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Nonconformance Rept for Apr 1975.Rept Consists of Bechtel Nonconformance Repts,Nonconformance Rept Log & Status Book, QA Discrepancy Repts,Quality Audit Findings & Mgt Corrective Action Repts Written or Closed During Month
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 04/30/1975
Shared Package
ML19329E890 List:
NUDOCS 8006180741
Download: ML19329E898 (22)


{{#Wiki_filter:f.. .}.

  ,3 NONCONFORMANCE - REPORT LOG & STATUS BOOK                              n                            }




1. PROJECT NO.-- 799n " * * "


                  -75                              1- 104 A . Spool markinq di ffers from                                'lo              5-12 eader sheet markings ASME             4.114 t! . S .               4-11                 R. A. iforay 4-3-75                    -75        -75 305        4       R. L. Bauren
                  -75                             71PGh.Storaneon Stean Genera tor                      Field JE-51A.                      A S!'E    4.021         1-9-75 m'6        4        h.R. Albert


                  -75                             :-231. Concrate tennoraturn. A(609)n' 1'.205 ricld 4 5-IC-75 5-19
                                                                                                                                            -75 L.R. Albert 307        4                                                                                    d-4-76             -7s R. A. Mo ray
                 -75                            11 - 2 ')4 . Fittinns.F-10577. AEO-3?A. Pf a ri i            M.S,     'IU      4*IO           "

and Documentation. ASf1E (ng'l

                                                                                                      -l -7E                   -75 308        4-17        R. A. Moray            it- 104 A
                -75 numbers.

anador ebne hae <nenrrect snne ' M.s, 5 2 R. A. Mora v 4-21-7 5 ASME4.114 - 309 4-23 L. R. Albert C-230. Batch Plant nualification nast ~

               -75                                due.                                               mM             5                                                                                      1.105,1.205    "-?3-M75 310                     R. A. Moray            '

4 N"

               -                                   - ??  Danaaed Bean. Shinnent C 9A                ideld           5-1-75 -7a    -Ib                               M 1.201   4-gg_yg                                     .                   6 1311       4-30         R. A.    !!o ra v                                                                                                                           S As
  • C-18.

List Roans shinned. nnt nn chinninn fl. S.  !! 5 5-12 R. A . ifo ra.@ 1.201 3-1-75 75 -75 x 12 4-30 R. A. iloray F-3r T

              -75                                        Damaned Roams. 9hinmnnt r '> "           WM               5      5-27                                  C 1.201     i-1-25              -75     -75 313          5-2-73 J . tl.M i l l e r          C-38.

Beam material tensile strenoth 3-dield 5 5-27 5-29 over ASTM A-36 limit 1.201 4-9-76 75 = -75 L.R. Albert 114 5-29 R.A.floray -75

             -75                              C-38. Beams, Shinment C-27 without                 F ield             tio      6-16     6-17        R. A.?lo ra y ucinht or orienta tion marking            1.201  4- 3 0- 7 '                  -75       -75 (15 y 5-29             R. A.;1o ra y l -75, C-33. Danaaed Beans. Shinnent C 9F-                 F i c i d.       6 '3 M G .tos osm oc 1.201 J
                                                                                                    - 3 6+j                   -75 p, ,              j (,                                                          ,   ;                        Page 29                          11. PA*    j   OC-G31
                                       .       NONCONFORMANCE - REPO f LOG & STATUS BOOK            12.


  • j; PAGE COMPL. ,
1. PROJECT NO. 7220 0.C. ENG. SIGN

OR ORIG. NONCONFORMANCE STATUS O, DATE PREPARED BY 6-DESCRIPTION / REMARKS ROUTE X TD CLOSED BY blOSED 16 5-30 L. R. Albert  :-711. Structural Cackfill !1a t ' l not 7ield

            -75                    )f Gradation.                           1.004    'i-30-7  3 17      6-30     it . Shawl      :-38. Damaged Beam, Shipment C-26
            -75                                                                      rield 1.201 4
  \ _,,
  • msc1 e - - -

r G.

                                                                                                                        -- o -


2. DJ A W4N1/PA 71T NJ.



g g4 '

                                                                                                                                                                     '71                     " y E '     J'gTMD E Y / /t'            {DATE             IS. Ot$ POSITION CONCURRENCE Spec. 7220-C-38                      '6             07220
3. BT E M OCSCRIPTION A. A. llor6y / 5/29/75 "--- "*" - " ' - """"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *p S. ITEM LOC AT4ON                                   -l    V    JOATEDsy
  • 0 D

(4) Aux. Bldg. Beams


/ Sasse Rd. Laydown Area \ hg,.d I " ATE p 2h @-

  • g
4. (E N I A S. P 'iH DE R S. ST A NTUP Eb STEM NO.
                                                                                                                  /[DL"ACEMENT P4         NO.             REV.        reesectreeseemetassa                   8478

_Sce_H1eck 19 N/A  ! N/A I S. PU%CN ASE ORDCN NO. le. QC FIELD INSPECTION Pl.AN NO. ..... .... 8 6. R EPL ACEMENT SERI AL NO. jy 7220-C-38 C-27 C-38-R-49 b /].][

6. CJNTR ACTOR /L9C ATION N/A pd"M'*"""'"" ""

ll.ASME C YES 8 7. SOU RCE Ingalls Iron Works /Verona, Pa. , ' , , , " g ,, Vendor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,g s e. Pf%sJTING INSTRUCTION 9*                   ROU f E TO FIELD ENGIN EERING                   Q ROUTE TO M ATERI AL SUPERbISOR
19. NONCON P ORMING CONDITIOMs Specification 7220-C-38 Rev. 6 paragraph 7.5 states, "The weight of all members 6,000 lbs.
   -       and heavief shall be clearly stenciled th'ereupon and together with cn orientation north or east." Coittrary to

( F F G G u the above, beams 516B1 , Si6B2 , 520B7 and 520n8 are all listed as udinhinn more than 6.000 lbs. on shippinn notice C-27 but they are not marked with their weight or orientation. Nonconformance noted during receipt inspection. "O" No. in 1.201. [ hold tans applied. 2L h FIELD DISPOSITION CFIELO RECOMMENDATION / ROUTE TO PROJECT ENGINEERING El. PIELD OSSPO$lTION RESULTS The content of NCR 314 does not depict a nonconforming condition. The weight and orientation eqrkinns are not quality related conditions but aids affixed to the beams for crection purposes. By definition, these discrepancies do not qualify as non-conformances under FIM procedure G-3 since thpy> dp,ngt render the quality of 3 the item unacceptable or indeterminate.

22. ENGaNEE RING DISPOSITION M,pM [[[dypg. f g_tjf Is f\ M

O v ES. SEE 4Tv4CNED, U"- 3,.a / N y, g",r'bu-

                                                                                                                                                                                          '             YN'2 4),/...... .f< /
                                                                              " ~ = - "

D R K. WIN G R EV. DCN ,,,, awreson,ase emeesevee /

       $PCC.       _

R EV. A O D. 80078-l

       ~                                                                                                                              Whito copy          - Originator                                          Q C-G 3-2 Canary Copy         - Field Engineer Pink Copy           - POAE Goldenrod Copy - OC
                  .          (                                                                           a                                                                                               -            >

g, . _ . _ . o -

                                                                                                                                                                                       '^*1                    " ' " ' " "

NONCONFORMANCE REPORT # OF *1P 2 Det A WING / PAR Y NO. e W E V. 7. PROJECT NO. I 2. R E PO R T ED S Y . DATE 25. DISPO54 TION CONCU R RENCE I . Spnc. 7220-C-211 ' 2 07220 L. 1. Albert  : (./ 30/ 7.. ---- "'"' ""- ~ " " "'

3. 87EM DESC RIPT TON S. IT E M LOC A T IO N 13. V ALID ATED BY I S tructural 13ackfill Stoc!: pile .I '

C. L IRI A L N UM BE M 9. ET A R TUP S Y ST E M NO. lDATE f 3 5. REPL ACEM E NT P A RT NO s s e.oe.ev e m asen... saw.

                 .:/A                                                         li/A                                               :!/A                                  I                 ....... .... ...                              ....


/A C-211-1-7  !;/A ......... 6.. . .....
5. CONTR ACTC R/ LOC ATION p;g , p1gg333{, f[1ghigvg3 gI.A5ME O vEs ir.5ouRcE a w -+ - = = .~ = = ' a a =a'=

h u.aulier & S.on. Inc. P.O. box 411 CODE

                                                                                                      , , , ,   :[1No            Supolier 3 8. HOUTING 4NSY N UCTIONS:


     -             ~ "' "' ""'"" ' " '" "' S e c tion 5.1.1 o f S pe c. 7220-C-211-2 states in part that the crain size gradation shall have ~

C a maximater of 600 passing tiac A40 nieve. Contrary to the above gradation test performed on 06/26/75 in accordance trith Section 5.6.2 of S;>ec. 7220-C-211 key. 2 indicated the naterial had 62: passing the #40 sieve. G . . - u- /. o .a .4 .- C u . v .- .. ./, J / h,- , 20 O PIELD DISPOSITION OFIELD RECOMMENDATION / ROUTE TO PROJECT ENGINEERlNG II . FIELD D45POSITsON R ESULTS:


e' 2s. as DE5iG N CH ANGE HEQUlH ED O NO '* "' "^'""' " ' ' ' ' " U"'**~'***' '"*" O==aa. O vES. 5EE Avr ACHED. .. .. . - wgy. ....

             @% A WING                                               DCN emers.vo.                             e.g.
        .. C PE C.                            R F V.                 ADD, s   .a. e-o white Copy          - Originator                                                   u C-G 3-2 Canary Copy         - F I.Id Engmeer O       ,

Pink Copy Goldenrod Copy - QC

                                                                                                                                                                            - POAE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         '  s


        "#                                                                                                                                                                             '"^"*'
   .                                                         NONCONFORMANCE REPORT er     1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '***My IJ AWINT/PA"JT ND.                        IRCV. ' 7. PHitJECT N2.                                         I 2. RCPOTOTED SEY                                                   25. OsjSPISIT13N CuNCURRENCC ipecification 7220-C-38 '!6 (TlM C ESCRIPTION 07220
                                                                                                                                                          , [     , k'DATE./f-75 T DATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ""q (1) Aux. Bldg. Beam
    .LA S A L UMDER Sasse Road Laydown

ihPLACEM ENT PARTM4.. br306 REV. ,nos cf rease anse,ess , car, 420B1




N/A I s. **EPLA CEMENT Sfl11 AL NO. {/ I , , , , , , , . . . . . . .... 7220-C-38-AC N/A ' " " ' " " ' ' ' " " " " " " " """

6. C5 NTR ACTOR / LOC ATION ll.ASME C YES l't. SO U R C E Ingalls Iron Works /Verona, PA. *
                                                                                               , , ' 00_N O                 Vendor as. L%UTING INSTRUCTIONSs

{ ROUTE TO FIELD ENGINEERING O route TO u ATrni L SUPERVISOR 8..NsNCeNPORuiNGC " "' "' Beam 420BlE has (1) bent connection angle with cracked welds. Damage noted during receipt j inspection. "Q" number is 1.201. /Holdtagapplied.

    ~ ,

em eum

24. 82 DEZIGN Cp ANGE R CQUlHE ONO **"*"^""'5" $"' N a n=wan = -uan .-

2,. O C ACCCPT ANCE 5 0 v E.. SE: ATT ACHED. Oseene DR AWING - REV. DCN ,,,


AUTHOR 64E D Ih SFab CTON g,yg [PEC. . R E V. A D D. t a a -' . .h 4G ORIGINATOR er' a c-" t - L - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -------E---

 ,. ,                 g                                      (\                                                               [                   cr . . . . ,.

Yeff MAUTI EDIT FiMiB e-2-13 l 04/18/75

   ,   (                                                                  -      ,

1 I ( V] j N/A

      .......,..........,..u..                                                     . . . . . . . . . , . . ,

g,,,,, . . . . . . Midland 1 & 2 Job 07220 Project Constructio6]..... G. Richardson 1 18 - 20 Document Control Ce'ter n Valenzano/Muladore

      ..... m ... ... ...........................                                                                 . . . . . . .
      #                                                                                                           9 Fiald Procedure FPG-10, Rev. 2 4

4.0.4 The work print drawing to be issued is recorded in the work print control sheet log. 5.0.3 Notification of a revision is sent to the field engineer via " Document Received on Site" list. ..... revisions will be highlighted. 6.0 .... This person shall be hel'd a'ccountable for des.truction of the work print. All superceded drawings maybereturned tc document control for accountability and destruction by the document control clerk or be properly placed in 'specified ' field centainers for destruction. ' '

               .During a check of work prints in work areas it uds noted that several prints are still p 4n use that are assigned to persons no' longer employed at this site. Aaay of these

,, ( ) rints are not listed on the work print control log. Some of the prints were noted to be outdated by later revisions or DCN's. Destruction of superceded prints is not ensured if the log is not properly maintained. It was also noted that "Specified Field Containe_rs" have not been placed in the work areas for work prints to be destroyed. Sec attached for details. Continued on Page No. 2 PNFc8E5ie~nded corrective action.

1. Check all work areas for work printe that are not currently controlled and update log or destroy them.
2. Provide direction to assure that when field engineers terminate c=ploynent at this site work prints in their possession will be destroyed or reassigned.

g ,.. .. .. ,,.,....... ............................... 5/30/75 Proierr Sunerintendent See- a. Nac le) I d. M.

  - a 6

9 e 6".4-3.f..6

 ?. 75%,
                                          " Je b. h. w-n     ..


                                                                                                  $i7          Y ll$< buW.
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                                                                                                                                                                 'A b h r
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g Block 11 Continued. t The following work prints were noted to be available for use. Print No. Rev. Issued to Work area noted in Remarks s C-225 2 Swartzlander Aux. Bldg. Not logged (2 copies) C-282- 3 Swartzlander " Not logged Rev. 4 is at sit $ C-203 2 Revereza " DCN's 4 & 5 not < (3 copies) attached ) C-204 1 Shawl (2 copics) " Not logged M-614-12 0 Jenkins " Not logged M-614-9 0 Revereza " Not logged M-614-7 1 Revereza " DCN 2 not attach @i

         /                C-39-A C-R.        2   Betts                Cont. #1
,- \.
   ._-                    C-39-AC-R          2   Betts                    "

C-39-AC-R 2 Amani " Not logged t C-39-AC-R 2 Betts . FSK-C-357 Stockton- " - Not logged FSK-C-359 Stockton " Not logged FSK-C-391 Stockton " ^ Not logged

                        'FSK-C-392                   Stockton                 "

Not logged FSK-C-397 Stockton " Not logged FSK-C-402 Stockton " Not logged 0 0 4

          %/                      fi                                mo O

. .- G Block 11 Continued. The following work prints were noted to be available for use. Print No. Rev. Issued to Work area noted in Remarks

               ,    C-225               2    Swartzlander          Aux. Bldg.            Not logged (2 copies)

C-282- 3 Swartzlander " Not logged Rev. 4 is at site C-203 2 Revereza " DCN's 4 & 5 not (3 copies) attached C-204 ' 1 Shawl (2 copies) " Not logged M-614-12 0 Jenkins " Not logged M-614-9 0 Revereza " Not logged M-614-7 1 Revereza " DCN 2 not attach @

      /            C-39-AC-R       2     Betts                 Cont. #1

, _ . ( C-39-AC-R-2 3- 2 Betts " C-39-AC-R 2 Amani " Not logged C-39-AC-R 2 Betts " FSK-C-357 Stockton "- Not logged i FSK-C-359 Stockton " Not logged FSK-C-391 Stockton " Not logged

                 ' FSK-C-392                 Stockton                 "

Not logged FSK-C-397 Stockton " Not logged FSK-C-402 Stockton " Not logged B 4' v - 6

                 ' . .[                         (\

Bechtel PowerCorporation I interoffice Memorandum T' G. L. Richardson ** May 29, 1975 suenct Jcb 7220 Midland Project From D. L. Palmer  ; QADR 056 (Work Print Control) Corrective Actions a Construction 0-950 - Quality Related l cop.ese y Midland, Michigan Ref: IOM to Close-Out QADR 056  ! Document Control personnel have inspected all current work prints , in the field. Outdated and voided material have been removed. l Those prints remaining as active work prints have been issued and controlled in accordance with.FPG-10. The logging procedure, as contained by FPG-10 and resulting record, has thus corrected the discrepancy. f

      ..                                                                                    . L. Palmer DLP/sv D                               h TAM 3 0875 POWER BEOUElyog, 7'110
                                                                     ,0 32/-

b i e l l l fh l

          -k.                                                                   +

s . l l

l. SeN (10 7n
                                                               ... .      -,__..._,_.m...                 . . . ~ , _ _ ,   . _ - _ _ - , . _ _ -
     .,      ~i   r
                                                                                  ~                m T                                    s Bechtel PowerCorporation Interoffice Memorandum 2          %. J To G. L. Richardson                           0**

11ay 29,1975 Subject Job 7220 Midland Project From D. L. Palmer QADR 056 (Work Print Control) Corrective Actions o, Construction 0-950 - Quality Related copwito Ai llidland, !!ichigan Ref: IOM to Close--Out QADR 056 Document Control personnel have inspected all current work prints in the field. Outdated and voided material have been removed. Those prints remaining as active work prints have been issued and controlled in accordance with.FPG-10. The logging procedure, as contained by FPG-10 and resulting record, has thus corrected the discrepancy. N i

                                                                                 . L. Palmer DLP/sw b



i i m l 1 seu oo.m  !

t. .
     ~ ,g]NUXmEd; fpy 90 7 Bechtel Power Corporation Post Office Box 1000 s

i Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 f June 9, 1975 Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan Attention: Mr. H. U. Slager Midland Project QA Administrator Hidland Units 1 & 2 Consumers Power Company Bechtel Job 7220 CLOSE0UT OF MANAGEMENT CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT NO. 10 [ 'N/

Dear Mr. Slager:

Attached is the signed off, closed out copy of Management Corrective Action Report No.10, which was written on the Midland project. Since many revised responses to the MCAR were necessary, rather than atcaching all the related correspondence, it should be noted that all items referenced within my sut=iary letter of May 23 (Ref. WFH-5-75-397) have been accomplished satisfactorily. A complete set of all related documentation is available within the Bechtel Project QA files. . Q i

                                                 ,   y                Very truly yours, p     /R CORP.                            (.       'k.         Q JO       110                               W. F. Holub NJ

Project QA Engineer pyin /m, ,_

    ,                cc: Mr. R. C. Bauman
  • u WFH-6 -
                                             --N                                       v-
 '/ -


                    ]                                   MANAGEMENT CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT
          ,,                                                            MCAR-1 REPORT NO.           10 g JOB NO.            7220      . _ _ _ _ _                Q NO. 1.203                       DATE            March 3. 1975 I
  • DESCRIPTION (including references):

See attached page and also reference drawings C-212 Rev. 1, C-221 Rev. 3, Non conformance Report No. 295 and Field Sketch FSK C-A21 l

  • RECOMMENDED ACTION (Optionat) j See Attached Page l I


                                                              %                                P TIFIED LIENT_.}
                                          @NO               i             YES                               ^ "-
                                                                                                                               -I          !


2. f 7.5
  • Currently under further udy.



See Holub letter WFH-5-75-397 dated 5/23/75, attached i "t . k-3-% - 1 l l AUTHORIZED BY l C.t e DIST Rf DUTION: e u.a.. FOR MAL H EPORT TO CLIENT.______. Crasteuct.on Manager (if Section il Applies) Date I,".*l""E"'.".'.;'"' .

          ""' ,5;"a'/,$j' o,C*",,"',',.
                            ,       u                                          CORRECTlVE ACTION IMPLEMENTED

( D h gih .T.T.

LP b % &54JL 4J '8b d g J. Milandin ',' ~

                                 'J. Hewgen J. Connolly R. Casticherry                                                 .

G. Richardson p , ( Q) Jhy 23, l'975 Concurers Pouer Co=pany 1945 Uect Parnall Road Jackson, !!ichigan 49201 - Attention: Mr. H. U. Sinner Midland Project QA Administrator

                                                                     . Midland Unito 1 & 2 Consumers Power Company Ecchtcl Job 7220 STATUS OF MCAR No. 10

Dear Mr. Slager:

The following represents, in su==ary ferm, the current status, remaining ('"g efforts planned, and estimated time of completion for the subject itenc c . ( ,j identified in Management Corrective Action Report No.10. This letter can also be used in response to your letter of May 16, 1975, addressed

                          *o me (Slag 73-75) concerning the same subject.

Actions Taken and Planned by Field Engineering A. A total review of all Project Engineering comments on reinforcing j steel for the turbine and centainment buildings was completed 4 on March 14, 1975. This review did not disclose any instances where design requirements were not met due to failure to incorporate Project Engineering comments.  ; I B. On March 4 and 5, 1975, a total review of all Project Engineering i comments on reinforcing steel drawings for the auxiliary ) building was made. This review resulted in one iten requiring l

                                    . resolution. NCR 298 was written to document the condition.

C. Field Engineering Training Session No. 3475 was held ot. March 4, 1975. The subject of MCAR 10 was discussed in detail. D. In addition, FPG-13 (formerly FPC-3), Review of Vendor Drawings, was issued on }by 16, 1975, to core formally describe and clarify the" review cycle of supplier engineering documents,

       ,_s                               including the review cycle of reinforcing steel detail drawings.
     /        T
     <        1 x _ ,r M

Ef- - Kr. 11. U. Slage_

  • r
    -*' /

I ay 23,1975 . Pann 2 .


e l


j '\,,T/ E. 1 z1% Additicaally, Field Engineering is currently prepari ng a ) j a more fornal description of the preparation, , and es rev ! 1 This procedure is currently scheduled e c es.for iss

                                                                                                                     , 1975.

l l _ Actions Taken/Pinnned by Proicct Encincering A. i Project Engincoring has issued their position on th 1


e necessity ' with you during one of your recent visits to o . B. Project Engineering has co:cmented on field proced r u e FPG-13 and these cocaents were considered and incorporated procedore. e in th i

                  .                Actions Taken/ Planned by Quality Control A.

Management Corrective Action Report No.10 was the subj ect of a formal QC training session attended by QC e.personn l The requirements for conctruction drawings and thei Quality Control- verification was stressed. r role in sesJion was documented as was the list of attendeesThe training B. (_~/ \ '- design draving on their inspection me as plans until the full closure and resulting corrective action to prevent recurrence can be resolved. will still be the primary acceptance document but referAt tha ences to the field sketch as a supplementary document This will also be the cubject of a Quality can be used. Control a n ngtr i i session to be held in the near future. when the additional field procedure ism reviewed ments, an fact be thattoProject ready close MCAR QANo.10. will be auditing this control sy t e , and the s em, QA vill soon Very truly yours, Uilliam F. Holub Project QA Engineer cc: Mr. R. Bauman ' wrn-3-73~ 3 Ci Q (^O s J


M P 9 _ - - . a

h1 '

                                                                                    )                Attachment A Route To       This Cony For              .                File        16.3.6 CSKeeley         SHHowell
Issue Date M.,v 9. 197 5 I EN HUSlager WEKessler (2)
                                                            \u                 Project     MMland 1
                                                                                               ~~^       F. 7         I t

j CQHills TCCooke CCCSum!G POW 2f File Title NCR's on Bechtel

 .k                               JMiland.4n                                            Quality Control WFHolub              Eonconfomance GLRichardson        Report No or_4g This Honconfomance Report is Issued To:             Prepared By3)e-w2) f,$ns Date 6-9 '7)

Mr. J. P. ConnollY Approved By Ybb Date Mfb Bechtel Project Field Quality Control WrittenRepihequested /4 Date 6-6 Engineer ted By Date 6-6={ Corrective Action Req who is resnonsible for corrective action. l Nonconfomance Description and Supporting Details: (1) Specification C-208, Rev. 4 l section.7.3.2 states "A slump musurement shall be made for every 35 cubic yards or 1 fraction thereof of concrete produced for Class I structures." For concrete placement CC(652.75)a' and CC(621.0)a', 56 cubic yards of concrete was placed between slump measurements. (2) The C12-1 fom (In-Process Concrete Test Report) for CC(652.75)a' I indicates one air meter and one thermometer was used in the field for testing. i However, at least three air meters and two ther=cmeters were used in the field.  ! One air meter and one ther=ometer was needed at the pump discharge. One air meter and one thermometer was needed at the truck discharge. Also, the QC inspector noted on the C12-1 form an air meter change af ter obtaining 7.5% and 6.5% air with the original air meter. . Limits AEC Reportable Yes U Ho k, air content are 3.0%-6.0%.See Procedure 9 (For Muclear Projects O (m hO Stop Work Necessary Yes O Ho See Procedure 16 - Stop Work No , Reco=nended Corrective ' Action: (a) For item (1) above, receive an Engineering i evaluation of the acceptability of the concrete placed without the required slump measurement. No additional corrective action is neces:;ary, because it has already been covered in letter C-208-56 from Bechtel to U.S. Testing, concerning concret.e l testing frequencies and test locations. The written reply to this item is requested with the Engineering evaluation. (b) For item (2) above, take corrective action to l preclude these occurrences. Written reply and corrective action requested for both i Corrective Action Taken: by June 6, 1975. I (a) A Bechtel Engineering evaluation of the concrete cylinders was performed on the concrete placed without the required slump measurements and the concrete was determia acceptable. (b) The missing infomation in (2) above, was found and placed in the placement package for CC(652.75)a'. Also, a training session was given on May 16,1R for U.S. Testing personnel to preclude repetition. 1

                ^ Verification of Corrective Action Required Yes X           No Method of Verification:

(a) Reviewed letter BEBC-807 dated June 6,1975 from R. L. Castleberry to J. P. Connolly, that stated Engineering's evaluation. (b) Reviewed placement package for CC(652.75)a' to comfirm the corrective action taken. Also reviewed the docu-mentation of the training session. o ( (

            )      Ronconfomance Closure Confimed By              ewM     . bW/                                       l Date 6 '-i - M                                                !

1 ~ To be completed at time of closure by Consumers Power QA Services. 1 Pa6e 1 Of 1


      .                                                                                         Attachment A Route To       This Cony For           j[                 File         16.3.4616.3.6 GSKecley       SHHowell                 ]                  Issue Date May 22, 1975 N        HUSlager       UEKessler (2)
                                                         \u'                Project      Midland 1 & 2 CQHills        TCCooke

( _ _,/ JMilandin C03SUQ2G FC M File Title NCR's on Fe<bral WFHolub Uonconfomance Constriction & Ouality Cond GLRichardson Report No OF-49 This Nonconfor$an$ PIepo$is Issued To:  ! Prepared By 3s-,.M) f'cE%, Date ~ - 2 2. d Mr. J. F. Newgen Bechtel Project Superintendent Approved Mdd , Date M 22nd Mr. J. P. Connolly Written -[rReque By Date r,_71 Bechtel Project Field Quality Control Engineer Corrective Action Requested By Date r,-79b who is responsible for corrective action. Nonconfomance Description and Supporting Details: Additional emphasis on concrete tg ing frequencies and locations were expanded beyond Specifications C-208 and C-230, in letter C-208-56 dated March 19, 1975, to U.S. Testing. Item 1 in this letter states in part "The point of record testing for concrete slump, air content, and temperatur@ is at the truck discharge. . .". Item 5 in this letter states " Slump, air content, and temperature tests taken at the batch plant must always be backed-up with a record tee at the truck discharge"'. Contrary to items 1 and 5, no slump or air content tests were taken at the truck discharge for concrete placeme.nt A(589)b, four cubic yards of A-1 mix. p AEC Reportable Yes No @ See Procedure 9 (For Nuclear Projects Only)


Stop Work Necessary Yes No See ProceQ e 16 - Stop Work No {_' Recc=nended Corrective Action: (a) Receive an Engineering evaluation of the accepta-bility of the concrete placed without the record tests being run. The written reply to this itca is requested with the Engineering evaluation. (b) Implement .the requirements emphasized in Letter C-208-56 to preclude repetition. 1 Corrective Action Taken: The concrete in question has been evaluated and found acceptable by Bechtel Field Engineering. Project Engineering concurs with this evaluation. l herificationofCorrectiveActionRequired Yes X No ( bethcdofVerification: Reviewed Bechtel Field Engineering's evaluation of the concrete in question, letter 0-952 to J. P. Connolly from T. C. Valenzano. Also i reviewed documentation of telephone conversation between Field Engineering and Project Engineering, da.ted June 18, 1975. In this conversation, Project Engineer- l ing is in complete agreement with Field Engineering's evaluation. 1 4 Eonconfomance Closure Confirmed By C ./d [. Date %>x>,IH,/925~ l 1 1 1 To be completed at time of closure by Consumers Power OA Services. Pace 1 of 1

A - Attachment A

                  ' Route To         Tnis Copy For              fp                  rile               J6.3.6 CSKeeley         SHHowell f

I Issue Date June 12. 1975

                                                                  \. 3              Project            Midland 1 & 2

_ HUSlager UEKessler (2) .1 ( ) CQHills TCCooke CODT&.E;3 FDET -[' j JMilandin File Title ~ NCR's on Bechte) Ouel Control T7FHolub Honconfomance GLRichardson Report Ho 0F-50 ouo ect rate This Nonconfomanc;e Report is Issued To: .e Prepared By a. em,dd(_c,.%n.%.,Date

                                                                                                            ,             C - 12 .i Approved ByhMhd[[*-,/ Date #d-M'i Mr. J. P. Connolly Bechtel Project Field Quality Control                  Written ReA k Reques            By Date                          7-11=

Engineer Corrective Action Requested By Date 7-11= who is responsible for corrective action. Honconfomance Description und Supporting Details: Specification C-230 Rev. 5 section 12.2.3a states " Chemical and physical tests will be perfomed by the Contractor on pozzolans during the work as specified in ASTM C311-68, ASTM C618-72, and Technical Specifications 7220-C-208". ASTM C618-72 section 5 states in part, detemine the property in 5.1.11 "Unifomity Requirements (Quantity of Air-Entraining Admixture)" for every 100 tons of fly ash. Contrary to this requirement, "Unifomity Require-ments (Quantity of Air-Entraining Admixture) has not been determined for any fly ash " User Tests". AEC Reportable Yes Ho ( See Procedure 9 (For Nuclear Projects Only)

      ,m y_ ('   -

Stop Triork Hecessag Yes no - See Procedure 16 - Stop Work No ( Recc::: mended Corrective Action: (a) Receive an Engineering evaluation of the accepta-bility of the fly ash received and used without the required tests above being run. (b) Take corrective action to preclude repetition. The written reply to this item is requested with the Engineering evaluation. 1 Corrective Action Taken: Verification of Corrective Action Required Yes Ho O Method of Verification: (7 ) bionconfomance Closure Confimed By


Date 1 To be completed at tine of closure by Consumers Power OA Services. 1 of1

Attachment A

                ' Route To         'ihis Cony For          f.y                      File        16.3.6 GSKeeley         SHHowell F -                      Issue Date June 12. 1975 Project     Midland 1 & 2 HUSlager         UEKessler (2)              4;,.
       /          CQHills-        TCCooke                COMUi:E;3 FDWir            File Title  NCR's on Bechtel Oual

(\s] JMilandin 1.THolub Nonconfomance Control GLRichardson Report No OF-50 - aaoseau x21e This Nonconformance Report is Issued To: Prepared By M.eudd. 6,.Eh/t. ,Date f- 12-1 Approved Bybhb[['<,/ Date (INN echtel roj t eld Quality Control Wri ten R h Reques & Date FW Engineer Corrective Action Requested By Date 7-11 who is responsible for corrective action. Honconfomance Description and Supporting Details: Specification C-230 Rev. 5 section 12.2.3a states " Chemical and physical tests will be perfomed by the Contractor on pozzolans during the work as specified in ASTM C311-68, ASTM C618-72, and Technical S acifications 7220-C-208". ASTM C618-72 section 5 states in part, detemine the property in 5.1.11 "Unifomity Requirements (Quantity of Air-Entraining Admixture)" for every 100 tons of fly ash. Contrary to this requirement, " Uniformity Require-ments (Quantity of Air-Entraining Admixture) has not been determined for any fly ash " User Tests". AEC Reportable Yes no O See Procedure 9 (For Nuclear Projects Only) c/ Stop Work Hecessary Yes no - See Procedure 16 - Stop Work No {' \d .. Reco:::nended Corrective Action: (a) Receive an Engineering evaluation of the accepta-bility of the fly ash received and used without the required tests above being run. (b) Take corrective action to preclude repetition. The written reply to this item is requested with the Engineering evaluation. 1 Corrective Action Taken: l l 1 Verification of Corrective Action Required Ye= 0 No  ! bethodofVerification: n bionconfomance Closure Confimed By

 - (ws       )                                        Date

\ . 3~To be completed at tine of closure by Consumers Power QA Services. 1 1 of1 l

                                                                              -(                                          Attachment A Routa To       This Copy For                  .             File         16.3.6 Is::ue Date  June 23, 1975 GSKeeley         SHHowell                fl d /               Project      Midland 1 & 2

1 CQHills WEKessler (2) T5 HWSlager TCCooke C 3 PD'#3r File T3.tle NCR's on Bechtel Ouality Control (last) WFHolub Konconfomance GLRichardson Report No QF-51

                   'fnis Honconfomance Report is Issued To:            Prepared By [[ ~ k Date ( /2 M kS~

J. P. Connolly Approved By j 'dd k Date 4 /z Ukr Bechtel PFQCE WrittenRepIRequeste[ Date 7/23/75 Corrective Action Requested By Date 7/23/% who is resuonsible for corrective action. l Uonconfomance Description and Supporting Details: See Attachment A i AEC Reportable Yes No @ See Procedure 9 (For nuclear Projects only)

,.g                Stop Work Hecessary Yes        No       See Procedure 16 - Stop Work No j

ks) Recom:nended Corrective Action: - See Attachment B l l I 1 Corrective Action Taken: l l 1 Verification of Corrective Action Required Yes no b4ethod of Verification: l l l l

      -         konconfomance Closure Confimed By
             ')                                       Date

(. (' .. 1 To be completed at time of closure by Consuners Power Q/s Services. Page 1 of 4

                                  /                                Issue-' ate: June 23, 1975
      , /  ,                                                       Proj e . . :     Midland 1 & 2 File


NCR's on Bechtel Quality Control

         ;                                 Attachment A to NCR QF-51

(- Specification C-111 (Q), " Technical Specification for the Erection of the Reactor Building Liner Plate" contains Nondestructive Examination require-ments for the liner plate under Section 9.0 which references Appendix C, Section IX-3300 for radiographic examination techniques. Section IX-3334.3 " Number of Penetrameters To Be Used," requires that film density through the diagnostic area be from -15% to plus 30% of the density through the penetrameter which is normal to the radiation beam. However, if the density varies by more than these requirements, an additional penetrameter is required for the exceptional area and the density of the diagnostic area may be checked using the density of the second penetrameter. The additional penetra-meter does not need to be normal to the radiation beam. One hundred radiographic films of liner plate welds were reviewed for compliance with the above requirement. The density check was performed on a Macbeth Qucnta Log Densitometer using calibrated film strip BPC 465 (Certified on 5-15-75, due for recertification on 5-15-76) te calibrate the densitameter. It was found that fifteen films did not meet '^? luirements of Section IX-3334.3 of Appendix C to the specification. The films reviewed and the results are listed below: fw r( "'

         )                                           Density Through Density Through w             Liner Plate              Film                Lightest                Weld          Location Assembly         Identification          Penetrameter        Actual / Allowable   on No. Belt C-111-22       734'   2"   6' w L              2.94                2.25/2.49          11-12 2.30/2.49           0-1 736'   3"   4' e (L             2.75                2.09/2.33          11-12 736' 11"    6' edR1             2.45                1.90/2.08          11-12 C-111-31       731'   6" 73" v 4               2.89                2.26/2.45           0-1 C-111-44       603'   6" R8R                   2.54                2.0/2.15            0-2 C-lll-48        648'   0" R2                    2.70                2.15/2.29          11-12 655'   0"                       2.48                2.0/2.11           11-12 643'   0" T                     2.60                2.0/2.21            8 640'   0"                       2.82                2.25/2.40          11-12 f'~ T                   658'   0"                       2.44                1.95/2.40          11-12

'~ 636' 0" R1 2.63 1.82/2.23 0-1 Page 2 of 4 _L____.


[. File: 16.3.6 ] Issue Date: June 23, 1975 Proj ect : Midland 1 & 2 File Titla: NCR's on Bechtel


Quality Control

 , f

( 's_ / Attachment A to NCR QF-51 (Contd) Density Through Density Through Liner Plate Film Lightest Weld Location Assembly Penetrameter Identification Actual / Allowable on No. Belt 2.07/2.23 1-2 2.08/2.23 1-3 637' 0" 2.68 2.03/2.27 0-2 2.20/2.27 11-12 659' 0" 2.28 1.85/2.0 0-2 1.90/2.0 11-12 639' 0" 2.22 1.86/2.0 0-2 1.90/2.0 11-12

   , }         C-111-107     Scam A 15' S of C, R1

( {v 2.35 1.85/2.0 11-12 1 l


( xs ) Page 3 of 4

         -.-,v                   -

s r! 16.3.6 j' - j


h - File Issu [: J' ate:June 23, 1975 7 Proj ect: Midland 1 & 2 ' l File


NCR's on'Bechtel f"< Quality-Control i{C) Attachment B to NCR QF-51 Recommended Corrective Action: ,

                          -1. -Review all acceptable radiographs 100% for proper density.       Review i

is to apply to 100% of Q-list, field weldment radiographs.

2. Provide a justified disposition for each weld represented by a radiograph with unacceptable density.
3. Determine if the radiographs of liner plate welds have fulfilled their purpose as is stated in ' Volume II, Section c. of the Midland Plant PSAR.
4. Determine underlying cause of improper densities and take corrective action to preclude recurrence.


                                                                                                         ,s 1


   /:f\ Q.

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