Category:Meeting Summary
MONTHYEARML24290A1652024-11-0505 November 2024 Summary of Public Meeting Regarding Potential License Amendment Request Change Accident Analysis to Address a Stagnant Loop Following a Main Steam Line Break Accident ML24222A4232024-08-19019 August 2024 Summary of June 17, 2024, Meeting with Virginia Electric and Power Company About Guidance in Section 7.5 of Standard Review Plan for Light Water Reactors ML24222A6992024-08-16016 August 2024 August 6, 2024, Summary of Regarding Potential License Amendment Request Change to Surveillance Requirements for Moderator Temperature Coefficient for Millstone, Unit No. 3, North Anna, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, and Summer, Unit No. 1 - ML23345A1092023-12-14014 December 2023 December 7, 2023, Summary of Public Meeting with Virginia Electric and Power Company Concerning a License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Augmentation Times for North Anna Station, Units 1 & 2, and Surry Station, Units 1 & 2 ML23167A7012023-06-26026 June 2023 Summary of Public Meeting with VEPCO Concerning a License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan Staff Augmentation Times ML23151A5472023-06-0101 June 2023 Public Meeting Summary - 2022 Annual Assessment Meeting Regarding North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339; and Surry Power Station ML22130A1702022-05-20020 May 2022 Summary of April 21, 2022, Public Meeting to Discuss Potential Emergency Preparedness License Amendment Request ML22130A0332022-05-0909 May 2022 Public Meeting Summary 2021 Annual Assessment Meeting Regarding North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339; and Surry Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281, Meeting Number 20220349 ML22091A0902022-04-0101 April 2022 Combined 2021 Assessment Meeting Slides ML21293A0992021-12-10010 December 2021 Meeting Summary for Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Public Meeting ML21221A3022021-10-18018 October 2021 June 24, 2021, Meeting Summary: Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Meeting Summary ML21221A3032021-10-18018 October 2021 June 24, 2021, Meeting Summary: Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000)- List of Attendees ML21239A0662021-09-0202 September 2021 August 27, 2021, Summary: Discussion Between NRC and Dominion Regarding the NAPS Subsequent License Renewal - an Inconsistency in Documentation Regarding RCP Code Case N-481 (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Summary ML21221A0312021-08-27027 August 2021 Meeting Summary Regarding Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application ML21236A0532021-08-27027 August 2021 August 16, 2021, Meeting Summary: Discussion of Aging Management of Cyclic Fatigue in the Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Meeting Summary ML21236A0512021-08-27027 August 2021 August 16, 2021, Meeting Summary: Discussion of Aging Management of Cyclic Fatigue in the Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Memo ML21236A0582021-08-27027 August 2021 August 16, 2021, Meeting Summary: Discussion of Aging Management of Cyclic Fatigue in the Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - List of Attendees ML21221A0262021-08-26026 August 2021 Meeting Summary Regarding Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application ML21221A1382021-08-10010 August 2021 Meeting Summary: Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Meeting Summary ML21145A2152021-06-0909 June 2021 Meeting Summary: Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Enclosure 2 - List of Attendees ML21145A2132021-06-0909 June 2021 Meeting Summary: Discussion of Dominions Response to Select Staff Requests for Additional Information on Subsequent License Renewal Application (EPID No. L-2020-SLR-0000) - Enclosure 1 - Summary ML21131A1612021-05-11011 May 2021 Public Meeting Summary - 2020 Annual Assessment Meeting Regarding Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-395; North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339; and Surry Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281, Meeting ML21027A0232021-01-28028 January 2021 Summary of January 26, 2021 Closed Meeting with Dominion Energy Regarding Performance of Force on Force Exercises in a Pandemic Environment ML20324A2592020-12-0303 December 2020 Scoping Meeting Summary ML20136A1752020-05-15015 May 2020 Sur 2019 Aam Meeting Summary ML20104A0392020-04-21021 April 2020 Presubmittal Meeting Summary ML19297D0762019-11-18018 November 2019 Summary of Pre-Submittal Meeting for the North Anna Subsequent License Renewal Application (SLRA) ML19297F8442019-11-18018 November 2019 Meeting Summary: Pre-Submittal Meeting for the North Anna Subsequent License Renewal Application ML19190A2862019-07-16016 July 2019 Summary of July 7, 2019, Public Meeting with Dominion to Discuss Open Phase Condition RAI Responses ML19144A1292019-05-30030 May 2019 Summary of November 20, 2018, Pre Application Meeting with Dominion Energy Regarding the Planned License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Action Levels ML19128A3432019-05-0808 May 2019 Public Meeting Summary - 2018 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Regarding North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339 ML18151A4682018-05-29029 May 2018 Public Meeting Summary - 2017 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Regarding North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339 ML18066A0192018-03-16016 March 2018 Meeting Summary of October 4, 2017 Pre-Submittal Public Meeting to Discuss LAR Request Regarding Consolidation of the Emergency Operations Facilities ML17123A2092017-05-0303 May 2017 Summary of Meeting to Discuss Annual Assessment of the North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2 with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2016 ML16138A0752016-05-19019 May 2016 Summary of April 26, 2016, Pre-Application Teleconference with Virginia Electric and Power Company for Increase in Maximum Fuel Enrichment for the New Fuel Storage Racks and the Spent Fuel Pool ML16124A7632016-05-0303 May 2016 April 14, 2016, Summary of Public Meeting - North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2 ML16035A4802016-02-12012 February 2016 Jsc Meeting Summary Attachment ML15316A2522015-11-19019 November 2015 October 20, 2015, Millstone, Units 2 and 3, Surry, Units 1 and 2, North Anna, Units 1 and 2 - Summary of Pre-submittal Conference Call Regarding Emergency Action Level Scheme Changes ML15128A5462015-05-0808 May 2015 Summary of Public Meeting with North Anna, Units 1 and 2 to Discuss the Annual Assessment with the Public ML14101A1202014-04-11011 April 2014 Public Meeting Summary - North Anna Power Station, Docket Nos. 50-338, 50-339 ML13225A2932013-08-12012 August 2013 7/23-24/2013, Summary of Meeting 2013 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Exam Writers Workshop ML13151A1282013-05-31031 May 2013 Public Meeting Summary - North Anna Power Station Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339 ML12131A5032012-05-0909 May 2012 5/1/2012 Summary of Category 1 Public Meeting Regarding the Annual Assessment of the North Anna Power Station ML12060A3522012-03-0101 March 2012 G20110757/EDATS: OEDO-2011-0701 - 12/12/11 - Meeting Summary of Meeting with Paul Gunter Et Al. Regarding Their 10 CFR 2.206 Petition to Suspend the Operating Licenses (Ols) for North Anna 1 and 2 ML12060A3682012-03-0101 March 2012 G20110668/EDATS: OEDO-2011-0622 - 02/02/12 - Meeting Summary for Meeting with Paul Gunter Et Al. Regarding Their 10 CFR 2.206 Petition to Suspend the Operating Licenses for North Anna Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 ML1131804092011-11-14014 November 2011 Public Meeting Summary - Status of NRCs Restart Review and Inspection - North Anna Power Station ML1128500392011-10-12012 October 2011 Summary of Augmented Inspection Team Public Exit Meeting with Virginia Electric Power Company to Discuss the Results of an ATI Inspection of an Earthquake Event on August 23, 2011 ML1110304742011-04-13013 April 2011 Public Meeting/Open House Summary Letter ML1032204442010-11-18018 November 2010 Public Meeting Summary - North Anna Power Station ML1023804682010-08-26026 August 2010 Summary of Meeting NRC Initial Exam Writers Workshop 2024-08-19
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October 22, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: John A. Nakoski, Chief, Section 1 Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Stephen R. Monarque, Project Manager, Section 1 /RA/
Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OF OCTOBER 15, 2002, CONFERENCE CALL WITH VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY ON THE REPLACEMENT OF THE REACTOR VESSEL HEAD AT NORTH ANNA POWER STATION, UNIT 2 On October 15, 2002, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a telephone conference call with the staff of Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) to discuss the licensees plans to replace the reactor vessel head at North Anna Power Station, Unit 2. The list of conference call participants is attached.
The licensee stated they had developed an alternate approach they believed was the most effective method to accomplish reconciliation between the replacement French reactor vessel head and the currently installed head. Specifically, the licensee proposed the following approach:
- 1. reconcile the differences between the replacement reactor vessel head and the currently installed head under American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Code Section XI, and
- 2. any design differences that could not be reconciled under ASME Section XI would be screened under the 10 CFR 50.59 process.
The licensee stated that this proposed approach would be more appropriate as it would not be a precedent-setting licensing action that would require extensive staff review. The licensee indicated that the currently installed reactor vessel head was built to owners requirements, instead of the ASME Code, and was not N stamped. Likewise, since the French replacement head was not built to the ASME Code or N stamped, then these reactor vessel heads could be reconciled under ASME Section XI by comparing the as-built conditions for these two heads.
The staff replied that they needed to review this proposal with NRC management. Therefore, the licensee and NRC staff agreed to postpone the February 22, 2002, public meeting.
Docket No. 50-339
As stated
October 22, 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: John A. Nakoski, Chief, Section 1 Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Stephen R. Monarque, Project Manager, Section 1 /RA/
Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OF OCTOBER 15, 2002, CONFERENCE CALL WITH VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY ON THE REPLACEMENT OF THE REACTOR VESSEL HEAD AT NORTH ANNA POWER STATION, UNIT 2 On October 15, 2002, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a telephone conference call with the staff of Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO) to discuss the licensees plans to replace the reactor vessel head at North Anna Power Station, Unit 2. The list of conference call participants is attached.
The licensee stated they had developed an alternate approach they believed was the most effective method to accomplish reconciliation between the replacement French reactor vessel head and the currently installed head. Specifically, the licensee proposed the following approach:
- 1. reconcile the differences between the replacement reactor vessel head and the currently installed head under American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Code Section XI, and
- 2. any design differences that could not be reconciled under ASME Section XI would be screened under the 10 CFR 50.59 process.
The licensee stated that this proposed approach would be more appropriate as it would not be a precedent-setting licensing action that would require extensive staff review. The licensee indicated that the currently installed reactor vessel head was built to owners requirements, instead of the ASME Code, and was not N stamped. Likewise, since the French replacement head was not built to the ASME Code or N stamped, then these reactor vessel heads could be reconciled under ASME Section XI by comparing the as-built conditions for these two heads.
The staff replied that they needed to review this proposal with NRC management. Therefore, the licensee and NRC staff agreed to postpone the February 22, 2002, public meeting.
Docket No. 50-339
PUBLIC JNakoski RWeisman KChang PDII-1 R/F SMonarque TChan KManoly SCoffin RMcIntyre Accession Number: ML Doc. Name: G:\PDII-1\NOANNA\NACALL3.wpd OFFICE PDII-1/PM PDII-2/LA SC: PDII-1 NAME SMonarque EDunnington JNakoski DATE 10/21/02 10/21/02 10/22/02
OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CONFERENCE CALL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NRC R. Weisman, OGC Stephen Monarque, NRR Terence Chan, NRR Keith Wichman, NRR Kenneth Chang, NRR Kamal Manoly, NRR John A. Nakoski, NRR Stephanie Coffin, NRR Rich McIntyre, NRR Gene Imbro, NRR VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Steve Sarver Leslie Hartz Dave Sommers Bill Corbin Tom Shaub David Heacock Jay Leberstein Jack Davis Attachment