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Email: (PA-LR) Pilgrim
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 07/17/2006
From: Lampert M
- No Known Affiliation
To: Williamson A
%dam200612, PA-LR, TAC MD2296
Download: ML063060249 (4)


licia vwia.mson - me: m -grim -. age i From: "lampert" <lampert@>

To: "Alicia Williamson" <ARW1>

Date: 07/17/2006 9:53:27 AM


Re: Pilgrim Alicia:

Do you see why the public is being driven crazy by the NRC?

Mary Comment (6) of R. J. Chin, H Chang, M. Lampert, M. Morrison, & B. Pye on Scope of Environmental Review for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station's License Renewal Application-Federal Register Notice, April 14, 2006.

ML061770407 2006-06-15 1 05000293 71 FR19554 00006 2006-06-15 2006-07-05 June 15, 2006 Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services Office of Administration, Mailstop T-6D 59 U.S. Nuclear regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555-0001 Electronically: Pilqr

2. (69) Comment (5) of Frank Gorke and Stephanie Abrahams on Scope of Environmental Review for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application - Federal Register Notice, April 14, 2006. ML061770395 2006-06-20 1 05000293 71 FR19554 00005 2006-06-20 2006-07-05 ýMASSPIRG Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group 44 Winter Street - 4th Floor -

Boston, MA 02108 - 617.292.4800 (ph) -

617.292.8057 (fx) Chief, Rules and Directives B

3. (67) Comment (2) of Mary Lampert on Behalf of Pilgrim Watch regarding Scope of the Environmental Review for Pilgrim License Renewal Application - Direct Torus Vent System. ML061710104 2006-06-14 5 05000293 71 FR1 9554 00002 2006-06-14 2006-06-28 -TJ 71 C- :2:) ri C,-; m -1 CI:) 148 Washington St., Duxbury MA 02332 Tel 781-934-0389 Fax 781-934-5579 Email June 14, 2006 Via Express Mail Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Division of
4. (67) Comment (3) of Diane Curran, and Matthew Brock, re EIS Scoping Process for Pilgrim Nuclear Plant License Renewal, Proceeding, 71 Fed. Reg. 19,554 (April 14, 2006). ML061770277 2006-06-15 356 05000293 DPR-035 71 FR1 9554 00003 2006-06-15 2006-07-05 HARMON, CURRAN, SPIELBER G\ 7 TEISENBERG, LLP 1726 M Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 202) 328-3500 (202) 328-6918 fax June 15, 2006 BY FEDERAL EXPRESS Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Divi
5. (67) Comment (7) of Elizabeth A. Higgins, re Scoping Comments in Response to Notice of Intent to Prepare Environmental Impact Statement for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts. ML061770045 2006-06-16 7 05000293 DPR-035 71 FR1 9554 00007 2006-06-16 2006-07-05 WN- ORle RULES " LCTES !-,T-.t ", 10 1! ) UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL, PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 1 1 CONGRESS STREET. SUITE 1100 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02114-2023,, 2,' P 1:30 June 16, 2006 FF2 POFFIC

Alicia Williamson - Re: Pilgrim Page 2J1

6. (67) Comment (4) of Sheila S. Hollis, re Pilgrim Power Station Regarding Renewal of Facility Operating License DPR-35 for a 20 Year Period.

ML061770043 2006-06-16 21 05000293 DPR-035 71 FR1 9554 00004 2006-06-16 2006-07-05 RU' FS [P-t-D-N-10ES r -9:03 DUANE MORRIS SHEILA S. HOLLIS DIRECT DIAL: 202.776.7810 E-MAIL: wi' June 16, 2006 FIR f amAFFIUA 7E OFFICES NEW YORK LONDON CH

Original Message From: "Alicia Williamson" <ARWl>

To: <>

Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:36 AM


Re: Pilgrim Sorry for the delay Ms. Lampert. As I suspected was on the public website, but somehow profiled incorrectly.

The problem was resolved and now can be found under the FR number (along with all of the public comments) and via ML061670101.


>>> "lampert" <> 07/13/2006 10:10 AM >>>

Alicia -

OOOPS Pilgrim Watch's larger filing still is not listed in the grouping referenced below - I am trying to update my website so would appreciate a simple link for readers.

Thanks, Mary

Original Message -----

From: "Alicia Williamson" <ARW1>

To: <lampert@>

Cc: "Robert Schaaf" <>; "Rani Franovich" <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:26 PM


Re: Pilgrim Ms. Lampert-Sorry for the delay in answering your questions, the answers are below.

Question 1: All public comments received by the NRC have been placed in ADAMS and are available to the general public.

You can access all of these comments on the ADAMS advanced web search page, using the query fields, Docket Number: 05000293 and Case/Reference Number: 71FR19554.

Question 2: The NRC environmental review team will meet with the public in the Plymouth, MA area regarding the Pilgrim environmental review in Jan.

11Alicia W illiamson - Re: Pilgrim Paae 3 NI Alicia Williamson - Re: Pilcirim Pace 3i1 2007.

During this meeting, NRC staff will present the findings of our environmental review, as well as take comments from the public on the Pilgrim draft supplemental environmental impact statement. All comments received during the Pilgrim Scoping period will be addressed in the Pilgrim Scoping Summary Report, scheduled to be issued late August 2006. The Scoping Summary Report will address comments received (via electronically or USPS/Express mail) during the April 14 - June 16, 2006 Scoping period; in addition to all comments provided at the public meetings held, May 17, 2006 in Plymouth, MA.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Alicia Williamson US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Environmental Section-License Renewal 301-415-1878 (office) 1800-368-5642 X1878 301-415-2002 (fax)

>>> "lampert" <> 06/26/2006 3:18 PM >>>


Regarding: Environmental Scoping:

As you know steps 1&2 have occurred here at Pilgrim - public meeting and deadline for opportunity for written comments.

What happens next?

1. When will public comments be placed on NRC's electronic library? I have looked with no success. If they are on Adams, please provide accession number.
2. Does the NRC meet again with the public and provide their rationale for denying a requested issue to be included in Pilgrim site-specific review?

If so, when? If not, how does the NRC intend to reply?

Thanks and a Happy 4th week-end, Mary Lampert Pilgrim Watch

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Re: Pilgrim Creation Date 07/17/2006 9:53:07 AM From: "lampert" <lampert @>

Created By: Recipients TWGWPO04.HQGWDOO1 ARWI (Alicia Williamson)

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