training programs, or experience have acquired special expertise in particular areas. In keeping with responcible management practices, the capabilities of individuals-and the degree of supervision required are appropriately considered in making personnel assignments.
- a. Vice President - Nuclear. The Vice President -
Nuclear shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering or a related technical discipline generally associated with. power production; have training in nuclear science, nuclear power plant operations and maintenance; and have a minimum of eighteen years of progressively more responsible power plant experience, of which at least eight years shall be experience in nuclear power generation and/or related nuclear In addition, the Vice President - Nuclear
shall be familiar with regulatory requirements and applicable codes and standards,
- b. Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations. The Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering, science or a related technical discipline generally associated with power production, and have at least sixteen years of
, experience in progressively more responsible positions in power plant engineering, construction or operation. A minimum of eight years of this experience shall consist of providing day-to-day direction and control of nuclear operation functions directly related to plant operation, maintenance, and/or outage management. In addition, the Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations shall be familiar with regulatory requirements, applicable codes and standards.and good industrial relations practices.
- c. Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations Support.
The Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Operations Support shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering, science, or a related technical discipline generally
associated with power production, and have a minimum of sixteen years of experience in progressively more responsible posit....s in power plant engineering, l-2-14 l
1 <
- [
- construction or-operation.' A' minimum of eight years ,
- ./ J 'of this ; experience shall consist -of providing l
.(9 . day-to-day direction and control of nuclear power' l l' ~.
- . plant construction, engineering, or pJ ant operating - i functions.. .In addition, the Assistant Vice President )
- Nuclear Operations shall be familiar with regulatory requirements and applicable codes and standards.
, d. General-Manager - Nuclear Quality Assurance. The
, General Manager - Nuclear -Quality Assurance shall hold a: bachelors degree in engineering or science, and have at least fourteen years of experience in progressively more responsible positions in power plant engineering, constr'uction, operation, or quality assurance.- A minimum of seven years of this experience shall be in nuclear power plant construction, engineering, quality assurance or plant operation experience. Familiarity with regulation requirements and applicable codea and standards is required.
-e. General Manager - Nuclear Safety Review. The General Manager - Nuclear' Safety Review shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering, science, or a related technical-discipline generally associated with power produc-tion and have-at=least fourteen years of experience in progressively more responsible positions in power plant engineering, construction, operation, or quality
,- assurance. A minimum of seven years of this experience shall be in nuclear power plant construction, engineering, quality assurance or plant
, operating experience.
- f. General Manager - Nuclear Engineering. The General Manager - Nuclear Engineering shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering or science, be a licensed e ' Professional Engineer, and have'at least fifteen years-experience in progressively more responsible positions in power plant engineering, construction or
. operation. A minimum of seven years of this experience shall be in nuclear plant construction, engineering, or plant operating experience.
In addition,-the General Manager'- Nuclear Engineering shall be familiar with' regulatory requirements and applicable codes and standards.
- g. Manager - Nuclear Licensing and Reliability. The Manager - Nuclear Licensing and Reliability shall hold a bachelors ~ degree in engineering or science and have at least ten years of experience in power plant engineering, construction, quality assurance or opera-tions. A minimum of five years of this experience shall be nuclear power-plant construction, engineer-ing, or plant operating experience. In addition, the Manager - Nuclear Licensing and Reliability shall be familiar with regulatory requirements, the regulatory process, overall plant operation, applicable codes and standards, and quality assurance functions.
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,; h. General Manager - Salem Operations. The General i Manager.- Salem Operations or the Assistant General i ~
..' Manager - Salem Operations shall hold a bachelors j: degree in engineering or a related science, hold an
.NRC Senior Operator License,(or have held a license for a similar, unit or been certified at the plant or at an appropriate simulator), and shall have at least fifteen years of experience in progressively more responsible positions in power plant- engineering,
, construction, operation, or quality assurance. A
. minimum of three years of this experience shall be nuclear power plant operating experience.
- i. General Manager - Hope Creek Operations. The General Manager - Hope Creek Operations or the Assistant General Manager - Hope Creek Operations shall-hold a bachelors degree in engineering or a related science and hold an NRC Senior Operator License,(or have held a license or been certified at the plant or at an
. appropriate simulator) and shall have at-least fifteen years of experience in progressively more responsible positions in power-plant engineering, construction, operation, or quality assurance. . A minimum of three years of this experience shall be nuclear power plant operating experience.
j . General Manager - Nuclear Services. The General
[ Manager - Nuclear Services shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering or science and have at least fifteen years of experience in progressively more 4
responsible positions in power plant engineering, construction or operation. A minimum of seven years of this experience shall be nuclear power plant construction, engineering, or plant operating experience. Familiarity with regulatory requirements and applicable codes and standards is required.
- k. Manager - Methods and Systems. The Manager - Methods
- and Systems shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering, computer sciences, business administration or a related discipline and have a minimum of ten years of experience in the development and implementation of information systems, including a minimum of five years in responsible supervisory positions.
- 1. Public Affairs Manager - Nuclear. The Public Affairs Manager - Nuclear shall hold a bachelors degree in public relations, communication sciences, business, or engineering, and have a minimum of five years of experience in the public relations field. This experience shall be in progressively more responsible i positions, including supervisory roles , and include at least-three years o' xperience in the nuclear power s' industry.
. 2-16 i
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- m. Personnel Affairs Manager - Nuclear. The Personnel i Affairs Manager - Nuclear shall hold a bachelors i{f degree in personnel management business or engineering, and have at least five years of p i experience in the personnel management field. ' This i experience shall be in progressively more responsible positions including supervisory roles and shall
- include at least three years of experience in-the nuclear power industry.
- n. Manager - Outage Services. The Manager - Outage Services shall hold a bachelors degree in engineering or a related physical science and have at least ten
-years _of experience in progressively more responsible supervisory positions in power. plant maintenance, operations or maintenance engineering support. A~
minimum of five years of this experience shall bs in nuclear power plant operations or operations support.
- o. Nuclear Industrial Relations Manager. The Nuclear Industrial Relations Manager shall hold a bachelors degree in industrial and labor relations or M.B.A.
with a major in industrial relations, and shall have at least five years'of experience in industrial relations with emphasis on grievance processing, arbitration preparation and presentation, and contract negotiation and labor law.
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( 3.0 BOPE CREEK CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS The safe and efficient operation of the Hope Creek
~ .l
- Generating Station (HCGS) is a primary committment of PSEEG. To assure that this commitment is met, clear lines of station management accountability, responsibility and authority have been established and
- station processes and programs are being developed and documented.
Section 3.1 describes the scope of responsibility of the various Hope Creek Station departments. Management hierarchy and key management personnel responsibilities are delineated.
Descriptions of the types of plant procedures used by station personnel to formally conduct the operation of the HCGS are addressed in Section 3.2. Applicable industry operating experience and established regulatory guidance are used as the basis for procedural develop-ment. Sound operations management practices are used to implement the procedures.
3.1 STATION ORGANI2ATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES Station Organization The station organization charts for Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS), Figures 3-1 through 3-5, located at the end of this section, indicate the title of each departmental position and the number of personnel assigned to these positions.
The succession of authority and responsibility for the overall operation of the station is in the following orders
- a. General Manager
- b. Assistant General Manager
- c. Technical Manager
- d. Operations Manager Overall Station Management The General Manager - Hope Creek Operations reports directly to the Assistant Vice President-Nuclear Operations and is responsible for the overall management, direction, and control of station activities. In fulfilling these responsibilities he ensures the safe and efficient operation oi :e HCGS.
- f -
. e
. \1 administration, liaison activities with regulatory and 1 other agencies, approving and implementing programs and
!r procedures, and acting on matters pertaining to Company policies and practices. He acts as the chairman of the Station Operations Review Committee-(SORC). He is
. . responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements
- of the' technical specifications, operating license, and all other applicable government regulations.- ,
The General Manager - Hope Creek Operations also ensures.
the station's commitment to the PSE&G Operational Quality
. Assurance Program by maintaining close liaison with the
Station Quality' Assurance Engineer. -
. The Assistant General Manager - Hope Creek Operations reports directly to the General Manager. He assists the r General Manager in all of his principal accountabilities
and assumes responsibility for station management in the General Manager's absence.
The Assistant-General Manager's functional management responsibilities include the direction and coordination :
of_the Operations, Technical, Maintenance, and Radiation !
Protection Departments' daily activities. He serves as the vice - Chairman of the SORC and maintains contact :
with the NRC Resident Inspector.
The Office Supervisor also reports directly to the General Manager and is responsible for clerical support; operation of the word processing center; control of plant costs and budgeting; and liaison with the Nuclear Service organizations for the control and procurement of plant' materials, equipment and operating supplies.
Operations Department The Operations Department (Figure 3-2) is responsible for
'the safe and efficient plant operation in accordance with the facility operating license, technical specifications, all applicable government regulations, and policies established by PSE&G.
The Operations Manager reports to the Assistant General ,
Manager and is responsible for managing, directing, and !
i- controlling the Operations Department activities. He ensures that a properly trained, licensed and non-licensed staff i.s available to provide safe and efficient operation which in turn ensures pisnt availability and reliability. Administrativa1y, the
- - ' Operations Manager is responsible for the approval of all operating procedures and the review of incident reports, reportable events, and other correspondence.
i l 1
3-2 i .
- - -- . _ _ . = _ - _ - -
The Operating Engineer assists the Operating Manager in o: tho'baplementation of his responsibilities by directing
[ and controlling the work of the department. The Operating Engineer assumes primary authority and responsibility for the department in the absense of the
Operations. Manager. The Operations staff and the Operations shift Organization report to the Operating Engineer.
The Senior Operating Supervisor (SOS) reports to the Operating Engineer and functions as the Operating Engineer in the event of his unavailability. The SOS is responsible for supervising shift administrative duties.
- The SOS is qualified to relieve the Senior Nuclear Lhift Supervisor when he is unavailable.
The Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SNSS) reports to the Senior Operating Supervisor and is responsible for safe plant operation while on shift. The SNSS has the authority to take any action necessary, including plant shutdown, to protect personnel or equipment in accordance with approved procedures. During shift hours, he assumes responsibility for all plant functions in the absence of senior plant management. To ensure safe and efficient plant operation, che SNSS supervises the Nuclear Control
!, Operators and the Shift Support Supervisor, and performs plant equipment inspections. He also reviews and
- approves completed checkoff lists, logs, and other data to detect abnormal trends or potential operating problems. He approves removal of equipment f rom service and proper safety. tagging of such equipment in support of the plant surveillance and maintenance programs. In an emergency, the SNSS notifies management personnel and the appropriate agencies in accordance with the Emergency Plan and functions as the Emergency Duty Officer until properly relieved.
The Nuclear Shift Supervisor (NSS) assists the SNSS by directly supervising the activities of the Nuclear Control Operators, Equipment Operators, and Utility operators. He is also responsible for performing various duties of the SNSS when so assigned.
The' Shif t Support Supervisor (SS3) assists the SNSS by providing direct supervision of radwaste facility activities and the radwaste Equipment Operator (s). The SSS reports to the Shift Operating Support Supervisor for administrative direction.
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The Nuclear Shift Technical Advisor (STA), if licensed at
- d the Senior Reactor Operator level, may function as a NSS. The STA provides an' independent, objective assessment of the plant safety and provides technical assistance to shift supct, vision during normal and
abnormal plant conditions. The STA reports to the Operating Engineer. *w.
Nuclear Control Operators (NCO) report to the Senior Nuclear shift Supervisor through the Nuclear Shift Supervisor and perform all shift operations associated with the nuclear steam supply system from the main control room. The NCO is responsible for manipulating controls for startup, changing eloctrical output and reactor power, and plant shutdown as required. These functions are performed in compliance with the facility operating license and technical specifications.
The Equipment Operator (EO) and Utility Operator (UO) perform routine duties outside of the main control room necessary for safe continuous operation of the plant as directed by the Nuclear Control Operator or Nuclear Shift Supervisor. Their duties also include completing checkoff lists and logs; initiating immediate actions nece'ssary to maintain assigned equipment in a safe f condition during normal, abnormal, and emergency operations; maintaining continuous surveillance of equipment assigned; and operating auxiliary equipment as assigned to support plant operations.
Radwaste Equipment Operators report directly to the Shift Support Supervisor and perform all shift radioactive waste operations required to support plant operations.
The radwaste program receives administrative and scheduling direction from the Senior Operating Support Supervisor.
I i
l 3-4
~u, _ _ - - - . . . , _ , - . . . . _ . ~ . . - , _ _..___,,._.-._.,___,.,,_,_-_._,_,--r-_m_-.__..__--,__-- - _ _. ,.m. ._ . - - - - - _ . . - - ,, ,
- ]S i(' Responsibilities of the radwaste Equipment Operators
,i, - include completing checkoff lists and logs; providing G. other shift data associated with radwaste operations to 1
provide continuous surveillance of the equipment assigned; manipulating' controls, valves, and equipment to
- support radwaste processing, storing, and shipping; and initiating-immediate actions necessary to maintain n .radwaste equipment in a safe condition during normal, abnormal, and emergency operations.
The Senior Operating Technical Supervisor (SOTS) reports to the Operating Engineer and supervises the Operations Staff Engineers performing technical and administrative i ry ,. functigns within the department. The SOTS is responsible n -- ~ >
ifor reviewing facident reports, reportable events, and.
other NRC correspondence. He is also responsible for preparing and maintaining Operations Department procedures.
The Operations Staff Engineers report to the SOTS. They are responsible for providing technical and administrative support to the Operations Department.
The Senior Operating Support Supervisor (SOSS) reports to the Operating Engineer and is responsible for radioactive
, waste management, control, and processing. The SOSS
(- works closely with all departments, primarily the Padiation Protection' Department, to ensure that ALARA
., program objectives are met and that radioactive waste c production is minimized.- He is also responsible for developing and maintaining radwaste procedures and providing administrative guidance to the SSS.
Shift electricians, instrumentation and control (I&C). technicians, chemical technicians and radiation
- protection technicians are assigned to the shift schedule and report to the Shift Supervisor. These personnel perform support functions associated with electrical, IEC, chemistry, and radiation monitoring disciplines. i During normal operation, they are available to perform '
surveillance, preventive maintainence, and corrective maintenance activities. During periods of emergency or
, abnormal operating conditions, they are available as part of the station emergency preparedness program for emergency response and technical assistance.
Shift staffing is based on an 8-hour shift, 6-days-on/2-days-off schedule (4 shifts) with a fifth shift scheduled for training or requalification.
. _ , , , - - - - - _ . - - - . . ~ , - - - , - - - - - - - - - - , - - -
u kf ,.
- Shift staffing is.-in accordance with the" requirements of NURBG-073 7 and , , in addition, the following adjunct requirements are_ incorporated in the administrative control of shift. staffing:
, a.. A Nuclear Shif t Supervisor (SRO-licensed) will be onsite at all times whenever there is fuel in the q- reactor.
'A licensed senior' reactor operator will be in the b.
' main' control' room area at all times when the unit is in operational Conditions 1, 2, or 3.
- c. A licensed reactor operator will be in the main control room at all times whenever there is fuel in the re ctor.
- d. The licensed senior reactor operator. assigned to supervise core alterations in operational J;
Condition 5 will have no concurrent operational duties.
- e. .The qualified shift Technical Advisor required in Operational Conditions 1, 2, and 3 will have a bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline and will have received training as specified in
[ NUREG-0737.
- f. In addition to the radiation protection technician required to be on shift whenever there is fuel in the reactor, all shift personnel will be trained in basic radiation protection.
- g. shift hours will be. administrative 1y controlled to ensure compliance with current NRC policy.
- h. The site fire protection program will provide for a full-time site fire brigade consisting of' fire protection operators and fire fighters trained in
-firefighting and'first aid. Fire brigade training will conform to NRC guidelines.
Technical Department The Technical Department (Figure 3-3 ) is responsible for performing functions in the areas of chemistry, instrumentation and cor. trol, reactor engineering, technical reports and procedures, thermal performance, equipment reliability monitoring, and document control.
l 3-6
_The Technical Manager directs and controls the activities a- of the department through the chemistry Engineer, Instrumentation and Control Engineer, and Technical Engineer. .The Technical Engineer assumes authority and
- responsibility for the department in his absence. The Technical Manager reports to the Assistant General Manager and is responsible for directing and coordinating
. Technical- Department activities.
The power ascension test prograr. (Phase I'II) is conducted by the Nuclear Department, specificaly it is the
_ - reponsibility of. Hope Creek Operations. Formal tests, denoted as startup tests, are conducted during this program. Startup tests confirm the plant. design basis and demonstrate, to the extent practical, that plant systems operate and respond to anticipated transients and postulated events as designed. To perform these startup tests, the:PSEEG Startup Group functions as a support organization under the direction of the Technical Department during Phase III.
The Principal Startup Engineer - Testing reports to the Startup Manager during preoperational testing and then reports to theiTechnical Manager during power ascension testing (Phase III). His responsibility during Phase III
- f. is the overall planning and implementation of the testing L program, which includes core load, initial criticality, low power physics and power ascension testing. These ,
activities include preparing.and revising procedures, determining manpower support needs, scheduling tests, reviewing personnel qualifications, analyzing test results, and preparir.g test reports.
The' Chemistry Engineer is responsible for the development and implementation of the chemistry, radiochemistry, and effluent monitoring programs. The Senior Chemistry Supervisor reports to the Chemistry Engineer and assumes authority ~and responsibility in his absence.
The I&C Engineer is responsible for developing and
- implementating the I & C maintenance and surveillance U programs. Reporting to the IEC Engineer are the Senior IEC Supervisor and Senior Engineer IEC Staff. The Senior IEC Supervisor is supported by IEC Supervisors and the Computer Supervisor. The Senior Engineer I&C Staff is supported by IEC Staff Engineers. The Senior IEC
, Supervisor assumes authority and responsibility in the absence of the IEC Engineer.
- 3-7 4
..--..,,m .,,,_rn v._,.,,., .r_m_y_-.r,,.,,,,,,,~o,-_ . _ . . . , - - . . _ _ - - - -.- -
- ., 'l The Technical 2ngineer is responsible for reactor engineering; technical reports and procedures; the rmal performance; equipment reliability monitoring and-testing; and dccument control. Reporting to the Tec hi n cal Engineer are the Senior Reactor Supervisor, t
' Senior Engineer-Technical, and the Technical. Document ~
Room Supervisor. l i
- The Senior Reactor Supervisor is-responsible for reactor
- engineering, thermal performance and equipment reliability monitoring. The Senior Reactor Supervisor l assumes authority and responsibility in the absence of the Technical Engineer. Engineers are assigned to the Senior Reactor Supervisor _ to develop and baplement the F details of the programs. The reactor engineering group Pc . assists the Principal Startup Engineer in the development ,
t _
'and implementation.of initial criticality, low power !
-physics and power ascension test programs; and provides !
technical direction to the operators for thermal and nuclear operation of the reactor, and initial core loading and refueling operations._ The reactor ~
engineering group also monitor, collect, trend, and
' analyze performance data for systems important .to' plant !
efficiency and reliability.
- ,) The Senior Technical Staff responsible for r' the administrative procedures, technical responses, and
, for reports leaving the support of the facility operating license and review of operating experiences.
' The Technical Document Room Supervisor directs the i ,
operation of the technical document room, which includes !
centralized control of designated plant' documents and records management.
k Maintenance Department The Maintenance Department ( Figure 4 ) is responsible for the performance and monitoring of electrical and mechanical preventive and corrective maintenance work.
(- t The Maintenance Manager reports directly to the Assistant 4'
General Manager and has the overall responsibility for j
- - managing, directing, and controlling all activities of {
the Maintenance Department in.accordance with the ;
facility operating license and federal regulations. He j is responsible for the development and approval of ;
, departmental procedures and ensures that department 1
! personnel are trained and qualified. He is also
- responsible to ensure that his department is accomplishing its work safely and efficiently in support of plant availability and reliability. I 1
5 l
4 3-8
, i f
I s
y , . -
u t
' The_ Maintenance ~ Engineer assists the Maintenance Manager in the execution of his duties and is-responsible to
. plan,-conduct, and oversee daily maintenance functions.
~ ~
He is-responsible to ensure identified maintenance activities are-completed in a safe,. timely, and efficient
. manner. He-provides direct supervision to the Senior Nuclear Maintenance Supervisors and the Senior Maintenance Planning Supervisor. The Maintenance Engineer assumes the duties of the Maintenance Manager in his absence.~
The Senior Nuclear Maintenance Supervisor is responsible
-- for assisting the Maintenance Engineer in planning and
executing maintenance repair and inspection activities.
He is responsible for the effective use of materials and manpower while conducting maintenance repairs. He directs the activities of the Nuclear Maintenance Supervisors and assumes the authority and responsibilities of the Maintenance Engineer in his absence.
The Senior Maintenance Planning Supervisor reports to the Maintenance Engineer and assists the Maintenance Manager in the direction of the department's administrative and planning-functions. He is responsible for the maintenance history records, repair and maintenance I. ; procedure' system (RAMPS), maintenance procedure
. preparation, and maintenance planning.
Radiation Protection Department-The Radiation Protection Department (Figure 3-5), under
- the direction of the Radiation Protection Engineer, ensures implementation of the plant radiological safety program and the radiological material control programs in accordance with the facility operating license and government regulations. These programs require that personnel exposure to radiation and releases of radioactive material to the environment are as low as reasonably achievable.(ALARA).
Reporting to the Radiation Protection Engineer are the Senior Radiation Protection Supervisor and a staf f of supervisors and engineers which implement the radiation exposure control and measurement program. In addition, they ~ prepare and review procedures for implementing the ALARA program; perform surveys of radiation, surface contamination, and airborne activity to identify locations, operations, and' conditions that have the potential for significant personnel exposure; implement the radiation surveillance and personnel exposure tracking program; and are responsible for the emergency response and preparednes taffing, procedures and coordination.
d 4
, Plant procedures'are prepared by the station staff, support organizations, cnr contract. organizations under Lthe direction of the Assistant-General Manager - Hope-Creek _ operations and implemented by the Operations Manager, Maintenance Manager, Technical. Manager, and Radiation Protection Engineer.
Plant procedures are prepared for applicable
- safety-related activities delineated in Regulatory Guide 1.33 and provide the controls necessary to comply with applicable Regulatory Guides as listed in Section 1.8 .
, of the HCGS FSAR. t Preparation of plant procedures r.acessary for fuel load has bagun and is scheduled to be comp'leted six months
- prior to fuel-load. Review of procedures ar2?cting nuclear safety and review of changes to these procedures .
are performed by the Station operations Review Committee (SORC) and approved by the individual dogs,rtment managers l for Hope Creek Operations.
l Procedures are periodically reviewed and revised when changes are necessary or desirable. Similarly, procedures are reviewed and revised when necessary
- following the completion of system design changes or equipment modifications.
Administrative Procedures Station administrative procedures are written to provide
, stationwide direction in areas that are common to all station' departments.
These administrative procedures cover such subjects as station organization and responsibilities, Station operations Review Committee, changes to station procedures, document control, procedure review, personnel qualification, personnel training, design changes, tests
' and experiments, control of maintenance and preventive j maintenance program, technical specification surveillance
- responsibilities, radiation protection program, radioactive waste and material control program,. inservice inspection program, security program, quality assurance program, incident reports and reporting requirements.
3-10 i
i s
4 i
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- I
.[' In addition to these station administrative procedures,
operationally oriented administrative procedures provide guidelines for the operations Senior Nuclear Shift Supervisors and their shift crews. Operations administrative procedures meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54 (i), (j), (1), and (m).
Operating and Maintenance Procedurer; The operating and maintenance procedures meet the applicable requirements of Regulatory Guides.
Operating instructions are provided for startup, normal, manual and automatic modes of operation of each system or subsystem related to plant safety. Detailed checkof f lists are included, where appropriate, within each procedure. These lists prescribe the proper valve lineups or switch positions for the specific mode of plant operation.
Overall plant oper~ating procedures provide instructions for integrated plant operations. Checkoff lists are used for confirming completion of major steps in the proper sequence.
Instructions for abnormal conditions specify operator
- actions for restoring an operating variable to its normal controlled value in the event that it departs from its acceptable range.
Emergency instructions provide guidance for plant operations during emergencies while allowing sufficient flexibility to accommodate variations. These procedures specify actions, including manipulation of controls, to avoid further degradation of abnormal conditions or reduce the consequences of an emergency condition.
Alarm response instructions guide operators in their response to main control room alarm conditions. The alarm response instructions are available to the operators in the main control room and are compiled in a manner which is consistent with the alarm system layout.
3-11 m
p- .
, , ~ . .
c .
(Q Temporary procedures may-be issued to direct operations during. activities such as testing, refueling, maintenance, and modifications. They provide guidance in unusual ~ situations not within the scope of existing procedures. Temporary procedures are only in effect for specified periods of time, and require the same review and= approval process as other plant procedures.
Chemistry procedures include chemical and radiochemical analyses, sample collection, and equipment instr &ctions.
Chemistry procedures maintain reactor coolant quality and concentrations of harmful agents within prescribed limits.
The Emergency Plan, as described in Section 13.3 of the HCGS FSAR establishes the concepts, evaluation criteria, and actions necessary to mitigate the consequences of radiological incidents, abnormal operational events, natural hazards, and civil disturbances.- The Emergency
. Plan Procedures define emergency response actions required to ensure public health and safety.
Radiation Protection Procedures govern the implementation of the Radiation Protection Program described in Section 12.5 of the Hope Creek-Generating Station FSAR. These procedures describe various aspects of the radiation protection program including equipment operating instructions; control of area access and stay timer the ALARA program; radiation surveys; contamination surveys; airborne radioactive material surveys; and personnel monitoring and training.
Instrumentation and Control Procedures govern the required periodic calibration ~and testing of
- plant instrumentation, calibration of measuring and test equipment, and instrument maintenance. These procedures have provisions for taking instruments out of service; ensuring adequate accuracy to maintain safety parameters; recording the date, as-found condition, corrective actions, as-left condition,-identity of personnel.
performing tests; and restorating instruments to normal operating status.
' Maintenance Procedures provide instructions for
-(- maintaining mechanical.and electrical equipment in satisfactory operating condition. This category also includes procedures for implementing the preventive maintenance program for mechanical and electrical
. equipment. In addition, they provide for calibration and testing of protective relays. These procedures have provisions for recording the date, as-found condition, corrective action, as-left condition, and identity of personnel performing the tests.
Material control Procedures establish instructions for the proper procurement, documentation,.and. control o'f materials and components associated with safety-rslated structures or systems. These procedures are sufficiently detailed to ensure that materials and components are purchased and handled in a controlled manner in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.
Radwaste Management Procedures include operating procedures for the solid, liquid, and gaseous radwaste systems, and provide administrative controls for the shipment of solid radwaste and release of liquid and gaseous radwaste. These controls adhere to 10 CFR 71, and establish provisions that allow for liquid and gaseous radwaste releases only when required data, analyses, and approvals are completed.
Reactor Engineering Procedures provide for the monitoring and evaluation of core thermal and hydraulic parameters.
In addition, thwse procedures establish methods for evaluating fuel exposure, isotopic composition, core flux levels, and nuclear instrumentation setpoints as they relate to core power and flow.
Records-Procedures provide for the identification, preparation.and retention of plant records. These procedures also address. storage requirements and retention periods.
Security Procedures describe and implement security
requirements for the plant. These procedures include, but are not necessarily limited to, the subjects listed in Section 4.2 of ANSI N18.17-1973.
Surveillance Procedures are written to provide for operability verification of safety-related structures and components in accordance with the technical specifications. Surveillances are scheduled in accordance with frequencies established in the technical specifications.
'4 3 -13 I
Training Procedures establish guidelines to ensure that fully qualified personnel are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and technical support of the plant. These procedures describe licensed operator training, licensed operator requalification, non-licensed personnel training, and general employee training.
Fire Protection Procedures cover various aspects of fire safety, such as control of combustibles, control of ignition sources,. periodic inspections of fire protection equipment, fire brigade training, fire drills, and control of hazardous operations. These procedures also cover the fire fighting organization, activities during a fire emergency, and individual responsibilities during a fire emergency.
3-14 O
7-Figure 3-1 ers CaAE emEntf1M STATIcH SammtL BRAMER anD REarf
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> Grosa
. Muston
. Laach
.6. Wortte
- i. <rseauan
. Ia.nnone
- 3. ti ; assen i Ii l l l .
I . . .
See Figure 3*3 IMaluA Noet ANet/ANS 3.1 = 1901 Qualificationes
- As OE 7/04
" As of fuel load
+ Poettien required to meet 7/84 ANS1/ANS 3.1
7__ .
F1tME F3 fMM OPWlh7ICBS lesdNER C. C. cannor *
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- C. Wmdra
- aft OpWNrDG I
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- L. S,1ver
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- E. ,Tenam
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- As of 7/04 s
.. As of fuel load AS$1STAarTS
- .. Meets M11fications of Regulatory 9
Guide 1.8
+ Positica required to meet ANS!/AMS 3.1 un.rma 0
,-r. -, -,--..,n . - r ,e, .--. , --
4.0 STAFFING AND QUALIFICATIONS OF HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION (HCGS) OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL HCGS management has developed and is implementing a plan to staff the HCGS operating organization with qualified operations and maintenance personnel. This plan is consistent with NRC regulations, industry experience and o good practices. The plan consists of augmenting the present organization by hiring personnel with BWR nuclear experience; and providing for personnel qualification through extensive formal training, and participation at similar operating plants. The recruitment of personnel provides a complementary level of experience and training throughout the organization.
PSE&G management is implementing the staffing plan in a time frame to allow station personnel to participate in-preoperational startup activities.
This section reviews the specifics of the HCGS staffing plan and provides an overview of station personnel qualificatons and experience.
4.1 STANDARDS FOR QUALI7ICATION REQUIREMENTS The staffing plan addresses personnel qualification requirements and establishes appropriate levels based on these qualifications. The following documents were used during the formulation of the staffing plan to identify qualification requirements:
- 1) NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements
- 2) NUREG-0731, Guidelines of Utility Management Structure and Technical Resources
- 3) ANSI /ANS 3.1-1981, Selection, Qualification and
. Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants
- 4) Regulatory Guide 1.8, Personnel Selection and Training 4.2 STAFFING AND ORGANIZATIONAL READINESS The plan for staffing the station is reflected in Figures 3-1 thru 3-5 which provide the following information:
- number of personnel authorized to each functional area 4-1
- number of personnel presently assigned or having firm employment start dates
- number of personnel meeting ANSI /ANS 3.1 - 1981 presently and the number who will meet these requirements by core load.
The station personnel staf fing level will be 370 by core load. Table 4-1 provides a breakdown of this number by depa rtment.
The primary function of the station organization before the time of core load is preparation for operational readiness. This preparation includes training and qualifying personnel; developing and implementing administrative programs and detailed procedures; and identifying and procuring equipment necessary for plant operation and maintenance. In addition, the station staff is actively supporting the preoperational startup program by providing the supervisors, operators, technicians and mechanics to test, operate and maintain systems released from construction. This direct involvement provides an opportunity to demonstrate program adequacy, and optimize station processes and procedures before core load. This
" hands-on" involvement also reinforces plant specific training and provides an opportunity for the Station organization to develop as a cohesive team.
4.3 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Station personnel who have the responsibility for plant operation and maintenance will have a combination of education, training, experience, health and skills appropriate to their level of responsibility. To assure the station meets this objective, PSE&G has committed to comply with the requirements of ANSI /ANS-3.1 -1981,
" Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants." These requirements are incorporated in the station administration procedure, Station Personnel Qualification and Training Program.
Table 4-3 provides a listing of experience and qua.lification for each Hope Creek Station management level emloyee. From a review of this table and Figures 3-1 thru 3-5, it can be seen that PSE&G has met its commitment to staff HCGE with' qualified individuals.
- y. ., _, -.,-.a
_p.,_m9,,- ,.y.- ,,,,,,,,, y_,,,,
'(' From a qualification standpoint, experience is defined in A terms of professional level, total power plant, nuclear pover plant, navy nuclear, plant operations above 20a power, refueling and startup working time. Several members related nuclear of the plant HCGSexperience staff have also by having obtained been valuable assigned to the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) as nuclear power plant evaluators. Others obtained related experience through previous employment with a Nuclear Steam Supply System vendor or Architect / Engineering firms.
Recently, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has established additional experience requirements for the operating shift senior reactor operator. The present qualifications and planned hot participative experience of HCGS operating shift personnel will assure their meeting these latest NRC criteria.
In the station Radiation Protection Department, further specialized qualifications are required. The Radiation Protection Engineer must meet the qualifications for the Radiation Protection Manager as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.8. The Radiation Protection Engineer assigned to Hope Creek meets these criteria and furthermore,' has been certified by the American Board of Health Physicists.
Table 4-2 summarizes the experience of key management
- (general manager through senior supervisory positions),
shift supervision, and licensed operator positions. From Table 4-2, it can be seen tnat the total applicable experience is 696 years or an average of 11 years per person. Of the total ~ applicable experience, 539 years is nuclear ' experience of which 383 years is commercial nuclear exparience. Additionally, of the total applicable years of experience, 384 years or 55 % is in management positions providing an average of 15 years per person.
From a review of individual experience histories, Hope Creek Generating Station personnel have held 18 NRC licenses on commercial nuclear power plants, 10 on PWR3 and 8 on BWRs. Also, 35 personnel have completed BWR cold
-license certification and 24 personnel have completed U.S. Navy certification.
In summary, PSE&G is staffing the Hope Creek Generating Station with qualified, experienced personnel.
4 -3 1 y- .-. ,g,e-%-----,,+.,,w-e
-y --
9 -, -,.g er,.-p,y--p -
y,y ,,.,,,,,,-.y y9,- yy, .w,,_g m ,.,,ywp-.-.rywm- we,
(- BOPE CREEK' GENERATING STATION STAFFING BY CORE LOAD Department General Manager Total Management and Staff 4 Administrative and Clerical 12 16 Operations Manager Management and Staff 21 Nuclear Shift Supervisors 19 Control Operators 23 Equipment Operators 39 102 Maintenance Manager Management and Staff- 15 Supervision 13 Electricians and Mechanics and Helpers 84 112 Technical Manager Technical Engineer Management and Staff 22 Instrument and Control Management and Staff 6 Supervision 8 Technicians and Helpers 36 Chemistry Engineer Management and Staff 4 Supervision 4 Technicians 19 99 l
Radiation Protection Engineer i
Management and Staff 5 Supervision 8 Technicians 28 41 TOTAL 370 4-4
_ _ . _ . - _. . _ _. __._, _ ~ . . _ _ _ .
g -
Nuclear Other Power Experience (Yrs.) Plant Exp. Related Exp. Total PWR BWR NAVY (Years) (Years) (Years)
Management (26)_ 115 121 47 61 40 384 Nucl. Shift Supervision (21) 44 60 52 44 12 212 Nucl. Control Rm.
Operators (16) 18 25 ,57 0 0 100 f
2 Total (64) 177 206 156 105 52 696 b
. -,, , . - , , , - --,,,---.-n,, ---,e-, ,. --v - - , , - - , , ,, . . - - ----------:
. Plant /Related E sperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education GenL Mgr.- R. 5. Salvesen GM - Hope Creek 2E SRO Certification - BSME llope Creek Operations (BWR)
Operations Mgr. - Hope Creek 3 Mgr. - Nucl. Ops. ' 7 e
Chief Engineer - 3 RO Certification W RO Training Prcgram Salem NucL Sta. (PWR) -
8 i'
Various Dept. Head 12 and Supv. Positions at Fossil Stations Asst. GenL 5.LaBruna Asst. GM - 2E BSEE
, Manager - Operations 4 Itope Creek j Operations Maint. Engr. 4 SRO Lncense STA/SRO Training Course Salem NucL (PWR) Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Coki License j
Training Program l
i Various Dept. 13 Heads and
. Supv. Positions at Fossil Stations
1 1
. 7/a4 i
i ..
TABLE 4.3 HOPE CREEK MANAGEMENT PERSONPEL Plant /Related Experience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil other License Education Technical 3. A. Nichols Technkal Manager - 2n BSEE Manager Hope Creek Nuclear Plant Engr.- 1-INPO INPO (Technical Area Evaluations) ,
Reactor Engineer- 10 SRO License (PWR) W RO Training Program Salem NucL Station RO (Equivalency Hope Creek Generatina BWR '
License)-SaxtonCold License Training Program Various Supervisory 4
! Positions at Fossil Operations G. C. Connor Operations Manager- 2M BSE Manager Hope Creek Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold License Training Program Station Planning 5 SRO License W Simulator Training Engineer - Salem (PWR)
Nuclear Station Various Supervisory 7 Positions at Salem ,
Nuclear Station Engineering Watch 7 SRO (Navy Various Navy Nuclear Supv. - Naval NucL Certification) Training Programs Programs i
~ ~
4 4
- TABLE 4.3 4 HOPE CREEK MANAGEMENT PERSONSEL Plant /Related Eaperlence Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education Maintenance P. 3. Kudiess Maintenance Manager-
, Manager Hope Creek Project Construction 35 Registered PE BSCE 4
Manager - Hope Creek Principal Construction 25 Engineer - Hope Creek i-Senior Construction 2 Engineer - Hope Creek 4 Operations 3. 3. Hagan Operations Engineer- .IE SRO Cert. BSEE Engineer Hope Creek (BWR) MSEM Hope Creek Generating i Station BWR Cold License j Training Program Maintenance Engineer- I
- Salem NucL Station Various Supervisory 4 Positions at Salem i Nuclear Station Various Supervisory 2 l
Positions at Fossil i Stations I 7/84 1
- q e
, ' Plant /Related Experience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education t
Operating C. A. Vondra Operating Engineer- M BSME 9016 l
- Engineer Hope Creek Hope Creek Generating i
Station BWR Cold License Training Program
Operations Manager- S I Year INPO Marble Hill (Operations Audit)
Reactor Operator- 6 SRO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval Nuclear Program Training Programs i Maintenance 3. M. Rucki Maintenance Engineer- IE BSEE
} Enginces Hope Creek i Consulting Engiencr I (BWR United Engineers Projects) 10CFR50, App. B Lead Site Engineer 9 i Brunswick NucL Sta.
. Construction i
i Design Engineer- 2 UE& C i
I 7/84 i
f ,
i .
Plant /Related Emperience '
Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education instrument and 5. L. Funsten I&C Engineer- In SRO Cert. BSEE Control Engineer Hope Creek (BWR) Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold Lkenne
' Training Program i
Field Engineering 9 j Supervisor - C2 Nuclear instrum.
Installations Service Engg. 4
) G Switchgear Div.
J Chemisery E. D. Yochheim Gemistry Engineer- E BSC Engineer Hope Creek Chemkal Consulting 2 Engr. - Welear Plant Oemistry TVA - tinit Leader i Water Quality and j Rad. Measurement Senior Engineer 6 Babcou & Wilcox
! On-Site - PWR .
' Oemistry Startup 1 Consultation i
- 7/a4 4
,R; ,
I TABLE 4.3 HOPE CREEK MANAGEMENT PERSONff L 8 Plant /Related Euperience Title Name t'osition PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education Radiation J. R. Lovell Rad. Prot. Engr.- 1 BA - J apanese Hope Creek MS - Health Physics Protection Engineer and Industrial Hygiene Plant Health I Cettified HP from Amer.
Physicist Board of Health Physicists -
(Palisades NucL Station)
Senior Health Physicist i Midland Energy Center Radiological Engineer 2 (Newpor News Ru Serv.)
Health Physicist I (Allied Onem.
(Industria0 7/s4 w . _
P. .
I i
Plant /Related Emperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Foesti Other License Education ,
Senior Operations G. 5. Dawes, Jr. Senior Operations in SRO Cett. BJEE
, Technical Segervisor Technical Supervisor - (BWR) Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold License Trairdng Program l R&C Lead Engineer 2
! Hope Creek Eng/ Lead Engineer 2E Admin, Salem Nuclear Station Statf) j Engineer, R&C 35
Salem Nuclear Station 4
Engineer - QA I Salem Nuclear Station Associate Engineer 2 N3 Black Seal Ifudson/Bergen l
Lead Engineer, Ops, 5RO Cert. (BWR) Widener University f Lead Engineer - M. E. Rogers in operations Stafi Stalf - Ibpe Creek 02 credits) i Hope Creek Generating l Station BWR Cold License j
Training Program
' Nuclear Trainirg 44 SRO Lkenne (PWR)
' Supv./ Specialist /
1 Staff Assistant -
! Salem Nuclear Station 1
i Engineer Watch Supv. 64 EWS/EOOW Yarlous Navy l
- Cert. (Navy) Nuclear Programs 7/s4
's l
a a
TABLE 4.3 HOPE CREEK MANAGEENT PER50NDEL Plant /Related Esperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil other License Educaller
Senior Operations L. M. Silvey Nuclear $hitt Supv. E High School Graduate Suppor Supervisor Hope Creek Gen. Sta.
Quadrex Supv. I '
Service Eng.
Shitt Supervisor 6 SRO License (BWR)
Peach Bottom Sta.
Chief Operator 3 RO License (BWR)
Peach Botsom Sta.
Plant Operator i RO Cett. (BWR)
Peach Bottom Sta.
Asst. Cont. Rm. Oper. 3 Peach Bottom Sta.
HP Technician i Peach Bottom Sta.
Aux. Operator 3
- Peach Botsom HTGR Auu. Operator 6
- Various Fossil i
i 1
7/s4 I
i s I
Plant /Related Euperience Name Positian PWR BWR Navy Fossil Lkenne Education Title i BSPE - University Technkal Engineer T. G. Busch Tedmkal Engineer E Hope Creek Cincinnati Superintendent i SRO License Technical Support (BWR)
W. H. Zimmer Nuclear Statlan Tedmkal Eng./ Staff 4 Eng. - W. H. Zimmer Nuclear Station ,
Reactor Engineer 4
- W. H. Zimmer Nuclear Station M. Shedlock Senior Maintenance I B5EE Senior Maintenance Supervisor Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Resident Electrklan 4 Engineer Salem NucL Sta.
Construction Engr. 5 Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Lead Constr. Engr. 2 Salem NucL Sta.
f I ,
TA882 4.3 -
HOPE CREEK MANAGEnd'NT PERSONDE!L Plant /Related Euperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil other License Education j
M. Zapolski Senior Technical I BSE Senior Technical Enaineer (l&C) Engineer (l&C)
Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Lead Engineer 2 Operations Stalf Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Assoc. Engr /Eng. S l
< Salem NucL Sta. .
Staff Asst. I Salem NucL Sta.
Navy Nuclear Program 4 EEOW Various Navy Nuclear Schools Senior Maintenance T. B. Wysocki Senior Maintenance 3 AACT Supervisor Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Maintenance Supervisor S Salem NucL Sta.
1 5tartsp Engineer 3 Salem PkscL Sta.
Staff Assistant 2 PSE&G 1
t15. Navy Nuclear S Various Navy Nuclear Schools ,
i I
7/84 i
.O 2 .
TABLE 4.3 HOR! CREEK MANAGEMENT PER50NEL Plant /Related Esperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education Senior l&C T. R. Robbins Senior I&C 3 High School Graduate Supervisor Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
lac Supervisor 6 Salem NcL Sta. -
. R&C Technician 3 Salem NucL Sta.
U. 5. Navy Nuclear . 7 EWS, RO Various Navy Nuclear Schools
+ Program
'e Senior Maintenance W. Mokold Senior Maintenance 2 PE NewJersey BSEE Planning Supv. Planning Supv.
Hope Creek NcL Sta.
Maintenance Supv. 2 Salem NucL Sta.
Engineer, E&C E l
, Hope Creek NucL Sta.
i Maintenance Dept. 2 Salem NicL Sta.
E&C, Newark 5 P5E&G l,
- l
, 7/84 i
, . . ~
jO I
TABLE 4.3 -
HOPE CREEK MANAGEMENT PER50NM!L Plant /Related E uperience Title Name Position - PWR BWE Navy Fossil other License Education Chemistry T. W.Vannoy Gemistry Supveriser 2 AA Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
i Gemistry Supervisor 4
- Salem NucL Sta.
Gemistry Tedmician 5 Salem NucL Sta, t15. Navy Nuclear 6 ELT Various Navy Nuclear Schools Program
,1 Senior mintenance . 3. T. Ormond Senior Wintenance I High School Graduate i Supervisor Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Senior Wintenance 1 Supervisor 1 Salem NucL Sta.
i 1
Progresssive mintenance 24 lj Wtment Positions up j .a Senior Wintenance
- Supervisor - Bergen and Kearny Generating Sta.
1 l
1 i
7/84 i <
I .O
' Plant /Related Eaperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education R. 3. Thompson Senior Reactor SRO Ces t. (BWR) BSNE Senior Reactor 1 16 Supervisor Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sza.
Nuclear Energy 2 STA Cert.
Services, Im f --- M --- - ,
G.P.U. Nuclear 5 Oyster Creek Reactor Engineer Senior Engineer J. P. Hawrylak. Senior Engineer i SRO Cert. (BWR) MSNE Computer Services Computer Services Hope Creek Generating Hope Creek NucL Sta. Station BWR Cold License Training Program Nuclear Engineer 3 r Shoreham NucL Sta.
Engineer 5 Westingpouse L. J. Krajewski Senior Radiation I 96 Nigh School Graduate Senior Reactor Protection Protection Supv.
Supervisor Hope Creek NucL Sta.
Radiation Protection I-3/4 Supervisor Salem NucL Sta.
Radiation Protection 12 Supervisor Lacrosse NucL Sta.
U.S. Navy Nuclear 6 - ELT Various Navy Nuclear Sctiools Program 7/s4
. - - .~. . . _
' - Ps,
. N.
~ .
Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil .Other License Education L. A. Aversa Sr. NucL Shitt Supv. 2 High School Graduate Sr. Nuclear Shii: Memphis State tJniv.,56 Crestits supervisor Hope Creek Gen. Sta. _
Hope Creek Generating Station BWR CoM 1 kenne Training 1
Prograni i Nuclear Shilt Sgv. In BWR Cold Ce-t. (SRO) l Hope Creek Gen. Sta.
! Nuclear Shift Sgv. IE Salem Gen. Station Controf Operator i Fossil Station Equipment Operator 5 Fossil Station 1
- IJtility Operator 2 j Fossil Station
- 5. C. Scunders Sr. NucL Shitt Supv. I High School Graduate Sr. Nuclear Shilt
- Memphis State IJniv.,6 Credits Supervisor Hope Creek Gen. Sta.
llope Creek Cmwrating Station 1
BWR CoM License Training Program Nuclear Shilt Supv. In SRO L icense (PWR) W SRO Training Salem Gen. Station i
NucL Control Operator 7 RO License (PWR) W Reactor Operator Training Salem Gen. Station
- Equipment Operator / 4 titility Operator at Fossil Station 7/84 j
. .i g
- Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil other License Education Sr. Nuclear Shii M 3. Trum Sr. NucL Shitt Supv. 2 High School Gradate Supervisor Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Mernphis State Univ., M Credits Nuclear Shif t Supv. In BWR Cold Cert. (SRO) Hope Creek Generating Station Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold License Training Program Nuclear Shitt Supv. 14 Salem Gen. Station Shif t Supervisor 25 Fossil Station Control Operator 2
] Fossil Station ,
i Equipment Operator i
< Fossil Station Utility Operator !
Fossil Station Sr. Nuclear Shitt E. 3. Riley Sr. NucL Shitt Stev. E BSNT SOE Supervisor Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold License Training Program Shii: Supervisor SRO License (BWR) 4 3. Fitzpatrick Sta. 64 NucL Inst. Tech. I Surry Gen. Sta.
Reactor Operator SE SRO Cert. Various Nuclear Navy Navy Nuclear Program Programs i
i 7/84 i
. . i,.
- A, a
TABLE 4.3 HOPE CREEK OPER ATIONS DEPARTMNT MANAGEMENT PEP 50NDEL Plant /Related E xperience Title Name Position PWR BWR thvy Fossil Other License Education
- Nuclear Elf a Supv. 3. Buchanan Nuclear Shitt Supv. IE High School Graduate Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Memphis State Univ.,44 Credits Contral Operator i Hope Creek Generating Station Fossal Station BWR Cold License Training Program Equipment Operator 5 Fossil Station tJtility Operator I Fossal Station Nuclear %if a Supv. R. F. Ebright & clear Shii: Supv. 3/4 High School Graduate Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Memphis State Univ.,6 Credits Nuclear Equipment 2 RO License (BWR) RO Training Program
Combustion Engr. Program
) Electronic Tech./ 4 RO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval Reactor Operator Training Programs (NucL Navy Program)
Nucilar Shitt Supv. F. P. Higgins Nuclear $hitt Supv. 15 BWR Cold Cert. (SRO) High School Graduate Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Memphis State Univ.,56 Credits
! Instrument Engineer 3E Hope Creek Generating Station Bechtet, Inc. (RWR BWR Cold License Training i Field Instrumentation) Program l' Engr. Watch Supervisor 6 $RO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval Training Programs 7/s4 4
L. p b
- o-
- 5.
- Plant /Related E aperience a
i Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education
) Nuclear Shif t Supv. F. 3. Hu$es Nuclear Shif t Supv. I Hip School Graduate Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Memphis State Univ.,44 Credits Hope Creek Generating Station l BWR Cold License Training Program
- Shitt Supervisor 3/4 SRO License (PWR) SRO Training Program Indian Point 3 Control Operator 9-1/3 RO License (PWR) RO Training Program
Indian Point 3 I Electronics Tech./ 6-l/3 RO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval
- RO-Nuclear Navy Training Programs Nuclear Shil
- Supv. E. M. Jef fers Nuclear Shilt Supv. In High School Gradiate Hope Creek Gen. Sta. Memphis State Univ.,44 Credits
- Shitt Supervisor 2 Hope Creek Generating Station Fossil Station RWR Cold License Training
. Program l Control Operator 2-1/4 1 Fossil Station l
l Equipment Operator 5-3/4 Fossil Station 1
- Utility Operator 2-1/3 Fossil Station l
- 7/s4 1
. "CU TABLE 4.3 1
HOPE CREEK OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT MANAGEMNT PER50Npe'L Plant /Related Esperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Nvy Fossil Other License Educatim Nuclear Shi! Supv. C. L. Newman Nuclear Shitt Supv. In BWR Cold C-rt. ($RO) High School Graduate Hope Creek Ger6 5ta. Memphis State Univ.,36 Credits Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold Lkense Training Program
! Electrician /Engg. 7-3/4 SRO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval Wat6 Supervisor Training Programs Nuclear Shitt Supv. n. M. Powell Nuclear Shilt Supv. I High School Graduate Hope Creek Ger6 Sta. - Memphis State Univ.,27 Credits Hope Creek Generating Station BWR Cold License Training Program Control Operator 3 RO License (BWR) RO Training Program Grand Gulf NucL Sta.
Electros ics Tech./ 7 RO (Navy Cert.) Various Nuclear Naval Reactor Operstor Training Programs Nuclear Shilt Sgv. T. L Russell Nuclear Shilt Sgv. IE SRO Cert. (BWR) Hope Creek Generating Station Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold License Training Program Control Operator 8-l/4 RO License (PWR) W RO Training Program Salem Gen. Station Equipment Operator 2 liigh School Graduate Salem Gen. Station , Men @is State Univ. 44 Credits Equipment Operator / 3-l/2 i
Utihty Operator at Fossil Station 7/s4 i
.~ n
I '.43
'.ff ',
3 ,
t dis. t.-
TABLE 4.3 HOPE CREEK OPER ATIONS DEPARTtM!NT MANAGd! MENT PERSONfG!L Pieret/Related Eaperience Title Name Position PWR BWR Navy Fossil Other License Education Nuclear Shift Supv. R. Stamato Nuclear Sitt Supv. IE SRO Cert. (BWR) Hope Creek Generating Station Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold License Training Program Control Operator S-l/4 RO Licerce (PWR) W RO Training Program Salem Gen. Station E7 '; Operator 3/4 High School Graduate Salem Gen. Station Memphis State Univ. 44 Credits Equipment Operator / 3 Utility Operator at Fossas Station Nuclear Shilt Supv. .1. R. Adams Nuclear Shif t Supv. Hope Creek Generating Station Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold License Training Program ASNTSOE Reactor Operator 3 RO License (BWR)
Duane Arnold Sta.
Ops. Technician IE W - Hanford Engr. Watch Supv. 6 : SRO Cert. (USNs Navy iklear Program uclear %itt Supw. H. E. Collins Nuclear Shlt: Supv. Hope Creek Generating Station Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold License Training Program MSNE Asst. Shitt Supv./STA 3 SRO License (BWR) B5 Physics Nine Male Point-tJnit i Asst. Nuclear Eng. IE 7/84 Niagara Mohawk
- 4,, "A.
' .' *I. .
- U -
. 3. .,- v-J{ ,
t" %.*
- . .: f.ic TABLE 4.1 HOFE CREEK OPERATMME DEPARitE!NT MANAGE AE!NT PER50POR!L Place /Related Eaperience j Title Mme Position PWR BWR mwy Fossil other Lkenne Education Nuclear hif t Supv. D. C. Gairwors Nuclear Sif t Supv. Hope Creek Generating Station j
Hope Creek Gen. Sta. BWR Cold Lkenne Training .
l Proyasa ASIT SOE (Pending) 4 Sr. Cons. Rin. Oper. I 5RO Lkenee (BWR)
Brunswick Gen. 5ts .
Cont. Ran. Operator 2 RO License (BWR)
Brunswick Gen. Sta.
J j Anas. Operater 2 4'
Brunswkk Gen. 5ta.
4 Electrkel Operator 6 RO Cart. (USP4 Various Nuclear Naval i Training Prograrns l Navy P6sclear Program '
i '
j M. 3. Azzaro Nuclear STA in BWR CoM Cert. (SRO) BSPE - State Univ. of NY Nuclear %if t MSU STA,48 Credits i Tedmical Hope Creek Cen. Sea.
NucL Reactor Fund. Program Advisor
Engineer / Outage i Hope Creek Generating Station i BWR CoM License Training 4 Engineering '
Gilbert Assoc. Program i
RO State Univ. 1-3 /4 RO Lkenne l
j New York Facility ,
i . !
t Nuclear Shif t W. 3. Johnson helear STA I-I/2 SRO Cart. (B'#R) B5ME - I1reuel Univ.
Hope Creek Gen. Sta. M5U STA,48 Credits Technecal -
NucL Reactor Fund. Program .
Advisor 1 '
. Tedi. Assistant / I/2 Hope Creek Generating Station J BWR Cold Lkenne Training ;
Test Engineer -
1 Conowingo Gen. Program J 5tation i
l Tech. Assistant / I/2 j Test Engineer -
t Peach Bottom i
! l l
. ,,, . -~ . -- ._ -
,: ..; s ' e% -
- 4 )
..5 n: -
- Y.j a
>Q; .,
- m;b .:
TABIE 4.3 HOPE CREEK OPERATION 5 I1EPARTRENT MANAGEWNT PER500SE!L Plant /Related Emperience Title Name Position PWR BWR hwy Faeoll Other IJ.enne Education Eclear $bdf a G.F.Nayler Eclear STA l-l/2 BWR CoM Cert. (5 Rob B5W - I)renet Univ.
Tedenical Hope Creek Gen. Sta. M5U STA,48 Credits Adviser NcL Reactor Fund. Program CQ 5eudent/ -
I-1/2 Hope Creek Generating Station Engr. Ald-P45CO BWR CoM License Training Program Engineer Power 1-1/4 Div.-& clear D6v.
tKAC melear 5fdf 3. B. D erten Eclear STA l-l/2 SRO Cert. (BWR) B5fC - North Carolina St.
Technical Hope Creek Cen. Sta. MSU STA,48 Credits Advisor EcL Reactor Fund. Program ative Engs. 1/3 Hope Creek Generating Station A Fuel- BWR CoM License Training Savannah River Prok Program Student Engeneer I L$t Water Breeder Project- Argenne m eianalLab
% Hire Engr./ I/4 Puel Reload License
- 5. .) . O s ..,.-<
. 5'4
. - 1. :
- lant/Senated Esperience License Education Pseisten PWR BWR hwy Foseit Osher Title Name BWR cam Cert. (SRel B5ME - theaet Univ.
I-l/2 Nuclear STA MSU STA,48 Gedits W. P. 0 44 alley
& clear WI Hope Creek Gen Sta. NucL Reacter Fund. Program Technecal Advenor Hope Creek Generatig Station I/2 BWR CoM License Training C Q 5eudent/
t r - Stease .
Program Electric Station Hope Creek Generating Statnen helear STA l-l/2 BWR Cold License Traaning Nuclear Shif t G. Young Program Hope Creek Gen Sea.
Technecal Advesar Assoc. Engr-Opers I-I/2 BSEE - Youngstown State Univ.
Hudson Gem Sta. M5tl 5TA. M Credits NucL Reactor Fund. Program O
1 7/84
5.0 PERSONNEL TRAINING Public Service Electric and Gas Company has committed to and invested in a program to train Nuclear Department personnel to meet the technical
.qaalifications required to safely operate the Hope
-Creek Generating Station and to train management and supervisoryfpersonnel to continually increase their
This section reviews the PSE&G nuclear training phi-losophy and commitment; and delineates the programs which address management training, plant operator
~ training, general employee training, job speciIic training,~and technical support staff training.
5.1 PHILOSOPHY AND COMMITMENT Public Service Electric and Gas Company has adopted a philosophy of providing training based upon a system-atic analysis of job requirements.. The philosophy is consistent with Nuclear. Regulatory Commission require-ments and accreditation requirements of the Institute
~of Nuclear Power Operations, and is based on proven educational techniques.
'It is the purpose of the Nuclear Training Center to support the PSE&G Nuclear Department by providing training services that are needed. .The Nuclear Department is committed to providing quality training programs'that address:
o Company and Nuclear Department needs.
o Industry standards.
o Regulatory requirements.
~o Individual employee needs.
o Position requirements.-
The Nuclear Training Center works with Nuclear-
Department personnel to determine training needs, and to establish programs and schedules that support plant operation. Training services are provided in the following major areas: technical supervision and management, maintenance, technical support, operations, and radiation protection.
5-1 e - , -- -
-~m .,w-,,- . ~ , ..,.,,.-,w,,,e ,,mam.,.,,--o.,-------- +,em .-e,----,, . . . , - , - - - - - . - w,-,----,--
I The Nuclear Training Center staff, in consultation with' the station staff, perform tha following functions:
- 1. Delineates training requirements by evaluating the background and experience people bring to the job against the performance based job qualification requirements.
'2. Considers NRC' requirements, INPO accreditation requirements, industry standards,.and experience in defining' training.
-3. Schedules training to meet department needs.
- 4. -Develops training methods (classroom, simulator, on-the-job, etc.) based on efficient and effective
- learning.
5.- Provides training with a staff that meets techni-cal, supervisory, and instructional ability requirements.
15 . Obtains feedback from the station staff and students to improve training effectiveness.
- The commitment to training excellence is indicated by the investment PSE&G has made and continues to make toward facilities and people. PSE&G's investment includes:
- l. technical and instructional capability qualifica-tion requirements'for instructional' staff;
- 2. -the authorization of over 100 full-time personnel -
for training and training support functions;
- 3. a . full . scope, Hope Creek simulator; 4.- extensive laboratories, shops, mock-ups, and audio / visual media to enhance training
.s effectiveness; and'
- 5. A 65,000 square foot training center that .was l opened in. April 1983.
el iJ The Nuclear Training organization is charged with
. implementing FSEEG's Nuclear Training commitment. This mis reflected in the mission statement for the Nuclear 5
Training organization:
Y ji 5-2 l
.- , , - - .1 ~ . - - - - . ~ . . . _ - _ . . . , - , . - . _ - , _ . - _ _ . - . . _ . . - . , . . _ - - - . _ _ _ ,
" Conduct and coordinate all training funcP. ions, including the operation of the Nuclear Training
, Center for all Nuclear Department and support personnel. Develop and present training programs in accordance with management objectives, nuclear regulatory requirements and the Canpany Union .
agreement. Provide comprehensive training programs for. operations, technical, maintenance and radiation-protection department personnel, and for employees in the nuclear support and services area. Develop, conduct and evaluate nuclear training programs and staff to meet Company and industry criteria, standards and practices.
Cooperate and coordinate with all Company departments to assure effective and efficient use of resources."
The Nuclear Department supervisory and management personnel are selected based on technical experience, education, prior training and ability to effectively.
-deal with employees (supervisors and workers). The technical knowledge and skills necessary to perform effectively in a supervisory and management role include:
o Familiarization with industry, corporate, department, and station organizations and func-tions; -
o Development of an increased understanding of plant component systems; o Understanding of policies, procedures, and specifications; o Familiarization with federal, state, and local codes L A multi-level training program supplements prior experience and maintains a high caliber of management and supervisory personnel,
- i. The purpose of management training is to prepare management personnel to accept increased responsibili-ties and to improve their decision processes, their L communication skills and their approaches to personnel matters.
( 5-3
-To accomplish this, each program has been tailored to
(- the identified needs for that management level and is provided in the context of career growth. Training and experience form the basis for personnel progression from the lower management positions to the senior positions. Management personnel-from first-line station supervisors and technical support management
- personnel up to, but not' including, department heads, participate in Technical Supervisory Skills Program
- (TSSP). Department Heads, Managers , Assistant General Managers, General Mar. agers, Assistant Vice Presidents and others (e.g. , Radiation Protection Engineers, Maintenance Engineer, Instrument and Control Engineer) participate in the programs sponsored by tha Cocpany's Human Resources department. In addition, management personnel holding NRC licenses receive operator license training (see Section 5.3, Plant Operator Training).
The.following describes the content and objectives of the management training programs.
TECHNICAL SUPERVISORY SKILLS PROGRAM The Technical Supervisory Skills Program (TSSP) is a
- four-level-program designed to enhance the technical
'and supervisory skills of management personnel. This is being implemented for Hope Creek management personnel.
TSSP-1: This program is designed for first-line super-visors and other selected management personnel responsible for directing the work forces in the Hope Creek Station. The objective of this seven-week program is to provide training in leadership / management skills; plant systems and programs; procedures, codes, standards, and ethics within the nuclear industry.
Specific modules of this program include:
o BWR Indoctrinations Labor Relations
. o o Leadership l
o Group Dynamics / Motivation Communications
- o. Performance Appraisal / Progressive Discipline 5-4
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k o Aberrant Behavior Identification o Stress Management o Planning / Problem Solving / Time Management o Decision Making o Nuclear Ethics o Technical Administration o' QA Training o Department Training
- TSSP-2: The intent of TSSP-2 is to provide additional supervisory and technical training for senior supervisors. This five-week program is designed to enhance and further develop the individual's knowledge of plant systems, industry codes and standards, and
- management skills. - Specific modules of this program include:
o BWR Indoctrinations o Labor Relations o Technical Administration o QA Training o Aberrant Behavior Identification o Managing and Managers
-o Nuclear Standards / Ethics o Problem Working o Planning o Decision Making o Managing Stress o Leading 5-5 S
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o Team Management o
o Performance Appraisal / Progressive Discipline TSSP-3: This fulfills the need for continuing training for management and supervisory personnel who have or will attend other TSSP programs. The intent is to make available training in management and technical skill areas on a continuing basis. The topics will be reflective of new, revised or timely. information that will be of value to all management personnel. Specific modules of this program include, but are not limited to:
oL Performance Appraisals / Counselling o ALARA o Classroom Management Communications o Goal Setting o Leadership o On-the-Job Training TSSP-4: The purpose of this program is to provide awareness level training for professional support personnel within the Nuclear Department. This program utilizes the flexibility of allowing personnel to be scheduled for training segments which best meet the needs of the position. Specific modules of this L program include, but are not limited to the following:
o Industry Orientation o Corporate / Nuclear Department Programs o Quality Assurance Programs o Planning and Scheduling
.o Aberrant Behavior Identification 5-6 L
l l
o PWR Indoctrination o BWR Technology PROGRAMS FOR MANAGERS For Department Heads and above, the management develop-ment program combines corporate level training programs with~ specific nuclear related technical training.
specifically, the three corporate offerings are the
_ Management. Training Program, 'the Advanced Management
' Program, and the Executive Development Program. These programs are designed to increase the manager's aware-ness and understanding of the relationships between the
. management process, the interpersonal dimension of the manager's position, and the principles of management
- needed to effectively manage the organization.
The Management Training Program provides advanced training and development in both task and people management. Practical-techniques are developed in the areas of communication, motivation, leadership, coaching and counselling.
The. Advanced Management Program provides practical insights.into Company operations, current management trends, productivity improvement and utility finance.
In the Executive Development Program, the manager develops a better understanding of the economic, political and social' forces which impact management
. planning and decision making.
5.3, PLANT OPERATOR TRAINING The Plant' Operator Training program for Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) is designed to develen and
- maintain a licensed operations organization quaAlfied
. to assume responsibility for preoperational testing, operation, surveillance, and technical considerations.
Training programs are' developed to meet the require-ments of Title 10, Code' of Federal Regulations part 50
- - (10CFR50) and part 55 and industry standard ANSI /ANS 3.1-1981. The General Manager - Hope Creek Operations approves the training procedures'and the implementation I schedule. The Manager - Nuclear Training is
' ~ ~
responsible for implementing the training programs and for using qualified instructional staff.
. Screening for initial license operator candidates is provided by the Power Operator Service Selection (POSS)
. - examination. All candidates, except prior licensed operators or personne1' holding baccalaureate in engineering or related science, must achieve a satis-factory score prior to being assigned to the operator license programs. POSS predicts the ability of license t candidates to successfully complete the operator
__ training program.
- The Hope Creek plant reference simulator is scheduled for. delivery in the fall of 1984. This training' t'ool will provide hands-on training equivalent to actual plant operation, enhance the operators' understanding i
' of plant operation, and serve to strengthen overall operating ability.
~ NRC examinations are scheduled for July and September of 1985. The- operator license candidates will be
. divided up into two groups of approximately 25 people each to accommodate training and the examination
. process.
An eight week pre-license review period will be conducted prior to each NRC ' examination period. This review will consist.of intensive training in theory, Technical Specifications, procedures and systems opera-tion. The pre-license review process will utilize the Hope Creek simulator to the maximum extent possible.
Prior to the pre-license review, the operator license
- candidates will participate in shif t training as part of the normal shif t rotation. This shift training reviews system design and operation and enables the operators to trace out each system in the plant to determine physical plant location. Shift training also covers the operation of components using local panels
- and controls and addresses equipment failure.
Training for newly hired personnel will be conducted commensurate with their previous experience and 4.
education, but will ensure that all established j - training requirements /are met.
. 5-8 i
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TRAINING FOR THE INITIAL GROUP OF LICENSED OPERATORS The initial operator license training program is designed for NRC licenstd Reactor Operators (RO) ar.d Senior Reactor OperatorL (SRO). Both ROs and SROs receive approximately 42 weeks of training in the following subjects:
o Nuclear Reactor Fundamentals o Reactor Startup o Pre-Certification System Training o BWR Cold Certification Training o Hope Creek System Training Shift Supervisor (SRO candidates) receive approximately 12 weeks of additional training in the following subjects:
o BWR Chemistry
- o. Nuclear Engineering o Corrosion - Materials o Radiological Emergencies o Abnormal Event Analysis o Degraded Core Damage o Materials Study Lo Human Behavior Senior Shift supervisors also receive approximately 28 academic credit hours in the following subjects:
o Differential Calculus o' Integral Calculus o Thermodynamics I 5-9 Y
- o Fluid Mechanics
, o Thermodynamics II L
o Heat Transfer
- o. Advanced Reactor Physics o Materials Study' Course o Human Behavior Previously licensed SRO's'will have attended a BWR operational review training program at an appropriate BWR simulator or the Hope Creek BWR simulator when it becomes operational. Following the Hope Creek systems
- training, the SRO candidates are assigned to a shift where they . complete . their control pre-operational testing and practical work assignment requirements, and on-the-job system'and equipment qualification. As a minimum, the Senior Nuclear Shif t Supervisor and the Nuclear Shif t Supervisor candidates will have completed six weeks of participatory training at an operating BWR. In addition,- one of the two shif t supervisors will have six months of participatory training at an operating BWR. Additional courses in management and
supervisor training are provided as outlined in Section 5.2 of this report.
A requalification program as required by 10CFR50.54 (1-1) is being developed to provido continuous training and upgrading of plant operations personnel and will meet the requirements of 10CFR55,' Appendix A. The program will start after the initial NRC operator license' examinations. Use will be made of the Hope Creek plant reference ' simulator. Upon formal acceptance of the simulator and establishment of operator shift rotation, the licensed operator requalification program will be implemented to ensure that all licensed operators maintain a high level of knowledge and' operating ability. Procedures describing the content and conduct of.the requalification program-will be maintained in the Nuclear-Department Training Procedure Manual.
t 9
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i' Training for Other Operation Personnel The initial group of Shift Technical Supervisors (STA) have received the training described below unless the candidates' prior education and. experience could substitute. The program included plant specific thermodynamics, fluid flow, reactor physics, system engineering, transient and accident analysis, nuclear instrumentation, process computer, plant response and STA's* duties and responsibilties.
The program consisted of approximately 42 weeks in the following subjects:
o Nuclear Reactor Fundamentals
- T o Reactor Startup Experience o Pre-certification System Training o BWR Cold Certification Training o Hope Creek Systems Training STA's received approximately 28 academic credit hours inn o Differential Calculus o Integral Calculus o Thermodynamics I o Fluid Mechanics o Thermodynamics II o Heat Transfer o Advanced Reactor Physics
-o Materials Study Course o Human Behavior Additionally all STA's will complete six weeks participatory experience at an operating BWR.
5 l
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( Previously licensed STA's will attend a BWR operational
. -review training _ program at an appropriate BWR simulator
' or the HCGS specific simulator when it becomes available.
All' STA candidates will be assigned to HCGS staff where they will participate in pre-operational testing and complete work assignments as specified by the Operations Manager - Hope Creek. All STA candidates will continue to attend training with the SRO candidates.
Plant Equipment Operators receive training in Hope Creek' Generating Station systems, operations and
. procedures. These personnel perform their work under the direction of licensed plant operators. This work is generally performed outside of the control room and includes operation of such equipment as valves, pumps, ventilation equipment and heat exchangers that support overall plant operations. Personnel selected for this training usually have previous power plant experience or have had military power plant training in either steam propulsion _or nuclear power.
Training includes both formal classroom training and on-the-job qualification, under the direction of a qualified instructor, on plant equipment and systems that the Equipment Operator.will operate. The classroom training program of approximately 13 weeks inc2 . des the following materials:
o Mathematics o Physics and Basic Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow o Basic Power Plant Equipment (valves, pumps, etc.), Lubrication, and Job Duties o Nuclear Steam Supply Systems o Electrical Systems o Auxiliary Systems o Health Physics o Firefighting 5-12
, i
.. o Heating Boiler
- o. Procedures (as applicable) +
o Administrative Functions, Equipment Tagging, )
and Log Keeping o Technical Specifications (as applicable) 5.4 GENERAL STATION SORKER JWID JOB SPECIFIC TRAINING Training programs for nuclear power plant personnel are designed to provide an individual with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the duties commensurate with his specific job classificaton. A performance- l
- based, objective training program utilizing classroom instruction, laboratory procedures and equipment specific to the station, as well as process and equip-ment simulators, is conducted for each job
.E classification. In addition, continuing training is conducted to ensure that department personnel maintain
- a high level of proficiency and meet industry and regulatory standards.
The Instructional System Development approach to train-ing uses Review Groups comprised of Nuclear Training Center personnel and station personnel to identify training needs, requirements, and programs to support plant operations. The results of the Review Groups, INPO generic task lists, NRC requirements, industry
- experience and industry standards are used in defining i
' programs.
All. personnel requiring unescorted access to Hope Creek are required to attend General Employee Indoctrination / Radiation Worker Training. All workers must requalify annually in Radiation Worker review.
All workers must be able to read individual radiation r exposure reports, respond properly to radiological warning signs, minimize their own exposure to radiation, read and record personal dosimetry readings, l and recognize worker rights and responsibilities under NRC Regulations. Training also covers procedures concerning the wearing and removing of protective clothing, minimizing radioactive waste, responding to station alarms, drills and accountability, following
- security procedures and policies, and the implementation of'ouality control procedures.
5-13 L i
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In General Employee Indoctrination / Radiation Worker Training and Radiation Worker Review, students are
' trained in the areas of radiation, biological effects of radiation, contamination, hazards protection, .
' instrumentation, respiratory protection, protective clothing, and. plant specific limits.
In addition to General maployee Indoctrination /Radia-tion Worker Training, entry level technicians and those in-journeyman positions attend a Nuclear Indoctrination program. The first part of this program consists of a three week section common to all departments. This Jsection covers math, physics, quality assurance, quality control, first aid,. safety and nuclear power plant systems. Each department then corducts a one to two week section containing. material which is specifi-cally applicable to that department.
The duties for each department job classification and associated training programs are described on the following pages.
INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL JOB CLASSIFICATION There are three Instrumentation and Control' job I.
clasifications: Worker, Assistant, and Technician.
The Worker-is primarily responsible for housekeeping, equipment issue room, and routine maintenance of recording-instruments and instrument gauges. Training is conducted as part of the Nuclear Indoctrination Program during a two week intensive training program.
Instruction includes personal safety, basic electricity, fundamentals of instrumentation and
. control, and plant systems. The Worker returns to the station where on-the-job training emphasizes proper adherence to written procedures and observance of quality control requirements.
(. .The Assistant performs work of an intermediate skill
$' level in the general testing of equipment and mainte-nance of instrument and control apparatus.- Responsi-bilities include inspection, adjustment, removal, repair and reinstallation of indicating and recording instruments, self-acting control equipment, thermo-couples, and volumetric and mechanical pressure, temperature, flow, and level devices. Other require-ments include calculations of daily and monthly performance data, performing volumetric and weight checks on trucks, barges and tanks. Before performing work in this classification, training is provided during a 26 week period at the Nuclear Training Center. Training is conducted in math and physics fundamentals, plant systems, basic electronics, process and control fundamentals, performance reports, maintenance and calibration of instrument and control equipment, station procedures, reports and record-keeping. After the 26 week program, the trainae returns to the station for a detailed on-the-job training program. The station supervisor is responsible for assessing the performance of Assistants and determining final qualification in each area of responsibility.
The Technician is required to maintain the instruments and automatic control apparatus associated with the power plant, and perform surveillance tests. Inspec- ,
tion, adjustment, repair, calibration and installation of all types of automatic control apparatus, radiation detection instrumentation, plant computers, seismic monitoring and turbine supervisory instrumentation are all part of this classification. Training for this classification follows a similar pattern to the Assistant program. The 46 week Technician training program addresses troubleshooting, recognition and <
correction of malfunctioning and/or out of specification conditions of equipment. Subjects covered include math and physics review, basic electronics review, advanced electronics, advanced instrumentation, nuclear systems, documentation and administration. Upon completion of this program, the trainee returns to the plant for on-the-job training and final qualification in designated areas of responsibility.
l l
l l
, 5-15 '
There are three job classifications in tne Radiation Protection ~ Department: Worker,-Assistant, and i Technician. !
The Worker performs simple, routine tasks associated
with radiological surveys, radioactive waste shipments, processing of protective clothing, material disposal e and area / equipment decontamination. As part of Nuclear Indoctrination, the Worker receives two weeks of inten-sive classroom training in basic mathematics, health
. physics fundamentals,- regulations, radiological
. surveys, respiratory protection, radiation protection equipment and posting / control of radiological areas.
The Assistant's duties include inspection, adjustment and repair of radiation protection-instruments and respiratory protection equipment; operation of fixed and portable equipment to collect, store, and analyze radiological datar and monitoring plant evaluations that involve radioactive material to ensure that work ,
is performed in a radiological safe manner. Training is provided in a 26 week program covering math, l
- physics, health physics fundamentals, fixed and -
portable instrumentation and application of radiation f
protection methods,. ;
The Technician performs duties which include inspec-
, tion, adjustment, repair and installation of all radiation protection equipment; establishing radiologi-cal controls based on radiological survey data and approved procedurest and analyzing and interpreting radiological data to identify radionuclides not
. normally associated with radiological monitoring. The Technician training program consists of 17 weeks of instruction covering radiation protection fundamentals, l
external and internal dose control, plant systems,
' environmental health physics and radiation protection i equipment.
i On-the-job training for all'three classifications emphasizes application of knowledge and skills gained ;
during classroom and laboratory ' sessions. -
i 5-16
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' MAINTENANCE (ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL) JOB CLASSIFICATION There are six job classifications within the Maintenance / Skills Group: Utility Mechanic, Station Mechanic, Electrician, Shift Electrician, Boiler Repair
, Mechanic, and Machinist.
The Utility Mechanic performs tasks associated with machine tool operation; equipment and ma.erials handling; operation of heating units; cleaning and lubricating equipment; removal, repair, and installation of power plant equipment and structures.
Training is conducted during a two week period as part of the Nuclear Indoctrination program.
The Station Mechanic performs duties which include set up and operation of machine tool equipment; assembling, disassembling, repairing and adjusting all types of electrical and mechanical equipment, tubing, piping, valves and fittings; analyzing, testing and repairing lighting, signaling and simple control circuitc; and operating the turbine room crane. Training in this classification includes 26 weeks of instruction at the Nuclear Training Center covering electricity, machining, and boiler repair. This program is followed by two weeks of on-the-job training.
The Machinist, Electrician, Shift Electrician and Boiler Repair Mechanic perform duties involving inspection, repair, testing , adjustment, installation and removal of mechanical, electrical, piping and boiler plant equipment respectively. Training for those specialties varies from 36 to 45 weeks, some of which occurs at the Nuclear Training Center and some of which takes place as on-the-job training. Depending on the specialty, topics include machining skills, outage maintenance, electricity, boiler repair, electronics, plant maintenance and troubleshooting, advanced welding, codes, pipe fitting and valving, inspection and repair of auxiliary equipment and data applications.
There are two job classifications within the Fire Protection Group: Fire Fighter and Fire Operator.
- _ - _________1
] The Fire Fighter performs ~ duties in the operation,
'* inspection and testing of all installed fire protection systems and operates and inspects the portable fire protection equipment. The initial training course is five weeks in length and includes instruction in the plant's fire fighting plan; identification, use and location of all installed fire fighting equipment; toxicity of smoker -self-contained breathing equipment; and the proper method of fighting fires in confined spaces.
The Fire Operator performs the duties of a higher skill in the operation, inspection and testing of all the installed fire protection systems and makes routine
' building inspections in order to generate an analysis of fire hazards. The Fire Operator is trained further in 'the fire protection systems, leadership and the relationship of the safety related systems _ to the safe shutdown of the plant.
1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE Emergency Responne Training is given to all personnel assigned to emergency duty positions. Training is aimed at providing an. overview of the Emergency Plan E and is generic in nature. Classroom instruction covers plan. scope, plan definition, emergency organization, emergency procedures, emergency facilities and equipment. Team training ensures that members of specific teams function together smoothly. Drill and exercise training is aimed at ensuring that all teams
! interface properly during emergency conditions.
Management level emergency duty positions must
_ participate in at least one drill per year. In addition, all personne1~ assigned to emergency duty positions receive training as part of their job classification and must requalify annually by retaking Emergency Response Training.
There are three job classifications within the Chemistry-Group: Worker, Assistant, and Technician.
The Worker is primarily responsible for housekeeping; routine maintenace of recording instruments and instrument gaugen; collection of samples; and routine analyses. Training for this position occurs as part o' 18
f .the Nuclear Indoctrination Program over one week. This
?i' training includes instruction in proper lab, sampling and safety techniques and emphasizes following written procedures.
The Worker returns to the station where on-the-job training emphasizes proper sampling and adherence to quality control procedures.
The Assistant performs duties in the operation of _ water treatment equipments chenical additions maintenance of the proper daily functioning of chemistry instruments Land equipment; and the testing evaluation of chemistry and radiochemistry conditions. A 26 week program of
' -training covers math, physics,-electricity fundamen-
.- tals, electronics fundamentals, chemistry fundamentals, analytical-chemistry, radiochemistry, gamma spectro-scopy, and chemical controls. The Assistant returns to the station for on-the-job training and final qualification by the station supervisor.
- The Technician inspects,-adjusts, repairs and installs instruments used by the department in the laboratories
- and water treatment facilities. Analysis and interpre-
-tation of radiochemical data to identify radioactive material'not normally associated with plant effluent monitoring is also a duty of this classification.
' Training occurs at the Nuclear Training Center over a 51 week period. Training emphasizes troubleshooting
' techniques 'and the recognition and correction-of malfunctioning and/or out of specification conditions.
Subjects covered include math; physics; instrumenta-tion; advauced electronicar Federal, State, and local j
codes; advanced chemistry fundamentalst radiochemical
" principles; and advanced instrument analysis. On-the-job training occurs during a three to six month period j
with final qualification by the station supervisor.
i QUALITY ASSURANCE TRAINING QA Training consists of a combination of Formal Classroom Instruction, on-the-job training and i continuing training for maintenance of proficiency.
Training'is conducted on subjects such as Quality-Sciences, document control, records management, blue print reading, BWR/PWR systems technology, inspection L ' planning, NDE, M&TE, mechanical equipment, instrumentation and auditing.
Quality Assurance personnel who perform inspections, i examinations, or tests are required to be qualified and certified to one of three levels of proficiency in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.58: Level I, Level
, II, and Level III.
All Quality Assurance personnel who are certified are
.. qualified through a combination of education, training and experience.
Level I personnel are qualified and certified to
_ perform and document the results of inspections or tests that are required to be performed in accordance with documented procedures and acceptance standards.
Level II individuals have the capabilities of a Level I and in addition have demonstrated capabilities in planning inspections, examinations, and tests; evaluating the acceptability of results; and supervising lower level personnel.
Level III individuals have broad experience and training in the performance of inspections, examinations and tests and have the capability of evaluating the adequacy of training programs utilized to train inspection, examination and test personnel.
5.5 TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF TRAINING Technical staff support personnel provide engineering expertise to support plant operations. Prior to core
. load, selected technical support staff personnel
. performing reactor engineering functions will attend p vendor offered training courses.
Examples of courses provided ares o Core Management Engineering - core behavior, thermal hydraulics, core fuel management principles, fuel cycles, core performance monitoring, safety and licensing, computer simulation of core loading and rod pattern development.
, 5-20
[. o Abnormal Event-Analysis - transient analysis:
..gj) accident analysis actions to mitigate 4
accidents, identify and correctly react to transient and accidents.
I o Degraded Core - recognition and recovery f rom a degraded core condition.
o Boiler Water Chemistry and Nuclear Materials -
chemistry practices, industry problems-associated with chemistry control, corrosion properties of BWR materials, effect of material microstructure.
[' PSEEG has a formal instructor qualification and certification program. The goal of this program is for each instructor to be technically competent to teach the highest-level course within the instructor's area of expertise, and to have the instructional capability and supervisory skills to effectively train others in the knowledge and skills required to perform their jobs.
Technical competence is the result of the individual's having acquired the necessary ' subject matter expertise and related work experience'to enable the person to be an effective instructor in a particular area of instructional content. Technical competence differs
- .from instructional. capability in that an individual.can be competent technically but may require additional training to develop the ability to help others learn and evaluate successful performance. Individuals providing instruction to license operator candidates will have received all appropriate training and hold or have held an SRO license'or certification.
supervisory skills provide the potential for effec-tively supervising trainees. Supervisory skills are independent of instructional capability in that one may be effective in a supervisory capacity without being an effective instructor. 1 Instructional capability is the potential for being an effective instructor due to the presence of the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities. Instruc-tional capability, which enables the instructor to help people learn and professionally evaluate learner performance, is relatively independent of the particu-lar subject matter being taught. The continuing train-
/* ing program develops tha professional growth of the instructor.