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RO NP-33-77-32:on 770727,shield Bldg Integrity Lost.Caused by Const Cables Hung Through Doorways 105 & 308.Shift Foreman Not Notified by Const Personnel.Cables Removed in 8-h.Const Mgt Notified Not to Prevent Door Closing
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/19/1977
From: George T, Lingenfelter J
Shared Package
ML19329A949 List:
NUDOCS 8001270198
Download: ML19329A951 (2)



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t vt'of Of SCaerf eow g ; Shield Building Incegrity was not maintained due to construction cables ,

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not be prevented from closing. (NP-33-77-32) m


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Jacttue Lingenfelter/ Tom George (419) 259-5000, Ext. 251 DeAadt PHONE l 0p1270[ p l

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TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE UNIT ONE NUCLEAR F0WER STATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR LER NP-33-77-32 DATE 0' EVENT: July 27, 1977 FACILITY: Davis-Besse Unit 1 t0ENTIFICATION OF OCCURRENCE: Loss of shield building integrity due to construction cables through the doorways 105 and 308.

Conditions Prior to Occurrence: The plant was in Mode 3, with Power (MWT) = 0, and Load (MWE) = 0.

Description of Occurrence: At 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> on July 27, 1977, it was discovered that shield building integrity was violated. Construction cables had been hung through doorways 105 and 308 (access to the area above the Decay Heat Coolers and Mechanical r Penetration Room 4). This put the station in the Action Statement of Technical Specification

Designation of Apparent Cause of Occurrence: The Construction personnel who hung the cables through the doorways did not abide by the requirement for maintaining shield building integrity. They did not notify the Shift Foreman on duty prior to their .


Analysis of Occurrence: Since initial criticality had not yet been attained, there was no possibility of an accident occurring that would require this secondary radia-tion boundary. Therefore, this loss of shield building integrity caused no threat to the health and safety of the public or station personnel.

Corrective Action: At 1835 hours0.0212 days <br />0.51 hours <br />0.00303 weeks <br />6.982175e-4 months <br /> on July 27, 1977, the cables were removed and shield building integrity was restored. This removed the station from the Action Statement of Technical Specification To prevent recurrence, Construction management was notified that all the secondary toundary doors must not be prevented from closing.

Failure Data: No previous similar events have occurred.

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