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Ro:On 730118,piping Spools for ASME Section 3 Piping Sys Found Fabricated at Kernersville,Nc Plant of ITT-Grinnell Containing Tack Welds Performed by Unqualified Welders.New Procedures Instituted.Forwards Vendor Rept 1300.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1973
From: Sampson G
NUDOCS 8002060818
Download: ML19329B785 (2)


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.a F ~~- j TOLEDO

.s na C 13:m .4 6 C 4.4U Gans J. Smson Pres cent. Pomee February 12, 1973

' Docket Co. 50-3h6 0@@p ,

14r. Frank 1 ruesi, Directer Directorate of Regulatory Operations @D N

@ ~1 p i

U.S. Atc=ic Inergy Cen=ission g J' f

Washington, D.C. 205h5 L;


Dear Mr. i~russi:

i Cur letter of January 18, 1973, notified you of a situation where a significant :.unber of piping spcols for ASIE Section III piping systems

for the Davis-Fepse Nuclear Power Station had been fabricated at the Kernersv111e Plant of IIT-Grinnell containing tack velds perfer
ed by velders net previcusly qualified. This letter contains a su::ary of the activities centributing to this deficiency, the resolutien of the
deficienc'/, and corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence.

ASME Secticn III piping for the Davis-Besse Huclear Fever Station is being fabricated by I~T-Grinnell Corporation at the Kernersville Plant in Corth Carolina. 2echtel Corporation, acting as agent for Toledo Edison, is performing routine shop inspection and surveillance of ectivities at the Eernersville Flant involving this pipe fabrication.

2 During routine shop inspection and surveillance activities, it was fcund that sc=e tack velding during fabrication fit-up was being per-formed by fitters not qualified fcr velding in accordance with Section IX cf the AS:E Code. An in-depth audit fc11cving this discovery revealed

. that 113 spec 1 pieces of ASME Section III, Class 2,and 2hc pieces cf Class 3 piping were involved. In additien, tvc speci pieces of ASME Section III, Class 1, piping vere tack velded by a velder qualified cnly in the 1G position without positive verification thnt all tack velding was actually perferred in the 1G pcsiticn. Of these spoel pieces, 72 ASME Class 2 pieces and 97 Class 3 pieces had been shipped to the job site.

4 Since all velds in AS:E Class l'and Class 2 pipe require radiography, these pieces were accepted on the basis of satisfacter/' radiegraphic exa=inatic of each veld involved.Section IX of the AS*E Code permits qualificatien of velders by radiographic examination of a single butt veld. The A5:E Class 3 pipe does nct require radiegrnphic exa=inatien of velds, a.d, .in crder to qualify this pipe, Grinnell was required to radiegraph a =inimu= of four velds which included tacks made by each fitter invcived. In addition, each fitter was qualified in acecrdance with the =echanical testing precedures contained in Section IX of the

~ASME Code.



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Mr. Frcrl Krul:1 Page 2 February 12, 1973 e

The Authorized Code Inspector of the AE4E has been aware of this situation and has signed the ASI partial data reports fer these pieces involved, confir=ing that these pipe spcols =eet the requirenents of ASE Section III.

Extensive precedures have been instituted by Grinnell at the Kernersville Plant to ensure that no velding is done by unqualified persennel and that all precedures are strictly adhered to. Eechtel Ehop Inspectors a~ -*4n-taining clese inspection and surveillance on shop procedures and shcp verk and '"oledo Edison is conducting independent audits of the Kernersville Plant operaticns.

A report :*o.1300 has been prepared by,,p-Grinnell concerning the subject situatien a=plifying the above information. Cne copy cf this report is enclcsed.

Yours very truly,-

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l GJS:cd Dbmf DOI Enclosure O

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. Ecyce H. Grier v/l d _  ;
