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ML23075A331 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Palisades ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/16/2023 |
From: | Jason Bundy, Kenneth Kolaczyk, Tom Stephen NRC/RGN-II, NRC/NRR/DRO/IRAB |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML23075A331 (19) | |
Overview of Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors Jason Bundy (Region II Senior Operations Engineer)
Tom Stephen (Region II Chief, Operations Branch 1)
- NUREG - 1021 establishes the standard that is in accordance with 10CFR part 55 Operators Licenses to examine applicants and licensees
- 3 Levels of licenses
- Reactor Operators (RO) - manipulates the controls of the facility
- Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) - responsible for directing the licensed activities of a licensed operator
- Senior Operator Limited to Fuel Handing (LSRO)
- Trainee exemption - under the direction and in the presence of an RO/SRO an individual in an approved training program may manipulate the controls
Operator Requirements
- Education
- Experience
- Training
- Medical certification
- Application
- Examination
- Licenses
- Issuing
- Conditions [10 CFR 55.53]
- Expiration
- Renewal
- Requalification
- Enforcement
Operator Requirements
- High School diploma / GED
- Power Plant experience
- 18 months nuclear / military
- 27 months non-nuclear
- Minimum Time on site
- SRO (Flow Paths)
- RO upgrade
- Direct SRO (a.k.a. Instant)
- Prior RO license
- military
- College degree or professional engineer
- SRO certified instructor
- Minimum Time on site
Operator Requirements
- 12-24 months of training
- Classroom training
- Generic Fundamental Concepts
- Systems training
- Procedures
- Simulator training
- Startup-shutdown
- Normal, Alarm, Abnormal, Emergency Procedures
- On-shift under instruction and qualification book
- 5 Reactivity Manipulations
Operator Requirements
- Medical Certification (NRC Form 396 - PII)
- Sight, Hearing, Smell, Tactile, Physical and Mental ability / capacity
- Required to be conducted every 2 years
- Changes in medical status reported within 30 days
- Restrictions on license:
- None, Corrective lenses, hearing aids, medications, therapeutic devices, no solo operation, medical status report, other
Operator Requirements
- Application:
- Personal Qualification Statement (NRC Form 398)
- License being applied for and qualification basis
- Medical Certification (NRC Form 396)
- NRC contract physicians review medical information other than corrective lenses, hearing aids, and CPAP needs (NRC Form 396A)
- NUREG -1021, Rev. 12 Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors
- Agency estimate:
- 48 examinations a year
- 12 per region, nominal exam
- 714 hours0.00826 days <br />0.198 hours <br />0.00118 weeks <br />2.71677e-4 months <br /> per exam
- Each region writing 1 exam per year
- RO exam - 75 written exam questions, simulator test plus Job Performance Measures (JPMs)
Examination Scheduling
- Annually Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) requests site exam needs (with class size) for the next 3 years
- Regional offices coordinate with facilities to schedule exams
- Facilities can request to develop their own exam or NRC developed
- NRC informs facilities which exams they will write (1 per year for NRC training, each region)
Examination - Written
- Developed from a technology specific outline and a sampling of technology specific Knowledge and Abilities [K/A] catalog
- Four tiers of questions
- Tier 1, Emergency and Tier 1, Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions
- Tier 2, Plant Systems
- Tier 3, Generic Knowledge and Abilities
- Tier 4, Theory
- SRO portion tests items such as use of technical specifications, procedure choice, and emergency plan implementation
- All written examination questions are multiple-choice
- Four answer options with each plausible and only 1 correct answer
Examination - Operating
- Simulator test consists of dynamic simulator scenarios (a.k.a. scenario set)
- One or more scenarios per applicant
- ROs 2 to 3 scenarios (with one at the controls)
- Each scenario has the following events
- Reactivity
- Normal
- Instrument/Control Malfunctions
- Major casualty
- Manual control of automatic system
- Technical Specifications
Examination - Job Performance Measures
- Administrative JPMs covers shift staffing, clearance, surveillance, release permits, and emergency plan
- Control room system and In-Plant system JPMs require demonstration of procedures
- Common to all JPMs: initial conditions and a cue
- Some JPMs have equipment failures that impact the outcome (called alternative path)
- 3 types: Administrative, Control room system and In-Plant system
Examination Milestones (Facility Prepared)
- 18 months before the exam facility gets written exam sample plan
- 210 days prior to exam is the project milestone discussion
- 150 days prior to exam start operating test outlines with draft operating test schedule
- 75 days prior to exam start all proposed exam material is due
Examination Milestones (Facility Prepared)
- 60 days prior to exam start preliminary waiver / excusal requests
- 35 days prior to exam start NRC validation (on site) occurs
- 14 days prior to exam start final license applications
- 7 days prior to exam start
- NRC supervisor approves exam
- Final applications reviewed / audited for eligibility
- List of applicants generated
- Exam approval letter generated
Examination Milestones (Facility Prepared)
- Exam administration - NRC examiners conduct operating test at the facility 1 to 2 weeks
- Written exam conducted within 30 days of Operating test
- Post exam package from the facility within 20 days of completion of all parts of the initial examination
- NRC makes licensing decisions within 30 days of receiving the post examination package
- Exam records are uploaded in ADAMS and available for public review (2 year delay)
- Applicants are issued licenses for 6 years
- Applicants license must comply with license conditions and restrictions
- License renewal required prior to expiration on same forms as initial application
- Requalification training is required for all licensed operators and inspected every 2 years
- Licensed operators must comply with the conditions of their license (10CFR55.53)
- Maintaining an active license, or reactivation
- Attend requal
- Biennnial medical exam
- The licensee shall not perform activities authorized by their license while under the influence of a substance that could adversely affect their ability to safely and competently perform their licensed duties
- Fitness for duty rules in accordance with 10 CFR 26
- Issued significant enforcement actions - public information
- 2022 Turkey Point licensed operator under the influence of alcohol while performing licensed activities - Severity Level III violation
- 2022 Limerick licensed operator under the influence of alcohol while performing licensed activities - Severity Level III violation
- 2021 Palo Verde licensed operator under the influence of an illegal substance (marijuana) while performing licensed activities - Severity Level III violation
- 2021 Vogtle 1&2 licensed operator failure to report prescription medications, deliberately provided incomplete and inaccurate information to the licensee -
Severity Level III violation
Conclusion Thank you for your participation!