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SNCF164-RPT-01, Version 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report, Rer SNC432467 for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Attachment 3: Seismic Walkdown Checklists, Page 331 of 561 - Page 373 of 561
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2012
From: Miktus P
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-12-2266 SNCF164-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0
Download: ML12355A786 (43)


ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO, SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shee00 of/4 S .tatus: Y'M NEI )JEi Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equilpment II) No. QR11.BO04

Equip. CIass, 4.uipmen Decripion
LCCTRANtSFORMER IDldg.AUXILIARY Fioor tl. 139 Rooin, Area _ _Manufacfiurer, Model, Etc. (optional butrecbrnmended)

Instructiouslfor Complet)g Cliecklist; This checklist may be used to document:the results of the Seismic Walkdown item of uiq ment onithe SWEL. The space below eaich: of the following questions.

may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space isý provided ac thie end of this checklist for documenting, other comm0ents.

I1.s the anchorage configuratn vri iaion required(iMis theiten one yt Nn of the 50% of SWEL items requiring Iu..h verifticA46h)?

Z..Is free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?h3. is the anchorage free of corrosion that is moreithan'mild surface, oxidation?

4, Is the anchorage free of visible.eracks in the concrete near t!ie apchor.t?5. Is the anchorage configuration-consisicnt with plant documentatiion?

,(Note: This, questioin only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which: an anchorage configuration verification-is Nrequired.)

6. 'Based on the above anchorage evalua tions; istheo anchorage, flee of potentialily adverse seisminc..cbndi/iofigs?
Y~ NEI UD /A Y~No UD0 N/AD Y9. NEI, UD1 N/A]YN Ur N/AD 1ý.Ewitr the equiprne~dt cda.4shmire'ftorn Aopmedii B: (isss f Equipineit.

Page 331 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of J+Status: YW] N[Z UEI-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. QIRI1B004 Equip. Class 1 4 Equipment Description .LC TRANSFORMER


Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Y% NEI U- N/AO 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YA NEI UEJ N/A'and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?NE UD N/AD YUNE U Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yn NE UD adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

'~"______ 3$ rED To T~E~IE~ §Pt&CiS~Ai~

.ALL V,~i~i 4AR.~Ap3~~

5tfl~.PAC~5 W~T~ i~ ~TE~X7OW8 P~cr PE~TIps) M~1S H~&)~~$ o~THE '~i)~DAXE



'Anlm -ýln~Y~ C'"tL I ~n1L4 M6Iar, [I VI, Date:.Page 332 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIOPO Page 333 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONR!Page 334 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: ULI Seismic Walkdown Checklist.(SWC)" EcIipmeritJD No. QtRt7BOOl-A quip:Class 1 EquipiientDeqcHptionl MC IA _ __._.....Lcation" BW4,, AUXILIARY Floor El. 139 .Room, Area 332 Maiiufactu~i~i&, Mvodel, Elc. (op io~nalbtit recom mended) ....___________________

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist inay beu sed to document.the results of theýiSelmrnic.

Walkdowh of an item of etuiprient on fiv SWEL. The spacetbelbow each. Of the following quesfions may be usedc to recoidthe results of judgmenis and findings.

Additional space is provided at theiend of this checklts.fdi documeding other comments., Ariehor~age

1. fs the anchorage cknfiguration vejficationietUifed(i:., istheitdri~ke 16N 9f:the 50% of SWEL itens~requi ngjsuch veiication)?
2. Is the anchora&g free of bent, broken. inissifig orloose hardxare?

Y NO UI N/A'3. is the anchorage free of corrosion thlais-more than mild surface NO UO N/AT oxidation?

4. Is theafichorage free of visiblecradks:in~thd:enci&etenea-r the anchors? YgNOI UrJ N/Atl 5. is the, anchorage cgonfiguratibn.consistefii .with planit dOeiwnentation?

Y[("NQ U11 N/AO: (Note: This question only applies if thefem'is one.of the:50% for which an anchorage configurt.ion verification-is required;)Ba sed on the aboveuachorage evahiations,.is thý anchorage free of Y NC UC p pot. tially adverse scismiic conditions?

iEiiter the6eqbipn ntdlass itam; frcii Appendix B:Classes~of Equipment.

Page 335 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet2 otf/Staus ~ UE SeiI iicWaiktOwn Checklist (SWC)Equipimenft D iMNo., -QR1 .78001-A. , Eq.ipClass', I Tiht ertaction Effects.7 d. Are.sofi targetsfreeibdw isnpact by nearby eluipmeha snt thiecturet?

8. ýAre overhead equipmentý, distributi'on systierns, ceiling tiles and likhting,-

andI niasomyr b Ilock walls not likel to I olAp-6 se, onto the' equpmentý-

tyVNiI UflJ M/AE'qkhNTF UI NIL f 9. Do atiachedý lines have adequ.ate .flex..i~bilityýto avoid damage? E[ UD 'AF-......+++ :+ i " ... .. ... v- +:.: .C 0 v +jjT (:j Q4.-*-o -+F :++ 'i-P+ =o. 1 oýH L :: " a : = , , ..... ,, ... ..... .:: ": (, + 10. Based on the above seismic. interaction

'evalutiaions, is equipmient ,free IUI.of potenitiall'y adv~erse sei~smic irdteactmin effects?: Other Adverse Conditions

.1 I.L Have you looked oranrid found no other iseisific c6nditions that: I coul d adversely affect the safety functions of th~equOijet Comments (Additional pagtes:maybev SOad, d-ecessay).


...4.0-111, 74 , Y I)ate: Page 336 of 561 NO. SNCFI64-RPTOI1, VERSION .9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS Page 337 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION Page 338 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Q:4~ ~K:2.4 Sheet :, of/ ý4, Status: YO ND U.J Seismic Walkdown (SWC)Equipmeilt ID No.0 =QRl `50A4. Eqauip. Class' 3 Equipment';Desdriptioin:4.1i6KV IJ Location::

Bldg, DIESEL Floor El. .155 Room, Area, C1X"Man.ufacturer,i Mod~E~c.~. (otonai. but recommended) nstructioisfor Com pleting Chemklie st may be usedS todou ttterett' eSesiWadonoantmofqip n nthýSWEL. The space below. eaibh of thte;fol6owiig

questioinsmay.bhe used torfecord the results 6fjiidgiets a.nd.findings., Additi onat space isprovided atthe end of this checklst for documenting other commetis.Anchorage 1. is: the ahchtorage.configuration verification required(i.e.,is the itemnone of the 50%;of'SWEL items requiring such. verification)?

2s.Ithe anchorage, freelof bnt;. bfoketýmissing orl."oosehardwvafe?

3., Is theanichorage fiee.of cortori&t that is moie thafiimild surface oxiidation?ý

4. Is the anchorage -fr~e,of i'isib~cak si h oceeha the anchois?7 5. Is the anch6rage configuration consistenit With pidit documnidhtation?

ý(Note: This question only applies if the item is oneotfihe 50% for Whi'ch an: aniithorage

¢configufation.Verificatio0nis required.)

6. Based on the abbve anicihrage.,evaluatibns, is.the

of potentia1lly adverse seismic conditions?


equipment class name from Appendix B: Cliases of EquipmentL Page 339 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet o Status: YOEI .D U[Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equi~inment ID No. QIR15A 504ý Equip. Clss 1 Eqapm Dscrpt_ 4.16KV SWITCHGEAR 1J., 1nteraction Effects: 7. .A:re soft targets free firom impact by nearby equipmeati or'strictures?

8. Are ".overhead eqluip nt systems,.~iling tiles aid lighti'ng, and riasoiry block w oalfs not likely to collapse§ onito the equipmnenti?:
9. Do attachedlines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction

&,aluatiohs, is equipmiht fre of potentialiy adverse seismic interaction effects?KYENI UEr N/AFI;oNO 00E N/AE Y'mNU UQ Other Adverse Conditions:

1i, Have you looked for and:found.Aio other. seisniucnditionsthat cfid YN1 0l[adversely affeci ihe safety fuictiois of thee4Aiipineht?, Commentis(Addifional pages may be addedasnedessary)

L.M ¢ttci,2-..." ..o" ...G +v E" .a.uate by:-, .... .. M.. ...:týz ljate:ý 'h d7 Tozv-y iA-Page 340 of 561 9 ACMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0-5 9- 1-1 Page 341 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION.00

!Page 342 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheeti. f Status: YW.N- UD Seismic Walkdowh Checklist (SWC)EquipmentlD No. Q1R16B006.

Equip.'Equipment Description 600V LOAD CENTER, 1D.

Bjldg, AUXILIARY FlborELI 1,39 R66m, Area ___:, Manufactufer, Mode!,Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist miy be used to doduiment thetresults ofthe Seisinic Walkdown of ýn item of equipment, on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions maybe used t-o record the results ofjudgments and findings.

Additional spaceis provided at the ernd ofthis checklist for dociumenting other comments.Auchora2e 1, Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y4 NO of the 50A% of SWEL itemts requfring such verification)?

2, Is:the anchorage free of bent ,broken,-missirng or loose hardwarc?3. is thfe anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidationi?

  • 4). Is the anchora'ge visible cracks .in.fle concretene.arutlie~anchbors-?

5, Is theanchorage -onfiguration consistent with plant rdocmenataioti?(Note:lThisiquestion only applies if the item is one of the50% for whichkan anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic:'conditions?

4§D UO N/An Y&NE U0. N!AD Yb No UE N/AD Y 7.ND UD /A'.E nter the ,'quipjnent classnnwieif-orm Appendix B: ClassesýofEquipmeat.

Page 343 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Seismic Walkdown Checklisi (SWC)Sheeit 2 OfXa Status: Yj ND U]/, Equipment ID Na, .1R168006 Equip. ClQass'2.Equipuient Description, 6o0v L OAD CENTER. :I ,..j......

~,J, \Interaction Effects 7, Are soft-targets free fromimpact by nea byequipmehit or stuctfires?

8. Are overhead eqtiiomenl, distribution systems, ceiliig tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to .ollapseontotdlhe equipment?

9, Do attached lineshave adequate flexibility tb avoId damage?10. Riasedon the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipmentfree of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?ýYJ- NC1 UC1 N/AC:N' WNAD.NC U N/AC YE2 NCI UC1 ,OtherAdverse Conditions, 11 Have youlooked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y N[:C UC adversely affectthe safeiy fundcions of the equiprment?A Cormments (Addiltional

'ges may :beadded as iecegsuay).T: Evaluatcd

ýy7 .~ l C.)Date. 45l Page 344 of 561 T ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN CHECKLISTS Is NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0-\r Page 345 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 0, RI-4JO Page 346 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shieet I 6e Status:ý YK NQj uFj Seismitc WAlkdowni Checklist (SWC)Equipmet BID No,.

Equip: Cl"ssi 1 Descriptio fMiWMCC_1K

...___._...._..._______, ......... :: ....................


Bldg. SWIS Flo- El,. 1L88.5 ooAea____________

'Manufacuýrer, Model, & E tc (optionalI but' ieconixneidI ed)Instructions for Com ple.,ting Checklist:

'This chlist m b used to domaument the results of the ofi aniiem 6f equipment onfth&SWELI Thtespac(e bctow each of the following.questions i be used td1reeord the results ofjudgments and..filnd igS Add i tional Space is p rovided at the end of thisshecist for dddum entinlg other comme ..n..ts.I. Is ý1"e anchorag6configuriition verification required (i.e., is the iiem one, of the 50% of S.WELiýJte s requigrig sueh veriFic.aton).

YD N~r 2. is the anthbriiag0.'frefe of benti brkern, missing or loose hafdware?3. Is the anchorage freeo coirof.sion ithat is moethan mild su.-f.ace oxidatin 4. Is tie anchorage,-free.of isiblecr acks in the'concre'tenearctheanors?

5. :is 1the aoch6oi~ae configuration consistent with plant documentation?

CX, e;tc Ihis questiont only applits if the itlem isý one oF tlic 50`% f&~which aie verification

!s requiind.)

  • 6. B!ind oh the above ýanchorage=

evaluations, is' the anchorage pot ontially ýadverse seismic cu n itions?YQ ND UDA YlN[1 UEJ N/A&ýYvD NO2 UEfNA Ent~~~~~a Ihe cqnlncn tasniernA ppcndix B;: Classes(, oFcL~iplrnc I t Page 347 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet v Status: Yo~ Nf VI I ,Seismick.WaIk down 'CheckliM (SWIC)Equipment,'ID, ,o, QlR77B504-A Equip. C Iass .,t quipment.scription MCC .. ........ .. -..........

Interaction Effects.7, Are soft ýat-gets free fr6m impkactby.nerby equipmebior


8 Arc overihead equipmefict, distribitiion systems, ceilinig tiles and lighting, and lmasonry lokallsn0t ikely-to collapse antothe pment?9. Do0attacIed ihnýýsave i adquatedlexibilityl! ,avoid .amage?10. Baed on theabove, seisniic-interapction evaluations, isrequipmen t free:ýof potentially adverse, seismic int ,eactio' effects?YfVND tJD N/ADl Y10 -NQ; Un IN/ADF-Y L4 NDD N/AD U01,U 0Other Adverse Conditions 1.Have you looked for and f6und tno other seismic: coniditions that codld N UE adversely affect, thesafeuty functions of the equipmient?

Y NDU Coniinýnts (Additio)nal pages m'a~y' be~add, d'Al i6e~ss&Aiy Evaluated by:ý VI~R~M U~ / -) ~ A. x A-jt _1)Ate6.Page 348 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONP Page 349 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS r- -%Fkt)NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 350 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 I fl-Sheet u .:f' NO V0 Status: Nfl :U(]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equpmen t IDNo. QIR178E02 Equip. Class ,-.Equipment Descrip ion MC mc,18 iocation:

Bidg-.AUXILIARY Floor.El.

121 Room, Area ....____-__....

Manufacturer, Model, lEtc. (optional butt&&cdm6nded)

Instructiop.s for Completing CheckliUst This checklist maybe used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an itemof equipment-on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to~record the results ofjudgments and findings.

Additional space is providedat the, eid of this checklist for documenting other 6omments.,Ancliorace

1. Is the anchorage.

co0ifigui-aitoi'nverigication required (i.e.,s the item onet YoI/NFI of the 50% of SWEL1 items, requiri .ng stich verificý,atlion)?

2. Is:the anchorage free ofbent broken, mnissing or loose 3. Is th.e:anchorage free of corrosion that is.more'than, mild sarface bxidation?, 4.= Is the anchorage, free of visible cracks in the- concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anmhorage configuration consistent with plani documentationi?(Ndte: This queStion only applies if the item is one of thei50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required')
6. " " ..= .#....6. Based-on the above anchoragevyaluations?

is the anchorage frec ,b+/-poteatially adverse seismic conditions?

Yg"NO UD N/AE]"YDIND' U0i N/AAIJ YE NDP ID N/AD VYDND UDO Enter the equipmient class nane fr0mrAl0chdix-43x Classess of Equiptneht Page 351 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 V:: Status:: YE] NED ufl*D Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC),Equipment IDtNo. QIR17B.02.... ...u.. I Equipmnent De)sc ription MýCC 18 --- --- ---Interaction Effects 7;. Are sof targets free frodi{/imp~ai by n aby equipment

8. Are overhead equipiment, distribution

ýsystems, eilingt les andlighting, ad maso- block wais not e t coll on1o I e quipment?:9. Do attach in .axe adeqiuate flexibilityatioi.

d .rmage?10, BasedonothcIly, bver seiSi.mid, interac-tionl ecaltion, I ecment re of potentally advrseei ' nteal inffc-Y El N IO UF NIAOL Other lAdverse Conditions I lawve you. lookecd fr and fou nd i-snqc cond iti oen? s t.hat. co ul.. d" adversely affect the safe~ty fIunctionis otfu ciquipmen!?

YEOjNýj: VE3lComments_(Addifina!

pages imay be added as necessary).

~u ~ .~AP&1 ~Ykv/\ .;j ~Jfl I/4A ~Evlatdy~/ '~M~7'Y!YI K~zj~I c~JTt L Date. i/to t 4 k Page 352 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 St de 3is YE'NL T Seismlic Waikdown:

Checklist (SWC)EqIpmn [D No. Q.1017,9002,.

'Equjip. Class'ý 11 Equlipment-n Descripton MCC l ...PhotogXTp9s-YMT M4 '<~ w~ L *~ Th r .0 ~ ~U Qot~I c~ ~t' ~A-~re Ndte~Note:................

V ..... -. * / -L i/ //.-i: 7£_i.,.~N1 (9 !~ ~.C{J~h~ u0<~ A* A ~7~K V~ ~A) L.~2 0 4 ~Q ICC i$ C>N~Er ~7 i'" "-211 " ".. " ' ?i :i "" .: i : Note: NT.: Page 353 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .010 Page 354 of 561 97ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 355 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIONR Page 356 of 561 9 AC-IMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 357 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 100 Page 358 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIO V Page 359 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 360 of 561 Co C.)0 C-l 0) 97ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 362 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSIOP Page 363 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 364 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0.4 Page 365 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS S~e~ismic

(';Walkd~bw'ii Checklist (SWC)Equipmyen(t ID No. QI9.17-B5O7.A Equip. CIassi .. 1 Equipment Description MCC IN Locatiocffi:


floor L1. 155o a bu .....e Roiom, AreaQ__L NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0$heep f Staus Y2 NO- IT Instructions for Completing Checklist This chlecklist may hcoused'to djocunet the tresults of the Waikdowxn of" anll .itemof' ie nhet-oho ScfLi Thegsp bow oft f-w ing quz.stions may be u tOrsults of'judgmein!

Ind udings. Additional space is prbvidcd at the e nd of tIsLBchecklis', f-or docu menting othI er c oi immctits Ancliorage 1
.Is the anchorage cbnfigurataieonercaiion required (i.e., is the ifemoone YEI Nu/of the'50%% ofSWEL items r :qring such verification)?

2.j§ the anchoprage fre fbnboetisigo os adae 3. Is the of corrosion tiat is mo6re 'than mild surface oxidationl?.YN1 UDN/A 4.......hraefree of visih1ciirlks.

i th 6ncrd 'n the anchors? Y NE, ,S.,Is Tsthe anchorage configlranio consistiwitwkfh liant documeniiiti?(NoQte: This quecstion only applies if the item is onei of the 5U% foTWhich an anch~orage eofgito ciiainis reqtire&)6, BI'ased:on the above anchorage evaluations, is tih anchorage free of pdtehtially advcgerse lismic' conditions?

YDl NDC UDý N/Al1Eitrtheejtc tiuipiiiellfl~u I jmrn frorn.Appendi:Ca CI ss e ,oftEqiiiptnnt.

Page 366 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sloe. p 2 of.X..'Statusý:

Y[]~ NI] Lif]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment I IID No, QJR1,79507-A Eqip. Cla~ssi I EqOuipucnit DesdI pt ion, MCC INj-7.,Are Soft targ ts -fire from imPa by ncarb' equipuieiit or strictures, V 8. Are-overhead' equipment, stibution systemis,-, eilinp-ti lesardlighdting,j an m onbloc;k to ;Qollapse onto the equipment?

9.L Do attached' line hlO avoiddag[2. -NE] U0 N/AL]JF E] UX NAE 10. Based on ihe above seismic evahl atjons, -is 'equip ent:fre;e of potetially adversew Seismic in teaction, effects?Other Adverse Conditions:

1. L Have you looked for and ftou ind no dther sejirnic conditions:

thafcould YjN[1 ULm ad. erselyaffect t ic safty fi nutipns o:f the.equipm.en.t?

Coiet d ld s =.ceqsary)

Evaluated b~"A~~'.-&x *~ Date: ~-9~(/ ~'?*~~ ~g~Page 367 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 368 of 561


Bldg. AUQLARK Floor 1l.!.723.

Room, A.-rea__ManPfctre, Mdl t.(pinlbtrcmedd Instructiois for Completing Checklist beiuS~ed io docuament the the Seismicb WalikdOwin o~f anitn feiid:quipmeht on he SWf- hlespacte ltWv h hle.s o lowing q nmay bec used to redcord the results ofjudgments and findings.Additional sp~ace is: provided at the enid of this chocklist for dlocumenitingt other commen~ts.


1. its theanehorage configaimverification is the item6uifie-of tiie of SWEL itms requiingsuch verificati.n)?

.2.A I thea'ichobrge free:oi:bcnti brolkcn, missing.or loose HardwaFe?3. JIAthe anchorage fiee dofcifdsi6onthat is mo6reithanmnhild surface oxtidatIion

4. is the~anch&reI iree o: visibLec Taks ii ithle concrete neatr the ancho1rs?5. Isthe ancdhorage coafiwuraSoi consistent with pant d6curmentation?

wi~ih annchoageconfi,ýuration ver-iflication is required.)

6. Based on th'e aboveo a ,nchorage evaluatiofns, is the anchona e free f potenitially seismic conditions?.

YfPK<C UC /A UCE N/AC]NEK: U0 /A U0'.i',Enter the equi~reucits nam Li- Apedx 3 lassotqiprc Page 370 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: NO 3]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)EquipmentfI)

No. QtRI8BO29 Equip. 2 Equipment Description POWER DISCONNECT SWITCH Interaction Effects 7. Are soft:targets free~from.impact by nearby equipment or, structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiies and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipmenct?

YLENC 'UC] N/AC Yl?'NF U00 N/ACI-9. Do attachedtlines have adequlateflexibility to avoid damage?co', S v -t 10. Baqed on the above seismi iteraction evaluations, s equipment free I-I of poentially adverse~seismidintcraein effects?Other Adverse Conditions

.11. Have you lookedifor and found no other'seismic cotnditions'that, could ,UN adversely affect the safety functions ofthe e6iuipnienjt?

Comments (Additional pages.may be added as necessary)( " )UJ76 i ii (Evaluated by: Date:-, i i .....ký/zl AI Page 371 of 561 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS is NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Ti Page 372 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .010 Page 373 of 561