ML21116A021 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 04/26/2021 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML21116A021 (19) | |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region II April 28, 2021, 5:30 PM (EDT) 2019 - 2020 Licensee Performance Review For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
- Please use the following number for audio during the meeting:
1-888-810-4797 Passcode: 3061191
- If you are having difficulty hearing the presentation, please notify the bridge line operator.
- If you are having difficulty seeing the slides, please email Timothy Sippel at
- Attendance
- Please provide your first and last name and affiliation when prompted.
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
WELCOME Discuss licensee performance 2019-2020 Address findings and Performance Observation Meeting For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
- Introductions
- Our Mission
- Performance Review Process
- Performance Review Results
- Response
- Adjourn Business Portion
- Question & Answer with the Public
- Adjourn Meeting For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
NRC MISSION The NRC licenses and regulates the Nation's civilian use of radioactive materials to provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety and to promote the common defense and security and to protect the environment.
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
NRC FUEL CYCLE OVERSIGHT COMPONENTS Inspections Investigations Allegations Incident
Enforcement Performance Assessment For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
LICENSEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS Plant Events Safety Significance Assessment Reactive Inspections Inspection Follow-up Emergent Performance or Generic Safety Issues Assessment Inspection Program Adjustment Inputs NRC Review Results NRC Response Other NRC Actions
- Enforcement Actions
- Previous Performance
- Safety Significance
- Performance Trends
- Cross Cutting Issues
- Corrective Actions No Performance Issues
- Core Insp. Program
- Inform the Public Area Needing Improvement (ANI)
- Insp. Program Changes
- LPR Frequency
- Inform the Public Or Performance Areas For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
- Safety Controls
- Supporting Safety Programs Operational Safety
- Criticality Controls
- Program Oversight
- Criticality Incident Response Criticality Safety
- Prevention, Detection, &
- Supporting Fire Safety Programs Fire Protection Safety Operations 8
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
- Members of the Public
- Plant Workers Radiation Protection
- Program Implementation
- Liquid and Gaseous Effluents Effluent Control
& Environmental Protection
- Processing, Handling, Storage
& Transportation of Waste Waste Management
- Receipt, Packaging & Delivery of Radioactive Materials Transportation Radiological Controls 9
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191 LICENSEE PERFORMANCE AREAS
- Safety Controls
- Supporting Program Elements Maintenance and Surveillance
- Emergency Plan Implementation
- Evaluation of Emergency Drills Emergency Preparedness
- Configuration Management Program
- Request for NRC Approval Plant Modifications Facility Support 10 For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191 LICENSEE PERFORMANCE AREAS
Material Control & Accounting Physical Protection
- Assessment and Follow-up of Plant Events
- New Facilities or Processes Other Areas Information Security Safeguards & Other Areas 11 For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191 LICENSEE PERFORMANCE AREAS
LICENSED ACTIVITIES BWXT Nuclear Operations Group (NOG) Fuel Fabrication Facility Possess Special Nuclear Material (Highly Enriched Uranium)
Process and develop uranium products Operate on-site laboratories Treat and discharge plant effluents For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
NRC ON-SITE ANNUAL INSPECTION EFFORT Category I Fuel Facility Resident Inspector (797 hrs)
Criticality Safety (192 hrs)
Fire Protection (Triennial)
(90 hrs)
Radiological Controls (96 hrs)
Emergency Preparedness (32-80 hrs)
Plant Modifications (32-96 hrs)
Safeguards (230-720 hrs)
Resident Inspector (797 hrs)
Region 2 Inspectors (672 - 1,275 hrs)
Category 1 Fuel Facility Note: The hours above are the estimated effort allocated to on-site routine inspections yearly between 2019 -
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
PERFORMANCE REVIEW RESULTS BWX Technologies, Inc. NOG - Lynchburg BWXT conducted activities safely and securely in 2019 and 2020.
No Area Needing Improvement was identified in the performance assessment areas.
NRC will conduct routine inspection program in the next performance assessment cycle.
Results are publicly available in ADAMS via Accession Number ML21064A522.
For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
REMARKS FROM For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 16 For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
CONTACT THE NRC Website: Questions/Information: or call 404-997-4417 For Safety or Security Concerns:
- Non-Emergency Hotline: 1-800-695-7403
- Emergencies: 301-816-5100
- Link: 17 For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
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GovDelivery: NRC ON SOCIAL MEDIA For audio, please dial: 1-888-810-4797, Passcode: 3061191
PROVIDING FEEDBACK TO THE NRC https://feedback.nrc.go v/pmfs/feedback/form?
meetingcode=202104 26