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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 6 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A197 (44)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix G-Sub-Area 3.1.19- 3.1.24- COA

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Anal;ysis Report Date: December4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes OOO**OOOO*>oo*" HOOO 0 Client Sample ID: 3.1.19.R.1 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 385070013 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date; 20-0CT*IS 13:40 Receive Date: 05-NOV-IS Collector: Client Moisture: 19.9% Parameter ....... .9t1~[-~~er ..... ~e.sult Uncert_ainty MDC RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mohture 19 9 percent CXCI I L/l0/15 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 l! -0 U.0374 +/-0 244 0.468 pC1lg RXF2 12103115 t305 I522383 2 Antimony-125 u -0.0461 +1-0 0992 0 177 pCi/g Cesium-137 I 07 -t-1-0 ll)9 I) 0739 () 100 pC1/g . Cobclt-60 u -OOUR\2 +/-0.0401 0.0765 pC1/g Europium-154 u 2.92E-05 +/-0.l l l 0211 pCi/g Protactmium-231 u 0.773 +/-0.559 0 S91 pCi/g Radium-226 () 779 +/-0.132 0.111 pCi/g Radrnm-22& 1.02 ~1-0.211 () 263 pCi/g Tin-126 L' 0.115 +/-0.139 0.133 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting M* GFPC, Gross AIB, solid "Dry Weight Co1Tected" BMa lU [~9

                                                                         .      +f-3.51
                                                                                +J-2 73 3.83 3 13 4()0 IO.U.

pCi!g pCi/g KXB2 12/02115 1120 1525757 3

 !h.e f.o.l!C>\\'i.n~. P_r~p )l,1_cth~~~- \Y.':'r.~ .P_~~_fo,r~i:i~1=.                                       .......                                                                    . ............ .

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch or;: So1fPrep ... _................... I)!)."so1iPrcii"CiC-"i'1:iiD;A;Oi! *-* .. .. **cxc1- ........... l )110115

                                                                                                                                                     .. f3.1Cj' . ...... f5if842-**- ......... -..... ****- ........ .

Tl~e ~ollow ing Analrti.:~~ l\'.fe:t.~1i::ds ~e~*e ~e~_fi:>~~-e-~_: ... *"'* ................, ....................................... -.... . M?.1h~tL.... ... ... . .. . ....1?.esi::riptlqn .. . . ................... . ..... ........ _ . Ani:i.l.YS.! .C.:<:>1.rupcnts. ASTM D 2216 (Modified}

 ~                                       DOE HASL J00,4 5 2 3fGa-Ol-R 3                                       EPA 900 O!SW846 93 lO/SM 71 lOB Modified Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporntion Address: I5 lfozelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.l.19.R.l Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample TD: 385070013 Client ID: MJWCOO I Matrix: Collect Date: 20-0CT- l 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.9% Parameter . _91~ali lier.. Result .. l'.ilcerl:iin~.~- ...... MDC Le .... IPL ....... RL. L!nits... _DF_ Analrst .. Date Time Balch ~ltd. Gral*imetric Solids ASTM D 22 I6 % },,[oisture "As Rr:ceived" Moisture 19.9 perccnl. CXCl 11110!15 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammuspec. Gamma. So/icl "Dry Weight Corrected" Aclmium-227 l! -0 00&74 +1-0 244 OA6S o.:m +1-0.244 pCilg RAF2 12103/15 1305 \522383 2 Anrnnony-125 U -0.0461 +i-U 09'}2 0.177 00815 +1-0 101 pC'i/g Brnmulh-212 Ul o 00 >-/-0 746 1.21 0 561! +/-0.994 pC1/g IJismuth-214 o779 +/-0 132 0l11 0 0499 +/*O 147 pC1fg Cesium-137 1.07 +f-0.109 0.0739 (J 0336 H-0140 (} 100 pCilg Cobalt-(}(} ll -0.00812 +1-0()4()1 0 0765 0 033 +/-0,0402 pC1/g Etiropium-154 u 2 92E-05 +f-0.111 0.211 0.0\114 +/-(I 111 pCi/g Lcad*2 l2 1 ][J <-i-0 127. 0.11 l 0 0522 +1-0.161 pCi!g l.cncl-214 0 970 +/ 6 0202 0.137 0 0635 +/-0.21 'J pC'i/g Potassium-40 12 9 +/-1.41 0.5.81 (!:238 +/-I 81 pCi/g Prota1:tmium-23 I lJ I 0.00 "'-/-0.559 ll.891 0416 +/-0 586 p('1/g Radium-226 0.779 +/-0 132 IJ.\11 0 0499 +/-0 147 pCi/g Radium-228 1.02 +/-11277 ll263 0.\17 +1-0.317 pCi/g Thalhutn-208 0.325 +1-0 0871 U.0669 0 0304 +1-00913 pC!lg Tin-126 Ul 0 00 +/-0.139 0 133 0 0634 +r-0 141 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A;B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected Alpha 14.7 +/-3 57 383 1.68 +1-4 57 4.00 p('1!g KXB2 12i02/l 5 1120 1525757 3 Beta 19 9 +/-2.73 313 1.48 +l-3 9() HJ 0 pC1/g

!".h..c fo_ll_O~li.ng_ P_rcp\l:~!f:! P':!.~.fl)_ri:n.f:!_d_ ..... . .................. --* ****** ...... .......... __ , ......
\<fethocl Dc~criptio11 Analyst Oatc Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 C"XC! 11110!15 1319 1521842 1:he. (~11!>.'"..i.n_g ~!l_a.t;r-t~~--~~~t_!J~~-s w~_rc pcr.form_ed ..... --**-*

Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE 1-IASL 30(). 4 5 2 J!Ga-0 \-R 3 EPA 900 OISW846 9310/SM .711013 Modified Surrog:itcffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Rcconry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 * (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:

  • MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo. Nev.* York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. I.auric Losey Project: Soil Rndioiso!opcs Client Sample ID: 3. l .19.R.1 Project MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070013 Client ID: MJWCOO l i.c . .1J'.F _.. __ .)3-:L. .... ~!f!it~ ... f?.F__AJ111ly~t _._!)ate_ :_fin,ie _Batch ..~i_t~ .. Surragatcffraccr Recovery Batch ID Rcco,*ery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (\.96-sigma}.

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228

  • Repon Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.19.R. I Project: MJWCOOl15 Sample JO: 385070013 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date:

  • 05-NOV-l 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.9%

l'aramctcr .... 9_u_l{l_i_~C.~ ...... _l_l~~IJl.t ...... .l'.!l.ccr.~l!i!!!'I'. ..... MDC' J,c* TPl' RL ******l'.nits DF.. Anah*st

                                                                                                                                                                                        .... ............                  Date Time
                                                                                                                                                                                                          .. ... * .................. * ........... Mtd.*-

Batch -**-- Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 22!6 % Moisture "As Receired" Moisture !9 9 percent CXCl 11/10115 1319 15218*12 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "D1:r Weight Corrected" Acttnium-227 U -0 ()0874 +/-0.244 0468 0.219 +f-0 244 pCil£ RXF2 12/()3/15 l:i05 1522383 2 Antimotl}' 125 U -0.0461 +l-0.0992 0 177 () 0815 +/-0 10 I pC1/g Bismuth-212 lJI 0 00 +/-0 746 121 0 560 +/-0.994 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0. 77~ *+/-0 132 0 Ill 0 049') +1-0 147 pCi!g Ccsium-13 7 1.07 +/-0 l09 0 0739 0.033{i +/-0 140 0 100 pC1/g Cobalt-60 ll -0 00812 +/-0 040 I 0.0765 () 033 +/.Q.0402 pCr/g Europium-154 ll 2. 92E-05 +1-0 111 0 21 l 0 0914 +/-0.111 pCilg Lead-212 1. tQ +r-0.127 0 Ill 00522 +/-0.161 pCilg J.cad"2 I4 O 970 +i-0 202 0.137 0 0635 +/-0.219 pC'l!g Potassnnn-40 129 +/-1.41 0.581 0 238 +/-1.81 pCi/g Prot.actinium-23 I Ul 0.00 +/-0 55'9 0 89! 0416 +/-0.586 pCilg Radmm-226 0779 +/-0 132 ()Ill U.0499 +i-0.147 pCi/g Rad1um-22K I 02 +/.() 277 0 263 0.117 +/-0 317 pC1/g Thal11um*208 0 325 +/-0 0871 00661} 00304 +/-0.0913 pC1lg Tin-f26 UI 000 +/-0.139 0133 00634 +/-0 141 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gros.~ A.B, solid "Di}' Weight Cm-reeled" Alpha 14 7 +1-3.57 3.83 1.68 +/-4 57 4.00 pCilg KXB2 12f02fl5 1120 1525757 Betn 199 +/-2 73 3 13  ! .\8 +J.J. 9ll 10.0 pCi/g T~c.__f~_H!J.Wi_n_g_!.'r.c.l! ~'.l_l!~_~fld_s_1v.crc _pc~fo_rr11c_(~ .. Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-02 ! CXC I I l/!0115 1319 1521842

r~.e..!o_ll~~\'iJl~.i\lla!~*ti~~l.l\'l_i:.t~.o~.~-'Y.crc: pc..rfl!rll!~?. ................ _...... _

Method Description ASTM D 2216 {Modified) 2 DOE llASL 300, 4 5.2 31Ga*01-R 3 F.PA 9ll0,0!SW846 93 l O!SM 71 IOD Modifi~d Suuogatcffrace1* Recovery Test Batch [D Rec1>~*cry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORJES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\V Corporation Address: 15 l-laz.c!wood Drive Suire! 12 Buffalo. New York !4228 Reporl Date: December I 7. 20 l 5


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3 .1.19.R.1 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070013 C'lient JD: MJWCOOl Ml)C_.. Le TP.l:. . ... R_l'. .. l*~!.t~ ....D..F. ..~~~:ilY~~-- -~~~~.Tl_i~e __ ll._:t_t~_l_1___~1t~:- Surrog;iteffracer Recovery Test B11tch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limils Notes:

.TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (I .96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Tt::chnical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I !2 Buffalo. Ne"v York. 1,1228 Report Date: February 10, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD; 3. L 19.R.2 Project: MJWCOOJ IS Sample ID: 389296014 Client !D: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-l 5 Receive Date: 14-JAN- I 6 Collector: Client Moisture: 2"1% Parameter . ..... Q~ali!fo.r: ... Hcsult __ J'.1_1ser_1~in_tv . . MDC Le JPt: Grm*imctric Solids ASH-! D 2216 % Moisture "As Rf!ceiwd" Moisture 21.0 percent CXCl Ol/!4116 1208 1537312 Rad G:1mm11 Spec Analysis Gamma with Ingrowth '1D1y Weight Corrected" i\ctinmm-227 u 0 0926 +J.()307 0 597 027M t/-0 310 pC1/g RXF2 O'.!ill5116 0856 1537546 2 Antimony-125 u 0.060 *r/-0 138 0 266 0 122 +/-0.140 p<.'1ig Bismuth-212 Ul 0 ()() +I-I 19 l.78 U.827 +/-1.47 p('i/g Bismuth-214 0722 +!-0 197 0 175 !i.0794 +/-0.206. pCilg Cesium-137 146 +/-0 l52 0.0917  !) 0411 +r.o 193 0 100 pCl!g Cobalt-60 u -0.0033 +/-0 0361 0.0752 00299 ~1-0 ()361 pCLlg Europium-154 t: 0 0518 . +/-0.163 0.339 0.149 +/-0. \65 pCi/g Lead-212 0.818 -~/-0231 0.157 0074 +/-0.242 pCilg l.ead-214 I 22 +/-0207 () 391 (l 189 .;./.() 232 pCiig Pota>smm-40 13.7 +/-1.74 0.721 0 285 +1-2 (19 pC1/g Protactrnium-231 u -0.00463 +/-0.664 I 16 0537 -r/-1) 664 pC1lg Radium-226 0722 +/-0197 0 175 00794 +i-0.206 pCifg Radium-228 1.19 ...1.0 267 0 344 0 \52 +/-0.3()9 pCt!g Thal11um-208 OJJS +/-0 105 00929 0 0422 +/-0 JOB pCifg Tin-126 L'l [)[)() +/-0 134 ll 2()0 ll.0945 +l-0.135 pC1/g Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" /\ctinium-:Z27 u -0.116 +*l-027\l 0,498 0.233 +/-0 285 pC1/g RXFZ O1!!8116 1124 1537545 3 Antimony-125 u -0 00536 +l-0119 0.214 0099 N-0 I l'J pC1/g Bismuth-212 l!I 0.00 +/-0 8 ]() 129 *O 599 +/-0.953 pCi!g Bismuth-214 0.849 +1-0161 0 124 0.056 +/-0 176 . pC11g Ccsmm-137 I 51 +/.() 129 0 ()771 0 035 +/-0 181 0 100 pC1/g Coball"-60 L~ (l.0135 +i-0 035 0.0755 0 !l321 +/.() 035(> pC1lg E~roptum-154 L' -0 !08 +J-0 104 0 166 () 0679 +/-0.) 16 pC1lg Lcail-212 1.17 +1-0 131 0 126 () 0594 +!-0.173 pC1lg Lead-214 0.%7 +/-0 IB6 () 160 0 0747 +/-0.205 pC1lg Potassrum-40 14Jl **1-l 58 () 7ltl 0.300 +/-2 02 pCi/g Protactimmn-231 ll! 0()0 +/-0912 (1923 0429 +1-0.966 pCi/g Radium-226 O.S49 +/-0.161 U.124 () 056 +/-0 \76 pt't/g Radiurn-228 0 898 +J-0 347 0.286 0 !28 +/-037! pCiig 'lltallmm-208 0 222 ...;.o 0855 00724 () 033 +f.() 0875 pCilg Tin-126 \JI 0 00 +/-0.120 0 154 0.074 ..-/.(). 121 pC'i!g. Rad Gas l<low Proportional ('ounting GFPC. Gross ..i:e. solid "Dry TVeighr Corrected" Alpha 7 32 +f-3.21 J 70 147 +/-3.51 400. pC1/g KX132 01126116 1215 1~39462 4 Beta 17.8 +f-3.00 2.86 us +l-3.95 10 0 pC1lg

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-6171 Certificate of Analysis Company: ~JW Technical Services Address: 15 llrrzclwood Ori ve Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: February I0, 2016


(\fa Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID; 3. l.19.R.2 Project: MJWCOOI15 Sample ID; 3892960!4 ClientlD: MJWCOOl

                                                                                                                                .L~.. _........ -** :rPl'         RL ************-*******.
                                                                                                                                                           .......... l'nils DF ***.Anah*st                  Date Time............

Batch . Mtd . The foH()'~ing Pr.ep .Me_thod_s .'v.ere_p(!r!or_med..... *-****** .. -*- ........... *-*-**** ---*- .

'Vlcthod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry S01l Prep Dry Sotl Prep GL-RAD-A-021 C'XC'l Ol/14ito 1208 1537312

!h.~ follo~i1_1g ;\[]!llY._l_ic_al ~J.~tl1ods '~c.r.e_per.f.1.>~llled ............. _... . Method . Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4.5.2 3iGa*Ol*R 3 DOE !IASL 300, 4.5.23/Ga-01-R 4 EPA 900.0ISW846 93J01SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogateffracer RccO\'Cry Test Butch ID Reco\*cry% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 9~% confidence level (I .%~sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8i71 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 20 ! 5 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


  • Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes
                 ***-******-****          .. ~.     ........    ... ,.... , ..

Client Sample ID: 3.1.20.R.l Project: MJWCOOIJS Sample m: 385070014 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Da1e: 20-0CT-15 10:00 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 17.1% Param~ter ... . ...... ... . . Qu~li~er__ Resul~ ...!Jn~erlai.nty...... MDC RL Units DF Analyst Date Tiine Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 '%Moisture "As Received" M01sturc 171 percent CXCl 11110/15 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Garnmaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmrnm-227 u -0.0414 +/-0 268 0.502 pCi!g RXF2 12103115 1305 1522383 2 Antmrnny-l 25 u 0.0855 +/-0.0966 O I% pC1/g Cestum-137 0.414 +/-0 089 0 0777 0.100 pC1lg C'obalt-60 lJ O.OlM +/-0.0362 0.(}78 pCi/g Europmm-154 u 0.0284 i'/-0.128 0 256. pC1/g Protactmium-231 l! I) 326 +1-(H507 I) 92l pC1/g Radium-226 0 8J3 +/-0. 172 0 143 p(i!g Rfldimn-228 I 03 +/-0.249 0234 pC1/g. Tm-126 u ll 157 +{.() 123 0162 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dt)' Weight Corrected Alplm 15 I +1-34lJ 3.10 4 0() pCi/g. KXB2 12/02115 112(). i525757 3 - Beta 2!6 +/-2 76 3.03 10 ll pCi/g

}h!;!_f()l!ow_in.& .P.rep. Nf.C.t.l~<?d~.\~~r.e. re.r.f.oti~.ed._: .....
  • Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry SO"!i"Prep* .. -...... - -- .. ****- bf): 'SOl(PiCP Ci1.-RA"D~~,-~Oif" ... . *******exec* **** -* * ** *Yi1ioi1s ... 6i9 ... 1521842" . .............................. *********-
 !.h..c ~ol_l°..~V..i~~. ~-~":!~~ic.a.l_ ~e!h~~s. \V~r~. P..~~~()r,~1~d.'. .!.. __ .... _...........P~!>.c~*ip_t.i.9!1. . ........ _ . _... _                                ............. _.................. A'.1-a.l_y§~--~on11Jle.nt§ ASTM 02216(Mod1ficdJ 2                                        DOE HASL 300. 4 5.2.3.'G~-01-R 3                                        EPA 9000/SW846 9310.iSM 71 l()B Moo1fied Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - WW\' Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.20.R. I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sam!?le 10: 385070014 ClientlD: MJWCOOJ Matnx: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client l\.foisturc: (7. [0 /o Parameter **- _ 9_u_~li~~~~- ... Re~u~t .. __.l'nccrl11i1_1ry_ .... Mf>.C .. ~c........ TP.l_! .... _____RL__ yn_i~~ ..-!?.!.'...*~.1:1~.lp~. ___fJ.J!.l': __Ti.'!lc jlatch.. ~ltd .. Gra\*imetric Solids AST/14 D 1;! I 6 % .Hofstwe .,Is Received" Mmsturc 17 I percent CXCI l \110.115 1319 1521S42 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 ll *00414 +/-0 268 0.502 0 235 +!-0 269 pC1!g RXF2 12103/15 1305 1522383 .2 Anlimony-125 u 0 0&55 +/-0.0966 0.1911 0 0903 +/-0.104 pCi/g !31smuth-212 lJ[ OOll +/-() 844 I 24 0 569 +/-I.OS pC1/g Bismuth-214 fl.833 +/-0 172 (J.143 () (1653 +/-0.186 pCilg Cesium-137 ll414 +/-0 089 0.0777 I) 0353 +1-0.0953 0. !00 pCi!g Cobalt-60 u ()()164 +/-0.0362. 0 078 0.0334 +/-0 037 pCt!g Europium- I 54 u 0.0284 +/-0 128 0 256 0.113 -+1-0.\29 pCi/g Lcad-212 I 02 +/-0.137 (1.128 0.0607 +/-0 161 pCi/g Lcad-214 I 00 +/-0 211 0.326 u 157 "-/-0 227 pCi!g Pmassiuin-40 12 5 +/-1.39 (l.685 0.287 +/-1 78 pCt/g Prorncunium-231 u 0.326 +/-0 607 0 921 0429 +/-0.6\1 pCt'g Radium-226 !J.833 +1-0.172 () 143 0 0653 +/-0.186 pCi.lg Radium-228 1.03 +/-0 249 0.23-1 [) 102 +1-0.293 p(\lg Thallium"208 0.309 +/-0.0722. 0.0634 0.o2.&5 +/-1).0768 pC1/g Tm-126 U! (){}() +/-0.123 0 162 0.0776 +/-0.124 pCtl(l. Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting OFPC. Gross AB. solid "Di:p Weig/rt Corrected" Alpha 15 l +-1-3 49 3 \0 I 30 +/-4 57 400 pCilg KXB2 12102.ll5 1120 1525757 3 Beta 216 +/-2.76 3 03 I 43 +/-409 10.0 pC!lg T~c fo!l1m_i_11g_Prcp ~C.!h!Jlls. \\'l!".t! per.!<<>.~.~cd. ...

.Ylctlrnd               Dcstription                                                                   Analyst          Date              Time         Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep           Dry Sl11I Prep GL-RAD-A-021                                                   CXC'I             11110!15         1319          1521842 The followiug Analytical Methods were performed

~.f~iii~x*****---*******-ocsci:il>'tioii.... ** **** * ** * *** * *** * * ****-- ASTMD 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE I!ASL 300, 4 5.2 3/Ga-Ol-R 3 EPA 900.0/SW846 93 !0fSM 71 lOB Modifie\l SurrogatcJT1*acer Recovery Test Batch ID Rcco1*ery% Acccpt~blc Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: . MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID; 3. l.20.R. l Project: M.TWCOO t 15 Sample ID: 385070014 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter Result ..... ,t:_n~~f!:ti.11fy .......!\:~i:l,~. L~ ............ '.fl~L _..... R1-:. ... ... D_F ,~_11aly~t.... ~~t~ _Time. .. _:vl_td. Surrogateffracer Rccm*ery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limib Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (!.%-sigma).

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite ll2 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date; December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.20.R.1 Project: MJWCOOJ !5 Sample ID: 3850700 l 4 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 17.!% P.ar_aI!l_e~cr ...... **-*-* . _9_1111_lificr_ ..... Result * .. ~IDC Le TPl: RL Gravimetric Solids ASHf D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mo11;1urc 17. 1 per~cnl CXCI 11110115 1319 1521842 Rutl Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamm(/, Solid "DI'.\' Weight Correcled" Actinium-227 U -00414 +/-0 268 0.502 0.235 +{-() 269 pC1/g RXF2 12.103115 1305 1522383 2 Anltmony- l 2.5 lJ 0 0855 +/-0 0966 () 1% (l 1)9()3 +/-0.104 pC1lg l31smuth-212 Ul 0.00 +/-0.844 1.24 (} 569 +/-l.08 pCi/g Btsmuth-214 0.833 +!-0 172 () 143 G.06D +/-0.18.6 pCilg Cesmm-137 0414 +/-0 089 0.0777 0 0353 +/-0.0953 0 100 pCilg Cobal!-60 u (l".()\64 +/-0.0362 0078 0.0334 +/-ll.037 pCi/g Europium-154 v 0.0284 +/-0.128 {) 25(> 0.113 +/-ll 129 pCi/g Lead-212 1 02 +/-0.137 tl 128 0.0607 +/-0 161 pCi/g l.cad-214 I 0(1 +/-0.211 I) 326 0. 157 +/-0 227 pC'1/g Potassium-40 12 5 +!-\ 39 (l.b85 0187 +/-\.78 pC'1/g Protacllnium-231 u 0326 +/-0607 ri921 (J.429 +/-o.611 pCi/g Radmm-226 0.833 +1-0 172 ll.143 00653 +/-0 186 pCilg Radium-228 l 03 +1-0 249 *0.234 (J !02 H-0.293 pCilg Tlrnllium-208 0.309 +/-0.0722 0 OC>J4 {10285 +/-0 0768 pCifg Tm-126 Ul 0.00 +/-0.123 ll.162 0.0776 +l-0 124 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Propmiional Counting GFPC. Gross A.B, solid "Dry Weight CorrecJed" Alph~ 15 I +/-3.49 3 10 l 30 +J-4.57 4.00 pC'1/g KXB2 l2i02/15 1120 !525757 3 Beta 21.6 +/-2.76 3 03 1.43 +/-4 09 ]{) 0 pCi!g !l~e f.~~~:".i'~-~ ~r~.P. -~~11~o~S. ..'~:e~e _P.~!"forrnc~.- Methot.I Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dn* Soil Prep DJ)' Soll Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCl 11/10115 1319 1521842 Tl1~ f!Jlll):'!il_l~ ,\nal~*~ica_I_ ~~t~llJ.~:~. ~~c~_c. _p_erforrne_d_

\lcthod Description ASTM D 2216 (Modifi~d) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0tSW846 9310.'SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogatc!fracer Recovery Test Batch TD Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW C{lrporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date:

  • December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Prqject: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.20.R. ! Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070014 Client fD: MJWCOOJ

                                                              --...... . Le       TPU      RL .... ~'11.its_ . ~f..;\11al~:sr_ .~a.~e.}' .. ~~t<i-.

Sul'rogate!fracer Recovery Test Batch JD Recovery% Acl'cpfable Liniits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 ~ Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

          .......~.r?.i.~ct:           .. .. . *-- ~?ll _ ~~~ioisot?P_()_S .....

Client Sample ID: 3.1.21.R.l Project: MJWC00\15 Sample iD: 385070015 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-l 5 14:30 Receive Date: 05-NOV-!5 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.5% Parameter .......... -* ..... .. Qualifier Result .l1-~~~ert~int_y MDC RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 19.5 percent CXCI I l/10/J5 13!9 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Con*ected" Actmium-227 l! 0 181 +/-0.316 Of>O I pCtig RXF2 !2i03/l5 1321 1522383 2 Antimony-125 lJ -0.0507 +/-0 I !3 0 206 pC1/g Cesmm-137 0.824 "+/-0.112 0.086 0 100 pC1ig Cobalt-60 U -0 00202 +/-0.038 0.0739 pC1tg Europium-154 U 0 0258 . +/-0.163 0.272 pC1/g Promcumum-231 U 0 232* +l-0.665 1.09 pCi/g Radium-22(> 0.649 f/-0.195 0 161 pC1/g Radirnn-228 0.857 +1-0403 0 270 pCilg Tin-126 U 0 139 +1-0127 0.171 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid Dry Weight Con-ected" Alpha $.73 +/-2.97 365 4.00 pC1/g KXB2 1210211 S 1123 1525757 3 Beta 23 0 +1-3.05 J.31 IO.O pCi/g ~li_e .f?ll?..W._i~~.. Pr_~P..~~eth~~.s .~V.~.r.~ p~rron.1:ed..: ........ . ... Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch (;)((:"1 . - ..... *****y319-*** -15:ii842 ...... ***-**-*-** ....... -*** -* ... . o~:*sail Pier*** -- ***-**** **- ***Di)* *sori°i'reiiCiCR:A:o-X~O:ii ***

  • 11110/!5

_T~.e f(.ll_~o:¥i_n~.'..\n~t.?.ti.~~l.l'vfet_ho.ds were perfo_r1~.~~: . Mt:th9~ ..... . ... . . . ........ ... .P..e~!'.r.iptio.n...... . . -**\(pn1rn~!J.I§ .... **--*-*** ... I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4.5 2 3iGa*Ol*R 3 EPA 900.0/SW846 9310/SM 711013 Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  --1 GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company:                          MJW Corpora1ion Address:                          15 Hazel\l:ood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228                                                                                                                            Report Date:                December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey

     . Project:                           Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID:                     3.1.21.R.1                                                                                                       Project:                  MJWC00ll5 Sample ID:                            385070015                                                                                                        Client ID:                MJWC001 Matrix:                                Soil Collect Date:                          20-0CT-l 5 Receive Date:                          05-NOV -15 Collector:                             Client Moisture:                              19 .5%
\-WC ............. ******************* ..P..*~
  • rar:tmctcr

. ....... ...... .. 9~~1.lifi~.~ . . Result Vncc.rt:1i1)~ ..... Le .. .. .... IPI . ............. RL l'nits .'\.~jjlyst ................. Dale Time *************** Batcb Mtd . Gravimetric Solids ASIM D 2216 % Moistw*e "As Receiwd" Moisture 19 5 percent CXC! 11/10115 !319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma.vpec. Gamma, Solid Di:r Weigh/ Correctl!d" Actinmrn-227 u 0.181 +1-0.316 0.601 0 284 +/-0,327 pC"tlg RXF2 12103fl5 \321 1522383 2 Anlimony-125 u -0 0507 +1-0 113 0206 0 ()954 +/-ll. 115 pC1fg Bismuth-212 lJ 0.427 +/-0.688 1.33 0.618 +/-0 715 pCifg Bismuth-214 0 649 +/-0. 195 0 16\ 00742 +/-0.202 pC1!g Ccs1um-l37 0.824 +f-0.112 0086 0 0394 /-0 130 0.100 pCi!g Cobalt-60 u -() 00202 +1-0 038 0 0739 0.0315 +/-0 0381 p('i/g Europrurn-154 u 0.0258 +/-0.163 0.272 (J 121 +l-0 163 pCi/g Lea<i-212 . \.33 +-1-'J 146 0.125 00591 +J-0.182 pCi/g Lcad-214 0.942 +/-0 189 0.164 0()768 +/-0.204' pCi/g l'olassium-40 13.0 +/-1 41 0 449 {1170 +/-I 79 *pCi/g l'rotactmium-231 u 0 232 +/-0.665 1 (!<) 0.515 +/-0 675 pCi/g Rµdium-226 0.649 +/-U.195 0 'hi ll0742 +/-Cl 202 pCs!g Radium-228 0 857 t-/-0 408 0270 0 120 +/-0424 pCi/g Thalltum-208 0 257. +/-Q.0(l92 G.0679 0 0307 +/-0 0724 pCilg Tfn-126 Lil 0.00 +/-0 127 o. 171 G.0821 +/.(l !29 pCifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFl'C, Gross A,B, solid "DI'.\! Weight Corrected" Alpha 8.73 +-1-2 97 3 65 1.59 +/-141 400 pC1/g KX.B2 12roi11s 1123 1525757 3 Beta 23.0 +/-3 05 3.31 155 +1-4 40 10 [) pC1/g Th..~ ~ul1o\l*ing:.. f..~cll ~J.e.~lt~ds ~~e.r~ pc~~IJ.~~i.e_d .. l\*lethod

  • Description Analyst Date . Time Prep Batch D.ry Soil Prep Diy Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCl 1 \1101!5 131'l 1521842

!_hc_~0Ho,~**!~.t_b_(_)_~s. u:i:re p~r_f~:r111c5l .... Method Description I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 HPA 900.(J/SW846 93l01S1'17110B Modified Surrogaten'racer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Ac~eptable Limits .

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -WW\ Ce11ificate of Analysis Company: M.TW Corporation Address: I 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie'Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.2 J.R. l Project: MJWCOOl !5 Sample lD: 3&5070015 C'lient ID: MJWCOO l l'arameter. _ ....... _..... 9u.~1Jfi~r. Result ...l: 11cei:tain.tv_ . ~!D<::.... ..l:*c ..... _. TPl' ..... ~l~ .. l.!.nit_s..... _DF.. !'\".llh~.t-. _,i?.?.t~ .~.iJl1l!. _:tl.atc~ .. :\:It~~. Surrogatcffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Nutes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).


GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\V Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.21.R. l Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 3850700 l5 Client JD: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV- l S Collector: Client Moisture: 19.5% Parameter Le TPC ...... ~-.1,* ....l'11its ... .DF Analyst l)a.te_.~l}_i_nc Batch Mtd. Gravimetrie Solids ASTM D 22./6 % Moisture "As Received" Mmsturc ('} 5 percent CXCI 111\0f\5 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Actinium-227 U 0.181 +1-0 31(> 0.601 u 284 +/-0.327 pC1/g RXF2 12103115 1321 1522383 2 Antmtony-125 U -0 0507 +/-0 I 13 . 0 206 0 0954 +/-0 115 pCi/g Bismuth-212 lJ 0.427 * +/-0,688 1 33 0.618 +/-0 715 pCi/g B1smuth*2 l 4 0 649 +/'.0.195 () 161 0 0742 +/-0 202 pCtlg Ccsium-137 0 824 +/-0.112 0 086 0.0394. +1-0 130 O 100 pCilg Cob~ll-60 lJ .Q 00202 +/-0 038 0 0739 (I 0315 +/-0.0381 pCilg Europ1t1m-l 54 u 0.02:58 +l-0 163 o.:m o 121 +/-0 163 pCitg Lead-212 l 33 +f*O 146 0.125 () 0591 +/-C).182 rC'if~ Lcad-214 ().942 +1*0 189 0.164 0 0768 +/*ll.204 pCiig

  • Potassium-40 13.0 +/-1 41 0 449 0 170 +l-1.19 pC1/g Protactinium-231 LI 0 232 +/-G.665 1 09 0.515' +f-0 675 pCi/g Radium-226 0.649 +/-0.195 0!61 00742 +/-0 202 pCtfg Hadium-228 0 857 +/-0 4()8 {) 270 0 12() +/.() 424 pCifg 1l1al hum-208 0 257 +J-Q. 0692 0.0679 0.0307 +/-0.0724 pCi/g Tin-126 lJI 0.00 +/-0 127 0.171 0.0821 +/-0 129 pC1lg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A.-'B, solid "D1:v 1feighl Cnl"l"ected" Alpha 8. 73 +/-2 97 3 65 l.59 *rl-3 41 4 00 pCilg KXB2 12i02/15 1123 1525757 3 Beta 23.0 +1*3 OS 3 31 1 5.5 +1-4.40 10.0 pCtfg
}'~-~ f11ll~m:i11g..P.rep ~~e.~~-°-~s _,v~r..~ per:~o.'.mC!.d ...

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Balch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI l 1110!15 1319 1521842

rh_c_foll.o\!~a.! ..l\!e_t_~~ds.'.".*.cr.e.r.erfo~lll~.~ .. -.

Method Description ASTM D2216 (Modified) 2 DOE !!ASL 300. 4.5.2 3/Ga-0\-R 3 EPA 900.0!SW846 9310/SM 71 lOB Modified Surrogate!rracer Recovery Test B:iteh II) Rcco\*ery% 1\cccptablc Limits

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\V Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioiso1opes Client Sample ID: 3.l.21.R.I Project: MJWC00! 15 Sample ID: 385070015 Client ID: .MJWCOO I Parameter .... t:Jn.~uri~.r.. .. Result l'nccrtain.~v .....~!l.C.: .......Le TPl~ ...R.~*. l,!n~ts .. [)F_ An:1_lyst . D_a~.. !i111e ~at~l.1_ --~-~~~ Surrogalc{fraccr Recovery Te~l Batch lD Recovery% Acceptuble Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical.Services Address: 15 l lnzclwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: *February IO, 2016


Ms. Lamie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.21.R.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 389303001 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 14-JAN-16 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.5% raramet~.r..... *-* ........... 9.':1;tli1:ier ..... Result _l!_n(!e.rt:i.i11.t.Y. . ND..C Le ......TP.l'. .... _~~ ... ~'.n~_ts_ *-I>.~ .l\na_lyst_ !lat.c. _Jim_e_ ..B..at1:_h .. M_td. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moiswre "As Received" Moisture 20 5 percent CXCI 01/14/16 1202 1537321 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma with lngrow1h "Dry Weighr CorrecNd" Actmium-227 u -0 128 +/-0 236 () 430 0.199 +/-0244 pC1/g RXl'2 02/05116 0641 I 537551 2 Anumony-125 u -0 127 /-0 111 () 181 0.082.5 -<-/-0.126 pCLlg B1smu1h-2 I2 lll (1.00 +/-U.887 I 50 0699 +t-1 25 pC1/g Bismulh-214 0 733 T/-0 167 ll.145 006:"1 +/-0 178 p('i/g Ccsium-137 I 24 +/-0 122 0.0765 OOH5 +/-0 157 0 HIO pC1/g CobalL-60 u -!J.(J3S +/-0.0351 0.0529 0.0206 +/-00391 pCilg Europium-154 u 0 0486. +/-0.139 0.259 0.114 +/-0.141 pCilg Lcad-212 1.07 <*/-ll l !6 o.rnn 0 0469 +l-t\.185 pC1.lg Lead-214 0.9()8 +/-{! 14& 0.153 0 WI! I +/-0.172 pCi.lg Po1ass1t1m-40 12.3 +/-14*1 0.6&1 (} 2&3 +1-1.81 p('1!g Protacumum-231 1.05 .,./-0 787 0.841 (/J89 +/.[) 815 pC1!g Radium-226 0 733 +/-0 167 0.145 ()0659 +/-0.178 pCilg Rodium-228 0 835 +/-0.307 0.224 00964 +1-0 333 pC1/g llialhum-108 0 309 +/-0.0688 0.0771 {) 0353 +/-0.0737 pC1lg Tm-126 UI 0.00 +l-0 131 OllJ ().0543 +J-0 131 pC1/g Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "D1:1* Weight Carrected" Acnrnum-227 u -00269 +/-0.308 I} 569 0265 +1-0.309 pCi!g RXF2 01/18!16 0935 153754& 3 Antimony-125 lJ 0 0419 +/-() 135 (l 254 0117 +/-0 136 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0 00 +/.() 938 1.39 ne.3o +/-1 01 pC1/g Bismuth-2\4 0.824 +/-0 185 0.166 00745 +/-0.197 pCilg Ccsimn-131 l.02 +/-0 153 0.!00 0.0454 +!-0 174 0 100 pCiig C<Jbalt-60 u -0.026 +/-0 0503 0 [)'}28 0.0389 /-().0518 pC1lg Europmm-154 u *O 0303 +/.() 129 0.251 () 105 +/-0 130 pC1/g Lead-212 0917 +/-0 134 0 136 OOM +/-0.155 pC'ilg Lcad-214 0 875 +/-0.182 0.342 0 164 +/-0 194 pC'1/g Potass1 um-40 11 8 +/-I f.7 0 71)\ 0271 *1-2 05 pC1!g Protaclinium-231 L; 0202 +l-0(18tl 1.14 {) 53l +/-0.688 pCi/g Radium-226 () 824 +/-0.185 0 166 0 0745 +1-0.197 pCilg Radium-228 0769 +/-0.313 0.333 () 146 +/-0.327 pCilg Thallmm-208 0 3211 +/-0.0958 () 0754 0.0334 +/-0.0996 pCilg Tin-126 u 0.0757 +/-0 192 I} 232 0.111 +/-0 J<J3 pC11g Rad Gas Flow Pruportional Co1mtini: GFPC Gross .4.-B, solid "Dry Weigh/ Corrected" Alpha 13.3 +/-4 lll 3.78 I 52 *l-4 77 400 pCi!g JXB7 Ol/26!16 1140 1539464 4 Beta 24 l t-/-3.57 3.40 I 55 "-/-..\ 94 100 pC*ig

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-817"! -Ww\ Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: February IO. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.21.R.2 Project: MJWCOO I ! 5 Sample ID: 389303001 Client ID: MJWCOO ! P:irarJ)etcr __________ ..... qu:_il_cfler......... Res._ult_ ..... _l)cerll!_i!J_tv__ ... _ l\.1-J?..C ________ l_~c ___ ....... TP.V. T.~e_ful_l(Jl~i_ng__P~".P :V!c_th1>.~.l_s_'"-~1'.~. pe_rfo.r.1*1e(J __ Method Description An11lyst nate Time Prep Batch Dry Sod Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 01114116 \202 1537321 Th_e foll1l\v,in_g__;\n_alytic:a.I ~-'~~l~()-~5-.l':*e_re__p_e_r_fo_r1ne_d__ .. _.... ____ .. ___ . _______ ............... _. _____ .... ____ . ___ ..... _.. Mel bud Description ASTivl D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4 5 2 3/Ga-01-R 3 DOE HASL 300.. 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R 4 EPA 900.0iSW846 93 JOISM 711013 Modified Surrogateffracer Recovery Test Butch ID Rcco,'ery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1. 96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Dale: Decem her 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York 1422&


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.22.R.1 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385070016 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 14:45 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 19% Parameter . _....... 9.~~!i_~_er_. _. R_e~11_lt Uncert.a._i11ty .*...... _~!I?S.. ........ ~ ___ .... *-** .'!.nl~s . ... .. J?f. __A._n_aixs.!...J?ate . Ti_in_e..~~~~h_ -~-eth?.~. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 19 0 percenl CXCI ll/JO!IS l3l9 !521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmium-227 u -005! +/-0.245 0.455 pCilg RXF2 12103/15 1306 l 52.23S3 2 Antimony-125 u 0.0519 +/-0 0931 0 181 pC'1lg Ccsrnm-137 l 15 +/.() 121 0.0595 0 100 pCi/g Cobalt-60 u -0 (10936 +/-0.0338 0.0641 pCi/g Europium-154 u -0.0211 +/-0.110 0 180 pCi/g

  • Protacumum-231 Ul 0 00 +/-0 795 0.872 pCi/g Radium-226 0 875 +/-0.143 0 117 pCifg Radium-228 0.927 +/-0.258 0.245 p('i/g Tin-126 U 0 [(17 +/-0.109 (J 133 pC1lg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "D1y Weight Con-ccted" Alpha 14. 9 +/-320 2.53 4 00 pCi/g KXB2 12102115 1123 1525757 3
!3eta                                                                     25 4          +/-3.09               3.20               . I()()               pCi/g

_1:1i_c f.o.H_".'Y.i~-~--Pr~p M_~th.o_d_~ ~c~'.e_ p~rr.c:i~~~~:.. .... ...... .. ... . . ... . ........ _. -**- ***-****- ****- **- Method Description Aualyst Date Time Prep Batch nry-*soif rrc*p * * * ** **** ......... *o*~~ *s*o1*crr*e*p*at~RAb~A~O:i f ** *** *-

  • c_;xcr* .... ** * * * **11lt'o:1TS ***-* * -- - i"3Hi" *......
  • T5"2'i8~2 -* * ** - ..... * *** * * *** ** ****
  • _T~!'. f?l_!_o\vi_n.~. ~n~l~_tic~l. rvt.e~~~~s ~:e.~e_p~i!,o.'.111~9_:. -** ... *-**-***- ... *-* .. ..................... *- .... **-**** .. *-** . -**** __ *******-**- ... *-** ...... -* .............
.tv.l~~ho.L....... -.... ........ Pesc:i:i.P.~i_on_____ . -* .......... .                                                                               ...... .A-1.1(!!1st.. C<:imnw11IL ___ .. .-***- .............

I ASTM D 2216 (.Modified)

2. DOE HASL 300, 4.523iGa-n1-R 3 EPA 900 O/SW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Moddicd Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculaled at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 566-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ \\' Corporation Address; 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.l.22.R.I Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID:

  • 385070016 Client JD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil
     *Cotlect Date:                  20-0CT- l 5 Receive Date:                  05-NOV-15 Co[Jector:                     Client Moisture:                      19%

Parameter . 9_u~Ji-~~r.. .. Result .....!1~X ........:\11)~'. Le .. JP~_: __ Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 ~*"ii Moisture "A.v Received" Mo1slure 19.ll percent CXCI 11/10/15 !319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-217 lJ -U.051 +/-(l.245 0.455 0214 +l*O 246 pCi!g RXF2 12/03/15 l 306 152238_3 2 Antimon~*-125 u 0 05 l 9 +f-0 093 l 0.181 0.084 +l-0 0961 pCi!g Bismuth-2 \2 UJ 0 00 +/.() 763 I 13 () 524 +1-1 no pC'1/g Bisrnuth-2 l 4 01!75 +/.() 143 0.117. 0 0535 +1-0.161 pCi/g Cestum-\37 1.15 +/-(} 121 () 0595 00268 +l-0 155 !J.l 00 pC1/g Cobalt-60 u -0.00936 +/-0.03.38 0.0641 0.0274 +/-0 0341 pC1lg Europmm*\54 LI -0.0211 +l-0 110 0.180 00771 +1-0.1 IO pCi/g Lcad-212 1.02 +/-0.113 0 llJ3 0 0485 +l-0 158 pCi/g Lead-214 0971 +/-0.194 0 12'-) 0 0597 *f/-0212 pCitg Pota~sium-40 11.4 +/-1 35 II 61& 0 263 +/-I 69 pC1/g Protactmmm-231 Ul 0.00 +/-0 795 () 872 0 409 +1-0 842 pCi/g Radium-226 0.875 .,,.() 143 0.117 () 0535 +/.Q.161 pC1/g Radmm-228 0.927 +1-0 258 D245 () 110 +i-0.292 pC1!g 11mlhurn-208 0.293 +l-0.0704 b 059 0.0268 +/-U 0745 pCi.lg Tin-126 LI I 000 +/-0.109 () 133 0 0638 +/-() 11() pCi/g Rml Gns !'low l'roportimml Counting GFPC, Gross AB.*~olid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 14.9 +1*3 2() 2.53 1.04  !*l-129 400 pCi/g KXB2 1.2102115 1123 I 525757 3 Beta 25.4 +f-3 09 3 20 150 +/-I 68 10.0 pC1/g

  • q1e fol!o\~!.ll.&.~re_p_'.\'f_et~o':1~. 11_c~fo!'t11e1I _
\fothod Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DI}' Sod Prep Dry Sod Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCl 11/10.!!5 1319 1521842 T~-~ fol~_o,v~ng__~~l!!r!Li:_a_l_~!.et~o~~ *'".c-~e P.c.rf~ft!l.C<l_ ........ -**** ....... _....... .

Method Desc1*iption ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE 1-!ASL 300, 4 5 2 .3/Ga-0.1-R 3 EPA 'f00.0/SW846 93 lOiSM 71 IOB Modified Surrogatcffracer .Recovery Test Batch ID Recon:ry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis* Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Su1te 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact

  • Ms. Laurie Losey Project: $oil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.22.R.l Project: MJWC00115 SampldD: 385070016 Client ID: MJWCOOI P:inimcler Surrugutefrraccr Rcco\*cry Test Batch ID Reco\"ery% . Acceptable .Limit.~

Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GELLABORATO~ESLLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Bumi.lo. New"fork 14-228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. La.uiie Losey Project: Soil Ri1dioisotopes Client Sample TD: 3.1.22.R.I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070016 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 19% . ~!! ................. _9.u:i.J_i_fi~~- . *****- .~e.sult : ~'f1cer.!a_in.!1:. . MDC .. !:-'.~. ,. ........... I~IL....... ..1~ .. __Ln_i_~ ...!!It_ ;\ l_>~.t~ J:!~c ..~.a t~!t .. ;'.vi.I(}: Gtavimetric Solids ASTM D 12 J6 ~-"1 fvloisrure .*Is Received" Moisture 19.0 ix:rccnt CXC'l t!/10115 1319 1521842 R:1d Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:i-* Weight Con*ected Acumum-227 u -0051 +/-0.245 0.455 0214 +/-0.246 pCilg R.'\1'2 12i03/15 1306 1522383 2 Antimolly-125 u 0.0519 +l-0 0931 0 181 0.084 +/-0.0961 pC1/g llismuth-212 Lil lJ 00 +f-0 763 113 () 524 +/-1.00 pCi!g Bismudi-214 0 875 +l-0 143 0l17 00535 +/-0161 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.15 +/-0.121 ' 0.0595 0 0268 +I-{) I55 0 100 pC1!g Cobalt-60 lJ -0 00936 +/-0 0338 00641 0 0274 +/-0.0341 pCi!g Europmm-154 lJ -00211 +/-0 110 0.180 00771 +/-0 110 pCtlg LcBd-212 I 02 -+/-0 123 0.103 0 0485 +/-0.1.58 pCi/g Lcad-214 0.971 +/-0 194 0 1-29 0 0597 +l-0.212 pCt/~ Polassium-40 114 +/. J.35 0.(ilS () 263 +I-I 69 pC1lg Protitctmmm-23 \ U! 000 +/-0 795 0.872 0.409 +/-0.842 pCilg Radium-226 0 875 +/-0.143 0.117 0 0535 +/*O 161 pCilg Radium-228 0.927 +t--0 258 0245 0.110 +1-0 292 pCrlg Thallium-20g 0293 +l-11.0704 0059 1.10268 +i-0 0745 pCi/g Tin-126 Ul 0 ()() +1-0.109 () 133 (I 063B +/-0 110 pCi/g Rml Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross Ai8, solid Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 14.9 +/-3.20 2 53. l 04 +/-4 29 4 00 pCilg KXB2 1210211 S 1123 152575! 3 Beta 254 +/-3 09 320 15() +!-4 (18 !0.0 pCi/g The following Prep :\<lethods were performed ...... .......... ..................

  ~1e-11;~x**-**-** ****-n~scY"ij)lion***              ** -**- ****** *****                                    AnHly!il                     Date              Time         Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep                  Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                                                    CXCI                          11/1 O!l5          1.119       1521842 Th c__ f()1.~o,_~i ll~ ~-Ii ~1 lr..t!~.a I_ .M~~~l)-~~-'.v_e.~~!fl.~~ ..

Method Des*cription ASTM D2216lModificd) 2 'DOE HASL 300, 4.5 2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900 OfSW84fi 9310/SM 71 !0l3 Modified Surrogate!Tm~cr Recovery Test J3atcli ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioiso.topes Client Sample JD: 3.1.22.R. l Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070016 Client JD: MJWCOOI Pal'i*11.J.~_tcr._. ...... .. ......... ..9.?.~_li_~~r .... _. l_l~u!.t ..... El!~_c_rJ:_iintv _;_\U~.c .......f.._c ____ .... __ .HI . _...... Ill_. _l_T_i:ii_ts_._ .:i?l'.*:':.n_alysl_ ... !J.a.t~..Ii.m.~. ~'!~~"-. ~i~f:!- Surrogatcn*r:icer Recovery Test Bntch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence !eve! ( t .96-sigma}.

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171-' w..vw.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Ne\\' York 14228 Report Date: Februfll)' LO. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD; 3.1.22.R.2 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 389303002 Client ID: MJWC'OOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 14-JAN-!6 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.4% Parameter .... -**- .. .... Q1.1_a_li~e..r.~ ... ~~s.~*!.t... . _En..ecr.tai_n_tv _... _)'.1.D(~ Le . :rrr Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 1216 % Mqisture As Received" Moisture 19 4 percent CXC! 01114/16 !202 1537321 Rad G:1mm11 Spec Analysis Gamma wiih Jngrowth "Dl'y Weight Co1-rec1ed" Actinmm-227 11 0.133 +/-0.371 o r,93 .0.321 +/-0 376 pC11g RXl'2 02i05116 0715 !537551 2 Antm1ony- I 25 u .[)(1714 +/-0.1.14 0.277 0.115 +l-ll.157 pC1/~ lfa,muth-212 lJ 0.475 +/-1.08 1.83 0 821 +/-1.10 pCi/g Bismmh-214 0821 +/-0 239 0.195 0.0857 +/-0.248 pC1lg Cesium-137 l 37 +/-0 178 0 )\) 00488 +/-0.209 0.100 pC1lg Cobalt-60 lJ 0 0299 +l-0 0619 0.140 00587 +/-0 06JJ pCilg Europium-15.\ i; -0 0619 +l-0 148 0 285 0 112 +l-ll 151 pCilg Lead-212 0891 . +/-(} 182 0 l72 () 0807 +l-0 196 pC1lg J.cad-214 () 774 +/-0.230 0.224 0 103 +/-0.231) pC'ilg .Potassium-40 11.8 +/-1 97 1.21 0.494 +/c2 22 pC1lg Protactimum-231 lll 0.00 +1-0720 144 ()668 +1-0 827 pCi/g Radmm-226 0.821 +1-023') IJ 195 0 0857 +/-(l 248 pCi/g Rudium-228 1 02 T/-0449 0319 () 130 +l-0 466 pCilg Tha!hum-208 0.359 +/-0.119 0.0914 G.0398 +/-0.122 pCi/g Tm-126 UI 0.00 +/-0 168 0.186 0.0884 +/-0 168 pCi/g Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" i\ctirnum-227 u (l 0982 +1-0 337 0 637 0299 +J-0.341 pC1/g RXF2 011!8/16 0935 1537548 3 Antimony-125 u . -0.0112 +/-0 123 () 233 O.I07 +/-0. I23 pCilg Oismnth-212 UI I) 00 +1-0 771 I 49 0688 ...1.1 13 pClfg 13i~muth-214 0529 +/-0 192 0.170 00774 +/-0 197 pC1fg Cer.iurn-137 l 27 +J-0 155 0.IOl 011461 +1-0 190 0100 pCt/g Cobalt-60 u -0.04 +/-0.052 0.0861 0 0361 +/-0 0551 pC1/g Europmm-15*1 lT -0 0655 +/-0.162 0289 0 126 +l-0 165 pCifg Lead-212 0&32 +f*O 174 11169 IJ.0803 +l-0191 pC1!g Lcad-214 0.815 +/-0223 0.195 0.IJ909 +f-0 236 pCi-'g Potassium-40 12.9 +t-1 59 0.593 0.228 +/-I IJ3 pCilg Protacumum-231 U- () 505 +/-1 05 1.26 0.593 . +1-1 05 pC'ilg Radium-226 . 0.529 +/-0 192 (1 170 0 0774 .../.0.197 pC11g Radium-228 I 14 +/-0.354 0.265 u. t 14 +/-0.390 pC1!g Th~lhum-203 0 284 ~/-0 0985 0.0937 ll 043 "':/-0 102 pC1/g Tm-126 UI 0.00 *+O 143 02(){) (J.0957 +/-O.l4S pC1!g Rad Gas Flow Propor1iomtl Countin~ GFPC. Gross AB. solid "Dry /Veight Corrected" Alpha 16 8 +1-4.32 3 86 I 59 +/-5 47 4.00 pC1!g KXB2 01120/16 1225 1539462 Bew 30.S +1-3.49 2 56 1.15 +i-5 50 10.(l pC1/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: /l.U\V Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: Fcbi:uary lO, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisolopes Client Sample ID: 3. l.22.R.2 Project MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 389303002 Client ID: MJ\\'COOI Parameter ................ . ... ~c~u.lt_ ... l!n."crtain.~v MJ?C ...... L.c ........... Tf.~: .. ..RL .. _.l.ini~s .. D.~. A.~!llyst Date_Ti~! .. Batch.. :" Th~ fol!o\\'.i~g !'r~p j\1et~o~s. \~*ere .Pc.rf<irm~d. . .. Methnd"' Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soi\ Prep Dry Soil Prep GL*RAD*A-021 CXC' I 0 lll4fl6 1202 1537321 T.l.1c f1i.llol,vi~g i\_n_a!~*tic,:il. ~-li;~.ho~s-~! Method Description

*****  -**** -** ***********     --  ** *           * *** -* ** 1. ******

I ASTM D 2216 (Mod1f1ed) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5.2 3/Ga-0\-R 3 DOE BASL 300. 4..5.2 JiGa-01-R EPA 900 OiSW846 9310iSM 71 IOB Modified Surrogateffr:iccr Rcco,*ery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level { 1.96-sigma)_

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporatioll Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite !12 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.23.R. I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample1D: 385070017 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT*IS 15:10 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.9% Pm:~rne~~1: .......... *-* . Qualifier ResuH ~nce'.ia~nt.Y ....... IY1DS' ........... R..~ *- ..........1JT1it~ ... f:)F. f\naly~t.. Date Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mmslurc 21.9 percent CXCl 11/10/15 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Garnmaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Cotrected" Actmium-227 U -U 0379 +l-0 295 {) 556 pC1/g RXF2 12/03115 !30(\ 15-22383 Anlimony-125 u 0.000438 +/-().130 () 250 pCi/g Ccsium-137 1.39 . +/-0.155 {) 116 0 100 pC!lg Cobait-60 u 0.0434 +l-0 0402 0 104 pCi/g Europium-154 u 0201 +/.() 168 0 373 pCilg Protactimum-23 l u 0.407 +f-0612 l 'IS pCi/g Radmm-226 0 855 +/-0.1&9 () 175 p('i/g Radium-228 0.797 +/-0.383 OJ55 pCilg Tin-126 Ul 0.00 +/-0.01(}<) 0.136 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A!B, solid "Dry Weight CotTected" Alpha 12.4 +/-3.09 2.55 4.00 pCilg KXB2 12/02/!5 1123 1525757 3 Beta 22. 8 +/-3 44 4 23 JO 0 'pCi/g Th.efo.I_l~\Y.i~~-:P..~~p fv~(!t~.c:cts ..:-v(!r.~.P~rf.oi:rr.t.~!1'._ ............. _. . . ... .................... .... Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch o~ *s0ir'riei1- .. * ... .. ........ bf):..sor1-rreri.di...~R:Ao-A-ii:fr ..... - .... * * ...... <:.'xi'..' r *** * ..i tiiO'iE *-.. .. *13i 9* ...... i52.i842 ... The .f.ol.1.o~vi.°:~-~.~_:11.Y.!i~~l-~~th.~~s .~er~.. P.:.r!.°.i:z1C.d.=.. . . ... .. _......... ---* MeU_ip~ _... . ............ Pc:~<:r.i.t~J}'?.1.1 ....... _. .. . . .. . .. ----* _......... _.......... _....... ___ ....... ___ Ari_a.!.Y'!.L~<;>rµn1~J1ts.. ASTh1 D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE [*!ASL 300. 4.5.2.J/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0iSW846 93 IOiSM 711013 Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigrna).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\V Corporation Address; 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York !4228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3. 1.23.R. l Project: iV!JWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070017 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.9% Gr:wimetric Solids AST,\,/ D 1116 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 21 9 ~rccm CXCI 11/10/15 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "D1y Weig/rt Corrected" Actmium-227 (.\ -0.0379 +1-0 2CJ5 0 55(> 0261 +i-0 296 pC1/g RXl'2 1~{1)3/15 1306 1522383 2 Anti.mony-125 l,' 0000438 +1-0.130 0250 0 116 +/-0.130 pC1/g Bismuth-212 1.73 -t-/-134 l 05 0.457 *1/-1.35 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.855 +/-0 189 0 175 0.0786 +t-0 202 pCilg Ces1um-!J7 1.39 +/-0 155 0 116 0.0528 +/-0 192 0.100 pCllg C'ob:ilt-60 lJ 0.0434 +/-(l.0*102 0.104 0 0436 +1-0 0449 pC1lg Europium-154 UI 0.00 +1-0.168 . 0.373 0 163 f/-0.192 pCi!g Lead-212 1.11 +/-0 130 0.120 0 0563 +/-0 178 pCi!g-Lcad-214 1.16 +/-0 236 0 180 00837 +1-0 257 pCilg Potassmm-40 14.1 +/-1 82 I 06 0447 +/-2 22 pC1/g Protacrimum-231 u 0.407 +/-0 672 l 18 0.553 +/-0 703 pCi!g Radium-226 0 855 +/-IJ 189 0 175 (l.0786 +1-0 202 pCi!g Rudium-228 0.797 +/.() 383 OJ55 0 155 +f-0 397 pCilg Thallium-208 0 J6! +/-0.104 0.0873 00392 +1-0.108 pCi/g. Tin-126 Ul o.oo +/-00769 0 136 00659 +/-0.131 pC1/g Rad Gas lllow Proporliona! Counting GFPC. Gross AfB. solid "Dl'.I' IViJight Corrected Alpha 12 4 +l-3 09 . 2 55 I 02 +1-3.91 4 Oil pC!/g, KXB2 12102115 1123 1525757 :3 Bctu 228 +/-3..\4 423 2.01 +/-4 71 10 0 pCilg }'he fo.flo_~\:~~g f.'.re.r M.c.t.h.o~s ~vc.r.~ . P.~r:fll.t.:.ll'I~~....... . Method Description A.nalysl Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soi) Prep Dry Soil Prep Gl.-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11110115 13l9 1521842 }'Iii: ~i,>llo~vi.Jlg.~n..:i~ytic.a.1.~11!1.~e>.~~ '.".t!~e pez:~or111ct1.. Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) DOE HASL 300. 4 S 2.31Gu-01-R 3 EPA 900.0/SW84ii 9310/SM 71 WB Modified Surrogat~ffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LAB ORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analxsis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. I.23.R.I Project: MJWCOO 1 l 5 Sample ID: 385070017 Client JD: MJWCOOl xi1r.ll:!11etc~.. . .. . .. . .... _Qua_li_~er..... !t.c~1:1lt.... _. l:n_c(!rt.:tin.ty ..... ;\1J>.C. .. Le TPl' ......*. ~~~ ...l!nif_s_ I>Y _r-\_nalyst. p:1t~_J:i1ne. ~atc)1 .~It.~ .. Surrogatcfl'racer Recovery Test Bnlch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95%, confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: I 5- Bazel wood Drive Suite 112 BulTa!o. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie [.,o~ey Project: Soil Radfoisutopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.23.R.l Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070017 CHent ID: MJWCOO! Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-l 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.9% ........ *-*-*- .. _gul}l_Uier . . ,R_cs_u_l~ .... _l_'.*~_cer:tain_ly ...... -~;!~(; ... _. _!,-~ TPV Gravimetric Solids AST.'vl D 2216 % Mois//lre "A.~ Received" Mmsturc 21.9 percent CX(l 11110/15 !319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Correc1ed" Actmium-227 u -00379 +/-0.295 0.556 0 261 +1-0.2% pC!lg RXF2 I 2i03/l 5 1306 1522383 2 Antimony-125 u 0.000438 +/.() \31J 0.250 0.1 lo +f-0 13() pCi/g Bismuth-212 I 73 +f-1 34 l ()5 0 457 +I-I 35 pCi/g. Bismuth-214 o*sss +l-ll. l89 om o.n786 +/-0.202 pC'i!g Ccsium-137 I 39. +/-0.155 o I 16 !J.Cl528 +l-0 192 0.100 pCi!g Cobalt-60 u 0 0434 +l-0.0402 0.!04 0.0436 T/-0.0449 pCi.lg Europmm-154 UI 0.00 +f-0 168 0 373 0 163 +/.l).!92 pCi/g Lead-212 I *II +f-U.130 0.120 . 0.0563 +/-0 l7S . pC1rg Leud-214 l 16 +j.I) 236 0 180 0 083.7 +1-0257 p('1/g Putassium-40 141 +/-1.82 I.(){, ()4-1.7 +/-2 22 pCifg Prot;ictmrnm-231 u 0.407 -+/-0.672 1 18 Cl.553 +f-0.703 pCifg Radium-226 () 855 +/-0.189 o.m 0078() +1-0 202 pCi/g Radium-228 0797 +/-0.383 () 355 II. !55 +/-0 397 pC1!g Thalhum-208 0361 +/-0 104 0.0873 () 0392 +/-(l.108 pCi/g Tm-126 U! 000 +/-0.0769 (} 136 0 0659 +f-0 lJ l pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Pi:-011ortional Counting GFPC'. Gross A*B, 9olid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 12 4 +/-3.[)9 2.55 1 02 +l-3 91 400 pCilg KXB2 12!02/15 1123 1525757 3 Beta 22.8 +1-l4il 4.23 201 +/-4.71 HJ.() pCi/g

}he f~.ll~~!_i1~g_ P..r:l!P.. ~le_th_o_~s-~v~r_e_r.1'..~f<ir~cd_ ..

Method Descript1ou An.ilyst Date Time Prep B:1tch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL*RAD-A-021 CXCl 11/101\5 1319 1521842 Th.c. fo_l~o~~ i_D.g _A_nalyt_i~a 1.. '.\'.l!,_l~~d.~. w~_r_e .P..C.1:'~~'.-~.~d........... _.. M.cthod Description ASTM [)2216 {Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2J!Ga-OJ-R 3 EPA 900.0!S\V846 93 !01SM 711 Ofl Modified Surrogatefr:racer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analxsis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14223 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie toscy Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample 1.D: 3.1.23.R.l Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070017 Client.ID: MJWCOOJ MDC Le T.l'.L .......... )ll,._ ~!IJ.i.ts.... P.J< .J\~al>.:s.t.. l)a.t~ ..Ti111c. }latc!1 .. ~It_~*. Surrogate/Triu~cr Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Recovery.. .. .. . .. . ..Tc!'t

                                            .. . .. ~ ***** ............................ -.... .. . . .. ... . ... . -. .. ............ -* ........ '..    "..   . . . . . . .... .- - . .. .. . .. .. . . ..... -* ****** .. -. .... .... -*- ... - ......

Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calct1lated at the 95% coufidence level ( l.96~sigma}.

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis

     *Company:                       MJW Technical Services Address:                       15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228                                                                               Repot1 Date:     February I 0, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.23.R.2 Project: MJWC00\15 Sample ID: 389303003 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 14-JAN-16 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.6% Paramcte.r. .. . ..... .. ...... ........ QuaU~cr Result Le Gravimcl'ric Solids ASTivf D 2216. % Jfoi.m1re "As Received N!o1sturc 20 6 percent C'XCl 01114116 IW2 1537321 Rad Gammn S11ec Analysis Gamma with lngrowt/1 "Dry Weight Corrected" Aclmrnm-227 u 0.0473 +1-0.305 tJ583 0272 +/-0.306 p('ilg RXF2 02/05116 0716 153755! 2 Antimony-125 u 0.0162 +1-0118 I) 222 0 I02 +/-0.118 pC1lg Bimnuth-212 Ul 0.00 +/-0793 1.35 0.617 +/-0.936 pC1!g B1sm11th-214 () 875 +/-0 17.5 0 ISi 0.0828 +/-0 191 *pCr/g Cesium-137 1.64 +/-0 161 I) 0903 0(1408 +/-0.215 o lllO pC'iig Cobalt-60 u 0.0050 I +t-01)408 0.086 0.0353 +/-0 0409 pCi/g Europium-154 u .00201 +/-lJ !3(1 U.265 () 113 +/-U J3(> pCi/g Lead-212 I 03 +/-0.136 (} 131 00615 +/-0.160 pC1/g Lcad-214 095!! +/-0.241 0.356 0.172 +/-0 254 pCiig Potas~ iu rn-40 13.7 +/-! 69 0.677 11269 +/-2.D5 pCilg Prolacttnmm-23 l VI 00(} +/-0.851 I 18 () 553 +/-0.866 pCi!g Radium-226 (l 875 +/-0 175 () 181 O.OB28 +/-0 191 pC1/g Ra<lium-228 0.911 +/,.{) 288 0277 () 120 +/-0.31 s pCt/g Thallium-20S

  • 0.290 +/-0 0749 (l 0767 0 0344 +/-110791 pO/g Tin-126 u 0.0186 +/-0 15& 0211 0 llJl +/-0 157 pC11g Gamma~pec. Gamma. Solid "Dry lf/eig/11 Corrected" Actmmm*227 lJ -0 00968 +l-0 302 () 562 0264 +/-0.302 pC1ig R..XF2 01118116 0936 1537548 3 Anunu~ny-125 u -0 0441 +/-0 115 0 204 (}0934 +/-0 117 pC1/g Bismuth-212 l!I 000 *l-0 929 l 26 u 580 +/-I 01 pC1lg Bismuth-214 0.727 +/-0 161 0.144 0.0655 +!*0.172 pC1ig Ccsium-137 1.79 .,.,_{) 152 () 0824 0 0374 +1-0.208 0 1()() pCi/g Cobalt-60 u 0 0229 +/-0 0394 0 0864 OOJn +/-()()408 pCilg Europium-154 u -00362 +/-0.119 0.222 ll.0949 +/-0 120 pC1/g Lcad-212 0 821 +1-0 18! 0.157 0.0748 +/-() 194 pC1lg Lcad-21*1 0.785 +/-0 19.J 0.324 0 157 +/-0 205 pCi/g Potassium-40 124 +/-1 .i2 0 760 0.321 +/-! 78 pC'1/g Protucunium-231 u 0.394 +1-0.87() 1 07 0 50(1 +/-0 874 pCi!g Radium-226 0727 +/-0 161 0. \44 0 0655 +/-0.172 pCi/g Radium-228 l 00 .,./-0.279 1)222 0.094& +/-0.315 pCilg Tha!lium-208 0 283 +i-0.Ul)23 U.0789 0.03(> +1-0.0952 pCi/g tin-126 UI o on +/-0 j ](l ll 098\ 0 0457 +f-ll.117 pC1lg Rad G11s flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A:B, solid "D1:1' Weight Corrected" Alpha 144 +/-4 45 3 9\ I.SI +f-5 22 4.00 pCi!g JXl37 0!/26/16 !140 1539464 4 Bel!! 24 2 +f-3 26 2 30 I 01 +/-4 71 IU.O pC1/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Tcch11ical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite ! !2 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: February 10, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.23.R.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 389303003 Client ID: :YIJ\VC001 Parameter .....91:1.al_iner ..... ~cs.11It ..... J111~ertai11tv MDC' Le The _f()l_l_~~vi11.g.~_r_ep_ ~~e.t.~_()d.~ '.t*er.e_p[!rf.oTIJll'.~................... . ******* ... Mei hod Description A11alyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Sml Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXC'I 01114116 1202 1537321 l_~hc..fP.l_~(}'.~J.llR.A.!,I~ lyt_ic'.11. '.\1 ~th~.d~ wi:.r~ .P.~.r_f()rf!l.Cd. ...... .

Vlethod Description ASTM D 2216 {Modified) 2 DOE llASL 300. 4..5 2 3/Ga--01-R 3 DOE HAS!. 300, 4 5.2.3iGa-01-R EPA 9000.IS\\!846 93IO!SM 71 IOB Modified

" Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits S urrogateffraeer Rccnn:ry Test Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (_l.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York l4228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

              --***** NOo***>>OO ***   **  0   000  0 O>H*ooo-*-***-**** 000'** '*

Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R. l Project MJ\VCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385070018 Client ID: MJWCOO! Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT- I5 I5:35 Receive Date: 05-l\)OV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 18% .r..~ra.111~~~r ......... **-- ......... ___Q_u.al_i~:r ...... -~es_~_l_t_ . U_~1~:r.t~i.Il_I).' .. MDC RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mo15ture 18.0 percenl CXCI 11/10115 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Garnmaspec. Gamma. Solid '1Dry Weight Con*ected" Actinium-227 \J 0.200 +/-0 247 0.480 pCi.lg RXF2 12103/15 1306 1522383 2 Ant1111ony-125 U -0.0283 +l-00879 (l.!6\ pCi!g ~csium-137 1.65 +f-0. \20 ()0529 0 100 pC1lg C'ohah-60 u 0 0239 +/-0.031 0 065\ pC1/g Europium-154 *U -0 0407 +1-0. I IO 0.194 pC1/g Protactinium-231 ll 0 155 +l-0.552 0 ~g7 pC1/g Rudium-226 0 939 +/-Cl .133 0.115 pC1lg Radium-228 0.86S +/-0 242 0.205 pC!lg. Tin-126 Li I 0 00 +/-0.134

  • 0 128 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 12 4 +/-3.69 342 4 00 pCi!g KXl32 I 2i02!!5 1125- 1525757 3 13eta 21.2 +l-3.25 3 39 10.0 pCilg The following Prep Methods were pcrfonned:

Ni-Cii1ocf *- ** ** **** **** ***- -**o~~~~iiitio~*** * * * * *** ***** * * * ***-****-*** ***** Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Ory Sai*11;*rcp........ *- ... . .. . Di}: So1Ci'rep-GL~RAb°;A-02 c*** . . 0

                                                                                                                  *******cxc*1***     * * **uhoiis- ****          13"f9".  .. "152"t"84i   -* .........- .... .
!~.~!~~ l_?':".~~!?-~.~a!f.~i ~a! .J',ll~t.h.?.~~- :--Y:~:. p~rfo11~1ed:_ . .. .. .....

Mc::~ho.t:L ............ _ . I>~s._cript.i.011 ... . ... . . . .. .. ...... .... .. . . . Amtl..Y.~t.~R.ITl!Il.ents ..... .. .. I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900 OISW846 93 IOiSM 71 IOB Modified Notes: Counting Unce11ainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Dole: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R. I . Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sa mp le ID; 3 850700 J 8 Client ID: MJWCOO ! Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT- [ 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 18% l'~r~~ct~r .................... q~al_ifi"I'.._ .. _}~_~s':!l_t ___ _ l_;lll:crtainty_ _______ :\~DC'_ ... -~c-- ....... TP..l' ...... _Rk_ __ X!!its. ___ I>.~. -*~-a~~~~-- Date .1:i_~~ -~-a_tc_h. _Tylt~. Gr:ivimcfric Solids ASJ!\1 D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture !S_O pcrcem CXC'I 11110115 \319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acunium-227 Ll 0.200 +/-0.247 ll 480 0230 +/-0.264 pCifg R-'<F2 12103115 1306 1522383 2 Antimony-125 lT -0.0283 +/.() 0879 0 161 0.0759 +/-0.0888 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0 809 +/-0 648 0762 0 352 +/-0.653 pC1lg ll1smulh-214 0 939 +/-0 133 0 115 OJJ53S +f-0 156 pC'ilg Ccsmm-137 1.65 +/-0.120 00529 0 0243 /-0.18(> 0  !()() pCi/g Coba!t-60 u () 0239 +1:0 031 0.0651 0.0293 +/-0 0328 pCi/g Europiurn-154 u -0 0407 +1-0 110 0 194 0 0881 +/-0 11 \ pC'i/g Leml-212 I 01 +/-0.121 009H4 0.047 -t-/-0.144 pCi/g Lead-214 I 12 +/-0.168 n.121 00572 +/-U.190 pC'1lg Potassmm-40 137 +/-125 0562 0250 +/-1.71 pCilg Protnctmium-231 L' 0.155 +/-U 55-2 (} 897 0428 +/-0 558 pCi/g R~diurn-226 0.939 +l-0.133 0.115 0.0538 +/-0 156 pC1lg Ri!dium-228 0.868 +l-0 242 0.205 ().0936 +1:0 259 pC1/g Thal!ium-208 0.218 +l-0 0745 0.063 1}02% +/-0 0768 pCi!g T[n-126 lll !JOO +/-0 134 (), 128 00613. +1-0 135 pCilg Rad GA.s Fl!lw Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A-'B, solid Dry S-Veight Correcred" Alpha 12.4 +/-3.69 3 42 1 37 +1-4 39 4.00 pCi/g KXB2 l 2i02115 l 125 1525757 3 Beta 212 +/-3.25 3.39 I 56 +1-4.40 10.0 pC1/g Th..e. fol!_[l~'ill.~.P~ep__ ~le_t~_o~~-'-vere .rc.rform_e~ ...

 .Method                          Description                                                                                      Analyst         Date                Time      Prep Bakh
..... *************-********-*** -********* ...................... *- .............................. .                                                                                     ""'*****"'"''''"''''° *'*'

Dry Soil Prep Dry Sq1I PrcpGL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11/!0/l 5 1319 !521842 Tb_~!f)l_lf)\l'i!l!:\_A11_~lytj~a!_]\.*!i:!~()~S__,!cr~.l'.c!_"_f~.rlll'"'.~- Mctl!Od Description r\STM D 2216 (Modtficd) 2 DOE HJ\SL 300. 4.5 2 JfGa-01-R 3 EPA 900 OiSW846 9310iSM 71 IOB Modified Surrogateffracct' Recovery Test Batch ID Re<:overy% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1 lZ Buffalo. New York 14228 RcpOJ1 Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. ! .24.R. I Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385070018 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter... . . .. . . . ..... 9.U.:Jlifier_ ..... R.c~11.1t_ ...... rn_c_t?rt_a.i1tl.. ....... _,\1(?('.' ... _. -~-c *- ......... TJ;'J: .... *- .. ~1:-- .. ~'!!_its_ ... :0.F.. '.:~!,s_~. .D.Sl!e. _T!i_nc ..fl.l!.t<:l~----~ltd!. Surrogatcffracer Recovery Test Balch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95%> confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: M.IW Corporation

  • Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1 l2 Buffalct. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R. I Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385070018 Client ID: MJ\VCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV- I 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 18% Parameter

            .....................  .......... qua_Ji~er               Result            l)'11:ert~i1J..l~............ ~IDC       Le     ........      :r.r..r Gravimetric S(llids AST:\./ D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture                                                                lX.O                                                                                                per~cnt                    CXCI     .11110/15 1319       1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis

\... Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weig/it Crm*ected" Aclmmm-227 u U.200 +J-0.247 0.480 0.230 +1-0 264 pCilg RXF2 12103115 130(> 1522383 2 Antimony-l 25 u -0.02&3 +/-0 ()879 0 \6\ 0.0759 +/-0.0888 pC1/g Bismuth-212 0 809 +l-0 o48 0 762 0.152 t/-0 653 pC1/g BismuLh-214 0.939 +/-0 133 0.115 0.0538 *rl-0.156 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.65 +/-0.120 00529 0.0243 +/-0.186 0 100 pCi/g. Ca\Jalt-60 LI 00239 +/-O.o3 \ 0.0651 0.0293 +1-0.0328 pCilg ELJrapmm-154 u -00407 i*/-0.110 () 194 0.llSRI +/.() 111 pC1/g Lcad-212 l Ol +/-0.121 00984. 0.047 .../.Q. \44 pCilg Lcad-214 1.12 +/-0.168 0.121 00572 ...,.fl.190 pC1/g l'otass1um-40 13.7 +/-1.25 0562 0250 +/-1.71 pCilg Protactmium-231 lJ 0 155 +/-0 552 0&97 0428 +/.!) 558 pCr/g Radium-226 0 939 +/-0 133 0.115 0.0538 +/-{} 156 pCi/g Radium-228 0868 +/-0 242 0.205 0.0936 +i-0 259. pCilg Thallium-208 0.218 +/-0.()745 0.063 0 0291> +/.() 0768 pC1!g Tm-126 Ul 000 +/-0 134 0 128 0.0613 +/-ll 135 pC1/g Rad Gas Flo;,.,' Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross :4."B. solid "D1:r Weight Corrected" Alpha 12.4 i*/-3.69 3 42 I 37 +/-4 39 4.00 pCifg KXB2 12102115 1!25 1525757 3 Bern 21.2 +/-3.25 3.39 l 56 +/-4.40 10 0 pC1tg

f.b~_.f.oll~~!~llg_]>_!:~!!_:\~eth~ds_ \\:e_r~ .!! .. -***** .
     !\'let bod                   Descri11tion                                                                                 Analyst                     Date                 Time               Prep Batch Dry Sail Prep                 Dry Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-!J2 I                                                                  CXC' I                       1\/10115             1319               1521842
    '~he_ f.ol!()'.".i.'!~.J\.11:1_l~t.ical. :\'!~.~-~.?..~s .'.".'.cr~.11.e_r_f~.~ll~~tl.

Method Description ASTM D2216[Modified) 2 DOE HltSL 300,4 5.2 3/Ga-0 l*R 3 EPA 900 O!SW846 93 l'O/SM 71108 Modified Surrogatcffracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1 .24.R. l Project: MJWCOOl-15 Sample TD: 385070018 Client ID: MJWCOOI .Y~r..~!Jl~~~~ ............. *--. 9u~li.f.i~_r_____ . ---~esult l'nccrtaintY ..........;'VlQ( ....... _Le ......... JP_l' ... ~~- ... l~'!i~*-*.!_)E _i:\CJ:!:Irs.t. -~~t:1:. ~*!me__ . ___;\-1td_. Surrogateffraccr Rccove1-y Test Bat1;h ID Reco.-cry% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charfeston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: February IO, 20 ! 6


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioi~otope~ Client Sample JD: 3.1.24.R.2 Project: MJ\.VCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 389303004 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 14-JAN-16 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.7% ranunctcr '

   ..... .................             q~~li.f.i:l!.r. _ . Result                                     MDC
                                                                         .. -~inc.~r,l:~i_l)~V ... . ..                   Le
                                                                                                         --**-*-******* - ...   . . .. ..T.J>l; ' ... .Rt                   DF Analvst l'nib ...........
                                                                                                                                                           ...........                              Date Time Bah:h Mtd_ .

Grnvimetric Solids AST:W D 2216 % Moisliwe "As Received" Moisture 19.7 perccm CXC\ 01/\4/16 1202 1537321 Rm! Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma with Ingrowth "Dry Weight Correcred" A~tinium-227 lJ -0 0852 +1-0.315 0 579 0269 +1-0 3lS pCilg RXF2 02/05/16 0719 1537551 2 Anlimony-l 25 LI 0.0205 +f-0.128 0.239 CJ l IO H-0 l28 pCifg B1smu1h-212 u 0 402 +/.-0.772 I 36 tl62ll +l-0 794 pC1/g Bismuth-214 0.857 +/-0.\9& 0 151 0.1167.5 +l-0 213 pCi!g Cesium-137 1 56  ;./.() 170 0.096 0 0435 */-0 22t) ll, \()() pCi/g Cobalt-60 II 0.1>153 +i-0 053 (I 108 0 fl46& +/-0.0534 pC1/g Europium-154 lJ -00163 +/-0 130 0.252 () !06 +/-0.130 pCt/g Lead-212 1.04 +/.() 144 0.126 (I 0588 +/-0.171 pCi/g Le~d-214 I 15 +/-0 213 0 373 0.180 +/-ll 231> pCi!g Potassium-40 137 +/-1 64 0 392 0 125 +/-2 02 pCtlg Protnctmrnm-231 Lil ll.00 +f-0 607 1.l6 () 542 +/-0 632 pCtlg Radmm-226 0 857 +/.() 198 0 151 0 0675 +/-0 213 pCi/g Radium-228 I 24 .+-].!) 353 O.JJ9 () 150 +/-0.399 pCi/g Thallium-208  !) 284 +1-0 lO\I 0.0776 {) 0347 +/-0. 112 pCitg Tin-126 u 0.0515 +/-() 135 0 206 0()985 +/-0.136 pC'i/g Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Correc1ed" Aclmium-227 [] 0. 108 +l-0 363 0.655 () 3()9 +/.() 366 pCitg RXF2 () 1/18116 0936 1537548 3 u -0.0309 .;./.0.142 0257 0l19 +J-0 142 pC1/g 13ismuth-212 Ul {]()() -'-/*0.788 144 0.659 +1-0 949 pC'i!g Bismulh-214 0.686 +/-0.211 0 162 0 0731 t/-0.219 pCi/g Cesium-137 I 53 +/-0.168 (I JOO 0 IJ.\56 +/-0.209 0.100 pCi!g Cobalt-60 l1 O.ll\54 +/-0.0505 0.0934 0.0399 +/-0.051 pC1/g Europium-154 l! 0 0257 +/.(J 135 0.273 0.118 . "!"/.l) \36 pCi!g Lcad-212 0.939 +/-!l 144 0.144 0.0679 +/"O \62 pCtlg Lcad-214 0.801 +/.() 258 ll.18(} o.og36 +/-0266 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.2 +/-1.56  !) 740 () 303 +!-1.95 pC1lg 'Prolacllmurn-231 l? -D.m\37 +f-0.838 1.33 0 628 +/.() ~39 pCi/g Radiurn-226 () 686 +/-0 211 0.161 0.0731 +/-0 219 pC1/g Radium-228 0.732 +-1-0 30\ 0 306 D.135 +1-0.315 pCilg Tliallium-208 0 322 +/.00872 0,0821 0 037] +l-0.0913 pC'1lg Tin-126 Cl 0.00 ..i-0 213 () 215 0 Jl)2 +l-0215 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Ptoport(onal Countinr; GFPC. Gross A*B, solid Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 11.5 tf-3.78 ) 87 1.57 +i-4 37 4.00 pC1/g JXB7 0\/26/l 6 I I.JO 1539464 4 Bern 22.3 +J-3.36 3 35 1.54 +i-4 56 JO.() pt'1!g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 BufTalo, New York 14228 Repon Date: .February 10. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 389303004 C[ient rD: MJWCOO 1

\-JDC Le Tl~.cJollo~~-!~gJ'.~.~ILfy!e~l!l_l.~~-~l"!:-r~. p_cr~or.111.cd_ .............. **- ... -* ........................................ _ .... .
!\llcthod                      De.~cripticm                                                                    Analyst             Date            Time         Prep Batch Dry Soil !'rep                  DI)* SoJ! Prep GL-RAD-A-021                                                     CXC I               01/14/16         1202        \53732[

T_h_c..f.o.l_l~n~ing f\£.k1t!  ;'vi cth_c1ds ~ci:-l! pe_rf.o~rn~d ..... _ . Method Dcscripticm ASTM D22!6(Modificd) 2 DOE HASL 300.!Gn-01-R 3 DOE MASI. 300. 1-R 4 EPA 900 OtSW846 931Q.'SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogate!fraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12

                                                          ~uffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R.6 Project: l\UWCOO! 15 Sample ID: 385070019 Client JD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Water Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 l6:00 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Para!n..~.t~-~ *- .... .. gu~li_~:!.. **-- -~esult . ~t~* MDC RL Units __ [)_F A,:1ialyst . Date :n~1~.!3.~t.~h. Method Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Liquid (Standard List) "As Received" Aclinium-227 U -10 6 +/.26 8 471 pC1/L MJH 1 11117115 0657 1521915 Antimony-125 U 0 696 ~*/-10.5 19.0 pCi/I. Cesmm-137 lJ -1 85 +/-4.78 7.89 10.0 pC1/l.. Cobalt-60 ti 3 35 +/-4.73 9 .+7 µCr.IL Europium-154 lJ -5.74 +!-11.7 19.6 pCi/L Proiacumum-231 U 27 I +/-51.0 94.5 pC1/L Radium-228 U -16.5 t/-20.6 29.9 pCi/L Tm-126 U 4.94 tf-l 1A 194 pC1fl. Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GPPC, Gross A/B, liquid "As Received" Alphn U -I 8 +/-1 22 3 5.8 5.0ll pC1/L JXB7 12/03/15 I 129 1525771 2 Beta lJ 0 222 +/-2 .57 4 69 5 00 pCi/L .:rhe f.~l_l?.~'.!?.~.-~~~-!)'.ti_c_~.1 ~er_e. p_er_for1_n~~:__ .... *-* **-. _. .... ..... -* ... -* .... -**** .Me!!l.~L .... .!?.~~cr_iptic;i11. : .... _**- ............................. --*-*-******* EPA 90\.l 2 EPA 900 OISWS46 9310 Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GELLABORATOmESLLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 20 l 5


!'>fa, Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.24.R.6 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 385070019 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Water Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: ................ Client Parameter YID(' Le Rad Gamma Spee Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma.. Liquid fStcmdard Lisi) ':4s Re,*efred" Actmium-227 u -JO 6 +J-16 8 47 I 22 3 +/-27 3 pCi/L MlHl 111!7il5 0657 1521915 Amimony-125 ll 0 (l9fi +!-10 5 19 0 8 88 +/-10 5 pCi!L Bi~mulh-212 ll 44 I +1-63 5 Hl8 5{) ll +/-66 7 pC1IL Btsmuth-214 Ul 0.00 +J-16 8 17.1 804 +l-17 5 pC1/L Cesium-137 ti -1.85 +/-4.78 7 89 3.66 +/-4 85 100 pCilL Cobalt-60 u 3 35 +1-4 73 947 4 31 +/-4.98 pC1iL Europmm-154 u -5 74 +/-11 7 19.(l 8.61 +1-12 0 pC1fL Lead-212 u. Q 17 +/-9.46 l3 5 6 41) +/-9 87 pC1/L Le~d-214 U! 0.00 +/-12 9 15 2 7 17 +f-13.9 pCiiL Potassium-40 l! -46.l +/-57 9 399 40 7 +/-61.7 p(1ll. Protacunium-23 I u 27.1 +1-51 0 94.5 44 8 +l-52.8 pCVL Radmm-228 ll -16.5 +/-206 . 29 9 138 +/-22 1i pCift Thallium-i08 UI 0.00 +f-1 38 670 3 08 +J-7.39 pC1/L Tin-126 lJ 494 +/-l 1.4 19 4 9JO +/-11.4 pC1/L Rad Gas Flow Propurtional Counting: GFPC. Gross A.'B. liquid "As Reccfred" Alpha lJ -1.8 +/-1.22 3 58 I 4(> +1-1.22 5 00 pCilL JXB7 12/lB/ I 5 1129 152577 l 2 Beta ll 0 222 +/-2 57 4.69 2 13. +1-2 57 5 00 pC1/L I.~1.!_!o~_lo~vi.111?; :\~J!.IY'..i~a~ _i\'le~~!!_d_s_\V.~.r.e. _per.fo_r.m~~ _. Method Description EPA90l 1 2 GPA 900.0/SW846 9310 Snrro~atcffrlicer Reco\*ery Test Batch ID RecoYery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence !eve! ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 B11fialo. New York 1422& Report Date: December 17. 2015


!vis. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample fD: 3.1.24.R.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385070019 Client lD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Water Collect Date: 20-0CT- ! 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-l S

     .. C:<:JH.~~tc:r.: ............ ~1\e.nt_ ....... .

Parameter Le .... TI'.r .. _.... !<.!-:-...... ~*.II.~~~ ... P.~. A11.:~_lyst. pat~ Time__Hat.~h. !Ylt_d: Rad Gamma Spec A11alysis Gamiiraspl?c. Gamma. Liquid 1S1andard Us!J "As Received" Actinium-227 li -IU.6 +/-26.8 471 2.2 3 +/-27 3 pC1/L M.llfl 11/17115 0657 l.52191S Anlimon) -125 u 0696 +/-I0.5 191) 8 SS +I-JO 5 pCilL Bismuth-2 \2 lJ 44 I +/-63.5 108 50 ll +/-66.7 pCi!L Bismuth-214 l!I 0.00 +/-16.8 17 I 8 04 +/-17 5 pC1/L Cesrum-137 u -l.85 +l-4.78 7 89 3.66 +/-4 85 10 0 pCilL Cobalt-60 LI 3 35  ;-/-4.73 947 .J.Jl +/-4.98 pC1/L Europmm-1.54 u -5.74 +/-l I 7 196 8.6\ +/-12 0 pCilL Lcad-212 lJ 6 17 +/-9.46 13.5 6 49 +/-9.87 pCi!1. Lead-214 Ul o.on +/-12 9 15 2 7 17 +/-13.'} pCifL Potassmm-40 LI -46.1 +/-57 9 89.\1 40 7 +i-61 7 pCriL Pro!acunium-231 u 27 I +/-51 0 94-.5 44.8 +/-52.8 p('i*l. Radium-228 u -!6.5 +/-20.6 29.9 13.8 +/-22 0 pC1'1. Thallium-208 U! 0.110 +1-7.38 li.70 3.08 +/-7.39 pCifL Tin-126 () 494 +/-1 i".4 19 4 9 30 +/-\l 4 pC'i/L Rad Gas Flow Proportional Cou11ting GFf'C. Gross A.'8. liquid As Received" ll .-1.8 +/-1.22 3.58 J 46 +/-1.22 500 pCi!L JXB7 !2i03/15 1129 !525771 .2 Alpha Beta u 0222 +/-2.57 *169 2 13 +1-2 57 5.00 pCliL T..h.~..f.~.1~(1\\'ing :.\!1.a..lyti_c_!!!. ~!~.t.b.~d_s. ~H~~'O p~_rror.!11.ccI .. Method Descriptio11 EPA 90! I 2 EPA 900 OiSWS46 9310 Surnigatcffrncer Recovery Test Hatch TD Rccoycry% Acccpt:thic: Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l.96-sigma).}}