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NRC Presentation Feb 6 2018 Public Meeting Rev. 1
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/06/2018
Download: ML18038A717 (12)


Westinghouse Electric Company Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility (CFFF)

Status Update Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II, Atlanta, GA February 6, 2018 10:00 AM


  • NRC Introductions/Opening Remarks
  • NRC - Background Information
  • NRC NRC Oversight Activities
  • CFFF - Westinghouse Status Update
  • NRC Question & Answer with Public
  • NRC Closing Remarks/Adjourn Meeting 2

Background Information On May 28 - 29, 2016, a significant safety operational event occured when Westinghouse conducted an annual inspection and cleanout of the S-1030 scrubber.

  • Approximately 197 kilograms (kg) was found inside the scrubber. This equates to almost 100kg of uranium.
  • Approximately three times greater than the mass limit in the criticality safety evaluation (CSE) which was 29 kg uranium.


Background Information (cont)

  • Confirmatory Order (CO) was issued on August 9, 2017, as a result of an agreement reached during an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mediation session.
  • CFFF participated in the Agencys ADR program to resolve the enforcement aspects resulting from the scrubber event.


Background Information (cont)

  • Licensee Performance Review completed on March 6, 2017, one Area Needing Improvement (ANI) was identified in Safety Operations, due to the scrubber event.
  • The NRC identified weaknesses in management measures and the assumptions used in the sites criticality safety evaluations.


NRC Oversight Activities

  • In addition to the 2017 baseline inspection, the NRC conducted two separate inspections to validate completion of commitments made in the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) dated August 11, 2016. The CAL was subsequently closed to the CO on August 9, 2017.

- Inspection Report 2017-006

- Inspection Report 2017-008

  • ANI supplemental inspection 2017-009
  • NRC observed every 6-week and 13-week inspection of the S-1030 scrubber performed in 2017 6

Planned Oversight Activities

  • ANI supplemental inspection planned for the week of February 26, 2018
  • Nuclear safety culture inspection planned for the month of May 2018
  • NRC will continue to monitor the performance of the S-1030 scrubber system during maintenance cleanouts 7

Current Status of CO and ANI

  • 2 of 9 items from the CO have been completed and inspected:

- Written explanation for the four violations and corrective actions to restore compliance

- Development of a metric report with the aggregate picture of the health of the criticality safety program.

  • 5 of 6 corrective actions to prevent recurrence from CFFFs root cause analysis have been completed and inspected.
  • One supplemental inspection conducted reviewing the implementation of management measures and a review of CSEs. Second supplemental inspection scheduled the week of February 26, 2018.


Westinghouse Status Update 9

Informal Question and Answer Session between the NRC and the Public 10

Closing Remarks 11

Public Document List

  • 2017 License Performance Review report 2017-001 -


  • 2017 NRC Public Meeting Presentation Slides - ML17132A068
  • 2017 Westinghouse Public Meeting Presentation Slides -


  • Augmented Inspection Team report 2016-007 - ML16301A001