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Oyster Creek Generating Station, and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2005
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 02/27/2006
From: Swenson C N
AmerGen Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2130-06-20048, 2130-06-20276
Download: ML060820492 (43)


AmerGen .AmerGen Energy Company An Exelon Company Oyster Creek US Route g South, PO. Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 10 CFR 50.36a(a)(2) 10 CFR 72.44 (d)(3)Technical Specification 6.9.1.d 2130-06-20276 February 27, 2006 2130-06-20048 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 -0001 Oyster Creek Generating Station Facility Operating License No. DPR-16 NRC Docket No. 50-219 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility NRC Docket No. 72-15


Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2005 Enclosed with this cover letter is the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period January 1 to December 31, 2005. This report includes the Oyster Creek Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility.If any further information or assistance is needed, please contact Robert J. Artz at 609-971-4006.Sincerely C. N. Swenson Vice President, Oyster Creek Generating Station CNS/DIF


2005 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report cc: Administrator, USNRC Region I USNRC Senior Project Manager, Oyster Creek USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, Oyster Creek File No. 06003 TFu I]




.i LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 Annual Offsite Doses Radionuclides 3 1A Gaseous Effluents

-Summation of all Releases 7 1 B Gaseous Effluents

-Elevated Releases 8 1C Gaseous Effluents

-Ground Level Releases .9 2A Liquid Effluents

-Summation of all Releases 10-26 Liquid Effluents 11 3A Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments

-Summary 12 3B Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments 13 4A Hours at each Wind Speed and Direction 23 4B Classification of Atmospheric Stability 39..



AMERGEN ENERGY COMPANY OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT JANUARY 1, 2005 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 This report summarizes the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents from the Oyster Creek Generating Station and the calculated maximum hypothetical radiation exposure to the public resulting from those effluents.

This report covers the period of operation from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005.There were no radiological liquid releases during 2005. If liquid releases had occurred from the Facility, representative samples would have been collected and analyzed prior to discharge.

There was no dose attributable to liquid effluents because there were no liquid radioactive releases from the facility in 2005.Radioactive gaseous releases from the plant are monitored by radiation monitors and filtering systems installed in the plant stack and vents. Utilizing gaseous effluent data, the maximum hypothetical dose to any individual in the vicinity of the plant was calculated using a mathematical model, which is based on the methods defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

These methods accurately determine the types and quantities of radioactive materials being released to the environment.

The maximum hypothetical doses (Table 1) are conservative overestimates of the actual off-site doses, which are likely to occur. For example, wet deposition due to precipitation events decreases the off-site dose, but this phenomenon is not incorporated into the mathematical dose model.Radioactive airborne discharges from the facility during 2005 consisted of 304 curies of noble gases, 2.37E-2 (0.0237) curies of radioiodines, 9.81 E-3 (0.00981)curies of particulate activity, and 223 curies of tritium.Thirteen (13) solid, low level radioactive waste shipments, totaling approximately 797 cubic meters, were shipped in Type IP-1 and IP-2 Containers and General Design Packages from the Oyster Creek Generating Station during the reporting period. This material went to either a licensed burial site or to a waste processor for volume reduction.

No solidification agent was used in any of the 13 shipments.

The maximum hypothetical calculated organ dose (Thyroid) from iodines and particulates to any individual due to gaseous effluents (0.0618 mRem/year) was approximately 0.41 percent of the annual limit (Table 1). The maximum hypothetical calculated whole body dose to any individual due to gaseous effluents (4.47E-3 mRem/year) was 8.94E-4 percent of the annual limit.1 4 The total maximum hypothetical organ dose (Thyroid) due to all radiological effluents of 6.60E-02 mRem/year received by any individual from gaseous effluents from the Oyster Creek Generating Station for the reporting period is over 4500 times lower than the dose the average individual in the Oyster Creek area received'from natural background radiation, including that from radon (300 mRem) during the same time period. The natural'background radiation dose averages approximately 300 mRem whole body per year in the Central New Jersey area, with contributions of approximately 100 mRem/year from natural background radiation and approximately 200 mRem/year from naturally occurring Radon gas.Joint Frequency Tables of meteorological data, per Pasquill Category, as well as for all stability classes, are included.

All data were collected from the on-site Meteorological Facility.

Collection efficiencies for the 380-foot data and .the 33-foot data were 97.3 percent and 96.9 percent, respectively.

The UFSAR commits to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.23 for Met Tower reliability.

RG 1.23 requires 90%reliability over the year.2 OYSTER CREEW GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE I ANNUAL OFFSITE DOSES DUE TO RADIONUCLIDES IN EFFLUENTS January 1. 2005 through December 31. 2005 I li-i.: Reference ODCM 3.11.12 ODCM ODCM ODCM 3.112.1 ODCM.3.112.1 ODCM 3.112.2 ODCM 3.112.2 ODCM .... ..._ .._ r Liquid Total Body Liquid Gl Tract mre.m Noble Gas Total Body Noble Gas Skin H-3, lodines, &Particulates Thyroid mrem T Noble Gas Gamma Dose mRad l Noble Gas Beta Dose.T 1-131, 1-133, &Particulates Thyroid nirem rrRad mwrnn mrem mrenm-..w:: ODCM 3.0 mrem/year 10.0 mrem/year 500 mrem/year 3000 mrem/year 1500 mrem/year 10 mRad/year 20 15Rad/year ISrnrm/year 2NA .A 4.47E-m 6.48E403 6.t8E42 1.92E42 -8.91E-03 6.18E42.memrmmrem mr mrem mRad mRadrr.IPercentI Nor LimitI._I f Rfre-nce WA NWA 8.94E-04 2.1;E-04 4.12E-03 1.92E-01 4.46E42 4.12E-01 rcent nt Per'ce 3.11.4 All Effluents Total Body 3.11.4 All Effluents Thyroid mrem mrem ODCM 25 mremryear 75 mrem/year Lim it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2005 Dos 4.67E-02 6.60E-02 mrem mrem Percent of Limit 1.87E-01 8.80E-02 V,.~.

OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT JANUARY 1, 2005 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2005 YEAR 2005 EVENT REPORT LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASES There were no liquid radioactive releases from the facility in 2005.CHANGES TO THE OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL There were no changes to the ODCM during 2005.EFFLUENT MONITORS OUT OF SERVICE GREATER THAN 30 DAYS The radiation monitor for the 1-5 sump was out of service for 96 days from September 26 until the end of the year due to the unavailability of parts. There were no Radwaste discharges via this pathway during all of 2005. No other effluent monitors were out of service for greater than 30 days.CHANGES TO THE PROCESS CONTROL PLAN Revision 3 to the Process Control Plan (PCP) (RW-AA-100) was implemented during 2005. Changes include: enhancement to the definitions udewatering" and"incineration," changes to the method of controlling on-site vendors .who process liquid LLRW, clarification of compliance with federal regulations for waste sent for.burial, and clarifying of review of vendor procedures.

RELEASES FROM THE INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE FACILITY The Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSI) is a closed system and the only exposure would be due to direct radiation.

Because it is a sealed unit, no radioactive materials were released.

This includes lodines, particulates and noble gases. Therefore there is no dose from effluents from the facility.4 OYSTERCREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT- 2005 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Fqcilitv:

Ovster Creek Generptinp Station Licensee:

AmerGen Eneroy Compnny, L.L._C 1. Regulatory Limits a. Fission and activation gases: Technical Specification 3.6JE.l: The gross radioactivity in noble gases discharged from the main condenser air ejector shall not exceed 0.2 I/E Ci/sec after the holdup line where E is the average gamma energy (Mev per atomic transformation).

ODCM 3.112.1 The dose equivalent rate in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to radioactive noble gas in gaseous effluent shall not exceed 500 mrem/year to the total body or 3000 mremtyear to the skin.Note: The total body dose limit of 500 mrem/yearhas been superseded by 10 CFR 20.1301.a.l which states: The total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public from the licensed operation does not exceed 0.1 rem (I millisievert) in a year, exclusive of the dose contributions from background radiation, from any medical administration the individual has received, from exposure to individuals administered radioactive material and released in accordance with Sec. 35.75, from voluntary participation in medical research programs, and from the licensee's disposal of radioactive material into sanitary sewerage in accordance with Section 20.2003.ODCM 3.1122 The air dose in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to noble gas released in gaseous effluent shall not exceed: S mRad/calendar quarter due to gamma radiation 10 mRad/cakndar quarter due to beta radiation 10 mRad/calendar year due to gamma radiation, or 20 mRad/calendar year due to beta radiation.

ODCM 3.11.4 The annual dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBUC due to radioactive material in effluent and direct radiation from the OCNGS in the Unrestricted Area shall not exceed 75 mrem to his/her thyroid or 25 mrem to his/her total body or to any other organ.b. lodines ODCM 3.112.1.The dose equivalent rate in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to tritium (H-3), 1-131,1-133, and to radioactive material in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluents shall not exceed 1500 mrem/year to any body organ when the dose rate due to H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90, and alpha-emitting radionuclides is averaged over no more than 3 months and the dose rate due to other radionuclides is averaged over no more than 31 dayi, ODCM 3.1123.The dose to a MEMBER OFTHE PUBUC from 1-131,1-133, and from radionuclides in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluent, in the UNRESTRICTED AROMA shall not exceed 7.5 nirem to any body organ per calendar quarter or 15 mrem to any body organ per calendar year.c. Particulates, half-lives

> 8 Days: ODCM 3.112.1.The dose equivalent rate in the UNRESTRICTED AREA due to tritium (H-3), 1-131,1-133, and to radioactive material in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluents shall not exceed 1500 mrem/year to any body organ when the dose rate due to H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90, and alpha-emiting radionuclides is averaged over no more than 3 months and the dose rate due to other radionuclides is averaged over no more than 31 days.ODCM 3.112.3.The dose to a MEMBER OFTHE PUBLIC from 1-131,1-133, and from radionuclides in particulate form having half-lives of 8 days or more in gaseous effluent, in the UNRESTRICTED AREA shall not exceed 7.5 mrem to any body organ per calendar quarteror 15 nurem to any body organ per calendar year.d. liquid effluents:

ODCM concentration of radioactive material, other than noble gases, in liquid effluents in the discharge canal at the U.S. Route 9 bridge shall not exceed 10 times the liquid Effluent Concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B, Table U, Column 2.ODCM concentration of noble gases dissolved or entrained in liquid effluent in the discharge canal at the U.S. Route 9 bridge shall not exceed 2.Oe-4 u Ci/rnL ODCM 3.11.12.The dose to a MEMBER OFTHE PUB1iC due to radioactive material in liquid effluent in the UNRESTRICTED AREA shall not exceed: 1.5 nirem to the Total Body during any calendar qu irter, 5.0 nirem to any body organ during any calendar quarter, 3.0 mrem to the Total Body during any calendar yeart or 10.0 mrem to any body organ during any calendar pear.ODCM 3.11A The annual dose to a MEMBER OFTHE PUBLC due to radioactive material in effluents from the OCNGS in the Unrestricted Area shall not exceed 75 mrem to his/her thyroid or 25 mrem to his/her total body or to any other organ.Ni 2. g -~ , < e i~A I I i i i I I I i OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION

2. Maximum Permissible Concentrations MPCs used in determining allowable release rates or concentrations:
a. Fission and activation gases: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable fission and activation gas release rates or concentrations.
b. lodines: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable iodine gaseous release rates or concentrations.
c. Particulates, half-lives

> 8 Days: Per OCGS ODCM limits, no MPCs are used to calculate allowable particulate gaseous release rates or concentrations.

d. Liquid effluents:

The MPC for Tritium (H-3) is I E-3 u Ci/mL 3. Average Energy The average energy (E) of the radionuclide mixture in releases of fission and activation gases: First Quarter 3.511E5-1 Mev (gamma -elevated release)Second Quarter 7.35E1-1 Mev (gamma -elevated release)Third Quarter: 3-58E-01 Mev (gamma -elevated release)Fourth Quarter. 5.87E-01 Mev (gamma -elevated release)Annual: 6.19E1-1 Mev (gamma -elevated release)4. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity The methods used to measure or approximate the total radioactivity ii effluents and the methods used to determine radionuclide composition:

a. Fission and activation gases: 1. Stack -A continuous recording of gross radioactivity and the incorporation of isotopic data obtained from a weekly grab sample analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
2. Augmented Offgas (AOG) Vent -The continuous recording of gross activity and the incorporation of isotopic data obtained from a weekly grab sample analyzed using gamma spectrocopy.
3. Turbine Building Stack and Feedpump Room Vent -The continuous recording of gross activity and the incorporation of isotopic data obtained from a weekly grab sample analyzed using gamma spectroscopy
b. lodines: 1. Stack -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma specroscopy.
2. Augmented Offgas (AOG) Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
3. Turbine Building Stack and Feedpump Room Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
c. Particulates:
1. Stack -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
2. Augmented Offgas (AOG) Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
3. Turbine Building Vent and Feedpump Room Vent -Filters are changed weekly and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.
d. liquid effluents:

Analysis per batch release using gamma spectrometry with a germanium detector, a low background beta counter, and a liquid scintillation coer.S. Batch Releas a. Liquid 1. Number of batch releases:

No releases 2. Total time period for batch rleases: N/A 3. Maximum time period for a batch release: N/A 4. Average time period for batch releases:

N/A 5. Minimum time period fora batch release: N/A 6. Average stream Dow during periods of release of effluent into a flowing streama NIA b. Gaseous 1. Number of batch releases:

No relases 2. Total time period for batch release: N/A 3. Maximum time period for a batch releas: N/A 4. Average time period for batch releases:

N/A 5. Minimum time period for a batch rekase: N/A 6. Abnormal releams a. liquid 1. Number of releases:

None 2. Total activity released:

N/A b. Gaseous I. Number of releases:

None 2. Total activity released:


-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit J ure Quarter Quarter Quarter Yearl7Est TotaljExo.

I________2_______3________4_______T otal________________

E____ or______A. Fision & activation gases 1. Total release Ci 4.22E+011 1.80E+021 I.3+1 515 3.04E.02 [ ./10 2. Average release rate for period u Ci/sec IME3+00 5.70E+00 9.89-01 1.64E+00 9.60E400f 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. 0.21I/Energy (average).-

gamma (elevated release only) % 8.76E-04 8.01 E-03 6.70E-04 1.83E-03 2.852.03 b. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Total Body -500 mrcm/year

[ 894.0 Skin -3000 inreanlyear21

c. Air dose due to noble gas in gaseous effluent -5 mRad/calendar quarter due to gamma radiation

% 5.08E-02 2.0612-01 1.67E-01 32212.02 10 mRadlcalendar quarter due to beta radiation

% 2.15E.02 2.e9E.02 5.80E-02 2.40E-0 1 0 mRad/calendar year due to gamma radiation I E0 20 mnRad/calendar year due to beta radiation

% _M202 B. Jodines I. Total iodine-131 C 7624 .E-3 2.59E.03 1.10E-3 I5.9W-03 .16 2. Average release rate for period U Ci/sec 9.23E-05 1.94E.04 3-26E-04 I.38-04 1.88E.04 -3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Any body organ.- 1500 mrem/year (H.3. 1-131.12.133.

& Pm T11/2> 8 D)b. Dose due to radioiodine and particulates in gaseous effluent -Any body organ per calendar quarter -7.5 morem % 6B.80-02 4.48E41 1.67-01 1.44E-01 Any body organ per calendar year -5 mrrm 4_____________[~.12Ei0 C. Particulates I. Particulates with half-lives

>8 days Ci 3.1 3J.2E0 2.04E-03 3.14E-03 J9.8 SE-03 j 110 2. Average release rate for period u Ci/sec 3M-4 2OE0 2.57E-04 3.%E-04 J3.10E-04 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent.-

Any body organ -1500 mremlyear (H.3, 1-131.1.133.&

Put T11> D)b. Dose due to radioiodine and particulates in gaseous effluent.-

Any body organ per calendar quarter -7.5 mrem % 6.8EI23.4 eE4 J 7 o EJ3 4 1 Any body organ per calendar year.- 15 mrern %4.12E41 4. Gross alpha radioactivity Ci <cLLD -,LLD dL .LD J LL D. Tritium_ __-1. Total Release Ci 3.65E+01 7.80E+01 5.94E+01 4.87E+01 12.23E+02 f +/.25 2. Average release rate for period u Ci/sec 4.64E+00 9.93E+00 7.482+00 6.13E+0Oj 7.04E+00 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Dose rate due to gaseous effluent -Any body organ -1500 rmrenm/year (H-

&rat T112> B ) Fi%-L OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE IB VAT As s s : .!3/4 -' 1 ontinuous MoOe Nuclides Released I Unit Quarter Quarter rtert I Quar I Yearly I I I 2 ' 3 l4 Totl I ~,, ~ : .. .. .. I1- .: n.. -V; ----1. Fson gases I kryptoni-85 Ci Cc LLD LLDW LLDW LLDW LLD krypton-85m Ci 2.71 E+00 1.17E*OI 7.83E-01 1.61E400 1.70E.Ol kaypton-87 Ci 8.14E+0O 4.60E+01 2.36E+00 7.76E+00 8.43E+01 krypton-88 Ci <LW 3.73E+01 1.30E+00 7.94E+00 4.65E+01.xenon-133 Ci <LWD 1.17E+00 <LLD 7.08E-05 1.17E+00 xcnon-135 Ci 2.99E+01 8.25E+01 2.68E+01 3.4E+01 1.75E402 xenon-135m

_.Ci < LLD <LLD <LLD <LM cLLD xcenon-138 .Ci -cLLDW LLD -c LL -c LL C Others None Total for period Ci 4.08E+01 1.80E.*02 3.12E+01 I .9E.01 3~.0E02.I-.-jCpC..C.

~v I I. -2. lodlnes iodine-131 Ci 7.26E-04 1.52E.03 2.59E-03 1.10E.03 S.9E-03 iodine-132 Ci 'LLD LLD 'cLLD < LWD LLD iodine-133 Ci 1.14E-03 6 10E.03 8.06E-03 3.44203 1.77E.02 iodine-135 Ca < LLD <LLD -cLLD c LLD -cLLD Total for period .Ci. 1.87E-03 6.62E-0 1.07E-02 4.54E.03 2.37E0 3. Partlculates strontium-89 Ci 1.312E-03 7.72E.04 1.OOE.03 1-39E.03 4A47E03 strontium-90 Ci 1.30E-05 6.OOE-05 <CW CLLD- 1 .9DE.05 cesium-134 Ci LLD c<LLD < LLD < LLD .c LLD cesium-137 Ci 1.OI E-05 <LL 4.97E-06 4LW 1.51 E-05 b~arium-140 Ci 1.67E203 8.23E204 1.04E.03 1.75E-03 5.20E03 r.Ss alpha. Ci <LLD <LL <LD L 4W 4 nickel-63 CI 4WLL <LL <LL 4W 4m chromium-51 Ci cLLD < LLD < LLD 4W.L 4W manganese-54 Ci 7.44E-06 1.63E-05 cLLD 4WL 2Z/E-05 cobalt-58 Ci 4W cLLD < LD <4W LL 4LW cobalt-60 Ci 4WL 4WLL <LLW 4W 4W technetium-99m Ci 4W LL W L 'CL 4W <WL'rt.1 f. .~ Ci I3.01 E-03 1.62E.03 2.0E0 .4.3 9.81 E.03 Iea;L:7:1 "N Asia,, OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE IC i 1;.', de .. , ..Ea S Nuclides Released-Yearly Total-1. I7ission gases klypton-85 Ci< LLD c LLD krypton-85m Ci< LLD' LLD 5.72E-03 4.94E-04 621 E-03 kiypton-87 Ci <LLD <LLD 1.07E.02 1.OE.03 1.18E<02 krypton-88 Ci -~LLDW LLD 1.A8E-M 2.07E.03 I.69E-02 xcenon-133 Cii <LLD < L.cLLD < LLD <LLD xenon-135 Ci 5.27E-01 3.03E-01 4.16E.02 7.e9E.03 8829E.1 ,ienon-135m Ci -cLLD LLDW ~LLD LLD. LLD ,(enon-138 Ci -cLLD -c LD < LLD -cLLD cLLID Others None Total for period Ci 5.37E-01 3.03E.01 7.28E.02 1.13E-02 9.24E-oi 2. Iodlnes -AAj A>A iodine-131 Ci 1.54E-08 4.57E-06 <LLD <LL 4-58E-06 iodine-133 Ca LLD .S1 E.05 4cLD 4WLL 5.1 1E-05 E io~dine-135 Ca -~LLD -cLLD cLLDW 'LLD -cLLD Total for period Ci 1.54E-06 5.57E.06 <LLD -4WL 5.57E-05 3. Particulates surotium-89 C .0-6 39E0 cLD <LD 21E0 strontium-90 Ci -L cLD -L cLD -L cobalt-58 C L cLD -D LD L cesium-137 C L cLD <L L L b'arium-140 .Ci LLDW .LLD .cLLD -CLLD LLD nickel-63 Ci LLD < LLD LLD LLD LLD g~oss alpha. Ci IcLD cLLD < LL LLD LL mnanganese-54 Ci 'c LLD c LLD < LLD LLD LLD cobalt.60 Ci < LLD < LD c LLD cILLD LLD I .....--'. I '. 4-r'- tAA '&4A I l<. -A A A.,,'

T , .--'-- 'W, 1. 4, , -" ", ...... -'-i: " , oi.'. , "i "':'--1 I- -_ -,!,- -I --.F.; if.II

I.; : 4 _, I 1. I --1 o' L ,, ----'- -1. --n- -el, ":; -_::: -, 4, --, "'n i:;:- 1 '; " 1. -t -, ;' ; i ; LZI -.1- .I- .: -: ..", , " --r: !: 'i ; -, ... a OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005.TABLE 2A LIQUID EFFLUENTS

-SUMMATION OFALL RELEASES 14 7 -~~ i r.' 1 ~e'L :r 7 .1r r3L'r1'.A 2;~ " 2!: s01 ! ~ri- k't , 1 ~ 1 i ; r- .::,V:-,t~

  1. I , w Z~,.'N-'

klQuarter uarter Qu Quartcr I Yearly EsLTotal I l 2 l 3 l 4 l Total Error, %-.L 41 d I.: 11.77 ---7 '.- -,11:1 ;,.- : .. :T I : ; F 'i ..yI I- , .. IT,. -.-Z ; i --;'.. p t. I ..1 ..--. : -"I-,- '- 4 -. , , .' .; .-- , 11 ; -.I ", ':',- 7 " , '. -.31.. .; .: , I -7., ---. , : 1, ; -. t ';; :. : 'r " : -r -! 4 , .-.. " --4 -11 .4P t. .4': .I ; '.-, _s: : ..:. -, ." A. Mission & activation products _d 1. Total release (not including tritium, gases, alpha) Ci No Aeiw NO Roles No 1WW"" N R.N. N R.9-m WA 2 Average diluted concentration during period u Ci/mL 3. Percent of Technical Specification I a. RadioactivityConcentration in LquidEffluent' The concentration of radioactive material, other than noble gases shall not exceed 10 times the liquid effluent concentrations specified in I OCFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 % -b. Limit on Dow Due to liquid Effluent Total Body-I .5 nrem/calendar quarter %Any Body Organ -5.0 mrem/calendar quancr te Total Body

  • 3.0 mreni/calendar year Any Body Organ- 10.0 mrem/calendaryear

% V B. Tritiuml l 1 "i- -;AD't :Y ' ;,' 'f .'1. Total release Ci NO A HOP No4 l NO l n" _ l WA 2. Average diluted concentration during period u C/mL 3. Percent of Technical Specification.

a. Shall not exceed 10 times the liquid effluent concentrations specified in IOCFR Part 20.1001-20.2401, Appendix B,;Table 1I Column 2 %b. limit on Dose Due to liquid Effluent Total Body- 1.5 nmivrncalendar quarter %Any Body Organ -5.0 mrem/calendar quarter %Total Body -3.0 rnrn/calendaryen

% yerV Any BodyOrgan

-10.0 mrn/icalendaryear C. Dissolved and entrained gases 1. Total release Ci No PRseW No .If No ROisUN NO Ft No Ru WA 2. Average diluted concentration during period u Ci/mL 3. Percent of Technical Specification

a. Shallnot exceed2.0 E4 u raLml % lp- ?b. limit on Dose Due to liquid Effluent Total Body 1.5 mSren/calendar quarter %Any Body Organ -5.0 mnrem/calendar quarter %Total Body -3.0 rermn/calendar year AnyBodyOrgan-10.0.mrem/calendaryear

%D. Gross alpha radioactivity l7 r-1. Total release Ci N Reisu No PAW"" No PRe_ M No Pe.. .No Peu WAlE Volume of waste released (prior to dilution) liters O.OOE+OO O.00E+00 O.OE+00 IO .0E+00 00E+00 WA F. Volume of dilution water used during period liters 4.31E+11 4.76E+11 I 4.OE+1l 4.30E+t1 I 12E+12 WA-'-.5 F- -

OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 .TABLE 2B LIQUID EFFLUENTS Bal~h MA& .lNuclides Released Unit Quarter Quart Quartr Quarter Yearly 1 l 2 l *3 4 lTotal-; ; , ;, ,,-" --; z 4 ., -, strontium-89 Ci No Rebases No Relmass N Reba No pase W Fab"" strontium-90' Ci No Pele No Peea No Rees NO Mina No r_cesium-134 Ci No Reias No Rela No ReIme. No A NoR cesium-137

-Ci No ses" No RAew NORM No Re_. No rme.iodine-131 Ci No eft. No.. NO_ ese Noee." No. ft cobalt-S8 Ci No Ree l No Rele No Re s No R NoRi.cDbalt-60 Ci No Reim" No RAse No Row"e No _A N im irn-59 Ci No Rlae No Rele"s No Reeses No Rte N l zinc-65. .Ci No Rels No Relase No RA"le No R e NO _manganese-54 Ci No Reso Relse No Ra No _ Rls chromium-SI Ci No else No Reas NO Relae NO RMMe NO _Aes zirconium-95 Ci No Relas NoRls No Relees No Rls No Relae niobium-95 Ci Nofi_ W No Rla NoReee No Releesest No la tcchnetium-99m Ci No 11R"m No Reln. NOR NO ltbN No slee barium-140 Ci No Relga45 No Fes NO Rels No Rae No lanthanum-l 40 Ci N Asssss NO RAWs" NO RAses No Reeee No RAWe cerium-141 Ci NO Rae No Reases No RAses No _les No Rime Other Ci No R No Relase No Reeas NoW Rime No Rle mnidentified Ci No Releae No Reba No Rlae No Rime No RAbe Total for period l CiLON o a Noiml No;ims.) W.- =0.xenon-133 Ci No Rleas" No P.%. No R No R le _No xenon-135 l Ci l NoR R J N No pReease No l NR I oi I NO eleaseI NO pelea I H.NP.M."Ins N. wm.j"IM m 1 ~- -.~ ;:-k47r-I OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 DTABLE 3A SOLID WASTE AND IRRADMiTED FUEL SHIPMENTS



-A. SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL (Not Irradiated fuel)I ;; ';at 1. Type of waste Unit Yearly Est.Total Total Error, %a. Spent resins, filters, filter sludges, etc M 3 None Waste shipped in Type A containers.

Ci Shipped b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equipment, etc. m 3 7.84E+02 Waste shipped in LSA containers.

Ci 8.04E-01 c. Irradiated components, control rods, etc. M 3 None Ci Shiped d. Other waste m 3 1.26E+01 Waste shipped in LSA containers.

Ci 1.92E.02 Note: No solidification agent was used during the ieporting period 2. Estimate of major nuclear composition (by type of waste)a. Iron-55 Cobalt-60 manganese-54

b. Iron-55 Cesium--137 Cobalt-600
c. None Shipped Percentage (M)Actvft (CO NIA W/A N/A W/A W/A N/A 6.06E+01 4..88E-01 1.68E+01 1.35E-01 1.42E+01 1.14E-01 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.31E+01 1.60E.02 7.95E+00 1.53E.03 5.35E+00 I 0ME.03 None Shipped None Shipped .d. In-5-55 Cobalt-60 Manganese-54 Note -See attached tables (Table 3B) for additional data 3. Solid Waste Disposition Number of Shipments Mode of Transportalion Destination 3 Motor Vehicle ALARON CORP 6 Motor Vehicle Duratek Radwaste Processing, Inc.4 Motor Vehicle Duratek Radwaste Processing, Inc...I' I I B. IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS (Disposition)


ram, ,,s.-,A;!<


.I Waste Stream -Pcrio.d of Performance:

Jnnua IWaste ClassI Actiety Shipped (Curies)Percent Error (Percent)2[81 +0-47.96E+02 t.i~0 0i[6~jjj 2.j 2. 1E+4 .6E3+0 A 8.24E-01 W-25 0.00E+00 0.0013+00 8.24E-01 W-25 All iq*, X L>e~

i~4 -.'i r fi -' _ il;l ,i .ge ... , ; -,;,r*1;r

.; * .1, , , ' 1iV ,, ' '-' ' *' t~ .1 i ' >'k ;'OYSTER CREEK GENERAllNG STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLT. 3B (cont)SOL1D WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS i 'n, Estimate of Major Nuclide Composition

-Summary of All Shipments^ eriod of Performance:

3nnuary 1,2005 through December 31, 200S' laste Class: A WVaste Class: B V , Nuclide Activity Percent id Activity Percents Abundance I i I Abundance (Curies) (Percent)

I -3Cui j (eent , pN Fe-55 5.04E-01 6.12E+01 IN Cs-137 1.35E-01 I.64E+01 0 Co-60 ].15E-01 1.40E+01 N Mn-54 3.75E-02 4.55E+00 -5 E n-65 1.18E-02 1.43E+00 C-1 4 S.99E-03 7.27E-01 S Cs.134 5.07E-03 6.16E-01 H Ni-63 2.89E-03 3.5 1E-01 X ] I Pu-241 2.58E-03 3.13E-0I P H-3 7.01E-04 8.51E-02 p P Fe-59 5.82E-04 7.07E-02 E 1Ce-144 SAIE-04 6.57E-02 D Co-58 530E.04 644E-02 sF Cr-51 4.06E-04 4.93E-02 Other 1.01E-03 1.22E-01'; Total 8.24E-01 1.00E+02 , Total NtA N/A'. -ri .t- .¶ ' F.7.-'NWaste Class: AUll-..-.7.......... .. _ ..... , .P ,2 ...... ! .... ... _ .e Nuclide Activity Percent..Abundance (Curies) (Percent)I Nuclide _" Fe-S5 Cs-137 Co-60 Mn-54 Zn-65 C-14 Cs-134 Ni-63 Pu-241 H-3 iFe-59 _0>I144 ,iCo _Cr-51 Other: ., , -- --...... .Activity Percent Abundance 4r l" 4 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTlVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 d.-3* i ..' TABLE 3B (cotL)SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATiD FUEL SHIPMEWIS 1 aWole Stre-m -Spent Resins. Filters, and Filter Sludge Period of Perrormnnce:

January 1, 2005 through December 31, 200W3 Was > ! fte Cla Volume Shcti hipped](Fds'ir! : t) l M) s.- (Curies) --i -0.0 0.0 0.0 .o AU 0.0 0.0-.0.0 A -a47y44.,, -i -t -i-.0'- ~ ~ ~ ~~i >ry <X:


-Spent Resins and Filter Sludge ,-. , Period orPerformance:

Jnnury 1,2005 through December 31,2005 Waste Class: A Wa. , i Waste Class: B Waste Clan: C Nuclid Activitid vy Percent irt Nuclide Activity Pnicl d Abundance L L Abundance Abundance (Curies) (Percent)

Cen -(Curies) (Percent)N N N 0 0 0 N N N E E E S S S H ,.. H H I- .I t.a_.P i! =xi P :'-j 2P p i P E .J -E S D DD I Y I 0131 NtA W1Vaste Class: All J Nucidc Activity Percent 1 lAbundance I l (Curies) (Percent)i.4, '4.2-,4* 1 z ,>- ;-L AXJd- S -? -E S H I.P 032/00 923FX60 7 250RP/CHEM 00., ., ......i~i.:.,--,..l!.

i ... ...I:. ,. :. .,1 :;--.... ...~.. -.. :t ;: 1:1:1 :i!':~ ...:-.4 .*
  • ii~~.. -. ..: ,! : .: .-~ 4 .... ~ ~ , .I ,.444, a .. .-4..I.. J .IW.I.. ...I.-.. I- ,.I(Percent)


!2:ii!. ..:.:;I.ri.p.4].4I I 4ALE ( O T)L. .,:.. ..,4...-0 0 0.W2 0 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ':: .-..' :,:: .I All. 2.772+0 [ASTEj AND 8.ADATD OiE HB MNSOi +1- 25......W..

AI .::-...-.

.:: ..,:.-44.j.-.l.

...I4 F .... 4 ; .I.44 .44,4.--4.

ill Ii '. 1'* .i. :ry Ac4tivated.

Wast ripe o'n1fxi istePow. ,i I ':;':. --1.i...7j:::K5.l:W: , Stream:- DI' 4 L:. ii 4 4: 4 j 4 *.44.4 41-'. .W...- ..4.4. 444 .......; ;:I :I :W, , -.:-i .i ;.' ,11.. I 4 1...-:: , I -, ..4.4 -4. 4. ...I.. I ... .!W44 I: 4 II; a!;4 I.4. a4.4 .:44.. 4.J 4 , 4 , *1-.. ..... ',I II::4.114 ...4...~:.-.:i time Ipped !:....:::.-..:I

.P.rt .Er .r I. 4'44 ,2J~,:I..

.-:I -;:, Ii-.. I, I : ~,! : --:: ! -i ." ."~:~-::;4 .44444 4!..4 '..-44::.: : ' 4 4 I'.I. .: 1 .:: '_ ' : ., ~ .I: 14 .. ... .4.4 ..4:--'!! : I-'..I .I ..:;." ::I:,. ...4 .4 4 4-44. 4 4 4. 44,44 II. .4.. ........4 4 .. 4,.. .4 4 44444: ,, :!:': .....'.: :~ :~:::;!'.F

'N -'..~~.., .I .... .. ....4 a , .4-; .,.- .. ." .. W ... ..+ -5::: 4...4....... .4.4.4. .~. ...: i : 4.4 4 4 11..11 .4 ..I .4.4.. .4 i :; iIV t. 4 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 3B (cont.)SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS E~stimate or n jor Nuclide Composition

-Dry Activated Waste Ship ped to an Orrsite Processor Period of Performance:

January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 1 Waste Class: A AWaste Class: B Nuclide Ac.ivit l Percent lWaste Class: C j Nuclide Activity a I -(Curies)Abundance (Percent)I Nuclide I Activity I I (Curies)Abundance (Curies) : (Percent)

I. I (Curies)Percent Abundance (Percent)4.1 Fe-55 4.88E-01 6.06E+01 Cs-137 1.35E-01 1.68E+01 Co-60 1.14E-01 1.42E+01 Nln-54 3.64E-02 4.52E+00 Zn-65 1.16E-02 1.44E+00 C-14 5.98E-03 7.43E-01 Cs-134 5.05E-03 6.27E-01 Ni-63 2.85E-03 3.54E-01 Pu-241 2.49E-03 3.09E-01 H-3 6.97E-04 8.66E-02 Fe-59 5.59E-04 6.94E-02 Ce-144 5.39E-04 6.70E-02 Co-58 5.1 IE-04 6.35E-02 Other 1.37E-03 1.71E-01 Total 8.05E-01 1.00E+02l Waste Class: All Nuclide Activity Percent Abundance (Curies) (Percent)Fe-55 4.88E-01 6.06E+01 Cs-137 1.35E-01 1.68E+01 Co-60 1.14E-Ot I1A2E+01 Mn-54 3.64E-02 4.52E+00 Zn-65 1.16E-02 I.A4E+00 C-14 5.98E-03 7.43E-01 Cs-134 5.05E-03 6.27E-01 Ni-63 2.85E-03 3.54E-01 Pu-241 2.49E-03 3.09E-01 H-3 6.97E-04 8.66E-02 Fe-59 5.59E-04 6.94E-02 Ce-144 5.39E-04 6.70E-02 Co-58 5.1 IE-04 6.35E-02 Other I.37E-03 1.71E-41 Total 8.05E-01 1.00E+02_ .E ..1 ..N 0 N E S H..I P P E D Total N/A N/A 0 N E S H P P E D Total N/A N/A WiI i L,.i!i: I-1:! 1!F Tif V, I ;, : : ::; 1 j , I :1 ; i , :, i : i i , i L E : I ! I: I i : -i I I i I I .1 , -


Jinnunry 1,200S5through December 31, 200! -Waste Class Volume Shipped (R) I (M)1.ty ,P'(Cuies Percent kxrorr (Peremil.,a >w: 0.0 ' 00.i 0.0 0.0"i- nlnf I n l All 1.i 'S -c:-x, I .X_;$


-Irradiated Fuel reriod Or Perormance:

Janury 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Waste Class: A l Waste Class: B Waste Class: C r Act Nuclide viActivity Percent cti Percent Abundance Abundance 3UI Abundance (Ci(Curies) (P ercent) ' ( (Percent)

'(Curies) (Percent)4 t'; g- srvi9 ~ I =r ,, z ', .*;-t8rr :rz... Ir rer 1 N 0 N E S H I P P E D P.E D E D Toasl N/A N /A I U'A ,.1,;, Nuclide Activity Percent Abundance I I I- -- ---s e -, 1 ,i ', .1 i .I:


Jnnuary1, 2005tIhrough December 31,200S Waste Cis l -Volume Shlppe l 4`. Ss` Acti ty Shipped Percent Error Al ' C44Er0.0 0.0 .0.W0E2 4-20., il ,i tu2§S4 44ME+02 1.26E+01 I.iwt 92E-02 fvv- W2 4-.i- .I ,,r 11k Is;{j.WL,-


-Other Waste Period of Performance:

Janunry 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Waste Class: A Waite Class: B WasteCaM.

C Activity Percent Nuc Percent j, ¶ Nuclidtt Abundance Abundance Abundance (Curies) (Pecs) (per (Curies cent)'8.31E+tN Co-60 I.53E-03 7.95E+00 0 0 0 1 .4 Mn-54 1.03E-03 5.35+00, ; N Nig N.- Cs-137 2.39E-04 1.24E+00OOi E E TZn-65 2.22E-04 1.1513+00~

_______ ____________

Pu-241 8.44E-05 4.38E-01 lV> .S S Ni-63 4.18E-05 2.17E-01 .H .H'i Fe-59 2.27E-05 1.18E-Ol I ,I i' Cr-5I 1.88EM05 9.76E-02 P P.. i : " ' _fi'4 .p fCo-58 I.87E-O5 9.71 E-02k ' i,. p .P h iCs-134 1.76EM-05 9.14E-02 E E Cm-244 5.30E-06 2.75E-02 D D'Sb-125 4.43E-06 2.30E-02 U C-4 3.79E-06 1.97E-021 fl I Other 2.ISE-O5 1.13E-01 Total 1.93E-02 1.00E+02'IMF- f y .. A It Total , fi < ii;; -!!S .i I :7 r ' L., I .A + _ , I : s; , t !i II Traln MIA MIA N/A j" Tf_]N'uclide IActivity Irercent Abundance I Ctri-;~ (3-i..-1, V. -, --, -.I I Fe-55 I Co-60 I 1.60E-02 1.53E-03 8.311E.7.95E-; 9 Nin-54;9- Cs-137_ _ _ ..._1.03E-03 5.35E-2.39E-04 1.24E-Zn-65 2.22E-04 1.15E+O0 Pu-241 8.4E-05 4.38E-01 Ni-63 4.1 SE-05 2.17E3-01 Fe-59 2.271E-05 1.181E-01 L Cr-51 1.88E-05 9.761E-02 Co-58 1.87E-05 9.71E Cs-134 1.76E-05 9.14E Cm-244 5.30E-06 2.75E Sb-125 4.43E-06 2.30E C-14 3.79E-06 1.97E j Other 2.18E-05 1.13E41--,, " ";, I I.-j., .1 .,f--, T K; ' L i 1 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 ALL Pasquill Categories 33 feet SECTOR TO N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W .WNW.NW NNW WINDS FROM S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE WIND SPEED 1-3 87 87 159 354 398 237 267 127 62 67 54 45 34 21 37 71 4-7 202 236 293 450 377 310 338 235.165 150 190 208* 178 165 188 180 8-12 211 141 83 107 151 298 183 89 58 66 142 166.104 67 105 134 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 88 43 8 2 25 78 39 3 1 8 33 18 8 4.9 35 588 512 543 913 951*924 827 454 286 291 419 437 324 257 342 422 TOTAL 2107 3865 2105 402 11 0 8490 Hours of Missing/Invalid rata: 270 23 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TAB3LE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 STABILITY CLASS: Pasquill Class A ELEVATION:

33 feet WIND SPEED (mph)SECTOR WINDS N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSjE S SSW SW WSW W I NW NW NNW O FROM S SSW SW WSW W.W NW NNW.N N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE 1-3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 O'4-7 13 14 31 32 29 35 28 24 25 32 35 60 40 66 35 8 8-12 95 ,21 29 36 54 1141 86 36 13 11 47-99 53 25 62 41 33 8 4 0 13 36 17 0 0 0 8 7.0 0 0 3 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 45 64 68 96 185 132 60.38 43 91 167 93 92* 97 53 TOTAL 7 507 822; 129 0 0 1465 24 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIN) SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Pasquill Class B .33 feet SECTOR WINDS TO FROM N S NNE SSW NE SW ENE WSW E W ESE WNW SE NW SSE NNW S N SSW NNE SW NE WSW ENE W. E WNW ESE NW SE NNW SSE WIND SPEED 1-3 0 1 2 1 0.0 2.0 2.0 2 1 0 1*1 4-7 4 9 16 17 19 16 19 10* 15 14 9 17* 18 13 19 7 8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 22 9 3 15 16 36 19 7 3 1 6 9 5 3 14 6 9 2 0 0 4 8 6 0 0 0 1* 0.0 I0 0 0 35 21 21 33 39 60 46 17 20 15 18 27 23 16 34 14 TOTAL 13 222 174 30 0 0 439 25 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TAELE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS:.ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December'31, 2005 Pasquill Class C .33 feet WIND SPEED SECTOR WINDS TO FROM 1-3 N NNE NE ENE E* ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W.WNW NW NNW S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N NNE NE ENE E ESE* SE SSE 0 0 0 0 2 1 2*4 2 1 1 I 0.1 0 0 4-7 4 2 3 8 9 10 8 4 9 7 7 7 12 8 10 13 8-12 13-18 19-24*>24 TOTAL 11 5 4 5 4 8 9 5 2 3 5 1 2 2 3 6 0 0 16 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 8 9 14 16 22 20 13 13 11 13 9.14 11*13 19 TOTAL .15 121 75 10. 0 0 221-26 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Pasquill Class D .33 feet c!rVfmrn T.7?rTk"', WIND.SPEED 8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL ,~N Nk NE E2 E E'Si S S1 SC Ws WN WN Nw NN TO FROM 1-3 4-7 S 4 36 NE SSW 5 21 SW 5 33 NE WSW .52 W 8 42 SE WNW 13 51 NW 14 53 SE NNW 8 76 N 9 41 SW NNE 15 51 I NE 13 69 SW ENE 7 78*E 5 50 iW ESE 1 40 1 SE .3 .55 1W SSE 5 59 47 34 16 24 40 59 44 30 26 26 42 42 18 23 11 32 19 17 0 1 5 20 7 3 0 1 2 4 0 1.1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 79 54 84 95* 143*118 117 76 93 126 131 73 65 70 iO6 TOTAL 122 807 514 91 2 0 1536 27 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIN) SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 STABILITY CLASS: Pasquill Class E ELEVATION:

33 feet WIND SPEED .SECTOR WINDS TO FROM N NNE NE ENE E** ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W I WNW NW NNW S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N NNE NE ENE ESE ESE SSE SSE 1-3 34 26 41 48 28 25 33 27 23 35 27 24 16 15 28 40 4-7 124 169 152 135 126 139 143 84 63 38 66 41 50 36 69 89 8-12 35 72 31 27 37 80 25 11 14 25 42 15 26 14 15 49 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 26 0 15 3 2 0 0. 0 2 0 11' 1 8 0 o 0 1I 0 7 0 22 0 6 0 8 0 3 0 8 3 22 2 219 285 226 210 193 256 209 122 101 105 157 86 100 68 123 202 TOTAL 470 1524 51B 141 9 0 2662 28 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WINI) SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, Pasquill C].ass F .33 feet 2005 SECTOR WINDS TO FROM N S NNE SSW NE SW'ENE WSW E W ESE WNW SE NW SSE NNW S N SSW NNE SW NE WSW ENE W. E WNW ESE NW .SE NNW SSE WIND SPEED 1-3 29 37 48 57 68 40 52-27 8 8 6 7'10 3 3 12 4-7 19 19 46 107 81 51 45 22.6 5 2 4.7 2 0 4 8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 49 56 94 164 149 ..92.97 49 14 13 8 12 17 5* 3 16 TOTAL 415 420 2. 1 0 0 838 29 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLlJENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TAELE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION ECORD: January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 LASS: Pasquill Class G PERIOD OF RI STABILITY C]ELEVATION:

33 feet SECTOR WINDS TO FROM 1-3 N S 20 NNE SSW 16 NE SW 63 ENE WSW 241 E W 292 ESE .WNW 158 SE NW 163 SSE NNW 61 S N 18 SSW NNE 8 SW NE 4 WSW ENE 4 W E 3 WNW ESE 0 NW SE 2 NNW SSE 12 WIND SPEED .4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 2 2.12 99 71 8 42 15 6 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*0 0 0 0 0 22 18 75 340 363 166 205 76 24 11 6 5 4 0.2 12 TOTAL 1065 264 0 0 0 0 1329 30 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WINI) SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December"31, 2005 All Pasquill Categories 380 feet CqrCTAV WTMQ WIND SPEED I,, N NE El SE S SI~WE Nld NIN TO FROM 1-3 4-7 S 7 37 NE SSW 4 36 SW 5 53 NE WSW 9 53 W 4 39;E WNW .3 40 NW 7 51;E NNW 6 29 N 9 ..43 SW NNE 8 53 I NE 7 50 SW ENE 5 54 E 10 64 1W ESE 8 82 1 SE 8 77 1W SSE 7 59 8-12 13-18 19-24 1413 162 55 131; 289 138 1013 220 i58 145 145 166 133 217 195 145 320 335 124 250 240 1110 203 103 145 173 49 14:1 143 55 164 176 73 195. 136 69 174 94 24 162 54 16 148 64 22 150 93 37>24 50 76 41 36 50 224*77 16 4 8 73 35 17 9 23 52 TOTAL 459 679 585'554 638.1067'749 467 423 408 543'.495 383 331 342 398 TOTAL 107 820 2329 2739 1735 791 8521 Hours of Missing/Invalid Data: 239*31 OYSTER CREEK GE'NERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A.HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Pasquill Class A 380 feet SECTOR WINDS TO FROM 1-3 WIND SPEED 8-12 13-18 N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N NNE.NE ENE E ESE SE SSE 4-7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 2 4.7 8 3.-1 6 4 1 5 7 13 13 3 2 0 13 19 7.3 4 3 19-24 >24 .TOTAL 0 0 7.*. 3 2 1 3 9* 12 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0* 11 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 7 6 8 11 36 27 4.3 O ..27 33.14 11.*11 5.TOTAL 1 2 36 103 49 19 210 32



January 01, 2005 through December-31, Pasquill C:Lass B 380 feet 2005 SECTOR TO N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW WINDS FROM S SSW SW WSW w WNW NW NNW N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE WIND SPEED 1-3 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.1 1 0 1-70 3 O" 0 0 8-12 10 8 6.5 11*11 6 9 6 7 16 25 11 24 19 3 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 29 10 2 9 10 20 18 10 2 2 14 31 9 21 4 13 5 8 2 20 13 4 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 17.4 1 0 0 1 2 0 0.0 0 47 28 10 17 28.68 41 25 9 10 33 65 20 29 24 16 TOTAL 0 9 177 185 65 34 470.33 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TA13LE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION ECORD: January 01. 2005 through December'31, 2005 LASS: Pasquill CLass C PERIOD OF R STABILITY C.ELEVATION:

380 feet SECTOR WINDS TO FROM N S NNE SSW NE SW ENE WSW E W* ESE .WNW SE NW SSE NNW S N SSW NNE SW NE WSW ENE W E WNW ESE NW SE NNW SSE WIND 'SPEED ..8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0*.0 4-7 0 2 1 6 2 2 2 2~2 2 2 2 5 8 10 12 13 22 20 18 17 13 14 7 18 32 27 20 23 17 5*10 14 26 20 11 6 7 16 10 5.2 6 9 2 5 8 24 13 6 1 0 7 3 0 0 0.5 2 0 3 24 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 45 23 43 47 94 65 32 24 16 43 47 37 30 32 19 TOTAL 0 4 16 12 0 0 0 14 5 I0 0 0 .42 273 189 j 84 i i I 48 636 34 4 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIN) SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: STABILITY CLASS: ELEVATION:

January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Pasquill C:Lass D ..380 feet WIND. SPEED SECTOR TO N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE'S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW WINDS FROM S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE 1-3 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 0 S 2 4-7 22 17 19 22 12 12 15 13 23 29 26 30* 30 38 46 26 8-12 13-18 19-24>24 TOTAL 54 48 27 55 40 51 47 37 45 56 65 80 81 72 77 75 42 107 26 32 72 89 63 58 45 54 66 48 44 28 30 32 18 42 20 28 43 74 53 21 14 27 39 35 19 12 6 26 39 38 2 3 18 92.37 12 2 4 35 27 14 4 2 19 176 254 94 141 186 319*216 143 130 172 233 222 191 154 166 180 TOTAL 26 380 910 836 477 348 2977 35 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 STABILITY CLASS: Pasquill Class E ELEVATION:

380 feet WIND SPEED SECTOR WINDS TO FROM 1-3. 4-7 N S. 2 8 NNE SSW 1 8 NE SW 2 10 ENE WSW 3 9 E W .2 9 ESE WNW 0 7 SE NW 1 9 SSE NNW 0 3 S N 3 9 SSW NNE 4 10 SW NE 2 13 WSW ENE 1 13 W E 3 16 WNW ESE 6 19 NW SE 1 13 NNW SSE 3 14 8-12 13-18 19-24 51 54 23 40 117 56 30 111 87 28 39 68 22 56 68 26 68 113 19 63 84 16 66 42 35 53 5 25 36 15 23 31 4 27 17 11 32 29 5 28 13 4 20 13 10 43 35 10>24 8 28 14 5 12 28 7 0 0 4 30 5 3 5 21 33 TOTAL 146 250 254 152 169 242 183* 127.105 94 103 74 88 75* 78' 138 TOTAL 34 .170 465 801 605 203 ' 2278 36


January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Pasquill Class F ..380 feet SECTOR WINDS TO FROM N S NNE SSW NE SW ENE WSW E W ESE WNW SE NW SSE NNW S N SSW NNE SW NE WSW ENE W E WNW ESE NW SE NNW SSE WIND.SPEED 1-3 3 0 1.1 0* O 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 4-7 2 4 9 9 4 7 8 3..4 8 4 4.9 7 5 10 8-12 13-18 19-24 >24 TOTAL 12 18 16 11 19 14 10 12 23 19 15 21 7 4 8 12 5 23 37 33 30 47 33 33 43 24 19 6 0 4.5 3 11 33 44 45 56 44 25 15 5 3 5 0 0 2 1 0 3 19 19 9 34'12 3 1 0.0 0 0 0 0*25 59 115 117 107 158 io1 78 86 56 42 36 17 17 17 29 TOTAL 15 97 221 343 292 100 1068.37 4 OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT -2005 TABLE 4A HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD OF RECORD: January 01, 2005 through December 31, 2005 STABILITY CLASS: Pasquill Class G ELEVATION:

380 feet WIND SPEED SECTOR WINDS TO FROM 1-3 4-7.N S 1 5 NNE SSW .1 5 NE SW 2 13 ENE WSW 4 7 E W 1 11 ESE- WNW 2 12 SE NW 2 17 SSE NNW 2 7 S N 5 4 SSW NNE 2 3 SW NE 2 5 WSW ENE 2 4 W E 3 4 WNW ESE 0 7 NW SE 1 8 NNW SSE 1 8 8-12 13-18 19-24 10 3 0 10 11 9 14 38 12 22 17 17 20 28 26 22 57 39 25 40 21 22 22 5 21 22 14 27 20 8 25 17 12 7 5 0 9 0 0 6 2 0 5 0 0 2 0 0'24 0 I0 4 9 4 18 3 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 19 36 83 76 90 150 108 58* 66 60 62 18 16 15* 14 11 TOTAL 31 120 247 282 163 39 882 38

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CLASSIFICAMON OF ATMOSPHERIC STABILITYI I, -t. -.-, .-I-,; 14 .., I , .1 I -,-.I --, ----,: y -, -j?". 1-P... .1 I :1, :, 1 I .-... , I 11 I_ --- 11., -,!-r P;.: I -;. :1-, ... ,- I ----f -.:;;i , 4-. "'! -., , ; " ; " -, I -, -1 2, r ;, 4. -..,, -c:.".": , * ;,!: r ., .t ;1 .; 1: .. L, r .--. ".: .!, -1 1.-. -,:.1: -1 :- -I , 1 --

_,,,, i; ,-. ,- r ,,, .z -, :':?I.I ., , P_ ; ,-- : 't .:, , E, ---.- I ; , .; " "I- ;.- i .I --': 417. , I, .,, ...- 5, I ;.... ., -j,. , -, : : -" ,, -I , , I,r, .1 ,I !.:, , .W "'L "I ., , .., .

Pasquill.sigma-ThetaaTemperature change.classification Categories-(degrees)-with height (degrees-C/100m)

I-II..!,i "? " -, P --- ", --. 1 .;! -,' , I.. -P z- I :, ; 1 F" ; ayr w :, -:: 1 -, :, ,,--Pt. ,.. " -, , :,P'; , '.'- I , 7 ,;-! .. , .,.-,-,,- ,. 'Y .- ;;- -

I ., A.i- ; -: ,. L I .: -::1 ., -: -,N -,-'. ,, , -1 ". .... ..-5 -I , .; 11 1 tt, 1 ,71c- ,--?"', , :, -, ---I C. , " " -I , .- -." ::1 , -7 , c Et t. ., ,... ... i 7:It ': .. 7 --I LI 1r. -I- 1 2 I ". -.'.1 ir I W .-..;,- .I .--Extreinely unstableA.

25.0 < -1.9..Moderately unstableB.20.6

..-1.9 to -1.7.. .C .'Slightly unstable1 15.0 -1.7 to -1.5 NeutralDI10.0.

.-1.5 to -0 I Slightly stable --. ..E. .5.0. -0.5 to IS.Moderately stableF2.5.

1.5 to 4.0..Extremely stable I. .G11.71 I > 4.0..I ....a ..Standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuation over a pcricd of 15 minutes to I hour. The values shown am averages, for each stability classification...

............Lol-.. ,,. .--.

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