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(Waterford 3),Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2004
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/2005
From: Murillo R
Entergy Nuclear South, Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051150293 (67)


Entergy Nuclear South Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road Killona. LA 70057-3093 ntergy t /go yFax Tel 504-739-6715 504-739-6698 Robert J. Murillo Licensing Manager, Acting Waterford 3 W3Fl-2005-0026 April 20, 2005 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2004 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)

Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38

Dear Sir or Madam:

Attached is the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the period of January 1 through December 31, 2004. This report is submitted pursuant to the requirements of Waterford 3 Technical Specification Section

If there are any questions please contact S.T. Fontenot at (504) 739-6656.

There are no new commitments contained in this submittal.

Sincerely, 1-0

.J. Murillo Acting Licensing Manager RJM/STF/stf Attachment(s)

W3FI-2005-0026 Page 2 cc: Mr. Bruce S. Mallett Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-8064 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 P.O. Box 822 Killona, LA 70066-0751 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. N. Kalyanam Mail Stop 0-07D1 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway ATTN: J. Smith P.O. Box 651 Jackson, MS 39205 Winston & Strawn ATTN: N.S. Reynolds 1700 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006-3817

Attachment 1 To W3FI-2005-0026 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2004

- -- En January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 l

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Ooeratina Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Originator:

Ann V. Dubois, Chemistry Technician Date Reviewed By: ,3/,1/

Date te Approved By: </-Z 7/1 Ohn ornsby, Chemistry p erintendendeat Date

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE OF CONTENTS




5 1.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 5 1.2 Pathways Monitored 5 1.3 Land Use Census 5 2.0 INTERPRETATION AND TRENDS OF RESULTS 20 2.1 Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results 20 2.2 Thermoluminescent DosimetrySample Results 20 2.3 Water Sample Results 21 2.4 Sediment Sample Results 21 2.5 Milk Sample Results 22 2.6 Fish Sample Results 22 2.7 Broad Leaf Vegetation Sample Results 22 2.8 Land Use Census Results 22 2.9 Interlaboratory Comparison Results 22 3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM


25 3.1 2004 Program Results Summary 25





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Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 2004 RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING REPORT



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Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Summary The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report presents data obtained through analyses of environmental samples collected for Waterford 3's (W3) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for the period January 1 through December 31, 2004. This report fulfills the requirements of W3 Technical Specification

During 2004, gross beta radioactivity was detected in air and drinking/surface water locations. Results obtained at the indicator locations were similar to those obtained at the control location. Therefore, levels continue to remain at background.

Cesium-137, a man-made nuclide, was detected during 2004 at an indicator and control sediment location (SHWK-1 and SHWQ-6). This is consistent with results obtained from the preoperational program and previous years of operation. Studies in Louisiana indicate that Cesium-137 is commonly found in soils and sediments as a result of atmospheric weapons testing. Because the Cesium-137 levels are consistent with preoperational values, the Cesium-1 37 level detected in 2004 is more than likely attributable to weapons testing fallout.

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program W3 established the REMP prior to the station becoming operational (1985) to provide data on background radiation and radioactivity normally present in the area. W3 has continued to monitor the environment by sampling air, water, sediment, milk, fish and broad leaf vegetation, as well as measuring radiation directly.

The REMP includes sampling indicator and control locations within a 38-mile radius of the plant. The REMP utilizes indicator locations near the site to show any increases or buildup of radioactivity that might occur due to station operation, and control locations farther away from the site to indicate the presence of only naturally occurring radioactivity. W3 compares indicator results with control, preoperational, and previous years operational results to assess any impact W3 might have on the surrounding environment.

In 2004, W3 collected environmental samples for radiological analysis. Based on the comparison results of indicator locations with control locations and previous studies, it was concluded that overall W3 operations had no significant impact on plant environs. The review of 2004 data, in many cases, showed undetectable radiation levels in the environment and near background level in significant pathways associated with W3.

Harmful Effects or Irreversible Damage The REMP did not detect any harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage in 2004. Therefore, no analysis or planned course of action to alleviate problems was necessary.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station ReDorting Levels W3's review indicates that no samples equaled or exceeded reporting levels for radioactivity concentration in environmental samples, as outlined in Technical Requirements Manual (TRM)

Table 3.12-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, due to W3 effluents. Therefore, 2004 results did not trigger any Radiological Monitoring Program Special Reports.

Radioactivity Not Attributable to W3

.The W3 REMP detected radioactivity attributable to other sources twice. These include the 25th Chinese nuclear test explosion in 1980, and the radioactivity plume release due to reactor core degradation at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986.

Comparison to State Program W3 compared REMP data to the monitoring program of the Environmental Radiological Laboratory -

Department of Environmental Quality Laboratory Services Division (ERL-DEQLSD). The ERL-DEQLSD and the W3 REMP entail similar radiological environmental monitoring program requirements. Both programs have obtained similar results over previous years.

Sample Deviations

  • Milk Samples Milk samples for the 1st, 3rd and 4t quarter of 2004 were unavailable from indicator location MKE-3 due to cows not producing enough milk. However, a sample was available during the 2nd quarter. One sample from control location MKR-40 was unavailable during the 4t quarter due to owner selling the cows. With the absence of milk samples at these locations, broad leaf vegetation sampling was performed as required byTRM Table 3.12-1.
  • Air Samples The air sample locations listed below failed to meet the requirement for sample continuity. As described in footnote (1) of TRM Table 3.12-1, deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule due to malfunction of sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons.

Location Sample period Explanation of Deviation APC-1 06/01/04 - 06/14/04 Sample pump tripped 2

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station

  • Missed Samples TLDs located at stations D-2, R-1, F-9 and E-1 5 were missing at the time of the third quarter TLD exchange.
  • Required Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) Values All LIDs during this reporting period were within the acceptable limits required by the W3 TRM.
  • Unavailable Results W3 received analytical results in adequate time for inclusion in this report. In addition, W3's review identified no missing results.
  • Program Modifications The following changes were made to the ODCM during 2004:
  • The description for TLD location R-1 was revised.
  • Milk location MKQ-5 was deleted from the program.
  • Milk location MKE-3 was added to the program.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Attachments contains results of air, TLD, water, sediment, milk, fish and broad leaf vegetation collected in 2004. TLDs were analyzed by Waterford-3 Dosimetry. All remaining samples were analyzed by the River Bend (RBS) Environmental Laboratory. Attachment 1 also contains River Bend's participation in the interlaboratory comparison program during 2004. contains statistical comparisons of:

  • TLD measurements from stations grouped by distance
  • TLD radiation dose to historical data by location
  • Gross beta activity measurements on air particulate filters
  • Gross beta activity measurements in surface/drinking water samples contains revised ODCM tables.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program W3 established the REMP to ensure that plant operating controls properly function to minimize any associated radiation endangerment to human health or the environment. The REMP is designed for:

  • Analyzing important pathways for anticipated types and quantities of radionuclides released into the environment.
  • Considering the possibility of a buildup of long-lived radionuclides in the environment and identifying physical and biological accumulations that may contribute to human exposures.
  • Considering the potential radiation exposure to plant and animal life in the environment surrounding W3.
  • Correlating levels of radiation and radioactivity in the environment with radioactive releases from station operation.

1.2 Pathways Monitored The airborne, direct radiation, waterborne and ingestion pathways are monitored as required by W3 TRM Table 3.12-1. A description of the W3 REMP utilizedto monitor the exposure pathways is described in Table 1.1 and shown in Figures 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3.

Section 2.0 of this report provides a discussion of 2004 sampling results with Section 3.0 providing a summary of results for the monitored exposure pathways.

1.3 Land Use Census W3 conducts a land use census biennially, as required by Section 3.12.2 of the TRM. The purpose of this census is to identify changes in uses of land within five miles of W3 that would require modifications to the REMP and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The most important criteria during this census are to determine the location in each sector of the nearest:

1) Residence
2) Animal milked for human consumption 2 2
3) Garden of greater than 50 m (500 ft ) producing broad leaf vegetation.

W3 conducts the land use census by:

  • Field surveys in each meteorological sector out to five miles in order to confirm:

> Nearest permanent residence

> Nearest garden and approximate size

> Nearest beef cow

> Nearest food product

> Nearest milking animal

  • Identifying locations on maps, measuring distances to W3 and recording results on data sheets.
  • Comparing current census results to previous results.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Airborne Radlolodine and Particulates Three samples from close to the three APQ-1 (NW, 0.81 Miles) - (West bank) Continuous sampler operation Radioiodine Canister - 1-131 SITE BOUNDARY locations, in different Located in soybean/sugarcane field off with sample collection bi- analysis bi-weekly.

sectors, in or near sectors having the LA 18 approximately 0.6 miles east of LA weekly, or more frequently if highest calculated annual average 18/3141 intersection.

ground level D/Q. required by dust loading. Particulate Sampler - Gross APF-1 (ESE, 0.35 Miles) - (West bank) beta radioactivity analysis Located on north side of Secondary following filter change. Gamma Meteorological Tower. isotopic analysis of composite APC-1 (NE, 0.67 Miles) - (East bank) (by location) quarterly.

Located inside the Little Gypsy Cooling Water Intake Structure fence enclosure.

Radlolodine and Particulates One sample from the vicinity of a APP-1 (WNW, 0.84 Miles) - (West bank) community having the highest Located in soybean/sugarcane field at calculated annual average ground level northwest comer of Short St. in Killona.


Radiolodine and Particulates One sample from a control location, as APE-30 (E, 25.2 Miles) - (West bank) for example 15 -30 km distant and in Located on the roof of the Entergy Office the least prevalent wind direction. building on Delaronde St. in Algiers.

(Control) 6

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TLDs Radiation An inner ring of stations, one in each A-2 (N, 1.27 Miles) - (East bank) Located Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sector In the general on a utility pole on LA 628 near the Zephrin area of the SITE BOUNDARY. L. Perriloux Fire House.

B-1 (NNE, 0.75 Miles) - (East bank) On fence enclosing the transmission tower 0.3 miles west (up-river) from Little Gypsy on LA 628.

C-1 (NE, 0.67 Miles) - (East bank) On fence enclosing the Little Gypsy Cooling Water Intake on LA 628 near APC-1.

D-2 (ENE, 1.24 Miles) - (East bank)

Located approximately 0.3 miles east of Little Gypsy Power Station on stop sign post located at the peak of the levee on the west entrance road through the Bonnet Carre Spillway.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TLDs Radiation An inner ring of stations, one In each E-1 (E, 0.41 Miles) - (West bank) Located on Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sector in the general utility pole along LA 18 approximately 0.3 area of the SITE BOUNDARY. miles east of Waterford 3 plant entrance.

F-2 (ESE, 1.15 Miles) - (West bank) Located on southeast comer of fence enclosure surrounding the Entergy sub station 0.2 miles south of LA 18 on LA 3142.

G-2 (SE, 1.26 Miles) - (West bank) Located on fence east of LA 3142 approximately 0.3 miles north of railroad overpass.

H-2 (SSE, 1.54 Miles) - (West bank) Located off LA 3142 on southwest edge of fence along shell road 0.4 miles north of LA 3127/3142 intersection.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TIDs Radiation An inner ring of stations, one in each J-2 (S, 1.38 Miles) - (West bank) Located on Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sector In the general fence enclosure for valve station south of LA area of the SITE BOUNDARY. 3127 approximately 0.6 miles west of LA 3127/3142 intersection.

K-1 (SSW, 1.06 Miles) - (West bank) Located on stop sign at entrance to Entergy Education Center on LA 3127.

L-1 (SW, 1.06 Miles) - (West bank) Located on gated entrance off of LA 3127 approximately 1.6 miles west of LA 3127/3142 intersection.

M-1 (WSW, 0.76 Miles) - (West bank)

Located on south gate of Waterford 1 and 2 fuel oil storage tank enclosure.

N-1 (W, 0.98 Miles) - (West bank) Located on pole at comer of Railroad Avenue and School House Road.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample PoInt Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TLDs Radiation An inner ring of stations, one in each P-1 (WNW, 0.84 Miles) - (West bank) Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sector in the general Located on fence enclosing air sample station area of the SITE BOUNDARY. APP-1.

a-1 (NW, 0.81 Miles) - ((West bank) Located on fence enclosing air sample station APQ-1.

R-1 (NNW, 0.51 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Waterford 1 and 2 Cooling Water Intake Structure on the catwalk.

TLDs An outer ring of stations, I in 10 of the A-5 (N, 4.59 Miles) - (East bank) Located on meteorological sectors In the 6- to 8- utility pole at Intersection of Oswald Avenue km range from the site. and US 61.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TLDs Radiation An outer ring of stations, 1 in 10 of the B-4 (NNE, 3.75 Miles) - (East bank) Located Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sectors in the 6- to 8- on utility pole guidewire next to transmission km range from the site. tower south of weigh station on US 61 at St.

John/St. Charles Parish line.

D-5 (ENE, 4.09 Miles) - (East bank) Located on gate on shell road approximately 0.1 miles north of US61/LA48 Intersection.

F-4 (ESE, 3.53 Miles) - (West bank) Located on utility pole behind house at 646 Aquarius St. in Hahnville.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TL~s Radiation An outer ring of stations, 1 In 10 of the E-5 (E, 4.08 Miles) - (East bank) Located on Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sectors in the 6- to 8- the Norco Substation fence enclosure at the km range from the site. end of Wesco Street off of LA 48.

G-4 (SE, 3.30 Miles) - (West bank) Located on railroad sign on LA 3160 approximately 0.1 miles north of railroad track.

H-8 (SSE, 8.13 Miles) - (West bank) Located on a road sign on south side of HWY 90 directly in front of Hahnville High School approximately 0.1 miles east of Tiger Drive.

P-6 (WNW, 5.58 Miles) - (West bank)

- Located on a fence surrounding the communications tower at the LA 640/railroad track intersection.

Q-5 (NW, 5.01 Miles) - (West bank) Located on utility pole along LA 18 across from Mississippi River marker 137.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TLDs Radiation An outer ring of stations, 1 in 10 of the R-6 (NNW, 5.52 Miles) - (East bank) Located on Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

meteorological sectors in the 6- to 8- fence enclosure approximately 0.2 miles west of km range from the site. US 61 on LA 3223 near railroad crossing.

TLDs The balance of the stations to be in F-9 (ESE, 8.18 Miles) - (East bank) Located on special interest areas such as entrance gate to Destrehan Substation just north population centers, nearby residences, of railroad tracks on Jonathan Street schools, and in 1 or 2 areas to serve approximately 1.5 miles east of Luling-Destrehan as control stations. Bridge, off of LA 48.

G-8 (SE, 7.74 Miles) - (West bank) Located on southern most comer of the back fence of Entergy Office in Luling.

E-15 (E, 11.7 Miles) - (East bank) Located on Kenner Substation fence enclosure on Alliance Ave approximately 0.1 miles from LA 48.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Direct TL~s Radiation The balance of the stations to be in J-15 (S, 11.7 Miles) - (West bank) Located on utility Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly.

special interest areas such as pole near the LA 631/Hwy 90 intersection in Des population centers, nearby residences, Allemands.

schools, and in 1 or 2 areas to serve as control stations. E-30 (E, 25.2 Miles) - (West bank) Located at entrance to the Entergy Office on Delaronde St. in Algiers. (Control)

Waterbome Surface Water One sample upstream SWP-7 (WNW, 7.37 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Composite sample over Gamma isotopic analysis St. John Parish Waterworks off LA 18 in Edgard. one quarter period. quarterly. Composite for (Control) tritium analysis quarterly.

One sample downstream SWF-2 (ESE, 1.51 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Dow Chemical Plant drinking water canal.

SWE-5 (E, 4.59 Miles) - (East bank) Located at St.

Charles Parish Waterworks off LA 48 in New Sarpy.

SWK-1 (SSW, 0.49 Miles) - (West bank) Located at 40 Arpent Canal south of the plant. The canal Is northwest of the shell access road/railroad track intersection.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Pr gram Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Waterbome Drinking Water One sample upstream DWP-7 (WNW, 7.37 Miles) - (West bank) Located Composite sample over one 1-131 analysis on each at St. John Parish Waterworks off LA 18 in Edgard.

(Control) month period when 1-131 composite when the dose analysis is performed, quarterly calculated for the consumption of One sample downstream DWF-2 (ESE, 1.51 Miles) - (West bank) Located at composite otherwise. the water is greater than one Dow Chemical Plant drinking water canal. mrem per year. Composite for DWE-5 (E,4.59 Miles) - (East bank) Located at St. gross beta and gamma isotopic Charles Parish Waterworks off of LA 48 in New analyses quarterly. Composite Sarpy. for tritium analysis quarterly.

Sediment from Shoreline One sample upstream SHWQ-6 (NW, 5.99 Miles) - (East bank) Located of Annually Gamma isotopic analysis LA 628 approximately 0.1 miles east of Reserve ferry landing. (Control) annually.

One sample downstream SHWE-3 (E,2.99 Miles) - (West bank) Located at Foot Ferry landing off LA 18 in Taft.

SHWK-1 (SSW, 0.49 Miles) - (West bank) Located at 40 Arpent Canal south of plant. The canal is northwest of the shell access road/railroad track intersection.

Ingestion Milk Samples from milking animals in the MKE-3 (E,2.4 Miles) - (West bank) Located at the Quarterly Gamma isotopic and 1-131 three locations within 5 km distance Zeringue's house on LA 18 InTaft. QuarterlyG having the highest dose potential. If analysis quarterly.

there are none, then, one sample from milking animals in each of the three areas between 5 to 8 km distant where doses are calculated to be greater than I mrem per year.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Ingestion Mlk One sample from milking animals at a MKR-40 (NNW, 40.70 Miles) - (East bank) Located Quarterly Gamma isotopic and 1-131 control location 15 - 30 km distant and at 24254 LA Highway 442, Holden. La. (Control) analysis quarterly.

In the least prevalent wind direction.

Fish and Invertebrates One sample of each commercially and FH-2 (Distance/Direction Not Applicable) - Sample in season, or Gamma isotopic analysis recreational important species In Downstream of the plant intake structure. annually if they are not on edible portion.

vicinity of plant discharge area. seasonal FH-3 (Distance/Direction Not Applicable)-

(Westbank) Waterways downstream of plant discharge directed to 40 Arpent Canal.

One sample of same species in area FH-1 (Dlstance/Directlon Not Applicable) -

not influenced by plant discharge. Upstream of the plant discharge structure. (Control)

Broadleaf Samples of one to three different kinds BLQ-1 (NW, 0.83 Miles) - (West bank) Located near Quarterly Gamma isotopic and 1-131 of broadleaf vegetation grown nearest air sample station APQ-1. analysis.

each of two different off-site locations of highest predicted annual average BLB-1 (NNE, 0.81 Miles) - (East bank) Located near groundlevel D/Q if milk sampling is not transmission tower west of Little Gypsy on LA 628.


One sample of each of the similar BLE-20 (E, 19.7 MIles) - (West bank) Located on broadleaf vegetation grown 15 - 30 km property of Nine Mile Point in Westwego, LA.

distant in the least prevalent wind (Control) direction if milk sampling is not performed.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station FIGURE 1-1 17

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station FIGURE 1-2 18

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station FIGURE 1-3 19

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station 2.0 Interpretation and Trends of Results 2.1 Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Samples of airborne particulate and radioiodine were collected at four indicator locations and one control location and analyzed for gross beta radionuclides, Iodine-131 and gamma radionuclides (quarterly air particulate filter composites only). W3 did not detect any gamma radionuclides in the quarterly air particulate composites or lodine-131 in the radioiodine cartridges during the reporting period, as has been the case in previous years. Indicator gross beta air particulate results for 2004 were similar to those background levels obtained in previous years of the operational REMP and well below preoperational levels as seen below.

3 Results are reported as annual average pCi/Mi Monitoring Period Result Preoperational 0.080 1983 -2003 0.019 2004 0.019 Table 3.1, which includes gross beta concentrations for 2004, provides a comparison of the indicator and control means further emphasizes that the airborne pathway continues to remain at background levels. In addition, as shown in Attachment 2, the standard "t" test was used to compare average gross beta activity from each indicator station to the average gross beta activity at the control station. The results from this test show the average activity detected at all indicator stations is statistically the same as the average activity detected at the control station. Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on

-this pathway during 2004.

2.2 Thermoluminescent DosimetrySample Results The average exposure rates during 2004 are consistent with those from the preoperational program and the previous five years of operation as seen in Figure 2-1. In particular, the preoperational survey indicates that exposure rates ranged between 11 and 33 mrem/standard quarter with an average of 20 rnrem/standard quarter. The range during the previous five years of operation was 9 to 15 rnrem/standard quarter with an average exposure rate of 12 mrem/standard quarter.

A comparison of the indicator results to the control results, as seen in Table 3.1, shows that the average indicator is slightly higher than that of the control. As shown in Attachment 1, Table 2.1, several indicator locations are higher than the control by a few rnrem with a maximum difference of three mrem at one location (F-4).

As shown in Attachment 2, Table 2.1, the standard 't' test was used to compare average exposure rates for TLD stations located in groups 0-2 miles and 2-5 miles from the plant to those > 5 miles. The results indicate that the average exposure rates 0-2 miles and 2-5 miles from the plant are statistically the same as those > 5 miles.

The differences between indicator locations and the control, and TLD stations grouped by distance from the plant are expected due to a variety of factors not related to W3 plant operations that can affect background radiation in the vicinity of each TLD station. Direct radiation measurements at each TLD station have remained statistically the same in 2004 as previous years of operation as evidenced on Attachment 2, Table 2.2. In addition, Radiological Gaseous Effluents for 2004 were only a small fraction of the limits as is typical in previous years of operation and are not expected to have any impact on environmental TLD measurements.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station 2.3 Water Sample Results Analytical results for 2004 drinking/surface water samples were similar to those reported in previous years.

Drinking/Surface Water Drinking water samples also serve as surface water samples for W3. Therefore, monthly and quarterly gamma spectroscopy and tritium analyses of drinking water also satisfy the surface water sampling requirement.

Composite drinking/surface water samples were collected from two indicator and one control location and analyzed for Iodine-131, gamma radionuclides and tritium. Results indicate that all measurements were below the calculated LLDs.

Although gross beta was detected in the drinking/surface water samples, results for the indicator locations were below previous operational and preoperational years as seen below.

Results are reported as annual average pCi/A.

Monitoring Period Result Preoperational 7.0 1983-2003 5.1 2004 2.8 Table 3.1, which includes gross beta concentrations for 2004, provides a comparison of the indicator and control means shows that the waterborne pathway continues to remain at background levels. In addition, as shown in Attachment 2, the standard "t" test was used to compare average gross beta activity from each indicator station to the average gross beta activity from the control station. The results from this test show average activity detected at all indicator stations is statistically the same as the average activity detected at the control station. Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway during 2004.

Surface Water Surface water samples were collected from one indicator location and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Results indicate that all measurements were below the calculated LLDs.

2.4 Sediment Sample Results Sediment samples were collected from two indicator locations and one control location and analyzed for gamma radionuclides. Cesium-137, a man-made nuclide, was detected in sample SHWK-1 with a concentration of 32 pCikg and sample SHWQ-6 with a concentration of 83 pCi/kg. No other man-made radionuclides were detected in any of the samples.

The Cesium-137 results obtained during 2004 are consistent with those from the preoperational program and previous years of operation. In particular, the preoperational survey indicates that Cesium-137 was detected in 9 of 14 soil samples at concentrations ranging between 30 and 890 pCikg with an average concentration of 164 pCi/kg. Similarly, the range indicated during the previous years of operation was 18 to 142 pCi/kg with an average activity of 57 pCi/kg.

W3 has detected Cs-137 in wastewater tanks discharged to the Mississippi River at concentrations typically below 1E-6 uC/ml in the past few years. After dilution by Circulating Water, this concentration is reduced to well below 1E-10 uCi/ml prior to mixing with the Mississippi River where it is diluted even further. At the minimal concentrations being discharged from W3 as compared to the typical Cs-137 concentrations commonly found in 21

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station soils and sediments in Louisiana as a result of atmospheric fallout from nuclear weapons testing as noted in the preoperational study, plant operations is not expected to result in any appreciable quantities of radioactivity in sediment collected from the bank of the Mississippi River. In addition, the radioactivity detected in sediment this year is consistent with preoperational data even after applying a correction for natural decay of Cs-137.

Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway during 2004.

2.5 Milk Sample Results Milk samples were collected from one indicator and one control location and analyzed for Iodine-131 and gamma radionuclides. Results indicate that all measurements were below the calculated LLDs. Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway during 2004.

2.6 Fish Sample Results Fish samples were collected from two indicators and one control location and analyzed for gamma radionuclides. Results indicate that all measurements were below the calculated LLDs. Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway during 2004.

2.7 Broadleaf Vegetation Sample Results Broadleaf vegetation samples were collected from two indicators and one control location and analyzed for lodine-131 and gamma radionuclides. Results indicate that all measurements were below the calculated LLDs. Therefore, W3 concluded that plant operations had no significant impact on this pathway during 2004.

2.8 Land Use Census Results In compliance with the Waterford 3 ODCM and TRM, the land use census was conducted on September 27, 28 and 29, 2004. The nearest residence, garden, beef cow, food product and milk animal in each sector within a five mile radius of the plant was located by visual inspection and verbal inquiry.

While residence, milk cow and food product locations remained unchanged for 2004, one location of goats (sector E) and two locations of beef cows (sector G) were removed. Two new garden locations (sector C and D), and three new goat locations (sector E, F and Q) were identified in 2004. Based upon the locations identified in this survey, the locations identified in previous surveys and the locations currently being used to calculate dose commitments from liquid and gaseous effluents released from W3, no REMP sampling location changes are necessary. Results of the 2004 biennial census are shown in Table 2.1.

2.9 Interlaboratory Comparison Results The River Bend Station Environmental Laboratory analyzed interlaboratory comparison samples for W3 to fulfill the requirements of Section 5.7.2 of the ODCM. Attachment 1 contains these results.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE 2.1 Biennial Land Use Census Results Sector Direction Distance from Plant in Miles Milk Beef Food Residence Garden Cows Cows Goats Products

= =, i I A

A N 1.3 1.7

  • 4.6 4.6 4.1 A

B NNE 1.1 1.3 A A 1.3 A A C NE 0.9 1.0 A A A A D ENE 0.9 0.9 A A E E 2.2 2.2 **2.3 2.3

  • 3.2 0.3 F ESE 3.1 2.2 A 2.3
  • 3.5 0.3 G SE 4.0 4.1 A 2.4 A 0.3 H SSE A A A A A 0.3 A A J S A A A 0.5 A

K SSW A A A A 0.5 L SW A A A A A 0.5 M WSW A 1.4 A 1.2 A 0.5 A A N W 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.6 A A P WNW 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 Q NW 0.9 1.0 A 0.9

  • 4.9 0.6 A A R NNW 3.0 3.0 4.9 2.6 A Indicates that nothing was found in the Sector within a five mile radius of Waterford 3
  • Animals were located at this distance from Waterford 3, but the milk is not currently used for human consumption
    • Samples are being obtained from animals at this location (MKE-3) for REMP 23

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Oneratina Renort- Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station


TLD Radiation Dose Comparison By Year 40 40 35 Idatr35

-.Upper Range a 30 - 7 LowerRange 30

_ 1Z . \ ,- . I 0^-#

CO 10 YA YEAR 24

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station 3.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary 3.1 2004 Program Results Summary Table 3.1 summarizes the 2004 REMP results. W3 did not use values reported as less than the lower limit of detection (< LLD) when determining ranges and means for indicator and control locations.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Ooeratina Reoort Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE 3.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Proaram Summary Name of Facility: Waterford 3 SES Docket No: 50-382 Location of Facility: St. Charles. Louisiana Reporting Period: Januar - December 2004 Sample Type Type & Number LLD b Indicator Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Number of (Units) Of Analyses a Mean (F) c Locations Nonroutine

[Range] Mean (F) c Results e

[ Range]

Mean (F) c Location d [ Range I Airborne Particulates GB 130 0.01 0.019 ( 104 /104) APP-1 0.019 (26 / 26) 0.019 ( 26 / 26) 0 (pCi/m3) 10.009 - 0.034 ] (WNW, 0.84 mi.) [0.009 - 0.032] [0.006 - 0.036 ]

GS 20 Cs-1 34 0.05 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.06 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Airborne Iodine 1-131 130 0.07 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0

( pCilm3 )

Indicator TLDs Gamma 120 (f) 12(116/120) F-4 14 (4 / 4) N/A 0 (mremlStd. Qtr) [8.0- 14.0 ] (ESE, 3.53 mi.) [13.7 - 14.9]

Control TLDs Gamma 4 (f) N/A N/A N/A 11 (4 / 4 0 (mremlStd. Qtr) 10.0 -12.21 26

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE 3.1 Radiological Environmental Monitorinq Proqram Summary Name of Facility: Waterford 3 SES Docket No: 50-382 Location of Facility: St. Charles. Louisiana Reporting Period: Januarv December 2004 Sample Type Type & Number LLD b Indicator Location Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Number of (Units) of Analyses a Mean ( F) c Locations Nonroutine Range] Mean (F) c Results 0


Mean (F) c Location d [ Range I Surface Water & Gross Beta 12 4 3.1 ( 7 / 8) DWF-2 3.9 (4 /4) 2.1 (3 / 4) 0 Drinking Water [1.2- 5.2] (ESE, 1.51 mi.) [1.2 - 5.2] [1.7 - 2.4]

(pCill) 1-131 42 1 LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 H-3 12 2000 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 GS 12 Mn-54 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Fe-59 30 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Co-58 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Co-60 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Zn-65 30 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Zr-95 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Nb-95 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-134 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Ba-140 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 La-140 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 27

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE 3.1 Radioloalcal Environmental Monitorinq Proqram Summarv Name of Facility: Waterford 3 SES Docket No: 50-382 Location of Facility: St. Charles. Louisiana Reporting Period: Januarv - December 2004 Sample Type Type & LLD b Indicator Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Locations Number of (Units) Number Mean ( F) c Mean (F) C Nonroutine of Analyses a [Rangel [Range Results e Mean (F) C

. . Location d [Range l Surface Water H-3 4 3000 <LLD N/A NA N/A 0 (pCi/I)

GS 15 Mn-54 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Fe-59 30 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Co-58 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Co-60 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Zn-65 30 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Zr-95 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Nb-95 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Cs-1 34 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Cs-1 37 18 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Ba-140 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 La-1 40 15 <LLD N/A N/A N/A 0 Shoreline GS 3 Sediment Cs-1 34 150 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 (pCi/kg dry) Cs-137 180 32.2(1 /2) SHWK-1 32.2(1/2) 82.5(1 /1) 0 N/A (SSW, 0.49 mi.) N/A N/A 28

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Oneratina Renort Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station TABLE 3.1 Radioloqical Environmental Monitorinq Proqram Summarv Name of Facility: Waterford 3 SES Docket No: 50-382 Location of Facility: St. Charles. Louisiana Reporting Period: January - December 2004 Sample Type Type & Number LLD b Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Number of (Units) of Analyses a Location Locations Nonroutine Mean (F) c Mean ( F) c Results e

[Range] [Range]

Mean (F) c Location d [Range ]

Milk 1-131 4 1 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 (pCi/I)

GS 4 Cs-1 34 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Ba-140 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 La-140 15 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Fish GS 12 pCilkg wet) Mn-54 130 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Fe-59 260 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Co-58 130 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Co-60 130 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Zn-65 260 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-1 34 130 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Cs-1 37 150 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 Broadleaf Vegetation 1-131 12 60 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 (pCi/kg wet)

GS 12 Cs-1 34 60 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0

. Cs-1 37 80 <LLD N/A N/A <LLD 0 a GB = Gross beta; 1-131 = lodine-131; H-3 = Tritium; GS = Gamma scan.

b LLD = required lower limit of detection based on Waterford 3 TRM.

c Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations Is Indicated In parenthesis (F).

d Locations are specified (1)by name and (2)degrees relative to reactor site.

e Non-routine results are those which exceed ten times the control station value. If no control station value is available, the result Is considered non-routine if It exceeds ten times the preoperational value for the location.

f LLD Is not defined In Waterford 3 TRM.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Attachment 1 2004 Radiological Monitoring Report Summary of Monitoring Results 30


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.1 Sample Type: Air Particulate Filter Analysis: Gross Beta Units: pCi/M 3 End Date APF-1 APQ-1 APP-1 APC-1 APE-30 (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Control)

Required LLD 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 01-12-04 0.0207 0.0219 0.0223 0.0217 0.0220 01-26-04 0.0339 0.0314 0.0315 0.0316 0.0363 02-09-04 0.0261 0.0244 0.0283 0.0254 0.0271 02-25-04 0.0232 0.0228 0.0232 0.0232 0.0233 03-08-04 0.0104 0.0105 0.0119 0.0119 0.0131 03-22-04 0.0180 0.0166 0.0184 0.0193 0.0191 04-05-04 0.0154 0.0142 0.0147 0.0140 0.0156 04-20-04 0.0183 0.0179 0.0203 0.0193 0.0196 05-03-04 0.0162 0.0159 0.0192 0.0155 0.0159 05-17-04 0.0198 0.0200 0.0210 0.0216 0.0190 06-01-04 0.0141 0.0169 0.0163 0.0170 0.0179 06-14-04 0.0093 0.0104 0.0102 0.0113 0.0107 06-29-04 0.0221 0.0301 0.0320 0.0262 0.0208 07-12-04 0.0100 0.0100 0.0094 0.0098 0.0060 07-26-04 0.0174 0.0180 0.0179 0.0186 0.0164 08-09-04 0.0195 0.0176 0.0192 0.0176 0.0208 08-23-04 0.0175 0.0191 0.0183 0.0189 0.0194 09-07-04 0.0145 0.0137 0.0121 0.0130 0.0142 09-20-04 0.0131 0.0125 0.0096 0.0127 0.0149 10-04-04 0.0333 0.0307 0.0290 0.0298 0.0311 10-18-04 0.0134 0.0210 0.0217 0.0232 0.0228 11-01-04 0.0182 0.0150 0.0172 0.0172 0.0167 11-15-04 0.0194 0.0201 0.0198 0.0207 0.0210 11-29-04 0.0158 0.0095 0.0149 0.0140 0.0143 12-13-04 0.0230 0.0215 0.0220 0.0230 0.0220 12-29-04 0.0230 0.0210 0.0220 0.0210 0.0230 32

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.2 Sample Type: Radiolodine Cartridae Analysis: lodine-131 Units: pCVm3 End Date APF-1 APQ-1 APP-1 APC-1 APE-30 (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Control)

Required LLD _ 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 01-12-04 < 0.013 <0.014 <0.013 <0.015 <0.014 01-26-04 < 0.016 <0.010 <0.015 <0.012 <0.011 02-09-04 < 0.017 <0.015 <0.016 <0.018 <0.015 02-25-04 < 0.014 <0.014 <0.012 <0.009 <0.014 03-08-04 < 0.018 <0.016 <0.019 <0.016 <0.015 03-22-04 < 0.015 <0.014 <0.016 <0.013 <0.014 04-05-04 < 0.016 <0.013 <0.017 <0.011 <0.014 04-20-04 < 0.014 <0.014 <0.014 <0.012 <0.013 05-03-04 < 0.018 <0.013 <0.017 <0.015 <0.015 05-17-04 < 0.014 <0.016 <0.017 <0.013 <0.013 06-01-04 < 0.021 <0.020 <0.019 <0.014 <0.023 06-14-04 < 0.013 <0.014 <0.016 <0.016 <0.014 06-29-04 < 0.014 <0.015 <0.014 <0.012 <0.013 07-12-04 < 0.018 <0.012 <0.015 <0.014 <0.016 07-26-04 < 0.017 <0.014 <0.017 <0.010 <0.014 08-09-04 < 0.014 <0.015 <0.015 <0.012 <0.016 08-23-04 < 0.017 <0.009 <0.017 <0.009 <0.012 09-07-04 < 0.024 <0.023 <0.022 <0.015 <0.019 09-20-04 < 0.013 <0.013 <0.014 <0.013 <0.014 10-04-04 < 0.017 <0.017 <0.014 <0.011 <0.013 10-18-04 < 0.017 <0.015 <0.018 <0.014 <0.014 11-01-04 < 0.016 <0.013 <0.016 <0.013 <0.013 11-15-04 < 0.015 <0.016 <0.016 <0.011 <0.013 11-29-04 < 0.015 <0.015 <0.018 <0.014 <0.013 12-13-04 < 0.028 <0.024 <0.026 <0.015 <0.022 12-29-04 < 0.012 <0.012 <0.013 <0.011 <0.015 33

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 1.3 Sample Type: Air Particulate Filter Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/m 3 Location Quarterly Cs-1 34 Cs-1 37 Composite Required LLD - 0.05 0.06 APF-1 (Indicator) 1st < 0.003 < 0.002 APQ-1 (Indicator) 1st < 0.002 < 0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 1st < 0.001 < 0.001 APC-1 (Indicator) 1st <0.002 < 0.001 APE-30 (Control) 1st < 0.002 < 0.002 APF-1 (Indicator) 2nd <0.002 <0.002 APQ-1 (Indicator) 2nd <0.001 <0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 2nd <0.001 <0.001 APC-1 (Indicator) 2nd <0.001 <0.002 APE-30 (Control) 2nd < 0.001 < 0.001 APF-1 (Indicator) 3rd <0.003 <0.002 APQ-1 (Indicator) 3rd < 0.002 <0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 3rd <0.002 < 0.002 APC-1 (Indicator) 3rd < 0.002 < 0.001 APE-30 (Control) 3rd < 0.002 <0 .002 APF-1 (Indicator) 4th <0.002 <0.001 APQ-1 (Indicator) 4th <0.002 < 0.002 APP-1 (Indicator) 4th < 0.002 < 0.002 APC-1 (Indicator) 4th <0.001 <0.002 APE-30 (Control) 4th < 0.002 < 0.001 34

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 2.1 Sample Type: Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Analysis: Gamma Dose Units: mrem/Std. Qtr.

Indicator Locations Station 1st Qtr '04 2nd Qtr '04 3rd Qtr '04 4th Qtr '04 Annual Mean '04 A-2 12 13 14 13 13 A-5 13 13 13 13 13 B-1 12 13 14 13 13 B-4 14 12 15 13 13 C-1 10 10 12 10 10 D-2 14 13 13 13 D-5 12 12 13 11 12 E-1 11 10 13 11 11 E-5 11 11 13 11 12 E-1 5 10 10 **

10 10 F-2 12 12 14 12 12 F-4* 14 14 15 15 14 F-9 12 13 12 13 G-2 15 15 14 13 14 G-4 10 11 11 10 11 G-8 11 9 10 10 10 H-2 12 12 13 12 12 H-8 11 12 12 11 12 J-2 12 12 13 12 12 J-1 5 14 14 14 13 14 K-1 12 12 13 14 13 L-1 14 14 14 13 14 M-1 12 11 12 12 12 N-1 13 12 13 13 13 P-1 10 9 10 10 10 P-6 14 13 14 13 13 Q-1 11 11 13 12 12 Q-5 11 10 11 11 11 R-1 9 8 7 8 R-6 10 10 11 10 10 Control Location Station 1st Qtr '04 2nd Qtr'04 3rd Qtr'04 4th Qtr '04 Annual Mean '04 E-30 10 10 12 10 11

  • Location with highest annual mean.
    • TLDs at location D-2, E-1 5, F-9 and R-1 were missing for 3Q04.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operatina Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 3.1 Sample Type: DrinkinalSurface Water Analysis: Gross Beta Units: pCi/I Quarterly DWFISWF-2 DWEISWE-5 DWPISWP-7 Composite (Indicator) (Indicator) (Control)

Required LLD Ho 4 4 4 1st 4.73 <3.41 2.28 2nd 1.16 2.82 <1.65 3rd 5.15 1.44 2.38 4th 4.69 1.36 1.73 36

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 3.2 Sample Type: Drinking/Surface Water Analysis: Iodine-131 Units: pCi/l Collection SWK-1 DWF/SWF-2 DWEISWE-5 DWPISWP-7 Date (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Control)

LLD 1 1 1 1 12-29-03 < 6.28 < 0.88 <0.74 <0.86 01-26-04 < 5.55 < 0.78 <0.90 <0.90 02-25-04 < 3.94 < 0.89 <0.89 <0.79 03-22-04 <10.6 < 0.90 <0.89 <0.88 04-20-04 < 4.98 < 0.74 <0.85 <0.90 05-17-04 < 4.85 < 0.88 <0.86 <0.82 06-14-04 < 4.14 < 0.90 <0.84 <0.88 07-12-04 < 4.22 < 0.90 <0.90 <0.89 08-09-04 < 4.14 < 0.86 <0.90 <0.87 09-07-04 <5.17 < 0.85 <0.87 <0.83 10-04-04 < 5.32 < 0.90 <0.85 <0.87 11-01-04 < 4.34 < 0.89 <0.83 <0.84 11-29-04 < 4.22 < 0.88 <0.74 <0.90 12-29-04 < 5.38 < 0.90 <0.90 <0.90 37

Annual Radiological 2004

  • Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 3.3 Sample Type: Drinking/Surface Water Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/l Location Collection Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Date Reauired LLD 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 18 15 15 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 03-22-04 <1.20 <1.37 <3.32 <1.37 <2.41 <1.80 <2.34 <1.26 <1.22 <14.34 <5.12 DWE/SWE.5 (Indicator) 03-22-04 <1.21 <1.36 <3.23 <1.27 <2.53 <1.98 <2.57 <1.31 <1.28 <14.78 <5.33 DWPISWP-7 (Control) 03-22-04 <1.18 <1.36 <3.22 <1.25 <2.33 <1.75 <2.40 <1.20 <1.16 <14.33 <4.59 DWFISWF-2 (Indicator) 06-14-04 <2.73 <2.60 <3.99 <2.90 <6.86 <3.59 <5.27 <3.09 <3.40 <14.23 <3.68 DWEISWE-5 (Indicator) 06-14-04 <4.41 <3.31 <7.60 <3.23 <6.74 <3.57 <5.02 <4.27 <4.18 <14.14 <3.10 DWPISWP-7 (Control) 06-14-04 <3.54 <3.31 <7.47 <2.52 <7.93 <4.80 <7.26 <3.76 <3.33 <14.77 <4.11 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 09-07-04 <3.39 <3.50 <7.26 <3.62 <8.55 <4.39 <6.25 <3.67 <3.62 <14.48 <6.28 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 09-07-04 <3.03 <3.49 <6.89 <2.02 <7.67 <3.68 <5.68 <2.85 <2.84 <14.93 <6.97 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 09-07-04 <3.18 <2.87 <6.53 <3.08 <6.38 <3.24 <5.62 <3.19 <3.02 <14.97 <4.80 DWF/SWF-2 (Indicator) 12-29-04 <4.13 <3.55 <5.69 <3.24 <8.55 <4.13 <6.57 <4.20 <3.81 <14.98 <4.70 DWE/SWE-5 (Indicator) 12-29-04 <3.60 <2.99 <8.46 <2.80 <7.88 <3.90 <6.66 <4.83 <3.29 <14.68 <3.72 DWP/SWP-7 (Control) 12-29-04 <4.28 <3.59 <7.77 <3.14 <9.99 <4.99 <5.81 <4.19 <3.30 <14.79 <2.19 38

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 3.4 Sample Type: Drinking/Surface Water Analysis: Tritium Units: pCi/I Quarter DWF/SWF-2 DWE/SWE-5 SWK-1 DWPISWP-7 (Indicator) (Indicator) (Indicator) (Control)

Required LLD -* 2000 2000 3000 2000 1 st < 595.01 < 579.05 <584.93 < 588.58 2 < 560.80 < 551.46 < 551.38 < 553.56 3rd < 570.26 < 570.87 < 553.46 < 553.56 4t < 573.09 < 558.27 < 564.00 < 560.20 39

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 3.5 Sample Type: Surface Water Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/I Location Collection Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Date Required LLD ' 15 15 30 15 30 15 15 15 18 15 15 SWK-1 12-29-03 < 5.40 < 3.39 < 8.25 < 4.39 < 7.21 < 5.35 < 10.31 < 5.27 < 4.01 < 19.24 < 6.84 (Indicator) 01-26-04 < 4.32 < 5.39 < 11.6 < 7.15 < 11.0 < 7.62 < 9.80 < 6.11 < 6.57 < 11.41 < 7.49 01-26-04* <4.13 <5.59 <11.4 <5.82 <7.66 <5.26 <10.44 <5.35 <5.99 <13.88 <6.37-02-25-04 <2.93 <3.86 <7.16 <3.36 <9.10 <4.94 <6.93 <3.94 <4.48 <11.12 <4.26 03-22-04 < 1.38 < 1.62 < 3.98 < 1.34 < 3.11 < 2.32 < 2.60 < 1.42 < 1.36 < 14.78 < 5.92 04-20-04 < 4.60 < 4.34 < 7.41 < 4.88 < 9.85 < 4.34 < 6.59 < 4.25 < 4.74 < 14.36 < 3.20 05-17-04 < 3.18 < 2.25 < 6.85 < 2.36 < 9.46 < 3.67 < 5.67 < 3.60 < 2.52 < 14.88 < 4.02 06-14-04 < 3.49 < 3.66 < 8.38 < 3.81 < 8.66 < 4.31 < 6.08 < 4.36 < 3.46 < 14.12 < 4.50 07-12-04 < 3.27 < 2.82 < 6.54 < 2.41 < 3.75 < 3.49 < 5.97 < 3.45 < 2.59 < 14.89 < 5.38 08-09-04 < 2.94 < 3.22 < 5.65 < 2.98 < 6.77 < 4.01 < 8.33 < 3.24 < 5.01 < 14.85 < 4.38 09-07-04 < 2.80 < 2.59 < 7.16 < 3.19 < 5.28 < 3.22 < 5.21 < 3.40 < 3.40 < 14.68 < 5.15 10-04-04 < 2.94 < 3.20 < 6.38 < 2.42 < 6.95 < 3.54 < 5.65 < 4.30 < 3.56 < 14.85 < 5.69 11-01-04 <4.61 <3.44 <7.75 <3.55 <6.91 <4.18 <6.42 <4.29 <4.30 < 14.18 <4.91 11-29-04 <3.40 <3.51 <8.39 <4.12 <7.52 <3.40 <5.35 <3.68 <4.13 < 14.11 <5.52 12-29-04 < 4.83 < 5.37 < 8.28 < 5.80 < 9.13 < 4.62 < 8.79 < 5.09 < 2.32 < 14.01 < 4.31

  • Duplicate sample 40

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 4.1 Sample Type: Sediment Analysis: Gamma isotopic Units: pCi/kg (dry)

Location Collection Mn-54 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Date Required LLD nla n/a n/a 150 180 SHWK-1 (Indicator) 04-29-04 <43.9 <38.8 <39.1 <48.5 32.2 SHWE-3 (Indicator) 05-03-04 <36.8 <33.8 <39.5 <36.2 <39.4 SHWQ-6 (Control) 05-03-04 <36.1 <32.0 <29.8 <28.9 82.5 41

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 5.1 Sample Type: Milk Analysis: Iodine-131 and Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/l Location Collection 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Date Required LLD I 15 18 15 15

  • MKE-3 (Indicator) 03-16-04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 04-21-04 <0.80 <4.18 <4.64 <3.54 <14.94 06-15-04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 09-21-04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 12-21-04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
  • MKR-40 (Control) 03-15-04 <0.87 <0.85 <4.80 <14.86 <5.66 06-14-04 <0.79 <4.01 <4.64 <13.56 <4.17 09-20-04 <0.89 <4.19 <5.27 <14.76 <3.86 12-20-04 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
  • Sample not available. Cow not producing enough milk.
    • Sample not available. Owner sold dairy.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 6.1 Sample Type: Fish Analysis: Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/kg (wet)

Location Collection Species Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 Date Required LLD 130 260 130 130 260 130 150 FH-1 (Control) 10-19-04 Buffalo <16.20 <13.86 <40.31 <12.74 <43.57 <12.20 <12.34 FH-1 (Control) 10-19-04 Carp <11.25 <19.63 <44.71 <11.53 <39.31 <15.31 <12.10 FH-1 (Control) 10-19-04 Catfish <15.26 <17.70 <44.44 <12.55 <37.63 <13.57 <12.27 FH-1 (Control) 10-19-04 Mullet <17.35 <17.78 <52.51 <26.72 <51.03 <15.90 <12.87 FH-2 (Indicator) 10-21-04 Buffalo <13.49 <158.43 <45.98 <16.38 <38.06 <13.11 <8.80 FH-2 (Indicator) 10-21-04 Carp <12.22 <16.60 <26.61 <21.39 <39.73 <10.92 <14.17 FH-2 (Indicator) 10-21-04 Catfish <11.57 <16.66 <44.63 <18.99 <44.70 <15.41 <11.35 FH-2 (Indicator) 10-21-04 Mullet <17.63 <21.75 <54.54 <18.02 <37.67 <16.27 <13.37 FH-3 (Indicator) 10-20-04 Buffalo <11.75 <19.84 <38.65 <19.29 <47.42 <17.24 <12.78 FH-3 (Indicator) 10-20-04 Carp <15.28 <14.64 <44.66 <12.77 <38.95 <13.00 <10.78 FH-3 (Indicator) 10-20-04 Catfish <11.15 <15.17 <33.97 <14.16 <29.07 <11.02 <11.14 FH-3 (indicator) 10-20-04 Mullet <17.02 <18.33 <44.46 <23.79 <36.98 <13.74 <16.40 43

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 7.1 Sample Type: Broad Leaf Vegetation Analysis: Iodine-131 and Gamma Isotopic Units: pCi/kg (wet)

Location Collection 1-131 Cs-1 34 Cs-1 37 Date Required LLD 60 60 80 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 03-02-04 <59.7 <38.8 <36.7 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 06-02-04 <52.8 <46.0 <43.4 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 09-01-04 <59.3 <30.6 <20.8 BLQ-1 (Indicator) 12-01-04 <49.3 <56.4 <43.6 BLB-1 (Indicator) 03-02-04 <56.5 <35.6 <43.1 BLB-1 (Indicator) 06-02-04 <53.8 <33.2 <53.8 BLB-1 (Indicator) 09-01-04 <59.7 <44.0 <43.9 BLB-1 (Indicator) 12-01-04 <56.8 <31.2 <41.5 BLE-20 (Control) 03-02-04 <32.0 <46.3 <25.5 BLE-20 (Control) 06-02-04 <58.5 <39.0 <41.6 BLE-20 (Control) 09-01-04 <58.7 <35.4 <48.0 BLE-20 (Control) 12-01-04 <57.4 <27.3 <29.9 44

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 8.1 Sample Type: Interlaboratorv ComDarison Analysis: Gross Beta, Iodine-131, Tritium and Gamma Isotopic Sample Type (units) Analytics # Date Analysis Known RBS Value RBS N-DEV RBS N-RANGE value Charcoal E4171-125 6/17/2004 1-131 81.9 84 0.44 0.361 Cartridge (pCiffilter)

Water E4170-125 6/17/2004 BETA 286 251 -1.43 0.028 (pCi/liter) E4169-125 6/17/2004 CR-51 250 234 -1.09 0.142 MN-54 77.4 84.3 1.55 0.916 CO-58 50.8 46.3 -1.52 0.465 FE-59 48.9 55.3 2.28 0.725 CO-60 189 198 0.86 0.188 ZN-65 109 107 -0.26 0.108 1-131 84.3 87.0 0.55 0.841 CS-134 111 109 -0.36 0.319 CS-137 171 176 0.51 0.069 CE-141 172.00 181 0.94 0.618 E4242-125 9/16/2004 H-3 12000 11685 -0.45 0.224 Air Filter E4240-125 9/1612004 BETA 67.7 66.7 -0.26 0.174 (pCI/filter) E4243-125 9/16/2004 CR-51 129 115 -1.83 0.458 MN-54 105 104.7 -0.05 0.338 Co-58 54.8 55.5 0.23 0.614 FE-59 53.0 56.4 1.12 0.256 CO-60 72.5 72.3 -0.05 0.807 ZN-65 103 97.1 -0.99 0.241 CS-134 55.8 50.6 -1.60 0.191 CS-137 124 117 -1.02 0.143 CE-141 145.0 143 -0.20 0.244 Sediment E4241-125 9/16/2004 CR-51 0.348 0.293 -2.72 0.424 (pCigram) MN-54 0.252 0.264 0.82 0.141 CO-58 0.132 0.128 -0.52 0.492 FE-59 0.127 0.140 1.77 0.558 CO-60 0.174 0.174 0.03 0.339 ZN-65 0.248 0.264 1.09 0.333 CS-134 0.134 0.130 -0.52 0.485 CS-137 0.403 0.426 1.00 0.132 CE-141 0.348 0.352 0.20 0.424 45

Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Table 8.1 Sample Type: Interlaboratory Comparison Analysis: Gross Beta, lodine-1 31, Tritium and Gamma Isotopic Sample Type Analytics # Date Analysis Known RBS Value RBS N-DEV RBS N-RANGE (units) Value Milk E4172-125 6/17/2004 CR-51 228 251 1.72 0.181 (pCi/liter) MN-54 70.5 74.0 0.86 0.335 CO-58 46.2 46.0 -0.07 0.384 FE-59 44.5 44.4 -0.04 1.818 CO-60 172 173 0.13 0.206 ZN-65 99.3 91.7 -1.33 0.535 1-131 58.2 53.7 -1.35 1 0.710 CS-134 101 93.3 -1.31 0.234 CS-137 156 147 -1.04 0.265 CE-141 157 145 -1.29 0.263 NOTES:

(a) The known value as determined by Analytics.

(b) The normalized deviation from the known value Is computed from the deviation and the standard error of the mean:

+/-2.00 Is the warning limit, and +/-3.00 Is the control limit. This is a measure of accuracy of the analytical methods.

(c) The normalized range Is computed from the mean range, the control limit, and the standard error of the range;

+2.000 Is the warning limit and +3.000 is the control limit. This is a measure of precision of the analytical methods.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating ReDort Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station 47


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Statistical Analyses

  • Calculation of the Mean and Standard Deviation The mean and standard deviation for different groups of analyses are calculated using the following equations:

X=zX/ I-I a,_ n and

0.5 where

x = mean of sample population, S = standard deviation of sample population, n = number of samples in sample population, and Xi = value of the i'th sample.


Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental Operating Report Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station

  • Comparing Two Sample Population Means The means of two sample populations are compared for statistical difference using the standard "'T test. The use of the test requires the assumption that the data within the populations are normally distributed and that the true standard deviations of the mean are equal for both populations. The standard "t" test tests the hypothesis that the true means of both populations are equal. The "t" value can be calculated from the equation below (obtained from the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 26th Edition (1981)):

ny where:

t = calculated "t" value, 7 = mean of first data set, f = mean of second data set, j7 = number of variables in first data set, S x = standard deviation of first data set, RY= number of variables in second data set, and S y = standard deviation of second data set.

The calculated 't" value is used to test the hypothesis that the true mean of the first population (m x) is equal to the true mean of the second population (m y) assuming that the true standard deviation of both populations are equal (m x = m y). The calculated "t" value is compared to a tabular "t' value such that:

a if t > lp'n then reject the hypothesis when m x > m y,

b. if t < - t,,,,then reject the hypothesis when m x < m y,
c. if t > 1.,/2 ,, then reject the hypothesis when m x = m Y, where t2, and t,,, are the tabular "'t values, with a preselected error (5%), confidence level (1 - p) or (1-p/2), and degrees of freedom n = n, + ny - 2. Tabular values of the "C'were obtained from the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 26th Edition (1981).


Annual Radiological 2004 tnvArnnmontfol Anorntinn Pesnnrt Wnt~fnrFdr 'AQtnnm Plartrir SQtnfirnn



," , , _,, ',, ', , . /;STATIONS GROUPED BYDISTANiE' "i ~. .^ '-^

... Stations Located 0-2 StatIons Located 2-5 . Stations Located more than.

-Mlsfromhthe Plant: - Mies 4..from .the Planti'-

. * . .5 iesfrmth Mile.s. Pat I6. ,t.h...lant.

Mean 12.03 12.27 11.60 (mRemlstd.qtr.)

Standard Deviation 1.60 1.42 1.52 (mRem/std. qtr.)

Number In Sample 62 28 26 Calculated "t" Value 1.15 1.67 NA*

(comparison of stations 0-2 and 2-5 miles from the plant to stations >5 miles from the plant)

Tabular "t" Value at 1.991 (a) 2.008(a) NA*

95% Confidence(t.o 2 s5 n)

(a) Results indicate the mean for stations located 0-2 miles and 2-5 miles from the plant are statistically identical to the mean for stations located more than 5 miles from the plant.

  • Not Applicable 51

Annual Radiological 2004 Cntlirnnn.antn*fl nnornnn oD-nn.4 Li V IU~~ I VILa S.JU* 0 LI U I ~VJ'J*


'I At~n-I-Ct* I M-1tinAtnti~n iL


- _ . Isjs- t  ;- , V Statin' 1990 2003 Agn-.- 1990-2003 Std Dev* 1990 - 2003 Range *  ! 2004 Std Dev* - 2004 Ran'e:

A-2 14 1.4 11 18 13 0.8 12 14 A-5 13 1.5 10 17 13 0.0 13 13 B-1 13 1.6 11 19 13 0.8 12 14 B-4 13 1.1 12 17 14 1.3 12 15 C-1 9 1.3 7 13 11 1.0 10 12 D-2 12 2.1 8 19 13 0.6 13 14 D-5 12 1.7 9 18 12 0.8 11 13 E-1 11 1.3 10 16 11 1.3 10 13 E-5 12 1.7 9 17 12 1.0 11 13 E-15 11 1.9 8 16 10 0.0 10 10 E-30* 11 1.7 8 17 11 1.0 10 12 F-2 12 1.2 10 17 13 1.0 12 14 F-4 14 1.6 11 19 15 0.6 14 15 F-9 13 1.6 7 17 12 0.6 12 13 G-2 15 1.3 12 19 14 1.0 13 15 G-4 11 1.4 9 16 11 0.6 10 11 G-9 12 2.1 9 19 10 0.8 9 11 H-2 13 1.3 11 18 12 0.5 12 13 H-6 12 1.2 10 17 12 0.6 11 12 J-2 13 1.5 11 17 12 0.5 12 13 J-15 13 1.4 11 17 14 0.5 13 14 K-1 11 1.4 9 16 13 1.0 12 14 L-1 13 1.3 10 16 14 0.5 13 14 M-1 12 1.6 10 18 12 0.5 11 12 N-1 13 1.6 8 18 13 0.5 12 13 P-1 10 1.4 8 15 10 0.5 9 10 P-6 14 1.5 11 19 14 0.6 13 14 Q-1 12 1.3 10 16 12 1.0 11 13 0-5 14 2.1 9 18 11 0.5 10 11 R-1 11 1.7 6 15 8 1.0 7 9 R-6 13 2.7 9 18 10 0.5 10 11

  • nntrnl L nrctinn Significant outliers were removed from data sets.

PERS data indicates an average of 20 mrem for all indicator locations with a range of 11 to 33 and an average control of 18 mrem.


Annual Radiological 2004 M--4 %A1nfnr^r,4 'I Ctoom M&Mri,, Qfnfitn Anua Rdiloicl-00 TABLE 2.3


- - ~MEASUREMENTS ON AIR PARTICULATE FIL-TERS SAMPLE STATION' -'APF-I4P APP-I-- P- AE3 Mean 18.7 18.6 19.3 19.1 19.3 (I O1pCi/M 3)

Standard Deviation 6.00 5.98 6.12 5.48 6.06 (I10- 3pCl/M 3 )

Number In Sample 26 26 26 26 26 Calculated "It"Value 0.40 0.47 0.01 0.13 NA*

(comparison of the indicator stations to the control station)

Tabular "It" Value at 2.01 1(a) 2.01 1(a) 2.01 1(a) 2.01 1(a) NA*

95% Confidence(tO.0 2 5,n)

(a) Results indicate the mean for the indicator stations is statistically identical to the mean for the control station.

  • Not Applicable 53

Annual Radiological 2004 9=nwtrnnmanfn1 fnnarnfinni Pnnrt %AI,#-rf-r 11 C#-n l M-r 4 Ce.-



DWF-2 DWE.5 DWP-7.

Mean 3.9 1.9 2.1 (pCilliter)

Standard Deviation 1.61 0.67 0.29 (pCi/liter)

Number in Sample 4 3 3 Calculated "t" Value 2.26 0.61 NA*

(comparison of the indicator stations to the control station)

Tabular "t" Value at 2.571 (a) 2.776(a) NA*

95% Confidence(to.0 2 s,n)

(a) Results indicate the mean for the indicator stations is statistically identical to the mean for the control station.

  • Not Applicable 54

Annual Radiological 2004 Fnt,,nnmanotn flnmnrolnn Oonnrf VVntnrfnri 'A SQtnnm M~or-rt-k qtntirnn I-- .1 -

ATTACHMENT 3 2004 Revised ODCM Tables 55

~.C 0W CD 0.



A-2, B-1. C-1, D-2, E-1, F-2. G-2. H-2, J-2. K-1.

L-1, M-1, N-1, P-1, Q-1.

TLD R-I, A-. B-4. 1P-5, E-5 TLD' Quarterly N F-4, G-4, H-8, P-O. 0-5NA R-6, F-9, G-8, E-15, J-15 E-30 Radiotodine and APP-1, APQ-1,APF-1, Gross beta', 1-131 BF-Weekly 285rIswk Particulates APC-1. APE-30 y isotopic PI _uarterly composite 3700m3/qtr 03 Ground Water NONE NONE NONE NONE CD cn 0

0) DWF-21'"SWF-2f'" H-3 Quarterly compositae 0.

Drintking Wate~,4 DWP-7/SWP-7Grsbea iopc Surface Water DWE-75(/SWE-7C') Gross betay isotopic Qurterly coposte Homogeneous 8 liters a3

_ . 1 SWK- 1-131 Monthly composite__ ____

SHWE-3, SHWK-1, Shoreline Sediment y Isotopic Annually 2 Kilograms

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _SH W Q -6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Milk .. I46 MKR40_ I Isotopic. 1-131 Quarterly 8 liters Fish FH-1. FH-2. F--3 y Isotopic Annuallysor 500 grams a

Broad Leaf BLQ-1, BLB-1, BLE-20 yisotopic, 1-131 Quarterly 500 grams M CD 2.

Sanitary ysm' SWR-1 r Isotopic Monthly Composnte o Homogeneous I Uer 03 Samnple conection at spedrcz Jocatforn may be ircreased at any Ureminorder to hcrease tl* eflclenes of gm REUP pmgrrn. 3, UNT-005-014 Revision 7 Attachment 7.13 (1of 3) 201

Annual Radiological Electri Statio Mts-f-d '3 Stea Environmental uperaxinq Kepori V fLI lv l. J _ -. I.*a1, RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM SAMPLE LOCATION TABLE (Continued)


P-I (Westbank) Located on fence enclosing air 1196 W 90.48323 sample station APP-1.

1 (Wetbank) Located on fence enclosing air 132° N 30.00355 sample station AP-1. 0.81 W 90.48091 (Westbank) Located at Waterford 1 and 2 R-t Cooling Water Intake Structure on eat-hand 147O N 30.00181 WrI mpprox y a quatr of the w~ay dam, 0.51 W 90.47504 the catwalk.

(Esatbank) Located on utility pole at 1770 N 30.06212 intersection of Oswald Avenue and US 61. 4.59 W 90.47334


(Eastank) Located on utility pole guidewire Bnext to transmission tower south of weigh 197 N 30.04717 station on US 61 at St. John/ St Charles 3.75 W 90.46130 Parish line.

UNT-005-014 Revision 7 Attachment 7.14 (4 of 12)



Annual Radiological 2004 Environmental ODeratina ReDort Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM SAMPLE LOCATION TABLE (Continued)


_ __ __ _ _ _ ~~MILK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ice-3, M (Westbank) Located at the Wokebi' use on d 4a94U4 to c'sX. - LA 18 olcozo Rem Mloelsppl RIver %Atlcr r,>A II, IQ Ml(R- Q0(

-AKQ-4e' A-(Eastbank) Located at 24254 LA Hwy 442, H1olden, LA.

1660 40.7 N 30.57102 W 90.62381 to 4

__ FISH FH-1' Upstream of the plant Intake structure. N/A N/A FH-2 Downstream of the plant discharge structure. N/A NIA FH-3 (Westbank) Waterways downstream of plant N/A N/A discharge directed to 40 Arpent Canal. _ _ _ __ _

  • DENOTES CONTROL LOCATIONS N/A - Not Applicable for this sampling location.

UNT-005-014 Revision 7 Attachment 7.14 (10 of 12) 213 58