Appendix B -Field Guides 10-13-15 Appendix B -Field Guides Survey Areas 1 and WNYNSC Confirmatory Survey and Sampling Field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey Areal and for the confirmatory survey and sampling points on the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC) property.
- Ensure all pertinent information is collected
- Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey Area 1 encompasses an are.a outside the boundaries of NSC that has been previously as "The Prong". It largely consists of private properties generally to the North and East of the site boundary. For the off-site areas, surveying and sampling activities will only be performed on properties for which consent by he property owners has been obtained. It is important to respect the property boundaries to avoid entry into areas where access has not been authorized by the property owner(s). In addition to Survey Area 1, confirmato.ry data will be collected in specified locations on the NSC property. Figure 1 shows the general location of Survey Area 1 and the confirmatory survey locations on the NSC property. Because no walk over GPS radiation surveys will be conducted, no "Survey 'Boxes" are present. Figure 2 shows the layout of the private property boundaries for areas that will be surveyed. Entry and egress from the sampling areas should not intrude into unauthorized areas. Table 1 provides the location number and GPS coordinates for the confirmatory sampling points in Area 1, and on the NSC property. 1 10-13-15 2 Figure 1 1 (Cs-137 Prong) and WNYNSC Confirmatory Sample locations -2014 Areas Meeting C<iteria for Further Ev3luation Vl/NYNSC ProPotty 'Bound.'.Jry 'v\NYNSC Conf1rmawy Sa"l'le Loccitions 10-13-15 3 Aru 1 {C:a.-137 Prong) and WN'YfrriSC Con*firm:n:ory Loations " " "
10-13-15 Figure 2 FIGURE 2 is zoomed in on the prong area and shows sample locations there and the property boundaries 4 10-13-15 Sampling Location Coordinates . Point!P .. .. ' * *.* Latitude* . *, .* ,., ;-fongituele .. '! **. . .. *,,,. *, ., .. ,* ,. ,, ' .. . . c..:01 42°27'30.28" N 78°39'50.05" w I C-02 42°27151.92" N 78°39'14.97" w i I . I C-03 42°27'05.46" N 78°38150. 73" w C-04 42"26'59.47" N w 1.1 42"28'17.82 N 78°41'03.63" w 1.2 42°28'14.15" N 78°41104.00" w 1.3 42°27'45.80" N 78°40'15.65" w Deleted Dejeted Deleted STEP ONE-GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS THIS STEP NOT APPLICABLE TO AREA1 ANS CONFIRMATORY SURVEY PrnNTS 5 10-13-15 STEP TWO-STATIC RADIATION MEASUREMEN"fp Periorlrlec\! "$ .......:::: =c Conduct Tailgate Safety Revi.ew .................................................... : ......... , .................................................. B SURVEY AREA 1 SURVEY POINTS R . I' . t* r.N"l..:-*.
- _ev1e*w samp 1ng parame ers ............................................................................... , ................... , ............ -JJ> Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available (For survey and sampling operations) ..................................... , ................... ,._ ........... , ................................................................... J4'l, 1-:rB Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks ............................... ljtJ.:r.S For each designated survey location: Colie'ct static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ..... , ........................................ , ....... , ......... '36 Document relevant terrain, loc:atfon, and other physical features ......... : ................... : ............. J-<\)I :rB (Note: While At each location aiso complete sample collection as perStep 3 Below) WNYNSC CONFIRMATORY SURVEY POINTS R * *d 1* 1 . * . *
- 1A'i1-,f:, :rrz ev1ew survey an samp mg 1ocat1ons ..................... , ......... * ................... _ .................. ,, ..................... .:--*
- _;., V "fy II . d I *
- 1* d . . . 'l* bl .:-'1\ en a require too s, supp11es, an equipment ava1 a e ............. -. ................... , ........ , ...... ., .... 0 . 1.> _, ....-Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks ......*............ , ......... , .. w t) ::J3 For designated survey location: Collect and document static radiation readings in accordance with procedure .................. -.... li\_j -:r-r:) *:n) . .*. . . . . .. " rA8,ra. ...13 Document relev .. nt terrain, locat1on1 and other relevant physical .eatures .......................................... _--;:.,,.-(Note: While At each location also complete sample collection qs per Step 3 Below) 6
- , ,, .. , '-** l.-. 10-13-15 *-2"--;; v .f JI d . I" . . ... -;*(" :rr.:: en ya survey an samp mg points are compleLed and ................... , .............................. .JL$ -> STEP uHRlEE-SAMP!LE COLLECTION OPERATIONS.(lnitial as Performed) SURVEY AREA 1 SURVEY POINTS . ..____ --..... ..-,.; . _ _::_ _.::__ ..:. Review survey locations and sampling parameters ................................ -. .................................. .[\517') Verify all req'uired tools, supplies, and equipment available................................................... BXl]-Yi:* For each designated sampling location: Collect samples in accordance with procedure and specified sampling parameters ............... )t;'i Document relevant sample features such as day, different colors .................... , .. 1-tf-,j SB Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is complete .................. Bfj Pack samples and equipment for transport back to ................................................... f£S3 :Jt'.: Collect Rinsate sample for sampling tools in accordance with procedure ........................... , .... J 13 Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse .......... , ...................................... _ j Photocopy all Chain of Custody Forms ......... ; .............................................. , ............ , ...................... {Y1;1! Log all samples into the inventory log ............................................................ , ............................... @! Place samples in storage in designated storage bins ............... , .................................. ,. ................. Qj<I Conduct debrief .......................................................................................................................... , ........... 7 10-13-15 WNYNSC CONFIRMATORY SURVEY POINTS \ \. V' -..::::: -...:::. :" ........ ----....... ---R v* I *t* d
- 1* . Ar' e 1ew survey oca ions an samp mg parameters ........................... ,. .......................... , .............. . "-t.!5 Verify all required tools, supplies, and c;ivailable ................................................... Qt.I For each designated sampling location: Collect samples in accordance with procedure and specified sampling parameters ............... 40 Document relevant sample features such as clay, sandy, different colors etc. ...... , ............... cf5 Verify .all required samples have been collected and documentation is complete .................. l-;ff,j '45 . Pack samples and equipment for transport back to vehicle(s) ....................................... o ........... .kZ"2..l SfB. Collect Rinsate sample for sampling tools in accordance with procedure ............................. : .. dA., .J <l,.-r< Transport samples and equipmentto Bulk Storage Warehouse ................................................ 413 i Photocopy all Chain of Fornis,. ....................................... , .......... w ....................................... !.:;*.;j Log all samples into the inventory log ................................................ , ................................. ; .......... Fr;*t Place samples in storage in designated storage bins ................................................................. , ... FYI Conduct debrief ..................... '. ............................. , ......................................................................... 5 COMMUNICATION PLAN It is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, and since these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 6 REl!EVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS. 8 10-13-15 fJ RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/20l4 Instrument Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter "' RCP-01 lnstrument Oper(lting Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller {GM) and44-10 2x2 Na1 Detectors ia Project Qm!lity Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) u NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure i : Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure "' Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP) s RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographica'I Data Attachments and other Documents: 9 e Maps {including topo and satellite -larger scale) 0 Sampling Specifications Sheets o Sample collection for;ms e . Chain *of Custody Forms e Logbooks 10-13*15 Table 2 Area 1 Statk Survey and Sample CoUect1on Specifications location sample Depth Number Number {cm} 0-5 1 1.1.Cl 1 1.1.C2 1 1.1.C3 2 1.2.Cl 2 1:2.C2 2 1.2.C3 3 1.3.Cl 3 1.3.C2 3 1.3.C3* s I 3 3.1.Rlnse TBD 10 Depth (cm) 5-15 Depth .(tm} 15-30 .x x tatlh.lrle lortgitude it .JJ II tl 42°28'14.15" N 78"41'04.00,; w 11 " ,, ,, " ,, ,,. .. '42"27'45.80 l\l 78'"40'15.65;' w if If ii ,, 11* II ,, II " ,, "
10-13-15 Table 3 WNY Confirmatory Static Survey and Sample Collection Specifications location Sample Number Number Depth (cm) 0-5 Depth (cm) 5-15 Depth (cm) 15-30 Depth (cm) 30-100 Latitude Longitude 42°27'30.28 N 4 CA.CS 42°26'59.47" N 78°38'58.80" w 11* L.. (_ Rinsate 11 ..... G'I (/) 0 n ... ... ..... N ,i: iii G'I cg 9 :r "' 11) .., 0 11) tll .., 0 f--1 VI VI C!J 3 CT c..u Ill 3 3 . 3 QI tll J f--1 OJ < j .., V1 111 :s ::s l> C'. r+ ::r 0 ::?. N Iii a. .,, 11) .., "' 0 :s :I !!.. ..... 0 .., :E 2 -< 2 VI n VI c: < 11) < 111 :s c.. VI QI 3 'ti :r OQ 0 "'O 11) .., 111 0 :i VI .w.J_. 10/18/15 Survey Areas 2.1 and 2.2 Survey and Sampling Field Guide INTROOUCTlON AND PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey Area 2.
- Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorded.
- Gulde the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling prrocess. GENERAl OESCRIPTION O'F THE SURVEY AREAS Survey Areas 2.1 and 2.2 are located North and West of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center (WNYNSC) in the vicinity of Cattarnugus Creek and Route 219 near Scoby Dam. Area 2.1 is South of Scoby Dam, bounded by Scoby Road to the West and Cattaraugus Creek to the East. Area 2.2 lies East of Route 219 and bounded to the South and East by cattaraugus Creek. Because of the topography it may be necessary to access Area 2.1 from the North. figure 1 shows Survey areas 2 1 and 2.2, respectively, surrounded by rectangular surv*ey area boxes. The GPS coordinates of the corners of the boxes are provided in Table 1. The purpose of the boxes is to guide the survey team by GPS coordinates to the area surrounding the parcels to be surveyed and asslst in establishing GPS grid survey paths and spacing. 1 10/18/15 Figure 1 2 10/18/15 SURVEY AREA GPS COORDINATES and Grid Spacing Center of survey area 42°28'47,78" N 178°42'02.74" w I I Guide Box N Bound 42°28'48.05" N Area 2.1 Guide Box S Bound 4r28'4753" N Guide Box W Bpund 78°4;2'03.1211 w ---Guide Box E Bound 78°42102.35" w ; Center of survey area 42.028'24.46" N 178°41138.77" w Guide Box N Bound 42"28'24.91" N Area 2.2 Guide Box S Bound 42°28'24.04" N Guide Box W Bound 78°41'39.55" W Guide Box E Bound 78°41137.99" w i I --STEP GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ........................................................................................................ Survey Area 2.1 Review survey parameters .............................................................................................................. Arv.... a' r t>Ji.\5 *,"' . * * \.'. r<.J;'Y14.:. loc .. Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available ......................................... J ! L . QJ\J}. ( 9"" lct A. -b1 d t t GPS . -t i:zt5l t-.. slo
- ssem ie an es survey equipmen ........................................................................ _ 1 * . 1 Perform Operability Checks .................................................................................................. RS'§ "la Cr VS :i< . t,:O",) . -I\ _ , , ¥\cl-de,'\;; -r ! Uj t-l--, Survey Baseline/Function Check Area ................................................................................. l ,, , 1-1 1 *'"'-b:z "'. J>.J ._j\./ ct.. V\ .. _ .... , _ . r/fil d JC-rc*" i ;) Establish and Mark Corners of the Survey Area Box .......................... : ...................................... bU!} 1 1 + TD t,_ f..,..-<>.JN\ t" *'I) Evaluate terrain and field conditions and select orientation of survey lines ................. v.,;_ bti c.IL pc1 cft'., * . .i \ ( f.Q.o_& 1 ( (oc oli North and South . East and West rr * *'1 _ ' -\ 0)-[LI u( d b'1.-(QC'. le\ 3 h QI'\_&. 'biJ'l\---tt..-{ L;A i+L_ .1 1 n *.;z x_ J. CLlt\.O'.. O, M \I.AN.a .
. .. ,;.µ.:,...;., 10/18/15 0 . .ffl Conduct Survey ..................................... , ........... , .............................. ,;., ................................................ ,l:t<s-J Verjfy.all cornplete ............ ...*..*...... :**** ................................................. w Break. clown Ge.9r and Equipment, pack; and trans.port tq Survey ........ ,; ** .... ;, ..* Survey Area :t2 Review"survey p*arameters .. ! .. ....... , ................ ; .......................... , ..................... , ............ ; ................ : ........... , ... toqls, and eqyipment avail,i'Jple ....... ., ...... .. , *. ........ ** '.. 11&] Assemble and test GPS suruey eql)ipment ................. ; ... ,., ......... , ...*. ... , .....*..*. .... ,. ....... , .. ....* ii[] Perform o*perability .checks., ....... ................................................... , ........................................ ,; ... fIBJ Su'ryey Check.Area ............ ......... '. .......... ......*...* '. ......... , ............................. W Establish and Marl< Corner$ ;of.the${jrvey Area Bo?< .*.*. , .... : ... : ... : ... ;,.:.,.'.:;,:*'* .. ; ... .*.... .... .... ; .* fifJ terrain and field (:on.ditions o.rlentation of .survey !ines ..* ; ...... ,* ..*.*.. ; .. ,..(fBJ -*Co* Survey ........................... '. ...................... , *..*...... , .................... .' ... , ................... ,, ................. .. lfBJ Ylrr North and.South East and West Verify all. dcidumentation complete ..................... ; ............. , ..................................... : .................... *Q11 & p*s _ Perform final op,etability *.. ..... ,; ... *,; ............. :****** .. ........ ............ rn ({,.I c'.A.V\,t.lflt* fl .
- 6rr"ii;,.r 5 k cl . d * -** k d. .. * * * * "h' I * . B,rea .. -own gE!a.r 9.n .. eq1.,11pl)1ent, ,_13n ... transport to ve. 1c es ..* .... , ......... ....... , ............. .1 .. ,.:.i,. * .. 1, {;.* * "1?. eccx::rrl!(\5 E. . II . . . t d f . Cln15 . nsure a. sources accoun e . or .............................. ,., .. , .... , ........... '. ... , .......... , ... ,: .. .. ***** .. .. *s+;; 'l3 ** Downlbad data from GPS to computer; ..... , ................................. , ......... ,, .... , ............................... : ....... : .. *--* P(4 Make electro.hie topy of ............ ...... , ............................................................................... { pt/4 Em;:iil data to person designated to date .. : ................ ,.,! .................. : ..... ......*... ..................... ( rJ {A Copy and. scan all data, notes, sheets, etc.,. ... ,., .... , ...... , .. :.,. .. , ........ , .. ,. ........ , ............ ., ... , .............. ..... ,: ....... Email. si::ann.ed d9cumehts to J3erson designated to evaluate data ....................... , .......... _ .................... 4 ll'a.o****=u .. S49H-'N:"E.S 10/18/15 Debrief .... '. .............................................. ; ................................................................. ................... ST!EP TWO-MEASUREMENTS (lnntial as ?.erfoirmedl) Conduct iaHgate Safety Review .. , .............................................................. ., ....... , ....................................... Survey Area 2.1
- Review sampling parameters ................................................ : .............................................................. -1!5] Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available (For survey and sampling operations) .......... ; .................................................................................................................................. Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks ............................... ESi] For each designated survey location: Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ................................................................ Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant physical features ....................................... , ... (Note: While At each location also complete sample collection as per Step 3 Below) Review survey.and sampling ............... , .............. : .. ******** .. *********** ..................................... :lmJ . Verify all required toolS, supplies; and equipment available ....................................................... E!llJ Prepare radiological instruments fqr use and perform operability checks ............ : ................... i[[il For each designated survey location: Collect and document static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ...... ; ................ @ Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant physical features .......................................... :tfBl (Note: While At each location also complete sample collection as per Step 3 Below) Verify all survey and sampling points are completed and documented .................................................... BE 5 I I ..;,;.r...v 10/18/15 -STEP THRIEE-SAMPLE COLLECTION OPERATIONS as Performed) SurveyA.rea 2.1 Review survey locations and sampling par;:imeters ........................................................... ,, ........ [I] Verify aH required tools, supplies, and equipment available .......... ,........................................ For each designated sampling location: Collect samples in acco.rdance with procedure and specified sampling parameters ............... .Document relevant sample features such as clay, sandy, different colors etc ... , .................... Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is comp!ete., .............. ::frfil Pac!< samples and equipment for transport back to .. ; ............ : ................................. Collect Rinsate sample for sampling tools in accordance with procedure .................. ; ..... , ....... !m Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse ............ , ........ , ............ ; .......... , .* ;IIBJ Photocopy all Chain of Custody Forms ............... ; ..... '. ..................................................................... :fTI'5] Log all samples into the inventory log ........................................... '. ................ , .................. ; ............ ; ... Placesamples in storage in designated storage bins ....................... : ............. ; .............. ; ................ Bl] Conduct debrief. ........ , ............................................................................. : .................................... ............ l"t'nl Survey Area 2.2 Review survey locations and sampling parameters ..................................................................... 8Jij Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available .. : ................................................ 6
. ,..;&:;....,. =-.._,11r.:es 10/18/15 For each designated sampling location: Collect.samples in accordance with procedure and specified sampling parameters .............. :ini] Document relevant sample features as clay, sandy, different colors etc .................*..... !!BJ Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is complete ....... : ......... m Pack sample.s and equipment for tr.ansport back to .vehlde(s) ............ , ....................................... Collect Rinsate sample for sampling tools in accordance with prncedure ........... , .............. , ..... lt"ti I Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse ................................................. Photocopy all Chain of Custody Forms ........................................................................................... :lm] Log all samples into the inventory log ............................................................................................. Place samples in storage in designated storage bins ................ , .................................................... Conduct debrief .................................................................................................................................... 5 COMMUNICATION PLAN lt is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, arid since these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 6 RHEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS o RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 lnstrume11t Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter 7 10/18/15 0 RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlu_m 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With ihe Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) and 2x2 Na! Detectors
- Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) " NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 : Soil. Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure oil Project Health and Safety Plan {HASP) o RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey lnd1,1ding the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geogr(lphical Data and other Documents:
- Maps (including topo and satellite -larger scale} " Sampling Specifications e Sample collection forms ii Chain of Custody Forms Logbooks 8 Location Sample Number 1 2.1. 1 R. 1./ 1 2 .*. 1 R. 2. 1 2.t. 1 'R. 3 1 2.l. 1 R. s 2 2.:l. 2 R. 1 2 2.l. 2 R. 2 2 2 .*. 2 R. 3 3 2.l. 3 R. 1 3 2.l. 3 R. 2 3 2.1. 3 R. r"'.i 5 4 2.t. 4 R. 1 4 2.t. 4 R. 2 .. ..... --1'4*** .. "* .,, -.. L.,&, .. "* .,, Rinsate 2.l. Rinsate Rinsate 2.l Rinsate Area * "(EI c/z." 1.\ Depth Date (cm} Collected 0-5 i /)--15 x -1 r (()-2-J-1) ,o-2s-1 S x jo-"Z-3*1 x /0 -ts-' 'z.3 _,) x I ' 10-21-1} . t-t IT'i'i*'"' "> io -1.1-t ) x 1u--z1-. !"" Depth (cm) S-15 x x x ). x z. J.'f e. 4> JO-"ZJ""1S-2.1. 4. {2, I -Depth (cm) 15-100 latitude I Longitude -78.700761 42.479976 x -78.700761 42.479963 x -78.700777 42.479924 . -78.700746 42.479947 I . " .. ,. bl="" -H 0 Area Depth Depth Depth location Sample Date (cm) (cm) (cm) Number Collected 0-5 S-15 15-100 Latitude Longitude 1 2.'1 1 R. 1. n.> *Z.u -1 < x -78.694044 42.473407 1 2.1. 1 R. 2. 10 :7..l.r/) x 1 2:1.. 1 R. 3 Iii -::/..lf)-'/ 5 x 1 1 R. 5 1()-"Z. lrl S-x 2 2.1. 2 R. 1 10-ZV-1) x -78 .. 694105 42.473448 2 2.1. 2 R. 2 x 2 2.1. 2 R. 3 //)-71h-i< x 3 2.1. 3 R. 1 Iv -lv-i) x -78 .. 694081 42.473461 3 2.1.. 3 R. 2 la-' x 3 2.1.. 3 R. 3 x 4 2.1. 4 R. 1 x -78.694142 42.473502 4 2.1.. 4 R. 2 x 1' 4 2.1. 4 R. 3 I0-?<.?-1) x 4 2.1. 4 R. 5 lu-2-&-*.J x Rin.sate 2.1. Rinsate Z.l.'*l. '2.. !.. (' Rinsate 2.1. Rinsate
.MUWTS _,,_ . ......_._ ...... .,...v..,..,. 10/9 /15 Survey Areas 3.1and3.2 Survey and Sampling Field Guide INTRODUCTION ANO PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and sampli g field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to .Survey Area 3.
- Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorded.
- Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling process. GENERAL D'ESCRIPTION Of THE SURVEY AREAS Survey 3.1 and 3.2 are located on a working farm. Survey Ar*ea 3.1 lies across a portion of a tilled com field and is apprroximately 47,000 square meters in size. Survey Area 3.2 .* which i*s aipproximately 1000 square meters in size, is located nearby to the South West. This area is not currently tilled. Figure 1 shows Survey areas 3.1 and 3.2; respectively, surrounded by rectangular survey area boxes. The GPS coordinates of the comers of the boxes are provided in Table 1. T e purpose of the boxes is to guide the survey team by GPS coordinates to the area surrounding the parcels to be surveyed and assist in establishing GPS grid survey paths a:nd spacing. Figure 1 \; !06 --=== *-* 1 SUS-MEAJ.2 0 ' \\+* '
... u 10/9/15 SURVEY AREA GPS COORDINATES and Grid Spacing
- Center of survey area 42"28'55.96" N I 78"40'43.85N w Guide Box N Bound 42'"29'00.74" N Area 3.1 Guide Box S Bound 42°28'52.61" N Grid Spacing 15 meters Guide Box W Bound 78°40'48.39" w Guide Sox£ Bound 78°40'38.11" w Center of survey area 42°28'51.49" N 178°40'26.97" w Guide Box N Bound 42*28'52.43H N Area 3.2 Guide Box S Bouno 42"28'50.71" N Grid Spacing 5 meters Guide Box W B*ound 78°40'28.17" w 1 Guide Sox E Bound nr40*2s.96" w STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS (Initial as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ........................................................................................................ Survey Area 3.1 Review survey parameters ................................................................................. -... ..................... Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment availabl-e ......................................... tslsl .Assemble and test GPS survey equipment ........................................................................ Perform Checks ......................... * ........................................................................ Survey Baseline/function Chec'k Area ................... ,. ........................................................... Establish and Mark Corners ofthe Survey Area Box ................................................................ Evaluate terrain and field conditions and select orientation of survey lines ................. North and South East and West 2 MJ'IT'<.** .irm*"'= 10/9/15 Conduct Survey ........................................... , ....................................... : ........................................ @] Verify all documentation complete ............................................................................................ Break Down Gear and Equipmerit, pack, and transport to*Survey Area *3.2 ........................ Q1fJ Survey Area 3.2 Review .survey parameters .......................................................................... , .......................................... :tfB.I Verify all require cl tools, supplies, and equipment available............................................... Assemble and test GPS survey equipment... ........................................................................... Q;!s I Perform Checks ....................... , ......................................................... , ...... * ................ Survey Baseline/Function Check Area .. .-.................................................................................. t}B] Establish and Mark Corners of the Survey Area Sox .................................................................... Evaluate terrain and field conditions and select orientation of survey lines ..................... Etij North and South East and West Conduct Survey ....................................................................................... * ... , .................................. Verify al! documentation complete ........ , ................................................................................... [:IB,J Perform final operability checks ................ : ............................................................................. * ... Br*eak down gear and equipment, and transport to vehitles.: ........ : ........................... Ensure all sources accounted for ....................................... ; ............. .' .. ; ....................................... J:r13! Download data from GPS to ......................................... , ...................................................... , .... :§r. I Make Duplicate electronic copy of data .............. , ........* '" ............ , .............................................................. w Email data to person designated to evalu<1te date ....... : ........................................................................... tr.£SI Copy and al1 data, notes, she'.ets, etc ................................................................................................. Email documents to person designated to evaluate data ..................................................... :t!] 3
""""',,..... ...... -"""'"'=:u-10/9/15 Debrief ......................................................................................................................................... :Eiiil STEP TWO-STATIC MDOATION MIEASUREMIENTS {tinitial as Conduct Tailgate Safety .................. _. ................................... , ....................... , ................................ §] Survey Area 3.1
- Revie*w sam_pilng*parameters ...*.. ., ........... ., ... .............. ,._ .. ,. ................................................... , .. _., ............ _@] Verify all required to.els, supplies, equipment avaHable (For survey and sampling """t'.\ opera 1ons1 ........................................................................................................................................ ,... ,_,, Pre*pare .radiological instruments fot use and perform operability checks ............................... I.!£! For each designat*d survey location: Collett static radiation :readings ih accordance with pmcepure, ...................... , ........................... , ..... ..... IJ&'.l Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant physical features., ................... , ................... {Note: While At eath location also complete sample collection as per Step 3 Below) Survey Area 3.2. Review survey and locations ........................ ,. ..................... ,., ........................... ............. V . "f ,.l .
- d .. . I 1* d . . t . 'l b*1 tr I en ya i reqwre 'LOOiS; supp 1es, an equ1pmen ava.1i(l e ................................ ,, .......... ,,............ v Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operaQility cneclts ............................... F6 I For each designated survey locatkin: Collect and document static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ........................ §[! Document relevant t'errairi, location, and other relevant physical f.eatures .......................................... (Note; While At each location also comple'le sample per Step 3 Below} Verify all survey and Sampling points are completed and documented ........................................... : ....... :fr.B!
........ " ..... ,..,..,.........,....;" 10/9/15 STEP THREE-SAMPLE COILLECTION OPERATIONS Unitial as Perlorrmed) Survey Area 3.1 R
- I .
- d 1* . . Filfl evaew survey ocat1ons an samp mg parameters .......................................................... , .......... b£d Verify all required tools, sup.plies, and equipment available ...... ; ............. , ............. ... ,, ........... f#B, I For each designated sampling location: Collect samples in acco.rdance with procedure and specified sampling parameters ............. ..!:m ! Document relevant sample features such as clay, sandy, different colors etc ....................... Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is complete ........... m .... f '!3 j Pack samples and equipment for transport back to vehicle(s) .............................. ..................... @ j Collect Rinsate sample for sampling tools in with procedure ................................. t:fD! Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse .... , ........... , ................................ e.B I *Photocopy all Chain of Custody Forms ............................................ : .................. ......... ................. §i] Log* all samples into the inventory log ............................................... .......................... ,, .................. §¥-3 ! Plai;;e samples in storage in storage bins ......... ............... , ......... ,., .......................... : .... § l Conduct debrief ................. , ..................... , ................................................ * ........................................... :§1£l 5
--.;,....., .* !'<L"n" ... *= 10/9/15 5 COMMUNICATION PLAN lt is antitipated that there will be cellular seriJice in the survey areas, and since these are:;is are not remote, no special communicatio.n requirements apply other than periodic accountabilitY checks. 6 RElEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS e Rev. 2; 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating*Procedure Bicmh MicroRem Meter e Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum RateJTleter/Scaler Coupled With the lud!um 44-9 (GM) and 44*10 2x2 Nal Detectors o Project Quality Pl9n (QAPP) Q NYSERDA Survey Project 1: Snil Sample Collection and Radiological .survey Procedure e Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP) " RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparatio*n and Assessment ofRadiological and Gebgr:aphkal tJata Attaehments and other Documents: 6 e Maps {including fopo and sateilit<:?-scale} e sampling Spedfk:atioris Sheets o Sample collection forms e Chain of Custody Forms c logbooks 10/10/2015 . 2 2 3;1. ;s* 3.1. s :*ie* 2. 3 .3.1. *a ;!if 3 .. sq .* SI .. g( 4 *. 4 la a i.* *1,1 3.1.. .4 . . R. 21 *. 4 i3. 4 .. 4 R. Id. 5 ' 3-.t *. s n. 1. . 5 3.::t . s §t :t s 3,1: 5 R. *s. . 5 3.l. 5 R . 4. 6 rt * . 1. 6, 3.1,. ' R .* 2. 6 3.1. 6 fli 3. 3.1. 6 4. 1 7 R'. l. K 1 s.1 .. } .Ro x 8 3.1.. it. 'Ro 1, x 8 .8 . *rt, l. x 9 ,3 .. :g* E 3.. lC 9 3.1. 9 E z. x -*i\ location sample *a.i. 11.(,J IE. 1. 10 3.1. 10 f_ z..., 11_ 3.1: 1_i l. il 3_.1., li f _2. :!.G J.; . 1s . J5 _R. _ 24 3.1. -24 ft 1. 24 3,1.. 24 R. 2. Rinsate AREA _::) u-.----C,ntfr1ued 10/20/2015 78.680317 4.t48().774 -*.* ..... -;, . t 7lS;67186S 42.481653 Area 3.2. loa:ition Sample Number :i.. . 3.:1. 1. R. 1. 1. 3.-a. 1. R. 2. 1. *3.iL. *;1. -R. 5 2 3:t. 2 R. 1. 2 3_g, 2 R. 2. 3 3 .. 1. 3 R. l. 3 3.t. 3 R. 4 4 Ft 1 4 3.t 4* R. 2 4 4 R. 3 4 $.!. 4 .R. 4 4 4 Rlnsate 3.\ 0-15:... *3.L7.JZ..\ x Z x 5. 1 , g-e. 2 Depth Depth fem} (t:m) n-1s iS-30 R x x }{ x x x x )( Depth Depth (cm) (cm} 30-:(;0 60-100 x :x x .f O -1fji'5-_J Survey Area 4 .. 1 (4.1A, 4q1B, 4.lC, and 4.10) Survey and Field Guide 1. INTRODUCTtON AND PURPOSE The ptirpose of this swvey and sam piing field guide (SSFG} is to: e Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey.area 4.l.which includes sampling zones 4.1A, 4.lB, and 4:1C. o Ensure all pertinent' information and documentation is recorded.
- Guide the survey and sampling team-through the survey arid sampling process, 2. .GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey ari;!a4.1 is located on the Seneca Nation of lndians !n proximity to Cattaral!'gi.1s Creek ,(Nominally SoL1th of W614.Mile Level Road). The survey area is wooded. figure 1 shows the general area of the Survey Area-4. The shaded polygon delineates the areas to be GPS surveyed, while the irregular shapes nmresent the pdmar:v areas to be.sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS sui:vey that are outside of the existing sampling wnes, samples may be collectei;l at these elevated araas as we IL Figure 2 is a satellite photo which provides "1 closer view of areas 4.1(4.2, and 4.3. Figure .3 shows some pr:e-selectef) sampling points vyithin Area 4.1. Table 1 provides the GPS coordinates for the Area GPS Survey Polygon.
. ,:,:;>; (>* j ,:;:, JW11V1';1 ":' . *:.::. ,.., ' .t ot' tt.: Figure 3 Closer View of Area 4.1 I 4
- R3 ... t l.,;.-, *. 1 :;-*; > 4 TABLE 1 GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS 4.1 Corner Latitude Longitude 79" Cl 2'35.61"W 79° 235.Gl"W C2 42"32'26.31"N 79" 2'35.61"W -* C3 42"32'22.02"N 79° 2'44.52"W ca. 42"32'2.2.28"N 79" 2'47.28"W cs 42"32'26.68"N 79* 2'48.8311W C6 42"32'28,92"N 79° 2'48.91 "W 5
- 3. STEP GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS as Petiormed) Conduct Tailgatti Safety Review ........................................................... ., .................................. 4B lt./7 {if' </A ___ _ (date) {date!* {date} (date) Review survey parameters .................................................................................................... <fa f:1./7 /,r stt'?. l 2{xf 1:.< 4J3_Lli (date) (date} .{date) (date) Verify all required tools, supplies, and eq ulpment avai!ab!e ................................... 48 7 /1c 4f31.J '&{/( .-:f!.31'<-/? /rf {date} {clatt:t) (date) (date) Establish and Mark Boundaries of the* GPSSurvey Area ................ , ............. /if . I <{A I z.(tbr-4£ (date) {date) (date) {date) . Assemble and test GPS survey equipment.. .............................. ,., ............................... (jl3 1z./ 4£. rz.,/ r:/r/ 4t11c..hh-< (d<:lte) (date} (date) (date) 6 Perform Operability Checks; ................................................................................. \.'"' .... **'*3-1z/ r /,c *--(date I (dateJ *(date) (date} Evaluate terraiR and field conditions.<111d !>elect c,irientation of survey lines .......... fc*h l t( 4cs J -z./l / ,\-d6 ___ _ (date) (date) (date} (date) i::st bl' h. uc I" * "th. .
- 1*,.,o t *
- An 1.J1{1<:-..-"!I? J .. /,,,. lo *f *(*< i;; a is .s vey in es w1 nomma :J> me er ................. , ................................ ,f*W> '. *
- 1'2.J n 1* p '1 1 __ _ {date) (date) (date) (date) Conduct Survey operations using best available technology {See Note .1 . . i *I -,/ [ 4f' 4 1* Below) ................................................... ,. .............. :'""""'*** .................. , ............ , ...... ,, ......... 41'§'-1." 4g.*n ... v._J'f. . (date) {date} .{date) {date) . . . . . *J ::-rr. Verify all .docurnentat1on cemplefe,. .*..... , ... , ........ , ............ ., .. !.,. ................................. ;..... **
- iV ;'./r 461t..hf1(" __ _ {date). (date) {date} (date) D. b . f . . fJ 'if e r1 e. p ........ ****"'"' *i-** , .............. '*'. ....... .......... "',."'!!' .... ": .... , ** .... _ ........ , ................ ,. ...... , 1,, ....... , ***. "'J! ,el!., .............. * * (J4{ &< (date} (date} (date) (date) 7 Note 1: \'.) If possible use automated GPS datn acquisition. Walk the designated lines at the ordinary pace. G If satellite signal for the Trimble Gf'S unit ls inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or Cell Tower positioning to manually record GPS position and.Count rates, at S meter intervals, .along the designated lines (in accordance with established grid system). o .Alternatively establl5h grid lines using local coordinates syst-ern. a.! GPS location methqds are inadequate, rmmualJv log readings using rneasured lines at five meter intervals along the designated lines. 4. STEP TWO-STATICRADJATION and SOil SAMPLING (Initial as Performed) Coi1ductTail,E\ate..Safety Review, .......................... ,., ..................................................................... ,:../:if/I<;""° 4JJ.. 17../ \7 .. h/ I<;..:{!$ (date) (date) (date) (date} Review paranieters .............................................................. , ............... ,. .............. t'1..f rJ 1\ .::(13 1z.h/1\ 46 1.._/ f1;{1(.Jk$ (date) (date) (date) (date} Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available ..................................... rr:J'({t<; dP I z_f 4J> rt../ ii,/'" di> {date) (date) (date} (date) Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks ............. 1J </{!> 4& 8 (date) {date) (date) (date) Coll.ect.Digjtal image{s) Including lpcation sign .. , .......................... ., ................... , ......... 1u-dr<" '-1e . 1 '2-f f rrqf$ . ri.J u .. { {date) (date) (date) (date) Collect static radiation readipgs in accordance with procedure .............................. ." ............ '. . nl"lh*J.f!.:t l<-/ ( dt.5 ., (date} (date) (date) {date) Document relevantt*rrai0n, location, ,and other rel&vantphysiCa I features *.... : .................. ;1 U "6 /'.-:;,_Jt\ .1z..J rf(S ..ff$ _n./1.,/1) 413 (date) (date) {date) (date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and samplingp'(lrameters ............. rlJrJ,\-.. J1; 1zhU\ .:Jb (date) (date} {date} (date) Document relevant sample features such s.andy, diff.eren.tcolors etc ....... l'l.:frJlftjD (date) (date) (date) (date} Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is *complete ,$ /1*;' '-ffe _J"Z f't f,-: Jf7 ,-,-,;;s (date) {date} (date} {date) . I Pack samples and equipment fortransport back to vehide{s) ................ , ................ iz../ S/ i\ .:{8 9
{date) {date) {date} {tiate) Transport samples and equipment to Bulk,Storage Warehouse .............................. ;z./r/r)'T(l. {date) {date) {dats) {date) CollectrinSBtesample after final cleanlng of the tools ........................... : ................. Jicl'fs' (1.; ..,.(!.! I z.(9 b'f<f (1, . ' ......... 1 Lf ,,_,, ,,,, AB ---(date) {date) (dale) (date) 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN It is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the .survey areas, and s.inct:: these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic.accountabilitv checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEPURES AND DOCUMENTS 10 Q RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 lnstrument Operating.Procedure Bicrori MicroRem Meter o RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241c2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 (GM) and 44* 10 2x2 Nal Detectors ,, Project Quality Assurance Project Plan {QAPP) a NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1: Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure o Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP) G RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Ra!=llatlon Survey Including the Preparation and A,ssessment of Radiological and Geographical Data 8. Attachments an cl other Dor;;uments: 11 c Maps*{including topo and satellit.e -larger scale) c Sampling Sheets
- Sample collection forms o Chain of Custody Forms ., Logbooks 4.1 A Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30*60.crn 60-lOOc cm t2:'1-t) 4.lA R 1. 1 x 42"32'27;88"N 796 2'47.72"W 4.'JA R 1 . 2 )( .. --*
4.18 Date .. Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60"100c cm 11--1.0-r{ 4.lB R .1
- 1 ){ 42932'27.53'!N 79° 2'45.36"W * -. fl.--10-'l'S°' 4.18 R 1 . 2 }{ --* ---l.!'.k:-1 (}.-{*( 4.1B R 1. 3 x -__, 4:1B R 1. 4 " 11 "1 c --r'I.' 4:18 R 2. 1 x 4Z"32'26.66"N 79° 2'45.78"W n--io.-1 r 4.1B R 2
- 2 x \7;--i\'l-15" 4.18 R 2. 3 x i(..-\C"\S. 4.1B R 2. 4 j-ry .,,\ 0 *.\5' 4.1B R 2 . 5 x rz,\CI..-!._"( 4.18 R 2. 6 x' 4.18 R 3. 1 x 42°3 2'25,66"N 79° 2'45.27"W IZ:..-1wl S" 4.18 R-3 . 2 )(. 4.18 R 4. 1 x 42"32'24.89';N 2'45.56"W ----..... Jl:.J'1(_ 4.18 R 4. 2. x ********-11.--8>1f" 4.16 R 5. 1 x 42°32'24.00N 7.9" 2'46.27"W !1.-t/ *I( 4c1B R 5 . 2 x ---n.-8-1( 4;18 R 6. 1 x 42°32'23.70"N 79° 2'45.30"W . 4.1B R 6 . 2 x fl.-1-t".{ 4;1B R 7. 1 x -2 '45.34"W /? ..-'i --1'$' R 7. 2 ){ 4.18 R 8. 1 )( l 42"'32'23.1911N 2'46.36"W. 17 '-4 -t " 4.1B R 8. 2 x 4.lB Date Elevation Coordinates -**** Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15*30crn 30-;60cm 60" 1i. '"' 4.18 R 1 . l x 42"32'27 .53"N 2'45.36"W. -*** 11.. 10/6' 4.1B R 1 . 2 x *-1z( lo I'S' 4.1B R 1 . 3 }( '"Irr 4.18 R 1. 4 x f"-/Q ,,,. 4.18 R 2. 1 x 42b32 '.26 .65"N 79Q 2'45.78"W l"Z..1 /U r) 4.18 R 2 . 2 )( l z... ;rt* 1) 4.lB R 2. 3 x --12.. /t* r"i 4.18 R 2
- 4 x rz. /() 1<" 4.1B .R 2 . 5 x 1'-/I' 1) 4.18 R 2 . 6 . ),(' 'a'/11;° 4.16 R 3. 1 ){ 42"32'25.66"N 79° 2'45.27"W 1'2. & ,.,, 4.1B R 3 ' 2 x --, .... ::s r> 4.1B R 4. 1 x 42"32'24.89"N 79" 2'45:56W Ii.. 'i:.11:.r 4.1B R 4, 2 x ri:( i; *-. -****-****--. *****-***** 1<; 4*;18 R 5. 1 x 42g32124.00N 79v 2'46.27"W 1t. /) 4.18 R 5. 2 x 1 'l-"!; 4.1B R 6. 1 x 42."32 '23. 70"N 79° 2'4S,30"W IL '11 1 { 4.18 R 6. 2 )( 1'.l * .h (" 4.lB R 7. 1 )( 42°.32'23.13"N 799 2'45.34"W 4.1B R 7. 2 x . I Z, *c 1\' 4.16 R 8. 1 x 42"32'23.19"N 79° 2'46.36W 1i <tlrr .. 4.1B R 8. 2 x I 4.1C Pate Elevation CoQrd!nates Collected Sample cm. 30-60 cm 60-lDOccm lb-10.-1{. 4.1C R 1 . 1 x 42"32'26;f.i9"N 79* 2'4;3.11"W rt-\0 ..... 1{ 4.1C. R i.I 2 x -rz_..{O;.l '$' 4.1C R L 3 ){ 1tr1().,;l{ 4.lC R 1. 4 x ii.--to "'i<;' .4.1C R 2. 1 x 42°32'27.lO"N . 79** 2'41.85"W
- 4.ic R 2. 2 x ****-4.1C R 2. :3 x 4.lC R 2. ****-* 4 K r"L.ti _,r S 4.lC R 3*. 1 x 421>'32'26,39"N. 79* 2'40.86"W --*-ri."1..-1 S"' 4.1C R 3 2 x 4.1C R* 3. 5 LLi.-A--1'{ 4.lC R 4 .. 1 x 42°32.'25.60"N 79" 2140.45"W -* t7-Q *IS 4.1C R 4. 2 x {1.11\-i£ 4.lC R 5. 1 x 42"32'25.21"N 79" 2'41.52"W . 11..-°\-'l) 4.1C R 5. 2 }{ -1< 4.1C R 6. 1 x 42°32;25.04" N 79" 2'42.35"W o.J:1 .. 1< 4.1C R 6 .. 2. X* *-4.1C R 7. 1 ){ 42°32'25.71"N 79° 2'43.'.l.2"W ,) 4_.lC R 7 . 2 *}{ rz....9 .. 1 f 4.lC R 8 . 1 x 79° 2'42.25"W -17A +s' 4.1C R 8. 2 x 12..-9 --'fS' 4.lC R 9. 1 x 42"32'25;68"N 79" 2'4:l.52"W l'l.-9...-c< 4.lC R 9. 2 }( -.. ******-(l,..PJ,;() 4.lC R 9. s *x I l 11 4.1C Date Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60"100acm n. *-. 7ff 2i43,1111V,,1 4.1C R 1. 1 x N 4.1C R 1 .1 2 x -** I<-1n/1-r 4.lC R 1. 3. x rt '"I*< 4.1C R 1. 4 x 1i-l (,'\ 4.1C R 2 . 1 x 42°32'27.10"N 79" 2.'41.85"W IL IU /1 <( 4.1C R 2 . 2 x *-***** -*** 17... 'It> Ii'\ 4.1C R 2
- 3 x f'L: 10!1') 4.1( R 2. 4. x 1'1../9/1( 4:1C R 3 . 1 x . 42Q32'26.39"N 79° 2'40.86"W 11J-'t'"'l (" 4.1C R 3 2 ){ 4.1C R 3. 5 x 4.lC R 4. 1 x : 42 °32'25.6011N 79"' 2'40.4511W a..--l) 4.1C H 4. 2 x 124-f\ 4.lC R 5. 1 x 42°32'25.21"N 79u 2'41.52"W J'2 -7.,,!r' 4.1C R 5. 2 x n.-ti ... l6 4.1C R 6. 1 x 42"32'25;04"N 79° 2'42.3S"W *-\1.-'i-IS' 4.1C R 6. 2 x 11.h '"" 4.lC R 7. 1 x* 42.32'25.71"N 79° 2'43.1-2W d" t<\ 4.1C R 7. 2 x *-. I.?..-'l-1$'" 4.1C R 8. 1 )( 42°32'26.44"N 79* 2'44.2S"W 1t.-lf-l'S" 4.1C R 8. 2 x. rz..-'i-15 4.1C R 9. 1. }( 42°32'25.68"N 2'41.52"W l'l-'1--S 4.ic R 9. 2 x --4.1C R 9. 5 x 1i-;-s-I l j j
- '. 4.10 Elevation Coordinates Collectetl Sample O*'.l5 cm 15-30cm cm 60-100c cm (J....l(Yt;:;' 4.1D R 1 . 1 x 42°32'.28.69"N 79° 2;38.5811W IZ.'11:H< 4.10 R 1. 2 x 0,;.l().*1"5 4.10 R 1 . 3 x 1i.-rt:.-1:5' . 4.10 . R 1 . 4 x ... '$' 4.10 R 2. 1 )( 42"32'28.31"N 79° 2'36.95"W 11...'-!()_\S°" 4.1D R 2. 2 x 1°2"'!i.X5'° 4.10 R 2 . 3 x rz..,,Ji>*cr 4.10 R 2. 4 x 17Ao-t°5 4:lD :R 2. 5 *.*.X lMi-16 4.:l.D R 3. 1 .. x 42.32127.lS"N 79" 2'37.19"W 11-17\*15 4.1D R 3 . 2 x .. *-***-4.10 R 4. 1 x 42.;32127.24"N 79° 2'38.48"W 4.lD R 4. 2 }( 11-'1 .... IS 4.1D R 4. 5 x 4.1D R 5 1 )(
- 42°32127.7311N 79° 2'37 .o911w 11..-CJ -'I'S" 4.1D R 5 2 x n-ci-1< 4.1D R 6 '1 x 42Q32'28.06"N 79" 2'38.48"W 4.10 R 6 2 x 4.10 Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample C}-15 cm cm 60-lODc cm l:i-\ IC>\1S 4.10 R 1. 1 x 42 79° 2'38.58"W it.. r<>/ 1'5" 4.lD R 1. 2 x j"L. 10!1*; 4.10 R 1 . 3 x -* 17-Ju I IS-4.10 R 1. 4 X. 11.. t1i\1-.:: '4.10 R 2. 1 x 42°32'28.31"N 79° 2'36.95"W rJ 1i:.\ 1') 4.1D R 2. 2 x -ti..( 1ol1'{' 4.10 R 2. 3 x rt.( 1*A1 <.\ 4.10 R 2. 4 ){ " -rd*{>\1) 4.1D R 2. 5 .){ i2.-'i..-H.' '4.10 R 3 . 1 x 42°32'27.15"N 79" 2'37.19"\A/ 12.-'i-*S: 4.:10 R 3. 2 x li--"1-t "5: 4.lD R 4. 1 x 42"32'27.24"N 79p 2'38.48"W 17--<i-' !"{ 4.10 R 4. 2 x 1'2, .. 4.10 R 4 . 5 x ' i1-q ... 1s" 4.lD R 5 1 x 42°32'27. 73 "N 79° 2'37 .09"W Qr'i-1'5" 4.lD R 5 2 x 12...>J-1' 4.10 R 5 1 x 42"32'28.06"N 79° 2'38;48"W \2r')-1S" 4.10 R 6 2 x The M)V.J Companies GP$ Field Survey following fft;!ld sµn.rey .checldist:is used 9nce the survey te?rn h*is walkedto the loca!)on .t:hey . wili begin a GPS survey. Tl'.li_S checklist is fo verify n¢ne ofthe pbfes qr sett fogs changed or cables came loose betweehthi: initial setup l9cation.and the fl¢ld survey !citation. Corhplete step 9 the walkover segment li; 1. L{tb Verifyth.e Ludlum 1s in Rate mode . 2. thaphe ttidlUtri Meter is t:Jisplay of "OUP" anp ';\,'a rue"' 3. 1 to."Stat<>S" and Meo:*' tci '"'"""'e.C'
- 4. -*--_4 _vg,_ venfyti}at ,i\n-tenna "Extei'nal" $. )f "i -fl) -Set Menu uo 6. to start the currentsurvf?y and'startthe data Filename: fl. J. i( lf .:) .: .* .. -..__._. 7. <{..8 _-_ Set Menu 1 to "Status*and_Meri!l 210 Sensor" &. f!f I? Verify truit sensor teao1ng the *:;a me as the display on the iudlum 9. Wheri fin_ishep, s,et .Menu t to and dose the current file. :----*--...
- 1. The MJW Companies "/ GPS Initial Setup Checklist __ Complete source check of Ludlum 2. / Power off Ludlum Meter 3. Vedfy T<lmble is shutdown (not in suspend mode) 4. the Serial lnterfar.e Adapter (SlA) to the Tnmb1e Unit 5. Connect the Serial cable to the lud!um M.eti;>r
- 6. the Serial to the Trimble SJA 7. extemal GPS coble to tbe Trimble 8. 4£_i/_*_*_. P Poower on Ludlum M-0ter to Rate mod<.::-* 9: Verrfy that the Ludlum Meter is alternating display of "DUP" ancl "Value" 10, on the T<lmble ood .,,,, fo. It to <ompletely boot lLi v;: Laun<h ,.,,.,,., *nd W*lt for it to lo*d ood acquire "'*""*' l2.
- V Set Menu l to "Status" and MemJ 2 to *'Rece!*.iei' th" Anteon* states "Ext<1rn>i" 14. Menu 1 to "Dat;;t l . 15. a test me and start the data logger . ?et Menn 1 to and Menu 2 to "S!:'n$or" 17 that the >ensor field " 1 **d">g tho same as the d;;play on the tudlum 18. . Set Menu 1 to "Datan and dose the curri?nt file. Name: __ -*-* --.---.
The .MJW Companies GPS Field Survey.Checklist *The f pllowing field .usei1 once t!ie survey tean1 walked to tl:ie locationthat they will a GPS g1rvey. Tt\iHhetklishs inte'nded nqne of the cables or Settings*d or qible:s.came loose between the initiai locatioriand field survey location, CQmplete.step 9 bnce the current walkover segrnent is c:ompietl'. 1. . 4(j_ Verify the ludliJm Meter is in Rate rnotje 2. <'j(3 'ilarify iha.t the display of;'Di:W' 3. 4 Set Menu 1 to a!ld Menu*2 to "Receiiier" 4. -,-,-,<[,!ii_,_\Jerify that Anteon;:'! *-rl/!enoltq 'Oat,' 6. . ,./l/J, . Name a file .to start the i:urr.ent s1,1rvfi1y start the data 1 :7, 1 to anrlMenu2 to "Sensor'.' . 8. ---4J1-VerITy thesensorfieJd iS raadfo.g the as the Ois:play Of1 tJle.ludlurri 9. fif'lished, %et Ho Dttta" ancH:iote the <:urrent file ..
- MJW Companies 1. / GPS Initial Setup Checklist . .* Complete? source of Ludlum Meter 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ----.-Connect extemai GPS <.able to the lnmble 8. 'l. --:;..._-.fff-Verify that the Ludlum is alternating di>play of "OU!'" and "Value 13. __ fiif' Verify that Antenna state:; "External 14. __ if=---Set Menu 1 to "D?ltf' 15. Name a test file and start the data logger
- 7 Set Mel1\J ,,Statu;;'" :.ind 2 to "Sensor" 16. 17. thai the sensor field 1::. 1 the ::.ame as the dbpiay on the l.w:Hurn 18. __L_ __ Set Menu 1 to Data" and the current ..
The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The fbllowingfield survey checklist is*used once the survey team has walked to the location that they 'will a GPS survey. This checklist is intended to verify none ofthe cables or changed or tables came loose between the initiaJ*setup IOcation and th!'! field suivey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete. 1. 4-Verify the Ludlum Meler is in Rate mode 2. that the Ludlum is alternating display of DUP" and Value" . 3. </.J3 SetMenu.1 tu "Status and Menu 2 to "Receiver" 4. 46 Verify thµt Antenna states "Extemal" 5. -4tJ--set Mehu 1 to "Data" 6. a file to .s:art the current survey and start the dat.idogger Filename: SJ: IL, l q-,/ L 7. Menu 1 to "Status* and Menu _2 to *s.nsor' .s. 4t') Verify that the se_nsor fie id is the same as the display on the Ludlum 9. finlsheii, Menu 1 to "Dtlfa. and close the curfent file. The MJW Comp(;lnies GPS lnitial Setup Checklist 1. Complete soun;e check of Ludlum Meter 2. Power off Ludlum Meter 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7verify Trimble is 5Jrntdown (not in suspend mode) / Connect the Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) to the Trimble Unit / Connect the Serial cable the Ludlum Metl'.'!r ___ / __ Connect the Serial cable to the Trimble t./ Connect external GPS antenna cable to the Trimble S. on Ludlum Meter to Rate mode 9. ___ rify that.the Ludlum Meter is alternating display of "DUP" <ind Value" 10. 7Power on the Trin1ble and wait for it to completely boot . 11. V Launch Terrasync arnl wait for it to load and <icquine satellites* 12. / J Set Menu i to "Statusn and Menu 2 to "Receiver" . 13. . / .. Verify that A.ntenna statei; "External" 14: __ / Set Menu 1 to "Da1a'.' 15. 16. a test file and start the data logger 7 Menu 1 to and Menu 2 to ;'Sensor 17. 18. J' Verify that the sensorfield is reading the S<ime a:s the display 011 the Ludlum / S*et Menu 1 to "Dat<i" and close the current file. Name: _ --µm *. Dcite: 15 I . 7 . I The MJW GPS Field *survey Checklist The following field survey checklist is used onr.e the survey has walked to the focation that they will begin a GPS survey. This checklist is intended lo vrmfy none of the cables or change_d or cables cnme loose between the initial setup !ocation a11d the field survey lpcalion. Compli:-te step 9 once the current walkover segment is ' )' . 1. Verify. the Ludlum Meter 1s in Ratf' mode 2. drJ Verify that the Ludlum Meter I!> ,.J\crnahng <;fr>plcly of "DUP and "Value" I . J.. MOno l to "'" aed Mer.J z \o "Heceow" 4. that Antenna "E'<temi)l" S. ......._4 .. fV!enu 1 to "Data** 6. __ Name CJ file to statt .the current survey <ind start the data logger ti filename: rz. 1 !LJ.Sk-... --_____ _ 7. q1 Set Menu 1 to Status' at1d Mien*J 2 Lo a. 1{{ __ -. Verify that the sensor fil::'ld is rt'ading the Saine .is the clis_Piav mi the L'LJdlum 9. *113 _When fmished, H!t M!?nu l to Driw and close l.he current file. NUW Companies 1. """J' / GPS Initial Setup Checklist ""'+.,._._t/..___Complete !.Ourcli' check of ludlum Meter 2. 3. Trimble 1s shutdown (no,r in suspend mode) 4. ae/ Connect the Serial Interface Adapter {S!AJ to the Trimble Unrt I . 5. _Conned the Seridl ti3hle to the Ludlum MBter 6. 4& /.Connect the Serial Ct1ble to the Trimble , 1. <f extem*I GP; '"'""'" "blito !he T"mble S. Power on Ludlum Meter to R<ite rnod.,, 9. that tfre Ludlum M!!ter b <iltematmg display of "OUP" and Value" 10. 4 e/ ,Power on the and wait for ii to completely boot 11. '-'>unch T waSy"' *nd w*d fo, it Io fo*d "'d ocqu"e "tellite< 12. Set Menu 1 t-o "Statu:;" <1ntl M>}nu 2 to "Rec<.>1vP.r? that Antenna states *'Extemal" I 14. i& Set Menu 1 to "oat<( *J 15. a test f!le and start the data logger 16 . Set Menl.l 1 to and Mc-nu 2 to . . Verify that the .:,ensor 1e:ading the the *.m the Ludlum . 18.
- Scet Menu 1 to "Data" iJlld the file.
The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey .(:heddi_st The field sur:vey checklist is ui-.ed once the survey tqam has t9 Yhat will begin a GPS sutiley. This qhecklist Is intended io verify f'JC>!lt! of the cable.!. or settings cha ngea or
- cables cameloose betw!.)en the initial setµp locaUo.n a.rid tlie field i:.uwey.lotat)oli. step*9 011ce ' ' . -. ' -. the current walkover 1. . ab Verify the ls in Rcite *2. ...... that Ludlum display of DUJ>'.',and *tyalue 3. . z4ii-sa MeniJ 1 ;O "status* aniJ Menu lto "" 4. Verify th<it Anteon.a st(_l,tes" s. 1 .n *6. . ;1*; .p . Name a file to start the ci.irrc:rit si.nvey and start the-iiata roggerr oate: __,_/ ... _* -.
The MJW Companies GPS Initial Setup Checklist 1. 2. 3. Verify Trimble IS shutdown (not in SU>Pt'nd mode) 4. 5. ____ Connect the Serial< tfl t uctlum Meter 6. 7. 8. 9. Verifv that the Ludlum tvlcter is afternatfng di.spray of "OUP" ;i1ld*"Value. .10. Power on the Trimblr. and w<11t for it 10 -:ompll'tely bout 11. Launch TerraSync and WJit fot it to load dl1d acquire 12. -**-* __ Set Menu 1 to Statt!s" and Mem; 2 to B. that Antenna "Exler n<il" 16. ___ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and ivlera: 2 to 17. -r/ _ Verrfy that the sensor iiekl 1!> re<iwng as the di!>plav on the Ludlum. Set Menu 1 to "DatJ' and !he current file. The MJW Companies GPS Survey CheckHst The following field survey checklist is used once the st1rvey team has walked to the location thal they will begin a GPS survey. Tris checklist is intended to verify none ofthe c<ibles or settings changed or cables came loose between initial setup l?c_ation and the fieltl suivey location. Complete step 9 once tne cu rreot walkover segment is complete. 1. 3. -""'J,""'/1-3,__ that Antenna states ., 5. 4-Set Menu l to "f?<ita" .6. a file to start the current survey and start the data logg*er Filename: l l.. { I'$" __ 7. to "Status" and MenlJ 2 to Serisor" ,{te Veiify thatthe senSn< t<?iding the some as the display on the ludlu m 9. When finis set Menu 1 to "Data.; and close the current file. 1; .... Date: The MJW Companies GPS Initial Setup Checklist 1. Complete source check of Luq!um Meter 2. . Power off Ludlum Meter . 4. 5. 6. 7. /' V Verify Trimble is .Shutdown (not in suspend mode) / Connect the Serial Interface Ad<iptGir (SlA) to the Trimble Unit ----'/"----Connect the Serial cable to the Ludlum Meter / Connect the Serial cable to the Trimble SIA V Coniiect external GPS antenna* cable to the Trimble S. on Ludlum Meter to R<ite mode 9. that the Ludlum Meter is alternating displily of "DUPn and "Value" 10. _ v" Power on the Trimble and wait for it to completely boot il. ___ {(' ___ launch Terrasvnc and wait fot it to load and acquir>>! satellites 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17: 18. / Set Menu 1 to Status" and Menu 2 to "Receiver' / Verify that Antenna states "External" / Set Menu 1 to "Data" . / Name file and start the data Jogger . ,L Set Menu l to "51atus" and Menu 2 to "Sensor" J' Verify that the sensor field is reading the same as ths display on the Ludlu rn / Set Menu 1 to ".Data" and dose the current fife. Date: _J Survey Aliea 4*.2 (4.2A, 4.2B .and 4,2<;;) Survey and Held Guide 1. INTRODUCTION ANO PURPOSE ThG purpose of this.survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to: Present the-survey and sampling pararneters and objectives direi:tly pertinent to Survey area 4.2 which includes sampling zones 4.2A, 4.2B, arid 4,2C. .o Ensure all pertinent information and documentatiqn is recorded. o Guide the survey and team through the survey and.sampling process. 2. GENERALDESCRIPTION Of THE SURVEY AREAS Sµrve_y area 4.2 is located on the SeneqrNation of Indians In proximity to Cattaraugus Creek (Nominally South of 10614 Mile Level Road). The Northernmost Corner (C-4) lies nominally 140.0 feet South of 4 Mile*Level Road. The survey i.s wooded. Figure 1 shows the general area of the Survey.Area 4. The shaded p,olygon delineates the areas to be GPS surveyed, while the irregular shapes represent the primary areas to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS survey that are o.uts1de of the ei\isting sampling zones, samples may be collected at these elevated areas as well. Figure 2 ls a satellite photo which provides a closer view of areas 4,1, 4.2, and 4.3*. Figure 3 snows.some pre-:selected sampling *points.within Area 4.3. Table 1 provides the GPS for the Area 4.2 GPS Survey Poiygon. 1 3 TABLE 1 GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS Area 4.2 Corner latitude longitude Cl 42v32'23.69"N 79° 2'28.58"W ----*-----C2 \ 42°32'17.94"N i 79° 2'32.32"W I C3 42°32117 .81"N 79° 2'36.38"W C4 42°32'24.8S"N 79° 2'37.13"W ..., __ , __ cs 42°32'25. 70"N i 79" 2'35.34"W 5
- 3. STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS (Initial as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety RevJew, .. ,............................................................................................ "\i \i.i\2t (date) (date) (date) (date) R . ' ..."\} 12.:/*/ ev1ew suryey para.meters ............................................. ; ........................................................... -'-'..LQµ___:..;.J'_ (date) (date) (date) (date) Verify all required tools; supplies, and equipment available .................................... .21) l7*fff_. *-**---{date) (date) (date) (date) Establish and Mark Boundaries of the GPS Survey Area Polygon ..................... ,, ......... 11 \'Cf t (date) (date) (datej (date) ' 1i lt-/i Assemble and test GPS . .survey equipment .................. ., ............................................... ___ _ {date} {date) (date)* (date} 6 Perform: *Checks .......... , .......... .,. ....................................................................... :}15_. fi/1 (datg) {date} (date} {date) Evaluate field <;onditlons and select orientation of survey lini;s ........... (tjate} (date) (date) (dr.ite) E t. b1' I
- 1* ' "th* I 30 *t * * * .* f6 flfl . s a 11s 1 survey 1pes.w1 . nomma . me er .:.pacm&*** ................ '. ............................... : * :o. {date) (date) {date) Conduct ,5urvey.operatlons using best available technology (See* Note 1 Below) .................................................................................................... * ................. ............. , ... 'fB. i2/'fl. (date). (date) (date)* Verify all.documentation c.omplete ................................................................. ; ............... 1B 12-/ff ' ' ' (date} {date) (date) {date) .Debr!ef., ........... , ............ .......................... , ........................................................................... ,._ .. _r-g;;;.,... (dilte) (dale) (date) {date) 7 J Note-1: * " If possible use automated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated liries at the ordinary pa.:e o If satellite signal for*the-Trlmhle GPS unitis inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or Cell Tower posiU011ing to manually record GPS position and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals, aiong the designated lines (in accordance with established grid system). P Alternatively establish grid lines using local coordi11ates system. o If all GPS location methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured lines at five meter intervals along the designated lines. 4. STEP TWO-STATJC M.EASUREMENTS and SOIL SAMIPDJNG (lnitiaH as Performed) Conduct TaHgate Sa.fety Review ................................................................................................ :::ffi. \1-/tf' {date) (date) (date) (date) Review sampling parameters ............................................................................................. 111J 17.f"!J (date) {date) (date) (date} Verify all required tools, supplles, and equipment available ......... , ........................... 11 n,/{ {date) (date) (date) (date) Prepare radiological instruments for use and p<;?rform operabllity checks ......... ,... 1'b \Z.-{"4 8 (date) (date) (date} {date} C II t D. 't* l . . ( \" *1 ..l' l '. *t" .. . . 1tft o e.c 1g1 a .. irnage s, inc u1.11ng_. oca ion s1gn ................................ , ..................... , ....... ., .. * {rlcite) (date} (date) (date) Collect static radi<Jtion readjngs in accordance with .......... , .... ,.., .. ... ,. ................ ...11_2/L {date) (date) '(date) (date) DocumentreJevantterrain, location, and other relevant physir.aHeatures ......................... 11> Fifi (date) {date} (date) (date} Collect samples in with and sampling parameters.;.;.,,., .... }'B 1'-/i {date) (date) (date} (date) Document relevant sample features such as*ctay, sandy; different colors etc ....... __ .ijj___ (date) (date) (date) all required samples have collected apd documentation is cqmplete 1J? i'lf;( {date) (date) (date) (date) Pack samples and equlpmen:tfor transport back to-vehicle(s) .................................. *.ff; rzt( 9 ---------------------
(date) (date) {date) {date) Transport samples and equipmentto Bulk Storage Warehouse.............................. {date) (date) (date) (date) Collect rinsate sample afterfinal cleaning of the tools ........ , ................................... :113 i<-/l (date) (date) (date) (date] 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN .. It is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the.survey area$, and since these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RElEVENT PROCEDURES ANO DOCUMENTS o RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure Sicron MicroRem Meter o RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) and 44-10 2x2 Nat Detectors 10 . (ii Project O.uallty*Assuranc:e Pruject Plan (QAPP) ..i NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 : Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure Q Project Health .and Safety Plan (HASP} L ti RCP*03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 P*rforming a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographical Data 8. Attachments and otherDocuments; a Maps (including topo and satellite -larger scale} " Sampling Specifications Sheets
- Sample collection forms
- Chain of Custody Forms
- Logbooks 11 AREA4.iA Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0*15cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-100c cm .. i( 4.2A R 1 . 1 i x 42"32'24.59"N 79" 2'35.09"W ft.:-\{ 1S' 4.2A R 1 . 2 x . 4.2A R 1.3. x *-** .. ,.. -*** -*** . *-** 17-1<1{ 4.2A R 1 . 4 x l1,-tS.-1{ 4.2A R 2 . 1 x 42v32'24.07"N 79° *2'35.54"W 4.2A R 2 .2 x 4.2A R 2 .3 x n.-s ... 1s 4.2A R 2 .4 x 11-1.,---\..; 4.2A R 3 . 1 x 42°32 '23. 79" N. 79* 2'34.87"W tt.:-I-1 S" 4.2A R 3 . 2 ){ 11.-'l-'ls-' 4";7.A R 4.1. ){
- 42°32'23.58N 79" 2'35.28"W )?*il-1f 4.2A R 4 . 2 "X . . rz.--2-'W 4.2A R 4 . 5 x n .. ;l.;-14 4.2A I RI 4 II 6 x I I ! I AREA4.2B Date Elevation Coordinates Collected !Sample o-1s cm 15-30 cm 30*60cm 60-lODccm 1 l. -1H:l 4.28 R 1 . 1 x 4Z032'21.92"N 79° 2'34.65"W 12. -<i{-J< 4.28 R 1 . 2 x '1( 4.2B R 1 . 3 x r1 4.28 R 1 . 4 x 4.28 R 2 . 1' x 42°32 '21:21N 79° 2'35.30"W 4:28 R 2 . 2 x 4.28 R 2 . 3 x n .... ... i?" 4.2B R 2 .4 x f1. * .riS .:.1 r 4.2B R 3 . 1 x 42'32'19.92"N 79° 2'35.31"W . 4.28 R 3 .2 )( --4.28 R 3 . 3 )( \7 .... ... 4.2B R 3 . 4* x 4.28 R 3 .5 x 4.28 R 3 .6 *X 11.J ;(tc;-. 4.2B R 4 . 1 x 42P32119.l5"N 79° 2'34.92"W ,'l-( 7( 4.2B R 4 .2 x 4.2B R 5 .1 X-42°32118.84" N 79* 2'34.10"W ... . . 1L.h/i{ 4.2B R s . 2 x .. l:z./ 1!1{ 4.28 R 6 .. 1 x 42 N 79" 2'33.32"\IV 17..h/1<;' 4.2B R 6 . 2 )( \( /., {i) . 4.2B R 7 . 1 . )( 42"32'19.77"N 79° 2'34.ll"W 12.., 7 {/-;-4.2B R 7 . 2 }{ 1:z../-;(1f 4.2B R 8 . 1 x 42"32'20.10ryN 79" 2'33;17"W ,-..( 7/15"' 4.28 R 8 . 2 x I AREA 4.2 B Cont. Date Elevation Cqordinates Collected "'ample 0-15 cm 15-30 c.m 30-60 cm 60-10Dc cm ll;-Y\..:; 4.2B R 9 . l x 42.'32'21.0fi"N 79*
- 2 '32;83W 4.2B R 9 ' 2 x ---. .. l"l/t.A.5' 4.2.B R 10 . 1 x 79° 2'33.0l"W --11.'1.-i5' 4.28 R 10 ' 2. x 11'l./\) 4.28 R 11 . 1 x 42"32122.2 7"N 79° 2'33.84"W 11:'l1s 4.2B R 11 . 2 x 11:-"l--'1 s-4.28 R 12 ' 1 }( 79* 2'33.7911W n:-'14.:: 4.28 R 12 .2 x 4.28 R 13 . 1 x 42°32'21.lO"N 79* 2'34.57"W n .... 4.28 R 13 . 2 x . n-}"\s' 4.28 R 14 .1 x -4.28 .R 14 . 2 x *'--lt-3--ts 4 .. 2B R 15 ' 1 x 42°32'20.62"N 79° 2 '33.SO"W 4.2B .R 15 .2 x n .. 3.-,s 4.28 R 16 ' 1 x 42".32'20.33N 79° 2'34.1S"W 12--5.4)' 4.28 R 16 ' 2 x I 4.28 R 17 ' 1 x I 42"32'19.61"N 79.,2'34.76"W n/)--1.S 4.28 R 17 . 2 x j 17_:,-r{ 4.2B. R 18 . 1. x 42"32'19.37"N 79° 2'33.84"W -***** h.-'Y\ < 4.28 R 18 .2 x 17..-:)1 ( 4.2B R 18 .5 x S" 4.28 R 18 . 6 x AREA4 .. 2 C Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sam pre 0-15 cm 15*30 cm 30-60 cm. 60cl00c cm lJl:"b-"iY 4.2C R 1 . 1 }( 42"32'23.09"N 79" 2'30.36"W 4.2C R 1 . 2 )( \1 .. 4.2C R -1 .3 }{ 4.2C R *1 .. 4 x nJ1J1f 4.2C R 2 . 1 x 42"32'23.04"N 79" 2'30;0l"W ,,.. 11,.1.-h 4.2C R *--2 .2 x *--
The MJW Companies GPS Initial. Setup Checklist 1. 4& Complete source check of Ludlum Meter 2. 46 Poweroffludlum Meter 3. J 8 Verify Trimble shutdown (ni:it in suspend mode) 4. ---45-Connect the Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) t.o the Trimble Unit S. _..q 6 . Connect the Serial cable to the Ludlum Meter 6. -4(3 Connect the Serial cable to the Trimble SIA 7. Connect external GPS antenna cable the Trimble 8. 4-Power on Ludlum Meter to Rate mode 9. thafthe Ludlum Meter is alternating display of "OUP"' and "Value" 10. on the Trimble and wait for it to completely boot 11. <lD Launch TerrnSync an('j wait'fo.r it to load and acquir*e satellites l2c __:!IL Set Menu 1 to "Status and Menu 2 to "Receiver" . 13. 415 Verify that Antenna states "External" 14. <+& Set Menu 1 to "Data" 15. "4£2 a test file and start the data logger 16. 4& Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Sensor" .17. <J6 Verify thal the field is reading the same as the display on the Ludlum 18. 4& . Set Menu 1 to "Data" and dose the file. ! '1 /' Name: .... _-tl_.
- __ (J_d1:.t_\._. Date: 1;:/-,j;-:-f'i,.1 / I (,. p) rii)"i-( c i :'! r.\iJJ +c. r-:) ! I'\ Cl..r> .*'--
The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The following field survey is used once the survey team has walked to the location that they will begin a GPS survey. This checklist ls Intended to verify none of thi? cables or changed or tables came loose between the inftial setup location and the field survey location. Complete step 9once the current walkover segment is complete. 1. 4verify the Ludlum Meter Is In Rate rnode *.
- 2. . 4..£z . Verify that the Ludlum.Meter ls alternating display qf "DUP" and "Value" 3. /JfJi Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Receiver" l Verify that Antenna states "External" 4. s. Menu 1to *oata* . 6. 4L Name a fileto '"" the '"'"'"' sUrveif and start the dat. loggoc Filename: l l. 1 } S-J.. 7. -<$Set Menu l to "Status" and 2 10 ,;Sensor" . .,r-.-*1 8. -4B-Verify that the sensor field is reading the same as the drlthe Ludlum 9. --4fi-When finished, set Menu 1 to "Data and dose the current .. Date:
The MJW Companies GPS Initial Setup Checklist 1. --4Jl-Complete sourcl? ch_eck of Ludlum Meter 2. off Ludlum Meter 3. --4£1_ Verify Trimble is shutdown (not_ in suspend rnode) 4. M.__ Connect the SM'31 (S!J.\) to the Trimble Unit -. S. Connect the Se<l,;I coble to the '""l"m Mew 6. the Seri;;I CilblQ to the Trimble SIA 7. . 4£S . Cohnect extem;:il GPS anti:nna tt)the Trimble 8. Power on ludlum to mode . 9. -*¥-Verify that the Ludlum Met?r i!. tilternating display of "DUP" and "Value 10. --4$-Power 011 the Trimble and wait lor it to . 11. Terra.Sync cincl wait for H to and acquire sa!ellite:. . 12. 4 Set Mem1 1 to "Statu:;;" and Menu:? to *'!!Ner 13. . f5 . Verify that Antenna $t<lH:!!> "Ext01 ntll" 1.4. -<+L. Set Menu 1 to "Data" 15. --4..8.-Naml? e the curr-ent tile. Survey .Area 4.3 (4.3a and 4.3b) Survey and Sampling Field (.luide 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to: o Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives,directly pertinent to Survey area 4.3 which includes.sampling zones 4.3a and 4.3b.
- Ensure all pertinentinformaticm and documentation is recorded. Ill Guide the survey sampling team through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey area 4.3 is located on the S.eneca Nation of Indians in proximity to Cattaraugus Creek, (Nominally South of 10614 Mile Level Road}. The centroid of sampling area 4.3b* is approximately 415 meters: South.of 4.Mile Level Road. The survey area is wooded. Figure 1 shows the general area of the Survey Area 4. The shaded polygon delineates the *areas to be GPS surveyed, while the irregular sh<ipes represent the primary areas to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS. survey that are outside of the existing sampling zones, samples may be collected at these elevated areas as-well. Figure 2 is a satellite photo which provides a closer.view of areas 4.1, 4:2, and 4.3. Figure 3 shows some selected sampling points within Area 4.3. Table 1 pro.vldes the GPS coordinates for the Area 4.3 GPS Survey Polygon. 1 3 4 le 4.ld 4.1b --==---111hot 0 2l!O '--Oil 1.000 4.3a 4.ic 4.3 Figure 1 General View of Area 4 lf ----, Area 4 Proposed Survey andlor Sampling Locations -2014 Areas Meeling Crtlena for Fur1her Evaluatioo Survey and Sampling Sub-Areas 4.4a 4.5'1 4.5b 4.5<;:
Area 4.1 4. 2 and 4.3 :. FeaMe 1 4 Area 4.3 -24 Random Loca11ons s R04 4.3.B Ro7 Ro1 Figure 3 TABLE1 GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS Area 4.3 Corner Latitude Longitude Cl 42°32'31.27"N 79° 2'.18.26"W C2 42°32'29.0S"N 79° 2'16.82"W C3 42°32'20.66"N 79° 2'22.61"W C4 42°32'22:00"N 79° 2'27.47"W cs 42°32'28.98"N 79" 2'29.32"W C6 42"32'30.30"N 79° 2'28.82"W 6
- 3. STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS (Initial as Performed} Conduct Ta if gate Safety Review ................................................................................... : ............ '1b j \) \ i '1(<; 1"/ iP it> \ii,) (date) (date) (date} (date) Review survey parameters ..... .,., ............. .............................................................................. /{/J \\\ \ lt 1VJ \')!,_7 (dat<;} (date) {date} (date) .Verify all required tools, supp!ies,.and equipment available .................................... {\b . 4 (date) (date) (date} (date) /(Q_ \t Establish.and Mark Boundaries of the GPS Survey Area Polygon ................................ 1P/ 0 rJ I I°' (date) (date) (date) (date) Assemble and tqstGPS stirvey equipment ..................... , ............................................ j£, \\/t%'
- ii) if Z/> "\0 \ie,) (date) (date) (date} (date) ' 7
. ; --. i,,* ) I l ,\\\i Perform Operability Checks .............................................................................................. (date) Evaluate terrain and field conditions-and select orientation of survey lines ............ \\j . (date) Establish survey lines with nominal 30 meter spacing .................................................. (<6 (date) Survey operations using best available technology (See Note 1 * ----jdate) Verify all documentation complete .............................................................. , .................. {date) . Debrief ... , ......................................................................................................................... \\ftfll (doite) 8 I (date) (date) (date) 1¥, (date) 11? \.'\.1>i -**** {date} (date} l\b \\/ t;'O '\'b .. \, i. 3 !date) (date) 1&/A \\)**) l *. (date) (date} _;j_\.\L (date) {date} \fi., t\YJ 1\li (date) (date) \iLD '\YI \'lt1 -' 7 {date} (date) 1\) zi "1u> {date) (date) Note 1: a If possible use autnmated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated Jines atthe ordinary. pace 'ii If satelllte signal forthe Trimble GPS unltis lnadequate, use the Garmin GPS unitor Cell Tower po$ltioning to manually record.GPS position and Counnates, <}t S meter intervals, along the designated (in-accordance with estaqlished grid system). o If all GPS location me,tt:iods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured iine$ et five meter lntef\/als along the .designateel lines. 4. STEP TWO-STAT1C RADIATION MEASUREMENTS and SODl SA:MPUNG 0nitia1 as Performed) 1'b f& (,0 1J \'-11) -C ' . . ' ' ' s 'f . ' "\17 ondu<:t Tailgate a .ety Review ...... , ................................................. , ......................................... . (date) (date) (date) {\'; i\/z 0 1b \\li -(date) Review sampling.parameters .................................. ,, ......................................................... 1fJ \\J.1'1. (date] (date) (oate) (date) V' 'f II . d*t I ' I' d . ' t *1* bl . Al \\11 i
- en ya requ1rE;! oo s, supp.ies, an .eqwpmen ava1 a. e ..................................... 1.rJ _fY:? \ 1/ i)m \6 \\{lo l\R. \'fi? (date) (date) (date) (date) Prepare radiological i!'.lstrumentsfor use .and perform operability checks ............. $ \\I { 10 1b z, j (date) (date) !date) (date) 9 Collect Digital image(s) including location sign". .......................... , ............................... "'\\ iP.i ""'!1 ti 1\J 1.\f i-0 -ib ---* (date} (date) (date) Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ................................. ,. ......... \\\\i n/1'1 'it 1Yi') (date) Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant µ11ysical features ........................ \\.\(t (date) (date) {date) \'-/t'i \it0 "ffi (date) {date) (date} (date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and sampling parameters ............. 1\7) \\/Jt '\6\"-Ji1 '\fl \\17,0 1b 1Vfi; \date) (date) (date) (date) Docurhentrelevaht sample features sut.:h as clay, sandy, different colors etc ....... i\f! 1, (date} {date) (date) (date} Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is I { '* 1((1 l\/l'i) r(b \\Ji, (date) . (date} {date) (date) Pack sam pies and. equipment for transport back .to vehlcle{s} ................................. l_J_i_ it \\f1'1 L\fi.O 4 l\ft1l (date) (date) (date} . (date) 10 Transport samples and-equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse ............... , .............. ___ _ (date) (date) (date} (date) Collectrinsate sample after final cleaning of the tools ............................................. {date) 'f'il:, 1. "{I 'l !date) % (date) (date) 6. COMMUNICATION PLAl\1 It is anticipated that there wfll be cellular servic:e in the survey areas, f'md slnce these areas are not no special communication requirements apply other then periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVEl)IT AND*DOCUM£1\lTS RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 lnstrument .Operating Procedure Bicron MlcrpRem Meter Q Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Rate meter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller {GM) and 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors " Project Quality Assurance Project Plan {O.APP}
- o NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1: Soil Sample Collection and*R;:;;diologlcal SurveyProcei;lure o Project Health and .Safety Plan (HASP) o RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/1.5 Performing a .GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey lm:luding the Prepar<'.ltion and Assessment of Radiological and Pata 11 Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ........................................... , ............ , .............. , ........................ ]Y; \\\\t (d;:ite) R * . . . . . . . /!(J. \\\ .\ ev1ew su.rvey parameters.,. .................................................................. ..,,..,., ............................. ..l'\.l. . (date) (date) (date) Verify allTequired tools, supplies, arid* equipment av:ailable ... , ................................ 4 \\ /r-£ :'"\f., (date} (dat.e) Establish.and Mark Boundaries of the GPS survey'Area Polygon .............................. JB 11/ri (date} {date) Assemble and test GPSsurvey equipment ................................................................. 1t \Y l.Y" .. (date) (date) 7 .(date) (date) (date} '(da:te) 'ffi if ?P (date) .,, (date} (date} (date} (date) (date)
I ----------L/13 -. ---Perform Operabillty-Checks ..... , ........................ _ ........... , ..................................... , ............... (date) (date) (date) {date) Evaluate terrain and field mid sel-ect orientation of survey lines .... ,.,., ... 61; "'l N\\\ {dl'it*} (date) (date} (date} £ bl. h -1*
- h * -1 '.:to t--* ----41\l11-1i sta 1s survey mes wit nomm13 .J me 42r spac1ng ...................... _ .................. , ......... , _ __,_--'--..sf10c' -{date} (date) (date) {date) conduct*Su1vey using best available redmo!ogy '(SeeNotel j <1 . 1\7 \\ h Below) ....................... , ............... _.., ............... _., .. _ .. _ ..................... .. ,; ........... ,. .... _ ......... _ .... _. .... :******** _ -,," 1njj \. 11 _ _____ ,......._ (date) (date) (date) {date) Verify .all cl0,q;mentC1tiofi complete ..... , ..... , ............................... ,. ... ., .................... ,, ......... -1'b \\\\{ \.\,\\1 1f, 1J:o (date) {date) (date) Debrief ................................ ,. ......... .., ........ , .. _ ......... _, ............................. _. .... ., .. ,. ........... , ..... _ .. /'\lb.{ lL "'\'bl 1 \-{b\\y7) {date) {.date) (date) (date) "?
1.-),] Note 1: Ill lf possible use automated GPS data.acquisition. Walk the designated lines at the ordJnary pace .. lf satellite signal for the Trimble GPS unit i.> inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or.Cell Tower positioning to manually record*GPS position and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals,.aiong the designated lines (in accordance with established grid system). o !fall GPS location methods are inadequate, manually Jog readings using measured lines at five meter Intervals along the designated lines. 4. STEP STAT!C RADIATION MEASUREMENTS and SOIL SAMPLING {Initial as Performed) ' ' . .. ' . ' ' .h711J1li Conduct Tailgate* Safety Revrew ................................................ _ ....... , ........... ,, .......................... -uJ? I 1t 'Yl>> {date) (date) Review sampling parameters ........................................................................................... .. 1¥, \\111 {\) \1/zo (date) {date) {date} (date) Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available ...................................... 'ti 11 ff, t\/11 \!3 (date) (date) (date) {date) Prepare instruments for use and perform operability checks ............. 1\)'ii 19 {13 i[r.,o . (date) {date) (date) (dati;) 9
- Collett Digital including locatil:;m sign ........................................................... .:f'> '"J "'li<i 1\) \.\/?fl (datf,!) (date) {date) (date} Collect static radiatipn readings in accordance with procedure ............................................ \\<l 1'12 {\).\\/fP !date) {date) (date) (date} Document r.elevantterrain, lqc;ation, and other relevant physical.features ......................... .Ai<b \\\\i {date) (elate} (date) {date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and sampling parameters ............. "\b i\l 1.flo {date} (date) (date) (date} Document relevant sample features such asclay,:sandy, different colors £tc ....... n*/I'/ {date) (date) . (date) Verify all required samples have*been collected and documentation is I { .1\1) i.YF' {dcite) (date) {date) Pack samples and equipment for tran$port back to vehicle{s} ........................... ,. .. .. ----i\ \\Ii, *f?/o {date) .(date) {date) (date) 10 J(B \\.11 Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage .Warehouse .................. ; .. ., ........ , ___ _ {date) (date) (dater {date) Collect rinsate sample after final cleaning of the I ools ............................................. *111 \ 1 (date} {date) 6. PLAN It ls that there will be cellular servl<.::e in the sµrvey areas, and since these areas are not remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS " RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter Q
- RCP-01 Instrument Operating Pro.cedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler With the'Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) ancl 10 2x2 Nal Detectors o Project Quality Ass.urance Project Plan (QAPP) o NYSERDA Environmental Survey ProJect Procedure 1 : Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure "' Project Health and Safety Plan {HASP) . ., RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15j15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographical Data Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 3Q,60cm 60-lOOccm 11-'L \"\ 4.3A R 1 1 x 42"32'.W.76"N 79° 2'28.09"W 4.3A R 1 2 ){ \\-1}_1-\ 4.3A R 1 3 , ){ ..... _,..r..._ .. 43A R 1 4 }( *----4.3A R 2 1 x 4r32'29.25!'N 79* 2'28.11"W *-* H -1)-\\ 4.3A R 2 2 x 4.3.A R 2 3 x -4.3A R 2 4 .x *-*--*-... 4.3A R 3 1 x 42"32'28.67" N 79"2'26.41"W -**-. *-4.3A R 3 . 2 x 11:zu1S 4.3A R 4 1 x 78"N 79* 2'27;1rW --* t\ 4.3A R 4 2 x 11...-1V"S' 4.3A R 4 5 X: \\-1:, :;( 4.3A R 4 .. 6 x ' I l 1 C_
4.38 Date Elevation Coordlnates Collected Sample CHS cm 15-30 cm 30-:60cm fi0-100ccm 1-tVd 4313 R l 1 x 42"32'22.63" N 79* 2'25.18"W -*-**., .. -**** \\-1)41 4.3B R 1 2 x ... *--**-4.3B R 1 3 '}{ 4.38 R 1 4 }{' ----4.3B R 2 1 x 42°32'23.47"N 79° 2'24.44"W li-ly1:'\ 4.3B R 2 2 x 4.3B R 2 3 }{ \1. *\.'r'i '\ 4 .. 3B R 2 4 }( 4.38 R 3 1 x 42.32'23.BO"N 79°2'22.63"\JV -R 3 2 x 4.3B R 3 .j3 x \ \.:{\*l'l 4.3B R 3 4 )( t \-'111< 4.3B R 4 1 x 42°32'25.ll"N 79" 2'22.67"\I\/ \\ -1}{ ( 4.3B R 4 2 )( 1\-tH{ 43B R 4 3 x .... 1\-1') t'l" 4.3B R 4 4 ! ){ h 4.3B R 4 5 x *-L\-1J.-1( 4.3B R 4 6 x 11 '"'.\i;' 4.3B R 5 1 )( 42°32'24.91"N 79° 2'24.57"W d -1C6 -'\ S' ... 4.3B R 5 2 x 11j2:.(1 <; 4.3*8 R 6 1 x 42°32'26.62"N 79° ,, /;.'" ! ,.,-4.38 R 6 2 )( --\\-'UHS 4.38 R 7 1 ){ 42 Q32 '28.22" N 79° 2'24.59"W \\ \)-\( 4.38 R 7 2 x \\ ... , \ 4.3B R 8 1 )( '42"32'27.84"N 79° 2'21.49"W \\--1\J'\) 4.3B R 8 2 x 4.3 B Cont. Date Elevation -Coordinate1' Collected Sample 0-15 cm .15-30 cm 60-lOOccm 4.38 R 9*:. 1 x 42 "32'28. 77"N 79° 2'21.57"W 4.3B R 9 2 x \\-\'I 1( --..
- 4.38 R 10. 1 }( :z5nf}J :79. J':!9.1'.'Y'"il\1 4.3B R 10. 2 x **-*--* 4.38 R 11 .. 1 x 42"32'24.35"N 79° 2'23.68"W 4.38 R 11. 2 x. --\1-ii*t'5 4.38 R 12. 1 x 42°32126.75"N 79* 2'24.59"W -4;38 R 12 .* 2 X. 1 J ,f7-0/1f' 42"32'27.S5"N -4.38 R 13. 1 x 79° 2'23.90"W II (u/ Lr 4.38 R 13. 2 K .. ****-** .. -****-* --.. *-----l 1-1'.li*\( 4.38* R 14. 1 x 42"32'28.43"N 79° 'l.'23.22"W \1 -l1:d ') R ---..... *******-**-****************-*-** 4.3B 14. 2 )( @ --4.3B R ts. 1 x 42°32'29.49"N 79° 2'19.79"W 4.3B R 15. 2 x -\I 4.38 R 16. 1 :x 42*32'22.101'N 79° 2'24.61"W .,... 4.38 R 16. 2 x i\1\"b "\l) 4.3B R 17: 1' x 42"32'2S.S2"N 79° 2'23;67"W 17 : --A.3B fl 2 x lH!1) 4.3B R 18. 1 x 42"32 '24.38" N 79q 2'21.82"W b 11.-1 fl-1( 4.3s . R 18 . 2 x !I !'2.o/_*) 4.3B R 19. 1 }(
- 42932'2G.73"N 79" 2'21.17"W li h1>!i..,-4.38 ---R 19. 2 x ---\I 4.38 R 20. 1 x 42"32'30.46"N 79* 2'20.06"W ..-------20. .., ..... R 2 x -* 4.38 R 20. 5 x ,........._ __ ,___ 4:38 R 20; G x 11-18-15 Survey Area 4.4 (4.4A, 4.48 and 4.4C 4.4C) Survey and Sampling Field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION ANO PURPOSE The purpose of this svrvev and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey area 4.4 which Includes sampling zones 4.4A, 4.48, 4.4C and 4.40.
- Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorded.
- Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey area 4.2 is located on the Seneca Nation of lndians in proximity to Cattaraugus Creek. The area lies South of the creek and to the East of Areas 4.1,4.2 and 4.3(Nomlna11y 'South of 10614 Mile Level Road). The Northernmost Corner lies nominally 1400 feet Sooth of 4 Mile level Road. The survey area is wooded. Figure 1 shows the general area of the Survey Area 4. The shaded polygon delineates the areas to be GPS surveyed, while the Irregular shapes represent the primary areas to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS survey that are outside of the existing sampllng zones, samples may be collected at these elevated areas as well. Flgure 2 is a satellite photo which provides .a closer view of areas 4.4 and 4.5. figure 3 shows some pre-selected sampling points within Area 4.4. Table l provides the G?S coordinates for the Area 4.4 GPS Survey Polygon. 1 11-18-15 2 . :,, * '. i.i?b --===---*f*ot 0 250* "'° ... *. 1,000 Figure 1 General View of Arep 4 l\rea 4 . . 3>14 Cotecll! for rurther . . J* . .. : .. : I "'---------*--*---
ll.-18-15 3 11-18-15 4 11*18-15 TABLEl GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS -*-.......... Comer latitude Longitude Cl 42° 32.'2.0.54'1N 79° 1'41.W"W ,C2 32119.53"N 42" 79" 1'37.65'W C3 42"3 4'1&.84'!N .79° 1'35.71"W ' C4 42°3 2.116.331'N 79" 1'37.5111W cs 32'16,6211N 42" 79° 1'47.15"W C6 42" 32'17.22"N 1'48.22-"W C7 42a 79" 1'48.24"W 3. STEP ONE-SVRVEY OPERATIONS as Performed) '? .... Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ........ , ... ....... , ........ .., ...... , ....................... , .................................. ::l"n l 10 (date) (date) {date) -Review,survey parameter:s ................. , ........................... .,,., ....... , ................... ;.;., ...... ; .............. 1£:.**"IZ5 (date} {date} (date) (date} 1\: ,...() t\l?S 4'b *'\JP Verify all required tools,-supplies, and equlpment avallable .................................... .__1 _:ik_ 5 11-18-:15 {date) ,/ * , . * * .* . . ' Establish an.d Mark Boundanes of the GPS Survey.Area Polygon ................................ ,\J ............ . ,{elate) / Assemble and' test GPS survey equipment. ..... , .................... , ............ "' ....................... '* '1 '1 (date) Perform OperablJity Checks ............................ ,. ***..*. , ....... .................................. ... '\.6i .... . (date) Evaluate terrain and field .conditions and select orientation of survey' lines............. 1a (date) Establish survey llneswithnominai.30 meter spadng ................................................... _fl). ... 'f1.-S' (date} 6 (date) (date) {date)., (date) (date) (date} (date) (date} (date) {cjate) (date) (date) (date) (date} (date) (date} (date) Conduct Survey operations. using best available technology Note 1 *1 ""f{ Below); ............................................... ,................................................................................... 'tJ . v (date} (date) (date) (date} 1" Verify all documentation comp.lete.................................................................................. \) '11*1 (date) (date) {date) {date) . . I /\.., ., ... ,.., ... t. , 1 Debrief, ...... ................................ l!! ** ,.p,, ........ ,. ................... .,. .. , ** , .... 11.!""'*** ............... t1!!'**,..,,,. .......... (date) (date) (date) (date) Notel: o If possible use automated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated lines at ordinary par:e o If satellite signal for the Trimble GPS unit is inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or Cell Tower positioning to manually record GPS posit!on and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals, along the designated lines (in accordance with established grid system}. o Alternatively establish grld lines using local coordinates system. If all GPS location methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured lines at five meter intentals along the designated lines. 7 11-18-15 6. COMMUNICATJON It is a11ticip!lted that there will be cellular service in the survey .areas, antj since these areas are oot remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS e RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter o RCP-01 lnstrument Operating Prm:edure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler: Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM} and 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors " Project Quality Assura.nce Pmject Plan (QAPP)
- NVSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1: Soil Sample Collection and Radiological SurveyProcedure " Project .Health and Safety Plan (HASP) " RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiologlcal and Geographical Data B. Attachments and other Documents: 10 0 Maps c Sampling Specifications Sheets s Sample collection forms o Chain of Custody FQrms e Logbooks 11-18*15. 4. STEP MEASUREMENTS and SOR SAMPUNG (jnitial as Performed) . . /,".! '"ll.if Conduct Tatlgate Safety Rev1ew.M ................................................ .,, ...................... " ................... i b . * {date} Review sampiing parameters ........................ ., ........................................ , .......................... '\b ,\It< (date) "% 'i (d.ate} (date) I;.,/ /Q hi;) Verify all required tools, supplies, and*equlpment available ..................................... 'Tb\\ w _..,;,.,,\ \.,....'. __ (date) (date) Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability chec:ks ............. '\1 'I?.\ *'0) (<late) {date) Collect Digital image{s) including.location sign ......................................................... 1.\J 2. < (date) ""\'-, -Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ............................................ \) 2, {date} (date) {date) D 1
- I l
- d h l
- h
- I *f * *--ns "'ih < ocument re.evant terra n, an ot er re evant p eatures......................... "'-(date) {date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and sampling; parameters ............. 151\/ i.-5 'i?i ""h"" 8 (date) (date) (date) {date) (date) -(date) (date) (date) (date) . (date) (date) {date) (date) (date) 11-18-15 {date) (date) Document .relevantsampteJeaturessuch :as clay, sandy, different colors etc ....... in \'lz:t .-(lj ""'}jo .{date) Verify all required s{;lmples. beef) collected and documentation is 1\) (date) Pack samples and equipment for.transport back to vebide(s); ................................ *"(; h \ {date) . '\<Cl . Transport samples and equipment to BulkStorage*Warehousi;! ** , ................... ,....... . / 11/e,S (date) 4r; (date} (date) (date) . {date) Collect rinsate after final deaning of the tools ..... , ....................................... h 1 '-'l };,;.i (date) (date) 9 {date) (date) (date) (date) {date) (date) (date) (date) {date) (date) {date) (date)
} ., AREA4 .. 4A Date Elevation Coordil'Jates Collected Sample 0* 15 cm em 30-60 c 60-lOOc; (rn \\'1/)-\)' 4.4A R l . 1 X . 42°32'17.84"N 79" 1'47.2l"W 4.4A R 1 . 2 x AREA4.4B Date Elevation Coordinates Collected sample 0-15 i:rn
- 15-30 cm 30,.60 <:m 60-100c cm 4.4B R 1 > 1 X 42°32'17.60N 79" 1'43.33"W I\ .:'l,')--1) 4.48 R 1 2 .... x r--------------------AREA4.4C Date Elovation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15.:3ocm 30-60cm 60-lOOccm i! 4.4C R 1 . 1 x 42°32':J.:9.41"N 79" 1'42.76"W I l
- 1n-15' 4.4C R 1 .. 2 x (f -)0-i< 4.4C R 1. 3 x 11 :1iu**1< 4.4C R 1 . 4 .. x
- 11-1Jn) 4AC R 2. 1 x 79g 1'41.BB"W . !! -)o 4.4C R 2 . 2 \l ;1jj*"\) 4.4C R 2 3 }( -4.4C R 2 . 4 }( \\ 4.4C R 2 . 5 x h;,.lJ:_-n 4.4C R 3. 1 x 42932'19.41"N \1-15,,,) 4.4C .R 3 . 2 )( --\\wl <;'* 4.4C R 4 .. 1 x 42"32'l8.95"N 79" 1'42.01"W \\"'15-1< 4.4C R 4. 2 )( \\ #1(4\ 4.4C R 5 ' 1 x 42"32'1S.7111N 79" 1'41.42"W . 4.4C R 5 2 ){ **-** -....... --\) -*15.,,,.; 4.4C R 6. 1 x 42°32'18.35"N 79" 1'40.!:14nW --. . *-*-* *--****---\\ --1."5'-l s 4.4C R 6 . 2-j( -lt4C , :*-* .... --***---*-****---*R 7 . 1 x 42"32'18.95"N 1'40.83"W -----. **---*--'1-1-0-'\ < 4.4_C R 7 . 2 x \ \ J"li\J-1 s 4.4C R 7' .5 )( l J l I AREA4.4D Date fievation Coordinates Collected Sample 0.15 cm 15e30 cm 30.;60cm 60-lOOccm 1.-10 ... i< 4.4D R 1. 1 x 79°1'38.59"W . Ji _30'"1.\ 4.4D. R 1 . 2 x 4.40 R 1 . 3 x 4.40 R 1 . 4 x b. *-rr 4.40 R 2 . 1 x 42°32'18.27"N 79°1'37.89"W 4.40 R 2 . 2 ){ il-3')-'J) 4.4D R 2 . 3 x l\-30-\I( 4.40 R 2. 4 x \\-30-\S-4.40 R 2 . 5 x 4.40 R 3 . J x 42p32'17.79"N 79°v;l '38.77"W \'\-?tY""\S 4.40 R 3 . 2 x ... 30--,s-4.40 R 4 . 1 x 42"32'17.71"N 79°1'38.l1"W 4.40 R 4 . 2 x '1$" 4.40 R 5. 1 x 42°32'17.3S"N 79° 1'38.65"W lJ 4.40 R 5. 2 x ' 1l I -g.::..-1 ".5" 4.4D R 6. 1 )( 42"32'17.27"N 79" 1 '3B.20"W \l-3:;> ... tS' 4.40 R 6. 2 x \\-JD-\S 4.4D R 6. 5 ){
The MJW Companies GPS Fi<=ld S1.11rvev Checklist The following field .survey checkllst is used once the survey team has walked to thp location that they will begin a (?PS survey. This <:hecklist i!> intend.ed to verify none of or settings thanged or cables came loose between the initial setup location and the field survey lor.ation. Complete step 9 pnce the current walkover segrpent .is complete. 1. *
- Verify the Ludlum Meter 1s in P.(1k mode 2. i Verify that the Ludlum Meter 10. altr*rnating uf "DUP" and "Vah.Je1; ' ' 3 .. Menu 1 to "Statos'.' and Mf'nu 2 to "Receiver" 4. *'1 ... Verify that Antenna states External" '* ..
- s. -* l _ rvlenu 1 to "Oat;;t . ' 6. __....-: . a file to start the current survey and start the data logger -.. r-(.I u . Filename: 1 .., * * :> ------*-**-**--** ******-.-. , . . 7. _ <-"-r:' __ Menu 1 to "Statlts. and Menu. 2 to I . 8. __ <-.;*.* .... ', /.._j_' _Verify that the sensor field is reading the satne as the display on the Ludlum 9. W: i' When finished, set i\.1enu 1 to "D3ta and *clO$_e the current file. Name; _ ___.... ___ ._*. _.;_*-J_. -""'*:_* '_ ... _:._. _*----*---*-**---., ,J Date: ___
The MJW Companies GPS Setup Checklist *-. i. .. <lomp.lete.source check.of ludlum Meter 2. Pqwe:r 9ff Meter 3. Trimble .is shutdown (not in suspend mode} \' 4. Connect the Serial Adapter (SiA} to tlie Trimble Unit s. Conn?ct the Serit1l. to !he lucifum Meter 6. Co.nnect the cable to tl)!:i Trim.ble SIA 7. --41?-Connect external GP.S antenna cable to the Trirnbl.e 8. +-o:n'Ludlum Mete.r to Rate 9. 4A1-*--Verify that ttie Ludlum i\lleter is and "Value'; Po\,l'JE'T, on Trimble and y.i9itfor. it'to co.mplelcly booi
- Laul)ch and wait for It to and acquire satellite!> Set Meni.1 1 to and Menu i tO "Receiver"' Verify that Antenna states "Exterii.11-:-Set Menu 1 to "Data" ____ Namt:? a test file .and start the data logger -'""F=--Set Meno 1 to Status.; and Menu 2 lo -=+='-_Verify-that the field is reading tMsarne as the di)pfoy on the Ludlum Survey Ar.ea 4 .. 5 (4.5A, 4.SB and Survey arnd Sampling field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOS.E The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) ls to: 0 Present .the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to .Survey area 4.5 whlch includes sampling zones 4.SA, 45B, and 4.SC. "' Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorded.
- Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and samplll')g process. 2. GENERAi.. DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY.AREAS Survey area tl;5s located on the Seneca Nation of Indians in prox.imity*to Cattaraugus Creek5he area lies Southofthe creek and to the East of Areas 4.1,4.2 and 4.3. The survey area is WO.Oded. Figure 1 .shows the general area of the Survey Area 4. The shaded polygon delineates the areas to be BPS surveyed, while the irregular shapes representthe primary areas to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the G PS survey that are outside of the existing sampling zones, samples may be collected at these elevateo areas as well. Figure 2 is a satellite photo which provides a closer view of areas4 .* 4 arid 4.5. Figure 3 shows sorne pre-selected sampling points within Area 4.5. Table 1 provides the Gfi=.;;::::: ==== coordinates for the Area 4.5 GPS Survey Polygon. 1 A.1d 4 la ... , . *r;,f . ..... ... _,,*-4.,_ figure 1 General View of Area 4 ;:, *':' I I Area SainpilJlg
- 2014 ,l;rees Evl!lue11ai<. .. :&lid Sarnjllln0 ' ' 1 ,. , **:-*. 4.Sb 4.5c
- Area$ 4 .. 4 and 4. 5 3 . : ,:, :* * ' ... I j!; ., ' .
4 TABLE 1 GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS Area 4.5 Corner latitude L.ongitude Cl 42"32'17.35"N 79* 1'24.13"W C2 79* 1'24.03"W --C3 42.32'12.90"N 79°1.'35.43"W C4 42*32'17.74"N 79" 1'36.S3"W cs 42*32'18.57"N 79* C6 42°32'19.0611N 79" 1'34.65"W --3. STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPERATIONS (Initial as Performed) . Conduct TailgatP. Safety Review ..................... -.......................................................................... lµ (date) (date) {date) (date) Review survey parameters ...................................................................................................... '1t Lo/7 (date) (date) {date} (date) 5 V "fy 11 . d J *,. d . 'l bl ]"& en a reqwre too s, supp 1es, an equipment av<:H a e .................................... ... ....... -.. _ (date) (date) (date) (date) and. Mark Boundaries of the GPS Survey Area Polygon ................ ; ............... 11 i-ij7 (date) (date) (date) {date) Assemble and test GPS survey equipment ............... ; .................................................. *r.s \7f7 (date) {date} {date} (date) Pef'i'.orn1 Operabil1ty Checks ................................................................ , ........................... .,_.1] '(L/1 (date) (date} {date) Evaluate terrain andfteld conditions and select orientation of survey lines ............. ft> iZ-IJ (date) (date} (date) (date) Establish survey lines with nominal 30 meter spadng ............................................ ,, ..... 1\S f'C.b (date} (date) {date) (date} 6 Conduct Survey operations using best available 1echnology (See Note 1 Below} ........ , ... .... , ....... ,., .. ........ ...................... ,., ..... , ** , ....................... {date) {date) (date) Verify all documentation complete .................................................................................... *JJ? .f'"! 1 (date) (date) (date) (date) * . \"Lj<J Debrief. .................................. , ....... , ....................................................... ,..,.......................... . (d<ite} (date) {date) (date) Note 1: If possible use automated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated lines at.the ordinary pace o If satellite signal for theTrimble GPS unit is inadequate, use the Garmin GPS unit or Cell Tower manually record GPS position and c;ount rates, at 5 meter intervals, along the designated Jines {in accordance with. established grid system). 7* G Alternatively establish ,grid lines .using local coordinates system. o If all GPS location methods are lnadequate, manually log readings using measured lines at five meter intef\lals along the designated lines.
- 4. STEP TWO-MEASUREMENTS an.d SOil SAMPUNG (Dnitiai as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ...................................................................................... : .......... :::ts:'.! (date} Review sampling param.eters ................................. ; ............ ; ................................ " .............. r:/7 {date) Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment availabie .................... ._ ... : ........... \ -uj, (date} Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks............. =J\) (date) Collect Digital image{s) Including location sign .................................................. ,. ........ f\b \t-11 (date) Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure .......................... ,. ................ )Y*)'-J (date) Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant phys1calfeatures ... , ..... , ............... '7.-h (date) {date) (date) {date) {date} {date) (date) {date) (date) {date) (date) . (date) {date) {date). (date} {date) (date) (date} (date) (date) (date) {date)
Collect samples in accon:l.ancewith procedure and sampling parameters ............ ;{\; \1,.,\'1 (date) (date) (date) (date) Document relevant sample features such as day, sandy, different colors de. ...... ,1--l"I (date} {ctatej (date) (date) Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is.complete *i1b \1.-b idate) (date) (date) {date) .....r2 Pack samples*and equipment for transport back to vehicle{s) ................................. _...:.= jdate) (date) (date) (date)' . ;.. ,'L/1 Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse ................ '. ............. (date) (date) (date} (date) C II ct . . t I ft f' I I . f th t *1 . 1\1,. o e rmsa e samp ea er ma c eanrng o e oo s .............................................. {date} Jdate) (date) (date)
- 9
- 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN It is anticip?Jted that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, and since these areas are not remote, no special corn munication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS q RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 lns.trument Operating Procedure Bicron MlcroRem Meter .. RCP*Ol Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Couplecl With the Ludlum 44-9*Geiger-Mueller (GM} and 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors "' Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) o NYSERDA Survey Project Procedure 1: Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure "' Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP} *C)o RCP*03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey lncludin,g the Preparation and Assessment of Radiologi<;al and Geographical Data 8. Attachments and other Documents: 10 o Maps Q Sampling Specifications Sheets o Sample collection forms e Chain ofCustody forms o Logbooks ---I AREA4.SA D;;ite Sample Elevation Coordinates Collected O*lScm 15-30 cm 30-60cm 60*100c crn l'l
- 7. /) 4:5A R 1 . 1 x 42"32'17.30"N 79° 1'35.28"W -**-* t7..: 7*1) 4.5A R 1. 2 x -*-**"** t'l"7*1'i 4,sA R 1 . 3 x p..*7*r') 4,5A R 1.4 x l f"!.-1 *If . 4.SA R 2 . 1 x 42"32'17.57"N :79° 1'34.281'W , ... 7* 1') 4.SA R 2 .2 x 17..*7* 1) 4.SA R 2 . 3 x . 17.* 7* t)-4.SA R 2 . 4. )( .. l ... 11 .. -7.1) 4.SA R 2 . 5. x .. i<.*1*1'( 4.SA R 2 .. 6 x \lr\ 4.5A R 3 . 1 ){ A2"32'16.59"N 79* 1'34'47"W \\t\ ..... 4;5A R 3 . 2 x l1.....-\--t{ 4,SA R 4 . l x 42°32'15;42"N 79° 1'34.4:i"W ********-* .. -17r'\ ..,l( 4.SA 4 . 2 x --11-\-\<;' . 4.SA R 5 . 1 x 42*32*14:s3"N 79' 1'34.42"W *-***** 11.. ... 4.5A R 5 . 2 x 11.-H{. 45A R 6 . 1 x 42.32'13.94N 79° 1'34.77"W { ..,,<; 4.SA R 6 . 2 }( r1.--'\-I) . 4.SA R 7 . 1 )( . 42°32' 13.99 N 79-0 1'34.7.2"W . ... n --1-15' 4.SA R 7 . 2 . x
-/ AREA4.58 Date Sample Elevation Coordinates Col!ei;ted 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60cm G0-100ccm IJ..*"H< 4.SB R 1 . 1 J{ 42°3.2'17.S4N 79* :1'32.29"W n ..
- 7*1\ 4.5B . R 1 . 2 x .. 17-"' 7*t'l 4.5B R 1 . 3 x 17-.* 7 *I) 4.58 R 1 . 4 x ***-* n.* 7*1'( 4.58 R 2 . 1 x 42"32'16.82"N 79* 1132.41"W -1<.* 7, 1) 4.5B R. 2 . .2 x l-Z-7-1) 4.58 R 2. 3 x .. (2.* 7*t5' 4.58 . p, 2.4 x 12:4.4) 4.SB R 3 . 1 x 42°32'17.35"N 79° 1'30.86"W -* 4.SB R 3
- 2 x 4.58 R 3 . 5 . x l'l,-H.)-4.SB R 3. 6 x . .. 4.58 R 4 . 1 x 42"32'16.67"N 79" 1'.31.32"W . l?-1-\'") 4.58 R 4. 2 x -n-1-{S'° 4 .. 58 R 5 . =!-* x 42 .. 32i16.85 N Z9g 1'30.34W ft*-t -\.rl 4 .. 58 R 5. 2 x 12..-\-{S-4.58 R 6 . 1 x 42"32'16.30"N 1 '30.60"W l?-H{"° 4.SB fl 6 . 2 x 4.58 R 7 . 1 x 42°32'16.93"N 79" 1'29.33"W tz..-1-1-;'
- 4.SB R 7
- 2 x 4.SB R 8. 1 x* 42°32'16.38"N *
- 1'29.64"W \?., --{ -t '\ 4.58 R 8 . 2 x
- . '/". Date Collected n*2.,\ n:*l*ro;: 11_.z*1r 1<. -2* 1r ( i* 2. .,, 17. <l.
- 1'.i i2*z.*1r /2* f2:t-i{ \"l,4,.-\)" (l"\-'I S°' 17 -l-\<' 1:-'I.-+{ rt..\,..,,) 17--1 ""IS' 1?--'\-1) )7_, J 1<" l"if 1 _. I 4 . r?:--\--1< rt-\--\'( 1'1--' 1-15" \1....-1-\5"" Q-\...-\'S' t1:-'\A..{ Sample I 4.SC I 4.SC 4.5C 4.SC 4.SC 4.SC 4.5C 4.SC 4.SC 4.5( 4,5C 4.SC 4.5.C 4.SC 4.SC 4.5C 4.5.C 4.5C 4.!:)C 4.5C 4.SC 4,SC 4.SC AREA 4.5C I. Elevation Coordinates I 0*15 cm 15-30cm 30-GOcm c:m R l. 1 x 42932'15.93"N 79a 1'27 . .131'W R 1 ') . ){ -*--., ..... *--****-n 1 . 3 ){ ... R 1.4 )( R 2 . 1 x 42°32'16.29'1fll 79* 1'26.27"W . . ... R 2 . 2 x R 2 . 3 x R 2 . /j x R .3 . 1 x 42".32'15.09"N 79" 1'27.SO"W R 3 . 7. x R 3.5 x R 3. 6 x R tl . 1* x 42°32'15.lO"N 7991'26.33"W R 4.2 x R 5 . 1 x
- 42°32'15.68"N 79°1'2S.l4"W R .5 . 2 x R 6 . 1 }( 79" 1'26.B2"W R 6 . 2 x R 7 . 1 42"32'14.94N 79° l '25.49"W .. R 7 . 2 :x R B.1 x 4z*32'14.27"N 79° 1'25.t)8"W .. R 8.2 )( -R 9.1 x 42*32116.51 "N *. 7991'26.S4"W j RI 9J.j 2j x ...
The ivuw Companies GPS Initial Setup Checklist 1. Complete source check of Ludlum Mete1 2. .;;::::*f off Ludlum Meter 3. <{=£3 _Verify Trlmble ls shutdown (not in suspend model 4. <f U Connect the Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) to the Trimble Unit s. z: jG Connect the Serif.JI cable to the lUdium Meter 6. 4lJ Connect the S.erial cable; to the Trimble SIA 7. 46 Connect external GPS antenna cable w th!.' Trimb!e 8. 4G Power on !.ucllum Meter to Rate mode 9. tha1 the Ludlum rv1eter is <ilternating displ;:iy of "DUPn and "Value" 10. --M-Power an the Trimble and wait for 1t to completely boot ll. T.erraSync and wait for it to load and acquire satellites 12. --# Set rvlenu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Receiver" 13. B-Verify that Antenna states 11Ext:emal" 14. 1.a i:._ Set Menu 1 to "Data" 15. 41'.) Name a test file and start the ciata logger 16. .<J.£> 5et Menu l to "Status" and Menu., to "Sehsor" I l 17. =r,:._..1 Verffy that the sensodield reading the s<ime as the <li!;play Oil t!)e Lud um 18. Menu 1 ta *'oata>> and dose the current file. The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The followi11g field survey checklist is used once the team has walked to the location that they wm begin a GPS survey. This checklist is intended to V\!rify. norie of the cables or settlng!> changed or cable:s came loose between the initial setup location r.nd the fmld survey lorntion. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete. J;. . 1. ) . Verifv the ll)dlum in Rate mode . 2. that the Ludlum Meter if. cllternatmg displ;iy of "DUP and "Value" 3. Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Men*1 2 to Receiver" *"t 4. that Antenna states "Exte-rna! 5. Jf /"'!.. ,./i 11 s t M l t "D t *I '*=1 ,,L-e , enu 9 .a a* &. <4Cl Name a file to sta.rt the current suryey and start the data logger j 7.. 1. .J..-Lf, \ ., Filename:--'----"*-; ..... 7. __ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "-Sensor" 8. qf) --!-'...____,_Verify that the sensor field is reading che same as the display on the Ludlum 9. 4& _....,_..,__When finished, set Menu 1 to "D;na and dose the current file. Name: Date: The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The following field survey checklist is used once the ;urvt>y team has walked to the location that they will begin a GPS survey. This checklist is intended lo verify none of the c;;ible:; or setting:; changed or cables came loose between the initial setup locatwn ailcl the field survey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete. 1. Veril'f the Ludlum Meter is in Rait> mode 2. -<fb-'"l* _,* ""., __ Verify that the Ludlurn Mete1 1s of DUP" and "Value" 3. .. 1 ---1\ ...... 1"!...___Set Menu 1 to "Status# and Mr?no 2 to "Receive(' I *.. 1 ___ Verffy that Antenna stntes "hternal *1 .. s. _?J-1=1. set Menu 1 to "Data" 6. ,*! _.1 _. """j,_,..'..,,7.....__ Name a file tc start curretit survey and start the data logger .... 7. .-::1.,*! 8. ;.,; s, z::L? F'I : I 1 ename: ---L' ., l* ' <. ...... __ ... _* :::..............._, ____ _ Set Menu 1 to "Status>> and rv1enu l to "Sensor" Verify that the sensor field b rearlirtg the same as the display on the Ludlum When finished. set Menu l to ,;['::Jta" and close the current file . ...... .. Date: _ _...1 *-*-'; _.: _'._'. ___ _ *.' Survey and Sampling field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and (SSFG) is to: " Present the survey*and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey areas 5.1, 5.5, and.5.6. Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorde.d. fl Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL !)ESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey area 4.1 is lo.cated on the Seneca* Nation of Indians in the general vicinity of t2283 4. Mile Level Road). The survey area is wooded. Figure 1 shows the general area of the Area 5 survey areas. Figure 2 provides a closer view of Areas 5.:l., 5.5, and 5.6. figures 3 and 4 provide slightly closer views. The shaded polygon delineates the areas to be GPS surveyed, while the irregular shapes represent the prim<Jry areas to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS survey that are outside of the existing sampling zones, samples may be collected at these elevated areas as well. Tables 1,2 and 3 provide the GPS coordinates for the GPS Survey Polygons. 1 Figure 1 General View of Area 5 Survey Areas General location Area Five Zones 2 Figure 2 Closer View of Areas 5.1 5.5 and 5.6 3 Figure 3 Closer View of Areas 5.5 and 5.6 4 Figure 4 Closer View of Area 5.1 5 TABLE 1 GPS SURVEY AREA POL VGON CORNERS Area 5.1 Corner latitude Longitude Cl 42"31'19.34"N C2 42°31'17.23"N 78"58'22.69"W C3 42°31'16.6011N 78"58'28.21"W C4 42"31'19.1511N 78"58'28:51 "W C5 42°31'19.42"N 78"58'27.70"W TABLE 2 GPS SURVEY AREA POLYGON CORNERS Area 5.5
- Comer I latitu(;!e Longitude Cl 42"31'16.49"N 78"58'38.85"W C2 42"31'15.09"N 78°58'38.8311W C3 42"31.'15.08"N . 78"58'41.19"W C4 42"31'16.SO"N 78°58'41.18"W 6 TABLE 3 GPS SURVEY AREA PQl VGON CORNERS Area5.6 Comer latitude longitude Cl 42°31'22.6411N 78°58'39.24"W C2 42°31'20.SO"N 78°58'39.29"W C3 42P31'20.47"N 78"'58'42.86"W C4 78°58'42.82"W 7
- 3. STIEP GPS SUIRVIEV OPIERATBONS as Performed) C d T *1 s f R . . . JO rz.f;'ro1 ,AV) I ... l. ,,:r on ucL a1 gate a ety ev1e\lv ............................. , .................................................................... qJ,"::> . . > \ \ (date) * . . . ,), I I Review survey parameters ......................................... _. ........................................................... r.. !/h I'-II./{ I . (date) (date) *! ., I I <' ! r7; 1\ (date} Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available .................................... 46/1?.J14/1<J (date} (date) (date) (date) {date} f ,, I I .I J i -E t bl .. h d M kB d . f*th GPSS A P I / r*"2" ---1 f> l'-11*71!) s a 1s an ar oun anes o e urvey rea o ygon ............................... -< / *1
- c_v '** ___ _ I I . (date) (dc:ite) (date) di3 I/ 1 I . . . ,-" _, " r' 1 17 , 5" Assemble and test GPS survey e.qwpment... ............................................................. ,-.*" /) '-* : --I ' I . -(date) (date) {date) 8 (date) {date) (date) (date) (date)
- rt b.. . 'R *' r-)f* i , __ * . _ _ _..,. *. l_z..i * .. , .. , I (.-s ... Pe arm.Opera illtyChecks .................................. , ... _ ...................................... ,...., ......... ...... \ ,;,)1-z; ,.!. \ . l .. (date). '(date) Evaluate terrain <md fielc;I c:onditi()ns s.elect of survey lines .. , ... , .*. :Jf,:i-2/ rz./11/r;
- ___ _ I {date) (date) I . I . . J ' !.Ji3' *! .... Et bl .. h .. 1*** *'th ... *. 130. t .* . * . .All J:?' 't' *< /f* s a .. 1s. survey mi;:swi.
- nomma . :me er ............................................ , ..*. cy;J * * '* 1 _ I I (r;l;;ite) Conduct Survey operations using best {See Note 1 * .. * . I i / B I ) . . . )(5 p .. 1 fl.ii'\ .. e .O'Vlf .. ,. .............. ,., ...................... ,." ** , ..... ,.,. ...................... , ...... ; ***** , ............ , ........... ;.* ....... ,. ....... <-t * ! . , * * (date) (gate) .r,., I!./ /J 1211.J 17 "\ 'S-fr*. * ... ' .... :!*' {date} (date) (date)
- M 1 , , . 'fy **11 d. . . . .. * .
- 111°::> 12/ tr/ I\ Ven _o.c;umel)tat1qn oomplete ............................ ,.; .................................................. ..;;:rl: .. * *
- t ,/f43n)i? /if __ _ .\ (date) (date) (dcite) . . . .i I ,,. Debdef ...................................................................... ,., ... , ...................... , ....... , .......... _ ... , ... , ...... .:.'.1fb 1g1i. .rs,. (.date) {date} {date) 9 {date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date)
Note 1: o If possible use.automated data acquisition. Walk the designated lines at the ordinary pace o If satellite signal for the Trimble GPS unit is inadequate, use the Garmi_n GPS unit or Cell Tower positioning to manually record GPS position and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals, along the designated lines (Jn accordance with established grid system). " Alternatively establish grid lines using local coordinates system. e If all GPS'location methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured .lines at five meter intervals along the designated lines. 4. STE!P TWO-MIEASUREMENTS (llnd SOJL-SAMPUNG (h1itiai as Performed) . ,., , . I I I c:f!S 1z.. 1"-'/:') \ *r {date) (date) * * ,...L 1-f".i11 Review sampling parameters ........................................... ., ............................................... "' .! . <) (date) (date) 1n
- i I,. ' V 'fy JI . d I ,. d . *1 bl ,' 171/'i\1' -1° I 'K en . a require too s, supp ies, an equipment ava1 a e .................................... .:: ll5 ' <....J:> 12 * \ i ' {date) (date} * { n / I ( .. f(> / J -* Prepare radiological instruments for use and operability checks ............. 1-Lj 1*1i1 . ¥> 17: i!;t l\ 10 I (date) I I /( 6 12/ n 1 !) I i (date) 1Jrrl') t "! (date) 4P ;2/11/,* (date) {date) (date}
(date) ArJ 111 * . 0 .* * * .* * . * * * * * ** * * * *1--. T2.r1 /1<; Collect D1g1tal 1mage(s) mcludmg locat1on-s,gn ............................. ,, ... ;,,,._.................... > , , . I . (date) radi;:>tion/eadings .. , ....* , .................................. (date) Document relevantterrain,focation, and other relevant physicaf Je;;itur:es ................. .,.,.,,.JJ? . r . , (date) C2ollectsamplesJnaccordancewith sampling ............. iffi..ri,/,<J/t'f . ' Document relevant sample features*such as day,,sandy, different colors: etc. * (date} (date) {date) i. . I ,-I5 1i/11 l'( If r . .{date) (date) <f 61?.u(,,;1) c* '(date) {date) ,{&. :tifrtl1r l (date) {date) I .:,ri:;1.r, 1< (7(/\ {date) (date) 41? 11..&J1) s' ( i,S 11::{nf1< *{date) (date) Vorify all required have been and dpcµmentatlon complete" I° f111y(I\ . ,:{&1J1'1f( Lf 1Ji1/r; {date) {date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) {date) {date) (date) Pf;!Gk samples and eqliipment;for trf;los.port bac;k tovehide(s) .......... , ........... , ......... ,./tS r-:fN*;j.:,*. {' * ,<jP r<-/n{; . . 11 (date) (date} (date) {date) .,,.., l ) Transport sar:nples and equipment to Bulk Storage Warehouse ........... w ................ :sih_ 12-. I ,-, 1*-/n i,-'1-;FZ.. fb 1) ! 'S/2 /(/:") ' (date) (d;;ite) {date) (date) Collect rihsate sample after final cleaning of the tools ............................................. 4£? f?-/11 (1<; <{& 17-Vt,h{ 4J; /2 fi7(f;-_* {date} (dat!;!} \I (date) (date) 6. COMMUNICATION PLAN It is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, and since these areas are not-remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RELEVENT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS o RCP-02 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedur_e Bicron MicroRem Meter c Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Ratemeter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) and 44-10 2x2 Nal Detectors 4l Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) "' NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1: Soil Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure o Project Health and Safety Plan (HASP) 12 I I. RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/lS/15 Performing a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographical Data 8. Attachments and other Documents: 13
- Maps
- Sampling Specifications Sheets e Sample collection forms
- Chain of Custody Forms " Logbooks AREA S.1A *-Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm rc-1lri5 5.lA R 1 1 x 4i031'18.49"N 78"58'27 .36"W r1:-1 \.J ---t S-5.lA R 1 2 x I r? -1\n S" 5.lA R 1 3, x tHv-1 f 5.lA R 1 . 4 I x 5.lA R 1 5 x 11-w-i < R 1 . 6 x n.:1Lf1') !>. '" R 2 1 x I 42°31'17.8'.S"N 78e5'8'27 .30"W n ... -1't1f 5. R 2 . 2 x I i AREA 5.18 -Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-100c cm . -I Z-1415" 5.18 R 1 1 x 42°31'18.Sl"N 78°58'23.66"W 11-11-1"< 5.1B R 1 2 x 17:1£./1) 5.18 R 2 1 x 42°31'17.94"N 78°58'23.68"W O;--ilH5' 5.lB R 2 2 x \ 1,..
AREAS.SA Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOccm i'-ol i 'S"" S.5A R 1 1: x 42°31'16.03"N 78°58'39.9.S"W I I<; -* 11. 5.SA R 1 2 x 17.. 11 {1<) 5 . .SA R 1 3 x *-_ .... I 2_ 1-+-{ S.5A R 1 4 x t l. Ii ( 1 ') S.SA R 1 5 x I{.. l-111< 5.SA R 1 6 x -t?-(4-f) 5.SA R 2 1 x 42°31 '15.80 N 78°58'40.20"W \1:14-6 S.SA R 2 2 x '1.4LM'l' 5.SA R 3 1 x 42°31'15.84"N 78°S8139.72"W --*-11--tth s' 5.SA R 3 2 x -5.SA R 4 1 x : 42°31'15.68"N 78°58'40.00"W / l 1'1"1) S.SA R 4 2 x ' 12 AREA 5.6A Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30cm 30*60 cm. 60-lOOc cm I:+ ( I <." 5.6A R 1 1 x 42°31121. 72"N ' 78°58141.0B"W .. n l :t /, ,. 5.6A R 1 . 2 x :1 l"l.. lt I ,..,,-S.6A R 1 3 x . IZ.. r1*1 1\ S.6A R 1 .4 x l'l_ /, 1-I\" 5.6A R 1 5 x I 111 i S.6A R 1 6 x 1'2-/t./JIS" 5.6A R 2 1 x 42°31'21.3711N 78°58'41.30"W lZ.-14-1) 5.6A R 2 2 x \'Z.Jtc..H) 5.6A R 3 " 1 x 42°31'21.18"N 78°58'40.94"W l{_ 11.j-1$'" 5.6A R 3 2 x [L. "1 t{ -t) S.6A R 4 1 x 42°31'21.45"N 78°58'40.61 "W ll...--'f L\-1) S.6A R 4 2 x . ,. Survey Area 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 Survey and Sampling Field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to Survey areas S.2, 5.2, and 5.4.
- Ensure all pertinent information and documentation is recorded.
- Guide the survey and sampling tearn through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY AREAS Survey areas 5.1 through 5.6 are located on the Seneca Nation of Indians in the general vicinity of 12283 4 Mile Level Road). The survey area is wooded. Figure 1 shows the general area of the Area 5 survey areas. Figure 2 provides a closer view of Areas 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 The shaded polygon delineates the areas to be GPS surveyed, while the irregular shapes represent the primary to be sampled. If elevated areas are detected by the GPS survey that are outside of the existing sampling zones, samples may be collected at these elevated areas as well. Tables 1,2 and 3 provide the GPS coordinates for the GPS Survey Polygons. 1 Figure 1 General View of Area 5 Survey Areas General location Area Five Zones 2 Figure 2 Closer View of Areas 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 3 J 4 TAl!U.El GP.S AREA POVrfGON CORNIERS 5.2 latitude tongotud1e Cl 42"31'8.101'1\l . 78"58121.1411W C2 42°31'2.05"1\1 C3 42°3t'2.0511N 78"58'25.88"W C4 42"31'4.46"l\l 78"'58'26.68"W cs 42"31'8.32"N 78"58'2436"W TABLE 2 GPS SURVEY AREA POl Area 5.3 Corner latitude Cl 78°58130.94"W C2 42"31'0:7.S"N 78°58'30.9411W C3 42"31'0.77"N . 78"58'34.25"W C4 42"3112.91"N 78"58'34.18nW Corner Longitude ci 79W C2
- 42°3117;.18"1\l 7.8"58135. 73"W C3 42"31'7.16"N 78"58'39,3611W C4. cs 42°31'.9.42"*N Conduct Tailgate S_afety Review ................... , ............................ , ....... ., ............. _ ..... , .............. :.!1lf I I f -.;;1 f?, J2.; . I r . (date) (date) (date) (date) Review survey paramet:ers .................. ............................................................................. \tt! * <: qf, /2./1s/1'i .. (date) (date) {date) * (date} Verify all required tools, and -equipmentavailabkt.,.. ............................. of* (ts rd l'i (1\ .ciP 1'lJ /')I tr I {date) (date) (date) . " l I Establish and Mark Boundaries of the G PS Survey Area Po!ygon.,, ................. , ......... & 12 i t<,-r 4>. ;-z.{141<;'" ; . (date) {date} {date) (date) . Ai" ' I ,, Assemble and test GPS survey equjpment.. ...... " ................................... ,,., ....... ,. ......... 4.1> 1:i.{1'-!i 1\ . . \ ' (date) {date} {date) (date) 6
. n I P rf 0. . b"I" Ch L-. . t<' /"' I') e orm pera 11ty .................. :-' .... , . *, (date) ,(+t> 11-(6/<: (date) Evaluate terrain and field conditions orlentation of survey.lines .. '. ........ ,,.18*12(t4/i< ' I (date) (date) E t bl. h 1* .,,h 1 1 '!'.Jo t
- 112*
- r-r/1<;* -1P s a is survey mes Wh nom na ;;, me er spacing .*.*.*.******.* " ................................... .;:::.:::..""-v-' .........,;..-'-_ 1 I I (date) (date) Conduct Survey operations usipg best available technology (See Note 1 , , Below) ....................................... ......................... , ................................................. , ................ ('(B r2(1'1'[1') I {dater (date) Verify all documentation complete ................................................................. ,. ............... ::{/? rz..h4{1\ J 4>1'-{6f; * (date} .(date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) Debrief .............................................................................................................................. ,:J,i;, ftz./c;;U\ ,/fp ;)r,(1< . I , r I (date} (date) 7 (date) . {date) {date) {date) (date) (date)
Note 1: <i If possible use automated GPS data acquisition .. Walk the designated lines at the ordinary pace o lfsatellite signal for the Trimble GPS unit is use the Garmin GPS unitor Cell Tower positioning to manually record GPS position and Countrates, at 5 meter interuals, along the des'ignated lines (in accordance with established grid Q Alternativety establish grid lines using local coordinates system. e If all GPS locatlon methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measurl'!d lines at five meter intervals along the designated lines. 4. ST!EP TWO-MEASUREMJENTS af!1d SOllL SAMPUNG as Performed} Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ............................................................................................... , .. (date} (date) (date) (date) R
- 1* . Ar-*z./11 {1< ev1ew samp11rng.paramet.ers ................................................................... rn ........................ :..µ?> 1 , . I e ,z lr<: I!3 fL 1d1>-4.e p.b<o/S (date) (date} (date) (date) V.erify all required to.ols, supplies, and equipment available ..................................... db rzfoks. I , 12{L'1 [tr <f2 IL{1d1\ (db ;;,lj1./r< I (date) (date) (date) Prepare,rad!ological instruments for use and perform operability checks ............ 4 rz.f 11 /,( 4p (L,!'ili<
(date) {di'.!te) .Collect Digital !mage(s) includiuig location sign .......... , ............................................... ..:. .1L.(11I1\ *<U3 I z.(!<.i{i\ (date) {date) . . I I Collect static radiation readings in accordance with procedure ........... , ................................ di2 I l.fll {1f . t' . ' 112.l 1> (date) (date) Document relevant terrain, location, and otber relevant physical features ......................... /µ2> 12-{11 Ji.-.; <. \ (date) {date) Collect samples,fn accordance with procedure and sampling parameters ............ i7.-/11 od1*1'1< (date) {date) Document relevant sample features such as day, sandy, *different a::olQrs etc. .., t?..Lt! /1s * <\£Sl2-l /<1 fr<: (date) (date) (date) (date) "W 1J1\11\ (date) <'(1Z, rzj I , Lf\il'i (date) <tf) r1../ 1<k (date} ' *? 7-/ '{ (" <'lb I (date) (date) <'¥3 / 11 -I 2...f f'"i I\ (date) 1 ,., <-rL<.i 12Jd1'( (date) <*3 )?.)11,/(\ (date) rz-(11.(1'{' (date) 1z(1L(t\ {date) Verify all required samples have been collected and documentation is completeS4.GFI 11ft( <lt:"' ;?ftli< LIB rz.f!'d< {date) (date) (date) (date) I t/ samp es an equvpmen 1or ac o ve111c e s ................................ " p 1* * ,.) Pack I d
- t c rt b ** k t 1..
- I ( )
- t -* 1'-11 /" 9
{date) *(date} . I Transport samples and equipment to Bulk Storage .... : ......................... J_& 121 i' t1< I .... {date} (date) Collect rinsate sample after final deaning of the tools ............................................. c:j? p.(11(1( </4& d1'1(1< (date} 6. COMMUNECATION PLAN (date) < /i=: .. 11../1") /1 \ (date) f.,p.(1\ (1< (date) {date) f ...... ,,..,. I ' ,..,-,, / ).t.ri1 11' (.,;) 1 -f I I (date} l I ** -:::p r2/{Li1S (date} It is anticipated that there will be cellular: service in the survey areas, and.'since these areas are npt remote, no special communication requirements apply other than periodic accountability checks. 7. RIEi.EVENT PROCIEDURES ANIO DOCUMEll\ll.S 10 o RCP..0*2 Rev. 2, 6/1/2014 Instrument Operating Procedure Bicron MicroRem Meter Q RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum2241-2 Ratemeter/Sca!er Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller (GM) arid 44-10 2x2* Detectors " Project Quality,Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) <ii
- NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 : Soll Sample Collection and Radiological Survey Procedure .m Project.Health and Safety Plan (HASP) 11
- 3. 9/15/15 a GPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radiation Survey Including the Preparation anq Assessment of Radiological and Geographical Data o Maps a Sampling Specifications Sheets e Sample collection forms "' Chain of Custody Forms a Logbooks AREA 5.2A Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0*15 cm 15-30 cm cm 60-lOOc cm 1d1*1 '.1.; S.2A R 1 --**-.. 1 x rd I" 1{ 5.2A R 1 2 x 5.2A R 1 3 x i\ 5.2A R 1 . 4 x I , 17..-IL{ [ I'{° 5.2A R 2 . 1 )( --. 11" 5.2A R 2 . 2 )( (l.f l'i /!)° 5.2A R 2 3 x !?--/1'1 1') 5.2A R 2 * /.!. x ..... -n--11'1 j\ 5.2A R 2 5 .. lC ,. 1d14 1.( 5.2A R 2 6 .. . -x 12/11 1\ 5.2A R 3 *5 x 12-lw ,, 5.2A R 3 2 }( Jz.( /I 1< 5.2A R 4 . 1 )( 1£:./ll /1( 5.2A R 4 2 ){ ;-J11 1\ 5.2A R 5 . 1 x I ' 1<.. II II\ 5.2A R 5 2 ){ 1z..f 11 {1< 5.2A R 6 . 1 x . / I f"Z. II i /\ 5.2A R 6 . 2 x l?jlt 1( 5.2A R 7 . 1 )( /"l, iii ,-5,2A R 7 . 2 x /\ l ..
Date Elevation *--Collected Sample 0.15 cm 15*30cm .30-60cm* 6CHOOc cm 1dr<;(1) 5.28 R 1 1 }( 12-5.28 R 1 2* )( 12.. 1 '\ /1'l S.28 R 1 3; )( 12. 1<:.*/ 1 '\ 5.28 R 1 . 4 }( I' .. 1\ (Ii 5.28 R 2 . 1 }{ a .. fr; /\" s.2s R 2 2 x 12; 1 s* I'>' 5.20 R. 2 . 3 }( IL 1'1/ 1 '\ 5.28 R 2 . 4 }( r2 '1-,-1< S.2B R 2 5. }( 1d1<.:/1{ 5.28 R 2 6 )( li... ,: r ,<( 5.28 R 3 . 5 x JL JI (1'{ 5.28 R g . 2 ){ l"t.111< 5.2B R 4 1 x 1Z. ll ! t'( 5.28 R 4 . 2 x *<-,, , . .,... 5.28 R 5 . 1 x . *-. -*-*-**** I? ll 1\ S.2B R 5 2 x -**** I.!-II ,..; .5.28 R 6 1 x 5.28 R 6 2 x rz..1 Ii I) . IL ii I'\ 5.26 R 7 1 }( . *-*I;_ 11 ,.; 5.28 R 7 2 x 12. fl /1s-5.20 R 8 .1 )( ll. (j 1< 5.2B R 8 2 x *-.. ARIEAS.3A Date Elevation Coordinates Sample 36-6ocm --****** Collected 0-15 cm 1S-30cm 60-100ccm ! ! ,i.._!1<i (<:' 5.3A R 1 . 1 x lz..ftC: ,.,-5.3A R 1 . 2 x rz.. i< 1'\ 5.3A R 1 . 3 }t -* .. 12--1< ,.,-5.3A R 1 . 4 )( 12.-1 /\" /)-5.3A R 1 5 M 1z..{1<>"( f) S.3A R l 6 K rJ 11 fr:l 5.3A R 2 . 5 )f )"2.. ii I /!( 5.3A R 2 . 2 x l'Z..'j /I 1\ 5.3A R 3 . 1 x IL II /') 5.3A R 3 . 2 x !'L ii 1') 5.3A R 4 . 1 x {.2. II (-( 5.3A R 4 . 2 x I .. .. AREA5.4A Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60cm 60-100ccm 1<-llr. ,.; 5.4A R 1 1 :K lz. 5.4A R 1 ' 2 }{' \'2.. tto!i< 5.4A R 1 3 x \<., (& ,, 5.4A R 1 .4 ]( l z. 11. 1< 5.4A R 1 5 .. X' 1<>/f\ -* J2..J 5.4A R 1 6 )( 12.-11 I f'( 5.4A R 2 5: x 14.. 11 J<{ 5.4A R 2 2 x '"Z.. I( 1 'l 5.4A R 3 . l x I . R 3 2 }( a. II /) j(_ {I /'( S.4A R 4 ' 1 ){ J[_ ({ 1< 5.4A R 4 2 x 11/18/15 Seneca Nation of Indians Background Survey and Sampling Field Guide 1. INTRODUCTION ANO PUR:POSE The purpose of this survey and sampling field guide (SSFG) is to:
- Present the survey and sampling parameters and objectives directly pertinent to sampling designated background locations on Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI).
- Ensure all pertinent information is collected.
- Guide the survey and sampling team through the survey and sampling process. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SURVEY Point Locations The background survey and sampling will be conducted in 10 locations which are labeled 8-18 to B-27 in Figure 1 below. Table 1 provides the GPS coordinates for each sampling point. Five of the points are located on the flood plain while the other five are not. 1 11/18/15 2 Figure 1 Potential Sampling Locations Seneca Nation of Indians Cattaraugus Territory -2014Areas Meetmg Crileria for Further Evaluahon e Potential Background Sample Locations f Suf\/ey and Sampling Sub-Areas
- B-21. d>, IJ SUB-AREAS 4.1
- 4,4 0 USO 000 --==---F .. 1 B-239 ti ** SUB.AREAS 5.1
- 5.3 0 W+E s 11/18/15 TABLE 1 location Coordinates Floodplain B-19 42°33'00,84" N 79°00'18.18" w B-20 42°32'38.08" N 79°00'08.02" w s:..21 42°32' 41.83" N 79°03103.50" w Bc-22 42"33'04.29" N 79"01'06.60" w B-'2-4 42"32'24.74!' N w Non Floodplain B;.18 Pending Pending B-23 Pending Pending B-25 -Pending Pending r:ending Pending Pending 11/18/15 i. µ:S::-1$).&{a 3. STATIC RAOIATlOl\LMEASUREMENTSand SOIL SAMPLING {1nitiai as Performed) . .-r¥> \\I Tailgate Safety Review ................................................................................. ,., .* ,.......... '\ * \ 1 (date) R . 1* . -(\) \') \' ev1ew samp 1ng parameters* ................................................................... ,..,,, ............. ; ....... _ **..! *. (date} Verify all required tools, supplies, and equipment available ..................................... (date) Prepare radiological instruments for use and perform operability checks ... 1 P.:> \l./14 (date) Collect Digitalimage(s) includinglocatioo sign ............................................................ ....11f 1\/1*r1 (date) Collect static radiation readings In accordance with procedure ..................... ...................... 11':> "/J 1\ (date) . . 1l?i /h Document relevant terram, location, and other relevant physical features ......................... 4 (date) (date) (date) .(date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) (date) {date) (date) {date) (date) (date) 11/18/15 5µI.BV,.,,(o (date} (date) {date) (date) Collect samples in .accordance with procedure and sampling parameters* ............. (date) {date} (date} jdate) Document relevant sample such <;lS clay, sandy, different colors et<; ....... 1?J 1'/t<1 (tlate} * (date} {date) {date) Verify all required samples have been collected and documentat.!011 is c:omplete \1.h'1 (dllte) (date} {datej (date) ..<n_ \\I I" Pack samples .and equipment for transport *back to vehide(.s) ................................. --rJ __ _ (date) (date) (date} {date) * /\i'-1..1 Transport samples and equ1pmentto.Bulk Storage Warehous-e ........................... .,. ., P tCi (date) *(date) {date) {date) 5 lo 11/18/15 Collect rinsate sample after final cleaning of the tools............................................. '"'\ "(date) 6. COMMµNlCATION PLAN (date) (date) (date) It is anticipated that there will be cellular service in the survey areas, and since these areas are no1 remote, no special communication requirements .apply other thawperiodic accountability checks. 1. RElEVENTPROCEDURES ANO DOCUMENTS o RCP-02 Rev. 2.,.6/1/2014.lnstrument Operating Proce(lure Bkron Micr:oRem Meter .. RCP-01 Instrument Operating Procedure Ludlum 2241-2 Raterneter/Scaler Coupled With the Ludlum 44-9 Geiger-Mueller.(GM} arrd 44-1D2x2 Nal Detectors "' Prqject Quality Assurance Project Plan (0.APP) NYSERDA Environmental Survey Project Procedure 1 ; Soil Sample Collection and*Radiologlcal Survey Procedure c. Project Health and Safotv Plan (HASP} Attaichments anq-other Doc:umient.s: C) Maps " sampling Specifications
- Sample collectlon forms o Chain of Custody forms
- L<Jgpooks 6
- 3. STEP ONE -GPS SURVEY OPIEM.TIONS(lnitiail as Performed) Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ................................................ : .............................................. :"_t__ ..o;\J.*'"i\ 1 (date) (date) {date) Review survey*parameters ..................... , ....................... ,. ..... , ................................................. :11 \\l \ 'b (dat'3) *(date) {date) Verify all required t6ols,.slipplies1 and eq1.1ipment availa.bie .................................... 1\1:/Jd__ 4b {date) {date) (datej (date) iB iy Establish .and Mark Boundaries of the GPS Survey Area Polygon .............................. ;.
- JS --*--{dat*) (date) (date) (date) Assemble and test GPS survey equipment.. ............................................................... jt \ j {%' (date} (date} {date) (date) 7
. . . . \\,\ Perform Oper.ab1hty Checks .................. , ............................ ,. .......................................... , .* ,. . (date) {date) {date] \\I <I Evaluate terrciin an<l field conditions_ and sel.ect of st.:1rvey lines ............ * ( o (date) (date) (date) (date} Establish survey lines with nominal 30 meter spacing ................. , ................................. -1?\\{ .. {date) (date) (date) Conduct Survey operations using best .available technology (See Note 1 ! 1 '\1:1 \L \ '6 Below) .... , ........................................................................................................... , ..................... _. (date) . (date) (date) (date} *v 'f 11 d
- t r* I t . . . en ya ocurnen. a ion comp e. e ................ :.............................................. ................... . {date) (date) (date) (cate) Debrief ..................... , .......... ,, .............................................................................................. . .{ lg (date) (date) (date} {date) g Note 1: o if possible use automated GPS data acquisition. Walk the designated lines at the ordinary pace (J If signal for the Trlmble GPS unit is inadequate, use the Garmin.GPS unit or Ceil Tower positioriing:to manually record GPS positioo and Count rates, at 5 meter intervals, along the designated lines {in accordance. with established grid systBm). o If all GPS location methods are inadequate, manually log readings using measured lines at five meter inti:irvals along the,clesignated lines:. 4. STEP TWO .. STATIC RADIATION MEASUREMENTS and SOIL SAMPUNG (initial as Performed) *11. it Conduct Tailgate Safety Review ................................................................................................. (date) Review sampling parameters ........................................................................................... .. )\/ (date} 4£i _ (date) (date) V If ll * ***-d t I 1* d * * ** t * *1 *bl ,(l'} 'd I f . 11t \ 1/1\ er ya require oos,.suppi1es,an equ1pmen avara e ..................................... If) I . _j_iz__,__-_ *I date) (date} .Prepare radiological instruments for and perform operability checks ............. 11/'{19 (date) {date) 9 (date) (date) (date) (date} {date) (date) {date) (date)
C ll 0 ... I' ( ) . I d. I *1 .. o ect rgita -irnage s rnc u 1ng ocat on .sign .............................................. ._............. * . {date) Collect stat_ic radiation readings in accordance with procedure ............................................ 1t \\\\<l (date) . Document relevant terrain, location, and other relevant physlq:il features ......................... (date) Collect samples in accordance with procedure and sampling parameters,; ........... "f& \\/ll (date) (date) \\/i" {date) {datej (date) I , .* -Document relevant sample features such as ciay, sandy, different colors etc. _ (date) (dat1?) Verify all required samples bave been collected and documentation is complete-1:? \'-/ r{ . 'ffi \"/r Project Qual!ty Assurance Project Plan {QAPP) Q NYSERDA Environmental Surv.ey'Pi:oject Procedure 1 :Soil Sample CoHectionand Radiological SurveyP.rocedurG c Health and Safety Plan (.HASP) o ,RCP-03 Rev 3. 9/15/15 Performing aGPS Enhanced Overland Gamma Radici.tio11 Survey Including the Preparation and Assessment of Radiological and Geographical D_ata SNI Background Sampling Table Date Elevation Coordinates Collected Sample D-15 cm 15-30 c.m 30-60 cm 50-iOOc cm \ JZ,.1s--15" .. SN!Bl8 1 x *--.. -....... -SNlBlS 2 x "'33* -;,-r' .N li"' () \\ 1. '5" i2 SNJB19 1 x 42"33'00.$4" J\J 79"00'18.18" w 2 -:r ')" SNiB19 ' 2 li-2-1 s-Sl\11819 3 x u-7.'-l-c1<; 5NIB2.0 1 }{ _ .. ,, . . :.. -u' ,,R.f
- 1 . -* ,. 4;;f vu uo.v"' *v ,. 11 -z<t--i r SNl!320 2 }{ 1..1 l l-1}.\-'l \' SNl820 3 x ff -'1'1 ;;.1'5 SNIB21 1 x 42"32'41.8311 N 79°03'03.50" w )/ -1< SNIB21 2 x SNIB21 3. x Jt-11-1 '5 SNlB21 4 K II JJ'i -6 SNlB21 5 x 1.i -15 SN(B21 .l 6 }{ I SNlB22 . 1 x 42"33"'04.29" N 79"01;06.6(f' w 17-?-<r SNBl22 .., x " n.-10-1{ 5NIB23 i }{ *11-,ll .. .., .'.Jl I _,,u *'" ,... , ,,.;_.1 il -' -. -I *r +V -* .w u .!'? -1 O -IS° SNIB23 . . 2 ){ 'i l. .1"" oo' <:,'es,. (i..: 0 12'10 -:<;;' SNIB23 3 }{ tz .. 11-i-rr SNIS23 4* .x 1-z...-tO -tr' SNJS23 ' 5 }{ 11,. -t o-! 'S" SNIB23 ,6 }{ .l{-/ct-/6 $NIB24 1 ;pl.'f -IS' x 42°32'24.74" N w 11 -Vi SNIB24 2 n*l.'!l{ i3 ,:g*\ l'J I ii"S'f f3. t' y.J fl -:i'i -I'S SNIB2.4 3 .... t'r'Jx -(l_-10-tS' S.Nl825 . 1 (2,-fO-\ S-SNJB2S 2 )( * '-/l's 11.o , c..1 ;. Al c.:i<i <jJ,1..sii" l -If" SNIB25 3 )( [ '2--\t?"'" l '$" S!\JIB26 1 x 12 .... 10-\-< SNIB26 . 2 )( .Ci'j1" 11.l .. f>>'S: <-1* .. {2,-J i)-SNIB25 3 x (j #1(J*1) SNIB27 1 x 32' Z2.'h"f'J IE'-'iZ.'\J !2.-1.0-1\ SN!B27 I 2 x .f tl--1LJ--'j) SNiB27 3 ! ){}}