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SNCF164-RPT-01, Version 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report, Rer SNC432467 for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Attachment 3: Seismic Walkdown Checklists, Page 416 of 561 - Page 444 of 561
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2012
From: Miktus P A
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-12-2266 SNCF164-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0
Download: ML12355A788 (29)



YxIi NN ulf]I Seismic Walkdown CheckIist (SWC)EquipmentID Nob QIR43Eoo1A

._ Equip. Ciss' 20 ... .zquipment Description SEQUENCER

.BI ....... .......Location:

Bldg, AUXILIARY Floor EL Mg Room, Area : _ _ _ _ _..Matiufacture, Model, Etc. (bptiona1 but i'ecommepded)

Instructions for Completing Checklistf Th Iis checldist may be4u6u.d to document the resuilts of the Seismic WalkdoVii of an item- of eIjquipment onr the, SX:EL. The space below each ofihe following questions imay be used to record the restihs of u'dgments and fidings. Additional spaceis proi ded of ise.. ..i~orage 1. Is the anciorage econfiguration verification required (ie., is the item one YN of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verificaton)?

2. "Isthe anchorage free of beni, brokeni missing or loose hardware?3. !:.the anchorage free of'corrosion that isinore than mildsurface oxidation.?

4'. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the: aichors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note:'This question only applies if the *item is one qf the 50% for which an anchorage congfigYation1 verification i~s required.)

6. j3ased' on the above anchorage evaluations, is:the, anchorage, free of potentially adverse s.eismiccti.cdi.i~ons?

Y'NOl UQI N/ACI Yfo NO UlD N/AD: ND NID N`/AICE Y59 NQ, UD -N/Ar rNE UED 1Ent~er~the:equipmentn cass nanie:!romn A:ppendixB::.Ctasses of: Euipment: Page 416 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 1$Sheet 2 ofto.Status: YEI NR1 Ut]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equip meit ID No.. QR104EOo6A Equip. Clas.20ýEquilmYnnt-Descriptionr SEQU0ENCER

.-BIF Interaction Effectsi 7.. Aresoft, targets ýfree f'ron impac by nearby equipment or structures?

YE NO UE N/AE.8 distributon sys!tems, ceiling tiles and lighting, " nE UE] N/AE: inid masomiy block wailslnot likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to rvoid dam ge?'4. NE VE] NIAE 10. Basedon the above seismic interactiona.evaluations, is equipment free YT N"E" UE of poteAtially interaction effects?


1.1. Flave

you looked for and found nouoiher seismic conditions that could. Y15 NEI UE_ad~erselY affect thesa fety. uafieti.on f the equipmenit?:

Comments (Additional pages.maybe added as~necessary)


I -_ -q NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 421 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 She tof 4 86tatus: YNIZ NTF CID-S~eismic Walkdown-Checklist

(.SWC)Equ~ipmnt ID No. Q1R43EOO2A,:.

PKGý Eq ip. Class' 20ýFI-99;Equipment DesecripiOqR..


BIF Aux RELrAY PANEL Locatos Blg-AXLIR FIobrEL. 1-39, .Roohii,..Area

.-13....Ma1nu Ifac ture Cr, -Moýdel, Ftc. (optional but recommt ended) ... ...Iastructions for Completing Checkist This checklistmay be used to document of the Seismic .Walkdown-ofan item ofequipment on the SWEI The space beylo each of Ihe followinhg qestions may be usedk. ftorecordthe fsultsiofJudgment's andýfinidings.

Additional space is pro-vided at the end of this checklist fordomnigotecmets Anclioratge

1. Is the anchorage con figurat ion verification requircd ýLcisheimne Y NE ofdi the50% of SWEL ite ns reqoiiiril S6gsuchvnficaLion)?
2. Is, the ainchiorage firee of beatit broken,; missingf or loose hiardware?

3.ý 'Isl the anchorage fr-ee of con'osikn hat is more than mild suiface.Il the aranchrage fr--,of visibi 0dcracks iiln te.coheyretdenear the anchors?, 5. Is tlhe aelorageecihiguration consistent with plant docunentation?(Note: T his questiori only applies ifthe itemh is one of the 50% for which ani anchorage con figuiration verificatiin is required.), Reference SEWS IPackage dated 5124/94.6, 1Ba sld on the above io;s is thieanehorage free df po-0tentiallyn adverse seismic cond itnions?YN. NE] CE]N/AP YoIr- NE].0E N/Atl YI~ N] iEMNAE]YaE NE] uE] N/AE]YN NE] tIE]Enterfu cqheme eui1nclaissnatlne.ftorn Appenidix B: Ctasscs of I-qipmx~t,, Page 422 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Seismic Waikdow n Checklist (SWC)Sheet-2 of 4 Stntus: YO ND UD]Equipment4D No. Q.R43EOO2A, PKG Equip. Class' 20 Ft-99 Equipment Desciiption:

SEQUENCER BiFAUXRELAY PANEL Interaction Effects 7. Are soft target ree ftom i pact by nearhy equipment or structures?

Three wo inch c'onduit.are supported ontthe East Side:,f the cabinet The gap between the conduits and panel is about 1 " but due to the rigid, conduit support (Welded to ao emnbedded wall plate), the judged to be free fror ipact during a seismic event.8. Are overhead equipnnt, distribution systems,.ceiling files and lightiing, and masonry block walls not ike'ly to collapse onto thee quipment?,9. Do attached, lines have adequate flexibility to avoiddamage?

10. <Based on the above seismic interaetion evaluwa ons :equipment frec oft potenfially adverse seisnic interactionieffects?

Other Adverse Conditions 1 .Have you look-d for and found no hther sdisnic, Chnditi.on that could adversely affeci the :safety feo ns.of tl e equtipment?

YZ NEI LT] NIA -j Y0 NEI UO',N/AE]YZ: NIE] UQ N/A01 YN NEI V0 AY10, Nn] uV:Comments (Additional pag es my be.dded as n ssary)This package vw s originall signed on 8-28-12 but retyped for clarity on 10- 5-12.Evaluated by: "°Laura Macla vb Telecon /0'oirr A` Mullnix t 1ohL m Date: 8/28/12 8/28/12 , =" .4 q , i ... ... ...... ,,,;;Page 423 of 561

  • ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO, SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .00 7~i~Page 424 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0-o Page 425 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 f'Sheetj of Status: Y N] yEU[Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment.ID No. QIR43T502

..Equip. Class' 21'E~i~sm~ip t iin FUEL OIL DAY TANK ..Location:

Bldg', DEEL .Floor E. 1_55 Room. Area i-Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

  • pstrueltns for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to docurnt the results of the Seismhic Walkdown of anitem of equipmeni on the SWELd Thespace bdlW each1of the following questions niay be used to record thetfesults OfjudgxnIIts and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end ol this echecklist for docum unt ng Other comments, Anchorage Sis the an chorage configurafion verification required (i.e.,s lthe:!itemr one YnNND of the 50% of SVEL items requiring such

1. Isthe anchorage free of bentj, broken mirssing or'loose hardware?'
3. s: theanrchrage free of corrosion that is more than mnild didationi?

xr4i NV C- WAD Y91 NEI UD N/AD 4. Is'the anchorage free of visibie: racks in the concrete nfear the anchorý? Yc ND UD N/ADl 5.; Istthe'anchoragebcufiguration econsistent with plant documen tation?

dnly applies if the itemh isbone of the60%1 fo: acehorageconifiguration verification is requiredf)

6. Based on the :above anchorage evaluations; iS the anchorage free of seismuic condiions" YC .NO UD N/AD YB "ND: lD':Eiitr heeipretctnam&froin Appenrdis13:

Classes of EquipfiienLt Page 426 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 p4- iW~Sheet 2Of,!, tas:YINGU Sismi Walkdown ChecklIst (SW.C)ýIiquipncnr4ID No, Q, R43,T502, Equip. Class!iEquipmenit DescriptLiqn.

FUEL: O ILý D AY, TANK..,-Interadion:Effects

1. Arc soft targets fl-ce fromi ipacdl~yn.earby qiret t stuues?8. Are overhead eqiuipmrne(h, distribitii(n svstems,'ceilinhgotisleai lightiiie aiid masonry b14ck walls not likely to collap-e .9. Do attached iiiies hage, aqd~ ateflekibhilityt avoid. dafiiagýe?
10. Based 'on tnhe above seisici nteraýtibh evaluations, us equipmnft free o~f poQtentially adverse teacioefcs

ýY9 NO, ULT ,N/Afl-Other Adverse Condiiowns

.11.. looked foand found no other seismic conditions hat ,could dvrlyaffect the~ Safetv functions Of the equipmenit?

NEIUEJ/ N.Commhents (Additional pages may be added as ne essa4YI Evaha"JAIy I Z&2>Page 427 of 561 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 428 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS\-I o O ..................

NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 429 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 SheetI o0.status-:YvN.Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Fquxiprent fTD No,. Q~RT50j' E~quip. Clas pf-.Equipiment Description DIESEL GENERA TOR 1B STARTING AIR PECIEVER TANK Loc)Ftion:

Bldg. DIESEL Floor El .155 Rom. Area '0058 M~inuiifaca tur, Model, Etc. (optional buftrecomnmended), ._..........

......... .............

...Iiitructions for Completing Checklist:

T! his .checkls .may be used. to document the results of the Sei smic WN lkdoW 1o f an-tem of qt ipment on the SWE., ThIe space below each of thefoilowidg*uestjohis sed~tj ei'cord theresults of]judgin I ntS and fi ndings. Additional~s pace. is provided!at the hd *of td inentig other comentS.1. Is hle anchrage:cOnfiguration verification reqpired(i e.;isthciteiomne`

YM No,'of the oif SWELkiteins reqtilirkn9gucf1,rveeifictti51n

..Reference SEWS package dated 2/94) ......:2hI thie anchorage:

free of bcn{, .broken :,missing.&oriioseliardwarie?;

3. IS t5a0i1 r-ge free ofcotrosion thatis more t'han mild ;surfqait 4.: Isthe iifih6rid free~of yisihleriacksslin tihe concreten 7earhenc hors?.Is the anichorage configu Wadiononsistent with plan cdfuntiod?(Note This 6niypon On l s it the itcIi:s de( of the 50"5o% for.,in ihanhrage configurationi vwrifican.itst reiquired.)
6. Bunseduon t Ie above anchorage eva uatins, is the arnchorad
freeof.potc)tially idersc seismic Couditiolsns?

Y0N UD: N/AD Y0 NO UC N/AD Y9 'NO LDO N/AD: yo ND UD: tuir~r Lh~ eq men t~nsme horn A ppeed~x Hi C ~sees of Eqo~trneo Page 430 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 I ~-F- ~v'Sheet 20 f,1 8tat is: YN Nn iE)Seismic Walkdown Checkiist'(SWC)

EquipmentiD ,No. Q1R43T503 Equip. Class,' I Equ!4ipment-Description, DIESEL GENERATOR 1B STARTING AIR RECIEV'ER TANK ..... ...1interactionEIfects

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby, equipment or structures?

Small gap was noted4betWeen tank and cantilevered unistrut.

This was previously noted in A-46 walkdowns and determihe'dJto be acceptable.

8. Are0overhead cýqupmemt; distribution systems, ceilinghles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to bollapse onto the equippment?
9, lines have adequateflexibility to avoid dmnage?YED N1 'UC3 N/ACl YZ NQ (uE N/Ar Y1 NtI UEC N/AC-10. Based on, the above seismic interiction evaluations, is equipment.'firee YZ NC] IJC]of potentially adverse seismuicinteraction effects?Oither Adverse, Co~nditions
11. FHayie you, ai'dfouhd'.ho other seismic cbnditioms that dbild: Y, NClUC adversely alfe¢i the safetyv functions of'the: equipmentip?

Comnments (Additionfialpages nmaybe-added asieCe.sary)

Evaluated by: Laura Maclav 'It"p-t-0

.'TerrE Alan MuItenI&Datei "7:-Z,.' = ...Page 431 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS


ýl -Ini NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 433 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0Sheetsi off, Statbs : N tLI seismic Walkdowri Chedklist (SWC): Equipment.ID-No, QIV47COtI2B Equip: Classl' 9.EqIiIie. it BATTERY ROO EXHAUST FAN, ,Locat.Iion:

B'ldg AUXILIARY FPloor El, 175 Room, i;Area -050A.Miufactuitdr&, M"dl, Etc.

iidmed).instructions fore-6mpletingCheckiist This dliecklist:may be usedr'to documentltlie results obfhe Seismic Walkdown of an item ofeqiipmenteon ihe SW, EL. Th!e spacebelow each of the folowing :questions may be used to record the resuits and findings.Additinal space ispfovidedatthe ienid oftlhis c!ecklistyfor dbcumenting gother-comments.

Anchorate 1. Is the :anchorage configuration verification required (iLe., is the item one, YE N]of the 50%ý of SWELTýitemns requiring suchl verification) 2, Is-the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. -Is the anchoragef ee of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

NgýE: UE1 N/AD,'YI'NO UD1 N/AD 4. Is the anchorage free.of.Visib]e cracksinthe concrete near.the anchors? YdN, -1 v. N/A-5. Is the- anchorago configuration consistent withiplant documentation?(Noteis: s.que ti;io bnlyoapics ifli iftlhe itemiis one of 0% t....for-whiich ma anchorage configuratibn..verification is required,):

6'. 'Based% onrthe above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of poleiiitilly adv&rse seismic conditions?

YAD!-1 Un: Enter the e I~iipmebt class name~froni Appendix B:.Classes of Equipment.

Page 434 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of a;Stiatusý:

Nl l Seismic Watkdown Checklist (SWC)i Eqipme: t ID kx Q1V470012B Equip. -CaSs - --... .. .....Equipnent Des 'riptio:AUXILIARY BLDG7 a TRAiN BTTERYROOM 0 EXHAUST FAN:..Interaction Effects 7 re softargets fee from impact by near y~equipmentior structures?

8. A-re overhead Cquiipment,'

distribuoion sysicirý ceibl")ngtles and lig~htingi,:and mas&onry block walls noct likely to col~lapse onto the equipmentr

9. Do ..a...i.d line. have adeqluat floxi:..liitv ao n\.oiddarne.
10. ,Based on the above seismic' intcractioncvaluations,',iseqUiptmen free".of~potnicz~iyi adverse scisrnic interatibhii efflects'?

NUD N/AD ND l:N D /1*,l Y4'.,ND] UE/A YI'd LiD'v.,Oiher Adverse Conditions 1I you looked for and found no 6otherseissmic conditioins that cold dY ND Uo adiverselyyaffect thCe sabfetyv functio6n1s-of, the equipment?-.: , , .... .. : ..:.. ;::: .: ..:... ....; : .......... .... .Ciomments (Additional:pugesiay'be'added as;fiecessar

.E ya... .a..ed by ) i::i :: J .. ... ... .... :' D ...... .. .... .... .......... .... .Page 435 of 561 t7ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO, SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION .10 Page 436 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Cz Page 437 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 438 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Status: NE N'Seismric Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment-D

o. QY_2P5028 Equip'1C1)ss 5 Eqipment Descripton DIESEL GEN 'S FUEL OIL STORAGE TRANSFER 0 PUMP Location:

Bldg. YARD FloorEl 155.. Room, Area ILt Manufacturer, Mddel, Etc. (0ptionil but-recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checkli~st lay be used to document the -results of thc Seismic Walkdown ofanitem of equipment onw the SWEL. Th-file s ce ow each o n following questionIs maybe used to record the results ofjudgments and findings.

Ad ditiotui spa e is provided at the end of this checklist for- documenting other, comments, Anchorage 1, Is the~anchoragze co0figuration verification require4(i.e, is theilem one Y N of thli 0% ()f WEL item5 r0quig such verificationo)?

2I is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or lose hardware?3.Is .the anhIorage free:of corrosion thatis jmore than midk surface oxida~tion?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks iin the, concrete near th¢ anchors?.5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with pldat documentation?(Note: u" Thi&.qtioxv onl aple fthe. item is one oie501 To'J Which am amehorage required.)

o6 Based on te above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of....potex ad conditlibns?...

..... .... .'YýJ',X UOo N/AO NO UO N/AO YNtO UO N/ALI NOUZCN'Entcr the equiipmentclaýss iname from Appendix B:, Classes of Equipment.

Page 439 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 2~- ~o3 Shiet:2ofG Statuýs: Yo ND: UO Seismic Walkdown Checklist' (SWC)8Equipment ID No. _Q! Y52P5028 Eq Class' 5 Eqffiprnent Desdrption bIESLL GEN 1BFY FEL :OIL STORAGE TRANSFER PUMP-.1 InteractionEffects Tý.Ae soft, targets free fromaimpact by nearby equipment or structures?

NE]E]NAE.8. Are overhead eq pmedisribution-systems, ceilingties ,iand ligting, NE] UE- AN/A and block w all's not likely to collapse onto'the equipment?

9 Do attached lines have adequate exibilityto avoid damage?10. Based on:the ab -e seismieraction evaldations,, i.seqIipment, ree of potentially'aidverse seismic-in teioneffects?'

Y61. NE] UM MAE], Y.0 "No] U0E Other Adverse Conditions

.., H.ave you looked for andlf6und no other seismic conditions that could Yt NO] UO adversely affect the safety frnctionsosf the equipment?

Conimen6itS (dditionai paýgeszmay bez aaded as necessary)'

E~valuated hv: Nrk(UU 0iYY\týQTL (1,' %li L wci. 'M (16LI 0'J.i~ .M KA..ate. A _Page 440 of 561 O ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 441 of 561 OIACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 442 of 561 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCF164-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 I FHO3 Page 443 of 561 0 w 9 Co z (, d z Lo 0 a-LU 0 w)IU 0)0-J